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Fate of the earth and humanity

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@ultan-mcg Correct me if I'm wrong but the (Soviet era) doctrine of NATO was only to slow down the initial onslaught of the Soviet-Warsaw pact heavy armor invasion. NATO forces was to slowly pull back sacrificing units while waiting for reinforcement to arrive from US. It has always been outnumbered, outgunned & outranged vs Warsaw pact forces.

Of course, the nuclear option was always there, using battlefield tactical nukes instead of an all out full scale ICBM nuke strike.


As such, nothing much has changed vis a vis NATO vs Russia. NATO is still outnumbered, outgunned & outranged. Only difference today, reinforcement might not come from US.

congjing yu, Ultan McG and paraic have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McGparaic

Yes, indeed. All that's really changed this time is that the legacy powers made the mistake of figuring Vlad to be bluffing. Nobody ever seriously thought that the Soviets would invade Europe. Well, maybe Tom Clancy did. Now the 'woke' armies and navies of, errrr, Holland and Denmark (???) be thinking: okaaaaaay, perhaps considering the use of gender neutral toilets, lipstick, and high heels on parade might not be that much of a priority, after all, 🤣.

The former Soviet Block NATO poodles be like: okaaaaayyy, so, how do we upgrade the avionics and armaments on these MiG-25s? 🤣🤣. Can't we like, swap them for a few of those jets offa Top Gun?

Putin be looking at the psychopaths being released from Ukrainian prisons and mental hospitals and be like: heyyyyyyy, didn't Castro ship all his guys like these to Florida from Cuba as 'political asylum seekers' (🤣) back in the day?

There's also an inherent racism in Western Europe along the lines that Russians and Eastern Europeans more generally are somehow backward-- cognitively; socially; industrially; whatever. And we're about to witness how off the mark that 18th Century assumption is/was.

Lotta gestalts-- personal; geopolitical; societal, about to be reconstructed, y'all. And it's gonna hurt. When the trannies' supplies of blockers and anti-hormonals run out, though, and the anti-depressants disappear, that's when shit will start to get messy. Really, really messy.

congjing yu and JustAnotherAsian have reacted to this post.
congjing yuJustAnotherAsian

Memory Loss-- Yes, I did here about those two examples. I'm not convinced about Michelle Obama, though. Just took another look. I think she's just a very ugly woman, with all due respect. Ardern, now, that's another matter. 'Junk' and stuff like that can easily be photoshopped, but it's the 'energy' they give off, and the (very, very few available, don'tcha know) images of them caught 'off guard' that are the giveaway. Look for head width to shoulder width ratios and the neck/jawline area. These are impossible to conceal with any amount of surgery and/or Frankenstein medications. So yeah, I'd go with Ardern being a tranny.

There are, of course, many, many more. If I told you Liam Neeson was a transman, would you think me crazy? Tom Cruise? Probably. But check them out closely; once they start ageing it's very obvious. Especially hips and jawline/head,😹.

Now enough about that, there's a 'special action' on. And we don't wanna get banned!

And voila, just like that, again--

Austrian Government be like: 'The vaxxes do whaaaaaattt??"

Austrians, and millions of others who were coerced into taking it be like:


Tom Clancy? Blesphemy. Oh, how dare ye forget about the legendary Gen Sir John Hackett, whose book, The Third World War, was on compulsory reading list at Sandhurst.

But I seriously think that the fighting force of the likes of Holland, Denmark, Norway et al is still there but shrink down drastically to perhaps no better than a defence force. Too much resources diverted away to be woke in an everly shrinking budget.

It'll certainly be interesting times when the trannies  & the depressed run out of "meds". Wonder how supportive will be the woke, SJW, rainbow crowd be then.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

@paraic, @ultan-mcg

I don't want this thread to veer out of control, but I took a look at Jacinda Arden's pictures on Google image search. I'm not totally convinced that she's necessarily a shemale. HOWEVER, I ask you that you folks give your opinion on Mackenzie Davis, actress from Canada. She has been in Blade Runner 2049 and the last Terminator movie.

Take a look at her neck and shoulders. I honestly do not believe she's actually a woman. Am I imagining things?


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Ultan McG and paraic have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGparaic

Seriously guys, your definition of western transgender is just an ugly man dressed in a frock.

For once, am damn proud of our Asian trannies, hawt feminine and as a full blooded male, will be seriously confused when seeing them.

Watch this 2013 HK thriller, White Storm, starring Thai transgender Poy. You'll be confused to see that she's a transgender. Below is a interview with the male lead actor, Nick Cheung.

Nick Cheung on Working With Transgender Thai Actress, Poy, in “The White Storm”


Ultan McG and Old Wine have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGOld Wine

all I can say is this, Old Wine: when you jump in and start spelunking that particular rabbit-hole, there's no getting out, again. It's deep. Gal Gedot is another contemporary example, 100% certain. Some even say Brad Pitt, too. In the opposite way, of course.

But be warned, you're opening yourself up to some serious reconsiderations of what you thought you knew. And on this I shall say no more!

Old Wine has reacted to this post.
Old Wine

J.A.A., the big difference is, in Asia they admit it; and it's part of a very ancient sub-culture.

In the 'West', it's Satanic inversion aimed at corruption of morals and values previously held sacred. Especially targeted are the young and vulnerable. That's why they're encouraging mentally ill men to access ladies' bathrooms regardless of the danger to younger women. Putin referred obliquely to this kind of perversion in his speeches going back a few years, too. Xi, also.

It'll be interesting to see how it 'develops'. There's a huge push in the E.U. to teach small children about sexual intercourse, too-- perverted and normal; and when I say small, we're talking 4-5 y.o.a. If anything is not 'sustainable', that isn't. And now in the Ukraine, trannies are not allowed to leave because their passports are invalid-- and how that's going to work out is anybody's guess. The female-male ones are being conscripted as some sort of very sick joke. The male-females are being put to work in kitchens, and God knows where else. This is confirmed.

Violation of Natural Law has consequences; and these wretches are about to find out what those consequences are. It's a tragedy unfolding-- and one which could have been easily avoided. Seems to me they wanted a human sacrifice. And once those Chechens go in full blast, they're gonna get one. Unless calmer heads take action; and take action soon.

JustAnotherAsian, Memory Loss and Old Wine have reacted to this post.
JustAnotherAsianMemory LossOld Wine

@ultan-mcg I know what you mean...a year or so ago, I spent HOURS looking at celebrities and famous people I suspected were trans. on one hand, I know I just wasted my time and lost millions of brain cells. otoh, getting lost in that rabbit hole was like eating a delicious bag of pork rinds or snorting a line of coke. Can I blame that on Old Empire control mechanisms? One thing I learned in my descent to the rabbit hole--you're supposed to look at the hips. Gal gadot has the "adonis" abs (straight hips with pelvic bones jutting high and out). Coincidentally, Jessica Alba has the same type of hips too (and yeah, I've read the rumours about her too...I really inflicted a lot of damage on my brain).

@justanotherasian I looked up Poy, the beautiful Thai actress in your link. I checked out her bikini pictures, and she doesn't have the "adonis" hips that western women who are "suspected" of being trans have. I wonder how they do this something surgery can fix? Also, I heard of that amazing kickboxer who used his prize money to get a sex change operation. I believe he (now she) is undefeated in his career.

Anyway, my apologies in advance to others who feel that the thread is going sideways. I swear this is the last thing I will say about it, I was just curious.

JustAnotherAsian and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
JustAnotherAsianUltan McG
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