Was the COVID-19 Coronavirus already present in the United States in August 2019, and simply misdiagnosed? This post considers the idea that the COVID-19 coronavirus might have rose naturally, or at least, semi-naturally, from the Americas during the Summer of 2019. As such, the idea that it ported to China during the Wuhan Military Olympics might be a natural transmission event, rather than intentional.

Was the COVID-19 Coronavirus already present in the United States in August 2019, and simply misdiagnosed?

I have no clear answers. Just many questions.

CDC director Redfield admits there were unreported Covid "events" in US, in which case predated outbreak in China. 

-The Hill

Functionally, the COVID-19 viral form is American. Not Asian. America has five viral archetypes, China has one. If it is natural, it must come from that regional archetype. And the COVID-19 archetype is one of the five American types. It’s not the Asian archetype.

It cannot naturally arise in Asia.

(Which is of course the argument that the Chinese stole bio-weapon technology from America.) 

Only thing is, though, why would the Chinese want to subject their own people to a lethal virus…

You need to be a tin-foil-hat-wearing-Alt-Right- conspiracy-nut to follow the sort of twisted logic that is being bantered about to fit that narrative. Most of the Chinese I know are hyper-patriotic and are tickled pink proud of their nation, their people and their struggles.

So what’s going on?

Is the COVID-19 an American bio-weapon used by Trump in his latest incarnations of Chinese rise suppression…

…or, is it something else entirely.

This post considers the idea that it might have rose naturally, or at least, semi-naturally, from the Americas.

The Argument

Could this COVID-19 virus been in the Americas for most of 2019? Could it been floating around, getting people sick and killing people? Could it be misdiagnosed as other things?

As other things…

The e-vaping “crisis” of August 2019.

Perhaps all those vaping lung problems attributed to e-cigarettes back in August 2019 were really due to COVID-19. Funny thing. Everyone has a low dry cough, a fever, and then their lungs filled up with fluid.

Dominican Republic – Mysterious Deaths.

Do you remember what had happened to the more than a few American tourists who suddenly collapsed and mysteriously died in the Dominican Republic? Funny thing. Everyone has a low dry cough, a fever, and then their lungs filled up with fluid.

Remember they thought the tourists were being poisoned.

They had respiratory failure and their lungs were filled with fluid!

See the following article about the mysterious American deaths in the Dominican Republic:

Not to worry though, the American tourists died officially of “natural causes”.

Misdiagnosed as the flu

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, flu season is really bad this year, with almost a 100,000 people reporting symptoms in the U.S. and upwards of 30 flu-related deaths. 

- Here's why flu season is so bad this year 

Prior to the news out of Wuhan, America was rocked with “an unusually bad flu season”. Now it seems that this “flu” was actually COVID-19. Funny thing, the “flu symptoms” this year were a little different. Everyone has a low dry cough, a fever, and then their lungs filled up with fluid.


This COVID-19 is a terrible virus. Whether it is a bio-weapon or not, whether it originated in America, China or some other place does not matter. What really matters is that we fully understand what we are dealing with.

Instead of point fingers, let’s just look at what was going on over the world leading up to the COVID-19 outbreak in China.

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How about some good news that explains what to do about it before and if you get flu… any kind of viral in fact. Since obviously any of it (flu) which is all viral can and does lead to death via pneumonia. Look again at vitamin C… the proof is coming out of china if you know where to look and how much to take. DOn’t wait until its too late. Be ready to take soon as you feel systems strike. Obviously before it turns in to pneumonia because then its ICU and prayers. Not gonna hear about this on the clinton news network. go here instead




Bio-Weapons Lab Fort Detrick was closed by the CDC in 2019 because of national security reasons.

Fort Detrick was also the lab where Bruce Ivins, biological weapons researcher, worked, he was the one who sent anthrax to 5 senators, they died:


Lisa Harris

THANK YOU! These are all of my same suspicions. Why isn’t anyone else suggesting this. I bounced these opinions off of my husband and a close friend and was blown off, so I shut up quickly. I truly believe this virus had been going around undiagnosed for months before the first diagnosis in China. I even revisited news of the cases in the D.R. in January looking for some answers. Bless you and thank you for your courage.

Truth Seeker

Hey do you want to look more into this interesting news about Maatje Benassi?
