Live Exercise

USA Admits COVID-19 was a “live exercise” biological weapon on China.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said  that the U.S. sees the Communist Party of China as the “central threat  of our times” and that the U.S. must “ensure that the next century is  governed by … Western democratic principles.”  

- Coronavirus panic stoked by anti-China media, politicians: Myth vs. fact 

Well, it was bound to come out sooner or later. Though, I pretty much expected it to come out in 70 years, like the JFK assassination did.

The facts involved here are all pretty straight forward;

At the White-house, the Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo admitted that the COVID-19 event was a biological weapon “exercise”. The moment that he made the statement, Trump took a double take and responds “I wish you would have told us”.

Pompeo stated;

“This is not about retribution, this matter is going forward — we are in a live exercise here to get this right.”

For those of you who are confused what this simple sentence means, check out the English meanings…

"Exercises" mean military weapons, training, events, and systems.
"COVID-19" is a currently out-of-control biological virus that is lethal and disrupting national economies. This is the subject subject matter that Pompeo was discussing at the time of the conference.

"Live" means being active, engaged, and in-process.

"Retribution" means punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act. When Pompeo refers to vengeance on someone or something, he is referring to China. As, after all, that is WHY he refers to the COVID-19 as "Wuhan Virus", and "China Virus".

"Get Right" means to correct something in error. To win in a conflict. Or in the case of United States geopolitics, to keep America as the dominant global leader over the rest of the world.

"Going Forward" means something that is in process presently and on a time-line.

So to rephrase the sentence into a form that non-American English speakers can understand, without idiomatic confusion, he said this…

This action we have taken, is not about punishment of China. The COVID-19 bioweapon event is continuing and unfolding. – We are currently in an active military operation to set the United States as the supreme dominant sole powerful government in the world.

So it appears that the “deep state” neocons inside the Trump Administration unleashed a biological weapon, the COVID-19, as a “live exercise” intentionally.

For after all, military exercises are always planned, and never accidental.

If he did not mean this, he chose an outrageously poor selection of words.

For, if he was referring to the governments action regarding a pandemic, we would use phrases such as "dealing with", "handling", allocating resources", "supporting", "adjusting", "reacting", "handling" and "controlling".

The phrase "live exercise" is only used in military and para-military operations.

For those paying attention, they did this against China, who is a economic rival to the United States to suppress it.

The “live exercise” using bio-warfare backfired terribly, and is now tearing the United States apart, brick by brick.

This excerpt is from “Mike Pompeo Admits COVID-19 Is a “Live Exercise,” Trump Retorts “I Wish You Would Have Told Us”” By Shepard Ambellas Global Research, March 23, 2020 Intellihub 21 March 2020. Edited to fit this venue and all credit to the authors.

Can someone please explain exactly what is going on here?

United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had a slip of the tongue while addressing the American people from the White House when he stated that COVID-19 is a live military exercise.

“This is not about retribution,” Pompeo explained. “This matter is going forward — we are in a live exercise here to get this right.”

@realDonaldTrump is mad that the deep state took control through Continuity of Government, there has been a coup? #Covid_19 #CoronavirusPandemic #MartialLaw

— Shepard Ambellas (@ShepardAmbellas) March 21, 2020

With a disgusted look on his face, President Trump replied: “You should have let us know.”

Well, Pompeo obviously has a higher security clearance than the president does.

For those of you who are confused…

Military Exercise meaning (from Wikipedia): 

“A military exercise or war game is the employment of military resources in training for military operations, either exploring the effects of warfare or testing strategies without actual combat. This also serves the purpose of ensuring the combat readiness of garrisoned or deployable forces prior to deployment from a home base.”

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Commentary and Conclusions

Walk-Back. Expect a “walk back” from this statement. It will be mitigated as a minor “misunderstanding” and nothing more, and the mainstream media will bury it in a flood of other news. The Alt-Right, bombarded by months of anti-China narrative will twist this to mean something along the line of “oh, he’s just referring to China and their lies…etc, etc.” Then the statement will have zero coverage and the media narrative will continue unabated against China.

Geopolitical Implications. Meanwhile, Russia and China knew this information all along. They do recognize that the USA is quite dangerous and out of control. This will reinforce this belief and they will begin to look at the USA like a chaotic mess that it is. Instead of a sane economic rival with a different culture.

People, what do you do if there is a rabid, out of control dog, in your neighborhood?

What do you think that proactive nations, and nations run on merit, would do and plan on doing regarding the United States being the governmental equivalent of a "mad dog"?

Personal Implications. What this means to you (dear readers) is that the American government is completely out of control. The “deep state” is running amok and risking world war III while they operate as mindless zombies on the levers of power. People (!) this cannot be good by any stretch of the imagination.

Just keep in mind that Pompeo admitted that the COVID-19 Coronavirus was a “Live Exercise” at the White-house. It’s not a reaction to an event. Reactions are never “exercises”. It’s also not an event in itself.

As such, we know what it is not…

  • It was NOT a natural virus.
  • It was NOT an accidental release of the plague from a facility.
  • It was NOT a Chinese-developed and deployed bio-weapon.
  • It was NOT a stolen bio-weapon used by China on it’s people.

What it is…

  • It was an American “system” that was deployed as a “Live Exercise” by the American neocons inside the American “Deep State”. Furthermore, President Trump was unaware of any of this.

You will discover that this most news-worthy report will get very little traction in the mainstream and Alt-Right, Hard-Right propaganda outlets.

If you see Rush Limbaugh, or, or Hal Turner, or Alex Jones talking about this please tell me. My guess is that if they do, they will defend it as a “slip of the tongue” as the USA can do no wrong in their eyes.

To find out what is going on and other reports on this subject, go to my China Trade Wars Index, or my SHTF Index. Both have many articles about the subjects listed herein.

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SS-The Independent

Well, well, well…now I have the last pieces of the puzzle…Steve Bannon ( ‘ Breitbart News ‘ ) was talking about a war with China in the next 10-15 years ( or less ) since the 2016 (S)election…When I posted something about corona virus ‘ PLANdemic ‘ and the ‘ pLanic ‘ created, I was censored at his/their site few days ago; I did a short research and find out what I needed to know ( like him declaring ‘ I am a Christian Zionist ‘ )…One of my favorite sites was ‘ Natural News ‘ ( Mike Adams ), because I/we are pro-holistic approach, natural therapies, spiritual living in harmony with Mother Gaia, etc. About 3-4 weeks ago, I noticed a change of the ‘ tone ‘ at their site…a hysteria regarding the coved-19. When I posted first time, expressing my concern, they censored me…Yesterday, I guess, I got an email ( subscriber of them ) with the title ‘ PREPARE FOR WAR: Trump activates one million military reservists as nation prepares for mass combat casualties ‘…Say what ?! One million against who(m)…against us, The People ?! I couldn’t believe what I was reading: ‘ global war…US invaded by foreign troops…communist run U.N…’…AND : ” America may soon be invaded by communist Chinese troops “…Now, if some readers believe that this a just an insignificant site and Mike Adams is an isolated ‘ conspiracy nut ‘, they should do some research ( there are other site connected or not, with this one – does Alex Jones tell you something ? ) and ask themselves IF this is not an action of preparing the public for a massive war ( ‘ conditional response ‘ ). Please do a research and see what the average ‘ commoner ‘ think/react ( at the end of the article )…James Madison was right : ” If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy “.

Dances With Rabbits

As they say. Russia (add China here too) is afraid of war, but prepared for it. The USA is not afraid of war, and not prepared for it. The difference between having had a war on your own soil or not.

Dances With Rabbits

Thanks, I shall do. Much going on here. We’re not in lockdown as such and my business is booming which means long hours. However much time in between whilst machinery is running to keep up albeit late at night.

It occurs to me also that we in Australia are no less foolish and seem not to fear war as much as we should. Otherwise, our country’s government and a fair chunk of our population might be a little more hesitant to jump on Uncle Sam’s bandwagon of war whenever it was in town. The anti-China hysteria is becoming tiresome and despicable. Not a shadow of thought behind any of it. Our troops have lost their honour too. Once we prided ourselves on fire control and more humanity than the US goons. Now we have become war criminals and complicit in many more war crimes. Regrets for being involved in war after war on others soil when there was never any threat to anyone least of all ourselves are drowned out by whinging about immigrants and refugees from the places our troops are helping devastate. With no more awareness than a typical American of the connection. This is not the country I grew up in anymore. If the new face is our Aussie character then bring on the immigrants I say. The original batch of immigrants to these shores have gone bad.

Dances With Rabbits

No say what you like mate. I feel the sting of any criticism of my country as anyone would but it is more the feeling of shame that it is true. I’d defend my nation against unfounded criticism but I won’t guild the Lilly at all. I was born in Sydney but lived in Western Australia since my teens. I’ve also travelled a lot and lived for 6 years in Europe. Unfortunately many Aussies same as many Americans never leave their own country and if they do it is as a tourist. I say ‘unfortunately’ because it is travel and experience of other cultures and nations which brings about an open mind and puts one’s own into proper perspective.

Maybe a better world would require everyone having to shift their parochial backsides to another cultural sphere for a year or two in their formative years especially so that narrow-mindedness and xenophobia die out. Besides which these are very ugly attitudes and are quite repulsive to be subjected to even in hearing.

Very interesting background you have. I looked around a bit last night. I will get deeper into your accounts later I have more than a passing interest having had a few experiences including something in my army time in the 80s and whilst they left me with certainty about the overall matter there are not any answers I can find for one event in particular which involved a platoon of infantry and many years before only a tiny fraction of it was even recalled by me. I have questions for which you may have some answers. Cheers

Dances With Rabbits

This is the best summary of things pointing to US culpability I have seen. Previous to this I’d been inclined to believe the story as told by Yoshio Shimatsu. It still has some legs but it is hard to ignore Pompeo’s words. I’d like to see the whole thing, before and after the bit in the video. Context is missing a bit. I can certainly understand the Chinese are pissed off at this stage. As if doing this crap wasn’t bad enough, to be blamed for it as well and all the slander has really got to grate. Old Uncle Shmuel is definitely cruisn’ for a bruisin’

If I sound flippant I’m not. I’m an Aussie and well aware we’d be on the front lines of any such conflict.