Realist News screen capture

John Titor and his Predictions Relative to our World-line (Part 2)

While the Internet has well labeled John Titor as a hoax, when one takes a good hard look at his statements regarding life in the future in his alternative world-line, we can easily see that he was accurately predicting various trends (if not actual events – after all, it is an alternate world-line) that we are today seeing manifest… let’s look at the John Titor predictions.

Important Warning

The information within this series of posts are speculative. I have no factual information if this John Titor is what he claimed to be. It is presented herein as the only (or maybe, one of the only) sources that claim to be associated with the vehicles that pop in and out of our reality from time to time.

He was, as far as I know, never associated with MAJestic in any way.


Over all, it is important to note that when one reads or reviews all of his statements and the dialog that he participated in, it becomes far more plausible that he was, indeed, a time and dimensional traveler.

The reader needs to listen or read the actual transcripts of what John Titor actually said.  The reader needs to re-look at this through the eyes of someone who lived through 9-11, the war on terror, the Department of Homeland Security, the eight years under President Obama, and the election of Donald Trump. None of which was known to John Titor. These events all pre-dated his dialog. Therefore, let’s take a look at the John Titor predictions.

What seemed so far-fetched in 1998 seems absolutely frighteningly real now.

The reader must take special note that the dialog with Mr. John Titor occurred prior to 9-11.  Before that there wasn’t any “War on Terror”, no hijackings of planes to crash into buildings, the threat of WMD’s and the Arab “spring” not only did not occur yet, but no one could even conceive of them occurring. 

The Department of Homeland Security did not exist, and massive government surveillance was beyond the conception of most Americans. 

Most Americans never heard of the NSA. 

Google did not exist.  To research anything you had to manually track down the sites through Yahoo! or AOL. 

No one knew who Snowden was, the Black Lives Matter movement, or the Antifa groups sponsored by George Soros.

Yet, John Titor predicted all this in our future world-line.  Quite the coincidence.

It is precisely this variance from what we know has transpired now, that lends credence to the words penned by this individual.

A very good narrative of these words is available on a series of You-Tube videos provided below.  This is the “Realist News” website on You-tube. Here the investigator looks at the writings from the point of view of someone from 2000 and 2001.  This can save the reader the energy from reading the entire dialog on their own.

This is most especially true as most of the dialog that John Titor was involved in has since disappeared from the internet since. Therefore, the only thing that most can find are just an array of websites and videos that typically disparage his contention that he was a time traveler.

How so very convenient for the debunking cabal.

REALIST NEWS – Part 1 of 4

Here, the You-Tube blogger at “Realist News” goes through the discourse between the John Titor individual and discusses the contents relative to what we knew in 2016.  He takes a look at the John Titor predictions. Contrary to much of what you can locate on the Internet, this blogger makes a point that the predictive trends of an alternative world line similarly coincide with that of our time line.

This blogger makes a point that the predictive trends of an alternative world line similarly coincide with that of our time line.

While many of the statements that John Titor made in 2000 seemed outlandish at that time, subsequent events have actually foretold the active trends, if not the actual events.

Realist News
A blogger discusses John Titor’s predictions 15 years later.
  • Part 1 – 13:00 “No, the ice caps are not melting”

There is no such thing as “Global Warming” in 2036.  He did not say that it was a hoax set up by the government to fund various black initiatives.  All he stated was that he saw no evidence at all for any kind of climate change in 2036. The way that it is worded, however does imply a disparagement of the Global Warming narrative.

  • Part 1 – 14:30 “I am more susceptible to colds”

The viral agents in this time line are different than what he is accustomed to. It is a curious statement.

  • Part 1 – 15:10 “The day of worship is Saturday”

Religion is a serious issue after global nuclear conflict, and how it is conducted and the belief structures imposed are quite different.  Islam is not mentioned, even though President Obama stated that it was a fundamental part of the fabric of the United States. Of course,prior to 9-11 Americans rarely even thought about Muslims or the Islamic religion. Then, when Obama got elected, we ended up having Islam shoved down our collective throats.

  • Part 1 – 15:59 “When I was 13, I was a soldier”

He claimed that he fought during the American second civil war. That it was a war of rural countryside Americans against the urban elites and the city dwellers. This conflict continued for ten years and he often had to hide from the “Federal Police” (the DHS). This ended with the advent of World War III, when Russia ignited a nuclear exchange against American cities.

Nuclear destruction.
A nuclear exchange cut the Second American civil war short. The vast numbers of the urban elites, the oligarchy and their minions were all devastated during the nuclear exchange.
  • Part 1 – 16:37 He says that he is with his parents they live in a large “tree-house”.
  • Part 1 – 16:54 “No new information on UFO’s and aliens”

He knew nothing about this subject, though he suggests that UFO’s might be time machines from far in the future. This pretty much apparently explains why many UFO enthusiasts believe that UFO’s might be time travelers from the future. Oh BTW. Some might be, but many are not.

  • Part 1 – 17:51 “What we did NOT do was create more GMO seeds.  What were people thinking?”

The reader must remember that this statement was made in 1998, almost 15 years before the big backlash against GMO’s.  John Titor PREDICTED the anti-GMO movement.

  • Part 1 – 20:09 He likes the simple things like hugging his mother and father.
  • Part 1 – 21:45 “The Constitution was changed after the war”

Notice his comments.  This was in 1998, and he wished he would have brought back to the past a copy of the new Constitution. This is a kind of statement that we would see after the 2016 election, not in 1998. John Titor PREDICTED that Americans would want to alter and change the Constitution.

  • Part 1 – 24:00 There are seven other time travelers in his unit.
  • Part 1 – 24:24  “Right now most of our practical (time and dimensional travel) missions are from 1960 to 1980”

The further back in the past one goes the greater the divergence, and the greater the difficulty in returning home to a similar world line to the one you left.  Most missions were along close world lines that differed only in time and minor event sequences.

The John Titor mission was set in 1974. The 1998 (to 2001) visit was for personal reasons.

  • Part 1 – 24:37 The accuracy of the machine decreases sharply the farther back in time (or in the future) you go.

The blogger’s explanation about wanting to travel back in time to kill Hitler, but Hitler not even being on the time line isn’t really an accurate appraisal of what John Titor stated.

The truth is that there will be time lines with Hitler; it’s just the accuracy of you landing on that time line decreases. This is because that’s over 75 years in the past.

Your machine may read a 2% divergence, but it’s accuracy is compromised.

The result being is that you would actually land in a world-line that is 30% divergent instead of 3%, even though that is what your instruments would state.

Of course, there is a way around this.  You go back in stages.  You go back in 30 year increments, land and take a detailed reading and then continue.  Then, on your return journey, you retrace your steps. Like placing “breadcrumbs” to find your way back.

  • Part 1 – 25:00 A message for the world leaders in government. “Revel in your confidence today, because you will not win tomorrow.”

He possessed a very low opinion of the United States government, and the general American population.  He was convinced that America would eventually go through a civil war and those in power would get their comeuppance.

Deep swamp draining.
In order for American citizens to take control of their government, two things must occur. Firstly, the secret societies that operate in Washington DC must be eliminated. This “swamp” must be drained. Secondly, the American government must put the needs and interests of American first before everything else. This goes in direct opposition of what the global oligarchs desire.

Unfortunately that did not happen. Without Y2K instigating an acceleration of the backlash against the American oligarchy, the “deep state” became entrenched. The American empire grew to a point where today (2018) we are fighting seven different nations all around the globe.

  • Part 1 – 29:00 “Entertainment is more decentralized, and more people produce their own shows”

Written in 2000! No one could understand this statement at all.  Why would people ever want to produce their own shows?  Why not watch television?  You-Tube wasn’t even created until 2005. John Titor PREDICTED this trend accurately.

  • Part 1 – 32:46 “There are also no income taxes.”
  • Part 1 – 33:30 “There is some debate in changing the number of stars on the flag from 50 to 5.”
  • Part 1 – 37:45 (schools today) “are no longer a political indoctrination system.”

Remember this statement was made nearly a decade before President Obama came to office. John Titor PREDICTED the reorientation of the Department of Education toward social polarization, and indoctrination by President Obama.

REALIST NEWS – Part 2 of 4

Published on Aug 28, 2013.  The blogger continues reading the dialog between John Titor and various other bloggers.  It is an interesting exchange.  It is important for the reader to note that the actual dialog between John Titor and the other bloggers are no longer available on the Internet.  The dialog is gone.

  • Part 2 – 0:25 Blogger states that he should hold on to the dialog just in case it disappears off the internet. In which case it actually did disappear.
  • Part 2 – 1:45 “There was an armed resistance (from the cities).  We killed most of them by 2020.”

He is referring to most of the urban elite and the urban uneducated.

Antifa Photograph
The BLM and Antifa became violent and vocal during the Obama presidency when enormous sums of money from the progressives in the American “deep state” and foreign agents such as George Soros pumped money towards their disruptive efforts.
  • Part 2 – 3:10 Question: “Why do you think that our future will be like your future?” Answer: “Because our world-lines are so similar.”

He landed on our world-line at a 1-2% divergence. Upon arrival the divergence immediately grew. Any mass communication efforts that reached large groups of people, such as using the internet, affected the thoughts of large bodies of people. This amplified the divergence.

While he arrived on our world-line at a small divergence of 1-2%, he left in 2001 leaving a far larger divergence. One that was the result of three years of active internet communication on a public forum.

  • Part 2 – 3:43 “This world-line and my own are almost exactly alike.”

But, we know that this is not really true, because we did not have a civil war, and a nuclear war.  So they cannot be alike. He constantly stated that there was a 1 to 2% divergence.  Yet, later he admitted to betting involved in prevention of the Y2K problem and that prevented a major period of civil unrest, and thus altered our world line.  I suspect that it went from 2% divergence to something over 10%.

  • Part 2 – 6:05 “Since the concept of nationally subsidized welfare is not supported in my world-line, most people here would not like it.”

This statement would not have meant so much in the year 2000 as it does today.

  • Part 2 – 7:30 He tells his parents in the 2000 world-line to move to Omaha Nebraska because that is where the new capital will be, and it is a safe rural farming community.
  • Part 2 – 8:18 Of the other 7 time travelers, three are on other missions at the time John Titor went on his mission.  He did not know what their missions were, but he assumed that they would be similar to his in some way.
  • Part 2 – 12:11 “There were no Olympics after 2004.” Meaning of course, that after World War III, the Olympics stopped.
  • Part 2  – 13:45 There are 10 type C204 time machines, and 20 type C206 time machines.
  • Part 2 – 14:28 The Mad-Cow Disease does not exist in his world-line.

The reader should remember that at the time of John Titor, the search engines were rather primitive. The biggest search engine of the day was Yahoo!

Google was just getting started. Google was founded in 1998, but it really didn’t become popular until the mid 2000’s.  Long after John Titor got up and left. The scope of the subjects that John Titor covered is quite broad when placed in the context of a lack of adequate computer source and searching engines.

  • Part 2 – 14:30 “It’s pretty easy for you to dismiss the Middle East, but pretty soon it will be a no armer and a no legger.”

Written in 2000 before 9-11 and the subsequent rise in the Arab world of Islamic militants. John Titor PREDICTED the various conflicts in the Middle East.

  • Part 2 – 17:40 Most people blamed the “government organizations” for the war.  Fast forward to 2017, where one the largest obstacles to meaningful change is the entrenched federal bureaucracy.  Curious that John Titor would say “government organizations” and not “the government”.  He actually predicted this problem.
  • Part 2 – 20:50 “When the civil war broke out most decided to stay in the cities and lose most of their civil rights in the guise of security…”

(Written in 2000, before 9-11, the DHS, the NSA, Snowden and Wikileaks.  All of which were unheard of at that time. John Titor PREDICTED all the post-911 anti-terrorism legislation.)

  • Currently, it is certainly looking like a civil war will break out.  Go here; From the article;
    “However, something has changed. You can feel it in the air. Our nation has clearly never been this divided since the Civil War. A lot of people noticed it after the last election, but the truth is that these divisions have been deepening for decades, and they’re just now reaching a very noticeable breaking point. That’s obvious enough when you look at how the left and the right have been going at each other. It used to be a war of words, but it’s turning into something very dark.
    Consider what happened in Berkeley after Trump supporters and counter protesters clashed for the third time. 21 people were arrested and 11 were injured (that we know of), six of who had to be taken to the hospital. At least one person was stabbed. The police confiscated confiscated knives, stun guns, and poles. One Trump supporter admitted to being surrounded, pepper sprayed, and beaten with sticks by a mob of “protesters.”
    But wait, that’s not the dark part. After these groups clashed, the leftist protesters took to Reddit and admitted that they lost this particular battle (I can’t believe I’m using the word “battle” to describe it), and that it was time for them to attain more combat training and better weapons, including firearms.
    Do you see what’s going on here? Conservative demonstrations, which used to be placid affairs (remember the Tea Party protests?) are now turning violent as conservatives grow tired of restraining themselves, and are no longer afraid to hit back. Liberal demonstrators are responding by ratcheting up the level of force that they’re going to bring to the next street battle. It’s a tit for tat that keeps escalating, and I shudder to think of where it’s going to end up.
    Honestly, I think we’re in the early stages of a second civil war. I can’t say what it’ll look like precisely, but I can tell you that our nation is on this path, and it’s not clear how we can get off of it. In fact, I fear that it may be inevitable, and there’s a very simple reason why.”

    As an interesting aside, as of the second quarter of 2017, the American people are starting to recognize that a civil war is in process. The date of 2017 is about 4 years later than the professed civil war start of 2013 that John Titor spoke of.  Listen and read here.

    • Part 2 – 21:20 “avoiding conflict with the federal police” (The Department of Homeland Security the DHS = the “federal Police”.  Which was established by George Bush after 9-11. John Titor PREDICTED the Department of Homeland Security.)
    • Part 2 – 22:30 “The US cities were attacked by Russia who was our enemy.”  In other words, the cities had become the de facto home of the enemies of the United States, and Russia attacked them.

Amazing stuff after seeing the 2016 election of Donald Trump and the concentration of riots originating out of the cities with the presumptive totalitarian behavior of the BLM and their associative progressive minions. In his own way John Titor PREDICTED the militant Soros funded black-clad militant movement after the 2016 election.

Then, in 18MAY17, the famous Conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh discusses how the president of Russia, Putin openly warns the urban elite, the media, and the 1% against going against the will of the American people.  Listen to it here.

    • Part 2 – 24:50 “The divergence percentage can be more accurate with more sensitive sensors and clocks”
    • Part 2 – 26:30 Yes, No and Maybe.  How the computer figures out the variance divergence.
    • Part 2 – 28:15 “I thought owning a handgun was legal according to the Constitution”.
    • Part 2 – 28:17 Korea, Taiwan and Japan joined together prior to the world war.
    • Part 2 – 29:00 Media portrayal of the news.
    • Part 2 – 31:00 Good vrs. Bad is an illusion that has no worth to God.
    WOW, WOW, WOW !!! this guy is describing an economy that uses sound money: Bitcoin ("it`s all distributed over the web" - Distributed consensus, Blockchain?)
    -Danilo BF
    • Part 2 – 33:00 “When the television uses the word ‘enemy’ they are talking about YOU.”
Homeland Security
The federal police has been trained to treat patriots as threats to the government.
  • Part 2 – 35:20 You-Tube was not around when he wrote about the decline of big media and the rise of DIY media outlets.
  • Part 2 – 40:10 Canada is full of very dangerous and ruthless people.
  • Part 2 – 42:45 “There are no Republicans or Democrats to speak of.”

John Titor predicted the fall of both the Republican and Democrat parties in 2016.  After all, the number one favored Democrat candidate in 2016 was Bernie Sanders who was an Independent, not a Democrat.  Donald Trump was not a Conservative Republican he was and still is a nationalist.

  • This is a good enough location than anywhere else to place the words penned by Mr. Charlie Daniels in an open letter to all the American politicians.
    “…And in your self-righteous zeal to toe the party line, you have completely forgotten about we the people and the welfare of the nation you're supposed to be serving.
    It's become a game with you people. You've all turned into tattletales, petulant pubescent third graders, all bent on becoming teacher’s pet and doing anything it takes to garner a few more votes.
    You'd rather deprive the nation of a benefit than to let the other party get the credit for passing it. There is no loyalty among you, and you will run away from a colleague who does something unpopular before the ink on the defaming article has even dried.
    You'd give citizenship to aardvarks if they could vote and say anything, accuracy and honesty be damned, and kiss a flatulent skunk’s posterior before you'd do or say anything that would make the other party look good.
    I sometimes wonder how you see yourselves, as a knight on a white horse saving the nation, or as the rest of us see you, as a poorly-mounted, impotent Don Quixote charging dilapidated windmills in rusty armor.
    And I wonder if any of you realize how very out of touch with what’s actually happening in the real world you are and how much that world has changed since you moved into your ivory tower, back when bell bottoms were in style.
    I truly believe that when our forefathers designed our political system they never made allowances for career politicians. I believe the system was designed for a citizen politician to serve a term or two and then vacate the seat so somebody who actually knows what's happening in the streets now can come in with a fresh opinion and without 20 or 30 years of partisan political baggage and obligations.”
    -Charlie Daniels written in “An Open Letter to Politicians: You Have Completely Forgotten About We the People” penned April 21, 2017.

    • Part 2 – 51:34 “The law is only as good as the willingness to apply it swiftly and evenly.”
    • Part 2 – 52:35 “China will put a man in orbit, I wouldn’t be surprised if they do that soon.”

John Titor PREDICTED the first manned space flight by China.  Though honestly, at that time, China was considered to be an emerging third world nation. This was DECADES before Americans started to find their store shelves stuffed with products made in China. The idea that China would have manned spaceflight was considered a joke.

China in Space.
The Chinese launching rockets and orbiting in space was considered a joke that no one took seriously. At that time, China produced very cheap products that were just then getting placed on American shelves.
    • Part 2 – 53:16 Did John Titor give incorrect dates for the civil war and the world war because it might jeopardize his presence in this time line?  Maybe the divergence is 1 to 2% like he stated, but the dates of the events are actually wrong.

The blogger suggests this because he questions what actually occurred did not match all the conflicts that John Titor predicted.  Perhaps the events he mentions will actually still occur, only they will actually occur 10 years later.

Maybe, instead of a civil war in 2013, there is one in 2023?  Nuclear war in 2025, instead of 2015.

    • Part 2 – 47:00 Hawaii will probably avoid much of the conflict, but it is dependent on the mainland for food.  Therefore, there would be strife on any small island. Interesting that he should make this statement.  Most people, by far, would assume that an island would be the best place to “ride out” world war III.  But John Titor says differently.  He says that the number one cause of death was starvation, and since most food to the island is imported, it would seem that it would not be a desirable location to hide.
  • “I believe john titor was accurate and made an error on the date of the civil war.  the riots were supposed to start in 2004 leading to a civil war, i think he meant 2014.  do you know the exact date of world war one or the civil war?  you may entirely make a ten year mistake, remember this was his past, and he did lie and was contradictory about a lot, i truly believe he meant 2014, look at ferguson, he said these things would begin in 04 and get worse and worse.”
    -Frank Nagy
    • Part 2 – 54:40 A lot of smoke and haze that obscures the sun.  Implies a substantial lack of electricity and reliance on fossil fuels, and wood.
    • Part 2 – 1:08:32 “One of the Great Pyramids was severely damaged.”

    REALIST NEWS – Part 3 of 4


    • Part 3 – 3:14 “There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005.”
    • Part 3 – 3:30 “A nuclear war against the federal empire and the cities occurred in 2015, and thus we (in the countryside) won.”
Nuclear attack NYC
All of the major American cities were wiped out by cluster of three MIRV nuclear warheads spread out for maximum damage.

The implication is that the civil war was not going well for the “deplorables” in the militias. The people in the countryside were losing, and the DHS (the Federal Police) were winning with all the advantages that we know about today.

However, the ignition of the nuclear war incinerated the cities and pretty much wiped out the oligarchy and their supporting minions and followers.

Nuclear war
Even though the American second civil war was not going well for the middle states, a nuclear conflagration initiated by Russia changed the balance of power to the rural areas. Never the less the DHS (Federal Police) still operated, and a long period of “mop up” activities were initialized.
    • Part 3 – 5:45 The visit to 1999 through 2001 was for personal reasons.  His actual mission was to obtain the computer back in 1975.
    • Part 3 – 6:45 Influence on the Y2K…?
    • Part 3 – 9:00 Jacksonville, Florida was vaporized by a nuclear weapon. He worked out of a military base in Tampa.  That assumes that Tampa must not have been hit by a nuclear strike.
Missile threat
Russian cruse missile threat on the American Eastern seaboard. The Russians no longer need to rely upon ICBM with MIRV warheads to strike american cities. They can utilize sub-launched precise cruise missile technology armed with high-yield nuclear warheads.
Russian Sub
Russian technology is quite advanced, and they have the ability to launch both SLBM and sub launched cruise missiles at a comfortable range undetected beneath the sea.
  • Part 3 – 9:45 “Let me let you in on a little secret.  No one likes you in the future.  This time period is looked upon as a lazy, self-centered, civilly ignorant sheep.”

No one in the year 2000 had any concept of just how ignorant of civics the nation had become after the purging of civics lessons from schools. Sure we were aware of an occasional rewriting of history, however the knowledge of what it is today was beyond our comprehension at that time.

      • Part 3 – 11:45 Imagine that you are a Jew and could travel back in time to Germany at the time of the rise of Hitler in the early 1930’s.  You know what the future would be.  Yet, you see all around you, the ignorant masses of people who continue their behaviors in complete ignorance in what it will eventually lead towards.
    • Girls of Germany
      When Hitler came to power, he was just “another” political personage. Slowly at first, people started to follow him. He became populist, and it became a cultural fad to follow him and salute him.
      • Part 3 – 13:25 Question: Which parts of the United States are safe from the conflict of Civil war, and Nuclear war?  Answer:  Take a close look at the county by county voting maps of the last election.
  • 2016 Election Results by County
    2016 Election Results by County
    • Part 3 – 14:00 Prediction of Taser deaths by police using nonlethal weapons.

John Titor PREDICTION of the deaths by the American police using non-lethal weapons.

    • Part 3 – 16:15 “Russia’s enemy is not you the people.  Russia’s enemy is the United States government.”
    • Part 3 – 16:45 Statements hint at the deterioration of the Middle East as a negative influence on global stability.
    • Part 3 – 18:15 Perhaps John Titor got involved in the Y2K issue, and was not wholly involved “on a personal level” for his visit here.

In so doing, perhaps he managed to make the “big event” in his world-line, not occur in ours, and thus completely disrupted the world-line for us.  Thus, instead of civil war in 2005, we elected Obama in 2008 and totally changed our world-line into something other than what it should have been at the time John Titor landed in 1999.

    • Part 3 – 22:00 Tie-in to the President Obama and DHS action against 10th Amendment rights individuals back in 2013.
    • Part 3 – 24:54 “The year 2008 was a general time when everyone realized that the world they thought they lived in was over.”

Look at what happened, with the banker bailout, and the collapse of various financial markets.  Just imagine what would have happened if this came right on the coattails of wide spread civil distress in 2004 due to a Y2K snap in 2001.

    • Part 3 – 29:00 Yes, he could have changed this world-line. However, he is not confident that things have changed enough for us to avoid the conflict. He was wrong, apparently. My guess is that he failed to take into account how many people would be influenced by his internet presence. At the time, maybe a few hundred. Over the last ten years and longer, that number exploded exponentially.
    • Part 3 – 29:16  “You need to consider that a world without war is far less desirable in the long run.”
Obama giving away money.
Obama has given away more money, more things, and more cash than any other president. The only problem is that it wasn’t his money to give away. It was yours.
  • Part 3 – 34:13 When the war comes it will be blatantly obvious to everyone in the nation that it will occur. The shocking thing was that so many people decided to stay in the very cities where they knew the bombs would be dropped.
  • Part 3 – 37:30 The president at the time of the Civil War tried to be another Lincoln and hold the country together, but many of the government policies drove a wedge in the civil rights of Americans and created divisions that were irreconcilable. The President in 2009 was concerned ONLY in keeping his power base. (Stated with eerily accuracy in 2000.)
  • Part 3 – 38:10 One of the things that John Titor alluded to was that the United States president elected in 2008 might be a man or a woman.  Yet, back in the year 2000 it was inconceivable that a woman would even consider running for President.  Yet, we know now that Hillary Clinton did do exactly that and ran for President in 2008.  It seems strange today, after the Hollywood blitz of Madam President Movies all in support of a Hillary Clinton Presidency.  But at that time it was unknown.

John Titor PREDICTED that a woman would be considered to be President.)

Sanders vs. Clinton rally
Bernie Sanders rally and a Hillary CLinton rally during the same month. Yet, here we have John Titor predicting that there would be a woman candidate for president. He did this back in 1998.
    • Part 3 – 42:30 The people with the most to lose would be the most untrustworthy when the world changes.
    • Part 3 – 43:10 “We have a saying here.  Safe is anywhere a hungry person cannot walk in three days.”

This is a unique saying that belies experience and would typically not be the kind of thing that a hoaxer would make up off the cuff.

    • Part 3 – 47:15  Most people will starve, the rest will die of disease, followed by bullet wounds and radiation.  In that order.
    • Part 3 – 52:48 “The conflict was not about taking and holding ground, it was about order and rights… …they were betting that people wanted security over freedom and they were wrong.”

This statement was made in 2000, long before the NSA and all the erosion’s on American freedoms.

    • Part 3 – 54:38 “The cities were not isolated because of them, they were isolated because of us (the people in the “red states” or countryside.)”
    • Part 3 – 1:00:00 Discussing what it is like to kill a man relative to their ability to change future events.  It seems far too detailed and deep for someone to state relative to a general hoax.
    • Part 3 – 1:10:00 John discusses various verification’s on the capabilities of the IBM computer that he has been sent back to obtain.
    • Part 3 – 1:18:00 John questions why go back to retrieve an old computer on a time travel mission, but he reasons that that was his orders and job so he just went and conducted his task.

    REALIST NEWS – Part 4 of 4


    • Part 4 – 3:10 Influence of gravitational alignments and their significance in his return to his world-line world-time.
    • Part 4 – 9:05 Mentions CERN in 1998 which was a decade before this project went live in 2008.  How did he know? (PREDICTION.)
    • Part 4 – 10:00 How time travel works, and the odd situations that occur whenever you operate the device.
    • Part 4 – 10:50 “the oddest one was seeing a skyscraper that don’t exist in New York.”

(PREDICTION. Hum.  How did he know about the 9-11 WTC destruction?)

    • Part 4 – 11:24 John Titor confirms that he DID get involved in the Y2K issue so that our world line would not experience the same problems that his world line experienced.
    • Part 4 – 13:40 Arrived in the summer of 1998 and discusses some things of importance with Art Bell via fax.  He includes some photos and schematics of the time travel equipment. The most interesting picture was the laser light actually curving in a photograph.  This was made in 1998 and it does not have indications of Photoshop manipulation.
    • Part 4 – 18:35 There are no absolutes.  It’s a universe of potentials.
    • Part 4 – 24:00 Mother gets on Art Bell show and says how and why she believed that John Titor was her son.  The mother said that there was something about a mother and her child that KNOWS the relationship between the two.

He arrived in 1999 and stayed until 2001.

Just the exact period of time that the Y2K bug was supposed to cause all sorts of computer breakdowns and initiated a period of civil unrest.  Perhaps, he wanted to use this period of time to spend with his folk before the unrest occurred, and in the process inadvertently caused a Y2K repair action.  Through his action, inadvertent or not, the Y2K bug was thwarted and the period of upheaval and civil unrest was avoided.  He confirmed in the dialog of Part 4 at 11:24 that he did indeed get involved with preventing the Y2K fiasco that caused such havoc in his world line.

Since this period of unrest was avoided, would it not be possible that subsequent events, all tied to the Y2K unrest were also avoided.  Thus, he could have changed our future and altered this world-line.  Because civil war did not start in 2005.  Nuclear war did not start in 2015.  Perhaps his alteration of the world-line has altered ours, but not solved the core problems inherent with our behaviors and our policies.  Perhaps these events are still before us, only that they will only get worse?

This issue is discussed on REALIST NEWS – The John Titor Time Traveler Story Part 3 of 4 at part 3 at 18:15.

Dates of Contention

John Titor gave very specific dates regarding a series of events in our near future.

These dates came and passed without anything regarding his stated conflicts occurring.  However, there are those that suggest that he actually lied about the dates.  That the dates are actually ten years later, or alternatively the actual dates changed because he altered our time world-line.

Or, more plausible, is that he did not remember the dates correctly.

How many readers know the actual dates regarding the American civil war, or the start of hostilities in Vietnam, or how about the first or second gulf war?  I don’t, though I think I could come up with a reasonable guess. These ideas are interesting, and for purposes of enjoyment, I have placed them assuming a ten year buffer.  Please see below.

Seeds started 2004 – 2005 (1) +10 2014 – 2015
Start of conflicts 2008 +10 2018 (2)
Start of shootings 2010 +10 2020
Nuclear exchange 2013 +10 2023

The reader should note that if one were to follow the revised dates (assuming a ten year “adjustment” to the dates and figures provided by John Titor) that the result closely correlates with the nursery management considerations in the crisis (fourth Turning) in accordance with the Strauss-Howe Generational Theory

Note 1; Interesting quote published in the second quarter of 2017;

“For a time now, I stated that World War III began on the Morning of September 11, 2001. War has been raging ever since. 

I also stated the Second American Civil War would begin on or before January 20, 2017. If you're starting to get this uneasy feeling about what's going on in Washington and other cities around America, and fearing some kind of flashpoint coming soon, let me explain it to you...

... we are in midst of the Second Civil War. And this is only the beginning.”


Note 2;

  • REALIST NEWS – John Titor (Time Traveler) Russia Ukraine & WWIII

    Continued under a new name and some time after the first four parts were produced;

    • Part 5 – 3:31 The police actually got away with harming an American citizen, filming it, and getting off with no negative consequences. Perhaps John Titor was right, because these are exactly the kinds of things that he stated would lead up to the American civil war.
    • Part 5 – 4:50 Our enemy was the global banking elite which were all centered in the cities.
    • Part 5 – 7:30 It is now Russia that is stopping the globalists, the New World Order people and the global Banking Elite.

This is exactly the same PREDICTION that John Titor made back in 1998.  Maybe he was just an internet troll, but for a troll, he certainly was able to predict the global trends quite accurately.

      • Part 5 – 9:12 REALIST NEWS uses the term “Fake News” years before the 2017 election where everyone is decrying “Fake News”.
      • Part 5 – 11:05 When Russia nukes our cities, they are killing off our citizen’s enemies. Our enemies are internal, not external. (According to John Titor, the nukes were accurate and relatively “clean” and used in clusters of three.)
      • Part 5 – 15:00 John Titor said that he would prefer to have lived the live after World War III than a peaceful solution. The only way to fix the issues is to start fresh.

      He has altered our World-Line through action

      There is every evidence that he stated that he came for personal reasons.

  • He knew that the world line (that is ours) is very similar to his world line.  He claimed only a 1-2% divergence.  Because of that, he wanted to warn his parents to move to a safe area, as well as to meet with his parents.  Apparently the war occurred when he was a young boy, and his parents died while he was still young.  Maybe this was his way to protect them in some way, as well as to spend some time with them on a personal level.

    Second of multiple Posts

This post is the second of a series of posts related to John Titor. The other posts are;


Our reality is not what we think it is. I am not the only person who has disclosed that there are others, and other organizations that can enter and leave our reality at will. Another person who made this claim went by the name John Titor.

Only where as, I claim to be part of MAJestic and was employed as part of human sentience management, John Titor claimed to be a person who was part of another world-line. Together, we both claim that the MWI is real, and we utilize it to perform dimensional egress for our own purposes.

  • I claim that it is a tool that is used to manage human sentience evolution.
  • John Titor claims that he utilized the time variable to conduct acquisition activities in the past.

He claimed that on that world-line, the United States was fundamentally different after a rapid series of events in the late 1990’s. He claimed that he needed to perform some acquisition of certain technical devices through the use of the time-variance option in dimensional travel.

This is a multi-part post.

Take Aways

  • John Titor claimed to be a time traveler.
  • He utilized dimensional travel to move in and out of the baseline reality.
  • As such, he visited our world-line to acquire some technology needed on his world-line.
  • That technology was produced in “our” past. Thus the idea that it involved “time travel”.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.
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I have to say, it is a magical ‘synchronicity’ that I have been led to this site at this very special time in US history. This particular John Titor post (i have yet to get to the others) is spine-tingling in the manner in which it seems to describe what is going on with America right now. I know you are skeptical of Trump (i haven’t come across the posts where you detail why, but I have guessed that his anti-China rhetoric is a big reason why), but it does seem to me that he is the ‘Lincoln’ figure that Titor was referring to.

The democrats all the way back to Obama’s presidency had been very belligerent towards Russia, and it was Trump that warmed relations between the two. The City/Urban Elites vs rural countryside americans fighting for their rights; the spiritual battle between security and freedom; the Fake News Media propaganda and the right/left uniparty against the MAGA/ American nationalist movement.

I have been closely following the Trump’s campaign attempt to expose the election fraud and I believe that we are on a much more positive worldline than Titor’s original one. I believe that the majority of ordinary patriotic Americans are on Trump’s side, against a big, service-to-another-NPC minority slaving for their corrupt service-to-self elites. I surmise that in Titor’s timeline, Trump’s equivalent was not able to rally his base effectively enough to avoid a bloody civil war; in this timeline, Trump is clearly determined to win this ‘civil war’ peacefully through the legislature and Scotus without resorting to the ‘nuclear’ option of the Insurrection act that Lincoln used in his own civil war.

Sorry for the rant ahha, just wanted to get my thoughts out and perhaps your comments


The posts you linked have clarified to me where and how you suspect this worldline to be playing out. This is definitely the path I would agree that America was hurtling towards before the ‘Trump’ phenomenon rose up in 2016, back in 2016.

However, since Trump’s election, I saw hope for America, and have also come across other individuals with their own thoughts and experiences that predict a more positive outcome for America and the world. I’m not sure if you have come across the name ‘David Wilcock’ (he has a website

(Here I am trying to frame his experiences with some terms and jargon that you use to try to bridge his experiences in your perspective)

According to David, who claims to have access to high-level insiders, whistleblowers, prophetic dreams, and is the possible reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, humanity is moving into a new ‘25000’ year cycle, where a spiritual harvest will be ‘reaped’. According to him, humanity will separate into approximately three different worldlines in this period; those who have done the sufficient spiritual work will ascend to a very positive, wonderful worldline, service-to-other individuals that qualify to be SOS sentience but are not as ‘advanced’ as the former group will be harvested into a new, positive worldline, and those that failed to be over 50% service-to-other (service-to-self – David doesn’t use the term service-to-another) sentience individuals will be moved into a more ‘dreary’ worldline. In the first case, the ‘deviance’ will be very apparent and significant, whereas for the second and third worldlines, the ‘deviance’ will not be apparent at first.

According to David, we have moved towards the ‘optimal’ scenario where most of humanity will be shifted into the two positive worldlines. (Your experiences seem to suggest that we are all on our own individual worldlines, and interact with apparent other individuals as ‘quantum shadows’ – perhaps a way to bridge both David and your experiences would be that David believes that a majority of the worldlines that each individual consciousness occupies have ‘bended’ towards a positive deviation)

Interestingly, David also introduced the individual ‘Corey Goode’ into the public spotlight. Its been a few years since I read Corey, so I may get some of the details wrong, but Corey ( claims to have been part of the Secret Space Program, and also believes that we are being watched over by an (or several) advanced ET race(s). In fact, it was because I had already read Corey’s testimony and experiences beforehand that I found it easy to take your experiences on faith as there were many similarities between you two. If we take both you and Corey at face value, Corey seems to have had a deeper and different interactions with the Secret programs as well as advanced ETs, so perhaps you may be interested in his testimony.

In any case, we can only take each other on face value and make best guesses on where we are headed towards. Perhaps even our own expectations may lead us to different worldlines where we only impact each other through our quantum shadows; so perhaps my more positive optimism may lead me to a worldline where Trump manages to help America emerge from the crisis reborn and renewed without a nuclear scenario, whilst your more pessimistic expectations may lead you to one that is a time-delayed version of Titor’s original worldline. Perhaps you should allow my quantum shadow to bend your worldline to one that is more positively-deviated LOL.

I can understand your disgruntlement towards Trump given his anti-China rhetoric and trade war against China. Certainly, if Trump continues and elevates his anti-China ‘stance’, I would be very disturbed and much more reticent in my support for him. But as it stands, I see his anti-China stance as a mix of 1. China’s China-First policy clashing with Trump’s America-First policy (both sides pursuing self-interested policies like tech-supremacy and economic-supremacy etc) and 2. Trump being an imperfect individual that makes mistakes, makes errors in judgements, listening to wrong counsel. However, my own assessment is that at his core, Trump is a genuinely good-hearted person that may certainly step on the toes of China, Russia, or those that would oppose his America-First policy, but will not descend to physical violence the same way the deep state is so easily prepared to do.

I think that your posts detail a delayed-Titor worldline in which America’s institutions have been decayed and been taken over to such an extent that the only way the crisis could be resolved is through a bloody civil war (whether or not that takes place in 2021 or 2025 is merely a matter of time). I sense (and want to believe) that on my own worldline at least, the ‘Crisis-inflexion point’ is taking place right now during the 2020 US elections (and not a period after the 2024 US elections), and that this inflexion point is such that the crisis-renewal can still be resolved without the literal nuclear option.

So right now, things have come to a head and both sides are digging their heels and showing their hand. Big Tech, Fake Media, FBI-CIA-DOJ, the democrats and the RINOs have played their hand and showed themselves, affirming Biden as the president-elect. On the other side, Trump, ordinary American patriots, a small handful of democrats and a bigger percentage of Republicans have made clear that they stand on Trump’s side. The fence-sitters are gradually picking their sides and so far, I see more flocking over to Trump. If Trump wins, I don’t see a way in which Big Tech and Fake Media can ever recover their standing without a thorough cleansing. If Biden is forced through, I think the civil war erupts almost immediately, and there is no drag-through into a 2024 US election as there are simply too many Trump-supporters angry and convinced that Trump was the winner.

Of course, I am personally vested and interested in a peaceful Trump victory xD. In some ways, both yourself and I are bridges between the East and West, China and USA. You are an American-born that has found his home in China; I am a citizen of Singapore which is a Chinese-majority (many immigrants from China came to Singapore in the 19th and early 20th century) country colonised by the British, that is English-educated. Whilst China could withstand the economic impact of a US collapse, Singapore, which heavily relies on international trade and prosperity, will be in very deep trouble.


Appreciate the response metallicman.

I just thought to mention Corey/David in case you haven’t come across them, and could possibly find their testimonies interesting. Obviously, you already have!

I read through your discussion on Corey and “fake disclosure”. With regards to discernment, I simply treat all unfalsifiable testimonies as just that – not to be dismissed as fiction nor accepted as fact. Obviously, you wholly believe in your own experiences and how things are – and you may be entirely right! There is just no way for me to know. However, I do think your testimony ‘feels’ very credible as it is very well-written, interesting, entertaining, intelligent, reasonable, and worth reading even if the fantastic elements were fantasy. I usually don’t pay much attention to most ‘fake disclosures’, but paid more attention to Corey as he was introduced by David who I quite like. Let’s just leave it as that!


Just to add, I don’t believe i’ve read even half of your posts, but I did get a sense of China-idealisation in what i’ve read, meaning that I get the sense that you notice and highlight the good points of China without noticing or referencing the ‘bad’. Perhaps that is simply a function of your posts being written with certain topics in mind such that you don’t see the need to particularly highlight any of China’s ‘bad’ points, and myself not having yet read posts in which you are more critical of China.

From my perspective (given that I am a Singaporean that wishes for international peace and prosperity – for both China and USA to work in an environment of healthy constructive competition), I have had experiences which made me question the benign ‘goodness’ of China as well. Whilst I don’t get excited by the America-First rhetoric, the sense I get from the “USA” chants is the excited energy of kids supporting their own team. Whilst my experiences with ‘Chinese patriotism’ and nationalism is sometimes akin to an insecure teenager flaunting his nationality as a ‘status’ symbol – that to be a Chinese citizen is a great ‘status’, and when China ‘wins’, it is testament to the Chinese superiority, and when they ‘lose’, it is a great shame and embarrassment to China. Compared to Americans, Chinese nationals seem to get much more defensive when their own country is criticized. Certainly, I do believe that should China become the international leader, whilst I do not think they will be extraordinarily violent, I can see them bullying their way to get what they want.

My overall point here is that whilst I do not approve of Trump’s excessive anti-China rhetoric, I am also wary that China is also capable of ‘bad’ behavior

I have no idea what brought me to MM. I just found it one day or should i say it appeared and have been reading it non stop over and over since then. So much to digest here. I don’t know how i know this but it is dead on. Pardon the pun. I am a retired mechanical engineer who worked for the biggest defense corp in the world. Many SAP and SAR programs. Very high Sec clearance. Nothing like yours though. This was in Ca. I worked there almost 40 years. Now i live in the mountains of MT. An hour away from people. Your description of China Lake was dead on. I worked there and other places like it and the way you described it is exactly the way it is or was 30 years ago when i was there. In every detail. Sobering and frightening. Maybe my family and i and my cats will survive. Maybe not. Thank you for the heads up and the daily reality check.


Hi, Great stuff. Just starting, but all this is what I live for!! Thanks.
Did you know there was a followup “John Titor” who posted on . The thread title was Greetings from 2066. I can only open the first page these days.. but the ist post explains who he is. I took part in the discussion for many weeks. Rang true to me. ( got the usual shitstorm of abuse).
Cheers, David


哈哈哈,我有全部john titor的文本记录,2008年就保存了ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ)。
2000年11月11日, 19:07
  如果你是为了取一个电脑来的, 那为什么你还要在信息板上发表贴东西? 我想你现在犯的是叛国罪!
  2000年11月11日, 19:11
  你的时间机器一小时旅行十年? 那你需要三个钟头才能到这里是吧? 车子里的空气怎么够你呼吸那么长的时间?
  是的, 你差不多都说对了但我原先是想到1975年去, 不是2000年。 我猜这是一个究竟有多少科技细节你想知道或你觉得我捏造出来的问题。 我们的确有带附加的O2而且空气袋比你想象的可能要大点。
  2000年11月12日, 16:41
  你会担心在这里帮了你的人会发生什么吗? 如果有人通过你说的这些话尝试制造一个时间机器怎么办?
  是的, 我考虑过这个问题但躲藏在众人不相信的面纱后面的确很容易。 那些相信他们所看到的东西的人并不十分有侵略性。 其他人只会觉得这很娱乐。 能够对我产生影响的是我自己的那个时间线所以我并不在意这里会发生什么。 这里发生的事情对我自己的时间线并不产生影响。 我之所以展示这些文件是因为想让人们考虑一下时间旅行的可能性。 我不指望人们去相信它扪。
  我张贴的这些文件的保密性的产生是由科学信息的政府部门私有化造成的。 大家都觉得这份使用手册应该和系统呆在一起。 现在的F-16战斗机或许也有一份使用手册,里面的信息虽然不是秘密但还是没人愿意让这份手册“离开”飞机。
  你的指挥官有没有授权你张贴这些信息, 还是说这么做是你自己的主意?
  我是因个人原因来到这里的。 在这几个月时间里, 我尝试了紧告任何愿意听我说话的人有关2005年美国内战的可能性。 现在看起来内战的爆发越来越有可能, 不是吗? 其实能够目睹这些正在发生的事情让我很惊奇。 我在这几个月时间里总在尝试让人们注意那些正在发生的事情但能够看到这些事件的开展还是很有意思的。 在我离开之前, 我会试着把我的报告贴上来。
2000年11月12日, 16:41
  你有没有考虑过在你被隐藏起来的这段时间内帮助你的一些人所要面临的危险? 那些可能在读了你贴出来的信息后尝试制造时间机器的人怎么办?
  是的, 我考虑过这个问题但躲藏在众人不相信的面纱后面的确很容易。 那些相信他们所看到的东西的人并不十分有侵略性。 其他人只会觉得这很娱乐。 能够对我产生影响的是我自己的那个时间线所以我并不在意这里会发生什么。 这里发生的事情对我自己的时间线并不产生影响。 我之所以展示这些文件是因为想让人们考虑一下时间旅行的可能性。 我不指望人们去相信它扪。
  2000年11月15日, 13:56



Hi MM, I visited your site in the early days and I am delighted at how it has boomed and you have landed on your feet and prospered. I have been a long time Titor fan and general UFO , Alien and conspiracy follower. You latest stuff is good, you are the go to site for the Titor info these days.
I follow the Billy Meier site ( and have the early books about him. One of the well known UFO investigators , Wendelle Stevens, was convicted of “child” sexual assult and jailed for 5 years. Another one for your list.
Cheers, David