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Affirmation questions

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By the way, I add this following affirmation in my affirmations prayers so that all the MM followers who practice the affirmation campaigns can share in the "slipstream" effect. This will make the affirmations tie to a group of affirmations by a group of people. Much like you might benefit on a group insurance plan, or a group investment strategy.

  • My affirmations tie together with affirmations of other MM followers so that they all combine with a positive "slipsteam" effect.
  • This slipstream effect acts as an accelerator for all of us to benefit from.
  • In slipstram affirmations that run counter to my personal affirmations listed herein, they are ignored, and does not influence this campaign.
Chromacat has reacted to this post.

I noticed that the most obvious thing to do with affirmation campaigns is to aim at a place where these shifts come more easily. I've noticed that popularity in "reality shifting" has spiked dramatically on social media. Just look at Tiktok for an indication of how this has become mainstream. Not my taste, but there it is.

congjing yu, keff and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yukeffSatellite ConspiracyChromacat

Greetings all. Is it advisable to work multiple goals into a campaign? Say I want to be

A. Elmer J Fudd

B. A millionaire and

C. Own a mansion and a yacht

Those three things do not necessarily rely on a causal chain. Should the three be worked into separate prayer campaigns?

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Yes they can.

If you read all my affirmation posts you will see how I was put in charge of billions of dollars of US Dollars in hard cold cash, but I was unable to do anything about it.  So close, but so far.

You need to put in specific affirmations to keep the individual results from messing up the other goals. Or else you will end up with a real "jumble".

And I have wrote about this, with some pretty cool graphics, but I forgot which article it is. Sorry.


PS. Do not base your goals on fiction. It will not turn out like you think. A sincere warning to the wise.

Satellite Conspiracy has reacted to this post.
Satellite Conspiracy

an indication of how this has become mainstream.

I just saw the trailer to the "Loki" movie. Apparently the notion of Timelines are being featured there too.


congjing yu, pissedlizard and Satellite Conspiracy have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardSatellite Conspiracy

MM, you may have mentioned this somewhere and I forgot it or missed it, but do you think it’s a bad idea to run through an affirmation list more than once a day? Would that dilute it, strengthen it or have no real difference?

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Yes, of course you can run your campaign multiple times in a day. Just remember that when you go into your pause phase that it must be absolute.

Now, running multiple daily affirmations most certainly strengthens the affirmations. You are spending more time thinking and dwelling on the affirmations. SO the effects are doubled.

The trade off is that things will happen more aggressively; more saturated.

Good things happen faster. The old peels away sooner. The discord associated with change increases.

Satellite Conspiracy has reacted to this post.
Satellite Conspiracy

Hi MM and fellow readers. Thanks for everything  btw. But now the situation is getting going. Go get him gone.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


Do not give up. Do not get too down depressed. To get from "A" to "B", you have to cross some very difficult terrain. For me, personally, it was AWFUL. It was horrible. And I will tell you that the stress and the depression was unbearable. And I was just about ready to "snap". It is precisely at those times when you seek out friends, family, older uncles, or professionals and ask them for help, support, or even just someone to listen to.

You must ask. You must go forth and knock and your uncles door and talk.

The big lie is that we are alone and we suffer alone. That is a big lie. We are never alone. We are all inner-connected. So reach out. There are people there. There are people who will help you. Even if it is just to hear you rant on and on. You must not isolate. You must not hide. You must get out, and find others. Others will help you.

And yes, you will be surprised at the Rufus's that are around you.


pissedlizard, keff and 2 other users have reacted to this post.


congjing yu, what are your thoughts about prayers in general. today its the first day of ten which are very sacred to religious Jews, the belief is that the sky are open for receiving prayers more then usual. this ends in Yom Kipur which is a very interesting day for itself. it is like the Sky are a giant wheel which opens and closed at this time of the year. I was wondering what could have been the source of that tradition. I believe that other religions and faith, especially eastern, which I think Judaism oriented from have similar believes or traditions.

As for the gatherings, it is a believe that prayers are way more powerful when people join, especially at this special time. So people will risk and gather at this special times. in Israel as other places in the west, there was a crack down on all places of worship exactly on these days. before and after it was aggressive but not as such.

My opinion is that whatever pagan force is behind this, the crack down two consecutive years, on the same sacred dates, is no coincidence. not only a message but a way to break people spirit. what do you think?



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congjing yu
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