This is how MAJestic retires and shuts down members.

MAJestic Mission Shut-down & Retirement

In this post, I devote some time discussing how we agents are retired from the MAJestic program.  I discuss the ideas and concepts involved.

Since the program was of the highest secrecy levels and the members were all physically implanted, absolute monitoring was necessitated.  Therefore systems had to be in place to monitor all members who out-lived their usefulness in the program. 

That, unfortunately, included me.  This is an explanation of how retirement is conducted and why it is considered important.


"I printed all the information... and provided [the retired USAF Colonel] a copy... I watched his eyes and facial expressions. After he was finished, he stated, 'Oh my God, who on this Earth would release such classified material?' I then asked him if all this information was real. His simple answer was, 'Yes, all real'."

-Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, currently assigned to the Pentagon

There are many kinds of Black Projects in the United States.  Not all of them are associated with MAJestic, and not all of them are treated the same.  But, many projects use the same basic kind of ELF technology.

  • “ELF technology” refers to special implants that are placed inside the brain.
  • They are controlled remotely through the use of ELF radiation.
  • The implants can provide a host of features.
  • The most important feature is the ability to control the access of memories.

I was not the only one so implanted.

Thus, there are many kinds of ELF agents.  And, because there are [1] many kinds of implants, and [2] many different purposes for the implants, that means there are [3] many different systems of retirement.  Here I discuss the specific retirement of individuals such as myself (as part of the MAJestic umbrella), as well as what I know about the other related activities.

  • This post ONLY refers to how MAJestic members are retired.
  • Non-MAJestic members are discussed, but the content is speculative.

I can only relate what I know about my own specific operational cell.

I can only relate how the retirement sequence occurred from my point of view.  I can only tell my story.  There are others, many no doubt, that have different experiences than what I have.  They might find what I have to say as foolish, ridiculous, or crazy.  However that is presented here is what I experienced.

Let me relate a story.

I once had the opportunity to ride in a prison transport vehicle with inmates from other prisons and jails.  These vehicles travel about the nations, carting prisoners from one area to another. Typically you fit in a van with six to eight others all heading to different prisons. You are all chained together, and ride on hard benches. Often the ride lasts 14 to 16 hours until you are delivered to a local jail to get a bite of food and spend the night.

So, we are riding along. As such, we all started to relate our experiences to each other.  

Most of the other inmates told stories about their two-man prison cells, and the food that they ate, and what “Yard Call” was like.  When I began to tell them about the ADC in Arkansas. The fact is that many did not believe it.  They could not believe that we slept in large barrack sized rooms, ate global (human grade "dog food"), were never given fruit, and did hard labor.  

They thought that I was “making it all up”.

However, I wasn’t.  My experiences are mine, and that’s how things worked out.  There’s neither a good or bad aspect of my experience.  They are just what they are.  They are my experiences.  I suggest the reader suspend their disbelief and read along as I narrate my story.

Why Retirement?

Everyone in MAJestic is implanted with implants. There are numerous types of implants. I know of five specific types. Of which I have three “kits”.

  1. Core Kit #1. (Provides monitoring, controls memory, and permits geolocation for MWI egress. Is passive in nature.)
  2. Core Kit #2. (Monitors higher level MWI activity, ties into specialized extraterrestrial probes. Is active in nature.)
  3. EBP. Extraterrestrial biological probe.
  4. Basic non-MAJestic kit. (Not associated with MAJestic. Provides geolocation and tracking. Used with embassy personnel.)
  5. Advanced non-MAJestic kit. (Not associated with MAJestic. Has more advanced features.)

The ELF implants control our lives.

Retirement using Core Kit #2 Probes

To be adequately “retired”, the implants had to be turned off.  The “power” switch on them had to be physically moved from “on” to “off”. (Metaphorically speaking.) This does not simply happen by remote control. It requires a specific “safe” environment.

The person to be “turned off” must sit in a room. There is a specific pattern of ELF radiation that is beamed into the room. This pattern then turns off the core kit #1 probes.

To turn off a person with the core kit #2 probes, the person must also go through a complex shut-down sequence. This is a procedure that lasts from three to seven days. My shut-down procedure fell within a ten-day “window”.

To be retired, the MAJestic implants had to be switched “off”.

Due to the nature of this subject, all that I actually know about is how MAJestic members are implanted.  I do not know how other SAP programs are controlled and administered.  The reader should take this understanding and realize that some SAP programs are not like others.  Each one has it’s own rules and engagement protocols.

Just because an agent has the Core Kit implants in their head does not necessarily mean that the retirement and deactivation procedure would be standardized.  There are different reasons why the implants were installed.  Thus, depending on whom the sponsoring agency or program was, and the level of activity of the agent, there are different ways of conducting a retirement process.

Different Types of Implants

The ELF implants were mandatory on all MAJestic (black) projects; this was regardless as to which branch of the military that one came from.

In those days, only the military and police were armed.  And thus, this was where the MAJestic membership rank and file was culled from.  While the CIA, ATF and a handful of other domestic agencies had weapons, but none were active military units.  So membership in MAJestic excluded all non-military members.

At that time, it was believed that those whom did not take the oath of service to the United States government, and who did not take the bare minimum training required toward discipline would not be qualified to serve in the organization.

Over twelve years ago, John Perkins published his book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, and it rapidly rose up The New York Times’ best-seller list. 

In it, Perkins describes his career convincing heads of state to adopt economic policies that impoverished their countries and undermined democratic institutions. These policies helped to enrich tiny, local elite groups while padding the pockets of U.S.-based transnational corporations.

Perkins was recruited, he says, by the National Security Agency (NSA), but he worked for a private consulting company. 

His job as an under-trained, overpaid economist was to generate reports that justified lucrative contracts for U.S. corporations, while plunging vulnerable nations into debt. Countries that didn’t cooperate saw the screws tightened on their economies. 

In Chile, for example, President Richard Nixon famously called on the CIA to “make the economy scream” to undermine the prospects of the democratically elected president, Salvador Allende.

If economic pressure and threats didn’t work, Perkins says, the jackals were called to either overthrow or assassinate the noncompliant heads of state. 

That is, indeed, what happened to Allende, with the backing of the CIA. Perkins’ book has been controversial, and some have disputed some of his claims, including, for example, that the NSA was involved in activities beyond code making and breaking.

Perkins has just reissued his book with major updates. 

The basic premise of the book remains the same, but the update shows how the economic hit man approach has evolved in the last 12 years. Among other things, U.S. cities are now on the target list. 

The combination of debt, enforced austerity, underinvestment, privatization, and the undermining of democratically elected governments is now happening here. I couldn’t help but think about Flint, Michigan, under emergency management as I read The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.

MAJestic membership

All MAJestic members were prior military.

I do not know what it is like today, but I would be very surprised if this changed. Even after the Obama Presidency, there is no way that his influence could extend to the MAJestic organization.  MAJestic resides inside the inner workings of the United States government, and is controlled above and beyond the normal communication means.

MAJestic operates independently as a special access carve-out.

MAJestic is populated with culled individuals possessing service-to-others sentience’s.  There is no room in the organization for non-service-to-others sentience.  The MAJestic organization is populated by humans that all have the same sentience.

Everyone in MAJestic has the same sentience.

In the day to day lives on the Earth, many humans interact with service-to-others, service-to-self, and discordant sentience’s.  However that causes all kinds of problems in the long run.  It is preferable, and as I understand it necessary, that the organization be properly staffed with only one specific sentience.

As of 2004, this was true and I strongly believe that it remains this way to this day.  The reader can forget their childish notions of a liberal happiness-laden progressive-leaning open-minded universe of friendships and loving kindness.  

That is not the way it works.  That is not the way this universe works, at least. 

Liberal dream
The liberal progressive dream. That if the world is ruled by one world government that we would all function in love and warmth because our leaders would care for us.
This universe is a tactical training ground, a battleground, so to speak for the advancement of soul.  It is not waged as war with guns and weapons for that is all nuanced primitive technology.  It is waged in the twilight zone between the quantum realities and the physical sphere.  This is a critical battleground.  It requires and necessitates control.  

Thus the reason why we are in our little nursery and why our overseers, the <redacted>, carefully cultivate our sentience. Thus it is also why they vet any and all applicants into MAJestic. 

No service-to-self individuals can ever join MAJestic.  The <redacted> can see them (in a quantum sense) centuries ahead of their present human manifestation.

What I know about is how the organization used to be.  After 2004, I haven’t a clue as to the shape and form the organization has taken. When I was in the organization, all people were service-to-others with former military training and involvement.

MAJestic no longer exists. Many of the programs have been completed. Those that remain have been absorbed into another organization of which I know nothing about.

Today the situation is quite different.  The military is no longer the organization that has access to military grade hardware.

The applicant pool has changed for MAJestic.

All domestic agencies are fully armed in the United States today.  The IRS, FBI, DHS, ICE, FAA, FCC and the FDA have full automatic weapons. they all possess  fully armored tanks (or tank-like vehicles; after all, a modern APC is a much more effective fighting machine than a World War II tank). They all utilize  armored personnel vehicles, helicopters and spy (and kill) drones.

This is an army, no matter what its’ presumable designation is.

DHS vehicles.
American military vehicles deployed on American soil in defiance of the US Constitution. All vehicles were delployed under direction and orders from President Obama. These vehicles are fully equipped for military grade weapons and counter measures. If George Washington saw this he would be rolling in his grave.

However, whether they took the oath to serve and defend the United States, were given weapons discipline training, and were emotionally qualified to serve in the MAJestic organization is not known at this time.  Certainly things have changed substantially in the leadership in Washington  D.C. over the years.

Thank you President Bush(R), and President Obama(D). </sarcasm>

This section concerns all implanted black project individuals.  Whether they are [1] active military, [2] secretive covert military, [3] people involved with extraterrestrials, [4] government officials, [5] state department employees, or [6] implanted scientists.  Everyone who has had a Core Kit implantation will eventually have to be retired.  All such individuals have to be retired sooner or later.  This is even though we were told that we would be in the program for life, it just simply wasn’t feasible to do so.

ELF implanted agents, especially those in MAJestic, need to be retired after thirty years or more.

In General

Unless the ELF field is active, the agent so implanted will have no memory of being an agent.  The core kit #1 probes will only permit access to “golden memories” once engaged.  If the field if off, there is no access possible.

So, if something happens to the ELF transmitter, or the agent is somehow disconnected from the ELF carrier signal, the agent will lose access to their project-related memories.  The memories will still be there, of course, but the agent will have a great deal of trouble trying to index and access them.

Normally, or supposedly, all Core Kit implanted ELF agents are never retired.

  • Core kit #1 probes are passive. You just turn off the carrier wave.

What generally happens is that the carrier signal is simply turned off from them.  Thus they have no active recall of their memories, purpose and training.  Instead, they just exist as walking “time bombs”, generally unaware of their training or over-riding purpose.

  • Core kit #2 probes are active. To shut down the agent, you have to reprogram the core code that runs the probes.

This could be potentially dangerous…

As a MAJestic Agent

Because many have made career decisions based on the ELF directions and mission parameters, many agents eventually feel that they live a confused and non-directed lifestyle.   That is because the ELF probe core kit requires the mandatory erasure or suppression of memories.

The Prisoner
The Prisoner is a 1960’s era series that depicted the retirement of a secret agent. The agent, when he gave his notice of intent to leave the organization, was gassed and woke up inside a small village known as “The Village”, and kept there under observation and control.

Because of this suppression of memories they are often confused about their lives.  They ask themselves such questions as “Why did I quit that successful job in Santa Barbra to move to the Middle East?”, or “What is the matter with me having these urges to purchase electrical components and make these gadgets, only to leave them in a good-will box in another state?”.

Their families might look at them with incredulity and wonderment.  Not really understanding that their husband or wife was involved in a major and significant secret project, one that they must never know about.  It’s a great burden and has caused great marital strife for all of us so implanted.

But agents do retire. It is not beneficial to keep an ELF implanted agent in the field, in a potentially active role, for longer than 30 years.

Reasons for Retirement

The reasons for the retirement of the agent and their probes are simple.

First off, [1] technology advances. An agent implanted with 1980 technology, eventually becomes obsolete compared to the newer agents. The sensors and probes change.

Not only that, but [2], the agents bodies age and change.

It is actually very simple, as it involves physical and mental changes.

Physical Changes. Physical changes can result in the migration of the probes within the skull. They move about over time. While the agent has been taught how to “center the reticle” for ELF calibration and programming, it does start to become difficult to do. The probes move and the effort to enter them changes.

Emotional Temperament Changes. Thus, as a person ages, they mature. No longer are they the wide-eyed, innocent believers, that they were when they entered the program. They start to question things, and to make experienced judgment calls and decisions. Thus, they are no longer an ideal candidate for “blind” operations, especially if they are of questionable strategic value… or, more (recently) commonly, a blatant misuse of the technology for domestic political gain.

Abuse of this technology

This technology must be kept secret. Bad guys, could abuse the technology.

Yes.  A service-to-self individual, once they are aware of this technology would seek ways to use it for their own personal benefit.  That is just how service-to-self individuals “roll”.  They would use this technology, and use it and the poor hapless agent thus implanted.

The poor agent would then become a “Cat’s Paw”.  As a tool; “a cat’s paw”, they get blamed for doing something that originally was conceived, strategized, and implemented by someone else.  Usually, in this reference, it is a given political party trying to push some form of political agenda.

Cat's paw is a phrase derived from La Fontaine's fable, "The Monkey and the Cat", referring to a person used unwittingly or unwillingly by another to accomplish the other's own purpose.

I find it personally disgusting that both President Clinton (D), and President Obama (D) used this technology to promote an anti-gun agenda (Both did this. Both, within their first six months in office).  Don’t believe me?  Read your history.

The Cat's Paw
Cat’s paw is a phrase derived from La Fontaine’s fable, “The Monkey and the Cat”, referring to a person used unwittingly or unwillingly by another to accomplish the other’s own purpose. Above is “The Cat’s Paw” (painting), by Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, depicting the fable “The Monkey and the Cat”

The Techniques

There are four primary ways to retire an implanted ELF operative.  It mostly depends on their level of field experience, knowledge, and the type of probes that they had implanted inside their skulls. They are;

  1. Death. The agent is killed.
  2. Debilitated. The agent is rendered inert.
  3. Incarcerated. The agent is isolated and put in a monitoring program.
  4. Mothballed. The agent voluntarily agrees to leave the program.

Death. This death could be caused by “accident”, or by “natural causes”.  This method is used from time to time.  The United States government is not some evil empire, but this method has a role, and is sometimes used. (Maybe <5% of all retirements.)

This is a borderline falsehood.  By every measure, the United States is an Empire.  By every measure it is a Police State.  By every measure it is an oligarchy.  By every measure it is a total surveillance state.  But is it evil?  That is up to the reader to determine.

Debilitate. This method renders the agent incapable of any action detrimental to the organization as a whole.  It does not kill the agent, but renders him “inert”.  This necessitates on-going medical care.  Since the agent soon depletes their personal savings, it makes them dependent upon the United States social services.  Thus, the agent dare not risk their life-support system being jeopardized due to an unauthorized disclosure.  (26% About one in four retired agents.)

Incarceration. This form of deactivation includes deactivation of the ELF probes while in a Prison “sorting” and medical facility.  Most importantly it includes and mandates post-prison monitoring, usually through the community parole program, or sex-offender registration system.  This is the most common method of agent retirement. (68% The vast bulk of agents.).

If you think being tossed in prison for a few years "helps" people, then step right up and accept a fiver (5-year sentence) in an American prison, which is essentially a factory that produces one product: people damaged by imprisonment, deprived of their full citizenship, hobbled by a felony conviction--ex-con beneficiaries of years of tutorials by hardened criminals.

Mothballing. This includes registration at a government ELF facility, with a debriefing and a stern warning towards non-disclosure.  This is usually reserved for those in the highest levels of program involvement.  As such, those retired in this manner are the most public, or potentially well known of the agents.  Only a mere handful are ever retired using this method. (Only about 1% are retired in this way.)

Deactivation of MAJestic Members

“We’re on an express elevator to hell – going down!“

-Aliens (1986)

Those of us who have been involved in the Unacknowledged and Waived Special Access Programs of the MAJestic umbrella have their own deactivation procedure.

Any program that involves extraterrestrials falls under the MAJestic umbrella of authority.  This is a specially maintained and codified system that assures complete and total control of the information, people and technology associated with these programs.

This program is a sub-set of the basic ELF Core Kit deactivation process.

Everyone, without exception, who falls under the MAJestic umbrella has three ways (not four, I am quite convinced that a debriefing might never be an option for most operatives) that they can exit the program.  They can either be [1] killed, [2] debilitated, or they can be [3] deactivated.  If they are deactivated, they are processed in such a manner that all credibility, key memories, and resources are destroyed.   When a person exits the program, it is done so quickly and quietly.

In hindsight, of course I had to be deactivated and put in a monitoring program. No one outside of my immediate cell had any understanding of my connection, relationship and skills associated with my extraterrestrial benefactor(s). 

For all they knew, I could be carrying with me some kind a zombie-extraterrestrial plague. I could be a walking time-bomb with a extraterrestrial embryo inside of me (Aliens-style). 

I was an unknown, and even the highest authorities within the program had no idea of what I was capable of. I could be capable of throwing the world into a nose-dive. They couldn't take the chance.

The agent does not expect it to occur.

Why take the chance
This is a scene from the movie Casino. Everyone is talking about how the hero of the movie is great, a stand up guy and wonderful. Then one mobster boss, pauses for a minute, and add “…why take the chance?”

Activities Involved

The destruction of memories is conducted through a lockout procedure that is administered in a special ELF equipped facility.  This is a facility or place that has a ELF communication terminal within a locked or enclosed area.

The destruction of resources, money, bank accounts and other means that could be used or traced to the agent is conducted by legal means.  The government has criminalized so many mundane activities that the average American unknowingly commits three felonies a day.

That’s according to a study by Harry Silverglate, a civil liberties lawyer. This happens, in part, because there are plenty of awful laws most Americans have never even heard of. 

One of the worst of these little-known laws is the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). FATCA is a U.S. law that forces every financial institution in the world to give the IRS information about its American clients. 

Complying with FATCA is a huge financial and administrative burden, measured in hundreds of billions of dollars. It’s a paper shufflers dream come true. This is why the vast majority of banks, brokerages, and other financial institutions outside of the U.S. shun American clients. This, in turn, makes it much more difficult to move capital outside of the U.S.

This is done, usually, through a legal investigation involving the seizure of assets.

Asset seizure by both the State and Federal government is illegal by the United States constitution, but was made legal by dubious means under the presidency of Ronald Reagan (R) in the middle 1980’s.  Since then it has greatly expanded both in scope and mere volume.  

Today, the government has the power to take whatever it wants, when it wants to and how it wants to, and actually does it.  The hapless citizen can argue and fight the process, but it is a difficult and expensive battle, so it is one that is rarely fought against.

Alternatively, another agent may be involved that would seize the assets in a non-legal manner.

Finally, the destruction of the agent’s credibility is conducted through the legal system.

Story Book
The Prisoner; Users manual. All you need to know is right there in your hands. If it is not there, then you do not need to know it.

Use of the American Legal System

All and every ELF agent, who worked under the MAJestic Umbrella, is retired through the existing legal system.  The only exceptions are the highest, and most visible members of the organization.  They are never retired.  Though, sometimes they are killed.  (Consider the death of James Forrestal, for example.  He “accidentally” fell from his hospital room after he announced that he would no longer agree to the MAJestic Secrecy protocols. )

For the rest of the more active members of the organization, we are retired through the legal system.

Typically agents are observed, and then infiltrated with a secondary agents.  This agent usually poses as a close friend, confidant, or spouse.  With the spouse technique being the most commonly used venue.

In fact, there is a small group of active agents who do (only) this.  You might call the female members “Black Widows”, as they had been married two to four times, and each time their husbands, of short duration marriages, have either been [1] killed, [2] disabled beyond normal functioning, or [3] arrested and imprisoned.  This sounds far-fetched, but it works and is effective, and is in place today in the United States.  Yes it is.  PERIOD.  Non-debatable.

If you look objectively, it seems like the United States has waged war on it’s male population.  Certainly more so than Nazi Germany did against Jews.  Indeed, nearly one in six young men (between the ages of 18-34) in the U.S. were either jobless or incarcerated in 2014.

Further, there is a striking amount of male alienation that has been on the rise since the 1980s. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), out of the 38 million young men in the U.S. in 2014, 16 percent were jobless (5 million or 13 percent) or incarcerated (1 million or 3 percent). The share of young men without a job or in prison has increased substantially since 1980, when just 11 percent of young men fit into either category.

The increased incarceration rates, CBO added, is not necessarily due to an increase of crime, but again, policy decisions.

“Rather, it is largely due to the same policy changes, such as changes in sentencing rules, that have made nationwide incarceration rates about four times as high as they were in 1980. Because roughly 90 percent of all inmates are held in state prisons or local jails, most of the policy changes that have led to increased incarceration have been at the state and local levels,”


Some thoughts on “Black Widows”

The role of these individuals is to [1] get close to the targeted agent.  Then understand them and identify how much knowledge that they know, and assess whether they are a threat or not.  Once that assessment is completed, the agent then learns how to secure all assets of the targeted agent, and learns their weaknesses.

Eventually, either through situational events, or planned structured medication, usually voluntarily taken, the [2] targeted agent is positioned for retirement.  ( In my case, I actually knew nothing “consciously”.  However, it was believed, for whatever reason, that it would be best to fully “retire” me.)

They need to be relocated close to a facility where they are to be retired. They are often [3] provided with a new job or position near one of the approved retirement locations.  There are five primary ones in the United States.

The preferred retirement locations are Arkansas, Louisiana, Wisconsin, South Carolina, and Florida.  There are secondary locations that are also used.  Those involve another ten to eleven states.  In general, the vast bulk of MAJestic agents are retired to the primary five states (perhaps 70%) while the rest (30%) are retired to the remaining ten or eleven states.  There are reasons for this, but I do not know what it is.

This places them in a region where [3.1] it is easy for them to be arrested and [3.2] where they can be processed with the least amount of trouble and effort.

Then, in short order, usually [4] within 9 months of relocation, [4.1] their assets are seized, their [4.2] work is terminated, their [4.3] friends and support groups are isolated from them, [4.4] their cars are disabled or impounded, and [4.5] their records inaccessible.

Four things might then occur.

  1. They might simply be retired with quiet respect.
  2. They might be killed.
  3. They might be poisoned or treated in such a way as to have a stroke or become debilitated in some way.
  4. Or, they could be charged with a selection of criminal charges requiring substantial post-prison monitoring. usually as a Sex Offender.


Here, an agent approaches the MAJestic member.  They sit down, perhaps at home or in a restaurant.  They have a nice talk.  A week or so later, the agent is driven to a deactivation facility, either in a government building or on a military base.  They conduct the deactivation process, and the retired agent walks home.  This is a pretty rare occurrence, for some reason that eludes me.

This is what I thought would have happened to me.

As an aside, Americans need to be care that they do not limp or stutter or act in odd ways. As a result of a nationwide push to certify a broad spectrum of government officials in mental health first-aid training (a 12-hour course comprised of PowerPoint presentations, videos, discussions, role playing and other interactive activities), more Americans are going to run the risk of being reported for having mental health issues by non-medical personnel. 

Mind you, once you get on such a government watch list—whether it’s a [1] terrorist watch list, a [2] mental health watch list, a [3] sex offender watch list, or a [4] dissident watch list—there’s no clear-cut way to get off, whether or not you should actually be on there. 

For instance, one 37-year-old disabled man was arrested, diagnosed by police and an unlicensed mental health screener as having “mental health issues,” apparently because of his slurred speech and unsteady gait, and subsequently locked up for five days in a mental health facility against his will and with no access to family and friends. 

A subsequent hearing found that Gordon Goines, who suffers from a neurological condition similar to multiple sclerosis, has no mental illness and should not have been confined. 

Americans need to be careful.


Death is used occasionally.  Here the member is killed.

It is done by an agent especially trained to do so.  Typically it is a friend, or family member who is used to get close to the target.  They then discover the targets routines and habits.  Then they create a situation where an accidental or natural death occurs.  Sometimes it is very difficult to arrange such a condition.  In those events, a suicidal situation is created.

This method of retirement is generally avoided, and it is only used for the most contentious of MAJestic members.

Those who are dead cannot reveal secrets. Painting is of pirates killing the men who helped bury the treasure on the deserted island.

Perhaps less than 5% of MAJestic members are killed.  It is, thankfully, a rare occurrence.  Contrary to what one might read on the Internet, or see in the Hollywood movie, no one wants to kill anyone.  But sometimes, a member might be considered to be dangerous to the well-being of the organization.

According to the initial versions of the death of Frank Olson, it was said that he suffered a nervous breakdown and committed suicide by jumping from the tenth-floor room at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York on November 28, 1953. However, in 1975 it was revealed that the United States government had purposefully given Frank Olson a large dose of LSD before he became unstable. It was also written that Olson was looking for a way out of the biological weapons business in the weeks prior to his death.

In response to the news, the US government offered the family of Frank Olson a $750,000 settlement, which they accepted in 1975. In 1994, Frank Olson’s body was exhumed and a second autopsy was carried out which showed signs of blunt force trauma before Olson fell out the window. The evidence pointed to a possible homicide and in 2012 the sons of Frank Olson officially filed suit in a US district court seeking damages and answers in the bizarre circumstances of their father’s death.

When this occurs, (I would assume that) the first thing that is done is that the organization has a talk with the agent.  During the talk, they reason with the person.  And thus, gauge whether he or she will continue to be a threat to the organization.  If they are still considered to be a threat, they will be killed.  But that is quite rare, usually a respectful discussion is all that is needed to steer a wayward agent back into the fold, so to speak.

In fact, if the organization came to me and wanted me to stop distribution of this information, I would do so.  I am still a patriot, even if I disagree with the overall rules that we all abide by.

“We had strict orders not to take prisoners, no matter if wounded. My first job was when I finished cutting some of their wire away, to empty my magazine on three Germans that came out of their deep dugouts, bleeding badly, and put them out of their misery.

They cried for mercy, but I had my orders.”

- Private A.H. Hubbarb

I know that some operatives die as a result of their missions. This is extremely common for those involved in domestic operations. But, this is different from a high-risk assignment. Being a target for termination in this way is ruthless and thankfully, very, very rare.

From what I can gather, most MAJestic members are not retired in this way.  We are generally not considered to be dangerous or a threat.  We are sort of the “nerds” of the “Secret Agent” club.

The reader needs to remember that all Black-Budget MAJestic members are implanted with various types of probes.  But, the implantation program is bigger than the MAJestic organization, and thus non-MAJestic members might and do have specialized probes that are used for various purposes.  

Commonly, especially under the Bill Clinton (D), and Barrack Obama (D) presidencies, the implanted members were used to conduct domestic terror activities used to direct political gain.  

Often that involved issues related to Gun Control, Sexual assaults and Terrorism. With using implanted agents with ELF controlled probes, which may or may not be part of MAJestic, to utilize gun violence in a highly visible manner the most common abuse that I know of.

Only the most dangerous operatives are terminated in this way. An operative is considered to be dangerous if (1) their implants do not respond properly to diagnostic scans, and / or when (2) there appears to be an increased level of odd or, potentially anti-social behavior.

When targeted for termination in this way, the preferred method used is to drive the agent to suicide by using the probes. This process is relatively simple.  A relentless stream of thoughts are sent to the agent suggesting self-destruction. The brain is never given a chance to rest.  It cannot sleep.  It cannot think.  It generally breaks down due to fatigue. This takes from 2 to 10 weeks, but is always effective.


Washington Naval Yard Shooting

There are numerous instances of this kind of retirement.  Perhaps one of the most poignant was the “Washington Navy Yard Shooter”.  This refers to an agent who was targeted for retirement. Not for program related retirement purposes, but rather to conduct a shooting rampage. The idea was to elicit public support for a number of anti-gun legislative efforts by President Obama in 2013.

I wish to relate to the reader a particular incident that occurred in Brookline, a suburb of Boston, during the mid-1990; during the presidency of Bill Clinton (D).  I happened to live near a nearby park at that time.  It was a park frequented by many families with many small children.  

One day, a local union organizer, who I will not specifically name, except to say that he was associated with the education system, placed a rusty old pistol in the playground or park area where children played.  I know this.  I personally saw him do it.  I knew him and saw what he did.

He placed a rusty old pistol (I do not know the make, model or year.) in the broad daylight under the bushes, near the swings where children would sit.  I say this and wondered, why?  Why would he do such a thing?, but I did nothing.

You don't get involved with things that are not your business.

Yet, the very next day, all the local Boston newspapers plasted the ALARMING news!  The news that “dangerous weapons” were found on a Boston playground.  That the children were in danger.  That actions needed to be taken immediately!  All of the newspapers had editorials about how the guns should be restricted from civilian ownership, banned and only let the government possess the weapons.

Look, for the record, I saw this old geezer get out of his light blue car, pull the rusty pistol out of the paper bag that it was in, and place it slowly and carefully on the ground.  This was not done in a rush.  He took his time.  He was careful, and he knew exactly what he was doing.  (A close friend who lived nearby also saw what happened and said that this person was a union organizer, but I don’t know if that was actually the case.) 

Dear readers, we all are being manipulated.  News media is owned and controlled by the government.  They want you to act, and REACT to incidents that they set up and control.  Please pay attention.

In this case, he suffered a rather long period of harassment designed to break down his will and cause him to do things that he normally wouldn’t engage in.  The primary way to do this is to prevent the subject from sleeping.  In a short period of time, when deprived of sleep the agent will shut down their most ethical lock down behaviors.

NAVSEA Mass Shooting
Sometimes non-MAJestic personnel with the power and authority can order technologies and people to do things outside of their core competences. Often, especially with Democrat Presidents, they use ELF implanted individuals to turn on other people with weapons to further a political anti-gun initiative. This is very common and has been used by both Bill Clinton (D) and Barrack Obama (D) on numerous occasions.

Indeed, Alexis complained to police that “stalkers” were using a microwave-type machine to send “vibrations into his body.” Newport investigators took a report and gave it to local Navy police.

Supposedly, it apparently was never passed up the chain of command.  But that was not true.  He was certainly being monitored.  What wasn’t known was where and when his activation would bear fruit. This period of harassment continued for weeks, and eventually caused the targeted individual to seek help at two hospitals operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

A member of the military claimed that someone was attacking the ELF probes in his head, demanding that he go forth and shoot up a school. Instead of doing that, he went to the base where he has the probes implanted and started to shoot that place up. It messed up President Obama’s plan to raise a ruckus over access to guns.

Government records show that on Aug. 23, Alexis visited a VA emergency room in Providence, complaining of insomnia. He received medication to help him sleep.

Then five days later, on Aug. 28, he refilled the sleep aid prescription at a VA medical center in Washington.  Though, I can personally attest, the ELF harassment waves, for a person so implanted, cannot be subjugated through chemically based medication effectively.  A chemically induced state of slumber only covers the harassment frequencies.  The body never rests effectively.  Truthfully, the best way to block these harassment signals is through a proactive plan that requires work and planning.

While this instance was devoted towards political ends, the procedure and process was a standardized textbook case used for agent deactivation.  Why he was chosen and not some other individual is unknown.

Guidelines for the Harassed

For those of you who do have the implants in and need a way to prevent electronic harassment, here are my guidelines…

First of all, [1] DO NOT calibrate the probes when the field is turned on.  Do not locate the cursor over the pituitary gland.  Even if it means that, you cannot use your eyes.  Do not do it.  The moment you lock the cursor in place, they can effectively monitor and communicate with you.  If you don’t do it, they can still do so, but it becomes very ineffective.  (I know that the handlers will demand that you focus.  They might even be sharp with you and order you.  Ignore them.  There is nothing they can do.  It is all in YOUR control.)

Mind Map
The picture describes what I “saw” with my visual cortex when the “calibration mode” of the ELF procedure was implemented. This drawing is illustrative only and is not the actual view of what I saw. As good as I am in pictorial representation, any drawing that I could create would be but a poor reflection of the actuality of what transpired before my eyes. It was a pastel rolling landscape of mostly greens, yellows and oranges. Along the “cracks” in the undulating “hills” were bright red crevasses that I found so curious. Image courtesy of the author.
[2] Be careful of the heat generated by the probes.  Heat can damage and fatigue the brain.  There will also be a lot of heat generated and it becomes very frustrating for the staff to monitor the target’s activities if the temperature cycles properly.  Heat is dangerous.  It can damage your brain and hurt you.  You must be most especially careful regarding this.

Forehead temperature.
There are numerous companies that make forehead thermometers. If you have probes engaged on, the temperature would be all the way in the red zone. It would be in the danger zone. Which is one reason why probe access is severely limited.
[3] Thirdly, drink water only.  Do not take drugs or drink.  If someone give you a drink, do not drink it.  Especially if it is orange juice.

[4] Fourthly, sedate yourself with sleeping pills and rest.  Do not drive. Never, ever drive or operate a motorized vehicle.

[5] Fifthly, exit the country.  Go far away and tell no one.  It becomes very difficult to locate you outside of the country, and while the waves can travel anywhere in the world, their successful operation works best in established areas that are pre-targeted.  The handlers rely  (as of my experience) on local feedback loops.  This would be people, video and audio feeds.  Break the cycle.  Exit the country.

China is full of beautiful cities. Changhai is but one of them.
Shanghai at night. Shanghai is but one of maybe a hundred other cities of similar size and beauty in China.
[6] Importantly, stay away from firearms, knives and dangerous machinery.  Get rid of your cell phone.  Do not use a phone, a television and stop using the computer.  Go cold turkey for a 3 month period.  Most of the techniques used by the NSA involve tracking people through electronic appliances.  The reader must deny them this route of access. It sounds harsh, and it is.  But if you are serious about what you want and how to handle it, then you would take this most important precaution.

[7] Finally, try to sleep in a faraday cage.  Ground yourself and the room.  Use copper, not aluminum foil.  Use a copper fencing or some other material.  Steel and aluminum does work and it’s better than nothing.  In a pinch, sleep in a van, just make sure that the van’s outer shell is grounded to the dirt.  (Take a plain copper wire, and attach it to the frame of the van, and spike it into the dirt.)

[8] Figure about a three to six month period of isolation.  Do this, even if it means that you will starve.  At least you will be alive.

Synthetic Telepathy

Alternatively, there are other methods to induce this situation in the agent.  In the rare cases where the probes fail, or are dislodged terribly, Synthetic Telepathy may be employed.  This alternative method is employed whenever the probes cannot be accessed properly.  They sometimes malfunction, and when this happens alternative methods must be employed.

The ability to remotely transmit microwave voices inside a target’s head is known inside the Pentagon as “Synthetic Telepathy.”

Synthetic Telepathy has applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with voices or deliver undetected instructions to a programmed assassin.

This technology may have contributed to the deaths of 25 defense scientists variously employed by Marconi Underwater and Defense Systems, Easems and GEC. Most of the scientists worked on highly sensitive electronic warfare programs for NATO, including the Strategic Defense Initiative. It is claimed that directed energy weapons might have been used to literally drive these men to suicide and have over 291 accidents.


“The thing about people who are truly and malignantly crazy: their real genius is for making the people around them think they themselves are crazy. In military science this is called Psy-Ops, for your info.”

― David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

This method is used to handicap the member so that they are no longer a threat of disclosure.  Like the death option, this method requires that an agent get up close and personal to the targeted person.  They then use their knowledge to create a debilitation event that would render them into a non-threatening condition.

This would keep the person alive, but keep them focused on their own problems and situations.  They become debilitated due to hospital bills, or the inability to get any kind of creative work done.  Admittedly this is a pretty terrible thing to do.  It is even worse than killing someone.

One of the techniques used to retire former SAP agents is to debilitate them. They then are alive but tethered to the government for medical support.

The technique varies from targeted individual to targeted individual.  But it can include mental instability, the loss of a limb, or an organ failure.  It could mean a stroke or some other kind of serious illness.  The point is that anything that would occupy the time of an agent is what would be used to render them inert from disclosure.

It is also NOT a fairly rare occurrence.

Sometimes, or actually often times, a death is investigated by the local police.  So it is rather difficult to arrange the death of a MAJestic member without having the possibility of investigation involved.  That is not the case with debilitation efforts.  Here the agent can be poisoned, get involved in an automobile accident, or suffer a non-life threatening fall.  These situations are much easier to fabricate and the usually have no investigative follow-ups conducted.

If an American Disagrees with a law enforcement official they can be labeled a terrorist and treated as a threat. 

A growing number of government programs are aimed at identifying, monitoring and locking up anyone considered potentially “dangerous” or mentally ill (according to government standards, of course). 

For instance, a homeless man in New York City who reportedly had a history of violence but no signs of mental illness was forcibly detained in a psych ward for a week after arguing with shelter police. Despite the fact that doctors cited no medical reason to commit him, the man was locked up in accordance with a $22 million program that monitors mentally ill people considered “potentially” violent. According to the Associated Press,

“A judge finally ordered his release, ruling that the man's commitment violated his civil rights and that bureaucrats had meddled in his medical treatment.”


This is by far the most common method of retirement of a Core Kit implanted ELF agent.  This is the way it is done.  This is also the most common method to retire agents involved in work directly connected with extraterrestrials.

Prison in Arkansas
The most common way to retire MAJestic agents is to accuse them as Sex Offenders, sentence them to Hard Labor, and then a lifetime of monitoring as part of the Sex Offender registry. That way, MAJestic no longer needs to worry about the agents, instead, they are being watched and observed by the state government and paid for out of the state budgets.

In fact, aside from the deactivation staff themselves, most of the mainline MAJestic members are also retired using this method.

By far the most common form of deactivation is imprisonment.  I am sorry to dash the reader’s precious illusions concerning the United States, but this is how it is done.  This is something that they don’t tell you when you sign up.  (They never told me, and it wasn’t until <redacted> that I realized that this could happen to me.)

Hoe squad.
When you are sentenced to “hard labor” in Arkansas you are assigned to work the “hoe squad”. This is a rite of passage for all felons in Arkansas. Everyone must work at hard labor and live in transitional barracks until they can graduate to a “regular” job in the prison. Hard labor is a solid eight hour day toiling in the hot Arkansas sun.

Typically, the agent is arrested for some type of criminal activity. Mostly it is for non-violent crimes, and crimes that require either long periods of Parole, or post-Prison supervision. After all, every agent had been previously screened to make sure that they were capable of avoiding trouble, and that they maintained high ethics through lofty ideals.   Therefore, it is difficult to create charges against an agent.

They tend to be rather “middle of the road” in regards to avoidance of criminal activity.  All MAJestic members keep a low profile and live very safe and boring lives.  We always do.  The only implanted agents who might tend to violate laws and go “borderline” and engage in illegal activity are those implanted as part of other alphabet agencies; ones NOT associated with MAJestic activities.

Prison in Akransas
Locking up MAJestic members with active Core Kit #2 probes is the preferred way to shut the probes down, and then monitor the individuals directly in a safe environment. After a few years they are rated in their ability to live life and made sure that the probes are deactivated. As Sex Offenders, they are also monitored for the rest of their life.
After all, we were screened for selection in MAJestic by the <redacted> specifically targeting for a “Service to others” sentience.  (MAJestic membership is all and only of one sentience.) That does not lead to individuals who would create selfish acts against another person, would it?

Typically, and in almost every case, a person is arrested and charged with some kind of sexual offense.  (It’s not only MAJestic members, but also anyone who is a threat to MAJestic is charged with sexual offenses.)

By charging them with this offense, they are then guaranteed lengthy post-prison monitoring and supervisions.  This is the entire purpose of this kind of retirement.  That is to keep the agent under loose watch, but still alive and functional.

The most common charge against an agent is for “Child Pornography”. It is [1] relatively easy to accuse someone of this crime.

The obtainment of a search warrant for this kind of accusation is so easy that it is laughable.  All one needs to do is make the accusation.  

In the 1980’s entire preschools and day-cares were shut down and their owners imprisoned simply because a business competitor accused them of child abuse.  
Wrightsville Unit
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/STEPHEN B. THORNTON
An inmate holds a class book along a window sill as he waits with others to be released from their living area for classes in the Prison Fellowship program Thursday at the Arkansas Department of Correction’s Wrightsville Unit.
Today, it is just as easy to obtain (what has been referred to as) “no knock” search warrants.  

The police just show up unannounced without a search warrant and “hunt” for evidence indicative of illegal activity.  

Furthermore, if the NSA wants to remotely make someone look like a criminal all they need to do is hijack their computer.  See the post on Disinformation Campaigns, and the software programs of POISONARROW and QUANTUMHAND.

Arkansas prison unit
FILE – In this Aug. 10, 2009, file photo, an Arkansas Department of Correction officer patrols a cell block at the agency’s Cummins Unit near Varner, Ark. A legislative subcommittee on Tuesday, Aug. 18, 2015, approved Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s request to tap $7.4 million in reserve funds to open more prison beds in the state. (AP Photo/Danny Johnston, File)

The history behind “no knock” is actually quite interesting. 

While today’s search warrants require both specificity and some evidence of wrongdoing, in many ways the colonists had more protections than we do today. For example, the British soldiers [1] could serve warrants only during the day. And they were always [2] required to knock, [3] announce themselves, [4] announce their purpose and [5] give the resident time and opportunity to come to the door to let them in peacefully.


Well, this was all in observance of the Castle Doctrine, or the idea that the home should be a place of peace and sanctuary, and that it should be violated only in the most extreme circumstances.

Even then, the Castle Doctrine had a long and rich history in English common law, a tradition that carried over in the United States until the Supreme Court began chipping away at it in drug cases, beginning in about the 1960s.

Today, of course, American authorities can break into American homes without knocking. (This is known as No-Knock raids.)

The top Chinese physicist was handcuffed and his life was destroyed by the United States

Original title: The Crime of Undocumented! Top Chinese physicist, a life ruined by the United States

At 6:30 in the morning on May 21, 2015, it was just dawn. Xi Xiaoxing, a world-renowned superconducting expert and a professor in the physics department of Temple University, was awakened by a violent knock on the door.

Professor Xi didn't even put on his clothes and ran out to open the door. He was stunned by a series of movie-like mutations.

More than a dozen detectives wearing FBI bulletproof vests rushed into the door. The muzzle of the black hole was directed at Xi Xiaoxing. The other detectives pointed the gun at Xi Xiaoxing's wife and two daughters and let them hold their heads against the wall.

Xi Xiaoxing was handcuffed to "walk" and his life changed accordingly.

Just six months before Xi Xiaoxing was arrested, another Chinese-American scientist, Chen Xiafen, a hydrological expert at the National Weather Service, was also arrested by the FBI in her office in Ohio. She is considered a "spy" of the Chinese government and illegally sent sensitive hydrological information to Chinese officials.


Looking back, this series of incidents in 2015 was part of the US action against China-US scientific and technological exchanges. When we started discussing the "decoupling" between China and the United States today, "decoupling" has already begun; when we were surprised by the Meng Wanzhou incident today, the "intimidation" and "cleansing" of Chinese Americans and "pro-Chinese" in the United States may be Has been completed.

Evidence-collecting evidence collection, pervasive monitoring, inhumane treatment, lengthy litigation, high bail and litigation costs, precise procedure "justice" and the truth that will never come, means to create an overall terrorist atmosphere with one person in one case . What we have seen in the Meng Wanzhou incident today, and what we have not seen, and what we may see in the future can be seen in the cases of Xi Xiaoxing and Chen Xiafen...
ADC prison 2
This is a typical cell block in the ADC. Inmates are housed here until they are considered rehabilitated.
They can conduct raids at night. In theory, we’re today protected by the requirement that authorities show probable cause before serving a warrant, but given the deference judges give to police and prosecutors in much of the country and the boilerplate language you’ll often find on warrant affidavits, you could make a good argument that in many jurisdictions the probable cause protection is little more than a formality. (One would have to be an absolute idiot not to recognize that fact.)

In any case, if the Fourth Amendment is due to the Founders’ offense at British soldiers forcibly entering homes in daylight hours after knocking and announcing to search for contraband, it seems safe to say that the Founders would be appalled by the fact that today, dozens of times each day, heavily armed government officials break into homes, often at night, without first knocking and announcing, in order to conduct searches for contraband.

It [2] results in long prison sentences with little proof.

The reader should be cautioned to understand that the way the judicial system should work, is not the way it actually works.  This is the real world, not a television or movie fairyland.  

In Arkansas, the law stated that you could get 20 years for each photo of someone under 18 found on my computer.  Two photos equaled 40 years. Three photos equaled life.

The age of the individuals is determined by a doctor working for the state government. They review any images and then testify if there is a possibility that the individuals in the photos could be under 18 years old. If so, then the DA will charge the individual under the assumptive prerogative that the needs of the state outweigh the rights of the individual.

And, it always requires [3] post prison monitoring and registration.

By law, all sex offenders are monitored by the state governments where they reside and the costs to do so are absorbed by the local and state budgets.

Finally, [4] no one ever wants to listen to anything that a sex offender has to say. It is a perfect venue to silence former MAJestic members.

“Milo the pedophile? I don't think taking anything this guy with any cred is a good idea....”

-GoingBig Thu, 02/15/2018 - 19:26 Permalink

Contrary to what a person might think, the system was designed this way.  Today, many people commit crimes that happen in a nanosecond, without their ever being aware that they have now become a criminal.

Congress creates, on average, more than 50 new criminal laws each year. With more than 2 million Americans in prison, and close to 7 million adults in correctional care, the United States has the largest prison population in the world. 

Prison population.
The rise of the American prison nation began around 1978 under President Jimmy Carter. America holds the most prisons, and the most prisoners than any other nation on the planet.
At least 2.7 million children in the United States have at least one parent in prison. At least 400 to 500 innocent people are killed by police officers every year. 

Americans are now eight times more likely to die in a police confrontation than they are to be killed by a terrorist. On an average day in America, over 100 Americans have their homes raided by SWAT teams.


For reading examples of those charged with Child Porn because they were involved in the investigation of UFO’s, MAJestic, extraterrestrial activities and similar issues one can simply follow these links;

  • Controversial UFO Enthusiast Goes on Trial for Child Pornography
“On Aug. 8, 2017, Romanek was not guilty of distribution of child pornography but guilty of felony possession of child pornography. It was allegedly discovered on his laptop the lewd material. 

When interviewed by the investigators, Romankek admitted that he had those some files only on his computer but did not know how they ended up on his laptop. He brought up the theory that a strange person had planted the images on his laptop. 

Both spouses have claimed they have been subjected to threats and targeted by hackers because they have secret knowledge about the UFO existence.”
“[Stan] told me he had had concerns because he had in his possession top secret documents that were given to him by a high ranking official from the Air Force. Stan said he thought that ‘someone’ in the government would get in trouble for giving him these documents.”

Koopman reminded Romanek that officers were here for child pornography, not about “other documents from the Air Force or anything that has to do with aliens, etc.”
  • S. Cyber Security Director Convicted on Child Porn Charges
But DeFoggi’s conviction is perhaps more surprising than others owing to the fact that he worked at one time as the acting cybersecurity director of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. DeFoggi worked for the department from 2008 until January this year. A department official told Business Insider that DeFoggi worked in the office of the assistant secretary for administration as lead IT specialist but a government budget document for the department from this year(.pdf) identifies a Tim DeFoggi as head of OS IT security operations, reporting to the department’s chief information security officer.
  • Promoter of 3-D gun manufacture arrested for sexual assault of a child. What happened is he met a girl on a web site. Visited her at a hotel. Turned out it was setup. She told him that she was over 18. When in reality, she was under 18, and the entire thing was being monitored and videoed by the police.

In 2009, DeHart, at the time an intelligence analyst for the Air National Guard, claimed to have discovered explosive evidence of a CIA plot to implement the anthrax attacks of 2001.

.. A hacktivist allied with the group of online guerrillas known as “Anonymous” as well as WikiLeaks, DeHart became understandably paranoid and, in early 2010, his Indiana house was raided by law enforcement authorities and he soon takes flight...

...the viewer is forced to conclude either that DeHart has been the victim of a nefarious smear campaign spearheaded by American intelligence, which benefits from Americans’ gullible assumptions concerning the supposedly ubiquitous presence of pedophilia in our midst (which has only increased with the recent burgeoning popularity of deranged conspiracy theories such as QAnon), or is attempting to camouflage his involvement with child porn by emphasizing the unsavory motivations of both the FBI and CIA.
  • Guy who patented a Time Machine arrested for sexual assault;

Marlin B. Pohlman

Time machine patent
Pohlman patent. 2006.
“By creating an artificial wormhole time travel is possible. At first glance, such a thing might be too fantastic a notion to believe, yet Pohlman does hold a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics, an MBA from Lexington Business School, and a PhD in computer science from Trinity University. 

He's also a member of Portland Mensa, and is a Licensed Professional Engineer, Certified Information Systems Auditor, Certified Information Security Manager and Certified Information Systems security professional. 

Perhaps he invented the time machine because he discovered he hasn't enough time to squeeze in everything he wants to accomplish?”

-Ask Patents

One of the most curious sagas of the entire John Titor story is what happened to the person who patented the John Titor time displacement machine.  Whether the reader believes that the person who patented the invention is John Titor or an opportunist is up to the reader to determine.  It is certainly a function of whether the reader believes he is a hoax or legitimate.

What is really interesting about this story is what happened once he patented this invention.  Please take note;

  • A guy named Marlin B Pohlman Patents the time displacement machine and related technology.
  • Pohlman applies for the patent in 2006.
  • Since the initial application date, the patent status has never changed! No rulings or decisions..Nothing.
  • No actual patent has been granted in this case (it was rejected in 2007 and abandoned in 2008). The official reason for the rejection is the lack of utility – meaning a lack of sufficient proof of this invention being possible/executable. (Quote: Final Rejection document from 08.08. 2007)
It really is a good patent it's just missing exactly what it says it's missing and that's probably why it was rejected because microsingularities haven't been invented or even observed yet, but they are possible. 

But keep in mind this patent isn't patenting Kerr black holes, it's patenting a machine that uses them, even if theoretically. 

I think the main reason it was rejected is because he included the John Titor diagrams which are already copyrighted and trademarked by the John Titor Foundation under Larry Haber.
  • March 14, 2013 . Marlin Brandt Pohlman, a 43-year-old man accused of drugging and sexually assaulting four women he met at parties, pleaded not guilty in Multnomah County Circuit Court to 25 allegations.
  • Pohlman was held on a $2 million bail – a remarkably high sum for Portland.
  • He is arrested and sentenced to prison followed by monitoring as a Sex Offender.

Need I remind the reader that most MAJestic operatives are retired as Sex Offenders so that they can be monitored.  Most reach this period of retirement after 20 to 30 years in the MAJestic organization.  I was retired when I was 44 years old. (I am not saying that this person is part of MAJestic, but rather that this individual is retired in a manner consistent with those whom possess technical “secrets” or abilities.)

“The method employs sinusoidal oscillations of electrical bombardment on the surface of one Kerr type singularity in close proximity to a second Kerr type singularity in such a method to take advantage of the Lense-Thirring effect, to simulate the effect of two point masses on nearly radial orbits in a 2+1 dimensional anti-de Sitter space resulting in creation of circular timelike geodesics conforming to the van Stockum under the Van Den Broeck modification of the Alcubierre geometry (Van Den Broeck 1999) permitting topology change from one spacelike boundary to the other in accordance with Geroch’s theorem (Geroch 1967) resulting in a method for the formation of Godel-type geodesically complete spacetime envelopes complete with closed timelike curves.”

What is most interesting is the large amount of press that he has gotten, and the great lengths made to disparage his background.

  • “The top ten things you should know about Marlin Pohlman”
  • “Portland computer expert accused of drugging, sexually assaulting women he met at parties”
  • Computer executive ‘raped four women he met at parties after drugging them with LSD, ecstasy and laughing gas injected through spring-loaded syringes'”
“Really? Why all the press on this guy? This shit happens every day.. One link has a ten things you need to know slides how FFS... Something is very fishy here..”

“Guys this shit is my OP for the edit.. This guy had to be set up”



Other Excuses

In September 2018, the internet was all a buzz when the Sunspot Solar Observatory was suddenly shut down, and all feed from it was seized and went off-line. Conspiracy theorists were active in speculations regarding sightings of UFO’s and other strange phenomena. Ah, but that was all just nonsense according to officials.

The real reason was Child Pornography. You can read about it HERE.

The First Rule of Money

MAJestic does not have a branch or division that is wholly devoted to retiring agents.  That would be a very large (and thus; VISIBLE) activity.  Remember, my dear reader, MAJestic is secret.

Instead, they utilize other existing State and (some) Federal programs to incarcerate members as a part of retirement.  This is how it is done.

You never use your own money if you can avoid it; you use funding from other programs.  It keeps your programs secret, and out of budgetary oversight.  It also “frees up” money that can be used elsewhere.

The first rule of money.
The first rule of money: never use your own. This is true on so many levels, with nothing more substantive as how the United States government supports and retires it’s confidential membership.

Sex Offenders

Most males (all males, but let’s just leave it at that) have trolled the Internet searching for nude pictures, pornography and similar types of media.  While most want to avoid searching for images that fall outside their realm of interest, they must scan through thousands of images and media files in the process.

Yet, each file, even if it just exists for a nanosecond on the computer is considered to be fully viewed and “enjoyed” by the computer operator (not the “viewer”) by the American government.

0.000000001 second accessed by the computer = 20 minutes of wacking off.

All it takes is the presence of a borderline image or the appearance of an image that might be construed to be illegal for an actual crime to occur.  For instance, [1] legal age adults whom dress up like children is considered to be child porn, even though they are absolutely legal in making the imagery.  [2] Vintage photographs depicting nude children over 150 years ago are still considered to be child porn.  [3] A National Geographic picture of a native tribe where children go without clothes is considered to be child porn, even if the image is blurred and indistinct.  [4] Home photographs of the nude children in a person’s family (such as taking a bath, or crawling around without a diaper) WILL be used against accused in MOST of the prosecutors in the country.  (And HAS been used against people in Arkansas.)

The DA will always make the argument that, while the images are “borderline” in legality; it is the accumulative evidence of copious amounts of online pornography, peppered with occasional child porn pictures, which constitute an image of a social deviant and one who has the potential for endangering the community.

When there is an over-riding state interest in incarnating a person, even if the reason is a selfish one or political one, the person will be incarcerated.  The facts won’t matter.  The evidence will be used to convict.  Not at all to determine innocence or guilt.

It is the same reasoning that Idi Amin used to round up dissidents, Adolph Hitler used to conduct genocide against the Jews, and Mr. Mao used against the educated elite in China.  Same arguments and same techniques were used then as today in the United States.

Other Charges

Other charges that they might obtain involve being classified as a terrorist or making terroristic threats.  But these charges are not commonly used because the agent won’t fall into the Sex Offender monitoring process.  The key to the retirement of an implanted ELF agent is the (de facto) elaborate and constraining post-offender monitoring process.

This is the way that the military can track their retired agents, even though it is done through non-military channels.  At this date, only sex-offenders are tracked in this manner.  Even confirmed actual terrorists are not.

Terrorists and suspected terrorists are treated differently.  As most MAJestic agents are not Islamic, come from Arabic genetic stock, or have visited the Middle East, it is rather difficult to place this label on them.  Therefore, the most common form of retirement is through the accusation of being a sex offender.

Registration of Sex Offenders

 How to prosecute anybody

 Look around for "suspicious" behavior, i.e., behavior on the part of a private citizen that can be made to appear suspicious.

 Ruthlessly probe every element of the  "suspect's" life, using the effectively infinite resources of the State,  until enough "suspicious" behavior has been amassed.

 Assemble a huge list of charges to place before a grand jury
 Present the case in such a fashion as  to promote the less plausible accusations and obscure the more plausible  ones, thus securing a grab-bag indictment.

 Offer the indicted person a plea  bargain that will spare him centuries in prison and complete  pauperization at the bargain price of a few years and/or a few thousand  dollars.

- Francis Porretto  

This is desirable (from the point of view of MAJestic) because the sex offender must register their address, phone, internet activity, e-mail, automobiles, and notify the authorities whenever they leave their designated living address.  This recording keeping is used to track and monitor the agents so that they can do two primary things.  Firstly, they can get a hold of them in the event they need them again.

Many agents possess unique and specialized skills that might be needed in the future for some unknown or anticipated reason.  Others might be an exobiology specialist with unique experience with a specific race or technology.

Secondly, they might need to terminate the agent if they feel the agent has gone rogue or became dangerous to themselves or others. Additionally there is a real concern that we might go rogue. No one want’s a “Jason Bourne” walking around unhinged, or a “Mike Howell” (from the movie “American Ultra”.)

The movie American Ultra is a pretty interesting movie. Mike Howell (Jessie Eisenberg) is a stoner (a habitual drug user) trapped in his hometown due to inexplicable panic attacks that occur every time he tries to leave.  Planning a trip to Hawaii for his girlfriend Phoebe Larson (Kristen Stewart), he find himself unable to board the plane due to incessant vomiting.  Mike’s outlet is his creative side, where he pens a homemade comic called The Adventures of Apollo Ape.  Milling about his shit job at the Cash N Carry corner gas station, Mike is busy rolling joints when CIA Agent Victoria Lasseter (Connie Britton) appears spouting strange phrases intended to be trigger words – MK ULTRA trigger words, in fact.


 Mike, we learn, was part of an ongoing CIA program specifically identified as MK ULTRA continuing from the 50s into the present, with its latest subproject involving the recruiting of convicts, psychotics and felons into a rehabilitation method where their memories are erased, new “programming” installed and new identities created.  Upon completing the program, the subjects are placed in new towns where their lives are controlled and monitored directly by handlers. 

-Jays Analysis

The reason for this concern is that the true nature of our training, of our skills, our abilities, and what triggers us into action are top secret.  No one knows anything.

  • Only three people are part of any cell.
  • No one else knows anything about what roles people have.
  • The aggregator might know a summary, if they are still alive.
  • Other MAJestic members might know that we were important, but have no idea of our skills, abilities or capabilities.

Thus, from the point of view of MAJestic it is best if we are kept in a monitoring program for as long as possible. Only a handful of people knew that I was a <redacted>.  From the point of view of the rest of MAJestic, I could be a weaponized cyborg, a MK-ULTRA programmed lethal killing machine, or a walking plague.

Monitoring program reasons.
The problem with top secret programs like MAJestic and other waived, unacknowledged special access programs is that no one knows your role in it. No one knows what you did. No one knows, or believes what you have done, know, experienced, or the skills you have. Thus you must be observed and monitored. No one dares take a chance. That is why agents must be put into monitoring programs.

It was better safe than sorry, so I was placed under institutional observation.

All state and federal prisons have an intake facility to register new felons and give them a medical exam. Most, but not all of these facilities, maintain an ELF evaluation facility (usually just a closet or small office attached next to the prisoner barracks.).

Of course, there are the indexing feducials in place, and a procedure on how to handle these kinds of special individuals when they arrive and are evaluated.  (To read about what these are, go HERE.)

The feducials were a shape that was embedded within a cement block. There were two different blocks. One had a basic triangular shape, and the other block had two triangular shapes.

While the equipment is in residence at the facility, the operators are not.  They have to be flown in from other locations to operate the equipment.  (For the most part, the regular prison guards and employees do not know the purpose of the electronics inside the closet in some of the facilities, nor are they trained to use them.)

For the vast majority of those retired this way, the charge is for child pornography.

It is rare to non-existent that the individuals actually have sexual relations with a child.   (Although I would not be surprised that an agent or two, who do not use a computer at all, might actually be “set up” or entrapped in this manner.  Like some kind of “sting operation” that might draw the agent with the promise of some kind of illicit sexual encounter, or such.)

The key is simply to have the person labeled under the label of this crime as quickly as possible.  Thus, even if the agent wanted to tell their experiences to the world, they would not be believed.  It is easy to discredit a person thus accused.  No one listens to what the agent reports; they just look at the label places over them.

This is a very effective technique and it has worked successfully for all the other agents that I have been involved with.  This is the way that it is done.  It is not pretty, or nice.  It is not fair or just.  It just happens to be the most effective method in place, and it is used successfully in the retirement procedure.


This is what I would assume to be the standard way to treat agents. This was how I thought that I would be retired.  In fact, somehow I thought that I was too important to be retired, and that I wouldn’t ever be retired at all.  Boy was I wrong.

I do know that there is a policy in place to deactivate agents in this way. But I do not believe that it is commonly used. I now know that retirement in this way is very rare. Unfortunately, the truth is, most ELF agents are either [1] killed or [2] incarcerated.

In the rare event that an agent is mothballed, the procedure is as follows;  basically, the agent is called to attend a program, meeting or event on a military base. Then, the field is turned on. They are then registered and debriefed. Finally, the probes are mothballed, and the agent is permitted to access the source code to shut them off.

I believe that this is not a common procedure to deactivate an agent for the simple reason that it relies on the agent to deactivate himself.  There is not functional protocol in place to determine whether or not the agent was able to do so successfully.

The agent might simply pretend to be deactivated, but instead retained all their memories, like myself.

Senior members of MAJestic are retired in this manner because they are too high profile to be retired by either of the two other methods.  After all, how would it look to have former generals or admirals, business leaders or senior world-class scientists arrested for child porn?

It’s not viable for high profile individuals to be retired using this method.  (In the rare instance, that a high visible senior member of MAJestic goes rogue there is a specific procedure that is used; they are killed.  Typically, the person is lead to a military base, facility or ideally a military hospital.  There they are killed in such a way as to make it look like either an accident, self-inflected suicide, or natural but unexpected causes.)

My experiences, or rather my ego, convinced me that I would be deactivated in this manner.  I thought that I was a special person.  While not necessarily top of the food chain, I was highly trained, and doing significant work at a level far above most typical Americans.  I wanted to believe that I would, at the very least, be afforded the same kinds of treatment of a comparable person who had not opted to join this special and elite program.  But rather one that stayed in the Navy to the conclusion of their service contract obligations.  But, I was wrong.  I was not mothballed.

Mass Deactivation of MAJestic membership in 2005

There was a mass deactivation of members of MAJestic related programs in 2005.  I do not know why this occurred.  I always thought that we were providing a significant and important service.  Apparently, however, someone felt that it would be in the best interests of humanity to cancel the program.  This occurred during the Bush (R) Administration.  I must assume that the reasoning behind this had some long term strategic or intrinsic value.

Initially, I believed that I was alone when I was deactivated.  But after much thought and a little sleuthing on my part, I was able to determine that the MAJestic umbrella was folded up, and replaced with another system with new players and membership.  I do not know why this happened, nor do I know anything at all about the replacement program.

I know nothing about any replacement program, or if there actually IS a replacement program.

Therefore, my personal deactivation was just one aspect of a far larger deactivation program.  I was not as special as I would like to believe.

You will find that a large number of MAJestic agents imprisoned or charged with State (not federal) sex offender crimes in the years of 2004 through 2006.  Typically, their basic age varies from the middle thirties to early fifties.  With most being in their mid to late 40’s. Most will have secondary or longer marriages of short (less than one year) duration.  Most of the spouses involved had similar experiences of this kind of event sequence.

You will find that most of the charges are for ‘soft crimes”, possession of literature or intent to commit a crime.

All went through a deactivation procedure in the intake facilities in the host state that charged them with the crime.  All of the members are now under registration procedures and are all monitored by the US government.  They are monitored for sex offenses and criminal activities, but in truth it is just a legal protocol that was put in place to cover a far more important reason; the disclosure of technological secrets.


Every person who is a member of a waived, unacknowledged, special access program in the United States is eventually retired. Most members have special implants embedded within their skull. Those with Core Kit #2 implants need to go to a specially equipped facility and shut off the probes in a controlled environment. Then the individual needs to be monitored for the rest of their life.

This is accomplished by arrest, imprisonment, and a life-time of monitoring as a sex offender.

Take Aways

  • Because special access programs are so secret, those involved in MAJestic-related operations are treated as potential threat vectors.
  • No one knows what the threat vectors are. This is simply because no one knows what their role was.
  • Therefore, agents are retired in a specially equipped facility, and monitored for the rest of their lives.


Q: Are there other methods to monitor a retired MAJestic agent, aside from the sex offender registry?
A: No. Under the United States Constitution, the government does not have the authority to monitor anyone, unless they are a felon. The work-around is to accuse someone of a crime and then put them into a lifetime monitoring program.

Q: What secrets do you possess that requires you to be monitored?
A: I don’t really know. I was entangled with an extraterrestrial species. But, most Americans believe in extraterrestrials anyways, and there are hundreds of people walking around talking about sounds in their heads and such. I’m just another fruit case to them. I talk about the MWI, but that can be brushed aside as internet lore. I mention things about the structure of the MAJestic organization, but that organization was killed and replaced by something else. I’m just an old fart, sex offender, walking around talking about ET and conspiracy stories. I am easy enough to brush aside as a crazy old loon.

A Final Say

Secret agent
The problem with being in a waived, unacknowledged, special access program is that it is so secret. The secrecy is complete and there might be one other person on the entire planet who knows your role and the full extent of your training and what you are capable of. This causes problems. Firstly, the secrecy necessitates a need for monitoring. Who knows what an agent is capable of? Secondly, it causes problems with the agent who often does not like being classified as a bad and dangerous person.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...
How to tell -2
Top Secrets
Sales Pitch
Feducial Training
Probe Calibration - 1
Probe Calibration - 2
Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.
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Just letting you know that I can no longer see any of your links on the left side.


As mentioned in comments in one of your other blog entries, I find your descriptions of your experiences credible despite my long skepticism about claims of exterrestrial alien contact, technology, etc. Here’s why.

In a closed men’s-only forum I belong to, we have discussed the rise in child-porn (CP) prosecutions. This started a few years ago.

Several members shared my suspicions and agreed with my conclusion that law enforcement or the feds had to have planted this stuff remotely on the targets’ computers.

There just cannot be that many pervs into CP. Everyone knows it’s illegal and being caught with even one image is bad news. Everyone.

Nonetheless, the pattern I saw was like this. At least a few times a month news stories would, and still do, appear in the nearest (small city) daily newspaper, fitting the pattern.

1. Cops raid a man’s home looking for evidence of suspected crime X, say theft, whatever.

2. During the raid, the cops confiscate the man’s computer.

3. Lo and behold, they just happen to find CP images on that computer!

4. Charges are dismissed or never brought against crime X. That crime is forgotten. Instead, the target gets busted for CP and sentenced to prison for decades.

You don’t have to be a weatherman to tell which way the wind is blowing. Likewise, you don’t have to have a good sense of smell to detect the stench of rats with these stories. Now your story about authorities finding planted CP and locking you away as a sex offender to “retire” you dovetails with my suspicions.

If you accept the idea that the authorities planted the images remotely on targets’ computers, then a corollary follows: the government must be a primary generator and custodian for lots of CP images. And those enforcers get away with that.

Distrust of the feds and elites among taxpayers in the US is off the charts. Lots of people believe in the “Pizzagate” story, which claims that Satan–worshipping elites order children to have their way with just like ordering a pizza, and they get away with it. The Jeffrey Epstein bust and “suicide” added fuel to that fire. Imagine the levels of distrust if it’s proven that fed alphabet agencies are creating and planting CP…

Of course, then we have to consider that despite the federal government’s horrific abuses and police state tactics, the sheep are still all too willing to accept handouts from that same government—a topic for another time and place.

One other note about this concerns how Bitcoin could be shut down. In the Bitcoin blockchain algorithm, according to a recent Wired story, some users have stored images that are permanent due to the nature of blockchain. If CP just happens to be found one day among those images and governments bust traders for having those on their computers, no more Bitcoin!


Thank you for sharing these stories. I hope it wasn’t too painful for you to recall and share with the world. It is a travesty how they treated you. Even if they felt you were a threat, they could of at least housed you in a more humane prison up north given your years of dedicated service and personal sacrifice. Given that it is common for majestic agents to have short secondary marriages, is it possible majestic orchestrated your first marriage for stability purposes for you and then caused your first spouse to stray to set you up for the black widow secondary spouse for retirement? Also, what happened to the other retirement articles (i.e. the officer and beautiful Asian island lady sequence stories). Those stories were beautifully written and I looked forward to hearing about the other roles in the retirement sequence, if you choose to share that with us and it isn’t too painful for you to share with us. Also, why would they (either the government or the ETs) program you with what appears to be harmful alter personalities (ie Hulk, Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde and others) if they used you as a MWI stability anchor? I hope the commander will give you insight into that and release all your memories back to you regarding those alters. It appears this time period is deeply painful to you to the point you stopped painting your beautiful pictures. I do hope you paint again so you can leave it for your family to enjoy that side of you.


What you experienced here goes to show how blatantly Service To Self the American Oligarchy is. You and your comrades in this organization gave decades of your life doing hypersensitive, hyper secretive work that spanned various different planets, world lines, and involved various different ET races, and what was the reward for all of this? Your life was ripped out from under your feet. You were jailed, marked as the lowest of the low to ensure that nobody would ever take anything you said or shared seriously, and then cast out to the dregs of society to fend for yourself: and that’s nice compared to the executions and crippling other ex MAJicagents had to suffer.

This easily comes off as a high end Fiction Novel or X-Files episode, even though it’s actually reality: a reality far stranger than fiction could ever be.

Your advice for implanted agents that are being driven to suicide through ELF manipulation resonates a lot with me despite having no (physical) implants in my body. Back in 2015 and 16, I was made to do very dangerous things and felt like I have more or less lost any and all control over my body and mind: all culminating in some kamikaze-type actions that, in other world lines, would have led to my death and terroristic acts as well.

Had this site existed back in 2015, and I encountered it, I would have followed this information verbatim despite having no ELF implants. I had the money to get all of the things I needed for this to be done, enough to live in the woods for three ish months without any technology and, later on, move to China where I can start life anew.

But that’s in the past, and unless I decide to build the time machine you or Marlin made to have some fun by inserting myself into MWI’s in the distant past, I will leave it in the past.