This post is a newbie’s guide to having sex in Thailand. It’s a compilation of information that the interested reader can rely on to meet companions and have some fun with them. And by fun, I mean drinking alcohol, singing, dancing, exploring the local sights, eating the amazing food, and having sex with an attractive companion. You can find this information elsewhere on the internet, don’t you know, but here we are going to include it all in one place for your personal use.
Included herein for your personal use.
Please realize that I am not a “monger”. I am just a normal guy that likes pretty girls, exotic cultures, singing, dancing and drinking. And I believe that if you would rather sit in front of the boob-tube (television set) rather than have a pretty girl on your lap then you go ahead and do it. As they used to say in the United States “different strokes for different folks”.
Now, you can take this information and use it. Or you can read it and absorb it, and then forget it. Or, you can take what is provided herein and say “My! What an interesting place. I should go ahead and visit it. Yes, I think.”
Sex in Thailand
And so let’s talk about life in interesting places, with interesting people, doing interesting things.
"People will always buy food, alcohol, drugs, coffee, and sex. A lot of men are stressed and want a release," -Loretta from Prostitutes tempt clients with deals. By KEITH LYNCH 13:34, Feb 27 2009
I like Thailand. It is everything that the USA isn’t.
“For me I live in Thailand and have done so for the past 3 and a half years and it remains the best decision of my life. But what is it really like to live in Thailand day in and day out is it like living anywhere else and does the attractions of what it was like as a tourist still alive or has it waned. When you live here you don't do the elephant treks or the jet skis on the beach you work and live a life like you would anywhere else except for one difference for me at least you have a lot more sex! For most of the guys that I know who live here their sex life improves 1000% and it doesn't matter how old you are in fact the older you are the more the improvement! (Good Site for Details) And more than likely the majority of the guys reading this blog living in Thailand is about having as much sex as you can!” -LivingThai
Ah, yes. But it is true by all accounts.
Always uses a condom. Most younger men are not ethical in their whoring practices. This is very dangerous. Listen to me; all it takes is to get the clap or gonorrhea just once, and spend a week in a hospital that will make you wear a condom for the rest of your life. (In addition, don’t try to look on the Internet for medicines and try to cure yourself. No. You go to a hospital.)
Getting an STD involves hospitalization if you get some of the more dangerous strains. Do not mess around. Wear a condom. Not only has Metallicman dealt with hospital stays for STD's, but also know more than a few fellow expats that caught HIV/AIDS while "having fun". Their stories are sad, sad, sad. Wear a condom. And while you are probably going to say that you have heard this all before, let me be the first to drive this point home to you, in the clearest and most forceful way that I can. Wear a condom.
But with the proper precautions and attentions, you stay in Asia can be outstanding and just amazing.
The point being that Asian women have different cultural norms than American women have. (Don’t believe me? Read THIS.)
However, that does not mean that they aren’t female. They have needs, desires, feelings, and issues like any other normal person would. In all cases, if the man is 100% devoted to sexual pursuit, he will get it. However, he will live a shallow and lonely life. It would be a life unfulfilled.
You do need some alcohol.
You do need some delicious and very tasty food.
You do need to have some fun activities.
The truth is that most men, aside from sex, NEEDS a companion. This would be a person that they can share their life with. Indeed, some of my favorite times is just being at home with my family, drinking VSOP (or wine) and talking. Then comes the sex. LOL!
Don’t drink too much – the biggest obstacle to knowing whether a bar girl really likes you or not is alcohol. Also when you get older, the booze inhibits the enjoyment of doing the deed. Finally, is it really fun to get shitfaced? (I don’t know, it doesn’t happen too much any more. The last time that happened to me was at a KTV in China where I drank an entire bottle of Hennesy by myself, and woke up with three nude girls.)
A man needs a companion…
Written by Steve Rosse. January 8th, 2014.
He sits at his desk and dreams about the girl with the French braid. It was the elaborate hair that caught his eye in the Safari Bar, but it was hearing her laugh that made him offer her a drink. It was two days in a room that contained nothing but a bed and a small refrigerator that has kept her at the front of his mind for a whole year.
She hangs onto the chrome pole and dreams about the man with the gap between his front teeth. He was more generous than most of the men who paid her for sex, but it was the fact that he was a little more clean, and a little more sober, that made her agree to go with him. It was two days in a room that contained nothing but a bed and a small refrigerator that has kept him at the front of her mind for a whole year.
His job is mundane and he does it without thinking about it. He shuffles the paper from one side of his desk to the other, makes the appropriate comments in meetings. His job is just what he does to pay the bills. His annual trips to Thailand are what he lives for. He’s had many women in Thailand (almost none at home) but when he’s daydreaming at his desk it’s always about the girl with the French braid.
Her job is mundane and she does it without thinking about it. Her job is just what she does to pay the bills. She shuffles her feet to the music and makes the appropriate comments to the men on their stools. Her annual trips home to Saphan Buri are what she lives for. She’s had many men in Bangkok (none at home) but when she’s daydreaming on the catwalk it’s always about the man with the gap between his front teeth.
He doesn’t really know why she stands out from the others in his memory. She was pretty enough, but other women were prettier. She was skilled in bed, but others were more skilled. There was just something about her, about the way she was so worried about messing up her braid. About how she folded her clothes so neatly before she got into bed. About how she actually seemed to mean it when she asked, “Was I good for you?”
She doesn’t really know why he stands out from the others in her memory. He was generous enough, but other men were more generous. His demands in bed were easy enough to satisfy, but other men’s were easier. There was just something about him, about the way he asked if he could do things before he did them. About how he discreetly tucked the money under her purse on the nightstand rather than just hand it to her. It was something about how he actually seemed to mean it when he asked “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
He shuffles his papers and jokes with the other guys in the break room. He pays his bills and does his shopping and watches TV. But he’s counting the days until his next trip to Thailand. He’s going for the whole month of April, when the air fares are cheapest. He’ll go back to the Safari bar and ask for the girl with the French braid. He wishes he could remember her name. She gave it to him once, at the bar when they met, but after that they were “Darling” to each other and he never thought to ask for it again.
She shuffles her feet and jokes with the other girls on the catwalk. She pays her bills and does her shopping and watches TV. But she’s counting the days until her next trip to Saphan Buri. She’s going for the whole month of April, for the Songkran holiday. She’ll sit on the bus and dream of the man with the gap between his teeth. She wishes she could remember his name.
It’s easy to love the “Land of Smiles”

Anyways, moving on…
“Some people have a hard time understanding relationships where the male is significantly older (decades),"what do they have in common" is a question you'll hear a lot and the answer is pretty simple. Not much at all.If a 45 year old wants to date a 19y/o Thai university girl then I see nothing wrong with that. In fact just a quick look on Thai Cupid and you'll find thousands of girls in their late teens with profile titles like "seeking Farang man 30-50". Most guys wet dream! Do most guys care if they have anything in common? No. And that's fine because in most relationships whether they are close to each others age or not there's always compromise. If you want to have common interests then find a girl you work with.” -Living Thai
To a young person, it seems all messed up.
To an American, indeed, especially to an American woman it seems so disgusting. Well, that is why you are still in America, and I am outside of it.
Anyways, here’s a nice rant directed at 20-something millennials who have strong opinions about what us “old farts” do with our life and time.
“Yeah, I'm supposed to sound like the jaded old guy I am. But, OK pal... ... it's all great as you're a youthful stud who happens to be in Bangkok at the right time to meet Thai women... ...women, who've shed many of their cultural proscriptions against co-mingling with farang, and now have communication vectors making it convenient. Let's hear from you in a decade or two. After maybe, just maybe, you've been raked over the coals by an avaricious family and your former teeruk has her golden parachute, your DNA in her kids. After you've grown weary of corruption / incompetence, built the house and learned you can't own the land. (Where you've) seen your fortune dwindle and learned how merciless Thai courts can be when it comes to divorce proceedings. Let's hope this doesn't happen – plenty of happy couples out there. But in your mid-20s, you don't even know what the wringer looks like, let alone been through it. And yes, (you are correct) there are those whose chick magnet days are memories, who've been married / divorced / through the wringer yet we still want to enjoy life, intimacy, friendship and sex (OK, maybe not in that order). We're not ready for the grave yet, we're just closer than you are. And we're not deluded that women in their 20s (or even 30s) will tumble all over us because we are shit-hot farang like you. Guys in their 20s have no concept of life without mobile comms. The older guys will say, yeah, right on – the target audience will think, there's those old guys complaining about "the good old days" again. I've seen both ends. Have you?” -To the young’uns.
Ah Thailand. A land of complex relationships, and are colorful and very interesting. There is all kinds of interesting things about relationships in Thailand. Like this,
“If you just want to have sex with a bunch of Thai Girls then it's recommended you search for a farm girl. Maybe she works on a rubber plantation or rice plantation, maybe she works in an industrial area where everyone has a factory job. Sure these girls have no money but typically these kind of girls are easy to please eat 30 baht meals and know the only thing they have of value is their sex drive so they really turn it on. This girl doesn't dress very well probably has bad looking toes but she's also 21y/o or younger and a super tight body. She doesn't use Tinder prefers Skout and has little English. She may even be a virgin or had very few partners. She was broken in by some Thai guy who left her shortly so if you're a white guy you're in because she's meeting you with a preconceived notion that if she has sex with you, you won't leave her.” -LivingThai
Anyways, many (male) expats move to Thailand to “sow their wild oats”, and to enjoy the more wiley pleasures of the flesh. That’s fine. Yet, Thailand has much to offer. One of the benefits, or course, is that Thai girls are not American girls.
“What does Mr Bean have to do with getting more girls in Thailand?”
This is a great comment I found somewhere. It's interesting and worth a read.
I knew you’d ask what Mr Bean has to do with getting more girls in Thailand and it’s pretty simple. Thai’s love slapstick comedy.
Ever watched those boring Thai TV programs yeah they are a little funny but nothing compared to the Bean in fact I’m sure all those producers of Thai TV reels were first introduced to comedy through Mr Bean.
Mr Bean never says a word though which is yet another reason why you should learn the Bean way. He can be funny without using lines English or Thai, but they get the humor and they think he’s hilarious.
You know I’m from Australia and growing up in Australia meant either being or knowing the toughest people in the neighborhood, bully’s and thugs put a tight lid on anyone not conforming.
If you were gay you were teased, if your fat your teased, if you wore something like plastic fake pink bear claw flip flops with tight half jeans an orange tank top to the mall and walked into a mall shaving your tongue with a razor you’d be taken to the nearest hospital.
Here in Thailand however people would laugh with you and think your funny and cool.
And this is where Thai’s and Farang differ the most.
Farang will go up to one another and say “Fuck man you look like a total wanker” whereas Thais will go up to that person and say “Wow your funny and dressed different want to be my friend”.
Same reason why there are so many gays and lesbians in this country, in our country if you were gay at school you’d have a shit time because people who didn’t like that shit would tell you, however in Thailand they keep their difference in sex, dress, style to themselves, well mostly anyway.
I have no way of explaining the Thai reasoning behind this different as you can imagine trying to talk to a Thai about something in depth get’s you answers like “have you eaten yet?”. But it doesn’t really matter why but how to use Mr Bean to take advantage of this difference in cultures.
Mr Bean is the biggest playboy in Thailand
Be Stupid!
The more idiotic your actions the funnier it is to Thai’s, watch some re-runs of Mr Bean and get into his groove then go out and do repeat the same in public, people will come up to you.
Have you ever been to a mostly Thai nightclub in Thailand, everyone’s just kinda standing around waiting for something to do or look at.
Maybe it’s you they are waiting to look at, remember if it’s stupid funny and Thai people are looking at you that’s a good thing.
When my ex was working in Alcatraz Pattaya she comes home one night and tells me about this guy in her club. How he was doing all this stupid Mr Bean shit and the girls in the club were eating it up, all the girls were sitting around his table.
My next question is of course well how many drinks did he buy, she replies “none, but he so funny”.
He was doing shit like putting straws up his nose and walking around like a Walrus.
I’m sure if I did that with some mates around they walk away. But why were the girls all around. I decided to do some tests.
Test 1: I went to the “go go club” sat down, and bought a drink; didn’t smile
Test 2: Went to the club sat down bought a drink and smiled.
Test 3: Went to the club, sat down, bought a drink, and smiled, and waved some girls over.
Test 4: Went to the club, sat down, bought a drink, stuck two straws in my nose, and walked around like a chicken. When someone asked me where I’m from I turned into a kangaroo.
The results were surprising!
The first test was boring, I sat there drank the whole bloody drink and the only person who I spoke to was the waitress and that was very short.
The second test went a little better with getting more than short talk with the waitress and some girl come over and ask for a drink but still at 150 baht a beer and the crap show I still feel like I’d been ripped.
The third test which is what I normally do was much more fun had some drinks good time but was down about 1500 baht and really only touched one girl. I had fun but I wouldn’t do it every day.
The fourth test is something I would never normally do, in fact if you did this shit at the Doonside Pub in Western Sydney someone would come over and smack you in the head, and again don’t believe me go try that one yourself but I want video! So I walk into this GoGo club sit down get my drink put two straws in my nose and walk around like a chicken scratching my feet then sat back down. By the next hangover of girls on stage there were 5 girls around my table. Anytime they’d ask for a drink I’d just do something funny stupid from Mr Bean and they’d laugh after a while they stopped asking but wouldn’t go just wanted more stupid shit. I pretty much danced and felt up every one of those girls in the two hours and got two phone numbers I was there and left with a 240 baht check bin.
Sure this is only one test but it seems to work well in any nighttime entertainment venue in Thailand. The Mr Bean Playboy effect does have it’s use in Thailand and I’d imagine if the Bean himself came to Thailand he’d have more than all of us.
No Sexual hangups
Ah, you’ve got to love Asia.
It’s not just Thailand. It’s China, Vietnam, Laos, the Phillippines. It’s everywhere.

“Thai girls can go from 0-100 in a relationship very quickly. Typically there is no "will you be my boyfriend" it's pretty assumed that if you have sex that you are now in a relationship. There should be at no point talking about how you're going to stick your cock down her throat. Instead if you want to know how randy she is after a while of talking you can test the conversation by simply kidding with her like if she says "have you eaten yet?" reply "no, but I want to eat you 555". Unless she's a virgin she's going to fuck you anyway.95% of the girls that I meet up with have already decided they will have sex BEFORE they come to meet you. So really there is no need to discuss it, discussing it just makes her feel that that's all you're into.” -Living Thai
Myths about Sex Workers
There are many myths about sex workers.
Heck, if you believe the feminist social justice warriors around the world you would think that they are all uneducated, trapped, drugged and imprisoned young waifs. Ha! What a crock of bullshit.
Thailand’s sex tourism industry is polarizing and everyone from do-gooders and religious zealots with the most puritanical attitudes to sex tourists who travel the world looking for the cheapest bonk has an opinion.
These opinions are just that – opinions – often with no basis in fact, yet they are repeated to the point that many actually believe these myths to be facts.
Let’s go through these myths and tackle them one by one…
Myth #1 Thai bargirls are being forced against their will
Many believe that Thai bargirls are there against their will, are forced in to it / sex slaves / indentured and / or sold by their family. Western sex tourists have long been aghast at the idea that working ladies may be there against their will and it is one reason why they tend to stick to the expat bar areas.
In the expat bar areas, girls are there of their own volition and can come and go as they please. They are free to leave the bar and spend the night with a customer. Contrast this with many Thai-style bars where everything happens on the premises. It may also be where the girls live. That creates doubt about whether she is free to come and go. I don't think I can recall ever meeting a lady in an expat bar area who was there against her will, enslaved or sold to the bar by her family. Maybe it happened once upon a time, but I have never seen it with my own eyes. All the gals I know have a smartphone, and freely access their various social networks with it. Note: While I have had experiences with women for sex, the reader might feel uncomfortable with this idea. After all, isn’t sex “dirty”? Well, it isn’t. And, people have been marketing sex for years. This can be for money by [1] one-on-one sexual romps or [2] being filmed engaging in sex for fun. Indeed, the reader might ask what it is like to be an actress in the porn industry. For a pretty decent article of what it is really like to work in the porn industry. Hint – it’s all work. Go here;
While it is a myth in terms of the bar areas for Western men, in the Thai bar areas, however, there may be some truth in it. Western Media “reports” suggest that this sort of thing was not uncommon in the past (note the use of the word suggest: many reporting on this issue have an agenda). Yes, there have been a few reports of families in the poorest regions of Thailand, often the rural north, selling their daughter to bar recruitment agents but how widespread it is, I just do not know.
Myth #2 There are 2 million prostitutes in Thailand.
The number of prostitutes in Thailand is high and no doubt runs in to 6 figures, but 2 million?
No chance!
2 million is roughly 6% of the total female population of Thailand. 2 million would be 17% of all females aged 18 – 40 (assuming most prostitutes are aged 18 – 40) – and there is no way that’s the case. (One in five females is a prostitute? Give me a break!)
The Thailand has 2 million prostitutes comment is often used by NGOs, religious groups and opponents of the industry to support their argument that prostitution is widespread in Thailand.
It’s not that widespread.
Someone came up with this number a long time ago and it has been repeated ad nauseum by those with an anti-prostitution stance. Is it any wonder today that so many have become cynical about NGOs in the region working with underprivileged women when some are caught perpetrating these myths with outright lies.
Myth #3 The girls like what they do.
Comments that bargirls enjoy what they do is barstool banter and naughty boy forum talk. Outside of the naughty bars, no-one suggests the girls like it.
A job is a job, is a job.
Little gets sex tourists more upset than being faced with the reality that the girls hate what they’re doing, and some come to hate themselves and turn to alcohol and / or drugs to deal with it.
The unusual thing about the myth that the girls like what they do – or at the very least that they don’t mind it – is that the girls themselves are at least partly responsible for this myth. They tell guys that they like their job – they can hardly tell a potential customer that they hate what they do, can they? That’s the last thing a guy with a conscience wants to hear!
Any Westerner who speaks Thai well or gets close to the girls soon learns that in apart from rare cases, the girls hate it. The girls like the money they make, but that’s all they like.
The money.
Myth #4 The girls like sleeping overnight in a customer’s hotel room.
Thais working in the bar industry often live with friends, colleagues or family.
For unmarried Thais, especially those from rural areas, communal living is the norm. It’s what they’re used to and how they are most comfortable. Half a dozen ladies may share a small room, a couple sharing the bed and the rest sleeping (quite happily) on the floor.
A customer staying in a nice hotel might reasonably believe that the lady he is with would prefer to stay in a swanky hotel room with a bathroom larger than her entire apartment, cool air-conditioning and a soft bed. That is seldom the case.
The reason bargirls may stay the night in a customer’s hotel room is simply because she can charge a higher fee if she stays all night.
Whether it is a 5-star hotel or Khao San Road flophouse, she is concerned about the cash in the morning, not the state of the room.
This myth would seem to be perpetrated by guys who appear to be trying to show they treat a lady well. What they don’t get is not only that most girls would rather stay in their own room with their friends (or boyfriend or husband), but that many girls are terrified of spending the night with a stranger, especially a foreigner who is bigger and stronger than she is, who might be a drinker and who could, if he so chose, do whatever he wanted to her.
Myth #5 The sex you pay for is cheaper than a regular date.
Some argue that sex with a prostitute is a sure thing and sex with a lady you date is not, and as such sex you don’t pay for can be costlier, both time-wise and in dollar terms. That may be the case in Farangland where it might take a few dates to hit a home run but most guys find they get to take her home much sooner in Thailand!
A few drinks in a bar for you and lady drink or two for her typically runs several hundred baht or more. Barfines average around 700 baht these days. A room in a short-time hotel is about 500 baht and most girls expect at least 2,000 baht. You’re looking at around 4,000 baht for a short-time with a Bangkok gogo girl. (Yes, it could be much cheaper but this would be about average.)
Compare that with a regular date in Bangkok. Dinner for two and drinks can be around 2,000 baht. You could do it for much less if you chose to. Starbucks seems to be the favorite and coffee followed by a movie is often followed by a romp.
The amount of money some guys report spending on a night out in a bar before taking a bargirl to the nearest short-time hotel far exceeds what I have ever spent on a first date. In Farangland you might get some action by the third date; in Bangkok she’s talking marriage by date #3!
Sex with bargirls in Thailand costs much more than sex with regular girls (and I bet sex with non-bar girls is much better too!)
Myth #6 Sex tourists are old, fat, bald dudes who can’t get laid in their homeland.
The old fat and bald stereotype has never held water. While not sex tourists per se, what we know as the expat bar industry today was born out of the Vietnam era when young, fit American soldiers were in Bangkok on R+R. A new sector of the Thai commercial sex industry was born.
These guys were anything but old, fat and bald!
Following the Vietnam War, sex tourists followed and no doubt some weren’t shining physical specimens, but photos from the bar industry in the early days show many looked slim and healthy.
These days the bar industry attracts the full gamut of men from young, fit and handsome guys to older, less healthy guys who may not be so easy on the eye.
Yes, the average age of sex tourists might be north of 50, but what surprises many mainstream visitors who check out Bangkok’s expat bar areas is that there are plenty of young, handsome guys in the bars – and they are participating!
The old, fat and bald myth usually comes from Western females…
… and Western is the critical word here because a Thai female would never say this.
Some Western women talk ill of sex tourists and use the only two weapons they have in the battle of the sexes – [1] guilt and [2] the withholding of sex. These women want to try and make men participating in the industry to feel guilty about what they are doing because they don’t want the guys to be getting easy sex as that greatly limits their own options.
Sex tourism has become a lifestyle choice for a wide cross-section of men, some of who simply find they prefer meeting women and attending to their manly needs that way.
Myth #8 Escorts are a higher class.
Think of “escort” and you probably think of a higher class of woman who is not just – perhaps even not necessarily – a sex partner, but someone you can take to business functions and someone who you can present to others.
If your work life is important to you, don’t make that mistake in Bangkok!
There has been an explosion of escort services in Thailand in recent years. Most come and go in very much the same vein as bars come and go – no surprise given that some of the escort service owners had previously tried and failed with a bar.
Most Bangkok escort services are not escort services in the traditional sense. Rather, most Bangkok escorts are simply sex workers you can book online. Rather than going to a gogo or other bar, you can simply get online, make a booking and an hour or two later you will get a knock on the door.
Many of the ladies working as escorts in Bangkok previously worked in other sectors of the industry. Many once (or even still) were on the freelance circuit, and some were gogo dancers.
Myth #9 The economy would fail if the farang bar areas closed.
When things don’t go the way that some sex tourists feel they should, such as drinks prices increasing, bars closing early and attitudes and service levels in the industry deteriorating, some say they may choose not to visit Thailand which would cause the industry to go in to decline and which in turn would see the tourism fail because visitor numbers plummeted. This would have a dire effect on the economy, they reckon.
The sector of the bar industry for foreigners is a very small part of the tourism industry and a tiny part of the greater economy. Granted, Pattaya might face challenges if its nightlife industry was to fail, but even in Sin City the tourism industry is greatly diversified from 10 years ago.
Sex tourism makes up a very small part of Thailand’s economy and a big chunk of it does not even show up in GDP numbers. If the entire sex tourism industry was to close down, it would barely register a blip economically. Real estate would be turned over and new businesses would be created – and they’d probably pull in more money than the bars do.
In terms of the Thai economy as a whole, sex tourism is infinitesimal.
Sex Prices
“’…We all know why men choose to live in Thailand – to satisfy their sexual appetites with women who are expected to behave in ways that appease the broken egos of men unable, or unwilling, to deal equally with empowered women, in societies that do not condone their sexual exploitation…’ I read a lot of comments like this on places like Reddit. That men only move to Asia for ‘submissive’ women, and / or because we can’t get high quality women in our home countries. Like I said maybe there’s some 10% truth to that, but some act like it’s 100%. I’d just apply Occam’s razor and look for the simple reasons... [1] girls here are more friendly, [2] less fat, [3] they like men more [4] and want a relationship / family instead of chasing careers, [5] and you can live better for the same amount of money.” -NomadPhilippines
Since this is the most commented upon section of this website …
Seriously! – not world-line travel, not my brief time in the US Navy, it’s questions about sex in Thailand. Interesting stuff, certainly but not that overwhelmingly controversial.
let’s spend some time getting down into the “nitty gritty” regarding this fun pastime.
I must remind the reader that sexual liasians in Thailand is a popular occupation for some, it is however representative of only a small part of what Thailand has to offer. What Thailand is really about is much more than just sex, food, family and fun.
It’s about freedom.
Woo! Woo!
+ + +
The following is from a Thailand blog called Livingthai. There are many different types of Thai prostitutes and then you’ve got “normal girls” which also have a price as well, here is the list:
Thai Go Go Girl
Current standard prices for short time with a go go girl is 2000 baht long time is 3000 baht.
Short Time = One sex usually under an hour with one ejaculation. Long Time = Overnight sex sleepover. Multiple ejaculations.
This is on top of the cost of a few drinks you will have to buy her whilst in the club. The cost of Lady drinks differs from venue to venue, but an average is 130 baht.
Think of it is you paying for her time, and getting a priority spot in a lineup of guys waiting in line. Buying a "lady drink" is different than a "barfine".
A go go bar has a number of Thai bar girls working who you can barfine and sleep with. You simply choose the girl, pay the barfine and leave with her. This means if a girl doesn’t like you, if you pay the barfine you can take her home.
A "barfine" is the "price of admission" to have sex with the girl you select.
(Granted if you do this you’ll most likely have a bad experience and terrible time, but nevertheless you can still take her home.) There are times when it was quite obvious the girl did not want to leave with a customer but had no choice because of the mamasan.

In general, you should buy her a drink and get to know her a little more.
You’ll know within 15 minutes or so if she really likes you or not, if you’re still unsure you could just go ahead and ask:
“Do you like me, would you be okay if I barfined you?”
Don’t be shy, they’ve heard it a 100 times.
[1] You buy her a "lady drink" and get to know her. This is the price you pay for her wasting time with you. [2] If you and her are fine, you can "barfine" her. This registers her as "your companion" and you have "dibs" on what you can do later on.
Although these are always negotiable depending on the feeling you get from the girl but these are standard prices. Bar Fines for the go go are going up though where is used to be 600 is now 800 and some places on Walking Street Pattaya are charging 1000 baht before midnight.
The good thing about pricing of Go Go girls is all the girls ask the same price in the same shop. So if you pick the best looking girl you’re actually getting a good deal.
“This is a lesson for anyone who bar fines a girl long time, even if you've agreed on everything your going to do you should always get a receipt. Anytime you bar fine a girl for more than one night you must get a receipt. Most go go bars are oblivious to this as well and think it's strange that you even want a receipt. But without a receipt you have no proof that you paid more than just the day for the girl! This happens more often than you'd think as the girls either change their mind or they have a better customer in town.”
It’s interesting stuff, for sure. It’s a life that I am not part of. I don’t know if I could be part of it. Never the less, it’s pretty interesting.
Here’s a story about dealing with a chick that they wanted to have a threesome with…
“I'm finding her reason for not staying kinda suspicious but getting a Thai girl to tell the truth is like trying to get water out of a rock. My girlfriend suspects the same thing and we demand to hear the truth but she continues to lie and my girl it outraged now and starts hitting this girl and while I break it up she grabs her phone and our suspicion is confirmed one of her customers is in Hua Hin and she wants to go meet up probably because he's paying more money than we will, whatever. I tell her to get the hell out before my girl puts her in a coma and she asks to be paid in full. Hahaha geez the hide of these girls. Man my girl goes bat shit now and I try to calm her down and say that i'll pay for the 2 nights minus the bar fine of 2 nights which comes to a grand total of 1700 baht. Now she's angry cause she gets like 800 baht a night to come with us when she could have stayed another night can get the 6000 which she just won't have any part of it. So I have to pay the money now cause my girl refuses to and we kick her out.”
Interesting stuff. But, nothing that I personally experienced.
Coyote Girls
Go Go Girls are not “coyote dancers”.
The top of the tree for Pattaya is the Coyote girls, these are regarded as the crème de la crème of the working girls in Pattaya.
Although strictly speaking not all of these show girls are working, but the majority are willing to top up their incomes with extra activities.
Coyote’s are show girls, exceptionally beautiful and talented. They are hired into the Go Go bars on a nightly basis and are paid a lot more than your usual Go Go dancer. They perform set shows at designated times and are designed to entice the customers into the clubs.
A simple rule of thumb is that “coyote dancers” are supposed to perform best on the dance floor.
Gogo girls save their best performances for the bedroom.
Gogo girls dress skimpily and dance to promote themselves in the hope that someone will barfine them, take them away so they can make some money. Gogo dancers are primarily sex workers. They wear a bikini, or less.
Coyote dancers are entertainers who dance and are supposed to be able to really shake it on the dance floor. They typically wear short shorts and sexy tops – more than a bikini.
They are primarily dancers i.e. entertainers, but they may be available.
It varies from bar to bar, girl to girl.

Coyote dancers are a relatively recent thing, first introduced around the middle of last decade. Prior to that they basically didn’t exist in gogo bars. Now they are a common sight and today perhaps 1/3 or more of gogo bars feature coyote dancers.
The reasons for bars hiring coyote girls are numerous; primarily it’s because bars just cannot find pretty girls to recruit these days. Recruiting used to be easy, but with Thailand’s economy now more diverse, more developed, with compulsory education increased from 6 to 9 years and the country experiencing full employment, girls have more options these days and don’t have to resort to bar work.
Being the top of the tree usually means these girls cost a lot more than your average.
They are extremely well paid by the clubs and can easily make more in a night, what most Thai girls make in a week. As such they can afford to be choosy with which customers they go with, if any at all.

Expect the bar fine to be at least double that of any other Go Go dancer and a minimum of 3,000 baht. On top of that the fee negotiated between you and the girl depends on many factors, such as the chemistry between you, whether she fancies you, or even whether it is high season or not. Yes even Go Go dancers are subjects of the economic forces of supply and demand. It is not uncommon for these girls to want another 3000 baht for short time, or 5000 baht upwards for overnight.
Coyote girls are slim, young, attractive, can really dance and whose role it is to entertain. Right? So why is it that in bars from Walking Street to Patpong, Cowboy to Nana, and even Sukhumvit soi 33 there are coyote girls who are available?!
Fake Coyotes
Now for some confusion…
A few farang bars term their dancers “coyotes”.
The girls are done up as you would expect a coyote to be done up – in cut-off shorts and tight top. But, and it’s a big but, they don’t dance any different to a gogo dancer. Secrets in Pattaya, a hostess bar, calls its dancers “coyotes” and charges a premium barfine for them, a concept that has been replicated in Pattaya. The barfine for a coyote girl is 1,000 baht, higher than for a hostess – a girl who is available but does not dance. So in Secrets, the coyote girls are the dancers, but they’re not professional or accomplished dancers and in other venues they would be considered gogo girls wearing a coyote’s outfit.
To confuse things further, there are venues with both gogo dancers and coyotes. Examples would be Club Electric Blue and The Arab’s bars in Soi Cowboy. In each of these bars, gogo dancers and coyotes are available.
And then there are bars which have both gogo girls and coyote girls, where the gogo girls are available, but the coyotes are not! Tilac in Soi Cowboy is a good example where the coyotes cannot be barfined.
So no need to be confused…
- Real coyotes will look great and dance great.
- Fake coyotes will just look great, but cannot dance.
- They always make more than a stand-grade “go go” girl.
There are also showgirls. Showgirls are employed in gogo bars to perform choreographed and practiced shows in the likes of Angelwitch, Long Gun, Billboard and Las Vegas. The showgirls perform shows which are more elaborate. Showgirls may or may not be available and if they are, again, a premium barfine is placed on them.
Basically, gogo dancers, showgirls and coyote dancers are all different.
In Bangkok they are called coyotes, but in Pattaya the term you hear more often is “agency girls”. Because, after all, they work for an agency.

Lure away girls. You can chat with me. For one thing I’d tell you not to leave the sticker price on the bottom of your high-heels. Especially when the sole of the shoe is red. It really looks awful. Otherwise, I’d be happy to pay your bar fine.
Thai Bar Girl
Beer bars can be found all over the city, they are everywhere. The term pretty much refers to any open air bar anywhere in Pattaya. The girls here are not employed as dancers or show girls, but as waitresses. This doesn’t mean they are not available to bar fine, as pretty much all of them are.
The standard of girl really varies from bar to bar, but little diamonds can be found all over the city. When girls first arrive in Pattaya, most will start of working in a bar, before moving up to the Go Go’s or working as Coyote’s. Bars are also where the older ladies work when they have past their Go Go stage.
Bar girls are always a good choice for those on a budget but want to feel safer with going with a Thai bar girl instead of a Street Walker. Girls cost 1000 baht short time and 1500 long time again these prices are negotiable. An average bar fine will cost 300 baht and a lady drink will be around 100 baht.
“Working at a beer bar, the pay is very lousy. Typically a Thai bar girl would make only 6000 baht a month, and to make that they need to get customers to buy them at least two drinks, normally the first two drinks that the girl gets she doesn't get any money for, after that though she normally gets a very high percentage of the profit of the drink, they normally just get an orange juice this way they can get more money. The amount of money she gets working at a bar is very dismal, she may as well be working in a factory and could make more money than that. However as a factory worker she can't get someone to pay her 1000 baht for the night now can she? The bar fine you pay, usually she gets a small cut of that, and the money you negotiate with her she keeps 100% off it. If a Thai bar girl can go with a John every night (impossible because of periods) she can make a good amount of money, actually more money than any English teacher in Thailand could make. Overall the beer bar and Thai bar girl can make money handsomely if she is a hard working. But have you ever seen a hard working Bar”

The reason why you pay more for a Go Go girl is because you get a better look at her body, watch out for Thai Bar girls you don’t know what you’re going to get…

Some interesting video links;
Thai Karaoke Girl (KTV girls)
Not every Karaoke has girls to take home and because of this scarcity and this contributes to the whole G-Club feel of Thai Karaoke . Not only that, but the prices have increased considerably while only a few years ago it cost 1500 for a girl overnight prices are now around 3000 baht (all in).
The overall impression that I get is that KTV is just as popular in Thailand as it is in China, however it’s use as a venue for obtaining girls is not as popular. In China, Business KTV’s with 300 to 400 hostesses is common everywhere. However, in Thailand, if you want a girl (for private sexual fun) you would try other venues.
Thai Street Hookers
It’s still possible to get the 500 baht Thai hooker off the street but like everything else prices are going up. Most street walkers now ask for at least 1000 baht off the bat if they are in OK condition, better looking girls might ask for more but the general cost is 700 baht short time.
Soapy Massage Girls
The cost of a Soapy Massage around the country is a standard 1600 baht for what they call Models. In most major cities around the country this is what they cost. But if you want a soapy massage in Bangkok as a Farang you’re going to pay more. But when you pay more you’re expected to get more and some of the Bangkok Soapy Massage Parlors you’ll pay more like 5000 baht. The best value for money soapy mass parlors are in Pattaya.
Colonze 2
Some of the most expensive soapy massage girls in all of Thailand can be found at the Colonze 2 soapy massage parlor in Bangkok with prices going up to 20,000 baht for a few hours! Why because they have the hottest girls of any place in Bangkok. This place is also Farang friendly and should be no surcharge.
If your looking for a Best Happy Endings Massage in Bangkok experience then the one place I suggest is Emmanuelle! There is now Casanova at the same place which is Thai style karaoke and coyote joint something I enjoy more than the actual massage, rooms here are awesome! Price range 2500-6000 baht.
Colonze 4
This is a very popular chain soapy house you won’t find any penthouse models at this bad boy but it does have good value for money and the girls are very capable, not looking for 5 star then this is the place to go! Prices start 1600 – 3000 baht makes this place good value for money.
An older Thai style soapy massage parlor in the Bangkapi area of Bangkok prices are very reasonable starting at 1300 up to about 2600 for the sideline girls. Open from 1pm till midnight every day. There is no extra charge for Farang! There are some cute girls here but nothing outstanding.
La Belle
This is a soapy massage parlor that caters mostly to the Japanese clientele well so I’m told I’ve never been here before and their website doesn’t have much in the way of costs so I’m guessing that’s a sign that they have more than a 2 tier pricing structure which isn’t really fair especially for guys that live here.
Viva Palace
Another Thai style soapy massage with decent prices starting from 1900 up to 3000 baht. I don’t know how old this place is but the rooms are kinda warn in so don’t expect a 5 star room but then again your not paying 5 star prices either. Helps if you speak Thai here the girls don’t speak much English at all. But I will say this the girls here are young and good looking for the price.
You won’t find this bad boy on any other Farang website actually this place has the same name as my favourite Karaoke in Chiang Mai! Pronouced Lee Lah Wadee also the name of a famous Thai Soap Opera they actually have Karaoke available here as well. Honestly the girls are a little country here but if you like that then this is your place!
The girls here are cheap but the room isn’t included you can ask for different rooms girls are 1300-200 baht but rooms start at 1000 baht but are definitely worth it, weired lounge area with band playing kinda like karaoke but it isn’t, still great place and some really good looking girls.
Nice clean place this soapy massage parlor has a good reputation in the Thai community well run and fair prices starting from 1700 up to 3000 baht for sideline girls. The bathroom although it has granite tiles has a cheap ass jacuzzi that is well worn. I’d give this place a 7 out of 10.
This place looks straight out of France and the prices might be as well starting at 2600 up to 6000 baht the place is brilliant and the girls are gorgeous! This is one of my must see recommendations for a soapy massage in Bangkok. You’d think this place would have a website but I couldn’t find one anyone know what it is?
Voted the Best Soapy Massage in Bangkok but most though I don’t like the place because they charge Farang an extra 1000 baht just for the services yet they still have some of the best girls in the businesses. Because of the extra charge I won’t go there but guys have told me half the girls there are just going through the motions and you’ll get a robot experience.
Caesars Entertainment complex
Located right near the Poseidon club and roughly the same prices is the Caesars entertainment complex and soapy / spa massage. Definitely take a model here if your coming if you want the cheaper girls you may as well go elsewhere you might find something better for the same deal.
La De’fense
Strangest name for a soapy massage that I ever did see. This place has a lounge area with girls as well as a traditional fish bowl. The girls in the lounge are hotter in my opinion but you can also ask the guy for an album and he’ll bring you out an album full of girls. The centre of the room is dim while two of the four walls are brightly lit. In these brightly lit areas sit the girls, in what is sometimes referred to as a fish bowl. Fish bowls often have tiered seating on which sit beautifully made-up Thai women in evening wear. Fish bowls are typically enclosed with glass separating customers outside from the ladies inside.
One final note about Soapy Massage parlours in Bangkok and Thailand in General is you have to think about how many guys go to these places and all the guys aren’t like you and I some are real freaks, some guys have some nasty diseases and some guys force the girls to not wear a condom! Make sure you protect yourself by wearing a condom and not going down on the girl. It’s still possible to catch something though so use these services at your own risk.
Soapy massages and nuru massages work by you choosing the girl from a list or fish bowl. The girl cannot reject you (usually). The good thing is that some of these shops allow you to drink a beer and even talk to the girls. In fish bowl situations girls that do like you will keep giving you smiles which is a good sign.
How a soapy massage works…
If you’ve never tried a soapy massage before then this is what it is all about;
For starters, typically a bath is run where they clean your entire body, of course they clean themselves as well, then it’s to the mattress where she lathers you down in soap suds and massages you with her naked body, sliding up and down you quickly and with a scary confidence.
Then you will head over to an air mattress where she will give you a sexy body to body massage rubbing her naked body all over yours. This is the type of thing that stands out in soapy massage porn videos. Pro tip: make sure you always ask if the Thai massage girl you choose will do body to body at any soapy massage parlor in Bangkok you visit. Some girls don’t do this part, if you are expecting it to happen make sure you choose on that does it. She will probably finish the body to body with a blowjob, then she will dry you off.
The best part is also the easiest to describe. After the massage, they will clean you up and dry you off and head to the bed where you get to have sex.
Online Escort
Typical costs for an Escort off the internet in Bangkok and Chiang Mai is usually around 5000 baht for 2 hours and they will come to your hotel room. I recommend these good hotels in bangkok to take the girl to. The convenience of an escort online and the appeared anonymity is attractive. However most of these girls work out of the go go bars in Chiang Mai which is often just cheaper to go to. I recommend however you check out which has some of the best priced escorts in all of Thailand.
Other sites;
Thai Brothel Worker
Typically Thai brothels are aimed at those on a budget, real dirty mongers like these places and I’m not sure why I don’t see more Indians in these places. The girls in these places are typically not of Thai origin they are usually Burmese, Laos, or Cambodian. Short time in these places means 40 minutes and for that you’ll typically pay 300-500 baht.
Short time girl
The current going rate for short time girls are 700 baht which typically includes the cost of the room.
Massage Girl
Massage girls are more known for getting blow jobs than they are for having sex but if you met one and wanted to go for it and she allows it then the fee is typically 1,000 to 1,500 baht per shot.
One of the best Massage in Bangkok and Nuru massage specialists is Club 102 near BTS Phrom Phong on Sukhumvit Soi 24. You can pretty much find happy ending massage joints anywhere but a 5 star massage where girls don’t look like granny with perfect surroundings you’d think you were back home in a 500 dollar joint without the 500 dollar price tag.

Bar Freelancer
As far as working girls go in Pattaya, freelancers are a mixed bunch. They range from the younger Thai girls who don’t want to work in a beer bar or Go Go, but instead punt themselves over internet apps such as Badoo. To the older or less attractive girls who can’t get jobs in the bars or clubs. Even those Thai ladies who have regular jobs will often top up their incomes with a little freelance work.
Punting for freelance girls in Pattaya is a bit like playing the lottery, there is no set standard and you have no idea what you will end up with.
The best of the freelance girls are either generally those who are too shy to work in the bars and clubs, or those with normal 9-5 jobs looking to top up their income. The best place to find these is on the internet, there are now many apps such as Badoo and other Thai dating apps where they will have profiles.
Many of the nightclubs on Walking street will be packed with freelancers most evenings, looking to hook up for the evening. In the clubs you will generally meet the younger freelance girls. The best club to pick up great looking freelance girls is Insomnia on Walking street.
Pattaya beachroad is probably the most famous freelance hangout in all of Pattaya, and here you can find ladies and the odd ladyboy most evenings after sunset. Be warned Pattaya beach road generally attracts the lower end of the market, both punter and lady. Pattaya beach is also regularly raided by the police, and is also a well known place for tourists to be scammed. Our advise is steer well clear of the girls on beach road.
A bar Freelancer has the same price has a regular Bar Girl which is 300 baht bar fine and 1000 baht short time and 1500 baht long time. It is not uncommon for some of the girls, especially in the clubs to not want paying at all, but you would have to be extremely lucky for this to happen.
Sideline Girls
Sideline girls also known as Dek Thai Sideline Girls can be found everywhere in fact you may even be with one but you don’t even know it. There are reports that Sideline girls are considered to be more attractive than typical Thai girls because they have lighter skin color. That means they are more white than tan in color. Sometimes Sideline girls will have sex for free in the hope that they will get something else out of it perhaps clothes and makeup or a new Iphone. Sideline girl prices are average 1000 baht short time.

Internet Sideline Girls
Internet Sideline girls are ones that need money asap in order to pay for rent or schooling and/or family. They typically don’t do it full time only when they need money and they usually ask for 2000 baht but some of the better looking girls will ask for 3-4000 baht.
Club Slut
There are a lot of “club sluts” in Thailand and can be typically found around the tourist areas or clubs that tourists frequent.
Nightclubs are great hunting spots because girls come here after work on their own accord and have the power to say no. However, there are times when a mamasan will bring her girls to such clubs. You’ll usually know if the girl has a boss because when you discuss price she will pass the information on to the mamasan who makes the final choice, you’ll see a lot of ear whispering and the mamasan may even talk to you directly.
If you can read situations you’ll also be able to notice who the mamasan is in their group, she is usually the oldest one, isn’t drinking and happens to be fat more often than not… and yes may be able to sleep with her too.
Thai University Girls
Thai University girls don’t have a lot of money, you remember being a student you probably didn’t have much money either. There are many Thai University girls that are willing to be sponsored.
Sponsorship typically costs around 10,000 baht a month but can be as cheap as paying for her accommodation. Really good looking girls can cost as much as 30,000 baht a month to keep. But not all Thai University girls are about money, many if not most are open or trying different experiences and are happy to have sex without any monetized reward.
Thai Mall Workers
Thai mall workers can be lots of fun and very down to earth, they are typically well behaved and diligent. There jobs are boring and they come alive if you show them the right attention. While most are willing to go for free they would love nothing better than to quit their jobs and move in with you. Cost 10,000 baht a month.
Thai Factory Workers
Factory workers are only a step down from the Mall Worker. She probably didn’t finish high school like the Mall girls did and lives way out of town with few opportunities. These girls are cheaper at 6,000 baht a month to move in permanently. At first you might not realize that you’ll have to pay because she’s a normal Thai girl. But they all change after they start thinking there is more to the relationship.
Thai Hiso Girl
Let’s be honest, you can’t afford a Thai Hiso Girl, real Hiso you’re really not going to touch but the Bangkok Upper middle Class girls are bored and want to try slumming it with a Farang. Hiso girls are then typically free if you’re looking at a one night stand, longer term relationships could also be free and she pays for you but at some point if you don’t have the money she will leave for a Hiso Thai guy.
There are a few Tom clubs in Bangkok and Pattaya catering to the Thai lipstick lesbians who like their men to be women. Typically the Bar Fine on at a Tom club is 500 baht and for the Tom is 1000 baht.
Gik sex is always the best sex, you don’t get to see each other often and you both know that the whole basis of the relationship is to fuck each other. Gik in English is difficult to translate but for our purposes it just means “Thai fuck buddy”.
Giks are almost exclusively Free but they expect their noodles and movies. If you live in Thailand you’ll probably have sex with a dozen different giks before settling down with a Mia Noi.
Mia Noi (Mistress or second wife)
If you get fully entrenched into Thai Life then you’ve probably already married and possibly have some kids. At this point if everything is going good and you have the money you get yourself a Mia Noi.
A Mia Noi will cost you anywhere from 15,000 baht a month to 100,000 baht, if you have a Mia Noi you probably have a few Giks as well.
Best places for sex in Thailand
The guide continues with suggestions on location.
Bangkok has the most sex going on in Thailand, it’s also home to the best gentlemen’s clubs[i] in all of Thailand and the best soapy massage parlors[ii] as well. But probably what most expats and even tourists on a month long holiday realize that the dating sites in Thailand are jam packed with Thai girls from Bangkok and when you sign up it makes you wonder why anyone wants to pay for it.

While Bangkok has more sex available those who come to Thailand and have visited both places still say that Pattaya is the sex Capital of Thailand. This is probably because of the huge number of beer bars and go go bars located along the 4km stretch of beach which are also lined with many Thai Hookers and Prostitutes.

However, the Thailand government has taken steps to change that image;
- More than 2,000 workers flee Thailand after labor crackdown
- Pattaya crackdown intensifies | Pattaya Today Newspaper
“The article in the UK Daily Mirror last month, which claimed without evidence that one in five women in Pattaya were prostitutes, has certainly ruffled some feathers in senior Thai bureaucracy. Normally, criticism of Thailand in the foreign popular press is ignored, so what is different this time is not clear. Perhaps it was the wide discussion of the article by Thais in the social media, commenting that the Daily Mirror was not telling them anything new. Or maybe the military-appointed Pattaya City Hall management felt it had to act.”

Patong on Phuket Island in Thailand’s south has a unique feel that you don’t get anywhere else in Thailand. Maybe it’s the smell of the beach that makes the girls in Phuket so horny or the smell of opportunity and tourist dollars but the Sex scene in Phuket is wild. However, you had best take your credit card because this is one place where the sex is cheap, but living isn’t.
Chiang Mai

People who pass through Chiang Mai on a few days expecting there to be a huge party scene that’s easy to follow and understand are going to be disappointing Sex in Chiang Mai is not as in your face as elsewhere in the Thailand. But don’t be fooled, those living in Chiang Mai know that if you know how to chase Thai Tale and live there you can get all sorts of free sex especially with the huge University presence.
This is your Metallicman “how to / go to” guide for a good time in Thailand. It might be out of date, as I only visit the land of Smiles on occasion. The point here is that this world is quite different than your life in the States, isn’t it?
You bet.
Angry boss, crazy taxes, upsetting news, insane demands by the opposite sex. Well it doesn’t have to be that way. You can leave.
A real man defines his life on his terms.
Never, ever forget that. If your life is not on par with your desires, then change the script. While “Forrest Gump” might say “life is like a box of chocolates”, I am here to tell you that you can choose the box.
Choose the box you want to live in.
Tell the rest of the world to go fuck themselves.
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posts multiple creepy guides on how to be a sex predator in Asia
– “I’m not a monger”
This blog took a nose dive in quality lately. Asia better lock those borders up because when the Western world collapses, no doubt millions (more) of “I’m not a monger” Caucasian will invade Asia.
You are correct that I have been posting too much in regards to my KTV section. But I had a two year backlog. It’s best to just push it out and get it out of the way.
What interests one person is something that will repel others. This is my blog and these are my subjects. You don’t have to read anything that you find offensive. It’s not a problem.
I think that what you are trying to say is “enough of the sex stuff. I want more of the other good stuff”. But all that other good stuff is all interconnected with sex as this is the primary biological driver of the human species, and the primary way that the PTB controls people.
Don’t worry. Good stuff to come.
You might be interested to know that my most popular section of Metallicman is the “Business KTV” section. I would say that perhaps 45% of my daily hits are there. My least popular section is “Intention Campaigns” Index. I only get a few precious hits there from time to time. Mostly whenever I post a new article to it. They say that “sex sells” and in my experience this is absolutely true.
Hi there, Disappointed. You might want to check out MM’s post on bremelanotide and other related stuff. He covers quite a bit on a vast array of interesting subjects. If something isn’t to your standards, just pass it over and move on to something else. This is a treasure of info and MM is willing to share his experiences and knowledge to all. Unfortunately, some are ungrateful.
BMI isn’t a good indicator of fitness, because it incorrectly labels short yet muscular guys as fat or even obese category when its obviously not the actual case. A Dexascan is very accurate but it costs a lot of money and needs complicated machinery. The best litmus test is the shoulder to waist ratio… a guy who has that ideal V-taper is more likely than not going to be ripped and will never be rotund and overweight in the sense of having too much bodyfat composition etc…
Likewise, the best litmus test as to the value of a man is the quality (be it aesthetics or personality or a combination or permutation of the above etc) that he partakes, beholds and enjoys.
Biological speaking we haven’t changed much genetically since the so called caveman or stone-age era. Sure our massive neocortex is what seperates us from the other mammals but it was the last to evolve and thus often there is conflicts within this truine brain of reptilian, limbic and neocortial regions… this is why the struggle of following one’s heart vs brain in terms of romantic love and other sensual pursuits, logic vs emotions, etc etc etc… it boils down to the different stages of human evolution that developed in different environments that battle each other for dominance and reconciliation… This is why the most powerful man in the world at the time, Bill Clinton, risks his position for a bj.
Empires rise and fall, technologies come and go, the only true constant is the timeless aspect of being human. There is a good reason why evolution decided that sexual reproduction was far better than asexual. And there is no stronger force in this world than the desire to maximize reproductive fitness, and in the context and from the perspective of a man there is no greater highs than the enjoyment of peak feminine aesthetic beauty in all its splendid varieties and expressive forms.
But first, about the whole judge a book by its cover thing…
Aesthetic beauty conveys form as the essence of function; and in human terms personality being inextricably correlated with physical appearance, we do judge a book by both its content and its cover – as one cannot be separated from nor exists independently of the other.
Inner personality and outer physical manifestation are simply two different aspects of the one same multifaceted person. With just one in hand you can derive the other. Visual scanning is the most efficient mechanism of capturing the essence of a thing, hence the phenomenon of “love at first sight”.
As aesthetic preferences are genetic, beauty simply serves as a litmus test for chemistry and physical compatibility. Consequently, you are much more likely to find lasting happiness by relying on your own visual selectiveness, intuitive ideals and predilections of attractiveness and other gut feelings than any algorithm or patented system that eHarmony, Match, Tinder, IG, Snap or TikTok etc could ever provide.
The real question that I ask myself is if hypothetically I could actually be with a woman just like her, how would the rest of my entire life be different from an emotional and experiential perspective. I imagine that the hedonistic pleasure that I am able to constantly and perpetually derive from the enjoyment of her most perfect feminine aesthetic beauty, elegance, and grace would permeate and expand into every other aspect and component of my entire life, thus making the highs even higher and even the lows far more bearable, perhaps even enjoyable when cast under such a different light and unique perspective. Her presence, her essence and her beauty would simply serve as a sort of tint that colors and reshapes my entire lens and view on life. While objectively nothing in my external world reality may change, I know that subjectively everything changes forever. Life would simply never be the same again for me.
That sort of ubiquitous, expansive, and pervasive happiness and joy obtained from chasing, catching, and loving such an existential supremum beauty is the absolute pinnacle of existence for a man. There is nothing better or more compelling than to be able to glance at such a beautiful creature and realize anew for the first time, every time, just why she is so captivating and to re-examine her absolute memorizing beauty in such awe-inspiring wonderment. Such beauty is devastatingly distracting, and it overwhelms the senses, and yet it is calming and soothing. It nurtures and feeds, inspiring and evoking it’s counterpart masculinity. Deep down, I do believe that to be able to finally behold at long last in the flesh the physical instantiation and exact embodiment of the sort of idealistic, archetypal and classic quintessential beauty would actually be enough for me. Enough to be fully contented, immensely satisfied and happy forever. Being in that state-of-being and that zone-of-awareness feels like finally coming home and being fully completed. That illusive missing piece of the puzzle resolved.
Indeed, any man lucky enough to have a woman like that would surely feel like he had won the ultimate prize in life. Every time he makes love to her he would instinctively know that he was experiencing the very best life had to offer him, and that nothing else could ever be better nor more sweeter than that. To wake up with her by his side in bed, such satisfying experience could never be topped, duplicated or substituted by anything else he could ever hope to do on this earth or in this life.
To be loved by such a woman is perhaps not an achievement earned but a gift freely bestowed. If love is such an intensely powerful force of life, then perhaps there are none more compelling, more liberating, more exhilarating and more intensely moving than to be truly loved, fervently, deeply, most endearingly loved and loved back in return by a woman like that.
As a man I can think of no higher highs nor more perfect of perfections than this. In the entire domain, range, and spectrum of the totality of all reality and existence, taking into account and consideration the vastly ennumerable palettes of qualia, such categorical perceptions, analytical overlays and neural correlates of consciousness , and the aggregate mosaic of the emergent structures of all accompanying emotions, emotive constructs, experiential flows, sensations, feelings, moods, modes of existence, states of beings, and possible moments and experiences etc, if I could only make one singular wish in life, it had always been just this. I would want above all else this to be the real center of my life that everything else revolves around, and she being the central theme and fabric and tapestry of the story of my life.
The question is not so much if I could ever hope to get or keep a woman like her. The question is whether or not I could from a hypothetical and existential perspective actually narrow down and identify what to me is the highest peak potential state of enjoyment in life, too often people are focus on what they can obtain and never even allow themselves to imagine what it would be like to be in the prescence of such an existential supremum womanly perfections.
You Sir have figured out what 99.9% of your fellow men (and women) have not. It is the biological drivers and motivations of man. I will write a post on this, though your response could very well, be impossible to improve upon. Why is porn the most profitable internet industry? Why are there beauty contests? Why is the largest industry for women makeup? It’s all about female appearances and the male drive to capture that essence.
We are imparted with biological needs. These are a fundamental part of who we are and it establishes our cities, our accomplishments, our art and our poetry. Without it, we are nothing but grey slugs in front of electrical devices.
Bravo, Bo Chen. The complexities of happiness with a woman in a nutshell… a great biig Nutshell!:)
Yes. Bo Chen really “nailed that one” good. It’s so good that I am speechless.