Sitrep on the emerging actions of World War III

Well, I have covered this issue on all sorts of articles, each one highly detailed and laid out clearly.  What makes this (particular) article different is that we are now watching and observing overt actions, as opposed to covert actions.

Yes, The USA has been carpet bombing China with bioweapons since 2017, but the American mainstream media turned that war effort hidden. It turned it covert.

Now, with each overt action, we see an increase of pressure of a retaliatory nature. This response is against the enormous United States military empire, and its surrogates.

So here, in this article,  we are going to cover the first dramatic weapon exchanges in February 2022.

It's biological weapons vs Scalar / directed energy weapons.

No. I’m not going to cover the (supposed) any day now… “war in the Ukraine”. LOL. That’s for the mindless sheeple to believe.

No. We are instead going to talk about real covert and overt activities. Not the manufactured narrative that is there for the sole purposes of population control / fear manipulation and entertainment.

But first a review of the American war plan arrangements using biological weapons.

America’s Bioweapon grand strategy

Here’s the grand scheme…

      • Suppress foe-nations.
      • Then take advantage of seeded discord using NED assets.
      • Generate “regime change”.
      • Absorb the nations into the unipolar arrangement by proxy.

Functionally, it works like this…

Spread out an array of bioweapons of different classes, globally. While the individual nations are busy trying to develop vaccines, inoculate friendly-nations with mRNA injections.

The advantage of an mRNA injection is that it can be easily and quickly configured “on the fly” for whatever biological entity that is thrown at it.

However, it’s not working as planned…

Back-up military actions are put into place.

Trade delay tactics. These include an ad hoc arrangment of various “incidents” to create a “perfect storm” or situation whereas trade comes to a standstill. Strikes, blockages in canals, pricing, inflation, pandemic rules, price of gas, all of these manipulations are intentionally trying to slow down the American economy (and the economies of its serrogates) to stretch out and lengthen the time to fully implement the grand strategy.

Military encirclement tactics. These include nuclear weapons placed all around the Russian/China landmass. Everything related to American foreign “diplomacy” has been related to this effort in one form or the other.

Suppression tactics. This goes by the terms “friendly hybrid-war”. It’s not. It’s just a full on economic, legal, economic, and social war.

And now, who actually is running this shit-show?

The impression that I have is that Biden and the media are just following a script, and the writers (of the script) are either dead or in a nursing home. It’s on autopilot.

Everything is on auto-piolt. No one, sitting at the helm of any organization would behave like what we are witnessing in Western politics.

It’s all bullshit. Whether it is true or not, or whether it is yet another person trying to jump onto the “war with the Ukraine”, “war over Taiwan”, “war to save Hong Kong democracy”, a “religious war over Tibet”, or a “war to free the oppressed Uighur Muslims” bandwagon, is unknown.

Here we are going to look at an interview with the exact people who are in control of the mess that America is today. This is the person who has orchistrated all this on-going warfare. While not the only individual, his role in it cannot be denied.

He even admits to it on video. He doesn’t care what anyone thinks. He doesn’t give a fuck.

George Soros

Maybe not an “American”, though he sure as fuck controls most American l”leadership”, as well as British, and European “leaders”.

This guy truly would have been the *ideal* actor to play the role of Satan in any movie. Instead, he chose to play the role of Satan in real life. Check him out, this is truly priceless!

You-tube Video

Now, let’s talk about the incidents of an overt war. Of course, it’s not at all being reported as a hot war. Don’t you know.

[1] Israel tries to bomb a Russian Base

I covered this incident HERE.

Now Israel has been warned. They have been sternly advised, and every warning was presented to them. But like the arrogant fucking son-of-bitches that they are, they decided (after their Beirut detonation of the port on the Southern tier of the BRI) to bomb some Russian bases. Bad move.

I covered the Beirut explosion HERE.

We don’t know all the details. As this is not only a war event, but the “news” media is completely silent about this. You have to read Russian media.

Prior history suggests a well planned strike by Israel, and if they followed standing operating protocol, then multiple aircraft were involved.

Prior history, and examples with both China and Russia, suggest a complete disabling of all missiles, avionics, and engine systems of all planes hit by the directed energy beam weaponry.

At the least we can expect the loss of multiple aircraft, munitions and lives by Israel.

[2] American submarine disabled and trapped undersea

Well, I guess the warning wasn’t adequate. I covered that warning HERE.

Oh, you don’t know what I am talking about? Well, I am talking about that well reported covert recovery of an F-35C that crashed in the South China Sea, don’t you know.

You all do realize that “covert” actions are NEVER “well reported” in all the media.

So here’s the cover story…

A Naval Aviator launches from a carrier and suddenly ejects. “Leaked” stories, and “leaked” photos, support the narrative that the “top secret” plane must be recovered as quickly as possible.

Which is a cover story for all those submarine rescue craft that were hurriedly steaming to the “crash zone”.

We don’t know which submarine it is, or what the damage is. My guess is that it’s a complete write-off. The Chinese gave one warning shot. And then, they play “hard ball”.

Obviously, this cannot be reported to Americans. It will have negative political ramifications.

[3] Third time Elon Musk tries to ram the Chinese space station

Well, I guess he didn’t heed the warning from China. I covered that warning HERE. Well, China placed formal complaints, and they also warned SpaceX and the United States government that this kind of behavior was dangerous and threatening, and they will no longer tolerate it.

And the arrogant sons-of-bitches ignored the warning. And tried a third time.


Look at how pretty all those Musk SpaceX satellites fall to the ground. Like hundreds of tiny falling stars.

From HERE. Translated by machine and cleaned up and edited by MM.

49 new satellites and 40 scrapped, Musk throws garbage into space?

It has influenced the Chinese space station! The Foreign Ministry responded, and NASA also spoke out…

2022-02-11 08:02 Daily economic news

Recently, Musk’s “Starlink Satellite” stall has been in trouble.

According to CCTV News, on February 10, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian presided over a regular press conference.

A reporter asked:

According to reports, in a note sent to the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs on January 28, the US side denied China's claim that the Starlink satellites had twice endangered the safety of the Chinese space station.

They said that the activities of the Starlink satellites did not meet the threshold of the established emergency collision avoidance standards.

Thus, no emergency notice was required. 

The US note also said that before sending a note to the United Nations, China did not contact the relevant US departments to express concerns about the danger caused by the Starlink satellite. 

What is China's response?

Zhao Lijian said:

China followed the treaty as prescribed. 

China's notification to the United Nations of the dangerous approach of the Starlink satellite to the Chinese space station and the threat to the safety of astronauts in orbit is to fulfill its international obligations under article 5 of the Outer Space Treaty. 

In the relevant collision avoidance incident, the US Starlink satellites are in a continuous orbital maneuvering state, and the maneuvering strategy and intention are unknown. 

Chinese astronauts in orbit face real and urgent security threats. 

China has had to adopt preventive collision avoidance controls. 

After the collision avoidance incident, the Chinese authorities repeatedly tried to contact the US side by email, but they did not receive any replies. 

Presently, the US side uses the so-called "lower limit of the emergency collision standard" to shirk responsibility and divert attention.

This is not a responsible attitude that a space power should have.

Additionally, the US side has no right to unilaterally set a "lower limit of the emergency collision standard" outside of any UN approved international treaty.

Zhao Lijian then pointed out…

That article 9 of the Outer Space Treaty stipulates that the exploration and use of outer space by all States parties shall be based on the principle of cooperation and mutual assistance.

That all activities of the State parties in outer space shall properly accommodate the equal interests of other States parties.

China has registered the relevant information on the space station with the United Nations and published the number of orbital roots of the Chinese space station on its website.

Proceeding from safeguarding the safety of Chinese astronauts and space stations, China is willing to establish a long-term communication mechanism with the United States and hopes that the United States will take practical measures to avoid the recurrence of such incidents.

China also hopes that all countries will jointly respect the international system of outer space based on international law and work together to safeguard the life safety of astronauts in orbit and the safe and stable operation of space facilities.

Ok, then.

So what is going on?

Well, the public narrative is that;

A statement on its official website on the evening of the 8th local time, saying that due to the impact of the geomagnetic storm, as many as 40 of the company's latest deployment of 49 "Starlink" satellites will be scrapped.

SpaceX said in a statement that on Feb. 3, the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 49 Starchain satellites at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The rocket sends the satellites into a predetermined orbit, with a perigee altitude of about 210 kilometers, and each satellite achieves a controlled flight.

However, the satellites were severely affected by geomagnetic storms the day after launch. The storm caused an increase in the density of the atmosphere at the low deployment altitude where the satellite was located. Airborne GPS shows that atmospheric resistance at this altitude is 50% higher than when launched. SpaceX said in a statement that the StarLink team controlled the satellite into safe mode, taking "flanking flight" to minimize drag and avoid the storm. Preliminary analysis shows that up to 40 satellites "will re-enter or have re-entered" the Earth's atmosphere due to increased resistance during low-altitude flights, which prevent satellites from deviating from safe mode for orbital lifting operations.

Geomagnetic storms took out 49 satellites. Yes. 49 satellites suddenly became inoperable all at once, and tumbled out of control and fell to the earth in a firey mess.



Humans have been putting up satellites into space since sputnik in 1957.  And this is the FIRST time any of them fell from orbit due to Geomagnetic storms.

According to reference news, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics physicist Jonathan McDowell said on the 9th (February 2022) local time that this event is considered to be the largest satellite collective loss caused by a single geomagnetic event.

I would add that it is the ONLY event. Ever.


According to Wikipedia, A coincidence is a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances that have no apparent causal connection with one another. The perception of remarkable coincidences may lead to supernatural, occult, or paranormal claims. Or it may lead to belief in fatalism, which is a doctrine that events will happen in the exact manner of a predetermined plan. In general, the perception of coincidence, for lack of more sophisticated explanations, can serve as link to folk psychology and philosophy.

But if you spent any time even remotely connected to the ONI or MAJ, or perhaps the CIA, you would realize that there is NO SUCH THING as coincidence.


So, you don’t have to believe me. You can believe the “news”. A war in the Ukraine is going to happen any day now, and it is going to be a long drawn out conventional battle over the ruins of the Ukraine.

Or you can believe me.

World War III is not being televised. It is not being reported, and what is reported is not what is actually going on.

Buckle up. More is in the making.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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thanks for addressing that. its pretty damn obvious the starlink fuck up is directly linked to Musk trying to ram the Chinese space station twice. I am starting to think that declassified FBI document i linked in my 2nd last article regarding Tesla’s cousin handing over his scalar weaponry designs to the Ruski’s might have had some weight to it – and that he might have been successful


Hmm very interesting. Glad i helped with the prodding lol


“I am basically there to make money. I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do.”

Said the guy who sold his people to the Nazis then NKVD, Jewish, Hungarian, any people or society he was part of. But wait, he is not part of any society, you know these guys, every nation has them, he is the best example to this predatory sociopathic religion of neoliberal capitalist origins, and what it gives birth to.  

He invented an open society, which exist in its head, one to serve his interests, same as other leaders of this predatory system, they don’t see reality as it is but as they imagine. The man is obsessed with any obstacle to him making money of anything, including suffering and destruction, let the man and the cult he is part of make money to serve their devilish religion, even if you and your children die in the process, And they don’t get it. Why it is so wrong. They really don’t. They are sick, seriously sick. And this is true for many of the so-called elite of the west in the last decades. It is for many years that the lunatics has come to rule the institution, almost all institutions, we are now only getting to the rational outcome.

Yet my question is why? Why for goodness’s sake this guy, who not only threatens but take action to hurt you, your leaders and your people, is still alive and kicking?

Kissinger is alive. He is almost 200 hundred years old, this guy is not far behind, bush senior was 90 something, the Nazi sympathizer prince held well till 99.. what the fuck is wrong in the world that the best die young and the shit left to float and rule all the others.


Israel attacks and Syrian response is happening regularly in the last years, a simple search for the last 4 years. GPS spoofing is not new. all this talks about blackout and israeli planes down might be right but it is probably not. if not only for the fact you have to consider Israel is being used as bait so the Russian light on their confidential systems. remember, we are talking about a village size of state (Israel). almost every inch in Syria is being monitored electronically from the Golan heights. I think it is like 50km from Damascus, look at the map. all this space is like a small village in China. If the Russian want to, they can take down israeli planes with the S-400, they don’t, so The Syrians use the old SA-5. Iranian influence in Syria is not welcomed, I am sure. Russia, Israel, Iran involves in a delicate dance which happens mainly on Syrian soil. there is no rational behind israel targeting Russian soldiers. At least half of the israelis are Russian. society, culture, blood, the list goes on. in a way it is like Taiwan’s dilemma. same people but democracy made it easy for the empire to install its puppets or use the existing oligarchy.

in a quick search from 2018, I have found dozens of incidents, including missiles landing in israel, an israeli plane down by SA-5 and a Russian plane down by Syrian missile. GPS warfare, spoofing and more.

Israel is too a small village to concilie any major incident which includes pilots casualties.
It probably won’t be in the MSM, but it would be everywhere else.

Bo Chen

Musk is a CIA agent
Also Bitcoin is CIA project

Ohio Guy

George’s “Open Society Foundation” should certainly be renamed, You Will Be Assimilated Society.

Is that 100+ year old fart even human or some Borg like creature from Star Trek the Next Generation? Jeeze Louise! If Lucifer had a voice…

Elmer Thiel