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Meditation- to any one who tried and failed..

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Hi @goldleaf. Thanks for this, it sounds like something I need to do, however I'm quite new here and to meditation and don't feel confident to be able to remember all of this. Are you able to recommend any guided meditations that I can listen to to get started? I know there are a ton out there but I don't know what half of them do or why.

Any recommendations or help would be appreciated.


Quote from congjing yu on December 7, 2021, 11:20 am


Quote from linda on January 14, 2022, 6:21 am

Hi @goldleaf. Thanks for this, it sounds like something I need to do, however I'm quite new here and to meditation and don't feel confident to be able to remember all of this. Are you able to recommend any guided meditations that I can listen to to get started? I know there are a ton out there but I don't know what half of them do or why.

Any recommendations or help would be appreciated.




@linda I hope you're in a country that can access YouTube 🙂

The guided meditation I go back to all the time is this one: -- I like that it combines EFT tapping and heart coherence with the meditation.

I also like some of the free hemi sync meditations from the Munroe Institute. You'll need to listen to these with headphones to get the full experience.

Full catalog:

My two favorites: &

Hopefully one of those works out for you.

@azark They are all in English. I don't know any in French, sorry.

@Gold leaf, thank you that is very kind but don't worry, I am consciously experimenting but I don't want to open too much it could be out of my control. Seeing beauty everywhere and feeling, I am also vigilant in case I have to change the mode always in accordance with from the beginning.

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