Glossary related to world-line templates and the true nature of the MWI

This article describes a visualization method that is very helpful in understanding how our universe (reality) actually works. This is not the only method to describe how things work, but I like to think that it is the best one for me personally, and so I have been using it for some time now. Most people tend to pick-up on it’s idea and concept rather readily, and thus it’s really very useful. In this article we will go into more detail on how this visualization method works.

I also get into a glossary of terms that I have been using over these years.


The MWI is this big universe of possibilities. And each possibility is a frozen moment (in time) that our consciousness visits momentarily.

So, in reality, our consciousness is constantly moving in and out of different realities. And since each reality is it’s own singular world-line, we can say that we are moving in and out of different world-lines.

Step by step

When a consciousness is injected into our (personal) reality, it enters a (some what) fated life. We do have the illusion of freedom of movement and thought, but in reality there are actually limitations all around us.

The baby enters the world. It cannot walk, speak, crawl or do much of anything. It lies there in it’s crib. Certainly, it might be able to crawl to the edge of the crib, crawl up the side, and get out of the crib.

Let’s look at what this would look like.

The baby obtains consciousness

At some point, the infant will obtain consciousness. For some it is inside the mother. For others it is after being physically birthed. And for many, the consciousness comes and goes in and out of the physical body until it settles in place.

And on the world-line template map, it will look something a little like this…


The first few minutes

In the first few minutes, days, months, the freedom of movement is very limited. The consciousness is just learning how to get around. It is just learning how to use it’s body. So there are actual physical limitations that it can do. This is it’s fate.

However, if it pushed itself, and it strove to overcome, it could roll, crawl, move and do other things that are very difficult to do.

Now these things that are very difficult to do are shown on the template map as hills and mountains.

Using the Z-axis we can say that the higher the “mountain”, the harder the effort. While the shallower the depression, the easier the effort.

From the baby point of view it might look like this…

Next steps.

And that is the way it is

As time moves on, the consciousness moves around on this template map. Depending on the personality of the consciousness, it will either take the easy route (which is a fated, go along with the herd mentality), or will become a “hard driver”, pushing and striving to “climb those hills”.

There are many aspects to this. But for now, let’s consider the idea that when you are born, the selection of the pre-birth world-line template will pretty much define your future. You will enter a fated future, and if you did absolutely nothing your future will be as predictable as anything.

But, if you decide to climb “those hills and mountains”, what then?

Climbing out of the crib.

And this is the point of this article

The height of the “mountains” is a measure of effort and deviance from the comfortable normalcy of your pre-birth world-line template. As you move away from the “flat, safe” median, you will (by definition) change.

And, as we all know, change is a good thing.

And change will alter the geography of your pre-birth world-line template.


For most people the changes will not be significant. That is to say that the pre-birth world-line template will still stay pretty much the same. You will “climb that mountain” and then discover other areas that would otherwise be forbidden for you to go to otherwise. However, you would still be on that pre-birth world-line template.

Movement up those mountains tends not to alter the pre-birth world-line template.

But it does build up “something”

In the quantum world, everything is connected, and all efforts are significant, no matter how tiny or seemingly insignificant.  And yes, the movement upwards up the mountains will tend to change the topography of the template somewhat. It will end up making is “softer”, more “gradual”, and “easier”. But none of this is of real significance to the observer.

In other words, the more “mountains” you climb, the “softer” the terrain becomes.

So what is the point?

If you try to push and strive to do the more or less uncomfortable things in your life, you will actually, in the long term, make your life run smoother.

Instead of always going to and from work in your car, how about taking a little detour one day, and pulling into a diner and getting their blue plate special. It’s not a real mountain, but it’s a sizable hill. And it will make a difference.

If you always go and get McDonald’s coffee and then come home, how about next time bringing a creamer and a stirrer for your little kitties at home.

When you have a coffee, how about bringing some home for your kitty.

If you always eat at that restaurant down the street and order the food that you have become comfortable with, how about trying a different restaurant elsewhere. Maybe you will not like the food. So what? The mere fact that you step outside of the limitations of comfort means that you are climbing those hills.

And it doesn’t have to be hard, difficult, or distasteful either. It just should be different…

If you want change, then get out of your comfort zone…

Which pretty much is a central theme in all of this.

It doesn’t need to be much. But any change is good because it means that you are moving away from the common, and towards more interesting objectives.

I would suggest small steps…

If you are wearing a corporate uniform of a white shirt and a red tie, then replace one of the white buttons on the shirt with a green one. (Oh, boy! Will that make a difference!)
Go to a animal shelter and adopt another furry friend to your household.
Go one week soda free (if your habit is to drink soda).
If you always use the regular gas, next time put high-test in the car. Go with the "good stuff".
Buy a cup of coffee for a co-worker.
Put a thank-you note in your mailbox for the mailman. (Mail-person?)
Add some "whimsy" to your front lawn, or change the paint on your front door. Make it bright Red, or Pista.chio, or Robin's egg blue.
Plant a tree in your yard.
Visit a place that you haven't been to "in ages".

You see, it’s not that difficult to make changes. You just need to try something new and different.

OK. So now the glossary

I have come to bantering these terms so often that new-comers are often very confused. I think that  glossary would be in order.


Time does not really exist. Instead, what we refer to as “time” is actually the events that a consciousness experiences. It wakes up, brushes it’s teeth, eats breakfast, gets in the car… and so on and so forth.

That is what the consciousness experiences.

It is a straight “arrow of time” starting with getting up, and all the subsequent events. It is unique to the consciousness experiencing it.

Every consciousness experiences their very own versions of “time”. And there is no real unified time. Rather just the unified (apparently) measurement of it. With clocks, watches, etc.


A “life-line” is a collection of experiences that a consciousness has. As the consciousness moves in and out of individual moments of time, it creates a path. This path looks like a vector. It starts at the moment of birth and ends at the moment of death.


A “Time-Line” is ALMOST the same thing as a “Life-Line”.

Except that the Life-Line encompasses the entire realm of experiences from birth to death, whereas a “Time-Line” is a much shorter period and may or may not include birth or death events.


A “world-line” is a frozen moment. Nothing moves. Nothing goes on. It’s just like a photograph. Only it is a 3D photograph of the entire universe.

The term “world-line” comes from Science Fiction novels and movies. These fictions depict another reality that differs from the one that the person was just in. As example, in “Back to the future II”, a pair of time-traveling explorers alter history, with horrible consequences.

Back to the Future II.

As far as using the world-line map template, each intersection point, dot or globe represents one such world-line. As in this here…

This is what a world-line is.

World-Line Cluster

As the consciousness travels on the MWI it does so based upon it’s thoughts. If others share the same thoughts, they travel the MWI in a similar manner.

If you map out the Time-Lines of people who are sharing similar thoughts, you will find that they seem to travel together, and they seem to experience the same World-lines.

This is known as clustering.

Echo Chamber

If you only listen to a certain type of “news”, and only receive your input from others that agree with you, the thoughts that you have will be reinforced into one set staid narrative. You will be unable to think other thoughts. And as such, your thoughts will be controlled by whomever, or whatever controls the narrative that you are immersed in.

This environment; a closed environment where your thoughts are set to a “conformist setting” within that environment is dangerous. It locks your path and travel in the MWI to a set route.

In discussions of news media, an echo chamber refers to situations in which beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a closed system and insulated from rebuttal. By participating in an echo chamber, people are able to seek out information that reinforces their existing views without encountering opposing views, potentially resulting in an unintended exercise in confirmation bias. Echo chambers may increase social and political polarization and extremism. 



The many-worlds interpretation (MWI) is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that asserts that the universal wavefunction is objectively real, and that there is no wavefunction collapse. 

This implies that all possible outcomes of quantum measurements are physically realized in some "world" or universe. 

In contrast to some other interpretations, such as the Copenhagen interpretation, the evolution of reality as a whole in MWI is rigidly deterministic. 

Many-worlds is also called the relative state formulation or the Everett interpretation, after physicist Hugh Everett, who first proposed it in 1957. Bryce DeWitt popularized the formulation and named it many-worlds in the 1960s and 1970s. 


In short, it is the universe where everything is possible. And every single possibility exists somewhere in some form. And I refer to these variations as “World-lines”.

Template Map

A template map is a method to visualize movement in the MWI.

A topographical map of a mesh is created. Each intersection of that mesh is a “world-line”.

The surface of this map is the HIGHEST LIKELIHOOD of movement of a given consciousness within a physical body.

The height of the topography is a measure of the difficulty in likely movement. This a flat surface is easy with no difficulty and effort. And a “mountainous” feature depicts enormous difficulty and strife.

Which now brings us to…

Pre-Birth World-Line Template Map

This is the very first template map that is established when a baby is birthed, and a consciousness is injected into the body.

It is called a “pre-birth” World-line template map because the template was painstakingly set up in place carefully for the consciousness to obtain experiences on it.

It is a carefully constructed fated life.

The easiest map paths are laid out for the consciousness to explicitly experience and enjoy certain events. And that is both good and bad events.

The only way off this map is to “slide” off of it, on to a different template map.


A slide is an intentional change of the template map.

You “slide” off the map that you are on, and land on a completely different map.

While this is possible with artificial contrivances, equipment, electronics, vehicles and the like, the most effective way to do so (on a personal basis) is to do it by thought.

You specifically control your thoughts in a concise and directed manner to slide off your template map.

You can use a slide to get off your current world-line template and to get on another one.

Shadow People

We (as consciousness) travel the world-lines alone. It is extremely rare for another consciousness to share a world-line with us.

Thus all those “people” that we see are actually not like us. They don’t have a consciousness like we have. They are real to us, and they have feelings that we react to, but their consciousness is elsewhere on their own world-line somewhere else, and what we see is a “shadow” of them.

A “mountain”

On the topography of a world-line template are “highs” and “lows”. These features define the difficulty of effort to move in those directions. A “mountain” is a particularly difficult are to traverse. And on the 3D map it will appear as a mountain.

A “hill”

A hill is similar to a mountain. It’s level of difficulty to traverse is proportionally smaller.

Hills on a world-line template map.

Comfort Zone

By all practical purposes, the flat and level area is always your comfort zone. You can always find a comfort zone on your pre-birth world-line template map, no matter how mountainous the terrain before you appears. This is the “fated” path that you established for your self when your soul first established the pre-birth world-line template.

This is good and bad. But in general, it means that there is always a default action that will lie ahead of you. Good or bad. You might end up saying “There’s a kind of calmness knowing that you are 100% fucked no matter what you do.” Or, you might say, “You know, if I just keep on doing what I am doing, everything will work out”. It all depends on your individual situation.

Comfort zone.

Affirmation Campaign

An affirmation campaign is a specific technique that you use to navigate on the world-line template. It is a way to direct your thoughts when moving from world-line to world-line on your MWI template map. It’s a powerful skill set. You can go visit my entire index of articles here…



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The smile exercise as an adjunct to a successful affirmation prayer campaign

In one of my comments this week, I asked one of the MM participants to perform a “smile exercise” as part of his campaign. This is a technique on improving the rapid implementation of your affirmation prayers so that they will start working sooner, have better quality results, and improve the world around you. Here, in this article we will discuss exactly what it is, how it works, and why you should or could implement this with your affirmation prayer campaign.

The basic structure

This technique is an additional physical action or activity that you engage in while you are running a prayer / affirmation campaign. You perform this activity once a day. You never miss a day. And when the campaign ends, so does this activity. (Though, I see no harm in continuing if your so desire.)

What you do is say something nice to a person. And you put a big smile on your face when you do it.

That’s it.

You find a person, it doesn’t matter who it is, or what they are doing. You just say something good, and nice to them.

It doesn’t have to be truthful either. You can lie. But the truth is that you must say something nice, and then just continue with your day.

You do not go to sleep until you say something nice to a specific person.

The Smile

Do not forget the smile. This is a vital aspect of the entire procedure.

Do not forget to smile. That is critical.

Why is this important?

This simple task involves you to think about saying something nice. It requires you to search out a person to say it to, and it requires the physical action of saying something.

If, say, you see someone, and it takes you one minute to think of a nice thing to say, and then 1/4 of a minute to say it…

… that means that you have traversed 320 world-lines focuses on good happy things, and interacting with people in a positive and cheery way. It will absolutely steer your world-line navigation towards good, and great things. Whether that is your intention or not.

Plus, you have “made the day” of the person that you said that thing to.

All, very good positive things that WILL influence the results of your prayer / affirmation campaign.

Things to say

Here’s some suggestions of things to say. I find that the approach varies for men and women by gender, and situation. There is not a “one size fit’s all” technique that you can use.

For Women…

  • I like your hair, did you change your style?
  • I like your outfit. It really looks good on you.
  • Are those new shoes. They look great on you.
  • I never told you, but I really like your purse / umbrella / backpack. Where did you get it?
  • Did you lose some weight? You seem slimmer somehow.
  • I love your smile. It really makes my day.
  • I love your perfume.

For Men…

  • That’s a nice truck you’re driving.
  • I like your dog. Does he bite? Can I pet him? What’s his name?
  • That’s a good job that you did on the project / task / assignment.
  • Your lawn looks great. I really appreciate how lush and vibrant it is.
  • Your house is the nicest one around here. I just wanted to tell you that.
  • You remind me of my brother. That’s in a real good way.
  • Did you watch the game last night. It was something else wasn’t it? You strike me as a XXXXX fan. Good for you!

For anyone…

  • That restaurant is really nice. Have you eaten there? I think I saw you in there once, but I was too afraid to say hi. But I remember you. You have a distinctive face.
  • Thanks for… (what ever they did).
  • And if you see a Rufus, you go out of the way and thank them.

Things that don’t count

  • Hello.
  • Thank you.
  • Bye Bye.
  • Good day.
  • See ya!

Emergency Actions

If you cannot find anyone around, and the situation is such that nothing is going on, and you are having a difficult time meeting your daily quota. Here’s some “last ditch” emergency action you can take…

  • Go into a store. Go up to the cashier or the person there. Tell them that you watched them do XXXXX a few days ago and it changed your life. And you just wanted to thank them. Thank you. Then you just leave. Don’t stick around.
  • Go up to a fireman, a policeman, a receptionist, or someone nearby and thank them. Say “I just want to thank you for what you do. It’s important.” And then just leave.
  • If you see someone old. Go up to them, and say that you wonder if they could give you some “life advice”. That you “feel” like they have something of value, and you want to listen.
  • Go to a kid playing a game, and tell them that they are doing great, and they are going to become a star ball player some day. You just know it.


This action, or behavior tens to erode all those “hills” and “mountains” on your world-line template. It reduces them. It makes them smaller. It makes them easier to encounter, and easier to climb.

You go from this…

Harsh, hilly and mountainous terrain.

To this…

Softer, gentler terrain.


In today’s harsh and critical world it sure sounds fake and hokey and like you are tying to obtain something. This is why you must (in most cases) just be a “hit and run” complement person. Don’t stick around.

Do not care what they think or not. They WILL be flattered, even if they know it is fake. Just smile and be as sincere as possible doing it.

Leaving afterwards shows to them that you aren’t trying to “pick up” the girl or guy, or that you don’t have “an angle” to acquire anything.

Toolkit for break the prison shackles

For those of you who are familiar with “Alien Interview”, this exercise greatly reduces the “karmic” chains and snares that encourage the disembodied consciousness to return to earth upon death. Consider this one of the important tools in your toolbox towards this endeavor.


Actually, this is more difficult than it seems. And for us to go up to strangers, or people who we know (they do not have to be strangers) and just say something nice is alien to us. That is not how we were raised. But this exercise requires you to break out of the chains that hold you to this reality and world-line template.

This technique will greatly loosen those bonds that tie you to where you are now. Give it a try and tell me how it works after a one month effort.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Prayer Affirmation Index here…

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How the Mantids map out a pre-birth world-line template for a reincarnated entity

This article describes the mechanism of how the Mantids help establish a pre-birth world-line template for discarnate humans. Now, there is a whole lot that is too detailed than needs to be discussed at this time, and much that is too odd, or advanced. So you all can consider this to be an introductory article. One that describes how angels (guardian angels), also known as Mantids, work with other discarnate humans to establish their life path as a human on earth.

And while we are at it, please also note that there are many ways that we can illustrate this activity, but in this case we will continue with the notion of a flat topographical template that the soul deposits a consciousness upon when the entity is born.


People; humans are born, and then they die. Upon their death, they review their life “lessons” and then are injected back to the earth. This is referred to as reincarnation.

This article discusses the review of the lessons of life.

But rather than concentrate on the event (you stand in front of a group of elders, etc. etc.) we will discuss the mechanism of what is going on and why.

As in all cases, let it be understood that Mantids = Angels. And Angels = Mantids. These are just terms we use to describe a species that we interact with. Nothing more.

Alien Interview

A document, tangential to MAJestic (as it pre-dates it) is known as the “Alien Interview”. As a retired MAJestic operator, I can vouch that it is authentic.

In the document, the extraterrestrial stated that elements of the “Old Empire” was responsible for setting up the system that erased memory and injected consciousness back to the earth to start all over again. At this point in time, I cannot confirm or deny that the Mantids are members of the “Old Empire”.

All that I know is they do seem to be able to coexist. So we will refrain from discussing this issue in this article.


The procedure of life review is universally understood in just about every religion and culture. Essentially, when you die, your spirit is “judged” and the lessons you have learned or failed to learn “set the table” for your next reincarnation.

Dr. Newton goes into this procedure quite extensively in his books. The books are freely available on my Heaven Index HERE.

There are numerous aspects to this event, and they do differ and vary from situation to situation. However, the common thread and the most stable unity between all the experiences is that [1] a person must experience events and situations during their life. And [2] they are judged on how they handle those events. The judgement then [3] will “map out” the structure of their next life on the earth.

But, how can you  establish which life to inject into?

This is a complicated issue.

And that is the role of the Mantids. As I understand it, our souls, or consciousness can decide NOT to be re-injected into the Earth physical sphere.  As such we can go elsewhere, and off doing our own things. However, for reasons that I am not able to vocalize, most humans tend to “follow the program” and listen to the advice of the Mantids, and other teachers and discarnate entities that direct them. And that means learn the lessons. Correct mistakes, obtain experiences, and then keep on growing and moving “forward”.

According to the type-1 greys, this entire system is a trap (of sorts). And I have not been able to sort out the details (at this time) personally.

In general, the basic idea is that the soul (which creates the consciousness) has specific needs or requirements that must be obtained. The obtainment of these items requires the entanglement of quanta. And the best way to entangle quanta is through life experiences on the earth.

As I understand it, the items that an individual soul needs to have entangled are mapped out on the pre-birth world-line template.

And the person, the consciousness, obtains experiences (set specific events) upon the pre-mapped out template.

Once the life is completed, the person dies, and the “quality” of the entanglements (obtained though living though the events) are measured.

Then, it is determined [1] if the events need to be replicated and done over, [2] new events can be added, and / or [3] subsequent events can be added to the template to counteract the bad entanglements that has developed.

Being a Rufus can compensate for shitty decisions

Aside from being the pinnacle of human spirit, a Rufus can compensate for the mistakes done in the past.

By showing compassion, help, support, and aid to others (whether in need or not) you create positive associations. And if you have a past that has some very bad decisions and bad entanglement, the good works will create enough positive entanglements to offset the negative.

The consciousness travels though hundreds of thousands, if not millions of world-lines. What the conscious has experienced cannot be undone. But the consciousness can alter the overall life “performance” by injecting good actions, compassion, understanding and positive quanta into the environment. Indeed this is a major subject area that I have yet to cover. However, everyone has the power to unravel the influence of the bad mistakes and errors that they have made in the past.


Be the Rufus in everything you do. Maybe you might mess up your objectives as determined on your pre-birth world-line template, but you will be “well ahead of the game” and will exist this life with great advantage. A kind of power and understanding that you had no previous awareness of.

Figuring out the exact world-line cluster to inject to

The Mantids will look at the objectives of the soul, and will present an array of “situations” to the consciousness to experience.

  • Some will be to undo mistakes in previous incarnations.
  • Some will be to obtain new associations and new entanglements.
  • Some will be to build upon other previous, or half-completed associations or entanglements.

Then the consciousness with work with the Mantids, along with other discarnate human associates, to “map out” an array of “life experiences” that the human being must experience. This will be a “fated life” that the consciousness will live. It will be the pre-birth world-line template which is is the default map template that the conscious will follow when it is re-injected into the earth sphere.

There are many world-line clusters, and thus the first key point is to determine which cluster might offer the best mix of these kind of experiences for the consciousness to experience.

Clusters of similar world-lines differ from each other substantially. One might have the United States run by President Biden, while another cluster might have the Republic of America run by Banana McDuff.

And thus, once, a cluster is determined, then the next step is to determine which is the most likely world-line injection point within the cluster.

Figuring out the exactly entry point for injection

Once the cluster is determined, there is a near infinite number of world-lines within it. And they will all be quite similar. Yet, this task will pick a fated-life-path for the consciousness to experience. Sure, you can deviate from it, but it will be set up so that it is difficult and uncomfortable to do so.

At this point in time, there is a great deal of interaction between the consciousness that will experience the fated-life and the Mantids / discarnate entities that help map out this pre-birth world-line template. And I am sure that the path that will be mapped out will be to the mutual agreement of all involved.

And upon this map will be the good and the bad events. The entire future life for that consciousness will be mapped out.

But, you know, all the other “actors” or people / things will be “shadow people” that the consciousness interacts with. Most of the time, on a given world-line the consciousness might be the most active and vibrant quanta in the particular world-line.


It gets “tricky”…

Many times we aren’t alone…

We build up associations with other consciousnesses that (for good or for bad) want to associate with us. Like previous lovers, family and beloved pets. They will purposely inject themselves into their pre-birth world-line templates in such a way that you all share world-lines on numerous occasions.

This can be wonderful.

Like a beloved cat that just wants to overlay it’s world-line template over sections of yours.

This can be comforting.

Like a member of your “consciousness community” or other discarnate humans that you “hang out with” as friends. That wish to spend part of their lives with you in close association with your world-lines.

This can be jarring and uncomfortable.

When an evil person, or a selfish person wants to invade your pre-birth world-line template to “latch on” to your “energy” and events for their personal gain. So that they suck the “life force” away from you, and make it very difficult for you while you are on the life-path while you are living.

Ah. You see. Not every person on your world-line is a “shadow person”.

How to tell the difference…

The way that you can tell the difference is the generated emotions that you experience. A “shadow person” might steal your car. And you will get really angry, and it will disrupt your life. An “consciousness overlay” into your world-line template might have that same person stealing your car, but no matter what, your emotions do not respond to any type of suppressive calming techniques. No matter how hard you try.

The measurement of this is the WAY that the emotions that are present, good or bad, and how easy they are to dissipate. Most people cannot discern the difference, though most women have the ability to gauge them, much better than men do.

Anyways, this is a subject for another time.

For now, just realize that while your consciousness follows a pre-mapped out fated life, other consciousness might share your path as you proceed down it. This is both good and bad, but the control or allowance of this is monitored and permitted or denied by the Mantids, and your spirit at this step in the planning.

Programming the Pre-Birth World-line template

Here the injection point is established in such a way that the “route” for the life-line is encoded. What remains to to have / or create those “mountains” on the topographical pre-birth world-line template map. These “mountains” or areas of flat, clear sailing” will corral you to follow the already mapped out template that you chose.

Have you ever wondered why everyone in power in the United States today seems to be a psychopath that seemingly had an “easy” way to the top? They never were laid off, fired, or experienced loss. Their life was one success after the other, and here they are in great positions of power without the prerequisite pain and suffering that normal people would experience.

How does this happen?

Answer: They created their own pre-birth world-line template geared towards immense power, obtained easily without strife. If your consciousness does this, lifetime after lifetime, you become unique, different, and dangerous. You develop strange and unusual ways of thinking about things.

What does this mean?

A discarnate entity; a consciousness has the ability to mold his next life. He is “guided” into doing this by both [1] other discarnate entities, and [2] Mantids.

He can follow their advice or not.

If he follows their advice he will go in and out of lives as he is reincarnated over and over again. Eventually reaching some “distant” state where he can “evolve” to the next level of existence.

If he doesn’t follow their advice, he / she / it can make up a series of lifetime experiences where they do things “their way”. They can become cruel, powerful, and lusty. Or they can be kind, helpful, gentle and make a difference in the lives of others.

Or, he can take the “exit”. One of the key points of the alien Interview” document, is that humans do not need to continue to reincarnate. They can do other things. The problem is that humans are told that this cycle of death and rebirth is “the way it is done” to better their lives, their soul, and their society. The Type-1 greys say that this is not true.

The Exit

What this “exit” is, is not stated. However, it MUST be an association and a rebuilding of the consciousness to match and fit within another species. Otherwise, you stay as a human consciousness. And in the universe, then, you place lies within the “human Heaven”.

The document “Alien Interview” hinted at the “out”. It said that humans were a primary archetype. But that the sentience was discordant around the earth sphere (due primarily to the “Old Empire”.) The implication is that the consciousness can move anywhere else within the universe around other human consciousnesses. Just avoid the earth region, as it is a trap and a snare.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Heaven Index here…



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Affirmation prayer campaigns illustrated as a means to change highways towards destinations

This article describes a different way of looking at the MWI and prayer affirmation campaigns. So far, I have described two methods of looking at the situation.

The first [1] is by pre-birth world-line template maps and their topography.  The second [2] is by looking at a movie projector and viewing the individual frames.

This article discusses a third way to look at an affirmation prayer campaign. [3] It discusses affirmation prayer campaigns as highways.

I personally believe that there are many different ways to look at the same thing. There is no “one size fits all”, and thus to reach the widest and biggest audience, you need to make sure that you understand what you are looking at, from you own unique point of view.

This entire methodology came into being when I was trying to describe WHY a person goes though a period of discomfort when they start doing their own individual affirmation prayer campaigns.

Why consider this visualization?

Everyone who has ever been involved in a serious MM style prayer affirmation campaign will attest that shortly afterwards, all Hell will break loose. Thing will go wrong, and there will be all sorts of discomfort and trouble and trial and pains. And so people have asked me “why is this so”? They say “why can’t I just ask for the things an pray for them and then they appear?” And I respond that it is complicated. And to explain this complication, I use this analogy. I do hope that you all can understand it.

To begin with…

When we are born, we are issued with a pre-birth world-line template. This is a map that we will follow that will map out all the world-lines that we are most likely to encounter during our lives. It’s not perfect, and we can certainly alter our course, but for most people this is the fated life that they will live. I have drawn it as a map on a grid. Like this…

World-line template, showing the highest probability topography for a consciousness to visit.

And upon that map I have laid out  paths or a path that the consciousness would probably follow as they live their life. Such like this below…

A pre-birth world-line template showing the path of consciousness as it move though the world-lines.

And I have also discussed “slides”. Where you “slide” off the template on to a completely different template map and then use it to base your life upon. Much like this illustration… You are on a “rocky” pre-birth world-line template, and you are moving somewhere. Then you start doing your prayer affirmation campaigns, and they take you off your map. You “slide” to a new world-line template.

In this map we see that Mr. Red has slid off his “pre-birth world-line template” map and entered a new map full of new realities for him.


Well, the purpose of the “highway map” method of viewing the MWI and world-line travel is to be able to better understand what the “slide” is like.

Describing what a “slide” is like

Now, of course, during my MAJestic operations the slides were instantaneous, and without turmoil. But that was planned that way, and most people don't have the ability to pick and choose when to slide off the template. It just starts happening the moment they run an affirmation campaign. 

Anyways, this article was spawned from this forum comment…

I know, I know... it’s this guy and his theories again... but maybe -

So I started my first affirmation campaign about 4 weeks ago. First - holy cow do things get uncomfortable! I didn’t think things could get more uncomfortable! I know MM wrote about this which is why I came up with this.

No matter how uncomfortable it has been-and I am not complaining - but it seems like there are little “beams” of hope that come along. Like random people that just say hello in the store or send a text - from people I haven’t heard from in YEARS - just saying hi. But even with animals-there is a pissed off guard dog on my run who ALWAYS barks. Since the other day I get wags.

So has this happened to you all and what direction would you go if you were me.

The beams feel just like that. A REAL warm “beam” that hits only for a few seconds. Here is where the Newton meets the Quanta - In “normal” neurochemistry things don’t really work like that. Yes, there are delayed responses, but those use a different pathway than the “hot/cold” pathway. The hot/cold pathway is very quick.

But anyway a few minutes later I will have this rush of “it’s all good, it will work itself out” but magnified.

Can it be either other quanta or my own that I am not connected to? or can it be coming from within? From our ancestors that can communicate via our DNA?

From above or below so to speak?
The theory is that it’s quanta, not using a neurochem pathway, from others/myself OR

Ancestors connecting via DNA - how - that’s something to find out but it IS there for me and it’s noticeable.

Any thoughts?

. . This is EXACTLY how it happens.

Thanks for contributing this.

Doing a full spectrum affirmation prayer campaign is not for the faint of heart. There is going to be turmoil until you get on the right template.

I had a podcast where I described the pre-birth world-line template as a highway that you are on.

The highway description method to explain why affirmation campaigns cause initial discomfort.

Here, we describe the pre-birth world-line template as a highway.

And in this example we are going to say that your pre-birth world-line template is a highway going off to a city in the mountains. And for our purposes here, we will refer to this city as the “shining city in the mountains, city A”.

Your pre-birth world-line template as a highway towards city “A”.

And that is all fine and good.

The highway is a direct route towards city “A’. Which is in the mountains. And you are on it, and you are heading straight towards where it will take you.

But you do not want to go to city “A” and the longer that you are on this highway, the more unhappy you get. You really yearn to be somewhere else, doing something else in another city. City “B”

City “B” is a community on the beach. It is completely different than city”A” and you desire and long to be there.

You see, your goal is to go to the ocean, and live in the beaches, and you have decided to go to city “B” which is right there on the beach.

But to get to the highway that takes you to City “B” you need to perform a slide.

As described previously, a slide takes you off your pre-birth world-line template onto a brand new template.

And we are going to visualize this effort as getting off the highway going to city “A” and crossing over the median strip to another highway going off to city “B”.

Crossing the wide expanse of countryside…

Once you leave your very comfortable highway towards city “A” you will start to feel discomfort. You will need to cross over country fields, forests, deserts, walls, fences, and strange boggy swamp. And it’s going to be uncomfortable.

For here you are riding in comfort towards city “A”, and suddenly you get off the road and area now neck deep in swamp muck, being bit my mosquitoes and wild wolves are circling you and growling.

It’s scary and frightening.

But every now and then, just when you are staring to have doubts, you see glimpses of city “B”.

Or maybe not the city, but a whiff of sea air. A fresh breeze, the smell of BBQ chicken on a grill, and some tropical trees.

And that is exactly what many of you are going through now on your first affirmation prayer campaigns.

The Terrain between…

Everyone’s experience will be different, and it will depending on where you are now, and where you want to go.

It will depend on what you say, and how you think, and it will depend upon the accumulated “talent” you have in doing affirmation campaigns.

But EVERYONE will experience discomfort when you start changing your life.

As far as I can tell, there really isn’t any way to predict the kinds of hardships that you might encounter. It depends on the “distance” between the two “highways”, the speed and ease of travel on your current “highway”, and the terrain “types” that separate the two “highways”.

For some people, it might not be so bad. Their terrain might be easy to traverse.

Easy to traverse terrain.

Though, I can tell you that it will be quite different for different people…

Easy terrain.

For some, the terrain might have some treacherous spots, but will mostly be calm…

For some, the terrain might have some treacherous spots.

For others, however, the terrain might be rocky, dangerous and trying.

No matter how fearful and trying, everyone has the ability to cross over the median that separates the two highways.

But the discomfort is good.

It tells you that you are on the way to a better life that you determine.

That’s Good.

Not bad, but it sure is uncomfortable.

And for some it might be unbearable.

But please keep on the effort.

Do the prayer affirmation campaigns rigorously. Do not give up. Never give up. Never, never, ever give up. On and off. On and off. On and off.

Do not be passive about it. 

Never give up.

Go one by one. Keep on trying. Some days you are just going to want to give up. You are going to say “heck with this”. Do not do it.


Pace yourself.

It will end.

I promise you that.

I promise you that in five years your life will not resemble anything like you experience right now.

It will be so different.


Never give up.

No matter how bad it is. No matter if your marriage is falling apart and your entire world seems to have gone to shit. never give up.

The entire time keep pushing. Do your affirmations campaign for the set period of time and then stop for an exactly equal amount of time.

Follow the formula.

Never give up.

Never give up. Never surrender!

Well, you wanted change, right?


Do you think that it would be easy?

That all you would need to do is write down some wishes and then one day they all come true for you? Is that what you thought?


You need to reset the quantum associations with your new goals; that city “B”. And that is probably going to be painful.

Everything in your life right now is all geared up and set up for city “A”.

And you need to change that.

But, but…

Sure, you might want the changes sooner. Well, the good news is some changes will manifest sooner than others. they will. But if you keep on sailing towards your goal. You will get there. YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF THE WMI. YOU ARE “GOD”. .

The discomfort is when you are going from highway to city “A” in the swampy bogland. Then when you arrive at the highway to city “B”, things will be noticeably better. Though you will not yet be at your goal. Which is “City “B” on the sea”.

The procedure is like this…

  • [1] Get off the highway to “city A”.
  • [2] Go through the jungles, forests, and wildlands to get to the other highway.
  • [3] Get onto the highway to “city B”.
  • [4] Keep on driving until you arrive at “city B”.
  • [5] Arrive at “city B”.

The problem for most people.

For most people, step [2] is the stopper.

They go only as far as until they hit this bogland and stop.

Then eventually they crawl back to the old familiar highway to city “A”.

I warn… Don’t give up.

The bogland is scarier than it actually is. And it doesn’t last forever. It is finite. You can get though it (unless your goals are truly impossible – like being able to grow wings and fly). And most people do go though this.

Listen to me.

Keep going forward. Some days it will seem that you are hardly making any progress. Ignore that. Just keep going. Do not give up.


Keep this in mind. You need to do is understand that you are so close. You are so very close.

When you start feeling the discomfort, that means that your life is changing.


It is changing!

And I can tell you that when you get to [3], most people won’t notice it except to say “my life seems to be easing up some”.

But then, you keep on going on.

On and off.

On and off. And before you know it you are on the highway to “city B”. And then it’s much, much easier.

I tell you the truth.

Follow you dream. Do not allow anyone to tell you that you cannot have it.

Never give up on your DREAM!

Keep on going.

The problems will ease up once you get on highway to city “B”. But you still won’t be at your goal. That won’t matter.

Not actually.

Your life will be noticeably different.

You will be able to see the difference, and then one day, you will wake up, look around and say “Yeah. My life IS different. It IS better. And no, it is NOT what I expected.”

Welcome to world-line travel on the MWI.

Be a fighter.

Take the blows.

Eventually you will see that all the problems will fall away like ripe fruit on the vine.

Just keep on plugging away. One day at a time. One affirmation reading a day. Day after day, and then stop with the campaign ends.

Be the fighter for your DREAM!



Change will come with discomfort. There is no other way around this fact. But it is a guaranteed way to see how well your life is changing.

You must feel discomfort to have things change.

That is the way it works.

Perhaps you wanted a much deeper conversation regarding other aspects of quanta and DNA and biological influences on a constantly changing MWI template map. And those are certainly interesting topics for discussion. But, for now, I really just want you to achieve your goals.

I want you to be happy.

I don’t want you to be fearful.

There are others. Some in Europe. A few in Africa. One in the Americas that do not post publicly. But they do write to me via email. And they all have their own personal issues.

The guys in Africa have a rough road … not an impossible on … just rough, and that means that the “bogland, and forests” that they must pass through are truly frightening. They are full with ferocious beasts, dangers, horrible things that slither in the darkness, and horrible nasty insects.

But they will get though it.

Put up your protections. Run your affirmation campaigns without stopping. Do everything in your ability to achieve your goals. You will get out of the nasty dangerous wilds before the highway. Focus on the goal. But look forward to the highway. Trust me, things will be much easier for you once you reach the new highway.


And one more thing.

Be strong.

Do not give up. Never give up.

Never give up.

Never. Ever. Ever. Ever. E.V.E.R. give up. Fight for what you want.

Fight, and fight, and fight, and fight.

When it gets hard, keep it up. Don’t give up. No excuses.

Be the robot that will never give up. You get punched down, and you get right back up and keep on fighting.

Fight. Fight HARD. Never give up.

Be the robot that never gives up.
The movie “Real Steel” is about many things, but here it is the story of the little underdog robot that would never give up. It just went out there, into the ring. Time and time again, it would go out and fight…fight…fight. It never gave up. Be that robot.

Even if you are on your knees, and are being pummeled left and right, keep it up. Don’t give up.

Keep fighting.

Fight until you cannot. As you lie there, blood running from between your smashed teeth, open your one swollen eye, push yourself up off the floor. And keep on fighting.

Never give up. Never Surrender.

While this was a catch phrase on a movie parody of Star Trek it resonate in that there are many disguised truths protrayed within it. Never give up and never surrender is one such truth.
You must never give up. Never surrender.


I believe in you.

Oh, and one last point.

Maybe I wasn’t clear enough. Maybe you all thought I meant that things might be a minor inconvenience. Maybe you thought that is was just some minor day to day problems that might be an irritant. Nope.

Some of the turmoil can get pretty bad.

Depending on your goals and your “Highway”, it can be pretty awful. So you absolutely MUST have affirmations that compensate so that the upset and disruptions and pain isn’t all that horrible. And during this period, when things are really bleak and the entire world seems like it is personally shitting on you, I implore you to remember these words…

Never give up.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Prayer Affirmation Index here…

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