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SHTF thoughts

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@memory-loss The official explanation (guess) for Lauterbach is an unusual "micro body movement" due to a high stress situation. The explanation for the Pfizer frog is a deep fake... I might buy the deep fake but not the "stress" argument. Probably something else entirely...

@V - Think of the characters as Planets and Lots in the Lord of the Rings (which I personally never saw or read despite the authors love of  The Well).

That will let you see what happened and how. The song itself is almost over - which I why I can blast it over the internet. The whole fucking playlist is about to change.

@ML I know nothing but these facts.

Human beings that have a love of gold have been herded into one geographical area. Because of their love of money they are fucked. All these “genius” economists have been herding their own to slaughter. This began in 2010.

Because of that consolidation of love of money OPENED the door to what is coming.

And of this I Promise. No human being is safe and no human being can hide.

It is over for this Age of Man. The LITERAL DNA of the Universe/Multiverse has been passed from one human race to another. Again - back to the Dogon and Sirius.

Those at the top are cursed by the Master. There is nothing on this Planet that will lift that curse. Only 4 humans can. And they ain’t.

Xi, Bibi, the Clinton cabal, even these African mother fuckers. Cursed. By a BIG one. That is more evil than most of the population has ever felt of seen or heard of. A REAL big one.

But that’s another song.

Be good with your God and live honorably. You get to take part in the End of Days.

All of this I know to be True.




That jogged my brain, so I went back to look for Merkel. Just a 30 second search for "Merkel glitch"

Merkel glitch

Taken from Posted in 2019

Merkel’s whole body visibly shook and she pursed her lips as she tried to contain the situation as she stood with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in the 28-degree Celsius (82-degree Fahrenheit) heat while a military band played their national anthems outside the chancellery.

I wouldn't call that shaking, she was on vibration mode lol.


The Domain must know this stuff, Shirley. If these happenings are not OE related then what are they? Another player entirely?

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@ML After a long flight, with silver wings on each side, the time just before a nice, long night is where your answer lies.

This I know to be True



@ML, let me answer a bit more clearly about the Domain aspect.

In fact, you all answered it yourselves in another forum. Let me shed some light.

As any given object can and does move from particle to wave form, so does consciousness  - we can ALL agree on that, right?

Well, the MOST IMPORTANT moment of your life is the moment of death. That said, your BODY and CONSCIOUSNESS MUST MATCH on death. Not so much the physical body but the intent or direction you are going on your world line. What DRIVES your consciousness to be is intent, right?

Ok. As light or whatever can only exist as one not the other (wave or particle) your body AND Consciousness has to match configurations.

HUMANS get one choice.  Only one. One, I think we all can agree on is what MM lays out. We have our own Soul and our own Consciousness. We can “be God” so to speak. This is choice number 1.

The second is that your soul is part of a giant soul, and as such your Consciousness is always in the collective. YOUR inner voice is YOURS AND THE COLLECTIVES. That’s all the other voices the Colllectivists get. They are ALWAYS in the Collective  Consciousness -after death.

The former it’s your ANCESTORS that are your voices and you can move - at will - in or out of either individual or collective consciousness at will after death, you can’t do it in the human form.

The owners of the Kibbutz want the WHOLE WORLD to live in one giant Kibbutz. Thats Collectivism or Communism. The Kibbutz owners want to control. Because their DNA is what it is. This was forseen, and this is why a lot of the “wealthy” moved to where they all are now. It will be easy to push them off the cliffs so to speak. Islam is a collectivist religion as well.  The Kibuttzim were protected by a very ancient Race.

No longer.

It’s like the fall of the Gambino family in New York. It was needed for individuals to go back to doing business as individuals and let everyone mind their business.

You are an individual Consciousness and live an individualist life OR you are a Collectivist/Communist life. We can’t be both. Yin and Yang, it all must balance.

The Domain is a COLLECTIVIST undertaking. There are MANY battles to come. Yours with the Domain is a COLLECTIVIST battle.

Ours isn’t.

All of this I know to be True




"As any given object can and does move from particle to wave form, so does consciousness - we can ALL agree on that, right?"

If a Premise of a debate is wrong, then everything that follows is wrong

First you gotta define a "particle" and a "Wave form"


All Particles of what we call "matter" are conglomerates of Light Structures. The "mass of light structures" have a Magnetic Field making everything just a lump of magnetism which is composed of 2 'types of Magnetism'. The Interaction of Magnetic Fields gives us Wave forms.

so NO, there is no object that moves from a particle to a wave form as both terms used have no real meaning in YOUR CONTEXT.

Do remember whenever trying to understand Magnetic Physics that "Everything is the Light" and is ALL Energy, Frequency and Vibration. And There is Life IN Everything (consciousnesses)

A Particle is a Wave form and all 'particles' are ALIVE with Consciousness.

Death is NOT the most important moment in  your LIFE.

Everything you have been taught I know is a Lie. (prior to joining MM)

"HUMANS get one choice. Only one. One"  I do believe I had many choices in this Lifetime. The First being from the many options of body's to reincarnate into depending upon the Karmic Energy of my Soul and the Soul Blueprints available for each one being 'different' in relation to their time of birth. I can also then chose to follow Light or follow darkness and if you are born into a CULT, this choice is made for you... but you still have free WILL to opt out of the Dark Side as evidenced in Fiona's Testimony.


pissedlizard has reacted to this post.


Duly noted.

You run your reality and I’ll Run mine.

I sincerely hope you are safe down on Oz and am just happy to see that you are able to post and not locked up in some camp.

This I know to be True




@pissedlizard, two blind men feeling up the pink elephant. Neither knows the color haha. In fact both of them have no idea it's the same pachyderm. 😜

I think the postal service is on lockdown. Can't send stuff to people like DM and @MerLynn. I rather suspect the Australian government is afraid of China coviding their mail.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@ML - “two blind men feeling up the pink elephant. Neither knows the color haha. In fact both of them have no idea it's the same pachyderm. 😜”

How poetic. Seriously. I do not know what your first language is, but if it is NOT English, then what you wrote came out so well. What I DO know - is I am one of those blind men. Without any question.

I believe you are right about the lockdowns. Which is why I truly fear for everyone down there. I Love Australians. They are what America aspires to be. Tough as nails, going toe to toe with the Mori Race - Chuck Norris on steroids kind of stuff.

I keep the people of the Area in my prayers. I hope they hear the cries of vengeance coming from The Other Side.

This I know to be True.


hey @pissedlizard what do yiu reckon of this (i've copy and pasted the article in case the link doesn't work). taken from Deadly fungus that preys on coronavirus patients (

"Once a patient with severe suffocating Covid-19 is through the doors of a critical care unit, they should be in the safest place to receive life-saving help.

But a further danger may await — a fungus that experts warn is infecting the weakened lungs of one in three Covid patients in intensive care, and killing up to 70 per cent of those affected.

The fungus in question, Aspergillus fumigatus, is all around us — in the air, soil, food and in decaying organic material such as garden compost. It spreads via microscopic spores, although it can be visible as a grey, wrinkled cushion on damp walls. It has also been found in flower beds in hospital grounds.

Aspergillus fumigatus is an opportunistic fungus that preys on people whose immune systems are seriously weakened by illness.

(© Provided by Daily Mail (

When it invades humans, it causes a condition called aspergillosis, which primarily affects the lungs. There the fungus can grow into a lump up to the size of a tennis ball that can be extremely difficult to eradicate.

The infection can develop into invasive aspergillosis, where it spreads to the skin, brain, heart or kidneys.

Aspergillosis hit the news last month when the widow of a Scottish government official, who died after contracting Covid-19, called on the First Minister of Scotland to investigate the hospital where he was being treated.

Andrew Slorance, who led the Scottish government’s response and communications unit, died nearly six weeks after being admitted to Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow, last year. He had gone in for cancer treatment, but then contracted Covid-19.

The hospital listed the cause of Mr Slorance’s death as Covid pneumonia. However, his widow, Louise, requested a copy of his medical notes and discovered her husband had also become infected with Aspergillus fumigatus at the hospital.

She believes this may have brought on his death and claims the hospital ‘never mentioned’ the aspergillus infection to her at the time despite the ‘many mentions of it in the medical records’.

The hospital has denied any ‘attempt to conceal information’. It has not, however, answered Good Health’s questions concerning the role of aspergillosis in Mr Slorance’s death.

Experts who have spoken to Good Health say countless Covid patients admitted to critical care units with severe breathing difficulties have then become infected by aspergillus.

Estimates vary over the exact number of critical care patients afflicted. A research press release by investigators at Exeter University in March puts it as high as one in three. An international study in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases in October suggests one in six.

Why the disparity? According to one of Britain’s foremost experts, David Denning, a professor of infectious diseases at the University of Manchester, much depends on how good clinicians are at diagnosing severe fungal infection and their awareness of it.

‘If you don’t look for it, you don’t find it,’ he told Good Health. ‘There are probably lots of patients who have died in critical care with this who were never diagnosed.’

The standard treatment is with anti-fungal drugs called azoles.

(© Provided by Daily Mail (

‘If they are given in good time, these can cure 75 per cent of patients with aspergillus,’ says Professor Denning.

However, aspergillus fungus is developing resistance to these.

This is due primarily to the overuse of azoles both in medicine and agriculture. This has encouraged more virulent strains of the fungus to evolve that are resistant to even high doses of azoles, says Professor Denning.

Video: First patient in Tayside receives new COVID-19 treatment (Daily Record)

First patient in Tayside receives new COVID-19 treatment

  • text: Coronavirus Latest NewsDaily Record Logo
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Azole anti-fungal sprays are used on ornamental plants to keep them looking healthy in greenhouses and on stored bulbs.

In 2019 Matthew Fisher, a professor of fungal disease epidemiology at Imperial College London, searched for drug-resistant aspergillus strains in flower beds outside hospitals, in parks and gardens across southern England, where tulip bulbs are often grown.

Of the eight most worrying London soil samples he found, four were from flower beds outside the Royal Free Hospital and The Whittington Hospital.

All the samples had Aspergillus fumigatus strains that had evolved to resist at least one of three commonly used azole drugs.

‘Drug resistance is something to be very worried about,’ says Professor Denning. ‘Around 13 per cent of aspergillus infections in some areas of London now involve resistant strains.’

Professor Denning says NHS critical care staff must become ‘much more aware and much more careful’ about the threat.

‘With sick people coming into intensive care units (ICU), particularly with Covid, we need to be thinking about aspergillus, taking routine samples. We need a whole new level of vigilance. It is bad enough to be in ICU, but to have a fungus as well, it’s not good.’

Professor Adilia Warris, the co-director of the Medical Research Council Centre for Medical Mycology (the study of fungi), says specialists are trying to find precisely why aspergillus is potentially so lethal to Covid patients.

‘We don’t yet fully understand how the Covid virus interacts with the immune system and makes patients’ defences less able to fight the second hit of the fungal infection,’ she told Good Health.

‘I think coronavirus is damaging very sick patients’ lung structures and airways and doing something to patients’ immune defences. This makes them highly susceptible to acquiring aspergillus.’

One theory, suggested in the journal Microbial Ecology last month, is that both Covid-19 and Aspergillus fumigatus attack the same molecules inside our lungs. So when Covid has effectively breached those defences, aspergillus can come marching in.

‘If the aspergillus takes advantage of weakened patients and grows, then things get really messy,’ says Professor Warris. ‘Mortality rates are very high. Studies so far suggest that these infections can kill up to about 70 per cent of infected patients.’

But it is not only severe Covid that opens the way for aspergillus.

Up until very recently, invasive aspergillosis was seen only to afflict people whose defences were severely laid waste by, for example, chemotherapy, bone marrow transplantation or a disease of the immune system such as Aids.

But in 2019, evidence published in the journal Lancet Respiratory Medicine by Belgian and Dutch investigators revealed how aspergillus had evolved into a super-fungus that could afflict otherwise healthy people with heavy viral infections — particularly with flu.

‘We had not really seen this before,’ says Professor Warris. ‘It made us aware that we should be looking for such problems in people in ICU with severe lung infections.’

Professor Denning says the mortality rate among severe flu patients who contract aspergillus in the UK is around 85 per cent.

Yet aspergillus often goes undetected in intensive care units treating patients with Covid or flu, he says, because the diagnostic methods can be difficult and dangerous.

The main one, bronchoscopy, involves inserting a tube down the nose or mouth and into the airways to take lung samples.

‘This is especially tricky with an infectious virus, from which healthcare workers must protect themselves by taking strict precautions,’ Professor Denning explains. ‘Also, you are working with the lungs of someone who is already short of oxygen so you may cause them serious harm.’

Professor Warris adds: ‘Aspergillus is everywhere in the environment, so just finding some in a patient’s sputum does not mean that they have the disease. It is all very challenging.’

Dr Colin Brown, a consultant in infectious diseases at the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) told Good Health that a study of 200 critical-care Covid patients who had aspergillus isolated from lung-fluid samples showed only a quarter actually had been infected by the fungus; the rest had simply breathed in fungal spores from the atmosphere that had not become a problem.

One hope for faster, easier and more accurate diagnosis is being developed by an international team of scientists that includes Professor Chris Thornton, a fungal immunologist at the University of Exeter.

The new technique, revealed in March in the journal Nature Communications, involves injecting a specially engineered antibody that will bind to aspergillosis molecules in the lungs of infected people.

The antibody is painted with a radioactive material that can be spotted on lung scans. Professor Thornton hails the advance as a ‘step-change in the way we diagnose this devastating disease’.

It is however, only a diagnosis. There is still the fact that the infection is highly invasive and difficult to treat. Yet another good reason, then, to get fully vaccinated against Covid-19 — and the flu."

Daegon Magus
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