That’s the way it is. The world is in the middle of World War III.
Of course, this is NOT public knowledge. This is something that only the American “leadership”, and international leaders have any idea about.
Not the rabble.
Not people like you.
And let me be blunt. The United States owns the media, and all communication traffic over the internet. They don’t want any one getting near the truth. So if you all want to know what the truth is, look at what they are hiding. Look at what they are omitting. Look at what they are “glossing over”. Look at what they are ignoring.
What won’t they dare talk about?
What is right there, in your face, and yet it is omitted from all public discourse?
Yes. John Bolton -rabid anti-China neocon was put in charge of the Bio-Weapons office in Washington DC and launched a long and concentrated series of bio-weapons attacks against China. Mike Pompeo referred to it as a “live exercise”, and it was coordinated with other efforts in Hong Kong, Taiwan, XinJiang, and throughout the South East Asian environs.
But, the USA was unprepared for the blow-back.
Coronavirus is a bio-weapon that was patented nearly twenty years ago by the State Department, and they “threw caution to the wind” when they carpet bombed China with eight bio-weapons targeting food and livestock, and three new and “novel” never-before-seen viruses against the Chinese people.
Not expecting that China knew what was going on all the time.
Ah. That’s a total of eleven (x11) new and “novel” viruses that hit China “out of the blue” at the same precise moment when Trump decided to conduct a “hybrid war” against China.
But I covered all this elsewhere.
In fact, I even draped the overview on the main index for a spell…
All three bio-Weapons (used against China) are in America now
So America got everything all “fired up” and started the same old playbook. But once they realized that a traditional war was not in the “cards”, they decided to “soften up” China with some bio-weapons. But it didn’t work out as planned. Never the less, the plan is still a “go go go”, and everyone is following the timetable, no matter how insane it appears.
Well,,, let’s review for a second.
I have long argued that the USA under the Trump administration used three bio-weapons targeting Chinese civilians in 2020. The first, the COVID-19B hit on CNY, and supposedly the American population was inoculated from it by the COVID-19A strain.
I have further argued that all the bio-weapons would boomerang back to the United States either intentionally or inadvertently. You simply cannot isolate an infected area well.
And that is what we are seeing today.
Attack One. Brain Seizure Virus. While Americans were (supposedly) inoculated from the lethal “B 1.1.7 strain” of COVID-19 by the flu-like “A strain”, apparently the lethal strain has NOW hit America. I’ve tons and tons of movies knowing what it was like when it hit China.
See the movies HERE Chinese COVID-19 B Videos.
Videos of the COVID-19 Biological Attack events within China
Of course they were all banned by Trump by Executive Order, so Americans and their allies never saw any of them. Thus the sheeple bought into the lies that the COVID was just a slight cold.
This realization, that the lethal “B strain” is now all over America, is forcing the authorities to scramble for the mRNA vaccine. Which is designed as a multi-purpose solution that can be expanded with other “boosters” when new Bio-weapons events unfold. Read about it HERE.
Attack Two. Death by Vomiting Virus. The second bio-weapon to hit China occurred in July 2020 in Beijing. It was a tick borne virus, (Dabieshan tick virus and SFTSV) and should alert anyone because not only does Beijing not have ticks, but the nearest tick infested region is half a nation away. Roughly the distance between Florida and Maine.
As soon as the CIA assets turned over the vials to the PLA, Donald Trump was whisked off to a secure military base, and America went to Defcon One.
The Donald Trump evacuation to a secure military base happened at the same time that SADS-CoV was discovered in China.
The virus causes a disease called “Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome” (SFTS). Essentially your internal organs start to hemorrhage you vomit them out violently until you die. The STFS virus is transmitted to humans, and is thought to be fatal in 1 to 3 out of every 10 infections. The people die a long, drawn out and painful death.
Trump launched this virus against China when it was obvious that [1] China controlled COVID-19B, and that [2] Hong Kong was secure, and [3] the NGO (CIA agents) were escorted out of China.
Well it seems that the American “news media” is readying the American population for some blow back.
One year later, it appears that Los Angeles is expecting the second bio-weapon that hit China; the Death by violent-vomiting bio-weapon. Hitting Los Angles this Summer. Just peachy. And you know, this is a “new virus” of a completely different bio-weapon family. The COVID vaccine won’t protect anyone. Read about it HERE. So local California authorities are taking the necessary precautions for this event.
Attack Three. Death by Diarrhea Virus. The third bio-weapon, the Swine G4 virus is now hitting America. It’s the “spiteful” virus that causes death by diarrhea unless immediate treatment is provided.
- CDC Takes Action to Prepare Against “G4” Swine Flu Viruses …
- Coronavirus | Swine flu virus in China: what is G4 EA H1N1 …
- Forget Coronavirus: Swine Flu in China With “Pandemic …
- Prevalent Eurasian avian-like H1N1 swine influenza virus …
- New ‘extremely dangerous’ G4 Chinese swine flu ‘highly …
- What is the G4 Virus? The New Swine Flu with “Pandemic …
- New swine flu with ‘pandemic potential’ identified by …
- Flu virus with ‘pandemic potential’ found in China – BBC News
Yeah, the infected shit themselves to death and shit out their entire organs though internal hemorrhaging. Just peachy. And you know, this is a “new virus” of a completely different bio-weapon family. The COVID vaccine won’t protect anyone. Trump launched it against China after his eight battle carrier flotilla sailed home in defeat in 2020.
The final result of the enormous military armada sent to the South China Sea by Trump in 2020, and why no one is talking about the aftermath of it.
Read about it HERE.
Remember boys and girls, real secrets are SECRET. And this is what is going on today. It’s World War III by bio-weapons.
My god, is that TRUE?
We never see any of that on our mainstream media.
And that was the Covid-variant unleashed upon China in October-November 2019?
That is absolutely horrific and sadistically cruel.
It speaks not merely of cold-calculation, but a frothing, bottomless hatred. A demented, boundless desire to cause harm.
If it was deliberate, somebody has to pay, there has to be justice, and retribution.
-Anonymous[793] • Disclaimer said.
But all that is just an appetizer for what’s to come…
So that’s it, you might think.
The uninformed are waiting until “herd immunity” is attained against the “global pandemic” and then everything will return back to normal. Right? Isn’t that the impression that everyone has, eh?
Well it isn’t.
America is so thick-headed and run by idiots that they are just following the “marching orders” laid down years ago. And given the absolutely unexpected (by American elites) turn of events, that the actions being taken by America (by following out of date and obsolete orders) just makes America look like it’s being run by idiots.
"Not even North Korea is this nuts"
- North Korean defector..
You cannot help but think that.
I think that the United States is so stuffed up with imbeciles inside Washington, the military, the government, and the media that both Russia and China are toying with them like a cat toys with a mouse…

It’s like this.
And I am not the only person to think so.
Consider this… fine article by Mr. E. A. ( I will provide a link to his site once I get it, and place it here.)
New article–NBC Reporter Give Putin the Third Degree.
On June 11th, President Putin met with NBC journalist, Keir Simmons.
Reprising the Ugly American
Yet Another Instance of US Cognitive Dissonance and Psychological Projection.
Why Did Putin Agree to this Interview?
- Russia is preparing, perhaps within months, to supply Iran with an advanced satellite system, enabling Tehran to track military targets. Is that true?
- President Biden has defined his first trip to Europe as quote, ”about rallying the world’s democracies.“ He views you as a leader of autocrats, who is determined to undermine the liberal democratic order. Is that true?
- President Biden asked you to meet with him. He didn’t make any preconditions. Were you surprised?
- Will you go into the summit agreeing to begin more arms control talks immediately after the summit?
- President Biden wants predictability and stability. Is that what you want?But he would say that you have caused a lot of instability and unpredictability.
- You once described President Trump as a bright person, talented. How would you describe President Biden?
- President Biden said one time when you met, you were inches away from each other, close to each other. And he said to you, ”I’m looking into your eyes, and I can’t see a soul.“ And you said, ”We understand each other.“ Do you remember that exchange?
- President Biden is saying he told you to your face, ”You don’t have a soul.“ (Laughter.)
- Would you have felt that was an inappropriate thing to say?
- What do you think of the Black Lives Matter movement?
- there is now a weight of evidence, a long list of alleged state-sponsored cyberattacks. Let me give you five.
- The US intelligence community says Russia
- interfered with the 2016 election.
- Election security officials said Russia tried to interfere with the 2020 election.
- Cybersecurity researchers said government hackers targeted COVID vaccine researchers, hacking for COVID vaccines.
- In April, the Treasury Department said the SolarWinds attack was the world’s worst, including nine federal agencies.
- And just before your summit, Microsoft says it has discovered another attack with targets including organizations that have criticised you, Mr Putin. Mr President, are you waging a cyber war against America?
- Russian-speaking criminals is the allegation, are targeting the American way of life: food, gas, water, hospitals, transport. Why would you let Russian-speaking criminals disrupt your diplomacy? Wouldn’t you want to know who’s responsible?
- You don’t ask for a truce unless you’re fighting in a [cyberspace] war.
- Russia is fighting on that[cyberspace] battlefield. Correct? That if you can come to an agreement over hacking and election interference, then you’ll call off the hacking and the election interference if America agrees not to comment on your elections and your political opponents?
- What should Americans worry about? What might happen next if there’s no agreement on cyber? Do you fear that American intelligence is deep inside Russian systems and has the ability to do you a lot of damage in cyber?
- he’ll [Biden]raise the issue of Alexei Navalny, targeted for assassination, now in a Russian jail. Mr President, why are you so threatened by opposition?
- In America, we call what you’re doing now ”whataboutism.“ ”What about this? What about that?“ It’s a way of not answering the question. Let me ask you a direct question.
- Can I just ask you a direct question? Did you order Alexei Navalny’s assassination?
- Mr President, are you a killer?
- Anna Politkovskaya, shot dead. Alexander Litvinenko, poisoned by polonium. Sergei Magnitsky, allegedly beaten and died in prison. Boris Nemtsov, shot moments from the Kremlin, moments from here. Mikhail Lesin died of blunt trauma in Washington, DC. Are all of these a coincidence, Mr President?
- Did you have prior knowledge that a commercial airliner would be forced to land in Belarus and that a journalist would be arrested?
- You appear to have approved of it judging by your meeting with President Lukashenko soon afterwards. In the case of neighbouring Ukraine earlier this year, the European Union said you had more than 100,000 troops on the Ukrainian border. Was that an attempt to get Washington’s attention?
- Mr President. Do you worry that your opposition to NATO has actually strengthened it? For six years, NATO has spent more on defence.
- Where is that written down? Where is that promise [that Nato would not expand outside of Germany written down?]
- Will you commit now not to send any further Russian troops into Ukrainian sovereign territory?
- The Biden administration has said that at your summit they will bring up the case of two US prisoners in Russia, Paul Whelan and Trevor Reed. They are two former Marines. Trevor Reed is suffering from COVID in prison. Why don’t you release them ahead of the summit? Wouldn’t that show goodwill?
- And on the prisoner swap question, is that something that you would consider? Are you looking to negotiate? You’re meeting with the President.
- Just to be clear so we hear it from you, which Russian prisoners in the US would you be hoping to bring back to Russia by name?
- ust quickly before I move on, on the subject of prisons, again with Alexei Navalny, will you commit that you will personally ensure that Alexei Navalny will leave prison alive?
- You complain so much about NATO to your west. Why do you never complain about China’s militarisation to your east?
- What do you think of China’s treatment of the Uyghurs in Xinjiang?
- There is the accusation of a million Uyghurs in so-called concentration camps. Is that your message to the Muslim communities in the former Soviet Union? You don’t think anything wrong is happening there?
- It’s just a question of whether you are prepared to criticise China. China, for example, abstained on Crimea at the Security Council. China’s biggest banks have not contravened American sanctions against Russia. Do you think you get 100% support from China?
- Why are you splitting off from the US space programme and moving forward with China?
- If the People’s Liberation Army made a move on Taiwan how would Russia respond to that?
- You’re threatening to close that crossing in July at the Security Council. Why would you do that, knowing that it will cause the death of refugees?
- Mr President, you extended the Constitution so that you could be President of Russia until 2036. Do you worry that the longer you are in power and without any sign of someone to replace you, the more instability there may be when you finally do choose to leave office?
Meanwhile, while Russia is telling the USA to fuck off, so is China.
Why can America send troops and bombers to the border of Russia, and the border of China and expect that no one will shoot them down? Why does the Pentagon believe that they are somehow immune from a military combat event? Why does the USA assume that Russia and China won’t start behaving the same way that America has been behaving all these decades?
Maybe we are starting to see efforts that are telling the neocon “war hawks” in Washington DC, to SHUT THE FUCK UP, or go ahead and start a war. They are not going to play your fucking games any longer. And the morons in Washington DC are taking the bait. They are like moronic children playing with dynamite.
Hal Turner says that it is because…
- China Sends Long-Range Bomber toward U.S. ADIZ Hawaii! U.S. Scrambles two F-22 Raptors – FULLY ARMED
Of course, the American alt-Right, and mainstream media won’t dare mention this. Probably right now there are meetings with professional diversity officers and LGBT advisors discussing how to manipulate the news feeds to calm the situation down. After they take internal polls, and get direction, will they come up with a new narrative that will support an aggressive China and Russia.
But that’s not all.
China just been flying 28 fighter planes in loops and circles all around Taiwan. You won’t find this news in America. I know, I looked.
Maybe tomorrow.
But right now it’s been all over the Chinese media for the last three days. America only displays news to box Americans into believing an approved narrative.
These actions and activities are all so new, and so unexpected, that the Pentagon and the CIA / NSA really hasn’t a clue as to how to spin them.
You can download the video HERE.
It seems like they want to provoke America to come out to play. So yeah, what else the fuck does it look like. Will America take the bait?
Curious Bullshit
But America is still playing the same old games. It is still pushing the same tired narratives.
What constitutes “news” from the United States is just getting crazier and crazier. Check out these two outlandish stores about China that I found on Drudge today;
China is using it’s water scarcity problem against it’s people
It's from the fierce neocon publication the National Review. But these people are so deluded. I don't even know where to begin.
[1] There is no water scarcity problem in China in any form, shape or configuration anywhere. And secondly, [2] China IS the Chinese people. There just isn't a "ruling class" like you have in the West.
The point is that those who are in this "echo chamber" believe this nonsense. No wonder they seem to be like a moronic idiot monster thrashing about to us "normal's".
I mentioned this article to my Chinese friends inside of China and they actually laughed. Laughed! That is just how deluded, out of touch with reality, and insane these people are.
Western companies are leaving Hong Kong in droves over the laws related to NGO color revolutions
It's all a pile of bull manure. Not true in the least. But what do you expect from the neocon publication Wall street Journal. Again. Those in the echo chambers believe this nonsense.
Not even remotely true.
That is the essence of propaganda: pick some big lies, repeat them endlessly, and accuse anybody who is willing to contradict them with consorting with the enemy.
Anybody who dares to challenge the propaganda narrative is automatically either a “Kremlin bot”, a “fifty center” or “Xi Peng stooge.”
This is, of course, a convenient dodge. When all sorts of things are going wrong, from lost wars to stolen elections to stolen retirements to stolen futures of one’s children to weapons systems that don’t work, it is easiest to find a single scapegoat.
For such a huge set of problems, the scapegoat has to be a very large one, and Russia and China just both happens to be the right size.
Jim Kunstler:
I think what is really going on, what's sort of behind the insanity of this, is the very strange and mysterious collapse of the intellectual class in America.
Now, you’ve got a class of people in the media and academia, highly educated people, the permanent bureaucracy in the government who now believe in crazy things and are proposing dangerous things and seem to have just completely lost it.
It does demonstrate something about the madness of crowds.
Some things, in a way, are beyond the rational reach of analysis. You know, you're just in kind of unchartered territory of group herd emotion whether it's wildebeests or lemmings or people on the upper east side of Manhattan setting their hair on fire.
I think the real question you have to ask is what happens to a society when the thinking class can't think anymore? To me, that's the most dangerous thing. And the mendacity they are showing is amazing.
Preparation for war
The United States made it perfectly clear what excuses that it would use for Congress to authorize a formal war declaration against China. These were all laid out in the March 2021 Anchorage, Alaska meeting.
And since that date, the world pretty much understands that when the “negotiation party” told China “We don’t want a war.” that it is now official. The USA will conduct a war against China.
And the “negotiations” are only a mere formality.
Both Russia and China are aware of what is going on.
And America is playing and following a script that was established years ago, based on [1] faulty data, [2] incorrect and false Intel, [3] corrupted perceptions and [4] moronic leadership. And they STILL haven’t deviated from that script.
As time moves forward, both China and Russia tick off the predictable check list of American actions, and one after the other each box is checked off, and the predictable actions take place.
Meanwhile, China and Russia maneuvers forces, political assets, Geo-political situations to their advantage. Always guarded to see if the American leadership will deviate form the old stale plan. But it doesn’t. Which might be a really pleasant surprise.
I would well imagine that maybe the USA is much smarter than this, and allowing Russia and China to be lulled into a state of comfortable deception. But I am not so sure that this is actually the case. Noting the neocon war hawks in Washington DC, they are very two-dimensional actors with little hard practical experience and shows linear thinking clouded by emotional distortion.
We, you and I, sit on the sidelines and watch all this take place.
It truly seems like the United States is being run by morons that are just following instructions from other morons who all don’t have a clue as to what the issues are, the stakes actually are, and are absolutely deluded by some kind of mental illness of their superiority when there is no actual advantage in any way, shape or form.
It’s pretty messed up.
To me, it seems that America is sleepwalking toward what it thinks will be a nice standard “boilerplate” “distant” war. From with [1] the military-industrial complex can profit from, [2] the government can use as an excuse to suppress American revolting elements, and [3] from which it can buy some time to rebuild key technologies, infrastructure and economic advantage.
But it is delusional.
Fundamentally it has no advantage. And digging a deep hole in beach sand will only result in more digging. Nothing will actually be accomplished.
And Russia and China consider this activity dangerous, and are positioning themselves to provide a “killing blow” if need be to “an insane and rabid dog”. And to me it seems like Russia and China are quite aware of this and are like a cat toying with a mouse that it caught.
Us outsiders who see the whole picture outside of the American propaganda machine can see this most clearly and we are both bemused and horrified at the same time.
It’s good that Americans are kept in the dark.
Can you just imagine the horror and internal strife if Americans found out the true extent of the American government’s actions, plans and desires.
Just because the world is fucked, doesn’t mean that you need be too.
No one really even understands who is coming up with all of these lunatic ideas, such as ...
“we have to stop the Chinese by doing an earth-shattering world war because we disagree with the way they are managing their Islamic terror threat and also we have a map that indicates they are violating Vietnamese fishing rights.”
My cats have taught me a lot over the years. One of the most valuable lessons that I have learned has become a major platform of my life. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to relearn this most fundamental lesson.
“Life is hard. Then you nap.”
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Great stuff, Mr Man. I think this image sums it all up, really.
Israel owns the media.
I am Jewish. born like that, nothing to do about it, believe me I have tried it all. the Inquisition tried, Hitler tried, didn’t work. I know it is so sad.
My family has 1 percent of the media, because we are Jewish you know.
Please keep on blame it all on us, never on your government or supreme leader. if we are not available or dead please use others, latest trend is the Chinese. you may call them yellow people or chicons, what ever you feel like, it is your world, and please stay on it.
I am so sorry the world had gone to that, it is our fault I know, mine for sure. as always. Since the time of the Romans, it was my fault too. The Roman empire was such a beauty, such a moral superpower, have you seen Caligula, great movie, great leader he was. We did all the bad stuff, we are Jewish you know, this is what we are good for. and we did it all while being dead, amazing talent we have, They eliminated us twice, you know, as they did to others.
About the 1 percent, I can sell it to you in a special price, please contact me at
Dearest Daniel, I’d like to have permission from you and MM to address this issue on the head as it really is IMHO, and if MM lets it on here, then anyone who reads this comment can chew on these words of mine and draw appropriate conclusions (or not, it does not matter)….
1)Everything is topsy-turvy on purpose. We are in full disclosure mode as things roll towards resolution. I DO NOT KNOW what is going to happen. Through reading lotsa stuff, I have just an inkling about everything I feel may happen. ALL MAY JUST TURN OUT THE OPPOSITE because no one, even the WAPP (Wise and Power People [sic]) control events to the every end. Notice that I did not use the J word – because the J word is a “test selection process”as you will see below.
2)The reason why narratives are being played out is exactly because WAPP cannot control the destiny of 7.4+ billion people. They way may want to show their superpower through advertisements, subliminal or otherwise, but if they controlled everything, well, there wouldn’t be a 1984 book that was not realized in the year 1984…. They need US to focus on the issues they want us to focus on, to bring this world they want to reality. Yes, they are using ALL OF US to create the reality they want for us. Well, quite a many of us ain’t gonna make it, tho.
3)During this disclosure process WAPP are utilizing information plus knowledge creation and dissemination to categorize people based on their perceived suitability in their NWO, based on the values they – not YOU nor I nor ANYONE else – consider important. It is their world – because I am sorry to say, THEY OWN IT. If you did a financial investigation of the assets of the top 50 families in the world based on their true assets hidden behind thousands of anonymous shell companies and fronts, well, you’d find THEY DO OWN EVERYTHING! And that’s whether you, I or anyone else like it or not. They don’t care. But they do care about their responsibility to create a better world for themselves, their progeny, their respected subordinates and their families, AND chosen super-humans who distinguish themselves through the test selections that are in process.
4) The test-selection processes define each person based on WAPP SYNTHETICALLY CREATED TEST STIMULI, FEEDBACK response from the different populations, Signal pickup for feedback, collation and integration into BIG DATA systems, and of course, a NWO Human Value ranking. Ask me how I know this. Of course, I know nothing, I just made everything up – based on how I interpret everything that is happening in this world – as I see it. See how a human being can make stuff up – just like that?
5)As you’d know there are many test selection processes – LGBT, Obesity, Healthfulness, Morality, Niceness, Law Abidingness, RUFUSness, Useful Knowledge, ability to discern, humility, gullibility, and of course, friendliness to J’s. They have made friendliness to J’s a selection factor not because they are all J’s. BUt much of what has happened in this world is related to things that happened in the past. I won’t explain them here because it is far too long, and people on both sides will disagree with me, unfortunately BECAUSE it takes a lot of guts to face the truth. But if you wish, you can read 200 Years Together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn – but not using a standard view. Ask yourself, if you had the power and resources to create a better future for yourself, your family and progeny, would you do it? And, how would you do it? That explains why things have happened the way they have happened over these many hundreds of years. And ALL THAT HAS BEEN DONE is now laid out in all of the internet. ALL DISCLOSURE about what happened and what did not happen is out there – including the accompanying disinformation – again as test selection processes.
6)The test on J’s, IMHO? If you knew EVERYTHING about what has been truly been done to create WAPP’s version of a NEW WORLD, will you be friendly to it and want to be a part of it, or will you hate it, diss it, and blame the J’s? If you are WAPP, what kind of humans would you want in YOUR NWO – which you own and that you create out of this mess of a human race? It’s all a TEST to see everyone’s response. Of course, if you control all the RESOURCES, would you not want people who have high human value to be also friendly to ALL sorts of people including aliens and J’s? (The significance of aliens will come at an appropriate time in the NEAR future…).
7)It’s just common sense right? The control nexus has set out so many different honeypots and info silos out there that attract, retain and develop people at their exhibited human value rankings so they are retained – until THEY have decided what to do with the groups of humanity based on those rankings. (Imagine MM being a honeypot…!). If people are caught in these silos and circle there, they become more easily activated to do and think the things that they want humans of that ranking to behave – including negative spiral actions (more easily manipulable). That is why they have REALLY good stuff like DRUGS, AIDS, More drugs, Chemsex, Tinder, MORE DRUGS, drug selling because its a lot more profitable than working at McDs, LGTB, transgendering for 2 year olds, cancel culture, people killing themselves due to social media trolling, WICCA, Satanism, Pedophilia, MORE PEOPLE killing themselves by drinking, smoking, making great impactful Instagram videos hanging off a high tower buildings, OBESITY, BLM, ANTIFA burns everything, and of course the myriad possibilities in hating demoncrats, repoopblicans, feminists, men, cis-people, retards, elites, cops, blacks, whites, Russians, asians, Chinese, aboriginals, MS-13 (and their rivals), and of course, J’s and P’s – AND SO ON! My goodness, social media is GREAT – for test selections for NWO human value ranking. This is the real value of Google at the very end. Yes, personal suitability for the NWO selections (but, the end is not what it now seems.). Google doesnt control the endgame (just IMHO).
8) Meanwhile, BIG DATA beasties are collating specific profiles for every human being on this world, and they are going 24/7. Do you now see why every computer has to be activated by a cellphone and/or email? All mobiles need to be ID verified and location fixed or you can’t use your mobiles and computers. Everyone has to enter the system. Everyone has an NWO human value score. Yes, you and I, and everyone on MM.
9) If you read MM, and are considered an MM devotee and an MM growing person, what NWO human value score do you think you’d have, amongst all the other websites out there? See, that’s the question you should ask if you read this site unswervingly and devotedly. Why would an avid reader of MM be of any interest to the control nexus, and WAPP? It’s worth pondering on this one – just for fun.
10)All is done by the control nexus to see who is capable of discerning what WAPP expects from all of us, and see how each person rises to the occasion – or slide way down. What do you think HATING J’s will get anyone in his Big Data NWO suitability score for the NWO?
11)MM has given me gifts for which I will forever be grateful. It is through these gifts that my life has SIGNIFICANTLY improved. I am not a perfect human being and I still have many faults – they define my humanity. But as I come here, I thank MM and hope to contribute in writing to assist my brothers and sisters in soul who also come here to MM for guidance and solace. I seek those of you who disagree with me, or do not wish me to make this revealingly clarifying explanation, to please understand, and to please let me speak freely, as the GPU compels me to do that which I do here. If you are upset with me for any reason at all, I am afraid you’ll just have to blame the farmer – and duly take it up with H*M. (You have to do that which you must do – as I have said in my self-disclosure communications with you).
12)May the GPU bless all of us and MM. Thank you for reading this comment, and I hope it has helped you and anyone who reads it.
Seriously – a great post. Thank you for your explanation. Although you lost me at times-and I do have lots of questions – your explanation is fantastic and well said.
Thanks for that, NewRob. May the GPU bless you 🙂
I had all day to read, re-read and digest what I could of your reply to Daniel, and I do TRULY appreciate everything you have written. It is taking me down a new rabbit hole in my research and when you suggest one of my favorite authors, well, let me say I appreciate it. I do not know what the GPU you are talking about is, but you certainly made so much sense to me. If I ever have the pleasure of bumping in to you-your drinks are on me. Again, my thanks!
Thank you New Rob. My thoughts on everything you stated are on paralell. Always a treat to hear from you.
It sucks, man, because nobody is blaming YOU personally. Or any Jewish person in particular.
I am saddened by this comment as I never thought I would see this kind of persecutory feelings toward ANYONE, but I remember a stern warning in the 80s from a history teacher who said it could, and would, happen here in America.
Your words make something that is literally so distant (it’s on TV “somewhere else”) but yet your comment is so personal, that I can’t imagine right now what it’s like being Jewish in America – because it’s CLEAR what’s coming down the road and as MM says – know your history. It NEVER ends well. I hope we can turn the boat around so that you don’t feel like this.
Dearest pissedlizard, thank you for your offer of drinks and kind words. Ever since I became New Rob from the Old Rob, I have forced myself to become much scarcer than I was in the past. So, I am honestly restraining myself from opening my mouth on writings (self-censorship, or self-love as in “preservation” love).
It is through certain events that have happened to me personally AFTER stumbling on MM I’d think 2 plus years ago, that my life has IMPROVED stratospherically, and I consider that as one definitely important result of being an MM silo. (I am still bemused by my coment above, Imagine MM as honey pot!). See how I always digress… Anyway, a point on your comment, WAPP have created both the beginning, the middle and the end – in all of their important operations – PSYOP, REALOPS, MILOPS, DISINFOPS, SOCIALOPS. They and their WAPP-REPs (WAPP representatives) might think I am being sycophantic, but I am not. WAPP and their brilliant thinkers and doers have done tectonically impossible things in the last 100 years – I am frankly amazed. The human race has advanced, developed, evolved MORE in the last 100 years than the X number of years humans have been in existence prior to the last 100 years – and unfortunately, that also came with costs – high human costs.
No one paid me a million dollars to say that, and certainly unlike Steven Greer in a speech said, no one offered me a Black American Express with a line of credit of a million dollars and a suggestion of “Go ahead and use it,” which Steven Greer magnanimously declined…. (HAHAHA! That was when I knew what disclosure was all about….). Before they do an operation, they plan it out, sketch it, compartmentalize the components, if possible test it out, run scenarios, do a small run somewhere, and roll it out – AND they always leave fingerprints within a mountain of disinformation that they also release into the aether. Almost as if to say, “Hey, we’re doing this for the good of humanity – and here’s why. Some win, and others lose. You have all been forewarned. You decide what happens to you based on the game, the rules and expected results.” It’s like that for EVERYTHING they and their reps have done. It’s all out there. They have in their LIES, NEVER LIED TO US! You just have to look in the “right places” and put on their required “rosee glasses”. Then take appropriate actions….
Even if you look at the truth, you will not perceive the underlying meaning UNLESS you accept the basic premises. I don’t know how many of you are reading this, but if you are interested, pls continue if you want the CHEAT CODES. Do you really want to know? You might not be able to handle it.
Issues of interest:
1)They are doing this for the GOOD of humanity based on their history and their values and beliefs – not yours nor mine. They count. They make the rules. We, gnats, do not sit at their table. We accept or do not accept.
2)They want people to develop and have the capacity to discern, understand and adopt the essential stuff THEY want NWO people to have – but they want it done through discernment and self-discovery. Nothing is given FREELY
3)They want a better world for themselves and their progeny (genetic continuance of their living “soul”) which means they want the NWO superhumans to be FRIENDLY to their progeny in a transparent, sincere way to ensure their safety for eons beyond. 4)It is necessary to build a strong security social-matrix control that is in FULL CONTROL to ENSURE in order of importance, safety to WAPP and their families, WAPP progeny, WAPP reps, WAPP rep families and progeny, bureaucrats (actually technocrats), mid-managers, and useful people, and through this social matrix control that ensures TRUE safety, FREEDOM and everything for GOOD people. What about the riff-raff below these groupings? Notice that criminals, assh*les, corrupted whatfcks, ninnyheads, duelling troublemakers, drugheads, lazyfarts DON’T and cannot fit in. Hhmm, pls say this with a thick Bavarian accent with a hint of Swiss: “Wee vil have to ask KLAUS about whart to with zem…”
4)So, you see WAPP is creating a global track to a PERFECT world where everyone is near-perfect RUFUS la-ti-da’s. Hey, don’t knock this as being pollyannish! Would you prefer to live in this NWO perfectworld, or the country you’re in right now? Or, Portland? And you only get one of two choices: 1)The world as it is today or 2)WAPP Perfectworld? You see, if you ask this question there are ppl who would say F U, Wapp Perfectworld La-ti-das!
5)ANd, if you don’t believe me, ask this question of yourself and people around you and others. BUt there is an entry requirement. YOU GOTTA TO CHANGE YOURSELF TO BECOME A RUFUS (or thereabouts). No more shitting on others, no more drugs and drug dealing. NO violence. No being disrespectful to the government, to your country’s leader, no more stupid democracies that deal in drugs and corruption, no more progressivism or conservatism stupidities, no more voting again and again corrupted liars and crazy people to become your leaders. No more being a lazyfck assh*le. Everyone works to get a paycheck, or if one is retired, you better be a f*cking nice ciotizen and neighbour to all. When you see anybody, YOU HAVE TO HAVE A FRIGGING SMILE ON YOUR FACE AND SAY “HOWDY DOODY, GOOD MORNING!” Don’t laugh.. You can lay out this same condition for entry into the NWO for 7.4 billion people to consider – and I’d bet you my last dollar, there are many people who would REFUSE to change and become the good people that WAPP wants for THEIR NWO. They would say this NWO would lack personal freedom, individual rights (to do what – bully, steal, rob, rape, pillage and kill in peace?) and become authoritarian and elitist. On the other hand, people like me stand up and say this, I would be willing to pay this price. As a matter of fact, except for some non-perfect human exceptions (like I like picking my nose every morning, and I like looking at pictures of beautiful women and people can really piss me off, if they become assh*ley in front of me as I am an utter assh*le to assh*les…I have to admit this), I AM THAT NICE LA-TI-DA law-abiding, BMI22, exercise 5 days a week, no criminal convictions – ever, 8 traffic violations in my entire fcking life, no drinking, no drugs and no smoking, and no fucking around kinda guy – and some of the my best friends and colleagues when I was actively pursuing my MWI were J’s. Good J’s. Real people I shook hands with and worked with. Seriously, I cant give their last names, but if anyone investigated my past, you can ask Robert Fl…, David Mo…, Gary No… (he was one of my bosses and may have some negative opinions on me – but I was wet behind the ears, and he was the one who broke the law – not me), Graham Sh…, Murray Ki… Others I did not know personally like Rober Fr… but I only sat down with – he is a brilliant man who actually asked me what I thought about certain issues – he is worth about USD2 billion today, and another person the late Andre Sa… who was a billionaire philanthropist whom I shook hands with once, and always politely addressed other people with the opening, “My friend….”. IMHO, it’s not TOUGH for me to be part of the NWO based on these simple requirements. I am not making a sales pitch. I am telling you what I think is happening.
5)Many people who research this don’t even know this important truth. The NWO exists today in at least 5 countries. They are not perfect iterations and they are evolving very quickly as they are catalysts for all the other countries in the world. To really understand the attractiveness or non-attractiveness of the iterations of the NWO in a western setting, go to the UAE, Singapore and Russia. Different in feel, but the same in principle – authoritarian in a just, law abiding way. No guns, no spitting on the street, no disrespect to the country’s leader and government, no disrespect to society, government corruption is actively stamped on, no drugs tolerated (Russia is big – so it’s difficult to implement this fully) and so on. Study the people and their laws. Talk to citizens and ask them what they think of how they live, Then ask them, if they have same economic lifestyle, would they move from where they are, and go to the USA, Britain, France, New Zealand, Swaziland, etc. I am going to bet with you at least 90% of the people will say, “Things aint perfect here, but we like it here such that we would not move to other countries.” That is a bet will make with anyone willing to do a honest go at it. Yes, 1 dollar to 1 dollar bet. As much money as you and I can pony up – because I believe I will win. No, I know I will win.
6)Do you know that in Dubai, if you show the middle finger to ANYONE there and it is reported and it is proven, you will stay six months in prison! Imagine – what’s the crime rate in Dubai – where the police drive around in Bentleys to “uphold the law” . How many driveby shootings? The violent crime rate? Seriously. I am serious. Go to Dubai and see the only people who get arrested there are drunk British stupidfcks who swear, get into fights, or copulate on the so romantic beaches!
7)This is WAPPs version of the NWO – but they are not telling the stupidfcks as they dont want assholes to ruin everything. So, everything is being taken down to the level of who is NWO material and who is not NWO material. That’s where everything is going.
8)The west is being very quickly deconstructed in the fastest way possible to transform and plug into the NWO. Seriously, don’t shit in your pants. All that stuff scaring you about the NWO is meant for losers who do not have the balls, the desire to change themselves, the assh*le who cannot think of others streak, have empathy for others, disobedient sh*t disturbers and people that WAPP don;t want – are TRIGGERED to hate the NWO, elites, WAPP through PSYOPS and disinfo agents so that they sound out and get BIG DATAéd. And, they have expressly provided ALL the info out there to see WHO HATES THE J’s after being exposed to their disclosures. This way to they can separate out the people and their genetic lines that TO THEM represent an existential threat TODAY and in the future. This is the reason why you see many thesis-anti-thesis PSYOPS that draw out a response from virtually everyone exposed to the media on the issue of J’s – one dislikes and hates, or one does not dislike and does not hate (and even understand them on why they are the way they are), or has no opinion because of being unsure of the facts presented, or simply one does not like hating people, or one does not have the IQ to engage on these issues.
9)You will note that virtually all ALT-media have pro-J or anti-J proclivities on how they describe the country Is…. And like MM has said ALL MEDIA are controlled by the control nexus. So, why would they want AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE to declare for whatever reason, their values on everything that they put on social media, and why the hate the J’s…. Do you see why the WAPP would want everybody to put everything on the table for BIG DATA inspection?
8) As I have said before, my brothers and sisters through MM, and any person who is an extraordinary interest in these issues, and are concerned about any negative implications about this comment, I say to you, we are a population of 7.4 billion. Only about 10,000 plus people have ever visited MM. About 100 plus people tune in everyday. How many many (or few) might actually read this comment? So, let’s be realistic about the REAL world effect of this comment. Viryally none – except thru the workings of the GPU, it may be helpful to those who find it helpful. That is not for any one of us else to judge.
9)May I just share some thoughts FREELY with my brethren so as to help them become more ready to deal with the “tribulations” ahead – truly for no other reason than being a RUFUS – which is the impetus of MM – at the every end. But why urge us to save people, many of them sillyfcks who don’t even know what a phoenix is, do not know where the UN is, or why the UN is necessary in the human evolution, or why being a moral human being is important – when I can reach out thru this comment to help my brothers and sisters – the few – who might gain LIFE-SAVING information from this? Why be a RUFUS for a sillyfck, when I can be a RUFUS to special human beings who come here to MM? Do you see my simple motive? In the end, you ask us to change and become better with the special tools you have given us, cleverly cloaked, through MM. Once we use these tools, we will each discover our final destiny. YOU KNOW THAT as once we come to use the GPU (Great Power in the Universe), things happen. Would you expect less of what I have done and will do on this website?
10)May GPU bless all of us here at MM. Let us all be strong in coming days… Nospeak for “Get YOURSELVES ready.” Remember. What is a RUFUS?
11)Thank you MM. You know what I mean….
Well thank you NewRob. You said things in a new and refreshing way. I cannot argue with any of it. However, actual stats for MM is an over all average of around 800 visitors daily, and a few hundred thousand subscribers that get email updates every time an article is generated. So the MM footprint is larger than what appears. You wouldn’t realize it would you?
Pssst – I made that all up because it really wasn’t for you but for “other” people to consider…. Nuff said.
I know.
Thanks for this mega-rant, NR.
2 years ago I would have completely disagreed with you because I laboured under the impression that I knew everything– well, quite a lot, at least. Now, and especially after this past year, I’ve grudgingly come to accept that I actually know jack shit. (My wife was right all along, lol 😂.) But am relearing fast thanks to comments like this, and some other interesting conversations Ive been having with people– and some animals (honestly)– who actually know quite a lot more than I realised in my previous “incarnation”!
The US is a patient with a problematic mindset. “He feels the pain and he knows he’s ill, but he doesn’t want to go to the hospital and find out the real reason of the illness. He likes to be mad at the people around him. We used to think this is just the problem of the Trump administration, but now it seems like this is a problem for all of them.”
In the early morning of June 4, Japan’s TBS TV station suddenly interrupted the broadcast situation, saying: “Yesterday (3rd) early morning, an RC-135U electronic reconnaissance plane of the U.S. Air Force took off from Kadena Base in Okinawa, Japan, and proceeded to the southeast coast of China. Before dawn, near the northern mouth of the Taiwan Strait, in the airspace less than 55 nautical miles from Fujian Xiapu Air Force Base in the Eastern Theater of China, he was suddenly intercepted and rounded up by three electronic counter-reconnaissance aircraft “Falcon 1” of the Chinese Air Force. This is the Chinese Air Force’s first appearance in the war.
The Japanese media were really dedicated, as if they were on the scene, reporting the whole process as eye-catching and clear as their own military exercises: “The situation was very urgent at the time. The U.S. Air Force’s RC-135U reconnaissance plane was in China. Under the pursuit and interception of the Air Force “Falcon 1”, a very real aerial “cat and mouse game” was staged. The RC-135U reconnaissance aircraft was “throated” time and time again. All reconnaissance equipment on the aircraft failed; several times The aircraft was unable to control and fell into the sea out of control; several times it fell into a state of collapse of the navigation system. Japanese media exclaimed: “If the Taiwan Strait really does, the US military’s RC-135U reconnaissance plane has only two options, either to be captured or shot down to the sea.”
In this regard, the only official source of our “South China Sea Strategic Situational Awareness” think tank stated: “In the early morning of June 3, there was indeed a U.S. Air Force RC-135U electronic reconnaissance plane that took off from Kadena Base in Okinawa, Japan, and secretly entered Fujian. The electronic reconnaissance in the East China Sea airspace near Xiapu Air Force Base was promptly and resolutely expelled by our Air Force fighters. As for what type of fighter planes the People’s Liberation Army dispatched to expel them, I officially kept silent.”
At the same time, China’s official media has been very low-key, with almost no reports about the US RC-135U reconnaissance aircraft invading the airspace of the air defense identification zone near the military sensitive area of Fujian. It’s just that the World Wide Web reprinted the “South China Sea Strategic Situation Awareness” news:
However, overseas media have responded strongly to this. In the past few days, media in Japan, the United States, South Korea, and the French and German media in Europe have all reported and commented on it. Especially for the first time that the Chinese Air Force deployed the mysterious anti-electronic reconnaissance aircraft “Falcon 1”, and the sword was used for the first time, it severely frustrated the most advanced U.S. military RC-135U reconnaissance aircraft, which caused a shock from the Western media.
On the morning of the 4th, the US military’s Global Air Defense media platform stated: “RC-135U is the most advanced reconnaissance aircraft currently in service in the US military. The biggest weapon and “housekeeper” to seize air supremacy.
However, when facing China’s “Falcon 1″ yesterday, it was suddenly completely electronically suppressed. The entire aircraft was completely out of control, but the Kadena base camp, which was close at hand, did not know it.”
On the evening of the 3rd, Major Rodriguez, a spokesman for the US military at Kadena Base, reluctantly said to the media, “Before, we had almost no knowledge of China’s Falcon 1. Our intelligence agency was actually the best in China. In front of advanced weapons, he became blind and deaf. This time it was only when it flew in front of us that he suddenly knew its existence.” He added: “Even the name’Falcon 1′, our intelligence department It also took a huge price to find out. As for its specific aviation technical information, we know very little.”
Major Rodriguez said at the briefing: “According to the specific introduction of the pilot flying the RC-135U reconnaissance aircraft, we learned what happened in the early hours of yesterday. Our RC-135U reconnaissance aircraft, as usual, was at 3 Taking off in the early morning of the day, from Kadena Base to the high seas airspace near Xiapu Air Force Base in Fujian, China, for routine electronic reconnaissance flights. Their main task on this trip is still to detect the deployment of the Chinese military in the coastal areas of Fujian and Zhejiang and to detect them The deployment situation and combat performance of weapons and equipment, the frequency of collecting their electronic communication signals, and so on.
“After about an hour of flying, our RC-135U reconnaissance plane arrived in the established airspace and was preparing to carry out reconnaissance work. At this time, the pilot suddenly perceived with his naked eyes that there were three moving flying objects in the air from the top, front, and back directions. Outflank it. But what is surprising is the advent of such a serious air strike, the eyes can see, and the RC-135U reconnaissance aircraft’s own anti-electronic jamming system and reconnaissance system did not respond. Everything is too late, because the other party The RC-135U has been surrounded and locked, the reconnaissance equipment has failed, the communication system has failed, the aircraft is out of control, can’t move at all, the communication system has failed, the aircraft has lost control of navigation, and can’t move at all. It feels like being stifled by the throat. This way. In the next flight, the situation of danger was continuously staged and appeared three times. In desperation, we followed international practice and repeatedly expressed goodwill to the Chinese military aircraft several times before the other party finally allowed our aircraft to fly out of the dangerous airspace quickly. “.
Major Rodriguez finally emphasized: “I feel like we are being teased by the other side again and again in the air like mice. At the same time, it also shows that the Chinese Air Force’s Falcon 1 is very terrible. We ate a complete one. Lost in the air. This is an extremely rare humiliation and humiliation that the U.S. Air Force has suffered since World War II.”
Major Rodriguez’s briefing was quickly spread to many media around the world, and aroused international public opinion in exclamation and shock. According to the comment from the web client of South Korea’s “Seoul Arms”: “In the past 20 years, China’s weapons and equipment have seen rapid development, just like its national strength. Especially this time, the mysterious weapon “Falcon 1″ has been revealed, which is low-key. There will certainly be many weapons like the Chinese military.”
The South Korean intelligence agency also issued a statement on the same day: “According to what we know, the Chinese Air Force “Falcon 1″ is the world’s newest and most advanced anti-electronic reconnaissance aircraft. Its main task is to target the US military’s frequent attacks on China’s coastal areas and Taiwan Electronic reconnaissance in the sea and the South China Sea is used for aerial countermeasures. In addition to electronic countermeasures and intelligence collection, it also has powerful anti-electronic reconnaissance functions. The most frightening thing is that it not only has the most advanced stealth and protection It also has powerful electronic coverage, electronic blocking, and electronic destruction capabilities. This is the most advanced electronic countermeasure technology in the world that has surpassed the United States and the West. This technology will directly destroy all electronic communication systems of the target aircraft. The opponent’s high-altitude aircraft completely turned into a headless fly out of control.”
In the afternoon of the same day, Professor Kudur Riffert from the Munich Army Military Academy, Germany, commented through the media: “According to the current technical assessment of China’s air force, the flight range and combat radius of the Falcon 1 are expected to reach 3800-4500. Kilometers. If air refueling is implemented, the farthest may exceed 8000 to 12000 kilometers. It can easily fly over the US military base in Hawaii, and even directly reach Los Angeles or San Francisco on the west coast of the US, and the US military’s existing radar cannot detect it at all. It can be said to be A stealthy and proud intercontinental aircraft.”
“What a terrible weapon. China has mastered this weapon manufacturing technology before the United States and put it into combat before the United States. The United States and the United States Air Force have become the targets of China’s advanced weapons testing. And the proving ground.” Finally, Professor Liffeyt pointed out: “The United States and the West must admit that China will soon be strong if it blocks China; if it challenges China, China will quickly defeat what; and if it suppresses China, China Soon to surpass something; China’s strength and rise, the United States and the West can no longer stop it.
Thank you for this. I looked in the American “news” for this. Nothing. I am not surprised.
Oh BTW; Click HERE for videos of what the COVID-19B is like.
Im seeing more and more posts like this lately
Thank you Bo Chen. Most excellent reporting.
I could never thank MM enough.
Hi Bo,
Is this Fiction, wishful thinking or actual facts backed by sources? can you provide that info?
Its not my post I saw it on SDF, my personal guess is its a somewhat combination of all of above…
I think there is some real life trolling going on….
Thanks, I will check it up.
I think someday one of these germologist people is going to screw up royally and their little pet is going to escape and that’ll be the end of us. If Nature doesn’t do it first. Near 8 billion people is a lot of people, that’s a lot of poo-poo and biotrash from hospitals and whatever’s swirling around in the ocean and some other stuff and we may hit the jackpot an the pharmacy people might end up standing there in bubble suits watching the rest of us keel over…I think there’s a couple things shouldn’t be messed with: The atom, the human psyche, the genome, and the cell. Screw around in any of those long enough and bad things are going to happen. Don’t want trouble in the bar? Stay out of the bar.
Some of us in the states see it. Why we are still here, who knows?
Especially after these past 2 weeks it is CRYSTAL clear that there is no leadership in DC and the “elected” officials do not seem interested in doing their jobs.
What is being shown to us is exactly how we have all watched other countries collapse.
Right now we are where we watch those in the top just stealing everything that isn’t nailed down.
Next will be the military.
And we will have a full dismantling of the USA.
Like Russia we will be but a footnote in history but unlike Russia we do not have the stomach to rebuild.
We are too used to having “everyone else” do it. Those of us that see it are literally waiting for the other foot to drop.
And that’s in one of the “free”ish states.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. I’m doing what I can to “prepare” but I have no illusions about what is coming. It will be hell on earth, and I say this as someone who is about as far away from a 1m+ Metro area as you can get, so my chances are relatively good. If you’re in the cities, the article below is what you have to look forward to…
Thanks for the link! It’s crazy. As a grown man I never EVER thought America would come to this. Fireworks to “celebrate” no Covid? Ok. Why the hell are people still looking like I have a serious case of the cooties when I walk in a store without a mask in larger towns and cities? I am in the STICKS. There isn’t a mask anywhere. I go ANYWHERE that has more than about 10,000 people I get the stink eye. Fortunately we are all armed so nobody really says anything. But if we weren’t I truly believe things would be a LOT more violent. Hang in there, wherever you are.
@john smith
Please start at my Prayer Affirmation Index and start reading. The only thing that you can control is which reality that you inhabit when the SHTF. But you CAN control that. And I have laid out how you can control that HERE.
I just want to add that I really appreciate the perspective this site offers. It’s not that I believe everything here, but we get ZERO positive news about China and Russia in the states. And “alternative media” is even worse about that than MSM, at least with respect to China. MSM is probably worse about Russia. So it’s good to hear another side of things on this site.
As to America, we have three basic groups: leftists (democrats), status quo/boomers (mostly reublicans, some geriatric democrats), and classical liberals. Leftists are a write-off – they’re so far gone it’s senseless to engage with them on anything political. The status quo/boomer types are basically the frog in the pot of
Boiling water. They won’t Know what hit them until it’s too late. And classical liberals, who largely defected to the Republican Party in the mid-to-late 2000s, are just appalled at what they see coming out of DC and the MSM.
Classical liberals might be 20% of the population at this point, and they are increasingly seen as “radicals” if you can believe that. Couple this culture shift with our obviously broken election system, and we are quickly running out of options.
I have young kids but being nuked wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen, given what’s likely in store for the US if the leftists get their way.
What’s likely in store is THIS.
When you say “being nuked wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen” – THAT is the sentiment of everyone I know. It’s like that’s the best option. Listen. Read that – what you wrote again. Do you REALLY believe – or WANT that? Look bud, there is bad and REAL bad-I know – but you don’t want that, do you? Life is still good here. It’s still beautiful when the sun comes up. No matter where you are. Hang in there. That’s all I can say. I hope things get better for you. From my heart.
I have found this interesting:
John Pilger, which his film “The coming war on China” (2016) I saw some years ago and had no idea what is coming. Yes, I know. It is in the name of the film, still you do understand, this sounds and looks like pure lunatic.
Well, he Wrote 10 days ago “The Murdoch reporter who launched the latest Wuhan lab conspiracy story fed to him by US “officials” is the same reporter who claimed Saddam Hussein was building a nuclear bomb – a lie that led to the criminal invasion of Iraq. China is next.”
I have to admit, I am amazed. They don’t even bother using a different reporter, if only for the sports. For the diversity, for mankind. Common, there are other reporters out there, give them a chance, throw them a bone.