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@ congjing yu

I wonder if you saw an image of  the port of Fremantle and that's why you associate it with shipping containers. Being our main port, it certainly has an area which is nothing but large piles of shipping containers, but this is just small blip on a massive landmass (you can drive for a week from the city of Perth heading up north and you'll still be in WA). The town of Fremantle itself is nice; it is houses the first established building in WA - Fremantle Prison  - and I find it quite refreshing to walk amongst all the historical buildings on the weekend in search of cake, coffee and books.
I think a lot of foreigners consider WA to be nothing but barren desert (which is true for a good portion of it), but there is still a great deal of it that varies greatly from this mentality; for example down south it is lush and green and has an incredible karri forest with untouched massive trees that you can walk 40m to the top of on a platform they built between them (Walpole national park).
As for the city, it lies on the cusp of a wall of hills that stretch for a hundred or so kms southwards, and it is fairly "bushy" for this whole area. I live about 50km from the city on the other side of these hills in what is regarded as semi rural; its nice and green here with a few farms and valleys etc (check out avon valley if you get a chance). It has some really nice spots, but they take a damn long time to get to if you live near the city.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Daegon Magus
Quote from daegonmagus on July 11, 2021, 9:38 pm

I have a few "problems" with this 'view'. As a back ground I started Political Science in 1974 at ANU Canberra. I ran for Pre-selection against the guy who became Deputy PM under Howard. John (the Village idiot) Anderson. I helped the guys dump wheat on parliment house back in '86. I hold the record for the most "extensions to speech" (GMO related) at the Farmers Federation. So take on board please.

"The Labor party are more aligned with implementing policies that genuinely provide some sort of benefit to the community"; Squawk and Cheating SOLD or rather gave away all our manufacturing to china in the '80's The heavy industry was sold under the Button Steel Plan. So we closed down Port Kembla, Newcastle steel works and kept open Whyalla so we could make Submarines. But that too is about to go. Disarmament generally for OZ. So today literally a million jobs were lost. No cotton manufacturing, no batteries, tyres, boots, cars, gearboxes , NO STEEL, you name it GONE. This really is a benefit to the community?

Yes its true, voters have short memories and some no memory at all. The COMMUNIST Rhodes Scholar trained at the London school of Economics Squawk successfully took OZ to a Banana republic just like Cheating promised.

Bit they did give us what again?

"our medicare system - which gives us free health care -  was courtesy of them,"

We have the BEST SICKNESS Care system money can steal. Thanks to International Treaties, we align ourselves with FDA rules governing Toxic Chemicals that can be Mandated and made Mandatory by withholding services if you dont stick a needle in your kids up to 40 times before adulthood giving rise to ALL the Alphabet diseases known to Free Health and Sickness Care Kind. But apparently its a conspiracy to talk about this.

They have also provided an insurance scheme that people with disabilities can access that gives them money for services that would otherwise just be too damn expensive; for example our son has Autism 

Some where in the 1990's I figured out it was the SCIENCE that our experts trust so much thats the problem. So I gave to the World the  marketed in OZ at  (this is the old company I started) Some 25,000 units have been sold since 1997 and over a million people have experienced Healing in the Electric Universe. What we found (or what we set out to prove) is Magnetic Fields Detox or INERT toxins in the body causing Dis-ease. Autism is cause by heavy metals in VAXX. Many people know this. Many Drs (up to 80 or more) have been KILLED for getting this info to the public. We have many cases where the child, unable to speak, eat, or do much of anything but sit on the floor and scream were 100% reversed to Normal after 3 months of treatments. (only works up to the age of 7. after 14 it has no effect anymore)

So they create an INDUSTRY that 'Monetarily benefits' aussies after they poison them. Where can I sign up? Recently I got Leptospirosis, from a rat during the Mouse plague. Did I go to the Doctors? No I went to my medicine cabinet and took out the antibiotics I bought from India at the start of the Scamdemic. The FREE Market... or what you call 'capitalism' died a long time ago. I imported a lot of things in the early months of 2020 knowing its "over". To place your Health Security in the hands of others is to INVITE sickness. Period. If we lived in a CAPITALIST Health Care system, where the Best Cure Wins the Patients hearts, Disease would be eliminated. But we dont. We live in a Socialist Medicine system where Bribes effect Clearance of new potions. You only need to look at the Covid Bio Weaponry VAXX and its side effects to realize this.

The Liberals, on the other hand, are very capitalist oriented; Without "capital" there is no 'employment' for those with no skills. Unless you want everyone suckling the govt teat, which is the New Normal. This 'socialist' doctrine of cancelling every other CULT including capitalism, has reached every corner of indoctrination. Here is not the place to give you the ANTI London School of Economics lessons that you need to make informed decisions. What was once referred to as Free Enterprise is now Capitalism. First you Denigrate that which you wish to destroy... its a Communist manifesto rule. Ask Assad, Sadam or Ghadffi.

Prior to 2001 there were 6 countries without a Rothschilds Central bank using FED notes being enforced by the Pentagoons. they were Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Nth Korea and the Sudan... Where are the wars?

They have been tearing Medicare to pieces and  even the disability insurance scheme I mentioned solely because of a religious fanatic bias that Scott Morrison has towards Australia's citizens; his pentecostal beliefs are that those who are rich have been bestowed such riches because of god and those that are poor deserve it. This has seen him populate his cabinet with many members of his Hillsong mega church, who have a similar philosophy (something like 13 out of 20 of his cabinet are friends that attend his church).

The "religious fanatic"   you refer to, is one of the Heads of the Satanic Ritual Abuse Baby Blood Adrenochrome Sucking Cults that inhabit all levels of Society in Australia. We are even MORE satanically ruled than USA. Hillsong is a recruiting ground and heavily infested with Satan worshipers.

You can read all about it here....

I recently read on 4chan that Ita Buttrose procured young girls for Kerry Packer to rape.  Ivan Milat picked up many hitch hikers for Kerry to rape and kill. Kerry used to own lots of TV and Newspapers back then. You can read what Fiona says about him and Ivan actually stopped Fiona from committing suicide she knew him so well. Milat was the 'fall guy' so the murders would no longer be investigated.

The Liberals (conservatives) and the Labour (radicals) all attend the same satanic services (orgies) and if you think there's a difference, I have a opera house for sale you need.

In fact, in the 4 years since Scott Morrison has been Prime Minister, the Liberal party have demonstrated themselves to be one of the most corrupt political parties in the world - certainly the most corrupt Australia has ever had to deal with; t

Its only luck that Liberals can been seen as that, if Labor was 'in' they would hold that crown if the Media actually reported whats going on. You might like how Fiona was present when Whitlam and Kerr were bum fucking each other in front of her.... Page 436

"Salter: ‘When you say something that contradicts history, you lose credibility. When
you say Whitlam and Kerr, who were arch enemies, were in a homosexual relationship, you
lose credibility.’
Me: ‘Firstly, a mainstream journalist wrote an article saying exactly that.’
Salter: ‘A dodgy journalist.’
Me: ‘Secondly, I witnessed them having sex at a pedophile orgy at Parliament House,

whilst Melbourne - who is run by a Labor govt - was dealing with the worst outbreak of COVID we had seen yet,

Where is the seasonal Flu? Did Corona beer cure it? Apparently (4chan) all Contract Tracers are being Hired exclusively from the ranks of the Islamic Community. W.H.O. is controlled by Islamic Terrorists. Saudi crown pin Head has spent 7 Billion, Rothschild spent 4 billion and Soros 1 Billion destroying Western Christian Culture to Install Islam. Just WHO is paying up to $150,000 per Covid death Certificates? And so far so good. Melbourne is at the Centre of it all. The Q'ld Health Care System made it de-registerable offense to prescribe anything for Covid. No HCQ no Ivamectin NO NOTHING,.,,, some free health care system we have eh?,

I would go so far as to say, your WA Premier is Part of the Problem. But I think I've preached enough and youse all 'no, no one likes a Preacher on a soapbox.

The World is so not as it seems as Channel 9 or 7 say it is.

Its time for an UPWISING


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@ Merlynn. First of all I was born in 1990 so before that that I can't comment on, and a lot of your text is laden with references I don't understand, are you able to convey these more clearly as it becomes hard to understand the point you are making?
Also do you currently live in Australia and are you on Indue's cashless debit card or do you know anyone that is, as I am all for hearing from some first hand experience of how it does or doesn't affect someone's life? I can only go on what I know, and i know that I would rather vote Labor, as being a full time carer my literal survival depends on their policies; never in the history of a Labor govt has the disability and carers pensions not undergone a review, meaning it has risen with inflation; that was until Morrison.

Generally when someone starts talking about Satanism I zone out unless they provide links to all the things they are alleging, as I personally know a few Levayan Satanists and others and they are genuinely good people (its like all religions, Catholics aren't all pedophiles but there are some who are - also Satanism is one of the only religions I can find that expressly forbids pedophilia in their holy book, like actually points it out a going against their beliefs and stating that any member found engaging it will be met with immediate expulsion; just like you mentioned about channel 7 and 9 - its not the big thing hollywood has made it out to be, and last time I checked there were much more Catholic and Christian churches in the neighborhood than there were satanic ones - given that you seem to be implying that Christianity is superior to all other religions); that's not saying there aren't any that engage in the activities you mentioned, but i'm sure you will find these in all forms of religion. Again when one lumps them all into one basket it becomes kind of hard to take their "credibility" seriously. Have you yourself actually witnessed such "satanism" taking place, or do you mind posting links as to where you get your information on this from so I can make an objective decision on it? Perhaps you can point out which particular branch of Satanism is the one to look out for?

Onto capitilism there is a big difference between creating jobs and tailoring policies to specifically give mega corporations an upperhand; Harvey Norman is one example of how a multi million dollar corporation can apply for "job keeper" entitlements (meant for people who actually lost their jobs due to COVID 19) totalling the millions and then just "decide" not to pay them back; if the average person did this they would have the Australian Tax Office onto them within a week and the Federal police throwing them in jail within the fortnight. Then there is the endless attacks on unions by the Liberals so that wages get ever the lower as do workers entitlements.

I don't actually watch any news, because of a similar philosophy to MM; I think it is all a load of bullshit aimed at serving someone elses agenda, and while I admit I don't necessarily know what that agenda is, and that I am not an expert on the subject of politics, my perspective comes from speaking to my community as a whole, that includes from members of all religions and faiths no matter what stereotypical brush they have been painted with, and it is fairly evident that never in my 31 year history have the people been as pissed with a Prime Minister as they are with Scott Morrison and his lack of taking responsibility for, well pretty much anything. Hence why I said it was my two cents.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Daegon Magus
Quote from daegonmagus on July 14, 2021, 3:11 pm

@ Merlynn. First of all I was born in 1990 so before that that I can't comment on, and a lot of your text is laden with references I don't understand, are you able to convey these more clearly as it becomes hard to understand the point you are making?

HISTORY IS TAUGHT SO THE SAME MISTAKES ARE NOT REPEATED. Your history lessons are either non existent or controlled by your internet connection. You will do well to read as much of this site as you can to Upwise yourself. The disintegration of modern western society is an ongoing PLAN. It has been done many times in the past. Some say 106 times the Money Changers have been kicked out of countries.

Also do you currently live in Australia

I am a Farmer in NSW and came to OZ in 1963. I also invent with Heavenly Science. Being a Cherokee Shaman with Heavenly Tech allows for specializing in Curing the Incurables, Autism is a good place to start. Do you have any Questions?

and are you on Indue's cashless debit card or do you know anyone that is, as I am all for hearing from some first hand experience of how it does or doesn't affect someone's life? I can only go on what I know, and i know that I would rather vote Labor, as being a full time carer my literal survival depends on their policies; never in the history of a Labor govt has the disability and carers pensions not undergone a review, meaning it has risen with inflation; that was until Morrison.

The Jewish influence on the Federal Reserve Board Banking Monopoly throughout most of the world, has printed astronomical amounts of money to influence and control our every aspect of out Being. Looks like they got you hook, line and sinker.

Generally when someone starts talking about Satanism I zone out

I should ZONE OUT from the rest of your missive as you clearly did NOT read the pdf link about the near complete total control of the SATANIC Baby Blood sucking Adrenochrome CULT that rules Australian Politics and has since the FED was established in 1913. Couple of books here, None Dare Call It Conspiracy. I read this while still in high School in 1972. and The money Trick.

unless they provide links to all the things they are alleging,

I DID...    Please do not respond until you have informed yourself as to what Religion actually rules Australian Politics.

as I personally know a few Levayan Satanists and others and they are genuinely good people. MM would censor me if I told you what I really thought about that statement. Suffice to say...  Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole of The Law, is not conducive to good civilizations.

Satans best 'trick' is to convince you he doesnt exist.  Dont fall for it anymore.

(its like all religions, Catholics aren't all pedophiles but there are some who are - also Satanism is one of the only religions I can find that expressly forbids pedophilia in their holy book, like actually points it out a going against their beliefs and stating that any member found engaging it will be met with immediate expulsion; just like you mentioned about channel 7 and 9 - its not the big thing hollywood has made it out to be, and last time I checked there were much more Catholic and Christian churches in the neighborhood than there were satanic ones - given that you seem to be implying that Christianity is superior to all other religions); that's not saying there aren't any that engage in the activities you mentioned, but i'm sure you will find these in all forms of religion. Again when one lumps them all into one basket it becomes kind of hard to take their "credibility" seriously. Have you yourself actually witnessed such "satanism" taking place, or do you mind posting links as to where you get your information on this from so I can make an objective decision on it? Perhaps you can point out which particular branch of Satanism is the one to look out for?

Satan has many faces.  "Satan" is anything that is not GOOD or from GOD. Simple definition really. Until you turn it into a religion. The real definition of Religion is only THE RULES YOU LIVE BY. Belief in some Deity is OPTIONAL. Christians place an IDEA as their Most High Ruler. Satanists place some MAN as their Most High Ruler. When these men who rule Australia and each country has their own church of satan, fail to FIRST DO NO HARM, then they are Satanic. Old Druid saying. Cancelling your Job and controlling even Body Language with a face diaper is DOING HARM. 

Onto capitilism there is a big difference between creating jobs and tailoring policies to specifically give mega corporations an upperhand;

Thats not Capitalism... Thats Standard Mafia Tactics. The World has been ruled by MAFIA FAMILIES  masquerading as Kings and Presidents since forever. You have been brainwashed and indoctrinated as to what "capitalism" is by those who wish to OWN the Earth by becoming the ruling Families. First you DENIGRATE Capitalism before you wish to destroy it in a Take Over Coup as a Revolution. You are living in this nitemare. Please wake up. Capitalism is the Right to Keep the Fruits of one's Own Labors. To make a Profit and Keep it. We DO NOT have that anymore and it ended with the creation of the FED and Taxes. There's a small book called The Story of the Commonwealth Bank. Tells you how a Texan started the Bank for the New Federal Govt back in 1906 (I think) and following all the Laws introduced to place it under control of London ending our Sovereignty by 1933 GIVING us the "Depression we had to have" said Keating about a similar event to sell, OZ out to CORPORATIONS. And you see this SAME Tactic as... "Tailoring Policies to give Corporations the upper hand". Its why stable societies elect Elders of the Tribe to govern. Youth just do NOT have the background experience to recognize Satan is BACK.

Harvey Norman is one example of how a multi million dollar corporation can apply for "job keeper" entitlements (meant for people who actually lost their jobs due to COVID 19) totalling the millions and then just "decide" not to pay them back; if the average person did this they would have the Australian Tax Office onto them within a week and the Federal police throwing them in jail within the fortnight. Then there is the endless attacks on unions by the Liberals so that wages get ever the lower as do workers entitlements.

All you say is but a symptom of a sick society. And more Symptom Medicine is what you ask for. The Earth does NOT owe you a living. We cant continue to dig up Coal and Iron to feed those who wont EDUCATE themselves after we spent 12 years giving you the tools, like reading and writing, to do so. But you think this Keeper system is great for the Sheeple after they got you FIRED from your job on some scamdemic. Amazing logic there. What you dont see is... Your Job was Cancelled along with your CULTURE. No more Meat pies, kangaroos or holden cars matey. All done by Jewish money and Islamic Policies.

Again all this is the end product of satanic policies. Perhaps you should read Marx's Communist Manifesto. After you read it, you may wish to change it to The Labor Parties Manifesto.

I don't actually watch any news, because of a similar philosophy to MM; I think it is all a load of bullshit aimed at serving someone elses agenda,

YOU ARE LIVING SOME ONE ELSE'S AGENDA. You are NOT in control of ANYTHING. You are not even allowed to end it by Euthanasia. The answer all throughout history is and has been, Educate Yourself.

and while I admit I don't necessarily know what that agenda is, and that I am not an expert on the subject of politics, my perspective comes from speaking to my community as a whole, that includes from members of all religions and faiths

We Live in the Age of the Kali Yunga. You could also start there and see where we have been and where we are going based upon Hindu Texts mentioned in The Alien Interview. Your community is as 3rd Eye blind as you are.... In my humble opinion. Or as they Say... Travel broadens the Mind. You need to get out more. Oh Wait... broadening your horizons has been cancelled. Dont rely on the Nat Geo channel as Satanic Pedo Disney bought that too. Did you know the LEMMINGS Committing Suicide on Mass is a Disney fabrication to test the effectiveness of TV brainwashing sheeple? He was amazed at it effectiveness.

no matter what stereotypical brush they have been painted with, and it is fairly evident that never in my 31 year history have the people been as pissed with a Prime Minister as they are with Scott Morrison and his lack of taking responsibility for, well pretty much anything. Hence why I said it was my two cents.

The SHEEPLE always blame their leaders. Your Mob of friends may all vote Labor Yes?

READ THE pdf....

When Labor "GETS IN" you will have just another lot of  Satanic Baby Ritual Abusers who do not care for ordinary people. You need to understand and read about this rather than voting yourself more money as a Service to Self person would do.

MM may appreciate the fact that Fiona was a type of Special Ops or Program to take children and Ritually sexually ABUSE them into mind programmed robots of various types. The Programming does break down and whistle blowers emerge... LIKE Brittany Spears and Fiona.

At the tender young age of 31 with little higher education, ALL that you know is on the TV whether you digest it first or second hand over coffee with your friends in the community. Humans DO NOT think for themselves. You only get out of a human what you put in them. and THEY KNOW THIS.

If you want a Rabbit Hole to go down .... research Tavistock Institute. Its basically where every LAW passed in Australia came from regardless of which "party".  We have only ONE Party in OZ, but it has two factions. Radicals and conservatives. You prefer radical giveaway policies. it would seem.

I have tried to write this as an UPLIFTING discourse. It aint easy coming to grips with the knowledge that all you know is a LIE. Read the pdf.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

All this is a great discourse. And MerLynn is following the guidelines properly.

Sure there are really evil and bad things in the world. Let's not get bogged down in their sludge. It's a "tar baby".

Instead let's try to be uplifting and positive and present our observations, knowledge, experiences and understandings to others so that they can benefit. We all come from different backgrounds, socially, culturally and in every other way. So let's try to be focused as much as possible to present to the widest audience as possible.

I think all of you are doing this now. But I just want to thank both of you for understanding the guidelines here.

Quote from daegonmagus on July 14, 2021, 7:49 am

@ congjing yu

I wonder if you saw an image of  the port of Fremantle and that's why you associate it with shipping containers. Being our main port, it certainly has an area which is nothing but large piles of shipping containers, but this is just small blip on a massive landmass (you can drive for a week from the city of Perth heading up north and you'll still be in WA). The town of Fremantle itself is nice; it is houses the first established building in WA - Fremantle Prison  - and I find it quite refreshing to walk amongst all the historical buildings on the weekend in search of cake, coffee and books.
I think a lot of foreigners consider WA to be nothing but barren desert (which is true for a good portion of it), but there is still a great deal of it that varies greatly from this mentality; for example down south it is lush and green and has an incredible karri forest with untouched massive trees that you can walk 40m to the top of on a platform they built between them (Walpole national park).
As for the city, it lies on the cusp of a wall of hills that stretch for a hundred or so kms southwards, and it is fairly "bushy" for this whole area. I live about 50km from the city on the other side of these hills in what is regarded as semi rural; its nice and green here with a few farms and valleys etc (check out avon valley if you get a chance). It has some really nice spots, but they take a damn long time to get to if you live near the city.

Yup. I think that you have got it. I will tell you that you have absolutely inspired me to visit the Western Australia coast. You know I do love the NSW area, and have been wanting to go to Brisbane for the longest time, but there's something...

...maybe it's the way you described it...

...something that evokes a deep recessed calm memory of a good time that I had in California that seems to evoke the same feelings that seems to be present in Western Australia. I hope you get my drift. And now I do think that it is on my to-do list. Thank you for that!

pissedlizard and daegonmagus have reacted to this post.

If you do get to NSW, its in Lismore that the Wizard of Oz lives and I would love to take you to meet Joe. He has this ability to read your life like a movie in a matter of seconds upon meeting people and he can also, if its in your interests, to tell you how far through you are in it. His viewing your life's events would make for some lively conversations. Could we video it?

Ive been doing some thinking about them other world lines you slid into. The following is my opinion only. The Universe is a Structured Matrix of pure Energy. It can be controlled and altered by very powerful Minds or a group of Minds. He loved Star Trek and the Holodeck is something he would like to make reality and probably already has and you've been to it. The Universe is a Holodeck and was 'built' by a group of minds or the Guardians as he calls his 'species'. I actually wrote a discourse on this the other day but it all got redacted on me. It kinda contravenes privacy by publicly identifying their Human Body forms. But if you give me your private email, I can put you in contact with the only 'entity' I know who has the ability to create 'mini worlds' in conjunction with our physical. He might entertain your questions. He lives in Toowoomba Q'ld.

or to say it another way.....

do you want god's email addy?

He and I no longer see Eye to Eye and the same can be said for between him and Marcy, She also had a falling out with god but you gotta understand 'god' isnt what you think they are. Everybody falls out of his favor!!! But its HOW you fall that determines what position you get the next life time your souls cross paths. It would be better I tell you nothing about god science if you wish to discourse with him. Suffice to say... he's been 'marooned' here for 32,000 years and nothing has happened on the planet without his oversight. The Marooning story was redacted too.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

@Merlynn yes I agree with you in many of the points of your reply, and a lot of - particularly the really evil parts I have read about, from various sources but it seems that those sources could hardly be seen as trust worthy or worth taking seriously for whatever saying that though I have started on that pdf you linked and it does give some greater insight. thankyou for broadening my knowledge base in these areas.

Whilst admittedly I might be naïve in some areas, I am awakened in others much more than others in my social circle. I will ponder what you have presented me over one of those coffees you mentioned.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
Daegon Magus

We are all learning. No need to apologize.

“Whilst admittedly I might be naïve in some areas, I am awakened in others much more than others in my social circle”

You and me both. It makes no difference about your age - I am almost twice yours and learn a lot from your posts. I am BRAND new to all this.

But that’s why we are ALL here right? To learn and help others before the event? It’s coming and I am pretty certain you feel it in the air.

We will all make it. You and me may be wiped off the face of the earth because we are in the wrong place at the wrong time, but you know - if you really hear what MM is saying - and you must, right? You are here contributing - but you know this is just a stop on a long trip that seems to be one giant never ending circle. Birth - life - death on this planet, prison or not. But in the end we WILL make it. In this form or another.

There are no coincidences. Answer this to yourself - not out loud - but how did you come across MM? Specifically how did you end up there?

SOMETHING got you there.
SOMETHING is bringing people together that are on the same page - a page that Western society rejects. Even if it’s a therapeutic stop at his site - it’s not an ordinary place.

Just keep contributing, bud. I, personally WANT to hear what you have to say.

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congjing yu
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