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It’s funny, because in many commercials and “art”, yeah, the symbolism jumps RIGHT out. Like there is no misinterpreting it or “seeing things in the clouds” so to speak. It’s just TOO obvious. The irony (or even joke) is that it is REAL shitty beer.

I am not anti-vax at all. I am anti-mRNA vax until more studies are done. I am anti-Covid vax because. I trust no government or corporation. Especially the way ALL governments have been acting during this covid bullshit. I am pro attenuated vaccine if I feel I need it. As MM stated in many posts and even on his vlog, the way mRNA works and how he explains (because you won’t find this in any book and in my opinion he is dead ,DEAD on) and how it’s associated with evolutionary events.

My medical opinion is that anyone taking this vaccine IN THE USA - I do not know about the other companies nor their intent, but in the USA I think this is going to intentionally cause autism in adults. I think this will happen in about 2 years. There will be a true zombie apocalypse with all these “government defendants” that can be done with what they will. Or it could be the powers that be who want to see those who will resist so they can get rid of us, either way, I fully intend on fighting whoever sticks it in my arm to the best of my ability.

And personally, I have been religious in regards to my intention campaign as well as all MMs advice.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

Can't comment on America but thought i'd offer my two cents to give you guys an idea of where abouts exactly Australia is when it comes to the toilet bowl it is fast being flushed down. i apologise in advance as this might get long, but bare with me this isn't stuff you'll hear on the mainstream news (or maybe you have, if so please let me know).
For those who don't know our political system we have the two major parties that hold sway in the country; sure there are other parties that influence our society by "teaming up with one of these two", but on voting day it will either come down to either Labor or the Liberals winning.
The Labor party are more aligned with implementing policies that genuinely provide some sort of benefit to the community; our medicare system - which gives us free health care -  was courtesy of them, and they provide policies which give people on social security payment a very fair amount of money that takes into account economic inflation. They have also provided an insurance scheme that people with disabilities can access that gives them money for services that would otherwise just be too damn expensive; for example our son has Autism and through this scheme we can get $15k a year to put towards therapy for him (it can't be spent on anything but the services). Labor is involved in many projects directly with China, one of the biggest ones being the one belt one road initiative - and this will become relevant further down.
The Liberals, on the other hand, are very capitalist oriented; their policies are made to benefit the mega corporations often at the expense of those that benefit the poorer class such as those on the social security payments. A classic example of this is the cashless debit card a company called Indue - owned by several big banks - is trying to force all welfare recipients onto; the way it works is that Indue take 80% of your benefits and lock them away of which you can only spend it at vendors they authorise (which are usually just big name supermarket chains they are friends with that have taken COVID as an opportunity to hike their prices up due to "supply shortages"). The reason for this is allegedly to stop the purchase of alcohol, tobacco and other non essential items in the indigenous communities, though people have documented how they are able to still buy alcohol with the card, but are denied being able to buy standard grocery items. It is obviously a load of BS and is designed to make Indue money; oh and by the way they get a $10k kickback for every person they get put on the card. This card is currently being pushed by not only Indue, but the Liberal government (currently in power) who have known friends who are shareholders in Indue.
They have been tearing Medicare to pieces and  even the disability insurance scheme I mentioned solely because of a religious fanatic bias that Scott Morrison has towards Australia's citizens; his pentecostal beliefs are that those who are rich have been bestowed such riches because of god and those that are poor deserve it. This has seen him populate his cabinet with many members of his Hillsong mega church, who have a similar philosophy (something like 13 out of 20 of his cabinet are friends that attend his church). To make matters worse, Rupert Murdoch owns 70% of all mainstream media outlets and was very good friend with Morrison; it was because of Morrison they got even more power when he scrapped our one unbiased ABC network, which was publicly funded, so Murdoch could take it over. The other main news media outlet is owned by a man named Kerry Stokes, who just helped pay the lawyer fees for a SAS Victorian Cross recipient who has been at the centre of a war crimes scandal (I wonder why a news media owner would want an expertly trained assassin in his pocket, but ah I digress). Stokes was also friends with Morrison, and was the one that got him into office.
In fact, in the 4 years since Scott Morrison has been Prime Minister, the Liberal party have demonstrated themselves to be one of the most corrupt political parties in the world - certainly the most corrupt Australia has ever had to deal with; their senior ministers are involved in scandal after scandal regarding using taxpayer funded charities to further their political agenda (basically using the money to pay for votes in other words), the NSW premier - who is a Liberal - has been caught committing purgery over the fact that she was an accessory to real estate fraud and knew about it, and there has been not 1, but 4 allegations of rape taking place within the walls of parliament house, one of which the accused was the Attorney general; that particular woman ended up killing herself over it.
Despite this, there has been no attempt by Scott Morrison to even bother removing any of these people from office, or punishing them, with the exception of the Attorney General, who he just replaced with a woman who is just as corrupt as the NSW Premier. When women around the country marched onto the lawn of parliament house in protest, he would not even meet them to address their concerns. The NSW bushfires in 2020 (which burned through an unbelievable amount of country for even Australia) were a consequence from him not heeding the warnings by a panel of fire chief experts suggesting they needed better resources to deal with the approaching summer; he ignored them. Then when the fires did happen he pissed off to Hawaii on a holiday, much to the dissatisfaction of Australia. Realising his popularity was slipping he went around to affected communities and tried to forcibly shake the hands of people who really didn't want to, and then made an ad referencing the defence force and making it seem as if he was sending them out to help (our laws prohibit the defence force from being utilised for marketing or political point scoring in any way shape or form).
So, obviously this man was fast becoming our nation's most hated person. Then lo and behold America (apparently) told China they wanted to investigate the Wuhan lab, and it provided a perfect scapegoat for Morrison. We jumped on the "we want an investigation" bandwagon and were hit with a retaliation from China (apparently) that saw extremely high tariffs put on many of our main exports. Obviously the new message that was being fed through the Murdoch and Stokes media campaign was that "China was bad", "China was waging economic war on us". Even our military leaders were going on TV and saying that war with China was inevitable, and we shouldn't think that it will never happen (I watched the vid of the Commander of the special forces telling them to be prepared). Given that Labor had ties to China with their projects, this gave Morrison another target to blame; whilst Melbourne - who is run by a Labor govt - was dealing with the worst outbreak of COVID we had seen yet, all the Liberals cared about was bad mouthing the Premier who was doing his best to get it under control. I honestly hadn't seen so much propaganda being distributed since my time in high school reading about the Nazi's. Every day the Melbourne Premier would be standing in front of a New Audience giving an update on the virus containment and every single day he was being harassed by Murdoch journalists on subjects that had nothing to do with anything. Even from over here in the west, the smeer campaign against him was evident and it was relentless; this poor guy had other Liberal ministers inciting violence against him and implying that people should kill him, all under the guise that he was a Communist sell out that was letting those bastard Chinese ruin our country from the inside out because the One Belt One Road projects he had a hand in.
Luckily, here in the West, our Premier was on point from the very get go; he had borders to the other states closed from the very beginning and given that we are so isolated we enjoyed normality for almost a whole year whilst the world scrambled to get on top of the outbreaks. But oh yeah, we are Labor based, and there was a big mining magnate Liberal friend form Queensland who owned some of our mines, but didn't want to have to be monitored when entering our state, so he tried suing us and our Premier, with the help of his Liberal pals (which would of bankrupted us and made us not even able to pay our police force). Again, when the lawsuit fell through, the Liberals played more of their usual shit and sent an infected boat over to our port without telling anybody, all the while playing the whole China is bad card to take attention away from their monumental fuckups.
I am on a few prepping sites and the common mentality that has made its way into the rest of the groups minds is "how does one prep for an invasion from the Chinese", "when are China going to attack" etc etc. you could actually see how this was being seeded into these people by the bots that were swarming those sites. it is all anyone talks about on them these days.
Anyway, rant over, just thought i'd give you some perspective of the political shitstorm we've got over here, and how its not just America that is about to collapse in on itself, and how we are fed the BS that China is world enemy number one. I am lucky I am in Western Australia where our premier has been exceptionally skilled in dealing with the Liberal BS, whilst juggling the COVID thing. Life over here is pretty much the same as it was before the pandemic, only that you have to wait outside whenever you get a pizza if there is more than two people in there.

congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG
Daegon Magus

sure thing, P.L. I'm absolutely not against regular vaccinations and had all mine for several trips to Africa (although one of them  made me very sick with flu-like symptoms, and a German missionary in Tanzania told me she never had a single shot and had been working there for years, so I won't be taking any more, I figure I've enough resistance at this stage!).

I find it interesting-- to say the least-- that the 'touted as safe' AstraZenica Experimental Inoculation has now been banned in 12 countries and the Pfizer Experimental Inoculation has recently been completely prohibited in Denmark.

Nothing to see here, move on. Stop asking questions you anti-vaxx conspiracy theorists. Ignore what our Departments of Health are saying why dontcha.

Never had a flu-jab, either. I trust my immune system and apart from the very rare touch of flu, usually stomach in my case for some reason, the occasional pack of ciggies and very little alcohol or drugs in my past or present, I think I'm pretty healthy for a 50+ 'er. Swim all year round, too-- sea swimming. Perfect preventative medicine IMHO. The dog comes in with me, too. January to July and on to December. And she's effing approaching 20 YOA!

I won't consent to ANY jab produced for COVID until I'm sure this isn't some kind of dastardly programme to either dumb us down or just kill us off. Protection from COVID? It may very well be that, too. But protection at what cost? And that's NOT something I ever discuss with anyone. There's a lot of disinfo out there too, of course, which is suspicious in itself. But I can tell you for a fact, I go walking with a group of my wife's friends from time to time-- most elderly or retired, and to me every one of them who's been jabbed has lost weight, lost energy and just looks different. Something to do with aura, or energy. Some of them frankly look terrible. And these folks are all relatively healthy and wealthy. Or at least were. Either way, they're gone-- and I'll be reducing contact because they scare me. Not so much because they've consented to an experimental, untested, unlicensed medical procedure without any question whatsoever, but because they were ordered to; and I also know that if the same 'authorities' ordered them to walk one by one off a cliff, they would. And convincing them that would be in their best interests wouldn't be all that hard.

They'd also report me and my wife as 'dissenters' in a New York minute if vaxxes become mandatory. I know it. Might as well be hiding a family of Jews in the basement.

I mean, I just sat beside one of these idiots recently who actually justified the economic damage being done due to COVID in a way that only a non player character with a fat regular pension, nice car, and a mortgage paid off could. (You know, the 'well at least we've more time in the garden' and 'men can walk the dog and spend more time with their children' kinda justifications. Oblivious to the billions now living on credit, in rent arrears and relying on government handouts and rent moratoriums to survive. Now I know why Lenin and Pol Pot targeted the comfortable, liberal classes first. They're the dumbest.)

My politics would be, aahhhh, non-partisan and very asymmetrical, let's just leave it at that. I just watch, listen and reflect. On everything. And keep a verrry low profile because I don't like what I see coming socio-politically to the West. Especially the Muppetlands who do as they're told.

I've also heard about a 2-5 year window through which we'll witness many, many deaths resulting from either the vaccines or future releases of bioweaponry on the citizenry. But cannot confirm this either way much to my frustration. And I've been trying. A sentience sorting event-- to my mind at least-- could very well utilise this kind of approach. Rather than an environmentally destructive global war which Arl and companions don't seem to be too keen on. Or won't permit. America? Maybe. The Karmic debt has surely become due, unfortunately. Europe too, it seems.

But we're in shady territory there, I know. Even Mr Man doesn't have insight yet into this aspect.

And why the rush to vaccinate everybody at great profit (of course) to the companies when another completely different pathogen could be incoming as Gordon Duff has opined? We'd all be still vulnerable to that right? Vaxxed or not. For all we know it could be fucking Ebola on the way. Sarin gas is being used to amplify deaths where and when required, I know that and have seen proof. NYCity and Spain/Italy/Iran, too.

So what the fuck is going on, really.

So many unanswered questions, I'll just stick to Metallicman's and a verrry few others' (fortified by my own not inconsiderable experience and training regarding How The World Really Works) hypotheses and my own intention campaigns in the meantime. I think the next few years are gonna be quite the show!

Stay safe out there, y'all.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

you see it, P.L. You have the insight. Most folks don't. Can't. Or won't.

And that's the 92 or 3 percentile you're talking. FEMA has studied this phenomenon in GREAT detail. Simply put, most folks will do nothing other than what they're told; and until they're told.

That's a scary statistic. But the result of very careful planning and indoctrination over the Ages toward just that End. Even Plato wrote about the Non Player Characters who needed direction for every aspect of their lives.

Who knows, maybe it's easier to be one of them. Sure seems like it is sometimes.

Big decisions? Nahhh.

Reason and logical thought, huh? Nnnnnope.

Think for myself, ya say? I dont think sooo.

.....whatever's comin, it's gonna be big. And well overdue.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

It is. I’m noticing more people “acting” awake. For example, a few years back I started actively counting how many people were on their cell phones (head down) versus the total count of heads in random areas of airports and hospitals-just because I frequented both and both are two vulnerable places. So I actually keep tally. I’d write down the numbers and keep them in a notebook. I admit it, I am a strange guy. I don’t know why I do this shit but I do. So one of the things I noticed - more people have their heads on a swivel than ever before. Now the counts obviously slowed during covid but at least it’s not a 1 in 30 ratio (my top number in LAX on the TSA line for the redeye flights back east (the midnight flights-airborne for 5 hours and get in at 8am) but it was 1 in 30.
The more alert the better.

congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG


Thank you for that lesson on Australian civics! As American media is so self centered I had no clue how your system was set up or who the players are. We know more about Britney Spears legal problems then we do about your politics. How disgusting is that. At least you brought your perspective to me and I appreciate it!

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@pissedlizard no problem mate. Yes it is beyond abhorrent....oh and I forgot to mention that Morrison has been caught lying in regards to knowing about the rape allegations until they surfaced a few months ago. Evidence suggests he and his office knew about them at least 2 years ago when they first happened and was involved in their cover up. It isn't all bad though, people in WA are so pissed off with their antics that we practically annihilated them from our politics last voting day; they went from holding a hundred and something seats to just 2, meaning they are no longer considered a properly established party :).

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG
Daegon Magus

I like Australia, and meat pies, and the Aussie lifestyle. And Christmas in Sydney is really nice. But I am scratching my head what is going on with the government. I mean, you have beautiful Brisbane, and the best wines in the world, but your government wants to destroy everything so that America is "great again". What is the malfunction? Why not take care of Australians first? Then, worry about America?

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

@congjing yu, honestly I think it is mainly a case of "lets swindle as much money from everyone as we possibly can". All these guys are long term friends and look out for each other and each others multi million dollar businesses. You know, when it comes parliament time and a Labor politician is speaking, all the opposing Liberal politician has to say is "I move to  to not hear from the speaker again" and that's it; that person is silenced and don't get to have their say in anything (there was a video where many members were recorded doing this); it is pure schoolyard bullying tactics and it works for them because they are all connected. The PM and his senior members even sit on their phones with their backs turned whenever a Labor politician (particularly a female one) starts talking. Even prior PMs and Liberal politicians are disgusted by the blatant disrespect and contempt they show for anyone who isn't a Liberal.
I suppose the one good thing is that Morrison seems to have backed down with his war talks in the recent days.  i posted a couple of links but i don't think they went through; 4 months ago it was all about general Molan telling the spec forces to prepare for war with China, now the latest is "Morrison doesn't want a cold war with China". This guy backtracks every 5 minutes its hard to actually wtf he is thinking.

In regards to our wine, we have a beautiful region down south here in WA we frequent about 3 times a year that is essentially wine valley after wine valley nestled above a giant cavern system that stretches for a good 50 kilometres; there are about 6 access points along the road to various parts of the caves. You may have heard of this place as it has become quite famous for its surfing beaches; Margaret River. Can't speak for Brisbane or Sydney as I haven't been East yet (it is easier, cheaper and quicker to fly to Bali, Indonesia than to go to that way)


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Daegon Magus

I've never been to Western Australia, but I have been to the East. As I said I really like it, in many ways. And I am truly awfully fond of the meat pies, the giganormous prawns, the long manes of hair on some of the girls, and the "feeling" of the place.

I do not know too much of WA, I have some friends from Perth. They say it's "really nice", but that tells me nothing. For some strange reason I associate it with shipping terminals and large piles of cargo containers. But these are all my ignorant impressions.

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