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Meditation- to any one who tried and failed..

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You got a LOT further than me starting out!

These audio files help me ALL the time if you haven’t seen them in MMs site:

Gateway Techniques (Hemi-Sync & FFR)

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congjing yuGoldleaf

@pissedlizard So glad you reminded me to try this. I've been stubborn about sitting on the ground directly because it is so much more convenient to meditate indoors on a pillow. Tomorrow I'll give it a shot.

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congjing yukeff

I came across this spindrift audio which apparently is a new hemisync technology called “Monroe Audio Support"

Does anyone know about this?



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congjing yupissedlizardkeff

I am cranking them all out as fast as I can. I just am releasing a second Hemi-sync post today. This one is a five-day self-hypnosis program. It's called Positively Ageless.

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@fifth-eschaton - Sitting butt on ground did it for me. And I just didn’t want to get attacked by fire ants that run the show here in sunny Florida. It also limbered me up a bit - my joints were popping and creaking, now not a problem.

I also put my back up against a tree. I have REAL bad posture since I was a kid so having my back straight helps visualize that “ray” of light going up me.

I hope this helps!



Thank you!!!


@pissedlizard Thanks for the link. Time to read that area of MM more in depth. I feel like I've barely scratched the surface of this blog 🙂


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Sitting butt on ground did it for me.

Thanks, I must try that and see if it works better. It would be an excuse to go to the beach today, LOL.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

I've been continuing my meditation experiment twice a day, morning and night. I like it - so many benefits. Pretty sure this is no longer an experiment and is what I'm going to do going forward for a long time to come, possibly rest of my life 🙂  I even talked my husband into trying it and... he wants to try again!

I'm going to give the hemi sync a try this weekend. If no one minds I'll keep reporting back.

I also have not tried meditating in nature and plan to at some point. The time isn't right yet.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


Yes, sitting on the ground definitely does help I think. So did the Hemi Sync MM uploaded.  This time I felt physical sensations something happening to the chakras one at the time. From base to crown, then back down again. I don't think it was my imagination...or at least I hope not, LOL

Anyways here is a pic I took at the beach facing southeast. You can see the ships at a resting anchor off Singapore. Beyond the ships are the South China Sea on the left and the Indonesian island of Batam on the right (out of frame). It was about 93F/33C, but the strong breeze made everything pleasant.

Thank you PL, for inspiring me.

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