How the Mantids map out a pre-birth world-line template for a reincarnated entity

This article describes the mechanism of how the Mantids help establish a pre-birth world-line template for discarnate humans. Now, there is a whole lot that is too detailed than needs to be discussed at this time, and much that is too odd, or advanced. So you all can consider this to be an introductory article. One that describes how angels (guardian angels), also known as Mantids, work with other discarnate humans to establish their life path as a human on earth.

And while we are at it, please also note that there are many ways that we can illustrate this activity, but in this case we will continue with the notion of a flat topographical template that the soul deposits a consciousness upon when the entity is born.


People; humans are born, and then they die. Upon their death, they review their life “lessons” and then are injected back to the earth. This is referred to as reincarnation.

This article discusses the review of the lessons of life.

But rather than concentrate on the event (you stand in front of a group of elders, etc. etc.) we will discuss the mechanism of what is going on and why.

As in all cases, let it be understood that Mantids = Angels. And Angels = Mantids. These are just terms we use to describe a species that we interact with. Nothing more.

Alien Interview

A document, tangential to MAJestic (as it pre-dates it) is known as the “Alien Interview”. As a retired MAJestic operator, I can vouch that it is authentic.

In the document, the extraterrestrial stated that elements of the “Old Empire” was responsible for setting up the system that erased memory and injected consciousness back to the earth to start all over again. At this point in time, I cannot confirm or deny that the Mantids are members of the “Old Empire”.

All that I know is they do seem to be able to coexist. So we will refrain from discussing this issue in this article.


The procedure of life review is universally understood in just about every religion and culture. Essentially, when you die, your spirit is “judged” and the lessons you have learned or failed to learn “set the table” for your next reincarnation.

Dr. Newton goes into this procedure quite extensively in his books. The books are freely available on my Heaven Index HERE.

There are numerous aspects to this event, and they do differ and vary from situation to situation. However, the common thread and the most stable unity between all the experiences is that [1] a person must experience events and situations during their life. And [2] they are judged on how they handle those events. The judgement then [3] will “map out” the structure of their next life on the earth.

But, how can you  establish which life to inject into?

This is a complicated issue.

And that is the role of the Mantids. As I understand it, our souls, or consciousness can decide NOT to be re-injected into the Earth physical sphere.  As such we can go elsewhere, and off doing our own things. However, for reasons that I am not able to vocalize, most humans tend to “follow the program” and listen to the advice of the Mantids, and other teachers and discarnate entities that direct them. And that means learn the lessons. Correct mistakes, obtain experiences, and then keep on growing and moving “forward”.

According to the type-1 greys, this entire system is a trap (of sorts). And I have not been able to sort out the details (at this time) personally.

In general, the basic idea is that the soul (which creates the consciousness) has specific needs or requirements that must be obtained. The obtainment of these items requires the entanglement of quanta. And the best way to entangle quanta is through life experiences on the earth.

As I understand it, the items that an individual soul needs to have entangled are mapped out on the pre-birth world-line template.

And the person, the consciousness, obtains experiences (set specific events) upon the pre-mapped out template.

Once the life is completed, the person dies, and the “quality” of the entanglements (obtained though living though the events) are measured.

Then, it is determined [1] if the events need to be replicated and done over, [2] new events can be added, and / or [3] subsequent events can be added to the template to counteract the bad entanglements that has developed.

Being a Rufus can compensate for shitty decisions

Aside from being the pinnacle of human spirit, a Rufus can compensate for the mistakes done in the past.

By showing compassion, help, support, and aid to others (whether in need or not) you create positive associations. And if you have a past that has some very bad decisions and bad entanglement, the good works will create enough positive entanglements to offset the negative.

The consciousness travels though hundreds of thousands, if not millions of world-lines. What the conscious has experienced cannot be undone. But the consciousness can alter the overall life “performance” by injecting good actions, compassion, understanding and positive quanta into the environment. Indeed this is a major subject area that I have yet to cover. However, everyone has the power to unravel the influence of the bad mistakes and errors that they have made in the past.


Be the Rufus in everything you do. Maybe you might mess up your objectives as determined on your pre-birth world-line template, but you will be “well ahead of the game” and will exist this life with great advantage. A kind of power and understanding that you had no previous awareness of.

Figuring out the exact world-line cluster to inject to

The Mantids will look at the objectives of the soul, and will present an array of “situations” to the consciousness to experience.

  • Some will be to undo mistakes in previous incarnations.
  • Some will be to obtain new associations and new entanglements.
  • Some will be to build upon other previous, or half-completed associations or entanglements.

Then the consciousness with work with the Mantids, along with other discarnate human associates, to “map out” an array of “life experiences” that the human being must experience. This will be a “fated life” that the consciousness will live. It will be the pre-birth world-line template which is is the default map template that the conscious will follow when it is re-injected into the earth sphere.

There are many world-line clusters, and thus the first key point is to determine which cluster might offer the best mix of these kind of experiences for the consciousness to experience.

Clusters of similar world-lines differ from each other substantially. One might have the United States run by President Biden, while another cluster might have the Republic of America run by Banana McDuff.

And thus, once, a cluster is determined, then the next step is to determine which is the most likely world-line injection point within the cluster.

Figuring out the exactly entry point for injection

Once the cluster is determined, there is a near infinite number of world-lines within it. And they will all be quite similar. Yet, this task will pick a fated-life-path for the consciousness to experience. Sure, you can deviate from it, but it will be set up so that it is difficult and uncomfortable to do so.

At this point in time, there is a great deal of interaction between the consciousness that will experience the fated-life and the Mantids / discarnate entities that help map out this pre-birth world-line template. And I am sure that the path that will be mapped out will be to the mutual agreement of all involved.

And upon this map will be the good and the bad events. The entire future life for that consciousness will be mapped out.

But, you know, all the other “actors” or people / things will be “shadow people” that the consciousness interacts with. Most of the time, on a given world-line the consciousness might be the most active and vibrant quanta in the particular world-line.


It gets “tricky”…

Many times we aren’t alone…

We build up associations with other consciousnesses that (for good or for bad) want to associate with us. Like previous lovers, family and beloved pets. They will purposely inject themselves into their pre-birth world-line templates in such a way that you all share world-lines on numerous occasions.

This can be wonderful.

Like a beloved cat that just wants to overlay it’s world-line template over sections of yours.

This can be comforting.

Like a member of your “consciousness community” or other discarnate humans that you “hang out with” as friends. That wish to spend part of their lives with you in close association with your world-lines.

This can be jarring and uncomfortable.

When an evil person, or a selfish person wants to invade your pre-birth world-line template to “latch on” to your “energy” and events for their personal gain. So that they suck the “life force” away from you, and make it very difficult for you while you are on the life-path while you are living.

Ah. You see. Not every person on your world-line is a “shadow person”.

How to tell the difference…

The way that you can tell the difference is the generated emotions that you experience. A “shadow person” might steal your car. And you will get really angry, and it will disrupt your life. An “consciousness overlay” into your world-line template might have that same person stealing your car, but no matter what, your emotions do not respond to any type of suppressive calming techniques. No matter how hard you try.

The measurement of this is the WAY that the emotions that are present, good or bad, and how easy they are to dissipate. Most people cannot discern the difference, though most women have the ability to gauge them, much better than men do.

Anyways, this is a subject for another time.

For now, just realize that while your consciousness follows a pre-mapped out fated life, other consciousness might share your path as you proceed down it. This is both good and bad, but the control or allowance of this is monitored and permitted or denied by the Mantids, and your spirit at this step in the planning.

Programming the Pre-Birth World-line template

Here the injection point is established in such a way that the “route” for the life-line is encoded. What remains to to have / or create those “mountains” on the topographical pre-birth world-line template map. These “mountains” or areas of flat, clear sailing” will corral you to follow the already mapped out template that you chose.

Have you ever wondered why everyone in power in the United States today seems to be a psychopath that seemingly had an “easy” way to the top? They never were laid off, fired, or experienced loss. Their life was one success after the other, and here they are in great positions of power without the prerequisite pain and suffering that normal people would experience.

How does this happen?

Answer: They created their own pre-birth world-line template geared towards immense power, obtained easily without strife. If your consciousness does this, lifetime after lifetime, you become unique, different, and dangerous. You develop strange and unusual ways of thinking about things.

What does this mean?

A discarnate entity; a consciousness has the ability to mold his next life. He is “guided” into doing this by both [1] other discarnate entities, and [2] Mantids.

He can follow their advice or not.

If he follows their advice he will go in and out of lives as he is reincarnated over and over again. Eventually reaching some “distant” state where he can “evolve” to the next level of existence.

If he doesn’t follow their advice, he / she / it can make up a series of lifetime experiences where they do things “their way”. They can become cruel, powerful, and lusty. Or they can be kind, helpful, gentle and make a difference in the lives of others.

Or, he can take the “exit”. One of the key points of the alien Interview” document, is that humans do not need to continue to reincarnate. They can do other things. The problem is that humans are told that this cycle of death and rebirth is “the way it is done” to better their lives, their soul, and their society. The Type-1 greys say that this is not true.

The Exit

What this “exit” is, is not stated. However, it MUST be an association and a rebuilding of the consciousness to match and fit within another species. Otherwise, you stay as a human consciousness. And in the universe, then, you place lies within the “human Heaven”.

The document “Alien Interview” hinted at the “out”. It said that humans were a primary archetype. But that the sentience was discordant around the earth sphere (due primarily to the “Old Empire”.) The implication is that the consciousness can move anywhere else within the universe around other human consciousnesses. Just avoid the earth region, as it is a trap and a snare.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Heaven Index here…



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Good stuff!
Looking forward to more info as they are revealed to you.

BTW, Dolores Cannon talks about “Backdrop people”. When you write about “shadow people”, do you mean something like what Dolores Cannon means by “backdrop people”?

Here is a description from the In5D website:

Backdrop people (extras, fillers, backfill, non-Source players) are matrix energy holograms to help populate and infiltrate reality experiences.

Their physical bodies seem “real” (except, not really, because none of this is real as we’ve thought of it), but, as some spiritual teachers have explained, those bodies are basically voids — empty, programmed machines made only of energy.

These biological machines look real, sound real, and act real. Of course, this is intentional. Fillers were created by you, by the Source Creator (and/or by our Galactic Consciousness) so that the game players could have the ultimate, most formative learning experience within this illusionary matrix.


Hi MM and fellow readers . Personally I love this kind of posts, they keep me going, they keep me learning. Life is different now, I wish I could say more, Just trying to be positive and running campaigns.

I wish there was an emoji here

MM I ask, can I run an affirmation campaign again.

Some statements that I did in the past?

And sliding off the Pre-birth worldline template is pretty uncomfortable that be true. Thanks.


Let me give you my experience with a slide.
According to MM I performed one.

You can read a bit about it in the synchronicities post.

Some things were: having songs appear on the radio by thinking about them. In a longer comment I made in a previous article I explain about those in more detail.

Another is having an drug store being gone and there were apartments in its place almost overnight. And the apartments are really nothing like a normal living space.

And mostly was a feeling of being in a different world around my colleagues. This took like a week to adjust to. And my best friend overnight has a peculiar way of saying a certain word now.

And having more strife in some areas. A lot of strife but mostly harmless or some strife but very frustrating. Nothing really dangerous.
Hope this helps you calm down some what.


First and foremost great article. Again, with your guidance things are becoming so clear. So many unanswered questions that I have dragged around are no longer a heavy chain with a 50 pound weight wrapped around my neck but a comfortable robe. Knowing – my whole life that it really isn’t me doing the things I did. – and positive BIG decisions not everything – but the big ones.

The advice to say something nice to one person a day is one of the moat beautiful things I have read in a while. Just to add something nice to someone’s day – as we all know can mean the difference between feeling like conquering the world versus shrinking and hiding from it.

Personally, and I know this sounds nuts – but non-westerners – all of our religions has been based on the philosophy that God is the light and you go to him. Or not. That or not is inferred to be hell.

Since my earliest memories I just “know” it is a trap. The thing is – if it’s a trap and the other thing is hell, then the trap is the lesser of the two evils.

Now I know. I know there is no way I am going to the light and if the alternative is hell, I’ll risk it. And I have been searching and researching my whole life. From Nov 2019 on what I just “knew” – don’t get on the fucking elevator again. Enough is enough. I would rather there be nothing but a cold dark void for all of eternity than do this shit again. And I am not suicidal (again I knew – instinctively – before MM mentioned it – suicide is just a reset. You gotta do this life in this body all over again. Not. A. F-cking. Chance. No way).

A big grand lie. What a gig. Jesus this and all this nonsense we call organized religion being a lie to recycle consciousness over and over makes SO much more sense than anything I have ever come across.


@ congjing yu ok, I am quite confident we are on the same page with this. Our goals of waking people up to the amnesia and escaping the “prison” are exactly the same, differing only in our target audience. i am wondering if you are willing to work together on this objective: whereas yours seems to be more geared towards helping those who are on the edge of awakening, I was tasked specifically with providing those with skills in astral projection and lucid dreaming the tools necessary to get on the radar of the Unseen 5 who are directly monitoring this agenda as it unfolds;

I was given an overview of the tactics they use to vet potentials for contact by their leader – they “silently” monitor each and every person who enters the astral plane including their service to self/ service to others orientation, those with the former are ignored, whereas the latter are further monitored and are put through a minor trial of responsibility in the form of a holographic scenario that takes the form of an extremely vivid dream. If the candidate passes the trial, they are accepted into the organisation, if they fail, they simply wake up and think it was a random dream. The leader told me they were growing tired of people using things such as astral projection for “fun and games”, when these avenues could be put to better use helping them keep track of the whole amnesia thing – my task then, was to bring their attention the Unseen 5, and present the opportunity of initiation to them; anyone who was serious about using their talents to help fix the world rather than petty mundane things would be highly regarded by the Unseen 5.

I mentioned alchemy being the key to it all in a previous post, but i didn’t explain myself; the transmutation of 7 metals, is really a metaphor for the rearrangment of the 7 chakras of the body, so that kundalini energy can flow from the base into the crown chakra and initiate a connection with the higher self. The word kundalini is sanskrit and mean serpent, as it was thought to be coiled like a snake whilst resting in the base chakra – it is a standard concept in many eastern philosophies but has become somewhat non existent in the west.

It is important to note that each of the alchemical metals was also associated with a day of the week and a celestial body, but the order of the days we are taught since the moment we are born is completely wrong; by subconsciously worshipping this order we block the kundalini and keep it contained within the base chakra. The Kabbalistic tree of life (note Airl mentions her device looking like a tree of life) is said to be a sort of gigantic filing system of the human body and how consciousness interacts with it; it is basically a schematic diagram of the operating parameters of consciousness through the outer planes as it becomes condensed and forms in the physical body in the physical plane; aka Adam Kadmon, aka the soul. Thus Alchemy became the idea that this limitless “light” of creation could be gathered from each of the non physical planes and “pooled” together into one larger consciousness that understood all these planes at once, instead of singularly.

The Tarot deck is actually a pictorial representation of this tree; when one reads the tarot, what they are actually doing is pulling out a “file” from this filing system of ones own consciousness. While the whole concept of the tree gets quite complex, one should be aware there are certain “pathways” that link certain states of consciousness thought to be responsible for certain emotional reactions; Aleister Crowley’s Book of Thoth tarot deck has an excellent picture explaining this relationship in its booklet.

The 7 chakras, along with the 12 signs of the zodiac and 3 elements (water, air, fire – there is a reason earth isn’t included which i won’t go into,) make up the twenty two paths that connect these emotional states – they are represented by the major arcana, or trump cards, of the tarot deck. It was believed that one could effectively allow their kundalini (the serpent) to rise (on the “tree of Adam”) more efficiently by understanding this pathway; thus Hermeticism was dedicated to achieving this very thing. The reconnection with the higher self WAS the philosopher’s stone.

All this was taught to iniates of Hermetic societies such as the Golden Dawn over a number of years, but I was never initated into any of these societies (except for one which only really brushed on the surface spiritual alchemy and none of these deeper aspects) so I hold no responsibility to keep them a “secret”. it was through much of my own self study that I was able to eventually reconnect with this higher state fo consciousness, which is when my cosmic masters told me the exact same things Airl and you have mentioned, MM.


@congjin yu it seems some of my emails to you via that address aren’t going through. you mind if i send to your protonmail address?


EXCELLENT! I’ve had similar visions and realizations but nowhere near where you are at. I am very excited to learn more from you DM.


proof I was talking about this same thing back in 2019 (check out the articles dates):


Thanks for that! I didn’t know you were famous! lol


not famous. just trying to spread the message about the soul fuckery like MM.

Rod Cloutier

As I’ve said before my life has been like the movie ‘Groundhog day’, I have a knowing, a firm certainty, that I’ve been living the same life over and over and over again. Yours is the first blog or source that I have encountered that has suggested a mechanism for how and why this is happening.

Having lived this same life over and over again, (whether you believe me or not), I can say that this particular time through has had two major differences that none of the other timelines I’ve lived through through have had. Trump lived. He was elected over and over again on multiple different world lines, but he was always assassinated within a few days or weeks. Covid-19. This global pandemic did not occur on any other time line I’ve lived through. (Which might make sense if Trump living caused it)

I’ve done a lot. I was an astronaut multiple times, walked on the moon, many times. In one lifetime I was the first person to die of old age on the Martian colony at age 88 in the year 2059. Other lifetimes I went into politics, and still in others I enjoyed hedonistic lifestyles which included dire consequences such as poverty and jail time.

This lifetime I focused on ‘shadow work’ and took the road less travelled. This time, I am definitely looking for the exit door if I can find it.