The Uyghurs have managed to create a very old and deep culture. Most of them are good, law abiding citizens of the PRC. Also the great majority of followers of Sunni Islam are peaceful people. The purpose of this article is to address the terrible problems related to fundamental extremism and terrorism. Most of which has been crafted and then fueled by the Oligarchy in the West and its allies. Their over-riding goal has been to damage China for their very own personal advantage. This article introduces the Uyghur people and society to Westerners (Americans) who know only of them by the black & white cardboard cutouts that the American (and Western) media prefers to present them as. We cover their great proud history and how they are being used as pawns by Western oligarchs and the Neocons in America.

What inspired this post
Several years ago, I foresaw this manufactured issue becoming a spearhead for US imperialism to attack the Chinese government. Hence I decided to travel to Xinjiang in 2018 to see things for myself. I commented previously about my experience on this MOA comment thread (comments 36 & 48). -Posted by: Maracatu | Dec 5 2020 18:14 utc | 5
Yeah, I have known for years that the Uyghur people are not what the Mike Pompeo and the other neocon conservatives loudly proclaim it to be. The big difference between myself and Joe Average in America is that I have traveled to XinJiang, and I have met these people and seen things first hand.
But every now an again, one of the insane and outrageous lies (out of Langley Virginia) irks someone the wrong way and they fire off a rebuttal. This is one such rebuttal…
Today i saw someone (most likely a fake profile as they only posts anti-china posts daily and nothing else) posted an article about Xinjiang Uyghurs detention camp. The article got me curious with their outlandish claims using fake pictures (some artist renderings, some stock images from Getty Images ! etc.) I did some simple search on Google Earth and i found the site of the so-called detention camp is actually a "Zhaosu Lvyuan Breeder Chicken House". This is obviously a propaganda article aimed at spreading lies and misinformation. see the Google Earth link here 99% of articles you read about China written by western media are lies and fake. There are lots of such fake profiles posting propaganda materials on LinkedIn. Stay vigilant folks. For the truth shall set you free. read the fake article here

But it’s more than that. This “person” who is spreading all this “information” and cluttering up my feed with lies, distortions and a “fire hose” of hate-China nonsense is herself (or itself) a liar. Who is this person?

And so, concerned people want to know…
Elena_MYL @Elena_MYL - 2:28 UTC · Dec 29, 2020 I search a bit about #ZhangZhan online and here’s what I found. She was detained several times before, from 10 days to 65 days since 2019. She got warning for the first time in 2018. Pic. She’s holding an umbrella says” End socialism, take down CPC”. She’s a Christian zealot with a strong tendency towards martyrdom. She made hunger strike several times during the detention. She had psychiatric assessments during the detention since she kept talking Jesus, Bible, God, etc. Here’s video from her YouTube channel. She spoke in a very slow speed. “I preached gospel to her : The cross of Jesus Christ bears the sins of everyone, salvation is found in no one else, but Jesus. Actually I’d prefer to preach gospel to those cops and ppl who quarantined her. Here is an article she wrote accusing Chinese government acting like god. She used the word “神” (God) 62 times. #ZhangZhan regards herself undertaking God’s mission. Somehow reminds me of Adrian Zens who fabricated Uyghur genocide claiming he’s been led by God against Beijing. ...
What is Xinjiang like?
Well, I have written about this, but you know, nothing is better than a short video. So check it out… Click on the picture to watch the video.

The propaganda gets thicker, and thicker, and more intense…
And the anti-China march continues on and on. It has billions of dollars in funding, and it owns the Western news media. And the articles are just ridiculous.
For goodness sakes.
This morning at the VRT, our (government owned) National Radio Station: BREAKING NEWS: “All the FFP2 face masks that the belgian government bought In China to distribute to the army, government services and government owned hospitals are made by forced labour in Xinjiang.” There, you got it. For sure, 98% of the Belgian population will believe it. So then, I can write whatever I want, exposing their lies. But I have the 98% against me. -Bill Brockenblock
It doesn’t matter if Trump failed to win reelection, the propaganda onslaught continues, and will gradually be phased out over the next six to nine months. Right now, the articles and attacks are still funded for, and the literary assets must continue to pump them out until the funding-well dries up.
The torrent of nonsense continues…
The Uyghurs are worse off than slaves picking cotton
I mean, this kind of propiganda is pretty nasty. It paints the image that America must launch world war III against China to “free the slaves”.
Half a million Uyghur Muslims 'marshalled and coerced ... Xinjiang is one of China’s largest cotton production areas with about 1/3 of the total output of cotton in China. This Uyghur woman is picking cotton as part of paid labour (Photo: Chien-min ... About 20% of the world’s cotton comes from China, and about 85% of that comes from the Uyghur region. “Ample sunshine, arid weather and large temperature differences between day and night make Xinjiang an ideal place to grow the natural fiber,” says state news agency Xinhua. It’s also an ideal place to take advantage of coerced labor: “Factories of Turkic Muslim internment, part of China’s reeducation camp system, are subsidized and directed by the state, and employ many former detainees at a fraction of minimum wage,” wrote our Xinjiang columnist, Darren Byler, in 2019. He added that companies, both Chinese and foreign, are taking advantage. The scale of abuse is even greater than previously thought, according to new research from scholar Adrian Zenz, who has trawled through government websites and state media reports that show that systemic forced labor is affecting the entire cotton industry in Xinjiang. Zenz has been one of the most prolific researchers of abuses in Xinjiang, which has earned him character attacks from China’s defenders, including the Foreign Ministry, which today accused him (in English, Chinese) of “making a living from fabricating rumors and slanders against China” in response to his new report.
And oh… of course, Yahoo! has picked up on this article and is promoting it.
Over 570,000 Uighurs involved in China cotton coerced ... 1 day ago · China has strongly denied allegations of forced labour involving Uighurs in Xinjiang and says training programmes, work schemes and better education have helped stamp out extremism in the region. When asked about the report on Tuesday, Beijing said workers "of all ethnicities in Xinjiang sign labour contracts with enterprises based on their own ...
And the evil Chinese Communists are breaking up families too…
Uyghur Family Kept Apart by China’s Xinjiang Policies ... Dec 10, 2020 · A Uyghur family in Sydney, Australia is happily reunited today after three years of forced separation. Like many ethnic Uyghurs in China’s northwest region of Xinjiang, Chinese authorities in ...
And the lonely women are forced to sleep with government officials…!
China forces Uyghur Muslim women to sleep with govt … Nov 08, 2019 · Han Males are sleeping on the same bed as Uyghur Muslim women in China whose male family members, often husbands, are locked up in ‘reeducation camps’ in conformity with a diktat by the Chinese regime, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported last week. The information comes from government officials who spoke to them on the condition of anonymity.
And another article on this propaganda angle!
Report: China Sending Han Chinese Men to Sleep with Wives ... Nov 06, 2019 · Breitbart – by John Hayward. A report by Radio Free Asia (RFA) on Thursday said that Han Chinese men have been assigned to monitor the homes of Uyghur Muslim women while their husbands are held in Chinese re-education camps. These men, portrayed as “relatives” of the Uyghurs, “regularly” sleep in the same beds as the women they monitor.
Psst… “Radio Free Asia” is a CIA operation directly funded out of the United States Department of State, and Breitbart is a hard-line anti-Chinese network.
Israel says that the Muslims are being tortured.
Chief Rabbi launches scathing attack on China's ... The Uyghur Muslims in China’s Xinjiang province are being tortured – and those who manage to flee are still not safe. OPINION: Volkswagen needs to be whiter than white on slave labour in China.
And they are being forced to eat pork!
Uyghur Muslims Forced to Eat Pork Every Friday in Chinese ... Dec 07, 2020 · Human rights groups and Uyghur activists across the world continue to campaign against China’s ongoing genocide, however, with the power of China’s political and economic leverage, it seems that the majority of the international community will continue to turn a blind eye to the abuses being conducted against Uyghur Muslims.
Uyghur Children are being hurt and harmed!
A Uyghur Muslim Child Beaten And Abused By Chinese … Apr 26, 2015 · Home › News › A Uyghur Muslim Child Beaten And Abused By Chinese Adults A Uyghur Muslim Child Beaten And Abused By Chinese Adults ... Atheism, China, Islamaphobia, Islamophobia, Muslim, Persecution, religion, Theft, Uighur, Uyghur, violence « Islamophobic Attack On Sunderland Mosque.
And the Chinese have made a mockery of the Uyghur culture and religion!
How the CCP took over the most sacred of Uyghur rituals Uh. Sure... That's why there are so many fucking Mosques in XinJiang. The Chinese are converting them into brainwash centers.
And now there is proof!
The Guardian view on China’s treatment of the Uyghurs: from unthinkable to irrefutable / Guardian Still not GPS coordinates, videos or pictures to substantiate the article though. Just some "experts" with some impressive titles.
Ah. Well we know what is really going on…
Let’s take just one of these articles that flow out of the “firehose” of anti-China bullshit…
“Uighurs forced to eat pork” – Horror Stories Told By Chinese Defector Seem To Evolve
Pretty typical expat story. Moves to the west and makes her living by "bearing witness" to the horrors she's endured. We saw that with Iranian and Iraqi exiles, We've seen and and still do with Syria and before that with Yugoslavia. Once in awhile they tell the truth, but most of the time they just tell tales and obtain benefits. -Posted by: erik | Dec 5 2020 18:33 utc | 8
Al Jazeerah, the propaganda outlet of Qatar, has published a remarkable anti-China propaganda piece which echos claims made by dubious CIA affiliated outlets:
Uighurs forced to eat pork as China expands Xinjiang pig farms Former detainees claim that the forcible feeding of pork is most rampant in re-education camps and detention centres. It has been more than two years since Sayragul Sautbay was released from a re-education camp in China’s westernmost region of Xinjiang. Yet the mother of two still suffers from nightmares and flashbacks from the “humiliation and violence” she endured while she was detained. Sautbay, a medical doctor and educator who now lives in Sweden, recently published a book in which she detailed her ordeal, including witnessing beatings, alleged sexual abuse and forced sterilization. In a recent interview with Al Jazeera, she shed more light on other indignities to which the Uighurs and other Muslim minorities were subjected, including the consumption of pork, a meat that is strictly prohibited in Islam. “Every Friday, we were forced to eat pork meat,” Sautbay said. “They have intentionally chosen a day that is holy for the Muslims. And if you reject it, you would get a harsh punishment.”
When I read the above I remembered that I had previously read about Sayragul Sautbay (or Sauytbay). But the story back than had sounded much different.
The woman had moved from China under disputed circumstances but had never been a detainee. So, this version of her story is new.
According to all previous and prior articles, she had illegally entered Kazakhstan. There, the Kazakhstan police put her in front of a Kazakhstan court. Luckily for her, she only got a mild sentence.

After highly questionable circumstances, Sautbay was granted asylum in Sweden. And it is from there where she runs a “cottage business” propagandizing for an CIA affiliated Uighur exile group.
Over the years Sautbay has given several interviews.
In each interview the articles evolve. The story changes. And the anti-China aspect becomes more and more sinister.
- In early interviews Sautbay claimed to have been an instructor working in a re-education camp. In later interviews she claims to have been a detainee.
- In more recent interviews she claims that she had seen torture and violence in the camps. In earlier interviews she had refuted such claims.
- In one story she claims to have observed mass rape. In older interviews she insisted that she had observed no violence at all.
- While she now claims that detainees in the camp were forced to eat pork she had earlier claimed that no meat was served in the camps.
Issue | Early Interviews | Later Interviews |
Work Role | Instructor | Detainee |
Punishment | No mistreatment | Torture & Violence |
Criminal activity | No unusual activity | Mass Rape |
Food | No meat served. | Forced to eat pork. |
In July 2018 the U.S. government outlet RFE/RL reported from Sautbay’s trial in Kazakhstan:
The trial of an ethnic-Kazakh Chinese citizen accused of illegally entering Kazakhstan has taken on implications far beyond whether she will be reunited with her family near Almaty or deported back to China. That's because 41-year-old Sayragul Sauytbay has testified about the existence of a network of "reeducation camps" in western China where she says thousands of ethnic Kazakhs are incarcerated for "political indoctrination." Unlike others who've fled abroad, saying they'd been forced to endure dehumanizing indoctrination at such camps, Sauytbay was not a camp detainee. She was a camp employee. Before crossing into Kazakhstan on April 5, Sauytbay had been the head administrator of a kindergarten -- a position that, together with her membership of the Communist Party, technically made her a Chinese state official. She says Chinese authorities had forced her to train "political ideology" instructors for reeducation camps in western China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.
Wow! So a non-Chinese Muslim woman was a kindergarten administrator and a member of the Chinese communist party. Wow!
So according to that report Al Jazeerah’s ‘former detainee’ had actually claimed to have been an trainer for “political ideology” instructors for reeducation camps, not a trainer for the detainees.
Shades of 1947 Communist Soviet Union!
A “political ideology” instructor! Wow, oh wow, oh wow!
That, she says, gave her access to secret documents about China's state program to "reeducate" Muslims from indigenous minority communities across western China -- mainly Uyghurs, ethnic Kazakhs, ethnic Kyrgyz, and Hui. She says she also witnessed the inner workings of the program while employed at a camp for ethnic Kazakhs in the region's Mongol-Kuro District.
And being a very important kindergarten instructor, she ended up in possession of top secret documents. Documents that show that the evil Chinese are out to inflict genocide on all the Muslims in Asia!
A few days after the RFE/RL story the Globe and Mail published an interview with Sayragul Sauytbay. While the basic story she tells is basically the same some significant details differ:
It was a place of silence, forced learning and fear. It was called a “transformation centre” hidden in the mountains of far western China, bereft of any obvious sign indicating its purpose. But it looked and felt like a jail. For months, Sayragul Sauytbay worked inside, teaching Mandarin and propaganda to Muslim detainees swept up in a broad Chinese campaign to eradicate what Beijing calls extremism. Then, facing internment herself, she fled to neighbouring Kazakhstan – where she was arrested after China sought her deportation. But her lawyers argued that she could face torture if returned, and on Wednesday, a Kazakh court declined to send her back, giving her a six-month suspended sentence.
Sautbay tells how she, a party member, was ordered to teach in a camp:
A primary school teacher who became a kindergarten administrator, Ms. Sauytbay was ordered last November to work in a new place. “They said I must go. I think if I refused them, I would have ended up being locked in that re-education centre as well,” she said. She had been chosen to teach inside the internment camp because she could speak both Kazakh and fluent Mandarin. Often, she was driven to work at night, to a distant place in the mountains of Zhaosu County, on the far western border between China and Kazakhstan. The facility was surrounded by high walls and barbed wire. It looked “very, very scary. Just one glimpse would frighten you,” she said.
Her “access to secret documents” seems to have been more limited than claimed in the RFE/RL piece:
Inside were roughly 2,500 people, all of them Muslim, most of them ethnic Kazakhs. None were Han Chinese, the dominant group in China. “They were all ethnic minorities,” she said, ranging in age from their upper teens to their 70s. She received no explanation for why they were there, nor the purpose of the instruction she was ordered to deliver. “They told us nothing,” she said. “Even as a teacher, the knowledge we had about that place was very limited. They had many of their own highly confidential secrets.” Work in the camp had no fixed schedule, each day a mix of teaching and “special tasks.” The latter might be training students to sing the Chinese national anthem, or Communist standbys such as “Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China.” Mostly, though, she was told to teach Mandarin.
Back then her description of the conditions in the camp differs a lot from the “made to eat pork” claims in the recent Al Jazeerah piece:
She did not personally see violence, although she did see hunger. Detainees had only three kinds of food: rice soup, vegetable soup and nan bread. “There was no meat. There was never enough to eat. People were malnourished,” Ms. Sauytbay said.
Sautbay’s husband version of the story, published in 2018 as part of a longer Washington Post piece, likewise makes no mention of violence or pork eating:
Sauytbay, who had a government job in education, had her passport seized by local officials, her husband [Uali Islam] said. ... In 2016, officials asked for the passports of Sauytbay’s husband and children, and they decided it was time to leave for Kazakhstan. Sauytbay would follow. “She said, ‘I’m a woman and member of the Communist Party — they won’t do anything to me. Maybe things will settle down and I can join you,’ ” Islam recalled. In early 2017, she told him, she was informed that she was being transferred to what was described to her as an “education center.” That spring, she arrived to see that it was actually an internment camp housing thousands of Kazakhs. Sauytbay told her husband the “education” was “all about the party.” Guards locked everyone in a room, blasted propaganda from speakers and made them sing Communist Party songs. Eventually, Sauytbay fled to Kazakhstan. “She said,” he recalled, “ ‘I came here; I saw my children — now I can die.’ ”
After she had gained asylum in Sweden Sautbay joint up with a U.S. financed Uighur organization. Her story then changed dramatically. The party member and language teacher had became a detainee. There was suddenly extensive violence in the camp and people who earlier never got meat were suddenly made to eat pork. In 2019 she told such horror stories for a Haaretz feature:
Torture – metal nails, fingernails pulled out, electric shocks – takes place in the “black room.” Punishment is a constant. The prisoners are forced to take pills and get injections. It’s for disease prevention, the staff tell them, but in reality they are the human subjects of medical experiments. Many of the inmates suffer from cognitive decline. Some of the men become sterile. Women are routinely raped. Such is life in China’s reeducation camps, as reported in rare testimony provided by Sayragul Sauytbay (pronounced: Say-ra-gul Saut-bay, as in “bye”), a teacher who escaped from China and was granted asylum in Sweden. Few prisoners have succeeded in getting out of the camps and telling their story. Sauytbay’s testimony is even more extraordinary, because during her incarceration she was compelled to be a teacher in the camp. China wants to market its camps to the world as places of educational programs and vocational retraining, but Sauytbay is one of the few people who can offer credible, firsthand testimony about what really goes on in the camps.
So a year after explicitly claiming to have been an CCP teacher, not a detainee, Sautbay has now morphed in one. Where she earlier saw no violence she now reports of plenty.
The circumstances of the Haaretz interview make it obvious that she is shopped around as part of a propaganda campaign:
I met with Sauytbay three times, once in a meeting arranged by a Swedish Uyghur association and twice, after she agreed to tell her story to Haaretz, in personal interviews that took place in Stockholm and lasted several hours, all together. Sauytbay spoke only Kazakh, and so we communicated via a translator, but it was apparent that she spoke in a credible way.
The Swedish Uyghur association is part of the Munich-based World Uyghur Congress, a CIA affiliated organization that has in recent years gained prominence as part of the U.S. driven anti-China campaign.
That such an organization organized the interview and that a translator was minding the correctness of the story is enough to let one doubt the credibility of the tale. But then come details that are so far off from her previous claims that one is sure that these are all outright lies:
“In November 2017, I was ordered to report to an address in the city’s suburbs, to leave a message at a phone number I had been given and to wait for the police.” After Sauytbay arrived at the designated place and left the message, four armed men in uniform arrived, again covered her head and bundled her into a vehicle. After an hour’s journey, she arrived in an unfamiliar place that she soon learned was a “reeducation” camp, which would become her prison in the months that followed. She was told she had been brought there in order to teach Chinese and was immediately made to sign a document that set forth her duties and the camp’s rules.
In the earlier stories CCP member Sautbay was “often driven to work at night”, not abducted and forced to stay in the camp for months.
Mindful of her new sponsors Sautbay then contradicts her “no meat” and “no violence” claims from the earlier Globe and Mail interview:
“There were three meals a day. All the meals included watery rice soup or vegetable soup and a small slice of Chinese bread. Meat was served on Fridays, but it was pork. ... The camp’s commanders set aside a room for torture, Sauytbay relates, which the inmates dubbed the “black room” because it was forbidden to talk about it explicitly. “There were all kinds of tortures there. Some prisoners were hung on the wall and beaten with electrified truncheons. There were prisoners who were made to sit on a chair of nails. I saw people return from that room covered in blood. Some came back without fingernails.”
On wonders who wrote the script for this laughable “mass rape” scene for her:
Tears stream down Sauytbay’s face when she tells the grimmest story from her time in the camp. “One day, the police told us they were going to check to see whether our reeducation was succeeding, whether we were developing properly. They took 200 inmates outside, men and women, and told one of the women to confess her sins. She stood before us and declared that she had been a bad person, but now that she had learned Chinese she had become a better person. When she was done speaking, the policemen ordered her to disrobe and simply raped her one after the other, in front of everyone. While they were raping her they checked to see how we were reacting. People who turned their head or closed their eyes, and those who looked angry or shocked, were taken away and we never saw them again. It was awful. I will never forget the feeling of helplessness, of not being able to help her. After that happened, it was hard for me to sleep at night.”
She was also pressed to offer bridges for sale …
In March 2020 Secretary of State Mike Pompous and First Lady Melanie Trump ‘honored‘ Sayragul Sautbay with the State Department’s International Women of Courage (IWOC) Award:
Sauytbay become one of the first victims in the world to speak publicly about the CCP’s repressive campaign against Muslims, igniting a movement against these abuses. Her testimony was among the first evidence that reached the broader international community of the CCP’s repressive policy, including both the camps and the coercive methods used against Muslim minorities.
At the end of the propaganda onslaught the Haaretz piece closes with an official Chinese comment on Sautbay’s stories:
Asked to respond to Sayragul Sauytbay’s description of her experience, the Chinese Embassy in Sweden wrote to Haaretz that her account is “total lies and malicious smear attacks against China.” Sauytbay, it claimed, “never worked in any vocational education and training center in Xinjiang, and has never been detained before leaving China” – which she did illegally, it added. Furthermore, “Sayragul Sauytbay is suspected of credit fraud in China with unpaid debts [of] about 400,000 RMB” (approximately $46,000). In Xinjiang in recent years, wrote the embassy, “China has been under serious threats of ethnic separatism, religious extremism and violent terrorism. The vocational education and training centers have been established in accordance with the law to eradicate extremism, which is not ‘prison camp.’” As a result of the centers, according to the Chinese, “there has been no terrorist incident in Xinjiang for more than three years. The vocational education and training work in Xinjiang has won the support of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang and positive comments from many countries across the world.”
Given the multitude of inconsistencies in Sautbay’s ever changing stories and the obvious propaganda purpose they have I am inclined to believe the Chinese government’s version.
What is really going on…
China is constructing an internal trade system known as the Belt and Road Initative (The BRI) that will use roads and rail to tranport trade between Europe and China. This will greatly reduce the shipping traffice, and it completely defangs the US Navy threat to totally shut off China by Naval Blockade.
This BRI runs right though the Chinese provence of XinJiang. The Xin Jiang provence has a very large percentage of Uyghur Muslims there.
By creating destabilization in that area, the CIA (using NED and NID assets) can create a war-torn battle zone in Xinjiang. Thus preventing the successful implementation of the BRI.
Which is very selfish. The truth is that the BRI will make every person, every Uyghur Muslim in that area rich. Not just America Rich, but Dubai / Singapore Rich.
The Radicalized Uyghurs
Another key point from Xi's speech that resonated with the rest of the world was the transition of China to a moderately prosperous society. By kicking extreme poverty out of its borders, Beijing has shown that the war against poverty, as outlined in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, is attainable. -Xi Peng's speech set clear goals for 2021
They are everywhere. Well, at least, where their Western, Gulf states and Turkish handlers want them to be.
Handler A handler is a member of the American CIA, or other Western Intelligence Agency (NED, NID) that uses native people to perform disruptive tasks, often of a military nature against their own nation. The handler provides instructions, training, funding and direction. The need to gather intelligence to protect American interests, combat international terrorism, and keep informed about international developments is as great today as it ever was. Though technology has made it possible to gather intelligence electronically, there is no substitute for the operatives who go into potentially hostile countries and recruit foreign nationals to share confidential information. Developing relationships to the point where people share government secrets is a daunting challenge, but that is the job of a CIA operations officer. In this case, with the Uyghurs, the primary handlers that operate in this remote section of China are the American CIA, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. Iran, under agreement with China, has stopped their radicalization efforts.
Since the Ugyhurs are used as “cats paws”, their combat command and control operations, as well as their political cells, are all based outside of China.
cat's-paw 1. A person used by another as a dupe or tool. -Cat's-paw - definition of cat's-paw by The Free Dictionary
With primary locus of control at bases in Syria, Indonesia, Turkey and occasionally in Egypt.
When they are told to kill, they murder with unimaginable brutality; decapitating, or cutting to pieces priests, infants, old women without mercy or discrimination.
They are China’s worst nightmare.
But I thought that America hates Muslims?
After all, America is currently waging eight (x8) wars against Muslim dominated nations currently. In fact it is a running joke that while officially Muslims are just another protected religion, they are pretty much despised within America. And if you search the internet you will find many such examples of ridicule.

What is going on?
At a press conference held by the government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Saturday, Elijan Anayit, a spokesperson for the Information Office of the Xinjiang government, condemned the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, which in September published a report titled "Documenting Xinjiang's Detention System," falsely claiming that China is persecuting ethnic minorities in Xinjiang. Anayit said the claims are totally fabricated and don't hold water. He explained that from 2010 till the end of 2018, the Uygur population in Xinjiang increased by 25.04 percent, rising from 10.1715 million to 12.7184 million, whereas the Han population increased by just 2.0 percent, rising from 8.8299 million to 9.0068 million. -Former Xinjiang trainees share their training center experiences
This article takes a comprehensive and serious look at the abuse of the Uyghur Muslims at the hands of the dastardly Chinese Communists. We look at who this group of people are, and their culture, and what is going on regarding their relationship with the Chinese central government in Beijing. We also take a good hard look at how they are being used as pawns in a global wide game of geopolitical politics.
“1 million Uyghur Muslims in concentration camps!” ... “Ethnic Cleansing and Cultural Genocide!” ... PBS NewsHour: Inside China's brutal persecution of Uighur Muslims - Season 2019 Episode Yikes! These emotional phrases are very effective in geopolitical arguments. Often they are used as excuses to acquire money and funding out of the United States Congress towards one or more "efforts at spreading democracy". You know, just like the (so called) "successful" pro-democracy movements in Libya, Iran, Cuba, Syria, Iran, and now Venezuela. Look at just how successful American tax-dollars are promoting democracy around the world! It's a better way to spend the money, don't you know, than rebuilding Baltimore... Right?
Why rebuild Baltimore?

So what’s the real story about the Chinese Uyghur Muslims? Let’s look at this issue in detail. Let’s go beyond exaggeration, distortion and sensationalism.
What the Uyghurs have become
The Uyghurs are naturally a very peaceful people. But due to their geographic location, they have become an important tool for American interests. Like Pol Pot was for the CIA in Cambodia. And like the CIA sponsored Taliban, or the CIA sponsored ISS, they are busy unleashing religious fundamentalism and foreign-sponsored militant nationalism and separatism.
They are potentially the greatest obstacle and danger to President’s Xi Jinping’s marvelous BRI (Belt and Road Initiative). Which is a real shame as every single one of the Uyghur Muslims are set to become rich. Not “American rich” mind you “Dubai rich”.
The BRI will turn this XinJiang enclave into a cross between Singapore, and Dubai. All manufacturing trade will pass through this over-land route to Europe. Anyone living in this region is going to be very wealthy. Historically this is what happened on the old ancient "silk road" before Genghis Khan destroyed all the cities on that route. And to promote the growth of this region, Beijing if pouring billions of dollars worth of investments and construction in this area. A visitor would be surprised to see all the stunning and brand new mosques in the area, the thriving commerce and the beautiful public works.
Both the West and Turkey are glorifying them; the most extremist of Uyghurs.
They are financing and arming them.
They are labeling them as victims.
The Uyghurs are now a new ‘secret weapon’, to be used against Beijing’s determined march forward, towards socialism with Chinese characteristics.
The West and its allies are doing all they can, to smear China (PRC), to derail its progressive course, and to arrest its increasingly positive and optimistic influence on all the corners of the world.
They invent and then support/finance all imaginable and unimaginable adversaries of the Communist Party of China.
Religious sects are the favorite ‘weapon’ used against China by both North America and Europe. That is true about [1] the extremists who belong to Tibetan Buddhism, (concentrated around an agent and darling of the Western intelligence agencies, the Dalai Lama.) Or yet [2] another radical Buddhist/Taoist extremist sect –The Falun Gong.
The West does everything in its power to destroy China.
Former CIA Agent Reveals What It's Really Like to Be a Spy Rule #1: Learn to live a lie. I was a Central Intelligence Agency Case Officer who served in the Directorate of Operations (DO) with multiple tours in Afghanistan and throughout the Middle East. I was in Afghanistan throughout President Obama's 2010 Afghan Surge, during which time I worked on eliminating the most deadly improvised explosive device (IED) network in the world; as well as the removal of numerous al-Qaeda and Taliban High Value Targets from the battlefield.I was in Kandahar, Afghanistan during Operation Neptune Spear which resulted in the death of UBL in Abbottabad, Pakistan. My final assignment was with a top secret task force operating amidst the Syrian Civil War. So for context, since you asked about family - I classify that as solely my mom and dad. And I kept it from them by telling them I was a low level sales guy - which I also told everyone else - and since that's pretty boring, their truthfully weren't a whole lot of other follow up questions. I just told my mom and dad last week. It's also a gigantic weight off my chest that I have been carrying for the past ten years. There are no skills that you can learn per se prior to joining the Agency that will make you a stronger candidate. Yes, the military would help to a degree but in order to be a case officer, which is what I did, you really can't prepare for it ahead of time. Which is a good thing. That way everyone is starting on a level playing field. Which, for me especially, was a good thing given that I was just an average guy from the Midwest. Well I was a warzone Case Officer (C/O) so you can imagine that it is already dangerous by proxy of being in a warzone. Then you add in the idea that you are CIA and that puts a tremendous target on your back. Which is why it is so important to maintain sound tradecraft and stay off the radar. Add to that the fact that Afghanistan in and of itself is trying to kill you every chance it gets. Whether that be via the terrain or a virus (which I got and almost killed me) that is not common for a midwest guy like me. What is tougher? The mental or physical toll? Mentally. Because I kept it turned up to 11 the entire time I was there. I was generally pretty safe physically during my time there with a few exceptions but nothing that left me debilitated or maimed. That said, I have an entire chapter in my book called The Downward Spiral which talks about my trying to cope with the stress through drugs and alcohol. Not my best stuff but it happened and I thought it was integral to share because lots of guys come back and have a hard time adjusting.It is hard to replace that adrenaline and its also hard to deal with petty shit not being so petty back home. But I have come around. Do you really track your targets, like in the movies? How about avoiding being trailed and losing those trailing you? Great question. Let me answer your first question by referring you to Zero Dark Thirty. That is highly authentic movie, and as we learned yesterday via, it is because the Agency helped them along the way to ensure its authenticity. As for the second question, I refer you to the Billion Dollar Spy by Bruce Hoffman which lays out the tradecraft involved with surveillance and counter-surveillance. Silliest thing I ever did was take a huge dip of Redman chewing tobacco trying to fit in with some of the hard core door kickers we employ. I turned green, puked in the trash can, drank a coke, then took another even bigger dip to prove to the guys I wasn't a pussy. Turns out, I am. Puked again. Went home early. Sleep tight America. Do you use a fake name? That is 100% true. Most of my friends still call me by my fake name even though they know my true name. Wild huh? Was it all worth it? I ask myself the same question every goddamn day. Was any of it worth it? Will the Taliban retake Afghanistan? They very well might. Will ISIS continue to grow? I think they are starting to decline but, will someone else readily take their place depending on the raison d'etre of the day? Absolutely.
What was a kid from the Midwest of America doing in the Middle East working with revolutionaries fighting the governments there? At what point in time was it important for the people of Columbus Ohio to go ahead and start killing people in Afghanistan?
And what makes you think that all the CIA efforts ended there, and not in other areas, against other nations?
The CIA (through the proxies NID and NED) are busily trying to destabilize both China and Russia. And don’t think that they aren’t the only places where America is trying to destabilize…
It was clearly detectable 30 years ago during the so-called Tiananmen Square Incident (an event supported by the West, and later twisted by Western mass media), as it has been obvious during two recent ‘rebellions’ in Hong Kong, fully sponsored by Western organizations (NGOs) and governments.
I wrote all about this is great detail. You can find post after post in my Trump Trade War Index.
The latest chapter of the anti-Chinese attacks, conducted by the West, is perhaps the most dangerous. It is one that is gearing up to use powerful military weapons, direct air support, and military intervention. It is the ‘best crafted’ multi-national onslaught against the interests of both China (PRC) and the developing world. And it is not just against China, but it is also against the former Soviet republics of Central Asia.
Go ahead, look it up, it is the so-called Uyghur issue.
The Uyghurs
Uyghurs live predominantly in the northwest of China. They were recognized as ‘native’ in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China. They belong to one of the 55 officially recognized ethnic minorities of China, and are predominantly of Muslim faith.
Recap for those that skim-read The Uyghurs are a ethnic Chinese minority. They are protected under law as a recognized minority. As such they enjoy free education, generous bank loans, and support. They are of the Muslim Faith.
For decades, some Uyghurs fought for independence from China (before the Communist PRC was declared on October 1, 1949, there were at least two Uyghur independent states declared in the region, the one most known – the First East Turkestan Republic – with the help of the Soviet Union).
Since the formation of the PRC, China has offered equal rights and constantly improving standards of living to the Uyghur minority.
However, several extremist Muslim factions have kept fighting, brutally, for a Turkic independent state.

They have not been representing the majority of Uyghurs, but being against the PRC, have enjoyed moral and financial support from the West, its allies in Gulf states, and from Turkey.
To repeat.
These people do not want the liberties, the financial benefits or the government of the Chinese. They want an independent land; a place where they can enact the strictest Muslim rules and laws.

Dr. Gaye Christofferson, wrote in September 2002, in her work “Constituting the Uyghur in U.S.-China Relations: The Geopolitics of Identity Formation in the War on Terrorism” how divisive the actions of the Uyghurs were on the territory of the PRC:
“Uyghur separatists and independence movements claim that the region is not a part of China, but that the Second East Turkestan Republic was illegally incorporated by the PRC in 1949 and has since been under Chinese occupation. Uyghur identity remains fragmented, as some support a Pan-Islamic vision, exemplified by the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, while others support a Pan-Turkic vision, such as the East Turkestan Liberation Organization. A third group would like a “Uyghurstan” state, such as the East Turkestan independence movement. As a result, “[n]o Uyghur or East Turkestan group speaks for all Uyghurs, although it might claim to”, and Uyghurs in each of these camps have committed violence against other Uyghurs who they think are too assimilated to Chinese or Russian society or are not religious enough.”
This was before the big propaganda push from the West; during the years when even Western academia was still relatively free to assess the situation in Xinjiang.
But soon after, the North American and European policy changed and radicalized.
In the West, the Uyghur issue was designated as ‘central’ and ‘essential’ to achieve three main goals:
- To smear and humiliate China, portraying it as a country that ‘violates human rights’, ‘religious rights’ and the rights of minorities.
- Uyghurs were literally inserted by NATO countries, including Turkey, into several violent combat zones: in Syria, Afghanistan and Indonesia, to name just a few, with one sole purpose: to train and to harden its fighters, who could be later deployed as de-stabilizing factors in China, Russia and former Soviet Central Asian Republics.
- To sabotage great infrastructural projects, particularly the BRI.
BRI is the brainchild of China’s President Xi Jinping. High-speed rail links, highways and other infrastructural arteries would be going through Xingjian, towards east. If brutal terrorist attacks backed by the West and its Islamist allies, and perpetrated by the Uyghur terrorists, would shake the region. As well as the entire project. A project which has been created in order to help to improve life for the entire humanity, (by wrestling various poor and developing countries from deadly Western neo-colonialist embrace), could be jeopardized, even collapse.
But what is really happening?
This issue has been extensively investigated. Tis “issue” involves more than just China. It involves Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and Indonesia.
It is one of the most important, and one of the most dangerous issues our planet is now facing.
We have benn able to trace patterns, and to find roots. What I discovered is disturbing and threatening. For China and for the world.
The “March of Uyghurs” is backed by “useful idiots”, all over the Western world, but also in Turkey, and elsewhere. They want to “defend victims”, but in this case, the ‘victims’ are actually ‘victimizers’ and usurpers.
First, let’s point out how enormous the hypocrisy of the West is: The TIP (Turkistan Islamic Party, which is the militant wing of the Uyghur’s separatist Turkistan Islamic Movement (TIM)), has been designated as a terrorist organization by China.
But not by China alone; also, by …
- The European Union.
- Kyrgyzstan,
- Kazakhstan,
- Russia,
- United Arab Emirates,
- The United Kingdom,
- Pakistan.
- The United States.
Yet, this is a “head scratcher”.
What is the US Congress fully funding a terrorist organization? For goodness sakes! The terrorists supported by the West and at least by part of its public, is designated as a terrorist organization by London, Brussels and Washington.
Using Western logic, it is obviously quite acceptable to train terrorists in Syria or Indonesia, for the horrible mass killing of Chinese people, but it is not acceptable to have them operate on the territory of European Union, or the United States to kill Europeans or Americans.
This hypocrisy is sickening to me.
Way back in the 1950’s…
Separatists and Terrorists
What is not mentioned in the mainstream media is that the West has been stroking separatism in Xinjiang since the 1950s!
Addressing the National Press Club in Australia's capital Canberra on Tuesday, the chairwoman of the World Uyghur Congress (WUC) lied again, right to the reporters' faces. Kadeer accused Chinese authorities of removing Uyghur-language lessons from schools and forcing the Uighurs to learn Chinese. "I think the Chinese government should stop its invasive policy of single-language (Chinese) education and allow students and their parents to choose whatever language they aspire to learn," she said through an interpreter. Interestingly though, Kadeer made her remarks in Uyghur, the language she would not have been able to speak should the Chinese government have deprived her of her right to learn it. China, Kadeer said, has adopted "biased policies towards ethnic minorities" in the past 60 years, exploited the Uyghurs and pushed all of them into a "state of extreme poverty." But she herself was once a "millionairess" in Xinjiang and stood as a strong testament to China's preferential policies toward ethnic minorities there. Starting from a small business in the 1980s, Kadeer worked her way up to become the richest woman in Xinjiang before she broke Chinese law and was sentenced to jail. Still, during her appearance at the press club, Kadeer continued to tell lies in a vain attempt to cover the bare facts and her separatist intentions. Throughout her "speech," Kadeer called China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region "East Turkistan," and publicly proclaimed that Xinjiang was an "independent country" before 1949 and that Chinese troops "invaded" and "annexed" the region. Books compiled by Western historians never said Xinjiang was an independent country before 1949, not to mention that there was no such ridiculous record of it in Chinese history. - Rebiya Kadeer lies again
When the Chinese communists won in 1949 (by defeating US-supported faction, which went on to establish Taiwan), the US started arming/funding separatists in Tibet and Xinjiang.

The US brought in a lot of these extremists into Germany in the 1970s and helped them foment a movement for “East Turkestan.”
- ‘East Turkistan’ terrorist forces – True Xinjian
- 轻松调频 CRI EZfm,from Beijing for China
- China firmly opposes defamation on de-extremism efforts
Currently, the so-called “World Uyghur Congress” (WUC) is funded and glorified by the US government through NGOs such as National Endowment of Democracy (NED) — which also played a major role in the Tiananmen Square clashes in 1989 (see this article).
Shortly after the riot, Beijing targeted Rebiya Kadeer, a Uygur woman who flew to the United States on medical parole in 2005 and is president of the World Uyghur Congress (WUC), as the plotter and instigator of the violence. The separatist group ETIM is driving the hatred and fueling violence among Han and Uygur ethnic groups, Prof. Gunaratna said. - Xinjiang Riot Hits Regional Anti-terror Nerve
By the way, the story of “1 million Muslims in concentration camps” (sometimes it’s 2 or 3 million!) comes from testimonies of WUC members.
However, to the dismay of propagandists, no Muslim country is buying the “concentration camps” narrative. They are ALL on the side of China.
In 2005, Rebiya fled to the US after being released on bail for medical treatment and now lives in Fairfax, Virginia, south of Washington DC. Before going abroad, she had repeatedly promised the Chinese government that she would never participate in any activity that might jeopardize national security. Once she arrived in the US however, she has been committed to "Xinjiang independence" activities. In the same year, she founded the US-based International Uyghur Human Rights and Democracy Foundation (IUHRDF). In 2006, she became president of the Uyghur American Association (UAA) and was elected as president of the World Uyghur Congress (WUC) at its Second General Assembly in the same year. As soon as Rebiya arrived in the US, the "renowned" National Endowment for Democracy (NED) came to visit her, expressing a willingness to offer financial support. The sponsor behind the foundation is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It has been disclosed that the NED annually grants 200,000 USD to the UAA. In 2007, East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) organizations, including the WUC and IUHRDF led by Rebiya, received a total of 520,000 USD of financial support from the NED. In addition, some anti-China US congressmen have become guests of honor for Rebiya, and frequently invited her to deliver speeches at the so-called "Congressional Human Rights Caucus Meeting." Even former president George W. Bush met with Rebiya twice in 2007 and 2008 prior to the Beijing Olympics, calling her a freedom warrior. Members of the CIA often disguised as reporters and non-government organization (NGO) volunteers expressed their concerns to her, keeping close touch with her on the issue of ETIM prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. Since the beginning of 2009, the WUC had prepared for its third General Assembly, which also received support from American congressmen and the NED. Rebiya once said they would plan some penetration and sabotage activities at the third General Assembly targeting the grand celebration for the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China; and formulate a plan of "three phases for Xinjiang independence in 50 years." The WUC website impressively showed that the WUC Third General Assembly was unexpectedly held in the South Congressional Meeting Room with the participation of nearly 10 US congressmen. Most of these congressmen are veteran anti-China politicians. On the second day following the July 5 incident, Rebiya made a speech at a press conference held at the National Press Club, saying that the Chinese government's accusations were "completely false." However, the club is an institution under the US Department of State. Some US-based media have also become a "megaphone" for Rebiya. On June 1, US-based WPFW Pacifica radio interviewed Rebiya, in which she even claimed that historically, Tibet and Xinjiang were not part of China, and stated that "repression, imprisonment, and executions" in Xinjiang "had actually increased dramatically since 9/11." She claimed that the best way to make the outside world understand the situation in Xijiang was to inform foreign officials, especially those of the US, "Because they had always been very concerned with the human rights situation in China. The Uyghur people always have this strong faith in the United States." The New York Times disclosed on April 23 that Rebiya had said, "Politicians and human rights organizations from all over the world were active on behalf of Tibet. The conditions in the Uyghur nation were much the same. But interest from abroad in the two...could not have been more dissimilar." Rebiya also tried to smear China by writing articles for the Washington Post, attempting to gain sympathy from the West by means of the so-called pursuit of democracy and human rights. - Rebiya Kadeer's funding sources
Turkey is the closest to Uyghurs, who are of Turkic origin. Turkish leader Erdogan was in China few days ago and said that the Uyghur re-education centers won’t affect China-Turkey relations.

Indonesia — the largest Muslim country in the world —has also said that it understands China’s predicament of dealing with separatists.
Similarly Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia and even Saudi Arabia have dismissed the sensational stories. Many diplomats and reporters have visited these camps and have come out reassured.
One more historical perspective: After the Mujahideen war in Afghanistan ended in 1989, many of those fighters went to Central Asia. And the disease of Wahhabism spread to Xinjiang as well.

From 2009 to 2015, there was a significant number of terrorist attacks by the Uyghur jihadists (here’s an example). That’s when China decided to really crack down.
During the peak of the Syrian war, about 18,000 radicalized Uyghur Muslims went to Syria and joined ISIS to fight Assad.
How China deals with the terrorists…
These videos are typical.
How this recient nonsense began
Let’s wind back the clock to when Donald Trump came to office, back in 2017, and staffed his entire administration with neocon war-hawks. His MAGA narrative was directed towards China and the march of war was placed on the shoulders of Mike Pompeo…
The frontal Western attack against China and its actions in Xingjian began in 2018. Propaganda salvos were fired long before, but the ‘semi-official’ beginning of the ideological combat came in August 2018, when Reuters…
Reuters published a story with the title “UN says it has credible reports that China holds million Uighurs in secret camps.”
It went like this:
“GENEVA (Reuters) – A United Nations human rights panel said on Friday that it had received many credible reports that 1 million ethnic Uighurs in China are held in what resembles a “massive internment camp that is shrouded in secrecy.” Gay McDougall, a member of the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, cited estimates that 2 million Uighurs and Muslim minorities were forced into “political camps for indoctrination” in the western Xinjiang autonomous region. “We are deeply concerned at the many numerous and credible reports that we have received that in the name of combating religious extremism and maintaining social stability (China) has changed the Uighur autonomous region into something that resembles a massive internment camp that is shrouded in secrecy, a sort of ‘no rights zone’,” she told the start of a two-day regular review of China’s record, including Hong Kong and Macao.China has said that Xinjiang faces a serious threat from Islamist militants and separatists who plot attacks and stir up tensions between the mostly Muslim Uighur minority who call the region home and the ethnic Han Chinese majority.”
F. William Engdahl, lashed at the Reuters report on pages of 21 Century Wire:
“In August Reuters published an article under the headline, “UN says it has credible reports that China holds million Uighurs in secret camps.” A closer look at the article reveals no official UN policy statement, but rather a quote from one American member of an independent committee that does not speak for the UN, a member with no background in China. The source of the claim it turns out is a UN independent advisory NGO called Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The sole person making the charge, American committee member Gay McDougall, stated she was “deeply concerned” about “credible reports.” McDougall cited no source for the dramatic charge.
Reuters in their article boosts its claim by citing a murky Washington DC based NGO, the Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CHRD).
In an excellent background investigation, researchers at the Grayzone Project found that the CHRD gets hundreds of thousands of dollars from unnamed governments.
The notorious US government NGO, National Endowment for Democracy, is high on the list of usual suspects.
Notably, the CHRD official address is that of the Human Rights Watch which gets funds also from the Soros foundation.”
This is how the new chapter of anti-Chinese ideological attacks (and attempts to stop them) began.
The CIA started to pump money towards the distabilization of XingJian.
And soon, they intensified. The Western propaganda apparatus unleashed dozens of articles, which, while claiming that China has been building several detention centers for Uyghurs in Xingjian…
… they all failed to provide any proof that extreme harsh measures were being applied against the religious and political extremists in Northwest China.
The most amateurish, speculation-based one, was printed on June 1, 2019, by The Telegraph (“China’s Uighur Muslims forced to eat and drink as Ramadan celebrations banned”):
“Beijing has long sought to arrest control of this resource-rich region where decades of government-encouraged migration of the Han – China’s ethnic majority – have fuelled resentment among Uighurs. The biggest outburst erupted in 2009 in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, resulting in 200 deaths.Now, the ruling Communist Party has launched a propaganda campaign about snuffing out “criminal” and “terrorist” activity. All across Xinjiang – meaning “new frontier” – are bright red banners reminding people to fight illegal, “cult” behaviour, listing hotlines to report suspicious activity.“ Love the Party, love the country,” hangs a streamer at one mosque, just above the metal detector. A highway billboard proclaims, “Secretary Xi is linked heart-to-heart with Xinjiang minorities,” referring to Chinese president Xi Jinping.The government is working to present an image of a happy, peaceful Xinjiang, in efforts to boost tourism and attract investment; this is the linchpin for Mr. Xi’s Belt and Road initiative.”
Many thinkers, however, have been bravely putting this kind of ‘reporting’ into context. Author of the book “China and Ecological Civilization”, a leading U.S. philosopher and progressive theologian, John Cobb Jr., has many years of involvement in China. He wrote for this reportage:
“A standard tactic of the U.S. government is to create situations in which another government has little choice but to use violence. Its use of violence is then treated as proof that “regime-change” is needed. Sometimes it even justifies war. The Iranians shooting down an American spy drone, for example, almost led to an overt American attack on Iran. China has been placed in such a situation with regard to one of its Islamic minorities. There is real danger that the Uighurs will use violence against China. China thus far has responded by an effort at massive, compulsory re-education which can be depicted as forcing citizens to spend much of their time in “concentration camps.” That the minority is Islamic is then used in American propaganda to imply that China persecutes religion. Propaganda can also create anti-Chinese feeling among religious people all over the world, and especially among Muslims both in China and elsewhere. If we think that anything that weakens those who refuse American domination is good, then we can admire the skill of the CIA. If we care for truth and justice, our task is to bring to light the cruelty and injustice of the subversion and the lies.”

Training the Uyghurs inside of Turkey
The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ‘fell in love’ with Uyghurs when he served as the mayor of the country’s largest city – Istanbul. He erected a monument to them, and declared that the Turkish nation had roots in “Turkestan”.
He allowed hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs to migrate to Turkey.
Being a NATO-member country and at least in the past, one of the closest allies of the United States, Turkey readily helped the West with its colorful anti-Chinese campaign.
But that was not all. Far from it. NATO nations and their ultra-religious allies in the Gulf, decided to overthrow the Arab-socialist government in Damascus, Syria. Turkey readily participated in the ‘project’ from the very beginning, sacrificing its historic ties with the Assad family.
In 2012, an investigation of the refugee camps in the border area of Hatay (with its ancient capital of Antakya) turned up some interesting truths. While several camps were truly serving as refugee centers, others like Apaydin, were training Syrian terrorists, as well as foreign jihadi fighters.
And who were training them?
American military, NGO’s, and American English speaking experts.
In those days, Serkan Koc, a leading Turkish left-wing documentary filmmaker, who has produced several groundbreaking works on the subject of the “Syrian opposition”, explained in Istanbul:
“Of course, you do realize that those people are not really ‘Syrian opposition.’ They are modern-day legionnaires collected from various Arab countries, including Qatar and Saudi Arabia, paid by Western imperialist powers. Some are members of Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations. Most are militant Sunni Muslims. One could describe them as rogue elements hired to fight the Assad government.”
With help of the Mr. Koc’s contacts in Hatay, it was easy to establish, as early as in 2012 and 2013, that some of the ‘legionnaires’ were actually Uyghurs. it was also confirmed that they were being smuggled from the Hatay area ‘camps’ directly into Syria, fully armed and equipped.
Terrorists were also trained at the NATO air force facility ‘Incerlik’, near the city of Adana. Exactly how many Uyghurs went through that air base, has so far not been established.

On the Syrian war front, the toughest, the most brutal and the most dangerous assassins in the presently terrorist-controlled area of Idlib, are Uyghurs.
In Istanbul, Erkin Oncan, a leading Turkish journalist and thinker, who presently works for Sputnik. For years, he has been reporting on the movement of the Uyghurs.
He visited the Zeitinburnu neighborhood on the outskirts of Istanbul, where we met Erkin’s colleagues, who took us on a ‘tour’ of significant Uyghur ‘landmarks’, including the office where Uyghurs have been recruited, allowed to work semi-legally, and then, many of them, sent to Syria and Iraq.
There are approximately 50,000 Uyghurs living in Turkey (10 million live in China and all over the world). Zeitinburnu, has the greatest concentration of Uyghurs in the country. Here they own businesses, restaurants. Old people enjoy a relaxed life, drinking tea and leading endless conversations in public places.
But this tranquil mood is only a façade. Here is where many Uyghurs arrive. From here, they get injected abroad, where they learn their deadly ‘trade’, how to become hardened and merciless fighters. They go to Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan or as far as Indonesia.
How the American NGO’s operate…
As early as on April 9, 2015, in Istanbul, reported:
“The network is based out of Zeytinburnu, a district on Istanbul’s European side which is home to a community of Uighurs who live in Turkey. It is headed by Nurali T, a businessman who has been facilitating the movement of Uighurs from China to Syria and Iraq via Turkey since 2011. He is known by his code name Abbas. An individual who works for him, AG, says that a total of 100,000 fake Turkish passports have been produced, 50,000 of which have been shipped to China to be handed to fighters recruited to join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). According to the article Uighurs are joining the fight, traveling from China through Thailand and Cambodia before reaching Malaysia, which has no visa requirements with Turkey. A fee of USD 200 is taken from the recruits. The fighters then spend a night in Istanbul in motels, hotels or safe-house apartments before heading to Turkey’s Southeast and East the next day to cross into Syria and Iraq.
The individuals carrying fake passports are often caught at the airport in Istanbul.
As to why they have been able to enter Turkey and not get deported, AG says, “Turkey has secret dealings with the Uighurs. The authorities first confiscate the passports but then release the individuals.”
Erkin and his friend talk about the present situation in Turkey. And about what Uyghurs are expected to achieve:
“Members of TIP – Turkistan Islamic Party – are repeatedly saying that ‘in Syria we are training for jihad, and we will go back to China, and fight.”
The question is, how would Uyghur fighters be moved back to China; from both Turkey, but especially from Syria?
Erkin replied:
“My theory is, that China is on high alert, and if the fighters would be sent first from Syria to Turkey, and then to China, it could be done only if the ID’s were changed and falsified. Because China has names, it has lists, and it has information. If Turkey decides to secretly change their ID’s, and sends them to China, it could be possible, but, as you said yourself earlier, the Afghan route is also possible. The IS fighters are also gathering there, the TIP is gathering there, in Afghanistan; some parts of the Western Afghanistan tip, which is not far from the border with China. I think that TIP will try to go directly to China, but most of the attempts will fail. They will attack from Afghanistan. As you know, Russia recently declared that the IS has formed a new caliphate in Afghanistan, which would fortify the jihadi climate in the country. Turkey will try to send a number of Uyghur fighters there, although I don’t know how many. I also think that Turkey will try to divide Uyghurs into two groups. You know that Uyghurs always travel with their families. Sending them anywhere with the families is very hard. But sending fighters first, and then ‘deporting’ the families, is another thing. Deporting the families could be done under ‘humanitarian cover’. So, I think, the fighters will go first, secretly, and then, families will be deported.”
But where would the families be ‘deported’ to?
To China?
“Yes, because in Izmir and Hatay, Uyghurs are taken care of by the Turkish government. There are always, exclusively, women and children, but no men.”
On June 2019, he went back to both Hatay and Izmir, just to confirm what I was told in Zeitinburnu.
But before that, he traveled to Aksaray in Istanbul; to one of the notorious Uyghur restaurants, owned by an AKP member.
Uyghurs are managing the place. It is the place where separatist leaders meet, regularly; every month, or at least every second month. The former boss of this place was arrested on charges of human trafficking.
“We have no idea what charges, exactly, or what happened to him? If he was still in prison, we would definitely know.”
The Police HQ is very close to this eatery. Paradoxically, some members of the police force who are supposed to be tracking down human trafficking, regularly gather here.
So too, naïve Chinese tourists in search of good spicy Chinese food from the Northwest of their country.
It is told:
“According to my source here, police once spotted a human trafficking cell here, but did nothing… Police is actually controlling these cells, even giving new names to those who are supposed to be sent to Syria. Police is in charge, and the government officials actually know who is going to Syria, name by name. Some profits from this, and from other restaurants like this one, are going directly to the Uyghur separatist association.”
Actually, there are many restaurants like this, but this one is the HQ for the Istanbul area. It tries to stay humble, not flashy, with hardly any signs in Arabic.”
It is also explained to:
“All of our sources confirm the same: ‘Police and the state/government know everything, and they make sure to control the action.”
Governing and mainly right-wing nationalist and pro-Western opposition parties in Turkey are all supporting the Uyghurs. The Opposition even more than the ruling AKP, so there is very little chance that the policy will get reversed anytime soon.
Most of the Turkish media outlets echo Western sources, and are openly hostile towards China.
However, the government does not want to antagonize China, openly. It has some cooperation, at least when it comes to the tracking of criminal activities.
One thing has changed, as was told by Abdulkadir Yapcan, who covers legal issues related to Uyghurs:
“If China provides IDs and names, Turkey will investigate and press charges. If China fails to provide detailed information, Turkey will do absolutely nothing. This is at least some change, since 2016. Although, so far, there was only one case…”
Uyghurs have gone violent, even in Turkey, on several occasions.
The most documented ones were an attack against the Thai consulate in Istanbul in 2015, and an attack on a nightclub in Zeitinburnu, in which 39 people lost their lives, mainly Turkish and Saudi citizens.
Uyghur fighters in Afghanistan
On the outskirts of Kabul and Jalalabad in Afghanistan, you can regularly encounter people who are escaping from the increasing presence of ISIS in various parts of the country. Some are now forced to live in the camps for internally displaced people, like that in Bagrami, just on the outskirts of the capital.
Sources in the country are speaking clearly about the movement of the jihadi cadres (mostly ISIS) from Syria to Afghanistan. Among them are, as expected, Uyghurs.
These individuals arrive after being fully trained. They are battle-ready, indoctrinated and extremely brutal, even by the standards of Afghanistan; a country which has been battered by civil wars and invasions.
The proximity of Afghanistan to China, with which it has a short border in the east, but also to the former Soviet Central Asian Republics (Afghanistan has borders with Turkmenistan Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), is making it an ideal group to be used for subversion against China, Russia and the Central Asian republics.

It is essential to understand, that China’s BRI is designed to connect China with the entire world, using several infrastructural corridors, some of which would be following the old Silk Roads.
Thiese routes, pass through Central Asia, cutting through Iran, Pakistan but also Afghanistan.
The city of Urumqi, and Xingjian Province generally, will be some of the most important hubs.
Those in the West who want to disrupt this, perhaps, the most important global project, are strategically using Uyghur separatists, terrorists and religious fanatics, to bring uncertainty, even chaos, to this part of the world.
Several top al-Qaeda members such as Abu Yahya al-Libi, and Mustafa Setmariam Nasar ─ who had met Uyghurs in Afghanistan where they trained as mujahidin ─ have expressed personal support to their cause’. The Uyghurs East Turkestan independence movement was also personally endorsed in the serial “Islamic Spring’s 9th release” by Ayman Al-Zawahiri, the chief of Al-Qaeda.
It is also important to recall that during the Battle of Kunduz in Afghanistan (in 2015), foreign Islamist militants joined both Taliban and ISIS, in an assault on the city. Among them were Uyghur as well as Chechen, Rohingya, Kyrgyz, Tajik, and Uzbek.
TIP is fighting in Syria and elsewhere, but the organization’s leadership is based in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but with most of its members operating illegally on the territory of People’s Republic of China.
Uyghurs obtain “hands on” training in Syria
A lady, a mother of three, is sitting on the porch of her temporary home, in the Syrian city of As Suqaylabiyah. She slowly recounts the horrors she had to live through, before escaping from her village in the Idlib area:
“The terrorists who committed mass murder in my town, are Uyghurs. My cousins and other relatives, were killed. By Uyghurs; yes, by them. In April, 2014. They were shot. We stood against them, trying to defend ourselves. Then they began killing us, first in the fight, then in revenge. After that, they cut off heads of those they murdered.”
“Were they the most brutal of the terrorists,”
“Yes. From north to south, from east to west of Idlib province. They are monstrous. They are under the command, under control of Nusra Front. They kidnap soldiers, and kill them brutally. They kill entire families and kill them in a way I cannot even describe. The easiest death is when they shoot and then behead you. They are like monsters.”
She knows. She escaped them by a miracle:
“I still remember; I fled with what was left of my family, at 4am. Uyghurs were killing, and so were Indonesians; totally brainwashed, mad. You know, my family consists of teachers; teachers of Arabic language. I have 3 children. They were not going to spare anyone…”
Consider Ms. Noora Al Khadour and 17 years old daughter, Naia, from the Kafer Nboudah village:
“We are terribly scared of Uyghurs; of their crimes. I don’t even want to remember what has happened. Although I know that I have to speak to you; to people like you… in order to stop all that madness. You know, I had to flee with my four children, on a motorbike, like in some crazy movie…”
She tries to find words, how to begin:
“First: we had to switch off our brains, in order to survive. What was happening was far from ‘normal’. It was horror. It is almost impossible to describe… I am just a simple woman. They entered our town and began beheading. Shooting… Their faces; their expressions – your heart stops thinking about them. I am so lucky that during that night I did not lose any family members, because we escaped almost immediately.”
Asked whether Uyghurs and their TIP are using narcotics, when they attack villages. My question triggers a huge discussion.
“Definitely, They could not act like this, if they were in a ‘normal’ state.”
Another, Anas, chips in:
“My friend from the SAA (Syrian Arab Army) told me that the pockets of the jackets of the terrorists are always full of drugs. Uyghurs are using captagon.”
Soldiers standing by, confirm that whenever a terrorist is captured, his pockets are full of ‘combat drugs’.
I am wondering, in horror, what would a well-trained platoon of TIP terrorists do if it were to overrun a village in China. In the two last decades, Uyghur separatists carried out hundreds of terrorist attacks in China, killing countless people.
But they never held an entire village anywhere in the PRC.
Consider this narrative…
In As Suqaylabiyah I sit across a table from the commander of NDF (National Defense Force), Nabel Al-Abdallah. We speak Russian. He takes me; drives me, to the frontline, all the way to the edge, where Al Nusra positions are clearly visible. Then he invites me back, to this beautiful part of Syria, when “all this madness is over”.
Back at his command center, he explains:
“We are not afraid of Uyghurs, but we are taking their threat very seriously. Look, inside the Idlib area which is controlled by them, terrorism ‘grows’. If, after improving his combat skills here, a fighter returns to China, it would represent a tremendous danger. Uyghurs are the worst fighters; the toughest fighters. And right in front of us – Idlib – is the world capital of terror. It is a laboratory of terrorism. There are terrorists from all over the world. There, Uyghurs are learning the deadliest trades.”
He pauses, offers me aromatic Syrian tea. Then continues with his thoughts:
“Uyghur terrorists are targeting our people. They are brutalizing them. If we do not have solutions, soon, terrorists will damage the entire world. Our problem is not just Uyghurs and ISIS, not only TIP or Nusra. Our problem is the ideology which they represent. They use Islam, they commit barbarity in the name of Islam, but all this is backed by the United States and the West. The Syrian Army and National Defense Forces are sacrificing their soldiers for the world, not just for this country.”
There are conflicting reports, as for how many Uyghurs fighters are still inside Syria. The generally accepted number is around 2,000, but that includes families.
Commander Nabel clarified:
“400 to 500 fighters are now in Idlib area. And all international terrorists based in Idlib are under Al-Nusra Front command. They are supported by Qatar, United States, Saudis, and Turkey. Officers of the U.S. intelligence are there – inside my country. There are Turkish observation points, Turkish military forces.”
The narrative continues…
Again, I am being driven along the front line. I visited several Syrian positions and towns, including As Suqaylabiyah. It is still war here, around Idlib – real, tough war. Mortars are exploding not far from us, and landmines are being discovered and defused in the vicinity. People are dying; they still are.
Near Muhradah, at the Mahardah Power Station which was recently liberated by the SAA, soldiers discovered several charred bodies. I was told, they were most likely “Asian” terrorists. But were they Indonesians or Uyghurs, nobody could tell.
The leader of the National Syrian Defense in Muhradah, clarified:
“Uyghurs are tough fighters. They are under Al-Nusra front. They are very evasive, operating under different names. They are all there – inside – in Idlib. When Idlib falls, they will fall together with it.”
Then he is shown maps.
Most likely, when all this is over, the Uyghurs will be “moved” elsewhere. Back to Turkey, to Afghanistan, or, if nothing is done to stop them, back to China.
A Syrian analyst who does not want to be identified, wrote:
“Danger of Uyghurs operating in Syria is multi-faceted: “First of all, they can form no part of any integral solution, because they do not belong to Syria. One way or the other, their presence is harmful; dividing the country. The latest information about their deployment here is clearly showing that they are intentionally being used by Turkey, in order to prevent the SAA from regaining control over Idlib. Back in 2016, the SAA tried to infiltrate the territory all the way to Jisr ash-Shugur, in Idlib, from Latakia countryside. But all military actions failed, due to the might of the TIP (Turkistan Islamic Party) which is operating in the area. It is good to mention here that the TIP spearheaded the attacks on all SAA posts in Jisr ash-Shugur and committed massacres there. The second issue is: a direct threat to the Chinese interests in the region. With intimidations being spread online and posted via the accounts linked to “Malhama Tactical” (The group, founded by a pseudonymous Uzbek jihadist called Abu Rofiq, operating in Syria, supporting anti-government terrorist forces* note of the author). There is also great danger of the Uyghurs returning back to China and recruiting hundreds of youth extremist, separatist fighters, who could then decide to initiate attacks against the PRC. For the reasons mentioned above, China has to be involved in all the efforts to neutralize such threats. And the world has to understand its defensive actions.
Uyghurs in Indonesia and SE Asia
Indonesia, the most populous Muslim-majority country, has been, since the 1965 US and UK backed right-wing military coup, a staunch ally of the West.
Communism and atheism are banned there, and the most extreme and grotesque forms of capitalism are practiced all over the archipelago. Racism in Indonesia is fabled; the country has committed three genocides since 1965, including the on-going one in the occupied West Papua.
The Chinese minority was always the target of countless pogroms and discrimination. This began in the era of Dutch colonialism, and continues until now.
On top of it, most of the Indonesian Muslims are practicing the increasingly intolerant, radical Sunni Wahhabi Islam, with roots in Saudi Arabia (Wahhabism was developed with the substantial help of the British imperialists).
Right-wing, religious, pro-business Indonesia has generally seen China (PRC) as an enemy.
Right after the 1965 coup, tens of thousands of Chinese people were murdered in cold blood, hundreds of thousands were enslaved, countless women gang-raped, millions forced to change names, abandon their native language, character and culture.
Many elements in the Indonesian regime and apparatus have enthusiastically joined the West in its new crusade to destabilize Beijing and its internationalist vision for the world.
The Uyghurs have become the perfect tool for the anti-Beijing combat.
According to Pak Wawan from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia (not his real name), some Uyghurs began commuting from China to Turkey and eventually Syria with the fake Turkish passports, as early as one decade ago.
This bewildered some Indonesian immigration officers, at the main international airport in Jakarta.
But the ‘confusion’ was soon clarified, and the Uyghurs were allowed to proceed; to continue on their deadly march.
“There were ‘friendships’ forged between the Uyghurs and local, Indonesian, Islamist radicals. Some Indonesian people even traveled to Urumqi. Connections have been forged, and eventually many traveled to Indonesia, for ideological work, fundraising and combat training. These contacts and links go way back to the times when both sides were based in Mecca, Medina, Riyadh, in Saudi Arabia. The visa regime between the two countries (Indonesia and China) is relatively lax, and so, people from TIP have been able to enter Indonesia hassle free. Once here, most of them became imams, but others went on to join camps and get training as jihadi fighters, particularly in the middle of the Island of Sulawesi.”
Pak Wawan continues:
“These people have a huge network. They also have networks in Thailand and Malaysia. Recently, they deported them from Pattaya, Thailand. Most of their cadres had studied at various religious universities, mostly in the Saudi Arabia, or at least somewhere in the Middle East. When they come to Indonesia, they carry with them a book of propaganda, as well as videos, with the aim of boiling mistrust and hate towards China. Among other things, the book says that the Chinese people are: kafir (“ingratitude” (toward God)), and that they are najis (dirty). The book is calling for the banning (again) of all symbols of Chinese culture.”
It is a tremendously racist, violent book. Similar texts have been distributed in Indonesia against Shi’a Muslims, with the predictable help of Saudi Arabia.
According to Pak Wawan:
“In Indonesia, it is estimated that there are some 200 Uyghur students, with the main purpose, to work as ustads/imams (religious clerics), and to infiltrate the system. Some are simply trapped here. Some of them are involved in subversive activities, together with the members of the Indonesian jihadists. Their goal is to go back to Syria, and eventually to China.”
In the restive island of Sulawesi, there are expected to be several Uyghur fighters, still on the loose. Although four of them were caught, tried and sentenced to lengthy terms in prison (in 2015). Their crimes were for joining the radical terrorist group Mujahidin Indonesia Timur (MIT or East Indonesia Mujahedeen) with its leader Santoso aka Pakde aka Abu Wardah.
The Santoso group has already pledged allegiance to ISIS under the leadership of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.
The imprisonment of 4 Uyghurs in Indonesia in 2015, could be interpreted as a change of course by Jokowi’s administration. The same as Turkey, Indonesia has been the victim of deadly terrorist attacks, and begins to see the Wahhabi jihadi cadres as a danger.
Also, the attitude towards China is starting to change, as least in the recent years. China is seen as a partner, mainly when it comes to investment into the collapsing Indonesian infrastructure.
But it is still a confusing situation.
Some Uyghurs are arriving, lately via the International airport in Manado, Sulawesi. Others are traveling by boat, from the Muslim part of the Philippines.
What is significant is that the delegations from two major Indonesian Muslim organizations…
- NU (Nahdlatul Ulama – the largest independent Muslim organization in the world)
- Muhammadiyah
…were invited to Urumqi in China, shown around, and at the end declared publicly, that there is no oppression of the Muslims in China.
It became clear that those who were continuing to spread anti-Chinese rumors in Indonesia and the rest of Southeast Asia, were financed and supported from abroad.
Of course, the hardened Islamist organizations never changed their tune.
Mr. Atip Latiful Hayat, Chairman of the Expert Council of ANNAS Indonesia (Anti-Shia National Alliance), spoke to Ms. Rossie Indira about ‘human rights’ and the oppression of Muslims by the PRC. ANNAS Indonesia openly declared that “Balikpapan Muslims will support both morally and materially any strive for the liberation of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province of China.”
Mr. Okta, from the program department of ACT, an NGO from West Java, which used to be heavily involved in collecting money and goods for the Uyghurs, declared that the issue is not their priority, anymore.
Dina Suleiman, a legendary Indonesian academic and writer, who regularly defends both Syria and Iran, stated for this report:
“ACT published its yearly report, but we could not find details on where all the money went. They only published that a certain amount was donated to countries outside Indonesia, but no details. An accountant friend of mine looked into their published reports and said that they (ACT) used all kinds of terminology to validate using the percentage of donations for their own needs. He told me that it could be that up to 60% of the donations were used for their own needs.”
A typical case of endemic Indonesian corruption?
In this case: good. Better if money gets stolen, than if it was to reach Uyghur extremists!
Mr. Inas N. Zubir, the Chairman of the Hanura Faction in the House of Representatives is part of the faction in the Indonesian political system, that is openly questioning what is behind the smearing of the Chinese government in connection with the Uyghur ‘issue’.
He spoke to Ms. Rossie Indira, recently, for this report:
“Indonesian people have to be careful when they hear about the problems related to Uyghur Muslims, because the news about the alleged discriminatory treatment by the Chinese government that has been lately circulating, only came from the international media and a number of western NGOs. Meanwhile, a number of western countries were later found to have less harmonious relations with China.” “The Central Committee of Muhammadiyah (by its Chairman, Haedar Nasir) met with the Chinese Muslim Association (Vice President of the association: Abdullah Amin Jin Rubin) in September 2018. Abdullah Amin Jin Rubin had denied the above allegations. He stated that Muslims in China as a whole, including Uighurs, had the same freedom and received good treatment from the government. The proof is: in Xinjiang, where the Uighurs are located, there are 28,000 mosques and more than 30,000 imams to lead prayers. Even in Xinjiang, the government participates in supporting the establishment of Islamic College. So, the religious life of Muslims is good.” “I suspected that the issue of discriminatory treatment of Uighur Muslims was deliberately raised by certain parties in the country to discredit Joko Widodo’s government. I think the opposition intentionally portrays Joko Widodo’s government as a government that does not care about the suffering of Uighur Muslims.”
Several jihadi cells in the Philippines and Malaysia are also pledging support to the Uyghur extremists.
During the year 2017, the jihadi cadres (mainly ISIS) attacked and overran the city of Marawi, on Mindanao Island, Philippines.
What followed was a prolonged battle between the military and the terrorists.
It has been told by the army commanders that among the dead militants, there were several “foreign fighters”. Some were Indonesians, others came from Malaysia. It was indicated that there were ‘others’, particularly from China, although there was no concrete confirmation about the Uyghurs.
The “March of Uyghurs” must be stopped
Excerpted and First published by NEO – New Eastern Outlook. All credit to the author. Note that it was edited to fit this venue.
And what is it that the Chinese media, and the Chinese people have to say on the subject?
Naturally, it is not easy to find much of non-Western voices, in the propagandist anti-Chinese cacophony carried by outlets such as Yahoo News or Google. American “news” consists of what Washington DC says it is.
As early as in 2013, China Daily published an article by Li Xiaoshuang named “Western media’s coverage on Xinjiang worthless”.
It passionately expressed what the North American and European mass media has been trying to silence, for over a decade:
“The Western media has become the propaganda machine for the Uyghur separatists. As a Xinjiang native, I am outraged by the false reports in Western press about what has happened in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region during the month of Ramadan, a time of fasting for Muslims all over the world… Citing just a singular Uyghur "activist" as the sole news source, the reports accuse Chinese authorities of banning Muslims from fasting and praying in mosques... ... coupled with biased commentary that the Chinese government is suppressing Uyghur ethnic groups... ... and transferring huge numbers of Han Chinese into Xinjiang to dilute the Uyghur culture. All on hear-say, without any first-hand accounts. Not mentioning repeated clarifications from the Xinjiang government, how dare these media outlets be so irresponsible? How can the world learn the whole truth? It reminds me of the riot in the region on June 26, leaving 27 people dead. It was definitely a massacre, but some Western media, as they have done so before, described the attacks as part of an ethnic conflict. They portray terrorists who betray their religion by killing innocent people as “heroes”, seeking religious or political freedom…”
On March 20, 2019, Xie Wenting and Bai Yunyi of Global Times reported with much more urgency:
“Misleading headlines, groundless accusations, obscure interviewees, double standards are not hard to spot in many articles covering China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in Western media outlets. Recent months have seen an intensive outburst of such reports which have tainted China’s anti-terrorism efforts in the region by adopting tactics including using words with a negative connotation, providing incomplete information and stirring readers’ emotions.”
It is not often mentioned in the West, but there are some 20 million Muslims living in China. According to the State Administration for Religious Affairs (SARA), there are more than 21 million Muslims in the country.
According to SARA there are approximately 36,000 Islamic places of worship, more than 45,000 imams, and 10 Islamic schools in the country.
In China, Islam has some interesting nuances: for instance, there are mosques led by female imams, there. All over China, halal food is available, and actually very popular. Many people show great interest in Muslim culture, at least theoretically.
During my 2018 visit to the Chinese city of Xian, I was impressed by the great effort the Chinese government has been making, to support Muslim culture in this historical center of multi-culturalism, from which, centuries ago, the legendary Silk Road had been initiating. Islamic civilization, its music, food, centers of worship and architecture are now the greatest magnet, bringing tens of millions of visitors from all over China.
I clearly saw that there was no discrimination in Xiang. My conclusions were the same as those of the emissaries of two Muslim mass movements of Indonesia, who were allowed to visit Xinjiang. We found no brutal treatment of the Muslim and their religion in China.
It often appears to me, and to other experts on China, that the Chinese people and even the Chinese government, do not know how to defend themselves against the vicious and totally unfair attacks against their country; attacks which are coming from abroad.
China “wants peace”. It is offering friendship.
But it is insulted, constantly attacked and humiliated in return.
The truth is obvious: The West does not desire peace. It does not care about justice. It never did. It only wants to control.
For as long as China is doing well; better than the West; for as long as its political and social system are becoming more and more popular, all over the world, and particularly in developing countries, Washington, Paris, London, Berlin, but also Tokyo, will never stop, attacking and provoking Beijing.
In order to prosper, and even in order to survive, the Chinese Dragon will have to fight.
Only a defeated, humiliated and conquered China would be ‘accepted’ by the West. A China which respects itself and helps others, will be attacked and brutalized by the West.
The great Chinese poet, Su Shi (1037-1101) once wrote: “The scenery varies when people watch from close or far, or from different sides.” What he meant was that Mount Lushan will not show its true features just because we are right in the mountains.
The same could be written about politics.
Just because one lives in China, it does not guarantee that he or she would be able to fully understand the viciousness and determination of the anti-Chinese attacks, which are conducted by the foreign adversaries. Also he or she would not necessarily realize why they are being conducted.
The attacks against China are not only of an economic or military nature. Religions are some of the mightiest weapons of the China’s foes. Be it radical Buddhism, evangelical Protestant Christianity, or, as now, radical Islam.
China has to defend itself, by all means.
Extremist Uyghurs are marching.
Many of them are brutal, and extremely dangerous. They have already murdered thousands of innocent people, in various countries. Their goal is to break the integrity of China and its great internationalist projects. They are determined, well-funded, and thoroughly selfish. Their desire for ‘independence’ has been ignited and financed by foreign powers.
The plan of the extremist Uyghurs is simple: to perfect terrorist and extremist tactics, and combat skills abroad, then return to China and begin spreading the nightmare at home.
The West is readily “helping” to fuel their deadly march. China’s Ecological Civilization, the end of poverty in the most populous country on earth, and BRI, are seen as a danger to Western supremacy, at least in places such as Washington, London and Brussels.
China has all the right to defend itself. It has a full obligation to do so.
It is the duty of thinkers from all over the world to tell the truth. If they stay silent, or if they sell their dignity for money and privileges, as so many in the West are doing right now, they will be condemned by future generations.
Uygurs not ‘persecuted’, Xinjiang spokesman says
By YANG ZEKUN | China Daily | Updated: 2020-12-11 08:59 Reprinted as found. All credit to the author.
Uygurs enjoy the same legitimate rights as all other ethnic groups in China, and it is groundless to label them as “persecuted people”, a spokesman from the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region’s government said on Wednesday.
Ilijan Anayt said at a news conference held in the autonomous region that a claim in Pope Francis’s new book calling Uygurs in China “persecuted people” was not supported by facts or evidence.
Ilijan said that China protects the lawful rights and interests of all ethnic groups. He added that Uygurs enjoy the same legal status and rights as all other ethnic groups in China, including the right to vote and stand for elections, the right to participate in the administration of State affairs and freedom of religion.
The Xinjiang government devotes 70 percent of its annual general public budget to improving people’s livelihoods through a series of projects in employment, culture, education and medical care, ensuring that all ethnic groups in the region enjoy full rights to subsistence and development, Ilijan said.
Unlike America where the military budget dominates.
The government has formed a mechanism to guarantee that at least one person in every family gets employed, he said. It has also conducted the integrative development of rural-urban education, bringing the enrollment rate of children in compulsory education to 99.9 percent.
In terms of healthcare, all residents in Xinjiang can access free physical examinations, and all impoverished people also have basic medical insurance, major illness insurance and an old-age pension.
For free.
Moreover, Xinjiang has lifted all rural people out of poverty, and all people in the region, including Uygurs, have shared the fruits of development, Ilijan said.
All citizens in Xinjiang enjoy the same rights to policy, economy, society, culture and more, and citizens are completely free to believe in any religion. In addition, the laws and regulations in China provide sound legal grounds for protecting all citizens’ freedom of religion rights, he said.
For free.
Ilijan explained that Xinjiang now has 10 Islamic institutions and 103 Islamic associations, which are in charge of coordinating and resolving Islamic affairs. All normal religious activities conducted by believers in accordance with customary religious practices at venues or their own homes, including attending religious services, fasting and celebrating religious festivals, are protected by law, with no organizations or individuals able to interfere.
The Uyghur people have their own laws and courts based upon Muslim law.
Efforts made by Xinjiang to protect freedom of religion have won acclaim across the international community, including from Islamic countries. Everyone who respects the facts cannot deny that, he added.
Here’s an interesting article (and video) that talks about the real people inside of XinJiang.
Selfies from Xinjiang workers show real stories
Found on and last updated: 2020-11-13 16:27 . Reprinted as found with all credit to the authors.
Some foreign media outlets have said the Xinjiang government forces ethnic minorities to work in other parts of the country, depriving them of their rights. Some migrant workers from Kashgar, Hotan, Artux and Aksu have taken selfies to record their real daily lives and work. Please watch this video, and get the real story.
Building solidarity and friendship with China: notes on a trip to the People’s Republic of China – Say no to the New Cold War
Written and posted by Carlos Martinez on Tuesday, January 28, 2020. Reprinted as found, with minor editing to fit this venue. All credit to the author.
Between 27 December and 7 January, I joined a China Silk Road Tour led by former US congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and organised by Chinese-American activist Lee Siu Hin. There were various strands of political ideology to be found among the 20 delegates, but we were united in our opposition to the growing US-led Cold War, which is directed primarily at China and which seeks to prevent the emergence of a multipolar world.
He was referring to the “Make America Great Again”, nationalism headed by Donald Trump and his neocon administration.
We spent around three days each in Beijing, Xi’an (capital of Shaanxi province, and one of the oldest cities in China), Dunhuang (a small oasis city that served as an important stop on the ancient Silk Road) and Ürümqi (capital of the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region). China is enormous, but this itinerary – stretching across the north of the country – allowed us to develop some understanding of its diversity.
Walking around in Beijing, Xi’an, Dunhuang and Ürümqi, one thing that immediately strikes you is how clean, modern, safe and well-organised Chinese cities are. The metro is cheap, extensive, efficient, and easy to navigate. There are public toilets everywhere. The streets are spotless. People come across as friendly and confident. Remarkably, you don’t see beggars or people sleeping on the street. Those in the delegation who live in London or New York all commented on the contrast.
In meetings with the Chinese Academy of Marxism and the Beijing People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, we were able to find out more about the housing situation in China. Around 90 percent of Chinese families own their own homes (and the majority of these homes are owned outright, without a mortgage).
Compare that to the United States. - MM
The remaining 10 percent live in heavily subsidised social housing, or in accommodation provided to migrant workers by their employers. The latter group – migrant workers from rural areas – also benefit from the fact that the Chinese Revolution wiped out feudalism and the landlord system in the countryside, so if work dries up in the city, migrant workers have the option of going back to their land. As a result, there are none of the urban slums that are so commonplace in a lot of Asian countries.
The housing situation is by no means perfect – significant inequality has opened up, particularly between urban residents (who were able to buy their apartments at very low cost during the first phase of housing reform) and villagers and migrants; However, the government is working hard to resolve various housing-related problems: preventing speculation, liberalising the hukuo (household registration) system, building millions of units of low-cost social housing, and investing heavily in the development of smaller inland cities so as to even out the imbalance between the big East Coast cities and the rest of the country.
To basically solve the problem of homelessness in an enormous Asian country of 1.3 billion people is a remarkable accomplishment. It’s extremely difficult for most other countries in Asia and Africa – those that didn’t have thoroughgoing land revolutions – to meaningfully tackle homelessness. Meanwhile in the developed capitalist countries, the resources exist to address the problem, but the political system is built around the needs of the rich and therefore homelessness is simply never a priority. In short, it’s one of the huge socio-economic problems that only socialism has solved.
Addressing inequality
Housing inequality is connected to the broader issue of inequality between urban and rural areas, between coastal and inland zones, and between city residents and migrant workers. The Chinese development model in the 1980s and 1990s was based on allowing the major trading cities on the south-eastern coast to develop first, attracting foreign capital and new technology by offering a huge pool of low-cost, well-educated and diligent workers. Many of these workers were migrants – typically people in their 20s – who would come from the countryside because they could earn more in low-paid factory work than they could from their land (with 20 percent of the world’s population but only 6 percent of its arable land, overpopulation of the countryside has been an intractable problem in China for many centuries).
The migrant worker system is particularly attractive for foreign capital, because it means companies can base their pay scales on the costs of a single worker rather than a whole family, and because it’s consistent with seasonal or casual work (since migrant workers simply go back to the village when labour supply exceeds demand).
The Chinese government recognises that this system has fomented inequality and that the millions of migrant workers have benefitted far less from China’s rapid growth than most of the rest of the population. However, in a situation where it had practically zero capital and desperately needed to attract investment to develop its technology and integrate into the global economy, China had little choice but to implement pro-capital policies. From the late 1990s, China has had the material base to deliver much improved living conditions for all workers.
In terms of protecting the rights of migrant workers in the big cities, the two major policy strands are [1] to mandate higher pay and better conditions, and [2] to gradually replace the hukuo system with a residency permit. This permit will allow long-term migrant workers access to the full range of rights and services provided to city residents.
The government is also pursuing a broader rebalancing strategy, promoting the development of smaller cities in the west, north and centre of the country. Towards this aim, there has been incredible infrastructure development over the last decade. The whole country is connected via high-speed rail and road. Modern energy is available everywhere, and internet access is practically universal. Although Xinjiang has historically been the poorest region of the country, we found it to be almost as modern and developed as Beijing, with good quality roads, 4G internet, plentiful housing, and a newly-opened metro system.
In Dunhuang, a small city of around 180,000 people, we travelled on the local network of electric buses, which run regularly through the city. We also happened upon the Gansu Dunhuang Solar Park, one of the big new industries in the area. It’s utterly enormous, with an annual net energy output of around 80 GWh. China was responsible for 32 percent of global renewable energy investment last year, and is increasingly recognised as the world leader in preventing climate catastrophe. Its move to green development fits perfectly with its rebalancing strategy, and solar parks and other alternative energy plants are being set up throughout the country.
We took the high-speed train from Beijing to Xi’an, and from Liuyuan (Gansu) to Ürümqi. The Beijing-Xi’an journey was cheap, comfortable and fast, taking a little over four hours to cover a distance approximately equal to that between New York City and Chicago – which journey would take at least 19 hours by train and cost several times more. China’s state-owned high speed rail network is by far the largest in the world; in fact it accounts for two-thirds of global HSR capacity. CRRC, the state-owned train manufacturer, is currently working on magnetic levitation trains that will travel at 600km/h – approximately twice the speed of current HSR.

China’s vision for the coming 20-30 years focuses on continuing this process of rebalancing, spreading prosperity throughout the country, and moving to a model of development that’s highly innovative, technological, ecological, localised and networked.
Air pollution
Many people associate China with terrifying levels of pollution. Our experience was that the air pollution in Beijing is noticeable but not terrible. Residents all say it’s improved massively in recent years.
We learned at the Beijing People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries that the current mayor of Beijing, Chen Jining, is an environmental engineer who got his PhD at Imperial College London and who was China’s environment minister from 2015 to 2017. He has been strongly focused on reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and establishing Beijing as a global innovator in the fight against environmental catastrophe. One recent innovation has been to ban the purchase of internal combustion-based cars – that is, if you buy a new car, it has to run on new energy.
Similar processes are taking place throughout China, as the government tries to simultaneously tackle air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Although China’s rapid economic growth has been based in no small part on its abundant supply of cheap coal, coal takes up an ever-decreasing share of its energy mix (down from 80 percent to 60 percent in the last decade), and China is by far the biggest investor and innovator in solar and wind energy.
Mistreatment of Muslims
Western media has built a powerful narrative of Chinese oppression of its Muslim minority. Most notably, we’re told of the existence of ‘concentration camps’ in Xinjiang, where millions of people are denied their religious and human rights. The US House of Representatives recently passed the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act, calling for sanctions to be imposed against China because of the alleged detention of millions of Uighur Muslims.

Our delegation wasn’t a fact-finding mission; we didn’t have a specific aim to verify the truth of these various allegations. We did however walk freely around Ürümqi and the Muslim quarter in Xi’an, and failed to see any evidence of religious or ethnic oppression. In Ürümqi one sees mosques everywhere; indeed Xinjiang has one of the highest number of mosques per capita in the world. Walking well off the beaten track, we saw hundreds of Chinese Muslims, wearing their distinctive Uighur dress (including headscarves for many women) and going about their lives without any indication that they were living in fear of persecution. We ate in Uighur restaurants, in which halal food was served and alcohol wasn’t available.
What’s true is that the levels of security in Ürümqi are much higher than the other places we visited – you walk through metal detectors and have your bag x-rayed when going into any tourist spot, train station or major shopping area. This is a response to a wave of terrorist attacks conducted by al Qaeda-aligned groups since the 1990s. China has attempted to tackle terrorism through a holistic approach involving security, poverty alleviation and education. It is the latter part which has been most controversial within the western human rights community. Where China is attempting to tackle religious extremism with what it considers to be a fairly soft touch – requiring people to attend courses on religious tolerance (as opposed to, say, holding people captive for years on Guantanamo and subjecting them to vicious torture) – this has been portrayed as a system of arbitrary mass incarceration. Such far-fetched Cold War propaganda has been helpfully debunked by investigative journalists Ajit Singh and Max Blumenthal. The success of the anti-terrorism campaign is indicated by the fact that there hasn’t been a terror attack in Xinjiang for the last three years.

Human rights
He continues…
Soon after the end of our trip, the news came out that Human Rights Watch executive director Kenneth Roth had been denied entry to Hong Kong, where he was planning to release a report “spotlighting Beijing’s deepening assault on international efforts to uphold human rights”. This led to a chorus of protests in the media about Chinese abuse of human rights. One thing that’s fairly obvious as you travel around China and talk to ordinary Chinese people is that the Chinese government is very much focused on human rights. First and foremost among these is the right to life: to eat, to work, to get an education, to receive good quality healthcare, to live in a secure home, to enjoy leisure time, to pursue one’s interests. In terms of these crucial rights, no state in history has made as powerful a contribution as that of the People’s Republic of China – no state in history has lifted so many out of poverty, or provided education and housing for so many, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion and income level. The enormous popularity of the Chinese government within China is down to its record in delivering on people’s needs. Meanwhile there’s very little demand for a western-style parliamentary system, because the particular configuration of political forces that prefigured the parliamentary system in the early days of European capitalism doesn’t prevail in China. The activities of Human Rights Watch in relation to China must be considered in terms of the overall geopolitical situation. US capital is leading a ‘full-court press’ against China, with the aim of preventing (or at least decelerating) its rise. Ultimately the western capitalist countries would like to see the overthrow of the Chinese Communist Party government and its replacement with a regime that’s willing to put the Chinese people and resources at the service of multinational capital. They want a neo-colonial relationship with China, which ultimately would constitute a disastrous blow of untold proportions for the human rights of the Chinese people. This is the context of the ‘Pivot to Asia’, of Trump’s trade war, of the media frenzy about Xinjiang and Hong Kong, and of the endless reports issued by the likes of Kenneth Roth.

The future for Xinjiang.
In the 1980’s, when China first opened up to the West, the two points of entry were Taiwan and Hong Kong. Of that, Hong Kong was the primary entry point to the Chinese resources and market. Thus, from the 1980’s to today, Hong Kong grew exponentially. It went from a small, forgotten, British back-water colony to the major financial and banking center that it is today.
You can attribute it’s rise to the role that it had as the entry port for trade with the mainland.
In a like way, the Chinese government is planning a similar role for their “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI). Those people who now live in Xinjiang are completely poised to become the next generation super-wealthy of China. It will benefit the local Xinjiang people, the neighboring nations, and the Chinese nation as whole.
To this end, the existing global structure is being bypassed, and they do not like that
Thus, the future of Xinjiang also has a lot of economic implications.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has 1000s of freight trains and trucks carrying goods between China and Europe every year; and most of these trains and trucks go through Xinjiang. There are also many oil/gas pipelines from Central Asia that go through Xinjiang to power China’s industrial economy.
The Uyghur people are expected to become “Dubai Wealthy” in the next few decades. Provided of course, that the United States stands aside and let’s them live in peace and prosperity.
An unstable Xinjiang will wreak havoc on the Chinese economy.

The Chinese government is trying to help the poor people and fight the jihadists at the same time.
The US really needs to fix its foreign policy, which is now based on chaos, confrontation, wars, Machiavellian divide-and-conquer strategies, and endless propaganda. The US needs a positive approach that’s based on cooperation, friendly competition and ethical policies.
Statement that the UN supports China on Xinjiang

Belarus made a joint statement Tuesday on behalf of 54 countries in firm support of China’s counterterrorism and de-radicalization measures in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.
During a discussion on human rights at the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly at UN headquarters in New York, Belarus made the statement on behalf of countries including Pakistan, Russia, Egypt, Bolivia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Serbia. It praised China’s people-centered development philosophy and development achievements. The statement spoke positively of the results of counterterrorism and de-radicalization measures in Xinjiang, noting that these measures have effectively safeguarded the basic human rights of people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang. The statement said that terrorism, separatism and religious extremism have caused enormous damage to all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, which has seriously infringed upon human rights, including the right to life, health and development. “China has undertaken a series of counterterrorism and de-radicalization measures in Xinjiang, including setting up vocational education and training centers,” the statement said, adding that safety and security have returned to Xinjiang now and “the fundamental human rights of people of all ethnic groups there are safeguarded”. The statement also supported China’s commitment to openness and transparency, mentioning it has invited a number of diplomats, international organizations, officials and journalists to Xinjiang to witness the progress of the human rights cause and the outcomes of counterterrorism and de-radicalization. “What they saw and heard in Xinjiang completely contradicted what was reported in the (Western) media,” it wrote. The statement expressed opposition to relevant countries politicizing the human rights issue and called on them to stop baseless accusations against China. “We express our firm opposition to relevant countries’ practice of politicizing human rights issues, by naming and shaming, and publicly exerting pressures on other countries,” it wrote. “We call on relevant countries to refrain from employing unfounded charges against China based on unconfirmed information before they visit Xinjiang,” it wrote. At the meeting, more than 30 countries, including Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Cuba and Nicaragua, voiced support for China’s position and measures on human rights. The Kyrgyzstan representative said the Kyrgyzstan Republic considers Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region affairs to be purely an internal affair of China and “appreciates the efforts of the government of China to preserve the Uygur culture and religious freedom and freedom of nationalities of Xinjiang and supports the measures taken by the Chinese side to ensure Xinjiang’s security, stability and development”. “The measures taken by China to address the situation and continue the economic development in Xinjiang are fundamental for the people of China, which is supported and appreciated by the international community,” said the Cambodia representative. “We commend China’s efforts to combat terrorism and extremism in Xinjiang in accordance with the laws. We would like to reiterate our opposition to any countries to use human rights as an excuse to interfere any country’s internal affairs and attempts to put pressure in the name of human rights should be avoided,” said the representative from Myanmar. Zhang Jun, permanent representative of China to the UN, refuted the “baseless” comments on Xinjiang made by the United States and some other countries. Zhang said that the US and a few other countries made “groundless accusations” against China, which is “gross interference in China’s internal affairs and a deliberate provocation of confrontation”. “China firmly opposes and rejects it,” he said. He reiterated that Xinjiang’s preventive measures of counterterrorism and de-radicalization are based on law and consistent with the will of the people. “This is not about human rights and has nothing to do with racial discrimination,” he said. “China wants to tell the United States and other countries not to confront the international community and not to go any further on the wrong path.”
“This is not about human rights and has nothing to do with racial discrimination,” he said. “China wants to tell the United States (and other countries) NOT to confront the international community and NOT to go any further on the wrong path.”
The CIA declined to comment.
Say no to the New Cold War
The Uyghur “situation” in the Xinjiang state of China is a “red Herring” designed to create friction in that area to destabilize China. It is a way to interfere in the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative that is creating a strong and unified Asia.
Chinese President Xi Jinping six years ago launched New Silk Roads, now better known as the Belt and Road Initiative, the largest, most ambitious, pan-Eurasian infrastructure project of the 21st century. Under the Trump administration, Belt and Road has been utterly demonized 24/7: a toxic cocktail of fear and doubt, with Beijing blamed for everything from plunging poor nations into a “debt trap” to evil designs of world domination. Now finally comes what might be described as the institutional American response to Belt and Road: the Blue Dot Network. Blue Dot is described, officially, as promoting global, multi-stakeholder “sustainable infrastructure development in the Indo-Pacific region and around the world.” It is a joint project of the US Overseas Private Investment Corporation, in partnership with Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation. Now compare it with what just happened this same week at the inauguration of the China International Import Expo in Shanghai. As Xi stressed: “To date, China has signed 197 documents on Belt and Road cooperation with 137 countries and 30 international organizations.” This is what Blue Dot is up against – especially across the Global South. Well, not really. Global South diplomats, informally contacted, are not exactly impressed. They might see Blue Dot as an aspiring competitor to BRI, but one that’s moved by private finance – mostly, in theory, American. They scoff at the prospect that Blue Dot will include some sort of ratings mechanism that will be positioned to vet and downgrade Belt and Road projects. Washington will spin it as a “certification” process setting “international standards” – implying Belt and Road is sub-standard. Whether Global South nations will pay attention to these new ratings is an open question. - A “Blue Dot” Barely Visible from China’s “New Silk Roads”
As China’s only threat to the current global power-balance is economic, the United States is threatened by China’s rise. Thus there are numerous efforts made to create strife and destabilize Asia.
- Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang.
- Millennial youth in Hong Kong.
- Pork producers in Guangdong.
- Western markets for Huawei products.
- Taiwan “independence”.
To this end, neocons have been active with the CIA and NED / NID to create strife in the region. This includes a full-on propaganda onslaught, where most Americans are becoming conditioned for yet another proxy war in a far-off land.
This is welcomed by the neocons as [1] a magnificent source of personal (tax free) revenue, and [2] it’s “just” another in a long series of proxy wars. The thing is, China is not a third-world country and they will only accept CIA “pro-democracy” regime change activities only for so long.
It is possible that continued CIA psyops within China could result in a backlash of Nuclear Armageddon on American soil.
Do NOT poke the Panda.
Xinjiang is part of China and Xinjiang affairs are purely domestic affairs that allow no foreign interference. - Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Qin Gang

- PressTV: Massive Escalation: US Launches 4 Sub Based ICBMs …
- Kill the Carriers: How China Hopes It Could Win a Naval …
- New arms race fears as China and Russia blast US over …
- China opposes U.S. deployment of missile on its doorstep …
- China Parades its Latest Missiles in Challenge to US …
- China opposes U.S. deployment of missile on its doorstep …
Another great link showing just who is behind this CIA narrative…
Claims that China has detained millions of Uyghur Muslims are based largely on two studies. A closer look at these papers reveals US government backing, absurdly shoddy methodologies, and a rapture-ready evangelical researcher named Adrian Zenz. By Ajit Singh and Max Blumenthal
- Here’s a video about what is going on…
- Here’ another different video…
Imagine that! What a coiencidence.
Overall, I would add, say “no” to all war.
Anyone who WANTS a war for whatever reason, is a very sick person.
While our delegation was in Gansu, on 3 January, we received the news that Iranian general Qasem Soleimani had been murdered by US forces in Iraq. This reckless and illegal act marks a significant escalation against Iran. It’s almost certainly not a coincidence that, just a few days previously, Iran, China and Russia launched their first joint naval exercises in the Gulf of Oman. An alliance of China, Russia and Iran – working closely with progressive Latin America, South Africa, Vietnam, Syria, Iraq, Belarus and others – is a real threat to US attempts to reassert its global dominance. Trump’s murder of Soleimani should therefore be seen not only as an attack on the people of Iran but on the entire multipolar project, on the right of nations to determine their own development paths.
With the new Cold Warriors going all out to demonise and undermine China, it’s more important than ever to build solidarity and friendship with the People’s Republic.
Perhaps this message from the people of Hong Kong might put things into perspective…

Expect more heavy-handed efforts by the United States in a full-scale onslaught against China. All being done short of a “hot war”. (That looks like it will fall on the shoulders of Australia, since India decided to opt out.)
Um. Sure. LOL. It’s not “new” here in China. It was implemented all over China, way back in 2015. It’s just that Americans are all unaware of how advanced technology is in China, and they always direct it as something evil and bad.
American propaganda is for Americans. It just doesn't compute, or make sense, for the rest of the world. Most people, especially the Chinese who have grown accustomed to face recognition, have these big "floating question marks" above their heads. What's the big deal? Imagine the Chinese writing an article in a similiar vein... "Americans worried about the ATM Machines".
There will be much more coming on in the following months. It will all be China=Bad, and a big military drum-roll “We must DO SOMETHING!!!!!” Calling for a build up towards war.
Total and complete silliness.

And the American “leadership”
Nothing is more crazy than the outgoing pompous Secretary of State:
Nick Schifrin @nickschifrin – 17:14 UTC · Jan 19, 2021
BREAKING: Huge announcement from @SecPompeo: “I have determined that the PRC, under the direction and control of the CCP, has committed genocide against the predominantly Muslim Uyghurs and other ethnic and religious minority groups in Xinjiang.”
“I have determined …” Who does the guy think he is?
I think Pompous is wasting his time with that Uighur stuff. Nobody cares that much. He'd get more mileage out of the dog-meat trade. -Posted by: dh | Jan 19 2021 23:56 utc | 54
Keep in mind…
It’s no longer the US against smaller fractured nations. It’s developing into the USA against the world.
Asia is now uniting.
China and Russia are combining foreces and are pairing on all levels. Not just economically, but militairly as well.
Wang Yi said: China corporation with Russia is a world stabiliser, and China corporation with Russia has no upper limit or restricted zone. And that such corporation is for long term... State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi accepts a joint interview between Xinhua News Agency and China Central Radio and Television on the international situation and diplomatic work in 2020
Well, I do hope that the new administration isn’t going to be so rabid and warlike with the Trump administration has been. For they were insane war-hawks. And we have covered that elsewhere extensively. But no one knows the full picture. Just some of the puzzle pieces.
We will see…
But I have some hope.

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