More stories and lessons from prior prayer affirmation campaigns and ghost campaigns

Today I have been busy getting ready for another photo shoot. Yeah. No kidding. Somehow, I and my entire family ended up getting roped into being models for a number of advertising firms, and a few days out of our week we spend at various photo studios on shoots. It’s a lot of work.

Oh. “Roped in” isn’t really accurate. It’s actually more like “opportunities arose ” and we took advantage of them, and they flowered and prospered.

Some of the shoots are in one or two main studios. Sometimes we use third-party studios as well, and there have been many, many outdoor photo shoots. Generally we go to one of the studios and get the makeup and costumes ready. This takes from two to three hours. Then we troop down to the photo shoot location. These off-site shoots take about 20 or so people, on top of the various makeup folk, grips, and all the rest.

We end up getting a small group of lookers-on that gather around and watch us. So we tend to have a real crowd of people hanging all around us. I suppose that it’s a real sight, I’ll tell you what. Today it was around ten to twenty people and maybe three to four infants. I guess we are the hottest thing to hit Zhuhai.

Our Photo shoot.

Our various photographers have told us that we are considered “premium” models. Which means that we are the top choice in the modeling industry I suppose. WTF? and why, for goodness sakes. It’s one of those things that just doesn’t make sense. Not at all.

Who would figure that my daughter would end up being a model?

My wife, well I can understand. She has this great skin. Really soft and flexible. It’s like she was born with natural hydration. It’s really quite amazing, and with her perfect eyebrows, well it’s “game over”.

But me? Give me a break.

What the Hell?

You know, I never specifically asked for this.

I never put “I will be a model” in any of my affirmation campaigns. But you know, that is how it happens, don’t you know. You picture a kind of lifestyle and a kind of life, and then suddenly your world-line template changes and you end up having all sorts of “off the wall” experiences that eventually take you to your end goals.

Off the wall, meaning unusual and unexpected.

As far as all this goes, I have no idea where it will take me, and take us. But I’m going with the flow, riding it out, and seeing what opportunities that it will present for us. You never know. Don’t you know.


What do you know… about models.

My Affirmation Campaign to have a model as a girlfriend.

Actually, there was a time, a long time ago, when I wanted to have a beauty model as a girlfriend.

But it was a long time ago.

Oh, about twenty five years ago, it was a different time. It was a different place. I was much younger then, and hurting. The movie “Twister” came out and was in the theaters, as was the witch move “The Craft”. And oh my golly was it a different time. Would you believe that a burger at Burger King… for a “Whopper” was $1. Yup! That’s right.

I friggin’ lived off those things.

After my first divorce, I was fed up (as are everyone who has ever gone though such a horrific and trying experience) and I wanted something (someone) different. Not in the sexual sense. But in the personality department. I wanted, or desired a woman who was her own woman. I wanted a strong woman. I wanted a confident woman. I wanted, and needed a beautiful strong and confident woman who would be direct with me and honest with me and who I would be able to talk with.

Jeeze! You would think that it wouldn’t be so damn hard.

Oh, sigh. Not so.

So I started some affirmation prayer campaigns to improve my life. And of course, that meant that I would have a girlfriend.

Being lonely sucks. It’s not freedom. It’s coming home to a dark and empty home with no life except the flickering blue monitor and the television. You eat a quick meal alone. And you end up eating what ever is easiest to make. Maybe cereal. maybe eggs. Maybe a hamburger. Maybe a pizza.

I wanted a companion. I wanted a girlfriend.

Well, I didn’t want just any girlfriend. I wanted the best girlfriend. And in my mind, at that time, the ideal of what beauty was came from Playboy, Baywatch, and movies. So I figured, “what the Heck“, and “shot for the sky“.

So I had a simple statement;

I am living with a beautiful, thin, blonde, fashion model.

And you know what?

Come on MM readers, you know exactly what happened.

I did my affirmations and moved on. At that time I was conducting a three month on / three month off affirmation campaigns. Months passed. I met some girls. I dated a bunch, and was living life and then, approximately three years later it happened.

I “hooked up” with a fashion model.

She was exactly as I vocalized it. She was exactly as I specified her to be. Exactly as I wanted.

  • Thin. Not twiggy. Just healthy thin.
  • Beautiful. Stunningly beautiful. (Her driver’s license picture was the most beautiful one that I have ever seen in my life.) I mean, Jeeze!
  • Blonde. Not bleach blonde. But real blonde hair. And in a mane no less! I did not specify this, but oh boy did I want it!
  • Absolutely perfect lips. Stunning eyebrows. Perfect nose. Pretty blue eyes. Thin waist, and a nice swan-like curve to her back.
  • And she was a beauty model. She really was. She was a real, honest to goodness (go to photo shoots) model.
  • And she moved in with me.

I have to tell you all that when she walked down the street, cars would stop. People would look out their windows at her. And I mean it when I tell you that the moment I was out of ear-shot, other guys would “make a pass” on her. Jeeze!

So what was the problem?


Her personality was one of a self-centered narcissist.  That’s the problem. And that personality (that she had) was so foul and repulsive to me that I didn’t want to go near her. No matter how beautiful and luscious she was. I just couldn’t bear to live with her, and so many times her personality repelled me so that I didn’t want to be near her, talk with her, have sex with her, or do anything with her.

No matter how sexy she appeared. no matter how sensuous and appealing and feminine she behaved, and no matter what temporary personality she masked, I couldn’t stand her. She repelled me, and I had zero desires for any kind of sex or intimacy with her. Zero.

So, yeah. We lived together. But it was not what I wanted.

It was (instead) what I ordered through my prayer affirmation statements in my campaigns.

“Let the buyer beware.”


Her name was CJ, and there is no question that she must be one of the most beautiful, physically attractive people to walk this earth. She probably has an Instagram account now, but who knows where she is now. The last time I talked with her was after my cat Texie died, and she was worried about me, and wanted to console me.

She wasn’t all that bad. Just not right for me.


Women will understand, but not so much the men-folk. Relationships are very, very, VERY important. Far more important than the physical images that we project. But in today’s society it is all images, and impressions. And thus it’s all a big lie.

You cannot capture feelings of love, attractiveness or specialness in a picture. Instead it is something that you experience.

Lessons learned

You need to reach down deep and find out what you really want out of life, and go for it. Not what you think might make you happy.

For instance, I personally think that Maine Coons are the most attractive cats, but if one of my long lost little buddies reincarnates near me, I will take him (it) in what ever form, or shape that materializes beside me. I miss our companionship.

Maine coon cat.

Find out what you want deep down inside. Rely on your feelings to guide you. Do not fall for fake images or pretend illusions. Go and strive for the most basic elements that will massage your soul.

Ghost Campaigns

Right now, you could actually say that I am married to a professional model.

I mean me, and my entire family are now (as I said earlier) roped into being models for various advertising agencies. Perhaps one day you will see a picture of me in some airport billboard, holding a glass of brandy, a cigar in one hand and an expensive watch on my wrist. And you can point and say…

“…hey! I know that guy!”

LOL. But the thing is, I wonder if the idea that I am living with a model is a harmonic resonance from my earlier campaign that I had that manifested CJ? And if so, as I have stated before, since there is no such thing as time, your position in the world-line template is relative to the impressions made by the sum total of all your thoughts relative to that singular point in your life.

Viewing the events of these past few weeks as a model, I cannot help but wonder about the CJ connection, and the creation of always present “Ghost Campaigns”. Which might lead to other similar events that will stack up upon each other.

So consider this idea and consider this concept.

The Key Concept

Previous affirmation prayer campaigns never leave, they stay active until they are dismissed.

Now, there does seem an element of “fading away” over time. So if you do not maintain your affirmation campaigns, you will end up reverting back to your pre-birth world-line template.

This being stated, however, there actually is an element of “stickiness” to your affirmations.

The best way that I can describe this is with a piece of chewing gum.

Chewing Gum Example

First. When you first start a brand new affirmation, inside an affirmation campaign, it is like buying a stick of chewing gum. You go into a store, you pick out the chewing gum. you pay for the gum, and you take it home.

Second. When you finish your affirmation campaign, and enter the “wait period”, that is when you take the gum out of the paper wrapping and the foil, and put it in your mouth to chew upon. And the entire time when you are living life you are chewing that gum over and over.

Third. Over time, that gum starts to lose it’s flavor. So you need periodic mentions of that object / goal / want in subsequent affirmation campaigns. But even if you don’t mention it, you will still be chewing the gum. This is true even if you forgot about the gum.

Fourth. Eventually, over time your gum will be ready. And you will take it out and put it there (on the wall or under the table). And there it is! Your goal has been achieved!

Fifth. If you do nothing, eventually the gum will fall off the wall, or from under the table. No matter how sticky it is, it is not immune to the effects of time. And it falls away.

Sixth. But, if you look closely to where the gum was, you will see that there is still gum residue all around the spot where the gum was placed. This “residue” still exists no matter what, and it affect all of your subsequent affirmations and travels.

Another way of looking at this is with automobile tires.

Automobile Tire Example

If you imagine a prayer affirmation campaign as a car, and the world-line template as a terrain that the car must drive though, then you will realize that certain tires on the car can only go into certain areas.

  • Racing tires are for speed on highways.
  • General use tires are for most residential areas and city driving.
  • Mud tires are perfect for mud and rough terrain.
  • Snow tires are great for snow and winter driving, but bad otherwise.

If you have a major goal in your affirmation campaign, it is like putting on a specific set of tires on your vehicle.

As such, as the world-line template changes, you will have easier travel in some sections, and more difficult travel in other sections. And thus, even though you might not be aware of it, that previous affirmation campaign that told you to put rock-climbing tires on your vehicle really made the last few weeks much easier for you then they would have normally been.

When you have prior or previous affirmations, it is like you having special “custom tailored” terrain for you to drive upon awaiting you in your future. You see, when you make an affirmation statement; that statement creates as target and a goal.

But that target or goal is not a singular fixed point. It is a region.

And those regions might be near or far, and you might obtain that region in 1995 or again in 2021, but those regions still exist no matter what.

Consider this terrain map. This map omits the simplistic mesh grid showing world-line and instead show it as a solid mass, and colored in the standard geographical topography that all of us understand. Normally, I do not want to use this, but in this case, I will make an exception.

My world-line template showing these areas that are carry-over ghost affirmations. As you can see, I am going though one right now, but is will eventually end and I will continue on my merry way towards my ultimate goals and objectives.
Actually guys, imaging the world-line template as physical terrain is very accurate as long as you realize that each element of that terrain represents a specific type and kind of world-line. Water means that you might have to "swim" or change the way you traverse the MWI. Mountains means that you will have a more difficult bout of transit, and ice covered mountains are even worse.

You see, every time you make a prayer affirmation, it lays down a soft of “highway” or a foundational path. You can visualize it as a pond, as in the above image, or as something else, but it still exists.

It exists all over your template. In your past. In your present. And in your future. Even if you made those affirmations way back in 1983, they still exist. It’s  just that their magnitude and influence is reduced somewhat.

And whether you stay on that path (enjoy the fruits of your affirmations) or wander off, that path remains on your world-line template.

In my case, the desire to have a girlfriend who was a beautiful  model laid down some terrain on my world-line template that exists no matter what other wishes, desires or dreams that I focus on. That path is still there. Maybe I will go back on it, or maybe I won’t. But the primary foundational structure is there.

So again, life moves on.

And in my case, while I once had an affirmation campaign in which I lived with a beautiful model, I find myself still resonating in that reality.

Girlfriends came and went.

I lived life, took jobs. Lost jobs.

Moved all over.

Got married, and you know what?

No, my wife is not blonde. No, she is Chinese, but all the rest pretty much fits.

Which means that each and everyone of your affirmation campaigns still exists in one form… or the other.

In one form… or the other.

Handy Hint

Therefore, to play it safe, you must always be positive. Try to maintain positive affirmations no matter what. If you throw out something negative in the template, even if that goal has materialized, you will still need to deal with the “stickiness” of that particular negative affirmation.

Do not be too specific

Oh, and by the way…

Do not be too specific, be general in most cases, unless there is a really specific item or element that is important to you.

Imagine you have a long series of affirmation campaigns discussing having delicious “Hawaiian Pizzas”. Well, for those who do not know, these are pizzas with ham and pineapple. And some people love them. I mean, who’d figure, but they do.

Here, the specific item (and the focus word) is “pineapple”.

Hawaiian pizza is a type of pizza originating in Canada, best known for having pineapple and either ham or bacon as toppings. Hawaiian pizza is commonly considered controversial, provoking passionate and polarizing debate, mainly focused on the inclusion of pineapple. 

A Hawaiian pizza.

Now in this example, we will imagine that you have been running affirmations to eat Hawaiian Pizzas in every single one of your on/off campaigns. And sure as heck they do materialize.

After a few years, you find yourself living upstairs to a pizza restaurant and you get an unlimited number of free Hawaiian pizzas because the restaurant owner has been experimenting with different kinds of pineapple and different kinds of ham, and he wants you to try his daily concoctions.

Lucky guy?

Nope. Not luck. It is mind control. You have full control over your mind, and thus over your reality.

Now what I suggest is something here that might give you pause to think.

If you stop asking for Hawaiian pizzas in your affirmations, what then?

Well, I argue that over time, you will not get all those free Hawaiian pizzas. You will still be able to get them, but times will change as your other intentions manifest. Things will change and be different. Perhaps now you have a real fondness for all-meat pizzas.

You know, like a “real” human does.

Delicious all-meat pizza.

But the “residue” from those years of affirmations specifying Hawaiian pizza will still exist and still persist. They don’t evaporate. But rather they change to fit the reality and the influences of your current bathes of affirmations.

But how it will manifest is anyone’s idea. It depends on what your other affirmations are and you moment to moment situation.

  • You could end up eating pineapple in all your meals.
  • You could live and work on a pineapple farm.
  • You could end up living in Hawaii.
  • You could end up getting allergic to pineapples.

The future, no matter what it will be, will be influenced by your previous affirmations.

And thus the following reality might be a realistic thing to expect;

You live in Malaysia next to a pineapple farm where you own a all-meat pizza restaurant, and have five sons who call you “Big Daddy Poppa Pizza”.

And a fine commentary on Pineapple Pizza

Personal preferences

Every person is different, but I lean toward toward ice cream Sunday girls, meat pie ladies, and Rubin girls with aside of french fries. It has been my experience that most women worth spending time with knows exactly where they are in the food chain and what they are in a relationship.

And why.

And what they want to get out of it.

Things that you an add to your affirmation prayer campaigns

To prevent some latent “mines” or hidden surprises, you might want to add the following affirmation to your campaigns…

  • Any previous affirmation campaigns that would conflict with this current campaign are ignored and have no effect. This campaign supersedes all previous campaigns.

Important note

You know guys, this “modeling” is not my primary occupation. I am semi-retired and am involved in multi-million dollar projects. I am actually busily working with two (multi-million dollar) projects right now, and this is but a minor distraction. Truth be told.


When you have been running a wide selection of diverse affirmation campaigns for decades, you start to have a very interesting and exciting life. Like guys… you have NO IDEA.

The point in all of this is that the photography ventures not the “end game”. They are something else. And in this case, they are the ghosted echos of a previous affirmation campaign.

These current events are in the lead up to my current set of goals. So no matter what distractions that these events create, I still must focus on my current goal set.

Focus on the goals and manifest your reality.

Since there is no time, all affirmations work together simultaneously

But it is a weighed input. The older and the more remote the affirmation from your present life-line is, the fainer it’s influence becomes. But it never goes away completely.

And thus you have my current life, and my current situation.

The MM lifestyle

I have a home on the beach and married to a wonderful beautiful model. My young daughter is a beauty fashion model as well. We eat well, we go out often. We live in a beautiful stunning area with great lush vibrant colors, an easy going great pace of life, and a wonderful future ahead.

Oh, and by the way…

All these components were all configured in prior verbal affirmation campaigns, but I never would have imagined that they would manifest like this. So… what does that tell you?

Come on. Think.

For goodness think.

You , and yeah you, can think and realize that your thoughts can really alter your reality. Even if you do not believe my narratives, you must admit that the excuses of “coincidences” simply do not “pass muster” or “cut it” in our reality.

What America tried to make MM into

The non-stop barrage of negativity flooding 24-7 on all media, plus the sucky lifestyle of a slave felon sex offender, and the constant worry that you could get thrown make into prison for jaywalking, of somehow being in violation of one new law or the other. Thoughts that would be dominant were I to stay inside of American would have painted my life quite differently.

I would probably living in a place much like this…

In another reality, this could have been me.

And dominant thoughts, though not as powerful as affirmation campaigns would absolutely influence my life at all levels.

All US communication is now solely for domestic consumption as the US internationally carries no authority, moral, legal, or political. It is the United States that is going to end up isolated in the world as our former allies and vassals turn to the future. 

The US, alas, cannot see a future that doesn't represent the past of imperial conquest. The Society of the United States is irretrievably broken, due in large part to the Hate Inc. business model of mass media that mirrors that Establishment's strategy to divide and conquer.

The United States is completely irrelevant in the world now, except to its own people who flail in a wasteland of ubiquitous propaganda and group-think.

Posted by: gottlieb | Sep 4 2021 18:13 utc | 5

Do not be under the mistaken idea that what I am now, where I am now, and the life that I live now are all coincidences and accidents. They are not. I absolutely was forced to change my life and get far, far away from those evil psychopaths who wanted to use me, and then discard me like some kind of crumpled Dixie Cup.

This is what they had planned for me…

This is what they had planned for me.

Despite all this bullshit, I am doing fine.

I attribute it to thought manifestation, and directed thought via affirmation prayer campaigns. And if you too, follow my led and my guidance, you too will have the kind of life that seems so far out of reach right now.

But [1] be patient. [2] Perform your affirmations rigorously. [3] Conduct a campaign, then [4] pause for an equal amount of time. then [5] repeat.

You will be surprised at how great your life becomes.

Expert Tip

Never, ever, ever let others define your life. Do not let them define your thoughts. Do not allow them to work up your emotions, or fears. You must define and control your thoughts. Otherwise you will blow in the winds of whatever is the fear-mongering of the day.

My life.

My life is mine. And there are elements in it that you all might find distasteful or not to your liking. But what I am trying to say is that it’s just perfect for me. And as it is all I really know, I want to be some kind of a sign-post or example to tell you all that you too can have your most wildest dreams come true. You really can.

You define your life. Not others. So refuse to listen to them.

"Why anyone would want to go to that disgusting, dirty, filthy, crime ridden cesspool under the brutal CCP regime is beyond me."

My Neighborhood.. Check out the video. I live in a very middle class neighborhood. This is typical residential China. This area is a mixture of residential and small business establishments.

"Have you seen how these people live? My Lord, they live in filth and squalor. And the crowds! And the dust and smog! Oh, and the horrible pale complexions, you can tell that they despise their lives."

Foodcheck out the video. I do eat well. Though, the food is very unlike what you would find in America. In fact, the “Chinese” food that you get in the United States does not resemble anything found in China, for the most part.

"The Chinese are starving. That is indefensible. And the only reason why you don't hear about it is because the brutal CCP regime controls all news. There is no freedom in China."
Just a little party from last weekend.

Where I livecheck out the video and my commentary.

Most everyone in China lives in building complexes. This is the area outside the front door to my building complex. My building complex hosts six residential towers, and a central park, pool and recreation facilities.

"Hey! Everyone knows that there isn't any freedom in the CCP regime, and that the poor people are being worked to death. They imprison Uighur's for their religion, and sexual exploitation of children is the norm rather than the exception."
Where I live.

From my living room. A good night to everyone from MM. You can watch the video here.

A good night to everyone from MM.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Prayer Affirmation index here…



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A quantum experiment suggests there’s no such thing as objective reality

I have long argued that everyone defines their own reality, and you can utilize affirmation prayer campaigns to navigate the MWI to manifest the reality that you wish to live in. I have used this, and illustrated this by the use of World-Line templates, which are two dimensional topographical maps that show the moment to moment world-lines that our thoughts navigate upon.
For many people this is difficult to accept. They are far too stuck in the idea of a single universe that everyone shares.
So imagine my happy glee when I came across this article that vindicated my theories. Well, not mine, actually. The theories and beliefs of our benefactors. But if you all want to attribute them to me, that’s fine too.
It all began with this tease…
Physicists have long suspected that quantum mechanics allows two observers to experience different, conflicting realities. A few years ago, they performed the first experiment that proves it.
Let’s do a quick recap. Alright?

How it works.

We are consciousness.

As consciousness we travel from one frozen reality to another one. Over and over. These frozen realities are known as world-lines.

Time is our perception of this movement.

Now, consciousness can be in two forms.

The forms are WAVE, and PARTICLE.

When the consciousness is outside the physical body, it is in the WAVE form.

When the consciousness is inside a physical body, it is in PARTICLE FORM.

Thus, the consciousness is constantly following a sine path switching back and forth between WAVE and PARTICLE states.

The only thing that consciousness can do in the WAVE FORM is think.

The only thing that it can do in the PARTICLE FORM is operate a body.

Thus we have the dualistic nature of consciousness.

You must think “outside the box”; the physical body, and then apply those actions to make physical reality changes happen.

Thinking Navigates our reality

Well, look at it this way. Our reality changes and molds to what we think. I covered this over and over before in other posts. Time is the movement of our consciousness as it moves in and out of world-lines.

And, of course, what we think thus changes our reality.

Because our thoughts determine what world-lines we enter into. So if we are thinking wonderful thoughts, and are calm, and direct our energy into wonderful things, our life would be wonderful.

Movement through the different world lines appears as time. As we think, we select the world lines to migrate towards. We need to control and master our thoughts.
Movement through the different world lines appears as time. As we think, we select the world lines to migrate towards. We need to control and master our thoughts.

But if we surround ourselves with negative thoughts, manipulative news, and people. If we are reacting to events instead of manifesting them, or if we hold grudges and evil negative thoughts… then our world experiences will become progressively darker and darker.

Thoughts generate memories.

Memories shape our thoughts.

Thus, our prior experiences shape the thoughts that we have. So they are crucially important to the creation of our life and our reality.

Thoughts create memories.

Our memories influence how we think and what we think about.

Our thoughts are influenced by our memories and the environment in our reality. So in order to overcome your immediate environment, you must overcome that influence and generate new and healthy thoughts.

It’s like this…

A poverty stricken beggar might yearn for a reality where he has a warm meal and a roof over his head from the rain. While a wealthy oligarch might yearn for forbidden activities, and serendipitous pursuits.

Russian Oligarch.
Russian Oligarch.


Why the difference?

It’s because of their experiences. And their experiences are molded by their memories which is a record of their reality.

Why are memories important?

Memories are important because they attract and repel quanta. You want a balanced mixture of good and bad memories so that the attractions are balanced.

That is how soul grows don’t you know.

The consciousness enters world-lines (via the MWI) and has experiences. These experiences are recorded as memories. These memories influence your actions and also power “The Law of Attraction” (for lack of a better term.)

Your realities are created by directed thoughts.

PLEASE SHUT OFF THE NEWS NOW. Do not allow the thoughts and actions of others to influence you, or cause you to live in fear.

The news media is dangerous and creates situations and thoughts that mess up your well-tended and directed thoughts.
The news media is dangerous and creates situations and thoughts that mess up your well-tended and directed thoughts.


Operate off your very own memories and your very own experiences.

Eventually, memories influence your thoughts in such a way that your sentience becomes defined. And we do want that, don’t you know. We want our sentience to be defined.

The brain does not record memories.

Firstly the brain does not record memories. Instead, it accesses them.

Memories reside outside any given reality and “world-line”.

Which is currently at odds with “modern” medical science. Pull up any internet article and they will point to specific regions in the brain where memories are “stored”.

Sorry, but nope.

Conventional belief on how memories are stored within the body.
Conventional belief on how memories are stored within the body.


Those are the regions and areas inside the brain that accesses memories. they do not store them.

To use internet technology here…

Conventional Medical science

Memories are recorded and goes directly into the brain "Hard Drive". As you get older more and more memories are packed inside of the "hard Drive".

MAJestic understanding

Memories are accessed from the cloud via a Wifi router. It collects the memories in "packets" and puts them in ROM / RAM for immediate use.

So instead of thinking of your brain as a big old hard-drive. You need to start thinking of it as a wifi router that accesses memories in the cloud.

Navigation of World-line travel is not for the faint of heart.

We naturally, as a living being on this planet, conduct world-line travel. Every moment, of every day, roughly 244 times a minute we move in and out of new realities.

Most humans operate at around 4 Hz. That is the speed at which we process a given reality. This speed changes under all sorts of conditions. 

We view this progression; this movement from one reality to another as an “arrow of time”.

The problem is that we don’t view it as anything but “the way the universe is”. We wrongly and incorrectly view it as beyond our control. We think that time is fixed and immutable. As such we use it, as a clock, for all purposes related to physics and dynamics.

So, everyone naturally conducts world-line travel.

However, they do so without navigation. They do so without planning, a map or any sort of objective. They just wonder about, and let the surrounding reality affect their thoughts. They let their thoughts be their own thoughts, totally and completely oblivious to the fact that the thoughts are HOW you navigate to new realities.

But, take special note, everything outside our consciousness is not fixed. Is is all subject to change. The ONLY thing that is fixed is our consciousness.

Consciousness and soul.
Consciousness is a part of our soul. It occupies different realities at will. The realities that it chooses to occupy is a function of the thoughts that it generates, as well as the thoughts that are surrounding it.


Now, here is the kicker.

To obtain the reality that we want to inhabit (whatever that might be). We need to map out a plan to get there. We need to navigate our consciousness in and out of adjacent realities so that eventually we will arrive at our ultimate destination(s).


Thus, to be able to do this, we need to control two (2x) things…

  1. A map, plan, or schedule of where we want to go.
  2. Mastery of our thoughts.

[1] Planning – A Map

The first thing we need to talk about and address is planning.

In the Matrix, Cypher simply wanted to be reinserted in a completely new reality. It can be manifested using the techniques listed here.

Let’s talk about this.

I don't want to remember nothing. Nothing. You understand? [pause] And I want to be rich. You know, someone important, like an actor. 

We will use the Cypher character from the movie “The Matrix” to illustrate. In the movie, he had a general idea of what he wanted. He had a target that they wanted. He wanted to be rich, and successful. He wanted to be respected, have a lot of fun, and not need to worry about too much. He wanted the life of a Hollywood director. He wanted the wealth, prestige, and the casting couch. That was his goal.

But… how to arrive there?

In the movie, he had a steak dinner with an agent of the reality. (A Mr. Smith.) He negotiated with them. He promised to take some action, and in reward, we would be given a new life within a new reality.

Cypher at dinner.
Cypher is negotiating with Mr. Smith to give him a new life and a new reality within the Matrix in exchange for certain favors. He agreed. That was his plan to achieve his goals.

In the movie, it is very simple. You promise “A”, and in exchange you will get “B”.

In the movie, Cypher promised to capture (or kill, I’m not sure which it was) the main character Neo. In exchange, the “angel of change”, a Mr. Smith would give him a new reality where he would have a new life as a Movie Director.

Cypher knew he could do this because he knew what the Matrix really was. He knew that everything was an illusion. Yet, his consciousness and his body treated that illusion as a reality. He wanted to taste the steak and chew it in his mouth. He wanted to drink the wine and smoke the fine cigar. He wanted to use that knowledge to garner a far better life for himself.

Cypher eating a steak.
Cypher knew that everything was an illusion. He knew that the steak was really just software code, but his body couldn’t tell the difference.


The first thing that you need to do is plan.

You need to have a “map” that describes exactly what you want in your life. This can be a lot of fun, but I must urge caution. Manifesting thoughts can also manifest all sorts of unintended consequences.

It has been my experience that what is pictured in Hollywood is often nothing that represents real life. No matter how good they try to provide that image, it’s just not the way things work.

Unless you are careful, the reality that you manifest can bring with it all sorts of other issues and problems.

The red dress girl in the movie The Matrix.
Unless you are careful, there can be all sorts of surprises in the reality that you inhabit. There it is prudent that you take care and concern when mapping out your destination world-line.

Thus you do need to be very careful in the specifying of your ultimate world-line destinations.

“Sometimes when you win, you really lose. Sometimes when you  lose, you really win. Sometimes when you win, you really tie. And,  sometimes when you tie, you really win or lose.” 

White Men Can’t Jump – Rosie Perez (Gloria Clemente) Gloria was trying to get her boyfriend to see that every action that you take affects someone or something else.

Some results are obvious and intended, but occasionally they have negative, unintended affects too.

Her boyfriend had lost substantial amounts of money playing basketball, despite being great at it.

He finally came through on his promise to win money in the game, but found her gone when he came home. He won the game, but lost his girl.

You can yell at your boss in staff meetings, sleep with his wife on his desk, and pee on the carpet in his office, but you probably will not keep your job.

So, unless you are waiting on a hefty inheritance, you should thoroughly think through the repercussions of your behavior before you do anything.

Sometimes, your first instinct is not the best one. -Answers from Men

I have found that it is far easier for me to describe things using diagrams.

Here, in this first diagram, we see how a normal person (just living life normally) experiences time.

World-line travel is known as the passage of time.
We don’t understand what time is simply because our understanding of what the universe is, is flawed.
There is no such thing as time. What there is, instead, is an infinite number of parallel universes, and we humans go in and out of each one at a rate of about 144 different universes a minute. Roughly.
So for a person starting at a clock at 0, and then counting down to a clock saying 1 second, we would have passed through various adjacent realities without even knowing what we were doing.


Typically that number is around 4 world-lines every second. It’s slightly faster or slower for different people, at different times.

Now, that you know what “time” is, you can now understand that the “passage of time” is you passing in and out…


…all sorts of adjacent world-line realities.

The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. 

You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

— Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne)The Matrix 

Now, let’s talk about how to map out the passage of time to get you to a destination; a reality that you would prefer.

For instance, look at the following diagram.

  • You are currently in world-line reality “A”. It is shown in a green color.
  • You want to eventually have a new reality “B”. It is shown in a gold color.
  • There are two paths marked out. One is yellow and one is black.
World-line travel mapping.
You are currently in world-line reality “A”. It is shown in a green color. You want to eventually have a new reality “B”. It is shown in a gold color. There are two paths marked out. One is yellow and one is black. You want to take the safe path in black, even though it will pass through more adjacent realities and take longer to achieve your destination. Those realities that are undesirable to you (sadness, hurt, pain, discomfort) are shown by grey colors. You will want to avoid them.

The yellow path is the most direct path. It will require fewer adjacent realities to pass through. The black path is the preferred path. It will take longer, because you will need to pass through more adjacent realities to get to it.

The reason that you want to take the black path over the yellow path is so that you can avoid those problematic realities. They are shown in grey.

These are realities that will cause you turmoil and distress that you do need to avoid if you truly want to have a great life. They include such things as car accidents, company layoffs, periods of hardship, medical bills, and death. You do want to avoid these realities.

You MUST plan.

You MUST visualize what you want.

If you do not, then you will not have any ideas or visualization of your desires, and the desires of others around you will determine what will happen to you. Don’t allow that to happen.

Thus, when planning, you need to absolutely make sure of a number of factors. These are;

  • A destination lifestyle. Clear and easy to visualize. It must be very detailed. There must be no ambiguity in it what so ever.
  • Incorporate elements that will guarantee avoidance of problematic adjacent realities.
Important note. No this is not walking into a dimensional-portal and going in and out different world-lines. Instead, this is using the knowledge that every fraction of a second 1/244 minute we move to a new reality as determined by our thoughts and the thoughts of those around us. This discusses how we "steer" our consciousness in and out of those realities to achieve our goals.
You can have anything you want.
You can have anything you want. But you must imagine it. You must think about it. You must manifest it. Otherwise, the thoughts of those around you will determine what will happen to you.

[2] Mastery of our thoughts.

 “You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind.” The Matrix – Lawrence Fishburne (Morpheus)

 The only thing that can stop you from accomplishing everything that  you have dreamed of, is you. Once you believe that something is  possible, it becomes possible. Fear stunts our ability to succeed in our  professional and personal lives. 

 -Answers from Men 

Thoughts alter our reality.

They do, and this isn’t just some kind of “new age” mumbo-jumbo. It is a fact, and if you can’t get your arms around this basic point, you need to go back to school and study Quantum Mechanics all over again.

The primary key is navigating the map that we created in [part 1] above, this navigation is often difficult to do. That is because we need to be in control of our thoughts, and modern life will not permit that.

All that “fake news”, and every commercial you see, and all the thoughts by all the people around you affect YOUR thoughts.

Morning news 9JUN19
Here is a screenshot of the morning news on 9JUN19. Wait two years and see just how relevant any of this is to your personal life. You will discover that none of these things really matter. They just don’t, yet these writings and news affects your thoughts. Turn them off. They are harming you.

If you want to become the master of your life, and obtain the end destination reality that you mapped out, you will need to turn off those bad thought-streams. Yes, and that means breaking some long-formed habits.

That daily dose of news first thing in the morning MUST END.

As I read the news I see a specter of a dark foe bent on creating a  world that few of us want to see, one built out of fear and control.   It’s even scarier because that foe wants you and I to think that it’s  winning, so we will give up and it can win by default.  Don’t.  

-Wilder Wealthy Wise

You must start to control the thoughts that go into the environment around you. If you cannot master that, you will never obtain the end goals that you have set for yourself.

The pre-birth world-line template

The most important thing that you must understand is that our consciousness is foreign to this universe.

Our consciousness did not evolve in THIS universe. It evolved in a different universe. 

Thus it is alien. It doesn't fit here.

This universe is something that the consciousness USES for it's own purposes.

I know that that opens up a ton-load of questions. Answers to that and their implications are “above my pay grade”, but I do have some thoughts. I can cover them later on if you wish.

Our consciousness comes from soul.

Soul creates a smaller part of itself. This part is known as "consciousness" and it is used to travel outside of the "Heaven" universe.

Again. The “soul” does not exist here; in this (apparent) universe. The soul occupies an entirely separate universe. One which I refer to as “The Heaven Universe”.

The Soul creates a consciousness.

It ejects that consciousness into a “transport tube”; a kind of tunnel.

This tunnel is a mechanism for the consciousness to move from one universe to another.

Then the consciousness arrives in the “reality” universe.

Being foreign, there is really nothing that our consciousness is able to do in this “reality” universe. It is like water and oil. They just do not interact together well.

The only thing that our consciousness is able to do is generate thoughts. That is it.

Like a sun generates light, or how a flame creates sparks. The consciousness is able to create the same kinds of "stuff" that it is comprised of. This is what thoughts are.

Thoughts are a form of the same kind of constructions as one's consciousness is.

And this reality universe (as I like to call it), consists of a near infinite number of fixed world-lines.

The "Heaven" universe is completely different from the "reality" universe.

In fact, it is almost like the "reality" universe is an "artificial"  construct of some type.

The "reality" universe consists of an infinite number of static moments in time, or what I call "world-lines".

All that our soul can do, is inject our consciousness into a body.

Then, once the consciousness is there, the thoughts that the consciousness has navigates to the next world-line based on the highest-probability occurrence.

This highest-probability of occurrence is a pre-established vector that the consciousness follows independent of thought.

We call this the “world-line pre-birth template”.

It is the fated direction that your life will unfold towards as your consciousness rides the physical body life-time. It is critically important in what your life will present to you to experience. (At least that is what your very own soul expects.)

You could be an infant, brain-dead in a vegetative state, or mind dulled by drugs and abuse, but the vector path of the life that you will live will be following the pre-mapped out “pre-birth world-line template”.

It is the system that your soul establishes for your consciousness.

It is the way for your consciousness to obtain experiences.

How to navigate the world-lines

Well, thoughts are the ONLY thing that the consciousness can create.

And thoughts act like a magnet to the most similar world-lines. The thoughts form a “shape” or better yet, a “profile” that surrounds the consciousness. And the consciousness automatically moves towards the world-lines that match that profile.

This is a basic activity that describes MOVEMENT UPON the pre-birth world-line template.

But it does not describe movement off the pre-birth world-line template. That requires a different mechanism for movement. (A similar mechanism, but fundamentally different.)

So thoughts alone, without any further actions, can navigate upon the pre-birth world-line template. It is what is known as a “fated life”.

So if you rely on your thoughts alone to navigate, you will find that your life seems to be “fated”. That you might wish and yearn for things, but they never materialize. You might think about that nice guy or gal at the coffeehouse, but nothing will really manifest. Your life will just follow your pre-mapped out life.

Your thoughts might move you close to certain areas, but it won’t take you to where you want to go.

Movement off the Pre-Birth World-line Template

If this situation describes you…

That you think, wish and dream for things, but they never materialize. It seems that your life is fated to some degree.

Then, you are “trapped” following the pre-birth world-line template.

If you do not want to follow the fated life that has been provided to you, then you will need to incorporate additional measures to navigate the MWI. You will need to navigate off the pre-birth world-line template.

There are two main techniques to do so.

  • Verbal Affirmations
  • Slides

We are NOT a physical body. We are soul that manifests a consciousness within our reality.

Knowing and realizing this, makes some of the passages in the religious books far more reasonable, and easier to understand. It doesn’t matter if it is the Koran, or the Bible. Understanding the way the universe works, and truly works, adds a far greater understanding to the wisdom that resides inside of these great works.

The soul creates a “consciousness” that it places in a “container”. This container is a “world-line”. Our “universe” is a near infinite number of world-lines.

We are soul.

We are placed here for our consciousness to obtain experiences.

We navigate in and out of the world-lines though our thoughts. Our rate of travel (in general) is (for most humans) about 4 Hz. Or, four cycles per second. (Four world-lines each second.)

There are different rates of travel, and different species travel the MWI at different speeds. In general, the rate of travel is proportional to the operational speed of the brain. This of course varies.

If you dull your brain to such a degree that your brain is slower, then you will not travel the MWI as fast as others would. And you might find your life slowly "falling behind" that of others.


  • We are consciousness. We “rent” a physical body for a fleeting moment of time.
  • Our reality is NOT shared. Instead our consciousness occupies a singular world-line. It is a momentary event.
  • We (our consciousness) migrate between momentary world-lines through our thoughts.
  • This movement is known as “the arrow of time”.

The best way that I can introduce the reader to this “radical” understanding of how our universe actually works, is to use the “movie projector theory”.

Movie Projector theory for the MWI.

What time actually is and how we naturally move through the various world-lines.
This is an illustration of what time actually is. Time does not exist. It is a perception that our consciousness has as it moves and weaves in and out of different world-lines. Here we use an old-fashioned movie reel projector to help illustrate this understanding.

Thus, the idea of the actual way things work is really, really, REALLY different than what everyone assumes or believes. The difference is so stark, that many researchers are handicapped in their understanding of reality. Ah, but it need not be that way.

Come on!

You can well understand the movie projector analogy, can’t you?

If you can, well good for you! Award yourself a gold star.

The Movie Projector Theory in more detail…

The problem with that analogy (and it is a really good analogy), that that it does not take into account the individual frame selection in the film role. For in actual contemporaneous movies, it is the movie producer that selects the individual frames, and the person just sits back and watches the movie.

In reality, it is more like an entire bank of projectors, and we (as soul) selects the movie that interests us.

In this model, we have numerous movie projectors, all running simultaneously (at the same entropy)… Ah! At the same time.

We can “jump into” any scene portrayed by any of the movie projectors at will. We just look at the projected images.

Projector line up.
Instead of a producer selecting the frames in a film and arranging the movie, and content, the soul consciousness does this instead. Using the movie projector analogy, it is similar to being in a room with multiple movie projectors all running similar films simultaneously. You, as consciousness, can decide which movie to watch. The further away the movie projector is from the movie that you are currently watching, the more effort is required.

The further away the movie projector is from us, the harder it is to watch that movie. So we must watch closer movies (momentarily) and then “edge our way” closer to the movie projector that we are interested in.

Most people, sadly, do not do this.

They allow the movie projectors to operate randomly and they find themselves watching movies that they may not really care for.

How it manifests

So, using this film / movie projector analogy further it is exactly how our consciousness selects the “life experience” that we obtain. Each frame in a given movie reel is a world line. They are all playing about simultaneously, and our consciousness selects the world-lines to occupy by hopping from frame to frame. (World-line to world-line.)

Movie reel frames as consciousness selected world-line selection criteria.
By selecting each frame in a given movie, we can navigate within the movie, or even “jump” to another completely different movie all together. It is all dependent upon our thoughts, or the navigation of our consciousness.
Our soul decides the very first frame, and the very first movie reel that we will enter. However, it is our consciousness that decides how to make the best of our life, and how to navigate within the framework that is provided to us by the divine.

Nearby movie projectors are nearly identical to the one that we are viewing at the moment. Their divergence from our “present reality” is often very small.

As we move further and further away to more distant movie projectors the divergence gets larger and larger and larger.

This is why it doesn’t seem like we are moving from one world-line to the next. It seems smooth, seamless and transparent. That is because the deviance in nearby world-line (projectors) is very, very small.

Our thoughts select the world-line…

In reality, the “film spool” (a collection of “frames”) is known as the “life experience” of a given consciousness as it takes on a life.

It is a record of our travels in and out of different world-lines. Where a “world-line” is represented as a frame within the movie reel.

The individual “frames” that are selected, are chosen by the thoughts of the consciousness that inhabits the body. We migrate to things that we think about. We migrate to what we think about.

Not necessarily what we might desire. It is what occupies our thoughts most of the time. (So shut off that stupid manipulative television, why don’t ya!)

For all its popularity, Facebook isn’t without its share of scandals.  In the latest one, details came out of an experiment conducted on  700,000 Facebook users over the period of a single week in 2012. News  feeds were manipulated to contain positive or negative news and content,  then users were monitored to see if the change made them use more  positive or negative words in their status updates. 

And it  worked—people’s status updates showed a change in emotion  that went along with the kind of news that they were exposed to. 

The  term used was “emotional contagion,” and it confirms something pretty  frightening.

According to the study, people don’t even have to be physically  around another person in a bad mood to absorb the negativity into  themselves—negativity can be “caught” just from looking at a computer  screen. 

There doesn’t need to be  a personal, emotional connection for emotional contagion to happen. 

Not  surprisingly, the study has brought up a number of disturbing  questions, and it’s now being investigated by organizations like the  Information Commissioner’s Office in Dublin. Those questioning the  ethics of the study state that it’s nothing less than psychological  manipulation. As if that’s not shady enough, Facebook users were unaware  that they were having their emotions and moods manipulated through  another party controlling just what was popping up in their news feeds. 

-List verse
How consciousness selects thoughts.
I am hungry, but what do I want to eat? It is our thoughts, coupled with our memories and yearnings that help us decide what actions to take. So what to do? Eat a bowl of dog food, or have a nice tasty delicious pizza? Decisions. Decisions. It is our thoughts that determine which world-lines to occupy, and for most people, they just go with the flow and end up with whatever is provided to them.

No two thoughts are the same…

One of the problems that people need to come to grips with is that thoughts are not equal. Thoughts are “weighed”. Each thought is different. And thus each thought has a different degree in influence in world-line selection.

Thoughts and emotions together form a complex stew of "influence" that can absolutely affect your world-line travel adventures.
Thoughts and emotions together form a complex stew of “influence” that can absolutely affect your world-line travel adventures. For instance, consider the scenario of you being hungry and desirous of eating a fine New York style pizza. Now your enjoyment at eating that pizza will depend on your emotions at the time. Obviously you won’t be able to enjoy it if you were angry, now would you? Our emotions, our memories our physical health and other factors all work together to influence our world-line navigation ability.

Thoughts and emotions together form a complex stew of “influence” that can absolutely affect your world-line travel adventures.

These thoughts are comprised of “levels of influence”.

  • Duration of thinking about something.
  • Emotional attachments with the thoughts.
  • Prior memories of similar events.
  • Prior physical experiences.
  • The thoughts of the people (shadow consciousnesses) around you.
  • Cultural variances, needs and desires.
  • Mass thought manipulation (Have you been paying attention to the news lately?)
  • One’s inherent belief system.

Ah, no two thoughts are equal. They have a “weighed” value or influence factor. Further, they are also modified by other thoughts by other “shadow consciousnesses” (Individual proxy consciousnesses that share a given reality.)

Think about it. It has to be this way, or else an obsessed person should be able to have their dreams manifest quite easily. But, the truth is that they don't. That is because of a slew of factors. One of which is the "level of influence" that a thought is given within a given world-line.

One of the most important and significant factors in thought-directed world-line selection is one’s inherent belief system.

Consider the cow.

One mighty big cow.
One mighty big cow.
Let's use the cow analogy. 

For instance, you might be starving, and ready to die of starvation.

A typical American would not have any qualms with butchering a cow and eating steak. A Hindu would not, and would rather die than kill a cow. A vegetarian might be against eating it, but would not have any qualms drinking it's milk.

Our actions are determined, in large part, by our belief systems.

It is our deepest belief systems that have the greatest influences in our thoughts.

The influence of our deepest thoughts.
It is our deepest thoughts and core belief systems that have the greatest influence in thought direction and world-line selection. For no two people are the same.

This is a very important subject, and I will cover it later on.

For now, let’s look at things simply.

Consider that all thoughts are simple, unique and they can easily select the “frames” or world-lines that the consciousness will migrate to.

The actual “landscape” of the MWI as viewed by the individual consciousness.

Imagine a “road map” of nearby world-lines.

Now, what would it look like? What would it resemble? How would we be able to take into account all the different variables that are constantly shifting and changing all around us?

Obviously, it would have a form of sorts.

It would have (as an illustration) globes representing a given “world-line” (or “frame” in the movie using the analogy above). It would also have lines. The lines would represent a path of migration. Which is the most probable paths for a consciousness to take when moving from one world-line to another.

Movement in and out of the world-lines in the MWI by using the movie projector analogy to describe the way that consciousness moves in and out of different world-lines though thought.
Movement in and out of the world-lines in the MWI by using the movie projector analogy to describe the way that consciousness moves in and out of different world-lines though thought.

Now, this is a pretty good analogy as far as it describes the path that a consciousness would take. However, this analogy ignores the world-lines that are not taken. And in general, there a millions or much larger numbers of world-lines that are constantly ignored.

So a better way of mapping this procedure is to do so in a three dimensional framework.

Moving away from the movie projector analogy and mapping it upon a three-dimensional grip, it might look something a little like this. With the positions of the world-lines geographically positioned relatively to the pathways as a function of the intrinsic value of the particular world-line.

The path that consciousness takes might be just as well placed on a map of sorts. THis map might show nodes and paths where the consciousness might migrate depending on thought manifestation, generation and progression.
The path that consciousness takes might be just as well placed on a map of sorts. This map might show nodes and paths where the consciousness might migrate depending on thought manifestation, generation and progression.

However, it would not look so much like a cluster of grapes, or bubbles on a foamy sea of bath water. No.

It turns out that the highest probability pathway forms a kind of sheet or flat surface when plotted in the three dimensions.

If you end up plotting everything, you can't make out heads or tails of the map. It's just this one big mess. But, if you plot the pathways that have the greatest probability of travel, it simplifies immensely.

Instead of a cluster of grapes, it would look a little like a mesh or a grid. With the points being world-lines, and the lines connecting the points as the shortest distance to that world-line.

Now, if you take a step away from this “map” of “world-lines” and their lines of “high-probability” consciousness transfer it might start looking a little like this.

Where you would see a “surface” of “highest probability” pathways, with the relative ease of travel and the strength of character needed to traverse affecting the heights and valleys of the apparent surface.

How the world-lines with consciousness migration paths migh look when a person takes a larger overview. You will see that the map is not a flat surface, but rather undulates. It forms hills, valleys and "mountains". This surface is the "geography" of the world-line transition map. Each posible destination world-line would have a different value of "potential". Which is a potential for the consciousness to move towards it and occupy it.
How the world-lines with consciousness migration paths might look when a person takes a larger overview. You will see that the map is not a flat surface, but rather undulates.
It forms hills, valleys and “mountains”. This surface is the “geography” of the world-line transition map. Each possible destination world-line would have a different value of “potential”. Which is a potential for the consciousness to move towards it and occupy it.

The “surface” that this map forms is the HIGHEST PROBABILITY of consciousness movement from one world-line node to another.

  • Going above the surface indicates a strength of will over the combined strength of inertia of a given world-line.
  • Going below the surface indicates a weak strength of will and a consciousness being overwhelmed by the inherent inertia of a given world-line.


  • Moving to the left upon the mapped surface indicates more freedom of movement upon a given world-line reality.
  • Moving to the right upon the mapped surface indicates less freedom of movement upon a given world-line reality.


The topographic map display is a useful tool in understanding the hurtles and trials that one needs to endure to travel forth on the MWI.

The movement on the topographical map of the highest probability paths is accomplished via thought.
The movement on the topographical map of the highest probability paths is accomplished via thought.

However, the rate of travel is fast…

The thing is, however, that the rate of travel through each world-line in the MWI is quite fast. It is around four world-lines per second. (For some people it is much, much higher.) Thus, for any topographic map to be of any use, it will have to have to exist on a much larger scale than what is presented here.

As such, the individual world-lines would appear as tiny pixels, and for the map to be of any use, it should describe a travel duration in terms of weeks rather than seconds. This means that the map would look like a smooth gradient rather than an array of “floating”globes.

MWI geometic map showing an arraw of highest probability world-lines in a seven second cluster of time.
MWI geometric map showing an array of highest probability world-lines in a seven second cluster of time. As the resolution increases the similarity to geologic topographic maps increases. Often these maps resemble landscapes and other recognizable surfaces.

Mapping the surface.

Here, we are going to take a look at the way the landscape actually looks from the point of view of an individual consciousness. It is NOT simple and flat. It is undulating with all sorts of “nearby” world-lines that the thoughts can select and migrate towards.

In general, it might look something along these lines…

The general topography of the MWI.


In reality, this topographical map is much more complex and complicated. However, I was able to (functionally) navigate it using a sort of simple 3d understanding, and that understanding is one that I will provide here. Yes, these are my conventions distilled and illustrated as a teaching aide.

Here we look at it is the substantially simplified version that I am accustomed to using.

The meanings and purposes in the three-dimensional topographical portrayal.

Now because this is a very simplified diagrammatic representation, numerous variables are incorporated in the “X’ and “Z” axes. (Not to mention the entropy axis “Y”.) In general, as I understand it, the characteristics of the “X’ and “Y” axes are an algebraic sum of the inverses of the individual contributions to the axes elements.

OK. I know that I lost you. Just think of it as a sum average of all your thoughts.

Internal Influences

Internal influences should be understood as the ultimate result of comparative thought-driven MWI transitions by the given consciousness.

Suppose the mind has a wide selection of thoughts. Everything from anger at a spouse, to frustration at work, and influences in the news, to a loving thoughts related to romance. All these thoughts will work together to generate a (singular) "value" on this axis.

But, it is more than that. It is also the weighed value and the intensity of the thoughts, coupled with the apparent carry-over duration longevity of the thoughts as a person migrates in and through the other world-lines.

Let's keep it simple.

Look, if you drop a slice of pizza in the middle of a muddy road, would you [1] pick it up, wipe the mud off the pizza, and eat it. or [2] say "heck with that", and leave the pizza in the mud as a lost cause.

For most people, they would give up and abandon the slice of pizza. 

The amount of mud is far too distracting to enjoy the slice of pizza. That is that way this system works. For if you abandon the slice, like most people would, your would occupy a world-line on the surface of the undulating map. 

If however, against all probability and convention, you decided to eat the slice, you might be above or below the surface, depending on other factors.

Here’s an example.

Let’s suppose that you are a simple fellow and you have five things going on in your life.

  • A spouse that wants a divorce.
  • A boss who is hinting on firing you.
  • A yearning for a club sandwich and an ice cold beer.
  • A pet that loves you and is very loyal.
  • Memories of fishing with your father.

In this example, some of the items would have more emotion attached to it that others. While other issues might be better at controlling your emotions and directing your thoughts. While still others might be able to erase the thoughts completely (if for a short period of time).

You might be an emotional wreck and your thoughts would manifest a life that would reflect your thoughts.

As an aside, drugs and other stimuli can also influence thoughts and behaviors. All of these complexities can alter the navigational ability on the MWI.

There is no way to judge which thoughts or issues affecting the thoughts would have the greatest influence on the person because it is their deepest internal core belief systems that would result in how the world-lines would manifest.

Charlie Sheen's Public Meltdown in 2011
Charlie Sheen’s Public Meltdown in 2011

All that one can assume is that all the factors would be weighted together and balanced though the core belief systems of the soul / consciousness. This would influence the momentary section of the next world-line.

Is it no wonder that when things start going wrong, that they often end up spiraling out of control?

External Influences

External influences should be considered the inherent inertia that comes with a given world-line.


Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to any change in its state. Once you have a bowling ball sitting on the floor, it is a little difficult to get it to move. However, once you get it moving, it's hard to slow down. 

That difficulty... getting it started to move, and stopping it from moving... is what is known as inertia.

For our purposes it is the accumulated influences of the “shadow thoughts” of those (non-consciousness) apparent beings that share a given destination world-line. These are all the physical and non-physical influences that would affect the thoughts of a consciousness while it is in a given world-line.

You see, there can only be one consciousness per world-line. All those other "people" that we share the world-line with are actually "shadows". They are the bodies and representation of other consciousness were they to share the reality with us. As such, not only are their physical being present with us, but also their thoughts, dreams, desires and urges as well.

A "shadow" is a person that we share the specific world-line with. 

However no consciousness inhabits their body. Their actual consciousness is off in another reality. We are observing their 'shadow" or a portrayal of how they would behave, act and think were they to share our reality with us.

The arrow of time.

With this being understood, a consciousness… a person might experience world-line travel at a rate of around 4 Hz, and visit numerous world-lines in any given instance. Thus the “arrow of time” might look something like this…

How time manifests in the MWI.
The topography of the MWI showing the apparent “arrow of time”.

Thus in this simplified diagram showing the geography of the MWI you (the reader) can see [1] how the passage of time manifests, [2] how your thoughts can alter and change the “X” vector component, and [3] how a given world-line can influence the path direction via a “Z” axis vector. You will also notice that the “arrow of time” [4] moves along the direction of decreasing entropy.


A measure of the amount of disorder in a system. Entropy increases as the system's temperature increases. For example, when an  ice cube melts and becomes liquid, the energy of the molecular bonds  which formed the ice crystals is lost, and the arrangement of the water  molecules is more random, or disordered, than it was in the ice cube. We can assume that in a  macrocosmic  universe, that it can be best represented as time.

The migration process.

Movement of a soul consciousness to a world-line reality.

Our consciousness moves from one physical body in one world-line to another in a different world-line. For most humans, most of the time, the rate of travel is around four world-lines per second.

Expert hint;

If you are using "the power of intention" to manifest your reality, what you are doing is focusing on a destination world line. If you track your success or failure in this effort, you will discover the amount of time it will take for your intentions to manifest.

If it took 6 months, then that means that you had to pass through 62,208,000 (more or less) world lines to arrive at your destination world-line.

Figure around 10 million world-line transitions per month.

The way that consciousness is able to move in and out of the various world lines is though wave propagation behavior.

  • While it is a given world-line, the consciousness occupies the body in the particle form.
  • While the consciousness moves from one world-line to another, it is no longer occupying a body. It is thus in a wave form.
Quanta can change states, but this is really a state change by the observer, not an actual change in the object itself.
It is not that a quanta changes, it is how the observer views the quanta that makes the change. Our soul controls consciousness. Consciousness can be in different states depending upon the point of view of the person (the observer). Here we can see that the two apparently different states are one and the same thing, depending on the point of view of the observer.

This all happens rather quickly. In most people, mostly the rate of travel from one world-line to another is around 4Hz. For most humans our brains have a difficult time observing the changes in these movements. So we think that we are living in one singular world-line that we share with others.

Here is a gif that kind of illustrates the point, and the system at work here.

Wave and particle duality and illustration.
Wave and particle duality and illustration.

The entry process

This is how the consciousness changes from wave to particle for entry within a body within a reality. Our consciousness naturally exists in the wave form.

However, the moment it “crashes through” into a fabricated world-line reality, it changes form. It becomes a particle. It’s a natural process.

This is how the consciousness changes from wave to particle for entry within a body within a reality. The consciousness takes on the particle form in order to operate the physical body and exist within a reality or world-line reality. Otherwise, it operates in wave form outside of the body.

MAJestic operations (slides and dives)

The thing is, if you are in MAjestic, and are engaged in the role like I was in, your visualization of the MWI mapping would be quite different. I was often not allowed, or permitted, to live a “normal” life per my capabilities. ‘

Instead I was often pulled off my life track and immersed within a completely different reality.

One of the reasons why it sucked to be me.

And this is what it was like.

An illustration, by using map topography of the mWI to describe what a slide was like. It took me to a completely different series of world-lines that were way, way off the probability curves of a "normal" consciousness migration vector.
An illustration, by using map topography of the MWI to describe what a slide was like. It took me to a completely different series of world-lines that were way, way off the probability curves of a “normal” consciousness migration vector. In the instance shown, you can see that I was living a normal life on the MWI for a few seconds (figure four world-lines per second) and then boom! a slide would occur and I would be located way, way off my accustomed world-line.


For, by nature of my role, I would not follow the surface as described within the topography. I would be involved in slides and dives… including a few “deep dives”.

Thus, my dives and slides would deviate way off from the mapped surface geometry. It would render the understanding of this visualization quite differently.

A "slide" or a "dive" will transform your reality substantially. Often it will be wholly unrecognizable. Your body would be wholly immersed in the new reality, but your mind will not, nor will your memories.
A “slide” or a “dive” will transform your reality substantially. Often it will be wholly unrecognizable. Your body would be wholly immersed in the new reality, but your mind will not, nor will your memories.

Clarification #1 – Consciousness cycles in and out of world-lines in a sinusoidal manner.

This should be obvious to the astute reader, but it needs to be stated.

The consciousness moves in and out of world-lines naturally. It moves in a sinusoidal manner. It moves in and out. In and out. Over and over.

The rate of travel varies from person to person, but typically averages around 4 Hz.

Standard sinusoidal waveform.
Standard sinusoidal waveform.

During this time it changes “shape properties”. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth.

At “the top” of the cycle it takes on wave behavior.

At the “bottom” of the cycle, it takes on particle behavior.

Consciousness movement in and out of different world-lines.
Consciousness movement in and out of different world-lines.

When it takes on wave behavior it moves from one world-line to another directed by thought. It exists “in the spirit world”.

Movement of consciousness.
Movement of consciousness.

When it takes on particle behavior, it occupies a world-line and inhabits a physical body.

Our consciousness cycles in and out of different world-lines. Between each trip it exists within "heaven".
Our consciousness cycles in and out of different world-lines. Between each trip it exists within “heaven”.

With this understood, we can define the amount of time that the transition from world-line to world-line takes, as well as the duration a consciousness spends inside each world-line.

If there are 4 cycles per second, then, each trip back and forth from the "Heavenly realms" to a world-line is 1/4 a second. 

And thus, (roughly) each moment at a given world-line is half of that. Or, 1/8 of a second.

Some “take aways”;

  • Humans, via our consciousness, is continuously in touch with the “Heavenly realms”. Every moment we touch heaven, and enter our latest world-line.
  • When in the wave form, we can perform all sorts of activities and have all sorts of “abilities” not tied to any world-line. There are no physical limitations. Humans spend approximately 50% of their time “connected” to the “Heavenly realms”.
  • For us to maintain (retain) our memories from world-line to world-line, the memories are deposited outside the brain. It exists within the “Heavenly realms” not within the physical brain.

Key Correction #1 – Consciousness moves about the MWI when attached to a human body.

In my previous simplifications, I have referred to, and drawn the consciousness as a red blob; a point of light. I have stated that “Soul” can generate multiple Consciousnesses that it places on “journeys”. These “Journeys for experience” is a life-experience for a soul.

Simplified diagram of how consciousness moves in and out of the MWI and gives us the illusion of time.
Simplified diagram of how consciousness moves in and out of the MWI and gives us the illusion of time. This is what one second of life looks like for the average person. He / she enters and leaves four different world lines each second. This “movement” appears as time.

The Consciousness normally travels in and out of world-lines all a person’s life.

Once a consciousness uses up a body as it travels in and out of world-lines, it dies. The consciousness stays in the wave-form and “rests” within the “Heavenly realms”.

A decision is thus made by the soul, the consciousness, and their associations with other spirits, angels, and heavenly denizens on what to do next.

Often, it involves being injected on another “journey” in another life. This is often referred to as reincarnation.

This graphic shows how the the "passage of time" is viewed in the big-scale of things. MWI movement occurs during a human "lifespan". You can only experience world-line travel within a given life. (There's exceptions to this, but let's stay focused.)
This graphic shows how the the “passage of time” is viewed in the big-scale of things. MWI movement occurs during a human “lifespan”. You can only experience world-line travel within a given life. (There’s exceptions to this, but let’s stay focused.)

Key Correction #2 – Consciousness is not a point-source.

Consciousness is actually quite complex and complicated.

It is not a blob, a dot, a “something”.

It’s a collection of “stuff” that operates in such a way that the soul, the consciousness, the MWI and the thoughts generate memories and navigate the life-path to create experiences that the soul can learn from.

Soul creates a “consciousness” that it uses to travel the MWI.

It inserts it into a given world-line, and allows it to move unencumbered and subject to it’s own thoughts. Each world-line is a “physical reality” that the consciousness occupies.

The consciousness is connected to the soul by a device. This device is known as consciousness.
The soul, which resides in the “Heavenly realms” creates a consciousness from which to experience things and events. Thus learns and grows. Consciousness is the passageway or “tunnel” that connects the physical reality to the soul.

Now, in all of this, I drew consciousness (literately, and artistically) as a point. I drew it as a red circular blob. Like in the two earlier drawings.

As in the above drawing showing the consciousness as a red blob in front of a long tunnel to the soul.

Movement of consciousness into a world-line as depicted as a point source.
Movement of consciousness into a world-line as depicted as a point source.

However, the true reality is a bit different.

Get ready to have your mind blown.

The consciousness actually occupies multiple World-line-realities at any given moment simultaneously. It is actually not a “red blob”. It’s a lot of “red blobs”. Each one occupying a different world-line… simultaneously.

It is a “shared potential”. Some of the consciousness occupies one world-line at any given moment, while other aspects of it’s consciousness occupies other world-lines.

Sort of like this…

Consciousness occupies multiple world-lines at any given moment. The sum total of what our consciousness experiences is what we view as "our" present world-line.
Consciousness occupies multiple world-lines at any given moment. The sum total of what our consciousness experiences is what we view as “our” present world-line. It appears to be but one singular world-line, but it is actually a aggregate composite of all the world-lines that our consciousness occupies at any given moment. 1 / (30/4+40/4+20/4+10/4) = Momentary reality.

Then, they move on to the next group of world lines. Then again. Then again. Then again. Over and over.

It’s not a red blob moving in and out.

Consciousness occupies multiple world-lines at any given moment. The sum total of what our consciousness experiences is what we view as "our" present world-line.
Consciousness occupies multiple world-lines at any given moment. The sum total of what our consciousness experiences is what we view as “our” present world-line. They all change in the same cycle as governed by the consciousness.

Instead, consciousness occupies numerous world-lines at any given moment. Each world-line is different, but similar. The Consciousness interprets the differences as a singular world-line.

Key Correction #2 – World-Lines are not point-sources either.

We have a tendency to think of a “world” as a fixed and solid place. And the way that I have described the movement of time, has been the consciousness moving in and out from these fixed world-line realities.

A "world-line" is the resultant combined perception of a moment "frozen in time" that combines multiple world-lines into a singular apparent place. 

What we think a world-line is is not a fixed singular place.

It is the sum total average of all the experiences that a conscientiousness is exposed to at any singular moment in time.

By fracturing a consciousness and occupying many similar world-lines simultaneously, the resultant consciousness would end up with a richer "experience". It can also help to direct the travel and migrate to "better" world-lines per it's directives.
By fracturing a consciousness and occupying many similar world-lines simultaneously, the resultant consciousness would end up with a richer “experience”. It can also help to direct the travel and migrate to “better” world-lines per it’s directives.

It is the exact opposite of “living within an echo chamber“. It enables the consciousness to experience different experiences instead of simply reinforcing existing ones that the consciousness has been accustomed to over the years.

Key Correction #3 – World-Lines are not entirely empty of other consciousnesses.

To best understand how you can move in and out of multiple world-lines, it makes sense to think of things simply. Your consciousness is a point or sphere. The world-lines are empty and only occupied by “shadow consciousnesses”. But that’s really a simplistic picture.

It’s a simple narrative.

Imagine that you are only consciousness. And that you can move in and out of different world-lines freely. They seem to be occupied by all kinds of other people, but that is just an illusion. Most world-lines are just empty. And all those other people are just “quantum shadows” of others.

Now, this simplistic narrative needs to be revised to reflect the reality.

Instead of 100% of a consciousness entering a world-line where all the “quantum shadows” only have 0% occupancy within that reality…

…we now look at the reality…

Your consciousness might devote (say) 23% occupation within a given world-line, and all those “quantum-shadows” are actually occupied by other consciousnesses. Only they are a much smaller percentage. Often varying from 0.0002% to 0.1%.

Thus, in truth, all world-lines are not truly empty. They are occupied to some extent. And all of the other consciousnesses react to the way your consciousness behaves within any given particular world line.

Quick Review

Before we need to go further, please note the summary of state regarding the universe. Originally found here…

The Nature of the Universe
  • Depending on the scale of consideration, we have a threshold of consciousness.
  • Consciousness can not exist below that threshold.
  • Consciousness generates thoughts.
  • Below the consciousness threshold is a universe that is independent of thought.
  • Above the consciousness threshold we have a reality that is ruled by thought.


  • We exist within two (x2) universes simultaneously. One is the reality that our consciousness inhabits, and the other is the realm where our soul exists.
  • One universe is ruled by thought and the other is not.


  • The ψ is a measure of how thought alters our reality.
  • Heaven is ψ-ontic.
  • Our reality is ψ -epistemic.
  • Tests seem to confirm this.

Putting Everything Together

The sum totality of everything is ψ-ontic. It contains a number of “Heaven(s)”. Souls, which are self-aware clusters of quanta in the form of garbons, create  ψ -epistemic “bubbles” of reality, and place consciousnesses there to obtain experiences.

  • Experiences plus thoughts create sentience.
  • Sentience is a building block that establishes garbon formation.
  • Garbon formation, configuration and utilization is how souls grow, advance and move toward the divine.

As consciousness moves about within the  ψ -epistemic “bubbles” of reality, thoughts are created and action occurs. The very nature of this CHANGES the “bubble” of reality. We view this change as gradual. We call this the “passage of time”.


Our reality is often changed by huge events, actions and decisions from significant sources. Not just adjacent trivialities such as thought and intent. When this happens, the reality is jolted and more radical change occurs.

Take Aways

  • Every person lives within his or her own reality.
  • Realities are constructs of the soul.
  • Realities are drawn from a Universal Template.
  • Consciousness is a bridge between the soul and experiences in the reality.
  • Souls consist of organized quantum strings that have obtained sentience.
  • With the skill of intention, a person can tweak their reality.
  • With the utilization of technology, one can alter their reality substantially.

And now with this basic introduction of some of the key elements of our understanding of the nature of how everything works, let’s see what the “Scientists” have to say…

A quantum experiment suggests there’s no such thing as objective reality

Physicists have long suspected that quantum mechanics allows two observers to experience different, conflicting realities. Now they’ve performed the first experiment that proves it.

Back in 1961, the Nobel Prize–winning physicist Eugene Wigner outlined a thought experiment that demonstrated one of the lesser-known paradoxes of quantum mechanics. The experiment shows how the strange nature of the universe allows two observers—say, Wigner and Wigner’s friend—to experience different realities.

Since then, physicists have used the “Wigner’s Friend” thought experiment to explore the nature of measurement and to argue over whether objective facts can exist. That’s important because scientists carry out experiments to establish objective facts. But if they experience different realities, the argument goes, how can they agree on what these facts might be?

That’s provided some entertaining fodder for after-dinner conversation, but Wigner’s thought experiment has never been more than that—just a thought experiment.  

Last year, however, physicists noticed that recent advances in quantum technologies have made it possible to reproduce the Wigner’s Friend test in a real experiment. In other words, it ought to be possible to create different realities and compare them in the lab to find out whether they can be reconciled.

And today, Massimiliano Proietti at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh and a few colleagues say they have performed this experiment for the first time: they have created different realities and compared them. Their conclusion is that Wigner was correct—these realities can be made irreconcilable so that it is impossible to agree on objective facts about an experiment.

Wigner’s original thought experiment is straightforward in principle. It begins with a single polarized photon that, when measured, can have either a horizontal polarization or a vertical polarization. But before the measurement, according to the laws of quantum mechanics, the photon exists in both polarization states at the same time—a so-called superposition.

Wigner imagined a friend in a different lab measuring the state of this photon and storing the result, while Wigner observed from afar. Wigner has no information about his friend’s measurement and so is forced to assume that the photon and the measurement of it are in a superposition of all possible outcomes of the experiment.

Wigner can even perform an experiment to determine whether this superposition exists or not. This is a kind of interference experiment showing that the photon and the measurement are indeed in a superposition.

From Wigner’s point of view, this is a “fact”—the superposition exists. And this fact suggests that a measurement cannot have taken place. 

But this is in stark contrast to the point of view of the friend, who has indeed measured the photon’s polarization and recorded it. The friend can even call Wigner and say the measurement has been done (provided the outcome is not revealed).

So the two realities are at odds with each other. “This calls into question the objective status of the facts established by the two observers,” say Proietti and co.

That’s the theory, but last year Caslav Brukner, at the University of Vienna in Austria, came up with a way to re-create the Wigner’s Friend experiment in the lab by means of techniques involving the entanglement of many particles at the same time.

The breakthrough that Proietti and co have made is to carry this out. “In a state-of-the-art 6-photon experiment, we realize this extended Wigner’s friend scenario,” they say.

They use these six entangled photons to create two alternate realities—one representing Wigner and one representing Wigner’s friend. Wigner’s friend measures the polarization of a photon and stores the result. Wigner then performs an interference measurement to determine if the measurement and the photon are in a superposition.

The experiment produces an unambiguous result. It turns out that both realities can coexist even though they produce irreconcilable outcomes, just as Wigner predicted.  

That raises some fascinating questions that are forcing physicists to reconsider the nature of reality.

The idea that observers can ultimately reconcile their measurements of some kind of fundamental reality is based on several assumptions. The first is that universal facts actually exist and that observers can agree on them.

But there are other assumptions too. One is that observers have the freedom to make whatever observations they want. And another is that the choices one observer makes do not influence the choices other observers make—an assumption that physicists call locality.

If there is an objective reality that everyone can agree on, then these assumptions all hold.

But Proietti and co’s result suggests that objective reality does not exist. In other words, the experiment suggests that one or more of the assumptions—the idea that there is a reality we can agree on, the idea that we have freedom of choice, or the idea of locality—must be wrong.

Of course, there is another way out for those hanging on to the conventional view of reality. This is that there is some other loophole that the experimenters have overlooked. Indeed, physicists have tried to close loopholes in similar experiments for years, although they concede that it may never be possible to close them all.

Nevertheless, the work has important implications for the work of scientists. “The scientific method relies on facts, established through repeated measurements and agreed upon universally, independently of who observed them,” say Proietti and co. And yet in the same paper, they undermine this idea, perhaps fatally.

The next step is to go further: to construct experiments creating increasingly bizarre alternate realities that cannot be reconciled. Where this will take us is anybody’s guess. But Wigner, and his friend, would surely not be surprised.

Ref: : Experimental Rejection of Observer-Independence in the Quantum World


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Making course corrections on a prayer and affirmation campaign and how to minimize any grievous errors that you might have made in the past

Here is another prayer and affirmation campaign post.

In this post we look at making “course corrections” in a prayer and affirmation campaign. This is pretty important. Because as your life progresses you grow, and as you grow your opinions, attitudes and ideas about life change. What might have been important to you as a “piss and vinegar” young person in their twenties, is not the same as you in your mid-thirties with a family, children and a rough job situation. You grow and you need to conduct prayer affirmation campaigns that either build upon previous ones, or that erases previous efforts and allow you to plow ahead free of encumbrances.

So let’s look at this.

First item of clarity

The very first item of clarity is the understanding that there is no such thing as time. And thus every single speech, talk, writing, or prayer all are happening and continues to happen today. Even though you have moved on with your life and the prayers happened decades ago, they still have equal validity as if you are making them right now. Yikes!

Which means that all of those thoughts, prayers, talks, and writings has set your consciousness on a vector path that you are now following.

And when you make a new prayer affirmation campaign, it is in effect, making “nudges” or pushes to the existing vector path that you have already laid out.

It is not a brand new vector direction. Rather it is a modification of a vector direction that you are currently on and engaged upon.

So what you REALLY want to do is have new affirmation prayer campaigns that establish brand new directions (instead of building upon old ones), if that is your desire. Here we are going to discuss ways and means to manage this. I like to call this “making course corrections”.

Making Course Corrections

Consider this image below…

The path vector that a person is on when he / she travels the MWI is the combined result of thoughts, actions, behaviors, talks, writings and experiences. And while you might have a very robust and determined affirmation prayer campaign, you still need to deal with the accumulated combination of all your prior efforts and thoughts.

The best and easiest way to “reset” these actions is to make a “course correction”.

In the image above, a “course correction” on the MWI enables a completely new prayer affirmation campaign to redirect and reset the direction vector that your consciousness has embarked upon. As you can see, the new revised course is on red. it is an easier and less frightening course. Not so precarious.

As the old path has the vector direction on the side of “mountains” on the topographical map. Meaning that it would be very easy to “slide off the cliff side” and end up further away from your goal.

The new and revised map is much better with only the final stages of the vector directed path being contentious and potentially problematic.

But how to do it?

How do you make a “course correction”?

Well, there are various techniques and methods.

      1. Don’t do anything.
      2. Selectively erase the past affirmations.
      3. Scrub and clean the template map

[1] Don’t do anything.

This strategy is quite simple. You run the affirmation prayer campaign as all of us do and don’t make any allowances otherwise. You pretty much acknowledge that you have done and said things in the past that may or may not influence your current affirmation prayer campaign, but you don’t worry about the influence of it.

This is fine when you are pretty much a loner, never prayed before, never had an affirmation campaign before, and pretty much lived a low-key lifestyle. The chances are that your previous influences were not all that serious and were unable to result in strange meaningful opposition to what every prayer campaign that you are now involved in.

As illustrated in this picture below…

You really don’t need to do anything at all about your previous affirmations or statements.

[2] Erase the past selectively

Let’s suppose that you have made mistakes in prior statements, and affirmations and prayers. You don’t want them to continue to haunt your contemporaneous prayer and affirmation campaign, what do you do?

Well, you can add statements within your campaign that selectively erases the mistakes that you have made in the past. Such as some of these suggestions…

  • Any previous actions, statements or affirmations that I have made in my past, that will have a contrary effect on my current affirmation prayer campaign, are ignored and does not influence my current affirmation campaign.

Which is a pretty good affirmation if you don’t want to completely erase prior efforts.

Of course, you could also “nuke” all past efforts, mistake completely and force a “clean, white paper” to begin your latest affirmation campaign upon. Such as this example…

  • My current affirmation prayer campaign is free from any detours, delays, complications or modifiers as a result of prior campaigns, actions or thoughts.

[3] You can refresh the template

Your verbal prayer affirmations are all very powerful. You will be amazed at what they are capable of. Here in this technique, you actually end up refreshing the template. Or, in other words, removing the soiled linen tablecloth and replacing it with a clean and new one.

The technique involves a slide.

You “slide” off the old template map (whether a pre-birth world-line template or something else) and on to an absolute duplicate one that now possess the characteristics that you specify.

There are many ways to accomplish this. Let me offer the easiest technique. It’s where you simply specify sliding to a “refreshed” world-line template.

  • I authorize a slide to a cleaned up version of my current world-line topographic map. This new map is functionally identical to the map that I am using right now with the exception that any obstacles, debris, confusion, and detours that are a direct result of prior affirmation campaigns, spells, mistakes, or problems are removed from it.

Then you can rest assured that you can continue on your life journey with the understanding that past mistakes (in regards to prayer affirmations) will not haunt your efforts.

On the MM scene

Well, I am starting a new affirmation campaign this April. And I want to de-clutter. I do this from time to time. Not often enough, I am afraid. But you know that for us to grow our previous expectations and life changes. Everyone should be experiencing a new appreciation of life and their families after the horrible 2020 that we all endured. Right?

Well I am no exception.

I have been conducting affirmation prayer campaigns for the last four decades, or at least ever since I went through my calibration at China Lake NWC. This was something that became easy and necessary for me to do and engage in. I had no choice. I really needed to do it. You know, to keep my sanity.

And after many decades of campaigns, false starts, dead ends, road blocks, adjustments and all of that, my MWI topographical map tends to look like a messy battlefield. Which I suppose is workable, but not optional.

So every now and again I need to clean things up. Because, as I have explained earlier, there is no such thing as time. My desire to have a Miami Vice style home in a Florida like environment has been supplanted by a more reasonable desire to have a beautiful home overlooking the ocean full of plants, wine, great food and pretty girls. Not to forget friends and family. You know, something like from the movie “A Walk in the clouds“.

A Walk in the Clouds


Now, of course, if I don’t clean up my terrain, it won’t be a problem. As I will have both the aspects of my Miami Vice lifestyle along with the wine and lifestyle that I desire. But maybe I don’t want to have that relic of the past. Maybe I just want exactly the new lifestyle, and nothing associated with the dreams that I had as a young man. Maybe…

I no longer want ANY association with the dreams and desires of a young man…

Miami Vice


And that is life, don’t you know, you grow. You change. You age. Your desires mature and advance. You have other priorities in your life and you find that things that used to be of interest to you no longer hold that grasp on your soul.

It’s called maturing.

It’s what happens when life hits your hard on the head and you experience those things that you longed for. And when you discover that they really weren’t all what they were cracked up to be. Yeah.

Right now, to me, a life in Grady, Hooterville, or Mayberry RFD seems to be the kind of environment that I want my children to grow up in. A Chinese versions (of course) and near the ocean and beaches, of course. But this reality differs considerably from the image of a beach house in Vero Beach, Sana Barbara, or Fort Lauderdale. Don’t you know.

Hooterville. From the television show “Green Acres”.


Yeah. I know. It’s all Hollywood. And there are aspects of the back woods, small town life that I do not like. But the fundamental aspects of knowing everyone, being a member within society, and having a more relaxed and easy-going pace is something that appeals to me. It differs substantially from that of the fast-pace, all-excitement image portrayed within Miami Vice.

Grady, from the movie Doc Hollywood.


And that is what life is all about. Growth. And you can establish the life that you want to live. You simply navigate the map and the template that you were given. You are careful on mow you interpret the map and you make sure that you are cautious and observant.


I do not want the erasure of my past to begin a totally different life.

I want the addition of new aspects, and a clarification of certain specific aspects to what I already possess. This takes thought. This takes planning. This takes concern. This takes action.

Mayberry RFD


So what do you do when you have a great life, but there are elements within it that your old life your enjoy, but now as a much older person are not all that important to you. What do you do?

Well you dust off the old template, and you make sure that the older desires, wishes, prayers and affirmations no longer have a new bearing on your direction and you current desires. You cleanse the template.


Right now, I must say, lovely Zhuhai is sort of like America in the 1950’s. Only very high-tech. If that makes any sense. And I want to keep it this way. I do not want any of this to change. I think that it is a lovely area to raise a family, live a life, work and cavort with friends.

And since I am doing fine right now, the idea of cleaning the template must be considered most carefully, and (of course) selectively. You need to identify the things that you might no longer want and place a softer, easier way to excise them form your plan and map.

Of course other issues come into play. I most certainly don’t want Shenzhen and Hong Kong to be obliterated in a fireball by an American ICBM. I don’t want to get ill, have some kinds of “old man” health issues, and I really don’t want the kinds of surprises that many Americans tend to deal with on a daily basis.

As long as I hold an American passport, these concerns will continue to be stabled to my soul.

Yet, you and I know that we can control our reality by thought. And so we do. The use of a method to clean out the underbrush is always something to keep in mind when you are running an affirmation prayer campaign, and this is exactly how you do it.

May all your dreams, wishes and desires come true for you. Best Regards.

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Various stories about prayer affirmation campaigns, and deviation lessons learned in the process.

Or, some history on how my knowledge about affirmation prayer campaigns developed and evolved over the years. With intentional omission of the the primary drivers – my MAJ involvement, and the need to maintain my sanity. This write-up provides some insight in to how they work, and involves a span of time going back four decades.

Here are just some stores about some of my experiences in conducting prayer affirmations campaigns. They are in no particular order, and have no other ranking aside from their personal illustrations. I think that I have learned lessons from them, and I have applied what I have learned to all my subsequent affirmation campaigns. I think that if I were to relate my stores, you too (dear reader) might learn a thing or two that you can use to put your efforts and your own affirmation campaigns into better focus.

We will begin with a campaign that I had almost completely forgotten about. As it was initiated a decade or more ago, and it was something that I did WHILE I was still within MAJestic. (Performing prayer and affirmations campaigns during my operational years greatly assisted in me keeping my sanity, and being able to have and hold some degree of control over my life.)

So let’s begin with…

Big house, one the beach, with a wine cellar.

Yup. That’s exactly what I asked for. I did so way back in the late 1980’s to middle 1990’s. And since it didn’t materialize within a few years, I thought that it would never materialize.

I was wrong.

It materialized in 2017.

And it was exactly as I specified. It was huge. I mean HUGE (by Chinese standards), perhaps six times larger than the typical middle class household, with an enormous yard (porch). Yes, it overlooked the ocean. Yes, it was roomy and airy, and the walls were white and off yellow-white exactly as I specified (back in the day). And, yes, it even had a wine cellar! In a land where cellars are a rarity, let alone a wine cellar, this one had it, and it too was enormous!

And I loved it when I got it, and I loved the location. I loved how the air moved about the house, the cool and calm location, and my neighbors.


A number of things happened. (And that is life don’t you know.) Nothing bad, or good. Just “neutral”.

First off, let’s confront the “elephant in the room”…

Why did it take 20 to 30 years for this affirmation to manifest?

Best I can figure out is that my goals were way, way outside of my abilities and my lifestyle track. You can ask, wish and dream for all sorts of things, but if your current lifestyle cannot not support them, then you would have to go through some changes to get to that state, and at that time, I was happy with my life. 

I asked for all sorts of things, on the condition that my life would not change.


Yes, you read that correct. To make and achieve your desires you will need to go through changes, and changes are always never comfortable. So what you need to do is come up with a staged set of affirmation objectives to get to that point. 

In my life, I had to...

[1] Change my relationships.
[2] Move to the coast.
[3] Change my occupation.
[4] Change my attitude about life.

An only once I had achieved these interim stages were my base line desires and objectives able to materialize. This is true. Don't think that you are going to suddenly have a "lifestyle of the rich and famous" without moving out of your mobile home first.

And then,

Why aren’t I living in this house now?

This is what is funny about life. You think you want one thing, and when you get it, you discover that there are other things that you do not like, or that does not appeal to you. 

For me, when I made the affirmation, I was living in and around Boston. It was a beautiful area, most certainly, but a ride to the beach was a two to three hour drive, and thus I could only go to it on the weekends, and for all practical purposes limited my beach excursions to maybe four times or so a year.

Truthfully, a beach-side home in Massachusetts, even the cheapest and most remote run down broken homes would have run me millions of dollars. It was way, way beyond my means at that time. (And true, it still is. Which is why I don't own a beach-side home in Massachusetts.) 

Now, once you get a beach-side home you learn a few things  about home ownership on a beach. Things, I dare say, that I was unaware of at that time.

Everything gets wet.


Condensate collects on the walls. Art, paintings and pictures, warp and get ruined. Clothes never fully dry. Door knobs get sticky with clammy residue, and winter down jackets and clothing starts to deteriorate when stored in plastic bags.

Screws rust.

Mattresses get cold and clammy. Even on sunny warm days. Fog isn't just something that is outside, it is something that you find in the hallway and closets. Tools all rust out. And sand gets into everything.

And while I did enjoy my time in that house, after a while I decided that some place close to the ocean, but not on the beach was more desirable for me, and my family, personally.

So let’s look a little deeper into the drivers behind our desires, and what we want.

It wasn’t what I thought it was.

This is a theme that will come up time and time again when your dreams and wishes manifest. You have one image, one vision of what you want, and when it happens it just isn't the "same thing". Even though it might look and feel just absolutely identical to what you desired.

Somehow I absolutely pictured a cross between the images of Miami Vice, the homes in Cape Cod, and a Hodge-podge of "homes of the wealthy" on television and movies. If you were to quiz me back in 1998, what I wanted, you might see one of those Miami Beach-front homes that resemble a LA mansion overlooking a long stretch of white sand under a blue - blue sky.

Do not laugh.

The television show Miami Vice defined American culture in the 1980’s and 1990’s.

Miami Vice. 
No television series represented the style or dominant cultural aesthetic of the 1980s as fully or indelibly as Miami Vice. A popular one-hour police drama that aired on NBC from 1984 to 1989, Miami Vice was in one sense a conventional buddy-cop show—not unlike Dragnet, Adam 12, and Starsky and Hutch —featuring an interracial pair of narcotics detectives who wage a weekly ...

-Miami Vice |
Television heavily influenced what I thought what I wanted.
Television heavily influenced what I thought what I wanted. Scene is a beach-front mansion (with a wine cellar) on the 1980’s hit television show “Miami Vice”.
Now, you all might think that I was crazy for wanting such a thing. I was doing fine. I had a nice home, cabin, in a small town outside of a state forest in Massachusetts, and it was cozy, nice and I loved Massachusetts.

And that's the way it is.

When you are bombarded with culture and contemporaneous television and movies, you start to see other things, and they are always portrayed in such a way that you can relate to the characters in those flicks. You end up saying "hey! I'm just as good as that guy. Why can't I live that kind of lifestyle, like him?"


Isn’t that the way it is?

Like all those Instragram Influencers that everyone is jealous of?

Scene from Miami Vice.
Would you believe that I actually owned a (red) convertible with a phone just like this and cruised around back and forth to work wearing a similar style of attire? Yeah. It’s strange, but it was on my affirmation campaign, and so it did actually happen! Just not at the same time as my beach house.
What we think we want, and what we actually (deep down inside) want is often polluted by the media, culture, society and popular culture.

It shapes our thoughts.

That's a DANGER.

For me, I was heavily influenced by the Miami Vice television show of the 1980's. As well as most of America. This influenced what I believed that I could be, aspire to, and what kind of lifestyle that I felt was deserving for me and my family at that time.

Instead of saving money, building a family like what was depicted in television shows of the 1960's...

Leave it to Beaver
The Brady Bunch
The Andy Griffith Show
My Three Sons.
The Dick Van Dyke Show
Mayberry R.F.D

A new kind of narrative took hold. It was one of bright blue skies, fast and expensive cars. Beach houses, attractive girls in bikinis and live fast. It's a narrative where you could like a billionaire while you were still in your 20's. After all, how did some detectives (Miami Vice) get to drive around in a Ferrari?

Anyways, you become what your environment influences you to be….

The 1980s were called the Reagan years, because he was president for eight of them. During his first term, the recession ended. Inflation was controlled. He reduced taxes. Americans felt hopeful that they could make money again.

Observers created several expressions to describe some groups of people at that time. One expression was “the ‘me’ generation”. This described Americans who were only concerned about themselves. Another expression was “yuppie”. It meant “young urban professional”. Both these groups seemed as if they lived just to make and spend money, money, and more money.

Entertainment in the 1980s showed the interest society placed on financial success. The characters in a number of television programs, for example, lived in costly homes, wore costly clothes, and drove costly automobiles. They were not at all like average Americans. They lived lives that required huge amounts of money.

Two of these television programs became extremely popular in the United States and in other countries. They were called “Dallas” and “Dynasty”.

At the movie theater, a very popular film was called “Wall Street”. It was about a young, wealthy, dishonest — powerful — man who traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Power was a popular program idea in action films, too.

And what did this all get me?


It got me a corporate life that pretty much fit that image plastered and burned into the skull of just about everyone in the United States.

Scene from Miami Vice.
When television, the most popular television shows, portrayed a working environment with whites and greys, where the management lived inside these white rooms, and you sat facing computer screens, and had projects in big empty bare chambers… they begin to manifest all over America… as a REALITY.

It’s not just work.

It’s everything.

You see, our brains take what we see and watch and change our reality to fit those images. And this can be anything from a desire for a certain kind of house, to a way of dress, and an office space. But it can be anything. Like food for instance…

Other examples of reality deviance from expectation

This next example is a perfect example of how what you wish for might not match what you ask for.

Ah, we all like fine delicious food. And when we think of the wonderful food we have images of our “comfort” foods. Those foods that we grew up with, and that which gave us pleasure and enjoyment. For me, growing up in Western Pennsylvania, these images have always been of pizza, hamburgers, fine Polish – Italian food. Hot crusty buttered rolls.

And of course, being who I am, I wanted MORE!

  • More is better, right?
  • Bigger is better? Eh?
  • Lots is better than a few? Eh?

A few years back I added a simple line statement affirmation to my affirmation lists. I have kept this statement in over the years and I have watched it affect my life. The statement is very simple, but…


… the results were unexpected.


The statement is…

I eat fine, delicious and healthy food all the time.

Oh, what a change that it has made in my life. I am not at all kidding. It really changed my life. And since I added this statement the number of hamburgers that I would eat, the plates of spaghetti, and the other types of deep fired American food just about “dropped off the cliff” to a point where I rarely eat those items at all any longer.


Is that what I wanted?

No. No. No.

Something else materialized, instead.

Instead, I find myself eating delicious Thai and Hunan food, with imported wine and beer. If I eat Western and American food, instead of it been greasy or fatty deep fried delicious goodness, it’s mostly steaks and fresh sea food.

Fine. Delicious. Healthy. Food.

I said it.

It materialized.

Delicious Thai food.
Since I added this singular affirmation to my various campaigns, my quality of eating has increased enormously, and the type of foods that I used to eat have become fewer and far between. I eat fresh fish, steaks and cooked vegetables. Not so much deep fried chicken and french fries.

Now, I will tell you, the reader, that I was NOT expecting this. Actually, I was expecting a nice run of delicious think subway sandwiches, large platters of delicious mac and cheese with tons of gooey cheese, and deep pan pizza. But that is not what happened. instead, I now find myself eating a higher quality of tasty food with enormous quantities of delicious vegetables, top and choice cuts of meat, and very little in the way of fats.

Funny how things work. Eh?

Remember… what your eyes see, what your thoughts create, and what those around you think about… becomes what you will experience.

From the movie My Cousin Vinny.
Typical small town Southern community. This is in Georgia.

Deviance is obvious when it involves material objects

The difference between what you ask for, and what you actually get is obvious when your affirmation revolves around material objects. This can be a car, a home, a location, a boat…

Here we look at how thoughts change your reality and generate new ones. And it's any thoughts, and any passions. Not just those associated with prayer campaigns.

This one is seemingly about boats. Ships. Sailing.


When I lived in Indiana, I had this dream about sailing to the South Pacific and exploring the islands there. At that time in my life, I worked in the “corporate world” and it was every bit as real as the movie “Office Space”. It was the same. The same bland colors, the same irritating people, the same grayness.

And like “Joe”, in the movie “Joe vs the Volcano”, I longed to escape it.

Scene from the movie office space.
The movie “Office Space” has a cult following simply because it is more than just a comedy. It is a snapshot of what American corporate life was like for millions of us back in the 1980’s and 1990’s. It was awful, and the truth is that many of the “so called” humorous” elements in the movie actually occurred to us on a regular basis.

Ah, but sailing…

Now that was an adventure.

So, I read a ton load of books, on the subject and subscribed to all sorts of magazines related to sailing and the cruising lifestyle. And many a cold frosty day stuck in the icy sub-arctic weather of a horrific Indiana winter was spent thinking, reading, day dreaming and planning of traveling all over the world in a boat.

No. I did not devise an affirmation campaign to manifest this desire.

But I thought about it all the time. I talked about it all the time. It was not just my hobby at that time, it was my obsession.

Now, thoughts create your reality.


Thoughts create your reality. Whether they are planned and formalized as in a prayer campaign, or just seemingly “random” as in a passion or an obsession.

Scene from Office Space.
For millions of us “cubicle warriors” the type of lifestyle that was depicted in the movie “Office Space” was a reality. It was a harsh reality, and what made the money such a hit is that it gave us participants a chance to step back, and look at the lives that we were living from a third-person perspective.

And while I argue that you need to utilize formal affirmation prayer campaigns to focus your desires into a materialization of your desires in the reality, you can use many other techniques to make this happen. Often, you aren’t aware that you are manifesting and creating such realities.

Now, all this focus and all these thoughts had created various manifestations.

I ended up meeting people who were building and constructing their very own ocean-sailing yachts. yes! In rural Indiana of all places. They would be building these large metal vessels in their back yards, in barns and on flatbed trucks. Each time I met them, I felt closer to my dream, and felt that I could live a more rewarding life than what I was on track for…

…the clutching for the almighty dollar.

Scene from the movie "Joe vs the volcano".
Scene from the movie “Joe vs the Volcano”. Joe arrives at work. And deals with the stress at his job, his company and his life.

It was great seeing other people who were working on their “escape plan”. Many of them had formulated their dreams and desires over the years and had spent decades building their vessels from which they could change their lives and go onto adventures with.

So, naturally, something happened.

I bought a boat.

No, not an ocean sailing yacht. I was in Indiana, for goodness sakes! But I bought a power boat for the local lakes in Indiana. It was a 18 foot ski-boat, and it was beautiful. We (my wife and I) named it “Going Coconuts”, and we kept it at a large lake about an hour drive North of where we lived in Kokomo, Indiana.

And even though it was a small ski boat, it taught us things about the boating lifestyle that we were not thinking about all the times we read, and lived the dream of sailing. All sorts of things. And things that we were unaware of while we were sitting and reading those fine glossy magazines on sailing.

  • Boats require licensing just like cars do.
  • They require loan payments as well.
  • And insurance.
  • And you only get to ride in them a few precious times of the year…
  • But you need to store them somewhere, and that costs money.
  • They need more care and maintenance than a car requires.
  • And they are a lot of work to keep clean.

Somehow, all those articles kind of glossed over these points. And while they talked about doing this repair, and paying that cost, We were unprepared for the shear magnitude of time, effort and cost to maintain the boat. It was almost like a big hole that you ended up throwing your money into.

"A boat is a hole in the water into which you pour money” is a popular saying that has been printed on gift items, such as T-shirts and posters. “A yacht, they say, is a hole in the water surrounded by wood into which money is poured” has been cited in print since at least 1961 and is of unknown authorship.

-The Big Apple: “A boat is a hole in the water into which ...

After buying the boat, I was beginning to think that my thoughts and dreams were misplaced. That perhaps I was yearning for something that the purchase of THINGS cannot repair…

And then… came a movie.

Captain Ron

Captain Ron.
This screen splash says it all.
Caroline Harvey: Captain Ron, I was wondering. Are we going to be going to any more "human" type places?
Captain Ron: Well, you heard of St. Croix?
Caroline Harvey: Yeah.
Captain Ron: We're going to the island just to the left of it.
Caroline Harvey: What's it called?
Captain Ron: Ted's.

Let’s talk about the movie “Captain Ron”. You see at that time, in my life, I yearned for a life that was more adventuresome and exciting than living the “Office Space” existence that I had at Delco Electronics.

Delco Electronics designed and developed automobile electronics, computers and systems for GM. It was an enormous facility that was the absolute clone of the horror of (the movie) "Office Space". It had the worst aspects of the enormous General Motors culture in the nightmarish existence of Silicon Valley smack dab in the middle of the flat corn belt of Indiana.

And then the movie “Captain Ron” appeared.

This is wonderful movie, and one of my favorite movies of all time!

A family inherits a sailboat and decides to flee the urban rat race. They don’t realize that they will have to over come many hurdles, including aspects of them selves, Capt. Ron, the boat and the environment. It’s a movie about adventure, change, and a reappraisal of your values and why your work so hard for what you think is important to you.

Captain Ron.
Captain Ron discusses one issue or the other with the new owners of the schooner.


Captain Ron Rico is about as laid back as laid back can be.

[as Ben, who's 12, moves Captain Ron's beer]

Captain Ron: 
Hey. Get your hands off that.

Benjamin Harvey: 
I was just moving it. I wasn't gonna drink it.

Captain Ron: 
You bet your little booty, you wasn't. You want a beer, you get your own beer.

-- Captain Ron

He’s an ex Navy carrier driver whose been through one too many squalls, not to mention a stint in rehab.

A treasure chest of worldly knowledge, he’s never at a loss to relate his exploits even when it comes to his glass eye, “Won it in a crap game a few years back.”


[Lost in a heavy storm]

Captain Ron: 
The boss is right. We should be okay. 'Cause I know we're near land.

Martin Harvey: 
Great, Cap. Great. Ya hear that? We're almost there. Explain to the kids how you know that, Captain Ron. Someone translate for General Armando.

Captain Ron: 
Alright, now stay with me: When we left, we had just enough fuel to make it to San Juan. And now... we are out of fuel!

At first glance he’s a man you wouldn’t trust to float an inner tube, but as he proves to Martin Short throughout the course of the movie, he’s “far more cunning than first suspected.” After all, you gotta love a guy who as he’s sipping beer with Short’s young son, he tells the young lad that he just caught his parents “Playing hide-the-salami in the shower.”

Martin Harvey: 
Slow down! There's boats all over the place!

Captain Ron: 
Don't worry. They'll get out of the way. I learned that driving the Saratoga.

The daughter plays a teenager that is simultaneously apathetic and nearly out of control. The son is a kid who hasn’t taken an interest in life until now. The father assumes that Capt. Ron can’t know anything while the family begins to believe that it’s the father who doesn’t know anything.

Captain Ron: 
[telling how he lost his eye] Yeah, it happened when I went down off the coast of Australia.

Katherine Harvey: 
Your boat sank?

Captain Ron: 
No, no, no, no. Not my boat. My boss's boat. Yeah, we hit this reef. Huge son-of-a-bitch. Ran the whole coast.

Katherine Harvey: 
Wait. The Great Barrier Reef?

Captain Ron: 
You've heard of it, huh? Smart lady.
The son in Captain Ron.
After a while the Influence of Captain Ron affects everyone, and even the son seems to have been influenced by the antics and behaviors of Captain Ron.
Captain Ron: 
[to Ben] Hey swab. C'mere. Listen up. Now, the way it works shipboard is, you do your job. You do it good, you get a better job. Maybe you get promoted from swab to mate.
[Ben nods]

Captain Ron: 
Alright. Get on it.

Captain Ron: 
[to Martin] Sort've an incentive kind of a deal, huh?

Martin Harvey: 
Ah. Good.

Captain Ron: 
Yeah, incentives are important. 
I learned that in rehab.

By the end of the movie, I actually found myself nostalgic for the sense of freedom and fun that only Captain Ron can steer you towards…

This movie was one of the triggers to me moving away…

…far, far away from the corporate life, and mindless pursuits of more and more money, and more and more things.

[Approaching Martin and Katherine in a holding cell on San Juan]

Bill Zachary: 
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey? I'm Bill Zachary from the U.S. State Department. I've got some good news for you.

Katherine Harvey: 
Oh. You found our children.

Bill Zachary: 
No. But you're not being charged with subversion.

What’s really going on?

Was it really that I wanted to build a boat, that I wanted to sail the world? That I wanted to partake in the adventure of skippers and the ocean breezes? Or was it something else?

Was it that I was so tired of the bland corporate life…

And the sterile sameness and pleasantries of Central Indiana…

… flat…

…bland …

Typical Indiana.
Typical Indiana.

… pleasant ….

…made “good” money….

…that my soul was screeching and screaming for some “LIFE” and some excitement! That maybe I just wanted some “color” in my life. Some fun. Something different. Something that would alert my senses…

…something “real”…

…anything, really…

…and without anyone to guide me…

…I reached out to things that appealed to me, but that weren’t really practical and in tune with my real and direct needs.

Long story short…

I conducted an affirmation prayer campaign, and within a very short period of time, say nine months…

…I moved.

And I moved to really interesting places. And my first stop was the very unique and colorful Hattiesburg, Mississippi. And let me tell you’se guys something serious. This is a great and unique and super dooper colorful area.

Doc Hollywood

We generally do not know where our affirmation campaigns will take us. That is, unless we are specific in our destinations. At that time, I knew in my heart and soul that a serous change was required and that I was unhappy where I was, and while I was eating and sleeping well, I was also miserable. It was not the life that I wanted. It was far too clean, far too boring, and far too bland.

So I wanted excitement.

Or, maybe, not “excitement. I wanted a change. I wanted a more colorful area, with more interesting people, more tasty choices in food instead of the McDonald’s, or other clone restaurants that had displaced all the family diners and changed them to Applebys, and Pantera Bread chains.

I was tired of manicured lawns. Cinder-block stores, with the same prices, the same canned music, the same types of cars, in the same colors and shapes. I was tired of every house having a red door, a General Motors made car, and a mail box that they bought from Lowe’s.

I was tired of McMansions.

I was tired of corporate life. Corporate radio (and at that time, big corporations bought all the radio stations in Central Indiana, and played a rotating 50 songs over, and over, and over…)

I was tired of Maggie May!

My soul was screaming for … change!

And what manifested was sort of unexpected. It was very much like a cross between Mayberry RFD (The television show.) and the movie Doc Hollywood.

Like I said.


Doc Hollywood

Scene from Doc Hollywood.
Hattiesburg, MS resembled the scenes within the Movie Doc Hollywood. It was uncanny. What’s more, it wasn’t Mc-anything. Everything was authentic. Everything was “real” with substance, and a genuine nature that was the opposite of “corporate”.
I have to laugh! 
Thubanstar8 December 2004

I have to laugh at all the comments on this board which say this movie's plot or the characters are not "plausible".

I live near the town this movie was shot in, (I was an extra for one day, and a "stand in" for two days on this film. It was neat!) and believe me, the characters are not only believable, you can meet versions of them in small towns all through the south.

There is a big difference between city and deep country life. Maybe people in very urban areas and countries tend to forget that. Quite honestly, I know several people down here in the boonies who make the folk of "Grady" look downright sophisticated.

That criticism shot down, I just have to say it's a really sweet film. It has a lot of atmosphere and some good character development, even in the minor roles. It portrays small, small town America pretty accurately and with a great deal of charm.

Dr. Ben Stone is leaving DC for a job doing plastic surgery for celebs in LA when he runs into a picket fence in a small Southern town and has to do 3 days of community service at their clinic as penance.

His fancy sports car is totaled anyway and he has to get it fixed.

Miffed at being waylaid in such a hokey place, he tries to get through the next few days in time for his new job.

Scene from Doc Hollywood.
There’s a real charm in the deep South. And it was like a refreshing burst of fresh air compared to the stifling conformity of corporate life in Indiana.


He meets a wide cast of characters — and to their credit, not everyone in a small town is so gosh-friendly. Some are mean, some are troubled, some are nice — like any other array of people. Ben meets Lou, a single mother who drives the ambulance, as well as Nancy Lee Nicholson, a confused beauty who wants him to take her to LA.

In a town full of colorful characters, two ‘stars in the making’ stand out; Woody Harrelson, as ‘Lou’s’ suitor, Hank Gordon, a country variation of his bartending character from ‘Cheers’, talks dumb but has a knack for selling, only lacking a place to make big money at it; and Bridget Fonda, as Mayor Nicholson’s oversexed but ‘out of place’ daughter, hopes Stone will take her away to the bright lights of Hollywood.

For me, the movie was a representation of my life in Hattiesburgh.

Actually, if you all want to get "technical". I lived in Pervis. Which was a small town outside of Hattiesburg.
Scene from Doc Hollywood.
Yes. The citizens of Hattiesburg Mississippi pretty much resembled those portrayed in Grady in the movie “Doc Hollywood”.
I have watched Doc Hollywood umpteen times and like it more each time . macpherr20 October 1999

To most people this movie is about a small town in the South. To me that one small town street is the place where my husband and I used to day dreaming about buying antique furniture after he would finish graduate school at the University of Florida, in Gainesville, Florida. 

The movie location, the one street town of Micanopy, is just a few miles away from Gainesville. 

They show the entire downtown! 

As I have watched Doc Hollywood umpteen times, I love to see the corner store, which was a jewelry store called the Strawberry Bank specializing in antique jewelry about seventeen years ago. I would put stuff on lay-way as graduate students could not afford the luxury of buying something faster. 

Then we would drive around those back roads full of trees and Spanish moss and eat an early dinner: fried cat fish, fried okra, rice, and whatever fresh thing they had that our small stomachs could contain. 

It was such a great time in our lives! 

That area is surrounded by students. I guess we did not realize how little we had as graduate students, since we were even able to afford an off-campus apartment! Everybody else had about the same youth and enthusiasm and we were looking to our bright futures. 

I would go to the library and get books on antiques furniture, old lace and antique jewelry. I would audit French classes, take classes in jewelry making techniques: such as lost wax and casting. 

I learned so much about life in that town, and biked until I ended up tan without ever sitting in the sun.

Like Michael J. Fox (The American President) "Dr. Benjamin Stone," I was fascinated with the big city. Coming from one of the largest cities in the world, I just wondered what I was going to do after I finished my classes as a Visiting Student at the UF. 

Well after living there for about four years, I learned much more than what graduate school could ever teach. 

Like Dr. Stone, I fell in love with the place, I would not mind having a pig named Jasmine, I fell in love with the quilt making, the silence, the southern hospitality, and how "they all" thought I had an accent. 

I can even do a pretty good southern accent now myself! 

Every once in while a celebrity would come to town like Sally Fields (Forest Gump) raising support for a project that her brother a physics professor at UF was working on. Those college folk, they sure come up with strange ideas. That was so cool!

Julie Warner (Mr. Saturday Night) "Lou" was so adorable with her down to earth attitude. 
A catfish dinner.
A mainstay meal in Mississippi; the fried catfish dinner with chips, slaw, and pickled tomatoes with hush-puppies.
I loved to see the Mayor dressed like a squash. That is the South!

This is an excellent movie.

It has values. Ben Stone realized that being a Doctor in a small town might even mean having to read to your clients personal letters to them because they could not read.

He in the end realizes that being needed is far more important than money.

My favorite quotes: " Watch your language Doc, you are in the belt of the Bible belt."

Stone: "There were cows in the middle of the road! I told you my insurance company will be happy to pay for that fence."

Judge:"I built that fence myself. Neither you, nor, your insurance company can pay for a fence that I built myself."

My favorite scenes: the one street in Micanopy, the cute wooden cabin, the little old ladies quilting and arguing.

Ben Stone and Lou driving around on that old huge ambulance, and acting like real animals demarcating their territories by scent. They would urinate and distribute the liquid around to detract deer that would attract the hunters.

My husbands favorite scene is Julie Warner slowing rising from under water when she was skinny dipping. Not lewd, but enchanting.

Well we are going to "visit all " the relatives down south and eat fresh catfish in some back road "ma &pa restaurant." I guess " you all" have to go buy or rent this movie.

This movie is great because it is about many people deciding for themselves how they want to live — whether in a big city or in a small town — and why they value what they do. It is also about an epiphany for Ben Stone and changing of his ways internally.

And that’s pretty much what I moved to.

A super nice small community with it’s own unique (and very different) culture, society and food. And it was refreshing! Absolutely and positively refreshing!

The point here is that you need to leave your affirmation campaigns wide open so that things that you are not aware of, but that meet your deepest desires are able to manifest. If you are too specific, you might end up with a house like what you see on television, and not like one that your really want.

Here’s what Hattiesburg was sort of like…

Rural Mississippi. Very nice.
Rural Mississippi. Very nice.


There’s many things that I can say and lessons to be learned. But at this point we will park this conversation here for a spell.

And the rest of the story here…

Eventually, I had to leave my position in Hattiesburg. Which was really sad. It happened when there was a restructuring in the corporate office (in Chicago) and they input new management in (from Silicon Valley) who remade the entire working environment…

…wait for it…

…yet another clone of “Office Space”.


Office Space.
And suddenly, just like that (snaps fingers) I was living in corporate America all over again, as a “power” yellow-tie corporate executive remade my Mississippi company into a clone of Silicon Valley.


Some trends are too large, and too invasive to escape from. It’s like trying to run away from sweat. It will form, and the only thing that you can do is try to get / make yourself comfortable.



My skills in regards to affirmation / prayer campaigns were honed over four decades out of necessity. It was like I was on this churning, bobbing, sea of turmoil that was frequently trying to push me under. And my only way to maintain sanity was to take control of my thoughts and actions. And over time, I realized just how critical the control of my thoughts were.

Indeed, if I were not careful others, and other things would change and alter my thoughts to something else, and something quite different. And I didn’t want anything to do with it.

Gosh and golly, there are so many lessons here, some of which I spelled out to you, the reader, and others that you might be able to see if you read between the lines. It is our thoughts, and the shadow thoughts of others which can make our lives great, or a Hellish experience. Our only recourse is to control the barrage of thoughts to something that we can manage.

Be careful of your affirmations. What you think you want, might not be what you earnestly truly want deep down inside. It’s like the guy who says that he want’s a “big dick”, when in reality, he just wants a lot of sex. Be real, and be truthful with yourself.

This was my story.

I am sure that you have your own stories that you can add to this. For life is a very interesting journey. And learning, and experiencing life is our duty.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Affirmation Index here…

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Tweaking the MAJ Operator. A narrative of what it is like.

Humans are herd animals. We graze upon the grass in yards fenced in by other sheep. All the time being watched over by the farmer and his barn-dogs.

Now, in this post I am gonna talk about an aspect that I have yet to cover. This is, pretty much, and essentially “the other side of the coin”. Or, to put it in more conventional language, what the other half of me is doing.

Ah. Confused?

Well, of course you are. Or you should be.

In order to explain what is going on, or has happened with me, and what is going to happen to you all, you need to understand what our reality is. you need to understand what our universe is. You need to understand what time is. You need to understand what world-lines are.

And with that being understood, then and only then, I can explain things to you all.

Because it’s really a Hell of a lot of work, and just a casual conversation with a “normal” just isn’t fruitful.

Hey! You're the Jackass that says he was a SEAL and has alien implants in his head and can time travel! Yeah. Yeahhhh right.

It’s like that.

No really.

It’s EXACTLY like that.

It’s a twisting of words, by the intensely ignorant who are not listening, have no desire to listen, and substitute their ideas to replace what I actually say. Then regurgitate it in a disparaging manner so as to ridicule my actions, my experience and my exposures.

But, here… for you handful that are actually reading what I write, who are actually following my lesson plans and learning… I am presenting something that I have not talked about much.

Here we are going to talk about a few things.

They are…

  • The division of consciousness in any particular world-line.
  • How consciousness splits between the Heavenly realms and the Reality Universe.
  • What is going on “behind the scenes” with myself as a “MAJ Operator”.

Quick Note

The post concerns a “medical operation” that I underwent.

When ever one of these “adjustments”, “procedures” or “operations” occur, there are usually larger scale events in the physical world going on afterwards. Whether that is the result of the procedures, or whether the procedures are to mitigate the effects of those events, I do not know.

This post describes an event that took place on 14OCT20 in the early morning.


Today in my early morning slumber, I experienced one of my “medical procedures” that I have from time to time. It doesn’t happen in the physical reality.

Nor is it tied to a given place or world-line.

It is not tied to any particular world line.

It occurs outside the world-line travel vector (known as time and space), and for most people it is “just” a dream. That is how we interpret it. It is an event that lies outside our physical reality, and which lies outside our dreams, and which lies outside what we know and understand as “reality”.

Many people mistakenly call these events “abductions”. Where they are forcefully taken against their will to strange places or labs for medical dissection, weird sexual experiments and other horrors.

It’s nothing of that type.

But I can see how someone would get that impression.

What I am going to describe is something that I consider to be “normal”, because I have lived with it for the last four decades. But it will sound strange to “normal people”. I have all sorts of things that are going on regarding me. I mean, not just in my day-to-day life, but outside my life (my 30% of consciousness associated with world-line travel) . It’s the realm of what my other 70% is up to.

Consciousness is divided.

The soul divides the consciousness into groups.

10% to 30% is associated with getting experiences on earth. I call this "world-line travel" within our "reality universe".

The rest is off doing "other" things.

Usually, because it has no direct bearing on my day-to-day activities, I pretty much ignore it all. Much like everyone else does. And for most people, that is all that there is.

Your day-to-day life and then you die.

Game over.



Well, it’s not that way.

Instead, everyone has a big (huge) part of them off doing “things”.

Much of that is in the “Heavenly realms”, but a lot has to do with nearby (to the “Reality Universe”). Because being a human means that part of your travels the MWI in the physical body, and the rest of you do other things elsewhere. It’s normal. It’s what being a human is.

And me, well…

Well…I signed up for all this.

So I am more active in these other areas (I personally believe) that most of my fellow human brothers and sisters. I am an active participant. I am more involved. I am thus a little bit different.

Like how you might have a stud bull, or a prized milking cow. Or maybe how one of your calves won the State fair. 

And, as part of my role…

…It’s many things that I have (already) talked about. All pretty much revolving around sentience sorting…

… and evolution…

…and all that is wrapped up within the program that I entered back in April 1981 in the United States Navy, Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) for a program that fell under MAJestic operations…

… that I be handed over to a specific extraterrestrial species …

… and that they would do things to me…

… and that it would be for the good of all humanity.


While it was explained to me that I would be in the program for life, and that my role would be an important one, and that I would be exposed to very advanced and top secret technologies and concepts…

…I had no idea that I would still be actively involved and being tweaked well past my retirement years.


I always know that I am going to have a procedure done when I enter this particular room / chamber. Yeah. It’s mostly plan and painted white. But the room is of complex geometry, with rectangular budges here and there, and some odd wall and ceiling shapes.

It’s like the most oddly shaped room that you can think of. Not rectangular. Perhaps trapezoidal with the protrusions to the room rendering it’s shape intensively difficult to discern.

The way that I remember this room is actually rather silly.

There is this particular panel in the deck. It appears to be a pane of glass covering over a wiring conduit (empty and devoid of wires) of a pretty odd shape. Think of a rectangular “T” shaped cutout in the floor of a white deck, only with the top of the “T” cut off forming a Trapezoidal shape. The bottom leg of the “T” forming a long squeezed extension, with a kind of rhomboid shape. And all covered with a clear thick pane of acrylic or glass. Under the glass is just an empty space. Rectangular in shape. White and plain.

It’s odd. I know.

And that is how I remember.

Every time I see this strange feature, I am able to recall other times that I have been in this chamber and (pretty much) what to expect.

And now, let’s talk about this time…

Prep for the procedure

It’s all pretty conventional.

I find myself in this chamber. I’m alone. So I look around and get my bearings.

I notice the room size, the walls, the strange “cut out” in the deck, and move forward.

A few minutes later…

A large group of short people fully dressed in medical garb enter the chamber (and it’s a real bunch. Perhaps twelve or fifteen.) and they all start laying out all sorts of tools, devices and equipment around an operating table. Three or four come to me and two of them get to each side of me and softly but firmly hold me…

“Oh, he’s one of the good ones.”

And they relax their grip, and I take the injection. And it is an injection, of sorts. I mean there is no needle it is just applied to my skin like the soft touch of a cold metal ball bearing. And I just stand there watching the events transpire.

After a few minutes the effect starts to take hold.

A numbness, a ringing in the ears, an inability to feel anything, and I just kind of “stand there” swaying in the room. My consciousness remains in place in the room, but my “dream body” is carried to the table. (By the two orderly nurses, that stood beside me, on my left and on my right.)

My consciousness is "glued" to that spot. Meanwhile my body collapses into the arms of the other two nurses and is carried to the operating table.

One of the “nurses” (the third one that said that I was a “good one”) asks if I would like to observe.

I respond “Yes. Sure.”

I think this. No physical words are actually spoken.

And my eyesight changes (to what I immediately infer as to the kind of eyesight that the doctors and nurses see).

It’s really, really different. With exaggerated reds and yellows, and glaring white spots. Everything else is in light blues. Like a pastel world. The entire room is bluish, but the table, the equipment and the gadgets on the tray surfaces are all light pink and white.

I watch for a while as they perform some kind of actual operation procedure on my “dream body”. I have no idea what they are doing or why.

It continues like that.

I drift off…

I wake up early in the morning. It’s 4:45am. The sky is getting light, and the morning clouds over the ocean are really nice. Red. “Red sky in the morning. Sailors take warning.” It’s calm and I hear the morning birds singing their song. I can even hear the sweep of the brooms of the building cleaning ladies as they sweep the sidewalks and ready the complex for the day.

What in “blue blazes” is going on?

Blue blazes. Unknown. An imaginary place somewhere on earth that is said to be excruciatingly hot. invented by old people . grandma: my goodness , its hotter than blue blazes in here!

-Urban Dictionary: blue blazes


Do you all think that I am just making this up? That I have too much time on my hands and that I just live vicariously in my Metallicman postings? Nope. I’m telling you all what is going on, how it works (to the best of my ability) and how everything fits together.

This little bit of personal exposure can tell you A LOT about our universe and how it works, if you just take the time to listen.

Consciousness Partitioning

I have covered much of this elsewhere.

The universe is complex, and we reside within a specific reality known as a “reality universe”. Our soul inhabits a “Heaven Universe”. And it is a part of our soul that we call a consciousness. And that is what occupies this “reality universe”.


The consciousness is not 100% dedicated to any given world-line. Instead it puts part of it all over the place. But, for purposes of simplicity, we can say that the physical reality has control of from 10% to 30% of our consciousness at any given moment, and the non-physical reality has much of the rest.

In the picture, I showed the physical reality that one inhabits as part of the MWI. And I show a person who's consciousness inhabits a given body. I write in purple that the remainder of the consciousness is split in that non-physical realm. This is shown as 60%.
Physical vs. non-physical realities.


In the picture, I showed the physical reality that one inhabits as part of the MWI. And I show a person who’s consciousness inhabits a given body. I write in purple that the remainder of the consciousness is split in that non-physical realm. This is shown as 60%.


But it should be 70% you argue.

What happened to the remaining 10%? Well, it’s elsewhere. Some in the Heaven Universe and some off and frittering about all over the many, many multitudes of the MWI world-lines. It’s here, there and everywhere.


So what is going on here.

Well, as far as I can figure, and I’m pretty convinced that this is the case, my physical body is snoozing and sleeping as my consciousness moves though the MWI. And other entities are spending time dealing with my non-physical body.


We have two (recognizable) bodies that our consciousness occupies. They are…

  • A physical body.
  • A non-physical body.

And they both inhabit the “reality universe” simultaneously.

Reality separation (physical and non-physical)

So, let’s look into this a little deeper.

But first. Let’s make sure that we are all on the same page. OK?

  • Soul. Soul is what we are. It dwells inside it’s own special universe. We call that universe “Heaven”. I like to call that place the “Heaven Universe”. It tends to stay there.
  • Consciousness. Soul takes a part of itself and forms a vehicle to travel outside of Heaven with. This vehicle is known as “Consciousness”.
  • Reality. The universe that soul uses to obtain experiences. It’s called “the Reality Universe”. Each experience creates new associations and entanglements at the quanta level. The soul exports the consciousness that it creates into this reality so that it can grow.
  • Physical. The physical reality is the part of the reality that we humans can sense and interact with.
  • Non-physical. The non-physical reality is the part of our “reality universe” that our physical bodies cannot see, or sense.
  • World-line. The “reality universe” is a series of fixed points in time. Each one is a frozen “snap shot” of every possibility of everything in the universe. Each “snapshot” is a world-line.
  • Time. Time is the movement of our consciousness. It moves in and out of reality in a sequence. It moves one world-line to another at a rate that is governed by the frequency that our physical brain operates in.

Perhaps it looks something like how the Eastern Religions portray it. If so, maybe it is something more in alignment to any of the many pictorials of the various states of the non-physical realities that us humans deal with. Perhaps like this…

The five koshas.
The three bodies and the five Koshas.

As I see it…

The physical world and the non-physical world are both sides of the same coin. Your consciousness inhabits both simultaneously.

Yet, strangely enough, when your consciousness moves about (in wave form) you can observe your physical body asleep in bed, or your non-physical body being operated upon in a operating room.

It seems strange to us. But that is the way it actually is.

And, more intelligent, older, more technology advanced species do not see this as an odd separation at all. They view this as the natural order of things and proceed in their day to day lives without a moments thought to this. They use this separation between the physical and the non-physical to “gate us all in” the “pastures” where we can roam free and graze.

We cannot leave the pasture because we don’t know how to open up the gate.

But what do I know?

It could very well be something completely different. But to communicate what I experience, one must recognize the idea that our physical body is covered in sheaths or layers that reside outside the physical. They reside int he non-physical realms, and have their own attributes.

Attributes, that others in various religions, have mapped out.

For me, as a novice in regards to Eastern Religious and Spiritual thought, I simply say that there is [1] a physical body and [2] a non-physical body. This non-physical body is different from the physical one. And as such, the extraterrestrial doctors and nurses provided operations upon it. Operations that were apparently unnecessary on my physical body.

And for simplicity purposes. Let’s leave it at that, for now.

Anyways, to fully understand what I have described…

… you must recognize that I am telling you all, in the physical reality, what my consciousness was exposed to. As well as what my consciousness observed while events that transpired within the non-physical reality.

My consciousness observed medical procedures conducted by Type-I extraterrestrials on my non-physical body. It is a common enough procedure for me, and something that I have learned to live with. I do not know what they were doing. I do not know why they were doing it.

  • I am one of numerous humans that have these procedures.
  • It is part of my role within MAJestic.
  • I believe that it is for the good of our species.
  • It is a unique experience, and sounds fucking crazy to an outsider.

The procedure is something that is common enough (for me), so that I recognize the facility. And the nurse comment is such that it implies that I am not the only one who goes through these kinds of procedures. Whether they are all related to my MAJ program is unknown.

Medical procedures on the non-physical aspects of the body


You all can read between the line on this.

Other species can operate and live, work and “play” within the non-physical reality, and we (humans) haven’t a clue as to what is going on because our senses are far too rudimentary.

These other species thus have a life, with structures, buildings, work, procedures, and relationships there in the non-physical reality. And if they do, so must us humans.

If a species is technologically advanced, it would make sense that they would be masters of the physical environment. But they would also be masters of the non-physical environment.

And as far as the “medical procedures” go…

What are they? I don’t know. I really don’t understand much of any of this. What I can tell you all is that this procedure was NOT “biological sampling” of a random human for monitoring programs. (That involves other activities and <redacted> involvement.)

They were (and I very strongly believe) that they were making CHANGES to my non-physical body of some type. That this is part of a long series of procedures that has been fairly regular over the decades at a rate of maybe four to five a year for the last forty odd years.

I strongly do not believe, at all, that the procedure is corrective in nature or intention.

This procedure is one of a long series of procedures that is altering myself in both the physical and non-physical realities to become something else. Perhaps a more “metallic” sort of person. And I mean that as something different than a robot. I mean that as on the elemental level. Something quite different that what I was biologically intended to be.

Physical areas in the non-physical realms


How can there be a “Operating Room” in this non-physical environment? And why is it so oddly shaped?

I do not know.

But what I actually do know is that there all sorts of physical analogs in the non-physical worlds. And others who have traveled through them (no matter what they refer to them as) have reported the same thing. Call it the “astral plane”, or “the realm of the spirits”, or whatever you fancy, the fact is that there are physical analogs of buildings, structures, and creatures off in the non-physical worlds.

But… Wait!

Maybe what is going on isn’t what I think it is. Maybe what I think has been too unduly influenced by the books that I have read, my Catholic upbringing, the occult, and popular narratives. Maybe, just maybe something else is happening…

Maybe I was not observing my non-physical body being operated upon. Maybe I only thought that that was what was going on. Perhaps I am completely misinterpreting the events.

Or, even yet. Perhaps I am just crazy.

But, for the purposes of clarity and to really unload all my experiences as part of being who I am, I’m dishing this all out to you all. Right here and right now. It’s the truth, and you can learn from it. It can provide you glimpses of what our reality actually is, and what your role actually is.

And maybe, just maybe…


…you can see that your thought generation in the physical worlds, have an effect on your non-physical analog body.

That there are species and races that so-inhabit these non-physical realms with us. And that if we welcome their assistance, and not fight it, we can end up growing, improving and becoming a better person and a more active member of society.

Truthfully, as I have stated in my other posts regarding my post-implantation experiences, the “spiritual side” of our reality is stronger and more robust than anything that we can understand. If we are able to control our thoughts, and use affirmation navigation, not only can we improve the physical lifestyle and comforts that we experience, but we can just as well improve it for our communities.

The non-physical worlds are MORE important than we give them credit for. They define what our physical life becomes. We need to spend more time understanding this aspect of our lives, and paying more attention to our thoughts and our actions. Especially when it involves the lives and thoughts of others that we care about in our communities.

Humans are herd animals. We graze upon the grass in yards fenced in by other sheep. All the time being watched over by the farmer and his barn-dogs.
Pink Floyd – Sheep.mp3

Do you want more?

I have more posts and articles like this in my MAJestic Index…


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A little discussion on how your consciousness is able to navigate the MWI world-lines accurately

You know, people want to know the "secrets of the universe", and when you present them the information, they go "what's this shit?" They said that they don't want "that". Oh no. They want something that already agrees with their erroneous world view...


The way the universe works is pretty straight forward.

Thoughts create our reality. What you think naturally causes your consciousness to migrate to those places conceived by your thoughts.

This pretty much agrees with what we understand about quantum physics.

But this post is going to step into this matter at a deeper level. We are going to get into [1] the fracturing of consciousness and [2] how the whole consciousness works (behind the scenes) to [3] generate very accurate and suitable world-line destinations. Destinations that fit both [4] pre-birth world-line templates, and [5] autonomous consciousness world-line roving ability.

So, this post is NOT going to be about the nuts and bolts of MWI navigation by an Affirmation Campaign. No, it will not be like the other posts. Instead, it is a discussion about [1] how the world-lines are manifested, and [2] what elements of a given conscious thought generation contribute to them.

It’s a very, very deep subject. And it is very, very advanced.

I’ll try to explain it in simple terms so that everyone can understand what is going on and the mechanism(s) involved.


For those of who who are new to Metallicman, let’s let put it simply.

The world that surrounds you has not resemblance to what everyone thinks it is. It is something entirely different.

I have covered this in other posts, in other places. And I tire about repeating myself.

You have walked into an advanced discussion area, and you won’t be able to make out anything that is said herein unless you start with the basics. Therefore, for you newcomers, you need to start at the front and work your way up to this point.

Intro to a first time visitor;


If you want to know how to control your world though manifested thoughts and intentions, which is what this particular post is all about, go here…

Intention Campaigns

Start at the beginning and work your way down. It’s all there. It’s everything you ever need.

So to fully appreciate what is being stated here, you must recognize that the world is not a physical place where your body is born into.

Instead, it is a temporary construction. It changes moment to moment by the thoughts generated by your consciousness. And it is your consciousness that occupies the physical reality. Not your body.

These changes are known as “world-lines” and the physics involved is known as quantum physics, and the particular branch that this discussion centers upon is known as the MWI.

  • The primary world-line that you start out with at birth is known as your “pre-birth world-line template”.
  • Movement through the various world-lines is known as “time”.
  • Switching the pre-birth templates to completely different sets of initial conditions are known as “slides”.
  • Intentional navigation though the various world-lines is known as an “intention campaign”.
  • Planning and directing a navigation vector through the MWI is known as “mapping”.

Consciousness is the key to everything

So here you are.

You are not a physical body that thinks has emotions and walks about.

You are soul, that creates a “consciousness” that is placed within a (human) container that is fixed and tied to a pre-birth world-line template.

Your physical body, and the world surrounding your, as well as all the thoughts floating around and the spirits, and all that history, and the subway cars and everything else is all just a very elaborate construction.

Not your construction.

You, your consciousness, your soul did not create this reality.

You picked it out, and you selected it.

You (as soul), put part of you inside this “sandbox”, this “playground”, this world-line reality at birth to obtain experiences.

And with each experience…

New relationships (known as “entanglements”) were formed at the quantum level.

Good or bad. Right or wrong. Black or white. Love or hate. All defined what your consciousness experienced, and all defines who you are. For you are the sum total of your experiences.

Put a “part” of you inside the reality…


Your soul created a “consciousness”.

It used quanta that it has, and organized it, and arranged it, and made a “consciousness”,

Most “consciousnesses” contain from 10% to 35% of the quanta of any given soul.

Which means that most of who you are is out in Heaven somewhere, doing “other things”.

And your “consciousness” is busy doing a number of tasks…

  • It is experiencing “life” within the “passage of time”.
  • The “life” is a non-stop sequence of experiences.
  • Each experience is the building, shaping, structuring, and arranging the relationships between different quanta, by your thoughts and your physical actions.
  • Thus it is making and creating memories.

All the time, the consciousness resides within a fixed physical body. One that has emotions, and feelings and other biological needs that drive it towards behaviors. These behaviors might be normal and bland, like eating and sleeping, or more complex like desiring to own a sports car, or having an interest in someone else, or very complex like emotions and relationship entanglements.

So the sum total of your “life” as a human, from birth to death, is actions and thoughts that result from experiences within the MWI. It is what the consciousness experiences. And since the consciousness is a part of the soul that created it…

That comprises from 10% to 35% of the activity of the soul.

What are these “other things” soul is doing…

So a big question that you might want to ask is what is the soul doing if a part of it is living life within the MWI?

Is it up there in Heaven “twiddling it’s thumbs”?

twiddle (one's) thumbs
To wait idly because one cannot take action or has nothing to do at the moment.

Although the phrase refers to an actual movement of the hand (in which one's fingers are interlaced and each thumb is brought over the other in succession), the phrase is usually used figuratively.
Twiddle one’s thumbs.


The soul is actually busy doing other things in Heaven.

Most of which, are way beyond the scope of what the consciousness might understand. For the consciousness is in control of a physical mind, within a physical body, that is physically tied to the understandings of that world-line that it is part of.

Now, it it be well understood that I do not have privy to what is going on with soul, because (after all) I am like you. I am a consciousness trapped within a physical body. And all I know that might be different is limited in scope, and tied to my EBP and other “understandings”. Things which might or might not be correct.

Never the less, there are some things that we can infer are going on.

Namely what the soul is doing in regards to the consciousness that it created.

For, as we well know, the soul is intimately connected to the consciousness. And, as such, the consciousness (you) can have an “inkling” of what soul might be doing in it’s involvement with the consciousness.

Orders from Headquarters

When I was young, and I wanted my father to play with me, the would sometimes explain to me that he couldn’t. I would ask why, and he would say “orders from headquarters”. Which meant that there were powers stronger than him that were telling him what to do and how to do it.

  • Sometimes it would be his job, his career, and his schooling (night school).
  • Sometimes it would be my mother.
  • And sometimes it would be other commitments.

All of which were beyond my understanding as a young boy.

So, instead of getting involved with detailed explanations on why he could not play with me, instead he would use this “catch all” phrase. He did this knowing that he did not have the time to explain the various complicated relationships and issues involved. And even if he did, it would have been unlikely for me to understand the reasoning at that time, at that age, and at that stage in my personal development.

There is NO WAY that any human within the “reality” universe that comprises the MWI can understand what is going on within the “Heaven” universe. All we can relate is the flimsy and tenuous understandings associated with the link between our consciousness and soul. Because, after all, they are intimately tied together.

So, what we can say is that there is a “relationship” between soul and the consciousness that it creates.

We can further say that this “relationship” is involved in how the consciousness obtains experiences…

Because, after all, that is WHY the soul created the consciousness in the first place.

… and thus the soul is in charge of the degree of comfort or discomfort that the consciousness experiences.

This has some profound implications.

What this means

While the reader should be well versed in the idea that thoughts create our reality, we have to take into account that there might be other influences that might also bend and shape the realities that converge.

What other influences?

  • Strong, contrary thoughts that might inhabit the world-line(s) that you inhabit. These might inhibit your Intention Navigation Campaign.
  • Physical limitations of the world-line itself.
  • Modification of the intention desires by your soul, which might run contrary to the desires of your consciousness.
  • Other, non-physical entities or mechanisms that might work with your soul to mitigate your intention direction.

In other words, it is very probable that your soul is assisting in the manifestation of the new world-lines that you enter. The degree of this “assistance” will depend on all sorts of factors. But I guess that the point is that you (as consciousness) have support (from your soul) in the selection of the world-lines that you enter and move towards. And that it will not alloy you (as consciousness) to “get off the track” in regards to learning experiences that it desires.

Thus you can expect the resulting world-lines that materialize to be what you asked for (in a Intention Campaign) but with very specific “strings attached” (lessons for you to obtain and learn from).

"Strings attached" is an idiomatic expression we say in English. When you give something to anybody with strings attached, that means there are conditions or obligations to the recipient. 

For example, you give a friend a new car and he is obligated not to refuse you if you ask him for a favor.

-Strings Attached | WordReference Forum


An Intention Campaign for (example) that might want a girlfriend that is a beautiful model in show business, might come with the “strings attached” that might have things from which you might learn some important lessons. And lessons are always uncomfortable. In this case, perhaps, she has a husband named Bluto, or that she has warts and will give them to you.

The soul, when working with the consciousness, will determine the level of severity and speed of the lessons that you will obtain within this MWI experience.

  • Some intention campaigns will be exactly what you desire. After all, if your intention campaigns will not work, then you would stop doing them.
  • Some intention campaigns would have resultant desires that would be exactly what you want, and it will come with a lesson that you will learn. If I were to ask other readers of Metallicman about whether they learned anything from their manifested desires, I might get hundreds of responses.
  • Some intention campaigns will result in things manifesting that will change the course of your desires in mid-stream. That is when you know that your soul has a hand in the manifestation of your desires.

So, do not mistakenly believe that 100% of what you intentionally campaign for will result in a 100% manifestation of your desires. The actual numbers are actually slightly less. It’s more like 95% and 95%. And it is your soul that has the ultimate say over what your consciousness manifests.

You (consciousness) is part of something much larger (your soul). And what you desire, and think of will manifest within your reality. Just realize that your soul has a say in that manifestation.

And it will come with a "price tag".


One thing about “false positives” is that every time they occur, you learn from them. That’s funny, isn’t it? Have you ever stopped and wondered why some manifested intentions have false positives while others don’t?

It’s all about the lessons that you as consciousness obtain.

Now, knowing this mechanism, you should be better equipped in using and manifesting your affirmation campaign. You can expect that what you yearn for will continue to manifest, and that the results will not do so by the laws of the physical universe, but rather will be “massaged” and manipulated by your soul to best manifest for your very own personal growth.

That is a good thing.

So, you need to keep all this in mind as you observe things manifesting before your very eyes. When they do, you need to review what lessons you are learning and whether or not you are growing as a person, as consciousness, and as soul in the process.

From the point of view of your soul, this is your learning center. Don’t squander it. Play with whatever “toys” you desire. Just know that their manifestation will be associated with the learning of something, at some time.

Just know that their manifestation will be associated with the learning of something, at some time.


Life can be far more exciting, far more enjoyable, and far more wonderful than you could ever imagine.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Intention Campaign Index here…

Intention Campaigns

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Structuring a well-rounded prayer affirmation campaign using world-line transitions

This is a very simple post that will layout a fundamental template for your prayer affirmations. These affirmations are things that you read aloud (to yourself) everyday during a campaign. Prayer campaigns happen over a period of time, and are interrupted by periods of inaction. In other words, you conduct a campaign and then stop completely. Then after a period of rest, you start a new campaign. The affirmations are a list of your desires laid out in a prayer format.

Structuring is a term that I use to describe the organization of your prayer list. You do not need to have it organized, but it will really help you out when the time comes to run a campaign.

The Structuring of a prayer campaign

Most people put together perhaps ten lines of prayers and call it their verbal affirmations. They repeat them once a day in their private moments. Some put them on a laminated sheet in the shower and read them aloud while taking a shower. Some put them in a notebook and read them when they are alone in their home office. While others have them on a list in their wallet and they read it in their car in the company parking lot.

When I conduct a prayer affirmation campaign, my list is long. It is very long and very detailed. I do this because I know that if I am not that detailed, what will manifest might not be what I want. So I tend to be very descriptive and very exacting in my campaign.

I learned the importance of this the hard way.

It's almost like that "contract that you sign with the devil", you will indeed get exactly what you wish for. But you must be very careful in defining your wishes.

So there are really only two recommended techniques (for the newbe and novice) that you can employ. Either have [1] very simple and broad affirmations, or [2] a very complex detailed affirmation campaign.

You do not need to be like me.

In fact, I strongly recommend that people new to intention campaigns start out slowly and simply, and then modify the affirmations over time to find our what works for them. For certainly, what works for one person might not work for others.

I will repeat.

We are all different. So what works for one person might not work for others. Which is why, pretty much, I tell everyone to stick to plain and simple affirmation campaigns and keep things basic. And then, after you have seen how things manifest for you, you can alter and grow your affirmation campaigns into great complexity with more intense results.

My suggested campaign template

Here, I am going to lay out the elements of a very detailed affirmation campaign. One that I use personally (with my personal prayers omitted, of course) and leaving the general affirmations for you all to use and alter as you see fit.

Now, I have mentioned how to conduct these kinds of prayer campaigns in other posts. So none of this should be a real surprise. What might be different here is that the campaign that I am listing here is an “advanced” campaign. It is one that is intentionally modified for “expert” use.


This is what I use, and it is what any one who has been doing affirmation campaigns for a couple of years can use. It is not for newbe use.

What is different here, and why I warn NOT to use if you are new to affirmation campaigns, is that it contains certain elements that you must agree to that will completely and totally alter your campaign implementation.

The advanced techniques

This affirmation campaign is full of affirmations that will fundamentally alter and change how your campaign actually runs. This campaign includes “code” that will rewrite the “source code” behind the normal working procedure of an affirmation campaign. And thus it is dangerous for newbe use.

The advanced coding…

  • [1] Permits the application of world-line slides in your life.
  • [2] Discards your “initial world-line template” or base-line world-line map for others that will achieve your goals.
  • [3] Dramatically decreases the time for implementation of your affirmations by permitting and allowance for periods of “phased out discomfort”.
  • [4] Places guarantees that discomfort will be kept to a minimum.

To use these advanced techniques would result in some rather impressive changes in your life, but it will come at a cost.

[1] Using slides

The cost is that once you have allowed a campaign to slide you out of your birth-world-line map, you will never be able to return back to it. Which means that [1] you will forever be forced to conduct prayer affirmation campaigns until you die, and [2] that you must still obtain experiences and lessons as part of your soul charter. This will result in [3] some level of potential discomfort.

What does this mean?

Well, it might be like the character “Earl” from the show “My name is Earl”, who wins a lottery ticket for millions of dollars, but gets hit by a car and loses the ticket. Because he owes a karmic debt that exceeds the value of the lottery ticket.

My name is Earl television show.
My name is Earl television show.


… it might appear to be like that.

[2] Changing the template world-line map

In reality, it’s not really so much about karma as it is that your consciousness NEEDS to obtain experiences during this life.

The at-birth-world-line template was provided to you to use as a map to make those experiences occur. Good or bad, right or wrong, you were corralled or lead to make decisions that would cause events that would manifest due to your thoughts.

So yes, in a way, our world-line template that was allocated to us at pre-birth pretty much set up a corralled, and fated life.

Now, you are purposely leaving that template map, and permitting yourself to slide out on to other world-line maps.

World-lines can be grouped into clusters of similarly, and by other means.

When I refer to a world-line "map", I am referring to cluster of world-lines that evolve (over "time" as viewed by the consciousness) in such a way that the HIGHEST PROBABILITY of events are presented in a three dimensional format. The most probable world-lines are shown in a two dimensional plane, and the relative "difficulty" or "discomfort" to the person is presented in the third dimensional axis.

If you do not use this kind of "map", then you have no structure. Just a big furry and fuzzy ball of all probabilities all superimposed over each other. So use of this map greatly simulates how a person can make decisions, be corralled into certain actions, and learn from experiences and events.

If you want to get off this "fated" or "corralled" map that you were assigned with at birth, then you need to slide off of it. You would slide onto another map.

These other maps might be radically different, or might not. They might be violently disturbing, or quietly comforting. They might be anything. And that is the point. You elect to leave the experience-kindergarten and step into the elementary school hallway. It’s a big step.

Normal thoughts, and a normal simple affirmation campaign works within a pre-birth template map. There is a fixed number of world-lines that you must pass through (on the x-y axis) to obtain your goal.

To speed things up, or achieve other advantages, you need to slide off that map in a z-prime axis onto another map. This other map would have other issues and an entire set of highest probability pathways.

[3] Quick(er) response to your campaign

In this “heavyweight” affirmation campaign template, you would agree to sacrifice comfort and convenience for achieving your goals.

So, for example, if your normal campaign would normally take six years to manifest some long-term goal, this technique would reduce it to a third of the time. Say two years.

Also, as a side effect of this methodology, you will discover that the “pause” between campaigns will be abbreviated as well. Rather than taking a three month long pause between campaigns you might have the strong feeling that you could start a new subsequent campaign shortly afterwards, say in two months instead of three.

[4] Fail safes

Of course, this campaign would include fail-safes or else it would be very, very dangerous.

The idea behind this is that the world-line map that your experiences would lie upon in this incarnation would be within a set of boundary limits. You would have a high probability of experiencing “A”, and “B”, and while you could us your free will to avoid experiencing those things, the probability of you doing so would be very small.

People ask what is fate? 

A child drops an ice cream cone on a hot pavement in the Summer and runs away crying.

You watch that event.

The highest probability would be that you watch, and then continue on your way as if nothing happened. This would be your fated pre-birth template, and you would be proceeding on the x-y axis. This is the most common and highest probability of behavior.

But there are actually a near infinite things that you can do. Such as...

[1] Buy the strange kid a new ice cream cone.
[2] Go after the kid and taunt her / him making fun of them.
[3] Pick up the cone and throw it in the trash.
[4] Pick up the cone and eat it.
[5] Pick up the cone and throw it at a passing car.

The most common and highest probability reactions and events are on the world-line map.

For instance, you would accept a job at “ACME Widgets”, not knowing that in three years they would lay you off. This would be a scenario that you would pretty much be fated to experience.

Now, it is true that you do not have to accept the job at “ACME Widgets”, but the situation on this world-line template would be such that not taking it might mean going without food for a while, or other uncomfortable things.

So in other words, the world-line template map is a fated life that you as soul selects for your consciousness to experience.

But, by accepting and allowing to slide off this birth-assigned template map, you can use your thoughts to navigate to new and different world-lines off that template.

On this new world-line template, you have a set of new opportunities and new events that were NOT present on the old pre-birth world-line template.

So, while the option for “ACME Widgets” might still be open to you, so will an opportunity at “Headbook Software”.

Now taking that opportunity would give you much better salary, and a host of other benefits. More so than “ACME Widgets”, but also would provide a different mapped “terrain” that you would need to navigate.

Instead of just worrying about a pay check at “ACME Widgets”, you now have to contend with a host of other issues that was not in your pre-birth charter. You would experience far more, and do far more, and live a much more active life… but it would be at a level of compression. In other words, more experiences, and thus a greater risk of discomfort.

To mitigate and control this additional and new discomfort, you would need to add text to your affirmations to control and mange it. Thus this technique…

Advanced Technique

I call this an advanced technique because you are “taking the training wheels off”.

The idea of training wheels is to teach balance with a “safety” system to catch the child when their balance is off. 

In reality, most kids simply rely on the training wheels and never practice balance at all. 

Some children even find that it is easier to fall with training wheels – particularly while maneuvering around a corner.

-Time to Take Off the Training Wheels? Parents

So once you implement advanced intention campaigns…

… you are awarded “full spectrum” control…

… with all the benefits and the inherent dangers that come with it.


You need to have been conducting an affirmation campaign for at least a year before you try these techniques. I don’t want to advocate people to dive into the deep end of a pool until they learned how to “doggie paddle” first.

The affirmation campaign template

Here I am going to give you, the reader, elements of my very own personal affirmation campaign. I have omitted my personal information so as not to confuse this template. (And besides, it’s personal, don’t you know.)


  • I am calm, cool, collected and confident.
  • I , and my family, are all happy, healthy, and relaxed.
  • I live a calm, stress-free, comfortable life.
  • I feel calm and halcyon most of the time.
  • I have no worries, concerns, or stress. [1]
  • I am the water that flows under the earth in strength and power. [2]
  • I am navigating my reality towards my goals. [3]
  • In general, my reality is one that is a controlled improvement over what I already have. [4]
  • I am happy, healthy, and successful.
  • I fill my body with good delicious and healthy food and drink.
  • I have money, savings, and investments. [5]
  • Negative people are always repelled away from me in such a way that they do not affect my reality.
  • These affirmations manifest in the near future, and maintain existence for the remainder of my life.
  • All of these events as specified manifest as quickly as possible. [6]

This is the "general" category at the top of my affirmation list. It contains phrases and general assumptions that will occur not matter what else manifests.

[1] The first five items refer to my level of stress and comfort. Now, if you do not want a relaxed and comfortable life, you can omit these items. I, myself, have lived in stressful situations. I do not want any part of them to manifest. So I make sure that no matter what, my life is calm, and good.

[2] My personality is one of adaptation. Some people have fixed personalities. You can alter this to read something like "I am a rock and stable in all things", or perhaps if you are of a flighty and wispy countenance "I move like the air and master my environment". It's all up to you. This phrase defines your general placement within the mapped terrain.

[3] You must vocalize what you are doing.

[4] You want to improve in what you have. You want to keep the good things going on in your life and add more good things to them. You do not want to throw away everything and start from scratch, do you? If you do, you can omit this phrase.

[5] If you do not include money in your affirmations, no matter how well intentioned, you could easily end up being poor and destitute; happy, but poor and destitute.

[6] These last two statement phrases are critical. By specifying a time limit, you allow the navigation to take you off the pre-birth intention canvas. You drop off the map and are permitted to slide to what ever new map will provide you quicker and more immediate results.

Now the world around us is seemingly going crazy. Pockets of discomfort, strife and alarm are all around us. We don’t want any of that to impact our life. We do not want any part of that in our life and we most certainly do not want to obtain experiences that are associated with strife.

However, if you slide off the pre-birth template you can end up (easily) within a world-line that is full of stress and discomfort. You do not want that. Not in the least. So in order to prevent that, you will need to place some affirmations in regards to safety and security.

Like this…


  • My family is safe and secure and protected from all efforts to attack it. [1]
  • I am safe and protected where I live, and my life is stable and isolated from any attacks of any type.
  • No matter what the news says, none of the disturbing things actually happens to me or my family. [2]
  • I and my family are safe and secure. Any battles, wars, conflicts or social upheavals occur far away from us.
  • My family and I are safe and isolated away from conflict, strife, and danger. We are always safe.
  • The people around me love me, protects me, nurtures me, and supports me. [3]

If the world was stable this section in your affirmation campaign might not be necessary. But the world is not stable. Right now there are three carrier battle assault groups off the coast of China 15 miles from where I live. Maybe Donald Trump thinks that it makes great news headlines. For me, well it is very stressful and ugly.

[1] This might be the only phrase you might need.

[2] If the "news" is promoting something dangerous, this phrase will act like a shield and cause the event (or something similar) to "bounce off" and hit some other target. You know, like the fire on the USS Bonhomme Richard, or the massive explosion known as the Beirut explosion. This phrase will deflect events away from your area.

This is a complicated matter and I could devote an entire post on it alone. When huge groups of people start thinking things, they create a buildup of quanta. That buildup must be released. If it is being directed at something, and you use an affirmation to conduct a world-line switch, the build-up still needs to be released. And thus you will see other examples of where the "bullets ricocheted to".

[3] You need to tie yourself to a friendly and supportive community.

Now, let’s get into the content…


Here is where you would put your “regular” intentions. This is where the vast bulk of your intentions would go. And it might look something like this…

The affirmations are for example only. 

They are not my personal affirmations. My very own intentions are a little shy on objects and things, and rather dense when it comes to personal relationships, adventure, and lifestyle. But here are some illustrative examples.
  • I have a lawn with “Centipede grass”.
  • My front door is painted a high gloss PANTONE Bright Red C, with a nice real shiny brass door knocker.
  • I own a John Deer Cub Cadet Ultima ZT1 50-in. 23-hp Kawasaki Zero Turn lawn mower.
  • I own a beautiful white Nissan Titan XD Pro 4X.

You can add anything here that you want. In this example, I have placed things. But you can describe relationships, or situations, or events.

Events like…

  • I am able to travel the world in a sailboat.
  • I am part of a local group of businessmen and attending gatherings.
  • I have box seats at the local stadium.

Relationships like…

  • I am dating a girl that has the personality of Lauren Cohan (The Walking Dead actress).
  • I am dating a girl that has the body of Kelly Brook (English model, actress and television presenter best known for her roles in the 2010 horror comedy remake Piranha 3D).
  • My father and I have resolved our differences and spend time together on the weekends.

Situations like…

  • I have part ownership in a golf club.
  • My house is filled with happy dogs and relaxed cats.
  • I live next to the mountains and have a fresh water spring in the back.

In short, you can put anything here that is is desire. You can be vague or specific. Just note that the more specific you are, the longer it will take to manifest. So only add specificity when actually necessary. Otherwise, it’s wisest to keep things flexible.

Non Physical Entities & Forces

Our world, for the most part, is populated with the things that we see and experience around us. Therefore, since that is all that we know, that is all that we wish to alter. But the truth is that there are a host of other things, and other elements of our reality that exists around us. This includes things and entities.

By placement of specific affirmations you can protect yourself from malevolent entities (if they exist) or enlist the help of other non-physical entities, were it your prerogative.

  • I ask for help to achieve my intention targets; and I do get help from all the non-physical beings that can assist me.
  • I also get help from any physical beings that can assist making my dreams and wishes come true and manifest.
  • Other entities, not limited to but including, XXX, YYY, ZZZ, guardian angels, friendly sprites, and other entities are permitted to assist me obtaining my goals as defined here. [1]
  • In no way can these other entities hurt, harm, or mess up my life and intentions. They may only help, and are welcome to help gladly.
  • I know how to embrace opportunities as they manifest around me, and implement those necessary changes and actions promptly. [2]

[1] You might not believe that non-physical intelligence's and animals exist. That's fine. But it wouldn't hurt to have this line in your affirmations, now would it?

[2] This affirmation can go anywhere, but the placement herein associates it with a knowledge associated with specific actions associated with non-physical, or physical entities.

Control of emotions and thoughts

We are constantly under  manipulation. Where it is the embedded code within the websites and the APPs that we use, to the movies we watch and the news that we subscribe to. Everything is trying to twist and control our emotions. Yet, in order for our affirmations to actually work, these influences must be zeroed out.

Now there are two ways to zero out these influences. Firstly [1], you can get rid of those influences directly. You can stop using the media, using the computer and using the cell-phones. Or [2] you can add affirmations that control your reactions to those influences.

This section follows route #2. You have affirmations that control the way that the external influences influence your behaviors and action.

  • I am able to control my emotions and thoughts.
  • I prevent any angry, dangerous, or terrible thoughts from occurring. [1]
  • I prevent the manifestation of any reality that might result from bad, negative or dangerous thoughts. [2]
  • I avoid getting into arguments on the internet.
  • Everything surrounding me is positive and good.

[1] The first two affirmations are seemingly redundant. But, they are not.  One specifies that I am in control of what I think, not outside influences. The other prevents the manifestation and generation of bad or negative thoughts.

[2] Prevents the generation of "bad" reality generation resulting from my thoughts.

MWI Routing

This section adds a strong degree of control on how you add, alter, modify or implement your intention campaign. I am a strong believer that each one of us runs our very own unique campaign, and thus what works for one person, might not work for a different person. So in order to control that aspect of variance, you need to specify how the affirmation campaign works within your MWI reality.

These affirmations serve that purpose…

  • I understand how this universe works, and how to alter, improve and change my reality. [1]
  • I use this knowledge to generate a perfect life for myself and for my family.
  • As such, I am the Captain of my Consciousness. [2]
  • I move in and out of the world-line realities as necessary to achieve my thought-destination(s).
  • I do achieve my ultimate goals and I do so efficiently, and quickly while avoiding bad or undesirable world-lines. [3]
  • I am alert on what to say and do in order to achieve my desires.
  • I know what affirmations to make to manifest the life that I wish to participate within.
  • I know, positively, when to stop, change, alter or revise my affirmations in accordance with my needs and desires. [4]
  • I am aware of opportunities as they arise, and I know exactly what actions to take to maximize my desired intentions.
  • I am aware of the world-line routing as it occurs and do not panic or worry about how things will manifest.  [5]            
  • I recognize that world-line realities that I inhabit might be calm and relaxed, but that substantial positive and proactive events are unfolding for my benefit that might be hidden from me.

[1] This phrase helps you rapidly learn what affirmations to use, and which ones not to use. You also better understand why and how they work. I think that this sentence along helps tie the affirmation campaign into a mechanism for soul experience growth.

[2] These two commands place your verbal affirmation campaign firmly into the realm of "navigation console". By using these phrases you convert an intention campaign from a "lifestyle enhancement method", to a "world-line navigation console".

[3]  These two lines explicitly state what the purpose of the affirmation campaign is, and how it works.

[4]  These four affirmations enable you to have insight on how to improve your affirmations, and add or subtract from them. While this is seemingly a more or less natural consequence of performing a campaign, this little statement guarantees that whatever alterations you make will be in accordance with your direct wishes, and not what was laid out in the pre-birth reality template map.

[5] These two affirmations cover cognizant awareness of the physical reality and what to do to alter, reroute or modify your intention campaign.

Intention Canvas

I urge everyone to have “dream board” or “intention canvas”. This contains images and pictures used to complement your affirmation campaign.

As opposed to "sharpening" your intention focus, it make it more "fuzzy". (Which is counter intuitive. Not what you would think, eh?)

In other words, instead of a small, hard, absolute point on the world-line terrain map, it becomes a bigger, fuzzier, and softer ball. What this does is provide a larger group of avenues or paths for you to reach to your goal.

The key words or text herein is to “complement”, and not to “replace” your affirmation campaign.  

As I have discussed previously, the canvas can be a “dream board”, a rotating image display on your computer, or a folder containing a stack of pictures. It can also include a computer folder in your PC that contains images that you can use (and one that you don’t visit often either.)

In all cases you MUST tie this “intention canvas” to your affirmation campaign. These affirmation commands do just that. In my case, I have a folder that contains picture collages that represent my intended desires. And that is what I will suggest in these examples…

  • I utilize the images in my “XXXXX” folder (and all subfolders) to help make the manifestation of my lifestyle manifest.
  • I also utilize the photos in my PC (found in the YYYYYY directory) and used as my rotating background display to help cultivate the reality that my world line is.
  • The following commands specify exactly how the images will manifest and what they represent within my life…

In which case, then you go into great detail what general terms that each image represents. Such as these examples…

Males shown in photos

  • In all cases, the dominant male figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself. [1]
  • Images that portray mafia figures, or “bad people” portray myself in similar roles of power. They do NOT, however, manifest these kinds of people against me. [2]
  • Images that portray powerful people represent my role as it manifests.
  • In images showing actors, it is the character, personality and role that they play that manifests in my life, not that of the actual actor. [3]

[1] Do not assume that just because a male figure is in a photo residing inside your intention canvas, that it automatically represents you. If you want that to happen, then you will need to either use this affirmation, or photoshop your image into that photo.

[2] So, you've got a picture of Tony Soprano enjoying some wine, with his underlings nearby and a girl on each arm. Do not assume that you would intend this role to materialize. Instead, the local mafia don in your neighborhood might end up getting the intention instead of yourself. 

[3]  Likewise, you want the role that the actor plays. Not the life of the actor him or herself. If you want the actors person life, then you need to specify it. You need to specify exactly what elements the images represent or else you might have the wrong things manifest. You might (for example) want the life of Captain Jack Sparrow, and have a photo of a carefree run-infused pirate. While in reality you might end up with Johnny Depp's life and an embroiled divorce. Yikes!

Objects shown in photos

  • In images related to gold, money, currency and wealth, the intention is broadly associated with large sums of money, wealth and success that I possess.
  • In images relating to objects, they represent the things that I own or possess as property.

Women shown in photos

  • In images that have females, they represent the situation that I am participating in.
  • In images that only contain females, the appearance and body shapes, and the situation of the female, their body and actions are what manifests per my intention direction.
  • In images showing females, with a dominant physical attribute (as determined by myself), that attribute manifests within my reality.

Since I am a male, I do not want to confuse any images with women and children. I want to specify that they are different and perform roles that are situational. 

Blocking and Protections  

We live inside a reality that has both physical and non-physical components. Thoughts alter and change our reality. Both our thoughts, and the thoughts of those around us. Good people can give us good wishes and pleasant thoughts. However, most of the world today is not good, and thus bad people can thrust bad wishes upon us.

We don’t want to suffer through hexes, malevolent intentions or bad events sent in motion by individuals who have a grudge against us. So we must utilize protections.   Here are the protection affirmations that I use…      

  • I have awareness on how to avoid the manifestation of problems. I follow that advise immediately without question automatically.
  • I purposely avoid negative, dangerous, bad, or problematic reality world-lines to achieve my goals
  • I have broken apart any barriers to controlling my reality. These are barriers that are either self-created, or those created by others.
  • I define my reality, and undo any spells, magick or alterations imposed upon me, or the reality around me by anyone or anything.
  • I block and shut out all negative, de-constructive, and dangerous thoughts from manifesting and altering my intentions listed herein.

Do not assume that everyone thinks like you. There are many "closet" occultists, and "home-grown" priests that will throw some unwanted thoughts and beliefs your way. You must put up protections.

You would be surprised at how many there are. Seriously.

Personal Health           

We can  have an affirmation campaign that is all great and full of details, but if you ignore you health, it will all be for naught. If there is one thing that we should learn from this coronavirus situation, it is that if you don’t have your healthy, all the riches and “stuff” in the universe become meaningless. You absolutely need to protect your health and general well-being in your affirmation campaign.

Do not neglect this most important aspect of a prayer / affirmation campaign.

  • I am in top physical shape. I am healthy and happy.
  • My body operates, functions and behaves like when I was in my late 20’s and into my early 30’s. [1]
  • My wardrobe is professionally matched, and my body is clean, pleasant and attractive.
  • My heart is strong and healthy. My internal organs are all in top shape. [2]
  • Nothing is permitted to cause me harm, damage or physical discomfort.
  • I know what minerals, vitamins and foods that I must eat to achieve my intention targets. [3]

[1] Obviously this applies to folk older than this age. LOL.

[2] Old men can have all kinds of problems and issues, and to prevent and control that, we tend to watch our diets and take vitamins. Exercise is important, and I don't need any affirmations to support what I already do naturally.

[3] Shortly after adding this affirmation line, the number of business luncheons and dinners that I would normally have dropped considerably. My wife started to make a lot of vegetables, and fish. I began to find myself eating this kind of nut and fruit oatmeal just about every morning. Ugh! Yet, after a few months I discovered that my over all body health did actually improve dramatically.


The biggest influence on your life are those in your immediate family. Thus, you need to cherish, and protect them. For without them, you are just a lonely speck floating upon a most turbulent sea.

  • My family is happy, healthy, and well-taken cared for emotionally, physically, and financially. There isn’t any stress at all.
  • My family life is very calm, happy and positive. [1]
  • My family is happy and I have a very calm and happy domestic life at home.
  • I and my family are healthy, happy, relaxed and doing what we love.

[1]  My idea of what constitutes a happy family household might not be what you would. I think a calm and happy household is best for my temperament. I however, know others that love a chaotic household with all sorts of happy noise and activity. You need to customize this affirmation to fit your own personal lifestyle.


Lifestyle is a “catch-all” that really describes the overall desire that you hope to accomplish from this affirmation campaign. Thus, it is critically important. It is the difference between having a “wealthy” life as opposed to a “rich” life. And if you don’t know what I am talking about, watch the movie “Bronco Billy”.     

  • I love my life, and I love everything about my life.
  • I love the colors, the air, the weather, the people, the location, everything.
  • I improve upon what I have, not change it drastically.
  • The improvements are all what is listed here or better.
  • The improvements are glorious additions to what I already possess.
  • I live in a beautiful area, with great colors, fresh air, roomy spaces, and a calm and relaxed neighborhood.
  • I am very comfortable, safe, secure, happy, relaxed and live a nice fun and carefree life.
  • Everyone sees me as how I desire to be seen. [1]
  • I know what actions to take to secure my privacy and personal life. [2]
  • I have the strength (emotional and physical) to break through any barriers to achieve my goals.

[1] I control what people think about me. Not others.

[2] Privacy is a fundamental human need. Yet governments, family members, and society pretty much has obliterated this belief. Which is why that I often go without a cell phone on me, and do things on my own personal schedule and not on the schedules that others use. Now, if you do not secure your privacy, the chances are that you will lose it.


The thing about affirmation campaigns is that they rely on you (the person making the affirmations) on taking advantage of the opportunities that present themselves to you. Thus, it makes no difference if you have an opportunity manifest in front of your eyes, but refuse to take advantage of it. You need to act to manifest that situation.

  • I am aware of opportunities when they arise, and I am led onto which ones to take and follow up with.
  • I have physical, spiritual and non-physical entities assisting me in making the opportunities listed herein into personally profitable ventures.
  • Opportunities come my way and I always profit handsomely from them.
  • I am aware of the trends going on in my life, behind the scenes, and on tactical, and strategic levels.

Affirmation techniques

Here we specify and “hammer out” the way that these affirmations will operate. You do not need to do this, but by doing so you can control the implementation of the affirmations onto your world-line.

  • I know of, and use, the specialized techniques to improve the actionablity of my verbal affirmations listed herein.
  • I know what things to say in my affirmations to make my reality happen safely and quickly.
  • I am dismissive of those that are not worthy of my time, or effort.

Speed of implementation  

By specifying the speed of implementation, you create a slide event.   This moves your world-line adventures, and your life off the pre-determined template and direct and straight into your own hands.    

  • All these affirmations occur as quickly as is comfortably and as safely as possible. At no time is my family, health or safety at risk.
  • These changes are being implemented now, and will manifest soon. Really, really soon.
  • The normal rules of affirmation manifestation has now been advanced to this direct and immediate application without hesitation.
  • All these affirmations happen quickly, provided that dangers are avoided and I (and my family) are protected.


Here, it seems really morbid, but a few moments a day to make sure that your transition out of the physical reality would be calm and complete is really a good thing. Don’t you think?

  • Death will occur late in my life.
  • I will outlive my father, yet be healthy and functional up until death.
  • When the time comes for my death, it will be smooth and easy.
  • Those left behind will be well taken cared for.

Important Navigation Notes 

Here we get involved in the aspects that make this affirmation campaign “advanced”. It lays out the use of slide and how they will manifest and under what conditions. You will notice that they permit “minor imperfections” to occur as long as my baseline affirmations manifest.

  • This affirmation campaign is set up to engage the obtainment of objectives early on, with whatever minor imperfections that they might have.
  • I use world-line slides to accelerate the implementation of these affirmations.
  • The slides only come into use whenever they can [1] reduce the time to obtain the affirmation realization within my physical reality, and [2] they do not cause me any discomfort or trouble.
  • As time moves on, the imperfections drop away, and the true and idealized intention manifests.
  • This rule enables a quick near-immediate manifestation of my desires herein without having to wait for a long time to obtain the “perfect” intention reality.


This post describes an “advanced” affirmation campaign. It uses slides to accelerate the manifestation of the campaign objectives. As such, it is highly detailed and involves long lines of affirmation code.

It is only for advanced users to use.

As an example, I used elements of my very own affirmation campaign and I urge the reader to use and discard what they wish to make a similar campaign for themselves.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my affirmation campaign index here…

Intention Campaigns

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Disco Weener-Beaner Haven; How the focus on an Intention Campaign objective affects the timing of acquiring your desires.

An “intention campaign” is a method of prayer that allows a person to alter their reality so that they can achieve and manifest their desires.

This technique has many different elements and is is all well-founded within quantum physics, though most physicists have no idea that the reality can be displayed in the way that I describe. Even those that follow the Everett Postulate of the MWI still try to reconcile their theory with their physical observation. That’s a hybrid of Newtonian Physics and Quantum physics. It does not work that way.

Thoughts cause immediate changes to our physical world.


And so…

If you can control your thoughts, you can control your life.

In this post, we will discuss techniques that will allow you to add complexity to your Intention Campaign without having to endure a long period of time waiting for your goals to manifest. This are advanced techniques and should NOT be used by anyone who is a “newbe” to this type of prayer and objective attainment process.

Quick Review

The theory is quite simple really.

Every fraction of a moment is a world-line. Our consciousness hops in and out of world-lines at a rate of 4 Hz. (plus or minus depending on the person), and the world-line that we enter is a function of our thoughts. Well, actually, added on to the previous train of thoughts. We can navigate through this reality by controlling our thoughts. And if we concentrate and direct our thoughts, we can make our wildest dreams come true.

This concentration of thought is known as an “Intention Campaign”, or a “Prayer Campaign”.

The farther away your dreams are, the more world-lines that you will need to pass through to get to it. So at a speed of 4Hz, it might take a while. A “while” might take a long stretch of time. Think in terms of many months or years.

The longest time period for me, so far, in all my Affirmation Campaigns is a little over three years. The shortest time period has been a matter of weeks. It all depends on many factors.

But simpler Intention Campaigns will be relatively quick. So if you want to have things manifest in your life relatively quickly (say within the year), you simply keep the affirmations “general”, “simple”, and “uncluttered” with details.

And this is what I advise everyone to do.

It’s the difference between;

  • I have a pizza.


  • I have a mushroom, bacon, hamburger pizza, with extra cheese, Chicago style, with anchovies, and pineapple chunks. I have it served inside of a genuine Chicago deep-pan-pizza restaurant served to me with a bottle of imported French wine and with a trio of singers singing opera at my table.

The far simpler Intention will manifest sooner than that of the more detailed intention.

It’s like this…

A standard affirmation campaign map that shows the path of a well defined and very detailed goal.
A standard affirmation campaign map that shows the path of a well defined and very detailed goal. Each point on the grid is a “highest probability” world-line, and topographical height is a measure of personal stress or discomfort.

In the map above you can plainly see that it will take numerous world-lines to obtain your goal. And it will be obtained. It’s just that you have a very precise and detailed goal in mind and you do not want any mistakes, of if there are mistakes, to keep them as minimized as possible.

In general, the more precise and accurate your overall objective is, the smaller the point )in red color above) would be. And yes, the longer it would take to reach that point.


Here’s some techniques that you can use to change the time (it takes) to obtain these goals and objectives…

This first technique is the one that I recommend for all newbes, and for everyone that doesn’t want to get “hot and heavy” with the “ins and outs” of Intention Generation.

[1] Be intentionally vague about your objective.

Here, instead of being precise, you permit the vagueness of your intention campaign to reduce the amount of time required to attain your goal.

Thus, you can obtain your goal in a far shorter time. In the example above, instead of wanting all the specifics related to pizza, all you want is a very simple statement.

  • I have a pizza.

And the map would look something like this…

This is a vague campaign map. It shows that there are many ways for you to obtain your goals, and A, B, and C all meet your goal criteria, with A being the shortest and quickest path. Note also that the path is shorter than that for a more precise goal objective.
This is a vague campaign map. It shows that there are many ways for you to obtain your goals, and A, B, and C all meet your goal criteria, with A being the shortest and quickest path. Note also that the path is shorter than that for a more precise goal objective.

[2] Place specific affirmations in regards to the manifestation of events along the route.

Here is a different technique.

Here, we add (additional) specific intention phrases. We do this to control the selection of the map route involved. In short, we state that we do actually want the ultimate goal objective, but that we specifically want simpler and smaller sub-goals to manifest earlier.

I have A, but B, C and D will occur first.

In this case, let’s suppose that we still want that super-dooper deluxe pizza scenario…

  • I have a mushroom, bacon, hamburger pizza, with extra cheese, Chicago style, with anchovies, and pineapple chunks. I have it served inside of a genuine Chicago deep-pan-pizza restaurant served to me with a bottle of imported French wine and with a trio of singers singing opera at my table.

However, we don’t want to wait a few years to have it manifest. And we do know that it might take years. So we add a few lines stating that our ultimate goal is, but that we are willing to have interim minor goals happen before the ultimate goal.

  • I have an ultimate goal where I have a mushroom, bacon, hamburger pizza, with extra cheese, Chicago style, with anchovies, and pineapple chunks. I have it served inside of a genuine Chicago deep-pan-pizza restaurant served to me with a bottle of imported French wine and with a trio of singers singing opera at my table.
  • However, before that event happens, I will have pizza every week.

And as a result, your Intention Campaign map might look something a little like this one…

In this option, you can have both precise in imprecise goals and objectives listed in your prayer affirmation intention campaign. You just simply need to place the timing involved in context during your campaign.
In this option, you can have both precise in imprecise goals and objectives listed in your prayer affirmation intention campaign. You just simply need to place the timing involved in context during your campaign.

Notice that in this method, objectives A, and B will occur before your ultimate objective C.

Thus the time to reach A is far less than to reach C.

[3] Define the target goal to be open-ended or of binary complexity.

Of course, most people will have multiple desires in an intention campaign. And this greatly adds complexity to the effort.

Here, instead of one particular goal in mind, you have multiple goals.

With the intention of obtaining one of the goals first, and then altering the subsequent intention campaign prayers as needed to achieve the realization of the final goal.

Here you specify the timing of your objectives.

In other words, you can have multiple goals in the same intention campaign. They do not need to be complimentary. Which (might cause some confusion in your life; read “potential turmoil”), but could very well result in a situation that you would like manifesting sooner than what might otherwise occur.

As in this example…

  • I have a mushroom, bacon, hamburger pizza, with extra cheese, Chicago style, with anchovies, and pineapple chunks. I have it served inside of a genuine Chicago deep-pan-pizza restaurant served to me with a bottle of imported French wine and with a trio of singers singing opera at my table.
  • I have a chicken, tomato, and tuna pizza with extra sauce and no cheese. It is New York style and served with a pitcher of beer.

It would look something like this… which could be good or bad depending on your point of view.

Neither goal 1 or goal 2 would manifest, instead something else would occur.

The most important thing is to realize that neither goal 1 or goal 2 would be realized. Instead something else might manifest, Maybe you’d get this instead of either goal 1 or goal 2…

  • I have a chicken, mushroom, hamburger pizza that is Detroit style and served with warm coke-cola.

Your eventual realized objective would be something in between your other goals. Which means that neither goal would manifest. So, you need to add further affirmations to help navigate this reality.

Binary complexity makes the target goal very “fuzzy”. It becomes imprecise and that might or might not be what you desire. To compensate for this “fuzziness” you need to add some logic. Or in the word of electrical engineers, “fuzzy logic”…

  • Goal 1; I have a mushroom, bacon, hamburger pizza, with extra cheese, Chicago style, with anchovies, and pineapple chunks. I have it served inside of a genuine Chicago deep-pan-pizza restaurant served to me with a bottle of imported French wine and with a trio of singers singing opera at my table.
  • Goal 2; I have a chicken, tomato, and tuna pizza with extra sauce and no cheese. It is New York style and served with a pitcher of beer.
  • Goal 1 will occur before goal 2.

And this logic will look like this…

An intention campaign that has binary goals that are dissimilar and that uses "Fuzzy Logic" to set the direction in the campaign.
An intention campaign that has binary goals that are dissimilar and that uses “Fuzzy Logic” to set the direction in the campaign.

And while this solution will most certainly straighten out the confusion in regards to your affirmation campaign, it will have other unintended consequences.

You see, one detailed goal will mess up with a second one, then what about long lists of fifty or one hundred affirmations? What then? Well, your realized intentions will be all over the place. And thus…

It might appear that nothing is actually getting accomplished. You will just be all over the place and while certain goals will be obtained, others will not, or at best be confused. You will not really be sure if your intention is working or not.

As you might just be hopping from one goal to the other. So the best way to handle this is to put qualifiers and associations with your goals…

You will need to have some kind of reassurance that you are “on track”. This is some way, some feedback, that will tell you that things are proceeding properly. You know, like signs along the road.

  • Goal 1; I have a mushroom, bacon, hamburger pizza, with extra cheese, Chicago style, with anchovies, and pineapple chunks. I have it served inside of a genuine Chicago deep-pan-pizza restaurant served to me with a bottle of imported French wine and with a trio of singers singing opera at my table.
  • Goal 2; I have a chicken, tomato, and tuna pizza with extra sauce and no cheese. It is New York style and served with a pitcher of beer.
  • Goal 1 will occur before goal 2.
  • Before the realization of either goal 1 or goal 2 I will have pizza every week.
  • I will have “signposts” that will confirm to me that my affirmations are in process and that things are going to schedule.
  • Signposts 1 through 3 will occur before both goal 1 and goal 2.
  • Signpost 1 is that I will discover a delicious pizza restaurant within five minutes drive to my house.
  • Signpost 2 is that I will meet an attractive owner of a pizza parlor.
  • Signpost 3 is that I will try a new type of pizza that I have never tried before.

It might look something like this…

The use of "signposts" help establish the direction that the path will take. Some people like this level of control. I personally advise against it.
The use of “signposts” help establish the direction that the path will take. Some people like this level of control. I personally advise against it.

What all this does is establish that you can obtain binary goals of different objectives with a generalized over-riding goal that you can obtain far earlier than either of the first two goals individually. Further, you can map the path out to act as a double check to see if you are on the “proper path”.

Yet, the problem still exists.

How to [1] reduce the amount of time to implement a set of (potentially) conflicting goals, while [2] decreasing the time to manifest the intention, and at the same time [3] knowing that you are “on track” per your affirmation campaign.

Because if you look at the map directly above, you will see that while the goals can indeed be realized, it is questionable that they are actually going to be realized in a shorter amount of time. You will still need to travel through “X” number of world-lines to reach goal 1 and then another “Y” number of world-lines to reach goal 2.

The key then, is NOT being overly specific with the world line mapping, but rather layout the targets and put in specific affirmation commands that allow versatility to accomplish your goals in a timely manner.

  • Do not specify the objective timing; goal 1 before goal 2.
  • You specify timing as an objective in itself; Goal 1 in one year.

[4] Make timing one of the affirmation objectives.

In this case, you will make the timing of when you have the objective realized part of the affirmation.

This is tricky, as almost all affirmation campaigns get complex really, really fast when you start defining timing. For what you are doing is saying…

Instead of passing through 50,000 world-lines to meet goal 1, We would pass through 200 world-lines.

Which means, boys and girls, that you might well end up going through world-lines that you might not want to experience. These are world-lines that might not be comfortable for you or your family to experience.

And that could easily become dangerous.

So, using the above examples, here is what the affirmation campaign would look like..

  • I have a mushroom, bacon, hamburger pizza, with extra cheese, Chicago style, with anchovies, and pineapple chunks. I have it served inside of a genuine Chicago deep-pan-pizza restaurant served to me with a bottle of imported French wine and with a trio of singers singing opera at my table.
  • I accomplish this goal within fifteen months.

Now, of course, in order to utilize this technique, you would actually alter the topographic map that you would need to traverse. You would force some slides to make it happen.

This is NOT for the squeamish.

This technique specifies a timing requirement as an objective. As such it purposely limits the number of world-lines that can be traversed. Thus, it inadvertently sets forth a slide to another topographical map. This could well be very dangerous.
This technique specifies a timing requirement as an objective. As such it purposely limits the number of world-lines that can be traversed. Thus, it inadvertently sets forth a slide to another topographical map. This could well be very dangerous.

Slides and topographical world-line mapping

Now, in order to explain this, I need to get involved in what a “slide” is.

In short, a “slide” is a forced switch to another world-line that resides upon a completely different world-line topography map than what you have been assigned to (or selected) at birth. When I was in MAJestic, this was a big part of my life. I was sliding all over the place, and some of the world-lines were really, really strange.

Forcing a slide is not all that difficult to do.

You just define the number of world-lines that you need to traverse to obtain a goal. You can say either [1] I will pass through XXXXXX world-lines to achieve my goal, or [2] I will achieve my goal in YYY days, months and years. Your consciousness will head just like an arrow to the new command.

And that might be a “bumpy ride” for you to experience. Or, maybe, yes, probably WILL be. Most certainly, it will be something different than what your consciousness “signed up for” when it took on your body. That’s for certain.

Now this entire procedure and process opens up an entire “can of worms”.

  • What is a slide and how does it differ from a normal world-line movement?
  • What is an assigned topography world-line map?
  • How you can slide in between different topography maps, and how you can tell that you are doing it?
  • Can affirmation campaigns be speeded up or slowed down using slides and topography maps?
  • Can a person “cheat death” by altering their assigned topography map?

Yes, I know that it is confusing.

What? Did you think that the use of intention affirmation campaigns was all “that simple”? It is, but it involves and understanding to the reality universe that is beyond most people. Sorry, but that is the way it is.

So, here’s the “executive summary”…

  • When consciousness selects a body to be birthed in, it also selects the world-line topographical map.
  • This topographical map is the boundaries of the “highs” and “lows” of a given lifetime for a given person.
  • It limits a path that the consciousness can travel upon to obtain experiences. There is a degree of freedom that one has, but the situation and environment limits movement. (A hamburger is available to purchase, but your wallet only has a few pennies in it.)
  • It is, preordained, by the soul in conjunction with other entities in the Heavenly realms. Fate.
  • It sets forth the highest probability of life-experiences that a given consciousness will experience. Fate.
  • In general, most people do not control their thoughts. The environment that surrounds the body controls the thoughts. Thus, a soul can pretty much predict the kind of life that a person would experience on this earth in this particular body.
  • However, if you can control your thoughts, you can navigate the world-line topography. Free-will. (Free will occur when you control your thoughts. Failure to do so results in a roller-coaster ride of fate.)
  • By specifying topography criteria, you can slide into other world-line topographical maps. This greatly expands the ability of what you will experience and how your consciousness would learn through this lifetime.
  • Like an infinite number of world-lines, there is a near infinite number of topographical maps that one can jump to.

If you all want, I can get involved in this subject in more detail. As it is tied to my role in anchoring the world-line clustering. But, let’s not get too sidetracked right now. Ok?

Simple and safe slides

I think that the best of all worlds, for an advanced user is to carefully and gingerly utilize slides with very broad and wide-scoped affirmation goals.

What this means is that you would define the topographical map profile, then allow yourself to slide onto this strange new world-line map, and obtain your goals and objectives that way.

In order to do this, then you would need to be very, very, very careful on how to specify the intention campaign, as well as trying to keep your goals defined and simple. You can handle it this way…

[5] Use slides to change the topographical profile map of world-lines

The key in this technique is a very careful application of commands that will control the implementation of slides.

You must add navigation commands to your affirmations.

As in this example..

  • I have a mushroom, bacon, hamburger pizza, with extra cheese, Chicago style, with anchovies, and pineapple chunks. I have it served inside of a genuine Chicago deep-pan-pizza restaurant served to me with a bottle of imported French wine and with a trio of singers singing opera at my table.
  • I use world-line slides to accelerate the implementation of these affirmations.
  • The slides only come into use whenever they can [1] reduce the time to obtain the affirmation realization within my physical reality, and [2] they do not cause me any discomfort or trouble.

And it will look something like this…

New topographical world-lines might have your goals realized sooner by the very nature of the difference in topography.
New topographical world-lines might have your goals realized sooner by the very nature of the difference in topography.

Now doing this will come with unintended consequences.

The most notable and the most significant is that you will no longer be restricted to the birth-assigned world-line topography map. You will actually assigning your consciousness “free will” to fully navigate the MWI free of the fated restrictions of your birth world-line topography.

This is good and bad.

As the purpose of our consciousness in a given world-line (starting point), in regards to a topographic map, is to obtain experiences, if your intention campaign is too “relaxed” and “too comfortable”, you will be lax in gaining experiences. So this is not something that your soul desires. You thus, you can well expect to have unique experiences from which your soul can grow from…

Experiences generate thoughts. Thoughts create quanta associations, and help build the soul.

So, it could result in some really funky world-lines. Like (for instance) world-lines that has Gene Simmons still dancing to the beat, or where socks with toes are commonplace, or where (Heaven forbid) pineapple on pizza is mandated by law. You never can know…

Engaging in any affirmation campaign that utilizes slides WILL see an acceleration in changes outside of your life. Suddenly there might be fashions that seem odd to you, or that ways and styles of food will be different, or that habits or group behaviors will be uncomfortable for you. That is what happens in slides and it is normal.

Which brings me to the…

Disco Weener Beaner Haven

There was a cult movie back in the 1990’s. I can’t seem to be able to find it. But it revolves around this bank heist where the robbers escape to Mexico to hide out in a Mexican town.

This community is rather strange with all sorts of unique and unusual people in it. Indeed, both Grace Jones and Dennis Hopper make cameo appearances in it.

This is a movie where they love their coffee. And throughout the movie elements of a 1960’s coffee commercial is played to emphasize the strangeness of it all.

In the movie is a character that sells hot dogs in a cart. The name of his “establishment” is the Disco Weaner Beaner haven, and he has a little jingle that he sings to this end. Oh, and he’s a minor character. I think he gets shot and dies.

It doesn’t matter.

In the movie, a trio of bank robbers escape to this town, and suddenly find themselves surrounded by a host of really strange people. yet, at the same time everything is “normal” but decidedly twisted. And the point of this is exactly this…

  • Their life remains normal.
  • The lives of those around them are really strange.

When you accept that your consciousness is willing to perform slides to alter the world-line reality, you agree to “go off the rails” and use free-will to navigate the world-line topography outside of the topography that you were born into. This is a BIG STEP, and not to be taken lightly.

You will still be able to control your existence, and your life, but the surrounding world might start to look rather strange, and over a period of time, as the slides become more and more pronounced, you might be surprised in what is the “accepted norm” for the society that surrounds you.

Personally, I see this as a very great and effective way to really expand your quantum envelope for soul growth.

But, if you are not careful, you might find yourself in all sorts of situations that you might find uncomfortable.


Here we discuss some advanced techniques to shorten the time to implement some of your verbal affirmations within a prayer campaign. The most effective method, is also the most dangerous. Here you accept to use slides to move off your at-birth assigned world-line topography map. As such you close off the fated life that you had assigned yourself, and accept a free-for-all free-will life with all the dangers that it might entail.

Happy intentions everyone!

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Some more advanced techniques for conducting a prayer or intention campaign.

Here, we get back to more posts on directed thought. As I have repeatedly stated, time is the perception of our consciousness as it moves in and out of the many world-lines within our “reality universe”. You can use thought to navigate which world-lines to move towards and to arrive at. This is called an “intention campaign” or a “prayer campaign”.

Here we look at some specific “add on” systems or techniques that you might want to incorporate into your intention / prayer campaign.

You do NOT need to use any of them, but if you particular unique system calls for it, you can use any of these techniques with some degree of success.

We will start with “dodging the thoughts of others”…

Weaving (Dodging)

"Hey! Can you kids please shut the Hell up? I can't hear my self thinking!"

-My father when us kids were being particularly loud and boisterous. 

What? You ask.

How can someone’s thoughts influence me?

I cannot see it, so therefore it doesn’t exist. And besides, how do we know that these thoughts are bad…

We are constantly bombarded with the thoughts of others. This is all throughout our reality. It’s constant. It’s non-stop. It moves in waves, and washes over us, and it crashes us and collapses us from time to time.

These thoughts come in so many forms. But you all should be aware that they exist.

It can be from a well-meaning prayer-group from a local church, to the CIA (Pompeo) launching yet another one of his “hate China” news media campaigns, to a subliminal advertisement to drink Coke-cola in the movie theater, to an obsessed lover that will not leave you alone.

Thoughts of others, directed or not, will affect your prayer affirmation campaign.

That is something that you DO NOT WANT to happen.

In weaving (or dodging), you specifically isolate the impact of certain people, news, or social media so that it does not infringe upon your affirmations. This should be considered a “normal” thing that you must do for all prayer campaigns, but the truth is that it is not easy.

We are humans and live within society, and all the time we are bombarded with other thoughts, ideas and manipulations. It’s not an easy thing to do. Especially when we are forced to work around people in this environment or attend classes in school with them.

These attacks might be intentional or not; or directed or not, but you must isolate and control your thoughts irregardless.

The use of this technique of “weaving”, or as I like to say “dodging” is to specifically and functionally avoid certain people, news articles, or the thought influences at certain times of the day, and / or on certain days. There are numerous techniques, and here are just a few to consider.

  • One day or one period of “freedom” from the thoughts of others. Such as a camping trip at a remote lake, or a religious sabbatical, or some other similar way to physically isolate yourself from others and their thoughts.
  • A daily “fast” of isolation from others. It could be one hour long, or even a half of a day. You isolate yourself and have no outside contact with the rest of the world.
  • You purposely reduce your time on social media to a set time limit.
  • You purposely stop visiting certain websites intentionally, and never go back to them.
  • You purposely isolate yourself from certain people or groups of people.
  • You spend more time with a dog, or a cat. Their thoughts are neutral, and their influence is always POSITIVE on your reality. (Horses as well, but I don’t have much experience with them.)

The effectiveness of each techniques within this category depends on the person, the type of prayer intentions being conducted, and the local situation. There is no “best” technique to use.

"I just couldn't leave my friends. Sitting alone in the house, drinking beer alone. Watching TV. It's not living."

-My good friend Robbie, who explained to me why he started doing Heroin all over again. One of our last conversations before he died of an overdose.

You “weave” your life in and out of the thought “firing range” of others and their systems. You “dodge” the “thought bullets” so that they cannot influence your thoughts, and your thought campaign.

We like to think of ourselves as “strong” and that we are able to do what we want with our body. It’s a lie. We are all entangled within a very complex spider web of thoughts and this entanglement increase as we cruse the MWI. In order to have better navigational ability, we absolutely need to start severing those strands of thought to enable us some latitude in movement.

Keep in mind that the thoughts of others are terribly counter-productive and quite damaging to your thought objectives. You MUST tame that influence.

Now I have mentioned this, over and over, in prior posts. The difference in this post is that you intentionally INCORPORATE an added step to your prayer affirmation campaign that is intentionally dedicated towards a reduction in the influences of the thoughts of others.

Never neglect the importance of isolating yourself from the dangerous impacts of “thought imposition”. Find a quiet place, and go there. Just let your mind unravel. Try to do this weekly if possible…

Wet Towel (Kinesthetic technique)

The term “Wet Towel” refers to how to you conduct a given prayer campaign. Instead of conducting verbal affirmations once a day for a number of months, this technique adds one more step. This step devotes one day a week to let the “affirmations soak into your reality”. Much like that of a wet towel placed upon a tablet of paper.

Here, what you do is as follows;

  • You rank the prayer affirmations in order of importance to you.
  • You take the top three affirmations, and select ONE that you will focus on.
  • You then, create a project, or an event around that particular thought.
  • You work that “project”, or “event”, or “intense prayer period” for a set period once a week during the prayer affirmation campaign.

For instance, let’s suppose that you have an on-going prayer campaign. Your number one intention / goal is to “sail around the world”.

In this example, any of the following events would agree with your “wet towel” technique when used IN CONJUNCTION with the existing intention / prayer campaign…

  • For one hour a week you can take sailing lessons at the nearby marina.
  • You can go to the local library and read books on sailing for one hour at the local library.
  • You can buy a model of a sailing boat, and spend at least one (uninterrupted) hour a day building it.

The idea behind this is Kinesthetic. You use something related to “doing things” to focus your thoughts in that direction. This is also known as “Hands on” training, or in this case, “wet towel” directed prayer.

Positioning / Staging

You can plan a series of prayer campaigns on the assumption that each one will obtain sub-goals. You can position different prayer campaigns through out your life to make sure that your goals are kept on track. This is how you need to conduct an affirmation / prayer campaign for long-term, distant (in a MWI sense) goals.

Let’s suppose that you have a long term goal. Something that is just enormous in size, scope, and influence in your personality and social standing. If you devoted your time to that singular goal using the normal prayer / affirmation campaign you would be bound to have problems. It is too large, and far too distant not to run into difficulties in implementation.

The way to hand these large, and “distant” objectives is to do so in small bits, and then monitor your progression of thoughts as you proceed.

Question: "How do you eat an elephant?"

Answer: "in small bites."

While it is true, that you can pray for anything…

… what you desire might not be what you really want.

In order to make sure and to guarantee that it becomes what you truly desire and want, you need to stage it for implementation. This technique does so.

Let’s suppose that your intention / affirmation campaign is for you to become the President of the United States. (Hopefully you are not that crazy to want such a thankless and political job, but heck, everyone is different. “What ever makes your boat float!”) You might want to break your intention objectives down into mini-prayer campaigns such as this, and run the campaigns over a ten-year period of time…

  • Be elected as a local dog catcher.
  • Be elected on the town council.
  • Be elected as a State Representative.
  • Be elected as a State Governor.
  • Be elected as a President of the United States.

When you think about it, it’s all pretty simple. With each stage, you obtain new knowledge and skills that can be used to help you on the next stage in your overall objectives.

Image vocalization

You can associate images with your verbal affirmations. You need to follow a general procedure to do this.

It is not enough to run an intention campaign, and have an image board (whether physical or electronic) you need to incorporate the affirmations or prayers to connect the two together.

You can use many techniques to connect the visual elements, but the important thing is that you have a statement within your prayer affirmations that does connect the affirmations to the images. Here’s some example statements that you can use.

  • My folder in XXXXXXX contains images that represent what my intention campaign is intended to materialize.
  • The screen saver that is in use on my XXXXXX computer represents the images that my verbal affirmations are intending to generate.
  • The intention dream board located in XXXXXX is working in parallel to manifest and accelerate the implementation of my verbal affirmations.

For example, let’s suppose that you have a folder with images of pizza. And your intention campaign is one that has a goal of your owning a Pizza Parlor. What you would do is then collect all sorts of pictures of pizza, and pizza parlors, and workers inside a pizza parlor. Then add an affirmation that would connect the images of pizza to that of the affirmation.

Make sure that your selection of images is EXACTLY what you want to connect to your verbal affirmations.
Make sure that your selection of images is EXACTLY what you want to connect to your verbal affirmations.

Time track control

You can control how quickly or slowly the prayer / affirmations are implemented. In general, a slow implementation is more careful, and easier to absorb. A fast implementation might result in some discomfort. And if not handled properly the discomfort can become enormous.

Now, the reader should realize that for a while (years actually) I wanted a calm and simple life that provided me a fine and gentle life; a “rich” life that enabled me comfort over anything else. And I did get it.

Everything is fine, and I am living a good fine rich life. But you know, I wanted some more things. Some physical things. But then when I added some new affirmations, for some physical items, I discovered that they started to take much longer than they used to to take to manifest in the past.

In the past, simple physical things would manifest within a year. Now, they seemed to “take forever” to materialize.

For a while I didn’t know what was going on, and then I figured it out.

My affirmations were taking the “calm, peaceful, and careful” way to obtain my material possessions. And, boy oh boy, this path was a long one. So in order to speed up the acquisition of certain physical elements into my reality, I had to adjust my affirmations away from a “calm and peaceful life” to one that accepted minor discomfort, aggravation, and strife as long as no one was hurt (physically, emotionally, or intellectually) in the process.

And then (of course) the physical things started to appear.

And of course, faster and sooner meant, quicker with more discomfort.

  • Slow, comfortable = takes forever to manifest.
  • Balanced, within a reasonable time period = some discomfort.
  • Quick and sudden = Expect some great and significant discomfort.

So, you have to pay attention to how all your affirmations within a given Prayer Campaign interact together. Some of the affirmations might negate or slow others down.

To avoid this, you might want to utilize the techniques of “time tracking” the affirmations. This will usually (but not always) include a [1] time-line or due date, and [2] a specification that describes just what you are willing to sacrifice into to expedite your wishes or desires to come true.

Dates and time-lines must be reasonable. I would suggest that you stick with a comfortable three-year to five-year goal. Any sooner than that, and you risk some really trying events and times.

Here is an example of an affirmation that you can add…

These affirmations manifest by XXXXX in a YYYYY period of time. At no way is anyone in my family harmed or hurt in the process. Some discomfort is acceptable provided that the discomfort is manageable and dissipates within a short period of time.

Selective impact(s)

You can have the prayer concentrate on certain elements more than others. It can be selective in implementation. Or to put it better, and more accurately… more careful for certain elements.

The best way to do this is to implement an “implementation schedule” within your verbal affirmation prayer campaign.

If you do not do this, when your intention manifests, it might come with unintended consequences. So you want to minimize those unintended consequences.

Metallicman in Pago Pago, in American Samoa. I had waged a "lazy" intention campaign to live in the South Pacific, without any priorities on what would be unacceptable to me in doing so. As a result, while I did indeed manifest a South Pacific paradise, it came with a host of unexpected consequences that I did not enjoy in the least.
Metallicman in Pago Pago, in American Samoa. I had waged a “lazy” intention campaign to live in the South Pacific, without any priorities on what would be unacceptable to me in doing so. As a result, while I did indeed manifest a South Pacific paradise, it came with a host of unexpected consequences that I did not enjoy in the least.

Essentially, this method reduces the number of unintended consequences by prioritizing events, and placing constraints on what is desirable and what is not.

What this is, is a system where you prioritize the various intention prayers within the affirmation campaign. You can specify which affirmations that you wish to implement the strongest, or the quickest, or to the extent of everything else, if that is your desire. While others can be put “on the back burner” as necessary when implementing your affirmations.

For instance, you can add this line at the start or the end of your verbal affirmations…

In regards to implementing these affirmations. the priority should go towards [1] XXXXXX, followed by [2] YYYYYY and everything else is rated lower in implementation priority.

Aggressive implementation control

You can control how quickly, or aggressively, a certain segment of your prayer / affirmations are implemented.

That’s the good news.

The bad news is that it comes at a price.

While I have discussed this above, here you can really stress the implementation of one group of affirmations over the others. And, as I have stated, this does come with a price. They key is the acceptance of that price. Such as in this example.

My desire for XXXXXXX occurs and I accept any misfortune, trouble or discomfort in obtaining it's manifestation.

And, for your information, I would not suggest anyone do this unless it is an absolute emergency for a critical or urgent desire.

Present Tense

You must, ABSOLUTELY, use present tense when vocalizing your intentions. Here’s some examples of what you can do and what you shouldn’t do.


  • One day, I hope to have XXXXXX.
  • Soon, I will strive to XXXXX.
  • It is my wish, that my dream, XXXXXX.
  • I would like that XXXXX.

This is what you DO actually DO…

  • I have obtained XXXXX.
  • I am living my goal of XXXXX.
  • I possess XXXXX.
  • I daily XXXXX and I do enjoy it.

You absolutely use a present and strong direct tends in your affirmations. Do not be “wishy washy” about it.

If you use the following affirmation…

Some day, my hope of happiness will be closer to my dreams.

You will see exactly that materialize. You will never be happy, and the hope of happiness with just be beyond your reach.

Instead, you must say something like this…

I am happy. I am happy right now, and every day is one filled with happiness.

Do not get caught up in the nonsense that exists on the internet. Most people writing the blogs and websites on the internet are amateurs that haven’t a clue as to what they are working with. Sorry, but that is the truth.


It’s difficult to rate these additional “add on” techniques in usability. It all depends on the person and the individual situation involved. If I were to say what you should implement to any existing affirmation campaign, I would strongly suggest…

  • Using positive tense in your prayer affirmations.
  • Staying away for thought imposition.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Prayer Affirmation index here…

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False Positives in an affirmation intention campaign and what to do about them.

One thing that can be pretty common in an intention campaign is the presence of “false positives”.

What is a “false positive”?

False positives are events or things that appear to match your verbal affirmations in substance, but have some glaring defect that makes them unusable.

Which is why you need to be very specific in what you affirm.

Ah, but you'd better be very specific.

Here's some wishes that an Craven Morehead wanted if he could have three wishes granted by a genie. It is found in this chat room titled "Genie grants you three wishes, what are they?"

   Better vision, no more glasses
   Better teeth
   Bigger dick

Now, if you were a mischievous person, how would you twist those wishes into something undesirable? Think about it a second.

Now, instead of that nice fairy-tale fantasy. Consider quantum physics and the nature of the universe. Thoughts create reality. So, if those are your wishes, then imagine a totally impartial world-line cross over where you head directly to the world-line that first offers you those destinations.

Is the first world-line that offers you a "bigger dick" the one that you want to inhabit?

   Kenyan's enormous penis means he cannot have sex
   Penis Enlargement Gone Wrong: A Wealthy Diamond Trader ...
   Yes, a Penis Can Be Too Big To Fit Inside a Vagina

Personally, I would prefer to have "free, unlimited sex with anyone I want at any time" over "a bigger dick". But that is just me.

These attributes are called “false positives”, but they can just as well be called an “echo image” of your target desire. Here we are going to discuss this.

Like ripples in a pond, a target object or situation can often create “ghost” or “echo” images. These items are not necessarily exactly what you are striving for. Though, it might (truthfully) be exactly what you are asking for.

Thoughts within the MWI are like ripples in a pond. And when you have a strong directed goal, it is like a big ripple. Sometimes, the ripple is not exactly what we want. It is instead, exactly what we asked for. Thus it is a "ghosted echo image".
Thoughts within the MWI are like ripples in a pond. And when you have a strong directed goal, it is like a big ripple. Sometimes, the ripple is not exactly what we want. It is instead, exactly what we asked for. Thus it is a “ghosted echo image”.

I will use an example from my own life to illustrate this.

An example

This is an actual true to life example. It's my example and it is about me.

Metallicman is not a wealthy man. He lives a comfortable life; a “rich” life. But it is not a wealthy life.

  • If you do not know the difference between a “wealthy life” and a “rich life” then watch the movie “Bronco Billy” starring Clint Eastwood. Pay attention to Miss Lilly.
Bronco Billy.
Pay attention how Miss Lilly went from a wealthy life to a rich life.

To survive, and put food on the table, Metallicman often runs “projects”, works, and efforts that help himself and his family with the day to day needs of life. One of which is a small company that he owns that provides services.

It’s not big, or noteworthy other than to say that it provides a periodic income when needed. And, aside from income, it also provides purpose and meaning. All men, especially Metallicman, must have an occupation and a purpose that provides for their family and to their community.

So after losing a customer, Metallicman decides that he wants to obtain a new customer. But a substantial one. One that has a lot of money to work with, and who would provide a stable source of labor and income to his business.

So Metallicman adds this line to his “affirmation campaign”…

I am in charge of billions of dollars of worth/value.

Now, Metallicman did not say that he was a billionaire. He did not say that he wanted to be rich and wealthy. He added a line to a affirmation campaign that referred to his business. That his business would expand to a point where he would be in charge of billions of dollars of worth / value.

Safe, huh?

The affirmation campaign ends. The “pause” sequence begins. Then approximately three months after the completion of the last affirmation campaign, while in the midst of the “pause”, he is introduced to a new (potential) client.

The client’s story

Well, Metallicman is in China. Most of his clients are not Chinese though. They are mostly Europeans, with a smattering of Australians and Africans. But this new client is a Chinese American. He’s a Chinese man who emigrated to America and holds American citizenship.

His story…

Now, while he was in China, over the last twenty years, he would take the United States Dollars that Americans would use to set up companies, and convert them into RMB and give the RMB back to the new Americans starting their businesses within China. He would exchange, for a price, USD to RMB.

United States dollars were exchanged for Chinese RMB.
United States dollars were exchanged for Chinese RMB.

Then he would keep the United States dollars himself. For he did not trust the Chinese yuan. And in those days, having “green backs” could open up a lot of doors for you.

It kind of became an obsession with him, and he started collecting more and more United States currency. And using it to create even more United States currency.

He would have piles of currency in his home, and they would get larger and larger. Until he had to rent out a large building to store them in. It was a real-life scene from the movie “Blow”.

Scene from the movie "Blow" starring Johnny Depp.
Scene from the movie “Blow” starring Johnny Depp.

Well, apparently, the care-taking of the money became too much for him. He ran out of space in his multiple holding locations, and went to a local bank.

He opened up an account, all completely legal, and deposited the money into the account. “Phew!” he thought. No longer did he have to worry about rats chewing up his money, or some punks breaking into the buildings and running off with the cash.

A year or two passed.

Then, as part of an anti-corruption campaign, the Chinese government made some laws designed to combat fraud and corruption. They established a new branch of the government called the “Corruption Police” and passed a slew of laws designed to tightly control money flow and reduce corruption.

Part of this was drastic measures in the use of non-Chinese money; the RMB.

The key was that you can only use Chinese money in China. Which is (pretty much) a “duh! moment”. But for the longest time, people were conducting all sorts of “back room” deals and activities hidden from public oversight.

Anyways, the law was that no one can move non-Chinese currency inside of outside China without oversight.

  • Max use limit is 50,000 USD/year per person. (In / out or transaction.)
  • All movement of money must have an approved reason, and documentation. Mostly paperwork, but used as part of your citizen profile.
  • You cannot use USD inside of China legally. You must use RMB.

So in effect, he has all this money, but he cannot use any of it (aside from a very small amount).

Metallicman opportunity

So this man comes up to Metallicman though his financial advisor and asks if Metallicman can help him convert this money into legal RMB currency.

Metallicman listens.

Metallicman thinks.

Metallicman asks “how much money is it”?

And Metallicman is shown some banking financial records that confirm that the money is real, and it is in legal storage with an authorized Chinese bank.


… as far as how much money is involved, Metallicman is shown this statement…

Bank statement.
A golden opportunity for Metallicman.

What this means.

People. This is a lot of money.

It’s floor to ceiling stacks of one hundred dollar bills. It’s not just a large number in a ledger or spreadsheet. It’s stacks and stacks of one hundred dollar bills piled on top of each other.

It’s an amazing amount of money.

Here is what one billion dollars looks like if you used $100 bills;

What one billion dollars looks like using $100 dollar bills.
What one billion dollars looks like using $100 dollar bills.

Now, that is a lot of money.

But, you know, it’s not just one billion dollars. It’s many many times that amount.

The thing is that he has 23.6 billion dollars. That is twenty three times the amount shown in the picture. Or roughly 276 pallets full of $100 dollar bills.


And, he was asking Metallicman to help him convert it to Chinese RMB.

A one-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Eh?

The Options

Essentially in situations such as this, you [1] come up with ways to solve the problem / situation, and [2] work out a system of payment for your time and efforts (and resources).

So that is exactly what Metallicman did.

  • The first option was really simple. You just find enough people, and each person individually converts 50,000 USD to an equivalent amount in Chinese RMB. The only problem with this is that you need a lot of people to do so. Like 472,000 people.

That’s really not a practicable solution.

Finding people that want to convert this money one-on-one for free is difficult. But to find more than a handful is really difficult, and well finding 472,000 people is down right impossible.

So the direct legal option is out.

But there are other options, as well.

  • You can use option two. Here, you can use the money on large scale buildings, or purchase property or large projects directly. The restrictions on this is that [1] you must first find someone wanting and willing to accept USD for property or objects, and secondly [2] it must be within the geographic legal boundaries of the local government. (In China, while Beijing makes the rules, everything is governed at the local level.)

Well, apparently he did just that. And already used up a bunch of the money in the process. So much, apparently, that the builders, and real-estate developers in his region are simply no longer willing to accept United States dollars for their projects. He saturated the market.

  • Option Three. There is an option that he can obtain Beijing approval to use the money outside of the local region for a specific project. This option allows him to conduct large-scale investments and building projects using USD as long as there is complete Beijing and corruption police monitoring.

He was not keen on this idea.

He did not say why, but I suspected that it might have to do with some “bad blood” in Beijing or perhaps some history regarding how he was able to come up with so much currency in the first place.

So that leaves…

  • Option Four. I came up with option four knowing my relationships with factories and other hard industry within China. I came up with a process that would use the money to produce ingots or other raw materials bought in USD, and then sell it to Chinese factories that would pay in RMB. It was simple. It was legal. It was useful.

The drawback was that there would be operation costs to run the operation, but that would be offset by the profits from the transactions. In my mind, this was the best option to disperse the money, follow Chinese law, and make a profit.

But the Billionaire had other ideas…

Well, Metallicman made the presentation with his aide over dinner with the financial advisor and her partner. After a round of talking and drinks it became obvious what the billionaire was looking for.

  • A direct conversion of USD to RMB. Cash to cash.
  • Large scale transactions with nothing smaller than increments of $10 million.
  • He would pay 1% transaction fee. (around $10,000 per 1 million dollars)

And, with a great deal of sadness and regret, I had to say “no”.

Why I turned it down…

There were many reasons, but let’s stick to the basics…

  • I do not know that many people who are desirous to convert their RMB to USD directly. The need is not there.
  • The number of people who do want to do so is very small. The desire to conduct “under the table” dealings in untraceable bills is even smaller. In China, with all the electronic “checks and balances” it is a very risky operation. To do so needs a strong and compelling reason.


  • While not directly illegal, it skirts the law in legality. It’s risky.
  • To find these people, locate them, meet them, have dinner with them, and convince them to trust you… takes time, money and a substantial amount of “wining and dining”.
  • A mere $10,000 dollar per one million dollars will not be sufficient. There would need to be some type of expense account, and it would exceed the payment terms by a factor of five or ten.

So what does this mean?

A false positive.

A "False Positive";

A test result which incorrectly indicates that a particular condition or attribute is present.

This 23.6 billion dollar opportunity was unobtainable to me. While it did meet my verbal affirmation prayer campaign literally, it did not meet its’ intent. I was unable to use the money in any way to provide a stable source of income to me and my family.

If you recall, my affirmation stated…

I am in charge of billions of dollars of worth/value.

Indeed, for a very brief period of time, I was actually “in charge of billions of dollars of worth and value“. But it was not sustainable. I could not profit from it because the limitations placed upon it by the owner were not appropiate for my management.

Yet, even as I was unable to [1] find people that were [2] willing to convert the transaction, my prayer affirmations were still valid and did actually materialize…

But it was not what I wanted.


  • I was willing to work for a payment scheme, but the scheme suggested by the client was not realistic for the task / opportunity.
  • What the client wanted was outside my skill base, my knowledge level, and my network of contacts.
  • (In regards to my affirmation campaign), I did not specify exactly how I would profit from this relationship, just that I would be “in charge”.

This is a pretty dangerous condition to place within your affirmation campaign.

  • Open ended.
  • Not specifying how you would benefit from it.

For instance, if you state something along the lines of “I work in a big company”, you could very well end up…

…in a situation that you might not like…

…like, perhaps, being the janitor (figuratively) “handcuffed” to a job you might not want or like.

You do not want that.

In this universe you need to work from the world-line that you are inhabiting, and then adjust your thoughts accordingly so as to best fit your desires.

Let me explain…

You are always “half way” there…

While the objective of managing a multi-billion dollar account is still in place, it is not exactly what I desire. As it stands. But…


… do not give up. The game is not yet over.

Get a grip! The game is not yet over. You need to calm down, and come up with a plan.
Get a grip! The game is not yet over. You need to calm down, and come up with a plan. You now know more than what you did before. You know what options you have and are far closer to realizing your objectives than before.

You are still in play. The thoughts are still working for you and they are still manifesting the reality that you desire.

You just need to adjust them.

You need to perform a “course correction”.

What is a course correction? 

When a spacecraft gets off of its trajectory, or path through space, it must be put back on the right path. The location of the spacecraft is determined and its course vector (the speed and direction of its flight) is calculated.

-What is a course correction?

Of all the millions of world-lines that I traversed in the MWI, I did manage to reach a cluster that contained “billions of dollars in resources” that I can exploit.

Just because that particular opportunity is not my ideal condition, it does not mean that the opportunity is gone. It’s not. Rather you are actually looking at the outside of a very enormous iceberg, and you need to conduct a course correction to exploit it to your advantage.

Here's a mind exercise.

Imagine that you want to become a figurative painter in Paris, France. 

To this end, you conduct a prayer affirmation campaign.

And after a few years you suddenly find yourself in Belgium. It is not France, but it is close.

You are not painting figures, but you are dating a woman with a large dancing studio with enough room for you to "dabble in your hobby". You occupation in Belgium permits you to have plenty of time to drink wine, paint (a factory that makes oils for painting is down the street - offering discount prices), and continue your painting dream.

It's not exactly what you want, but it is getting closer and closer to your goal.

In this situation…

Well in this situation, what options do I have?

There are numerous options, let’s review them.

  • Accept the terms of the Billionaire. Try to find clients and convert USD to RMB and accept his payment terms.
  • Renegotiate with the Billionaire. Try to find clients to convert USD to RMB but with payment terms to my own satisfaction plus all expenses paid for.
  • Renegotiate with the Billionaire, have him accept my proposal to perform factory to factory commodity trading to convert the money.
  • Drop the entire opportunity completely.

In any event, regardless as to how the physical matter is dealt with, there does need to be a readjustment and course correction to the verbal affirmations used within the prayer / affirmation campaign.

It should have elements that maintain…

  • Sustainability and duration. Or how long will this goal last for.
This reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode. Where she granted a man his wish to be able to fly. 

So he jumps of the 50 story building window, and indeed he could fly. He laughed and flew. He felt the wind on his face and on his arms.

The only thing was that the contract did not specify the duration of his ability. And so after 30 seconds he fell to his death.
Funny thing about this contract, it did not specify the duration of how long you could fly for…

Do not assume anything in regards to your affirmations. If you want to have a nice, long duration customer, that will use your services, and from which you can profit from; then SPECIFY IT.

I am in charge of this money for many years.
  • And secondly, you need to specify how this relationship will benefit you personally…
I make a very nice salary, profits, interest, and margin in transactions regarding this money.

I am able to use the money to provide a stable source of income to me and my family.

I attend KTVs, eat fine food, meet interesting and sexy girls as part of dealing with this money.

A false positive

False positives often occur within affirmation / prayer campaigns.

Our natural reaction when a false positive occurs is to assume that exactly what we have specified within our prayer campaign has actually manifested. But this is an illusion. We need to study what has manifested, and then adust our affirmations accordingly. Remember, just because it looks like what you asked for, might not be what you actually want.

This might be such things as “the man of your dreams”, or “the house of your dreams”. You take what is presented to you, and then you make course corrections.

Your prayer affirmation campaigns never end. They only adjust and reorient to new information, and you should be constantly and constantly refining and redefining them.

May your deepest dreams come true.

May your deepest desires come true.

Do you want more?

I have more posts on this subject in my Intention Index here…

Intention Campaigns

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Be the Rufus; more videos of personal heroism in China. Part 15.

More videos of personal heroism in China. This is part fifteen.

Some people find these posts interesting, others boring. I find them inspirational. They how the best of what we are and why that matters.

It matters.

Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.

Make a difference. Be like Rufus!

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

These are all micro-videos of very short duration. From ten seconds to three minutes. I would suggest that you, the reader, allow them to load to get the full experience.

Video 1 – Help an old lady cross the street.

Here is a video of a little old lady making her way across the street. The intersection is a six-way, and totally confusing to the pedestrian folk of all ages. SO she’s going her way, at her speed. The cars are zipping by. But you know what?

One guy stops for her. Then a motorcycle gets in front of the the other lane and stops the traffic there. And then again, yet another car takes the lead.

Rufus. We are everywhere!

Video 2 – Rescue a man from a train.

What in the world is this guy thinking? What could be so interesting on the railroad tracks? Well, what ever it is, he is totally and completely absorbed in it, and the train is coming at him with lightening speed. He’s only got seconds before he is squashed into jelly.

Lucky for him, a Rufus sees him…

Video 3 – Catch a thief.

Thief’s are able to rob people and get away with crimes because no one comes after them. But that is changing. In China, when you take down a criminal, you help someone, you give a person CPR, you will not be sued. The police won’t arrest you Berkley, California style, or sue you for saving their life. So people are permitted by law to be heroes.

And that means catching crooks…

Video 4 – Help take down a terrorist.

When a policeman is trying to take down a terrorist, innocent bystanders might want to assist. Here, we have a Uighur Muslim in Xinjiang, China wielding a knife and shouting “God is Great” while stabbing passers by. Unlucky for him the police and the locals won’t tolerate his nonsense.

Video 5 – Helping a homeless man.

This fellow helps a guy down on his luck. Or, maybe he is mentally disturbed, or has other issues. In any event, he tries to help him. He buys him food, and gives him the shirt off his back. He’s a real Rufus…

Video 6 – Standing for the National Anthem

You would NEVER see this in the United States, but it is common in the rest of the world. When the national anthem is played, everyone stops and faces the flag and gives it their undivided attention.

Personal pride, respect for your country, your community and your school is what defines our local relationships. Without it, we are just mindless cogs within a machine.

Video 7 – Businessman gets bad news.

It’s not only emotionally distraught young women that throw themselves infront of speeding trains, it can be men as well. Sometimes the news can be so overwhelming, so out of control, and so damning that we just (out of emotion) plunge ourselves into the dark abyss. Luckily for this fellow, Rufus was nearby to help.

Video 8 – New rescue technology.

This is pretty cool. I don’t know how effective it would be, as the motor and technology would have to be checked regularly, but it’s a useful application of inventive technologies and worthy of mention.

Video 9 – A cat saves a boy from a dog attack!

This is another favorite video. It’s exactly as it appears. A dog attacks a little boy, and a cat races to the rescue!

Video 10 – Man robs a woman in a bank and then changes his mind when he sees how little she has in her account.

This kind of thing has happened more than once in China, and I am at a loss to understand why. Maybe the Chinese have a understanding of things that are different than what you have in America.

Thank you for reading this.

God bless.


We do not know when the calling will come.

However, when it calls, you must take action. It will not make you wealthy, rich, famous, or attractive. But, it will make a difference when you are judged upon death. Be the Rufus. Make a difference. Help others. It’s our highest calling.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Some of my favorite links and browser bookmarks.
Here are just some pretty decent websites, bookmarks, URL's and sites that I would like to share. I think that there is something here for everyone. These, in my mind, are the "cream of the crop" of underappreciated websites, and some places that you all might want to visit.
Mongolian Women under Genghis Khan
The history of how Australia obtained Sheilas; the story of The Lady Juliana, The 18th-Century Prison Ship Filled With Women.   This is the story of the Lady Juliana. This was a special ship designed to convey female convicts from England to Australia. The idea was that a boat load of female convicts would happily link up with a colony of convicts in Australia. Thus making everyone very, very happy, and reform the colony in New South Wales.
What is going on in Hollywood?
Why no High-Speed rail in the USA?
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Mad scientist
The Navy is scrapping the F/A-18 Hornet.
Gorilla Cage in the basement
The two family types and how they work.
How to manage a family household.
The most popular American foods.
Soups, Sandwiches and ice cold beer.
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Things I wish I knew.
Asian Nazi Chic
Bronco Billy
How they get away with it
Paper Airplanes
1960's and 1970's link
The Confederados
Democracy Lessons
The Rule of Eight
What High School taught me about Diversity.  Here we look at idea of "diversity" from the point of view of what it was like in my High School years. For my High School was fully and intentionally diverse. And at that time, there were two techniques of grouping people.  These techniques were by [1] merit, and [2] by random association. Or in other words; "diversity". Thus we can compare diversity against merit as the criteria used in a selection process.

Funny Pictures

Picture Dump 1

Be the Rufus – Tales of Everyday Heroism.

Be the Rufus - 1
Be the Rufus, part II. More tales of heroism.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 3.
Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 4.
Here are some more fine, fine videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 5.
Here are even more fine, fine videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.
This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like int he same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 6.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 7.
This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like in the same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 7.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 8.
This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like in the same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 8.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 9.
We all have a need to participate within our communities, to have a role, and to give meaning to our lives. This role is important, and it is such that it often can call upon us to be heroic in acts and deeds. This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like in the same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 9.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 10.
We all have a need to participate within our communities, to have a role, and to give meaning to our lives. This role is important, and it is such that it often can call upon us to be heroic in acts and deeds. This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like in the same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 10.

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You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

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  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

R is for Rocket (Full Text) by Ray Bradbury

This is the full text of the story "R is for Rocket" by Ray Bradbury. It is not only a classic, but it is also a story that held particular meaning to me. For it was how I felt about my dreams to become that mystical "Spacemen". For us, back then, those of us who were "bitten by the bug" of space travel were fixated and driven by the one singular goal... to leave the Earth and explore "Outer Space".

I hope that you, the reader, will find this lovely story as wondrous as I have. Please enjoy it, and again, many thanks to the great master Ray Bradbury for composing this masterpiece.

R is for Rocket

There was this fence where we pressed our faces and felt the wind turn warm and held to the fence and forgot who we were or where we came from but dreamed of who we might be and where we might go. . . .

    Yet we were boys and liked being boys and lived in a Florida town and liked the town and went to school and fairly liked the school and climbed trees and played football and liked our mothers and fathers. . . .

    But some time every hour of every day of every week for a minute or a second when we thought on fire and stars and the fence beyond which they waited . . . we liked the rockets more.

    The fence. The rockets.

    Every Saturday morning . . .

    The guys met at my house.

    With the sun hardly up, they yelled until the neighbors were moved to brandish paralysis guns out their ventilators I commanding the guys to shut up or they’d be frozen statues for the next hour and then where would they be?

    Aw, climb a rocket, stick your head in the main-jet! the kids always yelled back, but yelled this safe behind our garden I fence. Old Man Wickard, next door, is a great shot with the para-gun.

    This one dim cool Saturday morning I was lying in bed thinking about how I had flunked my semantics exam the day before at formula-school, when I heard the gang yelling below. It was hardly 7 a.m. and there was still a lot of fog roaming in off the Atlantic, and only now were the weather-control vibrators at each corner starting to hum and shoot out rays to get rid of the stuff; I heard them moaning soft and nice.

    I padded to the window and stuck my head out.

    “Okay, space-pirates! Motors off!”

    “Hey!” shouted Ralph Priory. “We just heard, there’s a new schedule today! The Moon Job, the one with the new XL3 motor, is cutting gravity in an hour!”

    “Buddha, Muhammad, Allah, and other real and semi-mythological figures,” I said, and went away from the window so fast the concussion laid all the boys out on my lawn.

    I zippered myself into a jumper, yanked on my boots, clipped my food-capsules to my hip-pocket, for I knew there’d be no food or even thought of food today, we’d just stuff with pills when our stomachs barked, and fell down the two-story vacuum elevator.

    On the lawn, all five of the guys were chewing their lips, bouncing around, scowling.

“Last one,” said I, passing them at 5000 mph, “to the monorail is a bug-eyed Martian!”

    On the monorail, with the cylinder hissing us along to Rocket Port, twenty miles from town — a few minutes ride  — I had bugs in my stomach. A guy fifteen doesn’t get to see the big stuff often enough, mostly every week it was the small continental cargo rockets coming and going on schedule. But this was big, among the biggest . . . the Moon and beyond. . . .

    “I’m sick,” said Priory, and hit me on the arm.

    I hit him back. “Me, too. Boy, ain’t Saturday the best day in the week!?”

    Priory and I traded wide, understanding grins. We got along all Condition Go. The other pirates were okay. Sid Rossen, Mac Leslyn, Earl Marnee, they knew how to jump around like all the kids, and they loved the rockets, too, but I had the feeling they wouldn’t be doing what Ralph and I would do some day. Ralph and I wanted the stars for each of us, more than we would want a fistful of clear-cut blue-white diamonds.

    We yelled with the yellers, we laughed with the laughers, but at the middle of it all, we were still, Ralph and I, and the cylinder whispered to a stop and we were outside yelling, laughing, running, but quiet and almost in slow motion, Ralph ahead of me, and all of us pointed one way, at the observation fence and grabbing hold, yelling for the slowpokes to catch up, but not looking back for them, and then we were all there together and the big rocket came out of its plastic work canopy like a great interstellar circus tent and moved along its gleaming track out toward the fire point, accompanied by the gigantic gantry like a gathering of prehistoric reptile birds which kept and preened and fed this one big fire monster and led it toward its seizure and birth into a suddenly blast-furnace sky.

    I quit breathing. I didn’t even suck another breath it seemed until the rocket was way out on the concrete meadow, followed by water-beetle tractors and great cylinders bearing hidden men, and all around, in asbestos suits, praying-mantis mechanics fiddled with machines and buzzed and cawwed and gibbered to each other on invisible, unhearable radiophones, but we could hear it all, in our heads, our minds, our hearts.

    “Lord,” I said at last.

    “The very good Lord,” said Ralph Priory at my elbow.

    The others said this, too, over and over.

It was something to “good Lord” about. It was a hundred years of dreaming all sorted out and chosen and put together Ito make the hardest, prettiest, swiftest dream of all. Every line was fire solidified and made perfect, it was flame frozen, and lice waiting to thaw there in the middle of a concrete prairie, ready to wake with a roar, jump high and knock its silly fine great head against the Milky Way and knock the stars down in a full return of firefall meteors. You felt it could kick the Coal Sack Nebula square in the midriff and make it stand out of the way.

    It got me in the midriff, too — it gripped me in such a way I knew the special sickness of longing and envy and grief for lack of accomplishment. And when the astronauts patrolled the field in the final silent mobile-van, my body went with them in their strange white armor, in their bubble-helmets and insouciant pride, looking as if they were team-parading to a magnetic football game at one of the local mag-fields, for mere practice. But they were going to the Moon, they went every month now, and the crowds that used to come to watch were no longer there, there was just us kids to worry them up and worry them off.

“Gosh,” I said. “What wouldn’t I give to go with them. What wouldn’t I give.”

    “Me,” said Mac, “I’d give my one-year monorail privileges.”

    “Yeah. Oh, very much yeah.”

    It was a big feeling for us kids caught half between this morning’s toys and this afternoon’s very real and powerful fireworks.

    And then the preliminaries got over with. The fuel was in the rocket and the men ran away from it on the ground like ants running lickety from a metal god — and the Dream woke up and gave a yell and jumped into the sky. And then it was gone, all the vacuum shouting of it, leaving nothing but a hot trembling in the air, through the ground, and up our legs to our hearts. Where it had been was a blazed, seared pock and a fog of rocket smoke like a cumulus cloud banked low.

    “It’s gone!” yelled Priory.

    And we all began to breathe fast again, frozen there on the ground as if stunned by the passing of a gigantic paralysis gun.

    “I want to grow up quick,” I said, then. “I want to grow up quick so I can take that rocket.”

I bit my lips. I was so darned young, and you cannot apply for space work. You have to be chosen. Chosen.

    Finally somebody, I guess it was Sidney, said:

    “Let’s go to the tele-show now.”

    Everyone said yeah, except Priory and myself. We said no, and the other kids went off laughing breathlessly, talking, and left Priory and me there to look at the spot where the ship had been.

    It spoiled everything else for us — that takeoff.

    Because of it, I flunked my semantics test on Monday.

    I didn’t care.

    At times like that I thanked Providence for concentrates. When your stomach is nothing but a coiled mass of excitement, you hardly feel like drawing a chair to a full hot dinner. A few concen-tabs swallowed, did wonderfully well as substitution, without the urge of appetite.

    I got to thinking about it, tough and hard, all day long and late at night. It got so bad I had to use sleep-massage mechs every night, coupled with some of Tschaikovsky’s quieter music to get my eyes shut.

 “Good Lord, young man,” said my teacher, that Monday at class. “If this keeps up I’ll have you reclassified at the next psych-board meeting.”

    “I’m sorry,” I replied.

    He looked hard at me. “What sort of block have you got? I It must be a very simple, and also a  conscious,  one.”

    I winced. “It’s conscious, sir; but it’s not simple. It’s multi-tentacular. In brief, though — it’s rockets.”

    He smiled. “R is for Rocket, eh?”

    “I guess that’s it, sir.”

    “We can’t let it interfere with your scholastic record, though, young man.”

    “Do you think I need hypnotic suggestion, sir?”

    “No, no.” He flipped through a small tab of records with my name blocked on it. I had a funny stone in my stomach, just lying there. He looked at me. “You know, Christopher, you’re king-of-the-hill here; head of the class.” He closed his eyes and mused over it. “We’ll have to see about a lot of other things,” he concluded. Then he patted me on the shoulder.

    “Well — get on with your work. Nothing to worry about.”

He walked away.

    I tried to get back to work, but I couldn’t. During the rest of the day the teacher kept watching me and looking at my tab-record and chewing his lip. About two in the afternoon he dialed a number on his desk-audio and discussed something with somebody for about five minutes.

    I couldn’t hear what was said.

    But when he set the audio into its cradle, he stared straight at me with the funniest light in his eyes.

    It was envy and admiration and pity all in one. It was a little sad and it was much of happiness. It had a lot in it, just in his eyes. The rest of his face said nothing.

    It made me feel like a saint and a devil sitting there.

    Ralph Priory and I slid home from formula-school together early that afternoon. I told Ralph what had happened and he frowned in the dark way he always frowns.

    I began to worry. And between the two of us we doubled and tripled the worry.

    “You don’t think you’ll be sent away, do you, Chris?”

Our monorail car hissed. We stopped at our station. We got out. We walked slow. “I don’t know,” I said.

    “That would be plain dirty,” said Ralph.

    “Maybe I need a good psychiatric laundering, Ralph. I can’t go on flubbing my studies this way.”

    We stopped outside my house and looked at the sky for a long moment. Ralph said something funny.

    “The stars aren’t out in the daytime, but we can see ’em, can’t we, Chris?”

    “Yeah,” I said. “Darn rights.”

    “Well stick it together, huh, Chris? Blast them, they can’t take you away now. We’re pals. It wouldn’t be fair.”

    I didn’t say anything because there was no room in my throat for anything but a hectagonal lump.

    “What’s the matter with your eyes?” asked Priory.

    “Aw, I looked at the sun too long. Come on inside, Ralph.”

    We yelled under the shower spray in the bath-cubicle, but our yells weren’t especially convincing, even when we turned on the ice-water.

While we were standing in the warm-air dryer, I did a lot of thinking. Literature, I figured, was full of people who fought battles against hard, razor-edged opponents. They pitted brain and muscle against obstacles until they won out or were themselves defeated. But here I was with hardly a sign of any outward conflict. It was all running around in spiked boots inside my head, making cuts and bruises where no one could see them except me and a psychologist. But it was just as bad.

    “Ralph,” I said, as we dressed, “I got a war on.”

    “All by yourself?” he asked.

    “I can’t include you,” I said. “Because this is personal. How many times has my mother said, ‘Don’t eat so much, Chris, your eyes are bigger than your stomach?'”

    “A million times.”

    “Two million. Well, paraphrase it, Ralph. Change it to ‘Don’t see so much, Chris, your mind is too big for your body.’ I got a war on between a mind that wants things my body can’t give it.”

    Priory nodded quietly. “I see what you mean about its being a personal war. In that case, Christopher, I’m at war, too.”

“I knew you were,” I said. “Somehow I think the other kids’ll grow out of it. But I don’t think we will, Ralph. I think we’ll keep waiting.”

    We sat down in the middle of the sunlit upper deck of the house, and started checking over some homework on our formula-pads. Priory couldn’t get his. Neither could I. Priory put into words the very thing I didn’t dare say out loud.

    “Chris, the Astronaut Board selects. You can’t apply for it. You wait.”

    “I know.”

    “You wait from the time you’re old enough to turn cold in the stomach when you see a Moon rocket, until all the years go by, and every month that passes you hope that one morning a blue Astronaut helicopter will come down out of the sky, land on your lawn, and that a neat-looking engineer will ease out, walk up the rampway briskly, and touch the bell.

    “You keep waiting for that helicopter until you’re twenty-one. And then, on the last day of your twentieth year you drink and laugh a lot and say what the heck, you didn’t really care about it, anyway.”

    We both just sat there, deep in the middle of his words. We both just sat there. Then:

  “I don’t want that disappointment, Chris. I’m fifteen, just like you. But if I reach my twenty-first year without an Astronaut ringing the bell where I live at the ortho-station, I — “

    “I know,” I said. “I know. I’ve talked to men who’ve waited, all for nothing. And if it happens that way to us, Ralph, well — we’ll get good and drunk together and then go out and take jobs loading cargo on a Europe-bound freighter.”

    Ralph stiffened and his face went pale. “Loading cargo.”

    There was a soft, quick step on the ramp and my mother was there. I smiled. “Hi, lady!”

    “Hello. Hello, Ralph.”

    “Hello, Jhene.”

    She didn’t look much older than twenty-five, in spite of having birthed and raised me and worked at the Government Statistics House. She was light and graceful and smiled a lot, and I could see how father must have loved her very much when he was alive. One parent is better than none. Poor Priory, now, raised in one of those orthopedical stations. . . .

    Jhene walked over and put her hand on Ralph’s face. “You look ill,” she said. “What’s wrong?”

Ralph managed a fairly good smile. “Nothing — at all.”

    Jhene didn’t need prompting. She said, “You can stay here I tonight, Priory. We want you. Don’t we, Chris?”

    “Heck, yes.”

    “I should get back to the station,” said Ralph, rather feebly, I observed. “But since you asked and Chris here needs help on his semantics for tomorrow, I’ll stick and help him.”

    “Very generous,” I observed.

    “First, though, I’ve a few errands. I’ll take the ‘rail and be back in an hour, people.”

    When Ralph was gone my mother looked at me intently, then brushed my hair back with a nice little move of her fingers.

    “Something’s happening, Chris.”

    My heart stopped talking because it didn’t want to talk any more for a while. It waited.

    I opened my mouth, but Jhene went on:

    “Something’s up somewhere. I had two calls at work today. One from your teacher. One from — I can’t say. I don’t want to say until things happen — “

    My heart started talking again, slow and warm.

    “Don’t tell me, then, Jhene. Those calls — “

She just looked at me. She took my hand between her two soft warm ones. “You’re so young, Chris. You’re so awfully young.”

    I didn’t speak.

    Her eyes brightened. “You never knew your father. I wish you had. You know what he was, Chris?”

    I said, “Yeah. He worked in a Chemistry Lab, deep underground most of the time.”

    And, my mother added, strangely, “He worked deep under the ground, Chris, and never saw the stars.”

    My heart yelled in my chest. Yelled loud and hard.

    “Oh, Mother. Mother — “

    It was the first time in years I had called her mother.

    When I woke the next morning there was a lot of sunlight in the room, but the cushion where Priory slept when he stayed over, was vacant. I listened. I didn’t hear him splashing in the shower-cube, and the dryer wasn’t humming. He was gone.

    I found his note pinned on the sliding door.

“See you at formula at noon. Your mother wanted me to do some work for her. She got a call this morning, and said she needed me to help. So long. Priory.”

    Priory out running errands for Jhene. Strange. A call in the early morning to Jhene. I went back and sat down on the cushion.

    While I was sitting there a bunch of the kids yelled down on the lawn-court. “Hey, Chris! You’re late!”

    I stuck my head out the window.  “Be right down!”

    “No, Chris.”

    My mother’s voice. It was quiet and it had something funny in it. I turned around. She was standing in the doorway behind me, her face pale, drawn, full of some small pain. “No, Chris,” she said again, softly. “Tell them to go on to formula without you — today.”

    The kids were still making noise downstairs, I guess, but I didn’t hear them. I just felt myself and my mother, slim and pale and restrained in my room. Far off, the weather-control vibrators started to hum and throb.

    I turned slowly and looked down at the kids. The three of them were looking up, lips parted casually, half-smiling, semantic-tabs in their knotty fingers. “Hey — ” one of them said. Sidney, it was.

    “Sorry, Sid. Sorry, gang. Go on without me. I can’t go to formula today. See you later, huh?”

    “Aw, Chris!”


    “No. Just — Just go on without me, gang. I’ll see you.”

    I felt numb. I turned away from their upturned, questioning faces and glanced at the door. Mother wasn’t there. She had gone downstairs, quietly. I heard the kids moving off, not quite as boisterously, toward the monorail station.

    Instead of using the vac-elevator, I walked slowly downstairs. “Jhene,” I said, “where’s Ralph?”

    Jhene pretended to be interested in combing her long light hair with a vibro-toothed comb. “I sent him off. I didn’t want him here this morning.”

    “Why am I staying home from formula, Jhene?”

    “Chris, please don’t ask.”

    Before I could say anything else, there was a sound in the air. It cut through the very soundproofed wall of the house, and hummed in my marrow, quick and high as an arrow of glittering music.

    I swallowed. All the fear and uncertainty and doubt went away, instantly.

    When I heard that note, I thought of Ralph Priory. Oh Ralph, if you could be here now. I couldn’t believe the truth of it. Hearing that note and hearing it with my whole body and soul as well as with my ears.

    It came closer, that sound. I was afraid it would go away. But it didn’t go away. It lowered its pitch and came down outside the house in great whirling petals of light and shadow and I knew it was a helicopter the color of the sky. It stopped humming, and in the silence my mother tensed forward, dropped the vibro-comb and took in her breath.

    In that silence, too, I heard booted footsteps walking up the ramp below. Footsteps that I had waited for a long time.

    Footsteps I was afraid would never come.

    Somebody touched the bell.

    And I knew who it was.

    And all I could think was, Ralph, why in heck did you have to go away now, when all this is happening? Blast it, Ralph, why did you?

The man looked as if he had been born in his uniform. It fitted like a second layer of salt-colored skin, touched here and there with a line, a dot of blue. As simple and perfect a uniform as could be made, but with all the muscled power of the universe behind it.

    His name was Trent. He spoke firmly, with a natural round perfection, directly to the subject.

    I stood there, and my mother was on the far side of the room, looking like a bewildered little girl. I stood listening.

    Out of all the talking I remember some of the snatches:

    “. . . highest grades, high IQ. Perception A-1, curiosity Triple-A. Enthusiasm necessary to the long, eight-year educational grind. . . .”

    “Yes, sir.”

    “. . . talks with your semantics and psychology teachers — “

    “Yes, sir.”

    “. . . and don’t forget, Mr. Christopher . . .”

     Mister Christopher!

    “. . . and don’t forget, Mr. Christopher, nobody is to know you have been selected by the Astronaut Board.”

    “No one?”

“Your mother and teacher know, naturally. But no other person must know. Is that perfectly understood?”

    “Yes, sir.”

    Trent smiled quietly, standing there with his big hands at his sides. “You want to ask why, don’t you? Why you can’t tell your friends? I’ll explain.

    “It’s a form of psychological protection. We select about ten thousand young men each year from the earth’s billions. Out of that number three thousand wind up, eight years later, as spacemen of one sort or another. The others must return to society. They’ve flunked out, but there’s no reason for everyone to know. They usually flunk out, if they’re going to flunk, in the first six months. And it’s tough to go back and face your friends and say you couldn’t make the grade at the biggest job in the world. So we make it easy to go back.

    “But there’s still another reason. It’s psychological, too. Half the fun of being a kid is being able to lord it over the other guys, by being superior in some way. We take half the fun out of Astronaut selection by strictly forbidding you to tell your pals. Then, we’ll know if you wanted to go into space for frivolous reasons, or for space itself. If you’re in it for personal conceit — you’re damned.

If you’re in it because you can’t help being in it and have to be in it — you’re blessed.”

    He nodded to my mother. “Thank you, Mrs. Christopher.”

    “Sir,” I said. “A question. I have a friend. Ralph Priory. He lives at an ortho-station — “

    Trent nodded. “I can’t tell you his rating, of course, but he’s on our list. He’s your buddy? You want him along, of course. I’ll check his record. Station-bred, you say? That’s not good. But — we’ll see.”

    “If you would, please, thanks.”

    “Report to me at the Rocket Station Saturday afternoon at five, Mr. Christopher. Meantime: silence.”

    He saluted. He walked off. He went away in the helicopter into the sky, and Mother was beside me quickly, saying, “Oh, Chris, Chris,” over and over, and we held to each other and whispered and talked and she said many things, how good this was going to be for us, but especially for me, how fine, what an honor it was, like the old old days when men fasted and took vows and joined churches and stopped up their tongues and were silent and prayed to be worthy and to live well as monks and priests of many churches in far places, and came forth and moved in the world and lived as examples and taught well. It was no different now, this was a greater priesthood, in a way, she said, she inferred, she knew, and I was to be some small part of it, I would not be hers any more, I would belong to all the worlds, I would be all the things my father wanted to be and never lived or had a chance to be. . . .

    “Darn rights, darn rights,” I murmured. “I will, I promise I will . . .”

    I caught my voice. “Jhene — how — how will we tell Ralph? What about him?”

    “You’re going away, that’s all, Chris. Tell him that. Very simply. Tell him no more. He’ll understand.”

    “But, Jhene, you —”

    She smiled softly. “Yes, I’ll be lonely, Chris. But I’ll have my work and I’ll have Ralph.”

    “You mean . . .”

    “I’m taking him from the ortho-station. He’ll live here, when you’re gone. That’s what you wanted me to say, isn’t it, Chris?”

    I nodded, all paralyzed and strange inside.

    “That’s exactly what I wanted you to say.”

  “He’ll be a good son, Chris. Almost as good as you.”

    “He’ll be fine!”

    We told Ralph Priory. How I was going away maybe to school in Europe for a year and how Mother wanted him to come live as her son, now, until such time as I came back. We said it quick and fast, as if it burned our tongues. And when we finished, Ralph came and shook my hand and kissed my mother on the cheek and he said:

    “I’ll be proud. I’ll be very proud.”

    It was funny, but Ralph didn’t even ask any more about why I was going, or where, or how long I would be away. All he would say was, “We had a lot of fun, didn’t we?” and let it go at that, as if he didn’t dare say any more.

    It was Friday night, after a concert at the amphitheater in the center of our public circle, and Priory and Jhene and I came home, laughing, ready to go to bed.

    I hadn’t packed anything. Priory noted this briefly, and let it go. All of my personal supplies for the next eight years would be supplied by someone else. No need for packing.

My semantics teacher called on the audio, smiling and saying a very brief, pleasant good-bye.

    Then, we went to bed, and I kept thinking in the hour before I lolled off, about how this was the last night with Jhene and Ralph. The very last night.

    Only a kid of fifteen — me.

    And then, in the darkness, just before I went to sleep, Priory twisted softly on his cushion, turned his solemn face to me, and whispered, “Chris?” A pause. “Chris. You still awake?” It was like a faint echo.

    “Yes,” I said.


    A pause.


    He said, “You’re — You’re not waiting any more, are you, Chris?”

    I knew what he meant. I couldn’t answer.

    I said, “I’m awfully tired, Ralph.”

    He twisted back and settled down and said, “That’s what I thought. You’re not waiting any more. Gosh, but that’s good, Chris. That’s good.”

    He reached out and punched me in the arm-muscle, lightly.

    Then we both went to sleep.

  It was Saturday morning. The kids were yelling outside. Their voices filled the seven o’clock fog. I heard Old Man Wickard’s ventilator flip open and the zip of his para-gun, playfully touching around the kids.

    “Shut up!” I heard him cry, but he didn’t sound grouchy. It was a regular Saturday game with him. And I heard the kids giggle.

    Priory woke up and said, “Shall I tell them, Chris, you’re not going with them today?”

    “Tell them nothing of the sort.” Jhene moved from the door. She bent out the window, her hair all light against a ribbon of fog. “Hi, gang! Ralph and Chris will be right down. Hold gravity!”

    “Jhene!” I cried.

    She came over to both of us. “You’re going to spend your Saturday the way you always spend it — with the gang!”

    “I planned on sticking with you, Jhene.”

    “What sort of holiday would that be, now?”

    She ran us through our breakfast, kissed us on the cheeks, and forced us out the door into the gang’s arms.

    “Let’s not go out to the Rocket Port today, guys.”

  “Aw, Chris — why not?”

    Their faces did a lot of changes. This was the first time in history I hadn’t wanted to go. “You’re kidding, Chris.”

    “Sure he is.”

    “No, he’s not. He means it,” said Priory. “And I don’t want to go either. We go every Saturday. It gets tiresome. We can go next week instead.”

    “Aw . . .”

    They didn’t like it, but they didn’t go off by themselves. It was no fun, they said, without us.

    “What the heck— we’ll go next week.”

    “Sure we will. What do you want to do, Chris?”

    I told them.

    We spent the morning playing Kick the Can and some games we’d given up a long time ago, and we hiked out along some old rusty and abandoned railroad tracks and walked in a small woods outside town and photographed some birds and went swimming raw, and all the time I kept thinking — this is the last day.

    We did everything we had ever done before on Saturday. All the silly crazy things, and nobody knew I was going away except Ralph, and five o’clock kept getting nearer and nearer.

    At four, I said good-bye to the kids.

“Leaving so soon, Chris? What about tonight?”

    “Call for me at eight,” I said. “We’ll go see the new Sally Gibberts picturel”


    “Cut gravity!”

    And Ralph and I went home.

    Mother wasn’t there, but she had left part of herself, her smile and her voice and her words on a spool of audio-film on my bed. I inserted it in the viewer and threw the picture on the wall. Soft yellow hair, her white face and her quiet words:

    “I hate good-byes, Chris. I’ve gone to the laboratory to do some extra work. Good luck. All of my love. When I see you again — you’ll be a man.”

    That was all.

    Priory waited outside while I saw it over four times. “I hate good-byes, Chris. I’ve gone . . . work. . . . luck. All . . . my love. . . .”

    I had made a film-spool myself the night before. I spotted it in the viewer and left it there. It only said good-bye.

    Priory walked halfway with me. I wouldn’t let him get on the Rocket Port monorail with me. I

just shook his hand, tight, and said, “It was fun today, Ralph.”

    “Yeah. Well, see you next Saturday, huh, Chris?”

    “I wish I could say yes.”

    “Say yes anyway. Next Saturday — the woods, the gang, the rockets, and Old Man Wickard and his trusty para-gun.”

    We laughed. “Sure. Next Saturday, early. Take — Take care of our mother, will you, Priory?”

    “That’s a silly question, you nut,” he said.

    “It is, isn’t it?”

    He swallowed. “Chris.”


    “I’ll be waiting. Just like you waited and don’t have to wait any more. I’ll wait.”

    “Maybe it won’t be long, Priory. I hope not.”

    I jabbed him, once, in the arm. He jabbed back.

    The monorail door sealed. The car hurled itself away, and Priory was left behind.

    I stepped out at the Port. It was a five-hundred-yard walk down to the Administration building. It took me ten years to walk it.

    “Next time I see you you’ll be a man — “

    “Don’t tell anybody — “

    “I’ll wait, Chris — “

 It was all choked in my heart and it wouldn’t go away and it swam around in my eyes.

    I thought about my dreams. The Moon Rocket. It won’t be part of me, part of my dream any longer. I’ll be part of it.

    I felt small there, walking, walking, walking.

    The afternoon rocket to London was just taking off as I went down the ramp to the office. It shivered the ground and it shivered and thrilled my heart.

    I was beginning to grow up awfully fast.

    I stood watching the rocket until someone snapped their heels, cracked me a quick salute.

    I was numb.

    “C. M. Christopher?”

    “Yes, sir. Reporting, sir.”

    “This way, Christopher. Through that gate.”

    Through that gate and beyond the fence . . .

    This fence where we had pressed our faces and felt the wind turn warm and held to the fence and forgot who we were or where we came from but dreamed of who we might be and where we might go . . .

    This fence where had stood the boys who liked being boys who lived in a town and liked the town

and fairly liked school and liked football and liked their fathers and mothers . . .

    The boys who some time every hour of every day of every week thought on fire and stars and the fence beyond which they waited. . . . The boys who liked the rockets more.

    Mother, Ralph, I’ll see you. I’ll be back.



    And, walking, I went beyond the fence.

The End

What an absolutely wonderful story.

It means a lot to me.

And people, that's exactly how it was like for me to leave university as an Aerospace Engineer and enter NAS, NASC Pensacola Florida as an AOCS Aviation Office Candidate. 

I well remember arrival at the airport and proceeding to the lobby where there was this enormously huge arrow pointing to this ridiculously tiny phone set in the wall. Telling me to pick up the phone and call the base.

Fictional Story Related Index

This is an index of full text reprints of stories that I have read that influenced me when I was young. They are rather difficult to come by today, as where I live they are nearly impossible to find. Yes, you can find them on the internet, behind paywalls. Ah, that’s why all those software engineers in California make all that money. Well, here they are FOR FREE. Enjoy reading them.

Movies that Inspired Me

Here are some movies that I consider noteworthy and worth a view. Enjoy.

The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad.
Jason and the Argonauts
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1973)
The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971)

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

Space Cadet (Full Text) by Robert Heinlein
Correspondence Course
The Last Night
The Flying Machine
A story of escape.
All Summer in a day.
The Smile by Ray Bradbury
The menace from Earth
Delilah and the Space Rigger
The Tax-payer
The Pedestrian
Time for the stars.
Glory Road by Robert Heinlein
Starman Jones (Full Text) by Robert Heinlein.
The Lottery (Full Text) by Shirley Jackson
The Cold Equations (Full Text)
Farnham's Freehold (Full Text) by Robert Heinlein
Invisible Boy (Full Text) by Ray Bradbury
Job: A Comedy of Justice (Full Text) by Robert Heinlein
Spell my name with an "S" by Isaac Asimov
The Proud Robot (Full Text)
The Time Locker
Not the First (Full Text) by A.E. van Vogt
The Star Mouse (Full Text)
Space Jockey (Full Text) by Robert Heinlein
He who shrank (Full Text).
Blowups Happen by Robert Heinlein

My Poetry

My Kitten Knows

Art that Moves Me

An experiment of a bird in a vacuum jar.

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Free Intention Dream Boards

Here are some free Intention / Dream boards for your use. I would suggest that you copy the (presented image) photos to your computer and alter and customize it to fit your own personalized intentions. As such, please feel free to download and use to your heart’s content.

A dream board is a collage of images, pictures and written affirmations of the intentions and desires you wish to achieve. It helps you through visualization, thus activating the Universal Law of Attraction, or “likes attract like.” 

- 6 Tips for Making a Dream Board - Fit Bottomed Girls 

The so called “Law of Attraction” is an element of the quantum physics law known as the “observer effect“. It has been repeatedly proven that a person’s thoughts alter the reality that they experience.

Though many people outside of MAJestic haven’t a clue as to the mechanism for this behavior.

Here are some attempts to explain this curious effect, and how a person can utilize it for their own personal use. If you are the kind of person that wants to know what all this is all about, and why it is important, these following links might be of help.

Now of course, us in MAJestic (well, at least those in my particular program) actually know how the universe works. We know how to manipulate it, and we do know the dangers of thought imposition.

How it works

Ah, I covered this subject in great detail in other posts.

However, for now, let’s just keep it simple. The universe is nothing like we think it is. Seriously. It does not resemble anything that is being taught in universities, or being promoted in any of the world’s religions.

Time is the movement of consciousness in and out of adjacent world-line variations.

The thoughts generated by the consciousness navigate the movement through these realities.

By controlling your thoughts, you can set destination realities for you to inhabit.

Which, by the way, means that you must be the pilot for your consciousness. You must keep your destination in mind, and your objectives clear. You have to avoid the “rocky shores” or disruptive thoughts. Thus you need to stay away from discordant news, and toxic people.

Dream Boards

I often go on the Internet and see examples of Intention / Dream boards. Their heart is in the right place but they are going about it wrong.

  • Firstly, a “Dream Board” is one element of “Intention Projection”.
  • Secondly, a “Dream Board” is useless without an associated prayer.

Also the theory behind how it works, as promoted on the internet, is really not accurate. To fully understand how an Intention / Dream board works, you need to understand just how our universe works. And, you know what, everyone has it wrong.


Unless you are backing up your vision board with prayer, you will not derive full benefit from your dream board. It is your thoughts that define your reality. To navigate in and out of the realities that are constantly evolving and shifting around us, you must pilot your consciousness. You need to be the Captain of your consciousness.

To navigate, you need to control and master your thoughts. You need to do the following…

  • Pray. These are thoughts that show your intentions, and desires.
  • Create a vision board, or vision “splash screen” on your electronic media.
  • Isolate yourself from negative media; news, music or movies.
  • Isolate yourself from negative or disruptive people.

Use of the Vision Board / Splash Screen

You use the sample image as a desktop background. When ever you see the desktop image in the background you say your prayer associated with it. Thus is you want to use multiple backgrounds on a rotating basis, it becomes helpful to have a nice list of intention prayers that you read once a day.

Setting in Microsoft Windows 10.
In the Windows control panel, this is the setting that will enable you to control your desktop splash screen.

Remember, that in order the intention board to work, you must recite your prayers out loud. (This is can be in a whisper, don’t you know.)

The longer you do this, the more “stable” your destination reality will become. However, there will come a point in time when you will “tire” of the prayers and dream boards. When this occurs, let it go and forget about it all. (It’s an important evolution that is established by your consciousness.)

You can do a different prayer and dream board, if you want. Just know that your intention will most certainly manifest.

The Things people wish for

I went on the handy dandy internet, and researched the things that most people wish for. Then I compiled them into a list and I am presenting intentions splash screens for each item on the list. Please consider these splash screens as an idea from which you can base your very own intention splash photos off of. Or use them raw as shown. It’s all up to you.

The Samples

The samples provided are just that. Samples. If you want to use them, feel free, but you MUST include an associated daily prayer with them.

Also note, that providing the samples here does not mean that I agree with the thought projections. Some of the samples offer vices, and other elements that do not fit my personal preferences. They are offered as suggestions for you the reader to base your own dream boards on.

Please take note that all these images and dream board splashes are made using the Microsoft Visio application. It is amazingly easy to use and simple. You just create a picture and add other pictures and text to your desired image.

Further, please take note that there is a trade off between a singular image with prayer, and a collage of images. A group of images will offer the person a greater degree of latitude and versatility in how the intention manifests. This latitude enables the manifestation to occur quicker. A singular image properly prayed for with strong intentions take much longer to manifest, but the results are more exacting.

Here we provide (mostly) singular images for your study and enjoyment.


This intention desktop “splash” is related to POWER.

If you are desirous of increasing your apparent power within the reality that you inherit, then this image is for you. You are free to use it as is, or make your own along these lines. Alternatively, you can fill the entire image screen with smaller images that illustrate the kinds of power that you might wish to evoke.

Power intention
This is the image that you can use if you want to use the power of intention to manifest power for yourself. Feel free to “left click” and save the image to your “Pictures” folder. Then set the desktop background on your computer to this image.

Please note that you must use the following dialog in your prayers associated with this image…

I utilize the desktop image display on my computer to help cultivate the reality that my world-line is.

In all cases, the dominant male figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself.

Images that portray mafia figures, or "bad people" portray myself in similar roles of power. They do NOT, however, manifest these kinds of people arrayed against me.

If you do not take care in your prayers, and in the application of the desktop display intention splash, it could easily “backfire” against you. Therefore, it is critically important for you to have a very clear and well defined image intention with an associated prayer.

After all, unless you are careful on how your thoughts manifest, you might end up having this crew come a knockin’ at your door…

Chinese triad gangsters.
Chinese triad gangsters. If you are not careful and try to use the power of intention to alter your reality towards one of power, you could just as easily invoke the more negative manifestations that come with that territory. This could include Chinese Triad gangsters.

Success in business

Again, here is a a different intention desktop splash. This is for people who are desirous of having a very successful business, and the rewards that come with it.

Success in Business
Success in Business. This is a fine intention (PC) desktop dream splash canvas if you are desirous of being very successful in business… financially. As before, please right click on the image and save to your Pictures folder. Then set your background image display to this image.

Again, it’s not enough just to use this image as a desktop background display. You need to associate it with a prayer. I would suggest that what ever prayer that you utilize, that you incorporate the following prayers / affirmations…

I utilize the desktop image display on my computer to help cultivate the reality that my world-line is.

In all cases, the dominant male figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself.

Images that portray "bad people" portray myself in similar roles of power. They do NOT, however, manifest these kinds of people arrayed against me. 


This is for you men who desire to be considered charming, confident, and elegant by others. Whether that is members of the other sex (women) or men, it does not matter.

charming · sophisticated · debonair · urbane · worldly · worldly-wise · polished · refined · poised · self-possessed · dignified · civilized · gentlemanly · gallant · smooth · smooth-talking · smooth-tongued · silver-tongued · glib · polite · well mannered · civil · courteous · affable · tactful · diplomatic · slick · cool · mannerly 
Here is the intention dream splash image for a person who would like to be suave within their reality. Always remember that we cannot change others, all that we can do is alter the reality that surrounds our souls. In so doing the perceptions that others have for us can change in alignment with our desires.

And again, you must associate this image display with your prayers…

I utilize the desktop image display on my computer to help cultivate the reality that my world-line is.

In all cases, the dominant male figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself. 

The manifestation of this reality is gradual and safe and is in alignment with my deepest desires.

Good Health

Good health is something that we take for granted, and it isn’t until we get older when we start to panic at how our bodies age. There are things that we can do, of course. We can eat better, stay away from bad people and negative thoughts, and do some moderate exercise.

Also we must not neglect the role that good, directed thoughts play in shaping our life.

While you cannot simply wish or pray to be healthy, it can help assist in the movement of world-line selection towards the manifestation of your desires. The formula works a little like this…

Modest physical efforts + strong directed thoughts = Attainment

Here is a nice splash image for your desktop. In all cases laid out here, from the Power to the Fame, you MUST provides some kind of minimum physical action from which the desired world-lines can manifest.

  • Wishing for something to happen = nothing will happen.
  • Physically working for things = maybe might happen.
  • Directed thoughts for things = a possibility can happen.

But… you should take careful note…

  • Physically working towards things + Directed thoughts = cause your desires to manifest.

Please kindly keep that in mind when you utilize these desktop displays and splash screens. These intention boards are only part of a much more inclusive system that requires your participation to work.

You can manifest the world-lines that will be favorable to your intentions, and thus they will appear to manifest for you.

To put it in another way, laying on a couch / sofa eating potato chips and just leaving a intention dream canvas splash display rotate passively on the computer will result in NOTHING.

You must pump your thoughts full of directed thoughts, you must use the desktop display and view it from time to time to refresh your imagery, and you must do a moderate amount of physical action to generate a baseline from which your thoughts can manifest upon.

I have generated two splash intention dream canvas. One is for a man and the other is for a woman. Those of you who are of confused gender, you can follow the guidelines to create your very own specialized splash screen.


Desktop splash screen for a man for good health.
Desktop splash screen for a man for good health.


Desktop splash machine for a woman to be in good physical health.
Desktop splash screen for a woman to be in good physical health.

And do not forget to add this prayer…

I utilize the desktop image display on my computer to help cultivate the reality that my world-line is.

In all cases, the dominant figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself. 


The desire for fame is one of the most popular desires that people have. Yet, it’s perplexing why this is. Personally, I think that it is rather silly. Why do you want fame? To have followers, groupies or get offered free sex on demand?

People, if that is what you want, then you just go ahead and ask for it directly. If you want to have loads of sex with strangers who are enraptured with you, then ask for that in your intention prayers. You don’t need to ask for “fame”.

The problem with fame is “thought imposition”. The associated thoughts and quantum environment associated with others will severely influence your life. Trust me, you DO NOT want large groups of people thinking negatively about you. Or, even if it is positive, these thoughts can severely impact your ability to direct your own thoughts.

Never the less, I am placing the free desktop splash photo for those desirous of “Fame” here. In every case, you absolutely MUST associate it with the following affirmation / prayer.

I utilize the desktop image display on my computer to help cultivate the reality that my world-line is.

In all cases, the dominant male figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself. 

The manifestation of this reality is gradual and safe and is in alignment with my deepest desires. However, at any event, the manifestation of fame as pictured will be positive in every way, and will not have any negative connotations or spawn negative associated events.

Here’s my suggested image desktop splash intention photo;

Desktop splash for Fame intention.
Desktop splash for Fame intention.


Sex. It’s a biological driven human attribute. If you do not have the desire to reproduce, or at least go through the motions of reproducing, then you are not living life. All humans desire sex.

It might not be politically correct, but that is the way it is.

Which is one of the reasons why tyrannical governments ban vices, such as sex out of marriage in order to control people. It is a very common and human element that is very easy to use to control others with.

As are other things, like mind altering substances (alcohol) and things that are fun. It's a way of controlling people.

“Everything I love is illegal, banned or dangerous.”

When constructing you very own dream splash canvas, you can be very generous with the images used. However, take most special attention to their selection.

Improperly selected images, and splash screens without a detailed prayer / intention affirmation can easily result in conditions, situations and environments that you might find undesirable. Be very careful, precise and exact when selecting the images that you wish to use.

Desktop splash image for generating an intention prayer of Sex to manifest.
Desktop splash image for generating an intention prayer of Sex to manifest. Be very careful in your selection of images to use. If you are not careful, the more undesirable elements of thought generation can manifest with negative consequences. Be careful.


The reader will notice that all of the images depict people and are representative of situations that people are in. That’s the way a dream / intention canvas works.

Picture and image the situations.

Do not image things.

You cannot display pictures of money and expect that it is to be associated with you having lots of money in your wallet. Instead, it is just a picture of an item. And you, constantly seeing that item, turns it into a kind of world-line scenery; Something that might lie around you, but not anything that you are associated with.

Not exactly what you want.

You see this all the time. People set up dream intention boards with nice expensive cars, pictures of houses, and images of a lot of nice things. They will include words that describe what they want to accomplish in their life.

While it will contribute to the world-line direction that the creator intended, it will be done so inefficiently. You need to explicitly map out your desires and intentions and navigate properly in a very careful manner.

After all, you don’t want to make the same kinds of mistakes that our hero Elliot made in the movie “Bedazzled“, do you?

Elliot Richards (Brendan) would give  anything to have Allison Gardner (Frances O'Connor) in his life, or so  he says. Who should overhear? The devil (Elizabeth Hurley) of course.  She offers him "seven absolutely fabulous wishes for one piddling little  soul". Only Elliot finds out that you don't always get what you wish  for.  
Elliot as a basketball star. He’s a great star, bigger in life in so many ways… well every way except for one teeny, tiny thing. Just a small thing, really.

The image you use, or the images you select MUST have a special meaning and association with you personally. Which is why many intention / dream splash screen canvases must be made intentionally for your own wishes and desires, as well as to have a prayer dialog that you must recite daily that will reset your thought direction, for world-line navigation, properly.

Here is a sample splash screen for a Happiness directed intention.

Happiness directed intention / dream splash screen photo.
Happiness directed intention / dream splash screen photo.

Wine and Cats

The most effective intention splash screens are those that represent people, and actions. However, you the reader should note that there are other techniques that can be used in a dream splash canvas. Here we explore one such concept.

Here is a splash screen for a person who wants a life filled with wine and plenty of kitty-cat friends…

Wine & cats intention splash image for the desktop.
Wine & cats intention splash image for the desktop.

There are no limits

There are really no limits to the direction that you want your life to evolve into. You simply think about your goals and dreams, all the time, while also removing all the nonsense from others, the news, and other’s manufactured problems. Stay pure, and you will walk the path to your deepest desires.

You can use many clusters of pictures

Many people create an Intention / Dream board that they place on their wall. This is often filled with photographs and images that were cut out of magazines. Every time they see this board, they are instantly reminded of their goals and dreams, and thus it serves it’s most exacting purpose.

In today’s computerized age, I suggest using the computer to do the same thing, and while my examples have one singular photo on it, in my own personal case, I use multiple images myself, creating a collage.

Here is an example of a “fairly decent” dream board. They use imagery that is important to them, and use words to specify the purpose and utility for the images.

A example dream board found on the internet.
A example dream board found on the internet. It describes possessions, lifestyle, and other aspects of the desired world-line goals that are intended to manifest.

You see, everyone is different.

We all have different desires, goals, needs, wants and interests. So each dream splash screen will be different for different people. And, while I argue that you need to let the intention splash screen be a part of a tool kit for manifesting your reality, how you use the tools will depend on your own experiences, lifestyle and needs.

Here’s another example.

Another example of an inspiration / dream / intention board.
Another example of an inspiration / dream / intention board. This one is better than most as the use of images tie together to describe an overall theme or lifestyle.


When you get on the internet, you will see all kinds of examples of people describing their intention / dream boards. You will also find many that monetize this effort.

Do not fall for that trap. The United States has become one great big vending machine and the people are the commodity.

Keep this most important fact in mind. You do not need to pay anyone for anything regarding how you think.

Also… Your thoughts are private.

We have come to accept the idea that you can police discourse on the internet, that the government agencies can extract history, reasoning, and behaviors from you at will, and that your thoughts are subject to scrutiny.

That is false.

Not only is it all against the 1st, 4th and 9th amendments to the United States Constitution, but it is a fundamental nature of yourself as a human. Privacy is a human need.

No. The "elected" officials in the United States are NOT doing their job, nor have they been since the last 150 years or so. But that is a subject for another time.

You need NEVER justify why you desire something to manifest in your life. It is secret and only between you and your God.

Everyone’s mind works differently

When I use the term “mind” I am referring to HOW the consciousness implants thoughts into the brain. It also includes how the brain reacts to the physical stimulus that surrounds it in this reality (that it inhabits).

Everyone’s mind works differently.

Oh we are often under the impression that while there might be deviance in thoughts from the baseline “normal”. That is all false. Really, really false. We all think differently. Do not assume that others will understand you or accept your thought processes. They won’t. It’s a foregone conclusion and do not even bother trying to explain anything.

His vrs Her thoughts.
It’s funny because it is so very true. Girls and guns. So very funny.

Do not assume anything. Live your own life to the best of your ability. Do not care, or give any consideration to what others think of you, your actions or your thoughts.


Creating an inspiration or dream board is a fundamental technique for a person to pilot their life to manifest their desires.

It works on the quantum physics principle of the observer effect.

Secrets of the universe

Why it works is not well understood outside of MAJestic. That is because the vast bulk of the world has absolutely zero concept of how the universe works. However, we in MAJestic (well at least those in my sub-project) know quite well the mechanism involved.

It’s simple really.

There is no singular fixed reality. Instead there are a near infinite number of realities.

Our consciousness moves through each one, forming a path.

This path is called time.

We travel at a rate, more or less, around 4Hz.

The selection of the next reality for us to inhabit is determined by our thoughts. Typically, we migrate to realities that are defined by our thoughts that are influenced by the world around us. This can be dangerous and evil people use media to manipulate, and thus cause our travel path to bend and twist towards realities that we might not want to participate in.

Therefore, to manifest the life that we desire to live, we need to do three things…

  • Turn off all negative, distracting, and disruptive thoughts that surround us.
  • Stay away from people with strong thoughts and personalities that are contrary to our desires.
  • Focus our thoughts on our ultimate goals.

A vision dream (intention) splash desktop will help accomplish this. Provided that it is linked to a daily prayer that includes the subject matter listed.

Related Links

Here’s some other related links for the interested fellow or chick.

Using Intention to make your life sparkle.
The Nature of the Universe

A little bit more background for the more scientifically inclined…

Ah, and why I ended up learning the utility of all this as part of MAJestic. Here is the end ball game…

Final Note

This is how it works people. And, at that, perhaps this is my MAJestic gift to the world.

The things we did with our extraterrestrial benefactors was intended to help sort out the sentience selection for the human species. It seems to me that it is still in flux, but that need not concern you all. What you should be concerned with is how you can truly embrace the life that we live and customize it to fit your ultimate desires.

Being able to control our thoughts is the FIRST step in mastery of our life. You can do this through [1] prayer, and [2] visualization.

There is a reason why ritual is important. For ritual permits proper direct visualization so that prayer can be conducted without distraction.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

What is going on in Hollywood?
Why no High-Speed rail in the USA?
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
The two family types and how they work.
How to manage a family household.
Soups, Sandwiches and ice cold beer.
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Things I wish I knew.
Bronco Billy
How they get away with it
Paper Airplanes
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons
The Rule of Eight

Funny Pictures

Picture Dump 1

Be the Rufus – Tales of Everyday Heroism.

Be the Rufus - 1

Articles & Links

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  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
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More Discussions regarding Soul and Extraterrestrials.

Here is a continuation of a dialog with an influencer. Provided for your interest and consideration.

The discussion continues…

Conversely, they COULD have killed you instead of just driving you into defacto exile. From the government’s perspective, I’d hate to be the bureaucrat on-the-hook if you were to ran amok with your implants and all. It certainly is a shitty life sentence you ended up with but I definitely feel your pain! If your story is true (I think it is), I’d like offer my support in gratitude of your service to country. Besides, maybe your benefactors would look well upon my friendship towards you 😉

About my retirement. I haven’t written about this, at least nothing that I published. But they DID try to do something other than exile. It’s a story that needs to be said, but I have a very difficult time grappling with it. So, I just think that now is not the time to mention it. It would only “muddy the waters”.

Looking back, I should be happy that things worked out as they did. Evidence shows that things could have been much worse for me.

During the retirement procedure, there were (other) efforts to terminate my role more effectively. However, the EBP enabled me to side-step those efforts. (Maybe that’s exactly the kind of thing that the folk in Washington were afraid of… Nah. The retirement team had absolutely no idea of what I was involved in.)

As far as I understand it, I was going to be retired no matter what.

This was a fate that I signed up for, even though, I had no idea about it. There wasn’t much that I could do about it, except… I could (through my MAJestic training, sidestep the non-MAJestic operations and) select how the retirement sequence would manifest. 

Believe me, I took the easiest and safest route.

And so here I am.

I have a big write-up on the actual retirement procedure in Pine Bluff, AR. How the respective agents were flown in, and the reactivation of the ELF probes while I was tied down in a safe location. It’s a pretty comprehensive narrative, but now is not the time to publish it. It’s all written from my point of view and it is really confusing.

It is very confusing. Sort of like the movie “Naked Lunch”. It’s a very difficult read to follow, as my experiences lay outside my physical experiences as viewed by everyone else.

When we watch movies, we watch it from a third person perspective. But no one could possibly view my experiences with any kind of rational understanding as it was all in a first person perspective. So it is very, very confusing.

Look at this scene below. Can you understand what is going on in it?

Naked Lunch screen shot.
Movie still from the movie “Naked Lunch”. It portrays the vision of a world from the eyes of a man addicted to bug poison. It is a difficult movie to understand if you are a third person observer of a first person themed movie.

Anyways, thanks for your heart-felt concern.

I had a very strange and ostensibly missing-time (about 3 hours) dream last Tuesday night, that’s never happened before! 

That dream of yours is very interesting to me. It really is.

First of all dreams are many things. Fundamentally, it is just the brain relaxing and the brain memories firing and imagination going off in tangents. That’s just plain old innocuous dreaming. But, if you are in certain states of mind, it can be other things; more critical and active things. For instance, when a loved one passes on, they can come and visit you.

That’s a great example of this.

Painting of a dream.
A most wonderful painting titled the “dream of St. Joseph”. Angels and information can be imparted in our dreams.

An experience we had while we slept.

When I was in my Senior year at Syracuse, I was crashed out with my friends Jay and Peter in their dorm room. One of our friends, Marty, had died suddenly three days earlier. He was playing football. He had a brain aneurysm and died. Now, I knew him, but I wasn’t as close to him as Peter and Jay was. I knew him by his nick-name “Rhino”. What he would do is head-butt everyone he met. So that’s how he made friends.

Anyways, three days after he died, at around 4am, Peter, Jay and myself all woke up simultaneously. It seems that Marty had visited all of us in our sleep. He told us not to worry that he was fine and happy, and he was saying good-bye to us for now. The thing is that we all all immediately woke up simultaneously at the same time and had similar (if not the same) dreams.

Dreaming and communication.
We can have communications while we are at rest and our mind relaxes. This happens quite often and everyone has experienced it.

What you can take out of this is that consciousness (of one person) can access the minds, thoughts and memories of others through dreams.

This means of providing information to the brain, directly by consciousness exists. It doesn’t need to be a close friend or loved one that died. It can be through artifice, like my EBP, or through ELF radiation via the ELF probe kits. It can also be through other consciousnesses and other entities that have the necessary permissions to do so.

The “Guardian Angel”.

Everyone, that is every human, has a “guardian angel”. This is an entity that goes by many names; Spiritualists, Angels, Mantids, and the like. There are paintings of these creatures as tall and big beautiful human-shaped creatures with wings.

The artists took a great deal of artistic license in painting the creatures. They painted them as large humans, often male, with wings, handsome and often possessed a halo or other heavenly “signature” around the head.

In all actuality, they are a species that protects our human species. They are invertebrates. They are multi-dimensional. They work for a higher purpose.

Guardian angel.
Every person has a guardian angel. This is a consciousness that exists as a multi-dimensional being and that assists and guides our consciousness as it travels forth within our individual realities. This is a painting of a guardian angel from 1900.

They and they alone have the necessary permissions to access your consciousness on anything more than a trivial communication level. Loved ones can communicate, but the transmission of more complex forms of data is restricted to those with permissions. When the more intense data-streams are provided, you will be able to recognize it through one or more of the following experiences..

  • Dead-sleep. No dreams at all. A big blank of zero memories.
  • Intensively different and vivid dreams, with sounds, colors, and smells.
  • Dreams about attending schools or educational institutions, etc.

The mechanism for “special dreams”.

This is the mechanism how these “special” dream conditions manifest. It works like this…

Now, when a person is exposed to a new kind of knowledge or experience, the mind and the consciousness comes to grips and tries to understand that information. This will result in different thoughts, and dreams.

Now, these thoughts and dreams can be thought of as a kind of “prayer”. You aren’t trying to ask or pray for anything. But, what is happening is that you have set up a “carrier wave” that your “guardian angel” can notice. They, in turn, adjusts your Earth experience to fit.

Carrier wave

This tells me that your path in and out of the various realities; your “time” had been altered and it had a course correction and a new vector. It will direct you to something good, for you on your own personal level.

What it is, I don’t know. What I can tell you is that is a very good sign.

The Progenitors.

Tell me more about the progenitors if you don’t mind?

OK, now about the Progenitors. I know of them, but what I know is rather sparse.

They have “seeded” this section of the galaxy many, many years ago. Maybe one billion years ago.

This means that they have “planted” rudimentary lifeforms adapted to the environment where planted. This meant that they took some kind of basic “primordial biological stew” (a biological template) and mixed it with various promising local native life. Thus, creating a kind of pre-species life that would eventually become some kind of intelligent native species.

When they were involved in this procedure and operation, they had physical bodies, and traveled in vehicles.

I do not know what they looked like. I have no idea about their appearance, size, or biology in any way. For all I know, they could be telepathic cats. I just do not know.

The cat from outer space.
THE CAT FROM OUTER SPACE, 1978, © Buena Vista

They went all over the galaxy and traveled far and wide. They planted “kits” of biological entities. These kits were merged with local life and created very early life-forms.

Sometimes the life-forms survived and grew. Other times they died off. The progenitors were aware of this, and while they hoped that the life forms would grown, they recognized that they might not take.

This species traveled far and wide in our galaxy, as well as in other galaxies! That I do know.

They were active in seeding the universe, at least in our corner of it. The impression that I have is that they were involved in this activity long AFTER the (initial primary) sentience disruption period, but long before any kind of local galactic government formation.

Local galaxy group.
Here is a three dimensional rendering of our enormous galaxy and the locations of the other nearby galaxies. It is my understanding that the Progenitors were space faring creatures that seeded our galaxy and neighboring galaxies.

They (might have) periodically came back to check and revise their creations. But I don’t know if this ever happened with our Earth.

What I do know is that they transitioned into non-physical multi-dimensional entities at the same time that the Mantids were active and alive on our planet. I believe that the two species were aware of each other, but I do not know if they ever collaborated together, but I do know that the Progenitors sort of “passed on the torch” to the Mantids in regards to human care-taking.

Whatever happened between the Progenitors and the Mantids, the Mantids now have a major role in sentience evolution of humans on the Earth.

Local environment showing local galaxies.
This is a more detailed picture of the local group showing more detail and the various structures that lie around us.

There are ruins and some progenitor artifacts laying around in our solar system, but I do not know where they are or what they would look like.

Write a book?

You should write a book, maybe: “Gray Agenda”. You’ve already got the manuscript basically done. The description might be: “A first person account of the intentions the extraterrestrial races have planned for the people of Earth” (or something along those lines).

Writing an allegory about classified events IS legal as long as no one is named or harmed in the process (ie “Sebastian”). Besides, you never signed an NDA plus I believe that you are currently the highest declassification authority within in your compartment, anyway. I’d buy it! 

About the Slides.

On the other topic, are there no “black-hat” (bad guys) out there? What about evil, the devil and such things, you must of run into such things in your “slides” to alternate realities?

You never actually discussed how the “slide” occurs and when things look like while in transit (more gray wall)? Would love to hear about that too!

Oh, you have opened up a huge keg of worms. I will respond to this, but where all my other correspondence was extraterrestrial studies 101, this enters in to the realm of “OMG, where do I begin?”. It’s really out there.

If you think that what I have already disclosed is far-out, you have no idea, how far “down the rabbit hole this thing goes”.

I’ll respond better once I gather my thoughts and I will do my best to keep it simple.

Firstly, [A] please take note (and take heart) that I am and have always been, protected by the Mantids. (You can kindly refer to them by the moniker of “Angelics”, if you wish. I like to think of them as Guardian Angels.)

I look at it sort of like this;

You have a five year old that wants to walk all over the place, but has no idea about roads, trucks, ferocious dogs, and bee stings. You want to protect the five year old, but you don’t want to overly coddle it. The child has to learn, don’t ya know.

It’s sort of like that.

There were so many times that I could have ended up in automobile accidents, getting a serious illness, lost a loved one, or had my very being disassembled and parted-out to other entities. Listen, it’s a dangerous world out there, and it is way, way beyond our ability to deal with alone.

Angels protect us.
We are always watched by our guardian angels. They assist us in steering our realities in such as way as to assist our spiritual growth of consciousness. We are never alone. Never. If you don’t believe me, take a large dosage of MDA. See for yourself. MDA in large doses can temporarily suppress elements that block our view of the “man behind the curtain”.

As much as I would love to chat about this, you [B] also asked about the slides.

Now, that is an encyclopedia in itself. I’ll tell you what. Now, today, I don’t think nothing about it, but it’s actually a complicated process.

Implants, probes, EBP & ELF operation.

The ELF probes monitor the actions and activities for the MAJestic organization present in the reality that I inhabit at that time.

The EBP device is itself, timeless.

The EBP device is not a “stand alone” mechanism. Instead it is a “cog” or an “I/O” device that interfaces with other mechanisms.

These other mechanisms are quire complex, and I know exactly zero about them. However, what I do know is that the next most important element that the EBP interface with is a biological artifice.

Fundamentally, the only way that the EBP can work is when it operates though use of an artifice. This artifice is biological in nature. It it is not enjoined with that artifice, then it cannot work. It is just “dead”.

Now, you might think of the EPB as a computer or a complex electronic mechanism, but that is incorrect. It is a biological computer with a dedicated function. It connects to another biological device; the artifice. It, in turn, is controlled by a extraterrestrial “pilot”.

Stranger and Stranger

If you are a species that can access the MWI at will; the ability to traverse world-lines, then you can secure your operations in places that are safe and secure from others.

As such, this artifice is located on [A.1] another planet, that resides [A.2] within another reality. Think of it as another “world-line”. A species that can move in and out of world-lines has the ability to place critical infrastructure on “safe” and “protected” world-lines.

In other words, it’s really hard for some highly motivated contemporaneous oligarch, like George Soros (for instance), to tinker with operations HQ located on the planet Mars. That is most especially true when the planet Mars, and the HQ is located on a world-line where the Earth did not exist.

So, I m a “Commander” who works in behalf of the arrangements with MAJestic. The operation of the process is controlled via artifice with a controller who I refer to as the “pilot”. The pilot is of the type-I grey species, but the artifice links to the Mantid species “thought highway”.

Of course, my terms are really weird. Simply because there are no terms for this in the English Language.
EBP operation
Generalized overview of the rules and operation of the EBP. The Type-1 grey operates the artifice as the Pilot. The human with the EBP is the Commander.

It gets complicated.

For the longest time, I was under the impression that the type-I greys did not have the ability to recognize world-line slides and what happens. I thought only the Mantids know the entire process and procedure that I am involved in. I was under the impression that only the type-1 greys operate the technology.

Now I am not so sure.

I will talk about this in much more detail. But I feel that I have overwhelmed you in the process. So let’s stop here, for now.

White Hats.

No, I knew about the bit players like the Mantids and the Grays but never knew how they fit into the puzzle, I take it they are the white-hats?Are you familiar with the Tall Whites and Charles Hall’s story?

I don’t know anything about the Charles Hall story. At least, as I recall. I will check it out on the internet and get back with you on it.

I went through the above links. No, I have absolutely zero experience with this species. I have nothing that even resembles any of this. However the writings are quite interesting. It’s not the kind of stuff that an author or hoaxter would come up with. Even though I have zero experience with this species, I DO KNOW that MAJestic has been working with numerous species.

"He explains that the pencil weapon can be used to stimulate calcium atomic frequencies to cause great pain like being burned, but one was not actually burned. When the iodine setting is used by the stun gun it can cause one to bleed to death. He compared this to the black plague when people would bleed to death due to arteries being weakened and blood would leak out causing death. In an email, Charles clarified how the pencil weapon works: “The pencil weapon could be set to stimulate the atomic frequencies of Sodium, Calcium or Iodine. Stimulating the Sodium atoms caused immense pain because it caused the nerves to discharge. If the weapon is set high enough, it can cause instant death. Stimulating the Calcium atoms caused the reverse (i.e. sleep, calmness, relaxation etc ) because it causes the nerves to reset and relax. Stimulating the Iodine atoms, of course, as described in book three, causes death by internal bleeding because it causes chemical changes that allow the blood to pass through the walls of the arteries in and around the thyroid gland.” "

The “Tall Whites” are NOT the Mantid species.

The type-1 greys are an intermediary that carry on work for and along the purposes of the Mantids.

A typical slide.

Take me through a typical “slide”, does conservation of mass and energy hold in the MWI, sounds like not?

Conservation of mass and energy holds true only within a given reality. Reality slides are movement from one reality to another. The consciousness moves, and when it does it does so in the form of waves, as opposed to particle, form.

Each reality is ψ-epistemic. It is a self-contained reality that runs from nothing to nothing, with all kinds of things going on between those two points. There is a near-infinite number of realities that exist. these realities exist in a universe or baseline structure. This universe is ψ-ontic .

You can move from reality to reality in all sorts of ways.

The most common is (of course) “the arrow of time”. We, and those around us think and process thoughts. All of this constructs the next momentary reality that our consciousness inhabits. It is so ingrained in our mind that we just move about ahead naturally with little in the way of thought consideration. We consider it “natural’. That is, because it actually is natural.

The second way, is “dimensional travel”. You can “jump” through one reality into another. This can get complicated. As you need to know where you are, and where you want to go. You need coordinates in a minimum of 11 dimensions (as far as I understand).

My first slide was through a “dimensional door”, and it was exactly as I described it. You disappear into thin air, and reappear elsewhere. If you are walking through the egress tube, you will pass through something that would appear to be a curtain of water, and when you exit it, you will actually feel wet. Then, it will be as nothing happened.

There are “grades” or techniques of this kind of travel.

  • Dimensional portal
  • Manufactured bubble (as in a vehicle)
  • Manufactured bubble (as in a small handheld device)
  • 7th dimensional entry and egress.
  • My EBP artifice supported travel.

I have written about all the other kinds. You have the dimensional portal travel the MAJestic uses with the type-1 greys. You have the manufactured bubble travel such as the John Titor saga, and the mysterious woman in the aluminum foil coat. You have the 7th dimensional entry and egress as shown by the mystery woman in the airport, or the bicycle riding man in Russia. And finally, you have EBP directed travel.

Almost all of my experiences is via EBP. So my slides are going to differ from any of the other methods.

The EBP, firstly gives me the ability to see my reality normally, as well as to “sense” other nearby realities. I can, for instance, sense realities that can be harmful to me, and other realities that will be great for me. This gives me a greater degree of control in the overall immediate direction of my life.

These realities are momentary visions. They pop in and out, and jiggle about. They are controlled by thought, and the surrounding physical environment.

As cool as this sounds, I am handicapped in whether or not I can take advantage of any potential reality directions that are presented to me. That is because my ability to travel about these nearby realities can be locked in or out by the EBP artifice. Yes, the “pilot” can make sure that I am steered in the right direction so that the Mantids Type-1 Greysvget the most efficient benefit of my actions and activities.

Which really sucks. You know, you see an “opportunity” and it is right there if only you do XXX or YYY. You can see it plainly.

Yet as soon as you want to do XXX, the EBP locks you out.

Why it sucks to be me.

They have always wanted me to represent “average”. Not “average” college graduate. Not “average” Naval Aviator. Not “average” type-A personality hard worker…. no. They want me to be entirely “average”, from the most slothful lazy jackass to the most aggressive rich oligarch billionaire.


Which means, and one thing that I really resent, is that they took Sebastian and myself (above average in intelligence, skill sets, and motivations) and put us in a situation where we represented the average person. Which is far lower in intelligence. Far lower in skill set. Far lower in motivations.

My life.
This is pretty much how it manifested to me personally. You push and you strive to be the top 1% of the 1% of the 1% (as repeatedly told to us at NAS NASC Pensacola FL). But the role in MAJestic was such that I had to represent the “average” American. That meant that the reality that surrounded me would be locked down and suppressed to be the reality that most Americans would experience. It sucked.

No matter what I would want to do, and no matter that I could clearly see how the realities would open up, I would be locked out of the opportunities in order to maintain my role within MAJestic.


How it worked.

The MAJestic pilot would control the artifice in such a way that the course that I am to follow and the world that I am to experience is mapped out. In a non-MAJestic world, I might have a path that would go A-B-C-D-E-F. But, in MAJestic, my role would be for me to experience reality Z.

So the pilot would map out a path that would be A-B-C1-E2-G5-T8-X-Y-Z.

The adjacent realities that I would experience could sometimes deviate quite substantially from my previous reality. The deviations are immediate and you don’t really know what is going on except what you “feel” and the over all “sensing” of the situation. This is true, even though there are some visual clues that the EBP provides.

Let’s relate an experience that I had years ago, and use it to illustrate how the system worked.

It was back in the early 1990’s, I don’t remember when, but let’s imagine that it was around 1991 or 1992. I was in a roadside restaurant with my wife. It was a local diner, not a chain diner like the Waffle House or anything like that. Just a normal glass walled stainless steel box with a counter and booths along the windows.

Roadside diner.
The diner looked a little something like this. Photo obtained from the internet, and I haven’t a clue as to who the old man is, so don’t ask. Photo is for illustrative purposes. This event happened long before cell phones, and while I did have a 35mm camera, it was not with me that day, and I did not take pictures to record the events.

A normal person would go in, order from the menu, eat, pay and leave. The process would be pretty predictable and would be along the lines of A-B-C-D-E-F. After a 45 minute span of time, the man would be at reality F.

For me, however, it would be different.

My objective was to occupy reality Z after 45 minutes in the restaurant. To do this, the pilot would send me; the “commander”, along a different reality track. I would “slide” along a different route to my destination. I would go A-B-C1-E2-G5-T8-X-Y-Z.

I entered the diner with my wife normally. Now, you know, I knew that I was dealing with slides immediately. I could feel the differences. I could sense the changes. There would be different smells for starters.

After we looked at the menu, I ordered a hamburger platter with fries and a cup of coffee. My wife ordered some eggs and toast. The restaurant smelled like a normal restaurant, but then I started to notice that it smelled strongly of curry, as well as raisins. It was like you were walking around the booths of an international fair full of exotic foods and flavors of the world. It no longer smelled of hamburger and fries.

It smelled of lamb and curry.

The waitress brought out our dishes and I was eating a curry-gyro with rice, and a tall glass of white wine. My wife, who now had a really dark tan, was busily attacking her tuna-fish salad. As we ate, I started to notice that the normal day started to variate in a substantially different direction. The sky was no longer blue, but it was a glaring white and people were rubbing their eyes. The girls were also trending towards long skirts, and the guys were no longer wearing tee-shirts, but rather plain white button-down white short-sleeve shirts.

By the time my meal was finished, it was back to a half-eaten hamburger, but I was drinking coke instead of wine or the coffee that I ordered. My wife was full from the taco-salad that she had, and her skin was back to being light color. She and I were both wearing tee-shirts again. Though, they were “newer” than I recalled before the dive. She also now was a smoker, while before we went into the restaurant, she did not smoke.

Our car was back to being the same as it was, except that the car was a little wider than it was before, and on the drive home, there were some roads that were missing. I went home and discovered that I had an extra cat in the house, as well as some bills that apparently needed to be paid (yet again). In this 45 minute interlude, I dove to reality Z, via really odd-ball realities to get where I needed to go.

The need to dive into really strange realities has always been a kind of mystery to me, but the real reason is that we can only travel into adjacent realities using the EBP. To use this method, you need to dive into really strange adjacent realities to resurface into a nearby objective reality that would be prohibitively difficult for me to reach otherwise.

More questions.

Very fascinating, did you know before hand there was a slide planned for that day?

No. I never knew. They just happened, and I rode them whether I liked it or not. They came at all hours of the day and at night.

Generally they were not disruptive in any way that was life threatening, but they were discordant. You could be watching a movie, and find out that they movie changed during a slide. For instance, in this reality Roxanne is a comedy about a man with a really big nose. However, when it first came out, the reality that I was in as different. Instead of Steve Martin being the lead actor, it was John Candy.

What were/are the Mantids trying to do, stabilize the overall reality streams? Maybe reduce the probability of war (say)? Increase human awareness or sentience? Move us more towards “Service to others” soul types?

I really don’t know for sure. No one ever told me anything.

What I can sense is that the slides were [1] important. They [2] assisted the Mantids in gauging the direction and situation of the “human condition”. This enabled them [3] to alter trends and reality via the MWI for a portion of the population. (No, the human population does not share similar realities. Instead they play the percentages. Thus, forcing me to ride the “averages”.)

[4] The type-1 grey had a role(s) as a pilot. He followed the direction from the Mantids, and used their abilities and interfaced with the Type-1 grey technology. This required a biological artifice, but how it all worked, I haven’t a clue.

Now, they (the Mantids) did not care if humans suffered. They did not care if humans prospered. They did not care. What they cared about was the general direction of human sentience. Why they would have been pleased if all humans moved towards to “service to others” sentience, they never expected that to ever happen. What they wanted to do was “push” the conditions of the MWI reality shared by many human consciousnesses towards the consciousness that they are most likely to migrate towards.

The type- greys did not care either. What they wanted was to identify those humans that would migrate to the “Service to self” and “service to another” consciousness so that they would then work onto either farming them as an adjunct to their species – a sub-species (farming or being farmed), or being assimilated into their hive or matrix soul configuration.

Some might have this happen quickly, but my understanding is that it might take many reincarnations. The push to ride the slides was a way to monitor the evolutionary process.

So once you were “in” the slides from A-B-C…n, it just kept coming until they were done? That must have been maddening!

Yes it was. Sometimes I was horrible and I really would get frustrated. But, in some way, I do not know how, the pilot was able to predetermine just how far I could be pushed. It would be rather counter-productive to have me kill myself because I thought I was mad.

Imagine that you really want to eat pizza. All day you are looking forward to having pizza. You sit down and eat pizza in a restaurant, only to find out that in the current world-line pizza consists of pizza bread covered in corn and ketchup. Or when you go to work and find out that the project that you have spent the last four months working on had never existed, or discovering that your pretty decent boss was replaced with a jack-ass. Or, buying a new car only to have it revert to a distressed clunker. Or, getting used to paying in 2 and 3 dollar bills and discovering that in the current world-line they never existed.

Or winning the lottery (not a big multi-million dollar payout, but $1000 is big news), and suddenly finding out that you had never bought the ticket in your new world line. Finding out your sister had four children not five. Discovering that you now had different musical tastes on this new world line, or that your wife was suddenly allergic to popcorn (so she wouldn’t ever go to the movies).

In general, the most important aspects of life remained pretty much constant, though their appearance might change. Loved ones, friends, pets all pretty much didn’t change that much outside of appearance.

Your wife might have long black hair, then she might have short curly hair. Stuff like that.

7th dimensional egress.

BTW, I think that Russian guy on the bike materializing is actually an artifact of how digital video works, I think he was riding from a direction where the camera software had aliased the area as blank (no change between scans) to an area where it was actively recording (the left side), that’s why he seems to suddenly appear from behind the person walking. You see this all the time on YouTube videos, where someone pops into frame because the camera software just noticed them moving (a change between scans). Sometimes though, it captures something on the unexplainable side, those are the weird ones (like a leprechaun, or little person or ghost thing running by, there’s LOTS of them too). The ones where someone just “pops” in are mostly due to the way digital video process images though. 

This information about the guy on the bike is something to think about on numerous levels. I do not have all the answers just some perceptions given my previous experience.

You know, if you rode a bike you could explain to non-bike riders how much fun it is, and what it is like to have the air on your face. You could talk about putting air in the tires and so forth. Maybe you would not know anything about motorcycles, but you could guess with some degree of accuracy. I would think that its sort of like that.

The only point I was making about the “pop-in” videos is that most are easily explained as an artifact of how digital cameras work, that’s all. 

This could very well be true. I need to think about it. The problem that I have about this is that the images show that this “artifact” is selective in application. Why so, if the point of view of the camera as an observer is just different hued pixels?

More on slides.

Gyros are good but I would not like curry pizza, that I know for sure! 😉

Actually, I never had any idea of when a slide would materialize. It was always without notice and could come at the most inconvenient times.

I well remember once I was giving an important presentation. The managers above me were all in the room, and I turned to the white board to draw an arrow on a sketch that I had been working on only to find the board was blank. I then turned around and the room was empty. I was in a reality where I wasn’t giving the presentation.

Yes, it was maddening. In fact, if I didn’t know better, I would certainly believe that I was loony-tunes.

The why.

As far as to the why… well, no one ever told me anything. I have only come up with my own understandings. I do know that the type-1 greys would be tickled pink if they could harvest a large portion of the human population over to their sentience. They would then partition them out as either assimilated co-drones, or as farmed sentience’s. Ohhhh. That’s a horrible fate. They would be farmed for their experiences, and then the quantum associations would be excised and extracted, and they would then live another experience, but without ever obtaining the quantum arrangement benefits. Yuck. They view this transitional period much longer than we humans would recognize…say 500 years or so.

The Mantids are moving a pace and expect to assist in a sizable portion of humans towards a different kind of sentience. This sizable number would be smaller than any number harvested by the Greys.

Both species recognize that the human species are a transitional or temporary species. We will evolve into something else. The path that we will take will be one such that there would be but three ultimate destinations.

The lowest of the “service for self”, and many of the “service for another” would eventually evolve towards incarnations as “farmed sentience’s”. This would be life in Hell. I am not at all kidding.

The type-1 greys.

The Grays sound distinctively demonic, based upon your experience. I have heard of other stories where people have evoked the name of Jesus while being abducted and they have frozen on terror, now why should an alien from a difference star system have any care about the name of Christ if they are not demonic in their orientation? 

I have also read about Russian Orthodox priests who state that there is no element of the Gray Aliens that doesn’t sound satanic in their actions and properties.

I do not know about involing the name of Jesus.

But, the vast bulk of humanity, would pretty much evolve towards a “service for self” sentience as it would fit within a Type-1 grey hive or matrix soul configuration. In that case, it would be sort of like “Purgatory”. There would no longer be an individual soul that they would advance, but rather they would be part of something else. They would function as a tiny gear in a huge and vast machine (metaphorically speaking).

Those that are “service for others” would advance to a new higher-energy sentience and would transcend the physical reality. Ultimately becoming inter-dimensional beings, and closer to “God”. It would be like living in Heaven. This is what the Mantids are working towards.

The dives.

These dives that I was involved in, differed from a regular slide. I like to think that a slide would be a minor alteration of my reality, as they often were. But a dive was a series of slides that went all over the place (with different realities), eventually wrapping up at a different point. I think that the dives were necessary because, otherwise I would choose or select a reality that might be personally harmful to me personally or detrimental to my MAJestic objectives.

For instance, I might get fired, when it was necessary for me to continue working at a company. Or I might get tangled up with some chick, when it would result in me getting hurt or ill. Or, I might end up in the wrong place where I would die in a car accident. To move me around and avoid these circumstance, I had to be placed on dive detours. Some of which were really crazy. I related the deep dive that sent me into a really alternative reality, but there were others. Many others. I lived this life for three decades. Ugh.

The Greys as Borgs

That taken with your logical rationalizing about the Hell experience the selfish human souls being “farmed” into by them and end up makes me arrive to the same conclusion. Their Gray-Borg farm is a loser for humanity, sounds like to me, how about you?

So, I don’t want to be insulting but from the sound of your past experiences, I think you were being used (big time). They signed you up for something that in 20/20 hindsight, you would have probably declined.

The Grays do strike me as serving evil, there are many traits they seem to exhibit that confirm this: Their collective matrix-soul over the responsibility imparted to the individual, their disregard for the holiness of the physical body, their manipulation of humans to feed their psychic hunger, their consciousness splitting technology, it just goes on and on. Then there are the observations of other people who have studied this phenomenon such as Dr. John Mack and other ufologists. The conclusion is pretty obvious, they feed on us and the negative psychic energy they produce through us for their own appetite.


The effects of these abduction experiences on the personal transformation of abductees are very clearly enumerated by Dr. Mack (p. 48-49) and provide us with clear insight into the psychic and spiritual dimensions of the abduction experience. Once the initial terror of the experience subsides, and with the sense of familiarity or comfort that repeated abductions foster, abductees report profound changes in their philosophical outlook and understanding of themselves, others, and the world around them.

Dr. Mack identifies eight stages in this process of change:

1) The individual begins to accept the aliens and experiences what he calls an "ego death."

2) Abductees come to regard their abductors as "intermediaries...between...human beings and the primal source of creation or God."

3) They begin to think of their experiences as trans-temporal and trans-spatial, as "returning to their cosmic source or ‘Home.’"

4) The individual begins to feel that he is himself an alien, when he returns "back" to Earth.

5) Abductees come to understand existence in terms of "cycles of birth and death over long stretches of time."

6) The individual forms a feeling of "identification of consciousness with virtually endless kinds of beings and entities."

7) Abductees develop "a double identity," associating their souls with an alien identity and their personalities with a limited human self.

8) They report functioning beyond what they often call a "veil" and describe "being in multiple times and places at the same moment," among other things.


Well if you don’t want to comment, that’s alright, I understand (to a small degree) how hard the past 30 years must have been for you.

I do agree with you, but for some reason I am having difficulty in seeing evil. I am going to check out those links.

Opinions on the Greys.

From my fresh-eyed look at your experience and information listed plus what I have aggregated myself, I see the Grays as human soul hunters. They have been with us all through our history in one form or another and always from a negative understanding (evil).

Have they given us a cure for disease, a cure for cancer, a cure for hunger, mutual understanding and brotherhood among mankind, better water purification, free electricity in the form of nuclear fusion or some other means? NOPE! 

They have provided vehicle technology for our study and reverse engineering efforts. They have provided us dimensional door technology. They have been working with MAJestic on human DNA manipulation, and mapping. They have helped and assisted on non-lethal weapons systems.

However, they have most vigorously quarantined us from lunar exploration back in the 1970’s.

Slides to maximize the “hunting” expeditions.

Your slides seem to be their attempt to manipulated the time-lines in order to maximize the success of their hunting operations. They feed off of our suffering, selfishness and bad psychic energy which they use their technology to enable, that strikes me as pretty evil (no?). 

It is certainly very selfish. It is certainly “service to self” behavior. Whether or not it is evil from their point of view, I don’t think so. They seem to think that they are helping us as part of a greater plan. And, as part of that, some people are going to be hurt for the greater good of all.

Evil is as evil does.

There isn’t a single incidence ever recorded in our esoteric history of one of them helping us, every culture records them as bad. Even in modern times such as in the “Journey to Serpo” story, they only help us in order to help themselves screw us better. 

Are there any times when they helped you for purely unselfish reasons? I don’t know man, they sure seem demonic to me!

This is an angle and an idea that I have not thought of. I am still digesting the links that you gave me. I cannot say that I disagree with them, it’s just that the viewpoints are different from what I have accepted. I am still digesting them, and I do see some real truth there. There is nothing that I disagree with.

It’s that I am coming to grips with the idea of “pure evil”, when in my mind it is all neutral.

A “service to self” sentience is that way because it is the way it is. To me, a “service to self” sentience is inherently evil from a person who’s sentience is “service to others”. By looking at it this way, you can easily see who is who in the various roles.

I see a snake as a “service to self” species. They go about their life taking what they need and doing snake activities. They are all self-absorbed in what they want and cannot conceive helping others in any shape or form.

But, yes. You are absolutely correct. They do feed off our suffering. The thoughts generated during conflict create associations with the quanta and that means the construction of specific types of garbons. The more suffering, the greater the yield. Eventually they will harvest the “ripest fruit”. Now, I do know a little about this.

They are selective. They just do not want just any “fruit” or fresh garbon, to harvest. They want specially constructed ones, and they really want the ownership of the individual that creates such thoughts. Then they could farm and harvest at will. Over time, that person would migrate towards more, and more severe “service to self” behaviors. At that point in time, through reincarnation, they can then migrate and have the soul reconfigured from a (non-approved transitional) configuration into matrix or hive configuration from which they can assimilate into their Borg-like collective.

So, here is where I am trying to understand them. Remember, I have no answers. Just experience. To me, they seem to be “Lawful Neutral”, or “Lawful Evil” from my point of view, with “Neutral” and “Neutral Evil” being strong possibilities FROM MY POINT OF VIEW. From their point of view, I would think that they see themselves as “Neutral Good” or “Lawful Good”. Perceptions on this comes from our consciousness within this reality, as such it forms thoughts. How the thoughts arrange affect our individual soul growth. That is how it is all tied together.

Different types of good and evil.
Different types of good and evil.

This is an interesting thought stream. Need to ponder it some more. I don’t think that they are Demoniac, though it is a real possibility that they are Diabolic.

The idea that they might have intentionally forced me to endure trials and poor-assed experiences so that they could personally harvest my own garbons never actually occurred to me. I need to think about this more.

As you have a very good point.

I do believe that while my slides were for the purpose of sentience evolution for the purposes of the Mantids, it is also very… very possible that the Type-1 greys would also configure the system for their own profit. Which means that my MAJestic operations were to the benefit of both species, and that anything that I endured will be harvested later and I would obtain no benefit from it personally.

It gives me a sickening feeling. I need to think about this more.

The process.

While it is true that you can’t be forced into doing something against your will, you CAN be tricked into doing it. Figure this: The Grays get to keep the psychic energy they turn and their master gets the soul. Sounds like the nature of the deal, no?

Yes, that’s pretty much how it works, more or less.

DNA discovery.

It’s been recently discovered that DNA has a quantum signature in its election cloud and there are ~9billion base pairs per molecule and trillions of trillions of molecules per person, that’s A LOT of qbit energy man!

This is interesting stuff. I would be interested in following up on this stuff about quantum signatures in the electron clouds of DNA.

On animals.

On evil, a snake is an animal and animals have no choice, they can only be what they are so they’re neutral. True snakes do kill baby birds and cute bunnies but they do so as a means of control over the population of their prey, not out of any malice or advantage over another. To them it’s just eating, seems to be the way the Grays regard mankind?

The Grays may have helped engineer our evolution but they must obviously see that we are NOT animals and must be given a choice in life but seem to lack such an ethic. “The Journey to Serpo” (if true) seems to indicate that the Grays have about the same regard for the sanctity of life as we might over an upgraded computer, it’s just hardware to them. The story goes that they took one of the human crew that had died on the journey and used his body to engineer some sort of clone without any regard for his body or seeking permission from the commanding officer, just took it like it was an old piece of hardware. Those warm feeling of love and compassion could be implanted memories or fake emotions to cover their tracks, you yourself said in one of the web pages that they regard us as their property.

The idea of personal rights intrinsic to the human person is an affectation of Christianity but one I happen to agree with. Avoiding the Gray collective gives another dimension to acting in an less selfish manner and for my own good, it really does! 

Oh, and by the way. We are always protected. Always. And while the greys might want to direct us in certain ways, it is up to our own individual consciousness to allow or to deny it from happening.

Remember, that everyone has a “Guardian Angel”, this is a dedicated multi-dimensional Mantid species that works the “levers of reality” “behind the curtain.” They are busy trying to assist our human species towards sentience evolution. They really want us to be “service for others” sentience.

They greys seduce us in ways, means and directions toward “service to self” activities. This can easily lead us in the direction where they want us to go. They have their own intentions and purposes. We should never mistake high physical technology, no matter how apparently “God-like” to be representative of spiritual superiority.

On Quantum biology:

That’s possible because phonons have a wavelength which is similar in size to a DNA helix and this allows standing waves to form, a phenomenon known as phonon trapping. When this happens, the phonons cannot easily escape. A similar kind of phonon trapping is known to cause problems in silicon structures of the same size.

That would be of little significance if it had no overall effect on the helix. But the model developed by Rieper and co suggests that the effect is profound.

Although each nucleotide in a base pair is oscillating in opposite directions, this occurs as a superposition of states, so that the overall movement of the helix is zero. In a purely classical model, however, this cannot happen, in which case the helix would vibrate and shake itself apart.
So in this sense, these quantum effects are responsible for holding DNA together.

Experiments over the past few decades, however, have shown that enzymes make use of a remarkable trick called quantum tunneling to accelerate biochemical reactions. Essentially, the enzyme encourages electrons and protons to vanish from one position in a biomolecule and instantly rematerialise in another, without passing through the gap in between – a kind of quantum teleportation. 

You must have some wild theories on the quantum mechanics of our bodies and conscious mind, don’t you? The one on the DNA electron cloud I have to look for at work, can’t seem to find it right now.

Yes, I do in fact.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...
How to tell -2
Top Secrets
Sales Pitch
Feducial Training
Probe Calibration - 1
Probe Calibration - 2
Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.
Interview with an Influencer.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

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  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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The Flying Machine (Full Text) by Ray Bradbury

The Flying Machine By Ray Bradbury

This story was written by Ray Bradbury, and presented here under Article 22 of China’s Copyright Law. This is from Golden Apples of the Sun Doubleday, 1953 .

Ray Bradbury is one of my personal heroes and his writings greatly influenced me in ways that I am only just now beginning to understand.

Here is a story that discusses how political and social realities can slow, stymie and retard technological advancement. I think that it is beautifully written and very “delicious”. I love the way that Ray Bradbury brings advanced concepts to the masses though his very (seemingly) simplistic stories.


“There was this fence where we pressed our faces and felt the wind turn warm and held to the fence and forgot who we were or where we came from but dreamed of who we might be and where we might go…” 
-R is for Rocket Ray Bradbury

For years I had amassed a well worn, and dusty collection of Ray Bradbury paperbacks that I would pick up and read for pleasure and inspiration.  Later, when I left the United States, and moved to China, I had to leave my treasured books behind. Sigh.

Ray Bradberry book colleciton
A small collection of well worn, well read and well appreciated Ray Bradbury books. My collection looked a little something like this, only I think the books were a little more worn, and a little yellower.

It is very difficult to come across Ray Bradbury books in China. When ever I find one, I certainly snatch it up. Cost is no object when it comes to these masterpieces. At one time, I must have had five books containing this story.

I have found this version of the story on the Ray Bradbury library portal in Russia, and I have copied it here exactly as found. Credit to the wonderful people at the Ray Bradbury Library for posting it where a smuck like myself can read it within China. And, of course, credit to the great master; Ray Bradbury for providing this work of art for our inspiration and pleasure.

The Flying Machine

In the year A.D. 400, the Emperor Yuan held his throne by the Great Wall of China, and the land was green with rain, readying itself toward the harvest, at peace, the people in his dominion neither too happy nor too sad.

Early on the morning of the first day of the first week of the second month of the new year, the Emperor Yuan was sipping tea and fanning himself against a warm breeze when a servant ran across the scarlet and blue garden tiles, calling, “Oh, Emperor, Emperor, a miracle!”

“Yes,” said the Emperor, “the air is sweet this morning.”

“No, no, a miracle!” said the servant, bowing quickly.

“And this tea is good in my mouth, surely that is a miracle.”

“No, no, Your Excellency.”

“Let me guess then – the sun has risen and a new day is upon us. Or the sea is blue. That now is the finest of all miracles.”

“Excellency, a man is flying!”

“What?” The Emperor stopped his fan.

“I saw him in the air, a man flying with wings. I heard a Voice call out of the sky, and when I looked up, there he was, a dragon in the heavens with a man in its mouth, a dragon of paper and bamboo, coloured like the sun and the grass.”

“It is early,” said the Emperor, “and you have just wakened from a dream.”

“It is early, but I have seen what I have seen! Come, and you will see it too.”

“Sit down with me here,” said the Emperor. “Drink some tea. It must be a strange thing, if it is true, to see a man fly. You must have time to think of it, even as I must have time to prepare myself for the sight.”

They drank tea.

“Please,” said the servant at last, “or he will be gone.”

The Emperor rose thoughtfully. “Now you may show me what you have seen.”

They walked into a garden, across a meadow of grass, over a small bridge, through a grove of trees, and up a tiny hill.

“There!” said the servant.

The Emperor looked into the sky. And in the sky, laughing so high that you could hardly hear him laugh, was a man; and the man was clothed in bright papers and reeds to make wings and a beautiful yellow tail, and he was soaring all about like the largest bird in a universe of birds, like a new dragon in a land of ancient dragons.

The man called down to them from high in the cool winds of morning. “I fly, I fly!”

The servant waved to him. “Yes,yes!”

The Emperor Yuan did not move.

Instead he looked at the Great Wall of China now taking shape out of the farthest mist in the green hills, that splendid snake of stones which writhed with majesty across the entire land. That wonderful wall which had protected them for a timeless time from enemy hordes and preserved peace for years without number.

He saw the town, nestled to itself by a river and a road and a hill, beginning to waken.

“Tell me,” he said to his servant, “has anyone else seen this flying man?”

“I am the only one, Excellency,” said the servant, smiling at the sky, waving.

The Emperor watched the heavens another minute and then said, “Call him down to me.”

“Ho, come down, come down!

The Emperor wishes to see you!” called the servant, hands cupped to his shouting mouth.

The Emperor glanced in all directions while the flying man soared down the morning wind. He saw a farmer, early in his fields, watching the sky, and he noted where the farmer stood.

The flying man alit with a rustle of paper and a creak of bamboo reeds.

He came proudly to the Emperor, clumsy in his rig, at last bowing before the old man.

“What have you done?” demanded the Emperor.

“I have flown in the sky, Your Excellency,” replied the man.

“What have you done?” said the Emperor again.

“I have just told you!” cried the flier.

“You have told me nothing at all.” The Emperor reached out a thin hand to touch the pretty paper and the birdlike keel of the apparatus. It smelled cool, of the wind.

“Is it not beautiful, Excellency?”

“Yes, too beautiful.”

“It is the only one in the world!” smiled the man.

“And I am the inventor.”

“The only one in the world?”

“I swear it!”

“Who else knows of this?”

“No one. Not even my wife, who would think me mad with the son. She thought I was making a kite. I rose in the night and walked to the cliffs far away. And when the morning breezes blew and the sun rose, I gathered my courage, Excellency, and leaped from the cliff.

I flew!

But my wife does not know of it.”

“Well for her, then,” said the Emperor. “Come along.” They walked back to the great house. The sun was full in the sky now, and the smell of the grass was refreshing. The Emperor, the servant, and the flier paused within the huge garden. The Emperor clapped his hands.

“Ho, guards!”

The guards came running.

“Hold this man.”

The guards seized the flier.

“Call the executioner,” said the Emperor.

“What’s this!” cried the flier, bewildered.

“What have I done?” He began to weep, so that the beautiful paper apparatus rustled.

“Here is the man who has made a certain machine,” said the Emperor, “and yet asks us what he has created. He does not know himself. It is only necessary that he create, without knowing why he has done so, or what this thing will do.”

The executioner came running with a sharp silver ax. He stood with his naked, large-muscled arms ready, his face covered with a serene white mask.

“One moment,” said the Emperor. He turned to a nearby table upon which sat a machine that he himself had created. The Emperor took a tiny golden key from his own neck. He fitted his key to the tiny, delicate machine and wound it up.

Then he set the machine going.

The machine was a garden of metal and jewels. Set in motion, the birds sangs in tiny metal trees, wolves walked through miniature forests, and tiny people ran in and out of sun and shadow, fanning themselves with miniature fans, listening to tiny emerald birds, and standing by impossibly small but tinkling fountains.

“Is It not beautiful?” said the Emperor.

“If you asked me what I have done here, I could answer you well. I have made birds sing, I have made forests murmur, I have set people to walking in this woodland, enjoying the leaves and shadows and songs. That is what I have done.”

“But, oh, Emperor!” pleaded the flier, on his knees, the tears pouring down his face. “I have done a similar thing! I have found beauty. I have flown on the morning wind. I have looked down on all the sleeping houses and gardens. I have smelled the sea and even seen it, beyond the hills, from my high place. And I have soared like a bird; oh, I cannot say how beautiful it is up there, in the sky, with the wind about me, the wind blowing me here like a feather, there like a fan, the way the sky smells in the morning! And how free one feels!

That is beautiful, Emperor, that is beautiful too!”

“Yes,” said the Emperor sadly, “I know it must be true. For I felt my heart move with you in the air and I wondered: What is it like? How does it feel? How do the distant pools look from so high? And how my houses and servants? Like ants? And how the distant towns not yet awake?”

“Then spare me!”

“But there are times,” said the Emperor, more sadly still, “when one must lose a little beauty if one is to keep what little beauty one already has. I do not fear you, yourself, but I fear another man.”

“What man?”

“Some other man who, seeing you, will build a thing of bright papers and bamboo like this. But the other man will have an evil face and an evil heart, and the beauty will be gone. It is this man I fear.”

“Why? Why?”

“Who is to say that someday just such a man, in just such an apparatus of paper and reed, might not fly in the sky and drop huge stones upon the Great Wall of China?” said the Emperor.

No one moved or said a word.

“Off with his head,” said the Emperor. The executioner whirled his silver ax.

“Burn the kite and the inventor’s body and bury their ashes together,” said the Emperor.

The servants retreated to obey. The Emperor turned to his hand-servant, who had seen the man flying.

“Hold your tongue. It was all a dream, a most sorrowful and beautiful dream. And that farmer in the distant field who also saw, tell him it would pay him to consider it only a vision. If ever the word passes around, you and the farmer die within the hour.”

“You are merciful, Emperor.”

“No, not merciful,” said the old man.

Beyond the garden wall he saw the guards burning the beautiful machine of paper and reeds that smelled of the morning wind. He saw he dark smoke climb into the sky.

“No, only very much bewildered and afraid.”

He saw the guards digging a tiny pit wherein to bury the ashes.

“What is the life of one man against those of a million others? I must take solace from that thought.”

He took the key from its chain about his neck and once more wound up the beautiful miniature garden. He stood looking out across the land at the Great Wall, the peaceful town, the green fields, the rivers and streams.

He sighed.

The tiny garden whirred its hidden and delicate machinery and set itself in motion; tiny people walked in forests, tiny faces loped through sun-speckled glades in beautiful shining pelts, and among the tiny trees flew little bits of high song and bright blue and yellow color, flying, flying, flying in that small sky.

“Oh,” said the Emperor, closing his eyes, “look at the birds, look at the birds!”


Perhaps this will provide the reader with some clarity as to why MAJestic existed, and why people are not to know of our real and actual reality. Perhaps it will explain my role far better than this…

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
The Warning Signs
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Things I wish I knew.
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
Make America Great Again.
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons
A polarized world.

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

The Last Night

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