I often hear complaints about what I write about. You would think that the complaints would be about some mischaracterization of an existing scientific theory, or an improper date, address or citation. Nope. It is nothing of the sort. Most of the complaints that I get have to do with politics.
Politics! Of all things!
Good golly guys. If you don’t like what a person has to say, and you haven’t been exposed to other ideas and opinions, you are still in friggin’ elementary school. You have never grown up. You can only GROW through [1] experience, and [2] exposure to new things. These new things can be physical things, but they can also be new thoughts and new ideas.
With that in mind, I am forced to make my stand on politics…
Democrats & Republicans
They both suck.
They both suck in equal measure. There is nothing great about being in politics. They one thing and do something else. They smile to your face and tell you a lie. They are service-to-self sentience individuals that will do anything that they believe that they can get away with.

So don’t get angry at me because I don’t like how Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein wants to ban me for putting my thoughts on “my five dollar blog”.
So don’t get angry at me when President Donald Trump’s AG, Justice Attorney General Jeff Sessions wants to really go after marijuana smokers and users. I think that it is beyond silly, as there are MAJOR and significant issues being ignored, while trivial ones are being taken seriously. I don’t like it just as much as you the reader (probably) doesn’t.
Don’t get angry at me because I don’t want the United States to be drawn into another useless war in a far-away land like Republican Senator Lindsey Graham or war-provocateur Republican Senator John McCain wants. War, war, war! Isn’t there anything better that these two clowns can devote their time to? What’s the matter, they have a mental illness or what?
Don’t get angry at me because I think that there is a price tag on everything and that Independent Senator Bernie Sanders and his “free stuff” is a trap. There is nothing free in this world. That means, boys and girls, that you have to pay for something that is worthwhile. When someone offers you something for free, that usually means that they are leading you down towards a snare.
"I wouldn't call it fascism exactly, but a political system nominally controlled by an irresponsible, dumbed down electorate who are manipulated by dishonest, cynical, controlled mass media that dispense the propaganda of a corrupt political establishment can hardly be described as democracy either." -Edward Zehr
These are my opinions. I read and hear about these things, and I do not like them. In fact, they actually make me a little angry. However, I always settle down and quiet myself down when I remember our reality.
Now, to make sure that you, the reader, really understands my fundamental point of view let me let you in on a BIG MAJestic secret…
You Have No Control Over Your Government
That’s right and let that sink right in.
You have the illusion of voting. The people “in office” have the illusion that they have power. The people that support them, finance them and empower them to have the illusion that they are the true forces of power.
It’s all nonsense. It really is.
Everyone is actually just playing a role in a big scripted stage. Some people get “lucky” and have some apparent advantage over others. But, heck, that too is also just an elaborate illusion.
Not one single human has any control over anything of value. We are just barnyard chickens squawking and fighting over seeds in the dirt. Oh, to the other chickens, it’s big news when the top cock struts in the yard. However, on the real scale of things…
It’s all nonsense.

The Earth is a Sentience Nursery
This means many things. However, to keep things in perspective look at it from outside the box. Humans are a species that is incomplete. We are going through a species chrysalis. This procedure will continue for some time until the entire human race is complete.
Currently, humans do not have an established sentience. Instead we, as a people, have a number of different types of sentience’s that all compete against each other. This leads to war, conflict, starvation and all sorts of problems.
We cannot grow until our sentience is well established and set; all humans would have that one singular sentience. Currently, the world is an arena; a school ground, a crucible. Currently, the world is an “experience battleground” for sentience domination.
Currently, the world is an “experience battleground” for sentience domination.
There are three types of sentience’s currently engaged in this struggle;
- Service For Self.
- Service to Others.
- Service for another.
- Disrupted.
To be absolutely frank, the extraterrestrials that manage, police, patrol, and control this nursery couldn’t care less about American politics. They have no favorites either way. They do not care.
- They do not view the Clinton’s as evil.
- They do not have any opinions on whether Trump was fairly elected.
- They do not view the Pope as good.
- They do not care what Kim Kurdistan is wearing.
- They do not care if Bitcoin is banned in China.
- They do not care which nation has global domination.
- They do not care at all about the endangered tiger-stripped bo-bo fly.
In their mind, we humans are just evolving and obtaining experiences. Nothing more and nothing less.
There are some misinformed, but well-meaning, folk who believe that a global government is the future of humans. Their belief is that a fair and just global government, built upon a (more or less) socialist model, would make good sense for the world to enter a galactic federation (were it to exist).
They are wrong.
Yes, there is a (sort of) galactic federation in our galaxy. However, membership within it involves things far removed from the contemporaneous human experience. They really do not care if we are unified by a single government or a single social order. They couldn’t care less how we self-govern ourselves.
They only care what our sentience is.
Please be advised that we will NOT be permitted to exit our sentience nursery until our human sentience is firmly established. Once it is established, we will be re-engineered into a stable (pre-approved) genetic archetype. We are not ready for that now. However, if trends continue, we can expect this to occur within a hundred-year time period.
In the meantime, all this nonsense on the news is just NONSENSE.
My Opinions
I do not want to turn anyone off from these writings simply because my opinions are offensive.
"I will not be frowned upon or be looked down upon or be made to keep silent because I have these beliefs and opinions. I thought this country allowed me that right. I will not conform or compromise just to keep from hurting somebody's feelings. I'm neither angry nor disenfranchised, no matter how desperately the mainstream media would like the world to believe otherwise. " -Ted Nugent
However, I am a human and I have likes and dislikes. I am a human. I was born as a human and lived as a human, and I will die as a human. I live life as a human. I have good days and bad days. I pay taxes, get sick, have relationships with pretty girls, and play with my children and pets. I have feelings. I have opinions.
In general, my opinions are “triggered” by various events. Just like YOU, the reader, also are triggered. I have feelings. I have emotions. I have needs, desires, likes, and dislikes. Just like you do.
Generalized Nonsense. In general, anyone who is speaking nonsense – things that I just happen to know are not so – I’m going to speak out about it. Examples include articles about “child labor” in China, or “Chinese workers working to exhaustion“. Or, that the Chinese just can’t wait to come to America and become Americans.
I know these things are not true. Or, if they are, they are pulled way WAY out of context. I know because I am HERE. I go to factories. I meet people, and I talk with them. I know all these “well known” “truths” are just lies. They are not true. Not, not…not true. I personally know better.

Along those lines are statements by well-meaning people who are manipulated by others. Here is an example, there is the typical (well-meaning) woman who talks about the forced exploitation of sex workers and how they are all just terribly abused, waifs.
Yes, I am sure that some are. But…
But… You know…
But, those well-meaning folk are just parroting what they have read. They have never actually met a sex worker. They have never been friends with one. They have never talked with one, gone to a bar with one, or spent time with one. Their only experience is what they have read, or what they have seen in the media.
Their only experience is the propaganda that has been fed to them.
Well, for whatever it is worth, I have. I know how it works, and believe you me, they are anything BUT manipulated poor little waifs.

Hell, half the girls that I know would eat you up and spit you out in a New York Minute. They are smart, sexy, are able to do and understand things on a level that most people are unaware of. Some of the gals I know have since retired from their previous occupations and now own and run multiple businesses. Yes, they are now quite wealthy.
Unless you have actually experienced something FIRST HAND, you are just parroting the propaganda that has been fed to you.Want to know more?
Are you the reader, upset with what I have to say? (It’s certainly going to be a high probability.) I am sorry, but my point is still quite valid. My feelings are based on my experiences. Be careful in your reaction to them. As it is most likely that your feelings are based on what you have heard. Not what you have experienced.
It reminds me of a very conservative, flag-waving individual. I know that he was (must have been) red in the face in anger over my opinions on China. He was furious that I even dared to think that China was freer than the United States is. He kept repeating over and over how China is a dirty hellhole, and that I “didn’t know what I was talking about”.
I would just get up, and look out my window at the beautiful blue skies, the fluorescent green leaves in the trees, the vibrant reds and yellows of the flowers in the park next door, and the neighbor getting into his brand new Bentley. China can be called many things, but from my experiences, “Hellhole” is not one of them.
Dudes, I actually DO know what I am talking about.
Attacks on things I like. If someone makes a rule, article, law or statement disparaging something that I like, then I will voice my opinion of it. I do think making it illegal to drink a large size coke, of being forbidden to eat “sunny side up” eggs or having to fill out a form to buy ammo is not freedom. That is true no matter how they dress it up and justify it. Anyone who wants to tack on fees to make pizza more expensive (a nod to Barrack Obama), will be the subject of my anger.
I resent having to wear a seatbelt, and risk getting pulled over and fined if I don’t wear it. I think that it is no one’s business except my own if I use salted butter on my toast. I think that sunny-side-up eggs are delicious. I believe that if you want to drink a beer first thing in the morning and then go hop on your (riding) lawnmower and cut some grass, then you should be able to. That old biddy down the street can go have a heart-attack for all I care.
And, while I am at it, I like bacon. (Cooked until it is hard and crisp, and oozing with grease.) So there!

Attacks on me personally. If you make a personal attack, I like every other human, would be offended. Lately, the discourse has been like two pit bulls in an urban ghetto or some white trash in a trailer park. Boys and girls, this is not “Jerry Springer“.
I don’t need this bullshit.
A good example of this is when someone tries to explain to me that I have “white privilege”. BTW… I have yet to hear an accurate and detailed explanation on [1] how hauling coal underground at [2] the age of 14 is a “privilege” that I [3] enjoyed because my [4] skin color is [5] Caucasian.
Or when they yell at me for saying “Happy Chinese New Year”, or “Merry Christmas” (both actually happened). If I smile at you and you scowl at me, I reserve the right to punch you in the fucking mouth. Be civil or don’t.
Things I don’t like. I’ve gone through enough corporate bullshit to last numerous lifetimes. As such, I call people out on it. If you are fat, I’ll tell you. If you are ugly, I’ll tell you. If you have bad manners or offend me, I’ll tell you to your face.
I do not like SJW telling me what I can and cannot say. I do not like being told what clothes I can wear, how to cut my hair, and where I can be and what I can do. You try to boss me around, and I will speak out about it.
America used to stand for speaking your mind, and a guarantee that it would never be infringed. Not so today. Maybe that is why I live in Communist China. I am free to live my life here.

I do not want to offend anyone, but there are many people out there who are so easily offended. There is nothing that I can do about it. It is not my concern if someone has never left childhood. They too will eventually face the harsh slap of reality. It’s not my role, or my desire, to take on that role.
My opinions are mine and mine only. I have them because of the experiences that I have obtained.
- Therefore, if you do not like what I have written, you can simply leave. It is no problem. Please go. Have a nice day.
- If you want to censor what I have written or modify it, I allow you to do so. You can go HERE. Just apply and pay the (reasonable) fee.
- If you want to contribute, please do so. I am always open to collaboration. I welcome influencers.
- If you like my opinions and my information, then you might want to help me out with a donation or contribution. You can go HERE and help me out.
Finally, please don’t let the world get to you. Go out and enjoy it. Spend some time outside. Have a good drink and eat a nice pizza. Spend some time with friends. Chill out with your pets. Life is too short to get all hot and bothered by the opinions of someone whom you have never met.
Calm down, take a stress pill, and relax.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.
Articles & Links
- You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
- You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
- You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
- You can find out more about the author HERE.
- If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
- If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.
I do not want to offend anyone, but there are many people out there who are so easily offended. There is nothing that I can do about it. It is not my concern if someone has never left childhood. They too will eventually face the harsh slap of reality. It’s not my role, or my desire, to take on that role.
My opinions are mine and mine only. I have them because of the experiences that I have obtained.
- Therefore, if you do not like what I have written, you can simply leave. It is no problem. Please go. Have a nice day.
- If you want to censor what I have written or modify it, I allow you to do so. You can go HERE. Just apply and pay the (reasonable) fee.
- If you want to contribute, please do so. I am always open to collaboration. I welcome influencers.
- If you like my opinions and my information, then you might want to help me out with a donation or contribution. You can go HERE and help me out.
Finally, please don’t let the world get to you. Go out and enjoy it. Spend some time outside. Have a good drink and eat a nice pizza. Spend some time with friends. Chill out with your pets. Life is too short to get all hot and bothered by the opinions of someone whom you have never met.
Calm down, take a stress pill, and relax.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.
Articles & Links
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
To go to the MAIN Index;
Master Index.
- You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
- You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
- You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE .
- You can find out more about the author HERE.
- If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
- If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Snarl responded…