The smile exercise as an adjunct to a successful affirmation prayer campaign

In one of my comments this week, I asked one of the MM participants to perform a “smile exercise” as part of his campaign. This is a technique on improving the rapid implementation of your affirmation prayers so that they will start working sooner, have better quality results, and improve the world around you. Here, in this article we will discuss exactly what it is, how it works, and why you should or could implement this with your affirmation prayer campaign.

The basic structure

This technique is an additional physical action or activity that you engage in while you are running a prayer / affirmation campaign. You perform this activity once a day. You never miss a day. And when the campaign ends, so does this activity. (Though, I see no harm in continuing if your so desire.)

What you do is say something nice to a person. And you put a big smile on your face when you do it.

That’s it.

You find a person, it doesn’t matter who it is, or what they are doing. You just say something good, and nice to them.

It doesn’t have to be truthful either. You can lie. But the truth is that you must say something nice, and then just continue with your day.

You do not go to sleep until you say something nice to a specific person.

The Smile

Do not forget the smile. This is a vital aspect of the entire procedure.

Do not forget to smile. That is critical.

Why is this important?

This simple task involves you to think about saying something nice. It requires you to search out a person to say it to, and it requires the physical action of saying something.

If, say, you see someone, and it takes you one minute to think of a nice thing to say, and then 1/4 of a minute to say it…

… that means that you have traversed 320 world-lines focuses on good happy things, and interacting with people in a positive and cheery way. It will absolutely steer your world-line navigation towards good, and great things. Whether that is your intention or not.

Plus, you have “made the day” of the person that you said that thing to.

All, very good positive things that WILL influence the results of your prayer / affirmation campaign.

Things to say

Here’s some suggestions of things to say. I find that the approach varies for men and women by gender, and situation. There is not a “one size fit’s all” technique that you can use.

For Women…

  • I like your hair, did you change your style?
  • I like your outfit. It really looks good on you.
  • Are those new shoes. They look great on you.
  • I never told you, but I really like your purse / umbrella / backpack. Where did you get it?
  • Did you lose some weight? You seem slimmer somehow.
  • I love your smile. It really makes my day.
  • I love your perfume.

For Men…

  • That’s a nice truck you’re driving.
  • I like your dog. Does he bite? Can I pet him? What’s his name?
  • That’s a good job that you did on the project / task / assignment.
  • Your lawn looks great. I really appreciate how lush and vibrant it is.
  • Your house is the nicest one around here. I just wanted to tell you that.
  • You remind me of my brother. That’s in a real good way.
  • Did you watch the game last night. It was something else wasn’t it? You strike me as a XXXXX fan. Good for you!

For anyone…

  • That restaurant is really nice. Have you eaten there? I think I saw you in there once, but I was too afraid to say hi. But I remember you. You have a distinctive face.
  • Thanks for… (what ever they did).
  • And if you see a Rufus, you go out of the way and thank them.

Things that don’t count

  • Hello.
  • Thank you.
  • Bye Bye.
  • Good day.
  • See ya!

Emergency Actions

If you cannot find anyone around, and the situation is such that nothing is going on, and you are having a difficult time meeting your daily quota. Here’s some “last ditch” emergency action you can take…

  • Go into a store. Go up to the cashier or the person there. Tell them that you watched them do XXXXX a few days ago and it changed your life. And you just wanted to thank them. Thank you. Then you just leave. Don’t stick around.
  • Go up to a fireman, a policeman, a receptionist, or someone nearby and thank them. Say “I just want to thank you for what you do. It’s important.” And then just leave.
  • If you see someone old. Go up to them, and say that you wonder if they could give you some “life advice”. That you “feel” like they have something of value, and you want to listen.
  • Go to a kid playing a game, and tell them that they are doing great, and they are going to become a star ball player some day. You just know it.


This action, or behavior tens to erode all those “hills” and “mountains” on your world-line template. It reduces them. It makes them smaller. It makes them easier to encounter, and easier to climb.

You go from this…

Harsh, hilly and mountainous terrain.

To this…

Softer, gentler terrain.


In today’s harsh and critical world it sure sounds fake and hokey and like you are tying to obtain something. This is why you must (in most cases) just be a “hit and run” complement person. Don’t stick around.

Do not care what they think or not. They WILL be flattered, even if they know it is fake. Just smile and be as sincere as possible doing it.

Leaving afterwards shows to them that you aren’t trying to “pick up” the girl or guy, or that you don’t have “an angle” to acquire anything.

Toolkit for break the prison shackles

For those of you who are familiar with “Alien Interview”, this exercise greatly reduces the “karmic” chains and snares that encourage the disembodied consciousness to return to earth upon death. Consider this one of the important tools in your toolbox towards this endeavor.


Actually, this is more difficult than it seems. And for us to go up to strangers, or people who we know (they do not have to be strangers) and just say something nice is alien to us. That is not how we were raised. But this exercise requires you to break out of the chains that hold you to this reality and world-line template.

This technique will greatly loosen those bonds that tie you to where you are now. Give it a try and tell me how it works after a one month effort.

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Yesterday I tried this out. You are right in the respect that it IS more difficult than it seems-especially now when everyone has the “leave me the hell alone” look.

BUT the person who I did it to – an elderly lady – her face just lit right up! It felt good too. ESPECIALLY now everyone has the “leave me the hell alone” look!


This might be the most important post on your whole site! Well said, MM.

I find it is easier to “train” for moments like these with rules to live by. For instance, if I ever see someone’s card declined, I automatically offer to pay. I explain that I’m just “paying it forward” — someone did the same for me (which is true). I thank them for the opportunity to return a previous stranger’s kindness.

I also carry around small special rocks in my bag to give to upset children. I’m a parent, and I understand the value of distraction to redirect energy. The stone comes an elaborate backstory, with a lesson of mindfulness for the child. Carry the magic stone with them, and it will always remind them to do good. This usually reset’s the parent’s frustrated energy too – although a strange man giving things to a child must be approached with abundant caution. Eye contact and smiles from the parent are prerequisites.

With firemen or police – I always offer to buy their food because of officers that have helped me. This was greatly appreciated during the riots last year.

Strangers are more receptive to receiving gifts if they understand your intent. It takes practice! It takes memory triggers to break habits. It takes courage to approach strangers.

I might also add, try not to brag to anyone about what you did.


So simple. so true. and not easy as seems. I needed this reminder.. and already did today, now need to remember to repeat every day.. Thanks

Something I stumbled upon today, don’t know if its funny or sad. a bit of each I reckon. and I am not sure Biden really wanted to say that.

Ohio Guy

An important tool(s) used daily and kept polished. Even a toothless bullshitter can do this. (Ask me how I know) But truthfully, I still have ten or eleven teeth still!