Western Mainstream Media screams Putin is losing or Putin has lost. The heroic Ukrainian president has single-handedly beaten back the brutal Russians.

Biden screams Putin is a war criminal. That is, Putin's losing Russian army is commiting genocide on the winning Ukrainian hero defenders. Was that how the 300 Spartans massacred the Persians?

Do two lies make a truth?

America seems to finally want peace. The US warns China will face consequences if it does not stop Russia's war in Ukraine. 

So America wants China to use a magic wand (which it does not have) to stop a war that America started and which it is still fueling, otherwise America will start a war with China. 

Does America want peace or war? I still can't wrap my head around this one.

This is what happens when a country is run by lying hypocritical demented morons.


Lieutenant General Roger Cloutier was captured in Mariupol and is already in Moscow.

This proves BEYOND A DOUBT that America is not fighting a proxy war against Russia, but rather instead, is fighting a direct kinetic war against Russia inside a NATO proxy nation.

This will seriously escalate the global situation dangerously.

China perceptions

China, which has of late risen to the top of the United States enemies’ chart, is a bit harder to understand.

China is a legitimate global competitor with an economy now estimated to be larger than that of the US, but it has never suggested in any way that it wants a war.

Against that background, President Biden has declared that the United States has a “commitment” to defend Taiwan if China should attempt to retake control of the island.

If that conflict were to come about and the US engages in a conventional war against Beijing, it would find that the Chinese have considerable advantages in that they would be fighting on interior lines while the modern hypersonic missile technologies that they would deploy could devastate obsolete American aircraft carrier battle groups.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley has described the new Chinese missiles as “very concerning” and “very close” to being a “Sputnik moment,” when a panicked US accelerated its arms and space races against the Soviet Union in 1957.

And one should not forget that China is a major trading partner with the United States, producing many consumer items that are no longer manufactured in America.

Beijing also holds tens of billions of dollars-worth of US Treasury bonds.

If two countries ever had good reasons not to go to war it would be China and the US, but the threats coming mostly from Washington have been nearly continuous ever since President Barack Obama initiated his tilt to Asia.

The complete ineptness of US diplomacy also contributes to the sense of threat.

Logically, Washington should be playing off Russia against China to diminish any danger of war against two hostile great powers but instead it has chosen to antagonize both of themm simultaneously.

Whether the Europeans and the South Koreans and Japanese will follow the US on its march to oblivion is debatable.

One of the curious aspects of the news coming out of the White House, Pentagon and Foggy Bottom is just how hypocritical it all is.

Witness for example the groupthink assessment made by General Milley, who said

“We’re witnessing one of the largest shifts in global geo-strategic power the world has witnessed. They [the Chinese] are clearly challenging us regionally and their aspiration is to challenge the United States globally.” 

Milley is saying that China in particular, and Russia and Iran as well, cannot develop military technologies and take other steps to defend themselves without Washington’s permission.

The absurdity of that position should be obvious to everyone, but it has apparently not yet become clear to those in power in Washington.

-Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D.

Americans are in favor of war with Russia

You got to love the “logic” of these folks!

Russia intervenes in a country which neighbors it, thousands of miles away, and the US Americans see that as a threat to the USA.

And nevermind that the USA is the country which forced Russia into this war which the Kremlin spent eight years trying to avoid.

How is such a result even possible?  Here are a few options:

      1. A majority of US Americans are simply stupid and cannot think
      2. A majority of US Americans are unbelievably ignorant
      3. A majority of US Americans are brainwashed by their media and schools
      4. A majority of US Americans have been trained/conditioned to fear and hate whomever their rulers designate for demonization
      5. A majority of US Americans sincerely believe that the USA ought to be the planet’s cop and no matter where a conflict starts, even when that conflict started by the USA, they believe that it is Uncle Shmuel business to deal with it.  In their tiny minds, the USA has a God given right to intervene anywhere and attack anyone.
      6. A majority of US Americans perceive any truly sovereign country as a direct threat to their way of life.
      7. The PYSOP campaign to demonize Russia has been a resounding success.

A mix of all of the above is probably the most accurate cause for such a result.