Here, in this post, I am going to discuss the wonderful land of smiles; Thailand. It is an enchanting country. It is filled with happy, easy going people, cheap prices, lots of open fresh air, seas of beauty, mountains and hills, and lots and lots of great delicious food. I haven’t written about this place at all because the vast bulk of my time is spent within China. But this is a great place, as is the rest of South East Asia, and I have a few things to say about it.
Read this post. Then re-read this sentence. As far as a man is concerned, Thailand is really the land of the free.
“The Thais are proud to say their country has never been colonized and delighted to explain that translated in to English, Thailand means "land of the free". Many Thais genuinely believe their country is free and that regular citizens are afforded a level of freedom that doesn't exist outside the Kingdom's borders. Given the way certain parts of Thailand's history are explained in the local education system, it's no surprise. But the way that some foreigners resident in Thailand also feel more free in Thailand than they do in Farangland (Oh, “farang”, or for those of you who hate that word, Caucasian) floors me.” - Thailand, Land of the Free
One of the places that I would live at, from time to time, was Thailand. It’s a truly amazing place, with beautiful beaches, excellent delicious food, warm welcoming climate, a decent infrastructure, and hordes of sexy willing women. What’s not to like?
“hhahahhha Pattaya! I ran into a few FAT and outraged American "chang nams"... chang(elephant) nam(water) ...chang nam is a hippo and polite word for American (women) wildebeast that seem to stray into Pattaya now and again. (The great white water buffalo.) There were three American chang nams that ganged up on me, asking me all sorts of "triggered questions. "When their mouths stopped flapping, I ran my fingers across my lips, then launched into international sign language dialogue. One of the girls said ".....oh shit, he's deaf---and THEY APOLOGIZED." My sign language is very good and I suggest all ZHers to at least learn a few phrases correctly in dealing with hostile, bat-shit crazy American women and their failed NGOs in Thailand and Cambodia. These American goody-two-shoes are the ones that demonize sex and then run around to the back room to boom Somchai. PS...To call someone "Somchai" in Tai and Kampuchea, really you are saying "John Doe." "Somchai" is better than saying "....where's Woody?" - buttmint (reply to) MaxThrust Aug 12, 2017 10:57 AM
I have visited Thailand with my Chinese wife numerous times. We have stayed at everything from fancy hotels to cute residential home-stays. We have frequented the bars and clubs and sampled the night life there, we have even had an adventure where a taxi driver drove us out into the middle of the jungle and left us there to rot at 4:30 am!
Thailand, since it is so close to China, is my 2nd home.
It’s a very cheap (from China) two hour flight and BOOM!, I am in a land where all the girls call me a “Handsome Man”.
"Hey! Handsome Man!"
Though, I have never sampled the female fun there, it’s enough to know that I could if I wanted to.
Personally, I find the girls there a little chubbier and shorter than my tastes allow. (You can see for yourself in the pictures and videos herein.) However, that’s just me.
My ideal woman is a curvy and robust Chinese gal, with a handsome face, and a smile that last forever. Long black hair is an extra five points. Brown eyes improves the look another five points, and having an oval face tacks on another ten points.
(The taller “girls” tend to be ladyboys… yikes!)
In any event, Thailand is a beautiful place with cheap prices, delicious food, and nature everywhere. It is paradise.
People come to visit and LIVE in Thailand for all sorts of reasons;
“There isn't one kind of person that comes to Thailand there are many. There's the sex starved older English gent that finds paradise in the Neon lights of Pattaya to the American couple who have figured out that they don't want to live there lives drowned in debt only to realize they've missed out on Living their lives. You'll find a lot of grumpy old men who are single and spend their time Farang bashing on Thai Visa and younger guys who party to the break of dawn every night. The English teacher who's looking for "world experience" I'm sure you've met all sorts of people in Thailand.” -From here;
And, for guys, often the reason is for sex…
“The problem with sex is that it’s a natural male instinct to fuck everything that moves, not just the hottest, but anything attractive – you’ll never stop looking, but you might stop chasing. God help you if you’re very good looking, getting ‘opportunities’ thrown at you wherever you live. You may never escape this vice – and it will cost you big time.” -BobbyT
Thailand is a different place for certain. Different is Good.
“Frustrated foreign residents are known to have the odd rant about life in Thailand at times, but sometimes we need to take a look at the big picture and consider that things are not as bad as they may seem. A mate who gets around Bangkok by motorbike tells me that whenever he parks his motorbike, he leaves his helmet resting on the handlebars, attached by a simple clip. This is something he would never do in his native Belgium for it would likely not be there when he returned but in 10 years of riding in Bangkok no-one has ever taken his helmet. Still, I have never seen his helmet and maybe the shocking pink color and the slogan I love ladyboys in Thai on the front has something to do with it?” -Stickman
“Never in my life did I imagine I would ever turn down a girlfriend of mine for sex until I got to Thailand; ...there’s just only so much I can handle. American women (and I’m sure British and Australian women are very similar) use sex more as a tool in a relationship, and they’re usually willing to sacrifice the enjoyment from sex just to prove a point. I don’t find this too often in Thailand and that’s a beautiful thing.” -LivingThai
I’ve been to Pattaya numerous times.
A famous Pattaya themed T-shirt, sold at many of the vendor’s stalls about town, sums up the divergent opinions about the place. “Good guys go to heaven, bad guys go to Pattaya”.
I can’t say the beach is all that great. But it has (had) an amazing street devoted to bars and night life. Both my wife and I felt like we had died and gone to heaven.
The first time we went there, we separated from the group (that we had been with) and went solo exploring this amazing area. Of course, you have the go-go girls, and the bar girls and all of that. However, what really struck me was the presence of old fat western guys who had plopped themselves down at a bar and who were nursing a beer.
You call that fun and exciting?
We bar hopped each and every time we visited that town.
First Impressions
My first experience was awesome. I must tell the reader that when you go into these bars, you will see (easily) 20 to 30 totally nude gals standing and dancing slowly in super high heels.
That has since changed, and as of 2016 they all seem to be wearing some kind of attire.
With a short old 70-year old grandmother walking around them with a meter long switch telling them to arch their backs, etc. The girls seemed fine. (They were) all thin and in their 20’s. A patron might come in and pick a girl and pay the girl and get a blow-job on the spot. (I’ve seen it done numerous times.)
You can even take the girls upstairs for a short-time (this is known as a “short time girl”). However, to be honest, you see 30 girls without a lick of clothing on it’s not really arousing.
Since then, the local government placed laws requiring the gals to wear clothing. I have mixed feelings about it.
It’s just a bunch of nude girls.

Pattaya is known (outside of Thailand) for one place.
I think I can safely say that Patong Beach is now Bogan central for Thailand. A Bogan is a bit of a derogatory term for a person who hails from the western suburbs of Sydney, West Auckland or the working class areas of Melbourne. In Thailand they are normally identified as blokes, or sheilas, with minimal attire – a beer brand singlet, billabong shorts and flip flops – and whose main priorities in life are knocking back copious amounts of beer and watching their preferred style of footy. Take a stroll down Soi Bangla in the early evening and the sports bars lining each side of the street will be packed with Bogans getting their fixes of beer and footy. The thing is, though, if you hang around the place for long enough you’ll soon pick up on the idea there are Bogans from all over the world cruising the streets and crowding the shopping malls of Patong. Aside from your bog standard Aussie and Kiwi Bogans, there are also English, Russian, German, Scandinavian, Indian and even Thai Bogans to be seen. That being said, let me be the first to point out that the Pattaya Police Chief say’s that there is no such thing as prostitution in Pattaya. Apparently it doesn’t exist.
And it is true that sex can be obtained.
However, it is not as common and rampant as the British tabloids make it out to be. There’s only a precious few areas that you can get your “fix” for secual excitement. The rest of Pattaya is like the rest of Thailand, very conservative and very religious.
Pattaya City officials, local police units and administrative units of Chon Buri held a press conference on the new policy; Pattaya Happy Zone, which has been immediately implemented with the main purpose of keeping popular areas of Pattaya under control and crime-free.
The Happy Zone is being enforced in the infamous Walking Street in order to control all illegal activities to make sure that the holiday experience in Pattaya is hassle-free for everyone.
Pol Col Apichai Krobpetch, the Pattaya police superintendent, told the magazine “Spectrum” that Pattaya is not a hub for the sex trade.
He was upset about the British media’s stories, insisting they were fabricated.British newspapers The Sun, Mirror and the Daily Star recently ran articles describing Pattaya as “the world’s sex capital” and as a “modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah”, sparking anger among government officials, especially PM Prayut, who vowed to crack down on illegal businesses and prostitution in Pattaya, viewing them as a major embarrassment for Thailand.

“There is no such thing as prostitution in Pattaya,” says Col Apichai. “Where did they get the figure of 27,000 sex workers in Pattaya? Anyone can make up this information.
But sex and booze. Well, that’s something that I happen to enjoy.
And I am not afraid to admit it. Many a fine night has been spent with a female companion drinking wine, singing and dancing, and chatting and eating delicious food, and then having some great sex. It’s a wonderful way to pass the time, make new friends, and just relax.
Which brings me to the most awesome bar street.
(Drinking booze, rock music and sex everywhere.) When I went there with my wife, we were just floored over by the sheer size and awesomeness of it. It put New Orleans French Quarter to shame. It is amazing and awesome at the same time.
We first visited Pattaya during a Chinese organized tour for tasting all the food of Thailand.
The reader should realize that I am (what is called) “a foodie”.
A foodie is someone who has a deep interest in food. In addition to being interested in food itself, foodies are also interested in the back story: the history, production, science, and industry of food. As a general rule, foodies are amateurs, rather than professionals working in some aspect of the food industry, and many of them are self-taught. -What is a Foodie?
We were not disappointed.
After one of the many, many dinners we were taken to the “bar street” for a look around. The tour guide would not let us go alone, so we had to sign a “safety waiver” and off we went. We’ve been in love with the place ever since.
It is not like what is portrayed in the American movie “Hangover II”, that is unless you are a drinker. Never the less it is an awesome place. I actually prefer it over New Orleans “French Quarter”, Reno, Los Vegas, Macao, and some of the more “interesting” places that I have explored.
Both myself and my wife think of it as an awesome place.
First meal I had in Pattaya was fresh crab and shellfish.
The servings are huge and the prices were cheaper than in China. This I’m super surprised about even looking at the western meals around Pattaya are much cheaper than China also. Must be something to do with the amount of competition here. One thing that is first noticeable about the food in Pattaya is it tastes way better than what you get in China. I don’t really know why. This is probably because it’s either Isaan food and central food and I’m in the right place for that.
Since I’m a big foody I fell in love with the place immediately. (Not to mention all the pretty girls calling me a “handsome man”!)

Pattaya is a very small place, well it’s not exactly small but the truth is that really, it’s just not that big. Pattaya is more concentrated making it easier to get around. This is especially true in the center of all “the action”.
Traffic isn’t as bad as people say though there are way more of those little mini-bicycle-car-like things (hoons) here which is expected.
Most of the hoons are either motorbike taxis or tourists joyriding. I hate driving in Thailand but it’s a must if you want to cover more ground quickly and save money and hassles getting taxis.
A lot of people walk in Pattaya compared to Bangkok. Bangkok is a city. Pattaya is a small coastal town.
If you’re a first time visitor to Pattaya then get ready for a surprise. This is like nothing you’ll have ever experienced before. This has to be one of the greatest concentrations of night time venues anywhere in the world.
The famous walking street is the epicenter of the Pattaya’s party scene, stretching from Bali Hai pier in the south to beach road at the north. This neon lit street is closed to traffic from around 6pm until the early morning. This mile long strip of pure hedonism is a mecca for party goers from all over the world. Lined with a mix of Go Go bars, drinking bars, restaurants, world class nightclubs and live music venues anyone who visits Pattaya has to experience this party wonderland.
(Don’t be afraid of entering any of the bars, clubs or go go’s you won’t get bitten (unless you want). The workers are all super friendly and the bad old days of getting ripped off are long gone. So be brave, and go on in.)

Water Festival
The reader can just simply forget about staying dry during the water festival. Little children, and not so little adults man each and every corner with plastic water guns, water machine guns, and water bazookas. The wife ended up staying in the room for three days afraid to go out and get soaked.
The Water Festival is the New Year’s celebrations that take place in east and South-east Asian countries such as China, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar Taiwan and Thailand.
It is called the ‘Water Festival’ by Westerners because they notice people splashing or pouring water at one another as part of the cleansing ritual to welcome the New Year. Traditionally people gently sprinkled water on one another as a sign of respect, but as the new year falls during the hottest month in South East Asia, many people end up dousing strangers and passersby in vehicles in boisterous celebration.
The act of pouring water is also a show of blessings and good wishes. It is believed that on this Water Festival, everything old must be thrown away, or it will bring the owner bad luck.
Here’s what another expat has to say about this festival;
“Songkran in Pattaya is celebrated for 7 days from the 13th until 19th April. It's difficult to avoid getting wet. No food carts or girls ordering food get attacked with high-powered water guns and buckets as the Thais respect food. The Thais also consider people walking the sois with their luggage on the way to check-in to hotels. Even long after the sun has set, the Thais still playing with water don't target people who are dry and heading out for dinner. You know where I'm going with this… Of course, some young Thais on bikes riding the sois and drinking too much end up having fights. From my week-long Songkran experience here, having played with water and sat and observed, it's the dickhead Farangs with high-powered water guns hitting people in the face, attacking people with food, people going out dressed for a night out etc. Even drunk bargirls manage to recognise and respect people who want to avoid water later in the evening. While writing this email in a dry area on sois 7 with 45 baht beers, I have witnessed 2 altercations between Westerners with high-powered guns attacking people who are dry. Only 28 more hours left of this craziness then off to track Everest. I'm confident Everest will be less to endure.“ -
Going for a visit
It’s not just about the sleazy side of Pattaya and thousands of people a night descend here to watch some great live music acts, eat fresh seafood over the water or watch one of the numerous street performers. Even organized tours of Chinese and Korean tourists regularly wander up and down the street to soak up the atmosphere. The smaller alleys are called “Soi”. Check out the map below.
As a man, I have to admit that Thailand has so much going for it.
The cost of living is very cheap. In fact, it is even cheaper than China. If you have enough money saved away (stashed from the clutches of your first or second wives) you can live quite comfortably. Further, it is beautiful. The weather is NOT SNOWY. The food is awesome, though you might need to learn the language or use a cute girl to translate to order. The beaches, mountains, and history are amazing…And, the girls… the girls are all cute, beautiful and AVAILABLE. What’s not to love?

Hotels in Pattaya.
Here’s just some informationt that I collected from my files. As Asia, both China and Thailand is in a constant state of flux, probably the best thing that you can do is chat with a local and get the best deals for your particular situation. Never the less, you can consider this guide as a helpful venue to get you started.
More information can be found here;
Wave Hotel Pattaya
The wave hotel is by far the best combination of luxury, value, and location in Pattaya; this is where the smart ballers stay. The price is around 160 dollars a night, but when you see this place, you will feel like it is a bargain. The rooms are high class, and the location can’t be beat. They offer a nice sized pool and garden area, along with a par. They also have free wifi access. The staff here will treat you like royalty.
Hilton Hotel Pattaya
Located dead center of Walking street and on the beach… What more can you expect from the Hilton? They offer an amazing infinity pool and pool side bar “Shore Bar”, which offers stunning views. They also have many rooftop restaurants with incredible views as well. This is a great getaway no matter what kind of vacation you are having in Pattaya. Don’t forget, Central Pattaya Beach is located downstairs!
Dusit D2 Baraquda Pattaya Hotel
Dusit D2 Baraquda Pattaya Hotel is a little different from the first two 5 star hotels offered here, Dusit D2 Baraqude offers a nice fusion between Thai and Western architecture so you will get a little culture, it is also suited in an excellent location right on walking street and offers amazing views of the surrounding area and ocean.
Pattaya Marriott Resort and Spa
The Marriott name speaks for itself, especially here in Pattaya. The Marriott is one of only a few five star hotels located in Pattaya and it shines here as one of the best hotels. It offers an amazing swimming pool and outdoor lounge, fine dining inside, in an excellent location, and high-speed internet access in every room. The gardens here are also amazing. They also offer a breakfast buffet every morning for all guests until 10:30am… If you are not too hung over!!
Intimate Hotel by Tim Boutique Hotel
Intimate Hotel by Tim Boutique Hotel is easily my choice for a medium budget traveler. It offers free wifi, stunning views across the city, Jacuzzi tubs in some rooms, a great rooftop bar/restaurant. It also provides a small, but nice fitness center and a decent international buffet. From here, you are within walking distance to Pattaya Beach, and also some of the shopping malls in the city such as Central Festival Beach and Royal Garden Plaza.
The Scenery City Hotel
Traveling on a budget? The Scenery City Hotel is my favorite budget hotel in Pattaya. They offer very nice clean rooms with a balcony for under 1000 baht per night. Free wifi is offered in public areas (some rooms can grab access from the public areas if within reach). Located right in the center of Pattaya, the location can’t be beat. The rooms are extremely clean and held to a very high standard, the staff is also very friendly and informative. Basically, everything is within walking distance of here, including the beaches.
Areca Lodge Hotel
Another one of my favorite hotels in Pattaya on Walking Street is the Areca Lodge Hotel. This is one of the most popular hotels in Pattaya with good reason. The prices are borderline cheap/medium so it fits most people’s budgets. They offer free in room wifi, and the rooms are extremely clean. Areca offers two large pools with Jacuzzis and other amenities including a fitness center, sauna and on-site eateries, also all rooms have balconies.
Hard Rock Hotel
The Hard Rock Hotel name speaks for itself, not much explaining needed here. Geared for the active crowd who would rather have a fun time with activities rather than a quiet time. The rooms are all modern, hip, and cool with purple styling. Every room offers a sea view or city view, depending which side of the building you’re on. The pool is one of the best in Pattaya and they offer lots of activities in the pool/garden area. It also offers many restaurants, bars and lounges including the world’s popular signature Hard Rock Café.
Sooi-Tee Guest House
For those of you on a super budget, I highly recommend the Sooi-Tee Guest House. Rooms start around 500 or 600 baht a night and all offer free wifi. The location is perfect and each room has AirCon, which you won’t find in a lot of guest houses in this price range. The rooms are clean and offer a baloney. Staying at a place like this is is good because you get that nice homey feel and special attention from the staff.
View Talay 6 Pattaya Beach Condominium
View Talay 6 Pattaya Beach Condominium by Honey is one of the best medium priced hotels in Pattaya and also one of the most popular. Located on the beach, it offers great views of the ocean and city. There is a nice pool with a pool side bar and massage service on site. The location couldn’t be beat if you want to be on the beach AND close to Walking Street. This hotel also offers free wifi.
Bars and Nightclubs
There are many great nightclubs on the Pattaya walking street. Each has its own vibe and feel and most will be open until the sun comes up.
The clubs are extremely popular and are generally very busy every night of the week. Most don’t get going until after midnight. The clubs are a favorite of both younger tourist and locals. Here are some links to all the bars. (Up to date when I was last there, back in 2017.)
“Walking street really is one of a kind. Little could I have known, that all I had to do was jump on a plane and instantly be transformed into a ‘handsome man’ . It’s a blast. The vegas of the east. Minus gambling.” -学习如何水肺潜水 JANUARY 5, 2017 AT 7:01 AM

69ers Beer Bar Facebook Seite | Soi 7, Central Pattaya (umgezogen von der Soi 8) |
A | |
Apple Bar | Soi Chaiyapruek, Jomtien Beach |
Armageddon Bar | Soi LK Metro, um die Ecke von der Soi Buakhao |
Atlantic Bar | Pattaya Second Road |
Aussie Bar | Soi 7, Central Pattaya |
B | |
Barracuda Bar Facebook Seite | Naklua Road, Nord-Pattaya |
Billabong Bar & Hotel | Soi LK Metro, Central Pattaya |
Booze Lounge Facebook Seite | Soi Khao Talo, Ost-Pattaya (ca. 1,5 Kilometer hinter der Sukhumvit Road) |
Borussia Park Facebook Seite | Deutsches Gästehaus und Bar, Naklua Road |
Brass Monkey Bar | Soi Nern Plub Wan, Soi 26, Ost-Pattaya |
Buffalo Bar Facebook Seite | Pattaya Third Road, Central Pattaya |
Butcher’s Arms Pub | Englischer Pub & Gästehaus, Soi Buakhao |
C | |
Caddyshack Facebook Seite | Pub & Gästehaus, Pattaya Third Road, Soi 17 |
Camel Toe | Gentleman Club, Soi Korpai 10 |
Candy Loca | Rompho Barkomplex, Jomtien Second Road |
The Castle Fetish Club Facebook Seite | Pattaya Third Road, Central Pattaya (neben der Buffalo Bar) |
Champions Sports Bar | Rompho Barkomplex, Jomtien Second Road |
D | |
Devil’s Den Facebook Seite | Soi LK Metro, Central Pattaya (vormalig Hell’s Club) |
E | |
Easy R-Con Bar Facebook Seite | Soi Buakhao, Central Pattaya |
F | |
FLB Bar | Walking Street, Süd-Pattaya |
G | |
The Golf Club | Sports Bar, Soi LK Metro, Central Pattaya |
Gulliver’s Tavern | Pattaya Beach Road, Nord-Pattaya; Walking Street |
I | |
I-Rovers Sports Bar Facebook Seite | Bar, Restaurant & Gästehaus, Soi LK Metro, Central Pattaya |
J | |
Jameson’s Irish Pub | Soi Sukrudee (Soi A.R.), Central Pattaya |
Joy’s Paradise Facebook Seite | Deutsche Bar und Gästehaus, Soi Welcome Jomtien |
K | |
Kåres Party Bar | Pattaya Second Road |
Kawaii Bar | Soi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya |
Kiss Kool Bar | Soi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya |
KitCat Club Lounge | 410/8-10 Thappraya Road, Dongtan Beach, Jomtien |
L | |
La La Land Bar | Soi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya |
Legends Pool & Sports Bar Facebook page | Pattaya Klang Soi 5, Central Pattaya |
Lord Nelson Sports Bar Facebook Seite | Pub, Restaurant & Gästehaus, Soi 6 (Soi Yodsak) |
Lucky Love Bar | Soi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya |
M | |
Mai Lu Si Bar | Soi Buakhao, gegenüber vom Pattaya City Hospital |
Maxies Bar | Soi 16, Walking Street, Süd-Pattaya |
M Club Facebook Seite | Gentleman Club, Pattaya Third Road, Soi 14 |
Medusa Bar & Restaurant | Deutsches Restaurant und Short Time Bar auf der Soi Wat Boon am Jomtien |
Metro Bar & Apartments | Soi LK Metro, Central Pattaya |
Moonshine Place | Amerikanische Bar and Gästehaus, Jomtien Soi 4 |
Murphy’s Law Pub | Soi LK Metro, Central Pattaya |
N | |
Night Wish Bar | Soi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya |
Nong Beer Bar | Soi Diana |
O | |
O Bar Facebook Seite | Soi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya |
One Bar | Deutsche Bar, Soi Night Out, Central Pattaya Road |
P | |
Passion Gentleman’s Club | Thappraya Road (Hanuman Statue), Jomtien |
Pattaya Beer Garden | Pattaya Beach Road (Eingang zur Walking Street) |
The Pig & Whistle Pub Facebook Seite | Soi 7, Central Pattaya |
PJ DJ Bar & Guesthouse Facebook Seite | Soi 7, Central Pattaya (vormalig Anna Jet Bar) |
The Pussy Club | Soi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya |
Q | |
Queen Victoria Inn Facebook Seite | Englischer Pub, Restaurant & Hotel, Soi 6 |
Quickie Bar | Soi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya |
R | |
Retox Sports Bar Facebook Seite | Soi Lengkee, zwischen Pattaya Third Road und Soi Buakhao |
Retox Game On Facebook Seite | Soi Honey, um die Ecke von der Pattaya Second Road |
The Rock House Facebook Seite | Bar & Gästehaus, Soi LK Metro |
Ruby Club | Soi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya |
Rum Dum Bar | Rompho Barkomplex, Jomtien Second Road |
Ryan’s Bar | Naklua Road, Nord-Pattaya (vor der Soi Wongamat) |
S | |
Saigon Girl Bar | Soi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya |
Sailor Inn | Norwegisches Restaurant & Gästehaus, Soi 13/2 |
Scandinavia Bar & Restaurant | Pattaya Beach Road, zwischen Soi 13 und Soi Yamato |
Scandinavia Beach Club | Pattaya Beach Road, zwischen Soi 5 and Soi 6 |
Scooters Bar | Soi Buakhao, Central Pattaya |
Secrets Bar & Nightclub Facebook Seite | Soi 14, Walking Street, Süd-Pattaya |
Sexy In The City | Soi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya |
Shooters Coyote Bar Facebook Seite | Coyote Bar & Gästehaus, Soi 7, Central Pattaya |
Siam Cats | Deutsche Bar and Gästehaus, Jomtien Soi 5 |
Simple Simon | Englisches Restaurant & Bar, Jomtien Soi 5 |
Smurf Bar | Deutsche Bar, Soi Buakhao (Nähe Pattaya Klang) |
The Sportsman Pub Facebook Seite | Pattaya Soi 13 |
T | |
Telephone Bar | Soi Batman, Süd-Pattaya |
Tim Bar Beer | Bar und A-GoGo, Pattaya Second Road, Süd-Pattaya |
V | |
Valentines Bar Facebook Seite | Soi Lengkee, zwischen Pattaya Third Road und Soi Buakhao |
Viper Bar Facebook Seite | Coyote Bar, Pratamnak Road Soi 4 (gegenüber vom Asia Hotel) |
W | |
WhyNot Bar | Deutsche Aircon-Bar, 179/86 Naklua Road |
Wombat Bar | Bar, Restaurant & Gästehaus, Jomtien Beach Road |
Some fun Links;
- Pattaya After Midnight – Vlog 131 (Bars, Girls & Trouble!)
- Pattaya Nightlife – VLOG 85
- Pattaya Soi 6 (Daytime walking down the street pointing out hotel locations)
- Pattaya Nightlife, Walking Street after midnight – VLOG 74
- Pattaya Nightlife – inc. Walking Street – VLOG 83
- Pattaya NYE 2016 After Midnight – VLOG 42
I would say that the number one advantage of visiting or living in Pattaya, is the “walking street” and the things that you can purchase there. As a man, I can see distinct advantages in living there.
“Last night we were in Gulliver's and one sight made me chuckle. A large group of Brits walked in and took up about three tables. The women were obese but their boyfriends (how the hell did they get guys) were trim. The group was approached by four waitresses and two beer promotion girls. The waitresses were pretty with slim figures and you can guess how good the promotion girls looked. Needless to say the guys were enthralled by the display and had trouble ordering, much to the displeasure of the blobs sat around them. I bet there were a few arguments back in the hotel rooms later. Welcome to Thailand, boys! I bet they are currently praying for their girlfriends to get food poisoning so they can go out unhindered and get some ‘cultural experiences’.” - Praying for food poisoning!
Buying a Car in Thailand
Yes, the initial purchase of a car in Thailand will probably cost more than it would in the United States. A small-engined Japanese sedan such as a Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic runs from 800,000 baht up to 1,000,000 plus for a fully loaded, top model. This is much more than you would pay in most Western countries. European or luxury cars can cost as much as 3 times what the exact same model would cost in the West.
Used Cars
The initial purchase price of a new (or second hand) car will also be greater than the West, but that is where the idea of car ownership in Thailand being expensive ends.
The good news is that cars devalue at a much, much slower rate in Thailand than they do elsewhere. Indeed, Hondas and Toyotas will command a high resale price due to their perceived reliability. You can pretty much expect vehicles from either of these manufacturers to devalue at not much more than 10% per year. A Honda Civic in good condition and with reasonable mileage that cost 800,000 in 2003 would go for around 400,000 baht now. A two-year old Toyota Vios that has travelled 30,000 km may sell for only 100,000 baht less than the exact same car brand new. If resale value is a concern choose carefully as not all cars from certain manufacturers maintain a great resale value.
Take note. European manufactured vehicles depreciate in value at a frightening high rate.
Pickup Trucks
If the price of a new car is beyond your budget, consider a pickup truck. Pickup trucks are subject to a different tax rate than sedans and as such are much cheaper. You can get a new pickup for as little as 500,000 baht or a fully featured model with a luxurious interior that gives it the feel of a well-speced sedan for around 700,000 baht. Pickup trucks sell very well in Thailand because they represent good value.
Other Costs
The cost of gasoline in Thailand is fairly low. Granted that it is a little bit more expensive than North America and about the same price as you would pay in Australia, but it is however much, much cheaper than what you’d pay in Europe.
Insurance is cheap and policies don’t seem to have an excess so if you have an accident you pay nothing (unless of course the police demands a donation!)
The cost of getting a vehicle serviced in Thailand is ridiculously low. For a small to medium sized Japanese vehicle you’re looking at around 1,000 baht per service at the franchised dealer. No, not a corner garage but a franchised dealer where they use the right oil, genuine parts and the workshop is so clean you could just about eat your rice off the floor.
Not that one should break the traffic laws, but fines for traffic infringements are ridiculously low. If you are miraculously issued with an official ticket, the odds are it will be in the range of 400 – 800 baht. Usually it won’t even cost that much however as the friendly police will invariably offer you a pay now discount.
This is just my introduction to Thailand, and as you might have guessed, I have a lot to say. So expect many more posts.
One of the things that I like about the world is how different other places are. As an American, I was programmed into believing that the “American way of life” was the best; that it was superior to all other forms of governance, and that so many people want to come to America to experience it.
Well, it’s not. Not by a long shot, and when you leave the “Exceptional American Experience” you realize just how much of your life that you have wasted pursuing that “American Dream”.
More to follow.
In the mean time appreciate what you have, and if you don’t have what you need to be happy, open up your horizons and go for it.
Nothing will put a smile on your face quicker than a “romp in the hay” with a beautiful and pretty girl after a day of quaffing beer and eating delicious food.

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HAHAHA! You Da Man! I cease to wonder about the breadth of your humanity – I bet the PTB club welcomes you to their annual bash with an underliner, “Wacky guy, loves beer, and tells great stories about UFOs, mantids and stuff. Oh, if you want to have a great time in China, Thailand, he’s our go-to man…Send him an invit!” I mean what I said with the greatest respect….(i’d never get an invit to this type of bash…) Thanks, unfortunately now that Im happily married can nol longer take advantage of ur advice, but before finding my really good woman by my side today, I had been to THailand a few times. Wink wink. NICE place to be, and wouldve settled down there had the situation been optimal…. Dont know how my life would’ve turned out, but believe my present MWI is still pretty good for me. No regrets. Had some Thai pie…so been there, done that. But if you havent done it, and are single (ur signifcant other will kill us if she finds out…!), go do it. Gotta do it. It’s your coming out of your man-shell type thing. You aint a real man until u go to Thailand and try out them LBFM (lean, brown, f”ing machines). If ur used to the feminazi climate in the west, when u go to Thailand and see and talk to and be with REAL women, man, u get ur hardon in a real hurry, and yes, it’d feel like u just died and went to heaven with 70 virgins… Or sort of….. Yeah, women who call u “Handsome Man!” and they actually half-mean it…. Too many ladyboy type men in Thailand…. Go. Before u die and then not have that opportunity…. Thanks, MM, for the memories….
Thank you for that. I am surprised that you are that aware. LOL.
I’ve enjoyed reading some of your articles and have traveled through most of Asia myself. I do agree with you on your taste of women with the Chinese KTV types being the hottest, but these women and most of the Chinese nightlife is way outta my league financially.
I’ve settled on Thailand as my go to destination. I have a sweet woman waiting for me in Issan. When this covid crap finally let’s getting back there without the long quarantine I’ll be heading that way.
Pattaya is in sad shape these days with dailyfood lines and most bars having gone belly up. One of my favorite stays is the Areca Lodge, it’s a great mid tier Hotel and of course is guest friendly. Just want to pass on that the Areca is at least a couple miles from walking street in a area called LK Metro right off of Soi Buakhao. This area is more popular with the over 45 crowd, also the Hilton isn’t on walking street either it’s on Beach Road about a half mile from the Street. Beach Road is noted for it’s famous Coconut bar which is a term used for all the freelance girls working on the beach side of the road.
Sad to hear about Pattaya. But that’s life. Things change. I am glad that you are tied to Asia. Everything is great here. I am surprised that you failed to mention the “easy pace of life”, and the “most delicious food”. AH. Sometimes we take things for granted. Don’t worry the “Land of Smiles” will be waiting for you until your return.