Thoughts create realities

A little discussion on how your consciousness is able to navigate the MWI world-lines accurately

You know, people want to know the "secrets of the universe", and when you present them the information, they go "what's this shit?" They said that they don't want "that". Oh no. They want something that already agrees with their erroneous world view...


The way the universe works is pretty straight forward.

Thoughts create our reality. What you think naturally causes your consciousness to migrate to those places conceived by your thoughts.

This pretty much agrees with what we understand about quantum physics.

But this post is going to step into this matter at a deeper level. We are going to get into [1] the fracturing of consciousness and [2] how the whole consciousness works (behind the scenes) to [3] generate very accurate and suitable world-line destinations. Destinations that fit both [4] pre-birth world-line templates, and [5] autonomous consciousness world-line roving ability.

So, this post is NOT going to be about the nuts and bolts of MWI navigation by an Affirmation Campaign. No, it will not be like the other posts. Instead, it is a discussion about [1] how the world-lines are manifested, and [2] what elements of a given conscious thought generation contribute to them.

It’s a very, very deep subject. And it is very, very advanced.

I’ll try to explain it in simple terms so that everyone can understand what is going on and the mechanism(s) involved.


For those of who who are new to Metallicman, let’s let put it simply.

The world that surrounds you has not resemblance to what everyone thinks it is. It is something entirely different.

I have covered this in other posts, in other places. And I tire about repeating myself.

You have walked into an advanced discussion area, and you won’t be able to make out anything that is said herein unless you start with the basics. Therefore, for you newcomers, you need to start at the front and work your way up to this point.

Intro to a first time visitor;


If you want to know how to control your world though manifested thoughts and intentions, which is what this particular post is all about, go here…

Intention Campaigns

Start at the beginning and work your way down. It’s all there. It’s everything you ever need.

So to fully appreciate what is being stated here, you must recognize that the world is not a physical place where your body is born into.

Instead, it is a temporary construction. It changes moment to moment by the thoughts generated by your consciousness. And it is your consciousness that occupies the physical reality. Not your body.

These changes are known as “world-lines” and the physics involved is known as quantum physics, and the particular branch that this discussion centers upon is known as the MWI.

  • The primary world-line that you start out with at birth is known as your “pre-birth world-line template”.
  • Movement through the various world-lines is known as “time”.
  • Switching the pre-birth templates to completely different sets of initial conditions are known as “slides”.
  • Intentional navigation though the various world-lines is known as an “intention campaign”.
  • Planning and directing a navigation vector through the MWI is known as “mapping”.

Consciousness is the key to everything

So here you are.

You are not a physical body that thinks has emotions and walks about.

You are soul, that creates a “consciousness” that is placed within a (human) container that is fixed and tied to a pre-birth world-line template.

Your physical body, and the world surrounding your, as well as all the thoughts floating around and the spirits, and all that history, and the subway cars and everything else is all just a very elaborate construction.

Not your construction.

You, your consciousness, your soul did not create this reality.

You picked it out, and you selected it.

You (as soul), put part of you inside this “sandbox”, this “playground”, this world-line reality at birth to obtain experiences.

And with each experience…

New relationships (known as “entanglements”) were formed at the quantum level.

Good or bad. Right or wrong. Black or white. Love or hate. All defined what your consciousness experienced, and all defines who you are. For you are the sum total of your experiences.

Put a “part” of you inside the reality…


Your soul created a “consciousness”.

It used quanta that it has, and organized it, and arranged it, and made a “consciousness”,

Most “consciousnesses” contain from 10% to 35% of the quanta of any given soul.

Which means that most of who you are is out in Heaven somewhere, doing “other things”.

And your “consciousness” is busy doing a number of tasks…

  • It is experiencing “life” within the “passage of time”.
  • The “life” is a non-stop sequence of experiences.
  • Each experience is the building, shaping, structuring, and arranging the relationships between different quanta, by your thoughts and your physical actions.
  • Thus it is making and creating memories.

All the time, the consciousness resides within a fixed physical body. One that has emotions, and feelings and other biological needs that drive it towards behaviors. These behaviors might be normal and bland, like eating and sleeping, or more complex like desiring to own a sports car, or having an interest in someone else, or very complex like emotions and relationship entanglements.

So the sum total of your “life” as a human, from birth to death, is actions and thoughts that result from experiences within the MWI. It is what the consciousness experiences. And since the consciousness is a part of the soul that created it…

That comprises from 10% to 35% of the activity of the soul.

What are these “other things” soul is doing…

So a big question that you might want to ask is what is the soul doing if a part of it is living life within the MWI?

Is it up there in Heaven “twiddling it’s thumbs”?

twiddle (one's) thumbs
To wait idly because one cannot take action or has nothing to do at the moment.

Although the phrase refers to an actual movement of the hand (in which one's fingers are interlaced and each thumb is brought over the other in succession), the phrase is usually used figuratively.
Twiddle one’s thumbs.


The soul is actually busy doing other things in Heaven.

Most of which, are way beyond the scope of what the consciousness might understand. For the consciousness is in control of a physical mind, within a physical body, that is physically tied to the understandings of that world-line that it is part of.

Now, it it be well understood that I do not have privy to what is going on with soul, because (after all) I am like you. I am a consciousness trapped within a physical body. And all I know that might be different is limited in scope, and tied to my EBP and other “understandings”. Things which might or might not be correct.

Never the less, there are some things that we can infer are going on.

Namely what the soul is doing in regards to the consciousness that it created.

For, as we well know, the soul is intimately connected to the consciousness. And, as such, the consciousness (you) can have an “inkling” of what soul might be doing in it’s involvement with the consciousness.

Orders from Headquarters

When I was young, and I wanted my father to play with me, the would sometimes explain to me that he couldn’t. I would ask why, and he would say “orders from headquarters”. Which meant that there were powers stronger than him that were telling him what to do and how to do it.

  • Sometimes it would be his job, his career, and his schooling (night school).
  • Sometimes it would be my mother.
  • And sometimes it would be other commitments.

All of which were beyond my understanding as a young boy.

So, instead of getting involved with detailed explanations on why he could not play with me, instead he would use this “catch all” phrase. He did this knowing that he did not have the time to explain the various complicated relationships and issues involved. And even if he did, it would have been unlikely for me to understand the reasoning at that time, at that age, and at that stage in my personal development.

There is NO WAY that any human within the “reality” universe that comprises the MWI can understand what is going on within the “Heaven” universe. All we can relate is the flimsy and tenuous understandings associated with the link between our consciousness and soul. Because, after all, they are intimately tied together.

So, what we can say is that there is a “relationship” between soul and the consciousness that it creates.

We can further say that this “relationship” is involved in how the consciousness obtains experiences…

Because, after all, that is WHY the soul created the consciousness in the first place.

… and thus the soul is in charge of the degree of comfort or discomfort that the consciousness experiences.

This has some profound implications.

What this means

While the reader should be well versed in the idea that thoughts create our reality, we have to take into account that there might be other influences that might also bend and shape the realities that converge.

What other influences?

  • Strong, contrary thoughts that might inhabit the world-line(s) that you inhabit. These might inhibit your Intention Navigation Campaign.
  • Physical limitations of the world-line itself.
  • Modification of the intention desires by your soul, which might run contrary to the desires of your consciousness.
  • Other, non-physical entities or mechanisms that might work with your soul to mitigate your intention direction.

In other words, it is very probable that your soul is assisting in the manifestation of the new world-lines that you enter. The degree of this “assistance” will depend on all sorts of factors. But I guess that the point is that you (as consciousness) have support (from your soul) in the selection of the world-lines that you enter and move towards. And that it will not alloy you (as consciousness) to “get off the track” in regards to learning experiences that it desires.

Thus you can expect the resulting world-lines that materialize to be what you asked for (in a Intention Campaign) but with very specific “strings attached” (lessons for you to obtain and learn from).

"Strings attached" is an idiomatic expression we say in English. When you give something to anybody with strings attached, that means there are conditions or obligations to the recipient. 

For example, you give a friend a new car and he is obligated not to refuse you if you ask him for a favor.

-Strings Attached | WordReference Forum


An Intention Campaign for (example) that might want a girlfriend that is a beautiful model in show business, might come with the “strings attached” that might have things from which you might learn some important lessons. And lessons are always uncomfortable. In this case, perhaps, she has a husband named Bluto, or that she has warts and will give them to you.

The soul, when working with the consciousness, will determine the level of severity and speed of the lessons that you will obtain within this MWI experience.

  • Some intention campaigns will be exactly what you desire. After all, if your intention campaigns will not work, then you would stop doing them.
  • Some intention campaigns would have resultant desires that would be exactly what you want, and it will come with a lesson that you will learn. If I were to ask other readers of Metallicman about whether they learned anything from their manifested desires, I might get hundreds of responses.
  • Some intention campaigns will result in things manifesting that will change the course of your desires in mid-stream. That is when you know that your soul has a hand in the manifestation of your desires.

So, do not mistakenly believe that 100% of what you intentionally campaign for will result in a 100% manifestation of your desires. The actual numbers are actually slightly less. It’s more like 95% and 95%. And it is your soul that has the ultimate say over what your consciousness manifests.

You (consciousness) is part of something much larger (your soul). And what you desire, and think of will manifest within your reality. Just realize that your soul has a say in that manifestation.

And it will come with a "price tag".


One thing about “false positives” is that every time they occur, you learn from them. That’s funny, isn’t it? Have you ever stopped and wondered why some manifested intentions have false positives while others don’t?

It’s all about the lessons that you as consciousness obtain.

Now, knowing this mechanism, you should be better equipped in using and manifesting your affirmation campaign. You can expect that what you yearn for will continue to manifest, and that the results will not do so by the laws of the physical universe, but rather will be “massaged” and manipulated by your soul to best manifest for your very own personal growth.

That is a good thing.

So, you need to keep all this in mind as you observe things manifesting before your very eyes. When they do, you need to review what lessons you are learning and whether or not you are growing as a person, as consciousness, and as soul in the process.

From the point of view of your soul, this is your learning center. Don’t squander it. Play with whatever “toys” you desire. Just know that their manifestation will be associated with the learning of something, at some time.

Just know that their manifestation will be associated with the learning of something, at some time.


Life can be far more exciting, far more enjoyable, and far more wonderful than you could ever imagine.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Intention Campaign Index here…

Intention Campaigns

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Hey Mr. M, this comment is just to remind you that your Master Index Page is not available. It says “page not found”. I often share your Master Index page when recommending your blog to somebody, but then suddenly came across this error.

Ohio Guy

So true this post is. I have been working on a solution to a problem for the past 6 months. During (most) of that time I was focused on making this “thing” happen. Then one day last week, I came upon some information. It was special info that was needed to complete my project. As it so happens, This info was complimentary in that it pointed me in a direction to obtain things that are difficult and costly to obtain. These “things” that I wanted/needed came to me sans difficulty AND cost. I must admint though, I was very determined to complete this project. I am now, thoroughly satisfied with the results and decisions made to obtain them. I must also give MM credit for all the information on concious, soul, heaven, MWI, Intention, affirmation campaigns all the way to this very post. Without it, my quest would still be a long, arduous journey. Much love, my human brother!