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@mirri That's funny. I had the opposite effect where the words were very clear. I'm feeling a bit... daunted... that I might need to try going through the freeing process.

@goldleaf That's interesting. And I also came to the conclusion, that I should do the freeing process.

I have mentioned that I was not new to the affirmation prayer methodology... just didn't call it that back in the day.

As part of that, even those years ago, I was speaking that rescinding all contracts implied or otherwise, up front and loud. Get out of my head, my soul, and begone with any control. I can't tell if that resulted in what was desired, because it seems that I have other things out there, and in my way (so sayeth The Commander).

Just didn't want you to think that I am some yapper, embellishing all, and just blowing smoke out my ass. I HAVE done this stuff... as to whether or not it was proper, or heard, is another thing altogether.

perolator has reacted to this post.

@mirri I tried the first meditation in the freeing process. It was an interesting experience, hard to describe. Wish I'd written my thoughts immediately after trying. Have you given any of it a try yet?

@goldleaf Yes I did it yesterday. I took the steps described, and I got some shivers at a few points during the procedure. And when you call for the source light I got warmth in my limbs. Thankfully I can not remember any bad dreams or entities coming at night. I am just very tired today, but that could just be because I startet cleaning out the chickencoop yesterday.

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@mirri Cool! I had tons of tingling in my hands and head, felt a lot of... pressure? Did it a second time yesterday and later had a headache. Unsure if they were related as we also had weather move through. I think I'll keep at it and report back after I try step 2.

@goldleaf I'm interested what you experience. I had a headache too and yesterday was also pretty weird the whole day. Then in the evening it suddenly changed. I guess we were rapidly racing through the MWI.

@mirri I had a headache again yesterday after doing the meditation a third time so figure it's related to energy clear out and not my body reacting to weather.

Today I had time and on a whim decided to do steps 1, 2 & 3 straight through. 1 went fine. Step 2 my whole body vibrated to a greater or lesser degree. Step 3 got uncomfortable with odd sensations in 2 chakras, not pain but general discomfort. He explains that is normal and why. Afterwards, I feel great! My head is nice and clear. I feel like I'm more observant if that makes sense. My crown chakra tingled for a while afterwards before gradually fading.

Awesome, that you feel better now.

I think I have to give a few more gos. There is some kind hesitance when I want to do it. Just like standing in front of huge barking dog, knowing I need to pass it.

Quote from congjing yu on July 17, 2021, 9:53 pm

It's a stretch, but do you think that Hollywood is trying to ready people to accept the Mantids? As in this example.

It’s a possibility. I think initially I would feel some trepidation, but I hope I would quickly overcome that and remember we are all immortal spiritual beings wearing different coats. Would the mantids look more like the Xindi Insectoids portrayed in the Star Trek Voyager series?

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