One thing that can be pretty common in an intention campaign is the presence of “false positives”.
What is a “false positive”?
False positives are events or things that appear to match your verbal affirmations in substance, but have some glaring defect that makes them unusable.
Which is why you need to be very specific in what you affirm.
Ah, but you'd better be very specific. Here's some wishes that an Craven Morehead wanted if he could have three wishes granted by a genie. It is found in this chat room titled "Genie grants you three wishes, what are they?" Better vision, no more glasses Better teeth Bigger dick Now, if you were a mischievous person, how would you twist those wishes into something undesirable? Think about it a second. Now, instead of that nice fairy-tale fantasy. Consider quantum physics and the nature of the universe. Thoughts create reality. So, if those are your wishes, then imagine a totally impartial world-line cross over where you head directly to the world-line that first offers you those destinations. Is the first world-line that offers you a "bigger dick" the one that you want to inhabit? Kenyan's enormous penis means he cannot have sex Penis Enlargement Gone Wrong: A Wealthy Diamond Trader ... Yes, a Penis Can Be Too Big To Fit Inside a Vagina Personally, I would prefer to have "free, unlimited sex with anyone I want at any time" over "a bigger dick". But that is just me.
These attributes are called “false positives”, but they can just as well be called an “echo image” of your target desire. Here we are going to discuss this.
Like ripples in a pond, a target object or situation can often create “ghost” or “echo” images. These items are not necessarily exactly what you are striving for. Though, it might (truthfully) be exactly what you are asking for.

I will use an example from my own life to illustrate this.
An example
This is an actual true to life example. It's my example and it is about me.
Metallicman is not a wealthy man. He lives a comfortable life; a “rich” life. But it is not a wealthy life.
- If you do not know the difference between a “wealthy life” and a “rich life” then watch the movie “Bronco Billy” starring Clint Eastwood. Pay attention to Miss Lilly.

Pay attention how Miss Lilly went from a wealthy life to a rich life.
To survive, and put food on the table, Metallicman often runs “projects”, works, and efforts that help himself and his family with the day to day needs of life. One of which is a small company that he owns that provides services.
It’s not big, or noteworthy other than to say that it provides a periodic income when needed. And, aside from income, it also provides purpose and meaning. All men, especially Metallicman, must have an occupation and a purpose that provides for their family and to their community.
So after losing a customer, Metallicman decides that he wants to obtain a new customer. But a substantial one. One that has a lot of money to work with, and who would provide a stable source of labor and income to his business.
So Metallicman adds this line to his “affirmation campaign”…
I am in charge of billions of dollars of worth/value.
Now, Metallicman did not say that he was a billionaire. He did not say that he wanted to be rich and wealthy. He added a line to a affirmation campaign that referred to his business. That his business would expand to a point where he would be in charge of billions of dollars of worth / value.
Safe, huh?
The affirmation campaign ends. The “pause” sequence begins. Then approximately three months after the completion of the last affirmation campaign, while in the midst of the “pause”, he is introduced to a new (potential) client.
The client’s story
Well, Metallicman is in China. Most of his clients are not Chinese though. They are mostly Europeans, with a smattering of Australians and Africans. But this new client is a Chinese American. He’s a Chinese man who emigrated to America and holds American citizenship.
His story…
Now, while he was in China, over the last twenty years, he would take the United States Dollars that Americans would use to set up companies, and convert them into RMB and give the RMB back to the new Americans starting their businesses within China. He would exchange, for a price, USD to RMB.

Then he would keep the United States dollars himself. For he did not trust the Chinese yuan. And in those days, having “green backs” could open up a lot of doors for you.
It kind of became an obsession with him, and he started collecting more and more United States currency. And using it to create even more United States currency.
He would have piles of currency in his home, and they would get larger and larger. Until he had to rent out a large building to store them in. It was a real-life scene from the movie “Blow”.

Well, apparently, the care-taking of the money became too much for him. He ran out of space in his multiple holding locations, and went to a local bank.
He opened up an account, all completely legal, and deposited the money into the account. “Phew!” he thought. No longer did he have to worry about rats chewing up his money, or some punks breaking into the buildings and running off with the cash.
A year or two passed.
Then, as part of an anti-corruption campaign, the Chinese government made some laws designed to combat fraud and corruption. They established a new branch of the government called the “Corruption Police” and passed a slew of laws designed to tightly control money flow and reduce corruption.
Part of this was drastic measures in the use of non-Chinese money; the RMB.
The key was that you can only use Chinese money in China. Which is (pretty much) a “duh! moment”. But for the longest time, people were conducting all sorts of “back room” deals and activities hidden from public oversight.
Anyways, the law was that no one can move non-Chinese currency inside of outside China without oversight.
- Max use limit is 50,000 USD/year per person. (In / out or transaction.)
- All movement of money must have an approved reason, and documentation. Mostly paperwork, but used as part of your citizen profile.
- You cannot use USD inside of China legally. You must use RMB.
So in effect, he has all this money, but he cannot use any of it (aside from a very small amount).
Metallicman opportunity
So this man comes up to Metallicman though his financial advisor and asks if Metallicman can help him convert this money into legal RMB currency.
Metallicman listens.
Metallicman thinks.
Metallicman asks “how much money is it”?
And Metallicman is shown some banking financial records that confirm that the money is real, and it is in legal storage with an authorized Chinese bank.
… as far as how much money is involved, Metallicman is shown this statement…

What this means.
People. This is a lot of money.
It’s floor to ceiling stacks of one hundred dollar bills. It’s not just a large number in a ledger or spreadsheet. It’s stacks and stacks of one hundred dollar bills piled on top of each other.
It’s an amazing amount of money.
Here is what one billion dollars looks like if you used $100 bills;

Now, that is a lot of money.
But, you know, it’s not just one billion dollars. It’s many many times that amount.
The thing is that he has 23.6 billion dollars. That is twenty three times the amount shown in the picture. Or roughly 276 pallets full of $100 dollar bills.
And, he was asking Metallicman to help him convert it to Chinese RMB.
A one-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Eh?
The Options
Essentially in situations such as this, you [1] come up with ways to solve the problem / situation, and [2] work out a system of payment for your time and efforts (and resources).
So that is exactly what Metallicman did.
- The first option was really simple. You just find enough people, and each person individually converts 50,000 USD to an equivalent amount in Chinese RMB. The only problem with this is that you need a lot of people to do so. Like 472,000 people.
That’s really not a practicable solution.
Finding people that want to convert this money one-on-one for free is difficult. But to find more than a handful is really difficult, and well finding 472,000 people is down right impossible.
So the direct legal option is out.
But there are other options, as well.
- You can use option two. Here, you can use the money on large scale buildings, or purchase property or large projects directly. The restrictions on this is that [1] you must first find someone wanting and willing to accept USD for property or objects, and secondly [2] it must be within the geographic legal boundaries of the local government. (In China, while Beijing makes the rules, everything is governed at the local level.)
Well, apparently he did just that. And already used up a bunch of the money in the process. So much, apparently, that the builders, and real-estate developers in his region are simply no longer willing to accept United States dollars for their projects. He saturated the market.
- Option Three. There is an option that he can obtain Beijing approval to use the money outside of the local region for a specific project. This option allows him to conduct large-scale investments and building projects using USD as long as there is complete Beijing and corruption police monitoring.
He was not keen on this idea.
He did not say why, but I suspected that it might have to do with some “bad blood” in Beijing or perhaps some history regarding how he was able to come up with so much currency in the first place.
So that leaves…
- Option Four. I came up with option four knowing my relationships with factories and other hard industry within China. I came up with a process that would use the money to produce ingots or other raw materials bought in USD, and then sell it to Chinese factories that would pay in RMB. It was simple. It was legal. It was useful.
The drawback was that there would be operation costs to run the operation, but that would be offset by the profits from the transactions. In my mind, this was the best option to disperse the money, follow Chinese law, and make a profit.
But the Billionaire had other ideas…
Well, Metallicman made the presentation with his aide over dinner with the financial advisor and her partner. After a round of talking and drinks it became obvious what the billionaire was looking for.
- A direct conversion of USD to RMB. Cash to cash.
- Large scale transactions with nothing smaller than increments of $10 million.
- He would pay 1% transaction fee. (around $10,000 per 1 million dollars)
And, with a great deal of sadness and regret, I had to say “no”.
Why I turned it down…
There were many reasons, but let’s stick to the basics…
- I do not know that many people who are desirous to convert their RMB to USD directly. The need is not there.
- The number of people who do want to do so is very small. The desire to conduct “under the table” dealings in untraceable bills is even smaller. In China, with all the electronic “checks and balances” it is a very risky operation. To do so needs a strong and compelling reason.
- While not directly illegal, it skirts the law in legality. It’s risky.
- To find these people, locate them, meet them, have dinner with them, and convince them to trust you… takes time, money and a substantial amount of “wining and dining”.
- A mere $10,000 dollar per one million dollars will not be sufficient. There would need to be some type of expense account, and it would exceed the payment terms by a factor of five or ten.
So what does this mean?
A false positive.
A "False Positive"; A test result which incorrectly indicates that a particular condition or attribute is present.
This 23.6 billion dollar opportunity was unobtainable to me. While it did meet my verbal affirmation prayer campaign literally, it did not meet its’ intent. I was unable to use the money in any way to provide a stable source of income to me and my family.
If you recall, my affirmation stated…
I am in charge of billions of dollars of worth/value.
Indeed, for a very brief period of time, I was actually “in charge of billions of dollars of worth and value“. But it was not sustainable. I could not profit from it because the limitations placed upon it by the owner were not appropiate for my management.
Yet, even as I was unable to [1] find people that were [2] willing to convert the transaction, my prayer affirmations were still valid and did actually materialize…
But it was not what I wanted.
- I was willing to work for a payment scheme, but the scheme suggested by the client was not realistic for the task / opportunity.
- What the client wanted was outside my skill base, my knowledge level, and my network of contacts.
- (In regards to my affirmation campaign), I did not specify exactly how I would profit from this relationship, just that I would be “in charge”.
This is a pretty dangerous condition to place within your affirmation campaign.
- Open ended.
- Not specifying how you would benefit from it.
For instance, if you state something along the lines of “I work in a big company”, you could very well end up…
…in a situation that you might not like…
…like, perhaps, being the janitor (figuratively) “handcuffed” to a job you might not want or like.
You do not want that.
In this universe you need to work from the world-line that you are inhabiting, and then adjust your thoughts accordingly so as to best fit your desires.
Let me explain…
You are always “half way” there…
While the objective of managing a multi-billion dollar account is still in place, it is not exactly what I desire. As it stands. But…
… do not give up. The game is not yet over.

You are still in play. The thoughts are still working for you and they are still manifesting the reality that you desire.
You just need to adjust them.
You need to perform a “course correction”.
What is a course correction? When a spacecraft gets off of its trajectory, or path through space, it must be put back on the right path. The location of the spacecraft is determined and its course vector (the speed and direction of its flight) is calculated. -What is a course correction?
Of all the millions of world-lines that I traversed in the MWI, I did manage to reach a cluster that contained “billions of dollars in resources” that I can exploit.
Just because that particular opportunity is not my ideal condition, it does not mean that the opportunity is gone. It’s not. Rather you are actually looking at the outside of a very enormous iceberg, and you need to conduct a course correction to exploit it to your advantage.
Here's a mind exercise. Imagine that you want to become a figurative painter in Paris, France. To this end, you conduct a prayer affirmation campaign. And after a few years you suddenly find yourself in Belgium. It is not France, but it is close. You are not painting figures, but you are dating a woman with a large dancing studio with enough room for you to "dabble in your hobby". You occupation in Belgium permits you to have plenty of time to drink wine, paint (a factory that makes oils for painting is down the street - offering discount prices), and continue your painting dream. It's not exactly what you want, but it is getting closer and closer to your goal.
In this situation…
Well in this situation, what options do I have?
There are numerous options, let’s review them.
- Accept the terms of the Billionaire. Try to find clients and convert USD to RMB and accept his payment terms.
- Renegotiate with the Billionaire. Try to find clients to convert USD to RMB but with payment terms to my own satisfaction plus all expenses paid for.
- Renegotiate with the Billionaire, have him accept my proposal to perform factory to factory commodity trading to convert the money.
- Drop the entire opportunity completely.
In any event, regardless as to how the physical matter is dealt with, there does need to be a readjustment and course correction to the verbal affirmations used within the prayer / affirmation campaign.
It should have elements that maintain…
- Sustainability and duration. Or how long will this goal last for.
This reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode. Where she granted a man his wish to be able to fly. So he jumps of the 50 story building window, and indeed he could fly. He laughed and flew. He felt the wind on his face and on his arms. The only thing was that the contract did not specify the duration of his ability. And so after 30 seconds he fell to his death.

Do not assume anything in regards to your affirmations. If you want to have a nice, long duration customer, that will use your services, and from which you can profit from; then SPECIFY IT.
I am in charge of this money for many years.
- And secondly, you need to specify how this relationship will benefit you personally…
I make a very nice salary, profits, interest, and margin in transactions regarding this money. I am able to use the money to provide a stable source of income to me and my family. I attend KTVs, eat fine food, meet interesting and sexy girls as part of dealing with this money.
A false positive
False positives often occur within affirmation / prayer campaigns.
Our natural reaction when a false positive occurs is to assume that exactly what we have specified within our prayer campaign has actually manifested. But this is an illusion. We need to study what has manifested, and then adust our affirmations accordingly. Remember, just because it looks like what you asked for, might not be what you actually want.
This might be such things as “the man of your dreams”, or “the house of your dreams”. You take what is presented to you, and then you make course corrections.
Your prayer affirmation campaigns never end. They only adjust and reorient to new information, and you should be constantly and constantly refining and redefining them.
May your deepest dreams come true.

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MM, I just have to comment on the useability of this. Wonderful technique and reminder – I just implememented your idea within our family’s “intention” objective. I think your story is hilarious tho. So, close but yet yet so far, but it seems like ur other intentions have come true (Wink, wink. Some billionaires swim in oceans of money, but I m sure the dolts dont “get some” as much as MM!). USD246 billion? My goodness, what a huge number! I can imagine tho that ur an honest person but if he met up with different foreigners or locals, that he’d be in big personal trouble in terms of being a “target” for harvest. Pls keep these stories coming. I m learning everyday, and hopefully becoming “smarter!” If u cant get everything in life, unlimited p*ssy as a consolation may be ample compensation….
Rob, you put a smile on my face.
Indeed, you have read between the lines correctly. It’s better to have viseral, physical experiences, than to have stacks upon stacks of paper, and a nice spreadsheet with big impressive numbers on it.
It’s not that I am afraid to go to prison, but I just don’t want to. There’s a difference, you know. There’s a part of me that suggests this guy is looking for an easy way out; a mark. But it’s not gonna happen. Well, not with me it won’t.
I’m still working the affirmations and tweeking them. I’ll write a post describing things as they develop. But, I guess the points here are numerous…
[1] Ask your affirmations BIG.
[2] It works and things WILL happen.
[3] Ask and revise your affirmations.
[4] Never stop.
Indeed, as you said. “So close and yet so far”. It’s like giving a starving dog a rubber bone!
This information has opened the doors to a whole new world of possibilities for me. Even though I’m just 5 days away from completing my first 3 months praying cycle, allow me to share a little bit of what I experienced in my prayer campaign so far. I hope it’s okay to reveal one of my intentions/affirmations to explain my point here; so I have been praying for “I will live the love life of my dreams in the beautiful city of Hiroshima one day, with my true love.”
And as a result, not so long ago, I received a message on my Twitter from a person saying he supports international students in Japan by paying for their tuition fee and improving education and whatnot, which at first appears to be like WOW! It’s an opportunity of a lifetime to go to Japan! My intentions are manifesting!
But thanks to your article, now that I’m fully equipped with this knowledge of ‘false positives’, my suspicions about the credibility of this person have proved to be true. It is very likely he might be just another one of those scammers. In your previous post titled “the extreme intention prayer challenge”, I learned about the “realistic”, “further out” and “impossible goals”, and I think my prayer falls in the latter category. So in any case, common sense tells me that there’s no way for any such intention of that level to manifest so effortlessly within such a short period of time. I fully appreciate the fact that it could take anywhere from 5 to 10 years of hard work for this intention to actually manifest in the way I want it to manifest.
Thank you for this.
The good news is that if you get a “false positive” you are well on your way to have your dream goals come true. While you have described it as being perhaps ten years out, my experience is that if you are getting a false positive, that it is much closer and sooner than that. maybe a year or two maximum.
It is critical for you to update your prayer affirmations with your latest thoughts and lessons.
This is true even as you enter into the “pause” phase. And make no mistake the pause phase is critical to the success of your operation. So when you enter the pause phase, you forget about all the affirmatiosn and everythign and spend three months doing nothing. Let the prayers and intentions manifest. then after three months begin again only with the revised intention affirmations.
Remember, and I want to underline this, if you are experiencing a false positive you need to be advised;
[1] Update your affirmations to prevent these kinds of false positives from occurring.
[2] Realize that you are far closer to your objectives when you are first getting false positives.
[3] Make absolutely sure that you conduct the pause phase absolutely.
All affirmation MUST use present tense.
The present tense is a grammatical tense whose principal function is to locate a situation or event in the present time. The present tense is used for actions which are happening now.
Oh, one more thing. You need to CHANGE the tense of your affirmations. Into Positive-Perfect.
From “I will live the love life of my dreams in the beautiful city of Hiroshima one day, with my true love.”
To: “I am living the love life of my dreams in the beautiful city of Hiroshima, with my true love.”
Your affirmations are currently about “…will do in the future…” instead of “…am doing now…”
Thank you for such a detailed explanation!
First off. I want to thank you for what you’ve done. In your life and with what you’ve written. And because this is a comment section I cant write everything I would like to say to you So I want to keep things a bit shorter.
To make a long story short, i’ve been living a prayer life for 16 years. i’m a catholic and libertarian and I started praying after something that shook up my life. Probably sounds familiar. Any way i came upon an article on your site, completely unrelated to prayer campaigns or the mwi, but something got me reading more from you and i came across your majestic and prayer posts. And like a lot of things I encountered in my life,things clicked. I always had the feeling that there had to be a “technical” side to why prayer worked. And it felt good to read how everything you wrote corresponds with what I learned from preachers and the bible. And now for the first time I adjusted my way of praying with how you perform your prayer campaigns. And mind you I was already very carefull about wording things when it comes to safety. Any way I finished my campaign and prayers are being answered. Mostly Just like they were when I prayed in my older style but perhaps better and definately with more understanding now. But I also decided to put an extreme or Lets say more far out prayer in my campaign. And about 4 days into my pause i got something that made me flabbergasted. Its sort of what I prayed for but could also be a false positive. And studying what I got I think I perhaps didnt word my prayer correctly. No problem you would say. Just adjust your prayer in your next campaign. But thats just it. It also got me thinking. What if someone decided to pray for six months and than pause for six months. And his false positive shows up in the first week of the pause. Does he have to wait the rest of the six months realising he worded that particular prayer wrong or can one pray with their better worded prayer right away after realising its a false positive. I would love to hear about this because its one of the few things i couldnt find out reading through your posts. To finish up this already long comment , and dammit I wanted to keep things shorter lol , but I felt that would come across as someone looking for a quick fix. I sincerely wish I could pay you for answering but I dont have the means. Even if you wont answer thanks for everything you’ve written anyway
Thank you for this.
I am so very glad that my writings have meaning and understanding for you. It means a lot to me. It really does. I know that not everyone can pay me some money that is why I’m not screaming for it, or flooding you all with pop-ups, banners, and gimmicky advertisements. The benefits that I derive through helping people cannot be measured in money.
So, how do you tell the difference from a “false positive” and a real thing? It’s very difficult.
The reason why is because time is NOT a factor. Oh, it seems like it is. But it is really not, and when you start hitting the bedrock of substantive purpose for your life (not yet covered, I’ll get to it) in your prayer affirmation campaign, you will start touching the “base-line pre-birth world-line template (remember that?). And there are certain things that lie there untouched and undisturbed silently waiting for you to uncover them. They await there silent, ignored, un-moving, like a coiled spring. Like a very old coiled spring that was wound up by your great great grandfather, that you found inside an old dusty drawer in an old sub-basement in your long dead great aunties house. And when you open it up and you hold it in your hand, you are amazed at the sheen of the gun-metal soils, and the weight of it. You pull it out of the drawer and look at it by the light filtering in through the window. What is this? You ask. Could this be…
…and you remember this deep, dark, half-forgotten desire or dream that you once had a a young, young boy. This crazy, oh it’s just a crazy dream that would never happen to me, kind of desire. But you look at this beautiful piece of wound up mechanism. You can clearly read the stamped in letters, and everything. Not a fleck of rust on it. Pristine. And you wonder… you wonder…
The only way to see if it works is to release the spring and watch it uncoil. Just note that once you do, it might be impossible to coil the spring back.
Do you want to continue living a life where the discovery did not happen? Then put the coil back in the drawer and continue on your life.
But if you want to take a change at your DREAM… then uncoil it and stand back. Knowing full well that you only have an inkling of whether it will work or now, and you have no idea what might be unleashed when you uncoil it.
It is at these times that you will find your life at a cross-roads. It will be one of “do you proceed with the opportunity” or not. It will be clear and quite abrupt. You will not need to question whether it is real or not. You can either take it, or try to take it or not.
But the only way that you will know if it is a “false positive” is if you try to take that opportunity. I suggest that you do so, and then let the chips fall. Good or bad. Pleasant or a surprise. Prayer is not for the timid. You either follow through in your actions or stop praying and following intention campaigns. Now, I sincerely hope that this dream of yours, this impossible high-stakes objective comes true for you. They have come true for me, I’ll tell you what. But…
Everything comes with a “price tag”. You will find you life changing in unexpected and new ways, ways that you had no idea of. Both good and bad. Change is a good thing. Embrace it. If you read my post on how my life has changed since I started decades ago, you will see that I had to go through some uncomfortable changes to get here, and here (as much as I enjoy it) still has many imperfections. And the struggles of life do not, never, actually end. They just change form.
You can comment all you want, and feel free to tell of your adventures in prayer. (In general terms.) Most of us would love to hear what went right and what went wrong. Just like you like to read my writings on this subject.
In fact, if you have a burning desire to tell others, I can give you a space on MM to relate your “war stories”. We can chat off line if you want, or are interested in that. It’s an open invitation that I offer to everyone, but no one takes me up on it. Too afraid of the MM stigma I guess. Best Regards, and keep on praying. 6 months on, 6 months off is a good healthy system. Stick with what works for you.
To your question. Can you interrupt your campaign… start a shorter duration campaign when you start getting positives?
I would advise against it. Instead, [1] update your prayer list. [2] Continue your dwell/pause period for 1/2 (50%) duration. So if you have a 6 month on / 6 month off period. Perform a dwell/pause for 3 months. then [3] start a smaller cycle. I’d advise a 3 month on /3 month off. Don’t do anything radical.
The dwell pause is a very, very, VERY important part of your campaign. Don’t discount it.
First off all. Thank you very much for the well thought out answer. I have a lot of things I want to say about it but that takes some time and I would like to do it tonight. But I thought i’d let you already know that I read it and thinking about all that you wrote.
Thank you for that. Take your time. Compose your thoughts then write. Not a problem. I have a prayer / Intention campaign post that I just released. You might want to check it out.
My first comment contained a lot of words because if I just wrote some bullet points i felt it would look like i was a troll or something but i do think that saying and clearing up some things up in bullet point format works better. At least now, without coming across as perhaps insulting. So here goes:
I set my prayer campaign this time for 1 month on 1 month of. Not 6 months.
I did not include a far out prayer with a long wanted dream because i’m Not ready to have my world shook up. At least not yet.
I never asked things in prayer that were far out just to test God.
The bible tells us we shouldnt do that and that always felt true. Also according to your writing I think.
But still wanting to put a far out prayer in my campaign and it being one I would live up to. I choose something that if I wouldnt pray for might only occur after years but most likely wouldnt occur. So something slim.
4 days into the pause I got pretty much what I asked for. But not what I really wanted.
The occurrence was pretty much on par with your own examples of a house with a specific number or dating a girl from iceland. So im convinced it was my prayer. So far So good.
My prayer being answered So far even if it seems like a false positive at least is a safe thing. So I dont need to discard it. I would say its something like your example of being a painter in belgium. Not quite what you want but you can definately accept it and enjoy it and then keep on praying for what you really want.
This resulted in 2 things.
1 I thought about my own prayers from the past that were simple things and were answered sometimes within days. What if someone, not neccesarily myself , but someone would put a simple request in his prayer campaign that would take six months on and than six months off. And then getting a false positive early on. Does one still need to wait a whole year for only that specific prayer. Assuming you still have your pause for your other prayers in that campaign.
2 i actually decided to update my affirmation list after a couple of days. Like you say. And 2 hours after doing that what I had received dissappeared. I get the feeling that me going into my affirmation list to update it somehow resulted in the dissappearance.
What are your thoughts on that. Would really like to hear them.
Also on your offer of writing some “war” stories. Ill definately think about it. But I would really need to find the time for it. It would be even longer than my comment lol. And those took quite some time.
Thanks in advance and bless you
Thank you for that. Well, I can clearly see that you are following the examples, working the program, praying, and monitoring your results. You are doing it right; correctly. You are also getting the expected results. So all the measurables are there. Now what?
As things manifest, you will start to notice that they will start altering your prayer content. It’s really rather unusual for you ever to get what you pray for so quickly. Instead, events happen and ideas crop in your head. These ideas will have you add, subtract and change your written affirmations. If you find yourself doing that, well then you are certainly on the right track.
If you seem to get a “false positive” then you can be assured that [1] you are on the right track, and [2] it contradicts (as worded) some other affirmations that you have written, or [3] you need a “deep dive” or “slide” to exit your pre-birth baseline world-line. When you see or experience a “false positive”, you need to look at what you are desirous of, then reroute your affirmation campaign upon your new realizations.
It has been my experience that when you ask for things relating to relationships, you open up an entire “Pandora’s box” of issues. Often those very issues might contradict other affirmations.
I once had an affirmation campaign that went like this; I will meet and live with a stunningly beautiful model. We live in a beautiful area, and I have a very happy and satisfying job.
Sure as shit, seven months later, my relationships changed. I found myself traveling with this very beautiful blonde. What a beauty. Stunning! She would actually stop traffic when she walked by I am not kidding. We moved to Boston. And I had an outstanding job there. Her name was CJ, and even her driver’s license was stunning.
The catch? She was impossible to live with, she had addiction problems, a mean ass temper, and was mercurial. I didn’t want to have anything to do with her, though she was very attached to me.
The relationships must be part and parcel of your requirements when praying for others. As such, don’t expect immediate returns, but chill out, and let all the chips fall in place, and they will. Trust me on that. You just need to get in touch with your inner being and ask for things that are as comfortable to you as a nice clean pair of your favorite jeans.
Thanks for the reply. And kudos to you for seeing what my false positive had to do with.
Still a small question. When updating for the next campaign AFTER the pause. Yes i’ll be more patient lol. Can you atleast update your prayers during the pause because you already have the right words in your head. Cause thats why I opened my list. Otherwise I would of waited and then update my prayer AFTER the pause.
For now have a nice weekend. And dont drink too much lol.
You can update your campaign at any time. I tend to update it both during a campaign, and in the pause. I just don’t say the updated phrases until I begin a new campaign. If you are following the technique properly you should almost immediately find that you are updating and revising your campaigns quite often.
I thought this would be a nice part of the intention-prayer-index to share my experiences, seeing as it relates somewhat to the ‘false positive’ aspect.
So I actually learned about the intention-prayer technique about 13-14 years ago (i’m 29 now), which was when the ‘law of attraction’ was the viral ‘rage’. Even back then, I knew I wanted a ‘special’ life that was not the office-cubicle-9-to-5 job pop culture suggested most people were destined for. And back then, I loved playing football, and supported Liverpool football club, so I ‘intended’ quite ferociously to be a ‘Liverpool Footballer’. I did all the stuff with visualisation, putting in emotion, etc, and trained very hard by myself.
One day, whilst I was browsing through the library, a book about the autobiography of Steven Gerrard, which was then the talismanic captain of LFC, just seemed to ‘pop out’ at me in a way in which I was utterly convinced that it was a ‘sign of the universe’ that it had received my intentions. So not quite a ‘false positive’, but a clear signal that my intentions were warping my reality.
But as I trained and focused on my goal, I quickly fell out of love with playing football, because there was so much angst and anxiety within me about ‘reaching my goal’. I felt ‘burnt-out’, and would sometimes play well and sometimes not – but always with increasing fear and anxiety and not being able to perform.
At that point, I was also very much interested in self-help – goal-setting, LOA, nutrition, yadayada all that kind of thing. And as I opened up yet another self-help book, I came across a spiritual book ‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle. And the book spoke to me so so much, describing how all of us wanted peace and happiness, but mistakenly searched for it in external ‘things’ and ‘goals’. And that the true path to happiness was one of inner happiness regardless of external circumstances, the peace that passeth all understanding.
In that moment, I realised that I did not really want to be ‘Liverpool Footballer” although that idea was, and still sounds fantastic!, but that I just wanted the happiness and ‘specialness’ and ‘adventure’ that I thought it represented. So I dropped the goal-idea and just focused on enjoying playing football, and very quickly, my anxiety and fear when playing went away and I played very well for the rest of my high school season.
I remembered that during that moment, I did attempt intention-prayer on an on-and-off basis for various things, but often plagued with some sort of anxiety, worry or hope whether or not it would manifest. Looking back, I think a person needs to attain a baseline of emotional-stability; otherwise, their intention-prayers are likely to be muddled and muddied by their negative emotions. It is hard to ‘let go’, if you are too attached to a particular outcome. I didn’t really keep a record of my intention-prayers back then, so I can’t know if some of them did later manifest.
So anyway, after my spiritual awakening, I pretty much stopped trying to intention-prayer anything. Instead, I focused on my spiritual growth, trying to be happy in just my being; just Being happy without looking for anything else to give it to me. My intuition is that my pre-birth soul contract was not for me to be a Liverpool footballer (lol), but to spiritually awaken and then continue my path from there wherever it may lead.
For the past 13+ years, I have had passing interests come and go (I still love playing football), but the central interest has been spiritual growth, and thus, with my focus being so drawn to it, my life had manifested in a way as to support that. I guess our innate interests and intentions often naturally intersect and become one. Although I have not deliberately set out an affirmation with the intention of using the LOA-technique to be ‘spiritually enlightened’, my focus has naturally led me to the path and current life I am leading.
And as I type this, I begin to wonder; perhaps this is why my life has been as such; relatively hermit-like existence, with little to distract me, so that I would relentlessly focus on my spiritual growth. Not much in terms of adventures or excitement, but a relentless purifying and letting go of ego-thoughts, attachments, fears, etc.
In any case, reading your site (I came across it by, guess what, a link from a Trump supporting site, LOL) and coming across the Intention-Prayer Index, I thought I’d try my hand again at this LOA-intention-prayer stuff, this time with a better metaphysical understanding of how it works, as well as being in a far better emotional state than I was 13 years ago. I started about a few days back so…let’s see where we end up six months from now…
My more specific intention-prayers are to be kept secret until they unfold…but for now, my ‘safety mechanisms’ are;
An outstanding, just outstanding comment. I can clearly see how your desire for inner peace and tranquility has manifested, but you needed more didn’t you. And now here you are. There’s an adventure with being alive, and you can have a nice quiet restful life “grazing on the grass”, or you can have a “swash buckling adventure”. But either routes, and everything in between is up to you.
I think that you have the basics “nailed down”, and as such you probably will want to build upon them.
Since you have spent such a long time in one intention direction, you can expect a longer-than-expected period of time to have your new different manifestations occur, but don’t worry they will. Don’t get too upset if it take months or years. Your prior decades of efforts need to be factored into your latest campaigns.
You see, every time you perform an Affirmation campaign it is NOT like a fresh clean table that you set your dishes upon. So do not expect new ideas or concepts to happen with a new found urgency.
Instead it is like a big tureen of soup. And for the last ten years your have been pouring sugar into the soup, and now you want to add some chicken and celery. There will be a time of adjustment, give it time, and your intentions will manifest.
Again great comment! Thank you for this.
Thank you for the encouragement!
I have some more thoughts to share regarding how spirituality and intention-prayer work together but i think i will wait until i’ve finished reading the rest of your intention-prayer index before sharing more thoroughly.
But for what its worth, I think one of the most important principles of getting intention-prayer to work is the ability to be not too overly-attached to the outcome, to have a baseline state of peace and contentment, which allows one to be patient as well as better understand what they really want.
One of the core teachings of A Course in Miracles is that ‘we do not know our highest good’ – and when we don’t know our highest good, we look for happiness-contentment in external things of the world, often very particular, specific, and ‘far out’ things like being in a relationship with a particular celebrity, or having a lot of money (but a lot of ‘jobs’ that pay well may be stressful, difficult and unethical). And then whilst having such ‘far-out’ intention-prayers, we are very impatient and frazzled, desperately demanding for the intention-prayer to ‘manifest as soon as possible’ in order to be ‘satisfied’, but such impatience and negativity sabotages not just the intention-prayers but the present reality as well. All of this makes intention-prayer a much more labored affair, and I suspect, much less likely to succeed.
Well stated.