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Affirmation questions

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I just wanted to add a few of my thoughts for hard times when traversing difficult terrain.
I am having a rough time again and am working hard on fixing this money issue to be able to support my family of four. My wife and I are doing our affirmation campaigns and generally doing what is humanly possible. I am close to launching a new business venture, then bills come in and we get sick. (Recovering well though. Could have been COVID or the usual flu. Not too bad.)

The mountain tops of the MWI

Mountain tops seem to have barbed wire around them.
Life starts a full on assault when you come close to the top.
It is not a linear progression. Close to the top is a sheer cliff face.

An unexpected invoice drains your bank account. The whole family gets sick and you get no work done. You are preparing the car and trailer for the big move, alone in the dark and out in the pouring rain completely exhausted wondering how you will ever make it to the ferry in time.

Life challenges you to test your spirit.
How much do you want it?

How do you get through?
Sheer stubborness.
Perseverance without thinking too much.
Push yourself from one meal to the next.
Do not look further. Do what is necessary in this moment.

Know that it is a challenge.
Realize that this means you are close to the top.
Go for the last sprint.
Trust in your own power.
Do not quit.


congjing yu, pissedlizard and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardJustAnotherAsianguyFromAfricaMabbabgarrireChromacat

Listen to me.

pissedlizard, JustAnotherAsian and 4 other users have reacted to this post.

Yes. It would seem that the closer you are at the top the more the difficulty. This Monday. Tings were crazy man. People shouting at me about things I did wrong or things that they think I did wrong, My exams were hard as fuck btw. And things relating to schooling just being crazy saying that I don't even attend classes . The fuck is wrong with those guys. Making me look like the bad guy. I mean damn crazy.

It would seem nowadays I just think of something and a few days later it manifests. I think btw where could xxx be. then afew days later we meet. And there is even more. Guess its the template change.

But I can deal with all this. Me and Mr. cat. This is his second life now.  He came back. He is about 1 year old. He is a nice cat. I like him. But all this is change. I can see the good things now. I can smell them .  Thanks MM and fellow readers. Truly nice and wonderful.

Oh yes. very marvelous indeed.

congjing yu, Goldleaf and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleafgarrireAliceChromacat

That's amazing @guyfromafrica! Thanks for sharing. You are doing great. Keep it up!!!

congjing yu, guyFromAfrica and garrire have reacted to this post.
congjing yuguyFromAfricagarrire

So, I've not noticed any fundamental changes in the baseline template. Perhaps I'm just not ready.

However, I am only a month or so now into my first campaign. I have three things on it, simple stuff. Health, enough money to meet my modest lifestyle ambitions, and a third.

Now, the third was originally about having a better relationship with sex. It kept sticking in my throat as I was saying it, and it felt heavy to say. I have no doubt this was some resistance to it, so I abandoned it and replaced it. I realised I'm fine with my relationship with sex, I just don't play the current tinder/online dating game, and I hate what it's doing to peoples mental health. So, why was I wasting time trying to manifest better outcomes when I'm not even playing the game? I'm doing my own thing, and actually I'm quite content.

So, I replaced it with the intention to be a better advocate. For career purposes. I sometimes get quite heavy mental fog, and I wanted to see if I could manifest that away so I can think clearly. It's like I've started asking for better tools, and this feels much more natural.

So, my questions are thus:

Am I correct in assuming that, even though it was only a short period, the consequences of abandoning a manifestation early in a campaign will be proportionate to the effort placed into them? and,

Am I further correct in assuming that picking up a third part way through will be fine, or should I abandon it and pick it up next campaign?

Thanks for your time.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@garrire I want to say that it’s not until you stop your affirmations and release them, that you won’t see manifested intentions. MM puts a lot of safety wording on his descriptions that would probably ease your mind about it. Do you have something that sounds like: I know when to stop, change, alter or revise my affirmations in accordance with my needs and desires ? If not, go back and add ALL the safety and MWI routing affirmations. Better safe than sorry, ammirite?

congjing yu, guyFromAfrica and garrire have reacted to this post.
congjing yuguyFromAfricagarrire
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@garrire You are on your first campaign. Take it slow and easy like you are doing.

[1] Stick to the fundamentals. Make sure that you have no worries about food, shelter, work, relationships, sex, income, and stress.

[2] Be modest in most things.  Imagine a life that is similar to what you have but improved in the things you want. Do not try to live like a wealthy billionaire on your first go.

[3] Be safe, safe, safe. Once, I was doing well, was married and had a great sex life. But you know, after an intense session I wanted to have a bigger set of goods in the bedroom department. So, crazy me, I added "I have a big set of balls". Stupid right? Why would I possibly need that? I was having great sex all the time with my partner. Then about eight months later I ended up getting epididymitis, and my balls swollen up to the size of a large cantaloupe. And they were so very, very painful. Ugh! I almost had to operate, and I spent three days in emergency, and ten days in the hospital. If you have something that works, don't mess it up!!!!!!!

Or, as in the conversation last week with a Sunday fudge girl who had an affirmation for "aging gracefully with youthful skin". Now has ache all over her face. Though she has markedly soft and smooth skin now.

[4] Describe what you want broadly. I want a bigger house, a nice "man's chair", a steak meal once a week, a reincarnation of my lost cat, a reliable car. Etc. Do not get too specific. The more specific you are, the longer it will take to manifest.

[5] Use safe verbiage. As @Alice says.

[6] When you end your first campaign. End it completely no prayer affirmations at all until your next campaign. It's like a wind-up toy. The verbalization's of the affirmations is like winding up the toy. But you must stop them for the little toy to move about.


You will do fine.

Memory Loss, garrire and Alice have reacted to this post.
Memory LossgarrireAlice

[3] Be safe, safe, safe. Once, I was doing well, was married and had a great sex life. But you know, after an intense session I wanted to have a bigger set of goods in the bedroom department. So, crazy me, I added "I have a big set of balls". Stupid right? Why would I possibly need that? I was having great sex all the time with my partner. Then about eight months later I ended up getting epididymitis, and my balls swollen up to the size of a large cantaloupe. And they were so very, very painful. Ugh! I almost had to operate, and I spent three days in emergency, and ten days in the hospital. If you have something that works, don't mess it up!!!!!


Yow!! The Universe has a powerful sense of humor😂. Between your Christmas eve hijinks and other equally bizarre episodes in your life, I'm thinking you need a perspective of many lifetimes to appreciate the jokes the Universe plays on you MM. 😍.

Now, if you could apply that sense of humor to wish away covid 🤔. MM, this is a job for you.


congjing yu, garrire and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yugarrireAlice
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@alice thank you for the reminder - I genuinely do have more of the safety lines in my campaign than the actual objectives! But, it never hurts to be reminded :).

@Conjing Yu, thank you too for your reply. I know most of that has been covered in your articles, but I appreciate you summarising again for me. Broadly speaking I'm already following all of that advice. And in fact, most of my affirmations I can see coming through with the work I'm putting in. I'm really getting into my Yoga, which has eased off a lot of underlying issues I've had such as migraines, and it's undone many injuries I've carried forwards from my youth. Anyone know a yoga pose to cure chronic hearing loss? hah. Genetic conditions are a bitch. I'm soon to start my new career, which will massively see my income boost over the next few years - more than double by the time I finish the initial training, and I have everything I want and need already. Like, I don't know why I'm sweating the small stuff so much - things tend to work out for me. So, thank you again - just needed reassurance I'm not fucking everything up I guess!

And I'm sorry to hear about that ill-fated manifestation for a larger set! I had some testicular swelling a few years back, fortunately it didn't require such treatment. Still, it's a great example of the monkeys paw effect of things!

@memory-loss, I think I remember reading one of MM's posts about how he, to quote the most underrated character from Scrubs, boing-fwipped the Covid from his area. Was an interesting read. I live in the UK, and I had the Covid back in March of the first wave in our country. That was a shit few weeks, let me tell you. But it did give me plenty of time to catch up on a backlog of studies I had to sort, so, it all works out in the end.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

So I've entered my first pause phase and shit is getting weird. Is this normal??? Please say this is normal and just an indication I'm moving over some rough terrain to get where I want to go. I'm not giving up, I just want to make sure I'm not completely crazy 🙂

congjing yu and guyFromAfrica have reacted to this post.
congjing yuguyFromAfrica
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