Look at the picture above. You can clearly pick out three top Neocons on the Trump negotiation team.
This is a collection of articles revolving around the “Trump Trade War” with China. This event began in 2016 and continues onward. In this index we include all aspects of the trade war, and that means the NED / CIA activities in Hong Kong, the Xinjiang Muslim terror, and of course the 2020 CNY biological weapon attack in Wuhan (which, by extension, also includes the avian flu, the swine flu and biological warfare using drones).
The Thucydides Trap The major concern that world war could erupt between the two powerhouses stems from the fact that their relationship contains a historical dynamic that often leads to war: known as the Thucydides trap. This trap refers to the ancient Greek historian, Thucydides, who wrote that one of the main causes of the Peloponnesian war, which was fought between two alliances, one led by Athens and the other by Sparta, was that the “rise of Athens and fear that this installed in Sparta made war inevitable” (Allison 2018: xiv). The dangerous situation Thucydides outlined thousands of years ago has been used to refer to the explosive dynamic when a rising power threatens a ruling power (Allison 2018: xv). The Harvard Professor, Graham Allison, has used the Thucydides trap in the context of the Sino-US relationship, as a rising China is now challenging the position of the US in many respects. The Thucydides’ Trap Project at Harvard has analyzed the last 500 years of history and found sixteen cases when a rising power has challenged a ruling power, with war ensuing in 12 instances (Allison 2018: 41). [That is a 75% certainty.] Some notable examples of the cases that resulted in the war include the rise of Napoleonic France that challenged ruling British power in the late 18th, early 19th century, and the rise of Germany in the run-up to WWI, which led to war with the ruling power Britain and its allies (Allison 2018: 42). - Is World War Between the US and China Inevitable?
By the way…
Have you noticed that all those “pro democracy” protests in Hong Kong came to a complete and absolute end once China threw out all those “journalists” out of Hong Kong in March 2020? Imagine that!
"American Journalists" are not journalists. They are political operatives that work for American "Alphabet" organizations and NGO's.
Why there is a Trump Trade War…
Yup, and here is why there is a Trump Trade War in the first place. America expected that since America was “such a great and wonderful place” and “democracy” that everyone would naturally want to enter the American-sphere-of-influence.
But that is just American ego and living within a big propaganda bubble. The rest of the world doesn’t feel that way…

So, you need to see how the rest of the world actually works. Not how you view it through the “pro pax America” bubble. You need to see it as it actually is…

Trump Trade War with China
Dunno about this constant rubbing salt in the wound. Looks like real diplomacy no longer exists. Hold'em tables have this sort of player , the US. The US is the famous loose aggressive sort of player archetype. These players play lots of hands and play them aggressively. The proper play for this sort is to tighten up and play fewer, but choice hands. This is like strategic play. You play the player and the hands. On the international scene this is easy to see. Where does the US intervene. It plays with its 800 + bases, meddling all over the place, and playing shoot 'em up wars. So, to see how things progress, learn some poker and see how countries play each other and which "hands", hands can be trade restrictions, proxy wars, false flags, covert ops, etc. Russia reminds me of the hit and run player. They play hands in order to deceive. Russia will play some odd hand for a cheap price and if that hand hits, it sucks others in. China is the long haul grinder. ... Now this could be a decision point for China at a time convenient to them. This is really like playing hold'em. The US and China have to figure out how good their hands are now and what events [like which cards fall on the flop, turn river] are favorable to each, and the probability of said events. ... The table is set, the players are stacking chips, and there are all sorts of grudges from games past. Things will be interesting since mother nature owns the casino. -Generational Theory
So Trump is alarmed at the rise of China. Thus he wants to stifle it, subdue it, and push it down.
I mean why be alarmed? The population is four times larger, it is run on merit, and occupies a landmass larger than America.

If you ask me, it’s rise is simply inevitable.
The Trump administration made a very serious miscalculation in launching the ‘trade war’ with China. It believed that either, or both, the leadership of China would submit to the Trump administrations threats or the Chinese population would not be prepared for a serious struggle with the US. Both calculations have proved entirely wrong. China’s leadership did not surrender to but hit back against the US attacks. Furthermore anyone who follows China’s domestic discussion, on what is now by far the world’s largest internet community, knows that this line was strongly supported by the Chinese population. -John Ross
We have to see things as they actually are in order to understand what is going on…

Here are the articles on the Trump Trade War and the implications and the mechanics of it…
Firstly, “right out of the gate”, America placed impossible demands on China fully knowing that they would not be accepted, then they placed all sorts of obstacles in front of China. Turning the trade war “HOT”.

And this is what it was like…

And I, at that time, believed that everyone wants a “win-win” situation. But that was not the case. The entire Administration is staffed with neocons. They wanted a “lose-lose”, with America losing less than China. Never the less, I had hope…

China tries to warn America…

But the neocons in the administration won’t have any of that. They are under the comic-book image of China as a deep dark smoggy totalitarian dictatorship with the people ready to revolt at the drop of a hat, and that the factories will come streaming back to the loving arms of America.
Yes, they are that out of touch.
Why Factories are not returning back to America…
And the idea that factories can turn on like a “light-switch” and return to America is nonsense. It took four decades of industrial destruction to get where America is today. That is not going to change in a few months.
For decades, people like Trump’s trade director Peter Navarro have warned us that something like this would happen someday. But we were condescendingly told, This is capital seeking the most efficient market! And, anyway, if China screws with us, we’ll just make it ourselves. Really? With broken-down buildings, a dispossessed workforce and no machinery? Unfashionable working-class people in the industrial Midwest were discarded long ago. They may as well have had “obsolete” stamped on their foreheads. -Ann Coulter
Here’s why…

So, America put all sorts of pressure on China to instigate popular uprisings against China. You know that “everyone wants to be an American” nonsense…
America is behind the Hong Kong Protests
And not just in Hong Kong either…
America is behind the Uyghur Muslim unrest in XinJiang…
The Coronavirus COVID-19 biological Attack by America on China during 2020 CNY.
... the Trump administration is determined to block China’s national rejuvenation. As already shown, there is no point to attempt to appease it or beg for mercy from it, this will merely lead to it becoming more aggressive. The ultimate aim of the neo-cons at present directing the Trump administration’s policies is to block China’s national rejuvenation and the final way to ensure that is to ensure that that China should suffer the same historical catastrophe as the USSR under Gorbachev. -John Ross
Well, some idiot in the Trump Administration decided that since the Chicken Flu, and the Pork Flu wouldn’t drive the Chinese into supplication, perhaps a Human Flu would.
So they released a most lethal viral agent during the height of the 2020 CNY celebrations. It was a full-scale biological weapons attack against the Chinese people. It’s a declaration of war.
Here’s my postings on it. The biggest and most complete post is this one…

That post was unusually popular and hit 20,000 hits a day! Mainly because I was the only one connecting the strange goings on leading up to the COVID-19 CNY outbreak to the Trump Trade War.

Following that post, the American “Deep State” started to float the idea that China released it inside a city (twice the size of NYC) intentionally to ease up on starvation. WTF? And the American people ate it up. Then came all sorts of other efforts to derail the connection between the NC biological weapons lab and the COVID-19.
Yet others were not wholly dissuaded. Here’s another opinion…

And here is my justification for the theory that it is an actual biological weapon…

And when this entire event happened, Xi Peng ordered an investigation of how the COVID-19 originated. Scientists studied this issue and came up with the conclusion that it was man-made and made by Americans.

Now, we know that this virus self-mutates into all sorts of dangerous configurations. Here’s my post on that…

And the super suspicious timing of it…

And, just how it compares with other pathogens. This is a great simple chart showing it relative to other viral agents.

I was interviewed on it, and that post generated 20,000 hits a day. Obviously I’m not the only person who believes that this was an American biological weapon…

Here we look at the suspicious timing for the “12 Monkeys” scenario.

And it’s not just China. Funny thing this. All of American’s “enemies” got hit with the COVID-19 at the same time. This is China, Iran and North Korea. Funny how no one in the American media is talking about that…

And what is coming out of China now. This is a nation of winners, of people who work hard through merit, and a very very serious nation. This is the effect of all this…

And of course, the American political machine is ramped up and lying about everything. Desperately trying to cover their tracks and regain control of an out-of-control monster..

And now, the boomerang effect back onto the United States. America, a nation corrupted by progressive Marxism, diversity, and sloth is in no way able to handle what is coming down the pike…

And now, after all these many, many posts Mike Pompeo admits that the COVID-19 was a (military) “live exercise”…

And what the Big Plan actually was…

And the fall out that is going to track through 2021, to 2023…
Biden takes over
Videos of the COVID-19 Biological Attack events within China.
My First-Hand Report of what it is like.
And, I being in China, in the midst of this biological attack have my own personal experiences. Check them out…

And my advice on what you can do to protect yourself…

And a new future awaits

Other things within this scope
The Trump Trade war includes all manner of actions and activities. It is not limited to the items and events as specified above. There are actions against Chinese food, and technology. Here we discuss some of these other events…

And just really strange things…
What can I say?

And where this is all taking us…
Heaven help us all.

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