Subliminal Seduction; subconscious programming using subsonic sounds and radiation

Hum… Have you noticed that Americans are so very serious when compared to others from the rest of the world?

Well, I’ve been monitoring the Afghanistan situation in the “news”. It looks pretty calm and collected. Mostly it’s people going about their business, shops open, trade going on, food markets selling produce and the like. Apparently the new government has retained all the public servants and are not making any radical changes, instead trying to establish a solid and decent enough government.


But, Christ All-mighty! If you read what the “news” out of America and the UK has to say, it’s all screeching bat-shit crazy hysterics!

My Lordy!

Someone needs to give these folks some Quaaludes and get them strapped to a gurney and carted off to the rubber-padded room.

It seems and appears to me that most of the people in both the USA and the UK are way-way-way too “high strung”.

What’s going on?

Why are they so “out there” and “in orbit”?

Well, that’s what this article is all about.

Most Americans really need to calm down.

Don’t freak out folks. But this article is going to take you into uncomfortable spaces.

Lately a number of MM participants have commented that they seem to “feel” electrified or odd in regards to being inside the United States. (Let’s call this Observation “A”.) It is like there is a very uncomfortable “wave going through everyone” simultaneously with this feeling of impending doom.

Meanwhile, there’s observation “B”, where others have commented that maybe the debacle in Afghanistan was not a sign of collapse, but was actually an intentional event concocted by those that control the United States for Geo-political and domestic advantage. Bo Chen offered a compelling argument for this, and I will post it later on.

I cannot say one way of other other related to observations “A” and “B” above. However, I will like to release this article that (again) I am being “lightly” pestered to write and release.

“Lightly” pestered.

Not hysterically pestered like the Deagel article from last week. The mere fact that I am suddenly getting “pestered” tells me that “something is afoot“.

So let’s try to consider Observation A and B in light of this article.

Again. Take what you read in an easy relaxed format. Don't get too caught up in the information. I'm going to talk about something very uncomfortable for most people to grasp. Ok?

The use of electronic mechanisms to broadcast thoughts, influence actions, alter the operation of the human body, or interact with it remotely is mature technology.It’s well known, well used, with decades of experience and operation.

Just because it is not common knowledge, or dismissed as “tin foil hat” fringe conspiracy science is meaningless. Those that control nations and societies have been using this technology for decades.

The United States is (almost) wholly controlled using these kinds of technologies. Not only on the mass scale for the intentional herding of American society, but for the control of specific people, and the obtainment of specific social-economic and Geo-political objectives.

The MetallicMan Experience

I can personally vouch that multiple personalities came out from MM during my “retirement” within the secure ADC Pine Bluff facility.

I can tell you that I was unaware that I had these personalities, abilities, skills or behaviors. I lived with them, and they laid dormant for much of my career within MAJestic.

I can also tell you that when my brain was unlocked, they had to absolutely make sure that I was in a very secure “padded room” when I “un-wound”.

For those of you who haven't read my MAJestic Index, there are multiple instances in my narrative that included...

[1] Physical cranial implants of three specific types (EBP, ELF1, ELF2), 
[2] a shut-down sequence of the ELF implants, 
[3] activation of memories, skills and personalities that I was unaware of, and 
[4] behavior variations that can only be associated by radiative induction.

The technologies that was used on me personally were developed and were quite mature in 1981.

For me, personally, the technologies were developed in the sub-project 119 of Project MKUltra.

There are a myriad of technologies that can do this, and there are all sorts of tangential sciences and operations regarding them.

This article will just cover a few that I personally consider to be “main-stream” in continuous daily operation by those with the ability and the interest in using them.

Behavioral Control Background

American interest in the hypnosis – EMR [electromagnetic radiation] interaction was still strong as of 1974, when a research plan was filed to develop useful techniques in human volunteers.

The experimenter, J.F. Schapitz, stated:

“In this investigation it will be shown that the spoken word of the hypnotist may also be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain.

That is, without employing any technical devices for receiving or transcoding the messages.

And without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously”. 

Although our modern electronic age has been in existence only since the turn of this century, individuals have claimed that their minds were being remotely influenced and controlled by machines for at least two centuries.

Recorded way back in 1810 is the case of James Tilly Matthews, a London tea broker.

He claimed his mind was being controlled by a gang operating a machine he called an “Air Loom” which sent out invisible, magnetic rays from a London cellar.

Matthews believed machines like the Air Loom were also controlling the minds of members of the British Parliament.

He wrote letters to the MPs warning them about the machines and the conspiracy behind it.

This kind of information, was not taken seriously at all. Instead,it was treated as delusional. And Matthews was committed to Bethlem Hospital as being insane.

It might be easy to dismiss Matthews’ claims of a machine that can control one’s mind because of the early date. However, his is by no means an isolated case.

In 1994 Ronald K. Siegel, a Associate Research Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Bio-behavioral Sciences at UCLA, wrote “Whispers: The Voices of Paranoia.”


Whispers is a collection of case histories of mind control, (or ‘paranoia’ as he calls it) that he studied and compiled.

One case concerned a man named Tolman.

He believed his mind was being controlled by computers via a satellite system named POSSE (Personal Orbiting Satellite for Surveillance and Enforcement).

Interestingly, author Dorothy Burdick, in her 1982 book Such Things Are Known described what she claimed was her mind control harassment by computers via satellites.

She names Siegel as being the inventor of a device named FOCUS (Flexible Optical Control Unit Simulator) which can project hallucinations directly onto the retina so the subjects can’t distinguish the images from reality.

In Siegel’s book Tolman claims images are being directly transmitted into his brain.

Siegel says,

“You mean to tell me that here are machines capable of sending visual images directly into the brain?”

In 1968 Siegel published a professional paper titled “A Device for Chronically Controlled Visual Input”. This paper was a very detailed description of a device he developed to project images directly into the brain. He developed the techniques and system on experimental animals via their optic nerves.

He suggests further experimentation be

“conducted on neonates (kittens) which have their total visual stimulation controlled from the time they open their eyes.”

Thirty years later a team of US scientists wired a computer to a cat’s brain and created videos of what the cat was seeing.

One of the scientists working on the project, Garret Stanley of Harvard University, predicted machines with brain interfaces. We can only imagine how far such technology has advanced in the secret research laboratories of the US government and the military/industrial complex.

Today there is a wealth of documentation confirming how government agencies and research centers have been developing these technologies and methods.

These technologies involve elements of psychology, hypnosis, political conspiracies, and even devices that emit “rays” to control the behavior of others without their knowledge or consent.

Project MKUltra

Project MKUltra is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects that were designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, some of which were illegal.
Experiments on humans were intended to develop procedures and identify drugs such as LSD to be used in interrogations in order to weaken the individual and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture.
The project was organized through the Office of Scientific Intelligence of the CIA and coordinated with the United States Army Biological Warfare Laboratories. Other code names for drug-related experiments were Project Bluebird and Project Artichoke.

MKULTRA, as well as projects BLUEBIRD, ARTI-CHOKE, CHATTER, CASTI-GATE, MKDELTA, MKNAOMI, THIRD CHANCE, MKSEARCH, MKOFTEN, etc., were covert CIA projects involving many prominent members and institutions of the medical and scientific communities to investigate and experiment with various forms of behavior modification and control using, in many cases, unwitting human subjects.

In was in operation from the late 1940’s until the early 1970’s, they delved into everything from drugs to hypnosis to electronics.

Then, when Congress began to investigate the activity, the head of the program (illegally) destroyed all records. He gathered up every single record, and burned all of them. He did this in direct defiance of the law. Obviously, there were some very damning things in those records that the public should never be exposed to.

And the few that remain are just minor evidence of the full extent of a very invasive program conducted without Congressional oversight against the American people.


Trying to bring up this subject in any forums would get your canned, scoffed at or perma-banned. It’s “tin foil hat” conspiracy shit. Don’t you know…

…And then, one day, a bunch of boxes of Project MKUltra documents were discovered…


    Our recent discovery of seven boxes of documents related to Project MKULTRA, a closely held CIA project ... conducted from 1953-1964. 
    As you may recall, MKULTRA was an "umbrella project" under which certain ... 
    MKULTRA prepared by the Inspector General's- office in. 1963. Asa result of that report's ...

New Vistas

In 1996, the US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board published a 14-volume study of future developments in weapons called “New World Vistas.”

Tucked away on page 89 of an ancillary 15th volume are some hair-raising insights into the future ‘coupling’ of man and machine in a section dealing with ‘Biological Process Control’. The author refers to an ‘explosion’ of knowledge in the field of neuroscience, adding, ominously:

One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set.

Translating the words ‘experience set’ from military jargon into plain English, this means, simply, that they envisage the ability to erase your life’s memories and substitute a new, fictitious set.

Imagine that.

Oh, what fun.

By projecting such developments into the future, the authors of “New Vistas” are camouflaging present day capabilities.

The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War

A similar futuristic scenario with many references to mind manipulation is described in “The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War (US Army War College, 1994)”.

Authors Steven Metz and James Kievit declare:

“Behavior modification is a key component of peace enforcement” 


“The advantage of [using] directed energy systems is deniability.” 

The authors ask: 

“Against whom is such deniability aimed?” The direct answer is “the American people”.

Set in the year 2010, Metz and Kievit write of “perception molding” and “advanced psycho-technologies” to avoid irksome public protest, but that is just the beginning.

The major obstacle, they believe, is that “traditional American ethics [are] a major hindrance.”

My goodness!

And thus they continue to point out that

“old-fashioned notions of personal privacy and national sovereignty [are to be] changed.”

The future presented by Metz and Kievit sounds like a mixture of George Orwell’s 1984 and the movie “The Matrix”.

Individuals unwilling to go along with the revolutionary changes are…

 “identified using comprehensive inter-agency integrated databases.”

They will then be “categorized.”

And “sophisticated computerized personality simulations” will be used “to develop, tailor and focus psychological campaigns for each.”

Jeeze Louise!

Other techniques to be used in association with these new mind weapons include ‘morphing’, a present-day ability that controls the distortion of TV images.

So, if you are lucky enough not to have your brain electronically scrambled or erased, the electronic news media will be manipulated especially for you!

And such, it will be presenting convincing near-real-life visual images through your combined TV set-cum-internet interface. Woo! Woo!

Silent Sounds

The Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) technology, also known as “S-quad”, was developed by Dr. Oliver Lowery of Georgia, USA, and is described in US Patent #5,159,703 as “Silent Subliminal Presentation System.”

The abstract for the patent reads:

A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio-frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum are amplitude-or frequency-modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones, or piezoelectric transducers. 

The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener.

According to literature by Silent Sounds, Inc., it is now possible, using supercomputers, to analyze human emotional EEG patterns and replicate them.

Then store these“emotion signature clusters” on another computer.

Thus, afterwards, one can, at will,

“silently induce and change the emotional state in a human being.”

Judy Wall, writing in Nexus (October-November 1990, says

“Silent Sounds, Inc. states that it is interested only in positive emotions, but the military is not so limited. That this is a US Department of Defense project is obvious.”

Edward Tilton, President of Silent Sounds Inc., says this about S-quad in a letter dated 13 December, 1996:

All schematics, however,have been classified by the US Government and we are not allowed to reveal the exact details… 

We make tapes and CDs for the German Government, even the former Soviet Union countries! All with the permission of the US State Department, of course… 

The system was used throughout Operation Desert Storm (Iraq) quite successfully.

By using these computer-enhanced EEGs, scientists can identify and isolate the brain’s low-amplitude “emotion signature clusters”, synthesize them and store them on another computer.

In other words, by studying the subtle characteristic brainwave patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion, scientists have been able to identify the concomitant brainwave pattern and can now duplicate it.

“These clusters are then placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and will silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being!”

So, let’s suppose that you are holding your beloved pet and stoking them. You feel relaxed and content. Well, your brain could be imaged and a “snap shot” of your feelings can be recorded. This is known as an “emotion signature cluster”. And the United States have an entire library of these that they can identify, and impose on others.

Some examples…

  • Blind uncontrollable rage and anger.
  • Hunger.
  • Soothing comfort and calmness.
  • Love.
  • Attraction and interest.
  • Organism / ejaculation.
  • Infatuation with another.
  • OCD behaviors.
  • Stomach pain / bowel movements.
  • Being terribly horny and desiring of sex.
  • Missing something or someone.
  • Headache.
  • Loss and grief.

This technology was used on me during my MAJestic operations, and I can tell you that they were able to use it on me because my entire “emotion signature cluster” for me personally was imaged and recorded at NAMI at NAS, NASC Pensacola, Florida in 1981.

This technology could also be applied to the public at large, but I do not believe that to be the case. It wouldn’t be that effective for large groups of people.

Unless things have changed (and they actually could, don’t you know) there are better technologies to induce corralling of herds of humans via electromagnetic means.

This “Silent Sounds” technology is most useful for specifically targeted persons.

Now, there does seem to be elements of human crowd control taking place all over the United States. Instead of the Silent-Sounds technology, there are other, better suited candidates for these kinds of indiscriminate herding activities…

Synthetic Telepathy

Synthetic telepathy is a term used to describe the beaming of words, thoughts, or ideas into a person’s mind.

This is done by a type of electromagnetic transmitter, similar to a radio or television broadcast, operating in the microwave frequency band.

In recent years thousands of people have come forward claiming to be victims of this technology.  However, the first officially reported scientific experiment documenting a case of synthetic telepathy cannot be found in any of the academic literature because of the highly secretive nature of the research.

In 1961 Allen Frey, a freelance biophysicist and engineering psychologist, reported that a human can hear microwaves.

However, this discovery was dismissed by most United States scientists as being the result of artifact (outside noise). The more technical description of the experiment is described by James C. Linn.

It turns out that Frey discovered that human subjects exposed to 1310 MHz and 2982 MHz microwaves at average power densities of 0.4 to 2 mW/cm2 perceived auditory sensations described as buzzing or knocking sounds (also described as clicks or chirps).

The peak power densities were on the order of 200 to 300 mW/cm2 and the pulse repetition frequencies varied from 200 to 400 Hz.

Frey referred to this auditory phenomenon as the RF (radio frequency) sound.

The sensation occurred instantaneously at average incident power densities well below that necessary for known biological damage and appeared to originate from within or near the back of the head.

Further testing revealed that two requirements were necessary for the subject to hear the microwave induced sound:

“...good bone conduction and the ability to hear acoustic energy above 5 kHz...”

By 1975 the introduction to a paper by A.W. Guy and others begins,

“One of the most widely observed and accepted biologic effects of low average power electromagnetic (EM) energy is the auditory sensation evoked in man when exposed to pulsed microwaves.”

Today, the US Government use of synthetic telepathy was described in the October-November 1994 issue of Nexus:

Directed-energy weapons currently being deployed include, for example, a micro-wave weapon manufactured by Lockheed-Sanders and used for a process known as ‘Voice Synthesis’ which is remote beaming of audio (i.e., voices or other audible signals) directly into the brain of any selected human target. This process is also known within the US Government as ‘Synthetic Telepathy’.

Microwave “Zapping”

Much of the work done with microwaves was developed by Project Pandora.

This project was put into place by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.

It was initially set up to study the effects of microwaves that were being beamed into the American Embassy in Moscow by the Soviet Union.

Some of the findings of the scientists involved with Pandora are quite disturbing.

Dr. Joseph C. Sharp and engineer Mark Grove were able to hear and distinguish one-syllable words by pulse-modulated microwaves.

Microwaves can also alter the permeability of the body’s blood-brain barrier. This characteristic can synergistically increase the effects of drugs.

“Using relatively low-level RFR, it may be possible to sensitize large military groups to extremely dispersed amounts of biological or chemical agents to which the unirradiated population would be immune.”

Sound can be transmitted even easier through the use of implants.

As fans of Rush Limbaugh can attest to, cochlear implants, implants that send electrical signals into the fluid of the inner ear can effectively transmit sounds.

Additionally implants that transmit sound vibrations via bone conduction, such as the cases of dental fillings picking up audible radio signals.

Implanted Stimoceiver

The stimoceiver, invented by Dr. Jose Delgado, consists of wires running from strategic points in the brain to a radio receiver/transmitter located entirely under the skin.

Through this device, Delgado was able to stimulate raw emotions such as sexual arousal, anxiety, and aggression with the turn of a knob.

Of course, secret research by the US Government into microwaves and synthetic telepathy has moved on considerably since the 1980’s.

McVeigh: Manchurian Candidate?

Among the many telemetry instruments being used today, are miniature radio transmitters that can be swallowed, carried externally, or surgically implanted.... They permit the simultaneous study of behavior and physiological functioning.

—Dr. Stuart Mackay, Bio-Medical Telemetry (textbook), 1968

While visiting friends in Decker, Michigan, Timothy McVeigh complained that the Army had implanted him with a microchip. He said that it was a miniature subcutaneous transponder, so that they could keep track of him.

He complained that it left an unexplained scar on his buttocks and was painful to sit on.

Of course, we all know that McVeigh was convicted of the 1995 bombing of a US Government building in Oklahoma City.

Miniaturized telemetrics have been part of an ongoing project by the military and the various intelligence agencies to test the effectiveness of tracking soldiers on the battlefield.

The miniature implantable telemetric device was declassified long ago.

According to Dr. Carl Sanders, the developer of the Intelligence Manned Interface (IMI) biochip,

“We used this with military personnel in the Iraq War where they were actually tracked using this particular type of device.”

It is also interesting to note that the Calspan Advanced Technology Center in Buffalo, NY (Calspan ATC), where McVeigh worked, is engaged in microscopic electronic engineering of the kind applicable to telemetrics.

Calspan was founded in 1946 as Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory.

And funded in part by the “Fund for the Study of Human Ecology,” a CIA financing conduit for mind control experiments.

This operation was set up by emigre Nazi scientists and others under the direction of CIA doctors Sidney Gottlieb, Ewen Cameron, and Louis Jolyn West.

According to mind control researcher Alex Constantine,

“Calspan places much research emphasis on bioengineering and artificial intelligence (Calspan pioneered the field in the 1950s).”

Human tracking and monitoring technology are well within Calspan’s sphere of pursuits.

The company is instrumental in REDCAP, an Air Force electronic warfare system that winds through every Department of Defense facility in the country.

A Pentagon release explains that REDCAP…

“is used to evaluate the effectiveness of electronic-combat hardware, techniques, tactics and concepts.”

The system …

“includes closed-loop radar and datalinks at RF manned data fusion and weapons control posts.”

One computer news board reported that a disembodied, rumbling, low-frequency hum had been heard across the country the week of the [Oklahoma] bombing.

Similiar hums in Taos, New Mexico, Eugene and Medford, Oregon, Timmons, Ontario and Bristol, England were most definitely (despite specious official denials) attuned to the brain’s auditory pathways.

The Air Force is among Calspan’s leading clients, and Eglin AFB has farmed key personnel to the company.

The grating irony (recalling McVeigh’s contention he’d been implanted with a telemetry chip) is that the Instrumentation Technology Branch of Eglin Air Force Base is currently engaged in the tracking of mammals with subminiature telemetry devices.

According to an Air Force press release, the biotelemetry chip transmits on the upper S-band (2318 to 2398 MHz), with up to 120 digital channels.

There is nothing secret about the biotelemetry chip.

Ads for commercial versions of the device have appeared in national publications. Time magazine ran an ad for an implantable pet transponder in its 26 June, 1995 issue—ironically enough—opposite an article about a militia leader who was warning about the coming New World Order.

While monitoring animals has been an unclassified scientific pursuit for decades, the monitoring of humans has been a highly classified project that is but a subset of the Pentagon’s “nonlethal” arsenal.

As Constantine notes,

“the dystopian implications were explored by Defense News for 20 March, 1995:

Naval Research Lab Attempts To Meld Neurons And Chips: Studies May Produce Army of ‘Zombies.’

Future battles could be waged with genetically engineered organisms, such as rodents, whose minds are controlled by computer chips engineered with living brain cells….

The research, called Hippo-campal Neuron Patterning, grows live neurons on computer chips.

“This technology that alters neurons could potentially be used on people to create zombie armies,”

Lawrence Korb, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said.

“It’s conceivable given the current state of the electronic mind control art, a biocybernetic Oz over the black budget rainbow, that McVeigh had been drawn into an experimental project, that the device was the real McCoy.”

Timothy McVeigh may have unknowningly been an Army/CIA guinea pig involved in a classified telemetric/mind-control project—a “Manchurian Candidate.”

Or not.

Whatever, the technology does exist, and it is mature. Only a fool would think that it is not being used.

But I don’t think that it is being used on a large scale.

If you wanted to do this on a large scale you would to alter one’s DNA or mRNA for person-to-person Hippo-campal neural patterning. But, again, unless large segments of the population are being injected with small mind-control devices, this technique isn’t very useful to corral large numbers of people

Other systems must be employed…

Soviet Research

A highly secretive battle was being waged behind the scenes during the Cold War in the area of EM weapons (sometimes described as psychotronics) to control and influence the minds of people.

It’s only now that some of this research has emerged, but much of it remains hidden and classified. In fact, we know more about Soviet research into this area because it was the Soviet Union that collapsed.

A 1975 issue of the Soviet publication International Life, discussing electronic mind control developments, stated that atmospheric electricity can be used “to suppress the mental activity” of large groups of people.

The Soviet journal said that a sonic generator, tuned to an infrasound (below the hearing level) frequency, could create “feelings of depression, fear, panic, terror, and despair.”

In 1977, the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) declassified a report describing how advances in Soviet psychotronic technology can create the ultimate big brother society.

The DIA stated that by using electronic mind control against populations to implant ideas and thoughts into the heads of unsuspecting victims:

“Sounds and possibly even words, which appear to be originating intracranially (within one’s own head), can be induced by signal modification at very low average power densities.”

The DIA report also said that the Soviets discovered that secret microwave radiation can be used to induce in unsuspecting victims:

“Headache, fatigue, perspiring, dizziness, menstrual disorders, irritability, agitation, tension, drowsiness, sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, forgetfulness, and the lack of concentration.”

After the collapse of the Soviet Union (in a maneuver identical to Operation Paperclip in World War II) Western intelligence agencies obtained all the Soviet research and recruited key personnel working in this sensitive area.

Russian research has now all but stopped due to economic crises.

A report in Defense Electronics in the early 1990s said that a Richmond, Virginia firm, Psychotechnologies (believed to be closely tied to the CIA and the FBI) purchased the American rights to Soviet mind control devices.

Defense Electronics described a spring, 1993 meeting between Clinton Administration officials and Soviet psychotronics experts, including Dr. Igor Smirnov.

Amongst the US agencies represented at the meetings with Smirnov were the FBI, the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the Advance Research Projects Research Agency.

Clinton Administration officials wanted…

“ determine whether psycho-correction... programs could be undertaken by the US Government. These devices could be used to affect judgment or opinion of decision-makers, key personnel or populaces.”

Clinton defense officials expressed interest that the psychotronic devices could be used “in non-violently” clearing areas of potential enemies, snipers, etc.

On the domestic front, psychotronic devices could be used to suppress political dissidents, and any other potential threats to the government.

Also meeting with the Soviet experts were officials from giant international corporations, such as General Motors, and researchers from the National Institute of Mental Health.

The 22 August, 1994 Newsweek magazine reported on a secret Arlington, Virginia meeting between experts from the FBI’s Counter-Terrorism Centre and Dr. Smirnov, whose work was described in the publication:

...Using electroencephalographs, Smirnov measures brain waves, then uses computers to create a map of the subconscious and various human impulses, such as anger or the sex drive. 

Then through taped subliminal messages, he claims to physically alter the landscape with the power of suggestion.

Psychotronic Weapons Research

One man’s name has become synonymous with the field of non-lethal weapons development.

Col. John Alexander first became known to the public through his December, 1980 Military Review article titled, “The New Mental Battlefield.”

This article clearly describes the lethal nature of many of the so-called “non-lethal” weapons now being developed to control civilian populations.

Alexander noted:

Psychotronics may be described as the interaction of mind and matter… The possibility for employment as weaponry has been explored. To be more specific, there are weapons systems that operate on the power of the mind and whose lethal capacity has already been demonstrated.

Describing Soviet development of psychotronic weapons, Alexander stated:

“The ability to... cause death can be transmitted over distances, thus inducing illness or death for no apparent reason.”


“weapons would be able to induce illness or death at little or no risk to the operator... The psychotronic weapon would be silent (and) difficult to detect...”

Powerful elite insiders have long known how electromagnetic weapons can be effectively utilized to wage mind control against the population, specifically targeting political dissidents and troublemakers.

What of the numerous political activists and investigative journalists who died under mysterious circumstances, many from rare forms of cancer?

Could they have been ‘taken out’ by psychotronic weapons? We can only imagine how advanced this technology is today.

President Lyndon Johnson’s Science Adviser, Dr. Gordon J.F. MacDonald wrote the 1968 book, “Unless Peace Comes, A Scientific Forecast Of New Weapons.”

MacDonald described how man-made changes in the electrical earth ionosphere can be used for mass behavior control.

He said that low frequency electromagnetic oscillations can attack the low frequency electromagnetic brain waves in human beings.

He stated,

“Perturbation of the environment (by geophysical warfare) can produce changes in behavioral patterns.”

In his 1970 book, Between Two Ages, Zbigniew Brezezinski (a long-time Establishment strategist) described “weather control” as a “new weapon” that is a “key element of strategy.”

He added:

Technology will make available, to leaders of major nations, a variety of techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need to be appraised.

Brzezinski predicted the exact types of electromagnetic psychotronic weapons that the US Administration now has for the mass behavior control of citizens.

He stated:

It is possible—and tempting—to exploit, for strategic-political purposes, the fruits of research on the brain and on human behavior... 

Accurately timed, artificially excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth... 

In this way, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of a very large population in selected regions, over an extended period.

Available Electronic Harassment Technologies:

Five Available Electronic Harassment Technologies.

There are five older technologies capable of extreme destruction of the ability to earn a living, and the quality of life of a target, listed below.

None of these technologies require implants, and all can be transmitted silently, through walls, and leave no trace evidence.

All have been available for decades.

Since few targets will acquire the correct detection equipment, destruction of a target’s life even using these older technologies is a perfect crime under the American “justice system”.

Here is the list:

[1] Weaponized microwave oven weapon

A simple microwave oven, door removed, with the door interlock switch bypassed, and held against the bedroom wall of a target in an apartment building or semi-detached house. This device can cause a variety of disabling medical symptoms. (Google “Dr. Reinhard Munzert”.)

[2] Dr. James C. Lin’s pulsed microwave transmitter

Joseph Sharp’s voice to skull success was replicated with Dr. James C. Lin’s pulsed microwave transmitter.

This was publicly announced in 1974 at the University of Utah.

This device produces audible sound transmitted directly into a target’s skull, through a target’s wall.

Of course, this can drive the through-the-wall target crazy, and if the target complains, the target will be immediately diagnosed as mentally ill.

U.S. patent 6,587,729 was issued based on Dr. Joseph Sharp’s voice to skull success.

[3] Silent Sound

Lowery’s “Silent Sound,” patent 5,159,703, has been used for self-help subliminal hypnosis tapes and CDs.

It has also used by the U.S. Army in Gulf War One (1991).

It is currently used for shoplifting prevention in some countries.

Together with Sharp’s voice to skull technology, Silent Sound projected through a bedroom wall can hypnotize a target in their bed with the target being unaware.

Unaware hypnosis is CLEARLY extreme electronic harassment.

A target’s personality can be severely interfered with, and the target will not know why this is happening.

Concept diagram, combined voice to skull and Silent Sound

[4] Lida Signal

This is a half-century-old medical device, the Russian-built Lida machine, a pulsed 40 watt, 40 MHz radio transmitter.

Russian-built Lida machine.

It can be used to make a target exhausted on the job when pulsing at the rate consistent with sleep.

If you perform a pulse rate increase, it will deprive the target of sleep as well.

Certain ham radio transmitters can be configured so as to duplicate the Lida signal.

U.S. Patent 3,773,049 describes the Lida operating principle. And you can buy one here below…

[5] EPIC

Named EPIC, a through wall coordination/balance disruption weapon is an active technology being used today.

Electronic harassment targets have reported suddenly having their balance and coordination disrupted.

Here’s a quote from a May 21, 2007 article about the EPIC weapon: 

Local Company Developing 'Less than Lethal' Weapon 'EPIC' by Invocon is being developed as a 'Less than Lethal' Weapon. 

How do you disable bad guys in a crowd without killing them or causing permanent damage? 

It’s a problem faced by troops in urban combat and by local law enforcement. 

Now, a local company called Invocon may have the answer, and the solution may be a weapon code named "Epic." 

The company is developing a weapon they hope someday will be able to shoot through a wall and stun people on the other side of the wall. ...


In the United States today, the official unemployment rate is supposed to be a wonderful 3.68%.

U.S. unemployment rate for 2019 was 3.68%, a 0.21% decline from 2018. 
U.S. unemployment rate for 2018 was 3.90%, a 0.46% decline from 2017.

Declining every year. Getting better and better. Wonderful right?

Yet, 61% of Americans were so poor that they didn’t pay any Federal taxes. And that’s pretty bad, as Americans are taxed for everything.

These two numbers do not fit together.

How can [1] most Americans be working AND [2] being so poor that they are not being able to pay their taxes?

So? What the reasoning? If both numbers are correct, then what is going on is frightening. For either…

  • The American government has failed everyone on a grand scale.
  • The United States system of “exceptional democracy” has failed everyone on a grand scale.
  • Or, if one of figures is a fabrication or manipulation, then the government is lying to cover-up something very serious and very bad.

I argue that no matter how you look at this situation, something inside of the American society and the American government is severely “off the rails”.

Off the rails - Idiom

In an abnormal or malfunctioning condition, as in Her political campaign has been off the rails for months. The phrase occurs commonly with go, as in Once the superintendent resigned, the effort to reform the school system went off the rails . 

This idiom alludes to the rails on which trains run; if a train goes off the rails, it stops or crashes.

The ONLY way that the government can control the situation is to control the people.

Which is why…

[1] American people and population is being irradiated constantly and covertly with narratives and control algorithms to corral their behaviors. This is non-stop all over America.

[2] Manipulation of Social Media and other avenues are used to herd the people into balkanized enclaves of thought; “echo chambers”.

[3] Vault 7 clearly states that Operating Systems out of the United States are designed to control the minds of those using it.

So if you feel that the world seems to be spinning out of control, and that there is a overriding feeling of dread and terror, perhaps it is the ongoing operation and a side effect for decades of intentional mind control. Rather than it “just being you”.

Air China plane.

I can tell you that once I left the United States, and got on board the Air China flight that I felt an absolute calmness and safety. Initially, I believed that it was that I was finally putting that nightmare of the last few decades behind me.

  • No more prison.
  • My “retirement” ended.
  • No more bullshit and reporting nonsense.
  • No more life as a slave in a gulag.

However, now (in hindsight) it appears that I (along with everyone else) was living inside an irradiated torture chamber, and it was only once I left that I could experience the kinds of freedom and feelings that I grew up with in the 1960’s.

And make no mistake…

…you can absolutely FEEL the calmness once you leave the United States.

What leaving the United States is like.

And I want to remind everyone that there are options out there; places that DO NOT irradiate you with radiation to control your thoughts, monitor your actions, and arrest you if you get out of line. You have REAL freedom. Not the kind of faux “freedom” that what most Americans suffer though.

The rest of the world is just great. Really, really great.

Real freedom.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my MAJestic Index here…



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Wow. So much in here. Thank you MM.

Ultan McG

And always remember, TV fans; Netflix is a privately owned company with the Bernays family being the major beneficiary.
Think about that one for a while.
And if you don’t know who Bernays was, find out.


I knew there was a reason I steer clear of Netflix.

But I still love bacon and eggs for breakfast.


Yep. If Earth is the prison planet, then the former USA is “the hole.” In yet another coincidence, EMI is a hot topic in the SHTF community. Word is, the vacs makes one more susceptible to EMI, at least in Murka.


I have seen this kind of thing empirically in the US over the years. In the interval between 9/11 and the invasion of Afghanistan, and then again in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, I encountered an inordinate number of people that had come up to stop signs or red lights, and they had literally just passed out in their cars. At first I thought it was drugs, or people being over-worked. But after a while I realized that it corresponded with these aggressive moves by the government. I am not sure if they were trying to minimize public opposition via some sort of tranquilizer effect and some people were just overly susceptible or what. But the pattern became very clear.

Now having learned to look for it, I see signs of this mental manipulation all the time. I fear that I must also be affected by it, and just do not perceive it.

Clif High just made a video in the last day or two that he had a feeling of calmness and then a sense that he should get a vaccine shot and he thought this was somehow coming to him from an external source as it didn’t appear to be his own native thinking.

This same Clif High had a prediction quite some time ago that something big was going to happen on a particular day in 2012. On that day, the only thing of note was that this video decrying Joseph Kony from Uganada ‘went viral’ and all of a sudden everyone hated Joseph Kony when they had never known who he was the day before. People who followed Clif High at that time thought the prediction was a dud.

But over the years I have come to think that the Kony video was the ‘Trinity Test’ of the mass mind control/manipulation that we now see so generally at work in the US and throughout the Western world.


until this shit has been used on you, it is easy to dismiss at nonsense. Once you realize it is there however, it is impossible to “unsee it”. it is the main reason i ended up studying my arse off to get an advanced license in amateur radio. i have several times “accidentally” picked up the raw information signal, and hence have known about it since i was a kid – though i didn’t necessarily know exactly what is was.

When I was younger I used to get burst ear drums every time i got tonsillitis. i remember on a few occasions when my ear drums burst, I’d be awake screaming in my parent’s bed at early hours of the morning. Once the pain subsided, i shit you not, I could hear what sounded like a radio station every time I opened my mouth. I’d close my mouth, and it’d stop, then I’d open it again and i could hear what sounded like some guy talking before putting a “tune” on.

I tried telling my parents and they wouldn’t believe me.

I remember reading something much later on about a Nazi dentists that figured out there is a main nerve that runs from one of your teeth to near where the cochlea implants go, and they were using it for V2K (voice to skull tech); the tooth that this nerve was supposedly connected to I had a filling in, and given what I know about radio wave propagation I suspect this would have made a decent antenna for the 2Ghz spectrum you mentioned.

Another instance was a few years ago; I had just undertaken some of my “marital responsibilities” with my wife and was in a super relaxed state falling asleep on the couch. Suddenly I heard these voices really loudly in my head talking about me….they were so loud it was like they were right there next to me.

I just sort of sat there listening to them for a few minutes, curious, then thought back to them “you know I can hear everything you are saying right”.

It was kind of comical – whatever these things were they realized i could hear them then just went dead silent. It was as if could hear them thinking “fuck, he can hear us, what do we do now” – i remember thinking they were quite amateurish.

When one realizes what is going on, there is a way to fight back, but it gets exhausting. usually when I know they are fucking with me i just send them a mental middle finger and do the opposite of the original thought I realize is being projected to me. it seems to piss them off quite a bit.

i always wondered if my “mystical experiences” were some sort of MK Ultra project using this sort of tech.


@ congjing yu, yeah that sounds very similar to mine. i just sort of sat there thinking “i can totally fucking here these guys talking to each other in my head… is this”. I had been almost asleep but this totally snapped me awake. I can’t remember exactly what it was about but it was definitely about me and their expectations, like they were trying to decide what they wanted to get me to do. when they realised i was listening to them, it was almost like i could see them looking back and forth from me to them. it was actually quite hilarious. I got the feeling they were in deep shit for allowing it to happen


@ conjing yu that is a bizarre link….i wonder if the crew of the 911 flights were being MK Ultra-ed mid flight. I remember wakign up in the middle of the night and seeing my parents watching it on TV when I was 11….that was the day the world changed for me. the day I realised what a shit show the world is


Buddy, we really need to sit down over a few. Do you know those Olympic sized pools that have a deep end and a kids end? Like what you see at hotels? I feel like I was playing on one of the steps in the kids end. Hanging out, splashing around and shit, when all of a sudden I am in the deep end trying to keep my head above water!


@ PL sounds like a plan…how about a virtual one? put after my username and you’ve got my email (assuming that is ok by MM’s standards)


As you interduce this subject, I believe I was under programing, in a way. strange to think about it. 
I remember 9/11 and discussing it with a friend, I was watching TV and it was looping… the images.. same images, non stop.. that was programing.. what do you think?
And we all expected the US to revenge, which sounds reasonable even if Afghanistan would be wiped out completely.. and the Muslin threat of course .. and how we where attacked .. our way of life.. and the American flag.. all over the TV .. 
It was us and them. us or them. no one stopped to think, as now.. I too.

even if the official story is true, all hijackers where Saudi’s , ben laden was a Saudi royalty or something.. yet, no question. 

Then something happened, I believe it was 2010 or 2011? It was like waking up from a dream, I don’t think it was one moment, but a process. like you wake up in the morning and everything looks different. it takes time to adjust.. like a baby.. like a child.

And here we are, awaken yet few, and many in the west are still under this spell.
The thing is, we know that to wake up the others (let us take the mRNA as example), logic, science, reality, proof, nothing will help.
It is all about first breaking the spell. but again. how?


Thought this might fir here. I’ve been out ferreting. Latest findings from my journeys. I haven’t done an exhaustive check yet, but some of the identified compounds do not seem to be part of the declared compound ingredients. Makes for some interesting reading…


You think that NYC is loaded with all this technology to micromanage its citizens?

Because once I got into NYC, my headspace went from lightly managed to aggressively micromanaged (down to my body having random spasms, pangs, frisson sensations, and constant mental noise and media flooding my mind’s eye: no peace of mind nor ability to concentrate was allowed).