I often hear Conservatives explicitly state that America is a Constitutional Republic. They argue this, because the United States Constitution set the organization and layout of the nation as a Republic. It states this explicitly as such. Meanwhile, I often hear Liberals, Democrats and Progressives repeatedly state that America is a Progressive Democracy. They say this, mostly because I guess, they don’t know any better. They parrot what they have heard.
Today, sadly, America does not function like either a Republic or a Democracy. It functions as something else. It functions and operates as an Oligarchy. It really does. Let’s look at this issue and try to determine what is going on in America; the most significant nation on this planet…
Americans are brought up to believe all sorts of myths about the country we call home. We’re told our economy is a free market meritocracy governed by the rule of law. We’re told our civil liberties, enshrined in the Bill of Rights, are inviolable and protected by the most powerful military in the world. A fighting force entrusted with the admirable and monumental task of defending freedoms at home, and democracy and human rights abroad. We’re told we exist in a system of self-government, in which our votes matter and our voices heard. In practice, none of this is true. - Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog
There are many, many people who have addressed this issue. The arguments are rather simple and blunt.
If America is an actual Republic, then why is there a Federal Reserve, Senators that are popularly elected, and federal agencies that override the tenth Amendment. Republics that follow the Constitution will have none of this.
Alternatively, if America is a Democracy, then why are the populist issues resolved in the favor of the wealthy elite? Why are we endlessly involved in empire building? Why are we involved in six wars simultaneously? Why are we giving away money to other nations instead of helping our people?
The truth is that the reasons behind all this is complex. While I will touch on some of the causes briefly, I will to discuss other aspects as to what America has become and what America is FUNCTIONALLY today.
Officially, What America is…
America is a constitutional republic; see U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 4. A ‘nation’ is a population under a central government. It is the cruel, despotic, lawless system forced on us by Dishonest Abe Lincoln and by D.C. ever since. Yes, I know; politicians use it all the time. Yet, despite the semantic argument since the Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist debate: by law, these united States are a republic, not a nation. For more on this, see this blog article. -America Again
First Off – Amendments Changed the Constitution
When it comes to the relationship of U.S. citizens to the politicians and bureaucrats in Washington D.C., there’s no indication that anything remotely resembling self-government is happening. Rather, the relationship is far more like that of a servant to a master. The powerful in this country have declared themselves above the law and beyond accountability on too many occasions for it to be an accident. Rather, it’s clearly unwritten public policy at this point. For starters, key players who pushed the Iraq war during the George W. Bush administration, such as John Bolton, are never held accountable. Instead, they’re promoted to even more influential roles many years later. -Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog
Our Constitution was set up as a mechanism; a nation, where people could self-govern themselves. The framework was established as a Republic. The founders absolutely detested Democracies and did not want the United States to be anything even remotely resembling a Democracy.
However, the people that followed them, thought otherwise. They felt that a limited government where people had self control of their own governance was a folly and needed to be “improved“. Thus a number of amendments were drafted up by the Convention of States to change the United States away from a Republic and into a Democracy.
- In 1803, a mere 27 years later, the 12th Amendment was ratified. This was done in a rather short time. It took a mere six months to quickly ratify this amendment. This Amendment made both the President and Vice President electable by popular vote. You know, like a Democracy does.
- Then, in 1913, a the 17th Amendment was ratified. It established the direct election of United States Senators by popular vote. You know, just like a Democracy does.
These two changes were significant.
If you take a hamburger, and remove the beef patty, what is it? Is it still a hamburger, as Conservatives claim? Is it a sandwich, as Liberals claim? Or, is it something else; Two slices of bread with condiments in between?
They changed the United States Constitution in a fundamental way. They turned it into a Democracy with only the smallest vestiges of a Republic scattered about in the tattered remains of the once impressive document.
Prior to these two Amendments, a citizen would only vote for their representative. Their representative would represent their interests and would appoint a Senator.
While there were Presidential elections they no way reflected what we have today. You elected the President you preferred. Now, there is the potential to elect a Republican President with a Democrat Vice President. Although it has never happened, just imagine the chaos that would cause!
Changes for more “mob rule”
Once America was changed into a Democracy, then “mob rule” could be used to implement collectivist and socialist intent. The idea being, that the wealthy would benefit on issues of substance where they could control the hearts and minds of the people.
Over time, other amendments were added to convert the Democracy firmly towards a “Social Democracy” if not a completely Socialist nation.
The first task was to expand the size of the “mob rule”. More people voting, especially the ignorant or easily manipulated, would enable greater control of election outcomes…
- In 1870, the 15th Amendment was drafted. It prohibited the denial of the right to vote based on race, color or previous condition of servitude. Suddenly voter roles expanded and grew significantly.
- In 1920, the 19th Amendment gave the right of women to vote. This just about doubled the size of the voter roles, and significantly skewed the demographics of the voter. As most women tend to vote on social issues, while most men tend to vote on other issues.
- In 1961, the 23rd Amendment gave the people of Washington, D.C. the right to vote. Yes, you the reader are right, this amendment made it so that “the swamp” can influence election outcomes.
- In 1964, again yet another amendment was drafted, the 24th Amendment. This prohibited the revocation of voting rights due to the non-payment of a poll tax or any other tax. It provided free, and unfettered, voting ability to citizens.
- In 1971, the 26th Amendment prohibited the denial of the right of US citizens, eighteen years of age or older, to vote on account of age. Again, helping to expand the voting base, and preventing people from asking questions why this 140 year old person is still voting Democrat.
All in all, five amendments were composed and passed that expanded the voting pool. With each expansion, the net impact of a given citizens vote diminished. The United States truly became a Democracy run by manipulated “mob rule”.
Hey! Answer me this…
With all the issues that America has had over the decades, why are the bulk of the amendments so friggin’ focused on expanding the voting base, and diluting the power of the individual voter? Well?
Other Changes
Other things completely changed the United States fundamentally. While the citizens had their voting influence diminished, the wealthy wanted to take advantage of that situation. Amendments needed to be put in place to siphon money away from the citizens into government programs. These programs would favor the wealthy, and provide them with a great deal of power.
- In 1865, the 13th Amendment abolished slavery. Good eh? Not so fast. It only abolished it if you were not punished for a crime. Since a high percentage of Americans had been arrested and punished, that means that involuntary servitude is legal in the United States for a significant percentage of the population.
- Oh, again 1913, the 16th Amendment brought forth taxation of all Americans.
It has reached a point where as the exact reasons for creating America in the first place; “Taxation without Representation”, is openly and brazenly practiced by the American government…
Many Other Changes
Once control of the voting population was guaranteed, and the control of the people through taxation, then those in power (publicly or in secret) could do what they wished. They could take words and phrases in the Constitution out of context. They could be involved in Empire building. They could collect huge sums of money and send it off elsewhere to do their bidding.

With no opposition, people could get appointed to positions of power and operate unopposed, doing blatant illegal activities and get away with it.
Same thing with former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. He lied under oath about domestic government surveillance, gets caught following the Snowden revelations, and then nothing at all happens to him. He leaves government many years later, joins a think tank, and becomes a CNN contributor. Of course, this whole above the law thing extends well beyond government officials. We saw how bankers who tanked the global economy as a result of systemic and extremely lucrative fraud schemes received bailouts instead of jail sentences. We should never forget that not a single bank executive went to jail. When a class of powerful super predators are placed above the law, society dies. It’s still a relatively under appreciated fact that the most powerful players commandeering and influencing the U.S. economy, in a fashion similar to a communist politburo, are a collection of unelected central bankers. These people can bring an economy to its knees via interest rate hikes at a moments notice, or bail out powerful financiers should that need arise as we saw explicitly in 2008/09. -Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog
There are many aspects of this that we could address…
- Why is there a FDA?
- Why is there a military presence that operates inside the USA; the DHS?
- What does “for the common good” actually mean? It cannot simply mean “everything“.
- At what point does the 10th Amendment matter, or is it just fine to ignore it?
- How many ways can “cannot be infringed” be misinterpreted?
But, I don’t have the time and the energy to rehash old arguments. These issues, and others clearly point to something being amiss, but what it is, is far too complex an issue to address now. In my mind the only thing possible is scrapping everything and starting all over from scratch.
Political Parties
I want to touch on America’s dominant political parties. Two corrupt organizations that fully support and defend the pernicious, abusive relationships described above. While they certainly disagree on many things, when it comes to supporting the existing paradigm that empowers politicians while in office, and enriches them when they leave to become lobbyists, they are united. Basically, the two parties bicker about how to deal with the symptoms of a rigged and systemically corrupt government, but never confront or oppose the structural root causes of it all. -Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog
I argue that the mere presence of political parties is a substantive sign that the nation is not running at all as it was intended. It was intended that substantive citizens of good moral character and intelligence would vote for representation at their local level. It was intended that everything would operate at the state level, and the United States federal government would manage the interactions between the individual states.
That is not what we have today.
We have an empire that is run by an oligarchy.
All this turmoil and conflict today boils down to the final stages of transformation. In the mind of the oligarchy, they are so close to turning the Untied States into their vision of perfection; one where they rule over easily manipulated mindless serfs. We are almost there.
We are almost there. We are one election away from this becoming our reality.
We were all Suffering through the Incompetence of Washington, D.C.
There was at a point in time, when I was a child, before the Federal Reserve still hadn’t completely decimated the US Dollar. It was still worth around twenty cents. As the dollar kept on losing value, both parents needed to go to work. This fact, forced the breakup of the American family. The family had to break up, as the mother had to work as well as the father.
Look at the graph yourself. It is obvious whoever is running the American monetary supply is doing a FUCKING PISS POOR JOB at it. This is an obvious fact. It means that the entire system must be scrapped and replaced with one that maintains it’s value over time. If our elected officials were actually doing their job, they would have noticed a problem at the very start of this fiasco.
The Value of the US Dollar since the establishment of the Federal Reserve. The performance of the first ten years should have told everyone what a huge fucking mistake that they made. The truth is for the last 90 years, the value of the USD has had an unstoppable downward vector.
There is a lot of debate on this particular quote. You can look at watch the sparks fly as the debate a rages on. Oh, my goodness! It is all so silly! One side says “here is the quote”, and the other side goes “Oh, No no no. He never said it! It’s all revisionist history. The Income Tax was wonderful!” It really is silly.
Here is my take.
The value of the USD (United States Dollar) was pretty stable. It had it’s ups and downs, but for the most part it was pretty consistent. It was stable. Then, after the passage of the 16thAmendment, the value of the USD dropped like a stone. It plummeted to 50% of its value within a ten-year span of time. It dropped 50% in a decade. That is horrifying!
Only a fucking idiot wouldn’t regret the decision to establish the Federal Reserve.
You have a fairly stable dollar. Some powerful “associates” convince you to change the system that is working just fine, and replace it with a different system. So, low and behold, you put a new banking system in place. Then suddenly, right before your eyes, the value of the dollar collapses. It goes completely to shit. Every year it gets worse and worse!
[1] So, ok, maybe the former President didn’t say that quote. If so, then he was a fucking idiot. He was evil and selfish and couldn’t read a simple chart. That is the only conclusion that you can come to, if this quote did not belong to him. Because that is, what the statists are arguing. They are saying that the President was just fine and dandy and happy with what happened with the imposition of the Income tax and the Federal Reserve. He saw the result of the change, he saw the value of the dollar collapse, and agreed that it was all good and well. [2] If the quote is indeed accurate, then he is a normal person who is able to read charts, and ended up with regrets. This is what a normal and sane person would be. They would see that what they put in place went to complete shit. This would be what a normal person would do. Personally, I can live both concepts. And you, the reader, should as well.Anyways, with the collapse of the USD, now everything became more and more expensive. Both parents now had to go to work. The children needed to be cared for, and the government stepped in to do just that. Over time they created a situation where the children were being trained to become complaisant mindless serfs.
America is a Dictatorship
First of all, there is no longer any realistic question as regards whether the US in recent decades has been a republic, or instead a democracy.
It’s been decided through analysis. According to the only scientific analysis of the relevant data, that has been done in order to determine whether the US is a republic or a democracy.
There is no question about it.
The study proves that functionally, the USA is neither a democracy or a republic. It is instead a dictatorship.
The US is definitely a dictatorship that’s perpetrated by the richest on the planet, against the American public-at-large. Not the richest people in America. No. It is a dictatorship run by the richest people on the planet.
The fact is that those who control money don’t need to live in the United States to control it’s operation and administration.
America Functions as an Aristocracy
The study proves that the USA is a dictatorship.
But, it is not run by a dictator. The President is not a dictator. In other words: the US Government functions as an aristocracy, otherwise referred-to as an oligarchy, or a plutocracy, or a kleptocracy. By whatever name, it’s ruled by a tiny number of the extremely wealthiest and their agents, on behalf of those few super-rich. This is done against the concerns and interests and needs of the public (everyone else).
Therefore, instead of being rule by the public (the “demos” is the Greek term for it), it’s rule on behalf of a tiny dictatorial class, of extreme wealth — by whatever name we might happen to label this ruling class.
As such these rulers create “secret societies” within the government to carry out their objectives. This has been given a name. Collectively, these secret societies are known as “swamp” in Washington, D.C..
An Investigation into what we have Become…
That study, the one that discovered that the United States is a true and actual dictatorship was startling. The authors of the study, professors Gilens and Page, explained that it examined…
It compared those public-policy preferences against the interests of two types of people. The first group; [1] the public, versus [2] the public-policy preferences regarding those same issues, by the super-wealthiest in the world (not the richest in the United States).
The findings were troublesome.
It found that only the public-policy preferences by the super-wealthiest (and their paid agents), not the public at large, made any discernible difference in the legislation related to policy. Read that sentence TWO times, please.
Thus the public-policy preferences of the GLOBAL WEALTHY do, at far higher than mere random chances, become enacted into laws.
Whereas, the public-policy preferences of the public are ignored, in the United States. They are totally and completely ignored except in political rhetoric and promises; pure frauds perpetrated to deceive the public.
The study came to these conclusions by looking at numerous factors. It was done not only on the basis of examining thousands of cases and doing the statistical analysis of the data. That is what fundamentally Gilens and Page had done. Rather, it was also done on the basis of observations of how the US federal government has been functioning in recent decades.
As can be expected, the scientific study is vastly more reliable than is any individual’s mere opinion about the matter. That is most especially true about “fact checking” organizations. For they are completely owned by wealthy globalist interests.
State Level Corruption
Furthermore, there exists evidence that even in local or state governments in the United States, considerable corruption exists. (Some places have this corruption more than others.) In other words, “the swamp” is not geographically located. The level of corruption has saturated every government agency, organization and function. It has reached far and wide, and has tendrils that run deep, deep into everything.
Obviously, an extreme slant prevails in favor of the rich.
What was exemplified in this reporting by that excellent investigative team could be called “corporate organized-gangsterism,”.
That is what we should all call it. This gangsterism was being led by an operation, “ALEC,” that was founded by politicians whose careers are funded by numerous global billionaires.
ALEC Operations
A issue of the Washington Post’s “PowerPost” section was titled “The Finance 202: Tax overhaul’s big test comes now”, and it described in detail what was shaping the 2017 Trump Administration’s tax-overhaul bill. Old news right? Pay attention to the point; this article reported that the lobbyists were shaping it 100%.
Ah yes.
The article is a superb nitty-gritty, down among the weeds, description, of the monetary deals, the horse-trading, that were being made, not only for corporations, but for the wealthiest non-business lobbies. This is for all of them, including ‘nonprofit’ ones.
Yet please note that almost all of these lobbyists, depend overwhelmingly upon billionaires for their funding.
What’s being carved-up and served, is being carved-up from governments, and being served to the super-rich.
So: is it any wonder why Gilens and Page found what they did?
They found that “economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy. While mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence.”
How It Works
Both Political Parties can win and retain power only by deceiving (defrauding) the public, and serving the billionaires, though in different ways; some conservative, and some liberal.
Virtually everything else than that service to billionaires (and to centi-millionaires) is just frauds by politicians. This is because, at least after around 1970, only the richest 1% or (usually far) less are actually being served by the US federal Government.
It’s not the billionaires that are defrauded by politicians; it is clearly the public that is being defrauded by them.
The money, the huge amounts of money that is flowing towards these foreign billionaires are coming from the taxation of Americans.
The public are served only to the extent that the public’s interests are the same as the billionaires’ interests.
Voters are Ignored – There is NO Representation at all
The Gilens and Page study found that the public’s policy-preferences are simply ignored. Oh, not at all what is stated publicly on the news media, but instead ignored in the political outcomes.
The US Government, thus, is of a few people (the policymakers), by the billionaires, and for the billionaires, and that’s just an established fact.
They control us.
They control everything and possess “secret societies” that operate with the “official” and public government structure. These “secret societies” carry out the wishes of the true leadership; the true and real owners of us citizens.
Other Agendas and Other Intentions
Additionally, aside from the numerous ties to the oligarchy, the “deep State” has various “pockets” of individuals involved in their own agendas. They utilize the American government, and fund and finance their actions from within the organization.
There are many such secret societies. MAJestic is one set up in the late 1940’s, but there are many others. Below is an article regarding a secret society set up by former President Obama to push a politically progressive agenda after he left office.
They control us. They do so by monitoring us, and making sure that we “behave” in accordance with their permissions (permissible behaviors). When anyone deviates, in even the slightest amount, an “iron fist” clamps down and smashes the poor citizen into “squashed jelly”; Eviscerated into a state where it is impossible to continue in any kind of normal life.
This is far, far, far beyond what was envisioned by the founders when the Constitution was first established.
America is not a Republic, though it was intended to be one.
It was changed by amendment into a Democracy, and then altered over the years into a Socialist Democracy.
Abuses of voting, and manipulation of the public has created a situation whereas individual Americans have no control over “their” government. Instead, the American government is controlled by wealthy non-American oligarchs.
Therefore, the United States is nothing like it was initially intended to be. It is instead a Empire run by internal secret societies working deep within the Washington DC “swamp” that do the bidding of wealthy non-American oligarchs.
Take Aways
Because foreign interests control the American government, we have…
What You Can Do?
There are many, many people pointing out that there is a huge “swamp” in Washington DC that needs to be drained. There are others who point out that foreign influences are too strong, and others that point out the folly of the news media propaganda. All of this is fine and dandy, but it’s just a bunch of people complaining. There are no substantive answers and directions to reverse this situation.
Or are there?
I suggest the reader go to these sites to get an idea of people who are taking positive and proactive steps to put the government back on track.
Q: Is America a Constitutional Republic today?
A: No. America stopped being a Constitutional Republic with the passage of the 12th and the 17th Amendments to the Constitution.
Q: Is America a Democracy?
A: No. If America was a democracy, then the votes of the people would determine policy. This is decidedly not the case. Policy that is implemented in Washington DC and in the state capitals are predominantly determined by foreign interests.
Q: Is America an Empire?
A: Yes. Read the definition of what an empire is…
Q: What is America today?
A: America is an empire. It is a dysfunctional empire. It functions as a dictatorship. However the President is not a dictator. Instead the nation is ruled by a collective of non-American oligarchs. They operate and control the nation via secret societies that collectively are known as “the swamp”.
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