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Sugar's a tough one to nail, for sure. And who savours chocolate anyway. Wolf it down in one go, I say. I just think of my teeth and that usually helps especially now that it's the time of year that chocolate for breakfast is a viable option!

As for the muscular skeletal issues, thankfully I've been spared for the most part other than a touch of patellar tendonitis that flares up on my right knee occasionally. A few other minor aches and pains but no big deal. Residual shit.

Don't forget the old steaming hot bath alternated with an ice cold one (or swim) as a general remedy. Also a good oriental medicine practitioner could be useful in order to get that healing Qi energy flowing through all those problem areas you have. I was skeptical of that until my wife convinced me otherwise and once I tried it I never looked back and only visit a Western style quack on thankfully the rarest of occasions. Those guys know shit anyway. And the newly qualified ones so much less it's actually fucking scary.

If you do try an oriental doctor make sure he's legit. The authentic ones are shamen-like in their aura and knowledge-- and are called to vocational practise early in a similar way a(n authentic) Catholic priest would be. They're not profit oriented either and Korean ones are very, very good. But good luck finding a practitioner not after the money in the Land of the Fee, unfortunately.

Happy hols to you, yours and the cat crew-- the pic with em both claiming the mat under the tree was hilarious. Classic moggy behaviour. They do like mats, for sure. The strawier and pricklier the better.

DSKlausler and Alice have reacted to this post.

Hello, have you ever gently given water to a praying mantis to drink? It's fascinating afterwards when she looks at you as if to say thank you, I imagine that time passes differently outside our universe than the mantids may be the distant or past evolution of this species that we know of. So they head humans as a recording scribe or collect something from our thoughts and actions and we will confront our choices as a mirror of probable futures. We are therefore children who learn trial and error in prison and after heaven through Mprime. To improve reincarnation with resetting active memory and maybe not passive, like exam that we will start from zero. So the mantids are our guardians for a bigger picture than we can see here now. (I'm less present but I don't lose any of the information or speech comments just no time and translations sometimes crash) So there would be a lot of other species with other functions that we don't know. nature has a drawing difficult to look at as a whole is consistent.

Alice has reacted to this post.

check out what i just found. remind us of anyone:

Tell the “Lords” of Karma That You Are Sovereign – No Longer a Lightworker Part 2 | Ascension Help Blog

Feal, Goldleaf and WaterTiger have reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

DM this is extremely interesting. MM has no memory of being Mades Escapedelion (sic). Could that be a false memory in a bald statement (not even an implant) similar to what your article mentions as tricks by the "Turds of Karma"?

With all due respect to the Domain and the Commander, just playing Devil's advocate here. How do we discern? That revelation cause our friend a lot of anguish.

You have hit a big nail (or toe, I dunno).

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

ML are they not talking about pretty much everything we came to learn about the mantids? The Domain suggesting MM is Made Escapelion would be out side the mantid manipulation circus. The point I was trying to make is that others external to MM are starting to wake up, even if they aren't using the terms like greys and mantids, they are retelling of their experiences with very similar undertones of the reincarnation traps. This is one of the best examples I have come across that is almost on point to things e have been discussing here over the last couple of months.

Daegon Magus

Fascinating link DM. I just finished reading the background required for the one you linked (will read it later tonight) and had a similar thought. You could easily swap in Old Empire and prison planet for many of the things described and it still holds up.

Quote from daegonmagus on February 14, 2022, 6:41 am

ML are they not talking about pretty much everything we came to learn about the mantids? The Domain suggesting MM is Made Escapelion would be out side the mantid manipulation circus. The point I was trying to make is that others external to MM are starting to wake up, even if they aren't using the terms like greys and mantids, they are retelling of their experiences with very similar undertones of the reincarnation traps. This is one of the best examples I have come across that is almost on point to things e have been discussing here over the last couple of months.

Yup I agree actually. Almost a "one to one correlation".

Anything you have on parasitic entities? This one makes me very curious because it could explain the collective madness or mass psychosis if you prefer, among the politicians and elite. If I were to target a planet, the best way would be to control these people. This is downstream (or upstream depending on your pov) from the reincarnation traps.

I'm doing a look at parasites both physical and non physical. If you compare life to a stream, that stream is dammed with a reincarnation trap at the "end" and recirculated to "source". But the whole steam of life has smaller dams along the way. These smaller dams are parasitical and steal/divert energy on that damn river. In doing so, a mighty river becomes a placid lake. If done well, the river becomes a trickle.

And because you are reduced to a placid lake with your waters managed, your powers in LD and AP are reduced at source without you or anyone realizing it.

Almost everyone is supposed to be able to LD. But most are unable to, because the source is dammed up or diverted. Solve this, and the little team of elite DM and SD has an army with a million foot soldiers.


Edit: Finding 10 DM might be a tall ask, or boosting one DM 's abilities ten fold similarly. But 800 million foot soldiers might work. Your Turds of Karma would be overwhelmed.

(One out of ten ain't bad: Meatloaf)

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@ML i've got about 10 DMs 😉

Daegon Magus

The article is interesting! I agree, you could swap the vocabulary and it's exactly what we learned.

When I came to the part of freeing yourself from the contracts, my eyesight went foggy and processing the reading was very hard...just a coincidence right?! xD

And on the topic of entities, @dori2190 DM, do you have any suggestions on what to do when encountering an entity? My first guess would be, just leave it alone. But what if  it starts communicating with me. Is there a safe way to find out if it wants to do harm?

Quote from daegonmagus on February 14, 2022, 5:02 pm

@ML i've got about 10 DMs 😉

DM squad? Cool. 😍

Let's get you a regiment or a battalion haha.

Now you done it. I'm thinking a face-off with the 77th brigade.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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