Full reprint of the book titled “Domain Expeditionary Force Rescue Mission”

This is the full reprint of the book titled “Domain Expeditionary Force Rescue Mission”. There is an interesting story behind this book. It is considered a science fiction story, while the first book “Alien Interview” is not. I do not know what to think. However, it is really easy to discount the idea that there is a follow up book whenever the first book became popular. There is that “for profit motive” don’t you know.

Thus we have this write up;

A Science Fiction story based on the best selling book ALIEN INTERVIEW. 

"There are several obvious reasons that The Domain, and other space civilizations do not land on Earth or make their presence known. It takes a very brave IS-BE to come down through the atmosphere and land on Earth, because it is a prison planet, with a very uncontrolled, psychotic population. And, no IS-BE is entirely proof against the risk of entrapment, as with the members of The Domain Expeditionary Force who were captured in the Himalayas 8,200 years ago." 

-- excerpt from the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer

MM comments

I parsed the book “Alien Interview” and found it valid, real and actual. I then parsed it in great detail, and in so doing, found many answers that “clicked” or aligned with prior events, knowledge, and experiences that I have had. There is no question that the first book “Alien Interview” is valid.

I do not know about the second book.

When I read the opinions of others, I find myself questioning everything. Such as this book review here…

Fiction or Valid Disclosure?

Good book but lacked the authenticity and clarity the author claims it is which the first book “Alien Interview” had.
The only reason I say this is that although the cover says, “by Lawrence R. Spencer”, the author claims he is not the original author. But in his first book, “Alien Interview” he credits himself as the editor only.
This is true. The first book; "Alien Interview" is the narrative of the transcribing nurse that was involved in the interview of the acquired Commander of a downed extraterrestrial spacecraft. It includes her narrative, and the full transcript of the interview. According tot he first book, she is dead. So, what is the source information for the second book?

In this book, Spencer puts his name on the cover as “by Lawrence R. Spencer” which leaves it open to suspect. There is an email address inside the book that Mr. Spencer claims the documents have come from. I wrote to this email address in the book on several occasions and received no reply. I did not receive an undelivered email notification so I assume someone got it. I am sure I am not the only person to write to the mysterious email address shown in the book.
This opens the book up to great controversy and it has been put down by various reviewers on the internet, claiming that the author, Lawrence Spencer, wrote this book and its prequel “Alien Interview” as a kind of religious agenda, or rather, “anti-religious” agenda.
However, there are many many people out there who have had amazing testimonies of ET contact and their stories are even more outlandish and unbelievable than the written material of these books. So to judge this book as some kind of writing that has a religious or ideological motivation is incorrect.
I believe many people have had many ET experiences and this book coincides with the many thousands of people who have had their eyes opened to the revelations and perspectives that have changed them forever. This book and “Alien Interview” are not the authors or inventors of such concepts but rather reinforce what has already been revealed by thousands of other abductees, witnesses, and Experiencers.
Mr. Spencer does indicate the the book is “by” him.
However, he claims that he is not the original author.
He claims that it came to him via email from someone claiming to be Matilda MacElroy…
…or a Being or person that is coordinated with the late Mrs. MacElroy. .
There is no evidence that Mrs. MacElroy actually died although she stated in “Alien Interview” that she was going to die and be put to rest in a place of her choosing.
The book is written in the same style as the previous book which was supposed to be by Mrs. MacElroy.
Since Mrs. MacElroy had a career military background, this book fits hand and glove to the first writings. There are some typographical errors that are claimed to be part of the original way the book was presented to Mr. Spencer.
This book appears to be strung together as a collection of notes that barely hold together as a manual.
Since the author cannot claim it was actually written by Matilda as it came to him via email, it has some mystery to it. There are some grammar errors and spelling issues here and there, certainly not the kind of quality of a professional writer. So perhaps these are the foot prints of the real writer.
Never the less, it is a very good book and I found it very interesting, written with the same matter-o-fact style as the first book.
However, instead of the transcription style of the first book, this book comes together as a take-a-long manual for someone in the process of trying to get their pre-earth memory back.
I was met with some very violent reactions from certain people when I tried to talk about this book and the original book, “Alien Interview”. It appears that the material appears so far fetched that it strikes anything from fear to ridicule in others who do not have any courage to stretch beyond their own belief system and self imposed science or religious paradigms.
For anyone who wants to stretch their consciousness outside the limited box-thinking paradigm of our present reality, and for anyone who has had some kind of ET experience, whether it be abduction, observation, or for anyone who is wanting to learn something amazing of a possible pre-earth existence, this is a great eye opening book.
I suggest the “Alien Interview” book be read first in order to keep this book in its rightful context.

The files

A MM contributor took the time to photograph the entire contents of the book and send it for me to read. These photos are below for your enjoyment.

I have read the total book in this format, and here are my impressions…

MM Comments after reading the book

Let me repeat what the book says…

This book is in no way factual.  Nor is it intended to represent any factual information. This book is a contrivance of the imagination of the author.  This book is a work of fiction only. It is not to be interpreted otherwise by the reader.

MM readership take note. This is a fiction. Nothing more.


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This felt like many religious texts to me; in other words, a mixed bag. There were parts in the first half that really resonated and felt true, like the idea of creating universes and the affirmations of being immortal, god(s). Also the rehabilitation plans.

The second half of the book with the history of the Earth and key historical figures, on the other hand, felt more contrived, or at least harder to believe. What gets me, however, is in Alien Interview we’re told about the Archduke and WWI, which is just as outlandish. Also, why dare to write a fiction if the author believes the first book was real? Wouldn’t he be concerned that the Domain might take offense?

Very mysterious. I’m still on the fence on what to make of it.



You’re right. This book “feels” like a religious book. The concept of a omniscient and omnipresent Matriarch is very similar to the concepts of God Almighty or Patriarch presented in most major religions. This is one of the many issues this book has.


Hey MM,

I bought the Kindle version of the book and read it tonight. I completely agree with you. This book doesn’t add valuable information, just is the work of somebody who read the original “Alien Interview” and created content based on it.
I started to read “Beyond Roswell” (1996) by Michael Hesemann and Philip Mantle. Some good stuff there. This is a good investigative work, but I think this refers to another crash.
And I read “The day after Roswell” by Colonel Philip J. Corso. This book is very interesting and I think it helps to understand what happened in a bigger scale.
None of the (type-1 Grays) depicted in both books corresponds to the Alien Interview crash, according to the characteristics and complexion of the beings. The AI crash had 3 beings including Airl. The incident depicted in both books refer to 5 or more beings. But both books have good information.


@congjing yu I tried emailing that address when I go the book a few months before you did your Alien Interview breakdown, still received nothing in return. Of course, that doesn’t mean anything though when you are talking about entities that have the ability to move about in the non physical. I am still undecided on this book. There was a mention of something very similar to the anomaly thing I experienced in it at around about page 100. It is too hard to comment on everything else as it is pretty much just an in depth recap of things in the AI, like you said.


I will read this book also and review it.

As the Domain writes, “what is truth”?

I am more interested in the use of the material and the ability to inspire than its “truth”. Carlos Castenada’s work has champions and detractors. Whatever the case, his work has spirit.

The thing to look for in a book, comment, or an article, is that “one good idea” that was new to you, and that offered you value. As you get older and more experienced, there is less new information and fewer revelations to be had.


I’ve read the book too and enjoyed it; as I did the first. Much resonates.

But for me, the numbering of the Space Station as 33 is highly suspect. Highly.

As many of you know ’33’ is a calling card used by the Master Magicians who organize and direct this reality. 33 is scattered throughout news media, particularly during false flags, as are the numbers 9, 7, 11, 13,14, 66 and 666 or 999 and any combinations of the previous; and character/actors named ‘Christian’ Rose, Rosie, Claus or Klaus, Madeleine or Maddy, Nick, Seth and/or Mr or Mrs Mason. There are many others. Often a sexual reference such as ‘Cressida Dick’– a character actor frequenting British MSM who doesn’t actually exist as a real person. And this has been proved by image analysis by people who know what they are doing. Once you spot it and become aware of it, it’s EVERYwhere.

My guess is the author was duped or somehow cognitively infiltrated after the publishing of the original authentic account provided to him. 33 is the dead giveaway. Could be a coincidence, of course. But it’s a stretch to believe that for me, unfortunately. The 33 jumped out at me immediately and I had to force myself to read on. You can always tell by the smell– I’ve a lot of experience with these codes.

Sure, some say numerology and astrology are just bunk, maybe they are, but I can assure you that the Masters take it very, very seriously and plan all operations using it. 911 being a classic example. And look into the numerology of the Kennedy assassination and even WWs 1 and 2.

Still a good read all the same– these folks know how to spin a yarn, and manipulate all the right emotional/cognitive levers.That’s just what they do.


I could also add the numerous references to magic, not in Airl’s original account; the Great Mother– totally esoteric reference– and even the ‘names’ used to refer to the DEF officers known to the protagonist. These seem to be compounds from angels, demons and sprites from ancient Abrahamic and Near Eastern esoteric teachings. Chaldean, etc.

‘HEZMEL’ is particularly odd, and familiar– but I’m having a senior moment and can’t quite put my finger on that ref. right now. It’s been a while!

And these refs aint on Google let’s just say that. Not much IS on Google anymore as I’m sure many of us have noticed. Just ads and mainstream, Normie b.s.

I guess one solution could be to ask our Domain contact about this work. They are going to a lot of trouble to free and recruit entrapped souls to help them as wr know, so I don’t think he or she would have a problem calling this work out as bullshit– IF it is– or alternatively setting us all straight on the matter so we don’t have to waste our time getting distracted. IF its a distraction.
But having said all that, thanks to the reader who took the trouble to put it up. Another piece of the puzzle no matter what.