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SHTF thoughts

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Its those who fell for the Psyops I'm more worried about. They have voluntarily committed VAXXINCIDE so the SHTF will be the Un-Dead verses the Un-Vaxxed.

All this time the anti-vaxxers thought bringing a gun to a Needle fight was going to save them. In time, the mass conditionings by Pedowood will see a Zombie Apocalypse as those slowly dying people get mad... really really mad about being (supreme Court certified) OWNED as they are now genetically modified human beings and covered by a Patent. Slavery in the 21st Century has taken a change for the worse.

Take out future contracts on White Sperm deliveries... It will be Gold in years to come as the vaxxed realize they are sterile for life.

Best advice? keep your wits about you and thoughts clean. Learn to Hibernate for a while til the dist settles. Form large family/friends groups who are UN VAXXED. Its going to get rough.

congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG

Evolve Now. Don’t get left behind.

Become an IDRONE today. Be ever alert and Woke by your Big Brothers IPHONE

Details at your nearest Pizza for Jab Centres coming to get you soon.

Conditions apply.

Alien Science in VAXX. Its call magnetic FIELD SCIENCE remember.

Apparently there are 30 trillion graphene bots in each Jab. A couple booster shots and you’re all set.

Internet images of Graphene is shown as a single layers of atomic carbon in a grid pattern. The science objective is to make these tiny fuckers as small as possible and ‘magnetic’. Carbon wants to form a lattice structure when used to make these tiny magnetic Nano Bots.

So they make Graphene carbon nano bots and FREEZE them so they cant dance their Magnetic snowflake Pattern. Then they thaw out only enough for use in your local M.A.S.H  tent that day. They have only a few hours of half life at room temp and are thrown away if not used in time.

Red Blood Cells carry MAGNETIC CHARGE to every cell in the body via Sympathetic Vibrations in the Hematite Iron structure of the Red Blood Cell.

When activated with (bio) Electricity they Dance. See here.

And the Dance is to create a LINING on the inside of the Vascular Blood system to completely line it with a Graphene Grid Antenna. Every Cell in the body touches a Blood Vessel as that’s how Bio-Magnetic Energy is transferred to the Cell. Some Needles may have thawed out too long, others maybe shaken not stirred, but the differences will cause different medical reactions or conditions as each Bio Magnetic Field is different.

The purpose of the Graphene VAXX  is shown here.

What this means… The human Body becomes INSTANTLY reactive to exterior Frequencies of the Electro Magnetic Spectrum. Its all Frequency, Energy and Vibration Tesla told you to remember.

This can make a SUPER Energized SOLDIER or a ZOMBIE or anything in-between, or the ultimate Adrenalin button on your survival belt. You do get to choose depending upon your social credit score. The down side is… all the guinea pigs died. You are now subject to Bio Circuitry Meltdown just like electronic circuits from a Solar Flare of the kinds that short circuits electrical equipment.  You cannot resist. You are OWNED. You will be VAXXINCIDED. You are now Neo in the Matrix with your mouth Fused over. IMO, Wuhan was tricked into a game where the Reset was the VAXX made for the culling of racism. Blame China and Russia for everything. First we take londonstan, then we take the pentagram. Or just cut down cell towers and 5G and build a Faraday cage house. aka pyramid. Dont take the Vaxx without first putting a sample in a petri dish and getting a Baghdad Battery.


pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

Keep yer head down, mouth shut and eyes wide open-- literally if necessary-- and don't get caught up in the crazy, PL.

But somehow I get the sense that you know that already!

Those guys you describe are being shipped into Europe en masse, too. Especially while everybody else was locked down. I believe they're kept under control by generous cash benefits, free accommodation, healthcare, etc. But take that away and youve got a big fucking problem. Which is probably the whole idea. Any day know they'll be permitted to "express themselves" in a unique, culturally enriching way by torching out their own mobile phone repair shops, grimy "cafes" and every fucking thing else in between. And G*d knows what else.

The nicer neighborhoods might be due a visit, too.

Stay safe.

I worry not about the imploding America but what the ones in power there will do to the ones they see as a threat. I live in Beijing my wife says no worries the government will protect and provide for us 100% safe here. Hello I know what the US government has in secret and there is no place to hide here if SHTF goes down! So very hard to make useful plan.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results!

I live in China also. I am not worried. And my background is (um) special. China is the safest place on the planet. You need not worry.

JustAnotherAsian has reacted to this post.

Strange things are happening as the west collapses. The German health minister - one of the main fear-mongers since the pandemic started - was "turned off" during a press conference. Looks like he was being reset and updated. Was that you @pissedlizzard? or is he a bot?

A screenshot for those who can't access YouTube:

Uploaded files:
  • lauterbach.png
pissedlizard and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardMemory Loss

I had nothing to do with it. BUT he and his staff are on target lists I have seen with these Eyes.

November 19 2021 and Event happened that signaled what you are seeing.

I can’t stress this song enough… The Battle for Evermore.  It’s almost time to change songs on the track list.

Drop your plows and hoes.

This I know to be True




@pissedlizard Thanks, I just listened to the Battle for Evermore. "Coincidentally" I just finished watching The Lord of the Rings - The two Towers. The following verse bares strong resemblance to the battle of Helmms Deep where they look to the east as the sun rises to see Gandalf arrive with the cavalry:

Oh, well, the night is long
The beads of time pass slow
Tired eyes on the sunrise
Waiting for the eastern glow
The pain of war cannot exceed
The woe of aftermath
The drums will shake the castle wall
The ringwraiths ride in black
Ride on

@vainamoinen. Holy crap!

Just shut down like a robot. Reminds me of Pfizer's Albert Bourla where his neck turned non-human. There is some other power that is showing that they know what these "people" are doing.

Pfizer frog?

It seems there is a group of people at the top who are very uhm "unusual". Are they OE? Or Shapeshifters? PL what do you think?

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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