Fogging the Sewers

When I lived in Tangxia; Danguan there was this twice-a-year event that is worthy of reporting. You see, I lived in a little city part of a bigger city next to Shenzhen. It is a small manufacturing city located North of Shenzhen in the Pearl River Delta. And being a manufacturing city, dating back many centuries, there were a lot of old buildings and old roads, and old sewer lines.

Well, twice a year, the local government would “fog” the underground sewers. This was a release of insecticide in a mist fog that would be sprayed by huge trucks all over town. The idea was to kill off the insects and rodents, and the city had been doing this for centuries.


Let me tell you all that when that happened, a virtual carpet of huge (mouse-sized) cockroaches swarmed out of the sewers and carpeted everything. Some flew, many just climbed all over, including on shoes and trousers and woman’s legs. It was darn crazy!

If you saw it, you would not believe it. Not a scrap of concrete could be seen; three layer deep of swarming cockroaches everywhere. Wholly shit!

Last time it happened, my wife was so freaked out that I had to carry her two blocks back to our apartment. She was hysterical and had goosebumps all over her arms and legs. Jeeze! So imagine the scene, they were crawling, racking, flying, swarming, on everything. On our feet, the trees, the sidewalks, the store windows, the cars. They were buzzing, hopping and leaping, and my wife was in goosebumps and hysterical.

An experience that I do not want to relive ever again. Let me tell you what!


What is the nastiest home you have been in?

I was about 13 and was asked by a family friend to help her step daughter out by babysitting her 3 kids while she worked at a pizza parlor in town. It would be from the time I got out of school till 10pm, but Summer vacation would start in a couple weeks so I figured I could manage it.

I agreed to try it and see how it went. The day I was to start, I rode my bike to the house. I could smell some horrible smell from the yard. Went to the door and it was wide open. I yelled “hello??” and 3 of the cutest kids I’d ever seen came running! They were full of questions. I asked where their Mom was and the eldest said she was already at work. I was surprised, but I figured something had changed with our plans and she had to go in early.

I walked into the living room and the air was thick with stench. It was a combination of animal waste, rotten garbage and food. The living room had a couch, a chair and was literally 3 feet deep in clothes, garbage bags and dirty diapers. I was a kid and wasnt sure where to start, but i found a roll of garbage bags and we began. I say we because those babies were such a help!

The oldest was Michael and he proudly told me he was 5 and would be staring Kindergarten the following year. He was short and stocky with a mop of curly blonde hair. What I first noticed was his serious expression. He had an excellent vocabulary and was a chatter box. Next was a little girl named Jessica. She was 3 and absolutely beautiful. She was quiet but didnt miss anything. She was petite and had hair to her waist that was full of tangles. The baby girl was Grace and she was 2. She was very frail looking, although she turned out to be anything but frail. She was in just a diaper which was soaked, so I asked Michael to show me where the diapers were. We all headed into the girls room. It was filthy. I find a clean washcloth and get Grace cleaned up. She smiled the whole time. They were all hungry, so we head to the kitchen. I found a can of soup and some stale crackers, which they devoured. While they ate, i started on the kitchen. The sinks and counters were i overflowing with dishes. I turn the faucet handle and no hot water! So i start heating water after digging to uncover the stove. Theyve devoured the soup and want more. There was nothing more, so i grab my backpack and find a yougurt to split, some cookies and an apple which was all split between the 3 of them. I noticed there was no bickering. These 3 were accustomed to looking out for each other.

We started with the garbage and those kids really worked hard…..even the baby! We started by getting the garbage bagged up, and I started laundry. We worked for hours, and those kids didnt want to stop! They wanted a clean house. We got the living room mucked out, we found clean sheets and got beds made. The kitchen had a good start. I went in and cleaned the bathroom while they found jammies. I looked up from scrubbing and those faces were beaming. Got Grace in the tub and started detangling Jess’s hair. I know it had to hurt……but she never made a peep. Grace was clean and ready to get out. Water change and Jessicas turn. When she was clean, we changed water and gave Michael his privacy. I took the girls and checked the magical backpack. I found some nice lotion and they smelled lovely! They both had beautiful hair and kept touching it. Michael gets out and wants some lotion too. We decided to move Michaels bed in with his sisters (his “bedroom” was tiny, i think it was a.closet) We found some books and read. They were all asleep in minutes. As I detangled myself feom the sleeping babies, Michael asked if I was going to come back. I gave him a hug and said Id see him tomorrow. He grinned and it made my day. I waited for Mom to get home. It was almost 11 PM by the time she got home and I could tell she had been drinking. She introduced herself and looked around the room. She was shocked. She asked who had cleaned and i told her we all did. I see a car pulling up and its my Dad coming to see why Im so late. She says she had a meeting and was kept late. He ssaid”Look, we need her done at 10. Not 1001! If you cant be home at 10, she cant do this “ He loaded my bike up. He asked how it went. I didn’t want to tell him how dirty it was because I was afraid he would say I couldnt go back, and I had promised Michael.

And so it went. Every day, the kids and I would clean up a bit more. The cleaner the house got, the more time we had to walk to the park or go to the community pool. We had a great time and those 3 kids were all amazing.

I babysat the kids all that summer and into the start of school. It was just too much and I had to quit after Christmas vacation. I still watched them occasionally and we always had so much fun. This was in the early 70s. I still see the 3 kids who are adults now with families of their own. Michael went on to become an executive chef and works at a very trendy restaurant in the San Francisco area. He has a couple of kiddos and a lovely wife. Jess is an RN and works in the Lake Tahoe area. Shes a single mom of 2 boys and Grace is still local and keeps me in the loop with updates. She married a local guy and they have a daughter. She teaches at the local elementary school.

Its weird because it was such a short period of time, but it left us all with a bonding of the heart. Their Mom passed away last year and I went to her services and got to see all the kids (lol at KIDS!!) They introduced me as the best babysitter ever.

Filthiest house produced some wonderful humans. I was happy to be a small part of that. Sorry this was so long. Was a lovely trip down memory lane. Thanks for reading.

A bad sign

What has been the roughest moment in life?

When my husband caught me cheating on him. There are no excuses, it was an incredibly stupid, selfish, and insane thing to do to someone who didn’t deserve it. The person I cheated on my husband with wasn’t worth it, that’s for sure.

After telling most of my friends and family what I did, my husband packed his bags and left. I spent a week on my couch contemplating suicide and hitting absolute rock bottom. My friends all took his side, understandably. Almost everyone I loved turned away. I fell physically sick with some sort of insane flue—the worst I’ve ever had in my life, probably from the stress.

I could’ve turned to the guy and tried to start fresh. New life, new boyfriend, new friends… Get that divorce and start over. Instead, I realized that what I had was worth fighting for, even if it took years to get it back. I ended the affair with that guy.

I wrote to each friend and family member who knew about this that I was going to do whatever it took to build my life back. I wrote to my husband. I begged him to come back. By some miracle… he did. We went to counselling, I went to therapy. I opened my life to my husband: no more privacy. He had access to everything, which I was completely fine with.

It took a long time, but eventually my friends came back. My husband’s trust slowly began to rebuild. Years and years later, our marriage is strong-full of incredible love, respect, and trust. I look back at what I did in complete disgust. I live everyday with that heartbreak, wishing I’d never put such an amazing person through that. Although that time was dark, it was the push I needed to wake up and stop living like a selfish idiot.

I wouldn’t trade the life I have now for the world. It took incredible pain and humiliation to get here, but it’s what led to my amazing life now. For those going through a dark time, take it day by day… one step at a time. I never thought I’d ever get here, but with hard work and patience, it will get better.

Send your soul to Jesus

As a police officer, has someone ever been so terrified when you pulled them over for something minor that it broke your heart?

Not sure of the exact date, but it would have been mid to late ’80s in Bristol city centre.

Late one evening I was in a crew of 6 in a transit van when we saw a knackered looking Fiat 127 (they were never brilliant when new, let alone one that was 15 years old!). Half of the lights were out, smoke from the exhaust (and lots of noise).

Pulled the car over, and found it contained 2 adults and 3 children (all under 6 or 7 at a guess). Occupants were of obvious Asian descent (not unusual for that area of Bristol), so I started to ask the usual questions whilst a colleague looked over the car (which was found to have 3 bald tyres, no window wipers and a lot of rusty holes in the bodywork).

The driver and adult passenger were almost in tears, and trying to speak in English, which wasn’t that great. I established that they were Mauritian, and had only arrived in the UK that day. Once I spoke to them in French they looked relieved (my French isn’t brilliant, but was better than their English). He produced a Mauritian Driving Licence, and when asked for insurance and registration for the car (which they had purchased upon arrival at the airport), they produced a hand-written receipt showing that they had paid £1000.00 cash for the car! (it was worth about 20 quid scrap value, and certainly shouldn’t have been on a road). Even worse, he proudly produced another hand-written “Insurance Certificate” for which he had paid the car seller another £300.

They had come here to attend a family funeral, and had been royally ripped off by some scumbag near Heathrow as they needed to get down to Bristol as soon as possible.

Obviously, we couldn’t let them continue driving as it was unlikely to get them very far anyway, and was a liability to everyone else on the road.

I had no intention of getting my pen anywhere near to an official ‘ticket’, and explained the game to my Sergeant – who fully agreed with me.

All the time, the family were getting more and more upset as they started to realise the situation they were in and the trouble they thought they were in.

We took them back to our station (and a colleague drove their car), fed and watered them, spoke to relatives by telephone, and sorted out as much as we could at that time.

They were taken to a hotel for the night and agreed to surrender the car for destruction.

As the story spread throughout the night (between other colleagues, paramedics, fire-fighters, hospital staff and taxi drivers…. that was the way things were in the City at that time) offers of help came in.

By the time we went off duty at 0700 hours, the hotel bill had been waived, a taxi was ready to take them down to Exeter (their intended destination), and a collection had raised just under a grand in cash. Toys had been donated for the children, and small ‘gifts’ for the adults.

By the time they arrived in Exeter, the local police had found and purchased a small run-around car which wasn’t great, but had a few months of MOT and tax left on it, and was roadworthy… enough for their use whilst they were in the country.

We got a lovely letter from them once they were back in Mauritius, thanking us for the help we gave (and arranged) – but we only did what we could to help someone who needed it, and had been badly treated by opportunistic scum.


Thanks for the gramatical corrections – I try my best, but often fail!

I’ve never had a higher-rated answer on Quora, or received so many comments – Thank you, everybody.

It is not often that I bother to answer many questions, being a ‘reserved’ British ex-cop many situations just don’t seem worthy of reply, or have already got a few good answers.

I fully appreciate that probably 95% of the questions (and thus, answers) are posted from the USA, and whilst i find them interesting to read, are often so alien to a British way of thinking that I see no advantage in adding to them.

Anyone who reads my other (very few!) answers on Quora will see that I have some views and oppinions on some things – mainly to counter the critics and troll posters when it gets a bit ‘personal’, or to defend those who I feel need it.

I have no desire to be a “super user” on here, despair at many of the “questions” asked, but still feel that (every so often) even the British have something useful to add to this world.

Men want…

Who are some of the nicest rock musicians? I’m aware of the rock jerks, but at the same time there’s gotta be some genuinely nice rockers.

I have to tell this story. I started writing song when l was about 15 years old. One of my biggest influences was Harry Chapin. I live in Los Angeles, and Harry played at the Greek Theatre every year. I went to see him four or five years in a row after getting my drivers license.

Harry played about 300 concerts a year. He gave about half the money he made to world hunger. After the concert, he sat and sold and signed T shirts for the cause and would stay until every person who wanted to buy a T-shirt was able to . His Security guys, always moved people quickly through, because they knew Harry would talk to everyone. After the first concert l stood in line to get a signed T-shirt, and when it was my turn l told him l was a songwriter. He smiled and said, “ Really ? I wish you the best of luck”. The following year l went to where he was signing T shirts, and to my surprise , he saw me and asked, “ How’s the songwriting going?” While he was signing T-shirts, I stood to the side and talked to him about songwriting. His security tried to make me leave, but he said, “. Leave the kid alone. He’s not hurting anyone.”

l did this every year, and the last time l saw him, l was 20 years old and had got my first job playing songs at a Shaky’s Pizza place. I told Harry that and that l played Taxi, but that there was a part l couldn’t figure out. He turned to one of his security guys, and said, “ Go get me one of the guitars out of the truck “. Pretty much all the people who were buying T shirts were done . The security guy said, “ Harry! It’s midnight man. We got to get out of here!” Harry said, “ Just do it.”

The irritated security guy did it and Harry showed me how to play the part. One thing l forgot to mention, was that l had brought me mom with me to see him. She was so happy for me and told that story to people that story unt the day she died. Harry Chapin was a very special man.

Galatoire’s Trout Meuniere Amandine

2023 12 04 17 16
2023 12 04 17 16

Yield: 4 servings


  • 4 (6 to 8 ounce) trout fillets
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • Oil
  • 1 cup butter
  • 1 cup sliced almonds
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1/2 tablespoon chopped parsley


  1. Sprinkle fillets with salt and pepper, dip into milk and roll in flour.
  2. Fry in 3/4 inch of hot oil in a shallow skillet until golden on both sides.
  3. Remove and keep warm.
  4. In a separate pan, melt and whip butter until brown and frothy.
  5. Add sliced almonds and lemon juice.
  6. Place each fillet on a heated plate and pour sauce over it.
  7. Sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Why do so many countries in the West lie about China to their own countrymen?


China has a system of Governance that is radically different to that in Western Countries

Thus it is imperative, if the West has to keep it’s “We are the guardians of democracy” model, they have to portray China as evil and the system as collapsing

Otherwise won’t the people ask how if the Chinese system is so bad, is the nation prospering so much?

What is the strangest/best thing that happened to you at a restaurant?

My granddaughter and I were at a Denny’s. We ordered and ate lunch. The waitress came back and picked up the bill that she had left on the table. So we finished and waited for her to bring it back finally called to her as she went past.

We ask for the bill to be brought back and she said no it was paid for.

An elderly man sitting at the counter had paid for our lunch. When I asked her why she said he is a regular customer and told me that he always smiles at people and you and your little granddaughter were the only ones that ever smiled back at him.

What’s something that sucks about being a man?

My wife had a 6 month affair, when I found out I left her.

A number of people assumed I was the one who cheated on her. That bothered me. I corrected them.

Worse were all the people who assumed I must have done something wrong to deserve it and that I was still the bad guy. People told me I must have not paid enough attention to her, I must have some how drove her to it, etc. Some people refuse to believe that I somehow didn’t do something wrong to cause her to cheat.

All I can say is this – I loved her and treated her like a queen. When I’ve asked her why she did it, the response from her has always been that I was a terrific husband, that she loved me, and that she regrets it. The guy was nearly 20 years younger than her (he in his early 20s, she nearly 40), he was attractive and charming and started flirting with her and she found him irresistible.

So, that’s a double standard that I’ve lived through and find unfair; if I had cheated I would’ve been labelled a creep/jerk, when she has an affair I’m still somehow a jerks who is to blame??!

Have you ever met a celebrity who asked you, “Do you know who I am?” and you said no?

Back in 1997 in Canmore, Alberta, Sir Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin were in town filming The Edge. Mr. Baldwin decided one evening he wanted to eat at our local Chinese eatery.

I was an Eco-Tourism operator and frequented the establishment quite often. They had an orange chicken that I went bonkers for.

It was peak dining hour and the place was experiencing a 45-minute waiting period to get a table.

In strolls, cocky Baldwin and he demands a seat “NOW!”

The owner was this 5 ft tall fiesty Chinese woman and when she told Mr. Baldwin that he’d have to wait about 45 minutes he pulled the old, Do you know who I am?”

Man, if you could have seen this lady go into action it was an Academy Award for putting an arrogant prick into his place.

She yelled at him with her Mandarin accent, “I don’t care who you are, you get out of my restaurant and don’t come back!”

image 19
image 19

The rumours of his arrogance have always swirled in the tabloids and I got a front-row seat to see it in action.

And the winner is for putting the Douche BgAlec Baldwin in his place… The Owner of the Famous Chinese Restaurant, in Canmore Alberta.

10 Powerful lessons for the rest of your life

  1. Risks are required for life’s greatest rewards.
  2. Maintain privacy even with trusted people.
  3. Prioritize mental health over any career.
  4. Embrace independence to become unstoppable.
  5. Accept that not everyone will like you.
  6. Your mood is your choice.
  7. Don’t stress over things out of your control.
  8. Surround yourself with supportive people.
  9. There’s always criticism when doing great things. Don’t let it deter you.
  10. You have the power to create yourself, life is not about finding yourself.

What is something you want to “get off your chest”?

I need do this anonymously, because it’s a sensitive subject.

I’m a father of two wonderful children, and my oldest, my son, has special needs. Due to his premature birth (roughly 30 weeks), he developed a condition called Periventricular Leukomalacia, or PVL for short.

PVL is essentially an under development, often by necrosis, of white brain matter near the ventricles of the brain. Read up on it a bit on wikipedia for more info if you interested: Periventricular leukomalacia – Wikipedia

We discovered this was case shortly after his first birthday, when doctors started noticing some developmental delays and some muscle stiffness on his left side. Some evaluations and scans, and it was confirmed what he has, and that it also the cause of his cerebal palsy. It was quite a shock.

Anyways, we start doing therapies and early intervention and it’s such a wonder watching him overcome it all in small steps, in his own way. You feel blessed at times to see his hard work pay off, to truly value life and love and family.

So what do I want to get off my chest?

It’s all bullshit. You know those parents who “wouldn’t have their child any other way because it taught us so much about ourselves and….” well fuck that.

I absolutely hate it. Hate. With a capital H.

I have other parents talk to me and they word things like “well, he’ll get past all this and so forth…”. Ummmm, no dumbass. His condition is chronic – forever. We can adapt to it, and work really hard and he’ll cope and be better off for it.

But while Johnny Awesome-Dad and Super Son are learning how to play catch, I’m helping my son learn how to alternate feet when climbing stairs, how to be aware of his raised arm at the elbow and to lower and swing while he walks, while that guy got to teach his son how to swing for the fences.

His mannerisms are collectively a huge brain capillary-exploding annoyance. From the non-sensical sounds that he repeats 100 times to the way he is so damn slow at e v e r y t h i n g.

Yeh, I hate being a special needs parent. On top of being one, I also have to be his political advocate, constantly representing other parents to our federal and state politicians to ensure kids like him get proper educations.

I really really hate all of it. I only love him – I just wish I could heal him. That’s probably the worst. Of all the things I can do and fix, I can’t make him better.

Fuck me.

(January 9th, 2019)

Edit: Wow, a lot of upvotes. Most I have ever received by far, my next closest has about 115.

Ok, to a few comments: Thank you for the kind words from most people, the support, sympathy, and empathy. I truly did not write this to receive that as I quite literally was getting something off my chest.

To those who think less of my answer, even angry at me for being so: Your opinion is valued and appreciated. My response to it though is simply a shrug and a “It is what it is.” I know my son didn’t choose to be this way, but understand I am not choosing to feel this way either.

I wish I was a better person in this regard but I’m not. However remember this: I don’t let him see it. Fuck, I don’t even mention it anymore to family because they’ll either blanket me with guilt statements and be angry at me (Fuck You btw) or keep telling me lies like “It’ll all be fine” (no it won’t) or “He’ll be fine” (no, you obviously don’t understand it at all).

How do I cope?

  1. Weed. Makes me feel better.
  2. Heavy bag – I punch the crap outta it. Actually split the first one and I’m on my second. Looking to buy a speed bag.
  3. Bottle it up and get back to my life.

And lastly yes I have considered leaving because he deserves a better Dad. The problem with that is it would take a lot of time for my wife to find another person who wants to take this on. Secondly my other child would suffer the loss of Dad when they did nothing, or have anything, wrong. It wouldn’t be fair and life is unfair enough as it is – I don’t want to add to it.

06 things a leader should never do

  1. Don’t be indecisive. Ain’t nobody gonna follow someone who can’t make up their damn mind.
  2. Don’t be a two-faced snake. People can smell that crap from a mile away.
  3. Don’t be a damn pushover. You gotta have a backbone if you want to make it in this world.
  4. Don’t be lazy. If you’re the one in charge, you gotta put in the work.
  5. Don’t be a know-it-all. You ain’t that smart, trust me.
  6. Don’t be too proud to ask for help. We all need it sometimes.

Level 5 – Impossible

House of Blues Bayou Voodoo Smothered Chicken

2023 12 03 15 32
2023 12 03 15 32

Yield: 4 servings; 1 pound Roux


Brown Roux

  • 10 ounces all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup vegetable oil


  • 1 pound butter, melted
  • 2 pounds chopped onion
  • 1 pound chopped celery
  • 1 pound chopped red bell pepper
  • 1 pound chopped green bell pepper
  • 1 pound sliced mushrooms
  • 2 ounces minced garlic
  • 2 1/2 ounces all-purpose flour
  • 4 cups red wine (chef suggests Burgundy wine)
  • 2 quarts dark beer
  • 2 quarts water
  • 2 tablespoons beef base
  • 4 tablespoons chicken base
  • 1 tablespoon liquid smoke
  • 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 tablespoons Tabasco sauce
  • 1 cup Louisiana Seasoning


Brown Roux

  1. Place oil in a heavy stock pot and heat until it smokes. Slowly whisk in flour, 2 cups at a time, mixing well. Cook in oven at 350 degrees F for about 2 hours, stirring every 15 minutes. Roux is done when chocolate brown color is achieved. Allow to cool.


  1. In a large skillet or sauté pan, add butter.
  2. Put onion, celery, red bell pepper, green bell pepper and mushrooms into the pan and sauté.
  3. Add garlic and sauté for 1 minute.
  4. Add flour and stir; cook for 1 minute.
  5. Add red wine and reduce until thick.
  6. Add dark beer, water, beef base, chicken base and bring to a boil.
  7. Add liquid smoke, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco sauce and Louisiana seasoning.
  8. Whip some roux into the sauce. Bring to a boil then remove from heat.
  9. Put some pre-made rice on a plate, put cooked chicken breast on top of rice and ladle voodoo sauce over the chicken and rice.

None of that matters

What’s a rule your employer implemented that backfired terribly?

Ages ago in the late ’70s I worked in an engineering department for a huge manufacturing company – one of the big three in Detroit. A co-worker had about 30 years with the company and a ton of vacation time. He and his wife had a daughter late in life. She was about 8 at the time and daddy took vacation days every Friday and Monday during her summer vacation.

Big boss comes in one Thursday afternoon looking for the doting dad. We say he’s off until Tuesday, and reminded him of daddy’s schedule.

Keep in mind that all vacation had to be submitted and approved, by boss man, in January.

But in this moment he can’t have what he wants when he wants it.

Boss man hits the ceiling. We can’t have that. Everyone has to take vacation in full week increments.

The guy had a pretty specialized skill set, and no one else was really up to speed in his area of expertise. We could fill in in a pinch. Daddy could complete final draft when he got back on Tuesday.

the following summer, I had transferred to another department, but that department struggled when dad took his six-plus weeks of vacation consecutively!

it was a whole lot easier to cover his job for four days than six weeks.

Served that jackass right.

What were some outcomes of committing adultery in your life?

It resulting in us trying for 6 months after ending the affair. To her cheating on me with another man to eventually leave me at the end of the 6 months. Tit for tat I guess. Lots of shame and heartbreak on my end but those are the consequences. Mostly life lessons though. Divorce was the anwser and we will both be happier in the long run.

So true

What’s the weirdest phone call you have ever received?

Many years ago a young woman called me up one evening to ask some questions about insurance regarding the car accident that had happened between her car and mine that afternoon. Slight problem, I hadn’t been in a car accident. She had my name and license plate from the police report so I went out and checked the number of the license plate on the back of my car, and it wasn’t the same number. After a little more discussion I got my auto registration and that did match the number on the report – the license plates on the front and back of my car weren’t the same! After thinking about it I realized what must have happened: I had returned from a business trip a couple days earlier and while my car was parked at the airport parking garage someone had swapped the license plate on the back of my car with a different one and then put my license plate on the car that got in an accident (it was almost the same make and model as my car – they must have been casing the airport). Not surprisingly this turned into quite a mess to untangle, requiring multiple calls to insurance as well as a visit by the police officer to verify my car had not in fact been in an accident. The weird part that still bothers me to this day – the woman driving the car who’d gotten in an accident had the same last name as me. My last name isn’t an unusual one, but it’s not extremely common either. She told the police she was my niece (not likely – I’m white and she was black). How did that happen?


What is the most interesting fact that you know and I don’t, but I should?

Have you noticed big brands dropping A, B & O from their signs and logos?

image 10
image 10

Most people who noticed the same, thought that it could be some malfunction but the real reason for the missing A, B, and O’s is something more serious and amazing.

image 9
image 9

NHS Blood and Transplant organization, along with PR agency Engine Group has launched the ‘Missing Type’ campaign. It has undertaken this campaign to make people aware the benefits of blood donation and its importance of saving lives.

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image 8

Big brands and companies like Tesco, Mirror, McDonalds, Starbucks and Hardrock Cafe have agreed to be the part of the campaign to make people aware of blood donation.

As a part of this campaign, NHS has asked big brands to omit the letters that signify blood types from their logos and signs viz, blood types A, B, and O.

Truly Amazing !

What is the best moment you witnessed in which somebody proved they weren’t “all talk”?

I watched a 90 lb female put a 235 lb guy in the hospital. This was a fight between 2 neighbors in my neighborhood. This guy harassed her for weeks then for some reason he decided to walk up to her front porch and knock on her door. I was sitting on my front porch when it happened. I was thinking this is not going to be good, and had my cell phone within reach.

She open her door and in a clear loud voice, she requested he get off her property. He said, what are you going to do about it. She said, I’ll call the police. He laughed at her and reached for the screen door. Before I could move she kicked him in the head twice, swept his legs out from under him, and he was down and bleeding.

I started to call the police, but again before I could dial the number a patrol car pulled up and the officer put the guy in handcuffs. I just sat there, drank my coffee and waited for him to come over and ask what I saw. I told him and signed the bottom of the form.

As he walked away he said you know the woman? I replied yes, she’s a former Marine. He chuckled and said. I guess the guy didn’t know that, and I laughed.

When did someone’s culture shock concern you?

When I had an Amish girl come live in with me during the week to help take care of my three-year-old daughter and my brand new twin boys.My husband was in Vietnam.

The first night that I went out to play cards with friends I came home at 10:00 p.m. everybody was sitting in the dark. It was pitch Black and it had not occurred to me that she would not be allowed to turn on the lights or use the electric stove to heat formula.

From them and I would make sure everything was turned on before I left. I only played cards twice a month but they were never left in the dark again. I would heat formula and put it in the thermos bottle but I also showed her how to fill up pan with hot water from the tap to sit the bottles in.

EDIT due to the amount of people that think it was horrible to leave my newborn twins and 3-year-old daughter with a stranger I need to explain the Amish girl lived with me. I would take her home on Saturday morning and go pick her up on Monday morning. I even knew her family. She had helped raise 9 younger brothers and sisters.

Two types of men

What is the most interesting thing you have seen a blind or deaf person do that changed your assumptions about them and amazed you?

When I was in high school I would get terrible menstrual cramps. I would leave school and go to the cab stand down the block. The dispatcher was a man that I’ll call Joe. He was blind.

I would walk in on a wooden floor and Joe would say hi Linda you need to go home? I would take a taxi and come in after school the next day to pay for it. This was in a small town about 15,000.

I grew up, graduated high school, moved away, got married and got pregnant. My husband was going to Vietnam and I went back home to stay with my parents. This was about 6 years after I had left home.

I stopped at a bakery before I went to my parents house. I took one step on a cement floor and a man standing at the counter buying some donuts said “Hey Linda when did you get home?”

I never understood how Joe recognized my one step on the cement floor and I was very pregnant. You would think the sound would be different but he recognized that one step immediately.

What was a red flag that made you stop talking to a person immediately?

A guy I went on a first date with (set up by a friend) told me how his ex wife was having a breakdown and had messaged him that day, to say that she couldn’t cope and was going to call social services and have their two children placed in care. Shocked, I looked at him and said “Couldn’t you take them for a couple of weeks and give her a break?” I kid you not, his genuine, honest response was “Not a chance, I have them every other weekend, that’s enough for me!”. I don’t think I hid my horror very well. Ugly, ugly man. My own son was 3 years old and the time, and if he wouldn’t step up for his own kids, he was going nowhere near mine!

15 Psychological facts everyone should know

  1. It takes about 66 days for an average individual to make something a daily habit.
  2. Eye pupil dilates to 45% when an individual looks at somebody they love.
  3. Food prepared by someone else tastes much better than your own preparation, even when you use the same recipe.
  4. Hearing a single negative thing could damage at least five positive memories.
  5. Studies have shown that consuming food without preservatives will increase I.Q by up to 14%.
  6. Men aren’t more entertaining than women: they only make more jokes, they don’t care whether others like their humor or not.
  7. Shy people tell others very little about themselves, but they do it in quite a manner that makes other individuals believe they know them better than they actually think they do.
  8. People in blue rooms are also much more productive.
  9. Being alone is harder for your health than you really believe.
  10. Any relationship born between 16 and 28 years of age is more likely to be robust and long-lasting.
  11. If we have a plan B, our plan A is less likely to succeed.
  12. Being happy around people makes you happier.
  13. Convincing yourself that you slept well tricks your brain into believing you did.
  14. The sort of music you listen to influences the way you view the world.
  15. A hug longer than twenty seconds will produce hormones into your body that makes you trust the individual who is hugging yo

Moped related crimes

What is the most amazing thing you overheard because people didn’t think you understood their language?

Not so much amazing, as being extremely useful to me. I was on a European Standards Committee for several years. Members came from many European countries and it was customary to conduct all meetings in English.

Often the French and German delegates would speak to each other in the meeting in French or German to try and exclude the UK delegate from what they were plotting. This was on the basis that they assumed that the British could not speak other languages. It was advantageous to me for them not to know that I understood at least the gist of what they were saying.

However, when meeting in Dusseldorf the German delegated took us all out for dinner after the meeting. This was in a very German restaurant and the waitress approached me asking, in German, what I would like to eat. Not thinking, I blew my cover by replying in German.

The German delegate’s jaw dropped and said “you speak German!”. Trying to save myself I admitted that I could speak enough basic german to get by, but I couldn’t resist adding “ but my understanding is better”.

The Swedish delegate sitting next to me actually laughed and gave me a pat on the back.

What is that one picture that describes the lowest point in your life?

Well, everything was going great in my life.

A 26 yrs old with a decent job(in Indian Silicon Valley), beautiful girlfriend, about to be promoted, in short, enjoying my life.

But now,

A road accident(to save a little girl), which confined me to home for 4–5 months, had a knee fracture, operated, implanted with a metal plate inside(permanently).

Promotion aborted(as i m on Medical Leave for quite a longer period).

Cheated by my girlfriend when we were planning to get married, our parents accepted us.

My situation after surgery,

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image 18

I was full of life. Travelling, working out in gym used to make me feel energized, lively, confident. But my eyes in the above picture are full of unnecessary thoughts, wandering with all the lively moments I had before.

Permanent Implant,

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image 17

I was planning to call my parents to bangalore so that i can arrange some vacation for them and let them know about me and my girlfriend. But this was not the way i wanted them to come.

Even after accepted by my parents, she cheated on me. This was the time when i needed her the most. I know that,

“We should Forgive people in our life, even those who are not sorry for their actions. Holding on to anger only hurts us, not them.”

Also after one-by-one misfortunes, my self-confidence is f**ked like a Gangbang. So i’m not in a place to keep grudges with her and trying to move on, to forgive her and forget her.

Now they want me to settle down in an arranged marriage with a girl of their choice. And neither I am in position to ask for getting married with a girl of my choice nor in a position of getting married with any girl due to hindrances in my promotion, beautifully f**ked self-confidence.

I’m just trying to recover as soon as possible from the physical and emotional injury so that i can go back to my self made track of life.

This is the way American Dating has devloved

And men are walking away and saying no.

Can the USA easily destroy the Chinese economy by simply sanctioning and forcing the American transnational corporations to leave the Chinese market and close their factories?


Go ask Russians, nearly all western countries did the same as you mentioned to Russia, including the so called “nuclear option”: kicked Russia out of SWIFT, did Russian economy collapse?

Oh, maybe you don’t know the real world, just living in the “information cocoons”, you’re fed with selected information, which made you believe China is easy to win, like our beloved president 45 said, trade war is easy to win.

This is his easy to win:

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Now, it is America who’s relying on China, not China relying on America. Say you to buy a Toyota and wait for over a month, sometimes you need to pay extra money, and its price is rising year after year, while in China, Toyota is to buy at will and drive away upon you paid, and its price is lower and lower. For example, RAV 4 in America starts from $29K, while in China, it starts from RMB 175,800, which is about $24.5K.

The problem is not China, it hides in America, destory China can’t solve your own problem.

The big heads are more informed and clever than you average Americans do. They know they can’t win, sanctions, trade wars, are just to slow down China’s pace, not to stop it.

What are some psychological facts about attracting people?

  • Wear clean clothes. (perfumes are a gold plus)
  • Keep a smile on your face. (Brush your teeth)
  • Instead of trying hard to get attention, try to give attention. (People love those who listen to them)
  • Ask them for small favors which they will likely say yes to. (game changer)
  • Mimic their body language when talking/listening to them. (eye contact is a gold plus)
  • Straighten your posture. (Don’t lean forward or backward in a conversation)
  • When talking stop saying “I think, but…, I believe” instead use words like “and, because”. (assures that you are confident)


What screams “I’m upper class”?

Years ago, I was involved with a lawsuit against a tech company. Kind of “class action,” which meant a lot of people were there.

I noticed two levels of dress: casual and super-expensive suits.

As the process unfolded, I realized that those two levels of dress represented three levels of wealth.

The expensive suits were all worn by guys (and, yes, sorry, this was long ago, and everyone was a guy) who had high-paying jobs. Most would regard them as well off. They drove new, leased BMWs, etc. They were supercilious toward everyone because THEY were the only ones wearing expensive suits, shoes, and Rolexes.

The casual dressers represented two economic levels:

  1. Those who could not afford expensive suits or Rolexes.
  2. Those who had so much money they didn’t need to impress anyone.

At one point during the proceeding, I ended up in a room with four suits while I was dressed in jeans and wore a lightweight “Members Only” jacket. (You can tell this was long ago, right? Remember when those were cool?)

At first, they spoke only among themselves, treating the “obviously” poor guy like I couldn’t possibly matter. I let them go for a few minutes and then interrupted them for an important message on life. I told them how their expensive suits put them at a disadvantage because the only thing obvious in the room was that none of them were in the top tier financially.

They included me from then on.

To answer the question: The truly rich wear whatever they want. Only those who are still struggling to become truly rich are slaves to the “badges of honor” that they THINK demonstrate they are rich.

Listen up

What is the rudest thing a person has ever done to you for being too kind?

I was at a Home Depot and saw this lady trying to lift a 90lb bag of cement from a flat cart into the trunk of her car. I said let me help you with that and grabbed the bag and put it in her trunk. She said I don’t need your damn help. I said sorry and grabbed the bag and put it back on the cart. As I was pulling out of the parking lot I saw that she had dropped the bag and it broke open all over the parking lot. I honked and waved.

What are some mind-blowing facts about the U.S. military?

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During the Vietnam war President Lyndon Johnson and Robert McNamara came up with “Project 100,000,” and the idea was to kill two birds with one stone by drafting men who were developmentally disabled or just too stupide to be left into the army. It was to provide more men for the war effort and give the less fortunate a chance at being productive members of society.

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There’s typically an IQ minimum of 80 points to serve in the US military, but the rule was loosened, and they started allowing in men with mental disabilities. These men became known a “McNamara’s Morons” and died at 5 times the rate of other Americans in the war.

You had men turning up to basic training that couldn’t even tie their own shoes and couldn’t even understand the basics like dressing the bed. Some of these soldiers didn’t even understand why they were utterly exhausted at the end of a run when they were full of energy at the start of the run.

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When in combat training, none of the men could pass their physical training because they couldn’t grasp the idea of throwing a heavy training grenade in a high arc to reach the target that was 90 feet away.

A lot of the men were protected from battle and kept safe by sergeants who took pity on them, but a lot were sent into dangerous battles on the front line. Not only were some of these men a danger to themselves they also put their fellow soldiers in harms way by not being able to grasp the seriousness of what they were involved in.

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For example, in one platoon a dozen men were injured when a live grenade was tossed at them by another soldier as a prank. The soldier in question didn’t have the brain function to understand how dangerous a grenade was.

The word McNamara Moron’s was a derogatory term used by many of the sergeants to describe many of the men that fell under their care. Although the experiment was a disaster, not all of the men drafted under this new legislation failed to learn and grasp the fundamentals of combat. Many went on to have distinguished careers, and many were awarded the “Medal of Honour.”

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The story of Forrest Gump was inspired by McNamara’s soldiers and the bravery some of these men showed when faced with impossible odds.

What is the most intelligent one liner you have come across?

In my opinion…

A quiet little boy was putting up with the abuse of a foot taller, loud mouthed girl. The girl was berating him for being a Nerd.

The teacher heard what the girl was saying to the boy, and admonished her, “Karen! You should be nice to Billy! He is a straight A student, and someday he just might be your Boss.”

Billy looked at the teacher and quipped, “But I don’t want to be a Pimp!”

10 Habits of all successful people

  1. They find a way to win, no matter the conditions or circumstances.
  2. They manage their time well.
  3. They are obsessed with self development.
  4. They have self discipline.
  5. They take responsibility for their actions and their results.
  6. They set goals.
  7. They read. A lot!
  8. They take risks.
  9. They keep going when they suffer setbacks.
  10. They do what they love knowing that is the greatest reward.

street fashion china

What is the rudest thing you have ever told one of your parents?

When I had just turned 18, my mother came into my room with a birthday balloon. It was one of the nice fancy balloons. She was really happy to give it to me.

But I, being the selfish spoiled teenager reacted in anger.

“What! Is this it? I don’t get a cake or presents?!?!”

I will never forget the look of hurt and pain on my mother’s face. She turned around with tears in her eyes and quietly took the balloon from my room.

I knew instantly that I hurt her. I tried to run after her and apologize but the damage was already done.

I know she forgave me right away and gave me the balloon. But, you see, we were a low income family and balloons were rarely given. It was a gift I should have been proud of, but I turned it into something painful.

I learned a valuable lesson that day. You can’t take back words spoken in anger.

I will be 40 this year and my mother has been gone for 16 years and I can still see that look on her face as clear as if it had been yesterday.

I miss her.

I just do

Make America Go Away

The United States is like an abusive, narcissistic uncle that just knows that you will always need him; he is the indispensable uncle that just requires that you accept his authority by saying “uncle” otherwise he will sadly have to increase the level of abuse until you either “get the message” or die from the abuse. The vast majority of the world’s population understands this, whether it be the Latin Americans cheated out of democracy again and again, the Africans who had their post-independence dreams destroyed, the Middle Eastern modernizing and secular states that were eradicated, the Vietnamese that died in their millions to rid themselves of US occupation, the people of Gaza being murdered by US bombs and shells, or the Chinese, Russians and Iranians who face the wrath of the US for not understanding their place. The last thing they want is for the US to be “great” again, and they certainly do not see it as indispensable or a shining city on a hill, as the US political elite claim again and again in the form of religious-style mantras.

US politicians, policy makers and even international relations scholars accept this abusive, narcissistic narrative as they waffle on about a “Liberal International Order” where the US acts as the mafia-boss who makes the rules while not being subject to them, and bloviate about the decrepit “shining city” that must deliver its “gift” of liberal democratic capitalism to the world’s unwashed. Just as they did to the Amerindians in their three century war of extermination, ethnic cleansing and land theft, as they established the “new Jerusalem” of ethnic supremacy; personified by the racist bigot President Wilson who spun a good yarn about “freedom” while bringing the very opposite to not only many foreigners but also the US population. It was he who placed the velvet glove of sweet words about “Western culture” over the hard, racist fist.

So yes, the vast majority of humanity just want the US to go away and leave them to manage their own affairs. The problem with abusive narcissists is that they can turn into “family destroyers”, wiping out the rest of the family because they just know that the family (i.e. humanity) cannot survive without them. If they are to go away, then so must humanity. When those wanting a faster rate of change complain about the careful and patient diplomacy and actions of Russia, Iran and China, they must remember the dangerous lunatic that those nations are dealing with; one that can make humanity disappear with it if it so decides, in a global murder suicide. Anyone looking at the current psychopathic thrashings of the Israeli state must hold no flights of fancy about a US where a quarter of the population still believe in a heretical bible Armageddon fantasy, and its elite are wedded to their global dominance. Such lunatics have to be carefully managed and slowly subdued in order to reduce the possibilities of self-destructive and psychopathic rage-induced paroxysms.

Please Make America Go Away, as peacefully as possible.

The CORE FANTASY that drives women to ORGASM and WHY

What’s the best mistake you’ve ever made?

I needed a “C” to pass my college communications course.

If I didn’t get a “C,” I would fail to meet my college major requirements setting me back an entire semester.

Here’s the problem: The semester was over, and I had a D+.

My only hope was to email the teacher asking for a bump in my grade.

I wrote an email to her explaining how my past school performance warranted a higher grade and that not passing me would only hurt an ambitious student.

When I hit send, I realized I made a HUGE mistake.

I addressed her using another teacher’s name.

I tried to calm down, but then I remembered we’d spent half the semester covering email etiquette.


What did I do?

Two days later, she emails back.

First, she addresses the glaring mistake then says she bumped my grade up to a “C” to never have me as a student again.

I went out for drinks that night.

This is by far the best mistake I’ve ever made.

US is Militarizing Itself to Death, While China Emphasizes Cooperation.

What did someone do that made you think they were really smart?

When I was in high school our physics teacher gave us a challenge that involved making a paper air plane of any shape. The only objective was to get it to fly as far as possible. I had some paper air plane making skills so I made the best plane I could and it flew pretty far.

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One guy made the greatest, yet simplest paper airplane of all time. He stood there at the starting line with a regular piece of paper. Some classmates scratched their head while silently chuckling to themselves. Moments later he took the flat piece of paper, crumpled it up, and threw it down the hall way.

He beat the class with ease.

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Some of the students got mad and said that he cheated.

The physics teacher said, “How so? I said it could be any shape. A paper ball is indeed a shape.”

He won the contest with flying colors.

“Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.”

— Arthur Schopenhauer

I still regard this classmate as a genius.

Cats and Snakes

What are some mistakes you’ve made with money?

When I graduated from nursing school 10 years ago, I was flush with cash for the first time in my life. Within the span of a month, I went from having an after tax income of $600/month to an after-tax income of $1200 every 2 weeks.

I felt rich. I was 21 years old. I didn’t want to just save. I would invest.

I read a couple of books, opened a brokerage account, and proceeded to buy and sell stocks and call options. I made a lot of money quickly.

I concluded that I was going to be a stock market genius.

So, when I started losing money, I of course knew that it was a temporary setback. So I played, er, invested some more, and some more, and some more.

After a while, I had to admit to myself that I had a problem. I stopped after a couple of years. I had maybe lost $30K by then.

I repeated the same experiment at the tail end of med school. I decided to borrow an extra $20K and invest. This time, I was going to be disciplined. I was going to focus on buying call options on companies that were going to spin-off part of their assets into standalone companies. The idea was that the market was mispricing the combined companies and that the sum of the parts would be greater than the whole, after a spinoff. It was not an entirely crazy idea. I’d made money that way before.

Anyway, my roommate started making a ton of money in penny stocks of companies involved in the marijuana business. I was jealous of how quickly he was making money. I joined in. I lost another $10–15K. I pulled out. He continued playing. He made money for a while. Eventually, he lost more than he had made.

I wouldn’t be surprised if I’d lost about $50K in the stock market over the past decade. That has been my worst financial decision. I see it as tuition money that I paid in order to learn that I am emphatically not a stock market genius.

I’m a physician. My mistakes are going to be relatively costless to me. Please don’t try this at home.

How has China been investing in its chip industry, and what does it mean for the US government?

The U.S. has 2 choices. And Americans need to wake up to this reality to face the new world. China will always be independent from the U.S. in technology. In many cases it will from now onwards be ahead and with far better technologicallyDon’t than the US and the west. It is happy to share its benefits but it will never allow the U.S. and the West to ever threatened them again. Ever. Never Ever.

Don’t blame China. China were happy to play second fiddle till the despicable US foolishly thought that it can easily contain and control China in Chip technology for a generation. It took less than 3 years for China to catch up. It won’t look back. Now all the trillion of dollars shit it cost to do this shit will ll be wasted. If the U.S. never learnt then they can always lose more trillions. China don’t mind.

What does it mean for the U.S. government? It needs to know that the US has 2 choices. Either it work and I am cooperate with China and profit from China’s humongous market and manufacturing prowess or it loses it all including the access to the global south market representing som 120–150 nations around the world. The U.S. needs to make this decision. Americans need to learn humility and accept that it no longer can dictate to the world.

China will design its own chips, it will manufacture its own chips and it will sell to whoever wants to buy it and use it. It will do so at a faster rate and take less time, and make it a a lower cost and make it cheaper than the US and the west. That is what China always do and and the Chip Ban, the GPS threat and the ISS ban will simply motivate China to dominate all technology. Thanks USA

What do you like to ban, sanction, blockade from now onwards? I think China should stop the U.S. from using paper to clean their backside since China invented paper. Let the use their hands.

Was Steve Jobs really such an asshole like it is shown in the movie (2015)?

I worked at Apple in the 80’s and think the movie grossly underplays how much of an asshole he was.

I’ve worked with many billionaires in my career, and Jobs was the biggest asshole I ever met.

He would destroy people just for the fun of it. He would make it personal.

There were a few who managed to survive and even thrive, like Andy Hertzfeld.

Even on the original Mac team, there was a small number that Steve treated with respect, and the rest he treated like shit. It’s one reason the Mac team fell apart after the Mac shipped. Steve glorified about 10 of them; they were on the cover of Business Week IIRC. The rest he made clear were shit. They had worked their asses off and built a magical product, but Steve didn’t recognize them. So the glorified rock stars got big heads, and the others were deeply slighted. So the team fell apart.

It’s also true that at NeXT and then his return to Apple, Steve grew up and learned to treat people better. Steve v2 wasn’t exactly Mother Theresa, but he learned a lot of lessons and was much improved.

Have you ever had such a close call it makes your skin shiver everytime you think about it? If so, what happened?

Yes, I still shiver 10 years later. My husband and I were thinking of buying a lot in a new intentional community in Belize (think semi-rainforest, not beach). We stayed at the guest house for several days to tour and explore the area. Activities included canoeing on the beautiful river, hiking, learning about the local culture, etc… Now, recall there’s a river, hence big rocky, sandy, soil-y hills that sloped down to it. Also, no paved roads yet. One day we decided to do a driving tour in our all-wheel drive rental (as opposed to a 4WD we had reserved). You can guess where this is going. We came to the top of a steep incline, and to continue, there was no choice but to proceed down the other side. Approximately 10 feet to our right was a cliff that dropped steeply into a gorge and the river. (I was driving because my husband isn’t crazy about manual transmissions.) Then, the brakes failed. As we gained speed, rocks began to bump us closer to the edge. Honestly, we were thinking that was it- the end of the road for us. But in a moment of something- not brilliance for sure- maybe instinct, I threw the car into first gear. It slowed, then came to rest about 4 feet from the edge. Finally I screamed, just to release the tension. Somehow I didn’t leave a puddle in my seat.

If that wasn’t enough, seconds after we got out of the car, we heard the screams of several women who were crashing through the dense forest to our left. When the three women reached us, they were completely out of breath but managed to yell, “Wild pigs! Wild pigs!”. Just as all of us squeezed into the car for (protection, not escape!), we heard the pigs retreating and running back where they came from.

We did not buy the lot.

In a Vietnam movie, an officer warns a fellow soldier of an incoming airstrike laying “snake and nape” (nape is obviously Napalm). What does the ” Snake” refer too?

“Snake” or sometimes “snakes”, Snakeye bombs. Mk-80 Series bombs of various weights fitted with a high-drag devise to provide rapid deceleration upon release.

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The special fins were held tight to the bomb casing until release, at which time they popped open to insure maximum horizontal separation between bomb and aircraft at detonation. Without the high-drag unit added, bombs could strike the ground and detonate under the aircraft. In some cases the explosion would bring down the delivering aircraft. At one time, this was called a “Low Blow”. Snakeyes were generally dropped at low to very low altitudes to enhance accuracy. Mk-80 series bombs without the decelerating tail unit were generally described as “Slicks”.

What is a split-second decision you made that changed your life?

When I was 15 years old I made a decision that to this day still baffles me. I spent the weekend with my good buddy putting a hot motor into his car. We finished the work on Sunday afternoon and my friend told me he would come by my house and get me later so we could go celebrate the car and new motor.

When he got to my parents house that evening I walked out to the driveway and made that fateful decision by telling my buddy that I had “homework” to do and wouldn’t be going with him.

Later that night my friend and two others hit a tree going about a hundred miles an hour. It killed my friend and the other guy in the front seat and put the backseat passenger in the hospital for a month.

To this day I have no idea why I didn’t go with them. I really didn’t have any homework. It just came into my head that day and I said it and that was it.

I would have been the guy in the front passenger seat that night.

What do you want to get off your chest anoymously?

When I had a daycare I had a four year old who went through a terrible phase of pulling hair. He didn’t just yank; he’d get his fingers tangled in there and twist and pull with his entire body. It was extremely painful. He once got hold of my hair and pulled some out.

I tried everything to stop him. I watched him like a hawk. I stopped him when he got that look and lunged for someone’s hair. His mom acknowledged the problem she was having with him at home with his two older sisters. She tried everything; we both did, but nothing stopped him.

One day he got hold of this cute little two year old’s hair. She was screaming in pain as I tried to detach his fingers. And I finally had had it. I grabbed his hair and pulled just as hard as I could.

He let go immediately and started crying. And he never pulled hair again.

His mom thought he had finally grown out of his phase. I never told her what I did. I didn’t abuse the kids I watched; never spanked them or yelled at them. I still feel guilty for what I did. He probably would have stopped on his own.

Has a family member ever done something that was unforgivable? What was it, and could you ever forgive them?

My sister. It was the day of my mother’s funeral after a very fast illness and sudden, unexpected death. My husband had run an errand for Dad. He was gone about an hour. During that hour, one sister (older, middle one of three) cornered me as I sat at the dining table. She spent most of that time telling me what a horrible person I was, listing every perceived mistake I had ever made in my life, all the times I had disrespected her, etc. When my husband came home he found me sobbing, curled into a fetal ball behind the guest bed.

That afternoon and for the rest of that weekend I would not be in the same room with her. I spent my time composing a long email listing every claim she had thrown at me and why each was wrong (or blown out of proportion). It was all I could emotionally manage.

She never even acknowledged the email, let alone apologize for being such a bully. I waited two weeks and sent another email, asking if she got the first one. She acknowledged that she did. That’s all. Just a “yes I got it.”

I have not spoken to her since. And because my other older (oldest) sister just stood there, I have barely spoken to her. Their emails are automatically filtered to trash. They don’t even know my phone number in Spain, where I now live. I no longer have any sibling photos on the “photo wall” in the hallway. I consider myself an only child. I will not return to the US for either of their funerals when the time comes. They are not welcome to visit me in Spain and I don’t even want them notified when I die.

When was the last time someone else had to experience a walk in your shoes moment?

My daughter is a single mom, and once a week I help her out. I pick up her kids, aged 8 and 7, from school and watch them until their mother comes home around 8 PM.

The older one is a lot like me. Introverted, shy, a bookworm who goes through a couple of books a week. I never have a bit of problem with him. We understand each other. We’ll watch TV or play a game of chess together.

The younger one is the social butterfly of the family. She goes outside and plays with the other kids in her neighborhood.

She’s also stubborn to a fault. Just like her mother at that age.

And one evening about a week ago she started getting defiant. Refused to do anything I asked. I was losing patience.

Just then her mother came home and things escalated. I watched the two most stubborn human beings I’d ever met lock horns for about half an hour. I’d seen this behavior before — we got it from her mother, my daughter, when she was that age.

“Dad, I am so sorry for all the trouble I put you and mom through when I was her age,” she told me.

I laughed. “It’s OK. You grew up to be a pretty good kid and I’m sure she will too.”

But she was right. Everything she had put us through when she was young and stubborn was now coming back on her.

Such, I suppose, is the circle of life.

What would Western people think when the Chinese ask them whether they’ve had dinner or not?

Thanks for the a2a. I have Chinese friends living all over the world. Some of them without fail ask me nearly every day if I have eaten yet. I have never thought it was anything other than kindness.

You see, I am from the Deep South in America. We Southern women show love and hospitality through our cooking. When I visit family, we’re having a meal and I have brought a dish. Or if they visit me, I’m feeding them and they probably brought something. I know my mother loves me because every time I visit, she makes tea exactly the way I like it. My brother knows I care because I make his favorite foods or desserts. My father is proud when I compliment his ability to grill a steak, and my sister requests my old-fashioned strawberry cake for her birthday. My daughter, she wants to make birthday cakes for everyone—whether it’s their birthday or not!

Food is a language, and that language expresses love, hospitality, kindness, care, and friendship. I believe Chinese people (as well as other cultures) understand this. I have always taken my Chinese friends encouragement to eat dinner or breakfast as a sign of their care for me, and I express the same care toward them. If they ever came to visit me, I wouldn’t let them leave my home without feeding them first. They don’t have to be fluent in English and I do not have to speak perfect Mandarin when it comes to sharing a meal together.

Why can’t Americans get access to the Chinese electric car market?

Americans foolishly screamed and shout that they are the leader of the free world without ever questioning if it is even remotely true or not! Please don’t be angry or upset if I help you guys since I understand you can pretend to be free or even dare says you are ordained by god to spread democracy and freedom but you Americans are one of the least free country on earth.

Let me help you good American. So first I like to explain how unfree you guys are.

35% of you cannot get health care when you fall sick! The most basic of freedom is the freedom to see a doctor and get cure when you fall sick. At least 100 million Americans don’t have this basic of basics of freedom.

Next 1 million Americans are homeless and don’t have another basic of basics of freedom. The freedom to have a roof over their head.! They have to live in makeshift tents on the streets.

20% of Americans don’t have 500 dollars to their name and don’t know where their next meal is coming from! Surely everyone must have the freedom to have a hot meal to stay alive!

USA with about 4% of world population has 25% of the worlds prisoners population! Think about this my American friends, prisoners are certainly. Not free. Many of them coloured people thrown into jail for the slightest reason. How on earth can you keep a straight face to say U.S. is the leader of the free world. No one know!

In many cities in the U.S. one cannot go to certain parts of the inner city like the Queens in New York. As crimes are rampant. So normal innocent and good Americans like you have to avoid that part of America! Surely freedom means you can go to anywhere or any part of America.

Kids and parents suffers the mental turmoils daily for just going to school. Many got shot to death in schools, public places, cinemas and even in Capitol Hill! Is that freedom? Even your kids are not free to go to school without a random mass shooter lurking with military grade weapons to murder them! Is this freedom?

If you are not fortunate to have a white skin you could be necked to death in the bright daylight of even driving a good car may be be shot to death just for suspected of stealing the car! Everyday you live in fear of a white policeman! Is that freedom to live? Freedom to avoid death at the racist inclination of the white racist? Surely not.

Freedom means you can choose who you really want to be your leader. Only 30% choose Biden. Or 35% choose Trump! Why are they your president? Your system allowed 0.8% of the richest and most influential people to choose your candidates! Surely this is not political freedom. This is far from democracy. How on earth can you call yourself the “beacon of democracy” who in a sane mind can claim that?

Oh today you country stop the Americans from having access to best 5G technology, Smartphone, best EV’s, drones and others for some geopolitical nonsense! Is this freedom? Freedom to be deprived? Let me help you understand. You are deprived from buying a 10 thousand bucks EV that need to be charged once a week but you are not allowed to! You cannot buy your Tesla like for half the price! Just to support your too big to fail auto industry paying 100 million bonus doing shit for good Americans!

But to me EVs and Drones are just the top of the iceberg of your draconian and suicide policies that takes away the freedom of Americans like you. Think about Jullien Assange, Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden! Freedom? American is anything but free.

What’s the best revenge you’ve gotten after being fired or let go from a job?

I wasn’t fired, I just quit a job with a window replacement contractor after finding full time premanant employment. I called to inform the man and give him two weeks notice. He cussed at me and slammed the phone down. I called him right back and asked him to send me payment for the previous weeks work and he ratteled on about how I installed those last windows wrong and that he would not be paying me what was owed and told me never to call again followed by a loud “click”. So, I tallied all my hours plus all the OT I’d worked but was never paid more than a flat hourly rate. I took this document to the owners of the business he had contracted with, explained the situation and said “I just want to give you the opportunity to resolve this before I take the matter to the labor department” (they had a local office). The owner said “Thank you” and said they’d take care of it. The man was in a back office supposedly waiting for a meet so I said “Great! We will just need to come to agreement on what he owes me” The man said “Nothing to worry about there, whatever you say”. I asked when I might expect payment from him and the man said, if this amount on your records is good, I’ll cut you a check right now and we’ll just deduct the funds from his contract payment. I never saw the man again but he was a hot head all the same and I could feel the burn of his rage as I drove away.

As for my ability to install windows… The man had previously took me aside, giving me a raise because, as he said “You’re the only one I have who can read a tape measure”.

What is the strangest item you’ve ever found when cleaning up after a party?

About 5 or 6 months ago, my girlfriend and I threw a little get together at our place for friends from work. I cooked dinner for everyone, and we just sort of made it buffet style. The whole affair was great fun and will make for great memories. After everyone had left Emily and I decided that we’d at least get the major stuff picked up, (the dishes and glasses into the dishwasher and the leftovers put into the fridge). While Em was finishing up in the kitchen I began moving things around in the front room, and there I found a pair of thong panties next to the couch. I picked them up and walk into the kitchen with them hanging on my finger. Em stood there looking at them and doing her best not to laugh. Because they were pink, I knew it wasn’t something that fell from the laundry basket by mistake. Neither of us likes pink.

To this day nobody has come forward to ask about them.

Best video Ever

Men, Listen up. It doesn’t matter (to anyone) if you win or lose. What matters is how you take it.

Two things to learn.

1, be strong regardless

2, pick your women better

Do you have a simple childhood memory that you could never forget?

Yes. It’s 1986, I’m 9 years old and I come downstairs to get ready for school. My dad is reading the paper and he says, “Hey Corey, what do you know about comets?”

I immediately spout off everything a space-addicted 9 year old kid can/should know about comets. My dad beams at me and tells me bedtime will be postponed.

Night falls and my dad comes home early. We get into his Ford Escort and drive to K-Bee toys where he buys me a pair of GI Joe binoculars just as it is closing.

I can still remember what they looked like in the packaging.

We drive to a subdivision that is under construction and park on a mound of dirt that is now someone’s home.

We both lay on the hood of that car and look at the stars. We talk about space. We talk about life. He tells me that the next time this comet passes by Earth he will be long gone, but he hopes I will watch it and remember what it is like to be a child staring at the night sky with his dad.

We never saw Halley’s comet that night. Our binoculars were too cheap, the light pollution was too strong, the comet was too far away. To be honest, I think I prefer it that way.

Because what I want to remember about that day has nothing at all to do with a comet.

There’s a great many things I wanted for my life. Some of them have come to pass, others never will. But above all I hope that, one day, I will sit on a mound of dirt as an old man. I will sit with the great love of my life and our children and our children’s children.

And we, all of us, will look at the stars. And maybe we’ll see a comet and maybe we won’t.

But we’ll look regardless and we will think of the ones we have loved.

Why is Apple manufactured in China? Would it be more expensive to manufacture in the United States?

Your U.S. workers demand 5 times Chinese workers income, and 10 times more benefits and are willing to world half as hard and are 75% as smart or well trained and your CEO expects and demand 100 times more income!

As such if you produce here Apple 15 must be marketed and sold USD5000 instead of less than USD1500! Ask your local customers, friends and colleagues will they buy Apple 15 or save USD4000 and buy a Chinese phone this is faster, better and cheaper.

You decide. Tim Cook knows the answer! China knows Tim Cook knows the Answer and the 7.999 billion people except you and your 6 racist friends need to ask!

What’s the fastest you’ve wiped a smirk off of someone’s face?

I had a coworker who disliked me the moment she saw me. Idk why, but it seems to occur to me a lot, “hate at 1st sight”, lol! I am a very friendly person who has found that if I treat an unfriendly coworker respectfully and don’t react to their nastiness, they will eventually grow to like me.

Well, after nearly 2 years of her passive-aggressive behavior and snide remarks, I finally grew weary of her abuse. FYI she was almost my doppelgänger in every way. Nearly identical facial features, hair color, style, figure and dress size Misses 0. Acquaintances usually couldn’t tell us apart.

So, one day she came to work wearing a very cute summer dress. I complimented her on it.

She smirked and said, “Thank you! I’d tell you where I bought it, but there are no extra large sizes left.”

I responded, “Oh, darn! You got the last one!”

What is the strangest feedback you have received after a job interview?

About a decade ago, I got an Interview for a network administrator position. The phone interview went really well. I had a panel interview with an HR rep, some VP, and the manager I would have reported to. It goes great, and I get a conditional offer later that same day. They even offered me more than I asked for, though I suspect the recruiting agency may have padded my range to get a bigger commission (and I loved them for it). I sign the background check paperwork.

Two days later, I get a call from the recruiter saying that the offer was rescinded and that the recruiting agency can’t work with me any more. Ok, that’s really weird. My credit score is shot due to having been unemployed for a bit with bills piling up, but that’s not usually the kind of thing that gets a recruiting agency to drop you. I ask for details, but the recruiter will only say that I will receive communication by mail.

A couple weeks later, after I had finally accepted a lower-paying offer elsewhere, a letter comes in the mail with a copy of my background check. I read over it and see convictions for armed robbery, attempted murder, aggravated assault, and a bunch of other stuff I don’t remember … except remembering I’ve never been arrested or charged for anything like that, let alone convicted. Well, I look at the paperwork l, and what do you know. The first and last name are correct, but the middle name and date of birth are wrong. It’s almost as if they Googled my first and last name and just read the results of whoever popped up first.

I kind of wish they had done a bit more reading, because it would have been hard for him to attend interviews seeing as he was literally in prison while I was in their office.

I did point out the error to the recruiting agency … and never heard back.

What is the best case of “You just picked a fight with the wrong person” that you’ve witnessed?

Originally Answered: What is the best case of “you just picked a fight with the wrong person” that you’ve witnessed?

A woman called my newsroom crying. Nobody wanted to deal with her. So they sent her to me. She was crying and hard to understand, but the basic story went this way…

She had bought a used car. She needed it badly to get to the THREE jobs she held to support her children by herself. No husband. Less than two weeks after buying the car, it broke down. She called the dealer who had told her it had a 30-day warranty.

He told her he couldn’t help. But, she told him, you said it had a 30 day warranty. His response — too bad. When she complained, he told her — “lady, you’re dealing with the big boys now.”

She was crying as she told me this. I was — to put it mildly — angry. My response to her — let me call you back.

I called him. I explained the problem and when I did not get what I considered a good response, I “explained” things to him:

  1. He needed to respond appropriately to her and solve the problem.
  2. If he did not respond appropriately, I would have my entire investigative news team look into his operation.
  3. He did not like that.
  4. Cautionary note here: My response – YOU picked the wrong person to fight with, and no, NOW, you’re playing with the Big Boys, expletives to follow…

He took back her car. Gave her a slightly newer model without any problems. She called crying and thanked me. I may have cried a bit too.

PS – I didn’t do the story about him. I wonder if I should have?

Hey western news media…China is amazing!

On Jan. 1, 1945, Hitler sent 1000 planes of the Luftwaffe to destroy airbases of the Allies to protect his troops fighting in the Battle of the Bulge. Why was it a failure?

Operation Bodenplatte, also known as the “New Year’s Offensive” or “Unternehmen Bodenplatte”, was a large-scale aerial offensive launched by the German Luftwaffe against Allied airfields in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg on 1 January 1945, during the Battle of the Bulge. The operation was intended to cripple Allied airpower and support the German ground forces in the Ardennes region.

Despite achieving some initial surprise and causing some damage to Allied aircraft, Operation Bodenplatte was ultimately a failure. The Luftwaffe suffered heavy losses, losing over 250 aircraft compared to Allied losses of around 130. The operation also failed to achieve its main objective of crippling Allied airpower, as the Allies were able to quickly recover from the attacks.

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image 7

There were several reasons for the failure of Operation Bodenplatte:

  • Poor planning and coordination: The operation was poorly planned and coordinated, with many of the Luftwaffe units involved not receiving their orders until the day of the attack. This led to confusion and delays, and the attacks were not as coordinated as they could have been.
  • Allied air superiority: The Allies had achieved air superiority over the skies of Western Europe by the end of 1944, and the Luftwaffe was no match for the combined strength of the Royal Air Force and the United States Army Air Forces.
  • Adverse weather conditions: The weather on the day of the attack was poor, with low clouds and fog, which made it difficult for the Luftwaffe bombers to find their targets and for the Luftwaffe fighters to intercept Allied aircraft.
  • Allied intelligence: The Allies had broken the German codes and were aware of the planned attack. This allowed them to take evasive action and scramble their fighters to intercept the Luftwaffe bombers.

As a result of its failure, Operation Bodenplatte marked the beginning of the end of the Luftwaffe as an effective fighting force. The operation resulted in the loss of irreplaceable experienced pilots and aircraft, and the Luftwaffe was never able to regain its strength.

Why is the top bunk considered disrespectful in jail/prison?

A top bunk is not “disrespectful”…. It is its own special fucking misery in a world of miseries…

Having to sleep in the top rack forces the occupant into constantly climbing over and disturbing the occupant of the lower bunk, denies the top bunk the use of “Privacy Curtains”, is fully exposed to the ventilation system which will always be too hot or too cold, is fully exposed to the lights, which can often be on 24 hours a day, prevents easy access to possessions stored under the bottom bunk, it forces the top bunk occupant into waking up the lower bunk every time he has to use the toilet or sink, and cuts down on the number of places the top bunk occupant can sit, since sitting on someones bunk without their permission is an act of disrespect…

I have seen more SERIOUS fights between cellies over “bunk territory” than any other issue… I’m talking about fights when one or both combattants require hospitalisation and a trip to The Hole…

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image 16


Have you ever seen something in a restaurant that caused you to leave in disgust?

My wife and I were out to eat with some friends. We were having a good time and enjoying ourselves when all of a sudden this horrific smell wafted towards us. The unmistakable smell of baby shit.

Eww, but whatever. Babies shit. It happens.

However, what happened next left us speechless and without appetite. The man with the baby was at a large round table with several other people. When they smelled it too, there was the standard, “Ooops, someone made a poopy” comments towards the baby.

The man picked the baby up, pushed some plates and glasses out of the way, and proceeded to open the offending diaper right there in the middle of the dining room. The smell was bad to begin with, but once he opened that thing up, it was nauseatingly bad. We had just received our meals, but there was no way we were eating anymore.

People around the restaurant were staring at the table, but no one at that table seemed to think anything of it. They were going about their conversations as though there wasn’t a shit-covered child on the table. One of the tables next to us went up to the bar to complain; the bartender said “That’s Jane’s family, she’s the manager. I’ll go get her.”

Jane came out of the back with an irritated look on her face. When the customer complained, she loudly said, “Oh, it’s not that bad. He’ll be done in a minute.” and walked over to the infant and made baby noises at it while the dad finished changing the diaper.

We and a few other tables all got up and headed for the door. “Hey, you didn’t pay!” was shouted after us. One of our companions turned and said to the manager, “You call the cops, I’ll call the health department. I’m sure they’d love to hear about this.” and we left.

I used to really like that restaurant, now I can’t even drive past it without gagging a little.

Seriously, how can people be so fucking disgusting?

It’s true

Have you ever stood up to a bully at the workplace and they backed off?

Originally Answered: Have you ever stood up to a bully at the workplace and they back off?

Yes indeed. Two years ago, we had a hurricane. I had no food, no lights , no power. The next morning, I still went to work.

My manager raised his voice and was abusive. He wanted to push his work on to me, but I had no power, and didn’t see the email the night before. I spoke up to him and said he was totally unrealistic. He was stunned, like no one had ever spoken back to him.

The manager told the director, and the director texted me two hours later, getting harsh, saying “I know you have power supply issues, but the three of us need to meet“.

Ten minutes later, I sent a letter to HR complaining of harassment and abusive speech. I copied the email to an executive three levels above my director. The executive texted me back and said to keep him informed.

HR saw the executive’s email response, and the HR director called me within 40 mins of getting the email. I told her I wanted a management change. She switched me to a new set of directors an hour later. The new directors are professional and wonderful to work for.

The main point: Bully bosses don’t back down right away on their own. You must save yourself by contacting a boss two levels above your boss. Two levels, not one level. Use email letters to complain. Letters put everyone on notice, and they’re like a hand grenade.

Imagine if a guy said this…

What is the most awkward conversation you have had with your parents?

I am going to win.

When I was about 17 years old, my dad walked in on me and my then-boyfriend having sex.

The house I lived in at the time was located directly across from my high school. I was enrolled in a lot of sports, as was my boyfriend. Our practices often didn’t start until a half an hour or so after school ended, so most days we had a little bit of time to, um, kill. This particular day, I thought my dad would be at work. We raced to my house, went to my bedroom, and went at it. A few minutes later, without warning, my dad did the thing he always did – knock, then immediately open the door. Seriously? What was the point of knocking? I’ll never understand.

So there I was. His precious baby, naked with a boy. I did the only thing I could think of, which was to do a little *roll* off the bed, and then a second *roll* to hide myself underneath my bed. Leaving my bare-bummed boyfriend to the nightmare above me.

The only words my dad said was, “get dressed.”

I did not go to practice that day. Instead, I had to have dinner with my dad, alone. I couldn’t even look him in the eye. I was mortified.

We tried to have small talk???? “How was your day?” “Fine, yours?”

Worst. Day. Of. My. Life.

Bringing home the bacon

What is the craziest thing you heard while waiting in a line?

Two guys, college-age were yapping and I heard them say, it would be nice if the old f***er would let us go before him.

I looked up ahead of me in line and there were two young women, and then a man and wife and I didn’t see the advantage of them wanting to let these guys go before them, and they didn’t look all that old, then I realized that they were talking about me.

So I reached in my basket and took a shirt I was buying and pulled the tag off it, so when it was my turn and I didn’t let the sh**heads but in line, I left the shirt for last after taking my time unloading all the merchandise and striking up a nice conversation with the checker that always stalls a little and then she got to the shirt.

By this time the guys were really pissed. She said sir, your shirt doesn’t have a tag, let me call someone and get a price for you. I looked back with a grin. and said, you just got old f**kered.

An opening…

What is the biggest snub you received from a family member?

I got married in 2008, my sister in 2009. My wedding was lovely and small but I felt like it meant a lot. My sister got married a year later. My Aunts bestowed upon her a family necklace (something borrowed and old) that was blue, and a simple flower bracelet for her something new.

They had done none of that for me.

I cried for 3 days. Like my marriage didn’t matter at all.

The cat is fast

What is a split-second decision you made that changed your life?

I was nearly killed in a multi-vehicular accident when I was 25. The first police officer on the scene pronounced me dead, but, luckily for me, there was a nurse on hand to confirm that, while I was gravely injured and in shock (which means that you don’t have a pulse in your arms and legs because your blood pressure is so low), I was actually alive.

By the time the ambulance got there, I was conscious and screaming from the pain of my injuries. I had broken both my legs, my pelvis and three vertebrae (they were not displaced), but the source of my agony was a dislocated knee joint. My knee-cap was 6 to 8 inches north of where it should be and my upper and lower leg bones over-lapped by 3 or 4 inches.

It hurt. A LOT.

So, they cut me out of my car and got me into the ambulance and rushed me to the hospital. I was in bad enough shape that they called ahead so an Orthopedist was waiting for me. Unfortunately for me, he was a newly minted doctor fresh out of his residency.

When he came into the exam room he:

  • did not ask my name
  • did not introduce himself
  • did not examine me
  • did not look at my chart
  • did not attempt to take the pulse in the ankle of the mangled leg

What he DID do was say, “Oh, that leg has to come off.” Those were literally the first words out of his mouth.

Now, my sister is a nurse and my mother wanted me to be a doctor, so I knew that he should have at least looked at my chart and attempted an exam. I was so angry at his utter lack of bedside manner that my immediate response was, “If I lose my leg, you’ll lose your license.”

Honestly, I don’t know who was more surprised, him or me. Admittedly I was having a REALLY bad day, but normally I would never say anything like that to anyone.

Now, what I didn’t know at the time was that in 95% of the cases where a person has a dislocated knee joint the way I did, the femoral artery that supplies blood to the lower leg is crushed beyond repair. But I was extraordinarily flexible, and luckily, my femoral artery was NOT damaged.

So after a short but pointed argument and a bit of malpractice (on the doctor’s part), my injury was reduced and I got to keep my leg below the knee. It has taken a lot of surgery to fix the damage and more than a decade of physical therapy to relearn how to walk but I can walk and 99% of people won’t notice my limp.

So that is how a split-second decision changed my life. If I had let the doctor amputate, no one would have known that my artery hadn’t been crushed and I’d have a prosthesis and be buying my shoes one at a time. I thank goodness every day that I said what I did to that insufferable jerk.

Women and their tests…

Heaven on Seven Chicken Voodoo Rigatoni

spicy rigatoni 3
spicy rigatoni 3

Yield: 8 to 10 servings


  • 2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1/2 inch cubes
  • 2 tablespoons plus 1/4 teaspoon Angel Dust Cajun Seasoning
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 cup diced yellow onion
  • 1/2 cup diced red onion
  • 1/3 cup thinly sliced green onion, white and green parts
  • 2 tablespoons Roasted Garlic Puree
  • 1/3 cup diced celery
  • 1/2 cup seeded, diced green bell pepper
  • 1/2 cup seeded, diced red bell pepper
  • 1/2 cup seeded, yellow bell pepper
  • 1/3 cup seeded, diced poblano chile
  • 1/4 cup seeded, diced cubanella pepper
  • 1/4 cup seeded, diced banana pepper
  • 1 tablespoon seeded, minced Fresno chile
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons seeded, minced habanero chile
  • 1 teaspoon seeded, minced jalapeno
  • 1/2 teaspoon minced serrano chile
  • 1/2 teaspoon seeded, minced fingerhot chile
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon light brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon dark brown sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon Hungarian paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon Spanish paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon chile powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground white pepper
  • 1/8 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1/2 cup peeled and diced ripe banana
  • 1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
  • 1 cup water
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk
  • 3/4 cup pineapple juice
  • 1/2 cup mango juice
  • 1/2 cup papaya juice
  • 1/3 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 1 tablespoon Key lime or regular lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon Hot as a Mutha hot pepper sauce or habanero sauce
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, chilled and cut into pieces
  • 2 pounds dried rigatoni pasta, cooked according to package directions


  1. Season the chicken with 2 tablespoons Cajun seasoning.
  2. In a 5 quart Dutch oven, preferably enameled cast iron, heat the oil over high heat. When oil is hot but not smoking add the chicken and brown for 5 minutes, stirring frequently.
  3. Stir in the yellow, red and green onions and the garlic puree cook for 2 minutes.
  4. Add the celery, peppers, and chiles cook until vegetables are soft, about 10 minutes.
  5. Add honey, sugars, paprikas, chile powder, allspice, coriander, turmeric, salt, black and white peppers, red pepper flakes, remaining 1/4 teaspoon Cajun seasoning, and stir for 2 to 3 minutes to coat meat and vegetables with the seasonings.
  6. Mix in the banana, tomato sauce, water, coconut milk, juices and hot pepper sauce. Bring to a boil reduce the heat to medium low and simmer uncovered for 1 hour.
  7. When ready to serve, stir in the butter until well blended and toss with rigatoni in a large bowl.


Posted by Recipethyme at Recipe Goldmine 8/18/2001 5:26 pm.

Source: Chef Jimmy Bannos – Heaven on Seven Restaurant, Chicago

Humanity on the earth

What survival instincts does a battle hardened soldier have on the battlefield? I mean, what is “the smell” made of?

While we usually call it the “sixth sense”, the military term for this phenomenon is “premonition and intuition”.

Soldiers who fought for a long time on the battlefield have often developed sharper senses. Their bodies and minds are adapting to a survival situation:

After you have been away from any artificial light sources for a while, your night vision will improve. Being constantly exposed to enemy fire, your ability to see and recognize objects at a long distance increases.

You will be able to fine tune your hearing so that you’ll will be more perceptible to all “man made” sounds, for example tank engines or sounds of movement in the underbrush.

There are even soldiers who are capable to smell human feces from long distances away.

And some soldiers go even further: they develop an elevated state of mind, where their subconsciousness is able to connect the tiniest sensory inputs with the soldier’s vast experience. This way, soldiers can “foresee” future events on the battlefield, can “sniff out” ambushes and “know” where the enemy has put the mines.

This is not a new phenomenon, though there are many accounts from WWII and the Vietnam war where soldiers acquired extraordinary perception skills. Unfortunately, the military often dismissed them as “spooky stories”.

I was able to acquire a limited set of “extrasensory perception” skills myself. Interestingly, while I was fighting in the Bosnian war, I wasn’t really able to develop above average senses. As the war went on, I became better in anticipating enemy positions, or mined areas, but this was purely because of my ever growing experience and improved knowledge of our enemy’s tactics. When you’ve seen the enemy attacking a couple of times, always in the same way, it’s really not too difficult to figure out what their next steps will be.

During the war in Kosovo, however, I went one step further. I think this has a lot to do with the fact that we were nonstop in combat. There were no clear front lines (like in Bosnia) and everyday was a fight for survival that demanded from us to be 100% alert and sharp.

I remember one particular day: it was the third day of a massive enemy attack and I was manning a position together with a comrade. We were expecting that the enemy’s main assault would happen just in front of our position. We were in a small house and the moment I entered the building I felt that something was wrong. I couldn’t put my finger on it, though, but an inner voice told me: “this place is no good!”

We waited, but nothing happened. The fighting had started on our right flank, but in front of us, everything was still calm. All of a sudden, I told my buddy: “Let’s go somewhere else!” He trusted my word and didn’t argue with me and so we moved to another house that was a couple of hundred meters up the road.

On our way, we passed two of our comrades who were waiting in another position. I took a short look at their spot and told them to move fifty meters up the road to another place. I didn’t know why I said it, but they obeyed my order and moved immediately.

My new position was in a big three story house, only hundred meters to their right side, and so I was able to keep an eye on them. After an hour, the enemy attacked us with tanks. I shot twice with an RPG, but the enemy was still advancing. Our house had a very safe place in the basement and more and more soldiers came from other places to find refuge there.

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image 15

Our last position, the “big house”, seen from enemy side. Picture taken after the war.

Outside the house, bullets and shells were flying from every direction. Suddenly my alarms went off again. I stood up and said: “Let’s go! Now or never!” and we all exited through a small window at the back of the house.

When I got outside the house, the air was red from the dust of the houses’ red bricks. Trees were hit by artillery shells and one fell just one meter in front of my feet. I waved and screamed at the two comrades that I had left nearby and told them to join us. Somehow we all made it to a safe place.

What I found out later was that an artillery shell had hit the exact place where I had my first position, just minutes after we decided to leave the place. The shell went straight through the roof and would have killed us immediately.

The two soldiers that I had asked to change their position came to thank me. They told me that only one minute after they were in their new position, an artillery shell had hit the old one.

And the last man who had left the big house from the small window told us that the moment he was leaving the building, a tank round had hit the room in the basement where we had stayed the whole time.

Of course we had a lot of luck that day, but there was more to it. After having spent a long time in combat, I was able to trust my instincts, my gut feeling, although it didn’t make any logical sense. From a military point of view, the positions that we had been using that day were carefully chosen and the best possible choices. Still, some inner voice told me to abandon them.

There were more occasions where my extrasensory perception skills (or those of my comrades) were either saving our lives or made us better soldiers. Especially during night combat, we often “knew” where each of our soldiers was positioned and what they were doing, without being able to see them. We were able to move without wasting time figuring out where everyone was left and we could shoot without hitting one of our own people. This made us better and more lethal soldiers.

A very interesting article on this subject: The U.S. Military Believes People Have a Sixth Sense

Nice Guys are NOT men

Jerry’s Cajun Cafe & Market
Louisiana Seafood Gumbo

Seafood Gumbo
Seafood Gumbo

Yield: about 8 to 10 gallons of gumbo. Can cut recipe in half to reduce.


  • 2 cups vegetable oil
  • 4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups diced onions
  • 2 cups diced celery
  • 2 cups diced bell pepper
  • 2 tablespoons minced garlic
  • 2 cups chopped green onions
  • 3 gallons water
  • 1 pound fresh or frozen okra
  • 1 (28 ounce) can Ro*Tel diced tomatoes or 2 (10 ounce) cans
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon black pepper
  • 2 ounces crab boil
  • 8 dashes Tabasco sauce
  • 8 dashes Louisiana hot sauce
  • 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
  • 1 ounce Paul Prudhomme’s Seafood Magic seasonings
  • 1 ounce Cajun seasoning
  • 1 ounce dried basil
  • 1 ounce dried thyme
  • 3 pounds peeled and deveined shrimp (70 to 90 count)
  • 1 pound claw crab meat
  • 2 whole crabs, cleaned and halved
  • 1 pint fresh oysters
  • 1 ounce file or to taste


  1. First, you make a roux. In a large, heavy stock pot on medium heat, add 2 cups vegetable oil and bring to temperature.
  2. Add flour gradually. It will sizzle when it is at the right temperature. Using a whisk, stir roux constantly. Stir until it reaches a peanut butter color. When it reaches the desired color, add the onions, celery, bell pepper, garlic and 1 cup of green onions (in that order) until all ingredients are cooked down or caramelized.
  3. Add water, okra, Ro*Tel tomatoes, seasonings and bring to boil. After it reaches boiling, reduce heat to low and let simmer for at least an hour.
  4. Add seafood and continue to cook on medium heat for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  5. Taste for seasoning and texture.
  6. Add file to thicken.
  7. Stir in the remaining green onions and simmer for a few more minutes.
  8. Serve as a soup with a little steamed rice.


Source: Jerry’s Cajun Cafe & Market – Pensacola, Florida

Time Blindness

What’s a childhood secret you’ve never told your parents about?

Well… it took me 20 years before I revealed my secret. But here goes.

When I was 17, I had a 1971 Dodge Dart Swinger.

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image 14

(Photo credit: Category Archives: Vintage Review).

It was older than I was. The biggest issue was, the floor pans were pretty rusted out (and the Flintstones jokes that came with it). I could see the road flow by if I looked down under my feet and pedals. Water would splashed up when it rained.

So I try to fix it. Some rolled stainless steel wouldn’t stay down right. Riveting just made more holes. And I gave it a break. Later that afternoon, I noticed my mom’s cookie sheet. It was almost the exact right size! And it wouldn’t roll up. A few clips with tin snips, and some epoxy, I had the floor of my car (on my side) waterproof!

Later that week, my mom wanted to make cookies. I, of course, had no idea where her cookie sheet was.

I think the worst part was me “helping” her look for 5 or 8 minutes.

A few summers ago, and 20 or so years later, I finally came clean about it. Time heals all wounds, and she wasn’t too upset.

Neocons Still Can’t Believe Russia Defeated Them

What did you do as a child that you hid from your parents?

I was quite a lonely boy, and longed for a relationship. On holiday, I met a girl who seemed interested in me, and we had fun: we walked, climbed, sailed together and did a lot of talking. At the end of the holiday, we exchanged addresses and corresponded for a year or so. I kept ALL her letters.

One day, she wrote to tell me about her new boyfriend. He was wonderful (apparently.) Being rather immature, I felt betrayed. I had no reason to feel this way, we were only friends and I should have felt glad for her, but hey. Teenage angst.

I took all her letters, threw them into my metal litter bin, and set fire to them.


I had the window open, and there was no-one else in the house, so that was cool. I remember the IMMENSE satisfaction watching those letters burn.

When the bin cooled, I decided to bury the ashes, and with them my heart. I lifted the bin – and there was a perfect bottom-of-the-bin shaped hole in the polyester carpet.

My father was fairly physical in terms of punishment, so my heart did not just sink: it scuttled itself. I knew that Armageddon would ensue were this to be discovered.

In panic, I looked around and realised that my room was a perfect oblong. The bin-shaped burn was in the left corner, my bed in the opposing right corner.

I have (up to this day!) never worked so hard or fast in my life. I removed the furniture from my room, managed to lift the carpet, desperately salvaging the carpet tacks, turned the carpet around, nailed it back down and replaced the furniture, with the bed covering the offending burn.

My parents wondered why I suddenly announced my decision to assist with the housework by taking responsibility for all upstairs vacuuming and cleaning. They were surprised but pleased: I was desperate to keep my crime concealed.

I am now 59. My father has passed away, but my mother still lives in the family home. And the burn is still under my old bed. 45 years later, my crime remains hidden.


What are the most interesting facts about human behavior?

1. Pretty people are automatically more acceptable by people. Average looking people have to do something above average to get accepted and ugly people have to do something extraordinary!

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image 24

It is because the human mind appreciates physical beauty and repels ugliness because of immaturity of mind. But in the end what matters is inner beauty or ugliness and that wiseness comes with experience and time.

2. Leaving your girlfriend/boyfriend seems much tougher than leaving your friends.

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image 23

It is because romantic relations induces strong pheromones secretions in your body that cause you to develop strong bonding feeling with your partner. It is not the case you have with friends and hence breaking a strong bond seems tougher.

3. People who get goosebumps frequently while listening to music have a special connection with it. These people listen to music very frequently and their work capacities and capabilities are partly dependent on it. If they are barred from listening to music for 1 month, their productivity will fall.

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image 22

It is because the hormone adrenaline increases in their body while listening to the music and that causes more activation, more awakening and better functioning of their body. Plus, it keeps the mind calm.

4. The more attention you give to a person, the more attitude he/she will show you and the less crap he/she will give about you.

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image 21

It is because as the humans get more attention, their minds tend to think that they are very important and good looking and the person who is giving them attention needs their company desperately and is not equal to them at all.

5. Money instils confidence and happiness in majority of people. It increases their desire to work.

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image 20

It is because anything (money) that is able to complete every single desire of people is very much acceptable to them as human desire are insatiable.

What do you do when you realize your teacher is wrong about something? Do you correct them or just let it go?

In 5th grade I had a 1st year teacher, Ms. Craig, who was amazing and one of the reasons I went into education, but I digress. One day we were studying the United States and where all of the states were. I noticed that she had switched Missouri and Minnesota. I remember thinking – that is not right. you see my dad is from Minnesota and my family lived there for a short spell when I was 4. I decided, to ask her if that is really where Minnesota located. I will never forget her reply – You know Denise, I am not totally confident that it is let’s check. So in front of the entire class, she lifted the map she had written on to look at the map that contained all of the States written on it. Well, look at that Denise is correct, I made a mistake and mixed up two states!

Miss Jana Craig if you are out there and can read this, you made a very strong impression on a 5th grader in the very first class you taught. You were the BEST teacher ever! Thank you for making me love school.

Why is it that some high-IQ individuals turn out to be failures in the end?

Because you need the required secondary powers to succeed.

The most important required secondary power is to be born in an upper class family. Most of those high IQ people who succeed, have born with silver spoon on hand.

The reason is trivial. Nobody makes it alone nor in a vacuum. To be successful, you need to get socialized with right people, to know the right people, to be encouraged, to have social support, you name it. The less you have those, the less likely you are to succeed.

Then there is the thrice-goddamned communication range. If you are a high-IQ person in a middle class environment, you are likely to be branded as a weird kid, a nerd, a geek, an egghead and bullied and ostracized. You learn very quickly to hide your intelligence to stay below the radar lest you are torn into pieces. And God help you if you are born in a working class family – you will be stampled as a weirdo, a misfit, an outcast, and eaten alive.

For a middle class and working class high IQ individuals, the best hopes are military and STEM branches. Military because militaries are meritocracies, and high IQ is an asset once you are past buck sergeant or lieutenant. STEM branches, because they are difficult and require brainpower, and you are likely to get networked with similar-minded youngsters.

Forget the rags-to-riches fairy tales. They are just that – fairy tales invented to deceive the gullible and to make the proles to blame themselves for their failures.

Sitrep on the emerging actions of World War III

Well, I have covered this issue on all sorts of articles, each one highly detailed and laid out clearly.  What makes this (particular) article different is that we are now watching and observing overt actions, as opposed to covert actions.

Yes, The USA has been carpet bombing China with bioweapons since 2017, but the American mainstream media turned that war effort hidden. It turned it covert.

Now, with each overt action, we see an increase of pressure of a retaliatory nature. This response is against the enormous United States military empire, and its surrogates.

So here, in this article,  we are going to cover the first dramatic weapon exchanges in February 2022.

It's biological weapons vs Scalar / directed energy weapons.

No. I’m not going to cover the (supposed) any day now… “war in the Ukraine”. LOL. That’s for the mindless sheeple to believe.

No. We are instead going to talk about real covert and overt activities. Not the manufactured narrative that is there for the sole purposes of population control / fear manipulation and entertainment.

But first a review of the American war plan arrangements using biological weapons.

America’s Bioweapon grand strategy

Here’s the grand scheme…

      • Suppress foe-nations.
      • Then take advantage of seeded discord using NED assets.
      • Generate “regime change”.
      • Absorb the nations into the unipolar arrangement by proxy.

Functionally, it works like this…

Spread out an array of bioweapons of different classes, globally. While the individual nations are busy trying to develop vaccines, inoculate friendly-nations with mRNA injections.

The advantage of an mRNA injection is that it can be easily and quickly configured “on the fly” for whatever biological entity that is thrown at it.

However, it’s not working as planned…

Back-up military actions are put into place.

Trade delay tactics. These include an ad hoc arrangment of various “incidents” to create a “perfect storm” or situation whereas trade comes to a standstill. Strikes, blockages in canals, pricing, inflation, pandemic rules, price of gas, all of these manipulations are intentionally trying to slow down the American economy (and the economies of its serrogates) to stretch out and lengthen the time to fully implement the grand strategy.

Military encirclement tactics. These include nuclear weapons placed all around the Russian/China landmass. Everything related to American foreign “diplomacy” has been related to this effort in one form or the other.

Suppression tactics. This goes by the terms “friendly hybrid-war”. It’s not. It’s just a full on economic, legal, economic, and social war.

And now, who actually is running this shit-show?

The impression that I have is that Biden and the media are just following a script, and the writers (of the script) are either dead or in a nursing home. It’s on autopilot.

Everything is on auto-piolt. No one, sitting at the helm of any organization would behave like what we are witnessing in Western politics.

It’s all bullshit. Whether it is true or not, or whether it is yet another person trying to jump onto the “war with the Ukraine”, “war over Taiwan”, “war to save Hong Kong democracy”, a “religious war over Tibet”, or a “war to free the oppressed Uighur Muslims” bandwagon, is unknown.

Here we are going to look at an interview with the exact people who are in control of the mess that America is today. This is the person who has orchistrated all this on-going warfare. While not the only individual, his role in it cannot be denied.

He even admits to it on video. He doesn’t care what anyone thinks. He doesn’t give a fuck.

George Soros

Maybe not an “American”, though he sure as fuck controls most American l”leadership”, as well as British, and European “leaders”.

This guy truly would have been the *ideal* actor to play the role of Satan in any movie. Instead, he chose to play the role of Satan in real life. Check him out, this is truly priceless!

You-tube Video

Now, let’s talk about the incidents of an overt war. Of course, it’s not at all being reported as a hot war. Don’t you know.

[1] Israel tries to bomb a Russian Base

I covered this incident HERE.

Now Israel has been warned. They have been sternly advised, and every warning was presented to them. But like the arrogant fucking son-of-bitches that they are, they decided (after their Beirut detonation of the port on the Southern tier of the BRI) to bomb some Russian bases. Bad move.

I covered the Beirut explosion HERE.

We don’t know all the details. As this is not only a war event, but the “news” media is completely silent about this. You have to read Russian media.

Prior history suggests a well planned strike by Israel, and if they followed standing operating protocol, then multiple aircraft were involved.

Prior history, and examples with both China and Russia, suggest a complete disabling of all missiles, avionics, and engine systems of all planes hit by the directed energy beam weaponry.

At the least we can expect the loss of multiple aircraft, munitions and lives by Israel.

[2] American submarine disabled and trapped undersea

Well, I guess the warning wasn’t adequate. I covered that warning HERE.

Oh, you don’t know what I am talking about? Well, I am talking about that well reported covert recovery of an F-35C that crashed in the South China Sea, don’t you know.

You all do realize that “covert” actions are NEVER “well reported” in all the media.

So here’s the cover story…

A Naval Aviator launches from a carrier and suddenly ejects. “Leaked” stories, and “leaked” photos, support the narrative that the “top secret” plane must be recovered as quickly as possible.

Which is a cover story for all those submarine rescue craft that were hurriedly steaming to the “crash zone”.

We don’t know which submarine it is, or what the damage is. My guess is that it’s a complete write-off. The Chinese gave one warning shot. And then, they play “hard ball”.

Obviously, this cannot be reported to Americans. It will have negative political ramifications.

[3] Third time Elon Musk tries to ram the Chinese space station

Well, I guess he didn’t heed the warning from China. I covered that warning HERE. Well, China placed formal complaints, and they also warned SpaceX and the United States government that this kind of behavior was dangerous and threatening, and they will no longer tolerate it.

And the arrogant sons-of-bitches ignored the warning. And tried a third time.


Look at how pretty all those Musk SpaceX satellites fall to the ground. Like hundreds of tiny falling stars.

From HERE. Translated by machine and cleaned up and edited by MM.

49 new satellites and 40 scrapped, Musk throws garbage into space?

It has influenced the Chinese space station! The Foreign Ministry responded, and NASA also spoke out…

2022-02-11 08:02 Daily economic news

Recently, Musk’s “Starlink Satellite” stall has been in trouble.

According to CCTV News, on February 10, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian presided over a regular press conference.

A reporter asked:

According to reports, in a note sent to the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs on January 28, the US side denied China's claim that the Starlink satellites had twice endangered the safety of the Chinese space station.

They said that the activities of the Starlink satellites did not meet the threshold of the established emergency collision avoidance standards.

Thus, no emergency notice was required. 

The US note also said that before sending a note to the United Nations, China did not contact the relevant US departments to express concerns about the danger caused by the Starlink satellite. 

What is China's response?

Zhao Lijian said:

China followed the treaty as prescribed. 

China's notification to the United Nations of the dangerous approach of the Starlink satellite to the Chinese space station and the threat to the safety of astronauts in orbit is to fulfill its international obligations under article 5 of the Outer Space Treaty. 

In the relevant collision avoidance incident, the US Starlink satellites are in a continuous orbital maneuvering state, and the maneuvering strategy and intention are unknown. 

Chinese astronauts in orbit face real and urgent security threats. 

China has had to adopt preventive collision avoidance controls. 

After the collision avoidance incident, the Chinese authorities repeatedly tried to contact the US side by email, but they did not receive any replies. 

Presently, the US side uses the so-called "lower limit of the emergency collision standard" to shirk responsibility and divert attention.

This is not a responsible attitude that a space power should have.

Additionally, the US side has no right to unilaterally set a "lower limit of the emergency collision standard" outside of any UN approved international treaty.

Zhao Lijian then pointed out…

That article 9 of the Outer Space Treaty stipulates that the exploration and use of outer space by all States parties shall be based on the principle of cooperation and mutual assistance.

That all activities of the State parties in outer space shall properly accommodate the equal interests of other States parties.

China has registered the relevant information on the space station with the United Nations and published the number of orbital roots of the Chinese space station on its website.

Proceeding from safeguarding the safety of Chinese astronauts and space stations, China is willing to establish a long-term communication mechanism with the United States and hopes that the United States will take practical measures to avoid the recurrence of such incidents.

China also hopes that all countries will jointly respect the international system of outer space based on international law and work together to safeguard the life safety of astronauts in orbit and the safe and stable operation of space facilities.

Ok, then.

So what is going on?

Well, the public narrative is that;

A statement on its official website on the evening of the 8th local time, saying that due to the impact of the geomagnetic storm, as many as 40 of the company's latest deployment of 49 "Starlink" satellites will be scrapped.

SpaceX said in a statement that on Feb. 3, the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 49 Starchain satellites at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The rocket sends the satellites into a predetermined orbit, with a perigee altitude of about 210 kilometers, and each satellite achieves a controlled flight.

However, the satellites were severely affected by geomagnetic storms the day after launch. The storm caused an increase in the density of the atmosphere at the low deployment altitude where the satellite was located. Airborne GPS shows that atmospheric resistance at this altitude is 50% higher than when launched. SpaceX said in a statement that the StarLink team controlled the satellite into safe mode, taking "flanking flight" to minimize drag and avoid the storm. Preliminary analysis shows that up to 40 satellites "will re-enter or have re-entered" the Earth's atmosphere due to increased resistance during low-altitude flights, which prevent satellites from deviating from safe mode for orbital lifting operations.

Geomagnetic storms took out 49 satellites. Yes. 49 satellites suddenly became inoperable all at once, and tumbled out of control and fell to the earth in a firey mess.



Humans have been putting up satellites into space since sputnik in 1957.  And this is the FIRST time any of them fell from orbit due to Geomagnetic storms.

According to reference news, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics physicist Jonathan McDowell said on the 9th (February 2022) local time that this event is considered to be the largest satellite collective loss caused by a single geomagnetic event.

I would add that it is the ONLY event. Ever.


According to Wikipedia, A coincidence is a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances that have no apparent causal connection with one another. The perception of remarkable coincidences may lead to supernatural, occult, or paranormal claims. Or it may lead to belief in fatalism, which is a doctrine that events will happen in the exact manner of a predetermined plan. In general, the perception of coincidence, for lack of more sophisticated explanations, can serve as link to folk psychology and philosophy.

But if you spent any time even remotely connected to the ONI or MAJ, or perhaps the CIA, you would realize that there is NO SUCH THING as coincidence.


So, you don’t have to believe me. You can believe the “news”. A war in the Ukraine is going to happen any day now, and it is going to be a long drawn out conventional battle over the ruins of the Ukraine.

Or you can believe me.

World War III is not being televised. It is not being reported, and what is reported is not what is actually going on.

Buckle up. More is in the making.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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So the focus in on the Ukraine now, eh? How to know if something is really going on.

There have been a lot of things happening as of late. The United States, after years of poking and prodding both Russia and China, the two nations collectively “put their foot down”, and said “STOP”!

Well, actually, they STOMPED their collective feet down, and laid out the lines forcefully. Both Putin and Xi Peng told the United States to collectively…

“Get off our porches. Stay out of our front yards, and get out of our backyards”.

The United States response was predictable.

It followed the same well-established profile of nearly a century of deception and mediocre international participation. They responded with a two-fold “kick in the teeth“.

Firstly [1], a promise not to target Russia and China with all the nuclear weapons that are surrounding their countries (as in “yeah, sure”) and secondly [2] immediately launched a color revolution in the belly nexus in Kazakhstan.

Color Revolution is the term used to describe a series of remarkably effective CIA-led regime change operations using techniques developed by the RAND Corporation, “democracy” NGOs and other groups since the 1980’s. They were used in crude form to bring down the Polish communist regime in the late 1980s. 

-William Engdahl

The “sincerity” was out in the open for all to see.

For their part, both Russia and China publically promoted the “good will” aspects of this effort. They did so, knowing, full well, that the United States needs some face-saving positives for it’s horrifically inept blundering and evil manipulations.

But in both Beijing and Moscow, the answer was “telegraphed” clear as day. America smiled for the cameras and then turned around and said “FUCK YOU!” to both.

When they launched their well-thought-out and planned color revolution, they anticipated another decade-long color revolution that would generate strife and turmoil.

A color revolution in Kazakhstan

Andrei speaks…

According to Russian sources, the usual US-controlled disinformation resources (including Ukie ones!) are out in full force to support the insurrection.

The levels of violence are very high, even ambulances are attacked, cops are beaten up, disarmed, undressed, and humiliated, weapons stores have been emptied.

The Internet has been disconnected, as has power in many parts of Almaty and Nursultan.

This is a repeat of what the US tried in Belarus and in Kyrgyzstan, and the next couple of days will be crucial.

Many government buildings have been seized and burned, some have been re-taken by the authorities.

Law and order have broken down and groups of thugs are controlling the streets in many locations.

There are reports of organized armed groups engaging in firefights with police, security, and military forces.

One source reports that Kazakh Airborne Forces are also engaged.  There are also reports of Takfiri elements using these riots (officially triggered by an increase in the cost of gas).

Official sources report 8 dead and 317 wounded among the police forces.  The authorities lost control over several cities (including Alma-Ata) and 3 airports (part of which were torched). Astana and Pavlodar remain under the control of authorities.

Martial law has been decreed for the entire country.

These events are a direct threat to both Russia and China.  Turkey seems to be pushing its pan-Turkic agenda.  The CIA supported Uighur Takfiris also seemed to be involved.  This is all taken straight out of the CIA playbook: Twitter, Telegram channels (including NEXTA), Soros-funded organizations, etc. are all deeply involved (including Ukie PSYOPs units).

The United States upens up the same old “playbook”

They anticipated “discussions” with the “proud freedom lovers”, and the police being stressed, and collapsing. They anticipated cities to fall, and the American hand-picked proxy leadership to start running things.

How do we know this? Well, that was the exactly official American and British responses in their “news” media outlets. “Talk with the protestors”, “Negotiate with them”, and “we support their efforts for freedom™ and democracy™”.

President Joe Biden’s spokeswoman has denied that the US government is behind the violent protests that have rocked Kazakhstan this week, claiming that unnamed “Russians” have falsely accused Washington of triggering the tumult.

The White House is monitoring the protests in Kazakhstan and supports “calls for calm, for protesters to express themselves peacefully and for authorities to exercise restraint,” Jen Psaki told reporters on Wednesday.

“There are some crazy Russian claims about the US being behind this, so let me just use this opportunity to convey that is absolutely false and clearly a part of the standard Russian disinformation playbook,” she said.


The American playbook; Play the same old “games”. Even though the facts are there in the Federal Budget for the world to see. It’s a line item to fund “Regime Change” in Kazakhstan. Duh. Billions of dollars. And somehow we are expected to believe that the money was used elsewhere for other purposes, eh?

It did not happen.

Both China and Russia are no longer playing THOSE games. No polite police-officers. No, “give the demonstrators” some leeway and time to “negotiate”. These were not a grassroots domestic revolution. Instead, it was an invasion via proxy concocted by the United States. And everyone knows it.

So… well, you all read the news, right?

It was a BRUTAL response.

The CIA Color Revolution ended within a week

Kazakhstan, Russia and China treated this as a military invasion, and acted promptly and immediately.

Non-stop military transport planes ferried crack battle-trained combat troops to the sectors. Not as a policing unit to “control the peace”, but rather as a lethal military arm sent to kill.

Here’s what the CTSO general had to say…

Sitrep: Summary of Briefing from Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov, commander of the CSTO grouping in Kazakhstan.

Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov, commander of the CSTO grouping in Kazakhstan.

Briefing on Kazakhstan. 07.01.2022

1. Citizens of Alma-Ata are urged to stay indoors and observe the state of emergency until the remaining militants are killed.

  • Given the ongoing shooting, this is in the interests of the citizens themselves.
  • Authorities warn that trained guerrilla snipers are operating in the city.
  • More than 3,000 people have been arrested and dozens killed.
  • There are still corpses on the streets which have not been removed.

2. Tokayev announced that the operation in Alma-Ata will continue until all militants have been exterminated.

  • Concerning the question whether the protesters or not, everything is simple here – a group of unidentified people has been carrying on organized firing squad with the police, guards and the army of Kazakhstan, who have been suffering losses in killed and wounded for three days now.
  • Accordingly, the main task is the physical destruction of the enemy who has occupied part of the center of the city.
  • Some of the militants, who are lucky, will simply be captured, followed by a conviction.
  • The rest will be destroyed.

3. Kots writes that in Tokayev’s appeal the question of complicity of some high-ranked law-enforcers linked to Nazarbayev (who is still keeping silence) to what happened will be raised, which actually legitimizes the version that the main mechanism of what happened was not gas prices but the struggle of Tokayev and Nazarbayev’s groups for power.

  • We are waiting for Tokayev’s official interpretation of what happened.
  • Nazarbayev remains silent (is he still alive? Is he sick? Is he arrested? Is he isolated?)

4. The CSTO grouping in Kazakhstan is commanded by Lieutenant General Serdyukov.

  • All Russian units sent to Kazakhstan have practical combat experience.
  • The Kirghiz have also joined today and will send 150 people under the command of the deputy head of the Defense Ministry of Kirghizia.
  • More than 70 military transport aircraft were involved in the operation to redeploy the contingent of Russian and Belorussian Armed Forces.
  • It was a good test for the ATA to move a substantial contingent over long distances.
  • I am sure it will come in handy in the future. (Wink. Wink.)

5. Regarding the operations of the grouping.

  • The Russian military is already at the airport of Alma-Ata and controls it in conjunction with the local military.
  • The Kazakh military also holds the TV tower.
  • On the roads they finally started systematically putting up roadblocks.
  • Within 1-2 days they need to deploy a full network.
  • Gradually, the process of localization of major protest areas and suppression of armed resistance by Kazakh military forces will be implemented.
  • The sane protesters in the cities, where there were no pogroms, are likely to be simply negotiated with.

Source: Telegram ColonelCassad Channel (Boris Rozhin)

Three days later

The CIA “Color revolution” is over.

The NED / CIA assets are all either dead, or being tortured to death. Their enablers, are all arrested and are facing the same fates. The nation is now in military lockdown, and local Kazakhstan militia are working hand-in-hand with the Russian military to hunt down those participants, and turn them over to the military authorities for “debriefing” and “extraction” exercises.

The days of playing by the same expected rules of polite “discussions” and confusion in a CIA sponsored color revolution are now over. These are wars on a defined battlefield and a United Asia does not play.

Have you noticed the silence in the Western (American and British) “news” media. Nothing. Crickets.

Andrei Comments

A lot has happened overnight.  The most remarkable development is that the CSTO is sending troops to Kazakhastan.  That is fast, very VERY fast.  And that proves that the Russians knew and were prepared.  I agree with Bernardt at MoA who wrote that “The U.S. Directed Rebellion in Kazakhstan May Well Strengthen Russia“.

I leave you with a machine translation from an article originally posted here:


Here's some Geo-political considerations as to why Russia has reacted so strongly to this invasion, and why the CIA / NED has decided to launch it right now.

Kazakhstan and Afghanistan set on fire by a common match
The fire in Central Asia is only getting worse for us. The Russian Security Council warned about the impending catastrophe there two months ago

This is simply surprising: in the context of the catastrophic development of the situation in Kazakhstan, Russia and its closest allies in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) are acting unusually resolutely, harshly and rapidly before the eyes of the whole world.

  • This was not the case during the mass protests in Belarus in the summer of 2020 and spring of 2021.
  • We did not see anything like this during the so-called second war of Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh (in the fall of 2020).
  • The CSTO also held the position of an outside observer in April-May 2021 during armed clashes on the Tajik-Kyrgyz border.

All this has long given rise to reasonable doubts: why do we need this very CSTO, which does not want to interfere in anything? Even when the streets of the allies are full of gunfire and the blood of civilians is pouring out?

Today, everything is exactly the opposite.

Judge for yourself: only late in the evening on January 5, the President of KazakhstanKassym-Jomart Tokayev turned to his CSTO partners for help. According to a RIA Novosti report, he officially stated::

“Relying on the Collective Security Treaty, I have today appealed to the CSTO heads of state to help Kazakhstan overcome this terrorist threat.”

And then:

“In fact, this is no longer a threat, it undermines the integrity of the state and, most importantly, it is an attack on our citizens, who are asking me, as the head of state, to urgently provide them with assistance.”

Just a few hours later, on the night of January 5-6, an emergency meeting of the CSTO Collective Security Council was held, the main topic of which, as far as can be judged, was the bloody pogroms in Alma-Ata.

And already at dawn, military transport planes with Russian Airborne troops stormed into the skies of Kazakhstan to protect…

”important state and military facilities, assist the law enforcement forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan in stabilizing the situation and returning it to the legal field.”

Are you able to recall anything like this from the CSTO since the collapse of the Soviet Union? I’m definitely not.

But if this happens, it means that we had everything ready in advance.

  • In other words, our Aerospace Forces knew in advance what airfields and in what quantities they should concentrate military transport aviation.
  • The airborne troops had clear instructions from the Defense Ministry.
  • The General Staff on which specific regiments and divisions to alert.
  • Even the necessary cargo, ammunition, fuel and food were probably packed and stored not yesterday at all.

Logically, in addition to having political will, such a development of events required one more prerequisite: Moscow should have known in advance about everything that was being prepared in recent weeks and months in Kazakhstan.

And she knew all about it, of course.

Only one detail that is crucial for understanding the emerging situation: it seems that the events there are not viewed by the political and military leadership of Russia today as a fire that is burning only in this separate former Soviet republic.


The shooting and pogroms in Kazakhstan from the Kremlin are probably only seen as a precursor to the storm that is inevitably coming to us all from Central Asia as a whole. Mainly from Afghanistan.

That is, Kazakhstan and Afghanistan, it seems, are known from where they are set on fire with a common match. The goal is also common-Russia.

Accordingly, the Kremlin prepares defensive retaliatory measures in advance. And I am ready to fight for Kazakhstan, as I once did for the Dubosekovo crossing near Moscow in 1941.

In this regard, it is very interesting to look through the information messages of a military-political nature that began to arrive from this strategic direction approximately last fall.

Let’s say this:

In mid-November 2021, the Secretary of the Russian Security CouncilNikolai Patrushev warned that if the new authorities in Kabul fail to normalize the situation, a catastrophic scenario is possible in Afghanistan. The development of this catastrophic scenario in Afghanistan includes a new round of civil war, general impoverishment of the population and hunger.

And just yesterday, January 5, 2022, the realism and timeliness of Patrushev’s disastrous forecast received convincing confirmation. Not from anywhere — from the UN headquarters.

On Wednesday, a message came from there saying that the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan has worsened due to the onset of the cold season and severe frosts. In the country, millions of people suffer from cold and lack of food. Some parts of the country were cut off from external aid due to heavy snowfall. The humanitarian disaster is getting worse every day, and people are running out of food and fuel to heat their homes.

Someone will say: well, let it be… what does it matter to us what happens in this eternally warring country, with which Russia does not have a single meter of common border?

But, according to Patrushev’s logic, we are about to talk about millions of people fleeing from Afghanistan, in which it will be impossible to distinguish ordinary refugees from specially trained and trained militants. No one will be able to keep them outside the borders of the former USSR.

And if it is specifically about the militants in Afghanistan, let’s listen to at least a well-known Tajik political scientist, a researcher at the Institute for Sociological Research in ParisParviz Mullojanov. According to him, in the north of Afghanistan today accumulated about 7-8 thousand militants who arrived in this country from other countries. First of all, from Iraq and Syria. Thus, the political scientist is sure, the structures of the “caliphate” that were defeated in the Middle East are gradually being transferred here.

Near the borders with the former USSR, the so — called “Haqqani network” (a terrorist organization banned in some countries – “SP”) began to create training camps and madrassas, which, in alliance with the Taliban, * waged a guerrilla struggle against government forces, as well as against the troops of the United States and other NATO countries. Even earlier, in the 80s, the same organization founded by the extremist religious figure MawlawiJalaluddin Haqqani, fought with the Soviet troops.

Three of its own bases for the combat and ideological training of new gangs near Kabul were founded by the notorious Al-Qaeda **, which quickly found a common language with the Taliban, which came to undivided rule in this country.

“If we sum up all these three factors, the main difficulty is that Afghanistan will potentially soon turn into what the “caliphate” in Syria or Iraq was,”

Mullojanov sums up, which is also disappointing for us.

And as for the lack of a common border between Afghanistan and Russia… Yes, between us and the Afghans lie Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, which was set on fire today, but only a few months ago seemed to be a bulwark of political stability.

Here is just what-outwardly the most reliable “airbag” of Russia, 7.5 thousand kilometers of a common land border separating us from Central Asia, from which you do not know what to expect for a long time.

Now this barrier between Russia and Afghanistan is virtually gone.

It melted away in the smoke of fires in Alma-Ata, Aktobe, Atyrau, Pavlodar and other cities and towns of Kazakhstan caught up in mass riots.

Perhaps our common salvation lies in the fact that our military clearly prepared for such a turn of events in advance.

Look here: a record number of live-fire exercises were held in 2021 at our main stronghold in Central Asia, the 201st Russian military base in Tajikistan — more than 300. In other words, for some reason Moscow ordered:

“Spare no bullets!”

For a whole year, the cannonade thundered there almost daily. Moreover, the tactical background of these exercises turned out to be very characteristic-actions to repel attacks by conditional bandit groups on military camps in Dushanbe and Bokhtar, defense at the Lyaur and Sambuli ranges, repelling seizures of ammunition depots and military equipment parks.

Another detail that illustrates the gravity of the threat to Russia and its allies from a strategic direction in which Kazakhstan is only a small milestone.

On December 7, the Russian legal information portal, literally a month before the current events, reported that Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan had created a special closed joint communication system between their armies. As it is written in the document — to exchange information and coordinate their interaction.

The agreement provides for permanent combat duty at the command posts of the participating countries. It is, of course, carried around the clock. And this is definitely another clue to the efficiency with which the CSTO troops have just been decisively and without any doubts brought into Kazakhstan.

And in the meantime…

Armed clashes between militants of the Taliban movement that seized power in Afghanistan and Turkmen border guards took place on the border of the two states. This was reported on Monday in its electronic version by the Afghan newspaper Hasht-e subh.

“Three days ago, border guards of Turkmenistan killed one civilian and beat up another. In response to their actions during the investigation of the incident, the Taliban fired shots, ”

…said the head of the provincial information and Culture department.Jauzjan Hilal Balkhi.

A shootout between Turkmen border guards and the Taliban took place on Monday, January 3, in the Hamab district of Jowzjan province. Other details of the incident were not disclosed.

* The Taliban movement was recognized as a terrorist organization by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on February 14, 2003, and its activities are prohibited in Russia.

** Al-Qaeda was recognized as a terrorist organization by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on February 14, 2003, and its activities are prohibited in Russia.

Now, all turn to face the Ukraine

Nope. Things are not going to be like anything that you read about in the Western propiganda media outlets. Any conflict will be fast, absolute and lethal.

If there is one thing that smart and intelligent leaders in NATO will realize is that they are severely out-matched and that they have sided with absolute lunitics that are going to get them all killed unless the bone up and start acting responsible and in the best interests of their own citizentry.

I anticipate some changes in the Geo-political aspects of the EU union and the behavior of NATO in the upcoming year.


Keep in mind that Russia (and China) are not Syria. They are not Yemen, and they are not Panama. They will fight back and they will have the future all completely mapped out and planned.

Signs of Russian troops entering the country

Obviously, in connection with the mess in Kazakhstan, this "manual" is being replicated again on social networks; I can't say that everything is reliably stated there:

Manual for those who think that they have encountered the Russian Army.

“Signs of the entry of Russian troops.

The first sign is the failure of all means of communication, the complete discharge of batteries in cars, tanks and other equipment, and at the same time the discharge of batteries in mobile phones, scopes, and radio stations. Then there is a break in the electrical circuits in all equipment — any. This is AMY. All engines stall, there is no way to start them. This is how the Khingan system works, with a radius of 20 km.

The second sign is the complete failure of all systems using liquid crystal monitors, the failure of all target-pointing devices of the air defense system-the radars are dead. The Altair system operates.

The third sign are failures when trying to use any type of guided weapon-from MANPADS to ATGMS. When attempting to use projectiles, they self-destruct immediately… This is the Mercury system — on the basis of the MTLB, such an antenna is high, now the Russians have it in every battalion. It works on a 15-kilometer radius.

The Fourth sign — it is impossible to use drones-drones (UAVs). They either fall, with the failure of the navigation system and engine, or land in the location of the Russians. The Krasukha-4 system disables the onboard equipment of aircraft and any other aircraft. The Avtobaza system intercepts the control of drones. The Russians gave it to the Iranians, and they stole the most secret attack drone of the SASS “Kandahar beast”.

The Fifth Sign. Not everyone will have time to see and understand the fifth sign. This is a phenomenal accuracy of artillery fire, conducted from a distance unattainable for artillery in most countries of the world. Artillery reconnaissance and guidance stations of the Russian army operate via satellites and their own drones. The Russians have upgraded their projectiles, they now have a homing system, they have become longer and carry more explosives (explosives).

Dozens (hundreds, if necessary) of combat helicopters, straddling all roads, begin hunting in the rear for armored vehicles, trains, cars. The railway is paralyzed, arrows are broken, bridges are blown up.

Lights go out in the rear — substations are broken. Civilian and military headquarters in the rear and individual leaders are simultaneously eliminated by pre-implemented groups.

And that’s when… Thousands of fighters descend from the sky – assault battalions of the Airborne Forces and special forces of the GRU…”.


China and Russia offered the United States the last “olive branch” of peace. The Reaction was predictable. The United States outwardly pretended to accept it, while going ahead and continuing in it’s destabilizaiton efforts in Asia.

Take note that Asia is quite serious about all this.

I do not specifically anticipate a global thermalnuclear response, in so much as a no-holds barred polite economic isolation and staged collapse of the domestic aspects of the United States… in coils.

Asia will box America in, and force their hand to deal with the flood of major inflationary bubbles. It will suppress and destroy all efforts by the United States to divert attention outwards and this will cause an acceleration in the internal collapse of the United States.

Any actions that the United States makes against Asia will hurt itself.

Therefore, I remain optomistic that no matter how insane the USA is acting, it will not risk it’s own collapse intentionally. Instead it will try to ride “the dying horse” to the cemetary gates.

And with that, I have hope for many of us in the ‘States and abroad. It will be a long series of “mini bads” and “micro bads” and not the “Big Bad” that many of us fear.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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The story of the Tiger and the Fox

Due to the impossibility of my ability to access MM over the last couple of days, the next few days of postings will be a bit scarce as I try to catch up and refill my MM article larder. I have disabled numerous plugins and functionality to get things working. Please bear with me. -MM

So here’s a short story to set your day straight.

The following is a nice cute story about a Tiger and a fox. It is a cute, short and interesting Chinese folk tale. It comes from the thirty-six strategies of war by Stefan H. Verstappen. I will make the necessary arrangements to post the entire PDF up on MM later, but some of the stories are just so adorable.

Chinese Folk Tale

One day a fox was wandering through the woods preoccupied in thought when he was suddenly surprised by a tiger who seemed intent on eating him. It being too late to run away, the fox had to think quickly.

Nonchalantly he asked, “Tiger why are you here, are you not afraid of me?”

“Why should I be afraid of you?” asked the tiger. “Because I am the king of the jungle,” said the fox. “Ridiculous!” replied the Tiger. “I am king of the jungle.”

“Well if you don’t believe me I’ll prove it. Just follow me as I walk about the jungle and see for yourself if the other animals do not run away at my approach.”

The tiger agreed and so the fox set off with the tiger following closely behind. As the other animals spotted the fox they also saw the tiger and they ran away.

After a while the fox turned to the tiger and said, “See how they scatter when I approach. Do you believe me now?”

“It seems I was wrong,” said the perplexed Tiger, and he sulked away into the jungle.


It’s a just a cute story that has some meaning to those that are interested in day to day strategies.

The studious kitty.

Do you want more?

I have more articles about cats in my Happiness Index here…

Life & Happiness .

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The story of the Samurai and the Rat

The following is a nice cute story about a Samurai and a rat, and how difficult it was to find the perfect mouser to catch the rat. It comes from the thirty-six strategies of war by Stefan H. Verstappen. I will make the necessary arrangements to post the entire PDF up on MM later, but some of the stories are just so adorable.

Japanese Folk Tale

There once lived a samurai who was plagued by a large and clever rat who had the run of the house. This annoyed the samurai to no end so he went to the village to buy a cat.

A street vendor sold him a cat that he said would catch the rat, and indeed the cat looked trim and fit. But the rat was even quicker than the cat and after a week with no success the samurai returned the cat.

This time the vendor pulled out a large and grizzled cat and guaranteed that no rat could escape this master mouser. The rat knew enough to stay clear of this tough alley cat, but when the cat slept, the rat ran about. Half the day the rat would hide, but the other half he again had the run of the place.

The samurai brought the cat back to the vendor who shook his head in despair saying he had given the samurai his best cat and there was nothing more he could do.

Returning home with his money, the samurai happened upon a monk and sought his advice. After hearing the samurai’s story the monk offered him the services of the cat that lived in the temple.

The cat was old and fat and he scarcely seemed to notice when he was carried away by the doubtful samurai.

For two weeks, the cat did little more than sleep all day and night. The samurai wanted to give the cat back to the temple but the monk insisted he keep him a while longer assuring him the rat’s days were close to an end.

The rat became accustomed to the presence of the lazy old cat and was soon up to his old tricks even, on occasion, brazenly dancing around the old cat as he slept.

Then one day, as the rat went about his business without any concern, he passed close by the cat who swiftly struck out his paw and pinned the rat to the floor.

The rat died instantly.


In battle, the element of surprise is paramount. A wary opponent is unlikely to fall into the usual traps, so he must first be made to relax his vigilance. To do this one must carry on as though nothing untoward was afoot. Once acclimatized to often repeated actions, a person no longer takes notice of them. When the enemy ceases to pay attention to you, the time is right to attack.

The studious kitty.

Do you want more?

I have more articles about cats in my Happiness Index here… Life & Happiness .

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The Fetterman massacre. One of the worst military disasters of the Indian wars.

There is this myth within America that the American military is so strong, and so powerful that it is invincible. This is a belief that is fueled by near endless stories and movies about the “lone wolf” Rambo’s that single-handedly kill off a battalion of bad guys, and movies about the American experiences in recent wars such as the war in Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen to name a few. All of which show brave fighters using high end weapons and tactics to blow up mud huts and patrol the barren wastes.

War isn’t a movie.

Nor is it the zombie apocalypse.

War is evil and ugly. It is full of back-stabbing betrayals, sneaky underhand moves, and pure horror. It is not something that you sing glorious songs with as your march to fight the evil communists. It is instead, something to be avoided at all costs.

Most Americans are unaware of history, and they are certainly unaware of the many, many American losses that the military experienced when fighting wars. Which is sad and worrisome. We need to remember history, so that we can learn from it. So that we can avoid trouble and problems and events that might result in catastrophic collapse of our government, our society and our very lives.

The following is one such story and one such tale. It is worth a read, and perhaps the reader should take some notes along the way.

The following is a reprint of “Fetterman Massacre on the Bozeman Trail” and it was written by David A. Norris and found on The Warfare History Network. All credit to the origional author. It has been edited to fit this venue, aside from that it has been left intact. Some terms such as “wood train” have been replaced with the more colloquial “wagon train” for ease of reading and understanding.

Fetterman Massacre on the Bozeman Trail

The Sioux and their allies lured Captain William Fetterman’s patrol at Fort Phil Kearny into a deadly trap in the winter of 1866 in retaliation for trespassing on treaty lands.

By David A. Norris

The U.S. cavalrymen posted at Fort Laramie in the Dakota Territory on Christmas Day 1866 celebrated the holiday with a full dress garrison ball despite subzero temperatures and more than a foot of snow on the ground. While Captain David S. Gordon of the 2nd U.S. Cavalry was mulling over whom he would choose as his next dance partner at 11 pm, a stranger wearing a heavy buffalo overcoat, pants, gauntlets, and cap burst into the ballroom.

Scout John “Portugee” Philips contrasted sharply with the soldiers in their military dress uniforms and the women in their Victorian finery. Brig. Gen. Innis Palmer summoned Gordon to the post headquarters and handed him the dispatch that Philips had carried for four days on his 236-mile ride during which he endured blizzard conditions. The dispatch from Colonel Henry B. Carrington at Fort Phil Kearny stated that three officers, 92 men, and two citizens had been massacred four days earlier near the fort. The utter destruction of the detachment, commanded by Captain William J. Fetterman, was the worst disaster to befall the U.S. Army up to that point in the Indian Wars of the 19th century.

Fort Phil Kearny sat precariously on land that was ceded by the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851. Signed by the United States and eight Indian nations, the treaty set aside parts of Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming as exclusively Indian land. The U.S. Army was permitted to build forts within the treaty lands; other white intruders were forbidden.

Peace lasted until August 19, 1854, when Lieutenant John Lawrence Grattan led 30 soldiers into a Brule and Oglala Sioux village. Grattan was there because a settler complained that a Sioux named High Forehead had stolen a cow. High Forehead had simply butchered a cow whose owner had abandoned the animal because it was lame. The lieutenant’s aggressive manner ignited a quick battle in which Grattan and all of his men were killed. The incident, called the Grattan Massacre by the Army and settlers, sparked the First Sioux War.

Fighting ended in 1856. A few years of relative peace followed, although white buffalo hunters and trappers poached within the treaty lands. Conflict flared again after a promising gold strike at Alder Gulch in 1862 spurred the creation of the legendary Montana boom town of Virginia City. Despite the bloodshed in the East during the second year of the Civil War, the temptation of quick riches lured a veritable stampede of gold seekers toward Virginia City.

Avoiding the Laramie Treaty lands required long detours for travelers. Seeking a quicker path to the gold fields, frontiersmen John M. Bozeman and John Jacobs blazed a route known as the Bozeman Trail in 1863. Leaving the Oregon Trail near the North Platte River northwest of Fort Laramie, the 680-mile-long Bozeman Trail was the shortest possible route to the gold mines.

But the Bozeman Trail crossed the Powder and Tongue Rivers, slashing through the heart of the lands set aside for the Indians after the 1851 treaty. These were the richest hunting grounds left to the tribes. Deer, elk, and mountain sheep were plentiful. Wagon trains disrupted the hunting, and draft animals and livestock ate up great swaths of grassland. The Indians attacked most of the wagon trains that cut through the treaty lands.

Retaliating for an 1862 uprising in Minnesota, Brig. Gen. Alfred Sully campaigned against the Sioux in 1863 and 1864. In 1864 Sully’s 4,000 troops destroyed tipis, horses, clothing, blankets, and food supplies. As a result, the Sioux were left to face the harsh winter empty handed. Several hundred miles away, Union volunteer troops killed 150 people in an unprovoked attack on a Northern Cheyenne and Northern Arapaho village at Sand Creek in the Colorado Territory on November 29, 1864.

The Sully expeditions and Sand Creek Massacre pushed Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapahoe bands into the North Platte River country. They had ample opportunity for revenge by attacking wagon trains on the busy emigrant routes. In August 1865, Brig. Gen. Patrick E. Connor began building Fort Reno inside the Laramie Treaty lands to protect Montana-bound wagon trains on the Bozeman Trail.

In the wake of the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864, warriors from the Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Sioux tribes waged a revenge campaign.

Major General Philip St. George Cooke took command of the Department of the Platte in 1866. Cooke, who was the father-in-law of the late Confederate Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart, was a veteran of the Indian Wars. Cooke had served as a cavalry commander during the Peninsula Campaign and Seven Days Battles, but the awkwardness of his ties to Stuart compelled him to resign active service. After the war President Andrew Johnson nominated Cooke for appointment to the brevet grade of major general in the Regular Army.

Cooke’s General Orders No. 33, issued on March 10, authorized construction of two more posts along the Bozeman Trail. The order also designated the trail’s section of the Department of the Platte as the Mountain District. Command of the new district went to Carrington, who had been a successful lawyer in Ohio before the Civil War. Although appointed colonel of the new 18th U.S. Infantry, Carrington did not serve in the field. He wound up being transferred from one administrative duty to another during the war.

Carrington arrived at Fort Reno in June with 700 men of the 18th U.S. Infantry. Approximately 500 of them were new recruits, and there were only a dozen officers with them. He soon chose a site on Big Piney Creek, a tributary of the Powder River, which became Fort Phil Kearny. Carrington also chose a site overlooking the Bighorn River in Montana to build a third post on the trail, Fort C.F. Smith.

Not to be confused with Fort Kearny in the Nebraska Territory, which was established in 1848 and named for the famous frontier officer Brig. Gen. Stephen Watts Kearny, the new post was named for Maj. Gen. Philip Kearny, who was killed in action at the Battle of Chantilly on September 1, 1862.

Left to right: Oglala Sioux Chief Red Cloud, Colonel Henry B. Carrington, and Captain William J. Fetterman.

Fort Phil Kearny was the largest of the Bozeman Trail posts. The original stockade was built of foot-thick logs, each 11 feet long and buried three feet into the ground. The original log walls, 600 feet by 800 feet long, enclosed more than 11 acres and about 40 buildings. Two sawmills, one water powered and the other equipped with a steam boiler, cut timbers and boards. At least 11 soldiers and civilians brought their wives; there were nearly a dozen children as well. Carrington’s household included his wife, two sons, and an African American butler.

The fort’s artillery consisted of a 12-pounder field howitzer and three mountain howitzers. Designed to fire standard 12-pounder ammunition, the mountain howitzer had a brass barrel only 39 inches long. The little guns could be dismantled and carried on a pair of mules, with another mule carrying ammunition and gunner’s implements.

Carrington sited the fort inside the “V” formed by the junction of Big Piney and Little Piney Creeks. Between the streams rose a ridge, which Carrington called the Sullivant Hills, after his wife’s family. To the north, the Sullivant Hills descended into the valley of Big Piney Creek. Beyond the Big Piney to the north rose the heights of Lodge Trail Ridge. The Bozeman Trail ran close to the northern wall of the fort. It skirted around the eastern edges of Lodge Trail Ridge, and then ran north and west toward the valley of Peno Creek. The fort stood on a commanding position with little cover offered to potential attackers. Carrington established a signal station on a rise called Pilot Hill just south of Little Piney Creek.

During the journey from Fort Phil Kearny, Carrington had met Brule Sioux chief Standing Elk. Although his people sought peace, there were Miniconjou and Oglala bands in the Powder River country that had not consented to the treaty agreements signed at Fort Laramie, Standing Elk told Carrington. He also informed Carrington that the Cheyenne and Arapaho supported the hostile Sioux.

Among the leaders seeking to eject the soldiers from their lands was 44-year-old Oglala Sioux Chief Red Cloud. Red Cloud’s band had moved in the 1830s into the North Platte River valley near the new trading post of Fort Laramie. Red Cloud gained fighting experience and an increasing degree of respect as he took part in raids and battles against Crows, Pawnees, Utes, and Shoshones. He became a chief through his proven leadership in numerous clashes, rather than from a hereditary claim.

To Red Cloud and his allies, the arrival of hundreds of soldiers working on new forts indicated that the whites meant to seize these lands. Although the land technically belonged to the Crow Indians, the Sioux had taken control of them given that they were rich in buffalo.

Red Cloud was determined not to let the summer pass without taking action. Cheyenne Chief Two Moons stated years later that he and some companions visited Fort Phil Kearny during the summer of 1866. As they scanned the fort’s defenses, they talked with the legendary mountain man and army scout Jim Bridger, who was an old acquaintance. Bridger pointed out the fort’s four guns, and Two Moons was well aware of the deadly case shot they fired. The Cheyenne scouts believed that an attack on the fort, which was well protected by the guns, would be doomed to failure.

Fort Phil Kearny, which housed 40 buildings, was the largest of the three planned Bozeman Trail forts.

Even without firsthand intelligence from Two Moons, Red Cloud was unlikely to try launching a direct assault on a sturdy log stockade bolstered with artillery. It was much more practical to attack isolated messengers, supply trains, livestock tenders, and hunters outside the range of the fort’s guns.

The fort’s need for fresh timber was its weakness. The closest suitable woodland was about four miles west of the fort at Piney Island where there was a stand of pines 90 feet tall surrounded by tributaries of Piney Creek. On most days, at least a couple of dozen wagons with civilian teamsters rolled along a road south of the Sullivant Hills to Piney Island. Even heavily escorted trains faced ambushes, and the timber cutters worked in constant peril. Log blockhouses protected the two timber camps. Even when the soldiers were barricaded in the blockhouses, Indians could shoot them by firing through the loopholes.

A war party slipped close to the fort on July 17 and made off with some of the Army’s livestock. Two soldiers were killed and three wounded in the subsequent pursuit. Another soldier was killed a week later when several hundred warriors blocked a wagon train coming from Fort Reno. A relief party from Fort Phil Kearny, with a mountain howitzer, drove off the attackers.

A reconstructed stockade wall at Fort Phil Kearny, in what is now Johnson County, Wyoming. The fort, along the Bozeman emigrant trail through the northern Rocky Mountains, was an outpost of the United States Army in the late 1860s. The post was named for Union Maj. Gen. Philip Kearny, a popular figure in the American Civil War. The fort should be distinguished from the similarly named Fort Kearny in Nebraska, which was named for Kearny’s uncle, Stephen W. Kearny. Today (2015), the Wyoming fort and the nearby Fetterman and Wagon Box battle sites are maintained as the Fort Phil Kearny State Historic Site. Along with Fort Reno and Fort C. F. Smith, the fort was established Powder River Country at the height of the Indian Wars, to protect prospective miners traveling the trail north from the Oregon Trail to present-day Montana.

The Indians attacked eight other wagon trains in the second half of July. Over the next few months, Carrington reported 51 skirmishes in which Red Cloud’s men probed the fort’s defenses. Between August and mid-December 1866, the Indians killed more than 70 soldiers and civilians around Fort Phil Kearny. Raiding parties rode off with approximately 700 government horses, mules, and cattle.

Lone hunters or travelers were in special peril. Ridgeway Glover, an artist-correspondent for Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, disappeared after ignoring frequent warnings against leaving the post alone. His body was found, decapitated and scalped, on September 17. Glover had been taking photos of the fort and the area for the newspaper. No trace was found of his camera, nor of the only photographs ever taken at Fort Phil Kearny.

Red Cloud’s campaign attracted hundreds of new allies during the summer and fall of 1866. To the U.S. Army soldiers, Red Cloud was the commanding general of an enemy army. In reality, his authority was more complicated, holding some sway over a loose alliance of essentially independent Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho bands. By and large, his reputation as a successful war leader kept 2,000 warriors following the broad outlines of his strategy during the fighting in 1866.

Amid the growing harassment by Red Cloud’s mounted warriors, Carrington had no cavalry at Fort Phil Kearny. He had to improvise with mounted infantry, but few of the men were experienced riders. In any case, all three forts were short of serviceable horses.

Most of Carrington’s men carried single-shot, muzzle-loading Springfield rifled muskets, and some mounted soldiers lacked revolvers. A number of the Sioux and Cheyenne had obtained repeating rifles or revolvers from Indian traders or by capture.

Cooke notified Carrington on August 11 that two companies of the 2nd Cavalry were going to join him. Company C of the 2nd U.S. Cavalry, which was led by Lieutenant Horatio Bingham, was the only one that arrived. Company C did not arrive until November 3. “Be very cautious,” warned Cooke. “Don’t undertake unnecessary, risky detachments.”

Arriving with Bingham was Captain William J. Fetterman of the 18th Infantry. Fetterman’s background is obscure, but he was commissioned as a first lieutenant in the same regiment back in May 1861. In contrast with his colonel, Fetterman had an active combat career during the Civil War and was brevetted lieutenant colonel for his services during the Atlanta Campaign.

U.S. Cavalry tactics called for troopers to dismount for battle with five to 10 yards separating each trooper. One of every four troopers was tasked with holding horses.

At least 10 of the other infantry officers who served at the fort also had received one or more brevet promotions for gallant and meritorious service during the Civil War. Some officers chafed under the colonel’s orders that allowed only measured reactions. “I can take 80 men and go to Tongue River,” Fetterman told Carrington. The old scout Jim Bridger heard the young officer’s brash statement. “Your men who fought down South are crazy!” Bridger said in astonishment. “They don’t know anything about fighting Indians.”

Bridger had heard ominous news from some Crow warriors, whose people were yet at peace with both sides in the simmering conflict. They told Bridger it took half a day for them to ride through the camps of Red Cloud and his allies. Red Cloud tried to persuade the Crow to join him. He told the Crow that he intended by wintertime to starve the soldiers out of their forts and kill them.

Red Cloud carried out a sharp attack on a wood train two miles from the fort on December 6, 1866. Carrington sent Fetterman 35 cavalrymen and some mounted infantry to drive away the Indians and pursue them along their expected route of withdrawal through the Sullivant Hills. Meanwhile, Carrington intended to close in behind the Indians with 25 mounted infantrymen. It was the first time the colonel had ridden into action.

Carrington’s plans failed when the band of 100 warriors, who seemed to be fleeing, suddenly turned around and attacked. They surrounded Carrington’s party for several anxious minutes. Under heavy pressure, the Plains Indians routed the soldiers. They killed two men and mortally wounded another. As a result, Carrington became more cautious than ever. His garrison at Fort Phil Kearny numbered only 350 men. What is more, their supply of ammunition was down to about 45 rounds per man by mid-December.

The Plains tribes were greatly pleased with their performance in the December 6 action. Based on their success, the tribes agreed to combine for a new attempt to lure a larger party of soldiers away from the fort, and then surround and annihilate them.

Several dozen of Red Cloud’s riders again attacked a wood train on December 19. As Carrington feared, the raiders intended to lure a relief force into range of several hundred warriors hidden nearby. Captain James Powell led the fort’s response that day. Powell, who enlisted back in 1848, had years of experience in the antebellum dragoons and cavalry on the frontier. The old frontier hand drove off the attackers but did not follow them.

The Indians refrained from mutilating the body of cavalry bugler Adolph Metzger, who is believed to have wielded his bugle as a club. In respect for his bravery, they covered his fallen body with a buffalo robe.

With the attacks on his isolated garrison growing more dangerous, Carrington decided to halt the wood-cutting expeditions. The wagon train ordered to go out on December 21 was to be the last until the spring of 1867.

On the night before the final wagon train, Captain Frederick H. Brown was awaiting transfer to Fort Laramie. “The night before the [massacre] he made a call with spurs fastened in the buttonholes of his coat, leggings wrapped, and two revolvers accessible,” recalled Margaret Carrington, the captain’s first wife. Brown said that he was ready for action “by day and night and must have one scalp before leaving,” she wrote.

December 21 also was the date Red Cloud had chosen for his most ambitious operation yet. His plan called for an initial attack on the wagon train to be followed up with an ambush of the relief party that he expected to be sent from the fort. To lure the relief party into the ambush, Red Cloud’s raiders would ride past the Sullivant Hills and Lodge Trail Ridge. Across the ridge, the ground sloped down to a narrow plain around Peno Creek and its small tributary streams. Hundreds of warriors would lie hidden in the grasses and brush of the bottom lands waiting to fall upon their pursuers.

The wagon train, with 30 soldiers and 65 armed civilian teamsters escorting 35 wagons departed at 10 am on December 21. They rolled under bright blue skies on a bitingly cold day. One hour after the wagons passed through the fort’s gate, signals from Pilot Hill warned that the train was under attack.

Inside Fort Phil Kearny, Captain Powell prepared to lead a relief force to the wagons. Citing seniority, though, Fetterman went to Carrington and demanded command of the expedition. Fetterman had attained his captaincy in 1861, nearly three years before Powell reached that rank.

Carrington acquiesced to Fetterman’s demand. He placed Fetterman in command of three officers and 77 men. With them went civilian volunteers James Wheatley and Isaac Fisher. As civilian employees of the quartermaster department, both volunteers were armed with Henry repeating rifles. These breech-loading, lever-action rifles held 16 metallic cartridges.

The soldiers numbered 49 men from the 18th Infantry and 27 from the 2nd Cavalry. Lieutenant George W. Grummond and Captain Brown joined Fetterman. It would be Brown’s last chance to fight the Indians before he departed for Fort Laramie. Although an infantry officer, Grummond was placed in charge of the horsemen, as Bingham’s death left no cavalry officers at the fort.

Carrington stated afterward that his orders to Fetterman were as follows: “Support the wagon train, relieve it, and report to me. Do not engage or pursue Indians at its expense; under no circumstances pursue over the Ridge, namely, Lodge Trail Ridge, as per map in your possession.”

Grummond’s orders were to obey Fetterman’s commands and to stay with him. Some witnesses later confirmed hearing the orders, but others did not.

Fetterman left the fort about 11:15 am, leading the 49 infantrymen. Serviceable mounts were too few to accommodate that many soldiers, so they marched out on foot. Captain Brown could ride with them only because he had borrowed Calico, a pony belonging to Colonel Carrington’s son Jimmy. Grummond led the horsemen out a few minutes later.

As no medical officers accompanied the wagon train or Fetterman’s patrol, Carrington summoned C.M. Hines, an assistant surgeon under contract to the U.S. Army. The colonel ordered Hines to accompany the wagon train and to treat any casualties he found. Moreover, he was to catch up with Fetterman if possible. Shortly after Hines departed, the Pilot Hill station signaled that the attack on the wood train was over, and the wagons had resumed their trip to the timbering site.

Although Red Cloud was not present, the looming battle was the result of his successful months-long campaign against the three Bozeman Trail forts. Fetterman’s orders were to march south of the Sullivant Hills to the wagon train. With the wagon train no longer under attack, Fetterman focused on the handful of mounted warriors who taunted the soldiers. Among the decoys were a number of highly respected warriors of the Northern Plains tribes, such as Morning Star, Crazy Horse, Black Shield, Big Nose, and White Bull. Some of the chiefs had extensive experience. For example, Cheyenne Chief Morning Star (known as Dull Knife to the U.S. Army soldiers) was a veteran of four decades of raiding and warfare. These great warriors would become famous in the final years of the Sioux Wars.

Believing that he outnumbered his enemies, Fetterman followed them past the eastern slopes of the hills. The warriors plodded slowly along toward Lodge Trail Ridge, rather than galloping away from the slow-moving foot soldiers. Crazy Horse even dismounted and performed an elaborate pantomime of a man tending to his bridle. Crazy Horse and his riders slowly disappeared beyond the ridge.

Fetterman marched to the Bozeman Trail itself and turned left to follow the road west along icy Peno Creek. In a short time, Fetterman could no longer be seen by lookouts from the fort. None of his men was ever seen alive again by their fellow soldiers. What unfolded next can be pieced together only from evidence found on the battlefield, stories related years later during interviews with Indian participants, and archaeological finds made many decades afterward.

Grummond and the cavalry, with Wheatley and Fisher, rode ahead of the infantry. They opened fire, bringing down a few Indian riders. The decoys crossed the frozen ford of Peno Creek. They formed two groups and rode away from each other, but then turned and crossed their paths. Nearly 2,000 hidden Sioux and Cheyenne recognized this as the prearranged signal to unleash their ambush. Scores of warriors rose up from concealed positions in the grass and brush and let loose a barrage of arrows. They were soon joined by hundreds of other warriors.

A few Indians, emboldened enough to ride headlong among the solders, were shot dead. Wheatley and Fisher dismounted, and a few cavalrymen joined them. The two civilians, who took cover behind some large rocks and a few dead ponies, cut down warriors and their mounts with their Henry repeating rifles.

The rest of the cavalrymen made for a nearby ridge topped with rocks and boulders. Grummond never made it to the ridge. With the hilt of his saber tightly gripped in his hand, Grummond was shot and killed in the roadway of the Bozeman Trail.

A short distance behind the cavalry, Fetterman led the infantry back toward high ground, where they sought cover amid a collection of boulders on the rocky slope. Captain Brown dismounted and, after sending away his borrowed pony, joined Fetterman. Among the rocks, Fetterman’s men reloaded and fired again, their volume of fire growing weaker as the Indians picked them off one by one.

This illustration of the Fetterman fight appeared in Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper. Most of the Indians were armed with their traditional weapons, including bows, lances, and clubs.

For a few minutes, Wheatley and Fisher fended off their attackers with the Henry repeaters. Soldiers inspecting the battlefield later counted 60 splashes of blood scattered on the frozen ground, giving mute testimony of the effectiveness of the Henry rifles. When their ammunition ran out, they were quickly overwhelmed and slain.

So many Sioux and Cheyenne surrounded Fetterman that many arrows missed soldiers, and flew on to hit Indians on the other side of the dwindling band. Within 20 minutes, the Indians had slain the last of the soldiers. It was obvious that desperate hand-to-hand fighting had occurred given that some of the men were obviously slain by war clubs and lances in the final moments of their doomed stand.

Carrington reported that Brown and Fetterman shot each other rather than fall prisoner. It seems possible, however, that Brown shot himself. But a post surgeon named Samuel M. Horton found that Fetterman died of violent slash wounds to his chest and throat. This matches the account of Oglala leader American Horse, who told of knocking Fetterman down and killing him with a knife.

Atop their ridge, the last of Grummond’s cavalrymen struggled across the icy surface until they found good cover amid a cluster of boulders. To the south, they saw a virtual sea of enemies. There was no chance of anyone getting back to the fort. Their horses driven away, the troopers fired into the mass of warriors pressing in on them. It was only a few minutes until the last soldier was cut down.

A barking dog that had belonged to one of the dead soldiers broke the silence. “All are dead but the dog,” said one of the victors. “Let him carry the news to the fort.” But another warrior was against letting the dog get away, so he killed it with an arrow. 

Back at Fort Phil Kearny, it was just before noon when the garrison heard gunfire. “A few shots were followed by constant shots, not to be counted,” wrote Carrington. Hines soon returned with chilling news. He had been able to ride only as far as a hill some distance from the fort. He hurried back when he saw only a vast array of Sioux and Cheyenne and no trace of Fetterman’s men.

Carrington ordered 75 men under Captain Tenedor Ten Eyck to relieve the embattled detachment. Moments after Ten Eyck left the fort, the colonel dispatched 40 more men to join them. Most of Ten Eyck’s men marched on foot. When they reached the Big Piney, they had to remove their shoes and stockings to ford the ice-covered stream.

Carrington then sent an ambulance and two wagons with a few crates of ammunition to follow Ten Eyck. Forty armed teamsters accompanied them. A quick count found only 119 men left in the fort, including civilian employees and some prisoners who were released from the jail.

About three miles from the fort, Ten Eyck halted on high ground to the right of the road rather than pressing on to rescue Fetterman. This prudent step later brought denunciations and accusations of cowardice down on Ten Eyck. Neither boldness nor caution would have made the slightest difference. All of Fetterman’s 80 men were already dead before Ten Eyck’s men stepped out of the fort.

From the heights, Ten Eyck’s troopers could see only the vast Indian forces, celebrating their victory. Neither the victors nor the small army detachment moved to attack, and the Sioux and Cheyenne drifted away to the west. There would be no more fighting that day.

Initial reports suggested that Brown and Fetterman shot each other rather than fall prisoner. While it is possible that Brown shot himself, a post surgeon found that Fetterman died of violent slash wounds to his chest and throat.

Moving down into the valley, Ten Eyck’s men walked into the grim horror of the silent battlefield. Following age-old custom, the victorious warriors had slashed and mutilated the dead. Everywhere the soldiers turned in the freezing wintry air they saw corpses, severed body parts, and pools of blood.

Civilian teamster Finn Burnett, one of the men who retrieved the slain soldiers, noted one exception to the violent mutilations of the dead. The body of Bugler Adolph Metzger was left untouched after his death. Near the German-born soldier’s lifeless body was his bugle. Crumpled and battered, the bugle had served Metzger as a war club in his last moments. Burnett said he found Metzger’s corpse covered with a Sioux buffalo robe, left behind as a mark of respect for his courage.

Eighty-one men from the fort and a handful of their mounts, including Jimmy Carrington’s pony Calico, lay dead. Among the slaughtered corpses of the soldiers and their dead horses was only one survivor, a cavalry mount named Dapple Dave. A dozen arrows had plunged deeply into the dying horse. The final shot of the day echoed over the bleak landscape when Ten Eyck ordered a soldier to shoot the suffering animal.

Only half a dozen soldiers bore evidence of gunshot wounds. Nearly all of the Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho in the battle were armed with traditional weapons, such as bows, lances, and clubs. By one estimate, nearly 40,000 arrows were loosed in the approximately 40-minute-long battle. Red Cloud’s exact losses are unknown; however, interviews with the participants in later years indicate about 60 dead and 300 wounded.

Ten Eyck’s three wagons were able to bear only about half the dead; the rest of the slain remained frozen where they fell until they could be retrieved the next day. When the macabre procession reached Fort Phil Kearny, the state of the dead shocked and horrified everyone. The wagon loads of bodies reminded Hines of “hogs brought to market.” Young Jimmy Carrington would have nightmares for many years afterward when his dreams took him back to that grim evening.

Oddly enough, the wood cutters had reached Piney Island in peace, out of hearing range of the desperate battle on Lodge Trail Ridge. They returned safely to the fort and added their numbers to the garrison. Bracing for a potential all-out assault that might overwhelm the fort, soldiers formed wagon boxes into three concentric rings surrounding the magazine. All of the women and children were ordered to stay by the magazine. If the fort was overrun, Carrington himself would touch off the Army’s gunpowder to prevent the families from being taken prisoner.

Carrington dashed off messages and distributed them to several couriers in the hope that at least one would get through. Philips, a native of the Portuguese-owned Azores, rode 236 miles to the nearest telegraph station. Pushing on to Fort Laramie, he interrupted the post’s Christmas ball with news of the destruction of Fetterman’s command. Philips’ harsh four-day trek through sub-zero temperatures and as much as five feet of snow became a legend on the plains. It took 16 days for reinforcements from Fort Laramie to push their way through the deep snow and ice to Fort Phil Kearny; nevertheless, help did arrive before any attacks were made on the fort.

The slaughter of Fetterman’s force was the army’s worst disaster in the Indian Wars since Maj. Gen. Arthur St. Clair’s army was mauled by the tribes of the Western Confederacy at the Battle of the Wabash on November 4, 1791. It was easy enough for the War Department and the general public to decide that the Bozeman Trail was not worth its cost in blood. At any rate, the new Union Pacific Railroad would soon swiftly carry thousands of passengers closer to the gold fields. A new agreement, the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868, gave the Sioux a large reservation that included the Black Hills of South Dakota. In keeping with this agreement, the U.S. Army abandoned its Bozeman Trail forts and closed the route to white travelers.

On July 31, 1868, the U.S. government withdrew the last troops from the treaty lands. The 120 men were buried in the post graveyard of Fort Phil Kearny. Carrington’s carefully built fort on the Little Piney was destroyed by fire. Whether the fire was set by a departing soldier or by one of the victors of Red Cloud’s war is unknown.

Peace lasted only until a gold strike in the Black Hills in 1874 brought another wave of miners and settlers through the Powder River country. This wave was even greater than the previous one. But the immediate aftermath of the Fetterman Fight and the subsequent negotiations meant that Red Cloud’s war was a rare victory for the Plains Indians in the long struggle to protect their lands and way of life from white encroachment.

Was Fetterman an arrogant and reckless officer, or simply a confident commander who ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time? He had been popular with his men, who found him brave, competent, and considerate of their well-being. The U.S. Army honored him by naming a new post, Fort Fetterman, after him in 1867. Conflicting views of Fetterman appeared after press reports in the East sought to assign blame. In the wake of the reports, political infighting engulfed the U.S. Army high command.

Cooke removed Carrington from his post few days after the battle. Carrington faced trouble from some of his former subordinates who admired Fetterman much more than they did him. His superiors proved to be even more serious adversaries. It was plain that Fort Phil Kearny was undermanned and that the Army was grossly negligent in failing to provide the endangered outpost with enough horses, modern weapons, and sufficient ammunition. As a result, Cooke and some other high-ranking officers tried to deflect blame by citing Carrington as incompetent.

Carrington in his defense painted Fetterman as an irresponsible hothead whose rash decisions doomed his men. Carrington would state time and again that he had forbidden Fetterman to cross Lodge Trail Ridge, and that the captain’s direct disobedience of orders was the cause of the catastrophe. Carrington was officially exonerated. Yet his report was suppressed for years, and he never held active command again before his retirement in 1870.

Carrington was married to two writers whose work permanently tinted the perception of the Fetterman fight. His first wife Margaret wrote of the family’s life on the frontier in the 1868 book, Absaraka, Home of the Crows. After Margaret’s death in 1870, Carrington married Frances Grummond, the widow of Lieutenant Grummond who died in the ambush. Frances Carrington’s 1910 book, Army Life on the Plains, also included the story of the 1866 battle. Both women relayed the impressions of their husband, and they helped shape the enduring image of Fetterman as irresponsible and disobedient.

Lurid accounts in the Victorian press led to the battle being labeled as “the Fetterman Massacre” and the “Fort Phil Kearny Massacre” for many years. The Sioux called it the Battle of the Hundred Slain, from a prophecy that before the clash foretold the death of 100 soldiers. The fateful clash that had unfolded on December 21, 1866, had the distinction of being the worst disaster to befall the U.S. Army during the Indian Wars since 1791. It was eclipsed a decade later by Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer’s defeat at the Battle of the Little Bighorn in June 1876.


As interesting as this story is, perhaps some additional thoughts can be compiled.

Your army, with most of your military forces is swarmed and obliterated by a substantially larger force. No one survived. The enemy is known to kill and torture, and enslave captives. You are in the “fort” along with 80 others. Can you imagine the stark terror you must feel knowing that at any moment you all could be overwhelmed, and destroyed?

As I have stated earlier, war is not something that you should wish for or want. This promotion for war is all over the American media. And also over the Indian media as a prelude for war with China. It is a scary time as the leadership are stark raving mad thinking that Hell on Earth will not be unleashed.

India is set to fight a proxy war with China for American interests.

They all are fucking insane.

Pray that some sanity returns to Washington DC.

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How to build a better mousetrap – part 1.

Well there is this guy in China that is obsessed with building mouse and rat traps. He’s also a kind of inventor / mad scientist or evil genus. And he has posted his magnificent machines on the internet for others to replicate. I, as an inventor / engineer, myself find these devices very interesting and fascinating. Let’s look at some here, and take note that I broke this article down into two posts. This is part one.

Who says that the Chinese cannot innovate?

It looks to me that they are innovating with aggression quite readily right here, and the results speak for themselves. Note that the videos are not for the squeamish. Rats and mice get trapped and some die. It’s sad, but it’s life, and for those of you who have lived a sheltered life, these critters carry illness and can hurt your family. Not to mention that they also can carry the COVID-19 to your home. Yikes!

Important note about the videos
Please kindly note that the videos are rather large (compared to a picture), and might require some time to load. In this post most videos are under 1M and so should load quickly, though two are larger. One is 3M and the other 5M. They might take some time to load. If you are having trouble watching the videos, just wait. Allow them to load. If things seem to have stopped, just reload you page and everything should be just fine afterwards.

Chemical warfare

Here, this inventor added his own special mixture of glue and putty. I suppose there are many ways to do this, from adding “crazy glue” to peanut-butter, or making up your own custom glue trap. It’s basically some form of tar that the rats get stuck in. I also think that he might have sprayed some kind of anti-roach spray on top and the rats that cannot get away eventually have neurological damage and become too weak to pry themselves away. Check it all out.

Chemical warfare.

Electrical snare

This trap is nothing more than a “blue light” “bug zapper” reconfigured to catch rats. The electrical grid is laid out in three circles. One is positive, the next negative, and the one after that is positive and so forth. THey are hooked up to the high voltage source, which depending on the store-bough bug zapper this could be from 3000 volts to 6000 volts.

So what happens is when one rat stands on one grid and touches another grid, the electrical circuit is closed and the rat gets a fierce does of electricity.

Electrical Snare.

Collapsing membrane trap

Here is a “one off” device. It is useful for catching one rat at a time.

A balloon (in red) is inside a big plastic trash can. Above it is a standard child’s play ball. and that ball is holding up a mesh screen from a stand fan. When a rat gets inside the blue trash can, it tries to leave, but it’s claws cannot climb the slick plastic surface, so it claws into the red balloon. With a great shock and surprise, the red balloon bursts and the cage falls down, trapping the rat.

Collapsing membrane trap

Dead end without escape.

This is a mechanical trap. The empty beer cans (it has to be beer cans, why would anyone drink anything else?), are all on a rod, and permitted to spin. There are two ramps for the rats to climb up on. As you can see, once the rats get in, there really isn’t much of a way to get out. They become stuck inside the box.

Dead end without escape.

The pipe of no return.

Ah… the pipe of no return. You enter the pipe because you smell the delicious food inside. You move forward, deeper and deeper into the pipe. You see the delicious food right in front of you. All you need to do is slide down that stray. No problem, right?

And then, there you are. You fell right smack into the middle of a pile of delicious food. You eat your fill, and then your other rat neighbor falls on top of you, and then another, and then another… and another.

The pipe of no return.

Not mechanically inclined? Get a cat.

It is well known that cats are hunters, but few people ever see just how great they are in catching rats and mice. I have a number of videos on this, and it is astounding. These kitties are killing machines, I’ll tell you what.

To paraphrase a half-remembered quote from “Reese” from the movie “Terminator”.

He won't stop.

He doesn't know compassion, or kindness, or empathy.

He will come after you, over and over again, until he hunts you down, and kills you.
Problems with mice? Get a cat.

For mass capture attempts.

Here’s an improved version of the above pipe mechanism. This one seems to be of much easier construction (begin a tube and all), and allows a far greater number of rats and vermin to be caught. Outstanding design. It’s got all the elements of a great design.

  • Simple construction.
  • Cheap.
  • Easy to make.
  • Effective.
  • Easy to empty.
  • No moving parts.
  • No electricity.
Mark II rat capture device.


"The Chinese cannot innovate."

I get a lot of disinformation about China all over the internet. It is said so often that everyone believes it. It’s simply not true. China is a nation of hard-working nerds, designers and engineers, and it’s no mistake that most of the world’s factories are inside of China.

If you have any doubts about innovation, then look at the large numbers of patents out of China right now, the amazing network of high-seed trains, and the commonplace high technology, from 5G, AI, robotics to infra-camera robotic drones. China is around ten years more advanced than the USA and accelerating quickly.

This is just a glimpse at some “backyard engineering”. It’s not just this farmer. It’s everywhere…


Do you have a better way to catch and snare rats? I’d like to hear your ideas, and a video if possible.

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