Rufus humanity post. Time is too short not to be the best you can be.

Here’s a mixtures of videos describing Rufus behaviors.

Are you being the best that you can be?  Are you making the world around you a much better place? In a world of hate and strife, betrayal and trickery, the world needs people who will stand up and stand for something. Will you be that person? The world is filled with people who have been hurt by a corrupted society that uses, and discards others. These people need people like you.

Whether it is the use and discard nature of corporate America. Or the use and discard nature of American relationships. Or the use and discard nature of American culture. Or the use and discard nature of American finance…

… it NEEDS to change.

And if you are not living in America, but instead in a “Western nation”; a nation that has adopted this love for profits at all costs; like the UK, or Canada, or now Australia… then it is up to YOU to change things.

Stop waiting around for someone else to do something.

You step up (to the plate) and take a swing at life. Do you have room to adopt a neglect animal at the shelter; the one that no one will select? Will you go and buy a cup of coffee to the coworker? Will you go and say something nice to the girl that you hold the door open for? Will you “pay it forward” at the next toll-booth?

Will you do something good?

The Videos

The following are some videos about people; humanity and being a Rufus. Some are sad, some are painful, some are good, and some are happy. Be the Rufus. Otherwise, why live?

Be the Rufus. Be family. Be the community that cares for it’s members.

I strongly suggest you watch the videos in the order presented to get the proper "effect" that I am trying to provide.


Be the Rufus!

Some thoughts

What are you doing to make the world a little bit better place?

It doesn’t take much, sometimes. But other times, like with a meat pie lady, you have to break a few rules to show your humanity. You must be more than just friendly. You must go out of your way to do the uncomfortable. Sometimes it ‘s a real hassle… just to smile. But do it anyways.

Don’t judge the measure of your worth is by the size of your bank accounts.

Do not measure your value by your career, or who employs you.

You are far better than that.

I am telling you differently. We must seek out others. We must make friends with them, and form associations, build friendships and relationships and share. Never, ever forget the rule of three. Be the Rufus!

Help others.

Make the world a better place.

I believe in you!

More Links in my Rufus Index here…

Check them out…

Rufus Index


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Master Index


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I really do enjoy your Rufus posts.

Thank you for taking the time to collect these videos, they are a beautiful example of real humanity at work.

Is being a Rufus (or something like that) taught at schools in China? Or is it just a by-product of feeling part of a greater whole, rather than the self-defeating individualism taught in the West?


This rings very true to me.

In the past, here in the U.K., living in a working class area, knowing everyone and being part of a greater whole also created these types of behaviours.

Just like in America, here it’s been slowly and methodically destroyed. The society of my and my parent’s childhoods has been usurped by individualistic consumerism. We no longer know our neighbours and the streets aren’t safe anymore.

My younger siblings children don’t know the joy of playing outside on the street for hours with the local kids. One of the reasons why I wouldn’t want to raise kids here.

Actually, M.M. you have given me hope in this regard. My journey to China may take a while but the knowledge that raising a family in a safe and sensible society is still an option on this planet gives me strength every day.

Thank you for your work on this site and for using your experiences to help bring many of us truth-seekers together. I don’t even remember how I found this site anymore.

I’m currently in an off period with my affirmations and certainly in a chrysalis mode in my life.

I recently had an awkward conversation with my mother after bursting out laughing when she handed me back an old coat she was going to repair. The coat she gave me was black but the coat I gave her was blue. I have years of memories of it. I found it delightfully funny to have such blatant evidence of changing world lines in front of me. Mom thought I’d gone mad as the coat had always been black for her (of course.)

I’ve felt a little constrained by the Mantrid overseeing me, when it comes to my affirmations. I think it’s just being protective. I recently wondered if I have the ability to override the Mantrid and just wonder through the MWI uninhibited. I felt the Mantrid’s response clearly! He (?) thought that would be super-fun for him (get the popcorn!) to watch what would happen to me. Yep, that scared me enough to quit wondering. 🙂


I couldn’t agree more with what the west has become. It really is refreshing to see that life can be well elsewhere. China today sounds a lot like the America I remember. We used to have block parties. Our families would all sit outside with eachother just to enjoy each others company. Everyone worked to keep our community what it was.

And then, of course, we go off the gold standard and started printing money like there is no tomorrow.

Your Rufus videos and stories hammer this point. And you see more of them from the East than the west and that speaks volumes!

Ohio Guy

I dream of a world where everyone is a Rufus.


I second that!


Thanks for reminding. It is a good way to start the day with this positive energy.


I couldn’t agree more! I used to start my day literally checking the email and news when I woke up until I landed on this site. Now, this and the board is the first place I come to – after the fur babies are fed and watered and after some self care.
I find this site to be truly amazing if you step back and look. All of us visitors – it is changing all of us for the positive in such a short time. Amazing.


This is the best part of this site. It keeps us striving upwards.