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Affirmation questions

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If you are doing things correctly, you will start to see things happen when you enter your pause phase. Some will not be noticeable. Some will. And depending on how far away or different your goals will be, will be a measure of your discomfort.

Goldleaf has reacted to this post.

Thank you for that! It's definitely not what I expected. At all. I'll survive 🙂

congjing yu and guyFromAfrica have reacted to this post.
congjing yuguyFromAfrica

You have to survive. You will survive.

After I did a slide things were crazy but not enough to put me down.

Back in July some bastard stole my laptop and phone. On the same day......damn that guy. I also got called to one of the PTB offices for literally nothing. Damn  if it doesn't kill you it only makes you stronger 💪👊

Literally anything can happen you could win a million cash.

But  I ask, why can't you slide to a very good, Happy and comfortable map with everything you need, why the challenging ones?

Chromacat has reacted to this post.

Question on setting a time for your affirmation to come to fruition. I remember I asked about this before on an article in the comment section and MM answered me but I cant find it anymore. Just adjusting my affirmations for the next cycle so would be good to know.

Previously I set certain dates or times as mentioned and apparently this is not so good. Better to be leave it open and let the things happen in their own time. Maybe add "as soon as possible without causing too much frictions" etc.

@laoban4site can you advise again if possible pls? or point me to the article again 🙂


Found it :

What to do when it seems that your affirmation prayers are shooting blanks

Putting it here. in case its helping others. the article itself is very good as usual. my point is in the comment section.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


Question for you - in affirmation campaigns you say that the “pause and release” is the magic in manifestation. Short term affirmation should be designated for shorter blocks of time and to not continue the affirmations more than that - or else the desired manifestation will not “fruit”.

What about “safety, protection, and MWI travel affirmations”? For some reason this part of campaigning has always perplexed me. As long as I have run campaigns - those specific categories have been a permanent foundation in my affirmations.

So would that mean that my “safety, protection, and MWI travel” hasn’t truly been released to manifest in its intended entirety or are those sections considered intention guidelines? And if I did translate your instructions regarding these categories correctly, then why would the MM manifestation “rules” not apply the same way the “desired affirmations” do?

If you have written about this in previous articles, would it possible for you to “point the way” to the information?

😇 - Thanks, A

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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