
Even I am flabbergasted! It turns out that the Beirut port mini-nuke actually happened! Authorized by Trump, and carried out by Israel.

Normally I’m not that surprised with things that happen. I know that there is no such thing as coincidences, and that the American military empire is collapsing and thrashing all about. But you know, even I can be bitch slapped from time to time. And this is one of those times.

No shit!

yes. I had bought into the story about the ammonium nitrate warehouse being an accident. I really did. I knew about the Donald Trump / Pompeo shit about the biological weapons attacks on China, the NED, and all that nonsense in Hong Kong. But, you know, I figured that he wouldn’t REALLY start blowing shit up. Not really.

Oh, boy was I wrong!

I just couldn’t believe that Trump would do such a thing. This is true, even though I realized that it was quite a coincidence that this port was earmarked for the Chinese BRI (Belt and Road Initiative), and that suddenly it was destroyed in a completely massive “accidental” explosion. And all of a sudden, a gateway to the BRI is completely obliterated.

An accident?

A coincidence?

Photographs, both visual and thermal, say otherwise.

Not to mention that both President Trump and the Lebanese government has confirmed this to be the case.

The following is a reprint of an article on Veterans Today. It is titled “Updated: Israel hits Beirut with nuclear missile, Trump and Lebanese Govt. confirm”, and written on August 15, 2020. Edited to fit this venue. All credit to the original author and the post.

Updated: Israel hits Beirut with nuclear missile, Trump and Lebanese Govt. confirm

Trump confirms this was a bombing, not an accident and is immediately scourged by pro-Israel press…starting with the Daily Beast.

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor – August 15, 2020 149364202

Here is what we know since:

  • Overwhelming evidence that Israeli F 16s had just finished an attack run on Warehouse 12 when the large explosion occurred.  We have dozens of reliable eyewitnesses and many videos, sound and even the planes pulling out of a dive, not birds, they don’t fly 350 knots, not normally. (Lots of birds were flying away, they look exactly like birds)
  • Lebanese govt and Hezbollah now accepting that ammonium nitrate was in no way involved.  Lebanon is built on rock and everything has to be blasted.  The Lebanese know explosives, know how to use AN and all in Lebanon know this is a hoax. AN is not explosive, it burns even in an explosive slurry (ANFO) unless very large TNT charges are used to initiate.
  • All involved in the AN story, the Russian ship tale, or claiming it exploded are now terror suspects though most are simply internet idiots.  AN is debunked.
  • This video has Trump’s real statement, he is 100% behind VT (embarrassing)…
  • Investigators are now looking at a two pronged and complex Israeli attack using a probable nuclear tipped Rampage missile (new design) while covering with an F 16 attack and possible conventional explosive.  At this point, this is most likely as seen by investigators.
Rampage missile.

Narrative Rewritten

And now to the original story which has been hacked, backward counted by Google and so much more.  We love it… VT was right once again while world media just published cheap slop. This never would have happened before early dementia Reagan got on the ‘free enterprise’ train for consolidating America’s wonderfully diverse privately owned local and regional independent media.

#Breaking #Syria President Assad orders all borders and ports in the country open to #Lebanon, orders caravans of ambulances to head to #Beirut and ferry injured to hospitals in #Damascus, and launches an air bridge of medical and food supplies between the two cities

Absurdity squared: YouTube and Facebook “Fact Checkers,” employed by the people VT claims staged the attack are wiping the evidence from the internet…who would have guessed it.

…by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor, with…

  • Nahed al Husaini, VT Bureau Chief Damascus
  • Jeff Smith, VT Editor, IAEA Nuclear Inspector/Particle Physicist

Actual Photos of the missiles

This is the original video frame, never posted anywhere, that proves everything on Facebook and YouTube which was taken down is real.

This is the grandfather of them all, one carefully validated as untouched and genuine.

Infrared images of the missile itself prior to impact:

Infrared photos of the missiles

Set II Different camera, different angle

Frame 1 Beirut
Frame 2 Beirut
Frame 3 Beirut

This is the same missile seen from a slightly different angle on impact.

Israeli Delilah missile carrying 6 kiloton (6000 tons of TNT equivalent) nuclear missile (unretouched photo via VT Damascus) Tineye says this is a unique image and doesn’t appear anywhere on the web.  We, however, are always suspicious when something seems ‘too good to be true.’

This is an infrared video which shows, at 6 seconds, the missile coming in and hitting…

This infrared video makes much more sense than ammonium nitrate on its own. Yes NH4NO3 is an oxidising agent and explosive under the right conditions, it is also very stable.

Judge for yourself. Doctored video? Different location? Or #Beirut attacked?— Darren of Plymouth 🇬🇧 (@DarrenPlymouth) 
August 6, 2020

This is the video that was removed from Youtube for “violating content”.

Pixel analysis says this is a good photo. Thus, debunking it will become a huge issue. An army of trolls is already on Twitter and Facebook.

” First explosion was caused by Gabriel anti ship missile of Israel. The second explosion was caused by Israeli Delilah missile from F16. Our country is in complete jeopardy with this lazy and corrupt regime.” 

This is the radiation signature of the explosion received from a source in Italy, submitted to VT by the International Atomic Energy Agency (UN).

So it is actually a NUCLEAR WEAPON.

Evidence of a nuclear fission event in the Eastern Mediterranean
Trump confirms attack (nuclear not mentioned) and has suddenly become an “Enemy of Israel” (In 2015, Trump was referred to VT as a source of intelligence briefings. Eventually his staff turned to InfoWars and Steve Bannon.  You can see how that has worked out.)
The media in the west claiming that this massive nuclear like explosion is from "fireworks"


My heart is so heavy 💔😔😭

-Prayers for Beirut, Lebanon 🇱🇧
— StanceGrounded (@_SJPeace_) August 4, 2020

Official statements from Lebanon

VT: A general in the Lebanese Army reports that Israel dropped a tactical nuclear weapon on the port of Beirut today.  He reports that this was done to collapse the current political regime there and revolt against Hezbollah.

Their denial, almost identical to Israel’s supports this hypothesis.

As the lies begin, nothing about this explosion, the mushroom cloud or the strength of the explosion is fireworks, which was the first lie, then ammonium nitrate fertilizer, they say under 3k tons, which was stored for years to use on Lebanon’s golf courses, when they decide to build them.  No, nothing about today is funny.

Israel statement

We also add that earlier today, Netanyahu’s statement which we believe is Israel taking credit for the attack.  Beirut is still bomb damaged by Israel from 2006.  How you take Netanyahu’s statements as outlined in Times of Israel today, is a matter of faith, trust or conjecture.

نتنياهو قال اليوم بأن اسرائيل ستفعل”ما هو ضروري"لحماية نفسها،تهديد لحزب الله- ما يفسر التفجيرات في #بيروت

-Netanyahu said “will do what is necessary in order to defend ourselves”. An obvious warning to Hezbollah, and this explains the explosions in #Beirut

— Reem Al-Harmi ريم الحرمي chez moi 🏠 (@Reem_AlHarmi) August 4, 2020
The destruction in Beirut is far larger than you can ever imagine. The city seems like it has been hit by a small scale nuclear weapon. 

— Selami Haktan (Eng) (@slmhktn_eng) August 4, 2020

6Kt Nuclear Weapon

The weapon was 6 kilotons.  That report now:

“Getting reports from Beirut, a tactical miniature nuclear bomb has been used to attack the port, nuclear experts and researchers have randomly pointed out to the reacted particles in the fire ball.
#Beirut blast horror: Mystery explosion 'like a nuclear bomb' tears through city with boom heard as far away as Cyprus
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) August 4, 2020

Even if there is going to be a government cover up for peace and political implications in the coming hours, one thing is clear, it is a clandestine operation by some anti-Lebanon foreign agency not by some random terrorist (non-state actor).

Terrorists involved in Urban Warfare in ME do not have access to these highly advance tactical weapons. If they have it now, then someone is equipping them for political gains. Let us wait for the official statements from Lebanon. I hope our friends from Beirut are safe.

As per my latest source of information from Beirut. There is going to be a government cover up. The story about “Nitrate in the containers” is going to be declared as the original cause of the second massive explosion that caused the major damage. This will become the official narrative in the msm.

I Was Bloodied and Dazed. Beirut Strangers Treated Me Like a Friend.— Barbara Davis (@Natusb2) 
August 5, 2020

However, what influential and credible sources from Beirut are telling me is this:
“The Beirut explosion is about 100 times the energy than the 2015 Tianjin explosion, or 5.4 kilotons of TNT equivalent (using linear extrapolation from Tianjin, which involved 800 tonnes of ammonium nitrate).

Conventional nukes against Japan had 15 to 21 kilotons. But this explosion is different, it is because of modern tactical nuke that contains up to 10 kilotons of the hybrid material including uranium. It is this reason why we still have acid and radiation in the air. The storage facilities near the grain elevator are NOT marked for hazardous material storage, but are instead marked for general cargo. Therefore, you can guess it, what we will be fed in the coming hours.” 

– Ghayet Ali
” First explosion was caused by Gabriel anti ship missile of Israel. The second explosion was caused by Israeli Delilah missile from F16. Our country is in complete jeopardy with this lazy and corrupt regime.”

Hezbollah, we are told, is expected to retaliate against Israel and they say there is no way for Syria not to be brought in.

IAEA Confirms

Jeff Smith of the IAEA confirms this is a nuclear explosion.

The lies about fireworks in ships and fertilizer are what we always get. You don’t store either one downtown in a major city like Beirut under any circumstances. Not much farming in Beirut and they don’t celebrate the 4th of July there.

The smoke could well be missile fuel which may mean a missile storage facility was hit by Israel. We have confirmation from Israel that they were planning to attack Beirut 5 days ago in retaliation for Hezbollah’s military attacks on Golan, which were not reported anywhere.

We are told Lebanon asked for nuclear investigators from Russia but there is no attempt to protect the site which, even if this were a modern clean weapon, still be radioactive.

New video shows nature of the blast a bit better. We will keep updating.

Beirut Governor Calls Explosion a ‘National Disaster Akin to Hiroshima’

“A fire brigade of 10 people arrived at the scene. What happened is very similar to what happened in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They drove to the scene and disappeared. This is a national disaster for Lebanon. We do not know how we are going to deal with this”, Beirut Governor Marwan Abboud said. (Sputnik/Moscow)

Please remember #Beirut, Lebanon in your prayers and thoughts. Many are dead and lots are injured 😔
— Noni Brown (@chinonsoenemuo4) August 4, 2020

Initial response from Israel

“Israel has nothing to do with the massive explosion that rocked Beirut on 4 August, the country’s parliamentary TV channel has announced. A similar statement was made by an anonymous Israeli official in an interview with Reuters, while the country’s Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi alleged that the blast was likely an accident caused by a fire.” (Sputnik/Moscow)

Initial Report 2

Earlier/VT: Two explosions in Beirut, one a conventional guided bomb followed by a small nuclear weapon. The target is now confirmed to be a Hezbollah missile storage facility.

One hospital in Beirut has said it is treating more than 500 injures and is unable to receive any more patients. Tens of the people injured will need surgery and the hospital is appealing for blood donations.

-Follow the latest here:— SkyNews (@SkyNews) 
August 4, 2020

This is the second explosion, that looks like the plasma ball of a nuclear explosion to me, note the white colour indicating extremely high temperatures – no conventional explosion burns so hot. Also note the great height of the plasma ball – it is taller than the grain silo. I am very strongly reminded of the nuking of Tianjin a few years ago.The warehouse to the east he speaks of is the black building shown in the video stills above.

A large explosion has been heard in the Lebanese capital Beirut. Security sources said a number of people were injured during the widespread destruction across the city, with residents reporting windows being blown out and ceilings collapsing

-Read more:— SkyNews (@SkyNews) August 4, 2020

Initial Report 1 – The “official explanation”

This smells like a cover story, I very much doubt there were any fireworks involved, the small explosions seen in the videos were more likely to have been munitions cooking off due to fires started by the first explosion.

RT has just covered the explosions and quotes a Lebanese govt. minister:

Health Minister Hamad Hassan told local media that a ship carrying fireworks exploded in the port. Video footage lends weight to his explanation, as it shows a small explosion followed by the crackling of fireworks, before a second and massively destructive blast.

Local residents have shared images showing extensive damage to property. The office of the Daily Star newspaper was smashed by the blast, with windows blown out and furniture flung to the ground. France24 correspondent Leila Molana-Allen said that her apartment was “blown apart,” adding that she thinks the blast was caused by a “missile from a jet.”

It looks very much like the Lebanese have invented the ship full of fireworks story to cover the truth. Molana-Allen is almost certainly correct – that it was some kind of missile or guided bomb dropped by a jet fighter-bomber.

Or are they going with the one we have heard so many times before when tactical nukes have been used – that it was a store of explosives that went up:Of course they would deny it was an attack, no-one ever admits a nuke went off, it’s terribly bad for public opinion.

Sodium nitrate, basically a big fertiliser bomb, nope, not buying that at all, this is the cover story they appear to be going with.

Please pray for #Beirut , Lebanon.Reports are that it felt like a nuclear explosion.
— SECRETARY♠️ACE™ (@SecretaryAce) August 4, 2020

Initial Reports hit the feeds…

This local lady describes a feeling of melting, that sounds like radiation hitting her – being hit by radiation feels like heat, it burns you.


People in Beirut,Lebanon needs to stay indoors due to the recent Firewooks/nuclear explosion that happened in Beirut. The smoke is filled with nitric acid (Red/pink/purple smoke) which is toxic and can form an acidic rain.

#BeirutBlast #Beirut
— Women_Advocate🧕🧕🧕 (@hauwa_farouk) August 4, 2020

I don’t agree with the assessment that it was a fine particulate explosion, that wouldn’t explain the white hot plasma ball, only a nuke can explain that.

The media in the west claiming that this massive nuclear like explosion is from "fireworks"


My heart is so heavy 💔😔😭

Prayers for Beirut, Lebanon 🇱🇧
— StanceGrounded (@_SJPeace_) August 4, 2020

Windows blown out 7km away indicates a huge blast, again, suggesting this was indeed a nuke.

The phones going down is probably due to the EM pulse that nukes produce.

Another view of the Beirut explosion from (another) boat.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) 
August 4, 2020
Dramatic images coming from Beirut. 
My thoughts are with everyone affected x
— Joshua Smith (@SmithJournalist) August 4, 2020
BREAKING: Massive explosion in Beirut, Lebanon.
— Sarah Abdallah (@sahouraxo) August 4, 2020
Close to ground zero in this video of the explosion in Beirut.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 4, 2020

There are a lot of casualties, probably mostly due to flying glass and debris.

مشاهد لبعض جرحى التفجير في مرفأ #بيروت

— حسين مرتضى (@HoseinMortada) August 4, 2020
Aftermath of massive explosions that ripped through Lebanese capital of Beirut#BeirutExplosion #LebanonExplosion #Lebanon #Beirut

MORE:— RT (@RT_com) August 4, 2020
The level of destruction looks insane!#BeirutExplosion #LebanonExplosion #Lebanon #Beirut

MORE:— RT (@RT_com) August 4, 2020

Nah… It just couldn’t be a nuke…

Sure what ever you all want to believe.

The “nay sayers” suggest that people are watching birds. Like sparrows, pigeons, doves, or maybe parrots. Like this. I’m sure that this is a parrot…

Or, it just couldn’t be a nuke. Right? Stations would pick up the radiation.

These stations would measure the alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Since the gamma radiation travels at the speed of light, the stations would be able to register the exact moment the weapon was detonated.

Well, suddenly this station went off line. Imagine that!

It is now reported as “malfunctioning“.

Funny thing this…

Well, malfunctioning station or what, Italy says they are getting radiation readings that are worthy of note…


It seems that Trump authorized the use of 6kt mini-nuke to destroy the port of Beirut. This was conducted by aircraft of the Israel Air Force, and they apparently used two missiles.

  • Gabriel anti ship missile.
  • Israeli Delilah missile carrying a 6kt mini-nuke.

Radiation readings in Europe has confirmed that a nuclear warhead was used.

Trump has admitted to participation and direction of this attack. But he did not confess to using nuclear weapons.

This effort puts a immediate pause on the Chinese Belt and Road initiative with a port on the Mediterranean sea.

Trump scares the living daylights out of me. He had no qualms about unleashing a biological weapon to kill multitudes of Chinese with the COVID-19, and is now using nuclear weapons in the Mediterranean Sea. He has two complete assault carrier task forces off the Chinese coast and is working to provoke war with Russia.

What is wrong with this man?

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Totally agree with you on this one. There’s also a great analysis by Ryan from The Last American Vagabond:

There are only two things people need if they are to uncover and communicate what is really happening in the world. One is to be free of any dogmatic belief system. The second is not to give a damn what people think and say about you, or at least, not to let that influence your decisions. Without number one, people will never go into the bizarre areas that are necessary to understand the forces that control this planet. Once they are faced with information that demolishes their belief system, they will begin to edit what they have discovered and refuse to go where it is taking them. Without number two, people will never communicate what they have found because they will be terrified of the consequences for them from the reaction of their friends, family and the public in general.

There are so many possibilities once people free their mind from the prisons of conditioned reality.

Bo Chen

If China thinks US is only going after its BRI earmarks then its wrong:

America’s evil plan to nuke China as the final solution to genocide all 1.4 billion Chinese people on Earth


Bo Chen

Couple years ago my Mom had a series of dream premonitions…

I’m not a religious nor superstitious person at all, but even I must admit that when you consider the context, the number and quality of those premonitions that have come true, its just a happy coincidence. I don’t pretend to know how or why, and she wasn’t doing any sort of intentional “remote viewing” or anything like that, but all of those dreams have come true so far except for one:

And that is the one where she says there was military on the streets (our street) taking people out of their homes and they had also come for us and we were next in line to “go”, we couldn’t take anything with us and we had to hurry and there was this sense of sadness and emergency as in we had to drop everything and leave it all behind and we were shuttled into a large enclosure of some sort with a bunch of other people out in the seemingly middle of nowhere and it was a bunch of families together and everyone was very sad, just this pervasive sense of sadness and homesickness of not being able to return back home again and having to leave it all behind etc…

This was back in around 2012… way before America had pivoted to containing China….


04 Aug 2020 “Beirut Blast”: Crazy Ahkmed’s discount suicide-vest warehouse (backed by the U.N.) mysteriously explodes. The global media instantly blames Israel for destroying this well known and long beloved establishment. The global media maggots puke up lies about Israel’s knowledge that this was an explosives warehouse.
The global faggotry demand that the U.S. has to pay reparations (“Pity Bucks”).
Instead, President Trump sends these terrorists “Trump Bucks” (coupons good for
a bacon-ham-sausage-egg & cheese breakfast sandwich combo at any Trump Snack Shack ®).
This is way better than stoopid cash! OMA! (Oh My Ayatollah!) We’re saved!
In recognition and appreciation for this awesome humanitarian gesture,
The they spew their usual vile bile: “Death to America!”. Yay!