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I was reading the book “Extraplanetary Experiences: Alien-Human contact and the Expansion of Conciousness” by Thomas James Streicher, Ph.D., this book is interesting. It has experiences from abductions to NDE’s and a wide variety of opinions from known people such as George Adamski and Billy Meier. It is a good read. In Part 2: “Interviews with Extra-planetary Explorers, 9 - Domes of Mars’ Artic Circle: Gary Northcott” Thomas interviews a man named Gary, a psychologist who ensures he went to the planet Mars in a spaceship, toured some facilities there and met a being he describes exactly as the Mantids. He refers to this being as “Manta” and the facility he describes is just like the Oxia Palus facility. I re-read the Oxia Palus article and noticed the arctic facility is not The Oxia Palus one because (Oxia) is located near the martian equator, but Gary mentions 3 different facilities in his interview. I was completely astounded by the quantity and the quality of the details in his interview, the similarities are remarkable. I am impressed with the role the Mantids have with us humans; they care about us because they want to. I think they have no need to help us… and this quote about the Mantid he met and guided him in Mars is lovely: “He is genial, he has a dry wit, he will tease a little bit, he enjoys calling me Earthling, but he says it in a kind of funny way. He will turn and talk to another one of his species in a high, chattering, almost an electronic kind of language that makes no sense, but then he turns to me and speaks to me in a resonating baritone voice.” Great, isn’t it?


congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardguyFromAfricammfanman

It’s REAL interesting. These other vantage points - it’s getting a lot of us looking in the same direction, huh?

congjing yu and lindseigh have reacted to this post.
congjing yulindseigh


Pre-amble. If you have heard of this topic already please disregard, but its mantid focused.

Have you all seen Dante Santori? This cat is very interesting and has a lot of unusual and encoded videos which deal with similar topics we all discuss here. He is also an alleged discover of something called the "Alien Races Book". There are many versions and I do have one pdf version (16 MB and happy to share).

Now Dante deals with many species, but he does discuss a Mantid-style creature he calls the "Kurs". What makes them fascinating is how they mesh with what we hear from MM. They are benevolent protectors in Dantes narrative, with a long standing association with Earth and Humans. He holds them in very high regard.    (you have to literally stick it to the end to get a glimpse. there are other videos here on the Kurs as well)

Interesting hey? Also if you can stand going thru the encoded (and intentionally bizarre) videos you will find all kinds of interesting nuggets on hundreds of other topics.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Indeed, there's a lot of "stuff" out there. And it is so easy to get involved reading all this information. But at the end of the day, what matters most is the most direct influences on your life personally. In which case, I would argue that the Mantids and the type-1 greys are the most significant. (Well, at least in my experience.)

That being said, there was a sort of handbook that we were briefed on and used. And I would be really curious to see the PDF. If you could upload it here, I would love to look inside of it.

I know that others would also love to take a look. Just keep in mind that there is a lot of "junk" and disinfo out there, so read everything cautiously. I made a podcast last week about Info Drops that discusses this matter.

pissedlizard and mmfanman have reacted to this post.

Ok I am happy to upload. Is there not a 5 MB limit? My file is 16 MB. Please advise and I will get it done.


I got it in the email. Thanks.

There's no doubt that there are many kinds of extraterrestrial visitors that come to the earth. But much of the background information is suspect. Theses no background stories on to how the information was obtained. Never the less it's a great PDF and I will provided it on the MM site for comment and investigation. But I will need to lay down some background and warnings regarding it. I must you know. Right? You understand.

Not everything that looks good tastes good.

mmfanman has reacted to this post.

Agreed completely and your rigour and healthy skepticism is exactly why I would send it to you for vetting.

Thank you for the consideration and your opinion.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

No worries. I am going to set up a post about it, and include it along with some vetting and parsing. So all can benefit.

The big takeaways from this document, is assuming it is true, which it probably is... that the Russians have been monitoring this extraterrestrial situation as well as the Americans. It's just that the Russians did not have a formal organization based on it, like America did.

All the notes and stapled pages and everything are useless unless they are provided with context (where they were found in relation to the book). Other than that, they are just extraneous junk.

And of course, all sorts of things can be added to this, much of which are simply just hearsay, bullshit and opinions. Which you must always, and constantly be on the watch for. So you need to take what we have and then give it a good scrubbing, a hose down and then extract the pieces of gold embedded inside.

@congjing yu I beieve this was the same book I sent you about a week ago. I agree it does seem somewhat dodgy and too convenient that it just appeared in this ex minister's attic in a box. It is an interestign read nonetheless. The reason I came across it was because of my research into the Unseen 5 and the possibility they were the same as the council of 5; I have since come into some more relevant information that I bleive explains them better than this document.

Also, you mentioned that you thought the mantids are the ones in charge of the reincarnation traps, am I correct in assuming mantids look insect like? The reason I ask is because I came across this statement from McElroy at the back of the Alien Interview; from the statment, she makes it sound like the Domain are in fact the mantids, or could the same be said of the Type 1 greys?:

"I can also remember some dim patches of my life in
The Domain Expeditionary Force. I was a nurse there
too. For the most part I've been a nurse over and
over and over again down through the ages. I stick
with being a nurse because it is familiar to me. And,
I enjoy the work of helping people, as well as
members of the race of biological beings in The
Domain whose bodies look more like insects than
mammals, especially their hands. Even doll bodies
need some repair once in awhile, too. "

congjing yu and mmfanman have reacted to this post.
congjing yummfanman
Daegon Magus

Yes. You are correct. I agree with most everything you said. I do not know about the Mantids being the same as the Type-1 greys. I mean to say; I JUST DO NOT KNOW. But it is an interesting supposition.

As far as the Mantids appearance goes, yes they appear to me (personally) as resembling a species of Praying Mantis. But are (obviously) much larger, but strangely not fearful.

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