Walter White's dreams did come true.

Some more advanced techniques for conducting a prayer or intention campaign.

Here, we get back to more posts on directed thought. As I have repeatedly stated, time is the perception of our consciousness as it moves in and out of the many world-lines within our “reality universe”. You can use thought to navigate which world-lines to move towards and to arrive at. This is called an “intention campaign” or a “prayer campaign”.

Here we look at some specific “add on” systems or techniques that you might want to incorporate into your intention / prayer campaign.

You do NOT need to use any of them, but if you particular unique system calls for it, you can use any of these techniques with some degree of success.

We will start with “dodging the thoughts of others”…

Weaving (Dodging)

"Hey! Can you kids please shut the Hell up? I can't hear my self thinking!"

-My father when us kids were being particularly loud and boisterous. 

What? You ask.

How can someone’s thoughts influence me?

I cannot see it, so therefore it doesn’t exist. And besides, how do we know that these thoughts are bad…

We are constantly bombarded with the thoughts of others. This is all throughout our reality. It’s constant. It’s non-stop. It moves in waves, and washes over us, and it crashes us and collapses us from time to time.

These thoughts come in so many forms. But you all should be aware that they exist.

It can be from a well-meaning prayer-group from a local church, to the CIA (Pompeo) launching yet another one of his “hate China” news media campaigns, to a subliminal advertisement to drink Coke-cola in the movie theater, to an obsessed lover that will not leave you alone.

Thoughts of others, directed or not, will affect your prayer affirmation campaign.

That is something that you DO NOT WANT to happen.

In weaving (or dodging), you specifically isolate the impact of certain people, news, or social media so that it does not infringe upon your affirmations. This should be considered a “normal” thing that you must do for all prayer campaigns, but the truth is that it is not easy.

We are humans and live within society, and all the time we are bombarded with other thoughts, ideas and manipulations. It’s not an easy thing to do. Especially when we are forced to work around people in this environment or attend classes in school with them.

These attacks might be intentional or not; or directed or not, but you must isolate and control your thoughts irregardless.

The use of this technique of “weaving”, or as I like to say “dodging” is to specifically and functionally avoid certain people, news articles, or the thought influences at certain times of the day, and / or on certain days. There are numerous techniques, and here are just a few to consider.

  • One day or one period of “freedom” from the thoughts of others. Such as a camping trip at a remote lake, or a religious sabbatical, or some other similar way to physically isolate yourself from others and their thoughts.
  • A daily “fast” of isolation from others. It could be one hour long, or even a half of a day. You isolate yourself and have no outside contact with the rest of the world.
  • You purposely reduce your time on social media to a set time limit.
  • You purposely stop visiting certain websites intentionally, and never go back to them.
  • You purposely isolate yourself from certain people or groups of people.
  • You spend more time with a dog, or a cat. Their thoughts are neutral, and their influence is always POSITIVE on your reality. (Horses as well, but I don’t have much experience with them.)

The effectiveness of each techniques within this category depends on the person, the type of prayer intentions being conducted, and the local situation. There is no “best” technique to use.

"I just couldn't leave my friends. Sitting alone in the house, drinking beer alone. Watching TV. It's not living."

-My good friend Robbie, who explained to me why he started doing Heroin all over again. One of our last conversations before he died of an overdose.

You “weave” your life in and out of the thought “firing range” of others and their systems. You “dodge” the “thought bullets” so that they cannot influence your thoughts, and your thought campaign.

We like to think of ourselves as “strong” and that we are able to do what we want with our body. It’s a lie. We are all entangled within a very complex spider web of thoughts and this entanglement increase as we cruse the MWI. In order to have better navigational ability, we absolutely need to start severing those strands of thought to enable us some latitude in movement.

Keep in mind that the thoughts of others are terribly counter-productive and quite damaging to your thought objectives. You MUST tame that influence.

Now I have mentioned this, over and over, in prior posts. The difference in this post is that you intentionally INCORPORATE an added step to your prayer affirmation campaign that is intentionally dedicated towards a reduction in the influences of the thoughts of others.

Never neglect the importance of isolating yourself from the dangerous impacts of “thought imposition”. Find a quiet place, and go there. Just let your mind unravel. Try to do this weekly if possible…

Wet Towel (Kinesthetic technique)

The term “Wet Towel” refers to how to you conduct a given prayer campaign. Instead of conducting verbal affirmations once a day for a number of months, this technique adds one more step. This step devotes one day a week to let the “affirmations soak into your reality”. Much like that of a wet towel placed upon a tablet of paper.

Here, what you do is as follows;

  • You rank the prayer affirmations in order of importance to you.
  • You take the top three affirmations, and select ONE that you will focus on.
  • You then, create a project, or an event around that particular thought.
  • You work that “project”, or “event”, or “intense prayer period” for a set period once a week during the prayer affirmation campaign.

For instance, let’s suppose that you have an on-going prayer campaign. Your number one intention / goal is to “sail around the world”.

In this example, any of the following events would agree with your “wet towel” technique when used IN CONJUNCTION with the existing intention / prayer campaign…

  • For one hour a week you can take sailing lessons at the nearby marina.
  • You can go to the local library and read books on sailing for one hour at the local library.
  • You can buy a model of a sailing boat, and spend at least one (uninterrupted) hour a day building it.

The idea behind this is Kinesthetic. You use something related to “doing things” to focus your thoughts in that direction. This is also known as “Hands on” training, or in this case, “wet towel” directed prayer.

Positioning / Staging

You can plan a series of prayer campaigns on the assumption that each one will obtain sub-goals. You can position different prayer campaigns through out your life to make sure that your goals are kept on track. This is how you need to conduct an affirmation / prayer campaign for long-term, distant (in a MWI sense) goals.

Let’s suppose that you have a long term goal. Something that is just enormous in size, scope, and influence in your personality and social standing. If you devoted your time to that singular goal using the normal prayer / affirmation campaign you would be bound to have problems. It is too large, and far too distant not to run into difficulties in implementation.

The way to hand these large, and “distant” objectives is to do so in small bits, and then monitor your progression of thoughts as you proceed.

Question: "How do you eat an elephant?"

Answer: "in small bites."

While it is true, that you can pray for anything…

… what you desire might not be what you really want.

In order to make sure and to guarantee that it becomes what you truly desire and want, you need to stage it for implementation. This technique does so.

Let’s suppose that your intention / affirmation campaign is for you to become the President of the United States. (Hopefully you are not that crazy to want such a thankless and political job, but heck, everyone is different. “What ever makes your boat float!”) You might want to break your intention objectives down into mini-prayer campaigns such as this, and run the campaigns over a ten-year period of time…

  • Be elected as a local dog catcher.
  • Be elected on the town council.
  • Be elected as a State Representative.
  • Be elected as a State Governor.
  • Be elected as a President of the United States.

When you think about it, it’s all pretty simple. With each stage, you obtain new knowledge and skills that can be used to help you on the next stage in your overall objectives.

Image vocalization

You can associate images with your verbal affirmations. You need to follow a general procedure to do this.

It is not enough to run an intention campaign, and have an image board (whether physical or electronic) you need to incorporate the affirmations or prayers to connect the two together.

You can use many techniques to connect the visual elements, but the important thing is that you have a statement within your prayer affirmations that does connect the affirmations to the images. Here’s some example statements that you can use.

  • My folder in XXXXXXX contains images that represent what my intention campaign is intended to materialize.
  • The screen saver that is in use on my XXXXXX computer represents the images that my verbal affirmations are intending to generate.
  • The intention dream board located in XXXXXX is working in parallel to manifest and accelerate the implementation of my verbal affirmations.

For example, let’s suppose that you have a folder with images of pizza. And your intention campaign is one that has a goal of your owning a Pizza Parlor. What you would do is then collect all sorts of pictures of pizza, and pizza parlors, and workers inside a pizza parlor. Then add an affirmation that would connect the images of pizza to that of the affirmation.

Make sure that your selection of images is EXACTLY what you want to connect to your verbal affirmations.
Make sure that your selection of images is EXACTLY what you want to connect to your verbal affirmations.

Time track control

You can control how quickly or slowly the prayer / affirmations are implemented. In general, a slow implementation is more careful, and easier to absorb. A fast implementation might result in some discomfort. And if not handled properly the discomfort can become enormous.

Now, the reader should realize that for a while (years actually) I wanted a calm and simple life that provided me a fine and gentle life; a “rich” life that enabled me comfort over anything else. And I did get it.

Everything is fine, and I am living a good fine rich life. But you know, I wanted some more things. Some physical things. But then when I added some new affirmations, for some physical items, I discovered that they started to take much longer than they used to to take to manifest in the past.

In the past, simple physical things would manifest within a year. Now, they seemed to “take forever” to materialize.

For a while I didn’t know what was going on, and then I figured it out.

My affirmations were taking the “calm, peaceful, and careful” way to obtain my material possessions. And, boy oh boy, this path was a long one. So in order to speed up the acquisition of certain physical elements into my reality, I had to adjust my affirmations away from a “calm and peaceful life” to one that accepted minor discomfort, aggravation, and strife as long as no one was hurt (physically, emotionally, or intellectually) in the process.

And then (of course) the physical things started to appear.

And of course, faster and sooner meant, quicker with more discomfort.

  • Slow, comfortable = takes forever to manifest.
  • Balanced, within a reasonable time period = some discomfort.
  • Quick and sudden = Expect some great and significant discomfort.

So, you have to pay attention to how all your affirmations within a given Prayer Campaign interact together. Some of the affirmations might negate or slow others down.

To avoid this, you might want to utilize the techniques of “time tracking” the affirmations. This will usually (but not always) include a [1] time-line or due date, and [2] a specification that describes just what you are willing to sacrifice into to expedite your wishes or desires to come true.

Dates and time-lines must be reasonable. I would suggest that you stick with a comfortable three-year to five-year goal. Any sooner than that, and you risk some really trying events and times.

Here is an example of an affirmation that you can add…

These affirmations manifest by XXXXX in a YYYYY period of time. At no way is anyone in my family harmed or hurt in the process. Some discomfort is acceptable provided that the discomfort is manageable and dissipates within a short period of time.

Selective impact(s)

You can have the prayer concentrate on certain elements more than others. It can be selective in implementation. Or to put it better, and more accurately… more careful for certain elements.

The best way to do this is to implement an “implementation schedule” within your verbal affirmation prayer campaign.

If you do not do this, when your intention manifests, it might come with unintended consequences. So you want to minimize those unintended consequences.

Metallicman in Pago Pago, in American Samoa. I had waged a "lazy" intention campaign to live in the South Pacific, without any priorities on what would be unacceptable to me in doing so. As a result, while I did indeed manifest a South Pacific paradise, it came with a host of unexpected consequences that I did not enjoy in the least.
Metallicman in Pago Pago, in American Samoa. I had waged a “lazy” intention campaign to live in the South Pacific, without any priorities on what would be unacceptable to me in doing so. As a result, while I did indeed manifest a South Pacific paradise, it came with a host of unexpected consequences that I did not enjoy in the least.

Essentially, this method reduces the number of unintended consequences by prioritizing events, and placing constraints on what is desirable and what is not.

What this is, is a system where you prioritize the various intention prayers within the affirmation campaign. You can specify which affirmations that you wish to implement the strongest, or the quickest, or to the extent of everything else, if that is your desire. While others can be put “on the back burner” as necessary when implementing your affirmations.

For instance, you can add this line at the start or the end of your verbal affirmations…

In regards to implementing these affirmations. the priority should go towards [1] XXXXXX, followed by [2] YYYYYY and everything else is rated lower in implementation priority.

Aggressive implementation control

You can control how quickly, or aggressively, a certain segment of your prayer / affirmations are implemented.

That’s the good news.

The bad news is that it comes at a price.

While I have discussed this above, here you can really stress the implementation of one group of affirmations over the others. And, as I have stated, this does come with a price. They key is the acceptance of that price. Such as in this example.

My desire for XXXXXXX occurs and I accept any misfortune, trouble or discomfort in obtaining it's manifestation.

And, for your information, I would not suggest anyone do this unless it is an absolute emergency for a critical or urgent desire.

Present Tense

You must, ABSOLUTELY, use present tense when vocalizing your intentions. Here’s some examples of what you can do and what you shouldn’t do.


  • One day, I hope to have XXXXXX.
  • Soon, I will strive to XXXXX.
  • It is my wish, that my dream, XXXXXX.
  • I would like that XXXXX.

This is what you DO actually DO…

  • I have obtained XXXXX.
  • I am living my goal of XXXXX.
  • I possess XXXXX.
  • I daily XXXXX and I do enjoy it.

You absolutely use a present and strong direct tends in your affirmations. Do not be “wishy washy” about it.

If you use the following affirmation…

Some day, my hope of happiness will be closer to my dreams.

You will see exactly that materialize. You will never be happy, and the hope of happiness with just be beyond your reach.

Instead, you must say something like this…

I am happy. I am happy right now, and every day is one filled with happiness.

Do not get caught up in the nonsense that exists on the internet. Most people writing the blogs and websites on the internet are amateurs that haven’t a clue as to what they are working with. Sorry, but that is the truth.


It’s difficult to rate these additional “add on” techniques in usability. It all depends on the person and the individual situation involved. If I were to say what you should implement to any existing affirmation campaign, I would strongly suggest…

  • Using positive tense in your prayer affirmations.
  • Staying away for thought imposition.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Prayer Affirmation index here…

Intention Campaigns

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Ohio Guy

Thank you for this post, MM. I have been unable to pull your site up for the last week and a few days. Work and home computers said that your site was not responding. I am very glad to be able to read your material again. I must remember to record your email address and check in from time to time. Again, thank you for all knowledge that you share.


My prayer campaign is bearing fruit, and I am so smitten with the results so far. Here’s another experience that I’d like to share:

In the last few days of my campaign, I added to my intentions as it is copied ditto from one your previous posts (except for the last part): “I don’t let the artificial panic, disgust, anger and turmoil tear into my calm and peaceful life. I do not allow it to intrude on me, my life, my family, my friends, or my business. I’m living a life without the TV. Cable TV connection is no more.” and bada bing bada BOOM! To my surprise, it started manifesting!

A week or so back, there was a short circuit in the meter room in the neighborhood (which has been installed for every block or tower) at 2AM in the night. It started burning like fireworks in no time. While everyone stood with their hearts in their mouths, half sleeping, busy calling the first responders, I stood there in the corner laughing, thinking “Oh shit it’s finally happening!”

Everything burned to ashes. No sign of the meters (through which electricity was being supplied to the residents in the block). It was as if the equipment was never even installed there in the first place!
We sure suffered a power outage for the next 15 hours, but in the aftermath, it turned out the cable that went to the TV from the same place, had been burned to rubble too! EXCEPT! For the fiber optic wire for high-speed internet, which is still INTACT! The fact that fiber optic wire is comparatively less robust as opposed to the TV cable! Look at that! I should call it; “Selective burning”! LOL

Pheww… HUGE sigh of relief.

What’s more, the cable guy has been called for more than five times in a row to no avail. Who knows if they’re still working during this stupid lockdown? And interestingly today, my dad was so angry, he called them for one last time and yelled “You better fix this stupid cable! Or take your connection away forever! Son of a…” Perhaps I should update my intention so that they never show up.

I am so amazed by just how much control we can exercise over our lives using thoughts alone. Thank you Mr. M. Thank you for changing my life and making my home a peaceful place.


hi guys…..ive been running an intention campaign for a few weeks now and i just took the pause… a week later i start experiencing weird stuff because i used slides to acc my implementations…..typically my life has been difficult asf sometimes i have thought of ending it all…. to top it all of i might be going to court and if i do….. i hope i just dont loose……sometimes i feel angry at my soul for putting me in this kind of situation…..why would i just not get a rich, comfortable life with no problems at all…btw I have friends who show a service to self sentience but i would like to change them into service to others….though they are not really “people” I would not like to see them go down this path…if i make it through till the end i promise not to come back to the physical reality……I hope my intentions come to be….i would really like some advice……and btw the point on shadow people is really difficult to understand……and could i run an intention campign to help me in moving at a higher frequency within the MWI……?