We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
The following is the 29th part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Lately he has been conducting lucid dreaming (LD) to map out the subconscious / non-physical realms that surround us. His writings are very interesting, but describe things way beyond my understanding. Never the less, many MM readers find great value in his experiences, and writings, and one can easily see benefit in reading his writings.
I hope that you enjoy this article.
Who are the Unseen 5?
It should be noted they are an entirely separate organisation to the Elder Guardians. Whereas the EG first contacted me in 2012, my experience with the Unseen 5 happened on the same night I met the all being/ god (supreme consciousness that connects all others in existence, in which the soul amnesia was discussed) in November 2016. To clear up some confusion, the Unseen 5 are not stationed in the same soul/ consciousness origin point as the EG; they remain inside of the traps in the astral/etheric planes in the orbital pathways of the {astral} earth, approximately half way between the earth and the moon, if it could be equated in astral terms (my interpretation), but have technology that keeps them completely concealed from any and all things traversing those planes
(this was directly told to me).
Whereas the EG are a bunch of old wisened sages that are charged with the up keep of the soul origin point, the Unseen 5 is a military-like intelligence gathering organisation, first and foremost. Their original purpose was to gain information on the non physical entities that have invaded the regions surrounding earth (both physically and non physically) and to act as a protectorate for the earth environment to stop further damage resulting from this invasion (again, directly told to me). They can be considered as the SAS or “special forces” equivalent of the astral plane, as they operate as a small cluster behind enemy lines for recon purposes, and are, as was specifically mentioned to me by their leader, directly responsible for preventing total and complete take over of earth and its surrounding space from this non physical invasion force, several times over. They exist above and separate to any military/ intelligence organisations currently deployed on earth.
Entry (into this inner office) is specifically only for elite lucid dreamers that have mastered control of the dream state, and have, through their own determinations reached a similar understanding of this non physical invasion and how it is being carried out – the idea that our consciousness’s have been dumbed down and placed in bodies with specifically engineered in restrictions, is a big part of such understanding. Astral projectors alone – as far as I am aware – are not approached for initiation, as the test for entry takes place within the dream state; they only present themselves to those who pass such a test.
This does not mean astral projectors are not valued, just that I do not think they will be granted entry into the actual operation “war room” on their astral projection abilities alone; my understanding is that that astral projectors are utilised more as the foot soldier “grunts” of the astral planes, whereas lucid dreamers are reserved for more specialised espionage like roles and tasks that involve “consciousness hacking” (it must be understood that consciousness is the predominant technology that all U5 operations revolve around – LDers are prime candidates to use this technology because the navigational skills required to properly LD directly translate over into the control interfaces of this consciousness technology. Consciousness is still greatly insulated from accessing this technology during a standard AP).
It is important to address the elephant in the room here, that the U5 are interested only in obtaining information objectively and respect that some of us have belief systems that directly contradict their collected intelligence and goals; they simply have no intention of imposing themselves on others and changing their beliefs, but it should be understood that this presents a level of discrimination in exactly who it is they vet for potential recruitment, similar to how the SAS and other special forces organisations only have a very specific criteria for the people they bring into their regiments. This may seem unfair, but we must realise our thoughts on the matter are insignificant, as the role the U5 plays, far transcends our concepts of fairness and any belief systems we may attach our attention to. My advice is a commitment to rigorous self psychological analysis into one’s own thought constructs and why they have taken up such belief systems, and analysis into whether this was something they truly believed in, or if it was something imposed on them by someone else.
Any and all entities that travel in the non physical planes are monitored and scrutinised at a level far, far above the capabilities of physical earth bound intelligence agencies by the U5. This is a fact, as it was, again, directly told to me and I was shown the actual process of how this monitoring is carried out. This scrutinisation includes a complete tracing of all non physical traffic’s points of origin before coming into the non physical planes, and to where it goes after leaving them. A dossier is then compiled on each piece of traffic’s entire (past and future) history which is taken directly from the “akashic records”, or, to be more specific, directly from the energy signature of the consciousness under question – hence the need for LDers to be able to merge their consciousness with and properly navigate into this akashic template.
If you have ever consciously APed/ LDed, or projected consciousness into the astral planes such as is done via remote viewing, you can safely bet your bottom dollar you are known to the U5 and that they have a dossier on your entire life at their fingertips which includes a holographic film reel of your entire time in the astral planes and all activities you were engaged in; seeing the way this archive is accessed and managed, I gotta tell you, is damned impressive. As you can imagine, this is a monumental and seemingly impossible logistical workload for 5 members to carry out, hence the ability to tap into and access higher order information via the higher self is crucial to becoming an operational member within their ranks, again something LDers will have more experience being able to do than typical astral projectors.
Of the 5 members the (non human non physical) leader remains stationed permanently in this orbital office. The remaining four (current incarnates at the time of my initiation) members are appointed a single task each which they are expected to focus on during their time spent within the organisation during their LDs. Together, these tasks comprise a larger operational parameter which directly relates to the waging of inter-dimensional (non physical ) warfare and coordination of “special assets” through unified assault and recon teams into non physical infrastructure that has been identified by the U5 as “high value” targets. While the U5 are not interested in “waking people” up like the EG, their overall goal of stopping the cogs of the reincarnation regime aligns. They are more concerned with unifying and training assets that are already awake to a much higher degree than normal and only bother with LDers who have shown a strong commitment to this end through their own initiative.
It is for this reason both organisations provide each other with valuable information. My task, as it was relayed to me by the U5 leader, involved the recruitment of other potential lucid dreaming candidates / astral projectors, as well as non physical (discarnate) consciousnesses located in different planes, and making the organisation known to the physical (and non physical) earth community, hence my Ordo Occultum Astrum (Order of the Hidden star) is to act as the physical division of this non physical based organisation. Recruitment into this physical division is now open to those with these particular skillsets, and other parties interested din putting a stop to these malicious systems in place within the non physical planes.
As a result of my tasks and responsibilities put to me by their leader, I am the only one currently incarnated on earth that is authorised to mention who they are specifically, what they are capable of, and provide an explanatory overview of their capabilities and the technologies they disclosed to me – this is my area of focus. I appreciate this sounds narcissistic, but it is what it is; to put it simply, I earned my position within their ranks through my own understanding of the advanced capabilities of consciousness during the LD state, picked up over years of pushing and proving myself, and they figured I was the best candidate to translate it into a language that is usable for other LD assets. They asked me to do this, and I obliged, as I understood the extreme importance of it.
Please understand that my curriculum of using LD to establish contact with such non physical intelligences is approved by the U5, the EG and the All Being respectfully, and is something I am extremely honoured to be able to provide. It is to act a handbook or guide to help other LD assets achieve their maximum potential, and all information pertaining to it is to be made available for free, of which this Ordo Occultum Astrum is to act as the only official channel of which to distribute such information. Again I am asking for a great deal of trust from other LD assets that the information I am providing on Lucid Dreaming is legitimate. I am hoping by spending countless hours writing about this so it can be presented to you all for free is a worthy enough feat for that trust.
It is also worth mentioning that until my initiation, the other 4 members were the only other 4 people incarnated on earth (current at 2012) that knew about this organisation- again, this was directly mentioned to me by the leader.
Member numbers were apparently higher in centuries past than they are now, due to some (unknown by me) event that dwindled them down to 5; it seems that the leader wishes to rebuild these numbers in order to ease the logistical workload for each of its members, though this is to come second to building an inter-dimensional strike force.
Quite frankly, he demonstrated to me his disappointment that not enough Lucid Dreamers/ Astral Projectors take their skills seriously, and use them as a means to go on “astral holidays” rather than put them to meaningful use.
If you are in my order, it is because I have identified certain traits and skills within you that I think would provide initiation potential if honed.
However, all initiations remain at the ultimate authority and discretion of the U5 leader – at the end of the day I am just the messenger and have no control over whether or not you will get in.
These are the prequisites for entry into the Unseen 5:
An understanding that dreams can be hijacked and manipulated by third parties external to the consciousness having the dream, and supplanted with holographic scenarios of the third party’s choosing that can take the form of normal or extremely vivid dreams.
The area of effect is the void space (which I have written about elsewhere, including in my auto biography), where thought imagery directly manifests as the dream environment.
This same void space acts as a hub for the routing of all psychic information through a network that connects all other consciousnesses in existence in a hive mind like arrangement.
The holographic imagery employed by the U5 and other non physical factions is injected as a false thought directly onto this communication line, with the intention of creating a “controlled dream”, while the consciousness remains in a docile and unconscious state.
This must be understood as fact and not just a theory. This technology is used to control people through “divine inspiration.” Thus, unless information has come from a direct connection to the akashic template, it is to remain suspect and seen as potentially compromised.
An understanding that all consciousnesses have access to very specific parts of the greater (physical and non physical) universe. These areas are those that each consciousness was supposed to govern at the expectation of source upon their creation.
Therefore, each consciousness acts like a key to a very specific location that cannot be accessed without the authorising energy signature embedded into the governing consciousness. Again, fact, not theory. Certain access points have been breached by unauthorised entities through the manipulation of astral bodies/ energetic bodies.
An understanding consciousness is at a severely reduced and handicapped state when in the body, and that the body is a mechanism engineered specifically to provide this handicap.
The life objective of the candidate must be to unlock this handicap and reach a higher state of awareness, ie the acquisition of all soul memory, aka connection with higher self (hermetic teachings are a wealth of information for this). The ability to see from a third person, objective perspective and view one’s current incarnation as “insignificant” when compared with their soul’s complete history, which spans many of such incarnations, is required, as it defines one of the core values of the Unseen 5.
Therefore emphasis must be placed on what one’s soul achieves through the accumulation of incarnations, and not just materialistically in a single one of them.
Think of it like a computer game; you may think that one cycle is important as you are engaging in it, but after you die, respawn, lose all your accumulations and then progress past where you were up to, that last cycle you played becomes furthest from your mind and seemingly “unimportant”.
A fearless attitude towards projecting into dangerous and unsettling territory during an OBE, with the expectation of torture/ consciousness doping/ consciousness imprisonment and other harsh repercussions if caught. This does not exclude the potentiality of complete disconnection of consciousness from the physical body (ie death) due to it being kept for too long in one of these consciousness prisons.
I am not going to lie, there is some incredibly dangerous shit out there you will be expected to navigate through, though I would suggest the U5 would not approach you if you weren’t ready to face it.
A strong understanding of your worth, and an unfaltering insistence on understanding absolute authority remains with you and you alone, and that such authority is determined by the energetic component that gives animation to your physical and energetic bodies (soul).
This commitment to the self as master authority of your operations will see you disregard any other such false authority that would impose itself upon you and try and claim it out ranks you.
All apparent guides you MUST remain suspect of and only follow their advice if you are 100% sure it aligns with your operations and values, and have an energetic (soul time memory) understanding of.
Nothing is permitted to claim authority over you and your soul’s evolutionary progress – this is not how source operates. Anything having you signing or giving away your authority during an OBE must be immediately refused. This will comprise the main aspect of the holographic dream scenario the U5 will test you with if they have been considering you for potential candidacy.
A high level of service to others sentience, and the commitment to helping others. This is not negotiable; anyone who would try to enter the organisation for their own materialistic gain will be vehemently denied access, as service to others sentience (like the Domain) is part of the core values of the U5.
All service to self entities will simply be ignored for candidacy, but will be scrutinised by the U5 at an even higher level thereafter. Recommended demonstration is sponsorship of another person that needs it for a period of at least 5 years.
This sponsorship will be to the point that you are “on call” to them and ready to drop everything you are doing at a moment’s notice to help them with their predicament.
This doesn’t necessarily mean just giving them money, but actual emotional and psychological support they need. This is based on my own personal values and commitment to SD (mentioned in my autobio) – if it worked for me, then it should work for others.
Just remember, the U5 will know if you fake your sincerity to this. This falls back on the idea holographic technology is used along with other manipulation tactics to trick certain consciousnesses into giving away consent.
I don’t want to know about it if you make it in. You’ll be made aware of your area of focus by the U5 leader. This will likely involve expected secrecy of that position. I am just here to make you aware of them, and that the fact they are very, very real. The exception to this will be if your tasks involve telling me about it or if my legitimacy is ever called into question, in which I am hoping you’ll come to my aid. If your tasks involve remaining quiet about it in such a scenario, well then shit happens, forme I guess.
There will be no need for the physical division, this Ordo Occultum Astrum (Order of the Hidden Star), to receive updates on U5 operations. This is not how they work.
Humans are not on a need to know basis, as much as they might crave the attention of being told how things are progressing. It is like a war general telling a baby about his plans to drop bombs on another country; humans are seen as spiritually infant by the U5’s standards so don’t expect updates like with the supposed Ashtar Command/ Arcturian Council.
Anyone suggesting such updates is to be treated with a high amount of suspicion.
They will only make their operations known to individual members if it is a requirement of their tasks. The only reason you know about them is because it was a requirement of my own.
It would be extremely unwise to try and fuck with the U5.
This is not the FBI and neither is it the CIA. These are the real bogeymen of the astral world in control of technologies that would make those organisations weak at the knees and piss themselves with envy.
Doing so would have dire consequences for your consciousness that is just not conceivable from your current limited state of awareness: remember, you are operating from the perspective of trying to gain something for a single physical existence – the U5 are operating from a much higher perspective that supersedes what you consider as being “important” and the bullshit justifications you would give yourself to feel better about such indiscretions – like, say, petty squabbles between nations. This cannot be overstated. Any moles that might have ideas of playing the typical spy and sabotage shit will eventually regret it.
My (physical) division of this organisation, is not to remain secret. All information relating to its operations is to be made available to anyone who is interested in it.
Members are encouraged to share it with whoever they feel appropriate, though discussions are to be kept strictly within the official channels and not deviate out of them.
All lucid dreamers, astral projectors and remote viewers who have had direct experience with the subjects contained in this article during their own OBEs are welcome.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the 28th part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Lately he has been conducting lucid dreaming (LD) to map out the subconscious / non-physical realms that surround us. His writings are very interesting, but describe things way beyond my understanding. Never the less, many MM readers find great value in his experiences, and writings, and one can easily see benefit in reading his writings.
I hope that you enjoy this article.
Daegonmagus Intel Obtained Through A Deliberate LD Recon Operation
Looks like lucid dreaming is back on the menu, boys. So yeah, I have been putting it in my affirmations to basically regain my lucid dreaming abilities, as I have been going through a several year long dry patch.
I thought I was being a little too optimistic asking for at least one LD a week.
Now I should also mention, I have just finished up my 3 month period of my affirmation campaign, and am on about day 5 of the rest period – too optimistic my arse.
My LDs appear to be coming back, so far weekly and boy, they are a lot more vivid than they used to be.
I first noticed this clarity back at the end of June when I had my little flying fun with the consciousness craft.
Last week it involved stealing another craft out of some compound and using it to drop anti matter bombs on some mining operation setup in a forest.
Last night it was something a bit more important, which I will get to in a moment. I also need to make an amendment here to a past article where I mentioned there seems to be a 10 hour lag between having a thought and it manifesting in the dream state.
Scratch that; I have noticed lately it is more like 7 hours.
This comes from having dreams about multiple subjects I was thinking of that I could pin point back to thinking 7 hours before my usual bed time. So handy hint, try and find that 7 hour point before your sleeping time and use it to run your self through some “am I dreaming scenarios”.
You might surprise yourself.
Anyways, getting back to the LD. Our youngest had woken up around 4:15am, which, of course, woke me up a long with it. After spending some time thinking of the usual shit one thinks of that keeps them from falling asleep at that hour, I decided to try LDing.
After propping my right heel so it sat on top of my left foot and rolling my right ear into the oversized triangular pillow hugging my neck, I immediately I noticed I was somewhat tense (guys get into the habit of recognizing this if you want to master LDing ).
So, I made the effort to relax that tension away, and within moments I had a stream of hypnogogic imagery flowing through my head.
This imagery is the sweet point; you have got to get this to flow like a gentle stream past you without letting it turn into a torrent that takes you into unconscious sleeping.
The hard part is trying not to focus too intently on it. So, doing what I do, and relaxing into the gentle stream of hypnogogic imagery, I once again carried my conscious awareness into the dreaming state.
I was in a place I have been in before, sort of a seedy alleyway type deal.
I was 100% lucid and aware, so I asked a dream character if he realized he was dreaming (remembering a post from a lucid dreaming facebook group where someone did similar), and he sort of stopped and got aggressive threatening to wake me up.
Other dream characters started attacking me, but rather than annihilate them, I just smiled at them and made my abilities very obvious to them and they all stopped and left me to my business, figuring I wasn’t worth the trouble.
The dream started to become distorted and break apart, but I swiftly kept it together by focusing on background objects; I seem to be getting much better at this and can keep the dream stable completely automatically without even thinking about it; this was impressive even for my standards.
I used the broken environment opportunity to picture the consciousness craft facility with the intention to try and fly another consciousness craft.
I was successful in generating the same building, but it was broken from the distortions generated by the run in with the other dream characters.
I seem to be stuck in an area of this facility somewhat reminiscent of a reception waiting area.
I look out the windows, and it is pretty damned obvious I am off world.
The architecture of the buildings outside seems futuristic and many years evolved from our modern standards.
I walk down a small hallway and find a door to my right but it is locked by what appears to be key code entry.
I manifest a card and use it to gain entry.
Within seconds of walking through the door, I had a completely stable dream environment; I was here, in this place, not just dreaming it, there was no doubt about it.
This seemed to be a different part of the same consciousness craft facility, but more open, sort of like a small hangar.
Up in front of me is a curved wall, and behind that another hallway that branches off from the curved wall.
I take the curved hallway and find it takes me to similar doors that led to the consciousness craft hangar; big, thick metal doors that had some sort of red paint outline at their top.
The doors opened, and the similar hooking consciousness thing happens, then I find myself in what seems to be some kind of futuristic space mall.
Up ahead of me was what appeared to a small commercial spaceship rental company in the middle of the mall.
On a small circular stage they had two retro what looked like cars they were showcasing. These looked like standard convertible cadillacs or similar, but they did not have wheels (floated a foot off the ground) and had a single small compartment in the middle towards the front instead of seating.
Upon getting closer, I noticed a tall sign about 8 ft above me plonked right at the edge of the platform.
It was written in a retro 60s style cursive hand like you’d expect to find at old retro diners.
I looked at the sign and could read the name off it as clear as day (if the cursive allowed it);. It wasn’t just a name but a whole sentence alluding to the retroness of these cars being the gimmick that this company was selling; I noted the name Schweigler {something } Schwarz. Schweigler I am 90% sure of, Schwarz was 100%, specifically for RVing later. Middle initial was something like R.
I step onto the platform to get a better look at these convertibles.
Then it suddenly dawns on me. No fucking way; these are commercialized versions of the consciousness craft I flew a few months ago.
Someone, presumably Schweigler and Schwarz, had taken the technology that modulates your consciousness into them for powering.
I get the distinct impression I am in some sort of future world line.
In the compartment in the front is a cylinder sort of object with a spherical or dodecahedron shaped clear crystal in it.
A sales representative comes over, a young woman probably in her early 20s, maybe even her late teens, and goes through the usual sales pitch with me.
She seems human.
I pretend I am a dumb old man who has no idea what he is that I am looking at, but I have already figured out what these things are, and come to the realization I am on an espionage operation and need just a little bit more information from her.
She tells me you place your consciousness inside the crystal, then you are able to power the car.
She asks me if would like to take one for a test drive, to which I play coy telling I’d probably break it. She insists, and before she even gets a chance to tell me how to do it, I am projecting my consciousness into the crystal the same way I’d come accustomed to using the spherical portals.
I can feel all my quanta break apart as it all goes into the crystal, kind of like a very brief hyperdrive from starwars.
I am now consciously tethered to the convertible, so I hover it up off the ground and take off tpwards a space port, no longer paying any attention to the sales representative.
Somehow I wind up in a completely different place; I am now inside this strange building made entirely of centuries old wood that looks severely rotted.
There a people everywhere, just sort of sitting and existing and in a somber state of mind. What the fuck is this place?
I untether my consciousness from the convertible and am again moving around like I have a body.
I do a little exploring, trying to pick up on any conversation threads I can to figure out where this is.
This place is weird and new, and somewhat confusing; it is as if someone built several buildings and walk ways between them out of these same decrepit and rotten wood, then entirely enclosed those walkways with even more rotten wood.
There was no outside, everywhere you walked there was just this wooden roof above you making it quite disorientating as to where exactly you were.
I got the impression there wasn’t anything outside of the wood, not even ground. Thick dust and cobwebs lined every surface, and to get to each building you had to navigate through small flights of steps.
Recon gathered here told me this was a capturing outpost for discarnate consciousness that had died from physical earth bodies.
They were basically been housed here against their will, and had been for up to centuries.
There was no conceivable way to exit this place. I don’t even know how I got here, but It had something to do with that Cadillac convertible. Was this how Schweigler and Schwarz had built their empire?
I did not like this. These souls were desperate.
They had just been dumped here and left to rot along with the wood. I vowed to do something about it. Just then, a demonic voice began speaking to me, taunting me and telling me that he was the one who had put them here. I can’t remember what I told it, but it seemed to anger it to no end. It told me to wait until I expire from my physical body and see what it has in store for me then, to which I told it to go right ahead.
This angered it more, and without warning part of this weird cluster of buildings just got ripped into oblivion and I found myself standing on a verandah overlooking nothing but blue sky, as this voice boomed out at me from the space below.
I told it it had no authority over these people and that they deserved more than to be used as its slaves or pets.
It threw whatever insults and threats in regards to my own soul it could throw at me, to which I stood firmly and told it to fuck right off.
Others started to stand up and stand by my side, as my quashing of it words turned into a speech fit for rallying soldiers.
This demon did not like this one bit. It was if I was breaking its spell that gave it hold over the other souls; they were no longer in somber states, but now had purpose burning in their eyes.
Others were telling it to fuck off along with me.
The demon retreated back into the depths of the sky void, and after that I woke up. I have explicit memory of thousands of these discarnate consciousnesses agreeing to fighting for me against the amnesia/ reincarnation regime.
Questions for Domain Commander:
What is this space port mall place, and is it and the consciousness craft I flew several months back Domain owned and operated, or owned by a third party? Who are Schweigler {something} Schwarz? I suggest this name be paid particular attention to and traced as it is somehow strongly linked to this. Was I operating from a future worldline?
MM comments
When DM was LDing this event, my wife bought a new car. Just a Toyota sedan. It’s a good, simple, reliable hybrid car. Nothing special. But brand new, being a 2022 model.
I did not write or talk about this to anyone. It’s a personal MM moment, and something done out of necessity. Nothing to report on.
You have to wonder.
It is entirely possible that DM was picking up on MM physical actions and activities. If so, then that would explain the car dealership, the new “retro” models, and the futuristic mall.
There is no doubt that PSI abilities and LD ability go “hand in hand”.
But don’t hold me to that.
It could be coincidence. But, you all know what I say about coincidence, don’t you?
In any event, it is a tricky world out there. So much going on and we interpret what we see with our experiences. DM is connected to others in his group, whether he realizes it or not, and is connected to MM as well. Again, is probably not realizing it at all.
The combined “chatter” on this PSI “party line” will absolutely influence his LD experiences. And thus what he experiences is colored by the “chatter” on the PSI party line.
This bit of extraneous data should not disparage or confuse his experiences.
Personally, I think that it enhances it.
Like special jet fuel that allows his LD experiences to go further, have better color, and depth and richness. Which is why I say “clean out your closets”, and “make new friends”, and experience more of the world. They supercharge your abilities.
The combination of affirmation campaigns, and MM associations are “turbo charging” DM’s LD experiences.
The only problem that remains is how to improve the sorting and filtering of the input “feed” during these events. What is actual intel, and what in influenced intel? Things need to be filtered better. Somehow. So that while they are turbocharged, they are not overwhelmed by distractions and confusions. Whether PSI or environmental.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the 27th part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Lately he has been conducting lucid dreaming (LD) to map out the subconscious / non-physical realms that surround us. His writings are very interesting, but describe things way beyond my understanding. Never the less, many MM readers find great value in his experiences, and writings, and one can easily see benefit in reading his writings.
I hope that you enjoy this article.
The Mantids Finally Showed Up….right before an uninstigated conversation about manifestation through intent.
Yep. They finally showed up….in our goddamned fucking house….in our goddamned fucking bedroom….after being a bunch of total fucking jackasses. We’d all just got our flu shots because there is a few flyers going around suggesting that “hey, guys, everyone got caught up in Covid and forgot all about the flu which has now mutated into some horrible chimera amalgamation of all the worst parts of Scott Morrsion, Boris Johnson and Joe Biden probably due to the use of gain of function research, so come and get a free vaccine for it before you turn into pile of useless shit”….and considering it spelt vaccine with a c, and that it wasn’t covid, I figured it would probably be ok. That and the fact our kids get royally sick when they get sick, to the point they are down and out for the count for weeks at a time. So, skipping that whole schpeel (I love all of you whether you are vaxed or not), coincidentally we all came down with blocked noses the day afterwards (I knew we should have got it earlier, just our luck).
Anyway, we have everyone in our room because it easier and cheaper to warm everyone with one heater than several sprawled out through several rooms, and because the chicken bird scared the absolute shit out of our daughter to the point she will not go back in her room at night time.
The problem is, my eldest son has autism, and having a blocked nose when he is trying to sleep might as well be the same as trying to saw ones own leg off with a teaspoon. Unfortunately he got quite bad, and was himself scaring his younger brother and sister, so I had to get him out of the house and take him for a drive at 1 in the morning to calm him down.
We were gone for about 20 minutes, during which he calmed down, we had a little talk about his interests etc, and eventually made our way home. He goes to bed, and everyone finally gets some sleep.
Storme tells me in the morning, when we were out, she saw a group of mantids around his bed, one of them very clearly, as solid as a physical object, the others just barely visible. They way she describes it was that it looked just like a tall praying mantis, but unusually thin (about 3 feet tall and body as thick as her arm, head the size of two fists put together), and when it walked it was really weirdly robotic. She said she saw it scuttle off and then it just faded away into nothing.
Strange right?
Well we all know there has been very bizarre happenings in and around this house; I have heard weird rushing noises like when a low flying aircraft pulls air through a bunch of nearby trees which sets the dog of in an act of investigation. SD has seen things wearing what appears to be the invisibility camouflage Predator uses when he is being hunted by Arnie (the amateurs stepped in a puddle of water and made a very obvious footprint when she caught it, then bailed snapping bunch of twigs in the process.), as well as ships halfway through their own cloaking operation. Then there is the case of the mysterious chicken bird my daughter has seen…
Speaking of which; now that SD has seen the mantids up close and their beaky like nose, snout whatverthefuck she thinks they very much could be the one and the same thing. The movement is very similar between the two.
So anyway, that particular day, we have some guy show up to check out some minor leaks in our roof. He is in the kitchen, and he sees my survival knife on the bench.
“Is that a military knife?” he asks me. It’s a Gerber LMF Infantry 2, so yeah, I guess I could see how he thinks that.
I tell him yeah and ask if he was in the army. “Yeah. I was involved in radiological and biological warfare”…
Well fuck me, this just got interesting.
Naturally I ask him his thoughts on COVID, if he thinks it is a biological weapon etc, and he says “Definitely. It’s the most perfect bioweapon ever made.” We get to talking and after a brief conversation about healthy dietary plans, the conversation veers back toward all this shit going on with COVID, and vaccines (I may have by this point mentioned a certain ex spook friend living in China who is quite adamant the US dropped it on them).
Somehow we get talking about CRISPR and gene splicing, and out of no where he says “you know, like, so what if I want to create a fucking Aryan kid with blonde hair and blue eyes and wings coming out of its back”….Ok, that was some weird shit to say, particularly to someone who just wrote an article on the occult connection of the Nazi’s and the Aryan race, and another one on his workings with four armed angels in the astral planes.
Very strange thing indeed.
Speaking of Nazi’s, we mention SD’s grandmother was born in A Nazi PoW camp (without a belly button, however the fuck that is possible), and had a bunch of experiments done on her where she had to have blood tests done every day….We’ve been talking an hour at this point, and suddenly I find this guy talking about the Nazi bell {alleged} time machine and some story about how they got it to levitate (I didn’t tell him I know someone whose actually seen it).
What in the fuck is going on here? This guy just pops in to fix my roof and is just opening with all this shit that is pretty much everything I have been writing about for the past year; I am not even leading him in this direction – just chucking in a few bits I know when he brings it up – it is all him. I forgot this seems to be something that happens with me when I write; things very definitely do seem to just randomly manifest (hence why I had some idea of affirmation campaigns before I came on across MM).
Write a fictional novel about the Goetic spirit Astaroth and he turns my TV on to a program with Astaroth’s Star in the middle of the day; write a book about a plane falling out of the sky due to the quantum thoughts that really gave them lift being exposed, and a week later flight MH370 goes missing (that one did actually freak me the fuck out).
Speaking of manifestation; after our conversation about Die Glocke, this guy then starts to tell me about how when he was doing radiological and biological warfare, the military brought in some Olympic Athletes. “Me and my colleagues were trying to understand what all the Athletes had in common” he told me. Turns out they had all won gold. Also turns out they had all won gold through rigorous manifestation campaigns, which they committed to quite more aggressively than even MM seems to when he does an Affirmation Campaign.
Apparently there was one woman who would think about gold wherever she went – whenever she’d walk into a room all she saw in her mind’s eye was gold on the wall; gold paintings, golden dinner table, golden dog shit on the carpet made out of gold. Whenever she took a shower… One morning she woke up the day of an Olympic swim, and felt so appalling she was almost ready to throw in the towel and call her swimming career quits. She called her coach who said “just focus on gold”. Gold, gold, gold, gold, gold. GOLD. She ended up competing and guess what she won (I’ll give you a hint, you can spell the first part of Australia with its chemical symbol.)
According to my guy here, the army knew very well about the powers of manifesting when it came to intent. The point he was making was that they sprinkled it in amongst their troops training regimes to make them collectively manifest certain goals.
“Yeah, right” I say, pretending I am one of those guys that thinks it is all bunch of new age hocus pocus bullshit. Little does he know I am 1 and a half months into my own affirmation campaign, which may involve connecting with these very fucking kinds of people (normies bore the shit out me).
He proceeds to tell me about how he has used this concept all his life since he was a little kid, to help manifest his business desires. He tells me a story about how he was doing fly in fly out work, and one day just quit his job as it was affecting his relationship with his new girlfriend, after being in the game for about 5 years. He’s thinking he needs to find a cheap $1000 utility truck and do it up as a means for starting his own business. He’s at the airport coming home, and sees this little old lady looking kind of lost. “Are you alright there , mam?” he asks, and she tells him “well, not really, I am new to Perth and I am bit confused about how to get where I am supposed to be going”.
“Do you need me to call you a taxi, or someone to come get you?” he asks her.
“Actually I would quite appreciate that if you could”. She replies.
He takes her to the waiting lounge where there is a pay phone, and they proceed to wait in the long line that has formed to use it. The old lady strikes up a conversation while they are waiting, asking him what he is doing with himself, that sort of thing.
“Well I have just come out of five year job from the mines, as it was affecting my relationship with my girlfriend, now I need to find something a bit more local”. He offers her some of his qualifications etc as part of the small talk.
Meanwhile a guy standing behind them has been listening to the whole conversation. He interjects.
“Excuse me, buddy, but I am the owner of this company that builds elevators for the commercial sector and a vacancy just came up.” He flicks him a business card and says ”Send me your resume, and we’ll see what we can do” A day later he got the job.
But it doesn’t stop there. The same day, he is talking to his friend who tells him “check out this ad for this utility truck I just came across.” This guy shows him the ad in a paper, or on his phone or whatever, and he looks at it:
“Not bad for $1000, eh? All it needs is a bit of doing up and it make a great work ute”
“Send me the number”he says, without batting an eyelid.…it was the same ute we had now both walked up to and whose trailer he was lying on top quite casually as we talked, which was now going on 2 hours.
I figured fuck it, might as well go all in.
I tell him how my spook guy living in China is an ex Majestic agent who was given the actual process of how this manifestation shit works by the ETs he was involved with, then proceed to tell him about said proper process, 3 months on, and 3 months off then 3 on again yada yada yada. He kind of looks at me, and nods, probably thinking I am a fucking nut job, but kindly suggests he isn’t thinking that.
The conversation about manifesting of desire thing comes full circle:
“So getting back to the vaccine thing. You wipe out the old and the weak, you are left with the young and strong. You then start seeding the concepts you want to see manifested into that generation, and……well, you get the idea.”
He then seems to realize the time and has to shoot off.
Well that was certainly interesting. Almost like a higher force was telling me EXACTLY what is up with the vaccines. Either that or it was just, like, his opinion, man.
Even more interesting is that that night SD and I had a fight and she sees another fucking mantid in the mirror (but not out of it) next to our bed.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the 26th part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Lately he has been conducting lucid dreaming (LD) to map out the subconscious / non-physical realms that surround us. His writings are very interesting, but describe things way beyond my understanding. Never the less, many MM readers find great value in his experiences, and writings, and one can easily see benefit in reading his writings.
I hope that you enjoy this article.
Lucid Astral Projection – The Consciousness Craft Launch Facility and Something Dwelling in the Red Planet:
I’m, fucking back baby. WOOOHOOO.
Last night I woke up around 2am and couldn’t get back to sleep. I figured I might as well try meditating with a goal to induce an LD. I was playing around with visualisations of a tunnel that would burrow me outside of the Astral Plane bubble surrounding earth. My goal was to try and contact the EG.
This was the first proper wake induced lucid dream I have had in years where I have been able to keep 100% of consciousness during the transition.
As I reached hypnogogia, my dream environment changed into a sort of hospital like facility with lots of corridors. Although it was dark, it had a warmness feeling to it that reminded me of whenever I went to my grandma’s place. As hypngogia set in properly, I found myself walking down this corridor. On the left was some sort of reception desk with a cafeteria behind it. Just up ahead from the reception desk was a door, and that was where I was heading.
There were two female staff at the reception desk, who I said a quick hi to as I walked past. They were the facilitators of whatever was on the other side of the door This all happens in less than a minute.
I approach the door and as I get right to its frame I step over the threshold. Some sort of invisible hook catches me in the middle of the head, and then I realize this is it. This is the transition I have been waiting a very long time to experience properly again.
My consciousness inverts, and I feel that all too familiar feeling of entering the void space, and my consciousness properly disengaging from my body.
But this time something different happens; when the hook hit me, it sort of turned my consciousness upwards as it was transitioning, I feel the hallway beyond the door sort of “capture” me as I do so.
As I plunge into the void space, I realize for the first time ever I am looking upwards into the shaft of the cylindrical like chamber, rather than at the side.
I realize this is a fucking tunnel into outer space; I can see stars from where I am obscured by its edges.
Some thing else is also different; this void space is a lot more clearer than I remember it being.
It is hard to explain, but movement in the void space used to create quite a level of disorientation. Although I could “feel” the depth of this space being quite huge and around me, I could never really “see” it.
Now I can see the stars and they are crystal clear; sparkling like diamonds in front of me, just begging for me to come and claim them.
I oblige, and propel myself forward, with only a small amount of velocity.
Something happens, and I find my momentum picking up until I am soaring through this tunnel hurtling towards the stars; I can even hear the reverberation of this velocity coming off the interior walls of whatever this tunnel thing is.
Suddenly I come out of the tunnel and plunge into outer space like a diver into water.
I realize it is some sort of station set up on an asteroid or something near earth.
I am 100% conscious and aware of my sleeping body. I seem to still be in the solar system, but still quite far from earth, probably a few light years away.
After a quick piloting test of control where I move my consciousness forward, back, left right, up and down I conclude that yes, something is very very different here this time.
It seems a fog has been lifted that usually makes such effortless control tiresome; like a polluted pond has now been cleaned and the water is perfect to swim in. Well, space is my water, and I am itching for a swim.
I propel myself forward and “open up the burners”, so to speak. I am like that guy taking a new mustang out to a straight stretch of road and just fucking gunning it to see how fast it can go before his nerves kick in and make him punch the brakes.
Seems I have a new ‘stang and I want to see what this baby can do.
Fuck me, this awesome.
I am burning fast, and I mean REALLY FUCKING FAST.
If this is what the upgrades entail, then holy shit they were worth it.
Something gives me the impression my consciousness might actually be merged with a space craft of some sort.
I have propelled fast before, but never anywhere even remotely close to this. This is impressive even for my standards.
I am actually using this craft like it is my own fucking body, zipping around like a majestic unicorn that has just popped a bag of Ecstasy before going on an episode of dancing with the stars.
Saturn and Jupiter fly past me in a manner of seconds.
Then come the stars.
This isn’t anything like hyper drive in star wars or star trek. The planets and stars appear as tiny dots that just sail effortlessly past you like bits of dust in a windstorm.
Within about 30 seconds I have journeyed so far out of the solar system that I don’t even know what galaxy I am in.
I am very, very, very far from my physical body at this point.
I remember my goal of trying to establish contact with the EG. As the thought pops into my mind, almost instantaneously I start hearing the voice of the Grand Elder coming through (I haven’t heard this since February 2019), but it is broken and patchy like the tuning is not quite right.
I realize the interference is caused by the distance between me and them.
Although I am far from the solar system I am still even much further from the edge of the universe/ astral bubble.
“Hello. Hello? Can you hear us”.
I hear them say, but it doesn’t seem as though can get anything intelligible from so I give up.
As I am hurtling through space I notice some activity in a certain sector of the galaxy I am in.
There seems to be a tentacle of the anomaly bleeding through, but it is no where near the concern it once was.
It is concerning to see it this close to earth, but at the same time it doesn’t seem as malicious as it once was.
An “Eh, I’ll get to that a different time” thought pops into my head.
As I sail over it, I hear a dark demonic voice trying to lure me in.
I turn to check it out and notice it is coming from a red planet that looks almost identical to Mars off in the local vicinity of where I am (I cannot recall at this point whether I had turned around and journeyed back to our solar system or not, but I think that is the case).
I feel kinda sorry for this voice.
It is trying really hard to put on a show to scare me, but the whole thing just comes off as really lame and like something out of a kids PG movie.
Sort of like a real bad James Earl Jones Darth Vader rendition.
It is my responsibility to check into any malicious forces I find – I guess this is why I was cleared for launch back at the facility, to come and investigate this area of space – so I project towards it.
The red planet suddenly becomes very big in front of me.
I swear this is Mars, judging from its colour and patterns. If not then it must have a twin that is a spitting image.
I enter its atmosphere and realize that there is indeed something malicious going on; the first thing I notice is that a shroud is being used on the surface to plunge it into an astral darkness.
Even from this state, it is impossible to see several feet in front of me.
The voice lingers and tries to lure me in with some cheap promise of finding something I need, but I just tell it to fuck off, figuring it easier to go back and report this to base command and have it taken out remotely.
The main difference was that there was no fear of this entity; I was just observing it from an emotionless state of being.
I wake up, then quickly ride that lucidity train back through the transition before my mind gets too awoken.
Once again, I wind up back at the same launch facility, this time with SD by my side.
We walk the hallways trying to find the launch room, but end up getting lost in the corridors.
We take a wrong turn and end up outside.
There is a nicely manicured garden outside and I notice the buildings themselves are made of bricks and seem quite old.
The dream starts to become broken, but I realize that if you just look up and focus on the bricks, its stops it from falling apart (try this when trying to create a solid dreamscape).
SD attends to other business and I end up going to check out one of the buildings. It seems to be a sort of dormitory for other astral travellers/ lucid dreamers.
I notice a person there who I have been speaking to in recent weeks about their heightened astral projection experiences.
We have a brief chat, and then I make my way over to another room that seems to be mine.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the 25th part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Lately he has been conducting lucid dreaming (LD) to map out the subconscious / non-physical realms that surround us. His writings are very interesting, but describe things way beyond my understanding. Never the less, many MM readers find great value in his experiences, and writings, and one can easily see benifit in reading his writings.
I hope that you enjoy this article.
Project Morpheus
Earlier this month, I started a new project which will eventually comprise part of a larger project I have opened up on my site, www.daegonmagus.wix.com/author, for “Documenting the Other Worlds”.
This is actually an offshoot of another project I started a few years ago and never got around to finishing, which sort to put every frequency in the audible spectrum, between 20-20kHz on one track in what I called the “Pandora Chord”. Drawing on some sound engineering experience I picked up over the years, in my latest project, I decided to try and replicate some of the noises SD and I have experienced during some of our lucid dreams.
These vary from bizarre “UFO” type sounding noises, to the perceived change in sound of an aero plane going overhead as consciousness goes through the transition into the sleeping state and beyond into the void space.
I am hoping that these audio tracks will provide at least starting point for understanding what exactly happens to consciousness as it falls asleep, and give others an idea of the sorts of environments us LDers find ourselves having to navigate through. I am confident in my assertions that telepathy can be understood through using a similar model of radio propagation theory, and that the void space experienced during one of these conscious transitions into the sleep state acts as the main terminal by which telepathic information can be decoded and broadcast.
Thus my eventual goal will be to devise apparatus that will allow these sounds to be broadcast through open space in a similar manner, with an effort of contacting nearby entities. Guess I am officially “that” guy now huh?
This project soon evolved into the creation of a track specifically to try and induce a lucid dreaming session, based heavily on the Monroe Institute’s research into inducing OBE’s.
Whereas the Monroe Institute used a 4HZ offset frequency between those frequencies played in the left ear vs those played in the right, I opted to use a 2Hz offset frequency based primarily on the frequency of the physical world being “locking” onto to a dreamscape from a waking LD I once had. I also took some inspiration from Royal Rife and his assertions that lower sideband harmonics of certain frequencies can be used to destroy certain pathogens and viruses, and used a specific combination of frequencies that are spaced exactly an octave (a doubling of frequency) apart in the left ear, whilst introducing the 2 Hz variants of each of those frequencies in the right.
Originally I based these frequencies on the Binary number system of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 etc, but as my recording software’s signal generators only allow a minimum of 20Hz, I was forced with starting at 32Hz. I then applied phasers to these frequencies that adjust themselves through the peak ranges in timings of 2 to 4 Hz, again multiples of these frequencies.
I attempted to record this into a stereo track using an unbalanced mono line, which introduced some digital noise into the track which I realized sounded quite a lot like the tinnitus sound I usually hear during an OBE (which intensifies during an astral projection, right at the moment the astral body separates from the physical), so I left it in.
I then re-recorded the frequency tracks using a balanced line. The resultant track is a combination of what appears to be a Tibetan singing bowl mixed with both the tinnitus and UFO “Whoop Whoop” sounds, with a mechanical like noise overlaid, which I assume is caused by certain collision points of the frequencies during sampling, similar to aliasing. This Mechnical noise is very reminiscent of the type of chthonic noises heard during a sleep paralysis/ LD experience.
The listener is encouraged to try and focus on the other phantom noises that seemingly present themselves.
I then used the track for a total of 15 to 20 minutes each morning and evening before going to bed. After day 3 or 4, I noticed a very strong feeling of dissociation from my surroundings, very similar to that felt when under the influence of marijuana.
This feeling I noticed was more prominent when looking at areas with many patterns of shadow contrasted against light, an example being piles of leaves in a lightly shaded area. The effect I witnessed was that a diamond like wavy “ghost” pattern was perceivable between me and the leaves as a sort of visual noise.
This feeling kept all day and only began to subside after about 3 days after my last dosing of the audio track. In addition this, there was also a prolonged energetic feeling felt deep within the solar plexus, vaguely similar to morphine when it enters the vein.
Upon review of the lengths associated with nervous system pathways, and the idea the body acts as a tuned antenna that emits a carrier wave that consciousness attaches to, based on these nervous system pathways, further experimentation will see the offset frequency between left and right ears changed to 3Hz.
For the aeroplane going overhead, I downloaded a sample of an aeroplane off the internet. One should note, this aeroplane sounds a little bit different to what I actually heard, but for demonstration purposes will do. I started by stretching majority of the track out to about twice its normal length (slowing the frequencies involved in the process). I then placed a phaser that polls through the entire range of frequencies every 0.07Hz. The track is thus a close representation, but not exact. My Plan is to simulate other typical noises in a similar fashion to see what they would sound like in the void space.
For the UFO noise I used a simple 128HZ signal, with a 4hz timed phaser. I am very interested in hearing from others who have heard this noise or something similar to it either during an “encounter” or an OBE experience.
I am also interested in hearing from others who experience similar feelings of association or the energy bursts I have felt.
I suspect this combination of phaser arrangement on a specific frequency might have something to do with disrupting consciousness to achieving a “cloaking” effect. I believe the key to unlocking consciousness from the body lies in the way these crafts use these frequencies, particularly during LDs/APs.
Edit, for some reason, this track is proving difficult to record and will be uploaded at another date. Refer to the above inducer test track to get an idea of the “Woo Woo” sound.
The lucid fizz sound is the tinnitus sounding noise mentioned above. I extracted it from the recording with the introduced mechanical noise using some 7 band EQs to filter out the lower frequency components. It is about 90% accurate to what I hear on a regular basis.
Sometime I get random bouts where one of my ears will be overloaded with a high pitched frequency (different to the tinnitus sound), which, more often than not becomes somewhat disorientating. This just so happened to happen about 2 days into using the lucid dreaming test audio.
I made a mental note of the sound and quickly rushed to my computer, which was on and had a signal generator setup. I then scrolled through the frequencies until I got withina close ballpark of this disorientating “Information Download Frequency”, which I found was at 2925 Hz. I believe further investigation of this frequency is warranted.
Any information supplemental to my experiments from the Commander is most welcome.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the 24th part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Lately he has been conducting lucid dreaming (LD) to map out the subconscious / non-physical realms that surround us. His writings are very interesting, but describe things way beyond my understanding. Never the less, many MM readers find great value in his experiences, and writings, and one can easily see benifit in reading his writings.
I hope that you injoy this article.
Part 24 – Cattle Mutilations, Missing Time, Broken and Misplaced Memories, Ghost and UFO sightings; Wooroloo is the Place to be For Paranormal Activity. 5 star Recommend
I’ve been meaning to do an article on this for while. It entails a bizarre event I unwittingly found myself caught up in when I was about 16 years old, that my friend was {apparently} also involved in. Since it happened, this event has left me with some puzzling question. And guess what, SD was also involved with it. This was a good year or so before I had even met her. In fact, this event has had such an effect on me that I wrote a short story about it a few years ago, trying to make light of the weirdness of the situation through the use of dark humour, which can be found on my website at Daegon Magus | Author for anyone who is interested. In all seriousness though, there isn’t really anything humorous about it. Considering the circumstances surrounding the event from both our vantage points, SD and I believe there is a very real possibility this was an alien abduction scene with a level of memory suppression of what actually took place being employed on both of us. Thinking about that and what “may” have happened to me really gives me the heeby jeebies.
To start this story off, I need to explain the town I lived in as a kid. Wooroloo is a semi rural town situated about 55km East of the Perth CBD.
It houses an abbatoirs, a cemetery and both a minimum and maximum security prison, and an old tuberculosis clinic-come-hospital all within a few short kilometers of each other. My house was situated on the edge of the thin strip of bushland that insulated these facilities from the town centre. I could quite literally grab my pushbike and tour close to these facilities (with the exception of the maximum security prison) within an hour. I’d heard rumours as a kid that this strip of bushland was haunted; that some guy from one of the prisons hung himself here and would sometimes appear as a ghost to those wandering about.
Speaking of ghosts, my grandmother, who lived on the same block of land as my father (she gifted him the top half for his 21st birthday, while her house was situated on the bottom half on the otherside of a creek a few hundred metres away) saw the ghost of her late husband, Gordon, my father’s step father, one night; the ghost of Gordon appeared at the foot of her bed and sort of just sat there smiling at her for a little while. She described it as a somewhat pleasant experience.
School was about 3 quarters of kilometre away at the end of our road in the centre of town. It was a pretty small primary school with just over a hundred kids in total in the whole school. Note that I have written previously of having broken memories involving “something” happening with peers from my class that is directly related to my first contact experience with the Elder Guardians, and a recent dream that I suggested was a memory of an abduction involving a squid like looking race of beings with this same class.
The first thing I remembered upon coming into the presence of the Elder Guardians (as my memory was unlocking, but was yet to be fully unlocked) was that what I was experiencing was related to that something happening to myself and about 5 or 6 others that had been mind wiped from us. Although I couldn’t pin point it to more than some strange abduction event, I knew it was very very relevant. These peers of mine, who I no longer talk to have something to do with it, I am sure of it, even if they do not realise any of it.
Getting back to the event in question, unbeknownst to me at the time of this particular experience, SD was living with her boyfriend just down the road from this school, in what she described as being a very haunted house.
In this house, SD told me very weird things used to happen; loud music would randomly start playing from a room they could never quite find or put their finger on as to the tune even though it sounded very familiar. They’d think they found the room it was coming from, only for them to open the door and it would randomly change to coming from another room. Sometimes the rooms would suddenly drop several degrees in temperature for no apparent reason. There was an instance where her boyfriend, Roger, scared the shit out of his little brother because he came out of his room with red eyes after being asleep in there for three days straight (though he thought it was only a night’s worth).
Roger told her that he used to have strange {lucid} “dreams” where weird beings would take him away to scary dream places whenever he fell asleep with his head against a certain wall, though being religious, he never thought to dig deeper into them and experiment with them like I had been doing a lot of up until that point. Later they found out a teenager had hung himself in the back yard, which they figured accounted for all the spooky action at not very far distance.
A little further along down the road from Roger’s place is what is known colloquially by townsfolk as the gravel oval; a big patch of dirt that motor bike riders like my friend Zak like to take their bikes and bush banger cars out to thrash them into oblivion.
Rural terrain near Wooroloo.
One night Roger’s dad was outside having a smoke looking toward this gravel oval (Bailup Park, as it called on google maps) when he noticed about 13 little lights come out of the ground, ascend to a low point in the sky and just start dancing in front of him before all shooting off in different directions. As someone who was apparently fairly sceptical of UFOs and aliens, this was apparently a big game changer for him.
It is important to note here that the gravel oval is not really situated near any cattle grazing property. There is a horse stud up the road, and that is about it. Nothing that would involve any cows though, as most of the larger paddocks are situated on the outskirts of town. There is a small paddock next the gravel oval, but I don’t think the owners ever had cows in it. I could of course be be wrong. Regardless, the most likely place you’d find cattle would be outside of the town centre, like in the paddocks surrounding the abbatoirs, which is 3.8km south east, as the crow flies.
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The Event:
This particular night, my friend Nick was having a party. Nick lived quite close to the abbatoirs, only a few hundred metres away on the same road. My other good friend, Matt, had caught the bus home with me, and after spending half an hour so at my house having some food and getting ready, we headed out on foot to Nick’s sometime in the afternoon, probably around 5pm, considering my school bus got back into town from high school at about 4:30. So it was still definitely day time.
Given the road to Nick’s headed back into town, and wrapped around it before heading back towards his house, it was quicker for us to cut through the {haunted} bush as it shaved off a couple of kilometers of walking. After the bush, you’d pop out at the fenceline of a farm owned by the minimum security prison – not exactly something they really approved of if they caught people wandering around it, but I knew a spot where the fence was broken enough to make easy access.
After 100m or so you come to another boundary fence line of the cemetery where my brother was buried. I had this ritual where I’d sit and talk to him for a little while, then kiss my two fingers and rub them on his cross, as a way to say “see you”. We then walked down the road, past his friend Phil’s house, to Nicks which was only a few house past Phil’s.
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So anyways, the party kicked off and it got dark.
I had some alcohol that night but not enough to get anything beyond super talkative. It was during the period where I was starting to not find enjoyment in drinking too heavily, and had found what it meant to drink conservatively.
My memories of conversations with people at the party and other very specific details, even to this day, suggest that this was definitely the case. If not, I wouldn’t remember these details. Just trust me on that. I remember it was getting late and I decided to head home as I couldn’t be bothered staying at Nick’s with the inevitable lack of sleeping equipment.
It was a cold night, and I’d done my fair share of using piles of shoes and dog’s beds as matresses. Another testament to my sobriety – when you are drunk these things are not too much of a problem, but when sober they seem quite unappealing for bedding material for some strange reason. Actually, I was quite sober when I slept on a pile of shoes, but that is a story for another time.
So I was looking for Matt to tell him I was planning on heading home. It was somewhere on the other side of midnight, maybe even heading into the early hours of the morning – 1 or 2 am. Something like that. I wanted to try and get home and into bed before the 3am dip in temperature came about, because I wasn’t one for bringing jackets or long pants to these kinds of shindigs. I was kitted out in a standard T shirt and some shorts and my sensitive bits were in danger of inverting due to the cold. Eventually I found Matt and he told me to head off without him as he was having a good conversation with a girl he fancied. He planned on staying at Nicks. Cue MWI slide here.
This is where the memory distortion comes into play, that I don’t think can be completely contributed to my alcohol consumption (as my brother in law tried to suggest) given that I was very definitely sober when I left. I will tell you I was completely alone, on account of Matt wanting to chat up the girl he was talking to. In fact, I remember very specifically I was alone as I headed down the road and back toward the abbatoirs. It was pitch black and I couldn’t see five feet in front of me, which eventuated in me walking into one of the shoulders, slipping on the gravel and scraping my knee on the road.
So I was about half way along the paddock next to Phil’s house (still on the road). We don’t get snow here, so it probably wasn’t exactly life threatening, but being nothing but shorts and T shirt, the cold was really biting at me. It was dead silent too; that really eerily unnerving kind of silence. All of a sudden I heard this sound I figure was about 25 to 50m into that paddock that was RIGHT FUCKING NEXT TO ME.
It was so odd, in that it sounded like a bunch of dangling chains hanging from a fair height, followed by a very mechanical conveyor belt starting up, followed by a cow mooing which melded into a horrible shriek as something cut its head off, followed what sounded like a gushing of A LOT OF FUCKING WATER. Like, more water (or blood) than a cow’s body could hold.
And then, just like that, it all stopped.
Back to nothing but total silence. Neither even the flicker of flame from a candle light to illuminate the area. It all happened in the middle of a field in total darkness. And make no mistake about it, this was quite definitely a cow being brutally murdered by a mechanical machine of some sort.
I am going to be honest, whatever it was, it scared the absolute fucking shit out of me.
I was a stone’s throw away from something out of a Stephen King novel.
After my trip in the ditch I had been walking quite carefully and slowly making sure I had a firm footing so I didn’t trip up again, but upon hearing this, I just fucking bolted into darkness without even thinking about it. There could have been a tree in front of me for all I knew and I would have hit it at full sprint it was that dark.
Holding my arm out, I couldn’t even see it.
There was no moon either, which made it even worse. The question of doubling back to Nick’s or even Phil’s didn’t was a no go, because it meant crossing back past the noise, something I was very definitely not going to do. The only other option was to head towards the cemetery and try and get home. Yeah I know, real horror story kind of shit.
So off I went, back through the cemetery and the prison farm until I eventually made it home unscathed (I think).
The whole way home I tried rationalising what the fuck it was I had just heard, telling myself it was just a late night butchering at the abbatoirs. Only problem with that though was that the abbatoirs had stopped butchering cows several years prior to focus on pigs; they were now called Linley Valley Pork to allude to this fact.
And 1 – 2 in the morning seemed a bit off their usual 9 – 5pm schedule. Not to mention it being an occupational health and safety violation doing it in total darkness. What got me was those damned chains. These sounded like they were hanging from a good height and were a good length. And the conveyor belt….this would have had to have been some big machinery to cart out into the middle of a field, then there is the question of the instant start up; there simply was no hint at a generator or diesel engine you’d expect would be needed for such a piece of machinery.
The whole thing took maybe 5 seconds, which obviously is a lot less than you’d need to start up and shut something with one of these engines down.
If this was some kind of late night cow heist, as my mother in law suggested, it was incredibly daring, dangerous and using some advanced equipment. It’s not like a cow is easy killing even in full day light with a taser to knock it out, let alone in the middle of a field in total darkness. And yeah my brother in law (not SD’s brother, my sister’s boyfriend) worked at this abbatoirs so I have a good idea of what killing a cow to slaughterhouse protocol involves; he went through the whole process with me a number of times.
So I had this strange thing happen, and, figuring I was alone, I didn’t mention it to anybody. Being so close to the abbatoirs (if you call over 600m away close), I just knew people would misconstrue it, say I was drunk (like my brother in law did) and that it was probably just them doing a late night kill. Plus I had no proof of my claims.
Added to that, I genuinely didn’t like talking about it. It was the creepiest shit that had ever happened to me. I kind of put it out of my mind for a few years, until Matt came over one day to catch up. This was long after I had met and married SD and we were living together in the house where I had my first Elder Guardians contact experience. I think this was a few months before that.
Matt was sitting on the couch and out of nowhere says “hey remember that fucked up noise that sounded like a cow getting slaughtered we heard that night coming home from Nick’s?”
It turns out Matt was very definitely with me when it happened, even though I have a very specific memory of him staying at Nick’s and me leaving without him. Apparently he changed his mind soon after and caught me just as I was leaving. Interesting considering I didn’t tell anyone because I knew I had no proof.
And just when you thought this story couldn’t get any more weird and creepy, SD, told us she had heard the exact same thing one night at the gravel oval where Roger’s dad had seen the UFO cluster. We had obviously talked about it a little bit between us, but to Matt this was new news.
SD’s story:
It was a full moon(suggesting it was a completely different night) and was late evening, on the cusp of getting dark, probably around 7pm. Her and Roger decided to go for a walk around town to have a look at the moon.
They thought they were gone for about half an hour, an hour at most, but when they got back, Roger’s dad, sitting out on his porch having his nightly puff, remarked that they had been gone a long time.
Confused, SD said “no, we have only been gone an hour”. Roger’s dad said, “nope, you’ve been gone hours. It’s almost midnight.”
Confused, SD stood there trying to figure out the where the missing time had gone while Roger talked to his dad. They were out there about 15 minutes, when they heard the same noise – according to SD it was the exact same dangling of chains, followed by a conveyor belt starting up, followed by a cow getting slaughtered and a rushing of a large body of water or liquid – coming from where she guessed was the gravel oval (less than 100m away from Roger’s house where his dad had seen those dancing lights).
Errgh this is getting messy, when you consider the obvious dream bond we have together.
What the fuck did we witness?
This is curious because not only is it over 2.5km, as the crow flies, from the gravel oval to where I was when I heard it, but, like I said, there are not many cows around this part of town.
Surely if something was poaching people’s stock, you would have heard about it in such a small town. This was the type of town where one’s dirty laundry was everyone else’s. But, I guess if it was a weird enough situation, it could have intentionally slipped mind when hitting up the local gossip network. I am curious though, if anyone in these areas did have any missing or butchered cattle to report, I’d definitely like to know about it.
2022 04 10 10 35
Some notes:
The abbatoirs stopped killing cows for quite a number of years before this event even happened. I remember there was a big front page article about it all over the local newspaper.
Given rumours that the abbatoirs was trying to buy out people in the area, one could argue it was a ploy by them to freak the house owners into selling, but then, this doesn’t explain why SD heard it on the other side of town where the abbatoirs would have no claim.
My experience would have taken place somewhere between 400 to 500m away from the main butchering facility of said abbatoirs, in vacant land that was insulated from abbatoirs owned land by several houses. There is no reason for an abbatoirs to be carrying out killings this far away from its building where all the equipment to do a proper job is all set up, or 3km away if you go by SD’s account, or even at this time of night. If it was a cow heist, this was an incredibly stupid part of town to do it from, when you could go further out and nab one from a much larger field further away from houses.
My auntie (who lived in a granny flat next to my grandmother on the same block as my dad’s house) also held a supervisor position at these abbatoirs for a number of years including when I had this experience and sometime afterwards. Both her and my brother in law agree the time of night and way the killing I heard was carried out without light was very far out of the safety protocols of abbatoirs.
From what I know about killing an animal that size, doing it in total darkness through cutting it’s throat is practically suicide. You’d have to be pretty desperate, or on some serious drugs, to even try it. None of it makes any sense, and honestly I think the suggestion it was a heist is quite a lame one, for reasons mentioned above.
Either way you look at it, there is something very strange going on, in a town that seems to have a knack for paranormal shit happening in it. Admittedly I didn’t really come past all that much after Nick’s party. I ended up moving town a year or so later, and didn’t come back for a number of years. All I know is that I have memories of this event that deviate from those of Matt, and both SD and Roger had missing time when they heard their version of it
SD suggested that maybe what we heard was really a carry over hearing event from an abduction; that maybe we all got abducted, something happened on the ship, then we were mind wiped and what we heard was like an echo of when they swapped us into this timeline. I don’t know, but given I have broken memories of other abductions with my class mates, I can’t rule this out altogether. It certainly explains SD’s and Roger’s missing time. As for me, I don’t recall having any missing time, but considering the fact that I was out in the middle of nowhere in total darkness – which was somewhat disorientating as it was – and that when I finally got home, the last thing on my mind was to check the time, it is a possibility I can’t ignore.
There is also the fact I have no memory of Matt being with me, even though he proved he was (he mentioned it before I had brought it up, which is what surprised the shit out of me). I do have this memory of being sort of frozen in place for a few seconds after it happened, but I figured this was just out of the sudden startling nature of the whole thing. Maybe that was when “they” put me back? Who knows?
This town also has a knack for serial arsonists to light he bush surrounding it on fire. When I was 7 I had to evacuate to my other grandma’s place because a fire was raging through town.
During that fire, a firefighter went out and lit another fire down the road. Our neighbours house ended up burning down; I went over there the next day with my dad and my brother (my dad was in the fire brigade) and all that was left was a fridge in the middle of burnt out rubble.
Only this year another arsonist who was part of the same bush fire brigade went around lighting fires IN THE EXACT SAME AREA as the first guy.
And if that isn’t enough coincidence for you, yet another big fire happened last year in the same area I heard the cattle mutilation which burnt down something like 50 houses. This was caused by a guy using an angle grinder in in the middle of 40 degree C summer on dry, dead grass.
I always joke that the aliens must have a stupidity amplifier in operation in town, though SD has had lucid dreams which suggest there is in fact some kind of shrouding equipment connected to the amnesia devices that is located here.
Any information the Domain can provide on this town and what is going on there would be appreciated.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the 23nd part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Lately he has been conducting lucid dreaming (LD) to map out the subconscious / non-physical realms that surround us. His writings are very interesting, but describe things way beyond my understanding. Never the less, many MM readers find great value in his experiences, and writings, and one can easily see benifit in reading his writings.
I hope that you injoy this article.
Part 23 – Briefing For the Domain Commander: Intel Gathered During LD Escape From Simulation Out of Two Pocket Universes to the Main Programming Hub
I was put into a dream simulation that seemed designed to completely break my spirit.
This scenario featured SD who seemed to very troubled by her own hallucinations.
It began some building we had been staying in on what I was led to believe was a holiday. This building was nothing special, just a bunch of dingy rooms with a sort of open hallway that ran next to them. I was “awoken” into the dream by SD, but not lucid.
This was the start of the simulation.
SD seemed deeply troubled by something. I asked her what was up and she replied that she had stayed with another couple while I was still asleep. Confused by what she meant, I got up and tried talking to her, but she came more erratic in her behaviour, and made less sense. It was like she was on drugs, talking non sensical bullshit, seemingly glitching and going off track every sentence. I started to really worry about her mental health, and suggested we go for a walk. During it became evident that SD was suffering from severe mental stigma and seemed to be hallucinating quite heavily. It seemed her every action was designed to cause me as much anguish and heartache as possible.
She took me to the edge of town where this couple she stayed with were living in a makeshift humpy in what appeared to be a children’s playground; it was literally just a few pieces of wood smacked together on a some sand to make a rather unstable frame that they draped a sheet over. Sd explained she had been sleeping with them, and wanted to join their family and live in this humpy of theirs. The situation had very cult like vibes and I realised that SD was very clearly not her usual self. She was arguing with me, accusing me of thins that were not true and attacking my character at the hands of these frauds.
I was now starting to feel deep sorrow at the depth of my core, but I knew SD wasn’t herself and was damned if I was going to let her stay with these people. I managed to convince her to come with me, and we walked back to our house which was located a few kilometres away in a set of units that had been tightly bunched together. The whole way SD abused me, but I bit my tongue and told myself she didn’t really mean it. But the abuse just got worse and worse. It was really starting to cut through my soul, wanting nothing but for her to be better, yet being told I was the cause of all such anguish.
Then all of a sudden something snapped, spurred on by my anguish. I realised it was a simulation and I began to reject it. A very strong voice that may or may not have been mine, came through telling me that this was definitely the case, and it started to all make sense. What happened next was like the AI in control of the simulation realised I had cottoned onto its game and began talking to me, trying to convince me that it was necessary for my development.
Again I refused to believe it. When that didn’t work, it manifested agents (pretty much agent smiths/MIB)to come and collect me, but again I refused to let them. Even though I was not lucid, I was starting to realise my power. I could wave my hand and they would simply just disappear. Not only that, I was starting to see the pocket universe outside of this simulation as an overlay on the top of my surroundings that would sort of glitch in and out.
The AI seemed to realise it had a big problem on its hands and sent down a space shuttle to meet me. I was now interacting with both the simulation and the outer pocket universe as I walked. In the simulation, the walk way was a cave, but in the outer pocket universe I was walking down a sort of walkway or bridge far up in the sky, where this space ship styled shuttle landed to try and collect me. Once again I told them I reject there simulation, brought my hand down and their ship exploded in front of me. I had properly awoken in the outer pocket universe and had full control over my lucid dreaming abilities, despite the consciousness doping blockages put in place.
I was still heavily doped, but I could cut through it with sheer willpower. I was aware of the simulation I’d just come from, and now also aware of my earth body back here.
So walked up the landing which seemed to be floating in mid air above the clouds. At higher level was an arrangement of very modern looking buildings stretching for several acres.
I entered a building closest to the bridge I had just come from. This building was not entirely enclosed and had several walls missing; it seemed to be some sort of building where newly arriving guests were entering. In this building, was set up a variety of Virtual Reality screens arranged around tables which had other doped up and comatose bodies on. Some of the screens had a real time image of the reality they were experiencing.
realised this was a fucking product display room; the guests were clientele that would walk around to these VR systems and express their awe at the technology. It reminded of a phone shop where you go in and browse from the various laid out models at your own leisure. They were the investors of this project, and there was from between 30 to 50 of them now gathering in the foyer of this building where a bunch of chairs were laid out. It seemed they were waiting for the project admins to give some sort of presentation.
I walked in, and upon realising what this place was, becoming sickened by it, started executing as many of these investors as I could. I was like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Terminator; I’d simply just point from person to person with my hand and they would be instantaneously vapourised. It was kind of weird; if you have ever been very drunk and had to try and act sobre this is kind of what it felt like being under the consciousness doping agent. I’d have periods where I would just stop and sort of zone out, and I would have to use a tonne of conviction and sheer willpower to bring my awareness back to my surroundings. I would have looked like a malfunctioning robot to anyone watching me.
It took a few moments for them to realise that one of their projects had woken up and was quite fucking pissed at what they had going on here. Through my bouts of coherency, I’d unleash chaos. Once they did, everyone started running out of the building and evacuating the area to their nearby space craft or vehicles or whatever they had been arriving in just outside. Guards were sent in to try and subdue me, but I wouldn’t let them; there is a good reason they keep us all doped, because once we regain access to our proper LD power we become somewhat unstoppable. I think they were hitting me with doping agents like darts, which is what was making my consciousness flitter in and out, but the best they could manage was only a few seconds, then id snap out of the daze and hit them back.
After taking out the guards, I walked to over to the VR systems and was able to create a kinetic bomb explosion by clenching my fist and focusing. It was like I was drawing in unseen energy that I would go off like a stick of TNT (is this an ISBE technique the Commander is familiar with?) I destroyed as many of these systems as I could find, maybe ten of them, maybe more then walked back outside. I wanted to get an indicator of where this place was, or who was in charge of it.
In front of me was the descending bridge where I’d come from the simulation, to my left was just a drop off into the sky, with a small port for the investors shuttles right on the edge, and to my right was a large dirt clearing the size of a small football oval which appeared to have some sort of scaffolding setup smack bang in the middle of it. Beyond the clearing were some more R&D buildings that were much bigger than the small product display room I’d just come from. This cluster of buildings was of a higher elevation to the display/ presentation room probably 10 to 20m higher, and was about 250m away. At this point I had become probably about 80 percent lucid, so I was piloting this body with a good understanding of my earth body that existed somewhere below the dream simulation that I’d come from. Once the guards were gone and I was out of the building, I no longer had to worry about my consciousness trying to go back to the simulation world.
I walked over the ridgline to the clearing and noticed the scaffolding appeared to be some sort of a rocket launch facility, but instead of the typical straight up design of conventional rockets, the scaffolding setup seemed to take the form of a T shape shuttle/ craft, as if the shuttle had wings protruding out each side for a few metres. What was odd was that instead of being located near the middle, the wings protruded from quire near the front end of the shuttle, behind what looked like a cockpit of heavily tinted glass.
At the end of the wings, were what I assumed were thrusters taking the form of tear drops. I specifically remember a tail section mounted close to the ground that was very typical of a tail found on a glider; it reminded me of the one found on a US military Predator drone given its seemingly “upside down” arrangement (if you took a predator drone and move the wings so they were just behind the tip of the shuttle and fattened the body so it resembled more of a rocket/ missile, then added jet turbines to the tip of each wing, this would be very close to what it looked like; same white colour). My impression was that unlike the investor shuttles, which were for local travel within the atmosphere of this world, this craft was specifically for higher altitude penetration.
I navigated so I was directly under the scaffolding holding up the right wing and looked up. Right there I saw what was unmistakably the NASA logo. I could see this clear as day; the blue circular background with the word NASA outlined in white, the little stripe of red; it was 100 percent the same logo and I could see and interpret it clear as day. I am certain I did not randomly generate this image. I noted that I had achieved my objective, and as I did a launch alarm sounded from the building that had been arranged obviously to monitor any launches.
Very soon after this everything went white and I woke up. I assume they took the opportunity to use the shuttle thrusters to melt me while they had a chance.
End Notes:
The simulation layer seemed to act as a buffer between the outer pocket universe and this physical reality. The way in which the AI was trying to create a scenario that would elicit an specific emotional response is typical of what the leader of the Unseen 5 told me, as well as what the Grand Elder told me during my last encounter with him in a similar consciousness doping facility.
SD has had a dream with a similar AI trying to evoke similar emotions towards me in which the AI tried to spin a similar story of helping her evolution when she resisted it. We have had some synchronised dreams over the last few weeks which suggest similar emotion evoking simulations running.
There was several circumstances prior to my going to sleep which may have aided in having this experience. The first was that it was right after contacting my handler and asking for possible nuclear attack locations (this handler presented itself to me in adream a week or so ago)
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the 22nd part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Part 22 – Operation Rainbird – A Contingency Plan for a Transcontinental Clandestine Communications Network in Case of Major SHTF & Grid Down
This is an idea I have had bouncing around for awhile now. Whilst I would have preferred to talk to other operators in the prepping/ survivalist communities beforehand to flatten out some of the problems, my concern with the Ukraine situation is that we are edging ever the more closer to a scenario where more conventional communications avenues may become knocked out.
Added to this is the rumours that America will be experiencing a blackout of this very nature in the next 36 hours (I know, usually these rumours turn out to be BS), so I figured I’d bite the bullet and write down the necessary protocols for dispersal to anyone who wants them. That way the kinks can be worked out a later date and broadcast of the Rainbird Network.
What is Rainbird?
Operation Rainbird is a contingency plan to provide a functional clandestine communications network in the event of a downed grid system that knocks out more conventional communication infrastructure, such as mobile phones and internet in more than one country. As the events unfolding in Ukraine steer us closer and closer toward global nuclear warfare, we cannot be sure that these conventional communications systems will continue to remain in place, particularly when taking out the internet for an entire nation is as easy as cutting a few undersea cables.
Even without nuclear warfare, such communications networks may still become targets for attack through malicious means such as cyberwarfare or EMP attacks (which can also occur through the detonation of nuclear weapons) rendering them useless for prolonged periods of time, particularly if supply chain issues make immediate repair of this infrastructure impossible.
The question we need to ask ourselves is “are we really ready to be cut off from the world in this manner, and have our network reduced to that of our immediate localities?” In the event of any war, whether nuclear or not, it makes sense to be able to stay as up to date as possible especially in regards to geopolitical situations unfolding in the rest of the world. Operation Rainbird is to provide coordination of this radio infrastructure so that at least key information can be relayed over as wide an area of the earth as possible were this downed grid scenario to take place.
The ultimate goal of Operation Rainbird is to have a member committed to its implementation in as many countries and states/provinces as possible who is not shy about utilising any foreign contacts (particularly those within the survival and prepping communities, as they will be more likely to appreciate the value of such a network) to disperse the protocols as far as possible.
While the main goal of Operation Rainbird is to provide a continuous bridge of international communication between its members, its concept is simple and requires no radio operation skill of those responsible for its implementation, as well as no commitment to purchase any expensive equipment; members will be given a simple set of instructions pertaining to calling frequency and scheduled operating times and modes they are expected to write down which can then be passed on to a more proficient radio operator when the opportunity presents itself.
Given that amateur radio is a hobby enjoyed by people all over the world, there is potential infrastructure on every continent, in many neighbourhood’s that could theoretically provide such a communications bridge if only its use could somehow be coordinated. On the other hand, if you are radio operator, often times trying to make contact with someone else even from a local area can be hit and miss, if you don’t know when they will likely be online.
This is where the members of operation Rainbird come into play; Operation Rainbird member’s tasks will be to convince these radio operators to operate their radios according to the Rainbird schedule to pass along any important information about local events etc that may have implications for the broad range of listeners.
These radio operators would then be in a better position to pass the message along a chain of other Rainbird operators, knowing that there will be great deal of them listening in different parts of the world at the specific times outlined in the schedule. The name Rainbird comes from the idea that Rainbirds “sing to their friends when it becomes too dark to see, so they know what the other is doing”.
All that would be required of non operator members of Operation Rainbird will be to keep an eye out for potential amateur radio equipment in their area, which is usually identifiable by the large antenna towers in an operator’s back yard. If the tower is big enough to be seen over several blocks, it will likely be functional for the frequencies Rainbird will use.
It is recommended Rainbird members briefly study some images of such setups whilst they still have access to the internet to get a general idea of what to look for, as well as study potential radio clubs in their area in case no other local operators can be found. It could be that they have driven past an amateur radio operator’s house a million times and never even realised it. For those who wish to get more in depth, I recommend purchasing the ARRL (American Radio Relay League) handbook and keeping it in a safe place, as it will provide a crash course lesson in radio theory from beginning concepts in electronics all the way up to advanced radio theory.
Each member should be aware that as Rainbird utilises open communication channels, there is no way to safeguard any of the information coming through. It should be regarded as an unsecure channel only to be initiated as a last resort for the purpose of urgent message passing to other nations/ states/provinces, as use of these frequencies is generally banned from all except those who have the appropriate licenses in place, and can be met with heavy fines. In other words, Rainbird members vow not to implement Operation Rainbird unless they are certain their conventional communications infrastructure will be down for a prolonged period as this may actually prove to be detrimental to Rainbird’s cause. There is, however, no punishment simply for listening, regardless of whether or not you have a license.
An example of a real world situation where radio helped in mitigate the confusion surrounding a disaster involving a whole community of people was during the 2019 bushfires of NSW, Australia. The fires, which were estimated to have burned 5.3 million hectares, wreaked havoc upon the NSW forests and covered much of the coast all the way to the State of Victoria.
As the Fires pushed their way south, residents near the town of Mallacoota fled to the beaches to escape where they became trapped for a period of several weeks.
With communications and power infrastructure down, those 1000 or so trapped in and around Mallacoota were no longer able to get information about their situation out to friends and family, and for five days they had no access to fuel or food unless they were smart enough to take out cash before hand.
Several satellite phones had to be airdropped into the area with instructions for anyone who found them to call a specific headquarters. Although amateur radio came into play during these bushfires, had a system like Rainbird been in place, the coordination of information from people within the disaster zone could have mitigated even more confusion to those viewing events from the outside. While a in a natural disaster resources such as satellite phones may be available, in a war time scenario this may not prove possible for various reasons, such as the area being too hot for air drops, or satellites that provide the back bone for such systems being taken out.
In addition to this, many emergency response groups would only be suited for catering to their local community. In such scenarios the affected victims would be left fending for themselves, unless they had a way to coordinate to their own communications effort.
The general protocols for Rainbird, which are hereto suggested to be written down and safe guarded by the reader are thus:
The determined frequency of Operation Rainbird will be on the HF band of 7Mhz/40 metres. This band has been chosen for its ability to provide intercontinental communications, or at the very least interstate communications, at the same time utilising an antenna length that is practical in case of its inclusion as a piece of wire in portable emergency communication kits.
More specifically, 7.2Mhz will be used as the optimal frequency as it sits roughly in the middle of the common amateur radio range of 7.000Mhz to 7.300MHz, and lies outside of the morse code portion. In the case of pile up (too many operators on the same frequency) is recommended to vary this frequency up or down the spectrum by 10Mhz increments.
The operation mode of Rainbird is to be Single Side Band (SSB) AM as it allows for a much lower power consumption vs other methods, to suit those operators with minimal powering resources for their radios.
The operational schedule is to coincide with specific phases of the moon. As the moon is a natural constant that can be easily seen by anyone no matter of their location on earth, it can be used as a medium of synchronisation regardless of if one is in possession of a watch or calendar, which may become displaced in a real crisis situation.
Furthermore, a moon’s phase can be broken down into easily identifiable portions that are roughly one week apart, that will allow further opportunity to make a communication if the first attempt is missed. Therefore, where power resources for communication is limited, the day and night of a full moon should be made first priority for contact, followed by the new moon, and then by the half moon’s between each.
This will give first a monthly, then fortnightly, then weekly opportunity for contact through operators who are synched to the same moon cycle. Where power is not a crucial factor for determination of how often an operator may be online, it is suggested to also include the day and nights immediately before and after these phases of the moon in case other Rainbird operators have slightly miscalculated them (ie thought it was a full moon when the actual full moon was a day later).
DOMAIN47 is to be used as the common callsign to put a call out for all potential Rainbird Operators that might be listening but not in a position to communicate back. A standard message guiding civilians to a safer location would include something along the lines of “Callout to all Rainbird Operators utilising DOMAIN47 callsign, this is {operator’s callsign}.
Message to be passed along to {targeted area/ people of communication}; location {town/suburb of state/ province and country} has been cut off from all supply and exit due to {reason}. Multiple civilians now fleeing area, as situation becomes dire. Please advise on closest known safe haven, to escape effects of {disaster}”.
Or perhaps medical expertise is required: “Callout to all Rainbird operators identifying under callsign DOMAIN47. This is {operator callsign}. Immediate assistance required for a casualty due to {disaster} which caused {injury}. Access to doctor is not currently possible. Requesting assistance from any medical experts in the vicinity of {location} or at the very least an on air guide to conduct {medical procedure}. ”
Whilst Rainbird is aimed at providing an intercontinental communications bridge, it is suggested Rainbird members have their own handheld CB/VHF/UHF radios for local communications. This way they would be able to rapidly share any information coming through their nominated operator with those in their immediate vicinity with minimal lag time.
While there is no requirement for those wish to come online as Rainbird participants during a crisis situation, by emailing me your intention to join at daegonmagus@protonmail.com of your general location, I will be able to compile a map of potential reach of the network and hopefully refine its protocols further before a major SHTF event.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the 21st part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
This particular read is truly enjoyable. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have.
Part 21 – How SD and I both dreamt Joe Biden is planning on assassinating someone close to the Ukrainian Conundrum
SD and I have been having our usual synch dreams again. In the past 2 weeks we have had 2 that both seem to have an alarming number of parallel elements. I won’t go into the details of the first one as they seem somewhat irrelevant at this point in time, but it seems we are a having the same dream in which certain elements are being distorted to create confusion. SD suggested that perhaps something is tampering with our memories, and I have to agree that it certainly seems this way. This is an ongoing (recurring) dream I will get to later when I have more on it.
As for the second dream; I originally posted this up on the dream share forum. At the same time I sent MM an email with a copy and pasted version of the synched dream, to which he asked me to write it up for publication, as he considered it extremely important.….so here we are.
Combined dream that SD and I both had the night before yesterday:
I was minding my own business, I guess on some kind of holiday in this really strange town I have been to before. Nothing special just buildings and dirt….not really any where I would choose to go if I was given a coherrent choice in the matter. I take note here that I seem to have had dreams of an old school friend I no longer see. Someone appears. I can’t remember who or what, but I don’t think it is completely human. It tells me I am needed on a special assignment – The President of the USA – the one and the same Joe Biden is having a meeting and I am to go to it at once. It is important I be there, but for what reason it is not yet given. I finish my drinks or whatever it is I am doing, and agree to it. I get up and stand near my handler, and the next thing I know I am being whisked away Harry Potter port key style to a completely different place (I suppose the equivalent of a different country in the dream world). I have a vivid memory of it being like swirling, spiralling sensation where my surroundings just turn into a blurr of light, before I go through an all too familiar void of burgundy/ brownish/ goldish colour.
I am now standing in front of what appears to be a hotel room plonked on a block of land that seems eerily similar to a house i rented a few years ago. It is by no means a flash hotel by any stretch, but not shabby either; just a bland plain inconspicuous thing where you would go to dodgy shit under the radar of scrutinization. I knock on the door, my handler standing next to me – I want to say he is wearing a hooded robe for some reason (this may be a confusion of another dream in this same house a few weeks back where a robed figure stabbed in the hand with a small needle like device which made me wake up)– and one of Joe’s representatives, a secretary or something opens the door and invites us in saying “oh good you are here. We have been expecting you. ” The interior of the appartment is a very similar layout to my old house, almost identical; a sort of kitchen to the right, some rooms to the left (which is where it is different as this veers off into onto a patio that seemingly leads to the other apartments) and a small dining room straight ahead overlooking the city where Joe and about 40 other people are engaged in what seems like friendly, but important banter. This house was weird in that it is sort of a circular arrangement in which you can get back to the kitchen from this same area – this is the familiarity that struck me.
Joe stands up and gives them a little speech, the content of which i can’t remember, but it is almost certainly to do with the Ukraine crisis and “those pesky Russian bastards, that seem to be throwing them at every turn”. I stand by the door as my handler disappears either somewhere into the crowd or back out the door – I am not sure if anyone else can see him/her/it, but get the feeling they can’t. As I am standing there i have a very faint understanding that SD is in the crowd, but for what reason I don’t know; I only figure it is related to why I am here. I spot her, but am unphazed by it, just simply figuring she is doing her thing, and trust her with it.
Joe finishes his speech and then walks around shaking everyone’s hand, he spots me standing there with my arms crossed, observing him. He makes eye contact with me, then quickly finishes up his conversation with his guest, not breaking the eye contact, so he can make his way over to me. He approaches me and, first thing I notice is that he is treating me with a measure of respect not given to his other guests. He offers his hand, but I don’t bother uncrossing my arms, to which Joe claps me on the shoulder and leans in so only I can hear him. There is no awkwardness to me refusing his hand, this is just the way I roll and Joe knows that. The offer was more of a subconscious formality more than anything. Straight off the bat he starts talking about a “hit squad”. I can’t remember if i am part of the squad or if Joe wants me to track one down, but again it centers on all the shit coming out of Ukraine; The word assassination/ assassin pops up numerous times, like, a -fucking – lot. I don’t speak, just stand there and listen to what Joe has to say. Essentially there is someone over there (Ukraine) causing America big problems, and they (the party present) are sick and fucking tired of it. Joe wants who ever this guy is assassinated, and he wants me to organise the whole thing at the same time giving him insulation from it all. I suddenly have an understanding that I am well connected within the criminal underworld – but not your average run of the mill Mafia type deal, but something much worse – and that such a task would be a piece of cake. I nod in silence, then leave the premises.
SD’s version: like me, hers begins with her on a sort of vacation, but it is a lot more fragmented. She is met by her handler, to which similar things about her being needed for an important assignment are spoken, before she is whisked off to a similar apartment/ hotel room. She is now standing in a crowd of people, and again Joe Biden is giving a speech in front of them. She looks over and sees me at some point and remembers that there was something do with assassin’s and a hit squad being spoken of. Again, she had some sort of involvement in it, like she needed to help go find them or something.
Man these synched dreams have become so common between us that it really isn’t even a shock to us anymore. We just start picking each other for details and offer each other suggestions of what we think is going on. Both SD I agreed it seemed like our consciousnesses were being used to RV a certain scenario. I had MM ask the Commander if this was could possibly be happening. I’ll leave it up to him whether to publish what he told me.
But wait, there’s more, and it ties in with MMs response to this dream. When Putin first went into Ukraine, I had yet another dream in which SD’s astral self was telling me the Ukraine thing was all connected with things that are going on in the non physical planes. It was suggested there was a faction vying for the totality of the non physical realm as well another vying for both the physical and non physical planes (of course, I am never told who these factions actually are). SD’s handlers wanted her to reveal this to me as they wanted me to join them but were apprehensive about whether I would freak out about it or not. Much to their surprise, my response was “well, what the fuck are we waiting for”. There was also something mentioned about potassium iodide and honey comb being extremely important.
A strange stargate like portal opened up in front of me which I jumped into. The next thing I know I am in the back of what appears to be a long truck being used as an operations control room in some street, which could have very easily been Ukraine (it was clearly very more “astral like” than the physical Ukraine though). I was standing next to this other guy and over to our left was – I kid you not – an angel with four arms typing away at a computer. This was a beautiful creature. It had greyish semi translucent skin, very similar to the texture of a dolphin and (I think) was bald with intensely blue eyes, and stood about 8 ft tall. It was very robotic the way it moved, similar to Arnold Schwarnegger in the terminator movies, expressionless face, never blinking.
Suddenly our soldiers outside of the truck bring in another downed angel on a stretcher, again with four arms. They bring the stretcher right up to us where all the medical equipment is located. Straight away we know this one had been corrupted and was in need of some intensive “cleaning” and purging of all the corruption our enemies had done to it. I tell this guy next to me “yeah we kind of accidentally found out potassium iodide and honey comb knocks them out cold, like chloroform on humans” (well this is getting weird). Grace – the angel at the computer; “her” name was Grace, can you fucking believe it – realises there is a potential threat behind her, abruptly gets up out of her chair – her wings are fucking enormous; she stretches them when asserting dominance – and stomps over to this other {darkened} angel. Without warning she cracks her in the face with all five arms, and with lightning speed draws a semi auto handgun from somewhere and starts offloading it into this angel’s face at point blank range. The other angel starts stirring from sleep; meanwhile me and the other guy are just sitting here laughing our arses off at this {apparently} very normal angel greeting. The last thing I remember is the darker angel getting up off the bed before returning the greeting to Grace and the whole truck becoming smashed to pieces. Bikie brawls got nothing on Angel fights, apparently.
So I tell SD about this dream, and her response is “ahh, so you’ve finally met the angel ones”. Apparently she has had quite a lot of lucid dreams with them (none with four arms though), even an strange abduction experience with some, and her description matches Grace’s character; expressionless robots, with wings that fold up in their back when not in use, almost like vinyl type feathers. According to SD they were made so certain consciousness from the completely} non physical realm have a vehicle by which to enter and view the {not completely} non physical realm for very short periods of time (those ones can’t just come here like others can).
Certainly was an interesting dream that one. As was the Joe Biden hit squad dream.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the 19th part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
This particular read is truly enjoyable. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have.
Part 20 – SD’s Premonition of an Imminent Nuclear Attack set for 28th February 2022
Let’s get a few things straight, right off the bat; I am not here to fear monger people with this article. I ummed and arred about whether I should bother typing it, and after considering things I believe it warrants putting down on virtual paper, given the current situation unfolding in Ukraine. We all know how delicate this situation is. We all saw it coming. What concerns me is that SD and I have had our fair share of “dreams” – both lucid and not – that allude to the very real kicking off of WW3. These premonitions, as I guess you could call them have, quite readily shaped both of our ideals on survivalism. From nukes going off in out neighborhood, through the unleashing of the “black dragon” in China, to the Covid vaccine toilet paper shortage, we have had a myriad of premonition like dreams between us that upon reflection many years later seem to be at the very least metaphorically describing things unfolding around us. Other times they have been pinpoint accurate, like the closing off regional borders in our state, and placing of military personnel in the exact same places we had the border closure dreams (in both of our dreams beyond the borders were represented by a void of total nothingness.)
Here’s the concerning part, and I hope to fuck it is a complete miss on my part. I must apologize for not getting out sooner; the Ukraine shit has been unfolding so fast I have been trying to keep up with it all.
Back at the start of February SD tells me “the 22nd is when shit is going to go down”. Ok, so to put this into context, like I said our dreams have shaped our survivalism ideals, and have solidified the idea that all out nuclear war is at this stage, more likely a “when” than it is an “if”.
So when she says the 22nd is when shit is going to down, assume that automatically translates as some sort of SHTF event leading to WW3.
I press her on what it will be, but she tells me she doesn’t know, only that someone or something suggested to her the 22nd or “possibly even the 23rd for us when you take into account different time zones”. She just can’t get out of her head the 22nd/23rd February 22.
That day rolls around and what happens….well, we all know the answer to that question. Putin decides enough is enough and drives his army into Ukraine.
But that is not all.
The night of Putin’s grand entrance, SD has another dream. She is literally woken up by her own voice shouting at her “THE 28th”.
Then, whilst in the hypnogogic/ sleep paralysis state, she is suddenly in the middle of a city, with modern western style skyscrapers, and a big bomb is going off. And I mean BIG.
She specifically mentions this thing has a mushroom cloud, and the explosion seems to “cut the tops off the buildings” before the shockwave breaks all the windows and hits her.
It is so vivid she can smell and taste all the sulphur and metal.
The next day, again she is in hypnogogia and she has a follow up dream to the blast; a woman is standing at a podium either addressing the bomb or announcing her country’s intent to become involved.
This woman, SD says, her clothing makes her looks like she could be chubby, blonde hair put up in a bun behind her head, 40 to 50 years old, wearing a business suit style jacket.
SD end’s up looking up female women in power to try and see if she can find anyone resembling her. She comes across what she said was an “exact match” but the fucking phone loses the page before she can figure out who it is.
She looks up secretaries of defense of European countries and says the at both the Czechoslovakian and Belgian secretaries of defense look very similar to the woman she saw giving the address.
Something else that concerns me is a dream I had back on November 25th which suggested a military was prepping for a major nuclear exchange. I went back through the dream share thread and found my write up on it:
“I was some kind of special forces military guy. Not sure what division, but I am fairly sure I wasn’t a SEAL. The people around me seem to be wearing American Military camos but they could have just as easily been Russian.
It was night time and I was on this long straight road that seemed to run for miles through fields of either dead yellow grass, wheat or some other type of crop.
There are multiple military bases every couple of kilometres along this road. I pass one in particular, and it has a big metal cylindrical missile thing sticking out of the ground in a clearing on the other side of the fence that hugged the road. it didn’t look like a typical missile – it was more like a giant tin can with a flat top and it’s protrusion from its silo wasn’t very high – only a little bit taller than me.
To begin with I was walking.
I receive a call from my superior officer. He tells me that I need to assemble all the military personnel from the nearby {standard} bases to the silos that are scattered around the area. My orders are to go to each silo and personally give the orders to their commanding officers to prime the nuclear warheads, and to their lower ranking personnel that we are preparing for a test launch.
The real reason he tells me is different; we are either preparing for a pre-emptive strike on our enemies, or preparing for a retaliation attack for some other shit “we” have planned, I can’t specifically remember.
IT could have even been that America was the enemy.
I hop in my jeep and drive down this road; there are ALOT of these silos surrounded by a whole farm’s worth of vacant land. I watch as hundreds upon hundreds of these silo doors open and out pop these giant tin cans, ready for me to give the launch signal. Satisified I make my way up the road to continue with the rest.
This didn’t feel like a standard dream looked similar to this but without the fins. Google image caption reads “US nukes stored in Netherlands”:
just checked my fb and get this – i have a fucking friend request from a woman named “{first name} Littleboy”…. holy shit that’s not good
The edges were sharper just like a tin can. They didn’t really look like a typical bomb/ missile shape – certainly not very aerodynamic. Though I do remember thinking of them as “littleboys” at some points in the dream and when I woke up.
Hence why I figured it was America – i am very much aware of the littleboy and fat man bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima/Nagasaki – fuck come to think of it a couple of them may have even been called Minutemans by some of the military staff. Whatever was going on, someone was arming practically their entire {ground based} nuclear arsenal for war.
Maybe the littleboy thing was for me to pay attention to the synchronicity.”
I sure as fuck hope me and SD are wrong on this one, but in case we aren’t, if you live in Europe, I suggest taking a spontaneous camping trip a few miles away from your house for a few days. Stay safe and let’s weather out whatever shit may unfold from here on out.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the 19th part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
This particular read is truly enjoyable. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have.
Part 19 – Aleister Crowley and his Thelemic Order of NASA… or was it M16?
“NASA are the most authoritative organisation on space and would never lie to us or keep secrets when it comes to the discovery of ETs!” Right…..anybody in the crowd? ……Anybody? This is a paraphrasing of a recent conversation with my brother in law in regards to the idea of Simulation Theory, and that we are living in a holographic world. So yeah, ok, he didn’t specifically mention ETs, I may have exaggerated that part, but when I brought up the quantum physics double slit experiment etc (real basic stuff, for I am no quantum phycisist) and the idea of astral projectors/ lucid dreamers being the witnesses of the other side of the quantum coin – the guys that see the world in wave form rather than particle form – you’d be amazed at how quickly the conversation turned towards NASA, and their recent announcement of a fucking meteor that could “potentially” wipe out earth, which is what was apparently really concerning him (I would have thought being trapped in a simulation would be a more concerning affair, but you know, that’s just me). Or you know, that his grandmother was born in a Nazi PoW camp, and he just seemingly overlooked the whole Operation Paperclip thing.
But yeah I am used to it. It is the usual deflection tactic when I hit upon a subject that get’s too deep for him. Cut me off mid sentence and trail off onto some shit that doesn’t even relate to anything I am talking about. Try and make himself sound smart because he read a few articles on the old innernet. Never mind I know a guy who is a qualified astrophysicist that would suggest it is a load of bullshit not worth worrying about {wink wink}. My brother in law always seems to have that one friend in a similar field of expertise that he has conveniently broached this exact subject with before and rattles off some half arsed excuse as to why I should believe this friend’s word over the experts I have spoken to. The experts whose first hand experiences I use as a basis for formulating my opinions on such matters. Not that I get more than two fucking words out before I am scoffed at with condescension when I use the small breaks between his egotism to try and explain why NASA is the last organisation on earth I would bother believing.
Mind you, this is a guy who is 31 years old and still lives with his mother, has never bothered trying to find his own place, turned down an opportunity at a plumbing apprenticeship when he was fresh out school (and now wonders why his life sucks) and thinks it is perfectly acceptable to use people with down syndrome as a means to joke about Robert Downey Jr’s mental capacity simply because he works with them (this is where the conversation ultimately headed). He seems to have some ever evolving qualification that varies quite substantially in respect to its field whenever he brings it up. One moment it’s a diploma in warehousing, the next it’s a certificate in carer services when he realises I actually managed an electronics factory and have real world experience with warehousing that trumps his theoretical knowledge any day……Next he’ll be telling me he got a fucking PhD in astrophysics in the 3 months I didn’t see him. Yeah, a real armchair researcher if ever there was one. But hey, I have to admit, I found it pretty impressive that he could at least entertain the idea of a simulation. A year ago that conversation would have been completely off the table.
Remind you of anyone? Seems to be the entire fucking UFO community whenever someone mentions something remotely out of the mainstream approved narrative. Like the guys on reddit that got the reddit admins to send me a message saying they were concerned for my mental health when I tried telling them my research suggests non physical entities are contacting people in the occult community (research which I have presented here in past articles that proves I am not the only one having these strange experiences, and that they are in fact fairly common in the occult community). This one is for you guys, if you have attention spans to read beyond three words (I know a lot of you found four of them to be too much to handle). Oh and while we are on the subject of PhD’s and arm chair research I should point out I have do in fact have a PhD…..in googling shit, seeing as it seems to be the accepted form expertise these days. But unlike my contemporaries, the crux of my argument is freely available on Wikipedia for those who do actually know how to research, not that I am expecting any of the reddit experts to be in amongst that crowd. Shall I continue?
Let’s get back to that statement “NASA are the most authoritative organisation on space and would never lie to us or keep secrets when it comes to the discovery of ETs!” Ok, so, the least you could do is get to know the parent organisation that you are basing your whole argument around before arguing with me on why I should bother to listen to them. If not, you might find yourself embarrassed at the idea it is pretty much like saying “the Freemasons are the most transparent society on the planet”. Or at the idea that “you’re a fucking nutcase” is as equally applicable to the founder of NASA as it is to yours truly. We will delve into this, but before we do, let’s dig into some of my arm chair research on a well known figure, and how it relates to the idea that if people were being contacted by non physical entities through means such as astral projection and lucid dreaming, NASA would be THE LAST FUCKING ORGANISATION ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET THAT WOULD BOTHER TELLING YOU ABOUT IT. Are you ready to take the words of L Ron Hubbard and Scientology just as serious as NASA? Something tells me that no, you are not, which highlights the fact you are too mentally immature to be having this conversation, and that your arm chair research is just a façade for “I can’t be fucked actually researching anything, before offering my opinion on it”.
Allow me to shit all over that egotistical ignorance you think is real world knowledge:
Edward Alexander Crowley was born on the 12th of October 1875, to pair of wealthy fundamentalist Christians of the Plymouth Brethren faith. His father, originally a Quaker, and also an Edward, was an engineer, and owned a family brewing business – Crowley’s Alton ales – which had allowed him an early retirement before his son’s birth. At the age of 11, Edward Alexander inherited a third of this wealth after his father died of tongue cancer. He soon began rejecting the religious views held by his parents, indulging in acts considered by them as morally indecent such as smoking, masturbating and having sex with prostitutes (in which he contracted gonorrhoea and syphilis – talk about a good time).
Such rebellion included a change of name from Edward to Aleister, when he attended the Trinity college in Cambridge to study Philosophy. This behaviour and rejection of the Christian faith would lead Edward’s mother, Emily, to eventually start calling him “the Beast”, which Crowley would later revel in and wear as a badge of honour. Later on in his life, Crowley would expound upon this title to include the number 666, which came from a derivation of the Hebrew alphabet known as Gematria – it had nothing to do with Satanism and the devil, as many people like to suggest. In Gematria, each Hebrew letter is assigned a numerical value and words are compared with other words of equal value. Crowley’s 666 came from the comparison of the word Therion – Greek for “wild beast” – with his own name, of which had an equal value. It was because of this that Crowley would eventually come to be known as Master Therion to his many students. Another name he was known by was Pedurabo.
Crowley believed he was the reincarnation of the well known magician and practitioner of alchemy, Eliphas Levi (amongst other notable figures from history) – who has been dubbed as the man who coined the term “the occult” – partly due to the magician dying in the same year he was born. I vaguely remember another self proclaimed occultist talking about their own reincarnation, [daegonmagus] – Part 2 – Contact with the Elder Guardians (metallicman.com), Not that that is relevant or anything….
Continuing on the down the Wikipedia entry on Crowley we come to learn a few interesting things some of which may or may not actually be true, and some which have a back trail of evidence to suggest they are legitimate claims. We learn about how Crowley joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn before seemingly tearing it apart, how he became friends with Theodore Ruess and was invited to join the Ordo Templi Orientis, or how he created his own Order of the Silver Star – the Argentum Astrum. Then there are the tales of him going out into the Egyptian desert with his wife Rose and engaging in conversation with a non physical intelligence he called Aiwass, whose message he wrote down and became the “Book of the Law” of what would go on to become his Thelemic religion. We read about the time him and his associate Neuberg went out into a desert and summoned the demon of the abyss, Choronzon, which Crowley allegedly deliberately let possess him. Some things about his later life drug addictions with coke and heroin. What we don’t read about is Crowley’s other exploits like providing commentary for the Goetia, aka the Lesser Key of Solomon the King:
Did you spot the NASA connection? If not, don’t worry; well get to it later. Just note, it is buried behind a link somewhere at the bottom of the page.
In that entry, we also learn about a “fictional” book Crowley wrote called Moonchild – the same book of Crowley’s I found in my grandmother’s library in her abandoned house. What isn’t mentioned is that Moonchild is a book about a bunch of occultists who are trying to incarnate the soul of a demon into the vessel of a new born human child. I started reading it at some point during the third decade of my life but gave up after a few pages as I found Crowley’s writing to be very poor and unimaginative. What can I say: I have standards.
“Moonchild is a novel written by the British occultistAleister Crowley in 1917. Its plot involves a magical war between a group of white magicians, led by Simon Iff, and a group of black magicians, over an unborn child. It was first published by Mandrake Press in 1929 and its recent edition is published by Weiser.In this work, numerous acquaintances of Crowley appear as thinly disguised fictional characters. Crowley portrays MacGregor Mathers as the primary villain, including him as a character named SRMD, using the abbreviation of Mathers' magical name. Arthur Edward Waite appears as a villain named Arthwaite, and the unseen head of the Inner Circle of which SRMD was a member. "A.B." is theosophistAnnie Besant. Among Crowley's friends and allies Allen Bennett appears as Mahatera Phang, Leila Waddell as Sister Cybele, the dancer Isadora Duncan appears as Lavinia King, and her companion Mary D'Este (mother of Preston Sturges, and who helped Crowley write his magnum opus Magick: Book 4 under her magical name 'Soror Virakam') appears as Lisa la Giuffria. Cyril Grey is Crowley himself, while Simon Iff is either an idealized version of an older and wiser Crowley or his friend Allen Bennett.
Plot summary
A year or so before the beginning of World War I, a young woman named Lisa la Giuffria is seduced by a white magician, Cyril Grey, and persuaded into helping him in a magical battle with a black magician and his black lodge. Grey is attempting to save and improve the human race and condition by impregnating the girl with the soul of an ethereal being — the moonchild. To achieve this, she will have to be kept in a secluded environment, and many preparatory magical rituals will be carried out. The black magician Douglas is bent on destroying Grey's plan. However, Grey's ultimate motives may not be what they appear. The moonchild rituals are carried out in southern Italy, but the occult organizations are based in Paris and England. At the end of the book, the war breaks out, and the white magicians support the Allies, while the black magicians support the Central Powers.” - Moonchild (novel) - Wikipedia
For the MM audience who have a brain and can put two and two together here, read between the lines of what I am trying to tell you; Spencer also claimed the Alien Interview was a work of “fiction”. Comparing the two works brings a whole new level of meaning and contemplation to just what the fuck it was these secret societies were getting up to at the turning of the 20th century.
Getting back to the Wikipedia entry on Crowley, one of the more “absurd” claims is that he was in fact working for the British Government’s MI6 department helping them spy on the Germans, who apparently got him to spy on the British Government, which was supposedly suspected by American Intelligence….or something. This particular claim, even just stopping at a connection to the British government, is hard to substantiate as there appears to be only one verifiable source for its origin; a professor of History from the university of Idaho:
“Dr. Richard B. Spence is a Professor of History at the University of Idaho where he has taught since 1986. His specialties include Russian, military, espionage and occult history. One of his most popular courses at UI deals with the role of conspiracies and secret societies in history.”
Doesn’t matter though, the guy is a professor, and going by skeptic logic this means he must be telling the truth…..Ok yeah, I am not that facetious. But hey since we are talking about the ol innernet and mainstream sources of information that we should trust (like NASA), here is a link to a Guardian newspaper report suggesting Ian Fleming based the Blofeld character in his James Bond series off Crowley:
In case you didn’t bother reading it, that article suggests rather matter of factl-y that Crowley was Fleming’s go to guy when it came to interrogating Occultist Nazi Rudolph Hess. It even mentions – albeit very vaguely – the NASA connection Crowley had through Jack Parsons:
“Yet the hysterical press accounts of sex, drugs and sacrifice at his Abbey of Thelema, in Sicily in the early 1920s, remain the core of the myth of Crowley as evil incarnate. It was an image, along with his famously hypnotic stare, that led Bond author Ian Fleming to model Blofeld on Crowley. They met when Fleming worked in British intelligence during the war. That a man so publicly reviled could still penetrate the corridors of power is a prime example of his unlikely reach. Crowley was Fleming's first choice for interrogating Rudolf Hess when the occult-obsessed Nazi was captured in Scotland after a bizarre astrological sting.It was also Crowley who gave Churchill his famous victory sign, a magickal gesture to counteract the Nazi's use of the swastika. Indeed, his hand appears in many unexpected places - there is even a story that he aligned Stamford Bridge and gave Chelsea its team colours - but his hidden influence was not restricted to the British war effort or the Premiere League. In the 1940s, one of his closest followers was a young Californian adept, Jack Parsons, one of the founding fathers of the American space programme. His work at the fledgling Jet Propulsion Laboratories lay the groundwork for the Apollo moon missions.”
Funny, Jack Parson is mentioned back in the Aleister Crowley Wikipedia link, in the same sentence as another well known figure, this time with a little more confidence of fact:
Crowley’s entry also suggests he had an affinity for Nazism:
“Pasi described Crowley's affinity to the extreme ideologies of Nazism and Marxism–Leninism, which aimed to violently overturn society: "What Crowley liked about Nazism and communism, or at least what made him curious about them, was the anti-Christian position and the revolutionary and socially subversive implications of these two movements. In their subversive powers, he saw the possibility of an annihilation of old religious traditions, and the creation of a void that Thelema, subsequently, would be able to fill. Crowley described democracy as an "imbecile and nauseating cult of weakness",[267] and commented that The Book of the Law proclaimed that "there is the master and there is the slave; the noble and the serf; the 'lone wolf' and the herd””
I guess one could take that last sentence either way. Regardless, we are starting to head into some very concerning territory in regards to the Nazi’s and Crowley/ Occultism. Let’s strengthen that connection:
“Crowley was now living largely off contributions supplied by the O.T.O.'s Agape Lodge in California, led by rocket scientist John Whiteside "Jack" Parsons.[194] Crowley was intrigued by the rise of Nazism in Germany, and influenced by his friend Martha Küntzel believed that Adolf Hitler might convert to Thelema; when the Nazis abolished the German O.T.O. and imprisoned Germer, who fled to the US, Crowley then lambasted Hitler as a black magician.”
Or should I say a pin up boy for the OTO:
Smith wrote to Crowley saying that Parsons was "a really excellent man ... He has an excellent mind and much better intellect than myself ... JP is going to be very valuable".[64] Wolfe wrote to German O.T.O. representative Karl Germer that Parsons was "an A1 man ... Crowleyesque in attainment as a matter of fact", and mooted Parsons as a potential successor to Crowley as Outer Head of the Order.[65] Crowley concurred with such assessments, informing Smith that Parsons "is the most valued member of the whole Order, with no exception!"[62]” - Jack Parsons (rocket engineer) - Wikipedia
And its not as if Thelema was just a passing hobby for Jack either; Wikipedia suggests he was devoting his entire pay checks into the organisation, and was wholeheartedly committed to its concepts. Not only that, Parsons was at one point palsy with the founder of Scientology who was also a Fellow Thelemite:
“Science fiction writer and U.S. Navy officer L. Ron Hubbard soon moved into the Parsonage; he and Parsons became close friends. Parsons wrote to Crowley that although Hubbard had "no formal training in Magick he has an extraordinary amount of experience and understanding in the field. From some of his experiences I deduce he is direct touch with some higher intelligence, possibly his Guardian Angel. ... He is the most Thelemic person I have ever met and is in complete accord with our own principles.”
And in case you weren’t aware of what Hubbard’s Dianetics/Scientology religion was about, allow me to fill that gap in knowledge. Bear in mind this was from a guy whose own son said his father believed himself to be the embodiment of “Satan”;
“Scientology followers believe that a human is an immortal, spiritual being (Thetan) that is resident in a physical body. The Thetan has had innumerable past lives and it is observed in advanced (and – within the movement – secret) Scientology texts that lives preceding the Thetan's arrival on Earth were lived in extraterrestrial cultures. Scientology doctrine states that any Scientologist undergoing "auditing" will eventually come across and recount a common series of events.[26] Part of these events include reference to an extraterrestrial life-form called Xenu. The secret Scientology texts say this was a ruler of a confederation of planets 70 million years ago, who brought billions of alien beings to Earth and then killed them with thermonuclear weapons. Despite being kept secret from most followers, this forms the central mythological framework of Scientology's ostensible soteriology – attainment of a status referred to by Scientologists as "clear". These aspects have become the subject of popular ridicule.
I bet they have.
And while we are on the subject of Parson’s friends, MM would be interested to know the following:
Now to understand this Parson’s/ Hubbard connection properly, we need to go back to Crowley and his Thelemic Order. What in the actual fuck is Thelema anyway? Well, we mentioned that Crowley, whilst in Cairo with his wife Rose, went out into the desert and received a message from a non physical entity. Rose apparently wasn’t into occultism, and couldn’t give two shits about Crowley’s undertakings…..that was until she went into a trance and this non physical being, who Crowley called Aiwass, began speaking through her, laying down the {book of the} law. Crowley transcribed it and it became his Holy Books of Thelema that basically dictated what the whole order was about. For those who have not read the books, you are not missing out on much. A lot of it seems to be a mix of incoherent babble that Crowley himself even suggests he doesn’t know what the fuck it means. In amongst this collection of seemingly random gibberish is the infamous RPSTOVAL code, that Crowley suggests will be “expounded upon by someone in the distant future”, and who his followers like to try and decipher using Gematria:
Now, to get to the UFO/ Thelema connection, we need to delve a bit deeper into some things that are not mentioned on Wikipedia, and are just as hard to confirm as Spence’s suggestion Crowley was an MI6 spy.
Fourteen years after his contact with Aiwass, Crowley supposedly was contacted by another entity during what is known as the Amalantrah working with his executor and somewhat heir to his magical prowess, Kenneth Grant. What actually took place must be left to speculation given that the surviving records of the working are fragmented at best, but what seems clear is that Crowley drew a picture which had something to do with this working, which he titled LAM. I briefly touched on this entity in my article https://metallicman.com/daegonmagus-part-18-a-look-at-non-physical-contact-through-participants-external-to-metallicman/ when I told you the Tool drummer had his own clothing line featuring the image.
While some, like this guy from LAM I AM | Aleister Crowley 2012 (ac2012.com), suggest it is an obscure self portrait of Crowley, others have suggested, quite assuredly that Crowley and Grant were trying to open a portal in space between two stars. The myth is that they were successful which led to Lam – an interdimensional entity – popping through to say hello. Apparently many occultists have had weird experiences with UFOs and similar contact after trying to recreate the ritual:
What can be agreed on, is that Lam appears on the front page of Voice of the Silence by Theosophical Society founder, Madam Helena Blavatsky. If you haven’t already read my article first mentioning Lam, I suggest you do so, as it alludes to the idea that Blavatsky was given a hybridisation schedule by the non physical entities she was in contact with (which seems to have very likely made its way into the hands of the Nazi’s, but more on that later.)
Getting back to Lam, The {modern day} OTO have even gone so far as to have their members document any experiences resulting from their workings with the Amalantrah ritual, so it seems to have some substance:
“Crowley gave the drawing to Kenneth Grant in May 1945, following an astral working in which they were both involved. Since then it has become apparent that Lam is in fact a trans-mundane or extra-terrestrial entity, with whom several groups of magicians have established contact, most notably Michael Bertiaux in the 1960s, and agroup of OTO initiates in the 1970s. Much remains unclear, however, hence the need for further investigation of this entity” – Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis — Kenneth Grant — LAM (parareligion.ch)
Remember how I told you my friend Severin, who was contacted by an elusive figure and given information on the merge of the astral and physical planes? To my knowledge, Severin never bothered with the Amalantrah ritual, but the coincidence is a bit hard to ignore, given he was in the OTO.
So for the skeptics, at the very least you have to admit this sounds fucking insane right? No matter what way you look at it. Who in their right mind would believe such a load of fucking tripe?
“Parsons and Sara were in an open relationship encouraged by the O.T.O.'s polyandrous sexual ethics, and she became enamored with Hubbard; Parsons, despite attempting to repress his passions, became intensely jealous.[109] Motivated to find a new partner through occult means, Parsons began to devote his energies to conducting black magic, causing concern among fellow O.T.O. members who believed that it was invoking troublesome spirits into the Parsonage; Jane Wolfe wrote to Crowley that "our own Jack is enamored with Witchcraft, the houmfort, voodoo. From the start he always wanted to evoke something—no matter what, I am inclined to think, as long as he got a result." He told the residents that he was imbuing statues in the house with a magical energy in order to sell them to fellow occultists.[110] Parsons reported paranormal events in the house resulting from the rituals; including poltergeist activity, sightings of orbs and ghostly apparitions, alchemical (sylphic) effect on the weather, and disembodied voices. Pendle suggested that Parsons was particularly susceptible to these interpretations and attributed the voices to a prank by Hubbard and Sara.[110] One ritual allegedly brought screaming banshees to the windows of the Parsonage, an incident that disturbed Forman for the rest of his life.[111] In December 1945 Parsons began a series of rituals based on Enochian magicduring which he masturbated onto magical tablets, accompanied by Sergei Prokofiev's Second Violin Concerto. Describing this magical operation as the Babalon Working, he hoped to bring about the incarnation of Thelemite goddess Babalon onto Earth. He allowed Hubbard to take part as his "scribe", believing that he was particularly sensitive to detecting magical phenomena.[112] As described by Richard Metzger, "Parsons jerked off in the name of spiritual advancement" while Hubbard "scanned the astral plane for signs and visions."[113]
Their final ritual took place in the Mojave Desert in late February 1946, during which Parsons abruptly decided that his undertaking was complete. On returning to the Parsonage he discovered that Marjorie Cameron—an unemployed illustrator and former Navy WAVE—had come to visit. Believing her to be the "elemental" woman and manifestation of Babalon that he had invoked, in early March Parsons began performing sex magic rituals with Cameron, who acted as his "Scarlet Woman", while Hubbard continued to participate as the amanuensis. Unlike the rest of the household, Cameron knew nothing at first of Parsons' magical intentions: "I didn't know anything about the O.T.O., I didn't know that they had invoked me, I didn't know anything, but the whole house knew it. Everybody was watching to see what was going on."[114] Despite this ignorance and her skepticism about Parsons' magic, Cameron reported her sighting of a UFO to Parsons, who secretly recorded the sighting as a materialization of Babalon.
And some more on the Babalon working, and contact by non physical entities in general:Inspired by Crowley's novel Moonchild (1917), Parsons and Hubbard aimed to magically fertilize a "magical child" through immaculate conception, which when born to a woman somewhere on Earth nine months following the working's completion would become the Thelemic messiah embodying Babalon.[116][117] To quote Metzger, the purpose of the Babalon Working was "a daring attempt to shatter the boundaries of space and time" facilitating, according to Parsons, the emergence of Thelema's Æon of Horus.[113] When Cameron departed for a trip to New York, Parsons retreated to the desert, where he believed that a preternatural entity psychographically provided him with Liber 49, which represented a fourth part of Crowley's The Book of the Law, the primary sacred text of Thelema, as well as part of a new sacred text he called the Book of Babalon.[118]Crowley was bewildered and concerned by the endeavor, complaining to Germer of being "fairly frantic when I contemplate the idiocy of these louts!" Believing the Babalon Working was accomplished, Parsons sold the Parsonage to developers for $25,000 under the condition that he and Cameron could continue to live in the coach house, and he appointed Roy Leffingwell to head the Agape Lodge, which would now have to meet elsewhere for its rituals”Unable to pursue his scientific career, without his wife and devoid of friendship, Parsons decided to return to occultism and embarked on sexually based magical operations with prostitutes. He was intent, informally following the ritualistic practice of Thelemite organization the A∴A∴, on performing "the Crossing of the Abyss", attaining union with the universal consciousness, or "All" as understood in the context of the Great Work, and becoming the "Master of the Temple".[133] Following his apparent success in doing so, Parsons recounted having an out-of-body experience invoked by Babalon, who astrally transported him to the biblical City of Chorazin, an experience he referred to as a "Black Pilgrimage". Accompanying Parsons' "Oath of the Abyss" was his own "Oath of the AntiChrist", which was witnessed by Wilfred Talbot Smith. In this oath, Parsons professed to embody an entity named Belarion Armillus Al Dajjal, the Antichrist "who am come to fulfill the law of the Beast 666 [Aleister Crowley]".[133] Viewing these oaths as the completion of the Babalon Working, Parsons wrote an illeist autobiography titled Analysis by a Master of the Temple and an occult text titled The Book of AntiChrist. In the latter work, Parsons (writing as Belarion) prophesied that within nine years Babalon would manifest on Earth and supersede the dominance of the Abrahamic religions.[134]
I thought self proclaimed embodiment of Satan Hubbard was bad. I might be “crazy”, but I sure as fuck aren’t “trying to summon the whore of Babylon into a newborn child crazy”. This guy was a fucking nutjob (if you go by common society’s standards), yet still displayed more intelligence than those reddit skeptics and my own god damned brother in law. You know, he’s kinda got a lot of rocket research behind him to back that theory up. Did anyone make him undergo a psychological evaluation while he worked at NASA, I wonder?
I mean Jack wasn’t exactly stupid was he, nutjob or not? He was, after all the American version of Werner Von Braun, and it could be argued it was because of him we got to the moon (he was actually involved in developing rocket systems for that very purpose). His discoveries in rocket propulsion were the foundation by which the whole of NASA was built upon. So why the fuck was he messing around with a book written by Crowley if it was just a piece of fiction and incorporating its content into his rituals? You have to admit, it seems a little shady to trust in an organisation whose founder was engaging in such ludicrous practices with his bestie, Mr Hubbard. Let’s face the fact, NASA has got dodgy fucking cult written all over it. You can’t call me a nutcase for saying I was contacted by non physical entities, and then turn around and tell me Jack wasn’t one either. But hey, let’s not stop the logical thought train there. Let’s dig a bit deeper into this.
I mentioned Werner von Braun, and in case you didn’t get the memo, here was another rocket scientist that had some things to say when it came to aliens. And who Jack Parsons at one point spoke to on the phone for many hours. At least this guy didn’t seem to be running around California blowing shit up and having sex with anything that walked in an effort to create a demon child. But to really understand what the hell is going on here, you need to understand the suggestion that the Nazi’s were heavily invested in occult concepts:
In his book, Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies, John Michael Greer, a self proclaimed druid and Freemason (and not to be confused with Ufologist Dr Steven Greer) suggests that the Nazi party was born out of a secret society of occultists that believed in the racist ideologies of Ariosophy (an offshoot of Theosophy, surprise surprise); the Thule society. This society was named after Thule; a mythical island that first appeared in classical Greek and Roman writings somewhere North of Britain, which eventually became to be believed as the homeland of the Aryan master race in the proto-Nazi occult movement. In fact, Greer has some very interesting things to say on the transformation of Thule, and how its occult ideologies played an integral role in the formation of the Nazi party:
Originally ultima Thule, “furthest Thule” in Latin, Thule first appeared in classical Greek and Roman writings as a name for a distant island somewhere north of Britain. The Greek voyager Pytheas of Massalia claimed that he sailed there, and his description of the northern seas has enough accurate details to make the claim plausible; it is likely Pytheas sailed as far as the Orkneys, or possibly even Iceland. In the nineteenth century the name Thule was recycled for a hypothetical lost continent somewhere in the far north. In this form it found its way into proto-Nazi occult movements in central Europe as the lost Arctic homeland of the Aryans, identical to Arktogäa and Hyperborea. See lost continents.
The National Socialist movement in early twentieth-century Germany emerged out of a complex underground of secret societies, occult traditions, and racist ideologies that historians have just begun to uncover. One crucial piece of the puzzle was an organization known as the Thule-Gesellschaft or Thule Society. Named after the legendary lost continent of Thule, believed by German racists of the time to be the original homeland of the Aryan peoples, the Thule Society posed as a private organization for the study of Germanic folklore. In reality, it was the Munich lodge of an occult secret society, the Germanenorden, whose distinctive blend of racist occultism and right-wing politics defined the central commitments of the Nazi party. See Germanenorden.
The Thule Society was the creation of Rudolf von Sebottendorf, a German-Turkish adventurer who joined the Germanenorden in 1917 and immediately set to work organizing a Munich lodge for the order. His efforts paid off handsomely, increasing membership in Bavaria from 200 to more than 1500 by the autumn of 1918. He rented rooms for the society in the posh Hotel des Vier Jahreszeiten in Munich, and succeeded in attracting members of the Bavarian aristocracy into the organization. He also encouraged two Thule members, Karl Harrer and Anton Drexler, to organize a political circlep for the Munich working class, in the hope of drawing them away from communism.
When the German imperial government collapsed in 1918, a socialist coalition seized power in Bavaria, but was then supplanted by a hardline communist faction headed by Russian exiles. Munich descended into open war, and pitched gun battles, assassinations, and summary executions by firing squad became frequent events. The Thule Society hurled itself into the struggle, networking with other conservative groups and raising a sizeable private army, the Kampfbund Thule, for the final struggle that ended the Bavarian Socialist Republic in May 1919. By that time the political circle headed by Drexler and Harrer had already transformed itself into a political party, the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German Workers Party, DAP). Small and poorly organized, the DAP floundered for most of 1919 as most Thule members turned their attention elsewhere. In September of that year, however, the DAP gained a new recruit, an Austrian war veteran named Adolf Hitler. Not long after joining, Hitler convinced the other party members to change the organization’s name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers Party, NSDAP) – a name newspapers and the German public quickly shortened to “Nazi.” See Hitler, Adolf; National Socialism.
As the fledgling party grew explosively, driven by Hitler’s powerful oratory and impressive political skills, Thule Society members gave it vital support and direction. Thule initiate Ernst Röhm, a tough army veteran with a taste for brawling, brought many members of the Kampfbund Thule into the
Sturm-Abteilung (Storm Troop, SA) or Brownshirts, the Nazi party’s private army of street thugs. Another Thule member, Rudolf Hess, used his connections throughout the occult community in France and Germany to win support for Hitler, becoming the future Führer’s right-hand man in the process. Other members introduced Hitler to wealthy conservatives in Bavaria and elsewhere in Germany, and brought him into contact with the writer and occultist Dietrich Eckart, who became Hitler’s mentor. By 1925 or a little later, the Thule Society had been completely absorbed into the growing Nazi party, and nearly all its membership, activities, and plans became part of the Nazi system. The occult aspects it had inherited from the Germanenorden ended up becoming part of the SS onceHeinrich Himmler took over that organization in 1929. See SS (Schutzstaffel).
Further reading: Goodrick-Clarke 1992” - The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies The Ultimate A-Z - John Michael Greer.pdf | DocDroid
But let’s not stop there. Delving even deeper still into the Nazi’s and their occult connection in Greer’s book we find that Crowley wasn’t the only occultist who believed the “lunatic” prospect that he was the reincarnation of someone:
“Perhaps the most serious of Nazi occultists, Himmler believed himself to be the reincarnation of the medieval German king Heinrich I. Under his leadership the SS became an occult secret society with immense influence throughout German society, and the SS headquarters at the medieval castle of Wewelsburg became the center of the Third Reich’s occult dimension as Himmler implemented many of the old ONT programs on a colossal scale. See SS (Schutzstaffel).“
Interesting. Here’s some excerpts I picked up from Israel Regardie’s (Crowley’s Secretary) book, The Golden Dawn, which deals with the whole curriculum of that order. It certainly seems to strengthen the Nazi connection to the occult. From here The Complete Golden Dawn System Of Magic – Israel Regardie.pdf | DocDroid:
The fylfot cross shows us the swastika as being an astrological symbol that combines the forces of 12 months of the zodiac with the four elements, the sun at its centre. It is part of the third lecture of Golden Dawn Curriculum, the first two being preparations for the candidate for their Alchemical undertakings. In other words, this association of the swastika with the zodiac and elements was embedded into the curriculum and would have been taught to every single initiate of the Golden Dawn when Crowley was head of it, and likely the OTO and the Argentum Astrum, considering Crowley’s involvement with those organisations. Interesting when you consider a Greek Neo Nazi political party just pops up out of nowhere some 100ish years later calling themselves the Golden Dawn: Golden Dawn (Greece) – Wikipedia
From that same book, on page 460, in a chapter to do with Clairvoyance:
“The guide having made his appearance, he is to be tested by every means at the Seer's disposal. First of all, it is well to assume the Sign of the Grade to which that element is referred. In this instance, the Sign of the Zelator should be made, by physically as well as astrally raising the right arm to an angle of forty-five degrees. The guide should answer this with the same Sign or another which is unrnistakeable proof that he belongs to the element and has been sent to act as guide. If there is deception, these signs will cause him distress, or at once the vision will break up, or the false guide will disappear. He should also be asked clearly and deliberately whether he comes to act as guide in the name of the appropriate Deity Name. If all this strikes the Seer as satisfactory, and his doubts settled, let him follow the guide to wherever he is being led, carefully noting whither he goes, and asking questions about the element or whatever he sees”
I found a photo where a few of these elements seem to combine:
So yeah I guess it’s just more coincidences in a string of bizarre coincidences right? At least they made good rocket propulsion systems, like that other occultist we have been talking about. Which brings me back to Nazi rocket scientist Werner Von Braun. Von Braun was one of the pioneers who worked on the V2 rocket system and was brought to America to work for NASA along with many other Nazi Scientists under Operation Paperclip:
“Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun (23 March 1912 – 16 June 1977) was a German-American aerospace engineer[3] and space architect. He was the leading figure in the development of rocket technology in Nazi Germany and a pioneer of rocket and space technology in the United States.[4]While in his twenties and early thirties, von Braun worked in Nazi Germany's rocket development program. He helped design and co-developed the V-2 rocket at Peenemünde during World War II. Following the war, he was secretly moved to the United States, along with about 1,600 other German scientists, engineers, and technicians, as part of Operation Paperclip.[5] He worked for the United States Army on an intermediate-range ballistic missile program, and he developed the rockets that launched the United States' first space satellite Explorer 1 in 1958.In 1960, his group was assimilated into NASA, where he served as director of the newly formed Marshall Space Flight Center and as the chief architect of the Saturn Vsuper heavy-lift l,aunch vehicle that propelled the Apollo spacecraft to the Moon.[6][7] In 1967, von Braun was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering, and in 1975, he received the National Medal of Science. He advocated a human mission to Mars.” - Wernher von Braun - WikipediaAtleast we get the idea the Von Braun was quite a respectable man that only joined the Nazi’s so he could continue his life’s work in regards to rocket research. No mention of Carol Rosin of Fairchild Industries or Lt Colonel Philip J Corso though. Of course, those elements connect Von Braun to ETs, and we can’t have that to tarnish NASA’s image now can we? Allow me to elaborate:
Philip J Corso was a Lieutenant Colonel who worked for General Arthur Trudeau during Eisenhower’s presidency, and had an office at the Pentagon dealing with technological advancements that could be put to military use. In WW2 Corso fought Rommel in Africa, and was charged with rounding up the remnants of the Gestapo in Italy after the war ended. So you could say his resume was quite impressive, and he was quite respectable in regards to his military achievements. Certainly not someone who would feel the need to jump on the UFO bandwagon and bullshit us all with stories of ETs right? Uh, well that’s exactly what Corso did, if you consider his biography bullshit, which most arm chair researchers seem to do.
In his book The Day After Roswell Corso details how he was put in charge of distributing technology recovered FROM THE 1947 ROSWELL CRASH into already established R&D programs in an effort to conceal it and keep it out of the hands of those pesky Russians that had infiltrated the CIA. Things like night vision goggles, fibre optics, kevlar, lasers and integrated circuits, Corso claimed all came from the spacecraft that crashed in the New Mexico desert. He even mentions he saw one of the bodies of the crew. A few months after the books release, Corso died of a heart attack.
Corso suggests he went around to military contractors Fairchild (among others), where he dropped this retrieved tech into the hands of their supervisors with an intent to back engineer it. One of the men who he was in constant contact with to try and gain an understanding of how said tech would work was, you guessed it, Werner von Braun. Von Braun actually became the Vice President of that very same company Corso suggested he dropped some ET tech into the hands of:
But Corso is just bullshitting right? He was just a senile old man who was struggling to find purpose after his impressive military career, and so decided to spin us a story of fiction about aliens crashing into the desert. It isn’t like there is any other proof that backs up Corso’s claim or anything.
Well, the Wikipedia entry on the date surrounding the Bi Polar Junction Transistor seems to very much align with what Corso told us:
For those who do not understand the history of technology, it took somewhere between 100 and 150 years to go from the discovery of electricity, to the amplification of analog signals using Thermionic valves. This was at the hands of a myriad of different scientists experimenting with the valve, some of which were Thomas Edison and Tesla. One could say quite a lot of development went into perfecting the valve, and it went through an evolution of change as more and more grids were added to suppress the inherent electrical noise. It found its use in everything from industrial control systems to guitar amplifiers. Then all of a sudden, in December 1947 up pops the transistor, seemingly because someone decided doping germanium with silicone would achieve the same result as what was effectively a light bulb with a few bits of metal inside of it. And this team of a handful of scientists just happened to pull it off a mere months after the Roswell Crash? Yeah uh ok, I guess this make sense……if you are apt at just ignoring anything that presents as an inconvenience to an argument you have no expertise in, like my brother in law does. Skeptics, find me the fucking article that tells me what prompted these guys to try doping germanium with silicone when the whole premise of the thermionic valve had been based on controlling grid electrons in a vacuum through a completely conductive element.
Now, Corso doesn’t actually mention he dropped a BJT into the hands of Fairchild. What he does mention is that he came into the possession of the alien tech something like a decade after the crash, after it was presented to him by Trudeau. It had been sitting in a cabinet in this office, which Corso took over when he moved into the Pentagon, for practically that whole time, simply because Trudeau didn’t know what to do with it. What is more, it didn’t originate with Trudeau. There was a hazy period of a few years immediately proceeding the crash where it is unknown what became of this technology, when it was in the hands of General Twinning (suggested as being an original MJ12 members). What Corso says is that he dropped an integrated circuit into Fairchild’s lap, and, as anyone with a little background in electronics knows, you can’t make an IC without a BJT. Well, at least you couldn’t back in the early 60s when IC’s were invented and supplied globally by that very same Fairchild company (the first to do so). Funny how no one ever thought to try and wire a few million thermionic valves together to achieve the same thing before the concept arrived at Fairchild.
According to Corso, it was Von Braun (very much aware it was ET tech) who suggested he take the IC to the guys over at Bell Labs who had been playing around with the concept of doping silicone with the BJT, suggesting that in that hazy period before the tech fell into his hands, someone had already undertaken an effort to reverse engineer part of it. Given our history of electronics development, it makes no sense that it would take us 100+ years to develop the thermionic valve, to have the concept of doping germanium with silicone pop up overnight and render that whole component almost completely useless. It certainly makes no sense, that in just over a decade later we figured out how to wire millions of these components together to create what would go onto to become the backbone of the computer, without any prior concept of mass manipulation of said valves. The only logical conclusion, in my opinion, is that which is presented to us by Corso. You know people are still allowed those things right? Opinions. Unlike my brother in law, mine is based on knowledge I spent 4 years sitting an apprenticeship for in my efforts to attain a trade level qualification in electronics. At least show me some evidence of a similar background if you want to bother arguing with me on this issue.
Corso also tells us that the who Strategic Defence Initiative was established under the pretence there was an extra terrestrial threat that America needed protection from, and that NASA even knew about ET interactions, which the organisation had actively engaged in covering up. Another reason why I don’t trust them.
So anyway, getting back to Von Braun and Fairchild; Carol Rosin was the first woman to become CEO of Fairchild Industries. Fairchild industries was an offshoot of the military contracted Fairchild Aircraft, and came about after Shockley, the supervisor who worked on the BJT, quit Bell Labs and tried opening his own company to continue to develop it. After some trouble with money, Sherman Fairchild picked it up and gave it a fresh make over, absorbing all the research on the BJT in the process. Now, Rosin ended up becoming a spokesperson for Von Braun after she became CEO. Here’s a little bit of background on her:
“Carol Rosin (born March 29, 1944) is the Founder of the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, and also works as a speaker, author, educator, child psychologist[dubious– discuss], futurist, and military strategist.[1] She was also the first female executive of an aerospace company, working as a corporate manager of Fairchild Industries. She is executive director of the Peace and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth, P.E.A.C.E. Inc. and the I.D.E.A Foundation, as well as a world peace ambassador for the International Association of Educators for World Peace.[2]Biography[edit]Born in Wilmington, Delaware in 1944 and a graduate of the University of Delaware, Rosin was the first woman to work as an Aerospace executive at Fairchild Industries and is a leader and the original political architect in the movement to stop Anti-satellite weapons and the Strategic Defense Initiative.[3] In her time at Fairchild, Rosin served as the spokesperson for Dr. Wernher Von Braun, with whom she created the film and educational program "It's Your Turn" to expand the diversity of people working in science fields.[4] The program won many awards, including the Aviation Writers Award and the Science Teachers Gold Medal.[5] Rosin helped create medical and educational training programs with ATS-6 satellites in the United States, including the first two-way audio and visual national and international satellite educational programs in over 20 countries.[6]Published works and media[edit]
Start of the Sirius Disclosure Project in 2001 at the National press Club, as witness.
Movies That Shook the World (Documentary) Herself, 2005[7]
UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied II - Moon Rising (Video Documentary) Herself, 2009
Sirius (Documentary) Herself, 2013
For the Children (Book, I.D.E.A Foundation for the Benefit of Humanity) Co-Author, 2014 ISBN9781530161393
The Carol Rosin Show (American Freedom Radio) Host, 2016-[8]
Unacknowledged (Documentary) Herself, 2017
20th Anniversary of the Disclosure Project as herself, 2021”
In case you can’t watch youtube, here is a run down:
Von Braun suggested NASA was planning to weaponise space by using the idea of certain threats against the people to gain approval for such weaponization.
Von Braun believed communists would be the first threat identified by the United States, followed by terrorists, followed by third world radicals, followed by asteroids (maybe my brother in law was right to be concerned, lol) which would eventually culminate in a hoaxed alien invasion. Bear in mind this was in the 70s.
Rosin suggested Von Braun gave her the task of de-weaponising space to which she started her own organisation, the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, which was in direct opposition to that very same initiative Corso mentioned was setup to “stop the malevolent ETs from invading earth”, and suggested NASA was covering up. Rosin came to the ultimate conclusion her mission was futile. In a separate video she suggests she walked in on a NASA meeting in the 70s that appeared to be the setup to the invasion of Iraq schpeel, in which people like Sudam Hussein had already been identified as the new enemy. When she asked what the fuck it was all about, the room went silent.
Here’s another article on her talking about what Von Braun told her.
Consider where we are some 50 years later, and Von Braun’s predictions seem strikingly on point. We have the commie card with the cold war, the terrorist card with ….well fuck, just about anyone who seems to have a stash of oil America feels like it can profit off. We have a space force (team America fuck yeah song springs to mind)…
And, from the actual official Space Force Strategic Overview:
“Although U.S. space systems have historically been technologically superior, China and Russia have embarked on major efforts to develop counter-space capabilities in order to destroy or disrupt U.S. and allied space capabilities in a crisis or conflict. They are also rapidly developing advanced space capabilities to enhance the lethality of their military operations, increasing the likelihood that U.S. and coalition forces will need to defeat the space capabilities of adversary forces in order to prevail in a potential conflict, to protect lives, and to secure the interests of the United States and its allies and partners. In short, space has become a warfighting domain.” - UNITED-STATES-SPACE-FORCE-STRATEGIC-OVERVIEW.PDF (defense.gov)And since we are talking about Trump and his space force here to save us from doom from above can someone please explain this video to me?
The video is about a conman named Trump who convinces a small town that they are under threat from meteors about to fall on their heads. Trump’s suggestion is to build a wall around the town and purchase his magical umbrellas as the only means to keep them safe from the meteors. When one of the townspeople tries telling his community he is fraud, Trump decides to add a tax to his umbrellas which gets higher with every word that man speaks. He even puts on a little barrel explosion show, to make it look one of the meteors hit the ground right next to them. Note the white robes with the very basic astrological symbols. I’d be curious to know if his little ritual was taken straight out of a Golden Dawn or OTO book. From a series called Trackdown FROM FUCKING 1958. Yeah, yeah I know, just coincidence right?
How about Von Braun predicting “an Elon would take us to Mars” even further back in 1953? Didn’t you hear? It’s been the talk of the space community for the past week.
“Pioneering aerospace engineer and science-fiction writer Wernher von Braun may have predicted Elon Musk’s plan to colonize other worlds nearly 70 years ago when he described a man named “Elon” ruling over Mars.Von Braun created the character “Elon” in his 1952 science fiction novel “Project Mars” — a space fantasy about a mission to Mars, according to a report.The book’s predictions came to light a few years ago, but began trending on social media last weekVon Braun, one of the most important scientists in the development of rocket technology, describes a Martian government led by ten men, who worked under a leader “elected by universal suffrage for five years under the name or title of Elon.” - German engineer predicted 'Elon' would conquer Mars in 1952 novel (nypost.com)
Seems Von Braun was well respected enough for NASA to post a bio of him on their webpage:
…..even though people in the aerospace game nicknamed the JPL the “Jack Parsons Labratory” after his seemingly sketchy death (sketchy as in some believe it was assassination, and other friends of Parson’s an attempt to create a homunculous – WTF).
“The same month JPL held an open access event to mark the 32nd anniversary of its foundation—which featured a "nativity scene" of mannequins reconstructing the November 1936 photograph of the GALCIT Group—and erected a monument commemorating their first rocket test on Halloween 1936.[25] Among the aerospace industry, JPL was nicknamed as standing for "Jack Parsons' Laboratory" or "Jack Parsons Lives".” - Jack Parsons (rocket engineer) - Wikipedia
But I suppose that is understandable when rumour has it one of your organisation’s founders was fucking about with astral projection and trying to summon the soul of an etherical being into an unborn fetus. It’s not like astral projection was considered a usable asset to the US government or anything. Oh wait a minute:
It’s almost like with all this rhetoric on Russia and China the US govt is going all out with the Commie bastard narrative once again huh? What is the bet the aliens will show up on the White House lawn in the next decade? My money is on the Nordics, which the Starseed agenda has seemingly been set up to be super accepting of.
Never mind that they are blonde haired and blue eyed; the same fucking eye and hair colours the Nazi’s were trying to make the dominant breed in their obsession with creating the Aryan Master race.
Do any of the followers of these channelers actually know where the Ashtar Command come from? I’ll give you a hint, all roads seem to lead back to the Theosophical society. The same society whose concepts on the Aryan race would go on to influence the Ariosophists that would in turn influence Hitler and the SS. Am I the only one concerned by this? Here’s an idea, what if the gameplan changed from Von Braun’s alien invasion, to strategic assimilation of the Nordics into general population. An already set up UFO religion would make a good pawn by which to carry out such assimilation, would it not?
But let’s do what skeptics like my brother in law do best and just ignore that for the time being as it doesn’t concern us right now. Don’t worry, I will definitely get to it in another article though.
Back to Parson’s and the idea he was trying to create a moonchild. Depending on what account of the story you read you might come across the one that suggests Crowley wasn’t particularly impressed with his and Hubbard’s efforts. {Allegedly} Crowley chastised them for opening the portal but lacking the magical skillset required to close it, which led to a tear in the fabric of space just sitting there waiting to let into our dimension whatever felt the need to come here….
….Like a black hole like anomaly perhaps?
“I was also told that I had been part of a “hive consciousness” that had tracked this amnesia to a black hole anomaly.
This black hole anomaly existed at the edge of this physical universe and was where the device causing the amnesia was being hidden.”
Except mine was at least 40 thousand years old.
So now you have myself, SD and Severin, playing around with occult concepts such as astral projection and lucid dreaming and we wound up claiming contact with non physical entities just like Parsons claimed. Lol, we are EXACTLY the type of people that NASA would employ to develop their rocket systems, as backed by history…….LOL
All evidence is suggestive Secret Societies such as The Golden Dawn, the Theosophical Society, the OTO etc were in possession of some very powerful secrets, and were conducting experiments specifically trying to contact non physical entities, which may have been met with some success. I have mentioned my suspicions that Blavatsky was given the Hybridisation schedule of the Aryans, which Hitler (whose salute seemed to be a check to make sure non physical entities were in fact friends) seemingly became the one to try and bring to fruition. Was rocket propulsion tech a gift from some of these non physical entities? If so, then what was exchanged for it. The opportunity to create a conduit by which to grant access to a physical body perhaps?
From Alien Interview:
“The recently despoiled German totalitarian state on Earth was similar to the "Old Empire", but not nearly as brutal, and about ten thousand times less powerful. Many of the ISBEs on Earth are here because they are violently opposed to totalitarian government, or because they were so psychotically vicious that they could not be controlled by "Old Empire" government.”
From the Commander:
There are numerous organizations that you refer to as "robed elders".
Each one has a niche role in this Prison Environment.
[4] Some were established by physical occult organizations from within the Prison population and has taken on a life of their own. These kinds of organizations are many. Some were created by accident. And some were created on purpose. One of the most famous (and prolific) occult leaders in your modern era was a man named Aleister Crowley and he was very active in creating some of these organizations in the non-physical worlds. Some spawned others, and some fractured and grew.
- Answers from The Domain from questions generated 24SEP21 (metallicman.com)
Oh, and you know that Krishnamurti guy the Theosophists thought were their Matraya, and who we found out in one of my recent articles was brought in to interview Airl during the Roswell Crash (assuming it was Jiddu and not Uppaluri)? Turns out Parsons went along to some of his lectures:
“Parsons had also attended lectures on Theosophy by philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti with his first wife Helen, but disliked the belief system's sentiment of "the good and the true".[178] During rocket tests, Parsons often recited Crowley's poem "Hymn to Pan" as a good luck charm.[168] He took to addressing Crowley as his "Most Beloved Father" and signed off to him as "thy son, John" - Jack Parsons (rocket engineer) - Wikipedia
Taking what we now know through alien interview and MM, I would also suggest that there was more weight to Parson’s attempt at creating a moonchild than one would first think. Crowley alludes to the idea that a magical war was being fought between black and white magicians; was this really a prediction of WW2? At the very least, Hubbard seemed to know something; his concept of Thetan’s are too heavily coincidental with Airl’s concept of an IS-BE. One could argue that if Spencer was a Scientologist then he could have just been rehashing some of Hubbard’s concepts, but then this doesn’t explain why my experiences paralleled the Alien Interview so closely. I always thought Scientology was a load of bullshit to make money of rich celebrities. Maybe that wasn’t it’s original intention.
Could it be that another entity made its way into the moonchild, than what was actually intended by Parson’s or Hubbard? Like an Old Empire agent, and this agent propagated its agenda through the occult community until they eventually reached Hitler? What if Crowley and Blavatsky got it all wrong; what if the ones they were contacted by were not as benevolent as they made themselves out to be?
SD’s experiences suggest that she has past life memories of the Nazi’s carrying out similar operations to deliberately incarnate the Aryan’s/ Nordics into newly developing fetuses. I guess that is just another coincidence right?
So we know Parsons was at one point well regarded by the OTO. But who exactly were they? Well, they were an Order established by a suspected German police agent and Freemason Theodore Ruess, Freemasonry student Carl Kellner, and associate of Blavatsky’s and Chairman of the Theosophical Society Adya board of control Franz Hartmann (considered one of the most important Theosophical writers of his time). Does this really surprise you?
“Originally {the OTO }was intended to be modeled after and associated with European Freemasonry,[2] such as Masonic Templar organizations, but under the leadership of Aleister Crowley, O.T.O. was reorganized around Crowley's Thelema as its central religious principle. One of the major features and core teachings of the organization is its practice of sex magic.[1]” - Ordo Templi Orientis - Wikipedia
So you could say, in a some ways Freemason’s were sympathetic to all the shit Jack was getting up to whilst in the OTO and a follower of Crowley’s. I mean, they might not have approved of him trying to put the soul of an etheric being in a child, or even believed it, but they would have at least shared belief in the same alchemical aspects of the Kabbalah. This is, after all the main driving concept behind both groups. And if you think the Masons weren’t messing around with trying to summon spirits, think again:
“The spirits of the Goetia are portions of the human brain. Their seals therefore represent methods of stimulating or regulating those particular spots (though the eye)." (Aleister Crowley, The Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic in the Goetia.)
If we as masons want to look at this in a philosophical sense we are all seeking to be the wise King Solomon. We must unlock the brass vessel of our own unconscious mind releasing all the aspects of ourselves we care not to let out. Each demon can be seen as an aspect of our personality that we keep hidden from the world. It is the goal of the magician with the aid of angels and magickal weapons to face the dark aspects of him and symbolically slay and expel those forces from our own spiritual nature, thus purifying him. This medieval system of what some would consider “black magick” is simply a way to reflect upon the aspects of our own psyche. If we as individuals wish to gain the wisdom of the archetypal king, we should face the shadow of ourselves and the demons that well in the void of our own nightmares.
Before one sincerely attempts to evoke these demons, one should first spend some time invoking the 72 counterpart angels of the Almadel. The Almadel is a very enlightening experience and puts the magician in touch with the aspects of virtue within the psyche of the individual. This should be required for two reasons, one: one should be in touch with their inner strength before they face the demons, and two: the angels of the Almadel have direct control over the demons of the brass vessel. The Almadel is a system of scrying into a crystal ball over a altar made of wax upon which are engraved the Holy names of God. Remember that invocation is to call down a power within your spirit and mind, so you invoke angels to bring them closer. The Magician will evoke demons, to to bring from within ones self into manifestation. “
Oh you mean like Jung’s Analytical Psychology?
“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. - Carl Jung”
Masonic tradition was literally based onsummoning the “demons” of Solomon, which were argued to really only be about unlocking hidden aspects of the mind. This presents an awkward conversation when you consider just how many astronauts, trained under NASA, are Freemasons: Masonic Astronauts | Freemason Information
So now we know not only was NASA’s JPL founded by a guy who thought it possible and necessary to try and cram the soul of an etheric being into an unborn fetus, but that a large portion of NASA personnel are part of an organisation that studies summoning angels and demons as part of their craft. Not only that, they believe the Jewish system of “(Qabalah) . . . formed an important part of the Masonic traditions, and undoubtedly contains the nearest approach to a direct revelation of the ancient canonical secrets of the old world;’ (1) – Masonry and the Cabala (masoncode.com)
You sure these guys would tell you if they found something? Majority of them won’t even tell you half the shit I just laid down.
This connection to Solomon must be taken note of; not only did I have the Greater and Lesser Keys (the real versions) in my possession when I had my experiences, which also happened when I was intensively studying the Kabbalah, but my research is indicative that those who are being contacted within the occult community – people like Severin and SD etc–, and being told about the reincarnation traps have a better-than-average understanding of these texts. Consider them as the oldest methods of Steven Greer’s CE5. They are not just interpretations of some philosophical theories. My research suggests they are legitimate documents that detail the process by which to prepare a physical body for the inhabitation of an interdimensional consciousness, and this is backed by abductees I have spoken to.Let’s just say I am spilling a bit of a secret here. According to my own research, what is being revealed appears to be the genuine account of Earth’s history, just like is suggested by the Freemasons. You cannot tell me that is not worth investigation.
So there it is, the complete and unabridged version of why I think NASA are not worth taking seriously when it comes to, well, pretty much anything. If they really truly wanted to understand things about the cosmos, then it would have done them well to listen to the concepts of Parsons and how he thought quantum physics could describe Thelemic magic…..who is to say they didn’t?
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the 18th part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
This particular read is truly enjoyable. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have.
Part 18 – A Look At Non-Physical Contact Through Participants External to Metallicman
In that article I gave a description of SD’s LD experience of a {yet another} consciousness facility, the beliefs of the Wandjina Wunggurr people of North Western Australia, and the idea that at some point in the long distant past the astral and physical planes were merged into one big reality soup.
I suggest reading it first if you haven’t already.
Now, getting to this article; there are some pretty interesting stories out there if you know where to look. More specifically, though, the occult community has some real gems if you are persistent enough and have a knack to filter through all the bullshit that has a tendency to come up.
For the past 10 years, I have been combing these groups searching for anything that could be remotely related to anything the Elder Guardians and the Unseen 5 told me.
More specifically the astral projection, lucid dreaming, demonology, remote viewing and just general spiritual communities were areas I started conducting my research.
When I get a hit, what I like to do is lay out the person’s experience – completely free of judgement – and tease out all the similar themes and, if there are enough of them, add the person and talk to them to get a more in depth understanding of their experience/s.
So when I come across something like the below message, you can betcha bottom dollar it draws my interest, and thus goes in my research basket.
This was something I stumbled upon the other day on a group for astral projection by a guy named Ophiuchus13:
“Hi. I just want to share with you all my Deep Meditation Experience. -January 6, 2022. There is a trap after life.
I encountered a white lizard beings. I saw an many small spaceship & was about to going inside the big mothership.
I see some soul light beings are fall in line & they going inside the mother ship too. When i scan the inside the lizard alien mothership i saw the soul light beings are imprisoned inside the electric prison cage.
Their divine self (consciousness) is inside the big looking glass jar.
That is why they being manipulated to go inside the alien ship.
I fight with the white lizard alien & crash all spaceship using the thunderbolts & lava. -January 2, 2022.
I saw a white spirit, he's/her body was tied while the flame is burning to him/her. she's/he's indeed eternal or immortal and yet he/she was suffering so i save him/her. After a few moments i saw a vision of a dark crystal ball and it was holding by the white ruler in his hand.
his head face is a lion.
i scan the crystal ball thru my inner eye. the dark crystal ball is the physical universe. where in so many spark of light was inside the black crystal ball.
i tried to destroy the ball but it was really hard but i made it to make it crack so while spark of lighmt will gradually get away.
i saw the companion of the lion head rulers most of them are white tnt obo. they tell me that im ranking #4 for being interloper.
their realms are light but i dont feel any divine feelings to them and their realms. -October 30, 2021.
(3 AM+) I entered the White Crystal Portal, which was super long and brilliant. At the end of it. I am outside the universe as in total darkness but there are stars that are very numerous.
I also see a lot of White Box/White Container.
I approached it, I saw so many souls in a White Box, they were standing and lined up.
I felt when I saw that they were in a deep state of hallucination.
The feeling that they thought they were in Heaven but they did not know that they were in a White Box that was crowded.
I decided to broke the box, by releasing some power on my weapon.
After i broke the white box with full of souls or light beings, the souls have been set freed in the white box and they are going in different directions like star dust in the universe.
Later on, an Angel of Light with 9 Wings appeared to me, but I didn't feel any holiness in him.
He said "why am I interfering", I said via telepathically that his/her doing wrong.
Because he gave hallucinations to light beings or souls and confined them in a white box.
He replied to me "Don't let me interfere".
Later I released massive thunder bolts or lightning in many white boxes. I can see that the boxes were broken and the souls were freed, estimated they were in 57K that i helped the souls that have disappeared in box & going different directions floated and flew.in
Then a white Angel with 9 wings got mad at me.
They tied my hands with a white chain but I broke the white chain. They were angry because I'm interfering there works. Until they did nothing to me, they also failed to stop me from freeing the souls trapped in the light portal box.”
Yeah I know, I know; MM is not particular fond of the Reptilian schpeel, but I have a rule when it comes to comparing these sorts of stories with others, and that is to ignore any labels or information identifying race, motivations and anything that could be the result of deliberately implanted distortion into the mind of the experiencer (given the manipulation tactics I have encountered through my experiences, I simply do not trust these images – I cannot rule out that these non physical beings project false images to mask their identities).
What I take note of is the core aspects of the experience, and what I am interested in here is the guy effectively conducted a remote viewing session through meditation and saw parts of the amnesia traps we encounter after death.
So I got to talking with him in a private chat, and he revealed some more information: These beings are cloning his astral bodies using the akashic records as a template to alter the code for the purpose of having him not interfere in their plans.
Remember how I said the amnesia operated as a sort of code that manipulated a person’s higher energetic bodies so that they would blindly enter into the reincarnation/soul burning chamber after death (which I fucking remember as being what took place right before being thrown into this useless meatsuit)? Well this conversation certainly turned interesting. But I guess it’s just a coincidence and it was something our minds just conjured up after watching a few too many matrix movies right? {Insert laughing face skeptics like to use as a measure of the supposed intelligence they possess to talk about such subjects, rather than actually contribute any meaningful dialogue XD XD XD XD}. But let’s not end it there.
This is just one of many other stories I have come across that when taken individually comes across as nothing more than the ravings of a mad man, but when combined with the experiences of others start to point at a higher truth slowly being revealed to us.
The Watchers Covid Message
Take for instance this little nugget that was given to an occultist, Severin Aequus, (now a contact that I engage in respectful banter with about occult subjects) just as the whole COVID thing was gaining traction back at the beginning of 2020 (and yeah I have known about it this whole time but refrained from mentioning it, because I like to get an idea of people’s viewpoints on subjects before something can bias it towards one end or another):
“The Watchers' COVID-19 Message:
Note: This essay is rather long because there is a need for it to be exhaustive and thorough with regard to the conditions and interpretation of the message. But in order to appease those of you without a lot of time to devote to this, I've included the word "Note:" before any paragraph which is not essential to understanding the message itself.I've spent much of my time over the last few weeks puzzling over what caused the dramatic shift in consciousness that most people appear to have experienced within the last couple of months.
A few people, myself included, were unaffected by whatever this influence was. So from our perspective it appears that the world has gone insane. That's not to say that anyone is wrong in terms of their views and/or opinions on how the world should respond to pandemics. It's just that they are inconsistent with the way that we, as a society, have dealt with similar epidemics in the past. If you feel like an outsider watching the world conduct the largest cosplay event ever conceived, then you know which group you're in. On the other hand, if you feel that the world is acting perfectly rationally and consistently, then you are among the majority in the former group. The only thing that seems to differentiate why a person went one way or the other seems to be related to how well-developed their sense of empathy is. Essentially, the capacity for empathy appears to be awakening within everyone. Thus, those who seem unaffected are actually the ones who already had a functioning sense of empathy. Affected?
Affected by what?
I received a message on May 5, 2020 from a set of intelligences I call "The Watchers". They are also known by some as "The Secret Chiefs", "The Masters" and many other names according to spiritual and/or cultural tradition. I have been in contact with them intermittently for the last 20 years.
Over that time, I have received 3 communications from them, including this one. As a matter of convention, all text which comes directly from the message will appear in ALL CAPS. The rest can be assumed to be just my personal commentary, opinion, or conjecture. Note: For those who do not know me, it may be worth pointing out that I am not the type to seek out these sorts of experiences. Quite the contrary. I'm a scientist who has a knack for making "paranormal" things suddenly stop happening just by being in the room. While I have had some success with developing certain types of telepathic and spiritual mediumship abilities, I simply find it to be more practical for daily life to leave those things turned off. So in order for any kind of spiritual intelligence to get my attention, it must be loud and bold.In this particular case, one of the Watchers appeared to my girlfriend while in normal waking consciousness to express his frustration that I could not hear him/them. Hopefully, that provides some helpful background material about the character and practices of your messenger. Note: I cannot provide an exact transcript of the message because they do not speak in language. They are inherently telepathic and can turn on the latent telepathic abilities in humans in order to "hear" them.The first time they "spoke" to me we had to go through a calibration process because they were trying to send information much more quickly than I was able to receive it, much less actually process or understand it. Even at the slowed rate, it's still much too fast to make any use of on the spot. So they leave me with it and I spend the next week sorting through it all and actually comprehending what is in there. For this reason, I often refer to it as an information download. Regarding intent and provenance, I can attest that these beings are not malicious at all. However, I wouldn't exactly call them benevolent either. Their perspective is too far removed from our own for us to be able to fairly assess their integrity or motivations. But who else could have brought about such radical and sudden shift in consciousness? No one in human history has even come close to effecting such radical change on a global scale before and there's no reason to assume that one person or a small cabal are capable of it now. THEY ARE CONDUCTING A MAGICAL OPERATION ON A GLOBAL SCALE TO AFFECT A CHANGE IN THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF HUMANITY. To set the proper context, I have received no knowledge of anything regarding the COVID-19 virus, it's origins, or anything else of a medical nature. That's not what any of this is about. I will say that I feel it's most likely that The Watchers took advantage of a convenient opportunity to piggy-back their operation onto a suitably scary event as opposed to them actually manifesting the virus. But I can't say for sure and the answer is probably irrelevant anyway. The point is that the virus is a means to an end. THIS EMOTIONAL EVENT IS NECESSARY IN ORDER TO TRIGGER THE INTENDED SHIFT IN CONSCIOUSNESS. A shift in consciousness is evidenced by the outpouring of compassion that people are demonstrating for those most susceptible to dying as a result of being infected with COVID-19. When over 80,000 people died from the 2018 flu, it was barely a footnote in most news broadcasts. So, on one hand, our behavior is radically inconsistent. But on the other, we're demonstrating compassion and empathy on a level never before seen. It may even be that some of us have begun to conceive of humanity as one… a monad. While the worst-case scenario for the virus, in terms of lethality, seems to have been avoided, humanity's reaction to it is unprecedented. In the short term - speaking from an American perspective - we are likely to see several social changes in the form of new government programs. Universal (aka. Single Payer) Healthcare and Basic Minimum Income seem like obvious pieces of legislation to pass in the very near future. The fact that I can write such a sentence is shocking considering that it was unfathomable to most Americans before this crisis. That further goes to show that this is having precisely the kind of impact that The Watchers intended for us. While the implementation of various social welfare programs is a great thing, that is just incidental progress along the way to something much bigger. THE ACTUAL STATED GOAL OF THE OPERATION IS TO MERGE THE PHYSICAL AND ASTRAL PLANES OF EXISTENCE. In other words, the 'creatures' and other characters that can presently only be seen through normal waking eyes by the most gifted and practiced seers or mediums will eventually become plainly visible to everyone. As I have begun to slowly promulgate this message, I have received messages from dozens of people from all over the world reporting that their ability to perceive "the other side" has become dramatically stronger in recent months. In an attempt to confirm the validity of the message I received, I contacted a couple of friends of mine who are particularly gifted seers to inquire about anything special going on that day or if they had received any messages. What they revealed confirmed my suspicions that what I received was a genuine communication intended for broadcast.However, to be certain I waited a week before writing the first draft of this post in order to observe whether the message remained as crisp in my memory as it did the day of, as would be expected of a genuine communication. It has. Note: I don't have their permission to reveal their names… or necessarily their support to reveal this message at all. So I'll have to make annoyingly frequent use of pronouns to keep this accounting of events anonymous. Before I get into the details of their experiences, it's worth noting that the appearance of such messages differs from one person to the next because we each perceive reality through the lenses of our knowledge and experience. So it stands to reason that no two people will perceive the same thing in exactly the same way. This holds true for physical objects as well (e.g. "Isn't this painting beautiful?"). Their version of the message came across within the context of their own symbols and cosmology, which happens to be Wiccan. They described it as a "tearing down of the veil between this world and the next". One of them said that they used to have a little old black and white TV with poor reception in their head that they could watch and sometimes glean information from. Starting about a month ago, their TV is now in 4K Theater Surround Mode! They've been having trouble getting overwhelmed with all of the information they're now receiving. They both mentioned that "soon everyone will have the second sight". Note: I don't know what "soon" exactly means, however. I find it highly unlikely that any such shift in awareness in anything we might consider a "soon" time span would cause anything short of massive panic and destructive behavior. The only way that a change that dramatic can be accomplished without sending the word spiraling into madness must be very slow and methodical. So from The Watchers' perspective, this shift may be coming "soon". But on our time scale, think in terms of 2-3 generations (40-60 years) at least. If you've been wondering WHEN THIS VIRUS STUFF WILL PASS AND THINGS RETURN TO "NORMAL", THE ANSWER IS NEVER. Sure, the virus will pass. But IT WAS JUST A CATALYST FOR A FUNDAMENTAL SHIFT IN HUMAN AWARENESS. Even without some bigger goal in mind, just the psychological effect of us having to justify our behavior will result in long-term consequences for the rest of our natural lives. Fortunately for you, this message provides all you need to justify your sudden change in attitude and behavior, so that's one less thing to wrestle with later in life.This leaves us with one big lingering question: Why? To put it quite simply, they expressed that THEY ARE TIRED OF WATCHING US GO THROUGH EXTINCTION EVENTS. THERE'S SIMPLY NOTHING LEFT FOR THE WATCHERS TO LEARN FROM THOSE EVENTS. Hold up… The clear implication of that statement is that without intervention, we were headed toward an imminent self-imposed mass extinction event and this shift in the collective consciousness was necessary to avoid that fate. They didn't specify the nature of this event. But we could certainly devise a short list of likely candidates. But does it matter if it's been averted? Maybe. They weren't completely clear as to whether the event was conclusively diverted or if it was merely postponed or if they just suspect that this change will be enough to avert the crisis when it comes. Of course, this also begs the question of what these previous extinction events were. It's conceivable that this Earth has seen multiple humanoid experiments in its 4.5 billion-year history, especially since we've only been here for 100,00 or so. The only thing we can say about that is that they must not have reached our level of technological "advancement" because we aren't going around picking up pieces of ancient styrofoam everywhere. ( For more information, see this article from Popular Mechanics: https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/animals/a32743456/rapid-mass-extinction/).
Another possibility is that they are referring to micro-extinctions on the level of civilizations, such as the Mayans. Other more "out there" possibilities include the idea that there could be many humanoid experiments being conducted right now on different planets. Or they could be referring to an abstract idea of timelines intersecting across n-dimensional space-time. But they didn't specify, so you're free to take your pick or add your own idea. This brings us to a close. Please note that the message is what it is. I can provide very little other than what has been included here. Thus, each person must decide for themselves whether it is something they are willing and able to accept or not. Also, if you have received any related messages or have anything to add to this narrative, please share your experience in the comments”
Wow! I have to admit, I am impressed with Severin’s writing, and even more so with his ability to keep an objective perspective when dealing with his own {seemingly crazy, going by society’s standards} experiences.
Like me, Severin has his own experiments going when it comes to astral projection (he’s even got a you tube channel up at that talks about that subject a bit more in depth if anyone is interested: Scientific Illuminism Institute – YouTube) Seems to be a rarity in this day and age when dealing with messages communicated in the non physical domain.
Again, when we start peeling back some of the core aspects of Severin’s experience, we find some similarities with the “secret chiefs” and my Elder Guardians, the idea that both groups don’t want to see us go extinct on account of being a bunch of dumb apes (for the umpteenth time, according to Severin’s Watcher), and that there is room for improvement when it comes to our cognitive processing abilities.
Then there is the idea that these Watchers are slowly expanding people’s consciousness to effectively be able to see what astral projectors see when they are off galavanting around the astral planes…. Which reminds me (taken from my part 3):
“{The Unseen 5 Leader} mentioned that the organization’s numbers used to be quite significantly higher; the recent (past 1000 years) decline in its numbers meant that the 5 of them were under a substantial logistics workload, even when operating from this higher state of consciousness. {The Unseen 5 Leader} was the only full time operator, after all. Thus an additional task of mine included making their presence known to those with astral projection/ lucid dreaming abilities.{The Unseen 5 Leader} was concerned people with these skills didn’t take them as seriously as I did. He made a point of telling me the astral planes weren’t there just for people to go buzzing around on a holiday away from physical reality. They were the frontlines of a very real non physical war where the weapon of choice was being targeted directly at human consciousness.”
Severin told me that since posting this on the on that particular astral projection group that he has had it confirmed by more than a dozen other people who have had similar contact experiences, and suggests “there’s definitely some meat on those bones”. He also suggested there is a definite ET element to this, but suggests “people don’t realise they are travelling astrally, not physically”.
So the “Watchers” (take note of this terminology; I have found it a common terminology used by other abductees who understand the ET/ Astral relationship, along with “the Others”) are planning on merging the non physical and physical planes eh?
And yeah, I could see how if you’d never astral projected before that this might come across as total bullshit and insanity. But if more than one person are saying the same thing, then it’s a good bet that argument goes out the window. In case you missed my last article, my wife, SD, was also given similar information.
That article also points to some more consistency in this narrative from the perspective of two ancient cultures. Here’s a piece I didn’t add that gives a bit of back story to her experiences.
“Again I was walking the dog behind the oval at the mud pits, and there was a man just standing at the top of this small ridgeline with a German shepherd. The most off putting thing was that wherever they looked, it was at the same time like both of them were synchronized robots or something; when the man would turn his head the dog would turn it as well like they were one entity. Charlie was going about his business and then when we got to that bit where they were – you had to go up and over this little cliff and down into a gully – he just stopped, his heckles went up and he walked backwards out of the gulley when he saw them. I turned around and followed Charlie (the dog) because it was just strange and creepy.
That was the first time I physically saw that guy, and that is when the weird dreams started; they were of that person or dude, or whatever he was telling me weird things about different times and places; that was how I formerly met him.
He had a scar down one side of his face that he apparently got in some war. I ended up calling him Vince after a TV show with a similar looking guy. The things he would talk about seemed like they were in reference to astral worlds.
Vince would tell me things to do with a flood and the Fae race. He reminded me that my soul was not a typical person soul – this had been revealed to me by the creatures around my bed. He explained there are four different types of human so to speak. Ones that have souls from the beings from before (when the astral and physical planes were one thing); some are the typical ape descendant, one is a hybrid race that comes from what I assumed at the time he meant as being dinosaurs, and the other one is similar to what I now know to be the Nordic type.
He said they were the four types of human that live on the planet currently, and there will come a time in my life where people will find out about it, and that it is important to remember which one I am, because there will be a lot of bullshit and people will try to tell me that I am something that I am not, and to remember that having a Witch’s power is very significant. It was because of him I found out about the astral war; he told me all about it.
What he told me was that the astral war has been going on for quite some time; pretty much there is the equivalent of what biblical orientated people would assume are angels and demons but they aren’t. They are the same race split in two, one half is fighting for the merge of the astral and physical worlds to come back,one is fighting against it to keep it separated. My people/ race were originally very powerful because of their magical abilities but then another race came into it and decided that because of their science they were superior. The human races are new because the science race is one of the ones who do all the manipulative things to everyone through technology. They have also used their tech to create certain types of people. The problem is those types of beings don’t have the ability to create soul energy from nothing, whereas the people who were my people were able to create soul energy.
The gist I got, was that there are some beings who have souls and who can have children who have souls and then there are some who cannot: the ones who don’t have souls, want one because when their life ends they are gone. So they are trying to pretty much steal and take the magic part of the DNA that creates souls; there is apparently a section of DNA – a tiny piece – that dictates whether or not someone has a soul complex or not.
So that is what the war is literally over, the ones who don’t have the souls enslaved the people who do, and forced them into camps raped them , did experiments on them and tortured them for thousands of years.
The factions in the astral that are now trying to fix the problem are trying to wake up the whole physical realm to this other thing that is going on, because at the moment they are the only realm that knows that there is more than just themselves; they are trying to wake up people in the physical plane to the fact that there is another 12 planes of existence (13 altogether). Half of the issue is that these four races on earth are all from different factions and the DNA from some of them has the ability to open the veils and join the astral with the physical – they are the keys.
The problem is that the ones that have been pretty much making dummy people to try and figure out how to make a soul have very conveniently built into their people this weird obsession with energy so they can be manipulated by it; so they can and will hinder, hurt and kill those who are the keys trying to access that.
Apparently the keys are given a guard so when they unlock the key part of themselves they are therefore guarded continuously from then on, because they become more vulnerable physically when they are spiritually awoken. Vince allegedly was my first guard before the physical one came (DM).
Rather than rehash the whole transcription that I did include in that article, lets just take some key paragraphs:
“Firstly the Fae (faery) beings were on earth. At the same time there were various types of humans (Neanderthal included) and at that time, the physical and astral realms were tethered to each other and you could walk through each easily like walking over a bridge or through a door; there was no need to fall asleep to detach the consciousness from the physical body because on earth they could manipulate the matter body to become light body and astral body at will. We will never get out if the merge doesn't happen. The amnesia will never go away if it doesn't happen. We will be stuck in an infinite reincarnation loop if it doesn’t happen.But the ones who separated the matter from the astral and their allies are doing everything to try and not let that happen. Some human officials know about this and are trying to stop the re-opening. Abrahamic religion is the enemy of all who want to be free of this trap.”
Do I really need to spell out the very obvious connections for you? This is quickly turning into some sort of weird love triangle between seemingly random folk (consider SD and me as one person) except replace word “love” with “occult information downloads”.
These three people alone seem to have a better idea of what’s going when it comes to the ET agenda than do the entire fucking community that has been established to “investigate” UFOs over the past 3 quarters of a century.
Yet they won’t be taken seriously because of a wall of ignorance when it comes to what occultism actually is.
But yeah I know ….laughing smiley faces and all that from the skeptic community.
Oh yeah speaking of skeptics, SD and I have a friend who, until very recently was a skeptic to anything ET or UFO related. Thinking it was all a load of complete bullshit her whole life kind of skeptic.
That was, of course until she started committing herself to daily meditation practices and then started seeing random light beings hanging around her yard – literally standing in the back yard just casually going about their business.
Now she believes she is in communication with her real mother and her dead friend, seemingly overnight, a real double whammy. Sounds like she got a dose of that astral sight Severin Mentioned.
There are various other stories with striking similarities I have come across over the years that I either don’t have permission to reproduce here or was too short sighted to bother copying down.
Point is, they are there if your initiative extends beyond lifting a finger and clicking on a laughing face emoticon. What we can distill from these stories is that higher order information in regards to earth’s history is being given to these people who have a background in either astral projection, lucid dreaming, or transcendental meditation, in pretty much the exact same way myself and SD having being accessing similar information, or by similar non physical entities. The occult theme is a very strong connector of these stories.
We know from the Domain commander and my Grand Elder Guardian that lucid dreamers are considered extremely valuable assets because they can act as conduits for these non physicals to contact the physical world, as well as detach consciousness and move about through the greater universe:
“A person with the ability to conduct “lucid dreaming” has a special and unique skill set that enables them to be a mission critical asset. However, this kind of asset should not be meaninglessly squandered, but rather should be briefed on a specific target and then act in coordination with other unified forces to achieve a very specific outcome” Answers from The Domain from questions generated 18SEP21 (metallicman.com)
“Apparently, according to these Elders, anyone who demonstrated these abilities were held in high regard by them, as it allowed them the opportunity to communicate with those back on the physical plane without it being compromised by external forces.”
[daegonmagus] - Part 1 - Exploration of the Non-Physical Reality (metallicman.com)
And then there’s these lyrics from the band Tool, who just so happen to be a bunch of Occultists (the drummer’s dad was a Freemason) and Lucid dreamers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zRLakTHcX0) who me and SD have both met in numerous LDs (The singer Maynard, was actually getting annoyed at her for “not yet becoming lucid enough to talk to him in one of them”).
They are mentioned in a past brief article on MM. And let me just state I have also used LD to create a simulation of a Tool concert one night after going to a, you guessed it, Tool concert; it was fucking incredible I watched the whole thing from about a 25m above the crowd on top of a skyscraper. Anyways this song came out in the middle of 2019, several months before COVID was even a splinter in the minds of us all and is titled “Fear Innoculum”. It is off the album of the same name (not mentioned in that MM article):
Immunity, long Overdue. Contagion, I exhale you
Naïve, I opened up to you, venom and mania.
Now Contagion, I exhale you.
The Deceiver says, “You belong to me. You don’t wanna breathe the light of the others.
Fear the light. Fear the breath. Fear the othersfor eternity.”
But I hear them now. Inhale the clarity. I hear the venom in what you say.
Bless this immunity.
Exhale. Expel. Recast my tale. Weave my allegorical elegy.
Enumerate all that I’m to do. Calculating steps away from you.
My own mitosis, growing through division from mania.
Exhale. Expel. Recast my tale. Weave my allegorical elegy.
Forfeit all control, you Poison, you Spectacle.
Exorcise the Spectacle. Exorcise the malady.
Exorcize the disparate poison for eternity.
Purge me and Evacuate the Venom & the Fear that binds me.
Your veil now, lift away.
I see you running.
Deceiver, chased away. A Long time coming.
It almost seems as though Tool {might have} been given some information about COVID prior to it happening through lucid dreaming and downloading some of that higher order information. Then there are their songs on that same album about a “Tempest” coming to fuck with the establishment, how we are spiritual “Pneuma”/ soul based entities bound to flesh that need to “wake up”, being too old to fight and laying down arms, stirring us from our slumber to call us to “arms and order”, culling the voices in our head that whisper us into psychopathy and having psychopathic tendencies against one another…..read the lyrics and tell me it’s not all one big fucking metaphor for this entire Metallicman site. The Tool Page: Fear Inoculum Lyrics (down.net)
But of course, Maynard (the singer/ lyricist) suggests he was just “very well informed” and not really predicting anything. And yeah I mean I get it. The last thing you want to do when you are a big rock star is go around admitting you believe in interdimensional entities contacting people through lucid dreaming, just in case people start thinking your fucking nuts and your fan base starts diminishing. Like the guy I talked to on a Tool fan group who couldn’t grasp the concept of the lyric “I sold my soul to make a record, dipshit” and the sigil of the Goetic spirit Astaroth that appears on that very disc (remember this it; will become relevant in a future articles).
It is not actually a proper song, but a remix of a call to Coast to Coast radio station back in 1997 from an apparent ex Area 51 employee who began telling Art Bell that ETs were “extra dimensional entities” that had infiltrated various levels of the US government, military and space (NASA) sectors.
This government and this military apparently knew about “coming chaotic events” and could have been moving people to safer locations but were choosing not to in order to allow better control over the survivors.
The call apparently got cut off half way through, and the station went down, if I recall correctly.
The are those who suggest it was real, and those who suggested it was a hoax that touched on some shit the US government {at the time} didn’t want people knowing about, hence the reason for the apparent media blackout that happened half way through it.
Is it just another coincidence that Tool tacked this on to the end of an album about alchemy and spiritual evolution through concepts established by Carl Jung, who was also an apparent lucid dreamer?
Then there is their song Rosetta Stoned off their 10 000 days album which seems to be a piss take of a seemingly normal guy’s interaction with “almond shaped eyed ETs” that told him a bunch of important stuff he forgot to write down; it actually sounds a lot like what my experiences would have become, if you replace the almond eyes with long beards and took my dream journal away from next to my bed. It’s not like Myself and MM deal with our experiences through well placed humour or anything….
And Danny Carey, the drummer launching his Crowley inspired “Lam ET” clothing line. If you don’t know who or what the fuck a Lam is, don’t worry, we will get into it a bit further down. It’s a bit of a “grey” area, wink wink.
Faaip De Oad is apparently an Enochian word – remember that Angelic language I told you about that was transcribed by Edward Kelly as his associate John Dee sat in trance and allegedly communicated with the angel Enoch?
Occult societies such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn also dedicated much time and meditation to this language – Israel Regardie, Aleister Crowley’s secretary, includes a whole section about the Enochian calls and the “watchtowers” in his book, The Golden Dawn (let’s not get this confused with the Greek Neo Nazi Political party, which came long after) that Crowley and the order were using at the beginning of the 20thcentury.
And this isn’t just a passing reference; this was part of the actual curriculum Golden Dawn initiates were expected to study once they reached the higher ranks of the order on their quest to become Magisters Templi (Masters of the Temple) which was only achievable upon death. There are {allegedly} entire planes one can access through astral projection by using these calls, in which one experiences a rush of energy and possible contact with other wordly beings.
Crowley allegedly got so good at using them that he was able to access almost all of these planes pretty much at will. I, personally, have never bothered with them. I have been doing similar since I was 8 years old; why over complicate something I already knew?
After the Golden Dawn disbanded, Crowley would then go on to run the Ordo Templi Orientis (Order of the Oriental Temple/ OTO), where again much of these occult philosophies would take root.
While a whole article can be written about Crowley and his antics and the secret societies he was part of (and yeah, it’s coming) the important thing to note here is that Severin is a former member of the OTO.
This strengthens what the leader of the Unseen 5 told me back in November 2016; that those with astral projection and lucid dreaming capabilities are being prepared for 1stcontact by these non physical organisations.
It seems to me that the astral based Unseen 5 organisation I was initiated into are the ones in control of this whole operation, and are {possibly} responsible for seeding the curriculums of these Hermetic Societies into the minds of their members back as far as they can be traced (Ancient Egypt and Thoth/ Hermes).
Damn, we are covering a lot of ground here.
Let’s cover some more:
Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society again strengthens this occult/ non physical based contact connection. Unbeknownst to me at the time, it was Blavatsky who actually suggested the idea of the Ascended Masters/ Great White Brotherhood that I was studying around the time I was contacted by the Elder Guardians. Blavatsky literally wrote the book on “secret initiatory knowledge” – The Secret Doctrine – and claimed these traditions were passed along to her by a group of highly enlightened yogi’s, which she called the Mahatmas, that were living in Tibet. This concept of Secret Masters (or chiefs as Severin calls them) was further expanded upon by CW Leadbeater, who continued on the society after Blavatsky’s death. If you have ever read up on Saint Germain or Jesus being an Ascended Master/ part of the GWB then you can take comfort in the fact that Blavatsky, an Occultist whose notoriety rivalled that of Crowley, was touting these ideas the same time Jack the Ripper was running around London killing prostitutes.
That article raises some very good points, though I would have suggested Crowley was the killer based on some similarities I found with his hand writing and the letters left by old Jack, even if he was only a teenager at the time (I am actually writing a fictional book about this if I ever find the time to finish it).
Regardless of whether Crowley was correct in his assumptions or not, Blavatsky had something to say when it came to the 7 root races of earth that she obtained through “astral clairvoyance”. I find it interesting what she said about the 1st and 6th Root Race:
‘The first root race (Polarian)
The first root race was “ethereal”, i.e. they were composed of etheric matter. They reproduced by dividing like an amoeba. Earth was still cooling at that time. The first mountain to arise out of the stormy primeval ocean was Mount Meru.”– Root race – Wikipedia
Kind of like what the Wandjina Wunggurr peoples of North Western Australia said about the Wandjina spirits eh, before painting pictures of them all over the fucking desert, that looked a just little bit like the Greys. Similar to this non physical entity that apparently contacted Crowley, after he conducted a ritual to “create a portal between the stars to let it in”, I suppose. Crowley thought Lam to be the spirit of a dead Tibetan Monk:
It gets interesting when you read Blavatsky’s {somewhat racially bias} entry on the 5th root race:
The fifth root race (Aryan)
Early beginnings of the Aryan root race
Blavatsky asserted humanity is now in the fifth or Aryan root race, which Theosophists believe to have emerged from the previous fourth root race (Atlantean root race) beginning about 100,000 years ago in Atlantis. (According to Powell, when Madame Blavatsky stated the Aryan root race was 1,000,000 years old, she meant that the souls of the people that later physically incarnated as the first Aryans about 100,000 years ago began to incarnate in the bodies of Atlanteans 1,000,000 years ago.[13] However, another way of interpreting this is that Nature began to create the Aryan race before the final cataclysms.) Theosophists believe the Aryan root race was physically progenerated by the Vaivasvatu Manu, one of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom. The present-day ethnic group most closely related to the new race is the Kabyle. The small band of only 9,000 people constituting the then small Aryan root race migrated out of Atlantis in 79,797 BC. The bards of the new white root-race poetically referred to the new race as being moon-colored.[19] A small group of these Aryan migrants from Atlantis split from the main body of migrants and went south to the shore of an inland sea in what was then a verdant and lush Sahara where they founded the “City of the Sun”. The main body of migrants continued onwards to an island called the “white island” in the middle of what was then an inland sea in what is now the Gobi desert, where they established the “City of the Bridge”.[20] (The “City of the Bridge” was constructed directly below the etheric city called Shamballa where Theosophists believe the governing deity of Earth, Sanat Kumara, dwells; thus, the ongoing evolution of the Aryan root race has been divinely guided by the being Theosophists call “The Lord of the World”.)
The esoteric name of the whole of the present land surface of Earth, i.e. the World Island, the Americas, the Australian continent and Antarctica taken as a whole is Krauncha.[8]
Blavatsky connects physical race with spiritual attributes constantly throughout her works:
The intellectual difference between the Aryan and other civilized nations and such savages as the South Sea Islanders, is inexplicable on any other grounds. No amount of culture, nor generations of training amid civilization, could raise such human specimens as the Bushmen, the Veddhas of Ceylon, and some African tribes, to the same intellectual level as the Aryans, the Semites, and the Turanians so called. The ‘sacred spark’ is missing in them and it is they who are the only inferior races on the globe, now happily – owing to the wise adjustment of nature which ever works in that direction – fast dying out. Verily mankind is ‘of one blood,’ but not of the same essence. We are the hot-house, artificially quickened plants in nature, having in us a spark, which in them is latent.”[21] … Esoteric history teaches that idols and their worship died out with the Fourth Race, until the survivors of the hybrid races of the latter (Chinamen, African Negroes, &c.) gradually brought the worship back. The Vedas countenance no idols; all the modern Hindu writings do.[22]
Generally speaking, a large percentage of the people who live in the time of the period of the fifth root race are part of the fifth root race. However Blavatsky also opines that some Semitic peopleshave become “degenerate in spirituality”. She asserted that some peoples descended from the Lemurians are “semi-animal creatures”. These latter include “the Tasmanians, a portion of the Australians.” There are also “considerable numbers of the mixed Lemuro-Atlantean peoples produced by various crossings with such semi-human stocks — e.g., the wild men of Borneo, the Veddhasof Ceylon, most of the remaining Australians, Bushmen, Negritos, Andaman Islanders, etc.”[23]All these aforementioned groups mentioned by Blavatsky, except the Borneians, are part of what in the late 19th and most of the 20th century was called the Australoid race(except for the Bushmen, part of the Capoid race), both of which races, as noted above, were believed by traditional Theosophists to have been descended from the Lemurians
In case you didn’t get it, those underlined parts are very synonymous with what Airl said and which I highlighted in the article about the Wandjina spirits:
“These IS-BEs are mixed together with earlier inhabitants of Earth who came from another star system more than 400,000 years ago to establish the civilizations of Atlanta [ii] (Footnote) and Lemuria [iii] (Footnote). Those civilizations vanished beneath the tidal waves caused by a planetary “polar shift”, [iv] (Footnote) many thousands of years before the current “prison” population started to arrive. Apparently, the IS-BEs from those star systems were the source of the original, oriental races of Earth, beginning in Australia (it’s ok I rarely bother with footnotes either).” – Alien Interview
Bet you didn’t realise the Theosophical society were also indirectly involved in Airl’s interrogation at Roswell, long after Blavatsky turned to bones and dust, huh?
“Over the next several days a psychic research scientist from back East was flown to the base to interview the alien. Her name was Gertrude something or other. I don’t recall the last name. On another occasion an Indian clairvoyant named Krishnamurti came to the base to try to communicate with the alien. Neither one was successful at getting the alien to communicate anything. I was personally not able to communicate telepathically with either of these people either, although I did think that Krishnamurti was a very kind and intelligent gentleman. ” – Alien Interview
Krishnamurti went on to become a Jesus like figure known as Matraya to the Theosophical society, which is even included in Spencer’s foot notes (#33) in Alien Interview. Krishnamurti ended up rejecting the Theosophist claim he was the “world teacher” much to their dissatisfaction, to which Leadbeater basically said the “Messiah came and it was a total fucking failure”:
What Spencer didn’t include in that footnote was that there was another Krishnamurti (unrelated) of Indian descent who was also associated with the Theosophical society during the same period and who fits the criteria of a clairvoyant much more than Jiddu.
This particular Krishnamurti even had experience training with yogi’s in Tibet over seven summers.
Seriously, read about his philosophy on thought and tell me it doesn’t sound similar to my meditation of the stillness of the mind found in my 1stlucid dreaming lesson. He seems like a more likely candidate to try and get the ET to talk than someone who was a “dim-witted child with a cool aura”:
“I have no teaching. There is nothing to preserve. Teaching implies something that can be used to bring about change. Sorry, there is no teaching here, just disjointed, disconnected sentences. What is there is only your interpretation, nothing else. For this reason there is not now nor will there ever be any kind of copyright for whatever I am saying. I have no claims.[23]I am forced by the nature of your listening to always negate the first statement with another statement. Then the second statement is negated by a third and so on. My aim is not some comfy dialectical thesis but the total negation of everything that can be expressed.”- U. G. Krishnamurti - Wikipedia
”Once you start catching these thoughts, try experimenting with neutralising them with their polar opposites.When there is a “gnawing feeling” that you should react a certain way, take a breath and just observe it passively.The human mind has a myriad of triggers that professionals have learnt how to push and prod. Unfortunately for you, they don’t stop being pushed just when an advertisement has run its course through your head.This is how you learn how to deactivate them. By doing so you will be teaching yourself to be less prone to manipulation whilst in the void space.
You will strengthen your psychological disposition towards dealing with whatever the dream state throws at you. This is a big part of what occult philosophy is about.”
-[daegonmagus] - Part 8 - Lucid Dreaming Lesson 1: The Lucid Void Space and The Three Meditations (metallicman.com)
If you think this rabbit hole is getting weird, then allow me to point you in the direction of the Aetherius society, headed by self proclaimed yoga master George King.
The Aetherius society was an offshoot based primarily on the Theosophical societies beliefs, established in the mid 1950s by King.
Whilst the Theosophical society didn’t come right out and say the non physical entities they were involved with were ETs, (until much later, any way) the Aetherius Society did.
In fact, the whole fucking premise behind it was that King came into contact with non physical extra terrestrial intelligences that he called the Cosmic Masters during his marathon yoga sessions.
It is, for all intents and purposes these days considered a UFO religion. I came across them after trying to figure out who the Unseen 5 were. Essentially King and another 4 Adepts were responsible for entering into the astral planes and evicting an alien presence that dwelt there that was fucking with humanity without their knowledge, what they equated to as being “Satan” (I wondered if the Aetherius Society and the Unseen 5 were the one and the same given they had a very similar modus operandi and a very similar headcount).
Now I have to admit, if it wasn’t for my own interactions with the Unseen 5, this story would have seemed somewhat ridiculous.
Where it gets even weirder is that there is a declassified FBI document about Nikola Tesla being originally from Venus, where King is featured. For some reason, the FBI never slapped a big red BOGUS sticker all over it like they did with every page of the Majestic 12 documents.
While the document seems to be the very real investigation into plans for Tesla’s death ray being stolen by his nephew after his death and dropped into the hands of the Soviets, it also briefly mentions George King in several paragraphs, who seems to have predicted with pin point accuracy where and when UFOs were going to land all over America.
This was included as a part of a magazine issue of the “Cosmic Voice”, which seemingly was important to the Tesla investigation because of reports A woman named Margaret Storme (lol), was using a radio type machine invented by Tesla in 1938 for “Interplanetery communication purposes”.
Also because the Magazine suggested King was told by the non physical intelligences he was in contact with that Tesla was from Venus.
I can’t find any subsequent information on any sightings happening on those dates King suggested America would be visited by UFOs, though the bit on Tesla reminds me of what Airl said:
“A few officers of The Domain Expeditionary Force have taken it upon themselves to provide technology to Earth during their off duty time. These officers leave their “doll” at the space station and, as an IS-BE, assume or take over a biological body on Earth. In some cases an officer can remain on duty while they inhabit and control other bodies at the same time.
This is a very dangerous and adventurous undertaking.
It requires a very able IS-BE to accomplish such a mission, and return to base successfully. One officer who did this recently, while continuing to attend to his official duties, was known on Earth as the electronics inventor, Nicola Tesla. “
Here’s another paragraph of King suggesting the aliens had protocols in place to make sure we pay off our debts through diseases and epidemics. Can’t imagine that any of that is applicable in this day and age:
In fact George King seems to pop up quite a bit in this document. I specifically remember two agents mentioning him and the “good fight almost being won”. Whether or not it is bullshit and he was a fraud I’ll leave to the reader to judge.
Blavatsky at least has other people who have validated much of her information. Like Alice Bailey, Benjamin Crème and Rudolph Steiner to mention a few.
Speaking of Steiner this is a quote of something he said almost a hundred years ago. :
“ In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit.
To materialistic doctors, will be entrusted with the task of removing the soul of humanity. As today, people are vaccine against this disease or disease, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccination, will be immune to being subjected to the “madness” of spiritual life. He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.
With such a vaccine, you can easily make the etheric body loose in the physical body. Once the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the universe and the etheric body would become extremely unstable, and man would become an automaton, for the physical body of man must be polished on this Earth by spiritual will. So, the vaccine becomes a kind of arymanique force; man can no longer get rid of a given materialistic feeling. He becomes materialistic of constitution and can no longer rise to the spiritual “.Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925);”
Oh and by the way, in case you were wondering, that George Van Tassel guy in that Cosmic Voice paragraph of the FBI document is where that mysterious Ashtar Command group that has been {supposedly} contacting starseeds and pirating British radio stations originated from:
The point I am trying to make here is that there is heavy evidence to suggest occultists practicing the arts of astral projection and/ or lucid dreaming have potentially been contacted by non physical entities and given information on an alternate history of our earth for at least the past 140ish years. Actually I can go one better than that.
To summarise:
My assumption is that any ancient culture that incorporated dreaming into its belief structure would have at some point made contact with non physical entities such as I did, assuming they likely developed advanced lucid dreaming practices.
I would suggest that the dreaming cultures are no longer the prime targets for the non physical entities, due to the invasions of white man into their territories and the assimilation of their beliefs into those of the invading parties (this has also happened with Theosophy in recent years –). Occultists with a background in astral projection and lucid dreaming seem like the next obvious choice for contact, due to them being “natural shamans.” And according to the Unseen 5, they are.
It seems logical that if an alternate history is being presented to modern day occultists, then a more complex version of that history was, in all probability, given to these cultures. It also seems logical that any secret societies that had astral projection/ lucid dreaming practices embedded into their curriculum, were likely contact hotspots. The question then becomes what is the agenda of the contacting entities?
The common underlying themes being presented to modern day occultists that is comparable with these ancient cultures is the idea of the astral and non physical worlds being “merged” together, and the idea of the matrix soul prison.
Blavatsky’s knowledge seems to present this history in the form of an agenda to create specific races of people and the expected schedule of evolution, ie one of these non physical race’s hybridisation/ breeding programs. When looked at in this context, SD’s and my experiences of the same programs, and the idea that astral bodies are being modified to either suppress or support this outcome becomes apparent.
There is also evidence to suggest knowledge of viruses being used by these non physicals to deliberately “steer” humanity one way or the other being handed down “for karmic neutralising purposes” in the words of King, or to “better enslave us” in the words of Steiner (my experiences suggest Steiner is more on point with this).
Much of this is corroborated by Airl, the Commander, and the operations of MAJestic.
The Unseen 5 seem to be the ones in control of this whole occultist contact operation, going by what was told to me by their leader, and the responsibilities given to me by “him”. Theosophy hints at who exactly this organisation could be, which I will start digging int in a later article.
From my conversation with the leader of the Unseen 5, my understanding is that there are certain consciousnesses being primed for reincarnation whose astral bodies have been manipulated specifically to allow them greater access to their past life memories that will begin to pop up in great numbers in the general population.
These people will be a collection of Nikola Tesla like consciousnesses that will be able to connect with and bring forth higher information more easily. I would package this in with what Severin termed as “astral sight”.
I predict there will be those, like mine and SD’s friend who will begin seeing into the astral realms on a regular basis, and there will be those that will establish new technologies on account of connecting with their Higher Selves/ beings that exist therein; the Tesla’s of the new world.
Even Crowley seemed to be aware of a similar operation in what he deemed as the New Aeon, or the “Coming of the Age of Aquarius”.
Severin and I have similar also timeframes for the effects of this project to start becoming noticeable within human population – 2 to 3 generations from now.
As I was never initiated into any of these physical based organisations – and achieved contact with my non physical handlers solely through my own private studies – I am not bound by any oaths of secrecy or allegiance to them, hence I can talk about my understanding of them and this agenda freely.
Of course, that doesn’t mean I am correct in my assumptions here either; making the Unseen 5 and their agenda known to “magicians”, and acting in a recruiting capacity for them was what I was ultimately tasked with – it didn’t actually involve anything to do these secret societies, such as the Theosophical Society or the Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn even though the curriculum of said societies is what I was studying.
This is all research I have conducted after trying to understand who they are – I welcome any feedback from people who have a greater understanding of these subjects.
I am covering a lot of ground here so for now I think this will do.
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The following is the 17th part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
This particular read is truly enjoyable. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have.
Part 16 –SD’s Experience With More Consciousness Facilities Courtesy of A Shamanistic Recipe For Lucid Dreaming
Ok, it is late and I am tired, and this article was only supposed to be a brief couple of thousands words. Then all of a sudden I found it blowing out to much more than that, taking me several days, most of which I seemed possessed by this frustrative force that was itching to speak through me. So yeah, uh, apologies for the title.
So here’s basically what happened a few days ago. I was sitting there minding my own business, probably drinking a coffee or eating whatever left over remnants in the fridge could have remotely constituted food, when SD walks in putting on her best authoritative voice.
“I am making you something that you are going to drink that will help you talk to your ancestors through astral projection”.
Uh…um, ok.
Turns out she’d been reading this new book she bought herself for Christmas “The Poison Path Herbal” which she tells me is quite good read. It’s apparently got everything from healing poisons (because I guess all medicines are poisons in the right dosages) to poisons for initiating shamanic like visions.
And these aren’t recipes using everyday ingredients you can find around the house either; some of them call for using things like nightshades, and hembane etc as the active “hallucinogenic” ingredient. If you don’t know what these are I suggest steering right the way clear of them (and no I am not talking about tomatoes or fucking blueberries here either).
Handy hint; apparently foxglove can be used as a heart suppressant at 0.2mg. At 0.3mg, however it’ll caused your heart to stop working altogether. So yeah, small margin of error. Best not to fuck about with any of it.
Now back to me.
An opportunity to ingest some unknown poison to hopefully hallucinate myself into an LD; where do I sign up?
Ok no it wasn’t really like that; SD has a very good understanding and respect of trees and plants, to the point that she talks to them. So when she decides to use them for Shamanic purposes, it is a safe bet she has done her research thoroughly before getting me involved with her antics.
Turns out it was only some mild ingredients she had in mind; a tincture of wormwood and mugwort steeped in water for a good few hours – nothing as toxic as hembane or datura, or fox glove thank fuck.
The idea was to drink it half an hour before bed, go to sleep, in which it would hopefully do its mind expansion job and induce an out of body experience.
Woohay. Or in the words of Professor Frink from the Simpsons: you put the wormwood in the tea, mix it with the mugwort, carry the 2, and the DWIVEN.
I guess I must have built up a tolerance to wormwood in my absinthe drinking days, because – aside from the green fairy’s serenading me to sleep (I joke) – nothing really happened. I had some vague dream about passing an old friend, in my home town but that was about it.
Nothing spectacular.
SD on the other hand, after having only a small sip of the tincture (I sculled the whole lot) told me the next morning it very much seemed to have worked for her.
She had a vivid dream in which she eventually became lucid in that seemed to involve more of the consciousness brainwashing facilities. It was, essentially another dream where higher order information {eventually} came through.
SD and I have this thing going on that whenever one of us has one of these experiences with higher order information, we share it with the other as soon as we get a chance.
So when she comes and says, “I had some interesting shit going on last night” the first thing I do is grab my computer and transcribe her word for word as she goes through what happened.
Usually I can type at lightning speed when I need to, but alas sometimes I miss the tangents she goes off on as she remembers things during the recall.
As a result, some things get missed out, some things get repeated, but generally speaking I am able to capture the body of her experience word for word.
Here’s a transcript of her “shamanic” experience. There is some interesting things in it.
The transcript
“It started off as a normal dream, not lucid, because I was under the influence of some drug.
To begin with, at the very very beginning of the dream, it was just like we were in this town. I was with some other women, (you weren’t there DM) .
And they (our captors), were women, the equivalent of nuns.
They told us the place we were at was a school, but it wasn’t.
The area was equivalent to a couple of fields with dry grass and trees, nothing beyond that – it was really obvious it was a “black void” – yet they told us there was more beyond it.
Some of the others couldn’t see there was nothing beyond, if they were told there was something there they would see it.
It is like everyone was travelling, but in reality it wasn’t more than a field’s worth of travel, the nuns just told everyone we’d been travelling for days and everyone went with it.
Something happened to one of the people, so that the women had to do something; we had to then go to “the airport terminal”.
And one of the others said she was homesick too. I am not sure if it was a man or woman; it was like it was either or and didn’t matter in that place.
I remember not being the same as them but they were trying to make me into one of them. So anyway we went through a portal that was in one of the houses at that field place.
A mirror.
And we ended up at the airport.
And it was exactly the same as an airport here – like the layout and everything – but instead of walking onto an aeroplane you walked into a portal in which you could see what was on the otherside.
The portals were just screens, like the movie theatre.
It was the same shit but an airport. The ones we were using were not being used to brain wash people, though there were screens playing stuff to brainwash like the theatre in different areas.
It all depended on the area you were in and who the person was, where they came from etc. There were different portals for different regions of the world, Australia, America etc.
All of the American ones you had to watch a little movie before you went through the screen and that was the brain washing thing.
While they were watching others would come in and give them a bunch of medicine to make them forget….that was the amnesia shit; the amnesia engine was not a machine but a collective of people who go around dosing people with an amnesiac like drug.
All of the checkpoints up until the Australia one you had to see this TV screen and have this medicine.
So, basically just getting to the Australian one you had to be dosed several times. But at the actual portals in the Australian region you didn’t have to be sat down and dosed; you just went in.
The whole Aussie section was pretty quiet and didn’t have guards.
It was like the race of beings that were controlling that section were afraid of the {non physical} beings that lived in the Australian area. They were the same ones dosing everyone and had blue eyes and pale blonde hair, not tall and tanned – not sure if they were Nordics.
I was walking to a portal and began speaking Noongar (Australian Aboriginal Language local to a region of WA) to another guy who was also captured.
I don’t remember who he was, but he also had blonde hair and blue eyes. I don’t think he was a bad one.
All the other captors did not know how to translate this language at all.
One of the guards was trying to explain that this was a language that cannot be translated, as it is too ancient.
When we got to the Australian section it was pretty much empty, no people busy doing shit like in a normal airport. It was pretty quiet, with only a couple of guards standing next to a couple of portals; no drugs or movie theatre things, barely any people.
The guards were taller than regular people, and all wore hooded masks and kit like from my (previous) covid premonition.
When I got to a portal that looked like a mirror that was looking into a mirror like at a local café, I said” oh yeah I gotta go in this one”.
The guy I was with was the only other person with me, because the others seemed to not follow into the Aussie section; they just wouldn’t come in.
One of the nuns said ”no no, there’s things in there we can’t go near it”.
And I remember one of the nuns saying “you are brave going back there” like they really desperately wanted me to stay with them.
So I got to the portal and the dude I was with who was talking Noongar, he said, “oh I am not going in that one, I am going in a different one”.
Where’s that take you, I said “Mundaring”, (local town) and he replied he didn’t know it.
He went in his which I am pretty sure was in the Pilbara (North Western Australia).
The gist I got was that Australian Aboriginals are an ancient race that have been here before anything else and cannot be manipulated by any of the races who came here afterwards.
We were captives, so it was unlikely any of the captives were Aboriginals, as they needed to manipulate us in order to capture us.
Then I remember turning back to say something to the other people…it’s like the guards and I knew each other and the guard kind of said they are gone you are safe to go through right one.
To begin with I went into area I was knowing led to a portal, but I didn’t specifically go to the right one while they were watching; I was intentionally keeping it a secret.
And because WA is huge there are plenty of portals for it.
There was another thing with WA, they had wings/ terminals for each state, and there was much less traffic in WA and a lot less other beings willing to go there.
So not only is it isolated globally but also non physically.
I got the gist of the spirit beings that live here, created the Aboriginals which is why it is such a big deal they are beyond the knowledge of the captors.
So basically I jumped in the mirror and woke up, it was probably of a couple of seconds of random dream.
I was aware that that is what happens when you jump through the portals.
I was lucid from the moment I stepped through into the Western Australian section where they could not follow me anymore.
In the WA section there wasn’t any of those brain washing screens.
The second the drugs wear off you get this trickle of information that comes through and if someone says even the slightest thing to jolt your memory the trickles becomes a large flow of memories.
The amnesia thing is not here, it is there where they are keeping everyone; here (physical reality/earth) is the place that people have either chosen to come or been put in by others in an attempt to remember something or regain a part of themselves.
And then this little addendum based on many of her other LD experiences;
This [Australian ] realm has things in it that fucks them (our captors) up. There are ISBE things but not all of them have souls.
Only those that have souls can go into earth bodies, the rest have to make their physical bodies in a lab like a robot.
Only the earth body things, can come here into the physical earth realm.
Non souls are trying to wipe out those with souls; they are drugging all the ones with souls and info and ancient knowledge and real truth etc of what actually happened in the beginning with all of the dream time stuff (Aboriginal Creation Myth), when the physical and non physical planes were merged.
All of the ones with souls are captives because of the ones who don’t have souls that want the greater access to everything.
There (airport terminal) is the simulation, here (physical earth) is real, is seen as extremely volatile and dangerous as the general toxic air part that can degrade parts of a persons consciousness.
But it is also the safest place for us captives to go to get away from the captors as they won’t come here.”
A further elaboration…
Well this just got interesting.
Maybe it is the reason SD and I are able to lucid dream and astral project more successfully than people in other parts of the world.
Because we are protected by a bunch of non physical spirits that created our Native people.
This reminds me of something Airl said in the Alien Interview:
“IS-BEs have been dumped on Earth from all over the galaxy, adjoining galaxies, and from planetary systems all over the "Old Empire", like Sirius, Aldebaron, the Pleiades, Orion, Draconis, and countless others.
There are ISBEs on Earth from unnamed races, civilizations, cultural backgrounds, and planetary environments.
Each of the various IS-BE populations have their own languages, belief systems, moral values, religious beliefs, training and unknown and untold histories.
These IS-BEs are mixed together with earlier inhabitants of Earth who came from another star system more than 400,000 years ago to establish the civilizations of Atlanta and Lemuria.
Those civilizations vanished beneath the tidal waves caused by a planetary "polar shift", many thousands of years before the current "prison" population started to arrive.
Apparently, the IS-BEs from those star systems were the source of the original, oriental races of Earth, beginning in Australia.”
Then there was this article I stumbled across: (which I subsequently couldn’t access due to it “not being available in my area” for the first couple of tries):
“New research has revealed fascinating details about Aboriginal Australians and Pacific Islanders, who according to experts, carry the genetic material of an unknown human species.
The new research suggests people from Papua New Guinea and northeast Australia have traces of DNA belonging to an unidentified, extinct human species.
Apparently, there is still much that geneticists and scientists do not understand about this crucial moment in human history, and it seems that research on the subject is raising more questions than answers.
In 2016, researchers at Harvard Medical School published the findings of a comprehensive study of the human genome of all areas of the world and discovered something astounding about the Australian aboriginal population.
They appear to have genetic markers that indicate they are descendants of a yet unidentified human species.
“We’re missing a population, or we’re misunderstanding something about the relationships,” Ryan Bohlender, a statistical geneticist at the University of Texas, told Tina Hesman Saey at Science News.
Bohlender and his colleagues have been researching the amount of extinct hominid DNA that modern humans still carry today. To the surprise of many, they say they’ve found discrepancies in previous studies that suggest our mingling with Neanderthals and Denisovans isn’t the entire evolutionary story.
“Who this unknown group is we don’t know.”
It’s believed that between 100,000 and 60,000 years ago, our ancestors migrated out of Africa, making contact with other hominid species inhabiting the Eurasian landmass. Experts believe that this contact left a mark on our species that is still present today.
“Our main goal is to understand how our race got to the point where it is, but in order to do that, we must first study the DNA of the ancient tribes,” explained Mallick Swapan, leading scientist of the study, and an expert who has been studying the origins of the human genome for most of his career.
He explained that the new study gathered the genetic data of 142 different human populations scattered around the world that was underrepresented in large-scale studies so far.
According to Swapan, the most incredible revelation of this new study is that the genetic code of the Australian Aborigines shows that they carry the DNA markers that indicate the ancient crossbred with an unknown “human” species.
Although it was initially suspected that unusual DNA markers might indicate that Aboriginal ancestors interbred with the elusive ancient species known as Denisovans, this hypothesis turned out to be incorrect.
After the analysis, scientists discovered that DNA markers were distinct from Denisovan markers, leading them to the conclusion that they had found traces of an entirely new form of ancient human species.
It is known that the native peoples of Australia are descendants of the first people who came to the continent from Africa about 50,000 years ago.
It has been assumed that aborigines were isolated from the rest of the world for thousands of years and therefore scientists thought that their genetic code would be relatively homogeneous.
Surprisingly, this turned out not to be the case.
“The genetic signatures of an Australian Aboriginal from eastern Australia and Western Australia are as different as those of a person from Europe and an Asian person,” Swapan said.
The incredible diversity in the genetic code of the native peoples of Australia, in addition to the peculiar genetic marker that indicates that they interbred with an unknown human species in the past, indicates that there is still much more to discover about the ancient history of humanity.” - Australian Aboriginal people carry the DNA of an unknown human relative - Ancient Code (ancient-code.com)
Interesting. Let’s dig into this a little bit deeper.
Now, I am in no ways an expert when it comes to Aboriginal culture, but what I do know is that their ideologies are based around what they call the “Dreamtime”.
From the little I have read, according to Aboriginal Creation Myth, the Dreamtime was a period before physical reality came into existence.
It was a sort of vacuous nothingness containing the past present and future all at once that never ended.
The Aboriginals believed that the [non physical] spirits that existed in the Dream Time were the ones that created practically everything in this physical plane; the Aboriginal peoples themselves, the lands, rivers, rocks, plants, and animals were all said to have been a product of these spirits.
I seem to remember Airl taking about the Domain in a very similar context; Airl explained that IS-BEs have been around since before the beginning of the universe.
The reason they are called "immortal", is because a "spirit" is not born and cannot die, but exists in a personally postulated perception of "is - will be".
She was careful to explain that every spirit is not the same.
Each is completely unique in identity, power, awareness and ability.
The difference between an IS-BE like Airl and most of the IS-BEs inhabiting bodies on Earth, is that Airl can enter and depart from her "doll" at will.
She can perceive at selective depths through matter. Airl and other officers of The Domain can communicate telepathically. Since an IS-BE is not a physical universe entity it has no location in space or time. An IS-BE is literally, "immaterial".
They can span great distances of space instantly.
They can experience sensations, more intensely than a biological body, without the use of physical sensory mechanisms.
An IS-BE can exclude pain from their perception. Airl can also remember her "identity", so to speak, all the way back into the dim mists of time, for trillions of years!Time is a difficult factor to measure as it depends on the subjective memory of IS-BEs and there has been no uniform record of events throughout the physical universe since it began.
As on Earth, there are many different time measurement systems, defined by various cultures, which use cycles of motion, and points of origin to establish age and duration.
The physical universe itself is formed from the convergence and amalgamation of many other individual universes, each one of which were created by an IS-BE or group of IS-BEs.
The collision of these illusory universes commingled and coalesced and were solidified to form a mutually created universe.
Because it is agreed that energy and forms can be created, but not destroyed, this creative process has continued to form an ever-expanding universe of nearly infinite physical proportions. Before the formation of the physical universe there was a vast period during which universes were not solid, but wholly illusionary.
You might say that the universe was a universe of magical illusions which were made to appear and vanish at the will of the magician. In every case, the "magician" was one or more IS-BEs.
Many IS-BEs on Earth can still recall vague images from that period. Tales of magic, sorcery and enchantment, fairy tales and mythology speak of such things, although in very crude terms.”
- Alien Interview
Furthermore, it was said that these spirits, or ancestors, played a big part in the selection of sacred sites and how the people were to behave to one another, how food was to be distributed and the rites and rituals of the various tribes etc.
It was also said that during the Dreamtime, certain spirits were able to shapeshift into different animals.
These particular stories seem to change from tribe to tribe, but a common reference can be found in the Myth of the Great Rainbow Serpent, which was said to be one of the Dreamtime Spirits that came from within the earth to create the rivers and gorges as it weaved its way through the featureless landscape.
One of my kid’s favourite bed time books is the version of the Rainbow Serpent named Goorialla, as narrated by Dick Roughsey.
While most stories dealing with the Rainbow Serpent have an element attributing it to water – (rainbows formed from water fall sprays and rituals around water where rainbow like shells and stones are used).
Some researchers have suggested that these myths allude to a possible comet or meteor that fell to the ground, the “rainbow serpent” part being the comets tail.
Interestingly, the tribe from the Great Sandy Desert region of North Western Australia suggests a similar thing with their story of the Rainbow Serpent; that a star fell to earth and created the Wolfe Creek Crater, which the Serpent then took up residence in.
Sometimes this particular rendition includes a story about a hunter who chased a dingo into the crater only to get lost in a tunnel created by the serpent never to be found again, though the remains of the dingo were eventually found “spat out” after being eaten by the Rainbow Serpent.
For the tribe local to our region – the Noongar people – it is suggested the Rainbow Serpent pushed rocks and boulders around to create the trails of Mount Matilda, and was responsible for carving out the channel of the Avon River.
As a side note, the Avon River runs through a beautiful stretch of land called the Avon Valley.
There is an annual competition that is held along this river usually at the end of winter called the Avon Descent, which sees various boating competitors – people in kayaks, canoes and different speed boats etc – race down the river over a period of 2 or 3 days.
Given the rolling green hills in the middle of farmland pastures, the Avon Valley has become a haven for hot air ballooning and sky diving.
It is quite a “dreamy” place to go for a leisurely Saturday drive.
Speaking of dreamy, and getting back to the point of the article, the Aboriginal’s description of the dreamtime sounds a lot like what one can experience whilst lucid dreaming; a timeless void of nothingness where non physical “spirits” seem to hang out.
What is more, when we look at the importance of the Dream Time within Aboriginal culture, and compare it with other tribal cultures such as those of the Native Americans, we can start to see a theme emerging in regards to how important dreaming still is within these cultures.
Both groups would have their appointed Elders and Shamans who would employ the use of various plants and substances to help aid in their dream visions in a similar manner to what SD did prior to hers.
The Wandjina Paintings of North Western Australia
Now, while we are on the subject of the dreamtime and ideas about interactions with the [non physical] progenitors to the Australian Aboriginals, let’s take a look at some art by the Wanjina Wunggurr tribe of the remote Kimberley region of Western Australia.
Unfortunately, I haven’t yet explored this place myself, as it is a 32 hr drive (and that’s straight, with no rest stops) North East of where I currently am, and most of that is bland, boring desert that is usually hotter than Hell in the summer, or too busy being blasted by hurricanes and floods in the other seasons.
That doesn’t mean it isn’t on my to do list though, assuming the local Aboriginals would even allow me into such a sacred site in the first place.
Apparently the Gibb River Road is really a Gem to behold when doing the “Big Lap”.
The paintings themselves are located in the mountainous region of the Kimberley, scattered throughout various caves, in quite hard to reach country.
They were first discovered by white man in 1883, when a man named George Grey stumbled across them after searching for inland water at the behest of the British Crown.
After losing a flock of sheep and a few dogs, Grey and company took refuge in one of the caves, presumably to escape the harsh elements, where they found some very curious images that had been painted high up – some almost 6 metres – on the walls of one of the many caves in the area.
According to Wikipedia, these paintings are between 3800 to 4000 years old, based on the broad stroke way they have been painted.
The paintings themselves depict a group of white, seemingly bald, mouthless, and earless beings with what appeared to be semi circular halos arranged on their heads. Oh, did I mention they had big black eyes:
Firstly, I should point out that these paintings are scattered about an area expanding through 200,000 square kilometres of the Kimberley.
As a result, there are three tribes that have an intimate connection with them and the myths surrounding them; the Worrorra, Ngarinyin, and Wunumbal tribes.
These three tribes make up a cultural bloc referred to as the Wanjina Wunggurr, in which a fourth tribe – the Ngardi – are sometimes included.
According to the descendants of these tribes, the Wandjina were supernatural spirits that existed in the Dreamtime and created the physical world in a similar manner to the Rainbow Serpent.
In fact, some of the paintings include the Rainbow Serpent alongside the Wandjina spirits.
The depiction of the Wandjina without mouths is suggested to be either because the Wanjina were so powerful they didn’t need mouths to communicate, or because, due to their ability to make it rain, had they had mouths, the rains would never stop.
“The shared culture is based on the dreamtime mythology and law whose creators are the Wan[d]jina and Wunggurr “spirits”; the ancestors of these peoples.
The Wandjina paintings have common colours of black, red and yellow on a white background. The spirits are depicted alone or in groups, vertically or horizontally depending on the dimensions of the rock, and are sometimes depicted with figures and objects like the Rainbow Serpent or yams. Common composition is with large upper bodies and heads that may show eyes and nose, but typically no mouth. Two explanations have been given for this: they are so powerful they do not require speech and if they had mouths, the rain would never cease. Around the heads of Wandjina are lines or blocks of color, depicting lighting coming out of transparent helmets.[2]Today, the paintings are still believed to possess these powers and therefore are to be approached and treated respectfully. Each site and painting has a name. Indigenous people of the Mowanjum community repaint the images to ensure the continuity of the Wandjina's presence.[8] Annual repainting in December or January also ensures the arrival of the monsoon rains, according to Mowanjum belief.” - WikipediaSome of these paintings have been repainted so many times they are 40 layers deep. That’s atleast 400 years worth of tradition being kept up by the descendants of those who hold the original Wandjina story.
Well this is getting interesting now isn’t it?
An author named Erik Von Daniken certainly seemed to think so when he made the connection that the Wanjina spirits kinda looked a little bit those Greys everyone in the UFO community liked to talk about, and offered it as proof of the Ancient astronaut theory. I guess it didn’t help that the Wanjina Wunggurr people also suggested these beings as coming from the sky, causing the rains and floods, painting the pictures themselves before leaving via the same avenue. Or that the white guy that discovered them was also named Grey.
But of course, people with a degree in archaeology or anthropology, that took them only four years to get, know more than the descendants of the oldest known lineage on earth who have managed to pass down stories of their culture unchanged over thousands of years.
Take for example these guys from the University of Michigan’s Pesuodarchaeology class, fakearchaeology.com.
According to their site the project’s mission is to “explore how and why these [pseudo-archaeological] ideas emerged and took root in popular culture, public consciousness, and on the fringe of rational scholarly inquiry.
More importantly, the Fake Archaeology Wiki explores the impact they have on our rational and scientific understanding of the past and human culture.”
You can go on the Wikipedia styled page and read all their debunking of various things, one of which is the idea the Wandjina were anything other than a metaphor for weather, as depicted by a bunch of primitive savages that couldn’t tell the difference between some rain and a supernatural being:
“Deconstructing the Pseudoarchaeological NarrativeThe Weather and the WandjinaThe pseudoarchaeological narrative of the origin of the Wandjina Petroglyphs revolves around one major theme: the scientific ignorance of early human civilizations.
The proposition that the Wandjina were actually aliens visiting from a far away galaxy can be deconstructed by looking at documented archaeological evidence and cultural context.
Supporters of the ancient alien belief have established that the mythical powers of the Wandjina, which included abilities such as calling forth torrential rains, flooding, lightning and cyclones, were actually extremely advanced scientific weapons possessed by the travelers.
Research into the topic has revealed that the connection between Wandjina and the weather, specifically rain, developed after a period of intense drought that affected the region nearly 4,000 years ago. [8]
Evidence from a study done by researchers at the University of Wollongong in Australia indicates that the mega-drought spanned at least 1200 years.
“Records shows the Kimberley region of northwest Australia underwent rapid environmental change in the mid-Holocene starting around 6300 yrs. B.P. when it transitioned from a tropical humid climate with intense summer monsoon to a much drier climate.
This new climate regime was associated with increased anticyclonic circulation over central and northern Australia allowing a significant increase in dust transport from central Australia to the Kimberley” [8]
The study also indicates that this period of intense dryness was “enhanced through positive feedbacks triggered by change in land surface condition and increased aerosol loading of the atmosphere leading to a weakening or failure of monsoon rains”. [8]
The end of the mega-drought was between 3,800 and 4,000 B.P. which also lines up with the emergence of the Wandjina style of petroglyphs.
The Aboriginal peoples’ reverence for the divine power of rain is an understandable progression in belief after a period of such extreme weather.
The concept that the elements were controlled by mythical beings is a common theme that can be seen in different belief systems across the globe (Norse, Greek, Mayan, etc.).
Given the native people of Kimberley’s understanding of the natural phenomenon and the limited information available, it would make sense for a group of individuals, who had struggled to survive in such hard conditions, to see the increase in rainfall as a divine gift and in turn begin to worship or revere these spiritual beings as saviors.
This logical leap is understandable given the human understanding of weather and climate at the time and does not indicate any intervention by extraterrestrial visitors.”
You know its funny though, I couldn’t find any entries on Noah or the flood, Moses parting the Red Sea, shroud of Turin, Ark of the Covenant, Jesus Christ, God, Angels, or anything else the bible (and its associated thumpers) like to tell us with unrelenting certainty was supposed to have taken place in the last few thousand years.
I guess we should just blindly trust the wisdom of a 2 thousand year old book written by various authors spanning over several periods of time, over the word of a {atleast} 50 000 year old tribe of people claiming they had a direct connection to creators of the physical plane through the dreamtime huh?
I am sorry, but if you are going to use your unfettered wisdom to “look into the things shape the beliefs of certain cultures”, then …
…I expect you to be looking into the religious beliefs that shape a society to the point our governments give their proponents big tax breaks to build temples of worship, for said beliefs, at the expense of people who don’t even believe in them.
But then again, I guess I can forgive the University of a state whose population is made up of 70% people who are orientated to believing in Christian Ideologies, majority of them being Roman Catholic.
This isn’t to suggest I don’t like people of these religions, moreso that there is an obvious perceptual bias when it comes to reading shit from debunking sites such as fakearchaelogy.com directed at ancient cultures and their belief systems.
It’s not like I am going to lose much sleep over a bunch of people who live on a different fucking continent to the people it apparently has an expert knowledge of. At least they got the name right, I suppose.
And while we are on the subject, I guess these “expert” anthropolgists didn’t see any value in extending their research into to what spurred these Christian Missionaries into contacting the “oldest continuing tribe on earth” and preaching to them that their traditional beliefs were “evil and akin to devil worship”:God is a Wandjina - Compass - ABC Religion & Ethics (seriously watch the video and try not to throw up at how carelessly “well meaners” tried to eradicate the Wandjina beliefs, simply because “they knew better”)
Guess it had to do with that “age” thing huh? So now we have the oldest continuing tribe on earth – which according to Airl, extends back 400 000 years who had something to say about the creators, and even drew some fucking pictures of them all over the Kimberley now tainted by the seemingly infant (in comparison) ideologies of a few missionaries that only dates back a little over a two thousand years.
And no one has thought to bring the mentality and psychological disposition of these missionaries into question during their anthropological studies, though they are quite happy investing in researchers to debunk those traditional, work of the devil beliefs?
I’d certainly be interested in a study into the “human” behaviour of those missionaries. Anyone else?
I call bullshit. #fakeanthropologyAfter all, it’s not like white people have a history of stepping on Aboriginal culture for the sake of their own greed or anything……oh wait a minute: Mining firm Rio Tinto sorry for destroying Aboriginal caves - BBC News.
Because I am sure Rio Tinto just “accidentally” walked into that site and “accidentally” packed it with a few tons of explosives before “accidentally” going through all Health and Safety checks, before “accidentally” pressing the detonator trigger right 😉?
Fourty five thousand years of Aboriginal history gone quicker than you can say “cultural purging”.
The whole mentality that the Aboriginals were a bunch of dumb savages in need of some good old fashioned European cultur-ization (as is the narrative we are taught in school) in the form of raping, pillaging and plundering as evidenced by the Stolen Generation (watch The Rabbit Proof Fence) has since been challenged and smashed to pieces by Bruce Pascoe in his book Dark Emu. In it Pascoe quotes the journal entries of many Australian Settlers that alludes to a thriving civilisation that was in some ways even more advanced than them.
Stories of intricate fish trapping networks, irrigation systems, the careful cultivation of yam crops, an intimate understanding of the land and its geological structure and the deliberate “engineering” of the soil over many generations to achieve an optimal fertility (which was subsequently destroyed by us dumb arse white men within the span of a few years due to the sheep and plant diseases we brought with us).
These are just a few examples mentioned by Pascoe that show the Australian Aboriginals were a lot more advanced than white man gave them credit for, and suggests an obvious bias put in place to justify the invasion; the “savages” needed a lesson in what constitutes society.
Such bigotry shows through in the writings of these settlers who, rather than dish out credit for one of the intricate fish traps which had the ability to throw a fish in the air when caught, suggests the tribes so mentioned were in need of useless artefacts that they had no need for (which the settlers had become dependant on and could not envision life without).
And what did Pascoe get for his efforts? Our Minister for Home Affairs investigating him for fraud, and “scientists” debunking his claims of course:
You know it is a load of bullshit when the Sky News Murdoch media puppet Andrew Bolt is on board with the smear campaign. If you look close enough, you can almost see Murdoch’s arm protruding out the back of him.
Unfortunately for bolt and his {Gestapo} media and political connections, Pascoe didn’t take the bait and seek compensation. Instead he stood up in front of a bunch of people and offered Bolt this roasting:
I get it though. Kind of hard to expand your pedophile cult’s foothold with Dark Emu’s shadow looming over you, and threatening to call bullshit on your whole parade:
Not that the Australian Federal Police ever bothered to give that cult a “forensic critique“.
But I digress.
Now getting back to the Wandjina Wunggurr, we are missing one important thing when it comes to aliens, and that is hidden in its terminology.
If we dig a bit deeper into this Wandjina thing, we can find the idea that Grey (the white explorer who stumbled upon the paintings in 1838) sparked a bit of controversy by implying the paintings were perhaps depictions of alien peoples not coming from the stars, but from the lands abound over the ocean.
It is suggested that this may have been a result of Grey copying them and instilling his own bias through his European art style.
Take a look at this article by the ABC and tell me it is not a cleverly constructed piece of double speak targeting anyone making the Wandjina/ Alien connection.
“Aboriginal art depicting Wandjina figure that sparked aliens theory to be reclaimed by traditional owners
Posted Mon 5 Dec 2016 at 6:09amMonday 5 Dec 2016 at 6:09am, updated Mon 5 Dec 2016 at 6:17amMonday 5 Dec 2016 at 6:17am
George Grey’s 1838 drawings of the Wandjina cave caused speculation about the paintings’ origins.(Supplied)
Aboriginal families in Western Australia’s north are finding ways to reclaim a sacred image that sparked rumours of Arab voyages and aliens during the early days of British exploration.
The large, looming Wandjina are spirit figures drawn on thousands of cliffs and cave walls in the Western Kimberley, and came to national prominence when they featured in the Sydney Olympic opening ceremony.
Worrora woman Leah Umbagai said they were considered sacred by three tribes in the area.
“The Wandjina is a supreme being that created the country, gave us the laws of the land, and we have to obey and follow it,” she said.
“The Wandjina is not just a big picture on the wall, it’s the trees, it’s the rocks, it’s the water, it’s the seasons, it’s everything … it lets us Wandjina people know who we are, and how to live our life.”
But the history of white contact with the Wandjina is marred by misunderstanding and wild theories that remain deeply hurtful to the Worrora, Ngarinyin and Wununbul tribes to this day.
British explorer seeking ‘inland sea’ stumbles upon artwork
In 1837, explorer George Grey embarked on a bold but misguided mission to penetrate north-western Australia.
It was thought a large, inland sea might exist in central Australia, and the British government and the Royal Geographical Society sponsored Grey and his team to explore what is now the Kimberley region.
Author Mike Donaldson has written extensively on Kimberley rock art and its discovery by settlers.
“Grey and his men came straight from England and South Africa to the Kimberley, and to cut a long story short, they struggled to get inland, they had a mob of sheep that all died, their dogs died, and they were attacked by Aboriginal people at one point,” he said.
“But then somewhere along the line they just came across these Wandjina pictures on a cave.”
Grey sketched several of the Wandjina in his journal, complete with big rounds heads, halo-like head-pieces, large eyes, slim nose and no mouth.
The images caused quite a stir when they were published back in Great Britain.
“They were totally unlike anything that people had reported from Aboriginal rock art in Australia before,” Donaldson said.
“They thought they could not have been done by Aboriginal people.
“They thought they must have been done by shipwrecked sailors, or some other culture of people that visited here.”
He said one of the figures appeared to be wearing a full gown, and what Grey interpreted as writing on the headband, which people thought could be Arabic or Chinese.
“But it wasn’t anything of the sort, it was an older painting showing through, where the painting was wearing away a bit,” he said.
Pictures fuel Australian ‘alien’ landing theory
The misunderstanding fuelled theories Asiatic or Middle Eastern people at one time occupied the Australian continent, and set the scene for an even more offensive proposition — that the Wandjina were drawings of aliens that visited prior to white settlement.
The theory emerged in the 1968 book Chariots of the Gods? Unsolved Mysteries of the Past, which was written by Swiss author Erich von Daniken, and detailed examples of ancient civilisations that could be evidence of alien life form.
Donaldson said the theory never gained much traction.
“It was just ignorance on von Daniken’s part, the kind of ignorance that goes back to the people who initially, 100 years ago, thought that Aboriginal people were not so sophisticated enough to do those paintings,” he said.
“Of course we soon learnt that they were very sophisticated, and could paint all these wonderful things … so that’s just one guy’s crazy story, that thought they were space men or something.”
Traditional owners hope to educate public
It is a source of ongoing frustration for traditional owners like Ms Umbagai, who until recently managed the Mowanjum Art Centre.
“A lot of the people that come into the art centre, they ask so many questions, and yes I suppose there have been UFO sightings in America and all of that, but it just really saddens me that they say things about it,” she said.
“It’s like people are making fun, or think we’re making things up, and it’s hurtful for us.”
Efforts are underway to reclaim the image, including high-tech 3D imaging used to create a life-size Wandjina cave at the Mowanjum Art centre, so local Aboriginal children and tourists can learn about the importance of the rain-making spirit figure.
Families are finding ways to revisit the remote bush caves where the Wandjina live, to care for the sites and touch up the paintings.
It takes several days’ driving or an expensive helicopter charter to reach many of them, but native title agreements, marine parks and remote ranger programs are making the trips more possible.
Ms Umbagai has been able to visit the caves that featured in Grey’s journal more than 175 years ago.
“When I’m out there, I’m just so at home. Because I’m at artist, I love sketching everything I come across, so I’ll just sit there are draw them myself,” she said.
“But just looking at the paintings and knowing that our old people used to walk this area and sit here, and knowing this is what they left for us … it’s very special.”
Wow. If that constitutes journalism, then I am in the wrong business. It’s one thing to peel through page after page and present it as information in an effort to actually inform people of the point you are trying to make.
It’s another thing completely to omit that very point and twist all scrutiny in a different direction in an effort of deflection.
Let me ask a few questions and see if you can answer them: what was the narrative Ms Umbagai was upset with again?
Was it the suggestion that the paintings of the Wandjina were depictions of some white European settlers who came before those in recorded history, or was it more so at the idea that Danikan suggested the Wandjina were ancient astronauts?
One minute they are talking about Arabic and Asian visitors, the next they are talking about space aliens, wrapping it up with a vague explanation of some UFO visitors from America making fun of the paintings without providing any context to understand which it is Ms Umbagai is even talking about.
It’s even worse when you try to get an actual Aboriginal account of the myth from the internet; everything about the Wandjina seems to be written from the vicarious perspective of a {presumably} white person.
This is understandable, given many Aboriginal tribes exhibit a somewhat distrust for sharing such stories with those outside their clan.
In fact, SD has a friend who is an honorary member of a local clan.
It took her four years at university learning about their culture and several years worth of contact building, interacting with the tribe she is an honorary member of before she could even be considered.
As a result of her hard work, she is allowed to attend meetings held by the Elders.
Yet, even she is met with exclusion when it comes to the more “important” secrets of the clan. But yeah, I suppose those anthropologists over at fakearchaeology don’t give a shit about her opinion.
So when it comes to knowing the real story behind the Wandjina, it is likely it has remained as a true secret shared only among the Wanjina Wunggurr.
However, what we can take from Ms Umbagai’s brief statement is this: “It’s like people are making fun, or think we’re making things up, and it’s hurtful for us”.
This suggests to me that the story of the Wandjina, at least to the Wandjina Wunggurr descendants, is taken to be meant in a very literal sense, and if one distorts it from its literal meaning it becomes offensive to the tribe continuing on the story. In other words, it suggests that they firmly believe the Dreamtime was a real, non physical place that existed before the physical plane, and that their people “witnessed” when this physical plane was created. Of course, those with Wanjina Wunggurr blood are welcome to tell me if I am wrong in this assumption.
If I am not totally of the mark with the above statement, this suggests that the Wandjina Wunggurr people were at some point non physical based, for that is the only way they would be able to witness the physical world coming into existence.
I guess being someone who has astral projected and lucid dreamed many, many times, it is alot easier for me to conceptualising existence from a pure consciousness state sans a body, than most.
So what if it wasn’t space where the Wandjina originally came from, but from the astral/ dreaming realms; the same realms that I was told were important communication conduits for non physical entities to interact with physical ones by the Elder Guardians?
The same realms I understand as being important for the evolution of human consciousness.
The same realms that can be accessed for higher order information about the cosmos and our origins through the mastery of Lucid Dreaming?
Again I find it funny fakearchaelogy.com never bothered to debunk the Ancient Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh while they were at it, given it seems to point to a very similar – albeit brief – creation narrative as that of the Wandjina, except with some names thrown in.
“The main source of information about the Sumerian creation myth is the prologue to the epic poem Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Netherworld (ETCSL1.8.1.4),[53] which briefly describes the process of creation: originally, there was only Nammu, the primeval sea.[54]
Then, Nammu gave birth to An, the sky, and Ki, the earth.[54]
An and Ki mated with each other, causing Ki to give birth to Enlil.[54]
Enlil separated An from Ki and carried off the earth as his domain, while An carried off the sky.[55]
Enlil marries his mother, Ki, and from this union all the plant and animal life on earth is produced.
In the Sumerian version of the flood story (ETCSL 1.7.4), the causes of the flood are unclear because the portion of the tablet recording the beginning of the story has been destroyed.[66] Somehow, a mortal known as Ziusudra manages to survive the flood, likely through the help of the god Enki.[67] The tablet begins in the middle of the description of the flood.[67] The flood lasts for seven days and seven nights before it subsides.[68]Then, Utu, the god of the Sun, emerges.[68] Ziusudra opens a window in the side of the boat and falls down prostrate before the god.[68] Next, he sacrifices an ox and a sheep in honor of Utu.[68] At this point, the text breaks off again.[68] When it picks back up, Enlil and An are in the midst of declaring Ziusudra immortal as an honor for having managed to survive the flood. The remaining portion of the tablet after this point is destroyed.[68]In the later Akkadian version of the flood story, recorded in the Epic of Gilgamesh, Enlil actually causes the flood,[69] seeking to annihilate every living thing on earth because the humans, who are vastly overpopulated, make too much noise and prevent him from sleeping.[70] In this version of the story, the hero is Utnapishtim,[71] who is warned ahead of time by Ea, the Babylonian equivalent of Enki, that the flood is coming.[72]The flood lasts for seven days; when it ends, Ishtar, who had mourned the destruction of humanity,[73] promises Utnapishtim that Enlil will never cause a flood again.[74]When Enlil sees that Utnapishtim and his family have survived, he is outraged,[75] but his son Ninurta speaks up in favor of humanity, arguing that, instead of causing floods, Enlil should simply ensure that humans never become overpopulated by reducing their numbers using wild animals and famines.[76]Enlil goes into the boat; Utnapishtim and his wife bow before him.[76] Enlil, now appeased, grants Utnapishtim immortality as a reward for his loyalty to the gods.” -Wikipedia. Epic Of Gilgamesh
SD’s experiences in connecting with her higher intelligence seems to tie both the Epic of Gilgamesh in with the Wandjina legend perfectly, and explain that whole flood thing most information of which was apparently lost.
This is a summary of information she gleaned from a lucid dream in which she was able to connect with her Higher Intelligence, which was included in my autobiography:
“Firstly the Fae (faery) beings were on earth. At the same time there were various types of humans (Neanderthal included) and at that time, the physical and astral realms were tethered to each other and you could walk through each easily like walking over a bridge or through a door; there was no need to fall asleep to detach the consciousness from the physical body because on earth they could manipulate the matter body to become light body and astral body at will.
Many alien races negotiated permission with the intelligent and powerful humanoid Fae beings, to be on earth to experiment with types of “human”.
Each alien race was appointed an ancient human to manipulate their DNA and try to create a being that could change from astral to light being and back to matter body without the need for technology or sleep, as was the norm for many beings on earth at the time.
An ascended race (the angel beings) covertly came to earth and experimented with all creatures including the other alien’s experiments.
They didn’t gain permission to be in the realm let alone do these experiments. What they did was basically like grabbing the united universal treaties and tearing them to pieces.
They are an ascended race so it was considered even more of even more a no no; they were supposed to remain as a neutral party to oversee these experiments, not partake in them.
So when they were done, they flooded the world to get rid of the evidence.
Some of the ascended race found out what these rebel factions did and went in to try and fix what they could.
They saved as many creatures and humans and Fae that were trapped and aliens as they could and put them on their ships until the flooding ceased.
While there were no active Fae on the matter plane to hold the magic at the sacred places, the gates/portals/bridges between realms collapsed.
The beings put the creatures and aliens back on earth but all were trapped as there was not a clear way back out to the other planes and worlds any more.
Some star seeds are incarnated “fallen angels” that fell to save Earth from the rebel faction and are now stuck incarnating in matter bodies until enough magic knowledge is accumulated through the build-up of DNA of the practically wiped out intelligent humanoid Fae race – the original people of this planet earth.
That knowledge and magic is needed to reopen the sacred points.
The witches are the Fae beings in question; the original witches are not just a religion but the original inhabitants of earth – but the world has been misused and misguided for centuries to hide and confuse the truth so that everyone believes they are evil and even culling witches has occurred through history to try to keep the numbers low to keep the re merge from occurring.
This is because the rebel faction are high ranking beings and the leaders know what they did and possibly condoned it. The information is being hushed so that particular race won’t suffer the consequence of them meddling in the experiments.
It will mean a much more severe war, as the mediators to all universal courts and rulings are the same race of rebels that messed around and flooded the place to try cover their tracks.
Can you imagine what will happen if all the races find out that the high court leaders and mediators are actually covertly stealing scientific research and trying to manipulate experiments to benefit them?!
Absolute chaos.
So now on earth, we are stuck in reincarnation cycling round and round and the “amnesia” is a result of the sudden severing of the two “world’s” matter and astral, on this base level/plane.
All of this has a butterfly effect consequence on the other base world’s causing chaos and war through the universe.
That’s the current astral war; everyone is blaming everyone else and trying to gain access to the next level/ plane too have the magic that’s been harvested from earth herself in an attempt to get things going again.
But it’s the witches that need to do it through their personal gate keeping magic.
If there’s not enough of them living how they need to live – not like society dictates but how they legit need to exist, properly connected to the earth – then it won’t happen.
Not to mention all that know what actually happened are trying to cover it up and poison as much of the population as possible in case the DNA of the old Fae – the witches …
… pops up in an incarnation of say – one of the fallen angel types-…
…thus allowing for the knowledge to be “read” and brought forward …
…- as these beings (fallen angel) were of the ascended race so they have the ability to keep a fair bit of knowledge.
Knowledge that the human mind is usually unequipped to handle (often resulting in the human body or mind becoming weak or confused or ill.. etc.. as too much over stimulation becomes a burden to the human vessel over time).
Hold up didn’t Airl mention the Domain were the Annunaki?…
“On land, The Domain Search Party members were referred to as "Annunaki" by the Sumerians, and "Nephilim", in the Bible. Of course, their true mission and activities were never disclosed to homo sapiens. Their activities have been purposefully disguised. Therefore, the human stories and legends about the Annunaki, and the other members of The Domain Search Party have not been understood and were badly misinterpreted.”
- Alien Interview
….and the Annunaki are the very gods mentioned in the Ancient Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, right?
So, could it be the Wandjina came into contact with the Domain or a civilization utilising similar doll bodies through lucid dreaming and were given similar information to Matilda McElroy when she interviewed Airl after the 1947 Roswell Crash?
Or could it be they just simply tapped into higher order information about the same flood that caused the separation of the astral and physical planes that both SD and the Ancient Sumerians seemed to be talking about. Who knows, maybe the three are all just coincidences right?
Let’s look a few points I have been trying to get across since the beginning of my articles, and I quote myself from said articles:
“The “Grand Elder” – as I called him – told me there was a sort of spiritual amnesia affecting mankind.”
“He said that the human brain had been deliberately engineered to cut them off from this state of [higher] awareness that I was now experiencing.”
“The reason, he said, that I had been summoned before them, was because of my abilities at lucid dreaming. Apparently what I had learned through years of experimentation was considered so advanced by them, that very few people on earth possessed these same abilities; the amount of others who apparently possessed these abilities could be counted on one hand.
Apparently, according to these Elders, anyone who demonstrated these abilities were held in high regard by them, as it allowed them the opportunity to communicate with those back on the physical plane without it being compromised by external forces.”
- Part 1: Contact with the Elder Guardians
“I cannot stress how important Lucid dreaming really is for the evolution of human consciousness.”
Part 15 – LD Lesson 4: Advanced LD Practices and Potentialities
And then there was this in regards to a Native American like tribe on a different planet (in case you didn’t get the subtleties, I was implying that they may have been the progenitors to the Native American culture):
“I had somehow found myself on another planet watching a tribal Elder of a humanoid race of people talking to his tribe. I was completely lucid, in that I could remember my body being asleep back in my bed on earth. These people, although completely alien to any human species on earth, had a very Native American vibe to them. All of a sudden the Elder realized I was there, observing them.” – Part 1: Contact with the Elder Guardians
And finally, we have a few clues as to who SD is directly from the Domain Commander himself:
“[SD] was / is an IS-BE of extraordinary (with a great emphasis on the word – MM) ability. Were she to be in our society, she would easily fit within powerful leadership roles.
[SD] was / is a past regarding trans-stable dimensional elder / tribal leader of a community of other trans-dimensional trans-universe IS-BE's that occupy communities that lie outside of the Domain, and the Master Universe.
- Metallicman, EBP Q&A with the Commander from The Domain a November 2021 episode
Phew. I apologise for laying down so many quotes all at once, but I felt it necessary to highlight the obvious, consistent themes, so we can get a better idea of just what the fuck SD’s experiences mean.
From what I can determine, SD seems to be gaining, through lucid dreaming, information about a history of the earth that predates what even the Domain have on record. Like, a real ancient fucking history. Close to the creation of the physical world type ancient. And these experiences are directly related to stories interwoven in Aboriginal culture as well as being seemingly related to the myths of the Annunaki. Not only that, she is giving us a base line of what needs to happen to get out of the reincarnation cycle. The physical and non physical planes must be re merged, through the use of certain *keys* who have had their astral bodies tampered with.
Given my own experiences with LD, I posit that any ancient culture that invested time in dreaming to the point it became part of their main belief system, was likely in contact with non physical entities and had access to similar information. It seems logical to me that without the distractions of convenience that plague a modern society, a culture cultivating such an understanding of the dream world, would be far ahead in regards to cosmological knowledge and knowledge of our origins. Especially if left to their own devises and that understanding was allowed to thrive within their community unimpeded.
Given this deduction, I would similarly suggest that both the Native Australian and Native American tribes, amongst others would have been sought for contact by similar entities that sought me out due to my LD abilities. After all I was only playing around with consciousness via LD over a mere decade. Imagine the sort of intelligence that could have been revealed to a people that practically worshipped dreams for thousands of years before white man came and told them it was nothing but devil worship.
Now, whether or not the Wandjina were interdimensional entities that visited the Wanjina Wunggurr people can only really be left to speculation, but I find it curious their story is a mirror reflection of things Airl told us. And that their paintings depict a similar image to the doll bodies the Domain use (Skinny Bob). Regardless, I will take the word of an Elder, or even descendant of these tribes over that of a bunch of fake archaeology students any day. If the Wanjina Wunggurr people come and tell me I am wrong in my assumptions, then I will graciously accept it.
What I find interesting, and what should be taken away from all this is that SD’s experience allude to a similar sort of spirit presiding over the non physical planes in this same region that provides a degree of protection from other {non physical} entities that have a much more malevolent agenda. Note that her experiences suggest there are various dream portals littered about, that each continent is regulated, and that a tribe in close geographical proximity to the Wandjina are from such an ancient lineage and as a result that no meddling non physical entities are able to understand their original language. The idea that the astral and the physical planes must merge, is something that I find very interesting, because, as you will see in the next article, SD is not the only one I know of who has said this.
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The following is the 16th part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
This particular read is truly enjoyable. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have.
Part 16 –Adventures in the Occult: Some Thoughts on The Hellfire Club
Ever thought about joining the Hellfire Club? Don’t have any clue about what the “hell” – pun intended – it actually is?
Allow me to explain:
The Hell Fire Club was the name of several clubs that were operating out of England in the 18th century, exclusively for high society “debauchees” or persons of apparent “quality” who wished to take part in socially perceived immoral acts. In other words, it was a club for politicians and other well connected “gentlemen” that wanted to waste their {usually inherited} money on gambling, drinking and having sex. Other things said to be engaged in in the club were poetry, philosophy, and the ridicule of religion, as it was of a time when blasphemy of the church was catching on.
The clubs were rumoured to have distant ties to an elite society known only as The Order of the Second Circle. Don’t ask me who those guys were, because I honestly have no fucking clue. The actual activities and membership, though, have long been lost to time. The first official club was established by the Duke of Wharton in London in 1718, though the most notorious of the clubs was one established by a man named Sir Francis Dashwood who met irregularly from 1749 to 1766 in England. Originally, Dashwood’s club wasn’t actually known as a Hell Fire Club – this name came later on. His club seemed to have gone through change of name every time there was a change of location of the Club’s get togethers; Brotherhood of St. Francis of Wycombe, Order of Knights of West Wycombe, The Order of the Friars of St Francis of Wycombe, Monks or Friars of Medmenham, or, `more recently, The Priory of The Knights of St Francis were a few of the names the club as known as.
Dashwood’s club was aimed at partaking in Pagan rituals in salutation of Greek and Roman gods, particularly those of wine (Bacchus and Dionysus etc). In fact, Dashwood apparently had many statues of similar Greek and Roman gods adorning his gardens of Medmenham Abbey. In addition to the Pagan rituals, Dashwood’s club was said to hold mock rituals, distribute items of pornographic nature amongst its members and engage in much “drinking” and “wenching”.
Whereas Wharton’s club was apparently more of a satirical joke meant to shock the outside world, with claims that the president of the club was the Devil himself, though the worship of such deities was not undertaken with the club. The members, did however call themselves “devils” in allusion to their often frowned upon behaviour. An interesting fact of Wharton’s club was that both men and women were admitted as equals, which was practically unheard of for other clubs of the time. Dashwood allowed female members into his clubs which were called nuns. Of course, his club seems to be the one that attracted legends of Black mass and demon and Satan worship, though whether any of that took place is speculation at best. Here’s a fun fact, Aleister Crowley got his infamous “do what thou wilt” line for his Thelemic order from an inscription above one of Dashwood’s doors at Medmenham Abbey.
Also worthy of note is that Dashwood eventually moved his club out of Medmenham into some chalk caves in West Wycombe when the owners of the estate sought to have renovations carried out. These caves ended up being where the meetings were held until the club’s eventual demise, which basically came about due to one of the members becoming involved in a political scandal. This was never something I was told upon becoming involved with the club, but is all readily available on Wikipedia for the curious reader.
What you won’t come across, however is a written record of the rise and rapid fall of the Hell Fire Club as it pertains to the modern era. The bit that I had a {semi} active involvement in breaking out of England and into the international domain. I feel it is necessary to write about as a lot of members and non members alike got right royally screwed over, and still are being screwed. This is some recognition of their efforts out of my own well of respect.
So, consider this an offer of some unfettered wisdom from someone who was actively involved in expanding its chapters internationally, because there was and still is a very active effort on the founder’s part to bury the work us international Stewards put into that expansion.
The Hell Fire Club I am a Steward of is an evolution of Dashwood’s Club. Though when I joined it was very far from being a Club for getting together and having orgies. I was around 19 or 20 when I stumbled across it.
Let’s back up a bit to my high school years. We all know I was into some very “fringe” concepts with my lucid dreaming and astral projection practices while I was at school. I studied the occult in the library when I was supposed to be doing research for science which, to be honest, I found quite boring. I wasn’t that I wasn’t good at it, it is just that I absorbed information at quite rapid pace from only a few glances through the work, so the concept of doing homework or extended study was quite lost on me. I’d prefer to use the time to learn in other areas that I knew a public schooling system was never going to bother teaching me. So yeah, conspiracies regarding the illuminati, the deep state, the freemasons, and reptilian shapeshifters etc were all things I had racked up hours of study on even at the age of fifteen. Though I didn’t necessarily believe in most of them, I was however somewhat of a walking encyclopedia when it came to the occult, astral projection, lucid dreaming, psychic happenings and other metaphysical subjects. To me all this was far more interesting to talk about than how to work out the speed of an apple falling from a tree or whatever they taught in general physics classes. Yawn.
And this presented a bit of a problem, because I was one of the only people in the entire school that had such an understanding of the metaphysical. It’s all well and good for those that have no first hand experience in these arts, but when you have been spending a good chunk of your youth flying around in the astral planes or fighting demons in lucidity, it’s hard not to find every day life quite bland. I yearned for others to talk to about this “crazy” world I knew too much about, and sometimes even indulged my straight edged friends a little too liberally to be met with nothing but blank stares. There was one other guy I use to practice healing and psychic shielding with – a guy named Blake – but he ended up running off to join some cult almost as soon as school had finished in an effort to “stay spiritual”. He was even kind enough to {rather forcefully} invite me in to it and try to get me to stay {by not letting me fucking leave}. So there went my Hogwarts connection.
Regardless, my studies continued well past school. I started collecting the oldest manuscripts of any given occult subject I could find, figuring information would be more “pure” if it came directly from the source before its true meaning could be lost in translation and transliteration. If a book was a few hundred years old and had something to do with “magic” I simply had to have it, regardless of the cost. And it wasn’t that I wanted to specifically practice said magic either; I simply wanted to broaden my knowledge in those areas. Because, as any wise person should know, knowledge is power.
So I was looking for books. Old books, antique books, and books with evident occult connections, and this was how I stumbled upon the Hellfire Club. You see, the club’s Steward was a Master Book binder, and he somehow managed to secure rights to republish out of print occult works; some really fucking nice and old {and powerful} manuscripts. Things like photocopies of diaries from 15th century alchemists, original workings of the Golden Dawn, some stuff on Freemasonry, other stuff on Crowley, Copies of Solomonic manuscripts dating back to the 1500s etc. These editions were bound “exclusively for the Hell Fire Club”, though that didn’t mean you had to be a member to purchase them. What can I say, I was instantly hooked. Some of these editions came bound in a standard cloth form, and others – the more exotic and rare – came leather bound with hand tooled emblems and insignia pressed and then gilded into the fronts. The collection would have made any practicing occultist weep, mainly due to the price tags. It wasn’t uncommon to find these books valued at over $500 a pop, some even in the thousands.
I admit, a few titles really caught my attention, and my curiosity was piqued as the web site stated they were taking on new members. Although no history was given as to the association with the Hell Fire Clubs of the past, a brief summary of the club and its values were given, which aligned with my studies into alchemy. Essentially, the whole point of the club was to better its members through applying alchemical concepts to one’s meditations as a basis to initiate a spiritual shift in consciousness. This is how it was pitched anyway, or something along those lines. One may recall I was never big on joining any occult organisation that had a ranking system in place, and this is where the HFC tickled my fancy over other organisations such as the Freemasons, the Ordo Templi Orientis and Crowley’s Argentum Astrum etc. Upon initiation into the HFC, all members were considered equal as everyone else. The Stewards, who were there solely to keep the various Chapter on course would be rotated on a yearly basis so as to keep up with this equality. Plus, because of the way the Club was structured, self initiation was not only possible but highly encouraged (I think this was really to help expand internationally more than anything).
So I sent the English Steward, Eamonn, an email stating I was interested in joining. We got to talking and he evidently became impressed with my thirst for occult knowledge, to compliment what little I already knew. He asked me if I wanted to help bring the Club to Australia and create my own Chapter, to which I was quite apprehensive at first, though he assured me he would give me any help I needed and that he could provide (it ended up being quite a dismal amount of help indeed). After some back and forth, he eventually convinced me to start my own Chapter in Western Australia, and with that I established my Chapter of Dragon Flame (an intentional anagram of “A Pagan force meld forth”), under his direct instruction, then he put me in contact with the Stewards of the other States.
Remember, this was before Facebook really took off, so to begin with the plan was to coordinate everything through a Yahoo group, but nothing ever eventuated from it. It wasn’t until the other Stewards finally joined facebook that I was able to communicate with them much more freely, and found solace I hadn’t found since my conversations with Blake (not including those discussions I had had with SD). These were occultists – real occultists – that had been involved in Hermetic societies for most of their life, some even being high ranking Mason’s. Others had even created their own Hermetic Orders that borrowed heavily from Godlen Dawn literature. Needless to say, I got along very well with them, and became rather respected given my understanding of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and how it pertained to alchemy, and my occult knowledge in general. If you ever wanted a lesson in occult matters – astral projection, magic, lucid dreaming etc then this was the group to be in. Some of them were even contacted by non physical “Masters” just as I was about to be. It was repository of information that you would never find in any school or public library.
Thus I was very much in the Hell Fire Club’s “inner circle”, and this was a direct evolution of Francis Dashwood’s Club; Eamon was in possession of some of the original paperwork used by Dashwood and his associates, and even went so far as to conduct the Clubs meetings in the same chalk caves of West Wycombe, which became known as the “Hellfire Caves”. Whatever the club once was in regards to its debauch behaviour, it had become reworked into something which legitimately focused on inner reflection and the development of the spiritual self, thanks to the work and vision Eamonn put into it. This was evident in the other members I have since become quite good friends with (one of the Stewards even sent me a bottle of pure Myrr oil when he heard my hand had been cut open – quite an expensive and sacred oil to gift out to someone you’ve never met).
I even had a few astral projection and lucid dreaming experiences that were directly related to the Club, and a somewhat mystical experience that hinted at the “overthrowing of the armour king to make way for the king of fire” (which I took to mean the rule of the military industrial complex to make way for the rule of the spirit). Though, I never had the opportunity to partake in any orgies. How unfortunate.
SD, being Pagan and into much of the same ideologies and concepts as me joined as a founding member of my own Chapter, though for a time we floundered as there was absolutely no interest by anyone in our State. We initiated another member only to find he was more interested in serving his own carnal pleasures than he was for spiritual development (turned out the guy was a fucking serial rapist and had deep connections within the OTO, Freemasons and was a part of pretty much every Pagan meetup group in our area, so there went the idea of expansion), and that put us off to the point that our Chapter became a somewhat private affair for our own spiritual development. We conducted a few rituals based off of the ideologies of the Club, but I found it more beneficial to rework these into my own concepts on Alchemy that I was now fully invested in, and contemplate them in silent meditation. I believe these concepts and meditations were what led to my eventual contact with the Elder Guardians in 2012 when coupled with my LD practices.
In regards to the activities of Eamon and the other members, they continued with their regular meetups, but for me and SD, it was a several year period of stagnation. Of course, I still remained in close contact with the other Stewards and Eamonn, and engaged in regular chats with them all both privately and publicly on the Club’s Facebook pages. By this stage I had invested a few thousand dollars in some of Eamonn’s books which constituted my “occult library” (there was some good, rare books in this library). Eamonn had also commissioned me to help on some of his upcoming works, knowing that I was rather handy when it came to using photoshop for touching up “noisy” images. It seemed his work on gaining an international foothold was paying off as he now had established connections (and thus Chapters) within the USA and throughout Europe as well as in almost every State of Australia. SD and I were added to the “Hellfire Star Chamber” along with the other Stewards to discuss drafting of the proper charters for each Chapter and other such necessities that would move it full steam ahead. I guess Eamonn envisioned it growing as big as Freemasonry or something.
With things seemingly moving along nicely, I was inspired to revisit my Chapter of Dragon Flame and begin structuring it into something more usable and in line with the Hell Fire Club’s Goals. I began drafting my own charter with an idea to properly promote it amongst the limited occult societies in my area. I wrote poems and verse that I posted amongst the Stewards in the Starfire Chamber that even Eamonn himself suggested were good enough to be used for all of the Chapter both, original and international. Whether those poems and verse arse still in use is a mystery to me, though if they are then technically they are being used out of copyright, not that I really give a shit.
The Charter
Here is a {somewhat incomplete} charter I wrote for my Chapter of Dragon Flame. As you can see, there is nothing inherently sinister within it, and it was based heavily on the chapter papers Eamonn wrote, bound and distributed to the Hell Fire Club’s Members: The whole purpose of my club was utilise HFC rituals as a form of unlocking the higher self within the candidate. I wanted people to experience that “god mode” form of consciousness that I had experienced during my times with Elder Guardians.
THE CLUB’S INTENTION: To bring one into a new perception of oneself by symbolic means.
Elements needed to effectively be in chapter:
Membership cards/coins must be made for the initiation of guests, and any spares used to decorate the decanter/bottle on the occasion of guest initiation plus an extra gold coin.
A blue and red coloured robe
A beaked mask (one per member)
A Bishop’s/ Wizard’s hat/ mitre reserved for the appointed Abbot’s duties
A floor/ table cloth printed/embroidered with a zodiac or stars. If none is available then the Major Arcana of a Tarot set arranged in three rings (12-7-3) or a set of 12v zodiacal cards from Uranias Mirror can be used.
Six Candlesticks (representing the four niches/ doves and two paths in the caves) to signify the Towers of the Abbey of Theleme in (Rabelais Book 2), named after the winds in the classical world: Arctice, Calaer, Anatole, Mesembrine, Hesperia, Cryere.
A lamp/ globe/ bowl suspended from the ceiling above the floor cloth, preferably one that may contain a lighted taper/ candle.
A bottle/ decanter of wine/ mead in which the coin is to be cast during the guests initiation ceremony as well as a chalice or goblet for drinking of said wine.
Pentagram and Hexagram Sketches as well as the Stewards Jewel and a set of Platonic Solid Models to signify the two keys. The letters T.R.I.N.C. must be available, preferably so that they can be rearranged as is done in the ceremony of the second key.
Any available object that can act as a tribute to Francis Dashwood, whether it be a portrait of him, an object from the club or an empty chair reserved for the presence of the founder.
A scroll bearing the poem called ‘The 108 Steps” to be laid at the bottom of the floor cloth
Membership Cards: Exist to aid all persons involved in the club and available only through properly appointed Stewards of each Chapter. To be completed and issued to successful applicants on an individual basis only. In early days coins or token were used in place of the cards, engraved or marked by/ for the individual. The coin/token/ card should be regarded as the sole guarantee that the lessons of the Chapter have been relayed by a Steward in an appropriate manner, and that the persons connection is a true one.
A record should be kept by the Stewards of the names of those in which a card is issued, and allow other chapters to request information regarding membership status in order that visiting members from other areas are properly received, though it should be noted that the right to a membership card does not necessarily guarantee admittance to another chapter. Politeness holds sway and all members wishing to visit another chapter should either wait to be invited or contact an appropriate Steward to arrange asocial meeting in advance.
The floor cloth is to be aligned so that the doves point to the principle points of the compass; the main door of this room should open towards the first path of the inner temple.
The lamp is to be hung in the centre of the room above the floor cloth. The only light in the room should emanate from this lamp alone.
Around the internal space is to be a representation of a celestial zodiac, depicted through the Major Arcana (Trumps) of the Tarot deck, which are placed in exact alignment of the zodiac at the solstices in a series of 3 – 7 – 12.
At the extremities around the cloth behind the doves are placed four candlesticks to represent the four niches.
In the centre of the floor cloth is to be placed the bottle/decanter with the members coins strewn about next to it.
At the bottom of the floor cloth should be laid the poem ‘The 108 Steps” with a gold coin placed atop it.
On the opposite side of the scroll, where the rings of the Major Arcana align, is to be placed a pentagram with the Letters T.R.I.N.C. enclosed in its outer spaces along with a platonic solid at one edge and the Stewards Jewel at the other edge.
The four Doves or degrees: The object of the members of the Hell Fire Club is to better oneself spiritually by meditating and applying one’s mind to the occult symbology of alchemy guided on by an appointed Steward. Although there are no formal degrees in the sense of rank, one must first progress through a series of four non-linear states along the journey to their inner self.
Guests are invited to attend Chapter meetings by a member of the HFC whereby they can partake in the first of many rituals of casting a coin at the decanter and taking a drink of its contents. Once this first rite of passage has been completed the Guest may then apply for membership whereby they become a member if accepted by the club. Guests and preparations of what they may see or experience are the sole responsibilities of the inviting member. Watch Words for guests are Friendliness and Discretion.
Members are guests that have completed the first rite of passage and on applying for membership, have been approved by an appointed Steward. A successful applicant may then apply to the Steward of their Chapter for advice on the deeper interpretation of the symbols associated with the club. The privilege of inviting Guests to the chapter meetings is restricted to members alone, and for practical reasons is kept to one Guest per member per meeting. Watch words for members are Sincerity and Application.
A Steward is essentially any person whose membership has passed from the level of the inner desire for experience to the outward manifestation of that in literature, mathematics, public speaking, art, business or any other engagement. They guide the Club as one would a ship, relating from memory the legends, traditions and symbols and assist others in taking their first steps on the road to inner discovery. There is usually only one Steward in Chapter at once, the position being revoted upon by members every year. Watch words are Hospitality and Self Sacrifice.
A Prior/ Prioress is someone who has walked the inner road of themselves and has effectively returned to the beginning. It is the prior’s/ prioress’s duty to continue the seed of the club, and only they are able to begin a new chapter of their own. Watch Words for priors are Work and Silence.
The office of the abbot: The Abbot’s role lies outside of the four degrees and is not a level attained in the club by application of oneself. Instead it is an annually elected role, enabling all members of the club to exert an influence upon its development. The Abbot, whilst appearing to be of merriment and even disorder, is vital to the Harmony and well being of the club. It is in fact an evolutionary force.
The hell fire club greeting: The Steward welcomes all of those who have made it to Chapter using the LAQS motto and gives a brief explanation of any themes they have thought relevant for after ritual.
Layout of the 12 rituals of the hfc:
The Ritual Of Fire – to be completed in the sign of Gemini (ideally in the last 10 degrees of the sign, ie 11th – 20th of June )
Ritual Of Air – to be completed in the sign of Cancer during midwinter (ideally at the very start of the sign on the 21st of June.
Ritual II
Possible Set Up:
A permanent pentagram (circle) set up with four “pillars” representing the niches of TARO (north, south, east and west), and another two representing the “gate” or “entrance” to the circle, with rocks filling the spaces to symbolise the cave.
An empty chair for the presence of Dashwood.
The candles representing the Guest to be lit from the candle of the T niche.
Ritual of Fire:
To make the Guest subconsciously aware of the fact that they are element of fire, which is associated with the tetrahedron
To be facilitated by the building and lighting of a fire by the Guest
To subconsciously open the path of Cancer for the Guest
To be facilitated by the alignment of Cancer (Chariot) with the element of Fire (Judgement) on the floor cloth and the recitation of the passage explaining as such.
To connect the Guest with the archetypal energies of Francis Dashwood and the original Hell Fire Club both consciously and sub consciously
To be facilitated by the empty chair, and recitation of a brief speech acknowledging Francis Dashwood
To connect the Guest with the archetypal energies of the Abbey Of Theleme
To be facilitated by explaining the four niches of T.A.R.O. and the square that they comprise
To make the Guest subconsciously aware that by throwing the coin they are taking the first step in the transmutation of fire into air.
To be facilitated by the recitation of the poem of the guest.
To symbolically cast aside the material constraints society has placed upon the Guest
To be facilitated by the casting of a coin at the decanter
To make the Guest aware of the essential relationship of themselves
To be facilitated by the drinking of the wine.
Papers to be given:
Introductory papers on the club, what it’s about, it’s goal etc.
An explanation of Archetypal energies
An introduction on Alchemy
An introduction The Kabalistic Tree of Life
An explanation of the Abbey of Theleme
Items needed for next meeting:
The symbology behind the ritual of the guest is to be the quintessential starting point of the HFC: CODF. I feel it important that this ritual be designed so that the initiate, after freeing themself of their materialistic constraints by throwing the coin at the decanter, be able to connect with the archetypes of Francis Dashwood himself and the rest of his members. I am still unsure how the latter can be acted out in ritual, perhaps more thorough research into his character will prove useful. It may also be worth looking making a rite that mimics certain aspects of the positioning of the original caves when laying out the elements of the club.
The location of this ritual should be carried out in a location bearing similar attributes to that of the river of Styx in the caves of West Wycombe, or another underground place used, perhaps a sacred well, burial ground or even a consecrated space in a room dedicated to the purpose. I propose to use the clearing behind our house in MH for the job as there is a nearby creek which resembles the aforementioned river, and a secret spot which may act as the inner temple “hidden” by undergrowth.
Originally I proposed to have the Guest build and light a fire, so that they are physically and mentally becoming the element of the tetrahedron, but Storme has suggested this may be in efficient as not everyone is competent at building fires, so we made the decision that a candle should be lit instead, for each Guests, which can then be blown out at the next Chapter meting during the ritual of Air (obviously the candle will have to be re lit, as it cannot burn between Chapters)
The ritual is started by other members taking up position around the floor cloth, and the HFC greeting cited. The member who invited the Guest shall then give a brief introduction of them and what attributes led them to give an invitation, to which an appointed Steward will quote the poem:
Recitation of the Gate of Cancer:
Behold thee
In the position of Gemini you dwell
Study its composition
For its passing is nigh
But with it comes the opening of Cancer’s gate,
And thus the Chariot you shall ride across Zodiac of yourself.
So mote it be
Poem of the Guest
O guest whoso dares to seek our secret keys,
For the benefit of no other
And no other shall thee seek to please
In order that you will discover
That you and you alone are the sun
Rising in Cancer
To traverse the ocean of the one
So that you may find the answer
That lies deep within our inner temple
Capricorn will show you the way
If only thought of our secret be made ample
When the Devil is yours to slay
And the Corinthian book be melted down
So that the seven alchemical metals are found
But first we ask that you seek our jewel
Lest thee should yourself become the fool
Casting aside want of wealth
Be received by us in benevolence and health
Throw now your coin at the bottle of TRINC
And in the name of Dashwood drink
Study the lines in this poem you ought
As you dare O Guest to set Wealth at naught.
A coin is thrown at the bottle/ decanter in the centre of the floor cloth by the Guest/s, as they envision their shackles being released, to signify their willingness to sacrifice the materialistic profanities which pose a hindrance to their own spiritual progression. Mention is given by the Steward to the ‘TRINC’ sound made as the coin hits the bottle and its’ similarity to the word ‘trokken’ meaning to drink. The Guest/s then drinks of the wine within the decanter, which is passed around to each member to signify the equality of the members of the club. Once the Guest/s has sipped upon the wine, the Steward tells them they have freed themselves of the limitations of materialism, and that for a new perspective to take place within the individuals mind, one must in time first come to the realisation of death as the next passage to wisdom. The ritual is finished by the Steward quoting:
“We have shown you whence the path to the inner self lies, it is now your decision whether or not to walk it. If you do, then may this club and its members, being both of flesh and of spirit, provide the necessary guidance, acting as a vessel for your journey across the ocean of the zodiac.”
Afterwards a relevant theme designed to expand the mind and open the psyche may be discussed between all in chapter including any Guests.
At the end of Chapter the Guest/s is asked to meditate upon everything revealed to them in chapter in their own time, and keep a record of any changes that may occur in their consciousness whether it be manifested physically around them or astrally in their dreams, and that when they feel ready they may apply for full membership. They are to be given a paper which highlights the goal of the club as well as explains what an archetype is and how it applies to the symbology behind the HFC.
Ritual Of AIR:
To receive the Guest as a new Member of the HFC
To be facilitated by the giving of a membership card and a gold coin (as opposed to the silver one thrown at the decanter.)
To make the new Member subconsciously aware that they have transmuted the first of the elements into the second
To be facilitated by the extinguishing of the flame first created by the Guest with air from their breath and the alignment of the element Air (Fool) on the floor cloth to the planetary and zodiacal rings (120 degrees), and the recitation of the first transmutation.
To subconsciously establish the floor cloth as the universe
To be facilitated by the movement of the outer ring of the 12 zodiacal cards by 30 degrees (one zodiacal card) anti-clockwise and the movement of the inner ring of 7 planetary cards by 51.42 degrees (one planetary card) anti-clockwise
To subconsciously establish that the 3 rings of the 22 cards Major Arcana as being the outward projections of the inner temple lamp.
To be facilitated by the moving of the decanter from the top of the floor cloth (between the Pentagram and Stewards Jewel) to its centre (in the middle of the inner ring of the elemental cards) and the recitation of the lamps description from “The Oracle Of The Bottle”
To subconsciously establish the square of opposition
To be facilitated by the recitation of the meaning of T.A.R.O. and how it represents the four niches of the Abbey of Theleme
To subconsciously establish the Steward’s Jewel as being an anchor in the ocean of universe
To be facilitated by the action of rowing the new member around the floor cloth by the Steward whereby they stop at Cancer
To consciously establish the Tree of Life as being a map of the Tarot and a
To be facilitated by reciting the symbolism of the double suns of the Stewards’ Jewel, and how they relate to the twin paths of Cancer and Capricorn, and how it is a hexagram.
The Temple Lamp – Oracle of the Bottle:
Behold the most admirable lamp of our Oracle
That dispenses so large a light over our temple
Though we lay underground
We can still see as clearly as day
It dangles from a ring of massy gold,
as thick as any clenched fist
Three chains most curiously wrought
Hung below it
And in a triangle supported a round plate of fine gold
Four holes, each of which an empty ball was fastened
Hollow within
And open at the top
One amethyst
Another carbuncle
The third opal
The last anthracites
All full of burning water
Five times distilled in a serpentine lymbeck
Inconsumptible nonetheless
In each was a flaming wick
The First Transmutation
We have received your pledge to enter our temple and discover the mysteries that lie therein. Extinguish, now the flame of the tetrahedron with the breath of your being, and take up your new place amongst the airs of the octahedron….
I now beseech unto you the honour of a being a full member of the Hell Fire Club [to which the coin and card are given], and reveal unto you the secret of the pillars of the Abbey of Theleme, signified by the four doves placed upon our floor cloth. T A R O, together these pillars signify the four cardinal directions, the 4 dimensions of the cube of space, as well as the four elements of our club, and together with secrets yet to be revealed unto thee, they shall serve as the basis of your self transformation.
Join us, now as we navigate the vessel of ourselves through the ocean of the zodiac, seeking to take up anchor at the secret pathway hidden behind the devil.
[The Steward rows around the room, stopping at the alignment of Cancer ]
To aid you in your voyage we give unto thee, willingly, the gift of our jewel. Do not tarry long in its mysteries, for like the pillars they are many. For now may it serve solely as your own anchor, which you will cast upon the Gate of Cancer.
[The Steward gives the jewel to the new member who throws it at the Chariot card.]
Rejoice, for I now declare the path of Cancer open, and inform ye that you are indeed on the right course.
A coin and membership card is to be presented to any new members.
Papers to be given:
The Stewards Jewel
The Hebrew Alphabet & Gematria
Ritual III: the four doves.
After membership has been granted to a guest they are then allowed to partake in the first ritual which is designed to explain the significance the four doves bear to the four elements, and the colour of each element described. Members should be made aware that these four doves comprise what is called the square of opposition.
The ritual must encompass each element being made known, lighting a candle for fire, incense for air etc. A common circle casting may suffice, whereby meditation is focused upon the physical appearance of the Caves at West Wycombe, followed by the meditation of the newly opened pathway of cancer. Perhaps a ritual encompassing the sailing or entering of a boat to signify the opening of the pathway.
FURTHER STUDY: The writings of Francois Rabelais (Gargantua & Pantagruel), designs and positions of the various caves, grottoes, monuments and the great Mausoleum atop the hill at West Wycombe – England, Kabalistic Tree of Life, Platonic Solids, Corinthian Brass, Egyptian Mythology, Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (The Strife Of Love In A Dream) by Francesco Colonna, Cube of Space, Egyptian scheme of the Zodiac with decans, Square of opposition, Charles Johnstone’s “Crysal” aka “Adventures Of A Guinea”, Ars Combinatoria by Ramon Llull
And then the shit hit the proverbial fan. No sooner had the Starfire Chamber been assembled, than it was being torn apart by the very man who had spent over a decade bringing its international standing to fruition; Eamonn.
What started as a warning towards one of the members of his English chapter, for inappropriate behaviour towards other members, soon turned into a clash between his Chapter and the international ones. Regardless of whatever behaviour this individual displayed (which she has since shown remorse for), Eamonn used it as a pawn to get everyone involved and start taking sides. It was real petty schoolyard politics bullshit on his end, and quite frankly I was stunned he’d stooped so low.
I guess it was because this individual had made quite good friends with some of the international Stewards, so when they refused to depose her from the Club, Eamonn got annoyed. He gave everyone an ultimatum: side with him and continue on under his official establishment, or take the side of the person in question and lose any connection we once had with his chapter. Honestly, it was too much drama for my liking, and I preferred not to get involved, though I had noted similar drama in the past when it came to Eamonn.
There was one particular guy who had been affiliated with the club and helped establish it in America who began selling unofficial HFC branded insignia for big money against the wishes of Eamonn. In the same email he had dished out to members, it mentioned that not only was this guy a fraud but he was also a convicted pedophile and that Eamonn and the Club would have nothing else to do with him, which I thought at the time was fair enough. Though after this school yard politics tactic, I began to wonder just how much of that schpeel was actually true. It seemed to me Eamonn had a tendency to over exaggerate someone’s indiscretions if they pissed him off.
I was also aware that Eamon had been pushing the envelope when it came to the publishing rights he was given for some of the books he was making a high margin on; when it was mentioned by the owner of that copyright Eamonn was printing more than the agreed amount of copies, his reply was for them to “eat shit” – of course, I never told him I knew about that particular interview, and had given him the benefit of the doubt about it being a business misunderstanding. I guess I was being naïve.
There was also one other thing that was making me question Eamonn’s integrity, and that was the way I had caught him lying about sending me free copies of his latest work, which had been agreed by both of us as fair payment for my photoshopping work on them.
The son of a bitch fucking pressed me for weeks to give up my lunch breaks managing an electronics factory to get these out by the deadline. And a fair portion of what should have been my R&R time after work. In the end I couldn’t have given a shit about whether or not I received the works, but to be lied to about them and then to have Eamonn cease all communication with me because of it really stung me.
Turns out I wasn’t the only one he scammed; on a facebook group for rare occult works I found a community of disgruntled customers that had been waiting years – yes actual fucking years, like 2 or 3– for books from him they had spent a good deal of money on. After a brief read of their comments the total amount owed was easily over $20k. I like to believe that Eamonn just fell behind in his orders and that these guys eventually got their books, as I never pinned him for one who would intentionally deceive people for money, but regardless, there was talk of getting the police involved after he didn’t bother to reply to their emails. And talk from others who suggested it was common practice for Eamonn to go through stages of seeming professionalism only to finish it off with such fraudulent actions. Oh yeah, and he was on the fucking group.
So it was safe to say Eamonn, who seemed to be embodying the spirit of Aleister Crowley a little too literally, was fast burning the bridges he had established within the occult community, and getting quite a negative name for himself.
In the end the Stewards of the international Chapters decided he was too much of a liability and flipped him the metaphorical bird. We became our own separate entity completely disenfranchised from Eamonn and his chapter and whatever bullshit went with it, and Eamonn started refusing he ever had any involvement with any of us, even though it was his idea to expand internationally in the first place. Even though the whole club had been established on his ideologies. He said his fuck you’s and we said them right back.
How do I know he flat out refuses we had anything to do with his Club? Because a friend within the {American} OTO bought books from him and received a flyer asking him to join the HFC, to which Eamonn dismissed any connection to the international chapters, saying we had nothing whatsoever to do with his club and never had to begin with….Here’s the thing though, I still have the original emails proving otherwise. Whoopsie. In the words of the wise man who runs the site these words are posted on, don’t piss on someone’s leg and tell them it’s raining.
Consider it some recompense for the people still yet to receive their books: …
So there you have it; the true modern day history of the HFC.
For what it is worth, despite all the drama, I’d be lying if I said the club did not have a profound impact on me. Despite Eamonn’s shortcomings, he did lead me down the road of Alchemy I otherwise never would have set foot on and inadvertently gave me some auxiliary tools to unlock my higher self.
If you are interested in such things, then I sincerely recommend seeking out a Steward of the International Chapters, that are no longer affiliated with him. Sure you might get there with his Chapter, but that all depends on whether or not he actually sends you the books you pay for.
Like I said, I hope he just fell behind with his orders and has since completed them, but I honestly stopped bothering reading into anything he was up to a few years ago, so that is research the reader will have to invest their own time in. It was sad to see a community with such potential succumb to such childish bickering.
In regards to Eamonn, I don’t hate him; I always looked up to him for spiritual guidance.
Who knows, maybe life caught up with him and he saw the need to make a quick buck to pay for a debt or two he’d gotten himself into. I just hope for his sake he hasn’t dug himself a hole he is unable to get out of.
I like to believe that spark that made him want to expand his Club internationally for the spiritual betterment of the people is still alive and smouldering somewhere deep inside him.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the fifteenth part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Part 15 – LD Lesson 4: Advanced LD Practices and Potentialities
I hope you’ve been practicing because now we get into the good stuff. Comparing this article to my past ones will be like comparing aged scotch whiskey. It will be like shelving that 12 year old blended crap and cracking open a 21 year old single malt instead. Except rather than take a few savouring sips, we are going to devour the whole bottle.
Just don’t do what I did and leave it in an oak cask in the middle of 40+ degree Celsius summer only to find it had all evaporated before I’d even had my second sampling. For those who do not know, distillers take this evaporation into account when ageing their scotch and call it the “Angel’s Share”. Well the angels certainly got their fair share of that batch, $250 fucking dollars worth of it.
Speaking of angels, there is a very well known story in occult circles about Dr John Dee and his communication with the “angel” Enoch. As the story goes, Dee, an accomplished scryer, was able to communicate with Enoch through the use of a crystal ball and black mirror. Enoch purportedly relayed an Angelic alphabet to Dee who in turn relayed it to his associate Edward Kelly. Kelly transcribed the complete alphabet along with the proper method of contacting the angels through the use of a complex system of tablets. Israel Regardie (Aleister Crowley’s secretary) has an excellent write up of the correct use of the tablets in his book “Golden Dawn” which deals with the magical systems of that same Order.
Whilst this subject deserves its own separate article, be aware that my LD methodologies can be used to contact similar non physical entities (for the sake of brevity I lump all angels/demons/ghosts/inter-dimensional ETs in the same boat under this title). Though Dee never specifically used LD or AP for his scrying sessions (that I am aware of), these avenues certainly can be used for these purposes. In fact, I am so sure in my assertions that I will even go as far as to say that these avenues will produce results far better and far in excess than what is capable with conventional channeling processes whilst “awake”, going by mine and SDs experiences alone.
Remote viewing, telepathy, communication with non physical entities, projection into other worlds etc are all very real possibilities from this non physical vantage point. Men of common sciences will suggest they are just imbalances in brain chemistry or what have you, but once you experience them you will realise just how wrong these apparent “experts” are. Do yourself a favour and replace words such as “black mirror” and “crystal ball” with words such as “void space” and “sleep paralysis” whenever reading such occult recipes for communication with non physical entities.
So what makes LD so much better for these practices than channeling techniques carried out whilst conscious within the physical body? Trick question, and if you need to ask I suggest re-reading through my prior articles on the subject. LD is the practice of disengaging consciousness from the physical vessel.PERIOD. Non negotiable! Return all arguments to sender!We may call it a form of dreaming, or a type of OBE, but when you strip the technicalities away, this is what it really boils down to. It is the change of ourconscious perception of reality, and for those who feel the need to argue this point, then all I can say is that you aren’t LDing properly. As MM would put it, it is your consciousness going from particle form to wave form. What you witness in LD is, quite bluntly, the other side of the Quantum physics coin. Read that, again.
How can one define reality when one is completely, irrevocably, 100% conscious, yet there is no longer a physical world in front of them? In LD you have a complete understanding on how it is your consciousness can create reality; there is no longer mystery in this regard. And these “expert” “dream scientists” are trying to measure it all with EEGs and other equipment that can only measure the particle domain? It is beyond laughable. As a qualified electronics technician with an advanced licence in radio I can tell you no breakthroughs are ever going to come through such dream research avenues which rely solely on such equipment.
It’s like using a wrench to measure voltage in an electronic circuit; the two are not compatible. But it is rather cute watching how much effort they put into it all. Kinda like watching a baby put a square block into a circular shaped hole. If only they would listen {sigh}. In case any of them are: If LD dream scientists are serious about their research then I suggest looking into experimenting with the concepts I am providing here. You will win a noble peace prize Laureate. Read up on MMs Our Universe material and play around with the range of extremely low frequencies he mentions. It all corroborates my experiences perfectly.
Hell, I’ll even draft your experiments up for you if you ask me nicely enough. Such scientists need to understand that once consciousness reaches the transition point, linear time becomes an irrelevant factor. The entire LD experience could take place within the time it takes the microcontroller in the EEG equipment clock to register a single digital step. That digital step is what draws all those nice little lines of data you guys like to rely on. Time is not the same in LD as it is in physical reality!!! LD/AP are not just fluctuations in brain chemicals/ speeds (though these do play a role); they are a conscious witnessing of quantum reality. Adapt your experiments accordingly, else you look like fucking amateurs to those of us who know what we are talking about.
So, anyways, in answering the above question:
By detaching consciousness and becoming lucid in this manner, you are disengaging from all the sensory inputs that shapes your physical world. Not just the 5 sensors, but all those sensors you don’t even realise you rely upon, such as subconscious “programs”, like breathing and heartbeat, that keep your body running. They are good for keeping your physical body alive, but one has to realise that these sensors, when tuned to the physical body, create a thick layer of M Band noise (what I previously called sub conscious distortion in past articles.) You will not realise just how encumbering this M Band Noise is until you consciously experience a transition into the sleeping state; at this juncture, the compression of consciousness state that you have been trapped in your whole life becomes immediately apparent.
Think of it like if you were born into a box that is much too small for your body in that it has to remain hunched over all the time. As the box is closed, the only reality you know of is that within the box. Hence you never realised you are encumbered. It is not until someone opens the box, and you can finally stretch out into the new reality outside of it that you realise just how limited you were in practically all of your abilities. This is a very crude rendition of a thought experiment called the “cave” by the well known philosopher Plato, I suggest everyone reads (it was what the story line of the Matrix movies was based on – and yeah I am the guy that exited the cave if you haven’t already figured it out). The point is, at the transition point you shed this M Band Noise baggage. It feels like someone just lifted a million tonne weight (or gravity itself) off of you, and you can – for want of a better word – “stretch” yourself in ways that you never could before. This is how you know you’ve reached the Void Space. In a general sense, the M Band noise begins to thin out the deeper one goes into sleep paralysis/ hypnogogia. Remember this, as it can be used to your advantage.
The reduction of this M Band noise layer is why LD is such an effective avenue for non physical entity communication. It is why it is so effective for “connecting” with other consciousness via telepathy. It is why it is so effective for remote viewing. Sure, there is still an inherent layer of M Band noise to cut through, but it is a lot thinner and a lot less troublesome from this vantage point. With enough practice it’s like cutting through butter. You learn to ignore what is irrelevant and focus on what is relevant. You learn to focus on what is new, what is different, what is out of place in this quantum world you are experiencing, and that is where you should be {carefully} probing for higher order information.
You’d be surprised of what is out there willing to “talk” or show you things. A point should be made though, that just because a non physical entity might say something, doesn’t always mean that it is the truth. Discernment is ultimately your own responsibility. And there is no reason you can’t be sending out “pings” for others to locate you. Ok yeah there is reason and we will say that reason is safety, but honestly, it isn’t something I really ever gave a shit about. (The movie “Baby’s Day Out” comes to mind, where this innocent baby wanders off from its parents to explore the fascinating world around it, seemingly ignorant of all the dangers unfolding right behind it and the predators that are trying to capture it to use it as a ransom. That pretty sums up my teenage LD years. )
But in these years I learnt some things; if you truly know yourself and what you are, there is nothing to be afraid of whilst in LD. I always operated on the mentality that no matter what evil presented itself to me to try and scare me, I was bigger and badder and meaner than it could ever be, and this is what I “projected” out with my pings. An unwavering sense of self is the crucial mentality one needs to be operating from in this state of consciousness. Never, ever, take notice of those words that were designed to break you from other, much weaker souls. If you allow them to carry on into the LD/AP domain, they will present as a weakened point of your being that may be exploited by other entities that are more sure of themselves. You simply cannot be weak minded when entering this place; wield your sense of self like a bright illuminating torch that makes others recoil in fear of being burnt and use that light to navigate.
Remember, you don’t actually have to accept that candy from the stranger at the park, just like you don’t have to accept their words as bearing anything on who you are. To put it simply, fuck their opinion. You are a god, you just don’t remember it yet. Hopefully you will soon.
Hidden Knowledge:
There is a wealth of information about who we are and our real histories that has been kept locked away from us in the non physical world; many occultists know this, yet very few are able to access such information. Consider this article the key to unlocking many of the mysteries that have been spoken about in occult circles for the past few centuries, when properly applied to them.
Understand my authority on this subject to make such bold claims does not come from an egotistical opinion generated on this plane of physical manifestation. Rather, it comes from the fact that I earnt my place to talk about them in such a manner as relayed to me by those who watch over this world in the non physical when they spoke to me of the importance of LD as the prime communication channel into the non physical planes. I don’t care if you have 10 million hits on youtube in reference to your LD clasess; if you haven’t clued onto this fact yet or experienced a flow of this information into your mind then either your LD abilities are no where near as good as you claim them to be or you are a disinfo agent paid to redirect knowledge from this profound truth; I will never ask a dime for any of it. I cannot stress how important Lucid dreaming really is for the evolution of human consciousness. This is something that is well overdue for reaching the mainstream. Don’t let the dream scientists wither it away to being nothing more than some fluctuations of dopamine. I have a feeling many Elders from indigenous tribes will agree with me, not that I am affiliated with any. The whole point of these articles is that I write them in the hope someone will pick them up and properly experiment with them further. Honestly, I’d rather be writing fantasy and sci fiction with the time I invest in them (seriously, I’ve got 5 half completed novels five times the size of this article sitting on my computer waiting for some TLC).
If properly applied, there is potential within these words to make the reader become more powerful than a god. Or, to put it simply, to remember yourself as an Immortal consciousness; your IS-BE heritage. Once you experience your consciousness operating from the seat of the Higher Self, you will never again consider the physical world as base line reality; I guarantee that much. What I am giving you here is real occult {hidden} power.
But first, let’s talk a little about potentiality of Lucid Dreaming.
The Higher Self:
I want you to do yourself a favour and take all that new age bullshit you’ve learnt on the Higher Self being some vague inner voice of yours that gives your physical self direction and throw it out the goddamned fucking window. Whilst this might be an auxiliary function, practically all of the shit you read about on this topic on the internet is NOT what I am talking about here. The exception to this rule is that Eastern based philosophy tends to show a greater understanding of this truth than anything Western based. However, if the poster of the article in question is not drilling home the point the Higher Self is both the origin and destination point for us, then relegate it to the trash.
The Higher Self, – the thing I experienced during my contact sessions with the EG and U5 – is quite literally an alien way of processing information. It is the mind that exists at the closest point of your soul’s/spirit’s/ non physical body’s creation, before it was manipulated, severely handicapped and thrown into a boring flesh suit, and told it must appease the profit prophets. No words will ever be sufficient to explain what it really is. It is an unfathomable function of the mind that every single person should be capable of connecting to if only they worshipped it more than they did money. Consider it like entering a god mode cheat for old DOS based computer games that give you “powers of the developers” to bend the rules of the game. The Higher Self is the god mode that allows you to exit this physical reality (Plato’s Cave) and explore everything from the outside. It allows you to view the entire created physical and non physical planes and their “light codes” as if you were the developer that worked on them. Does that sound like a more suitable end point for humanity than an endless cycle of work, die, reincarnate and repeat?
I have written in past articles that if you combined all the super geniuses of the Earth – all the Einsteins, Von Neumans, Schrodingers, Teslas – into a single being, their abilities would be only a very small fraction of what the Higher Self is capable of. I really am not exaggerating this. The reason is that while you are piloting your flesh suit, your mind has been limited in its operating functions (deliberately, if we go by what the EG told me, and what the Domain has told us). I like to think of it like comparing the processors of an old 1990s model computer to the modern equivalent. Your mind whilst locked in the physical body is like an old Pentium model operating in the MHz spectrum, whilst the Higher Self is equivalent to something running 4 or 5 Ghz. Well, actually it is more like something running in the ZettaHertz spectrum and beyond, but since we are a long way off from having that kind of processing power, I am stuck with equating it to only a 1000 times more. Humour me, will you, and just realise I am talking about a magnitude of operation trillions of times more powerful than the processing abilities you are using to read this very text.
I would have the readership remember back to those days when we thought a 500MHz processor was the pinnacle of our {computer} evolution, and that anything better was out of reach. Yeah, well that is the difference between your Earth mind processing capabilities versus something operating close their Higher Self, like, say, a non physical entity. We only think our Earth minds are the be all and end all to evolution because it is the only thing we know. How can I drill the point across more that it really isn’t? Hence the importance of connecting with this Higher Intelligence. Consider me the investor that is trying to build the research base to make those ZettaHertz processors a reality. It will take time, but we need to start somewhere and make gradual progress before we can expect results.
Allow me to explain this whole concept using another, more fitting analogy. In digital communications we have two choices when it comes to communicating data; that of serial or parallel programming practices. In serial data transfer each bit is placed on a single wire and processed one by one through each consecutive clock pulse from the processor. Parallel data transfer differs in that we have much more wires to place more bits on, thus more information can be processed for the same clock pulse.
This is the main functional difference between the higher mind and your limited Earth based one. Think of your Earth mind as having a single wire for information transfer; you must process thoughts in a serial like fashion before you can arrive at a conclusion to whatever it is you are thinking about, which more often than not is a choice that leads to some kind of action being taken, and thus more thoughts that add to the serial processing train.
Now consider the higher mind as being a parallel data bus with 100 more wires (we only need 64 to be ~18.5 quintillion times more powerful, as capability doubles with every bit added).
For every thought you have, you have a plethora of other thoughts that arise from it which must be processed by your brain one by one. For example, you might ask yourself “what should I eat for breakfast”, this would lead to a choice between bacon and eggs or toast with butter. Then you remember the bacon was tasting a bit funky last time you ate it so go with option 2. Only problem is you don’t have any bread left, so you decide to go the shop and buy some. On your way out the door you come across a neighbour and you engage in some friendly banter about your new car, which reminds you you need to fill up the gas tank etc etc, which leads to a million other thought trains about how much money is in your bank account, how you will allocate whatever funds you have to paying certain bills etc.
We don’t even realise it, but in the span of a few minutes we could have a hundred different thoughts that have arisen from other random thoughts in this manner; our mind just processes them automatically one by one without us even really realising it.
This is not at all how the higher mind functions. There are no “thought trains” as to how we have become accustomed to experiencing whilst in a physical body. This is because the moment a thought arises, all conclusions to that thought are simultaneously reached. Thus there is no “problem reaction solution”; whenever a problem is encountered, the solution to that problem is automatically calculated at the same time. So if you are a quantum physicist trying to understand a certain mystery regarding entanglement whilst in the physical body, if you were able to port this problem to a conscious interaction to the Higher Self (via lucid dreaming/ astral projection etc), it would automatically be solved the moment you thought it up. But, the more amazing thing is, is that it does not present as a problem but rather a memory that you already know the answer to. It is more like doing a quick revision of a subject you are already an expert in and saying to yourself “duh, I already knew this”. The only “problem”, is that the amount of information relating to your original thought you wanted solved would have so many variables attached to it that it would simply be impossible for you to retain it all coming back into the limited consciousness state of operation in the physical body. You cannot process these variables whilst confined to the human mind, as the human mind has been carefully engineered to filter them all out. The best you could do would be to remember a very small percentage of what is relayed to you. Believe me, it s incredibly frustrating and saddening to be able to operate from this state of awareness, and come back into the body only to know you will lose it all. You can actually feel the retardation effects of the M Band layer as you pass through it back into the body. Depressing is an understatement.
While I was operating from this higher state of awareness, my mind was on overdrive carrying out calculations that, had I retained the information when waking back up, could have led to the construction of my very own interstellar capable space craft. I am not joking – from this higher state such calculations were as easy as adding 1+1 together. On the other hand, the processing time for a human brain to make these same calculations I remember realising would equate to “billions of years” if it was the only thought it ever utilised. To someone who has never connected to it, the Higher Self is unfathomable.
Alien Psychology
Let’s try thinking of this at a different angle shall we. An alien space craft crashes somewhere on Earth; let’s just say Roswell for shits and giggles. One of the crew is taken out and contained in a room at some random military base. Let’s use a completely random, imagined name and call this base Fort Worth. We will apply further randomness to the name of the alien and call it Airl shall we?
So here is Airl, contained in a cell at Fort Worth, and in come a bunch of military brass to interview this entity about its weapons arsenal, where it is from in the universe etc. The military brass are really more of a “military lead” when it comes to their consciousness processing abilities; they think they are “hard” and structurally useful but in fact they are really quite soft and malleable. They don’t realise that Airl’s consciousness processes information in a completely different way to them. At best they might have an inkling it is superior, but, as they have never been exposed to this paralleling processing of information, they don’t really understand how it works. So they pitch the question “what are your weapons capabilities?”
Immediately Airl (who we will assume is operating from the same state of awareness I was able to connect to) would understand every possible outcome arising from every possible way that question would be answered. Airl would be able to conceive of every fork in the MWI from that moment on, all the way up into infinity and beyond. There is no need for the mind to process the question, observe body language etc as all future variables become instantaneously available. All that would be needed would be for Airl’s ultimate goal (it could 5000 years from that point in time for all we know) to be located within this web of possibility, and the necessary actions to take would automatically be carried out one by one. The entire butterfly effect from start to finish would be calculated before your mind could even formulate the word “what”. Take a moment to think about the implications this would present, because there is a shit tonne of them.
Thus an understanding of the proper functioning state of the physical and non physical universe is possible from this state of higher consciousness. This is what I was able to “see” and experience whilst I was connected to my higher self – I just cannot accurately describe it because my earth mind is too limited in its capabilities. Unfortunately, I lost all the {exceedingly complex} formulas and mathematics the moment I crossed the transition state/ M Band noise layer into the physical plane and waking reality.
What I can tell you is that the physical and non physical planes exist as a sort of mesh or fabric that binds one another together through intersecting junctions that are more non physical based than they are physical. This is hard to conceptualise considering we are accustomed to only seeing in 2 dimensions (despite living in a 3D world we can only see that world as a mixture of 2 dimensional surfaces; we do not actually see in 3 dimensions, for to do so would mean we see all angles of any given object at once, which is entirely possible from the Higher Self). The CIA Project Gateway paper (for the complete version go to Found: Page 25 of the CIA’s Gateway Report on Astral Projection (vice.com) ) description of the “holographic universe” is the closest I have seen any one else come to describing what I experienced, apart from ol’ MM here. It is sort of like looking at an xray of a solid object, except you can see the solidarity of the object as well as its transparency at the same time. It is strange because we can usually only conceptualise things as being physical or non physical, yet you exist in a third state beyond them. You can zoom in and out of this mesh fabric at will like a camera in a video game. It is different to just zooming out of and seeing a galaxy behind you, because you are seeing the actual fabric of how multiple instances of that same galaxy exist in their physical and non physical forms from a timeless state.
You can see that entire “photo reel” of that galaxy as it is drawn through what we know as time, and you can see how it all fits together with every other galaxy in every other plane. You can see the heartbeat of the true universe. Do you really think your tiny earth brain is capable of understanding such magnificence? Understand what I am telling you here; a connection with the higher self allows you to view the entire fucking MWI as if it is a map you can throw on a table. This should give you an idea of what you can look forward to when “assimilating” into a civilisation such as the Domain.
While I was connected I was able to comprehend the totality of the entire past, present and future at once; I was able to understand the consequence of every thought and action and each separate future that would be generated as a result from those thought and actions in every single physical and non physical plane. One thing I did remember was that this level of understanding is a necessary prerequisite for proper unaided consciousness time travel.
I needed to understand these things not because creating a fucking time travelling Delorean was necessary. I needed to access this information in order to rewrite the astral/soul templates of those in attendance. It was far more important than travelling to the edge of the physical universe. This was far more important than becoming the next Doc Brown; that come slater in our evolutionary cycle. The altar in the middle of the Elder Guardians courtyard allowed one to literally “jack in” to this fabric and become one with it.
Understand that this is what I mean when I say “accessing the akashic records”; it implies the actual merging of one’s consciousness with the fabric of all of creation specifically so information can be downloaded directly from source. It is not some vague thing one can just randomly tap into while their consciousness is engaged within the physical vessel to “better” their immediate lives. It can only be accessed from complete and proper disconnection of consciousness from the physical body, and through experience gained from navigating through the non physical planes. You don’t gain access to that altar unless you prove you know what the fuck you are doing when engaged in non physical navigation. You certainly don’t gain access to it if you consider your current incarnation more important than the sum totality of your soul’s entire existence. Only those able to extend their thinking of what matters beyond a single lifetime can access it.
Now I have down played my whole presence at this courtyard somewhat because quite frankly it feels too narcissistic to talk about, but if I am entirely honest, a lot of people were making a lot of fuss about me being there. This merging of the akashic with one’s consciousness was apparently not something everyone could achieve, and only those with accomplished LD skillsets really had the ability to do it effectively. You absolutely MUST have a proper understanding of how to navigate {the MWI} or you can very easily become lost within it – even the EG, who were of a non physical based nature lacked the other {physical understanding} half of the coin. Hence why I was summoned and practically put in charge of this whole operation. I was literally just left to “plug myself” in to the akashic records and left to my own devises by the Grand Elder to try and figure out a way to counter the amnesia mechanism embedded in astral/soul DNA so we don’t have to put up with this unneeded reincarnation schpeel any longer. His role was specifically to reawaken me to this task that I had been involved with the for the past 10 thousand to 40 thousand years.
So when I tell you the underlying function of what astral body/ soul DNA rewriting entails, this isn’t just hazarding a guess at wtf was going on; this is me giving you the actual process of what is involved as the only one out of over 20 000+ others in attendance that could do it. That included the entirety of the Elder Guardians; not even they had the ability to do what I was able to do due to my LD skillset. Not one of them dared going near that altar (aside from the Grand Elder who did only so he could talk to me), yet I was allowed to parade around it like it was my own little toy to play with. I cannot begin to explain how incredibly humbling that felt. I had access to the whole fabric of the “universe” at my fingertips. Hence when I tell you Lucid Dreaming is important for the “evolution” of human consciousness, you’d better be paying some attention. It literally gives you access to the assembly programming language of the fabric of reality and the collective (as well as individual) consciousness.Isaac CARET much?
And yet I am stuck going through the red tape put in place by psychological and scientific “experts” who have absolutely no idea wtf they are talking about when it comes to telling us what dreams actually are, or doing when it comes to experimenting with LD/AP. It is beyond maddening tryingto get this message through that information vacuum. Anyways….
The Process I Used for Astral Body/ Soul Amnesia Recorrection:
Whilst plugged into the altar I was able to make a mini, replica version of the akashic records/ MWI accurate to about 90% of the original. I intentionally left out a few things for reasons described below. When I talk about the “scroll”, one needs to understand that the material this “scroll” was made out of was that very mesh fabric discussed above. If you were to zoom into this “paper”, you wouldn’t find pieces mashed tree pulp; you would find microcosmic representations of entire MWI realities linked via their non physical {quantum} pathways. Remember, I was operating from a vantage point outside of the entire MWI.
Because I had access to raw MWI source code, I then began tracing the akashic signature of everyone in attendance. These signatures equated to their presence as overlayed in the total MWI. In other words, I accessed data pertaining to their soul’s total existence from beginning to end. These signatures were then plugged into the “cloned” MWI by tethering parts of them to it. This meant that what I was effectively doing was creating a hub where I could gather the consciousnesses of those 20 000+ that were in attendance and “virtually” plug them in to the akashic records like I was plugged in – though all navigational control was ultimately at my discretion because of the bits I left out when I cloned it (I cannot overstate how incredibly fucking cool this was to do; mummy, when I grow up I want to be a consciousness programmer). I gave them a virtual MWI and cut off access to the bits that would fuck them up if used improperly.
Once attached, I located each and every part of these consciousness that had become corrupt through the amnesia codes embedded within their higher energetic bodies. I then wrote a sort of software patch and spliced it into the beginning of the amnesia code for each consciousness. What this patch would do would initiate an akashic/MWI reset every time the amnesia code was about to be activated, specifically so a route around the amnesia would eventuate. Essentially I was using the amnesia activators to activate a very specific “recovery of memory” pathway through each consciousness’s MWI instead of a pre-programmed pathway that led through amnesia territory. Does this sound familiar? It should, MM has described similar programming practices by the ETs he was associated with.
I pulled out all data relating to any other consciousness those in attendance had come into contact with (over their soul’s entire lifetime) and embedded similar activation strings within their own MWIs. The idea was to create a sort of anti virus that would actually function like a virus and “infect” as many consciousnesses as possible with the cure to their corrupted higher energetic bodies. Those in attendance would be set for immediate memory recovery within their current incarnation to help with their tasks, whilst their associations were looking at 2 or 3 reincarnation cycles before the effects would begin to kick in. It was estimated that the code I wrote would reach its peak potentiality of memory activation in somewhere between 3 to 5 generations from {then} present day (2012). This is an averaged taking into account the changing MWI variables and various outcomes.
I then instructed the entire assembly of Elder Guardians to protect this “scroll”, to which they obliged. Anyone seeking complete memory recovery would be allowed access to it provided they were of pure (STO) sentience. STS sentiences, or those who would use it to gain power over others would be vehemently denied access. In other words, don’t bother trying if you have a tendency to shit on others to get what you want; you will never be allowed access to this altar by MY personal authority and very bad things will happen to you if you try. Bad things, like you automatically volunteer to be an anomaly guinea pig so I can watch the process of how your consciousness is disassembled after I throw you into it. Go work for a bank or government if that is your mentality; what we are discussing here far transcends the single, physical life these people consider as being important over all else.
Thus, the only way to gain access to this scroll is to hold in very high regard the macrocosmic aspects of all souls/consciousnesses and their entire MWI trajectory as being more important than what any single physical life has to offer (those words in red I had no control over – word decided to do this automatically – maybe its trying to tell me something). Unless you are prepared to spend this life assisting other consciousnesses in being “unlocked” to their higher state, you will unfortunately have to wait another 2 or 3 incarnation cycles before being unlocked yourself. This should give you an idea as to the type of people those 20 000+ consciousnesses in attendance were. They were not simply people coming here to spread some vague bullshit about love and light or apparent channelings from Ashtar command (that is not to say those people don’t have their own thing going on, some of them probably quite legit); they were incredibly advanced consciousnesses that had a very good understanding of the higher (unseen) aspects of reality that deliberately chose to enter the Earth domain at risk of losing such understandings. And they did this in order to extract others who were part of OUR greater {non physical} community. Believe me, don’t believe me, it makes no difference. My writings will find their way to them in due course.
I know of one other that was involved in similar astral body/ soul DNA rewriting and their life story would blow you out of the fucking water. Hopefully they write a book on it, as it brings a new perspective of this entire operation and how truly far reaching it is.
Am I getting my point across yet? If we go by what Steven Greer tells us, put 2 and 2 together when it comes to the Gateway Project and Project Stargate, then the Military Industrial Complex has already cottoned on to this super information highway many, many years ago. And if you want to know the real reason I was initiated into the Unseen 5, it is because they {the U5} were well aware of the sequestering of this knowledge to the Deep Black libraries of the MIC, and wanted to circumvent it altogether. I was directed to make what I know about LD/AP public in an effort to take it off those MIC Deep Black Shelves, so more practitioners of these arts can better prepare themselves for contact. This was the main task I was given by their leader, apart from making their presence known to you and the pre requisites for initiation. Do you think that it is a mere coincidence those in control of MAJ felt the same way about having MM release his disclosure at the same point of time?
So now we have got that necessity of where LD can potentially take you out of the way, let’s go into some advanced techniques achievable via LD based on mine and SDs experiences.
Outward Projection Via the Portals:
In past articles I discussed how one can summon the spherical portals and use them as coordinate vectors into other planes and worlds. I also talked about how consciousness can be expanded outwardly. Combining the two together, the spherical portals can provide two way access into these other worlds. Whereas an inward projection will take you to a more “dense” world, an outward projection will take you a less dense one (further from matter based reality). The further you penetrate into these less denser layers/ worlds, the closer you get to being able to contact those outside the bubble, ie the Elder Guardians (the Unseen 5 are deliberately stationed within the bubble close to its edge in order to properly monitor everything). To achieve this outward projection the process begins the same as an inner projection; you summon the portal to just in front of your vision, but instead of visualising the world you want to go to, you visualise the world you are already in. In other words, you have to condense your surroundings into this ball, then project out of it. Think of it like a giant invisible hand picking you up and carrying you out into space at an incredibly fast speed. All of a sudden the environment you were engaged in has become condensed to the spherical shape of the earth. A similar visualisation can be structured to reach this outcome.
Communication With Non Local, Non Physical Entities via Sleep Paralysis:
Sleep paralysis/ the hypnogogic state can be used to interact with non physical entities. SD and I have found that at times you can hear their “chatter” and at other times you have to ping out an intention to interact with whatever may be hanging around to which they just kind of show up. The best times for doing this seem to be when you are in a sleep paralysis state, but not being consumed by the negative feeling illusions that are at times too overwhelming. When I talked to the clickity clacker ETs it was from the void space after I had just sort of became lucid whilst there (a DILD rather than A WILD). What happened was I became aware of a faint radio-like broadcast whilst floating around in this state that was very noticeably not human.
It was very much like when you have a radio that is just out of tune from a station so you get the broadcast through a wall of white noise. What you have to then do is focus into the {M band} noise, visualise that you are turning a radio dial which changes your own body’s resonance, to tune into the broadcast. I can’t really accurately describe how this was done, only that I did it quite automatically as if I had done it many times before. Once I locked onto the broadcast something weird happened; the clickity clack dialogue became vivid and understandably alien to any dialect we have on earth. It was as if I was just sort of sucked out of the M band layer into a very clear state of consciousness (very typical of what it was like whenever the EG or U5 were contacting me).
I went from floating in this indescribable confusing mess to free floating in a ship filled with a strange liquid I figured was some kind of intergalactic consciousness quarantine zone that doubled as a medical room. I was then telepathically directed over to a cylindrical cubicle via imagery which also showed the non physical “shape” of these beings, and once I stood inside of it, the clickity clack language was automatically translated into something I could understand (English). When I say shape, it was really more of a blob that these things took. Not describable within the confines of human language. You wanna know what we talked about? Human beings having the potential of being incredibly powerful creatures, but their dumb arsery mixing with such power being the primary concern of why creatures such as the clickity clackers steered very well clear of them. And hence why there was a room filled with non physical liquid and several light years worth of space between me and them. The clickity clackers had no problem telepathically implying that the human race were like a bunch of infants with one hand on a box of matches and the other on a stick of dynamite, and were quite happy to treat me with similar caution. Non physical entities being “scared to death of the human race” seems to be a common conversation point for a lot of the entities in these planes.
SD has also had experiences in this same state and from the sleep paralysis/ hypnogogic state where she has pinged out “if anything out there wants to talk, say hello” only to have something reply. The something ended up being a non physical entity that appeared before her twice in the span of a week. The second time, with her agreement, it pulled her astral body out of her physical and gave her a tour of some of the planes in close approximation to the physical world. At the same time she was able to connect to a similar higher consciousness information stream; the beings actually helped in that regard – their presence seems to initiate it. One of these was what appeared to be a sentience/ soul sorting facility which was carried out by a giant machine like device that had the face of a Balinese god.
For those working with angels (and demons ), both forms can be contacted via this same sleep paralysis avenue. A lot of these particular beings hold information on our world and our history that has never and will never make its way to our history books, though many occultists use them for temporary and materialistic gain, which is a real shame. The presence of one of these particular entities is undeniable; there is a massive rush of energy that vibrates through your whole being whenever one of them is around. It is a completely different feeling than when contacted by those who exist outside of the non physical bubble surrounding earth, such as the Elder Guardians and the Unseen 5. It is also hard to gauge what exactly their intentions are. For those who follow the myths surrounding King Solomon and the 72 “fallen angels”, the myths of John Dee and the Angel Enoch, the magic of Metatron etc, this state of sleep paralysis is the avenue by which you make contact with all of them (I suspect King Solomon was an Agent of the Old Empire, for reasons I won’t go into). But I really don’t recommend it if you don’t know what you are doing. They can be quite intimidating on even the best of days, not that I intentionally ever set about to contact them; all my dealings with them were purely by accident. The point I am trying to make with including them here is to suggest just how powerful this telephone line into the non physical planes can be. There is some incredibly powerful shit residing in here, I am just trying to make you aware that some of it can be beneficial to your escape. The question you need to ask is what price you are willing to pay for information seemingly beneficial to your plans.
If you want to ping the Domain, or any other non physical based entity, then I suggest doing it from this state of consciousness. Though I would not know how to tell them apart from other non physical entities that dwell here. Maybe get an official signature off them via MM’s EBP?
Dream Hijacking:
Now, I need to mention here that I was only able to achieve this feat once. It is not exactly something that can be done very easily. The reason for this is because it requires an intense amount of unwavering focus of a target. This not a task for a novice: you need to be exceptionally good at visualisation and focus. Out of all the things one can do whilst in LD, this seems to be the hardest to actually pull off. I suggest that beforehand, I one must plan accordingly as to what dreamscape they should use and any conversation points they wish to bring up whilst engaged in the shared dream, and the process “simulated” over and over again until the LDer is confident they can move from one transition to the next. Even stalling for a millisecond in LD can have drastic consequences on the success of the session. Your thoughts and actions must flow and operate like a well oiled machine.
To begin with, you go to bed or lay yourself down to rest to initiate an LD in standard manner, but from the moment you close your eyes, you visualise the target whose dream you wish to “hijack”. This person must be visualised in as explicit detail as possible. You need to try and picture what they look like, hear what they sound like and smell what they smell like if possible. You must not let any other thought intrude, including the idea of hijacking their dream. This whole point of the visualisation is to provide coordinates for your consciousness to lock onto within the M Band layer of noise. You must carry this visualisation of them through the hypnogogic/ sleep paralysis state and transition on into the void space, and must never allow it to become broken or polluted with other thoughts. Once in the void space you must immediately set about creating the dreamscape by which they will experience. At the same time, you must also hold the visualisation of their being right in front of you as you create the dreamscape around them. Once the dream scape has been created, and remains locked in place, you then focus on talking to them. At this point you should be both engaged in the same dream. I suggest using bland dreamscapes with a degree of familiarity for the both of you to begin with, as I would expect sudden and fantastic dreamscapes may potentially shock them awake.
As one can expect, this method can also be used for remote viewing practices. You Just target an object rather than a person.
Communicating With Dead Entities:
The {apparent} dead entities I was communicating with that led to my Project Edison article were also contacted via the sleep paralysis/ hypnogogic state. I have also used this same state to contact my deceased brother, though that particular experience was too fraught with distortions to accurately tell whether or not it was a proper contact session. With Project Edison, I am 95% sure it was a proper contact session (as opposed to the clickity clackers which were a 100% surety, and the EG/U5 which were a 10000% surety). Basically all I did was callout to any entities that we living considered dead that were hanging around and asked if anyone was interested trying to establish a stable communication line between each other (something that could be used by us physical living entities without having to resort to initiating lucid dreaming or sleep paralysis like I was doing). I was met by of about 4 or 5 of these entities, all who were at one point living on the same planet earth we inhabit, all of which had at least a passive interest in technology. One, possibly two of these entities were some sort of electrical engineer whilst incarnated here, from around the era of Edison and Tesla, though no names were ever given. As nothing really eventuated from this all I can really tell you is there are at least this group of dead entities that seem enthusiastic about creating this communication bridge and who have a fair understanding of how exactly it could be carried out. Tell them I said hi if you end up contacting them.
Predicting Lotto:
I want to start of with a disclaimer that if you win any substantial amount using this method then please donate a fair portion of it to those in need of it. And buy me a house….or maybe just a beer will do fine. Play around with it and see what you can get; at the very least it is a good way to practice your environment simulation skills.
This was essentially an experiment in trying to remote view lotto numbers. Using this method I was only able to ever get 4 out of 6 lotto numbers correctly. The problem I had was trying to remember all 6 numbers after going back through the M band noise layer into the physical world. Lucid dreaming is strange in that you can have perfect clarity of memory whilst engaged in the LD, then lose 90% of it after coming back through threshold into waking reality. Even the simplest of memories become incredibly hard to remember. Now I need to note here that the lotto ticket I was using was a multiple “game” ticket that allowed 18 different combinations of the 6 numbers. Majority of the combinations I used contained the base 4 numbers I could remember plus variants of the two I couldn’t but suspected were the right ones. The rest of the combinations had one or two of the numbers I remembered changed. I was able to win about $15 dollars over three consecutive months each time because of the base four numbers I had remembered; the winning tickets always had these base 4 numbers; if I could have retained memory of those last 2, I would be sitting on something like $30 million right now. I suggest the LDer experiment with these methods and see what they can get. If a group syndicate was able to carry out this same experiment simultaneously then I would imagine those last two numbers would be easier to obtain.
Now, there are two variants of the experiment I utilised, the first seemed to be the more promising.
The first objective was to create the target coordinates for the experiment. Remember, we are dealing with a time and place that needed to be pinpointed to extreme accuracy; we first need to single out the date and time in which the lotto draw is to take place, as well as the country and exact location etc. Prior to the experiment I’d go down to my local newsagent and take note of their advertisement for the next big lotto draw and it’s date and note the location of their newspaper stand, layout of the store, what the Asian guy behind the counter looked like etc. The idea was to commit as much detail of the place to memory.
Then I’d wait for the next chance of LDing to try out the experiment, which was usually a few days later. What I did was enter the void space as per the usual method (either tennis match scenario, or passing through sleep paralysis, likely the latter as it was always done early in the morning). Then at the dream creation stage I would purposefully recreate the environment I planned on buying my lotto ticket from. I’d manifest the entire street the newsagent was on and walk down it. I’d look at the advertisement with the same big lotto win and its date, then I’d make my way over to the newspaper stand out front. I’d make a point of looking down at the page and finding the exact date of its publication (which I made to be the day of the lotto draw); this was all to set up the proper coordinates for my remote viewing target. I’d then go in, weave through the layout of the magazine shelves, and buy a ticket from the Asian guy whose face I would recreate as close as I could to how I remembered it, making sure it was a single game (single combination of numbers). I’d then take a good few minutes just staring at the numbers and committing them to memory as best as I could. I would then exit the session, wake up and immediately write down what I could remember of the numbers.
Over the weeks before the lotto draw I’d play around varying the simulation. Sometimes I would make the dream reflect the newspapers showing it was the day after the lotto draw, and I would check my ticket at the machine only for it to tell me I’d won the jackpot, then look at the numbers on the winning ticket. Again, I’d wake up and record these numbers down. No matter what I did, I could only ever get 4 numbers with over 90% surety. On the day of the draw I’d go down and buy a ticket from the same store and put in all the numbers from the various sessions. Over the years I started varying the entire simulation to reflect the actual draw as to how I would see it on TV; I’d watch the barrel of numbers shoot out each number of the draw. Again, I could only ever get 4 numbers, so I eventually gave up and devoted my LD sessions to things I thought more necessary.
While we are on the subject of lotto prediction in the non physical planes though, I do know a guy whose friend was able to utilise what very much sounded like the void space to win multiple millions 3 separate times. This guy was my old electronics lecturer from my college years who I tracked down about a decade later to talk about where he thought technology was taking us. During our conversation, to my amazement, he brought up the idea of our reality being a simulation and the idea of a linked consciousness he called the human gestile concept that could be communicated with at bed time. Ron would go to bed, and sort of pray to this linked consciousness and ask it certain profound questions in which he swore it would give him answers. He passed this concept onto his friend who used it (it was never mentioned how) to win. Most of those winnings were donated to others that needed it more than him, and it was suggested to Ron that his friend thought had he not been so generous with the distribution of his winnings, he figured he never would have been “allowed” to win them.
I haven’t been able to get back there to verify Ron’s claims since talking to him. But….knowing what I know about the void space being a similar hub that links to other’s consciousnesses together I have a very good idea of how one would go about using it for this purpose. You commit to a conscious transition into its depths so that you are not overwhelmed with the subconscious distortions/ M band noise, then you’d send out the thought for obtaining the numbers for a certain lotto draw you know is coming up. From my conversation with Ron, he implied that you don’t even need to be “asleep” to probe this gestile consciousness “thing” for answers. I was under the impression he was basically doing it during theta state right before sleep paralysis whilst still being awake. Can’t hurt to try right?
Remote Viewing via the Void Space:
Animals make great Remote Viewing targets. Especially ones that roam. They don’t even need to be pets, but pets provide good ways to verify results. Sometimes when I am feeling adventurous, I will try and remote view from a bird, or other random wild animal, like a wolf – I have a thing for wolves. Cats are also good, because they are pretty much the parkour experts of the animal kingdom, and thus fun to view from. Usually these sessions are done whilst still conscious, from Theta state if possible. I will try and picture what the world looks like through eyes of the animal then within a few moments I become that animal and it is like watching a movie playout as I fly/ run across the landscape (which is often in a completely different country). If you have been building your visualisation skills enough, you can port this practice over to the Void Space. When I remote viewed from the off world intelligence back when I was around the age of 14/15, it was from using the void space to conduct one of these RV sessions. I was interested in projecting into various parts of the galaxy to see if I could find anything of relevance. After deliberately accessing the void space, I visualised just a general memory of what all the stars looked like, picked one and focused on it. Before I knew it I was hovering next to a being that seemed very much like it was an progenitor of Native American culture. I’ve explained how that session went in past articles. This is probably the easiest thing to use the Void Space for.
Hive Dreaming:
Vainenmoinen suggested the creation of an LD “pub” where {theoretically} each participant would enter the LD stage and meet up in a predetermined locale. Whilst I have achieved this with SD, I have not done it as a group. I would imagine there would be some difficulties to overcome, most notably the distortions/M Band noise of each participant preventing proper synchronisation occurring. I do know that SDs old music lecturer was doing this very thing with astral projection on a regular basis with a regular group of people. Apparently she stopped doing it when the group {of about 5 or 6} projected into a plane that was off limits and a member was killed by some entity that didn’t approve of them being there.
At that very moment in the physical plane their astral projection coordinator realised this member was in distress and tried to wake them all up, but not before this guy died of what the coroners suggested was a heart attack. Such a danger, however, need not be approached, in my opinion. If the dream environment creation is left to the main “hijacker” then (assuming they know what they are doing) I hypothesise that other participants could then synch into the dreamscape. By providing a 3D model of the dreamscape location before hand, I would imagine this would help with synchronisation efforts.
The key would be for the model and predetermined location to be rather bland in composition so that those not as proficient at visualisation are also able to better synch into it. In saying that though, the main hijacker would have to have a check at hand for the others to “find” within the dreamscape to better prove they were there. Maybe a simple image or something on the table that is the first thing they should look at when arriving at the location. There is also the option of seeking out the Island Beach, as this seems to be a pre-created destination that has been experienced by other lucid dreamers. It could be considered a safe haven, so long as you don’t venture to close to the fence (either stay on the far side of the island or go into the temples via the burrows in the forest.)
Methods of Projecting back and forth through the MWI (Consciousness Time Travel):
When I was about 19, I was having a few regular interactions with what appeared to be a Tibetan Monk of sorts during my LDs who was giving me some pointers on how to effectively use consciousness to go back and forward in time (what we’d call a back and forth MWI slide). This was a really strange period, because (according to SD) I would sit bolt upright in the middle of the night, say random shit like “the Monk says the key is that I must smoke the tree sap” then just go back into an incredibly deep sleep like nothing had happened. These sorts of episodes were a regular occurrence. I’d have them probably once a fortnight.
I remember during one LD the Monk emphasized that there were 12 or 13 “words” that could be chanted via mediation to prepare consciousness in this manner. I only ever remembered one of them – “Djock” with a stressed emphasis on the “ck” sound. I was also given certain symbols during these meditations, which were supposedly further aids. Admittedly I have used these aids during meditation and had LDs following them that are suggestive of some form of time travel. Like one where I was given an alternate history of how my father could have met my mother and the resultant future that would have stemmed from it. This involved being in a time chamber where a portal appeared and showed me this outcome like I was watching a movie. Apparently that outcome would have led to a much better life for me. Oh well, shit happens I guess.
There was also something to do with a book existing in 2 instances of time that had been edited to achieve the world line I am currently living out. I basically saw the before and after of the book. I believe this place was linked to other places I have visited in LD. My training at the time travel towers also started around this same time.
Simulations for Memory Recall:
LD can be used for accurate memory recall. When I was about 17, and fresh out of school, I ended up scoring a job working for a local tree lopping company. As it turned out, one of the guys I was working with regularly was the brother of a girl that I went to school with. I knew this girl by association only; I never really hung around her group of friends, but some of my friends were friends with hers. So when I was at school I had a passing knowledge of her. She was at a few of the same parties I went to, but I never so much as said more than hi to her during my whole time at school.
Anyway this brother of hers, he was talking about her in passive tense, and I realised he had the same last name, so there was enough there for me to make that very faint connection. Only problem was, I couldn’t for the life of me remember her first name. I could picture her face easily enough, but her name just completely evaded me. This annoyed the shit out of me, because it had only been a season since I had been at school, so there was no real reason for this memory blank. Yet it persisted all week. I’d see this guy and then think “what the fuck is his sister’s name?”, and I just couldn’t shake that thought all day.
Of course, I didn’t say anything to him; he’d made it seem like I should have known her, so I didn’t bring it up in fear of the awkwardness of the situation. So I figured I try my hand at using LD to remember it. One night, after becoming lucid half way through a dream, I thought of this girl, and how I didn’t remember her name. I simulated one of the parties we would have been at during school, then I let it play out, hoping I’d trick my sub consciousness into giving it away. And it actually did. The weird thing was though, it did so by attaching a completely random name to her face. So in the LD, I introduced myself to her, and likewise she introduced herself back. “Hi I’m Elise”, she said. I immediately woke up and my mind screamed at me “HER FUCKING NAME IS MEGAN, IDIOT”.
Maybe it needed that incorrect bit of data to compute the real value, I honestly don’t know. The funny thing is, now something like 16 years later, I can recall her name as easily as my own, despite not seeing her since high school. So yeah, the void space can definitely be used for suppressed memory recall. What you do is enter it and create a dream simulation centred around the thing you wish to remember, and use what every snippets of information about the scenario you can rember to create the simulation. You can also “feed in” certain thoughts to make certain lifestyle choices as a sort of sub conscious mind hack. It’s pretty much self hypnotism.
Using the Void Space for Healing:
When I had my fingers cut open (the gruesome details of which can be found in my autobio), I again used lucid dreaming to heal them with a decent measure of success. These weren’t your average wounds either. All four fingers on my left hand, discounting my thumb, were cut at or near the joint where they meet the hand, through to the bone. This included 4 four tendons, an artery, and a few nerves here and there on the palm side. In fact, the cuts were so bad, if it hadn’t been for my bones keeping them attached, my fingers would have come off almost completely. The surgeons even contemplated amputating my ring finger because the damage was so extensive (thankfully they didn’t).
This amount of damage was apparently unheard of for my Occupational Therapists. Usually the people they saw had one or two fingers damaged at most. Not 4 fifths of a whole hand. After my operation, I had stitches zig zagging up my fingers all the way to their tips. I counted about 62 of them of the outside, and the surgeons claimed I had another 10 or so holding my tendons together. They said it was like stitching 2 pieces of spaghetti together. The whole thing was classed as a catastrophic injury with a slim chance of me being able to gain much function back in them by the OTs.
Regardless, I had a voice in the back of my head telling me I needed to try lucid dreaming ASAP. So the night after I got home from hospital I set to work entering the void space and doing some healing visualisations. I’d go into my hand at a cellular level and pictures all the tendons and everything fusing back together, send little electrical bursts around them to make sure the information was going through etc.
The next night, I was lying in bed and I could feel everything – and I mean everything – fusing back together. I could actually feel the tendons and nerves repairing themselves. It was a very strange but comforting feeling. I ended up making a remarkable recovery. Six months after the incident, I walked into the OTs office and she told me I had regained about 98% function in my fingers. I was able to straighten them almost completely. Apart from a few tiny things like not being able to bend the last knuckle of my ring finger, I had a perfect functioning hand. My OT (who had the same name as my wife) couldn’t believe it. I just shrugged and told her I knew the secrets to healing. She laughed and said “oh, you do not” thinking I was joking.
Unfortunately, a few months later my hand took a blow that was too much for it and undid all that hard work. At least now I know if I suffer another bad injury how to aid in the healing process. The main thing is that you need to be quick. Don’t put off the LD healing simulation if you can help it. And don’t expect to just be able to do one session and the rest will work itself out. Keep up with whatever strict regime your OT suggests, and use LD to nudge your body in the right direction.
A Theoretical Process of Using Consciousness to Hijack An ET Space Craft
Again, I haven’t tested this out. But let’s quickly run through some past revelations I have dropped in this article and expand upon them a little shall we? My experience with the clickity clackers and hijacking SD’s dreamscape suggests that one can alter their consciousness operating frequency to “tune” into the consciousness frequency of others. My experiences using remote viewing via the Void Space suggests that some form of navigational control can be obtained whilst in this state. Airl (as well as Colonel Philip Corso in his The Day After Roswell book) suggests that the type of craft they utilise are tuned to the frequency of their pilot’s thought signatures. Airl also suggests that somewhere on earth are the consciousnesses of 3000 Domain personnel. I think it is safe to assume that at least some of those Domain operatives were possible space craft pilots, don’t you? So hypothetically, speaking, if one of these Domain pilots was able to enter the void space through the LD state, and “tune” into their ship like I tuned into the clickity clackers, then operate it using Remote Viewing practices…..You get the point. It might be nothing – the thought of a guy with an overly active imagination – but I sure as hell would prefer to experiment down this avenue rather than develop an ever repeating new Iphone model, wouldn’t you? This is the sort of shit astral projectors lucid dreamers should be focusing their attention on, again in my humble opinion.
The process I would use would be: Focus on the space craft in question upon going to sleep as is done for dream hijacking, carry this visualisation over and into Sleep Paralysis/ hypnogogia state and poll for frequency pings, tune into those pings until locked on, then enter the Void Space, create a simulated “dream environment” for the craft and go from there (I am assuming your piloting skills might be a bit rusty after just waking up from a couple of thousand year slumber). You could even use remote viewing via the Void Space to try and target a ship for hijacking prior to the experiment. Just a suggestion. Now, if I was to bump into such a craft when astral projecting, what does this tell you? The astral planes can be utilised as an inter dimensional space craft highway! So, what if instead of focusing on a physical craft, you focus on a non physical one instead? How do you know half of the lights people see in the sky aren’t just someone incredibly well accomplished at astral projection (ie the Project Stargate operatives that went Deep Black) and are piloting one of these very vehicles? “Excuse me sir, we have a problem…..the pilot of the alien space craft we just shot down is the Dalai Lama”. Perhaps I’ll expand on this and break it out into another one of my psionics projects.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the fourteenth part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Part 14 – Domain HQ and Amnesia Mechanism Remote Viewing Session 17th Dec 2021
I have been doing some remote viewing every now and then when I get some spare time.
Today was one of the rarer opportunities I got to give it a go.
The last time I tried was several weeks ago. In that particular session I was trying to find the Domain base of operations stationed in the asteroid belt that Airl mentioned in Alien Interview.
I ended viewing a chunk of rock – an asteroid – with a very specific shape.
When I went to zoom into it I saw the silhouette of two Grey faces appeared as a sort of yellowish hue in front of the rock, and wave.
The hand that waved was very different to ours with four extremely long fingers.
A few days later I stumbled across MMs article regarding the greys he has worked with and the handprint of one of them.
That particular hand print exactly matched the hand that waved to me.
I also viewed some sort of room on what appeared to be a ship.
There was a flight of about 6 or 7 triangular shaped stairs that led to a platform with some sort of machinery on it.
Emanating from the tops of these stairs was a soft blue light.
I got the impression it was some sort of “engine” room or something.
Today’s Session:
I deliberately set about targeting physical locations that had something to do with the amnesia mechanisms.
The thought was inspired by an in5D article I read a few days ago that stated that the force screens can be turned off if someone was able to locate their physical “switch” and just flick it off .
I was immediately taken to a building, possibly in a section of America’s tech zone (Silicone Valley etc).
This building wasn’t anything huge; just a few stories high with the usual glass windows, very square – typical 80s architecture.
In front of the door was a logo; an upturned crescent moon with the name Andrew S. Lipia.
I have no doubt about Andrew and Lipia, the S standed for something like Sipil or Sibil.
It faded as I stopped to have SD write it down.
There was also possibly Dr before it, suggesting the building was made out to be psychologist practice.
The strange thing was, as this building came across my vision, I felt something – a hand – clap me on the back as if to say “well done”.
It was such a hard clap, that it actually jolted me as if I was right there in front of the building and got pushed forward from it.
Something told me this building had “secret” underground access to what I was looking for.
After this I tried locating the same asteroid I viewed in last weeks session.
I managed to get hone into a disc shaped building on the underside of the rock.
This disc had a square shaped cavity inside of it that “attached” to a similar shaped hole that had been bored into the asteroid to make efficient exit and entry to the disc.
The disc itself was a conventional saucer shape with a sharp “seam” where the top and bottom halves met similar to a clam shell.
After this I decided to try viewing the moon.
I Had been spotting it through my telescope the past few nights and had a few craters I wished to check out.
So, using the birds eye viewing landscape I had seen through my scope I was able to visualise going onto the moons surface and viewing it from there.
My attention turned towards the sky.
There was some kind of round object that was moving towards me at a rather fast speed.
It would have been about half the size of what we see the moon as when looking at it from earth.
Whatever it was had a trail of lightning blue streaks coming off from behind it; this is what had caught my attention.
The round shape of this thing was set as a shadow the blocked out the centre part of this blue light.
I then tried viewing this object. I managed to get up close and view it from behind where the blue light trail was emanating from a distance of maybe a kilometre.
The object seemed to be another asteroid that was being propelled forward by a hexagonal array of thrusters.
These thrusters were what was causing the blue light.
MM Comments
Well done. For certain.
There’s a lot here. But there are connections that seem to point at certain directions.
I did ask the Domain Commander about this.
SAT 18DEC21 9:48am
His response…
We do not discuss operational activities publicly.
And that, is that.
We can individually report what we ourselves can experience, however in regards to The Domain and their thoughts and comments regarding missions or activities, it is off-limits.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the thirteenth part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Part 13 – Project Edison
This article is by no means finalized.
On the 29th of November 2017 , whilst under lucidity, I petitioned several unknown inter dimensional entities to establish a means of communication between both the physical world and the world of the dead.
An assembly was held in the astral realm (Sleep Paralysis/ hypnogogia) which consisted of myself, and at least three other entities, one of who was a spirit who had lived in this world before passing on to that one.
The object of this meeting was discuss what could be used as possible interfacing devices between these two worlds that would provide an effective and efficient means of communication.
Several ideas were discussed involving the use of biological material taken from a living host, whose cells could die off and decay possibly providing a link between the worlds if they could be located via the other entities.
Another solution was to find a willing living being whose death was inevitable and prepare them with talismans, so that memory of the talisman could also be taken with them upon their departure of this plane.
During this meeting there were several abrupt interruptions and as such, much of the content was lost to my memory, though I specifically remember telling one of the entities that “if their idea worked, then it would lead to an incineration of the boundaries between realms”.
It was also suggested that different vibrating frequencies be investigated by both parties so that a coinciding frequency can be used to “tap into” each other’s communications.
What I got from this is that these beings seem to be as enthusiastic as I am in making inter dimensional contact possible.
Further discussion has been agreed by all parties involved.
It has been suggested that a single frequency could be chosen by which communication exchange from both the physical world and the world of the dead could take place.
The reason a standard frequency must be chosen is due to the fact that the dead entities, are (allegedly) composed of pure frequency, unlike living people whose composition is made from atoms.
The problem with current channelling techniques used to communicate with dead entities is that there is no specific way to measure the frequency by which the medium is tuning into to make this contact.
If a single frequency could be decided by occupants of both worlds as a standard form of communication, then hypothetically that frequency could be tuned into by the living entity using standard radio apparatus whilst at the same time manipulated by the dead entity in such a way that it can be detected via the apparatus.
I suggest future meetings with such enthusiastic non physical entities via lucid dreaming to further discuss how this could be implemented.
MM comment
So many interesting aspects here. I so wish that we all can collaborate together to flush all of this out.
The use of defining frequencies to stop the segmentation of memory partitioning is a hopeful hypothesis, and needs to be “flushed out”. What are all of your thoughts on this?
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the twelfth part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Part 12 – Miscellaneous Experiences: The Curious case of the Mysterious Chicken Bird
Yeah, yeah I know….I am supposed to be teaching you guys about LD so we can all meet in the non physical planes and kick some Old Empire ass before sitting down to smoke a fat Cuban, or whatever the equivalent is over there. But, I’ve got get this thing off my chest, because, well, it has been weird even for me. Plus it involves my family, so….
A week or so ago I posted on one of the forum threads about a strange little chicken bird that decided to visit my daughter in her room at 2am and scare the living shit out of her and my wife, before seemingly disappearing into “fat” air. And yes, that is a Simpsons reference.
Well, allow me to give you an update, the chicken bird came back, and it has been here before that visit with my daughter…apparently.
I tried talking about this on a site apparently all for paranormal stories and got labelled batshit crazy, an attention seeker yada yada yada. So I figured I’d do an article about it and put it up on here, my safe zone.
Like MM, I’ve got better shit to do than write about my experiences and have douschebags call me crazy.
Like MM, its that incessant voice in the back of my head that tells me it is necessary so people know there most definitely is a connection with lucid dreaming and ETs.
Maybe afterwards I’ll curl up into the fetal position and spoon the computer with MM open whilst eating directly out of a Milo tin with a soup ladle as I try to suppress all the psychological damage those people’s opinions did to me. I haven’t decided yet. That’s sarcasm by the way. But just in case she is reading, fuck you Maria. I can handle being called nuts, I can handle being called a liar, I can handle being called an attention seeker but if you are going to bring my family into it, then, seriously, fuck you. You government approved robotic troll.
The least you can do is read my autobiography before jumping to such conclusions.
For those who don’t know, Milo is a chocolate malt drink we get here in Oz.
As a kid, the common rule is that you fill up a tumbler glass with the chocolatey maltey goodness and pour about an inch worth of milk at the top, then high tail it the fuck out of the kitchen before a parent walks in and catches you in the middle of your diabolical scheme.
The punishment for being caught is usually pretty serious; your mum doesn’t buy Milo next time she gets the groceries.
Don’t even get me started on what happens when you steal dad’s salami that has been sitting in the back of the fridge untouched for 2 weeks.
Anyway back to the weirdness, and I want to back up a bit, because strange things have been happening here since even before this Chicken bird showed up.
For anyone familiar with my story, you may have noted such strange happenings have been following me and my wife, SD, our whole lives. Usually these are seemingly random events dispersed over many months. These last few weeks have been an exception. The year itself has been particularly interesting for me. Scratch that; for us.
You may recall back in Jan I had what appeared to be a doppelganger banging on my door and calling out to my wife and daughter when I was out with my son.
What happened was that my wife went to open the door and let this thing in, then noticed that despite it wearing my exact usual clothing, it was sporting a different haircut to what I went out the door with about 10 minutes prior.
She said “fuck that”, locked the door and then watched it walk behind the curtain and seemingly disappear. We have a dog fence surrounding that side of the house that would have slowed its departure somewhat, but nope, this thing was gone as soon as she pulled the curtain back. This was soon after something had been calling out to my daughter in my voice; my daughter said “dad’s home” and went to go find me before my wife stopped her, thankfully. I suspect this thing, whatever the fuck it was, had a hand – pun intended – in almost getting me killed some 8 years ago.
This caused me to finally pull my finger out of my butt, risk hearing a noise that sounded very much like Maria’s opinion, and write about all the things I experienced in LD before this thing got me killed.
It’s been a rollercoaster ride ever since.
Oh and in case I forgot to mention, our house has weird things happening in it all the time. Like shadow people walking around that you catch out of the corner of your eye, or – like what happened to me last night – random heavy weights weighing more than my 100kg body mass just randomly deciding “jump on me” and wake me up. Waking up after strange LD sessions with helicopters directly over our house.
Fast forward to a couple of weeks before MM’s comms channel opened up with the Domain Commander. My wife had a lucid dream/ astral projection experience she and a bunch of others were working in a lab section of a ship with several tall, extremely muscly blue eye blonde beings who were making some kind of medicine to cure some sort of sickness. Don’t be fooled though, these guys weren’t Nordics – they had short hair. The next day she caught a glimpse of their ship hovering high above our house.
A week later she caught yet another glimpse of something parked in our driveway before a bunch of honeycombed shaped mirrors appeared around it and cloaked it into oblivion. Unlike the shadow people, she assured me this was a proper physical sighting and not just one born from channeling into the non physical.
She saw this thing in our goddamned fucking driveway.
So I decided to set up a hunting camera facing not 2m away from where she said it was. Not that I caught much apart from some random digital noise.
Then, a few days later came Mr chicken bird.
Our 2 year old son was incredibly sick with diarrhoea and power spewing all night. Our 4 year old daughter had been worried about him so we let her sleep in our room. We put her in his cot and had him in our bed, where he usually sleeps anyway.
Our 2 year old woke everyone up at 2am screaming from his sickness.
My daughter, after being woken up started getting silly and wouldn’t go back to sleep, so I took her into her own room and gave her some cuddles while my wife nursed our son. I couldn’t stay too long because our boy was just too sick, so after a couple minutes I went back to our room, whilst my daughter was still wide awake.
Not 2 minutes later, we hear her saying “get out of here you naughty little thing”. She says something similar to our eldest boy when he harasses her when they play, so we thought he had woken up and gone in her room and was annoying her.
My wife gave our sick son to me and went to investigate.
Our daughter’s room is right next to ours to the right as you come out our door. As soon as she reached the door to my daughter’s room, I heard her say “what the fuck”. The next thing I know she is pulling my daughter into our room and trying to get our eldest son (still asleep) out of his bed and into our room in a mad panic.
As she got to the door she noticed our daughter with tears streaming her face, standing on her bed trying to get away from something that was standing next to the bed using it to balance, and walking very slowly towards her – both my wife and daughter saw this.
My wife said it was hard to make out in the dim lighting of the room, but it was very definitely a physical “thing” with wings about 3ft tall. Our daughter said it looked like a black and white chicken bird. She said she saw a “plane” drop it off outside her window before it came in the house. It took us quite awhile to calm her down (she ended up sleeping in our bed).
As if this wasn’t enough the son of a bitch showed up again a few nights ago around the same time of night; my wife got up to go to the toilet and said this same thing just appeared in the doorway walking towards her like it had done to my daughter, using its wings to try and balance.
She stared at it for a good while as she sat on the toilet before getting up and walking straight through it, to which it just dissipated.
She didn’t feel anything as she did so. She said it’s beak reminded her of those medieval plague doctors that used to wear those bird masks back in the renaissance period.
Plague doctor from Renaissance period.
So now, several weeks have passed and our girl won’t sleep back in her room. She is that terrified of the chicken bird, she won’t even go in there to play. What the fuck is this thing?
Note the correlation to medicine on the ship SD was on, and the plague doctor who used to put herbs in the mask to rid themselves of the smell of the dead they worked near.
The medicine SD was working on with the short haired blonde guys was also herbal/ natural based. Are the things visiting my family responsible for the depictions of the Plague doctors?
Then some more weird shit happened.
I set up a portable stretcher in our room so my daughter wouldn’t have to sleep in the cot that is much too small for her. She woke up in the middle of the night, again absolutely terrified and comes and crawls into our bed. The thing that scared her?
She saw a bunch of monster “people” appear before her and start talking to her in a strange language.
The description she gave of these people was exactly the same as a bunch of beings that used to harass my wife when she was about the same age. Bald, red eyes etc etc. This was a repetitive experience. They are apparently extremely loud when they talk.
And again, just last night she told us more about them. There are children ones and a “daddy” one. The daddy one usually isn’t there because he has to go to work “stealing other children”. She has seen these loud beings get dropped off along with the chicken bird and “snake looking people” from the same plane.
It gets even better.
So we are sitting in the loungeroom the other night, and out of no where my eldest son says that he has seen the chicken bird before in his sleep. He says that he saw a plane come into the loungeroom, drop it off and then leave through the back door (same one my doppelganger tried to get in through.).
I remember quite awhile ago he had a dream that some beings had taken him out of bed into a waiting spaceship in the driveway, then took him to the moon where they made him touch something silver that turned him silver (hello again Matrix Movie) and made him extremely cold at the same time.
They turned him into a literal fucking Metallicboy, and this was before I had even made the acquaintance of the Metallicman.
It is hard to tell if his were lucid dreams or standard ones, given that kids can’t properly externalise what the fuck is happening to them whilst in these states, though I assume it was an LD judging from his ability to recall it so vividly. My daughter’s seem like a bunch of Lucid Dreams interwoven with physical contact of the chicken bird, backed up by my wife seeing it.
Somewhere in all this cacophony of weirdness I myself had a lucid dream about standing out in the driveway and watching a ship come in to collect me.
The place I was standing would have been right next to where my wife saw her ship and my daughter said the chicken bird ship landed.
In fact it would have been the corner of a right angle if you dotted them out on a map. It was right in the exact spot my son said they took him to the moon. The entirety of our experiences would have been within a 15m radius of each other. That’s four different people from one family who have seen ships, either physical or non physical, in pretty much the exact same spot.
I can’t help but think about my abduction dream – refer to my Part 5 – from my mother in law’s house a few years back which is literally less than 5km away as the crow flies from us.
I was there the other day and took a video of how I remembered that dream experience unfolding (except I came out the door and not from around the side of the house).
When I point to the sky, just imagine a very angular shaped ship coming out of a cloud to the right and sucking me up into a circular arrangement at the bottom followed by a very confusing and disorientated wake up session.
The thing that gets me is that that experience felt like a future occurrence; it was too vivid to be just a standard dream.
I initially wrote it off because in the dream my car (which I no longer own) was very vividly parked in my mother in law’s spot under the garage.
Then I remembered my mother in law was the one I sold that particular car to. So if I randomly go missing it’s a good bet I woke up back in 2016 lol.
Joking aside, SD is under instruction to inform MM if I do indeed go missing one day whilst at my mother in law’s house; that is just a precaution I feel is necessary to take considering the Domain Commanders recent confirmation on our LD experiences. Maybe it will never happen – I honestly have no clue what to expect.
What I do know is that something weird is going on in our household, and it amplified the moment
MM’s comms channel opened up (this is in no way me laying blame on MM for it). Is it the Domain, is it someone else? I have no fucking idea, but it is definitely related if you want my honest opinion.
I showed this to my daughter who said the eyes and beaked looked fairly similar. My wife said if you take away the hat body, pickaxe etc, it looked similar. My son said the one he saw was different, more like a chicken that made a high pitched squeaking noise.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the eleventh part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Part 11 – Lucid Dreaming Lesson 3 Techniques for Inducing Effective LDs
In this lesson we are going to get into some techniques myself and SD have used numerous times to induce LD with a great measure of success. These techniques are entirely my own; I am yet to see them being used anywhere else.
The methodologies came about entirely by accident and through observations of my environment {both mental and physical} either immediately from waking up from an LD or taking note of certain things before one was initiated that I would remember afterwards.
Some of these techniques are particularly effective at inducing a WILD even from a heavily fatigued state of mind. In fact, they seem to work better from this state.
Before I begin though, a quick word on the “cheats”:
Drugs and Alcohol
Many people suggest explicit substances such as drugs and alcohol can have a
negative effect on ones ability to LD. While I was never big on anything harsher than marijuana, I cannot specifically remember ever having an LD experience whilst under the influence of such a substance.
I am generally skeptical when it comes to using drugs to initiate an LD.
This is mainly because I believe they distort the mind too much to make becoming lucid whilst in the dream state feasible. I have had friends who have used LSD and DMT to try and initiate an astral projection.
I sincerely advise against it.
All it seems to have done for these people is given them a fast tracked ticket to the mental health ward of their local hospital. Though, I suspect the LD/AP thing was really more of an excuse to justify their addiction to these substances.
If one has not taken the psychological preparation necessary, then they are leaving themselves open to all sorts of trouble.
This is of course, my own opinion.
Alcohol, is different for me. Whilst I have never had an LD under its immediate influence I have had many LDs during the hangover recovery phase the day after a major bender.
I have actually used alcohol to deliberately try to induce an LD in this manner.
Though it seems to work better when I haven’t had LD as an intention. Be warned though, the level of alcohol needed to put you in a state of such dissociation from the body could be considered lethal by many people’s standards. It is also for this reason, I really don’t recommend it as a feasible avenue to LD.
However, if you are planning on indulging in it quite liberally, I see no reason why you can’t give LD a try when you are lying half comatose in bed with a blanket of regret over you to keep you warm, as you tell yourself “never again”.
You might as well try and get something out of the annihilation of brain cells.
I have noticed it is particularly easy to tune into non physical chatter whilst in bed and still reeling from a particularly bad hangover. I am not trained in psychology, so I will skip going into my opinions on why this would be.
Non Physical Chatter:
Whilst we are on the subject, I feel the need to mention some things I have noticed in regards to non physical chatter.
Whilst not necessarily LD related I believe they are worth experimenting with.
The most noticeable is the way pressure is applied to the head when one is about to fall asleep.
I have found that there is a correlation with me lying in such a position that most pressure from my pillow presses on the top, middle right part of my head, and having strange “visions”.
A common theme is what appears to be a very vivid movie real of an unfamiliar cartoon.
It is in a similar style to the old Felix the cat cartoons. A similar cartoon has been mentioned by members of the occult/LD community, and by SD.
I have also noticed that if I fall asleep lying down with my head on my propped up elbow, then there is potential for audible chatter that is clearly not related to my own thought train.
There seems to be a grey area of conscious awareness where this chatter is at its most extreme.
An effective method to “catching it” is to count up to 5 minutes; when the mind is preoccupied with focusing on the counting, it is incredibly easy to notice when the chatter appears because it completely derails the counting.
“The Emerther are scared to death for many reasons that lead back to the human race”, “Japan has nothing at the edge of their chasm”, “Please be careful” are examples of the things I have heard whilst in this grey area. It seems to correspond to the M Band noise mentioned by Bruce Moen.
Diet and Exercise.
I have been asked if there is a correlation with diet and LD, and honestly I can’t say I have really noticed anything to be that beneficial.
This is not to say there isn’t an eating plan you should try, more so that I just never bothered looking too deep into this aspect.
By all means if you find someone who suggests something an eating regime specifically to induce LD, then give it a try and get back to me on how it went for you.
In saying this though, my most intense period of lucid dreaming was when I was working out on a regular basis with a goal of getting fit enough to join the Defense Force.
At the same time I was also eating quite healthily, so it is hard for me to tell if my heightened level of lucid awareness of the dream state was because of the exercise, the diet, or both.
It could have been a result of the location for all I know.
I can’t give a definite in this regard. What I do know is that my diet and exercise regime is no where near as healthy as it was, and my lucid dreaming ventures have taken a nose dive.
Hopefully I’ll start getting back into it when my youngest is a little bit older. I am curious to see if my forays into lucidity start to come back a bit stronger under a healthier lifestyle.
What I did noticed with two rather potent LD experiences that happened only a few nights apart is that I had some sort of spicy chicken dish followed by a dose of sugar.
There appeared to be no correlation in “healthiness” with these foods; one was a lean Thai curry with a portion of cake for dessert, the other was standard hot and spicy KFC followed by a typical sugary drink from that food chain.
I suspect it has to do with the chemical change from the chili/ sugar content that is registered via the subconscious mind whilst in the dream state. I suggest exploring this avenue further and experimenting with it if you are game enough.
Thought Placement:
Many DILD techniques involve the use of “reality checks” to help stimulate the sub consciousness mind into becoming lucid.
These basically consist of a series of checks you do each day whilst awake which hopefully carry over to the dreaming domain and allow you to come to the realisation you are lucid. “Am I awake, am I asleep?” that sort of thing. Similar to me throwing my bass guitar in the pool.
In the movie Inception, Leornado DiCaprio employs the use of a spinning top as a reality check. He spins the top and if he is awake it eventually slows down and falls over due to the lack of centrifugal force.
The tell that he is still dreaming is that it continues to keep spinning unencumbered by the lack of physics.
I recommend watching this movie.
It not only is a good representation of LD in general, but also highlights the importance of being psychologically ready before undertaking extensive voyages into the Lucid planes.
In the movie, DiCaprio’s wife ends up killing herself because she believes she is still dreaming and needs to wake up, despite DiCaprio insisting she is already awake and back in the physical reality.
Another thing Inception portrays really well is the layering depths of dreams one may delve into and how time becomes distorted in these other “dream worlds”.
When you get good at LD, it is easy to get carried away and start going deeper and deeper into a dream within a dream within a dream.
You must learn and employ your safeguards so you know how to properly get back from such a maze.
This may sound somewhat silly, but believe me, I have been trapped in lucidity for “years” only to wake up to find a single night has passed; it can really fuck you up if you are not prepared for it.
Another thing to be aware of is that it can be quite depressing visiting an LD Utopia only to have to wake back up into this physical plane.
Expect a readjustment period of at least a few days.
Thought Placement for DILDs
Through my observations I have found that there is a correlating timeframe that thoughts can be used to stimulate the sub consciousness in the dream state.
This came about by having dreams with elements that I could pin point back to a very specific time of having that thought element during the day time.
It appears that around 10 to 10 and a half hours, and half an hour before going to sleep (not just going to bed) are prime times for instilling thoughts about doing reality checks and lucid dreaming.
Of course, this means having a strict bed time schedule and understanding how long it actually takes you to get to sleep once in bed.
The Dream Blanket
I have a book written by a guy with Native American blood that talks about the shamanic practice of “shapeshifting”. The Art of Shapeshifting by Ted Andrews.
It is essentially about using dances that mimic certain animals and special talismans for remote viewing and lucid dreaming purposes.
While I never got into the dances, one of the talismans I found curious was a blanket that you drape across you every time you are consciously trying to LD.
The theory by the author is that every time you have a LD you subconsciously imbue this blanket with dream energy, which eventually makes it easier to lucid dream, as you connect with this energy when fall asleep.
The dream blanket is considered so sacred by him that he suggests locking it up within a special chest and not letting it come into contact with other artifacts lest it becomes tainted by their energy.
It must only ever be used for Lucid Dreaming.
I tried using a piece of expensive silk fabric for this purpose but it was not clear if it had any profound effect.
In saying that, I have noticed it takes awhile to build up “LD momentum” if the blankets are changed from ones I have been using during periods with many LDs. Purple and blue colored linen seems to work the best.
The Pillows:
Did you end up buying a triangular {right angle} shaped pillow? If not, don’t worry too much about it.
Some regular pillows that are quite “puffy” with a good puff to density ratio will do just fine.
Try to avoid ones that are so puffy that your head falls right through them though.
The reason triangular pillows are good is that they wrap around the entirety of your neck and give you’re the head the support it is going to need when undertaking the main LD inducing technique, the hanged man pose.
You can get by without it, but I have found one side of my neck quickly gets quite fatigued without this support base from the pillows.
If you are using standard rectangular pillows, their arrangement will be crucial to whether or not the technique works, and it may take quite a few adjustments to get them “right”.
I hope you have been practicing the stillness of the body meditation, because you are going to need it for the next part:
Onto the techniques
The Hanged Man Pose:
Over the many years I was engaging in LD, I started noticing “commonalities” between when I would have an LD and the arrangement of my body when waking up.
The most notable of such commonalities was a particular pose I usually {not always} found myself in immediately upon waking from my LDs.
Curious, I began experimenting with this pose.
I would take a few minutes after awaking into to it to study it in depth without moving, then try to recreate it whenever I’d go to bed to try and initiate an LD.
More often than not it would work for both DILDs and WILDs.
In fact some of the most vivid LDs I have had have been from using this very pose. I explained it to SD and she began using it, and reported that it works quite well for her.
As far as I am concerned, this is the secret to initiating an LD.
The pose itself is quite easy to get into.
The difficulty, however, comes when trying to remain in it without moving. Hence why the practice of the stillness of the body is crucial to mastering it. And hence why pillow arrangement is crucial to its correct use.
Five minutes after getting into this pose I guarantee every ounce of your being will be telling you to move into a more comfortable position; It is an incredibly uncomfortable position to be in.
It is not as if you are going to be doing yoga or anything.
It is more that you will be stretching certain muscles and placing weight on your body in a way that you are not used to.
You need to just suck it up and lie there if you want it to work properly.
Hopefully, after a few weeks you will automatically start taking up this position as you sleep.
So how do we get into the pose?
Well, there is a reason I call it the Hanged Man pose, and this is because it is similar to the Hanged Man in the Tarot deck.
Traditionally, this card depicts a man hanging upside down with his arms at his side and his leg bent at such an angle so that it touches the knee of the opposing leg.
While I have used this exact pose, for LD, I prefer to alter it slightly.
Rather than have the leg bent at a 90 degree angle, simply place the heel of your right foot on top of your left when you are laying down.
If you find this too uncomfortable you can alter it so that your feet are to the side of each other.
The crucial thing, though is that the two must be touching.
The arms can either relax at your side or be placed upon your sternum; that latter seems to work better.
Keeping your back flat to the plane of your mattress, you then need to bend your head to the right so that your right ear is completely covered by your pillow.
Aim to create a “seal” around your whole ear so that no air can escape.
Again, I have found the triangular pillow makes this easier to achieve.
I am not sure why this works so well. I suspect it has something to do with unbalancing the inner ear or something to do with redirecting the flow of energy through the body, which are picked up in dreamtime.
One thing I know for certain though, is that it gets results. Provided you can keep it up.
The Tennis Match Scenario:
This will consciously carry you from an awakened state through the transition into the dream state and on into the Void Space if done correctly, regardless of your fatigue level.
In fact, most of the WILDs I have had have been from utilizing this technique, or a slight variant of it.
Consider it a cheat code to getting into the void space.
To understand why it works you need to understand the way consciousness “collapses” back in towards the pineal gland as you enter the dream state.
This is a complete inversion of the consciousness you use whilst engaging in physical reality whilst awake.
If you are successful with this technique, you will experience this inversion.
It works particularly well when you are fatigued to the point of being in danger of falling asleep within minutes of your head touching the pillow, which is why I like it.
I used it quite a lot when I was working a full time job as an assembler in an electronics factory.
I was getting up at 4:30am and getting home at 6pm, completely exhausted, and yet it still worked.
So if this sounds like your sort of lifestyle, I recommend trying it.
You start by visualising a tennis match between you and an opponent.
It has to be a first person view on your part. You need to visualize this as if you are actually there, playing tennis, with the net in front of you and the racket being held in your hand.
It can’t be from a third person viewpoint.
Pretend it is your opponent’s turn to serve.
I find it easier to visualize slow serves that gradually build in pace, but if you are too fatigued just go right on to the fast serves. You need about 5 seconds worth of unbroken, vivid visualization of your opponent smashing the ball as hard as they possibly can.
Repeat the visualization with the ball flying past your head.
After every 4th or fifth hit, make the ball hit square in the middle of your nose.
Hopefully, in your fatigued state, your mind will automatically keep replaying the scenario, and eventually start believing it is real.
The goal is to have it react with a surge of adrenaline as the ball hits your nose, thinking there is a very real possibility of your nose being broken.
This surge of adrenaline, I have found, is just enough to awaken you back into a conscious understanding that you are almost asleep.
At the same time, your consciousness “locks” onto the ball, and is projected back in towards the pineal gland the same way it collapses into the dream state.
Because the adrenaline has made you lucid, you consciously witness that transition before the adrenaline disappears.
The speed of which consciousness enters into this transition is what I term as “the velocity of consciousness”.
From my experiences, this velocity can be anywhere between the speed of a properly served tennis ball to that of a bullet.
I suggest experimenting with different scenarios that involve different speeds, to see if you can find something that works better for you.
A variant of this technique I found also works well is by imagining a fast orbiting satellite near a planet that you “spin” off its trajectory and have it hit you.
In my case, it was a dodecahedron spinning about a tetrahedron; both are heavily related to occult philosophy. They are platonic solids.
The Velocity of Consciousness and the Void Space.
The speed at which your consciousness inverts and falls back through pineal gland will dictate how deep one falls into the void space.
I mentioned in the previous lesson that distortions will come into play and that these distortions will dictate how successful your lucid dream will be.
With a high velocity of consciousness, one risks penetrating too “deep” into the void space where the distortions are at their most extreme.
The tennis match/ orbiting satellite visualization seems to instill consciousness with a velocity so that It can reach a shallower level of the void space.
Coming from sleep paralysis on the other hand, the distortions can be anywhere from mild to extreme.
These distortions will last only whilst in the void space, but they have the potential of completely destroying the lucid dream.
The reason for this is because it takes an incredible amount of visualization willpower to be able to create a dream; all focus must be put towards this end.
If the mind is busy dealing with using it’s visualization resources trying to neutralize these distortions, then proper dreamscape visualization cannot take place.
Unfortunately I have no remedy for when these distortions are at their maximum.
I have rarely been able to make it past this stage when they are, and the times I have, my dreamscapes have been a random mess of corrupted data.
Even the most basic of dreamscapes become impossible to visualize, and movement within them becomes even harder.
Don’t feel disheartened if these distortions ruin your LD. This happened to me more times than I can count. Perseverance is the only way through
Dream Creation From the Void Space:
Dreams created from the void space are not standard dreams, and neither are they typical LDs.
When done properly, one can exhibit almost total control over what appears in the dreamscape, and can use this for exploration of the non physical worlds.
Many experts will suggest this is astral projection, other experts will claim that LD cannot be used for such traveling or that it is really just a trick of the mind and you are not really “traveling”. My personal experiences suggest differently on both accounts.
To create a dreamscape to this extent you MUST take control of the distortions before the intent to create a dream even comes up whilst you are in the void space.
The reason for this is that to create a proper dreamscape takes an immense amount of will power and conscious focus.
If majority of that focus is spent dealing with the distortions after the dream has been created, your dream will not be stable and will “fall apart,” waking you up in the process.
Strong visualization practices to counter the distortions are the only thing I know that works, hence why you don’t want the distortions to be anything other than weak.
Once confidence of dominations over the distortions has been gained, there is a certain trick to being able to create a stable dreamscape.
Remember, you need to be able to think of all of this on the fly – you won’t have time to try and process and remember it all from scratch, so I suggest running through the process multiple times so it becomes automatic.
Rather than start surrounding yourself with items you wish to be present in the immediate environment, I have found it more beneficial to visualize the extremities of the particular scenario – if your eyes were functioning in this state, it would be equivalent of creating the objects you can see at the horizon.
The next trick is to switch your attention from this horizon onto the area encompassing a few meters around you without letting it collapse.
This is where the level of the void space you are in comes in to play; if you are too deep into it, close to the depths of the basement, you will be met with distortions in your visualisations which will “attack” them and ultimately collapse the environment around you, resulting in you waking up back in the physical world.
It takes great practice to be able to create a dream environment like this, then switch to populating it with whatever objects or people, smells etc, you desire without it collapsing, but it can be done to the point one can experience the same sensations they feel utilizing a physical body, such as smell, touch, taste etc.
This is something I was doing consistently in my youth, almost 3 times a week.
The number one rule is that once created, no conscious thought can be allowed to be given to the structure of this environment, as this will also cause it to collapse; you have to just create it, and “know” it is around you and move straight into and interact from within it; if you find yourself focusing on one particular thing during the creation stage, you need to quickly find something else and use that to anchor your dreamscape, and you keep doing this until it becomes stable.
You can then manifest a dream body if you wish, or continue to operate without one.
Once stable, the dreamscape can be interacted with just like any physical environment (but more profoundly).
This is the art of applying velocity to consciousness; once a dreamscape has been created, consciousness can move about in it simply by picking a point and focusing on it, much like with astral projection.
Time and space become irrelevant factors, as one is immediately “teleported” to the point of imagination, hence why the control of one’s imagination is such an important factor.
Just as the infant must learn to use its legs to walk through its physical environment, so too must one learn to use the points around them to move within their lucid environment.
By having an idea beforehand of what sort of dream environment one wants to build, and an object that can be summoned and moved away from the area closest to you after your horizon has been established, one can smooth out the whole process and evade the distortions before they begin to present themselves.
I have been known to “free fall” in the void for long periods of time – hours in fact – whilst I decided what dream I wanted to create, or simply for relaxation/meditation purposes.
I have also been known to switch dreamscapes as easily as one walks through a door, jumping from world to world as if I was walking into different rooms.
All this can be done via the portals when one becomes skilled at visualization practices.
Summoning the Portals:
Once you are certain your dream is stable – ie you can move about it within it fairly easily without having to think too hard to keep it in place – the portals can summoned to allow for travel to other non physical locations.
I really do not know how I learnt this; it was just something I “knew” how to do quite effortlessly whilst in an LD. A memory of sorts.
The portals themselves are quite small, and spherical shaped, about the size of a tennis ball.
They are, on first summoning of them, a pearlescent white color.
If you consider your vision straight ahead as being a flat plane at 0 degrees, the portals are off set above your vision at about a 6 degree angle from your eyes, and several feet away.
They exist in your close range top peripheral in other words, right on the edge of your focusing range.
The means for using them is this; you summon them in their pearlescent white form, then you “attach” an environment to them so they become a mini “world” display of the environment you wish to travel to.
They act as a means to contain very specific visual coordinates of a non physical location that will not be subject to the distortions in your immediate environment.
Once they have been summoned, and your visual coordinates have appeared on their surface, you then project or “jump” into them by contracting your consciousness (remember I said consciousness in a non physical state can contract and expand?).
You then come out at the location in question.
Though the portals can be used as a means to travel to one’s own self designed dreamscapes, there are other locations that I have accessed multiple times without any need to create them using the same portals; when accessed, it is as if they automatically materialize in one’s own void space without any visualisation input.
The amount of time I have spent in these particular places equates to a great deal more than someone who goes on regular holidays.
Many of them have their own portals in certain places that access other parts of the other “worlds”, so that, ultra dimensionally, they are all, in some way, linked together.
The portals can allow two way access by using the expansion of consciousness method rather than the contraction method, but I will cover this in the next lesson.
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The following is the tenth part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Below is a briefing document which equates to about 7 years worth of LD espionage into amnesia compounds by both myself and my wife, SD.
While it rehashes a few things I have already talked about, I think it contains some info the Commander will consider as being quite valuable.
I am very interested to hear yours and his opinions of it, particularly the first impression you get from him “absorbing” it.
Be warned, it is about 12k worth of words, so might take you a good amount of time to go through. There will be further documentation in the coming weeks in regards to my opinions on how LD assets can be effectively used to tackle this amnesia problem.
I also have a few questions for the Commander, but as there is already a couple of question in the document I will hold off asking them for your sake.
Part 10 – Combined LD Asset Penetration Into Amnesia Infrastructure
This is a briefing document to be relayed to the Domain Commander via Metallic Man outlining about 7 years worth of recon work into various locations by two very accomplished LD Assets – DM and SD – carried out between the years 2008 to 2015 to aid in the identification of potential abusers of the amnesia prison system infrastructure as well as the possibility of hijacked consciousness templates.
This is not a singular experience; majority of the locations mentioned in this document have been repetitively observed and experienced numerous times during Lucid Dreaming by both DM and SD over this 7 year period as well as other LD assets.
This is a unique opportunity for the Domain and MM readers to gain an understanding of these non physical locations from 2 separate sources that have been able to openly discuss these experiences on a regular basis free from the constraints of societal bias and vilification to verify them.
This document is to function as an addendum to a personal request by the Domain Commander for me, DM, to undertake lucid espionage into such compounds, as relayed to me via ex-MAJestic Agent MM in a personal email.
Given that a fair understanding of my background in LD has been given to the MM readership, I must point out that SD is at a very similar level of experience in LD to me – if not better – and has experimented with it almost as much as me.
Note that SD has been able to view a similar consciousness sorting mechanism as described by MM through utilizing her LD skillset. Also note that while I have agreed to help the Domain in their effort of identifying the amnesia machinery, my loyalty is ultimately to the Elder Guardians and their approved alliances first and foremost.
This is understood. -MM
My willingness to help the Domain comes from the idea that the goals of these two organizations are aligned; to put a stop to the amnesia machinery which will ultimately allow the extraction of members of each organization who have become trapped in the “earth prison”.
Anyone involved in such an effort is to be considered a friend by me for at least the duration of this project.
Just as the Domain are responsible for the 3000 members of their lost battalion, I am responsible for the 20k+ consciousnesses that came here at the direction of the Elder Guardians for a similar retrieval operation.
Therefore the Domain have my permission to alter my non-physical body to whatever extent they deem necessary provided it is to benefit this same goal and provided I am allowed to retain 100% awareness of the process, regardless of how painful or uncomfortable it may prove to be.
However, the Domain must not in any shape or form alter any aspect of my body {physical or non physical} that has already been altered by The Elder Guardians or their alliances without prior consent from that same organization.
This is understood and agreed to. -MM
This is to ensure that I am still able to carry out my lucid obligations to the Elder Guardians and the aforementioned consciousnesses I am responsible for. Ultimately the Elder Guardians have right of authority when it comes to any aspect of my physical/ non physical self.
I am optimistic in my belief that such a disagreement of circumstance will be extremely unlikely, given that our goals are so aligned.
However if I am wrong, in this assumption the Domain are of course welcome to approach me directly should they feel the need to persuade me otherwise.
There is an understanding that shared alliances can be mutually beneficial to all involved as long as we all agree to work within the agreed to frameworks. For instance, I agreed to a life-line involvement in MAJestic, not realizing that I would be working with The Domain. Then, I needed to reaffirm my agreements with them in order to proceed with them. -MM
I am putting in a formal request to the Commander that the Domain keep me updated on any missions carried out into these non-physical locations by either them or their associates, via MM if he so allows it, or personally if that is a more appropriate course of action for them.
This is understood and agreed to. -MM
I am also requesting any aid the Domain may be able to provide to either myself or SD that would prevent both physical and non physical forces impeding us in our operations to further gather intelligence via lucid dreaming and astral projection based avenues.
I believe this a fair compensation for the information contained in this report, though I will let MM have the final decision in whether it is or not. If he disagrees I won’t argue.
From what I understand, they will remain neutral for the most part, but will assist (if they are able to do so) if asked by one of the irregular assets directly (though the means I have provided.) -MM
If, however, the Domain are able to provide such assistance I will be able to more effectively devise an offensive stratagem into these targets.
It is my intention to penetrate deeper into these facilities when opportunity allows for it regardless of the dangers present therein. Understand this is a lifelong goal of mine that I have held since long before even stumbling across MM.
It is not my intention to disrespect the Domain or offend them in any way shape or form. Like MM, I take these assignments seriously and the terms I have laid out are solely to protect aspects of this operation I know to be on track to dismantling the amnesia mechanisms.
In saying that, I am committed to combining resources and using my LD skillset to tackle the amnesia problem whenever possible.
This is understood and agreed to. They will provide "reasonable" assistance provided the request is "reasonable". They will NOT make a judgement on the need or utility. Instead, in this venue "reasonable" refers to their ability to do so, given the specific circumstances involved. If that makes sense.
To put it in my own words, they will help if they are able to, and will not judge if whether or not you need it or not. They have limitations. -MM
The Experiences:
Reality brainwashing is a very heavy theme present within many of these combined LD experiences, and is suggestive that the amnesia prison system has indeed been taken over or is still in operation and in some parts functional at the very least.
The Amnesia operation is either still in operation, or has been taken over by other interests. -MM
Over the years both myself and SD have been able to gain a detailed understanding of how these non physical locations are linked via a substantial network of egress portals and consciousness mazes, which are seemingly buried in layer upon layer of non physical “realities”, or planes exhibiting a different density to our physical one.
The conclusion we have both come to is that this system is designed to disorientate many consciousnesses during sleep/ death and control them to a very, very high degree through an MK Ultra type arrangement.
We have also gained an understanding of how consciousness doping agents are seemingly being used to keep a consciousness docile, submissive and under control whilst in these non physical facilities.
My experiences with the Elder Guardians suggest this is done en masse to the population of earth whenever they go to sleep, and again highlights this consciousness brainwashing theme that suggests the prison system is still in operation.
Given what we have experienced first hand, it is unlikely any consciousness would be able to resist this domination without some form of assistance, as the doping agents appear to be administered immediately upon entering the non physical environment.
"...it is unlikely any consciousness would be able to resist this domination without some form of assistance..."
Any efforts at “evading the light”, in my opinion, would have to include some kind of therapy to be administered during physical life to help break through that consciousness doping I assume is also undertaken upon death. I will submit a plan to MM later on I have to help rectify this particular problem.
"...Any efforts at “evading the light”, in my opinion, would have to include some kind of therapy to be administered during physical life..."
The volcano island I infiltrated which was recently mentioned in the LD task callout by MM was only one of what appear to be many places where such reality brainwashing/ false memory implantation, breeding programs, consciousness doping, and torture is taking place, according to mine and SD’s many recon assignments.
Many of these facilities take the form of “schools” – and are called this by their administrators – that are heavily guarded by armed soldiers that exhibit a very Nazi SS Officer/ authoritarian like behavior.
They call the act of undergoing brainwashing to “go and study”.
These schools exist within multiple different planes; it is exceedingly difficult trying to pin point them to a specific one.
The general theme is that if you get caught conducting lucid espionage into any of these locations, with complete memory of the physical world, you get targeted for either…
a) ejection from these locations by these guards or
b) capture whereby a specialized form of torture tailored specifically to make you forget them is administered.
This torture involves the use of electrocution and being probed with sharp objects, sometimes the former being administered through the latter.
It is strictly forbidden to talk about any of the other non physical worlds whilst in these reality brainwashing schools, and anyone doing so is immediately reprimanded and hushed by these guards.
This includes those in which past life memories begin to surface.
Those who are not part of the administration are treated like typical prison inmates and segregated into small groups based on gender and age.
Given that myself and SD were able to relate our LD experiences to each other on an almost day to day basis, we have been successful in retrieving memory of such scenarios that otherwise would have been left erased.
One of us will begin with a description of the experience, which will trigger a flood of memories for the other, who will then finish the scenario with an exact description of what took place.
Hence it is unlikely, in my opinion, that we are just implanting false memories within one another. It is my assumption that we are recalling parts of each other’s lucid dreams that we have both been active in.
It has been very evident to the both of us that the administrators of these locations do not want us aware of them or bringing such information back to the physical world.
We have experienced many failsafe mechanisms to make sure this doesn’t happen, including [1] amnesia “street lights” (designed to keep certain sections and blocked from access), [2] swarms of entities that “scrub” particular locations to keep out non authorized “visitors”, as well as [3] being chased through multiple worlds by entities resembling “suits” or “MIB” (specifically to stop one of us helping the other regain our memories).
I have yet another LD Asset {#3} part of my contacts who has also been chased by the MIB during LD.
SD and I have been fortunate in that we were able to evade and escape most of these efforts to some degree due to our LD skillsets.
Unfortunately for the administrators of these locations we also both started building up a tolerance to the consciousness doping agents being used on us, which I believe was in part due to help from our handlers.
We started regaining a level of control of our consciousness whilst doped, which allowed us both to view the processes of what takes place under the “care” of the prison administration.
It should be noted that the assignments undertaken by us and mentioned in these documents were extremely psychologically demanding; these were extremely distressing situations we found ourselves in that tested us to the very limits of our mental resolve, even with an awareness of our physical bodies and a higher awareness of the non physical planes.
At no point should anyone ever try to replicate any of these experiences whilst in LD without proper psychological preparation.
(In our case) We had help!
It should also be noted that SD has undergone the same astral body tampering the night after the Domain Commander first opened up a comms channel with MM (the same night I underwent mine – it was the exact same procedure; it felt like something was being “welded” into our astral bodies).
She also has a history of interaction with other non physical entities whilst in LD, and has been able to operate from a similar state of higher consciousness as I have previously mentioned.
Her forays give a bigger picture of the block put in place to control consciousness at death.
Given the nature of our assignments, it seems that some of these locations are home to non physical refugees trying to escape capture of some sort, presumably by the earth prison administration.
They inhabit worlds that could be considered less than third world by today’s standards.
According to what has been told to SD by some of these refugees, the displacement of them is due to a large scale non physical war that happened many thousands of {earth} years ago.
The premise of this war centers around the idea that those in charge of these facilities are trying to create “astral super soldiers” by taking the best attributes of certain “races” and splicing them into a single being.
This astral splicing is what I refer to as the “breeding programs”, as it corresponds with SDs experiences in the rape camps, again of which there appear to be many of these camps in active operation ruled by guards that exhibit a very similar behavior to that of the Nazi’s.
My own experiences suggest something similar and that there are special assets who can operate outside of temporal tracing apparatus; ie chrononauts that can slip through the non physical planes without being monitored by even the most technological advanced species.
I suspect these are what I call “suits” or MIB and specifically target anyone who exhibits high navigational control of the non physical planes via LD? AP. If they catch you, you instantly wake up back in the physical world.
In the context of MM terminology this would equate to those who can initiate an MWI slide at will without having to worry about sticking to certain pre birth/ master templates; they are ghosts that leave no footprint of their non physical travels behind.
I suspect whoever made them is the same faction who has taken control of the earth prison.
I also suspect these “suits” have something to do with the Psaigreen. Any information the Domain can supply on that particular group (the Psaigreen) would be much appreciated.
It is on the list -MM
The methods of astral body tampering used to create these super soldiers SD and I have witnessed so far are: .
Similar non physical body splicing techniques employed by the Domain but without the intent to escape the prison
Forced sexual interactions between heavily doped male and female captives. Males are injected with a secondary drug that amplifies their primal instincts to the point that they become incredibly violent and aggressive.
The removal and implantation of foetuses within the womb of pregnant and non pregnant women.
The idea in all cases is to create hybridized offspring with DNA containing the best non physical traits so that access to certain non physical areas may be obtained.
It appears astral body DNA acts as a key to certain non physical areas.
The Main Facilities:
While the locations mentioned in this document are numerous, there are several facilities that stand out to me as being important to keeping up with the consciousness brainwashing agenda that I suggest the Domain pay particular close attention to.
The most notable for me is the facility I was able to gain an understanding of during my last experience with the Elder Guardians.
This was a facility run by a military faction at the ultimate direction of an ET Commander (possible Mantid or Mantid Prime – 10% surety) with human operators, specifically for programming and preparing consciousnesses for the Earth prison experience after they go to sleep in the physical plane.
Facility operated by (possible) Mantid Primes with human operator staff. -MM
According to the information given to me by the Grand Elder and what I experienced:
The physical eyes are used by the operators of the facility to gain real time data of what consciousness is experiencing whilst engaging in the physical “reality.” This data is then used to smooth out any bugs in the program they expect the consciousness to follow.
When a consciousness memory cache approaches full, the programmers issue a command to “send it to sleep” in the physical plane. Eventually the consciousness gives in and goes to sleep.
At the same time it is heavily doped with the doping agent to keep it in a very zombie like state.
Whilst under the influence of this anesthetic, the consciousness will be transported into another non physical body that is kept within, I assume, a holding room in some kind of clear gel like substance, completely naked.
This body will then wake up, still completely under the influence of the anesthetic, and still in a zombie like daze with two guards at the ready.
These two guards escort this body containing the doped consciousness through a thick, sideways opening steel door and lead it down a metallic hallway about 30m in length.
As they are walking, a 3D holographic environment is broadcast around the consciousness. Spatially, the room is no longer two walls separated by a distance of a few meters, but an entire landscape dependent upon what the programmers desire the consciousness to experience. The doped body is then led through several extremely traumatic scenarios designed to keep it from recognizing where it is and to keep it holding onto the idea that the Earth based physical reality is the only one. The trauma part of the simulation is completely erased from memory. I am unsure if this simulation takes place entirely in the mind of the subject, or if the hallway itself aids in this holographic environment. I assume at the very least that the hallway communicates directly with the consciousness in question via wireless means.
The doped body is led back out of the simulation. After it is switched off, the two guards then lead it to an alcove next to the door at the other end of the hallway that acts as a decontamination chamber. The naked body is then showered and scrubbed free of the gel substance before being led through the second door, still naked.
A team of consciousness programmers – between 10 to 20 – analyses the reality dataset of the consciousness in question using a room full of computers. This is a monumental task with several days worth of downtime while new programming is coded to allow for consistent integration back within the physical reality. I suggest watching the series Westworld as it is an extremely accurate portrayal of what I experienced (I had an LD of the first episode a few years before it came out).
8.a) During this downtime period the doped body is kept under the influence of the anesthetic and is very closely monitored by the two guards who become its personal handlers. It is allowed out of the facility to be used for slave labor until the coding for the fresh programming is complete, whereby it is brought back in.
8.b) Special cases where the dataset reveals inconsistencies detrimental to the consciousness containment operation are examined on a case by case basis, by the 2IC Human Commander. In my case I wasn’t allowed out of the facility, but was instead led straight to another room containing a chair with an egress portal into a physical reality that was in its very first stages of design. This physical reality construct was called the “Test Rig” by the Human Commander, and I was brought here because the Commander noticed I had been talking to someone (the Grand Elder) “off record”, ie without it being logged in my dataset.
The doped body is usually then led back through the metal hallway and made to undergo another trauma simulation before being led directly back to the holding cell where it is put to sleep and consciousness is then transported back into the physical plane body in preparation for “waking up”. I was directly told/shown this by the Grand Elder.
Very similar to what I witnessed in the consciousness programming facility. Instead of a map the large screen showed raw consciousness programming code data as well as real time video of what my eyes were seeing, and body vitals etc. All the shit you’d expect to find in a hospital room was somehow implemented into this main screen. Bear in mind I was mainly looking straight on towards the other wall after being decontaminated; everything to the left of me was sighted in my peripheral, so the angles may not have been so sharp. I have a vague recollection of the screen being curved.
Original image provided by DM was unable to be extracted, so I substituted this image instead. They are both very similar. I do not know why I was having such a difficult time extracting the original image. -MM
The programmers of this facility hold information on how non physical bodies can be programmed to interact with multiple physical reality constructs. I suspect the human Commander also has access to other similar facilities.
There are about 10 computer terminals in this facility that are used specifically for these programming purposes. These computers are able to directly interface with consciousness and hold extremely valuable data.
The ET Commander is kept insulated by the human operators by a viewing window that separates the main programming room from the ET’s own personal space.
I do not know if other ET’s were present in this room as it was a very quick glimpse gained in my peripheral vision whilst under heavy doping.
It could also be a bullshit memory.
I would assume that this ET Commander is in charge of programming the physical realities whereas the humans focus solely on consciousnesses coming in and out of the constructs, but do not quote me on this.
My conscious awareness kicked in after coming through the door that led to what I assume was the body holding room, in the middle of a trauma simulation so my recollection of the hallway is foggy and confusing.
I have no actual recollection of the holding room.
I assume the doors I came through were connected to an elevator, but I cannot be sure.
There is also the question of entrance to the facility; I do not remember seeing any possible access ways in the main control room, which is why I suspect that an elevator system was at the opposite end of the simulation hallway.
If that were the case I would assume up would lead to ground level and down would lead to the holding room.
Otherwise perhaps the entrance to the facility was underneath where I was walking, which explains why I never saw it.
The facility itself was located in a world that seemed to be a direct quote of Airl’s description of an Old Empire establishment with allusions to Ancient Egypt throughout the city:
“Anyone who is not willing or able to submit to mindless economic, political and religious servitude as a tax-paying worker in the class system of the "Old Empire" are "untouchable" and sentenced to receive memory wipe-out and permanent imprisonment on Earth.”
These are the exact sorts of people who were being subjected to the Earth construct via this facility.
Others included those who were openly opposed to the Totalitarian regime of those politicians who were in power.
Question for the Domain Commander: Are they absolutely sure that the Old Empire has been eradicated in this sector of the physical/ non physical universe? Because intelligence gained from this experience alone suggests they are still very, very active. Going by Airl’s description of the Old Empire and everything the Grand Elder told me as well as what I experienced, I am apt to believe this was the Old Empire and not just a wannabe mimicking faction.
I will inquire. Initial response is that it appears that there is something going on that differs from the initial intent. This needs to be investigated further.
It is easy to jump to conclusions, and assume that it is "Old Empire" operations still under the control of Mantid Prime, or that some (pro Domain) Mantids are working with "free" humans in constructing escape bodies for general population egress. Many questions remain unanswered.-MM
A very big effort on the human Commander and his programmer’s part was put into making sure I did not remember any of what took place in this facility.
The only reason I remember any of it was because the Grand Elder kicked me awake when the drugs started taking me.
He was telling me to take notice of the things I have mentioned in this document. You owe this section of this report to his insistence on making me pay attention.
Please tell him thank you from me. -MM
The Test Rig:
The server containing the Earth based physical reality appears to be contained within the Test Rig which is itself a VR construct within the consciousness programming facility .
This is in the form of a large “brain” that is made of Ethernet like cables.
These cables are able to extract consciousness data through what I equated at the time as being inductive coupling ( I am a qualified electronics tech, trust me on this assertion); they are wound as tight coils that pick up the magnetism coming off conscious thoughts contained within the server and direct this energy back to the military controller’s mainframe in the form of real time {analogue} data.
Think of this like joining an online gaming server; each player must log on to the main server through their various consoles.
The AI brain in this case is responsible for the load out environment the players all synch into; their consciousness require their own consoles in order to “play” and are thus kept off site, somewhere else.
My guess is in the holding rooms or back in the programming facility with the Human and ET Commanders.
This server brain is housed within a building surrounded by large glass windows on its ground floor on the cusp of what appears to be a university campus.
There are freshly manicured lawns and gardens in the center of various multi story brick buildings.
Through awareness of self, I was able to destroy majority of this campus.
The tell tale sign of this building is the logical fallacy of the platform one has to furs reach via the stairs to use the lift, instead of just having it pop out on the ground floor.
The brain itself was large enough to need an entire room and 1st story platform built around it.
Below this building is a compound that holds the bodies in the Test Rig that are still asleep and engaged in the Earth construct; I watched as two of them came out of the lift still in a dazed state, one of which was SD.
Unlike others who have to be plugged back into the construct to get back to their Earth bodies, I came back of my volition by summoning my own portals via LD – this meant I bypassed the programming/ trauma simulation stage altogether and is why I remember it so well.
I can walk the Domain through the whole process from the programming facility, into the Test rig portal, out the front gates of the accommodation section, through the university campus and into the Brain server building easier than I can get up to take a leak in the middle of the night; My memory of it is photographic.
The Test Rig reality construct is where the human Commander plans on migrating all consciousnesses from the physical Earth construct when it is complete.
Although no ETA was given, this was the entire reason for the development of the Test Rig.
I overheard the Commander talking to his programmers about it.
Not only overheard; he was standing right in front of me when he said it, and assumed that I was too doped to remember any of it.
I wasn’t.
I was 100% aware of everything going on around me courtesy of the Grand Elder.
This is probably the most solid intel you will get off me.
Domain Commander take notice; there is another prison construct specifically being prepared for when the Earth prison goes offline which already has some value asset’s consciousnesses uploaded to it.
They are aware that the Earth Prison is part of a much larger Prison Complex that involves multiple solar systems. Though this intel about a backup facility being constructed is new intel. -MM
SD’s Experiences of the Non Physical body holding facilities:
Although this was not a shared experience with SD, she has awoken to very similar experiences of manipulation whilst doped, and has described similar egress portal setups like the Test Rig.
Her experiences of these facilities are much more persistent than mine.
The main difference is that in her experiences these egress portals are coupled to standard “hospital” like beds, whereas with mine they are coupled to something more akin to an upright dentistry chair.
SD has had many experiences of these facilities of which she is of the belief that there are at least 3 separate ones in operation.
One of these facilities is found within the Medieval Village world which can be accessed via the portal network found in the burrow tombs of the Island World.
SD’s recon assignments suggest that one of the main operating facilities can be accessed via astral projection from a lucid dreaming state, after moving through a substance/ plane that feels like “thick honey”.
On the other side of this thick honey bubble is one of these brainwashing facilities set out similar to a hospital rather than a military war room.
Immediately upon entering this area, guards will hunt down any unauthorized entity and eject them back into in the Earth construct.
I have also been taken to a similar hospital by black ops soldiers in a helicopter during a combined lucid dream with SD.
This particular hospital backs onto an ocean.
About a kilometer up the beach are various café’s and restaurants and an old style town nearby Brainwashing School I retrieved SD from moments prior to my initiation into the Unseen 5 (Combined LD Experience).
The retrieval of Nina Bejowski, as mentioned in my part 3 was also experienced by SD in one of her LDs (she was Nina).
In the experience I had to retrieve her from one of the brain washing schools whilst being hunted by “suits” who exhibited abilities that again suggested world line tampering in an effort to keep our consciousnesses contained.
Whilst I do not remember the layout of that particular facility, SD does.
Note her apparent “father” appears to be in control of at least one of these facilities (the one beyond the honey substance), and was present in this particular school telling her she needed to study.
Portal Theatre:
The most substantial location visited by both myself and SD is the portal theater.
The reason this location stands out is because it appears to be an egress portal hub that connects most of the non physical locations mentioned in this document.
I have personally undertaken many, many infiltration assignments into this complex, as has SD.
There are at least 7 – but potentially more – different egress portals; one in each of the theater rooms that come off the main hall, each leading to a very specific non physical location.
These locations do not change, despite coming here at different times of the year; room number 7 (or 8?) on the right side of the hallway will always take you the “Ancient Marketplace”, for example. I know this because this is the room I always took, and was the place I always came out after traveling through the portal in this theater room.
My assignments never bothered with any of the other rooms, as far as I can remember.
The rooms themselves look like standard movie theaters, though instead of a large projector screen they have spherical portals – about the size of a weather balloon – that float about 6 or so meters from the floor, roughly halfway to the roof.
The portals seemed to be contained in some sort of liquid substance and protected by an invisible “maze like” barrier; you cannot directly access them (well, the one in room 7 any way) without first navigating through this maze.
You “swim” up into the maze until you get to a point where your consciousness is sucked into it, and you come out into an alternate world on the other side, in my case, the Ancient Marketplace.
The band Primus has a live gig DVD called Hallucinogenetics with spherical TV screens on its cover that are very similar to what the spherical portals in the theater room look like.
Please refer to the picture at the top of this article. -MM
SD is confident in her assertions that these portals are used for reality brainwashing; she has witnessed consciousnesses being forced to “watch” things on the portals (which can function like spherical TVs) equating to false memories before being pushed through them, and has memories of it being done to her.
This is essentially the exact same process carried out in the other facilities.
I have broken memories of similar things being undertaken, though they are no where near as vivid as SDs memories of this place.
My most vivid memories are that I come to the Portal Theater from another place, usually the Island, am escorted down the hallway to room 7, in which I project into the portal and come out in the Ancient Marketplace.
I then have to find another portal in the Ancient Marketplace which brings me out into “The Village”, which can also be accessed via the Island Burrow Tombs.
For me, entry into the Ancient Marketplace portal always felt “necessary”; whether this is a result of being forced to think that or whether it was an intention placed there by my handlers using me as an infiltration asset, I am not sure.
Travel into this place always brought me out into the foyer in front of the hallway, in which I have a hazy memory of being led down the hallway.
My memories of utilizing portal room 7 are quite vivid, however. I know a lot of other things went on here which I cannot remember; unfortunately the only recording of these experiences I had was on a laptop that got stolen.
There is no such thing as coincidences. MM
This laptop had crucial information about intelligence I gathered here. If the Domain are serious about dismantling the amnesia/ hypnosis machinery, I would suggest directing a large portion of whatever resources they have allocated for this operation into finding this theater as it will give them not only direct access to many of the other locations, but also a very good idea of the different hypnosis regimes used.
The Island:
This island is similar to the Volcano Island in my last Domain assignment.
I am not sure if it is the same one.
I have no recollection of there ever being a volcano/ slave set up.
I believe it is a different place entirely, going by the memories of it that I have. It seems to be quite neutral ground.
For the most part, whenever I am here it is rather benign and doesn’t seem to hold any negative operations of any sort.
It has not only been confirmed by SD but also by a third LD asset {#3}.
LD egress always brings me out into a dense forest, or at its edge on the shoreline.
This forest has a myriad of pathways that twist and turn through it.
The sky is always purplish maroon, like it is stuck in evening twilight. In the middle of the forest are certain trees reminiscent of Morton Bay Fig trees with huge roots at their base, but more palm tree like at the top.
Morton Bay Fig trees
Underneath these roots are what appear to be animal burrows leading further underground.
They are barely wide enough to fit me in them.
Upon going into these burrows one soon comes out into a tomb lined with precision cut bricks.
This appears to be a sort of small chamber coming off the main room.
As you go out into that main room, to the right is a ramp leading to a much higher level (suggesting temporal displacement from the outside of the island, as it should surely break through its surface, but doesn’t).
To the left is a sunken level by a few feet containing a sarcophagus, and in that sarcophagus is a portal that leads to the Portal Theater or the Medieval Village depending on how it is used.
There is a stairway or ramp to the right of the sarcophagus (when viewed front on ) that I believe leads to another portal.
It is likely this portal is the one that leads to the Village.
I am recalling things from over 10 years ago, so correct memory of it all is hazy.
To one side of the island is a fenced off beach, and on the other side of this fence is a military like naval shipyard.
This shipyard consists of what appears to be a very large shipping container like building.
The shipping container is slightly back from the shoreline and has a concrete path the width of a road next to it that leads out into the water just in front of it, in the form of a jetty.
Back at the shipping container is a crane like device that is used for working on the {aquatic/space} ships here.
Further left there is something hidden in the water next to the concrete jetty; it is either a squid like monster or a similar looking space ship.
This same monster ship/ thing has been corroborated by LD asset #4, who is in “agreement with the consciousness evolution plan“ based on his own experiences in LD.
This is a VERY important ship; New tech that could do some cool {non physical} shit that very few people {both physical and non physical} know about.
SD suggests just back from the shipyard, on the other side of the fence we have a house, and that she has memories of me working in the shipyard at the very point where the ship is docked.
This explains why I remember it with no actual memory of stumbling upon it; it is just something I “know” whenever I come here, like knowing you own a certain type of car.
According to her, there is another section of forest on this side of the island with more burrow portals she has also undertaken.
The fence line itself protrudes from the shoreline close to the shipping container on its right hand side (when facing the ocean) several hundred meters back into sand dunes.
The sand here is quite a deep yellow color, and very coarse.
The fence itself is very high, probably about 10 or even more meters, made of typical chain link.
Given the Island is a somewhat neutral place with seemingly minimum life activity and that it has egress portals that lead directly to some of the consciousness programming facilities, I suggest it be used as a “safe” insertion zone for any offensive efforts targeting these facilities.
Although there may some intermittent activity on the coastline the closer one comes to the shipping container, the forest from the middle towards the other end of the beach can be considered quite safe (at least it could be the last time I was there.)
This place is my second home; I frequented it a lot in my youth; it is probably the most tame place out of everything I experienced.
Gentle request by me to the Domain: PLEASE DO NOT FUCK IT UP.
Ancient Marketplace:
The main identifier for us is a road the width of the great wall of China, maybe even wider that curves up toward the sky in font of you.
As you move along this road, gravity changes so that you always feel like you are just walking through one axis, not two; it feels like you are walking on a flat surface.
There is always a festival here of some sort; my assignment thus entailed coming out of the portal, then walking the curve to its peak, through the crowd of festival goers whereby something strange would change their mood and see them running out of sheer terror.
This was a constant, repetitive scenario that I experienced for over a year, almost every week directly coming out of some very heavy “work” in the portal theater.
Something very weird was going here; whatever it was has been blocked from my memory.
It involved “timeline resetting”.
Very curious. -MM
Many of my assignments here involved an underground tomb (much smaller and cramped than the one at the island) set back from where one “appears” here a good way, which had yet another portal in it.
There was always some very strange things going on in this particular tomb as well, and I never really liked being here.
It was always very cramped, the passages being only 3 or so feet square.
Whilst lucid, I don’t like being confined to spaces where I cannot turn around easily; this tomb was very much like that.
Going into these confined places, you are just asking to be captured by something.
It feel likes you are a rabbit purposely walking headlong into a trap designed specifically for that creature.
You have to fight every ounce of your being screaming at you to turn around and get out.
The Village:
The portal in the Ancient Marketplace tombs brings one out into an old medieval type village SD and I have {again} both been to.
"Instead of thinking that this is a "Medieval village", perhaps you should consider it to be a typical community located on one of the planets of the "Old Empire". The descriptions seem to match with what is currently presently found there. The only difference is that most of the current "Old Empire" communities have a far wider variety of creatures that inhabit the area, not just humans." (Note from the Commander.) -MM
It has also been corroborated by LD Asset #5 who has also been here.
There is a cluster of old derelict buildings where people dwell.
This is a place that is constantly undergoing a “timeline reset”.
It is a nice old town which is ruined by the trash these inhabitants leave everywhere.
This cluster is where the “mind mazes” start.
There is a building complex several stories high that has a bituminous road next to it that somehow slants from the bottom to its very roof.
A pink watery like substance covers the ground everywhere that seems to reset ones consciousness if it is touched, in which they then exhibit a high dose of amnesia.
The main townsite is set a level above this water, by several feet.
It feels like a nearby river has flooded the area and has covered everything surrounding the village at this low point with knee high water.
There is a sort of circuit through town one is led to taking upon arriving here.
In my assignments I knew an invisible “something” was resetting the timelines, but I couldn’t catch it.
It wasn’t until I did the circuit in reverse (reversal of time), back through the building that I was able to “see it” and finally put a stop to the resets.
It was not something I can describe with earth language. I believe this thing, whatever it was, was tampering with the MWI in this location as well as the Ancient Marketplace.
Over the watery substance, joining the buildings, are these glass like tunnel walkways.
Littered about are several shipping containers in the pink water that lead to different locations; the only way out of this area is to project consciousness onto the shipping containers and use them in a sort of leap frog manner.
None of the inhabitants here possess such abilities.
SD has recollections of the watery substance and the idea the village in general is linked to the consciousness mazes.
She has met her dead cousin here several times, who has told her that the watery substance disallows the dead to interact with the physical world; the physical world exists somewhere far beyond it, and SD’s cousin has very specifically mentioned the inhabitants of that world “know about us“ who are still alive here in the physical world.
The inhabitants of this world seem to hold a certain level of disgust for anyone who can project here from the physical world; several times they have mentioned such disapproval to SD’s cousin, who simply told them she was “special”.
Think of this like a rich man turning his nose down towards a homeless man: the discarnate consciousnesses of this world fucking hate us LDers like we risk bringing a plague unto them.
Again, the notion that this community is part of the existing "Old Empire" that is desirous of shunning felons from their community. -MM
One of the buildings near the road that slants to the top of the building complex is set out in the form of an old hospital building.
This is where SD has awoken several times under the influence of the consciousness doping agent.
In these cases she has been lucid enough to remember her body back on earth, and to realize that something is not quite right.
Unable to gain control of her lucid body, she is then walked through the complex by several guards who do not realize that the consciousness doping agent hasn’t completely knocked her out.
She has accidentally acted too “coherent” and lucid to which a guard has then poked with a sort of cattle prod to keep her dazed, though she has still been able to retain memory of the event.
There is an elevator they take her to which leads to a higher floor of the building, and upon coming out of this elevator one enters a room with many beds crammed into it.
Attached to each bed is a sort of screen used for reality brainwashing and to instil false memories.
The process is that the hospital patients are lined up, single file, in which they are administered with a heavy dose of more of the consciousness doping agent then “strapped” into these beds to undergo “study”.
SD’s description of the brainwashing process is very similar to what I experienced with the Human Commander.
So this facility is at the "old medieval village"? -MM
In other instances, SD has appeared in the town, met her cousin and walked with her to the hospital building where she has intended to go into it to “retrieve” someone {possibly me}.
In these particular experiences, several other people, including SD’s cousin, have been aghast at the idea of going “back” into this hospital as everyone here knows what it is used for, including her dead cousin.
As a sidenote SD has also met her cousin {the same one} in a waiting place that seemed to function as a sort of astral quarantine for the newly deceased to wait whilst being processed before they are allowed to pass through to such worlds.
SD mentioned this as being a sort of field free floating in the middle of nothingness or space.
SD’s cousin was met by another long deceased family member that acted as a mentor reminding her of participation in past lives (possible mantid).
Again, SD was met with great disgust by the other deceased who were awaiting processing, as they (current earth incarnations) are apparently not supposed to venture into such places.
This makes sense. If the "old medieval village" is a facility on an existing "Old Empire" planet, then The Domain should be able to identify it, find it, and render it inert. I would suggest some questions to ask to the commander about this subject to flush out the details. -MM
A Glimpse into Death:
SD and I have a combined experience in which we were both killed at gunpoint, along with many of our friends in one location (a house in what appeared to be a European place) and both “awoke” in a completely different reality where we were incarcerated in a sort of prison.
I can remember quite vividly that this was an instantaneous “switching” of realities.
After the bullet entered my head, my consciousness detached from that body, dropped through the earth and entered a portal before coming out quite a distance above the already established (middle aged) body in the prison compound.
My consciousness then “fell” from the sky into this body at great speed in which I gained complete control of it.
I retained complete memory of the world I had just died in and everything that had happened with us all being killed.
SD didn’t undergo this complete transition; as she was shot, she blacked out before awakening in a room full of our friends from the house who no longer seemed to recognize her, with complete memory of the previous world.
One minute she was there in the house, then everything went black as she was shot, before waking up.
This is where the guards became hostile when she tried telling these people they had all just been killed.
She was reprimanded then taken to a separate torture room for being too “rowdy”.
I was in a different part of the compound to SD, but again I was surrounded by friends from the world I’d just come from who no longer recognized me.
When I proceeded to remind them of their deaths, they were quite shocked and terrified as the memories started coming back.
After asking where SD was, they told me she had been reprimanded by the guards for not abiding by their rules.
The part of this compound I was in was an outside area very close to bushland. It reminded me of where I went to high school.
This outside area had been divided into certain sections by invisible walls or barriers that seemed to be arranged in circles and squares.
The entrances to these areas were blocked by guards. One would have to walk up several steps over something that reminded me of a nearby pipeline.
You could, at times, be standing right next to someone and they would be in a completely different section.
When I got here, SD was in one of these other areas that I had to navigate through.
Her experience started in a separate small room similar to one of our old classrooms.
After being reprimanded by the guards, she was then led down a hallway next to a grassy section to another room where she was electrocuted and tortured via sharp apparatus in which she would then black out and wake up back in the physical world.
She has multiple memories of being in this torture room, suggesting she has been here more than once.
We have identified a possible insertion point in SD’s childhood where we believe her consciousness may have been migrated “here” similar to how mine fell into my body, after she woke up with no memory around the age of 4.
She remembers waking up at her grandma’s house with no memory of any of her family.
SD suggested that the only family member she even vaguely recognized in the slightest was her brother.
These memories didn’t return for some time; she had to live with an “unknown” family for almost a year, and pretend she knew them.
To me, this is proof that pre-birth templates are being bypassed in certain cases.
I would suggest these cases relate to the level of lucid control one is able to exhibit whilst in the dream state.
It is my opinion that if you get good at LD, you no longer get a template but are just flicked into another already established body upon death anywhere in the MWI.
Good theory and makes sense. This should also be investigated further. -MM
Question for the Domain Commander: do they know of any correlation between Lucid Dreamer’s an bypassing of the prebirth template arrangement upon death?
I will ask. -MM
Singular Assignments:
These assignments were only experienced by myself, but are relevant to this document.
The Consciousness Doping Facility:
The assignment task was to gather intelligence on a consciousness doping agent and what it was being used for.
It was carried out around 2005.
The infiltration team consisted of myself and two other males.
We were all in our late 30s/early 40s.
I am not sure if this was entirely a non physical event or not.
It is a possible memory of a past life lived during 1970s era based on the appearance of the other two team mates and weapons/ technology carried by us.
This was a “special forces” military operation and one of my first lucid assignments when I was still in high school around the age of 15/16.
The consciousness doping facility was located deep in the middle of a harsh desert reminiscent of Southern USA.
It was a military compound that was heavily guarded by armed soldiers.
It very well could have been Nevada, from what I have seen of it on the internet etc.
I remember I could feel the intense heat radiating from the sun.
The only way in was via a supply train track that cut through the desert for many, many miles.
The memory begins several kilometers away from the compound, far enough out to keep a low profile.
We had evidently followed the train track from the opposite direction, now we were stopping to discuss “the plan”.
Intelligence suggested a doping agent was being used here, but that is all we knew.
The plan was that one of us would fake a capture while the other two used the commotion caused by the capture to gain entry covertly.
We knew there was a high probability anyone being captured would be taken into the compound and administered with the drug we were trying to gain information on.
The idea was to get doped and try to keep tabs on what one could expect to experience whilst under the influence of it, as the other two figured out a way to exfiltrate out of the compound.
I volunteered for the doping.
The train came and all three of us were able to board it as it had to slow down for a security check or something; my memory of this part is hazy as very soon after that I was captured and everything went black.
I came to in a small concrete room in the compound, strapped to a chair but yet still almost completely out of it courtesy of the drug.
In front of me was a large standard projector screen and next to me was a trolley full of metallic surgical looking tools; you get the idea. I don’t know if there was anyone in the room with me or not.
I think there was.
The next thing I know my team mates had busted through the locked door. One of them rummaged through all the cupboards and the tray of tools while the other unstrapped me.
They helped me to my feet and I think they must have put me on a gurney and wheeled me out.
Somehow we were able to escape.
My memory is hazy but I think they pretended I was dead and that they were part of the clean up crew.
I have a vague recollection of being debriefed afterwards by my handlers.
The Super Soldier Program:
The assignment task was to gather intelligence on why an “enemy” faction was altering characteristics of non physical bodies. It was carried out around 2008 – 2009 by myself with my handlers monitoring the entire event using my eyes as “cameras”.
It took the form of a double layered lucid dream. In other words, a lucid dream within a lucid dream.
Luckily, I had thought to email myself a copy of my dream journal since losing my laptop. Note, that this was several months before my encounter with the All Being and the Unseen 5 and hints at my thoughts on all this at the point in time:
15/05/2016This morning had a dream where I appeared to be sleeping (dream within a dream). I awoke (in the dream) to my body under going immense torture as something was electrocuting me. It was as if whoever it was that was doing the torture had stuck metal probes deep into my {pectoral} muscles and were administering the electricity directly into my blood stream. I remember the pain was so bad that it seemed so real, and I thought I had indeed awoken, as SD was lying next to me asleep in bed.
The electricity was coming in bouts of several minutes, and each time they stopped I remember falling back asleep (dream within a dream). When I was in this dream within a dream I remember talking to somebody about these apparent Super Soldiers that had been made, or were currently in development. I was told that what makes these soldiers so important is their ability to travel through time and that they had a very specific activation sequence that required several sequences of events to occur in a precise order {ie a sequence of MWI slides}.
The person telling me this likened these super soldiers to a send and receive email program (I think he was talking about the overall way these soldiers are activated) whereby a packet of information contains within it a sort of code specifically aimed at activating these beings, which they embed their activation status into the reply message. Once the original program receives this reply message, it scans it then activates a global code that sends all these soldiers to certain points in time simultaneously.
The most important part of these soldiers that makes them different to other time travelers/ chrononaughts is that they have been engineered so that when sent through time, no residual energy signature is erased from the timeline, making them untraceable.
I was told this has a lot to do with DNA and DNA memory, but somehow the engineers were able embed an external memory feature which makes the soldiers remember their tasks despite it no longer existing in the timeline (this is a major contradiction to time travel theory as it has been relayed to me, and as such what it means is that technically these super soldiers are not actually time travelers as they are not traveling through time, but more so circumnavigating it altogether.)
The person telling me this referred to these super soldiers as T1000s, Terminator reference. But I got the feeling they were a type of cyborg or trans-human.
I’m not entirely sure if this was “bad side” tech or “good side tech” and neither am I sure of the side the side that was electrocuting me, but I think the good guys were in the dream and the bad were doing the electrocuting, which would seem it’s possible the bad side were trying to pry this info from me.
If this is the case then it is possible such a mission has been compromised, but I don’t think this is the case as the torturing beings seemed to be getting angry that I wasn’t giving them desirable information.
What I think is that part of the activation sequence for these super soldiers is embedded in being tortured by the enemy, so that in order to keep secrecy from their own enemies they do not “know” anything until the faction in control of them triggers them, which is precisely when they are needed to time travel back to the beginning (like in my zombie dream).
It is even possible the good side, or whoever was telling me about the super soldiers, was purposefully electrocuting me because they knew it would activate me.
This dream reminded me of another one I had years ago here I was asleep (dream within a dream) on my parents bed and then had a wire wrapped around my neck which electrocuted me. I can recall having similar dreams over the years but I can’t recall much from them.
Is sleeping nothing more than a means of uploading information to 4th dimensional beings? That would make our fleshy bodies nothing more than a 3d reality monitoring program. If so, what are we monitoring? Sleeping should be a meditation point. Also these super soldier beings seemed to not be some sort of cybernetic hybrid, but the 4th dimensional equivalent. They essentially have parts of the time space fabric written into their DNA, but are a separate entity to it. This means they can always change their creation programming at will. Does this mean they are above the 4th dimensional (5D) or not? Also needs meditating on.
I have also been “given” keys and phrases by my handlers specifically to initiate consciousness time travel whilst in an LD. Note the date, again this was a few months before my All Being/ Unseen 5 interaction:
This morning I meditated (about 8:30 am) to open my chakras using the usual method of ROYGBIVW for Base, Naval, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye then Crown. After opening them I was given a very strong image of the Rune Othila at 12:30pm. I meditated on this Rune with A asleep next to me so that I would have projecting the Rune into the space that he was occupying. I remember feeling as though this Rune needed to be traced from the bottom left ending in the bottom right corner, and also realized that it is actually a 2D representation of the 3D way code is generated, ascending about 45 degrees at each angle. After keeping a consistent trace of about 2-3Hz I remember several numbers appearing below it that seemed like a code to unlock a safe. I am not sure exactly how many numbers there were, but I can remember the most vivid ones being 609, in red, within a square for each digit.
I started tracing Othila with these numbers at the bottom then the next thing I knew I was remote viewing from a DNA memory of long ago of a tribal woman in the midst of the forest with an orb dangling above and in front of her. She seemed to be somehow channeling power from this orb which appeared as lightning entering her hand, which she was holding up.
The next image I got was a flight of stone steps that appeared to be in the same forest. I remember thinking that the Othila rune must be used to stimulate memory or DNA memory in general, so on realizing this I asked if it could make me remember my time traveling key I was given years ago by a Tibetan monk {during meditation}, but threw out by accident. I was suddenly aware of another being I was talking to who was asking if my wife knew about this, to which I replied she didn’t. Randomly I was given another symbol which seemed to activate some portal/ stargate and then when I was not expecting it I was shown my time traveling key with a brief flash. At that moment SD came in to take photos of Aiden, and we could see a blob of energy on my side of the bed.
Consciousness Mazes:
Both SD and I have experienced the consciousness mazes multiple times, though hers have been from an outside perspective of it whilst mine were from within it.
I surmise they are solely for “entertainment purposes”.
They take the form of strange games or mini worlds one has to progress through to find a portal which takes them to the next level.
They are extremely confusing and often times have “cheat areas” that allow access to the next levels in other levels; you can progress through several levels only to run into a block whereby you have to revert to the lower levels and probe them for the hidden areas which allow access pass blocks at the higher levels.
Access to these hidden areas is gained by going against the commonly laid out “pathway”.
The catch is, every time you change a level, you lose all memory of what you are doing, and the crux of the game seems centered around trying to continuously regain this consciousness awareness that you are in this game and remembering the levels you have progressed through in order to find the hidden areas.
It seems that other “players” are collected as you progress through the levels.
I will start off alone in Level 1 and run into these players throughout the levels, then by level 4 there is a group of about 5-8 of us.
Of this group I know that they are all presently incarnated on earth and we have history in different “worlds” together; we all know each other in the non-physical planes and have been meeting in these games quite frequently.
I suspect these mazes are around 12 to 13 levels deep, but I have only ever made it to level 8.
According to SD there is no end to them.
The first couple of levels up to probably level 3 I have experienced numerous times in the exact same way.
There is an epiphany moment when you realize the correct way of navigating them.
After level 3, memory of the game becomes exceedingly difficult to regain to the point where the only way to progress is to work as a team and extract “clues” of the previous environments from each of the players.
In almost all instances, I am the one who initiates the first memory of prior levels which kick starts off others memories and from this we can develop a plan of how to tackle the current level.
The game itself is psychologically taxing; by level 4 cracks start to develop in the psychological disposition of the other players, and by level 6 people are proclaiming their inability to deal with it any longer and their willingness to just give up and go back to living in physical reality free from the memory of the games (think Cipher in the Matrix).
Another problem is that the players and their decisions affect progression through each level; it is as if a code is written into the way the scenario unfolds and only allowing it to unfold in the correct manner will unlock the portals.
The progression through each level for me is always the same.
I operate from a completely lucid perspective the whole time (upon regaining memory anyway).
The highest level I have reached is Level 8, whereby I have been convinced I am breaking my way out of a coma and that my real body is actually strapped to a chair somewhere in some kind of MK Ultra like torture chamber; I can almost see the room the chair is in – it appears to be the same room where I volunteered to be captured and doped.
Much of the training I underwent at the “Time Travel Towers” was specifically in preparation for these mind mazes; I have memory of completing that training and coming to this exact realization.
It is connected to the Portal Theater and my assignments in the other worlds, I am sure of it, though I cannot remember the specifics of this connection beyond level 1 starting at the Village.
I suspect what I am doing in these games is unraveling the brainwashing put in place at the Portal Theater.
The order of the levels, according to my memory of them, are as follows.
Level 1: Village Walkways
You start at the bottom of the building with the bituminous road next to it that goes to its roof.
There is a time limit.
I get the feeling something is chasing me and I have to be continuously on my toes. One has to try and figure out what is going on whilst constantly remaining vigilant about the environment and how to avoid the many traps and tricks lying about to ensnare them.
From my fragmented memory of the Ancient Marketplace, a similar thing is happening there.
If you get “caught” it is all over and you end up back in physical reality {possibly in a MWI slide}.
The goal of this game is hard to explain; it is like you have to progress through the glass walkways by projecting your consciousness into them, complete a circuit around the circumference of the village using these tunnels, before returning to the bottom start point.
This “opens up” a location that can be seen from one of the glass walkways that projects you into level 2.
Depending on where you move within the level, it completely changes the environment around you. If you consider the peak point of the bituminous road as pointing North, its valley pointing South, one must head off through the walkways heading East, then back around, in which they come back out at the roof of the building.
One must then follow the stairs down through the 3 or so building levels to reach the level above ground.
There is then a platform at the South East section of the building several meters away on a sort of embankment.
The only way to reach this platform is through projecting over it as it is not connected by a walkway.
This projection mechanism is one of the secrets to playing this whole game. It takes much training in learning how to use it properly, otherwise you just fall into the pink water that surrounds the area.
Level 2: Castle Room Pit
This is one of the smaller environments.
You come out in what appears to be a very grand hallway in a castle of some sort.
There are the typical stone bricks that line the walls and floor and other banners etc suggesting it is indeed a castle.
The room is quite large probably 100x1000m squared, maybe even more.
Behind you is a solid wall and the portal leading back to the Village.
In front of you is a chasm 10 or so meters deep, and filling this chasm is molten lava.
This chasm stretches from side wall to side wall and extends for more than half the room; the only method of crossing it is via consciousness projection.
From memory the key has something to do with the walls; there is a set of invisible platforms you have to project over and use as stepping stones to get to the other side.
On the other side of the pit is a door and through this door is a portal leading to level 3.
Level 3:
I cannot remember this level.
Level 4: River Embankment with Pods
We come out at a river mouth, at the waters edge.
Behind us the bank rises to a high wall that blocks any access back in that direction.
There is a small mud flap piece of ground that we are able to take shelter on.
The river extends out around us in every direction. On the bank in front of us there are several pod like things that are necessary to get to the other side of the river banks.
These pods must contain two people to operate.
The operational parameters are also linked via a hive mind arrangement; all players must be present in these pods in two man teams or they simply will not move.
By this stage, one of the men in the group is starting to lose it.
After being dragged through 3 levels of these consciousness mazes, being mind wiped and regaining his memory each time he decides it is simply too much for him.
He expresses his wishes to just give up and go back to physical reality.
This presents a problem to everyone else; we need his consciousness in one of the pods for them all to operate properly and get us across the river to the portal on the other side.
Some of the group try and tell him to calm down and help comfort him, telling him we just need to get to the other side of the river then we can think about his decision a little more.
It is evident they are all motivated by the need to cross the river, and that his psychological well being is the last thing they are concerned about.
Reluctantly he agrees and gets in one of the pods with one of the other group members.
The pods become operational and carry us to the other side, then we enter the portal to the Time Chamber.
Level 5: Time Chamber
This is a strange room.
It is like a metallic platform you stand on that is surrounded by some sort of water, possibly from the river.
It sort of feel likes it is an enclosed room more than an open area like the river embankment though.
Three beings materialize in front of us, several feet in the air and in front hovering above the water.
They are extremely malevolent entities and start engaging us, but we have no where to run.
From memory, the guy who started losing it in the previous level gets hit and wiped out from the game.
Something happens, my memory of which is vague, but I believe it involves us meeting these entities attacks with full force, and a portal opens up right where they had been after they dematerialise.
Level 6: Metallic Donut Room
This room is a circular hallway that has a single door leading into the middle of the donut, which is an outside area covered in grass probably 5m in diameter.
It is extremely small – if you ran around this hallway it would take you less than a minute to get back to the beginning.
It is cramped and can fit probably two people abreast rather uncomfortably.
There are guards clad fully in some kind of armor that reminds me of star wars storm troopers, but of a different color possibly grey or brown or something.
They have photon guns and they are chasing us around this hallway.
We are all unarmed and somehow have to stop these guards from shooting us.
Given the shape of the room and its size, it is practically impossible to strategize against these guards that outnumber us about 5 to one.
We try weaving in and out of the door into the center of the donut, not really with any plan in mind all to no avail.
One by one these guards shoot us with their photon guns, and one by one each of the group members disappear.
I make it to the donut center before being zapped. A portal appears and I pop out back at level 3
Everyone is mind wiped. I have the vaguest recollection of the various levels.
I begin comparing these broken memories with memories of the levels before.
Suddenly I remember we had just made it to level 8 and everything in between comes flooding back to me.
I relay this to the group and restore their memories, now they are just psychologically cut up as the first guy.
But now we are able to start taking notice of various things we weren’t able to the first time.
We find a cheat area which gains us access to level 4 once again, though I cannot remember anything about it.
Another mind wipe, another remembering process.
Another chance for the guy to start losing his shit and want to go back to the physical world.
The others try to stop him, again motivated by needing to get across the river.
This time I stop.
I show compassion for him.
I listen to his plea and just tell him to do what he needs to do and not to worry about us.
He heads back, feeling better that he doesn’t need to feel shamed about not making it or guilty he let the team down.
This is the second cheat access point – this time a portal opens up on our side of the river and we enter it, no longer needing the pods.
The portal brings us into a hidden room in one of the donut shaped hallway’s walls.
Lying at our feet are what appear to be a bunch of hand grenades and a button.
The button opens a temporal one way fissure in the wall and we can see the armored guards in the center courtyard on the grass through first the fissure and then the opened door, waiting for us to appear.
A portal appears, in the hallway and the past instance of ourselves appear.
Without thinking, I pick up a grenade and lob it at the guards who are now moving into tactical positions to take out our past selves.
As the grenade explodes time freezes all around the donut shaped room, except for the one we are hiding in.
We step through the fissure and are able to move around in the donut shaped room whilst everything remains frozen in place.
We take the guards guns and shoot them all.
This opens up yet another portal in this hidden room which gives us a vantage point into the time chamber of the previous level.
From this vantage point we are able to see the wraiths or entities or whatever they are waiting for us.
We are behind them.
We lob another time grenade through the portal which renders them inert, and makes another portal appear in the middle of the time chamber.
Level 7: Cavern Scaffolding
This is a very small cave with some sort of walkway that takes you from chamber to chamber via these steel doors.
Whenever you go through the steel doors something happens to disorientate your consciousness.
This is a fairly straight forward level.
You basically just walk the walk way through a few different chambers over some rocks to a waiting portal to level 8.
The problem is though, that heavy amnesia distortions begin hitting you every couple of minutes which detract most of the group from remembering what it is that they are doing.
I am barely coherent when I make it through the portal.
Level 8: Sex world
I don’t remember any of the group making it here.
The amnesiac drugs are in full effect and it is practically impossible to hang on to any kind sense of lucid awareness.
It’s like being dosed with a heavy general anesthetic after just downing a bottle of vodka.
I am not really with it, very impressionable, and this problem is compounded by the fact none of the group are around me to bounce the memories of the other levels off of.
This is not a pleasant place.
Sex acts are committed openly and on display for the public to see by people of all ages.
It is as normal as going to the shop to buy some milk.
It is practically all anyone does here.
It is incredibly seedy and fills one with a very nauseating feeling.
A post apocalyptic nightmare if ever there was one The portal brings you out on what should be a busy city street, but there is no traffic.
You have to walk down this street and into a building on the left hand side of the road. It reminds me of a derelict sort of broadway.
This building has a stairwell that you take to a high floor.
As you come out on this floor there are “things” going on in the background next to a door involving various people who inhabit this world.
The door is the goal, but as soon as you come off the stairs someone approaches you and propositions you.
I never made it past this point given my doped state.
Whoever it is does whatever they do to me and then I wake back up in physical reality, feeling like a piece of discarded trash – At least they seemed like they were my age.
They take the appearance of a female, but honestly I am not entirely sure that is really what they are.
I don’t even think they classify as being human.
These sorts of doped up run ins are common for me when on assignment. Ergh.
I’d prefer to be tortured any day. If the Domain have the ability to trace my astral seed, undoubtedly it would lead them to some key places.
I am sure that they can, but that might require a EBP and some further work on you. Your value is without a EBP. -MM
Auxiliary Projects.
In addition to the above I am aware of two separate projects that are tied in with both mine and SDs lucid assignments.
As I only have a vicarious understanding of them I am not at liberty to go into them in depth.
I am leaving this as a footnote as I am aware these auxiliary projects are directly tied to astral body manipulation for escaping the earth prison in case I am given permission to talk about them in the future.
What I will say is that one of the projects is related to Antarctica and the other to 13 gates or “keys”.
Any information the Domain can supply on these projects I will happily pass on to their respective operators.
I will submit another document to MM outlining what I believe to be an effective utilization of LD assets at a later date.
Ah. this is enough for now. There's a lot of "meat" to absorb here. Soak it in. Enjoy it, and soon enough part 11 will be posted. Best Regards. -MM
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
This is the full reprint of the book titled “Domain Expeditionary Force Rescue Mission”. There is an interesting story behind this book. It is considered a science fiction story, while the first book “Alien Interview” is not. I do not know what to think. However, it is really easy to discount the idea that there is a follow up book whenever the first book became popular. There is that “for profit motive” don’t you know.
Thus we have this write up;
A Science Fiction story based on the best selling book ALIEN INTERVIEW.
"There are several obvious reasons that The Domain, and other space civilizations do not land on Earth or make their presence known. It takes a very brave IS-BE to come down through the atmosphere and land on Earth, because it is a prison planet, with a very uncontrolled, psychotic population. And, no IS-BE is entirely proof against the risk of entrapment, as with the members of The Domain Expeditionary Force who were captured in the Himalayas 8,200 years ago."
-- excerpt from the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer
MM comments
I parsed the book “Alien Interview” and found it valid, real and actual. I then parsed it in great detail, and in so doing, found many answers that “clicked” or aligned with prior events, knowledge, and experiences that I have had. There is no question that the first book “Alien Interview” is valid.
I do not know about the second book.
When I read the opinions of others, I find myself questioning everything. Such as this book review here…
Fiction or Valid Disclosure?
Good book but lacked the authenticity and clarity the author claims it is which the first book “Alien Interview” had.
The only reason I say this is that although the cover says, “by Lawrence R. Spencer”, the author claims he is not the original author. But in his first book, “Alien Interview” he credits himself as the editor only.
This is true. The first book; "Alien Interview" is the narrative of the transcribing nurse that was involved in the interview of the acquired Commander of a downed extraterrestrial spacecraft. It includes her narrative, and the full transcript of the interview. According tot he first book, she is dead. So, what is the source information for the second book?
In this book, Spencer puts his name on the cover as “by Lawrence R. Spencer” which leaves it open to suspect. There is an email address inside the book that Mr. Spencer claims the documents have come from. I wrote to this email address in the book on several occasions and received no reply. I did not receive an undelivered email notification so I assume someone got it. I am sure I am not the only person to write to the mysterious email address shown in the book. .
This opens the book up to great controversy and it has been put down by various reviewers on the internet, claiming that the author, Lawrence Spencer, wrote this book and its prequel “Alien Interview” as a kind of religious agenda, or rather, “anti-religious” agenda.
However, there are many many people out there who have had amazing testimonies of ET contact and their stories are even more outlandish and unbelievable than the written material of these books. So to judge this book as some kind of writing that has a religious or ideological motivation is incorrect.
I believe many people have had many ET experiences and this book coincides with the many thousands of people who have had their eyes opened to the revelations and perspectives that have changed them forever. This book and “Alien Interview” are not the authors or inventors of such concepts but rather reinforce what has already been revealed by thousands of other abductees, witnesses, and Experiencers. .
Mr. Spencer does indicate the the book is “by” him.
However, he claims that he is not the original author.
He claims that it came to him via email from someone claiming to be Matilda MacElroy…
…or a Being or person that is coordinated with the late Mrs. MacElroy. .
There is no evidence that Mrs. MacElroy actually died although she stated in “Alien Interview” that she was going to die and be put to rest in a place of her choosing. .
The book is written in the same style as the previous book which was supposed to be by Mrs. MacElroy.
Since Mrs. MacElroy had a career military background, this book fits hand and glove to the first writings. There are some typographical errors that are claimed to be part of the original way the book was presented to Mr. Spencer.
This book appears to be strung together as a collection of notes that barely hold together as a manual.
Since the author cannot claim it was actually written by Matilda as it came to him via email, it has some mystery to it. There are some grammar errors and spelling issues here and there, certainly not the kind of quality of a professional writer. So perhaps these are the foot prints of the real writer. .
Never the less, it is a very good book and I found it very interesting, written with the same matter-o-fact style as the first book.
However, instead of the transcription style of the first book, this book comes together as a take-a-long manual for someone in the process of trying to get their pre-earth memory back. .
I was met with some very violent reactions from certain people when I tried to talk about this book and the original book, “Alien Interview”. It appears that the material appears so far fetched that it strikes anything from fear to ridicule in others who do not have any courage to stretch beyond their own belief system and self imposed science or religious paradigms. .
For anyone who wants to stretch their consciousness outside the limited box-thinking paradigm of our present reality, and for anyone who has had some kind of ET experience, whether it be abduction, observation, or for anyone who is wanting to learn something amazing of a possible pre-earth existence, this is a great eye opening book. .
I suggest the “Alien Interview” book be read first in order to keep this book in its rightful context.
The files
A MM contributor took the time to photograph the entire contents of the book and send it for me to read. These photos are below for your enjoyment.
I have read the total book in this format, and here are my impressions…
MM Comments after reading the book
Let me repeat what the book says…
This book is in no way factual. Nor is it intended to represent any factual information. This book is a contrivance of the imagination of the author. This book is a work of fiction only. It is not to be interpreted otherwise by the reader.
MM readership take note. This is a fiction. Nothing more.
Do you want more?
I have more articles in my Index titled “The Domain” here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the ninth part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
This particular article is not part of the direct set of articles that are autobiographical in scope and content.
Instead, this article concerns a lesson on how to conduct “Lucid Dreaming” (as a prelude to “Astral Travel”).
Part 9 – Lucid Dreaming Lesson 2: Explanation of the Various Stages of Sleep
In the first lesson we learnt about the three meditations necessary in order to prepare one mentally for entering the dreaming domain. These meditations focused on negating thought, stilling the mind, and the categorisation of thought upon the reception of higher order information that may come through during a lucid dreaming session. This next lesson will build upon those meditations and deal with some strange concepts but it is necessary for the student to grasp as solid an understanding as possible of them.
Consider this like reading a map before going on a journey. If you don’t read the map before hand, you are likely to become lost along the way. But just like you can never really comprehend the totality of terrain layout on the map, you can never really comprehend the terrain of the lucid world, despite how much preparation you put into it. You can prepare for your journey all you want, but you will never know when that tyre is suddenly going to catch a flat. Would you rather have had the forethought to include a wrench or find yourself stuck up shit creek without a paddle? It could go smoothly, or it could go badly depending on how much practicing of the three meditations you have undertaken.
So, by now, you should be getting good with your visualisation practices. You should be able to go into your mind and get “lost” in the movie you find yourself playing of the oranges and bananas. You should be able to “daydream” this movie out for a good few seconds and have perfect definition of it in your mind’s eye. And you should be able to have this amount of clarity with whatever scenario you wish. If not, then keep practicing.
Now, consciousness follows a fairly standard pathway as it enters the dreaming state. This pathway, according to my experiences, is generally as follows:
1. The body shuts down and goes into a stasis state
2. Consciousness “inverts” and travels back in towards the pineal gland
3. The frequency of one’s consciousness reduces by about an octave (1 half), as it undergoes
the transition into the sleeping state and completely disengages form the physical body.
4. One now exists as a pure conscious thought form; perception switches from 3D
based physical objects to 4D based energy signatures and images. You literally “see” what is in your sub consciousness.
5. Images stored within the subconsciousness are “attached” to consciousness and a new
holographic 3.5D environment forms around it
6. The dream ends. Physical reality is overlaid on top of the holographic dream at a rate of
around 0.5Hz, until consciousness locks back into the body, in which physical reality
Most Lucid dreaming techniques – well those I have come across, anyway – are geared toward becoming consciously aware during the dream state after sub conscious imagery has already had some say in how the dream will be formed. This is known as Dream Induced Lucid Dreaming (DILD), and is considered the best method for beginners to practice lucid dreaming. With the DILD method, you are unconscious until number 5, where you regain limited control of the dream upon becoming lucid. As the subconscious distortions have been the dominant means for the holographic dream environment to materialise by, this environment will become “anchored” in and quite hard to change through visualisation. You can usually only change certain things within the environment, but never the environment itself.
My goal, however, is to keep you conscious through the whole transition period into the void space so you can “clear” out these sub conscious distortions and replace them with your own visualisations. This is more along the lines of what is known as Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming (WILD). This is recommended for those who are more skilled at LD, as it takes a degree of dedication to be able to carry out a WILD session effectively. Though I have come across many speaking of this method of inducing lucid dreams, I am yet to come across anyone talking on the importance of regaining control of the void space and clearing out the distractions present within it to create a stable dreamscape. Thus one may consider my techniques an extremely advanced version of the WILD technique. There is a degree of mental discipline that must first be reached before one can expect results. We will build upon these concepts in later lessons.
Given this mud map of what we can expect consciousness to do, we can break it further down into the phases it passes through as it makes its way into the dream state. In doing this we can start to gain an idea of what to expect so we can better prepare ourselves as we move through each phase. One should be aware though, that these phases vary quite significantly from one to another, and there will be some adjustment of comfortability as one progresses through each one.
This is where I tell you to hold on to your hats, because the things experienced in this domain are unlike anything you will ever experience in waking reality. Also, it should be born in mind that astral projection can be achieved from more than one of these phases, though the success of the projection will also vary depending on which phase. The phases, in order one can expect to experience them , are:
Relaxation Level 3/ Theta State
Sleep Paralysis/ Hypnagogic Phase
Consciousness Inversion/ Transition Phase
Detachment phase
Void space phase
Dream creation Phase
Non physical travel phase (if desired)
Auric projection (extremely advanced practice, aided by non physical entities when one is ready; this is where your 4D lucid train ride terminates in 5D reality)
When you close your eyes at bed time you have two potential pathways you can take into never never land. You can either succumb to fatigue and go through the phases unconsciously, in which case your best bet would be a DILD, or you can remain conscious and enter into either Theta State, Sleep Paralysis or straight into the Void Space. Astral projection can take place in all three of these phases, though I have found personally that it is best achieved whilst in Theta State.
Theta State and Astral Projection:
Theta state is not always necessary for lucid dreaming. You can actually bypass it all together quite easily and still have a WILD. If astral projection is a goal, however, then entering Theta state is probably the best place to initiate such and OBE. When working with the Monroe Institute’s techniques for inducing Astral Projection, they mention that one must first enter this state of what they call level 3 relaxation.
So what is it? I want you to think of diving into the comfiest bed you have ever been in. You’ve got fluffy pillows all around you, a big brand new duck down doona covering you and best of all it is a King Size bed that you’ve got all to yourself. You can lie here naked completely by yourself and just spread out as much as you want without an annoying spouse taking up half of your chilling room. Or even worse – kids. Imagine just being absorbed into the bed and its linen. That feeling of pure bliss that makes you feel all warm inside just knowing you are going to get a good nights sleep. Well, that is relaxation level 2. To get to relaxation level 3, you need to go deeper than that.
How do you do this if you are completely relaxed? Well, you aren’t really as relaxed as you think you are. All the muscles you are lying on currently hold some amount of tension in them as they hold your body up. When you get comfy you don’t really notice this tension, but it is there, I guarantee you. To get to Theta State, you have to relieve this tension, but at the same time keep yourself awake whilst doing so. The trick is to take slow, deep breaths and “feel” that tension leave you on your long exhales. Personally for me it takes about half an hour to an hour to properly get into this state, sometimes even longer. Sometimes I will enter this state briefly then go straight into sleep paralysis or the void space without even getting a chance to astral project. It all depends on your fatigue levels.
Once you get to this state, your body will begin to feel light. There might be a high pitched tinnitus like sound in your head. For me it sounds like when you open a soda bottle and hold your ear right up to it and can hear all those small bubbles popping and “grinding” together. If you want to properly astral project, you have to focus on this sound and nothing else. You cannot allow your mind to get distracted following the wandering thoughts that will appear; these will carry you into an unconscious sleep state. They will appear as strong thoughts which catch your attention and then quickly diminish into incoherent unconsciousness as the trail of thought becomes harder to remember. Again slow, deep breathing helps. You focus on the sound and try to “listen” to your breaths whenever your mind starts wandering.
Your fingers act like antennas that can pick up subtle energies around you. Try to listen to them if you can. Try and pull these energies from the atmosphere and push them from your head to your toes and back again. There is also the possibility of seeing pulsating waves of energy through your vision, or of feeling a vast space out in front of you. I have had a lot of moments where it feels like gravity is distorting around me, like I am spinning on a giant wheel and the centrifugal force pinning to me to the bed keeps changing directions. Personally I have found it too be quite therapeutic just lying in it and taking it in. These may lead to some excited emotions, but it is important to keep that excitement at bay, or it will ruin the projection.
If all goes well the soda bubble noise should get more and more intense until you feel something happen. This something is hard to describe but it is a very prominent feeling that you are “coming” out of your body. The process can be aided by visualising standing at the end of your bed or rolling out of your body, but personally I have found it easier to just keep focusing on the soda bubble noise. Eventually you should hear a loud pop and your astral body will just float out of the physical.
The experience will be surreal. It will be extraordinary, and exhilarating, and it will feel absolutely definitely 100% real – until you wake up, in which it will feel like it was just a dream. But there will be time to take it all in later. The first thing that one should worry about is putting some distance between their astral body and their physical one. The reason is that the physical body acts like a magnet and will snap the astral body back into it if it stays too close for too long. Aim for a couple of rooms distance, and remember that just thinking of a place will take you to it; to get back to the physical body one just thinks about it and they automatically appear back there. Surprisingly, navigation seems to come quite naturally and easily during astral projection. Well, it did for me anyway.
Now that we have got astral projection out of the way, we can get into effective Lucid Dreaming concepts and practices, where navigation is much, much more difficult to control. In future articles we will go into techniques I use to control the dreamscape, but for now let’s start with your awareness of the physical plane:
Projection of Consciousness During the Transition.
Your consciousness projects out from your eyes in a sort of hemispherical fashion until it hits the horizon. This is the only way you can consciously perceive anything whilst you are awake. Thus this projection is uni directional; it cannot go any other way (not with your eyes open any way). What happens is that you project your consciousness out through the eyes and then the light entering into your eyes from the boundaries of this projection your brain picks up and processes as reality. My experiences suggest that consciousness projection during astral projection follows a similar pathway; out in front of you to an object separated by “astral space”. You perceive the non physical environment around you like you perceive the physical world whilst you are awake.
Conscious perception in the dream state, however, is completely different to conscious perception in both the physical and astral planes. It is omni directional; it has more than one way to go than just out the eyes towards a horizon. It can go both inwardly and outwardly, but for arguments sake we will say it can both contract and expand. When you are awake, and consciously observing something, your consciousness is effectively “locked” into a state of infinite, inward projection/ contraction and is never allowed a chance to expand. It is like squeezing a stress ball then freezing it so the fibres never have a chance to return back to their spherical state. They remain locked to the curvature impression of your fingers. Consciousness is not really going “outward” – sure its going out of the eyes – but more so “inward” to a more dense state. This is a confusing concept and may seem counterintuitive, so I suggest meditating on it to get your head around it. Think of it like the science experiment where you suck all the air out of a soda can and the tin crinkles into a ball. You just don’t realise this because of the block put in place by your physical brain.
When you enter the sleep state, your consciousness expands back “outwardly” to its original, spherical state. It inverts and goes back through the eyes in towards the pineal gland; you can actually feel this during a conscious transition into the sleeping state. You can feel the moment consciousness stops trying to condense and changes direction to expansion. It is a fucking incredible experience and better than any sex or drug that you will ever come across.
Consciousness can therefore be thought of as a sphere that has two extremes of possibility; maximum compression and maximum expansion. If we consider the edges of the universe to be maximum expansion, and an atom to be maximum compression, this becomes our 4th dimensional range of travel potential for our consciousness when disconnected from our body. It is a bit more complicated than that, but for now this concept will do. What happens during the transition into the sleep state is that your consciousness “inverts” right at the transition point. It goes from a locked inward projection to a moving outward projection.
This is important to learn because it becomes the fundamental aspect behind how you travel in and out of different planes of different densities.
From what I have experienced, physical universes are sort of “stacked” inside one another separated by a 4th dimensional distance of consciousness “space”. Picture the atom existing in the middle of an entire universe; the atom is solid, yet it exists in a sphere of empty space. If you expand your consciousness outwardly to the edges of that space, you become yet another atom existing in yet another vast, spherical space and on ad infinitum.
This is what is meant by “as above, as below”, or “micro and macrocosm”. Consciousness is mercurial in the sense that it can slip through this 4th dimensional space between physical and non physical worlds like water through a crack simply by compressing and expanding. No matter which way you go, you eventually arrive back at the same point, just like if you head in one direction on the earth. To properly master lucid dreaming, you have to learn to become “slippery” when the time calls for it, and “solid” when it doesn’t. Astral travel is thus simply just your consciousness slipping back into the plane of your astral body. It is merely a station along the many that can be taken by the train that is lucid dreaming.
Lucid dreaming is therefore a completely different thing and should not be confused with astral projection. It is an existence of pure consciousness detached from any type of body, but it allows the potential to “jump” into those bodies like you are putting on a suit. It allows the potential of astral projection as well as many other things. Visualisation allows one to choose the suit they wish to put on. The void space is akin to your wardrobe space, and each plane of “reality” is like a suit hanging up within that wardrobe. Most people believe this physical reality is the only suit they can wear. They never get the option of choice.
However if you learn how to control the mercurial state of consciousness whilst in the void space – ie, solidify yourself as you slide through the 4D consciousness space – you can wear whichever suit you damn well please. Well, within reason. It is entirely possible to move out of the physical body, slip into another physical/nonphysical one and live out that experience just like you would in this physical world, before slipping out of it and back into your physical body. I have done this many times before, often times for weeks on end in the span of single earth nights. Some of these other worlds I have visited have also been corroborated by other lucid dreamers. This poses the question of what these bodies are really doing when you are in them utilising an unconscious state of awareness. So where do we draw the line when it comes to reality if you can be aware of all these places but not actively engaged in them?
Therefore, there is a degree of “psychological hardening” one must come into before undertaking these sorts of journeys. You have to be able to adapt to the many different environments you may find yourself in. And boy there are many, with many weird, indescribable things going on. My advice is that you always remember to focus on the ”absolute now” and not try and dwell too much on other places. By all means record them and think of them objectively, but try not to get too hung up on what is going on “over there”. If you think our world is depressing and hard to deal with, there are many that are much worse in the non physical planes. You need to learn to cope with what you experience without dwelling on it, or it’ll drive you insane.
But none of this can be consciously witnessed if one does not first learn to control their void space. And to control the void space one must enter into it through a conscious transition into the dream state – ie a WILD. This can be done in one of two ways; by direct access, or via Sleep Paralysis. Sleep Paralysis seems to be the easiest way to get into the void space. Unfortunately, it is also the most unpleasant.
The Sleep Paralysis Phase:
Let’s pick up where we left off from in the first lesson in regards to lying still where the arms and legs start to become numb. I mentioned this is the stage immediately preceding sleep paralysis. If you continue through this numbness without moving or initiating an OBE, eventually your whole body will become completely paralysed and you will not be able to move. What this feels like is that gravity has been turned up by about a few billion and you just can’t move anything no matter how hard you try. Except for the eyes. You might notice they move too easily about and that it takes some effort to get them to stay in a particular place.
Contrary to most belief, you can actually be completely aware of your surroundings as if you were completely awake when in Sleep Paralysis. I have had many instances where I have woken up, looked around and thought I was good enough to get out of bed, only to accidentally pull my astral body out due to me still being in sleep paralysis. This is the key to astral projection whilst in this state; you have to try and roll or pull yourself out, but the paralysis makes it extremely difficult to do. Awareness of one’s surroundings is, therefore, not a good indicator of whether or not one is in SP. It should also be understood that there is a very fine, and often times blurry, line regarding when one actually enters Sleep Paralysis. Often that blur can cross over from the Theta State; one minute you are relaxed and the next something very strange seems to be going on. Generally, Sleep Paralysis induced in the morning after a night full of sleep will be easier to deal with than one induced upon going to sleep
Now I need to mention here that the sleep paralysis stage is not particularly pleasant. To be brutally honest, it’s probably one of the most terrifying things you will ever experience, and this is coming from someone who was almost executed at knife point. It will feel like your soul is being pulled in every direction at once. Your voice will be choked to a faint cry no matter how hard you try to yell. You will hear the most chthonic noises imaginable – unlike anything you have ever heard before – and get the most unsettling feelings that make the hairs stand on the back of your neck. It is also not uncommon to see strange beings of various sorts ranging from “demons” to “aliens” standing at the bed. Random scenarios will play out in your head suggesting your impending doom, and voices will whisper things to you that will make you think you are crazy. I have had instances where I was absolutely sure someone had broken into the house and was seconds away from killing me and my family in my sleep. I have had another instance where death materialised around me and hit me with its scythe. Aliens, demons, the whole shebang there to come and eat my soul for breakfast. If you are lucky you will hear the most perfect music you have ever heard, but this only ever seems to be after you have become well acquainted with the Sleep Paralysis stage.
All I can tell you is that if you are big on horror movies and haven’t been putting in your visualisation hours, you are going to have a really fucking wild ride. Visualising unicorns farting rainbows is going to do absolutely nothing for you at this point. But despite this, you must always remember IT IS ALL A LOAD OF BULLSHIT. A wall of illusions put in place to make you really not want to go through with detaching your consciousness from your physical body. It’s like seeing one of those horror movies for the first time as a kid – it is important you take a step back and realise none of it is going to hurt you. It isn’t real. You have to learn to just “relax” and let it play the fuck out around you. This is easier said than done, and I get that not everyone will be able to do it. Hell, it even still gets the best of me at times and I have to exit the session, and I have been doing this for 23 years. So don’t feel bad if you can’t bring yourself to go through with it.
The way to exit a session in this manner is that you shake your head from side to side, like you are saying no. It will be hard because of the paralysis, but you only need 2 shakes and you’ll be fully awake. This is your get out of hell card, use it if you need to.
If you do learn to relax, however, you will gain access to the most powerful part of the human mind that is directly connected to all other consciousnesses in existence; the void space. This is where the fun and magic really begins. This is where you really earn your “wings”.
The Transition Into Void Space:
If you are successful in relaxing properly whilst under sleep paralysis, then the illusion should just all of a sudden fall away from around you. All the chaos around, including those terrifying thoughts just completely leave you. It will be then that you will feel your consciousness invert as it makes the transition into the sleep state. It’s like Han Solo hitting that hyperdrive button on the millennium falcon; you go through a tunnel of….well, I can’t really describe it – blurry 4th dimensional “shit”. This will be very brief and over in a couple of seconds, and on the other side of it you will feel your consciousness completely detach from the physical body in a completely different way to when it does via astral projection.
You then enter into the void space. It sort of feels like diving into an ocean of pure “bliss”. If you thought astral projection was exciting, this is the most exhilarating feeling you will ever experience, hands down, period, full stop. It is like this weight that you never knew was there has suddenly been lifted and you can finally “stretch out” in ways you never could have even imagined before. You are uncaged. Godlike. It feels like you are left falling into an infinite hole, which is where I assume one really is when having a classic “falling dream”. Although it can be unsettling at first, when you get good, it can provide an effective means of relaxation. I used to enter here and just “kick back” and wallow in the falling sensation for hours. It is the ultimate sensory deprivation tank.
If you made it this far then congratulations, as you are now existing as a pure conscious thought form where the hassle of mundanities such as money and debt are going to be the furthest from your mind. Physical reality is no where to be seen, though you still have 100% awareness of it down to every minute detail.
After making a conscious transition into the void space, you no longer see 3D objects out to a physical horizon. You see pure archetypal energy forms that combine with whatever is in your subconsciousness from a 4th dimensional perspective. These images take the form of distortions that differ in intensity depending on how “deep” you enter it. Think of it like a bubble. At the edge of this bubble the distortions are at their most extreme, but towards the middle you are insulated by a level of consciousness space.
This consciousness space I have somewhat mapped to being 12 layers deep, based on my difficulty in vanquishing the distortions using my own visualization practices. Though, this should be thought of as an analogue gauge rather than actual physically separated layers. The depth you penetrate into this void space seems to be determined by the velocity of your consciousness at the transition point into the sleeping state. This velocity is a product of fatigue of the mind during this transition. If you are too fatigued, your velocity penetrates too deeply into the bubble and you hit the edge. You become swarmed by these distortions which more often than not, leads to a random dream. This is why most people do not realise they are dreaming, in my opinion.
Without conscious awareness and strong visualisation, these distortions become very hard to vanquish, even when one is aware of them. If you penetrate at a lower velocity, you are more likely to reach the centre of the bubble. This is where the distortions are at their lowest. So you could say level 0 = waking reality, whilst level 12 = complete distortion/ unconscious dream. If you can remain conscious and make it into this part of the void space, you can create your own reality suit through the use of visualisation, which you then just hop into. The reality then just appears around you. It is equivalent to the white room in the matrix where a rack of guns appear out of nowhere before Neo. The void space is thus the “load out” screen your consciousness enters into before you load out this physical reality. It is the very first point one enters into in the dreaming state, but most people are too fatigued to realise, and pass through to it’s distortion maxima – level 12 or what I call the “basement”. Thus they become engulfed in their own subconsciousness hypnotism.
If you do manage to a) consciously enter the void space, and b) vanquish the sub conscious distortions, however, you then have an opportunity to witness this dream creation as it takes place.
Dream Creation Phase:
After accessing the void space, you then have the ability to imagine up your own dream environments. We will go into an effective process for doing so later on, but for now one should understand that this is where the idea of being a “slippery” or “solidified” consciousness comes into play. When in the void space you are formless and slippery – 4th dimensional in nature, or as MM would say in wave form – but after you create a dreamscape and move into it you become more “solidified”, or particle like. You create the 3.5D holographic dream environment and become a 3.5D entity within it. I say 3.5D because it is somewhere where between like our physical 3D reality and the 4D of consciousness space. When the dream has been created via conscious implantation of thought rather than sub conscious implantation, it becomes much easier to control. Travel is undertaken when dream creation has been mastered.
The Waking up Phase:
Provided your lucid dream goes all well, you might be lucky enough to witness the transition back into the physical plane. What seems to happen – well, what I have witnessed anyway – is that the physical reality is sort of overlayed as a very faint image over the holographic dream in a wavy like manner. This wave is about 0.5Hz; very, very slow and noticeable. With each back and forth movement of the wave, the physical reality overlay gets more vivid whilst the dream starts to become faint. After 10 – 20 seconds, physical reality has completely replaced the dream and becomes “locked” into place. Words cannot express how depressed one feels upon the realisation they are once again trapped in such a sate. It should be cautioned here, that lucid dreaming is extremely addictive.
Ah. this is enough for now. There's a lot of "meat" to absorb here. Soak it in. Enjoy it, and soon enough part 10 will be posted. Best Regards. -MM
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the eighth part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
This particular article is not part of the direct set of articles that are autobiographical in scope and content.
Instead, this article concerns a lesson on how to conduct “Lucid Dreaming” (as a prelude to “Astral Travel”).
Part 8 – Lucid Dreaming Lesson 1: The Lucid Void Space and The Three Meditations
This is part of series of articles in lucid dreaming based off my own experiences and experiments in that area.
What I am attempting to externalise here is something that cannot be described accurately with words, as they need to be experienced to properly understand them.
So others involved in lucid dreaming might have different interpretations. These articles will eventually become the curriculum for my Ordo Occultum Astrum.
It is my goal to provide a proper curriculum for not just lucid dreaming, but strengthening the psyche to better deal with everything one may be exposed to in the dream state.
These articles where part of the task given to me by the leader of the Unseen 5 in which I was to provide the framework to allow others to tap into the power that lucid dreaming can offer.
I don’t want anything in return except for them to be studied from an objective perspective and developed further as I believe humanity can greatly benefit from them.
I would be grateful if you document your experiences and tell me about them, but it is in no way an obligation.
So what is lucid dreaming anyway?
If you are part of any lucid dreaming/ astral projection communities, the “experts” may tell you it is simply the ability to become conscious when you are dreaming.
And that’s about it.
They might tell you can do some cool things like fly around, but in a general sense they don’t seem to offer anything that would seem appealing to those who are not into the subject of the metaphysical.
Depending on which groups you are part of you might be lucky enough to get some tips and tricks on how to trick your mind into realising it is sleeping.
These techniques consist of reality checks and other thought disciplines that will apparently embed your sub consciousness with certain things to make it become conscious during a dream.
While I am not saying that these techniques are complete bullshit, I am going to tell you I am yet to come across anyone on any of these groups speaking of lucid dreaming at a level anywhere near what I know about and have been experimenting with for the past 2 decades.
What I know about lucid dreaming should make the whole world sit up straight, turn their heads and PAY SOME FUCKING ATTENTION.
Anyone who has been following this blog so far knows that I have made some pretty far out claims in regards to what can be achieved whilst lucid. You will inevitably stumble across experts with a lot to tell you on the subject for some sort of recompense.
I am not saying these people are wrong in their assertions or fraudsters out to make a quick buck.
After all, everyone needs to earn a living right? Some of them may actually be beneficial aids to supplement what I have to say.
I honestly don’t have the time or resources to go through them all and tell you what is bullshit and what isn’t.
All I can offer is my own two cents, and my two cents is that lucid dreaming is much, much, MUCH more than just realizing you are dreaming.
Sure this is one aspect of it, but I would relegate such a skill down towards the novice end of the spectrum.
Even if you could consistently “wake yourself up” in the dream state into this knowing, if that is all you could do you would still be missing out on A LOT of what lucid dreaming has to offer.
It is my firm belief that lucid dreaming is the very solution to humanity’s existential crisis.
It is my belief that it is our very evolution point, but unfortunately that this evolution will also take a collective effort. So consider this my part in that effort.
It is far more exciting, in my opinion, to remain conscious whilst undergoing the transition into the sleeping state.
This way you have much better control of dream creation and have access to one of the most important aspects of the mind; what Carl Jung (also a lucid dreamer) called the collective unconscious and what I call the “void space”.
I will state this plainly; all lucid dreaming activities should be carried out with the goal to access and control this void space as much as possible. I cannot over emphasize this.
Well, according to my experiments, experiences and what was told to me by the leader of the Unseen 5 this void space is directly connected to every consciousness in existence {presided over by the “god consciousness” of the divine creator} and it is being hijacked by non physical entities to keep you “dumb”. I am not meaning to be derogative here.
What I mean is that the average person cannot effectively access their void space and control it because the power it would afford them is too great in the eyes of these non physical hijackers.
This power is a reconnection to what is known as the higher self. And no I am not throwing that term out loosely to woo you with new age speak.
Neither am I implying some sort of epiphany one comes to after spending a few hours meditating on a beach somewhere after doing a bit of yoga.
It is an actual state of awareness far, far, FAR above what you use on a regular basis that can be reached through the art of lucid dreaming. It also takes years of discipline to get there.
Just how powerful is this higher state of awareness I hear you ask?
Well, if you could combine the processing power of every single entity on earth and have them focus on one goal, you would be getting close…..to about 0.000000001 percent of what the higher self is capable of.
For the sake of simplicity, consider it the normal mode of operation for the mind of an advanced ET species.
The same type that know how to build intergalactic space craft capable of bending space time type of advanced.
Excited yet? Good, lets get back to the void space.
I mentioned that the void space is an important part of the consciousness makeup. You can use it to not only create your own dreams, but also to hijack others dreams and tune into telepathic thought processes with seemingly no limit to distance, if my experiences are anything to by.
It is the communication highway of all physical and non physical entities that extend into the 5th dimension.
Think of it like a google translator app that can automatically translate the dialect of non Earth language speaking ETs.
This and much, much more.
It is my intention to supply you with everything I know on accessing and controlling this void space to allow for the communication of “higher” information to trickle down into this dense physical plane.
This was what my task within the Unseen 5 ultimately boils down to, and is what I believe will result in a proper “evolution of human consciousness”.
So you can say I am taking these articles quite seriously. And you get it all for the super low price of absolutely free.
My authority in this subject comes from the fact that I was ordained as master of lucid dreaming by the Elder Guardians – who I assume were the Ascended Masters.
Take it or leave it, I really don’t care.
But understand that I am apparently one of less than a dozen others currently alive on earth that hold such a level of understanding of what is really achievable whilst in this void space. I developed my abilities to the point that two separate non physical “factions” were able to communicate to me because of it. And they both want me to tell you about it.
I can tell you I have communicated with other non-physical and “dead” entities using it.
I have also used it to remote view through the eyes of an ET entity in a completely different star system to ours. I have used it to “tune” into a conversation with non physical entities and to heal a catastrophic injury to my hand.
You get the picture yet?
All the things you read on psychics, clairvoyants, remote viewers and scryers and the things they are able to do can be traced back to this void space and its ability to act as an ultra dimensional information receiver.
They just figured out how to “bleed” that information into the physical world, even though most of them probably won’t be able to tell you how. I can describe the whole process to you.
If you will allow me.
Undoubtedly most will call it all bullshit, but how many I wonder will commit themselves to my meditation regime before doing so?
But tapping into all this is further along the spectrum toward the more advanced end. Just like you cannot expect to be able to play a full concerto at your very first piano lesson, one cannot expect to control their void space upon its first access.
Make no doubt about it, this is some very advanced stuff; you need to be intent in the idea it will take you a long time before you get to this level of control. If you think this way, it will actually take a lot less time.
This is something I figured out when learning how to play bass back when I was 13 years old.
A lot of it is trial and error. So I am going to take this in baby steps. I am going to build you up bit by bit so your efforts in lucid dreaming may not be wasted when you finally get there.
I am going to teach you how to master the dream state through the awakened one.
Before we begin I feel we must go through the usual disclaimer. There are obviously dangers inherent in lucid dreaming.
My experiences are suggestive of this, as are the words of the Domain Commander on the subject.
I am not going to tell you it is perfectly safe.
What I am going to say is that I wasn’t in a particular good frame of mind when I met these dangers. This is important because your thoughts and emotions during lucidity have a direct bearing on what you will experience.
You will need to learn to control both if you want penetrate through the dream barrier into other non physical realms.
As you will come to learn, your thoughts and emotions will be the very controller by which you navigate the dream world. If you are too focused on all the shit Hollywood pumps out in the form of “entertainment” you will have a very difficult and likely bad time.
I am not telling you not to watch your favourite movies, just try not to cling on their content too much. Neither am I going to guarantee this will work for everyone. Remember, this is knowledge I gained through years of experiments.
When I first started out, I never had so much as a book to guide me on my ways. I had to fly blind, so to speak, the whole damned way.
If you come across a more efficient way in your own experiments, by all means use it. Just let me know so I can include it in my documentation on this subject. I want this to be an enjoyable experience for everyone , and the easier something is the more enjoyable it is.
The bad shit won’t come until you are able to vanquish it, if you follow everything I lay out before you.
If I do my job properly, it should be like swatting an annoying fly out of your way.
It will be like that startled reaction you get from seeing a poisonous spider, then realising you can just empty a can of Raid on it. No big deal.
Now, for those who are not familiar with either, lucid dreaming crosses the boundary of astral projection.
This boundary is often blurry, so is something I will discuss further along.
Just note that astral projection can be achieved through various states along the lucid dreaming line. In both instances you detach your consciousness from your body and can use it to explore the non-physical planes.
To simplify things, consider lucid dreaming as being a 4th dimensional hub in which astral projection is but a single branch of possibility coming off that hub {I just got a low pitched ringing in my left ear when writing that}.
Other possibilities include auric projections, which are about a million times more fantastic than astral projections and exist in the 5th dimensional domain. Looking at it this way, you can think of lucid dreaming as a sort of 4th dimensional bridge into the 5th dimension.
An Auric projection is one where you break through the barrier put in place by non physical entities that contains you in a “sleeping state”.
Let that sink in for a while; your entire unconscious dream experience is nothing but a cleverly crafted containment zone to disorientate your consciousness so it doesn’t leave a predetermined 4th dimensional boundary.
The haze of a standard dream state is {seemingly} due to a consciousness doping agent put in place to stop you from waking up into a higher order of reality.
This is all to stop you from realising your soul’s true potential; that you existed in your state of higher awareness before you did incarnated in a physical body. According to mine and my wife’s experiences anyway.
The more you learn to control your dreams the more you develop a resistance to the effects of this containment zone.
You may start remembering things that are uncomfortable.
You may start remembering things that are painful.
But I guarantee that on the other side of that barrier you will come into contact with your higher self and proper “soul memory”.
You will remember yourself as an IS-BE all the way back into the dim mists of time.
You will then realise that all those painful and uncomfortable memories are nothing but illusions. It’s like waking up from a dream and realising it has no actual bearing on who you are now in this present moment. Only the dream is this physical reality you are engaged in.
Before we can get here though, we need to start off with some basics, and that is what this article will be about.
It might be boring.
It might be tedious.
It might be something you relegate to being complete bullshit.
You might think it all has nothing to do with lucid dreaming, but all I am asking is that you trust me. It is my goal to build you back into the strong consciousness that you are, so that you are impervious to these non physical manipulations of your void space.
So, first thing is first.
Go out and buy yourself a blank journal, a working pen, and a triangular pillow. The journal will be used for you to start recording your dreams.
Not just lucid dreams either. Everything you experience whilst in the dream state, you are going to write down in as much detail as you can remember.
Those bits that dangle just out of reach of your memory, you are going to try and force yourself to remember. You are going to keep this journal beside your bed, within arms reach.
If a dream experience is so intense it wakes you up in the middle of the night, you are going to reach for your journal and record all it all down right then and there.
You are NOT going to wait for the morning to do it, because much of the information in your dreams will be lost by the time you properly wake up. You can use a digital journal if you want, but I suggest also having a backup physical copy as well just in case.
There is nothing worse than having a detailed write up of your experiences disappear when the computer it is written on gets stolen or breaks.
Believe me.
This act of dream recording will train your subconsciousness to pay attention to your dreams. Hopefully, after a month or so, you will start to come to the sudden realisation you are dreaming.
One example I remember vividly had to do with my bass guitar. This was a beautiful 5 string bass my father bought me for my 14th birthday.
The body had a nice red coloured wood that was separated by a “rainbow” of different laminates for the neck that ran through all the way to the bridge.
It was a neck through rather than the common bolt on variety. This thing was my pride and joy and I used to “slap” {a funk technique} it into oblivion every time I picked it up.
It’s sound was a perfect mix of tininess for slap and low end hum for the more progressive grooves I’d play. One night I was dreaming I was walking past a swimming pool, and this thing was just lying on the ground next to it.
Without thinking I just randomly picked it upand threw it into the middle of the swimming pool. It was just so spontaneous it made me stop and pay attention.
As it sunk to the bottom of the pool, I thought to myself, “Hang on a minute, I would never do this to my bass. This must be a dream”. It was enough to snap me out of the hypnosis that I was dreaming.
I cannot remember exactly what I did after that, but I know it involved creating a much better and more exciting dream of my own choosing. Aim for this same spontaneity to snap you “awake” in the dream state, but control your excitement or it will completely wake you up.
Try experimenting with things that have a sentimental value and spontaneous thoughts that equate to something you would never do to such an artefact.
Throw that wedding ring into Mount Doom, shave your head completely bald. Think of doing something outrageous that will make you stop and think WTF.
Triangular pillows are pillows that form a not quite 90 degree corner. Apparently a lot of old people use them. I scored mine off my grandfather after he passed away from lung cancer when I was 9.
I get that everyone has their own sleeping comforts. Certain mattress preferences. One pillow, two pillow preferences etc. You might not like triangular pillows.
They might be something you consider as being uncomfortable.
I am sorry to tell you that there is a certain degree of uncomfortable you will need to get used to if you want to properly lucid dream. This is one of them. Ok so maybe they are not essential, but I believe they will help significantly.
The reason for this is based on my own observations and positions I would wake up in immediately after a lucid dream.
These positions I would then experiment with to induce lucidity and they actually worked.
The triangular pillow, I have found, allows your head to rest in the exact “right” position which would be a space gap if you tried putting two standard pillows together.
Did I mention it is going to be uncomfortable? It will take some time to build up getting used to this lucid dreaming pose. But more on that later.
Also have a sheet or blanket that you only use for lucid dreaming. Use it every time you are going to consciously try, and put it away when you are not.
This tip comes from a Native American who suggests you will be imbuing such a blanket with specific “dream energy” that will build up and ultimately help induce it.
So now you’ve got your pillow and journal, you are all set to go to sleep and try and wake up in the dream right?
Whilst other self proclaimed experts will tell you to go right ahead, I am going to bore you with some other things first. Remember I have a responsibility to build your skills slowly. This includes preparing you mentally for what you might experience.
Allow me to take a bit of a detour and tell you about what I call my Leverian Theology.
The Leverian Theology is a system of thought I developed back when I was studying both electronics and occult subjects side by side.
I began noticing certain similarities in both curriculums which led me to believe that “no thoughts are entirely belonging to the mind that thought them”.
It was my belief that all thoughts were derivations of higher celestial mechanics that had in parts been “remembered” by the consciousness developing them.
All inventions, I supposed came about by the inventor sub consciously accessing a non physical energy matrix {the void space/ collective unconscious} and tapping into cosmological mechanics that were already there to begin with.
Thus I assumed that by taking current technological models, and following them from finish to start, one could develop a functional model by which to unravel and understand complex cosmological concepts.
While the actual model is not important, what is important is that one has a way to categorise their thoughts, especially when it comes to lucid dreaming and meditation.
The reason is that when you receive higher information, it doesn’t always come in the form you would expect.
It doesn’t tend to come through all at once either. If you wish to master lucid dreaming, you need to have a system by which to sort your thoughts.
You can then figure out the overall function of one piece of information in relation to the rest.
When more information starts coming in, you can bring up this overall function rather than trying to go back and remember the whole other experiences in totality.
In my case, my Leverian Theology acted as a sort of filing system to deal with the information I was receiving. This is the true secret to being able to properly develop advanced lucid dreaming and meditation abilities.
Again I am yet to come across anyone bothering to mention such a significant aspect. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist, only that I specifically haven’t found them.
The categorisation of thought is one of the most crucial aspects to meditation and lucid dreaming, in my opinion. Later, we are going to delve into a very well known system of thought categorisation called the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
This will deal with the alchemical aspects of mental preparation on reconnecting with the higher self.
But while we are on the subject of meditation, let’s talk about the meditative practices needed to achieve proper lucid awareness of the dream state.
I am going to give you three meditations I suggest practicing.
You might have your own meditations that work for you. By all means, continue to use them. The three meditations I am going to give, however, are specifically for lucid dreaming purposes.
They are designed to build specific disciplines required to properly induce lucidity, based on my own observations. Essentially what you are going to be doing is learning how to remain “still”, both physically and mentally. This is not a lightweight task.
What you effectively need to be doing is becoming your own psychoanalyst. You need to learn how to “catch” your thoughts as they arise, observe them objectively and trace their origins.
If you are one who meditates regularly, then there is no need to dedicate even more time to these.
Just include them as part of your already established regime. For those who are not big on meditating much, try doing them at night when you are in bed with your eyes closed.
The First Meditation, Visualisation:
The first step to gaining control of your void space is to practice visualisation. When I was a kid I had this weird scenario that would pop up from time to time.
It ended up becoming somewhat of a visualisation practice because it drove me fucking crazy. I’d just randomly have this thought of someone running on a roof and jumping off onto a car bonnet {what you guys in America call the hood}. It wasn’t even a very big height either.
Like a couple of metres at most. The thing was though, my brain would distort the physics of the scenario. Every time this person would land on the bonnet, they would crush it and the car would pivot like they were jumping on a see saw.
It was reminiscent of how the Hulk would crush something by jumping on it from a low height.
The reason it drove me crazy was because I knew it was an impossibility. And it totally fucked with the movie in my head of this guy doing cool parkour tricks.
I don’t know why this thought would appear – maybe it was something I saw on a cartoon or something – but it was consistent enough for me to remember it more than a decade later.
Now, the problem I was having is that I could not visualise this person not crushing the car and following a more proper path as defined by physics.
It took me quite a long time before I was able to counter this silly little scenario that would often pop up as I lay in bed trying to fall asleep. I actually felt a great sense of relief when I could watch that guy run along the roof, jump on the car and continue in his act of parkour.
It is silly I know, but I am sure everyone can relate to similar scenarios that consume their thoughts at the best of times. It also gives us a good idea of what to expect whilst in the dream state. It gives us a very real glimpse into how hard the void space can be to control.
When you are lucid and operating in the void space, you do not see the things the same as you see in physical reality.
There is no physical horizon for you to set your sights upon.
Instead you are swarmed by imagery that lays dormant in your sub consciousness.
If you focus on any of this imagery it has a tendency to become more vivid and solidify in the form of a dream or a disruption.
Hence why if you cannot learn to control this imagery, you will not be able to regain proper control of your void space. Period.
So what I want you to do is to include this visualisation practice in your meditations: picture a single orange resting in a bowl on your kitchen counter. Now imagine you can see the orange in explicit detail.
I want to you mentally zoom up close to it and really see the texture of the skin. Now try moving to the opposite side and picture some sort of blemish.
As you get good at holding a vivid, high definition picture of the orange in your mind, try adding more fruit to the bowl. Start scanning through all of them like you are watching a movie. Once you get good, experiment with different scenarios taking place.
If you are sore, mentally try to zoom in to where your ailment is, going through biological layer after layer and shining white light on a single atom.
Imagine this light reflects off every other atom in a chain reaction until you are bathed in a cloud of light.
This is a healing technique supposedly used by St Germaine by the way – I can tell you it works if your visualisation practices are strong enough.
The idea is to train your mind to be able to conjure up its own images, and not rely on whatever media left an impression on your sub consciousness.
You can’t let that scenario equivalent to mine with the guy doing Hulk parkour with its altered physics win.
The Meditation of Silence of Thought:
The next meditation is designed to “un-hypnotise” you.
What’s that you say?
You aren’t hypnotised? Sorry to tell you but you live in a world full of advertising. Turn on the TV or go for a quick drive and tell me you are not being blasted by an advertisement every 5 seconds.
If you live in a rural community I might believe you.
How long before you make your way past one though? Let’s cut the bullshit and tell it for what it is. All advertising is brainwashing, and all brainwashing is forced hypnotism.
Still don’t believe me?
Do me a favour and next time you get an urge for a Big Mac and cheese or a Bud light ask yourself why you got it.
Don’t just ask yourself, trace the thought and pin point exactly what it was that made you think you wanted one. Not just the easy answer of “I was hungry”.
I want you to trace the whole pathway of your thought and why it was you chose a Big Mac and cheese over a Subway 6 inch. Was choice even involved in the equation?
You’ll probably find that you can’t pin point the exact moment that thought took hold. It was just sort of there in the back of your mind, then when your hunger instinct kicked in the thought took charge of “you”.
Now start doing it with all of your thoughts. I want you to catch every single thought you have, remove yourself to a third person perspective and start analysing them objectively.
I want you to ask yourself why it is you like that certain brand of car over all others.
Why you like that certain football team out of all the rest.
Why you find people that wear body piercings and tattoos distasteful. All those thoughts that are heavily ingrained into you and have the potential to make you choose one thing over another.
All those things that have the potential to make you make serious life choices.
Anything which will lead you to have a heavy emotive reaction to a situation. Everything. You are no longer allowed to just react to situations on autopilot.
Though when you inevitably do, I want you to ask yourself why you reacted that way. Do these thoughts belong to you, or are they a part of a family or social “tradition” that has been handed down to you through cultural biasing. You will be surprised how many thoughts are not actually “yours”.
Once you start catching these thoughts, try experimenting with neutralising them with their polar opposites.
When there is a “gnawing feeling” that you should react a certain way, take a breath and just observe it passively.
The human mind has a myriad of triggers that professionals have learnt how to push and prod. Unfortunately for you, they don’t stop being pushed just when an advertisement has run its course through your head.
This is how you learn how to deactivate them. By doing so you will be teaching yourself to be less prone to manipulation whilst in the void space.
You will strengthen your psychological disposition towards dealing with whatever the dream state throws at you. This is a big part of what occult philosophy is about.
This meditation will then extend into vanquishing the inner monologue in your head. That voice and imagery inside your head at bed time that tends to trail off and lead you down a road of sheer randomness.
Effective lucid dreaming and astral projection comes from finding a way to completely vanquish those thoughts.
When you lie there in bed try focusing on the sound of your breathing and nothing else. It takes some practice but eventually you should be able to notice those distracting thoughts as they arise and refocus on your breathing.
To strengthen this thought vanquishing practice, do yourself a favour and next time you attend a speaking session with someone at a podium in front of a crowd, just sit and observe.
Try to remain in one position and take in your whole surroundings without moving your eyes or your head. Watch how people react to the speaker and try and pin point those reactions that are subconscious ones. Keep your eyes open for as long as possible without blinking.
If done properly this should put you in a trance like state, and your surroundings will become extremely vivid.
Pay attention to your thoughts and take note of any that seem to “scream” at you from seemingly nowhere. What you are doing is tuning into the void space whilst in an awakened state, and preparing yourself for the next meditation.
The Meditation of Stillness of the Body:
This is where things begin to get uncomfortable. And I mean that literally. This meditation builds upon the still position used to induce a trance like state. It is, in my opinion, the most important practice one must master if they want to be able to remain conscious through the transition into the sleeping state. One should try going to bed before they reach a noticeable state of fatigue.
To begin with you are going to take up a comfortable position, and you are going to lie there for as long as possible unmoving. The idea is to build up the length of time you can remain unmoving.
Keep trying for just a little bit longer every time you practice it.
The key is not move even through every annoying itch and twitch your body goes through. Your goal should be to build up to being able to lie unmoving for at least an hour or more.
The annoyingness at the situation should actually benefit you by keeping you awake. If you can keep yourself awake, you will begin to notice that after awhile, everything starts to become “numb”.
For me, my arms are usually the first the go. This is the preliminary stage to sleep paralysis, or what is known as the hypnagogic state in astral projection circles (the line between the two is very blurry).
The numbness is your consciousness preparing to disengage from the body. It is from here you can either induce an astral projection or conscious transition into the void space. but not before going through sleep paralysis.
Alas these are subjects which require a whole article themselves, so for now just keep practicing these meditations as they will prepare you for the next phase where the fun really starts to begin. After a month you should start being better prepared for these next stages of lucid dreaming.
Ah. this is enough for now. There's a lot of "meat" to absorb here. Soak it in. Enjoy it, and soon enough part 9 will be posted. Best Regards. -MM
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the seventh part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
This particular article is not part of the direct set of articles that are autobiographical in scope and content.
Instead, this article concerns a project, or an idea that needs to be worked on and “flushed out”. I present it here in it’s rough state for others to consider and ponder.
As explained by daegonmagus…
This is an experimental project I wrote up a few years back which explains telepathy using basic radio engineering principles.
Not sure if you want to put it up as an article, it is somewhat incomplete, but it resonates strongly with what the Domain Commander told you about tech that can be used to unlock the non physical body.
I am certain the void space of lucidity can be used to properly tune the body to pick up these telepathic frequencies. I will go into another article on that when I've got the time.
This article is by no means finalized. This is just a rough draft for MM readership to consider and absorb.
There potentially exists an invisible energy field that surrounds the human aura in the region of the head which seems to be susceptible to fluctuations in electromagnetic/ magnetic fields.
It is presumed that if a strong enough field enters this energy’s boundaries at a specific frequency of resonance, then the subject may be able to achieve astral projection and/ or lucid dreaming more easily than if they did not experience this auric distortion.
Such propositions are based on alleged unorthodox happenings from numerous sources such as the Philadelphia Experiment, the Gibb’s device – more commonly known as the Hyper Dimensional Resonator or HDR -, radionics devices and the authors own experience involving a method by which to render people and objects light insofar as their mass weight is concerned, as well as other documentation concerned with the Schuman resonance.
The goal of the project is to use electronic engineering and radio communication methodologies, as well as components, such as the bifilar and caduceus coils, to develop devices that will specifically target a range of frequencies to try and induce such states of mind.
General radio theory dictates that all that is needed for the wireless transmission of electromagnetic energy is for a conductor of a required length to be electrified by an energy source at a frequency dictated by that very length.
Without delving to deeply into the complexities of this science, extensive studies into this phenomena have proven that another frequency can be attached to the frequency by which this conductor’s energy propagates, thus allowing for the transference of analogue or digital information to be sent from one location to another via the space between them, to be received by a similar apparatus.
Two important understandings must be made from this general theory – that all conductors are potential transmitters, and that all conductors are potential receivers.
All that is left for this “communication” to be intelligible is the filtering out of parasitic frequencies, known as noise, and the derivation of circuits that will allow control over which frequencies are to be used in transmission and how they shall be deciphered – which is the art of radio engineering. As a result, oscillators are used as a means to “tune” transmission and reception to a desired frequency, and many different methods have been established to create these components including the use of Resistor/Capacitor or Inductor/ Capacitor networks, and applying electrical signals to various crystal substrates such as quartz which in turn allows for them to resonate.
Keeping these things in mind it is also important to understand the implications this field of science poses to the human body (or any biological body for that matter), for the human body is really nothing more than a complex electrical circuit itself, consisting of a maze of nervous pathways that are constantly pulsating with energy, as well as conductive fluids, mass resistances and salts that together when combined could potentially establish perfect environments for these oscillations to take place thus allowing for the transmission or reception of some uncontrolled energy, especially in a being whose stature mimics that of a Marconi antenna (upright) when awake, and that of a Yagi antenna (parallel to the ground) when they are asleep.
There have been multiple accounts of people reporting they have heard radio broadcasts in their head after dental procedures, a similar set of experiences of which the author can attest to, though they were caused by an unfortunate susceptibility to perforated eardrums as a child and nothing to do with the former.
It is by reason and logic then I theorise that the subjects in these cases were somehow modifying the electrical characteristics of their bodies in such a way as to provide a direct deciphering of certain radio signals at their ears or the nerves close to them.
If unrecognized or unintentional oscillation of the body’s chemical composition is what is really occurring in these cases, then it is not altogether unreasonable to assume that the body could also be emitting a set of frequencies of its own, given its remarkable ability to act as if it has a constant battery feeding it energy. The above scrutinization offers the following possibilities, depending on where the areas of the most prominent oscillations are occurring;
If oscillation is localized to circulatory system pathways, by using electromagnetic wave propagation theory where frequency = 3×108 / wavelength, (assuming the wavelength of a circulatory system to be 60000 miles in length) the potential frequency of oscillations would most likely sit somewhere around 3Hz.
If oscillation is localized to nervous system pathways, by using EM wave propagation theory and assuming the wavelength of a nervous system is 40 miles in length the frequency would be 4.66kHz.
If oscillation localized to grey matter nerve lengths, by using EM wave propagation theory and assuming the wavelength of a myelinated nerve fibre is 150 – 180000km long, the frequency would be between 1.6 and 2Hz.
I note these finding as extremely interesting, as one experience I had involved the stable awakening from a lucid dream whereby the physical world was transposed over the dream one in a wavy like manner at a rate somewhere near these extremely low frequencies (ELFs), which was to provide a basis for further investigation.
Also to be noted is another incidence where I fell into a lucid dream just as a plane went overhead, and witnessed the transition of the frequency of the plane being slowed to less than half of its original value, whereby some sort of up-scaling phasing effect was introduced.
If one were to study methods of astral projection on the other hand, majority of the techniques seem to involve the lowering or raising of the subjects energy frequency to a level that will initiate this projection.
Devices have even reportedly been used whereby they have brought about such projections almost effortlessly, by using insulated electric currents to alter the energy field near the head.
Some documentations of astral projection also point to a type of magnetism that will pull the astral body back into its physical if care is not taken to rid oneself of its effect immediately upon projection.
My own experiences in this area have led me to believe one hears a high pitched frequency shortly before projection, which sounds extremely similar to the immediate fizzing sound of when a bottle of soft drink is opened.
If I were to take a wild guess I would say this noise sits in the kHz range possibly between 4kHz and 10kHz.
All this is suggestive that there are frequencies at work which together create some sort of complex sinusoidal wave form (ie two or more sinusoidal waves multiplied or “mixed” together) that provides a locking mechanism for the astral consciousness within the physical.
The chemical change one’s body undergoes when falling asleep further strengthens my assumptions as to this being the case, as it would bring about a substantial change in systems of oscillation.
I have also noted many dietary coincidences in a lot of my lucid dreams that seem to point to sugar and the nutrients in chilli chicken dishes having a profound effect. It is therefore my intent to try to manipulate these frequencies to see if the astral body, or lucid consciousness can be unlocked from the physical counterpart resulting in a more effortless experience..
Another important consideration is the technique used to make the mass of people and objects much lighter than usual, whereby hands are placed over the head / top by a group of people each positioned so they are not touching. For those who have not experienced this technique first hand, I can attest to the strange feeling that occurs when more and more hands are placed.
It is as if some form of dense energy is being sucked away and you start to become lighter. This suggests to me that the head is best place to start energetic manipulation experiments. I would assume the radiation pattern to be like that of a toroid, the head being the centre of the parabola.
Purpose built frequency generators that can be tuned in increments of 10s of Hertz. Given these frequencies are likely to be extremely low, RC oscillators seem like the only choice available, which is unfortunate as these devices are not considered stable. 555 timers provide an easy way to implement this type oscillator and only require a few external components, whose values can be varied to alter the frequency. Where higher frequencies are being controlled, I suggest using a crystal type oscillator and tuning via an inductor/capacitor network.
Bifilar pancake coils seem to be a good candidate for the vertical transmission of energy that will penetrate a few centimetres. It is likely that a more complex circuit will need to be developed in order to transmit energy around the whole head.
The human body is thought to generate around 100 watts of power, and if my suppositions of it being a transmitter are correct, this would mean that a telepathic thought could quite easily be broadcast over the world if the body can be tuned to efficiently propagate it, considering that this can be done using only a few milliwatts with morse code modulation techniques .
My supposition is that the void space entered after one remains conscious through the sleep paralysis stage during the transition into the sleeping state, can be used as the medium by which to “tune” the body to a more efficient propagation frequency.
This basis for my assumption on this is that I was able to use it to tune into the dialect of a non physical species and then communicate with them whilst in this state. I believe they were located very far from Earth.
They spoke in a clickity clack language that was completely alien to anything we have on earth. After going through the tuning process, we were then able to share a commonality of understanding and they spoke directly to me.
Modulating thought frequencies on bodily produced carrier waves (Telepathy)
Ah. this is enough for now. There's a lot of "meat" to absorb here. Soak it in. Enjoy it, and soon enough part 8 will be posted. Best Regards. -MM
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the sixth part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Part 6 – Astral Assignment 1 – The Consciousness Prison
Daegonmagus Astral Assignment 1 – The Consciousness Prison.
This article relates to what I call my “astral assignments”. These differ from my mystical experiences with the Elder Guardians and the Unseen 5. Although I was not connected to a higher state of conscious awareness, I was still completely lucid in these assignments. I know that they were simply not just fabrications of my mind whilst in the dream state. Usually I would be “abducted” out of my dreamscapes of my own devising and just wind up carrying out one of these assignments.
This assignment marks the first time I realised my astral body was being utilised as an infiltration agent into “strange bases”. It is the first real memory I have that something incredibly weird was going on in the non physical planes. This was the experience that led me to believe there was some sort of Astral War being carried out in these planes that I was directly involved in. It happened around the time I was able to remote view from an off world intelligence and inhabit its body. I would have been about 14 or 15, so by then I had developed some quite advanced consciousness projection techniques. I believe it was those very techniques which marked my candidacy for this assignment.
I am actually relieved I have a comfortable place to talk about this. Anywhere else and I would surely be labelled as insane. I have been holding on to this memory for the about 15 years, probably a bit more.
Now, if you’ve been a part of any UFO or remote viewing related communities you may have come across people claiming places like area 51 containing “5th dimensional security setups”. These security setups allegedly can stop you from astral projecting or remote viewing these bases. One of the accounts I have read of this happening to someone during a remote viewing session is that they “had to have an intense battle with their mind before they could get back to their physical body”. While I cannot vouch for the particular “areas” in question, I can tell you with 100% surety that these systems DO exist. This is not something I will budge in my beliefs over; I experienced one (technically two- read Part 5) of these things. I have first hand experience of how they operate and how to escape from them. When you read Airl’s statement about the electronic screens that trap consciousness, this is what I am talking about. Airl describes them almost exactly how I experienced them. In fact the one she speaks about being on Mars that her Domain officer found could very well be the same one I speak about in this article. I always thought it was the moon, but then again I never saw the surface.
The intention of this article is not scare anyone, but provide a briefing into this particular facility I was in; what it looks like, the layout, where the consciousness prison is located etc. It is my plan to provide a framework of the techniques I used to escape in case anyone ever finds themselves unfortunate enough to be caught in one in my future articles on lucid dreaming.
The assignment:
I had consciously entered into the dream state and was halfway engaged in a dream construct of my own devising. Whatever the construct was, I cannot remember it. There was a sudden blankness, and all of a sudden my surroundings changed (this is a frequent occurrence with me in and LD – the precluding circumstances to my assignments were always wiped from me).
I was now in the middle of a large, underground cavernous area which I just knew was off world {in relation to earth}. There was this strange sort of bluish hue like some sort of artificial light was illuminating the whole cavern. It wasn’t like how we know illumination works from light sources. This was like there was like a blue wash over everything; if you can imagine looking through a pair of sun glasses with a blue tint to them, this is what it was like. Everything was being filtered through this blue hue. Even though it seemed to be night time, the blue hue made everything visible.
I was smack bang in the middle of this cavern. Underneath my feet the rocks were very jagged and littered everywhere. I was in amongst a crowd of bipedal type humanoids, though they were not human.
This crowd I estimate to be 10 to 20 thousand in number. They were all out tending to the rocks as if they were crops.
I was blending in with them which makes me believe that I had “taken over” one of their bodies. This would explain the blue hue; I suspect it was a sort of natural night vision their eyes had. I specifically remember standing back and observing them with my arms crossed, suggesting I was in fact in a physical body.
At one end of this cavern was a “mouth” the size of an aircraft hangar that led to a darker cave tunnel. To the back was the dwellings of these people which looked like square houses made of rock similar to Middle Eastern design. The whole cavern area was fairly flat, considering, and was a few acres in diameter wall to wall. Towards the tunnel mouth end was a large boulder.
At the other end of the cavern clearing was a cluster of square shaped buildings laid out in a similar manner to a city, but much smaller. They were similar in design to buildings of the Middle East. They were piled on top of each other in a sort of Favela type arrangement. In front of them was a wall of rock that had been left untouched that blocked the city off from the rocky outcrops that lay between them and the cavern tunnel on the far wall. This wall did not reach the roof – the buildings were higher than it – and had a single break in it that led into the maze of buildings.
Even 16 years later I have a vivid image of this cavern base. I can mentally zoom up and above the dwellings as if I am flying a drone with a camera on it. I have a photographic memory of the whole place and the layout of it. My insertion point was to a “raised” sort of area to the right of the front gate (the break in the rock wall) so I could sort of see into the complex. I was there, there is no question in my mind about this; it was no hallucination, or just “a dream”. Neither was it terrestrial. I am sure of this.
Each cluster was separated by a thin road or path, 2 or 3 meters wide that was made out of typical whitish grey concrete, which was intersected at right angles by other roads every 50 or so meters. As you go through the break in the rock wall, there are the dwellings to your immediate left hugging the wall back that way, and to the right it is if the wall just extends backwards. In other words you can turn left(after going past a block of dwellings), but not right. The pathway through the buildings from the break in the wall would thus be straight, left, straight before the intersections come into play. This proceeds in this manner all the way to the wall behind the dwellings.
There were elements that were surprisingly human such as the concrete pathway and roller doors embedded into some of the buildings. There were approximately 5 times the amount of people to dwellings. The consciousness prison was located in what appeared to be a standard sized garage or carport underneath one of the buildings right near the break in the rock wall. If you were to head straight through the rock wall and turn left, the consciousness prison would be on your right, right on the corner.
This cubic dwelling network was about an acre or 2 at most in area, and extended all the way to the back wall of the cavern, as if the dwellings had been “carved” out of existing rock. If you think of magma that has been laser carved to precision into a cube, this is what the dwellings sort of looked like, except yellowish; the rock they had come from had first been melted/liquefied then “precision cut”. Each dwelling had square shaped holes which I took for windows, though no glass was present in them, and were about 5 meters squared in size, on average, maybe a bit bigger, with multiple stories. They were of a very modern design. It was like a mini city.
All of a sudden a being appeared at the mouth of the cavern and stood on the boulder that was in front of it. I am not sure if “he” appeared out of thin air or if “he” came from the tunnel behind , but everyone began flocking to this being curious as to what he had to say. They appeared to know who he was.
I remember realizing I was here on a reconnaissance mission specifically to gain information on this being and what was going on in this place. I approached him, confident that I could camouflage and conceal myself as one of the other “people”.
The “Clone God” (this was my name for him), from memory, at first looked like he had white hair but the closer I got I realized it was actually made of a rice like substance that gave him a short haired appearance, like a number 3 crew cut. He grinned a very disconcerting smile that was extremely fake and just felt plain wrong, like he was suffering from a very bad case of Botox poisoning in his face. I remember it reminded me of a typical celebrity smile, but laced with psychopathic substance unlike anything you could ever imagine. Behind his stare there was a blankness to him that was just wrong; you could feel the lack of empathy emanating from within him.
He was wearing some kind of robes, like he was a cult leader or something. Very Charlie Manson-esc.
I watched as the “people” flocked to him in awe, then he opened his mouth, but instead of talking something happened whereby the townspeople turned into exact replicas of him. There would have been enough people to fill up a Metallica concert. I am pretty sure at one point he took off his robe, and I noticed he had no signs of genitalia, as he was naked, with very pale white skin.
I realized – in one of the few times I felt fear during these assignments – that my cover was blown, and this thing was toying with me. The mass conversion of townspeople to clones was specifically for my “entertainment”. I could sense this as he just stood smiling and looking around with eyes wide open like he was a robot. I think at one point I could feel myself being “cloned”, and may have even possibly undergone a timeline reset to the moment before he cloned me.
The smile remained exactly the same the whole time on not only him, but every one of his clones, it never wavered for a second. If you think of a massive crowd of people with this same smile, all turning their heads in perfect unison , eyes wide open without ever blinking, this is what I was smack bang in the middle of, and why I remember it so intensely. It was one of the weirdest and most uncomfortable positions I have ever been in (Storme relayed a similar account of synchronous head turning with a mysterious being Vince and his dog).
This was very reminiscent of the scene in the Matrix where Agent Smith continually replicated himself, then tried doing it to Neo. I hadn’t watched this movie in quite a number of years and I am quite certain I wasn’t being influenced by it, which makes me question the similarities.
After the reset I ran to the cluster of buildings, down an alley and eventually took refuge in what appeared to be a garage with a roller door. I was planning on aborting the mission and exfiltrating out. I did not realize the part of the concrete floor was a hologram, and I fell straight through it. Usually in lucid dreams when something like this would happen I would just manifest myself an exit, or “fly out”, but I soon realized there was a sort of an invisible force field that wouldn’t let me do it. Both the Domain Commander and Airl describe this force field in the exact way to how I experienced it. It is like an electronic net that you can’t get past no matter how skilled at consciousness projection you are.
It prevented me from summoning the portals (what I used to travel the non physical planes), in which I had to manually try and project inwardly and outwardly. Every time I did it was just bounce me back into the center of the room which was about 3 meters squared in area.
I was also still 100% lucid, and realized that this room was preventing me from getting back into my body back on earth. I couldn’t manifest any of the weaponry I’d usually be able to in practically all of my other LDs, or anything that I could use. My consciousness was completely bound to this room and its altered quantum rules. To make matters worse I had an army of “beings” converging on me to try and “collect my consciousness”. I had to evade them by bouncing around this 3×3 room and at the same time try and think up a way to get out.
I realized this place was a sort of lab or asylum as it had the typical layout of many rooms and hallways (these rooms didn’t have doors) with the same sort of white tiles on the walls.
The alarms went off and then I was captured and thrown into one of these rooms (the room I fell into was sort of like the “pre-containment” area. I could see through the floor hologram as if it only appeared as a floor on one side and on the other was not there). It’s hard to explain but basically these rooms lacked almost any means to navigate correctly.
When you are acting as purely conscious thought form there are certain techniques you use to project your consciousness to a specific place, which pulls you to that point. A very basic outline is that you think of something and then it appears, but this is what was wrong with this asylum; it didn’t allow for such things to happen, at least not very easily.
It disallowed me the ability to recreate my dreamscape at will, something I had become very, very good at. It was a room that interfered with visualization and imagination techniques and was purposefully built to contain a consciousness by distorting them in a similar, but more intense, manner to the sub conscious distortions in the void space I’d learnt how to overcome. I could see how a wandering consciousness untrained in such projection techniques could quite easily get caught here and never be able to return to its body. It was quite horrible and terrifying.
I remember the only thing in the room was a picture or map or something hanging on the wall, and I realized I could somehow use this as a portal to phase in and out of that particular dimension by accessing the energy signature attached to it. The phasing allowed me just enough quantum relocation to progress to another room with a one way window (a wall to the being on the inside and an examination window to the people on the outside).
Again I had to figure out a way to get through it, which involved some sort of bouncing of my consciousness back and forth between rooms. It’s like you scan the room and try and find a quantum entangled particle to relocate through. A fourth dimensional point in the past that you can use to “tunnel” through the force field before it was created. That’s the best way I can describe it. It is extremely hard to do and tested me to the very limits of my lucid abilities.
This maze of rooms went on for some time before I eventually found the exit. I was evading many guards as they chased me through the complex trying to contain me: they did not want me to leave. I had ALOT of beings chasing me around this place. Me getting out of the containment room was evidently a very big deal for them. The alarms are something I can remember quite vividly as well.
I finally made it to what seemed to be a sort of elevator shaft that I was able to exfiltrate out of via consciousness projection techniques I had taught myself.
This whole experience was a test to the very limits of my escape and evade techniques I had been using on various other world entities for a number of years since I first began Lucid Dreaming. It was a test to my ability to be able to keep my conscious at a level needed to survive. Basically, if you get captured and an entity messes with this ability to stay “conscious” in the dream world, it can become very, very difficult to actually wake back up in the physical body. The most important thing is that you cannot allow yourself to freak out. All attention and effort must go to remaining conscious despite the heavy distortions that are trying to knock you out. I knew if I got knocked out, it would be game over.
It’s weird. It’s like when something grabs you, you feel your energy being sucked away by it, and with it your consciousness as well. The dreamscape becomes hazy and you dwindle mentally into an uncomfortable sort of insanity. The more powerful the entity the quicker you become depleted. The further you move away from them, the more you regain consciousness and your sanity. Had I not had even a few years’ worth of lucid dreaming experience behind me I am absolutely certain I would not have been able to get back to my body. Through my experience in advanced visualization practices I was able to break through this haziness just long enough to escape. I suspect this sort of capturing accounts for a lot of deaths with unexplainable causes, after going to sleep and never waking up. This was a real experience. I am damned sure of it.
So I can relate to everything the Commander said in regards to how dangerous these sorts of complexes are. You don’t want to ever find yourself caught in one.
Ah. this is enough for now. There's a lot of "meat" to absorb here. Soak it in. Enjoy it, and soon enough part 7 will be posted. Best Regards. -MM
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the fifth part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Part 5 – Miscellaneous Experiences – Alien Abduction Dreams
Around the time of my Initiation into the Unseen 5 I started having abduction dreams. In some of these I was lucid, in others I wasn’t. Some of them dealt with hybridisation breeding programs, and others dealt with just general abduction scenarios. One{lucid one} in particular dealt with a consciousness prison exactly as Airl had described them in Alien Interview. This wasn’t the first time I had been contained in one of these prisons – I will go into that in another article. In both incidents I had been fairly (90+%) lucid.
Of these dreams, three in particular stood out. I have a very vivid memory of these three “dreams”.
The first was a standard {non lucid} dream. Our bed had just broken so we were temporarily sleeping on just a mattress on the floor. I remember going to sleep just before sunset. It was still light outside.
I dreamt I was walking out the front door of Storme’s mother’s place one evening after dinner to get something out of my car. The car was situated about 50 metres away under a car port that ran perpendicular to the house. To get there you had to walk down the veranda and up a few steps, before going through a gate and stepping over a piece of grass that lay between the gate and fence. I can still remember the vividness of the dream, and how I was preoccupied with the random thoughts I would usually have whenever I would go and get something – usually my phone or thongs (sandals) – from the car.
I got to the fence, opened it, but as I was closing the latch in place a large, unmoving object drew my attention to the sky. There right above and in front of me, half hidden by clouds was a spaceship that I remembered thinking looked a lot like the one out of the Halo games I used to play as a kid.
The ship itself was covered in strange symbols. It was that big and close that I could see them as clear as day. It appeared to have a large hole underneath it that protruded back into the ship.
As I stood and watched, a ring of blue light like the flame of a butane torch illuminated the circular shaped hole. My last thought was “oh shit” as I realized it was about to “pull me in”. I blacked out and woke up in my bed. Storme’s mother’s house was 50km away.
I woke up completely dazed and confused about where the hell I was; I actually woke up screaming “where am I and what the fuck just happened” as it took me a good few minutes to remember that we were in our house.
The last time I woke up like this was when I was 7 and I had to stay at my grandmother’s place as a large bushfire ravaged our town and burnt down our neighbors house. Despite all the shit I had experienced through lucid dreaming, this was just not something I did – ever. Even when remembering the electrocution and soul torture I never woke up in this state of panic and disorientation. It was if I had forgotten a whole years’ worth of time spent at this house.
Something about it felt really off. It felt as though I had just been plucked from one timeline and placed back in the past. It was like that dream was actually a future event that I had been “reset” from. MMs articles on the MWI are the first I have come across that provide an explanation for that feeling.
The second one happened about a year after my initiation into the Unseen 5.
I need to digress here to give an understanding of my mind set during this abduction where I was much more lucid than the first. It is relevant, particularly when talking about manipulating our “souls.”
I had been reading up on the free man movement; the idea that people are sovereign entities that have been tricked into working for a corporation that poses as a government. While I won’t say I completely believed in it, I was curious about testing out some of the theories. And crazy enough to actually go through with it.
To cut a long story short, let’s just say I pissed off the bank who I had a loan out on my car with and a few cops. Although the bank gave me a $250 credit on my account for my efforts, the cops played a little more hard ball. I was fined for not paying my car registration – which was actually because I couldn’t afford it. Rather than pay the fine within the 30 day limit, I decided to take it to court because, well, I wanted to know what the court system process was like.
After the incident with my hand, I witnessed first hand how cops failed in their duties to protect their citizens. I witnessed first hand how the justice system was more interested in upholding its laws than getting justice for victims of crime. So when the opportunity came to sit on the other side of the judge and be made out to be a terrible person simply for being poor, I obliged. It was a lesson worth learning and it ended up costing me about $350 (which I paid off in $10 instalments).
The logic of fining someone even more money for not being able to afford to pay for their car registration in the first place told me everything I needed to know about the moral code of these “judges”. These guys worked for the same slave gods the Grand Elder warned me about, I was sure of it. I mean, nothing spells slavery more than being fined for being too poor. It’s not like anyone ever bothered to check my vehicle to make sure it was still roadworthy after paying the registration. That was, according to the policy on the form, the whole point of the registration. Apparently.
So there I sat there in court, watching the judge dish out punishments for the many people who were called up before me. A lot of them had similar offenses related to poverty. Some were just plain idiots.
Suddenly something dawned on me; I was in what seemed to be a re-enactment of a ceremony I had read about in my books on Ancient Egypt.
The ceremony I am speaking about is the weighing of the heart ceremony. For those who are not familiar with it, this ceremony is said to take place after death, and is undertaken by each soul trying to make passage into the after life. It was considered one of the most important beliefs in Ancient Egyptian culture.
What happens is that the heart of the soul is weighed against the feather of Maat. If the soul is pure, the feather outweighs the heart and Maat grants passage into the after life. If the soul has committed “sins” during its physical life, it becomes weighted down and causes an imbalance in the scales of Maat. The soul of the impure are then said to be cast down into the underworld where they are eaten by the deity Ammit; a cross between a crocodile and human (cue the Reptilian conspiracies). During the ceremony, it is said that Thoth transcribes the whole process, whilst Anubis stands guard at the entrance to the ceremony to stop souls from escaping the trial.
There I sat in court watching as the judge re-enacted the role of Maat and handed out punishment after punishment. I watched as the man next to him re-enacted the role of Thoth as he typed the proceedings of the court out on his computer. And I watched how the Bailiff re enacted the role of Anubis as he stood guard at the door. Though they were not present in the less “important” courts like I was in, I was aware the Supreme Courts liked to show off their scales {of Maat}. And didn’t judges like to write their sentences down using a quill pen {feather of Maat}? It was all so obvious to me what was going on. Were these guys even conscious to the fact they were engaging in an Ancient Egyptian Ritual? Or did they just go along with because that was the way the proceedings were taught to them in law school?
Either I was bat shit crazy or I had stumbled upon a secret which the free man movement had been trying to convey but failed to point out properly; all court systems were re-enactments of the weighing of the heart ceremony and the “guilty” were being tried as “dead entities”. Suddenly the whole “fictitious” title on your birth certificate thing thing made a whole lot more sense. Apparently a “person” is defined in the bible as a “non living entity”, according to those in the free man movement. I found that rather interesting.
The point of whether the concept was real or just a machination of my own delusions is irrelevant. The relevant part is that it got me thinking; how many people in the world actually bother to declare that their soul is not for sale?
How many people in the world actually thought about their soul as much as they thought about something they did on a regular basis like brushing their teeth?
There was, after all, some sort of animating principle behind every person’s existence. Some sort of invisible spark that gave life to them and filled them with enough energy to power their heartbeat for an entire lifetime. How many people recognized this undeniable characteristic about themselves and actually made the mental thought that it wasn’t for sale or was not allowed to be used for any other purpose other than what its divine creator intended?
Conversely, how many people unwillingly gave their energy away through the allowance of unseen parasites. If they were unaware they had an astral body existing in a plane filled with all sorts of traveling entities, then it was only logical to assume they were sitting ducks just waiting for something to come along and “harvest from them”.
Moreover, if an astral parasite was attached to an individual and you signed a contract written by that individual to allow him and his “associates” any sort of power over you, could the parasite not technically be an associate of his, allowing your power to be given in not just the physical plane, but the non-physical as well?
Like I said, my thoughts and operations were not just those bound to this physical domain. As an Electronics Technician I had been trained to look at a complete system, not just one small part of it. This was the same train of thought I applied to the universe and its unseen aspects. You could say I was eager to understand how the non-physical planes affected the physical.
So I created a prayer or a spell or whatever you want to call it, specifically aimed at reclaiming my soul and nullifying any celestial contracts I had unwillingly entered it into through my own ignorance. If I had given away my power unconsciously through contracts, I wanted to consciously regain it. All of it.
I wrote this in the body of a professional like contract email and sent it off to my father. I figured as he was the one who entered me into such a contract whilst being my legal guardian when he signed my birth certificate, he was the best person to send it to. He was very straight edged and one of the biggest sceptics you’ll ever meet, who thinks astral projection/ lucid dreaming is a load of nonsense. He told me later he thought I’d definitely fallen off the sanity boat. Not that I really gave a shit. Our had been pretty rocky any way. I couldn’t say that his opinion on anything I did was something I held in high regard.
I sent the email, ate dinner, had a shower and then went to bed. As I sat there and closed my eyes, something felt different. I felt liberated. I felt some kind of invisible weight had been lifted. I could “perceive a spherical “space” in front of my eyelids whenever I would close them. I hadn’t been able to perceive this space for quite a few years; it was something I used to be able to see when I was deep into my meditation regime. After having kids, it slowly disappeared and was replaced by a boring veil that had no depth to it.
So there I lay, playing around with this space and the feeling of distorted gravity it brought with it. It felt like I was strapped to the bed and was being spun gently through the Z axis. It was something I always enjoyed whenever it would happen. Call me weird, I know. I ended up falling sleep in what was a non conscious transition into the sleeping state.
Interestingly, that very night I “appeared” {in the dream} half lying in the water and shore of a swamp covered in reeds. Some of these reeds had been arranged over the top of me in what appeared to be an effort to conceal me.
To begin with I was in a daze. I was flittering in and out of consciousness like I had been drugged with the same substance that had been used on me many years ago during the experiences in my youth before becoming completely lucid. I realized someone had draped a tarp or something across me as there was something really bad and strange going on up ahead. It was as if they had tried to hide me in amongst the reeds of this swamp as best they could.
There were these lights or something high up in the sky. They were scanning the area exactly like how prison lights scanned for an escaped convict.
Mistakenly, I ripped this tarp off me in my confusion, drawing the attention of whatever was up ahead. Suddenly I was surrounded by a blue or green light and the next thing I knew I was being pulled upwards along with all the water from the swamp and others who had been hiding.
This swamp was the equivalent to a few football fields in size and the whole thing was being sucked upwards towards the sky. I only remember a handful of other people being sucked up. The lights were too bright to make out any kind of ship, but it seemed like a very obvious thing that is what this was. Judging from the size of the lake that was being sucked up, the ship would have been HUGE.
I blacked out and came to in a metallic looking room on a bed where a medical procedure was taking place. Then I found myself being aggressively pushed into another room by the same beings that operated on me – their faces becoming a blur in the haze what was my drugged consciousness.
I remember seeing a smooth metallic door slide open to my right before I was pushed into a room that was totally dark and devoid of any light whatsoever. This is where I started to become lucid. It is then that something strange happened; I began to glitch in and out of the dimension I was in into another one.
This happened repeatedly every couple of hundred milliseconds, and every new dimension was completely different to any of the ones before it. It is hard to describe but if you have a slide show of different environments and quickly flick through it, this is what was happening to my reality around me. I was being “dimension spun” in an effort to torture and disorientate my consciousness.
There was an overlay reality placed in front of me that I could not interact with. It was a reality where my wife – now pregnant with our second child – and my boy were going to get ice cream. It was like that reality was put there to remind me where I’d come from while I got spun through a myriad of different ones. At this point I was pretty much completely lucid.
In the overlay reality my boy asked where I was and when I would be coming home, with a saddened look on his face, to which my wife – assuming I had abandoned them – told him I would not be coming back. It was like I was slightly out of phase with them; I could see them, but they could not see me. I was supposed to be meeting them here at the ice creamery. I tried yelling and screaming at them as loud as I could and reaching out to them, but my hand would just sink right through theirs, even though I was standing right next to them.
It was excruciatingly obvious what this was; this was a direct threat telling me to be “good” or I would be taken away from my family, though at the time I honestly thought that I wouldn’t be seeing them again. A deep depression welled inside of me despite this never once ever happening any other times I had been lucid. Lucidity was my place of happiness and freedom; it had never been used against me in this manner before, except for the prior incident in the consciousness prison and the torture scenarios. This dimension spinning was a new experience (it happened before the cult of Psaigreen experience).
The dimension spinning went on for a very long time, and I was at one point locked in the basement of an old derelict house. There wasn’t anything in here except a few dusty cobwebs and a rotten frame of a bed. The bed didn’t even have a mattress on it.
The spinning eventually stopped, and I tried projecting my consciousness out of the basement using every lucid dreaming and astral projection trick I had in me, but nothing would work. It appeared they had learnt from their mistakes when they tried to contain my consciousness in the off world facility when I was 15 or 16. You may have heard stories of remote viewers trying to view restricted areas and having to “battle with their own mind” to get back into their body. This is an incredibly accurate analogy of what I had to go through. Once you get trapped in them, it is very difficult to get back to your body.
My consciousness would come to be trapped in this new prison for what equated to at least an entire “year” worth of earth time.
There is a scene in the movie “Inception” where an Asian man is trapped in the dream for years. Leornado Di Caprio finds him in the lucid world, wakes him up and it turns out he has only been a sleep for a single night. This is a very accurate portrayal of how things work in the lucid dreaming world. This was the longest my consciousness had ever been in a state of lucidity without coming back to the physical world for a breather. It was beyond fucking maddening. I say that a lot, I know.
From memory I believe I was let out of that basement and flicked over to an alternate world. This world was some sort of recreation of a nearby town (in this physical plane) with a completely different layout. It was below even third world poor; houses were in shit state and there was rubbish absolutely everywhere. This was where I “lived” for a year or so outside the timeline of our current physical reality. I have a whole reel of memories of having to walk past this seedy apartment every day to escape the gangs that were parading around town.
For all I knew, my consciousness had been thrown in here and left to rot, meanwhile my body back in my bed on earth would have been lucky to have been seeing the first rays from the next day’s sun coming through the window. It was just like the Asian man in Inception.
I eventually did something, and was able to peel my consciousness away from this prison world and found myself in the back of what appeared to be a transport truck or train carriage with other people in it. I can’t actually remember how I got out. It may have even been that they put me in that world and mind wiped me, then I eventually remembered my body back here and projected back to it.
I started talking to an old woman who sat next to me, and mentioned the swamp, and the dimension spinning. She told me “they” – being our captors – called it the “Wet Room”, and it was where “they” sent the ones who did not play ball with their agenda. In other words the Wet Room was the experience of ultra-dimensional shifting I had undergone. It was the other world I had been left in for a year. It was a torture device reserved specifically for those who did not agree to have their souls guided by the astral parasites they were in control of.
Apparently if you intentionally declared your soul’s sovereignty and nullified all astral contracts it had unwittingly been tricked into partaking in, then you could expect the Extra Terrestrial Gestapo to pay you a visit in your dreams for your troubles. Apparently the free man movement had metaphysical aspects to it that not even they realized.
Good luck with thinking nothing but happy thoughts during your stay in the Wet Room. Maybe my mind was just too damned good at creating hallucinations through dopamine fluctuations. Whatever it was, it lined up perfectly with why Obama V2.0 had me undergo a test to see whether I would hypnotically give consent away in this matter.
It actually took me a good day or two to get my head around the fact I’d been gone a whole year in the span of a night’s sleep. I had to sort of readjust to the idea I was back “here”.
The third abduction dream happened just before Christmas 2020.
It was more a standard dream than it was a lucid experience, so take it with a grain of salt. In saying that though, it did bring with it a feeling suggestive that it was in fact a memory. It contained elements going back to my first mystical lucid experience where I remembered myself and my class had been involved in some sort of traumatic event that none of us could actually remember the details of:
Myself and my classmates were standing in a in a weird circular room, sort of like a massive warehouse. We were all just standing there a dozen or so of us, not knowing what to do and all looking completely terrified. There was a man with us, and another adult, possibly another man who I believe were our teacher and bus driver as one of the orange buses we used to go on excursions with was parked in the room with us. I would have been about 12; I recognized my classmates.
The walls of the room were metallic, and surrounding us were these guard things that I think were wearing typical human clothing, but somehow their faces were concealed.
There was something in front of us that had our attention so most of us were too focused on that to even notice them. Some sort of smaller craft or something had just landed in the circular room. I remember all of us were hysterical, crying and shaking but not wanting to move too much in case the things attacked us.
We were all sort of looking at each other for some kind of comfort, hoping one of us was going to be brave enough to tell us that everything was going to be ok, but we all knew it wasn’t. There was just something so wrong about the atmosphere and the way we had been dragged here off the bus. It was reminiscent of all the old war videos of Nazi’s rounding up Jewish prisoners I had seen. There was no telepathic communication with us by these beings whatsoever. Everything about it was just so terrifying.
The teacher and the bus driver were as white as ghosts and just stood there to the side of us kids. We were just so cut up that they weren’t even trying to protect us. It was like they were trying to back away and distance themselves from us kids who all been lined up in the middle of this warehouse. They were at the point of fainting.
All the attention was specifically on us kids; lights were focused on us, the guards were surrounding us, as if a group of 11/12 year olds were really a threat to the many of entities in that room or the weapons they carried. The adults were just sort of left at the back and side where the bus was with a single guard. It was obvious they (the adults) were not the centre of attention, and that suited them fine. Neither of them were going to bring such attention to themselves by talking or moving.
Suddenly, I think a door opened on the craft in front of us, and out came these beings wearing the same sort of clothing. It was like a robe but there was no conceivable humanoid body underneath it. It was like it was floating in mid-air, and the robe would float with it, the draft of the air blowing it upwards, like the Dementor’s out of Harry Potter.
All of us stood transfixed at these beings in terror, as they shed their clothing. These were unlike any stereotypical bipedal type alien I have ever seen. They had these smooth tentacle like things on their face where their mouth should have been and large beady eyes; they looked more like cephalopods or like a cuttle fish or octopus or something, but with a mass of tentacles where their body should have been. Like a human nervous system. They reminded me of interpretations I’ve seen on the internet of HP Lovecraft’s Cthulu; but there was no body; just masses of tentacles all bunched and knotted together.
It was like watching a horror movie; as soon as these things shed their robes they came at us with much speed and made a sort of hissing sound. All we could do was recoil as they jumped on us and their face tentacles wrapped around our faces. It was then that I woke up.
My friend, who would have been part of this same class, whose birthday was also the same day I had my first contact with the Elder Guardians, also became incredibly paranoid about reptilians a few years after that {EG} experience. I got the impression he had experienced or remembered something, but he would not tell me what.
Was this just a dream or a memory of an actual event? It certainly felt real. Out of all of them, the Wet Room experience was the one I am most sure about. Because I was lucid through the dimension spinning, I am apt to believe it more than the other two. Being “away” for a year certainly left its impression on me.
Ah. this is enough for now. There's a lot of "meat" to absorb here. Soak it in. Enjoy it, and soon enough part 5 will be posted. Best Regards. -MM
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The following is the fourth part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Part 4 – The Cult of Psaigreen and the Simulation Revelations
Complete Awareness
In the Auric Projections/ Mystical Experiences I have talked about so far, lucid awareness of my surroundings had been carried on into the dreamscape from waking reality. In other words, I had been completely conscious from the moment I laid my head down on my pillow, through the transition into the sleeping state, through the connection to my higher self and on to the end of each experience, back through the transition into the waking world.
When I mention I was 100% lucid, this is what I mean.
There was simply no confusion as to me being “asleep”. Comparing this to the “normal sleeping person” – or even common lucid dreamer – there was no “break” in my conscious awareness as I fell asleep. I progressed through each stage the same way you progress from and experience one minute to the next. Although given time is not linear in the dream state, it was a little bit different to this.
I had total comprehension of my body back in its bed on earth, and the usual memories of everything I had done that particular day. If you can imagine having the awareness you have of your physical surroundings right now as you sleep, this is what I had of my 4D environment.
Dreaming for me – majority of the time – was this extension of conscious awareness into the non physical “dream world”. It was something I had trained myself to do over a period of many years. It is something I believe that anyone can learn to do if they practice enough.
My Initiation into the “unseen 5”
My initiation into the Unseen 5 was the last mystical experience where this continuity of consciousness was present. In the next two experiences, my awareness of self came after I had been unconsciously engaged in the dream for some time. I had basically fallen asleep without realizing it, then became coherent at some point later on.
This is what most people refer to as lucid dreaming, according to the communities dealing with that subject I am part of. From what I’ve read on those groups, the continuation of consciousness seems to be rarely discussed.
This is important in the context of what had been told to me regarding holographic projections into the dreamscape and how consciousness was being manipulated at this level.
I was always suspect of any information being given to me when I had had this break in consciousness.
While my higher awareness eventually kicked in, I always considered these experiences as being “less accurate” to the ones where I was able to retain 100% lucid awareness through the progression of the experience. I could not completely rule out that I was being manipulated, simply because I had no recollection between falling asleep and becoming conscious in the dream. This was despite that “holy shit” moment you get when you remember deeply repressed memories. Conversely I could not rule out that I wasn’t being manipulated either.
Regardless, I am including these experiences because I did eventually get to a higher state of conscious awareness compared to majority of my other lucid dreams.
Now, I mentioned with past lucid dreams I had undergone what appeared to be some sort of training at the “time travel towers”. We were essentially being taught how to recognise when our timelines had undergone a reset. We were also being taught how to remember certain things from a future timeline after it had been reset; ie remember things from a future that was no longer a possibility. All in all there were about 30 of us divided into 2 teams.
What I did not mention is that this “training” bled over into many other lucid dreams and was a very big part of the astral assignments I was involved in in the years prior to my first contact with the EG.
In many of the worlds I was travelling to, this time line reset theme was a key component. Majority of these assignments involved investigating the cause of these resets.
The recent Loki series was a very accurate – and somewhat eerie – portrayal of my assignments in these worlds whilst being near 100% lucid. I was like the TVA, but instead of chasing murderers I was chasing an unknown entity that was “hiding beyond the resets”.
It was weird. It was confusing. It was something I never bothered talking about with anyone – with the exception of Storme – for obvious reasons.
A training assignment
This drove me fucking crazy for a good few years, because I honestly didn’t know what it was I was looking for. All I knew was that it had taken up residence in the Ancient Market Village and had an affinity for resetting it back to the same point, over and over again.
On a lot of these assignments I’d be accompanied by my colleague Lyra. She had black hair and was incredibly thin. She’d come and collect me from whatever lucid dream I was engaged in, we’d summon our portals, and I’d end up in the Ancient Market Village or some other random world doing some sort of “mission” with her.
I’d wake up not knowing if I was in reality A or reality B.
Imagine trying to tell this all to a psychologist and not come off as a complete fucking nutjob. There wasn’t some hidden meaning to these dreams; I was completely lucid in every damned one of them.
So you could say I had a very good understanding of how consciousness interacts with the MWI even back around 2010, though I didn’t specifically call it this. Even if I didn’t really understand the same way, I understood that consciousness could “travel through time” whilst in lucidity. Whilst detached from the physical body.
Personal Experiments
Some of my experiments began to focus on this concept, whereby I’d induce lucidity specifically to try and pick winning lotto numbers. I’d go through the conscious transition into the dream state, create a “virtual construct” of the newsagency where I planned to buy my lotto ticket from. I’d make sure to visualize a newspaper or other advertisement with the specific date of an upcoming draw.
I’d then concentrate on the numbers that would be printed on the ticket the cashier would hand me, and repeat them over and over in my head before deliberately waking myself up.
Other times I’d focus on the draw itself, and memorize the numbers as they popped out of the lotto barrel. Upon waking I’d record them down immediately. Despite conducting this experiment numerous times, I was never able to pick more than 4 out of the 6 numbers needed.
This was mainly due to me not being able to memorize all of them sufficiently. The barrier between being lucid and being awake always messed with this ability to remember things in the lucid domain.
Then these experiences {with the time line resets} just sort of died down whilst everything with the Elder Guardians was going on. I’d still have them on the odd occasion, but no where near as frequently.
The time reset theme brought up again.
In February 2019, 3 years after my initiation into the Unseen 5 and 5 years after my last contact experience with the Grand Elder, the time reset theme was brought up once again.
I was engaged in a dream. This time non lucid.
I was in a cave. My “team” consisted of myself, another man and a woman. We were tracking some kind of Artificially Intelligent computer system that had the ability to “reset” out of the timeline.
Our team operated from a hive consciousness that connected all of us; you could literally feel the thoughts and emotions of the other members as they had them.
It was a very strange and confusing operating parameter in which one of us would remember snippets {thanks to our training} which the others would use to “kick-start” their own memories; exactly the same way the Grand Elder had opened me up to the higher consciousness, but on a smaller scale.
So here we were, in this cave, about to open the door to what we knew was a server room housing the “brains” of this rogue AI.
But as we did, the timeline was reset and all of a sudden the server infrastructure had completely vanished.
My understanding was that through quantum entanglement, the AI had somehow figured out how to plot out past entangled particles in such a way that it could manipulate the past into redirecting the present. That was my interpretation; I could be entirely wrong.
This thing, data wise, was huge; it was capable of processing data in orders of magnitude higher than any computer system we knew of; it had been developed specifically to monitor consciousness from the higher planes.
The main concern our team had with this AI engine, was that it understood how to create entire physical “worlds” from the ground up.
It could literally program the growing of a seed into a flower and the blowing of wind over water to make waves crash on open shores.
But it was out of control…
It was out of control, creating physical reality after physical reality wherever it chose fit (this is the exact concept behind the Gnostic belief of the Demiurge controlled by the false god Yaldabaoth. Again I did not come into this concept until after this experience.
So after the AI initiated this timeline reset, we found ourselves in the same cavern. But instead of it housing the server, this time there was some sort of a laboratory in front of us with rows of vials containing either some kind of poisonous gas or a virus. Glass like screens lined this lab’s walls, giving a view of a subterranean place I have visited, many, many times during my adventures in lucid dreaming (the Subterranean Cavern).
On a desk next to the vial was this remote controlled alien tech that looked like a dragon fly with a head like the Nemesis guy out of the resident evil movies. It was actually memory of this dragon fly that led me back to Isaac CARET and eventually on to MM.
The woman in our team reached out and picked up one of the dragonfly objects. I was holding one of the vials and observing it. All of a sudden there was a massive explosion and we were all thrown backwards into the wall that I had previously smashed open. The wall was now completely filled in.
I picked up the broken vial lying on the ground next to me, and put my mouth around it. I was trying stop whatever was in it from leaking into the atmosphere; it was a highly toxic substance. Like a poisonous gas, or – say – an extremely contagious virus.
Something really weird was going on; it was like I was now flashing in and out of two separate timelines. I could see the subterranean river system I had visited on numerous occasions through the glass; in one reality flash there were the barracks and other strange buildings built with a metallic like alloy over the water on futuristic styled bridges. In the other flash, these metallic buildings had been replaced with primitive looking mud brick huts that looked like giant termite mounds. People were coming out of the buildings in both versions of reality and were running around in absolute terror; it was chaos.
This flashing in and out of 2 separate realities was something I had experienced about a year after my Unseen 5 initiation in an abduction dream in my “Wet Room” experience. I will go into that in another article.
I watched the woman as she acted in a strange robotic manner whilst she flew these remote controlled dragonfly things around. She would hover them above the people’s heads in which little claws would come down and grab at their hair which resulted in them being “purged” into a similar robot (reminiscent of my reincarnation dream).
I remember thinking the dragonflies were responsible for giving people amnesia.
I stumbled around in a sense of confusion, whilst in one timeline (the one in which the woman was remotely piloting the dragonflies with the metallic buildings) there was some sort of war going on. In the other timeline with the mud brick houses (the timeline that was more on par with what I had experienced in other lucid dreams of the subterranean cavern) there were drills being carried out that were leading up to some kind of similar war.
The flashes between realities got faster and more intense. Then everything and everyone just “disappeared”. I found myself standing on what appeared to be a frozen lake in this same cavern which had a massive crack in it suggesting it had been hit by something heavy.
I was all alone.
The team shows up
That is when the rest of the “team” showed up from a small tunnel behind me and I heard the leader say “see, I told you he was Thor.” Pretty funny considering the whole Thor being Loki’s brother thing. Strangely, I never was a fan of the Marvel franchise dealing with those characters. I never bothered watching it. I had a basic understanding of Norse mythology, but that was about it. The Thor thing was completely left field for me.
This is where I started to regain some sort of control of the dream and start becoming lucid, though there was never the same connection to the higher state of awareness. Only a very faint one.
At this the timeline switching began to even out and I was locked into the one with the barracks made of out the strange metallic substance. I turned, saw the crew standing before me and tried to attack them with whatever weapon was next to me.
I was fucked up. Like really fucked up.
The reality flashing (what I call dimension spinning) had really done a number on me. I remembered my two other team members, but also realized they were now from a timeline that no longer existed. I felt like I’d just been MK Ultra-ed to the extreme.
I have never done LSD, but I imagined this was what the come down of doing it must feel like. The leader said some kind of hypnotic suggestion and I found myself being “deactivated”.
I ended up just dropping my weapon on the floor mid swing and stood there looking at them. It was like shutting down a robot. After a moment I sort of snapped out of the MK Ultra style daze and I was back to my normal self.
Sort of.
I had the sudden realization that the leader – whose name was either Mat or Mac – had been put in the team specifically to provide mentoring and remembrance purposes to the rest of my team who were nowhere to be found. He was the go to guy when we couldn’t remember parts of our mission due to the timeline resets. Sort of like an army psychologist that would make sure consciousnesses wouldn’t go too crazy from all the resetting.
Mentally exhausting
I want to point out here that this whole resetting thing really was very mentally taxing. Even being completely lucid at the training towers, these scenarios we were being put in would test us to our very limits. Having to experience this for the second time in an uncontrolled setting was unbelievably brutal, second only to the soul electrocution torture.
It takes a day or so to readjust from it.
Apparently – according to Mac – the AI had gotten wind of the operation to reawaken divine consciousness and had devised a means to sabotage its efforts by abducting those from the barracks and instilling them with “sleeper cell programming”. This programming could be remotely activated when needed. The cells were then sent back into the ranks of our soldiers and remained dormant until activation.
Each member of my team had at some point been taken, programmed and made to administer the soul shock torture upon others before their reincarnation. What I had just come out the other side of was that sleeper cell programming being activated in all three of us which resulted in us fucking up the timelines and my team mates being permanently erased from “Akashic history”. Again this is my interpretation based on what Mac was telling me, not a direct quote.
A member of the “other side”
I had apparently been a very highly ranking member of this sleeper cell operation for the other side. I had become a double agent through the corruption regime of those in control of the AI, who I assumed were the same Slave Gods.
At some point I defected over to Mac’s side and they used me to gain intelligence on this sleeper cell operation. Much of the torture via electrocution and dimension spinning was what this was about.
I was being bounced back and forth between these two factions like a ping pong ball. Mac’s team would administer electrocution to embed certain codes into me which would then be activated by – you guessed it – even more electrocution from the AI side.
It was really delightful. Not.
Cue the Milabs investigators. I got fun when I’d be 3 layers deep in several dreams simultaneously and be tortured in each one.
Thor, and the names of other gods and deities were supposedly activation words for the sleeper cell programming. Mac told me I had, in more than one life, killed him because of this programming. He just joked about it rather casually like it was no big deal, showing me precisely where I had stabbed him in the back in other past life’s.
After being “deactivated”, I was left to wander around the barracks to try and stimulate my memories of what was going on and who I was in this place. It was a rehabilitation effort to get me back to proper form so I could continue to carry out my obligations under the amnesia correction operation.
I walked around for a little while watching other “soldiers” carry out their astral training. There was a woman I remember talking to, but what she looked like or what it was about, is hazy.
All I can remember is that the conversation turned into a heated argument (this is where Storme’s dream crossed with mine; she was the woman I was having the argument with, though it had been “blanked” from me). There is a whole other section here which features the wonderful Miss Lyra in Storme’s crossover point.
I got up and stormed off, making my way back towards the barracks.
This woman began chasing me in which some more strangeness happened. I found reality flashing between this subterranean cavern barracks and what appeared to be a large empty warehouse with bovine pelvises and thigh bones lining the floor. There were so many of them that you could not see the ground under the meat. I felt the urge to jump from each and snap them into small pieces with my legs and feet. I was conditioned to feel as though I was not allowed to leave this warehouse “reality” until every single one had been broken. There were millions upon millions of them.
I was really starting to hate this goddamned fucking dimension spinning. It was unbelievably brutal and disconcerting. It left me completely astrally and lucidly disorientated. In my last experience with it, I had been left in it a little too long for my own good. More on that at a later date.
I needed assistance
The meat flipping got so bad that I could barely walk. That’s when I decided to hit up Mac to tell me what the hell was going on. I somehow stumbled my way to his quarters through the flickering of the different realities. Mac’s quarters were a cylindrical sort of tower that was smack bang in the middle of the bridge and at the edge of the other shorter mud hut “dwellings”.
Behind his quarters was a sort of pipe like network that went up to another level high in the sky. I had used these pipes in other lucid expeditions to project my consciousness into. They acted as a means to deliver consciousness to a very specific point within the whole barracks. They reminded me of an air pipe you send messages in canisters through.
My urge to “flip meat” was so bad that I felt like I was going insane from it.
I called out to Mac from the bottom of the tower. He came down a flight of metal framed steps to meet me. I asked what the hell was going on with this meat flipping business.
Mac replied by saying “Oh, you mean the military training dreams?” then proceeded to casually tell me about a knife I used to carry with me called the “Psaicut”. I would hold it up to my eye and shout its’ name to “petrify” – paralyse – my enemies.
Real Clockwork Orange sort of shit.
He mentioned this had something to do with Psaigreen – like this was the name of my group – which were the ones responsible for the meat flipping brainwashing programs.
According to him, what was actually going on was that we were being trained the art of snapping peoples’ necks with our legs, but the Psaigreen had brainwashed us into believing it was bovine pelvises so we wouldn’t realize what we were doing. It was like a failsafe to confuse the shit out of us if we ever started remembering any of this.
“HOLY FUCKING SHIT” I said as some very deeply repressed past life memories started flooding back to me. And I mean DEEEEEP. There was just that knowing that these were legitimate memories of something I had long forgotten. At the mention of the Psaigreen, I realised these were all things I knew. This was a memory from a very, very long time ago.
Many, many lifetimes ago.
Yet another controlled awakening
At this same time I went through another controlled awakening. The dream just started slowly washing away like waves on a calm ocean. I was awake in bed feeling sick to my stomach like I was going to throw up (I had never had this feeling before from a dream). The memory of my time in the Psaigreen really kicked the shit out me. Even more so than the dimension spinning.
I remember thinking “I am in a goddamned Dr Who episode”. I was so conflicted by it all I didn’t even want to tell Storme because it was so crazy. Why did I keep having these bizarre experiences? Well, obviously it was because I was doing things inside my own head that most people considered were not possible. The ironic part was that I wouldn’t find out she had the same {part of} dream until a couple of years later.
In Storme’s account she recalls a cavern in identical detail to the one I was in. The large river. The weird mud huts on its banks. The barracks built over the water with a tall tower in the middle. The consciousness pipe maze. The mess hall. Our accounts of this place are literally identical.
Her dream started with her meeting with a Major – ie Mac – in one of the mud houses and being told to wait for me. When I eventually arrived she had to brief me on the fact that the one I called Lyra (again an identical description of my Lyra) was an AI that had been corrupted. As a result they were planning to reboot her, which meant she would lose all her memory of our operations together.
Apparently I wouldn’t listen. I hated AIs – I was apparently very rAIcist (one had just wiped my friends out of existence) – but at the same time had some weird lust for this Lyra woman (who Storme and her crew called Aimee’s). I ended up walking off in anger. Storme decided to follow me and found me acting really bizarre. This would have been exactly when I started having the weird impulses to flip meat.
In her version of the dream, it was her who walked me back to Mac’s quarters in the middle of the barracks. The assumption we both got from it all was that my sleeper programming was activated when she tried telling me Lyra was an AI. They were a common model of AI used on these sorts of assignments, but were human in every way conceivable.
Take what you want of this. It certainly is a really bizarre combined experience to have with somebody.
About a week later – during the super moon – I had my final contact experience with the Elder Guardians. This contact came in the form of either the Grand Elder himself or another from his group that looked very similar.
The “real world”?
I was in the “real world” which was a place similar to The Capital in the hunger games. There were stone, Egyptian like houses with television type screens hovering in the air. In the distance could be seen a great pyramid and a large river in front of it. This river separated the upper and middle class from the lower slaves. The slaves were situated on the opposite side of the river further downstream. The upper and middle class “dwellings” had been built into the river to keep water on that side fresh. Waste water would go into the lower class side upstream. The lower class then had a purifying plant setup right on their side of the river bank.
Crossing the river was a slightly arched cobblestone bridge that terminated in a triangular courtyard on the water. Off this courtyard came a smaller bridge that connected to the other bank.
I was in a spherical shaped building on the upper class side.
It seemed to be a political chamber, and had an a joining library. I was a middle class man; some sort of cleric working for the library administration. Only the upper class were allowed to be politicians. It was all to do with status. You were either a politician, a politician’s pet, or a slave tasked with the upkeep of the city. There was no other job positions.
At the top of the political sphere building there were stone walkways coming out and crossing over to where the upper class dwelt. The middle class men were expected to use the walkways on the ground.
It was as if someone had taken Ancient Egypt and used it as base of inspiration for a city set 1000 or so years in the future; it was both Ancient and futuristic at once. Weirdly, the most far out tech was the hovering screens which seemed to utilise some form of anti gravity.
There was some kind of massive election going on.
The cabal (the malevolent faction responsible for cutting off humanity’s connection with their higher minds) were very clearly the ones who were currently in power. This election was a big deal, as it affected every race in the universe, and only happened very rarely – thousands of years apart. It was evident that the Cabal had manipulated their reign of power so as to gain an unfair advantage in this election. This would see them retain their seat of power over the Earth and its affairs.
It was all about the control of Earth.
“The Governments of Earth were a direct mimicry of Cabal social orders, and were a key component in how they had maintained their control. The whole concept of government {on Earth} had come from the most dominant alien race in the Cabal. Allegedly.”
This is a direct passage from my dream journal entry recorded the day after this experience, 2 years before I even heard of Alien Interview. Note the similarity to Airl’s assertions.
Much of this information I picked up on due to having to send memos back and forth between politicians.
Voting to get and retain power
Everyone in the “The Capital” were very well aware that the Cabal were using deceptive tactics to make people on earth “vote” them back into power, but very few people understood exactly how this was being carried out. The influence of the Cabal was so great that it had spread into the “real world” (that Egyptian like world), where information of this nature was also being suppressed by the people living there. Sound familiar?
It was a very similar situation like our mainstream media, where the Cabal controlled everything we read and watched. However, there were times when information would slip through the cracks and trickle down to the common folk. It was a totalitarian dictatorship taken to the extreme.
What was known amongst us was that there was an active force of Elders from other races that were opposed to the Cabal’s way of dealing with things, and were actively trying to break the hold that they had gained upon everyone on earth and in the real world.
At this point I was not 100% lucid but had flittering moments of lucidity coming through.
A prominent guerrilla (like) group
There was a prominent guerrilla like group that the Elders belonged to, and every so often they were able to broadcast a message on the television screens. This was clearly an effort of tremendous hacking capabilities. Whenever one of these broadcasts appeared, every single person stopped what they were doing to listen to them (the TV’s were set out so that not a single person could escape the constant propaganda being delivered to them on an hourly basis courtesy of the Cabal). The word of the Elders was considered of paramount importance over everything else by the slaves and middle class men and women.
I was in the political chambers when the broadcast came on. It started with the usual address to the people from the Elders.
It stated bluntly that they were actively deconstructing the Cabal network in and around Earth, and that great progress had been made.
As it went on, I made my way out into the triangle courtyard where the nearest TV was.
Some specifics of these operations were mentioned. This was surprising to everyone as it was normal for the Elders to keep such things secret. It was the greatest announcement these people had ever witnessed, because it was the first time they had acknowledgment of being in the Elders’ thoughts. It was a broadcast that confirmed many things that until then had only been rumored to have occurred.
As I watched the broadcast the Elder mentioned that there were people that had been sent to Earth – or the false world – to act as representatives for their group. These people had been tasked with delivering information on the main device the Cabal had in operation that was keeping them in power. They then proceeded to run a very long scrolling list of who those representatives were.
It was evident that they had embedded some sort of code in that list. My eyes scrolled with the names and I began to target out my name and mentally zoom into it. I could read it as clearly as day. This is something that has never been easy in my dreams, even the lucid ones, and I realized it said Daegon Magus.
The thought went through my head that it was my author pseudonym but it was missing my middle nickname; it was very specifically a target to activate me, or – more correctly – deprogram me. I had been thinking of changing it to a different name (in the physical world), but this experience dissuaded me.
The name sort of popped out of the screen and hovered in mid-air, and the letters rearranged themselves. As they did my surroundings dissolved into atoms, then the name along with it. I was now somewhere between the fabric of that reality speaking directly with the Grand Elder. Or a similar Elder. At this point I was once again functioning from the level of my higher mind and was completely lucid and consciously aware of what was going on; this had been the first time the Elder had pulled me out of a “standard dream” to communicate with me, rather than a lucid one.
These guys had some really neat tricks up their sleeves.
The Elder spoke of a word which was like a conjunction of Uranus, Saturn and Mercury or some other planets in our solar system, which when said sounded like 3 people were speaking it at once. Each version, however, would be slightly different. When read, it looked as though some of the letters had been doubled – something like Urraanniiuusatecry or Urraanniiuussaatteeccrryy. I don’t know if this was the name of my people, of the Elder’s people or if it was the name of the Elder himself, but it was a very, very important word that I was made to remember.
I was also shown a very vivid image of another elitist name and how they had embedded some kind of programming formula by rearranging its letters. Exactly the same as what had been done with mine. Essentially these were cyphers, that, if meditating on, rearranging them in the proper sequence could apparently lead to dissolution of the illusion in one’s own consciousness. What you do is pull the letters out and move them to a different place in the name, like you are making an anagram. It has to be a very specific order, and the vowels are the letters that are removed while the consonants remain in place. That is if my memory serves me correctly. The occult magical system of deconstructing “abracadabra” is similar to how these ciphers were meant to work. Again, that is my interpretation.
Half way through this encounter I was disturbed by Storme who I knew had spoken to me back in the Egyptian like “real world”. I was able to shift my consciousness from the atomic plane to the real world plane without effort.
I realised I was now in some kind of study room reading a book.
Storme had come in, and noticed the blank look on my face as I stared at a page without movement. She asked what I was doing in a very confused tone. I snapped out of my daze to tell her “its ok, I am receiving some very important information from an Elder regarding the election”. I then looked back at the page in my book and the letters began rearranging themselves in the same way as the ciphers. Again, everything disintegrated and I was back in the atomic plane where the Elder was waiting for me.
Are Earth Humans in a Consciousness Simulation?
I asked very specifically if we {back on Earth} were in a consciousness simulation.
The Elder confirmed to me that yes, every single person on Earth was trapped in a false reality that had been constructed by the Alien factions present within the Cabal. It had been designed so that consent of these people was unwillingly being given as to mark their votes for the Cabal remaining in office.
All contracts signed within the physical reality apparently equated to a vote for the Cabal to remain in office. The third parties mentioned in such contracts were in reference to non physical entities that were in control of the higher energetic bodies. Contracts were literally binding us to the physical reality, through quantum loopholes according to the Elder.
The Elder explained that when Earth bodies come out of physical reality during their sleep, they are hijacked as they do so. They are then taken to special facilities in the “real world”. They are processed and implemented with fresh programming to keep their physical life story consistent.
After that they are either thrown back into the VR machine or let free in a restricted part of the “real world” where their labor is used for the upkeep of the city. This is under the heavily brainwashed idea that the city would crumble if they didn’t volunteer to help. This keeps them obliged to depend on the Cabal and offer them consent in exchange for security. This was the blueprint upon which the entire VR machine was written.
The Elder told me the guerrilla force openly opposing the Cabal were successfully deconstructing parts of this virtual reality machine and the sleep trapping mechanisms being deployed by the Cabal. He told me they were preparing the people of Earth for a transition to another “buffer” reality which appears similar to this false one, but is not under the control of the Cabal.
They apparently could not come here openly and do this because there were “things preventing them from doing so”. He explained these things as a sort of invisible force field around earth. Again hitting on some strong coincidences with Airl. So basically all operations supporting this agenda had to be carried out in planes external to the physical one.
The way he described it was that it was essentially a rehab for Earthians to detox them from all the VR dependencies they had come to rely on due to the Cabal’s manipulation of their free will.
Once properly detoxed the plan was to switch the VR engine off altogether, in which the Earthians would be allowed to return to the real world. It would no longer be restricted or under the control of the Cabal.
Any factions associated with the Cabal would never again be allowed to sit for the election. A new purpose for Earth would then come into motion where the newly elected council would take office.
I was then taken to a scenario that was apparently used immediately after sleep hijacking takes place and immediately before insertion of a subject back into the VR world. Again this was related to what the Obama V2.0 had told me about the holographic tech. Like in my other experiences, I could still hear the Elder’s voice telepathically in my head, telling me to take notes of certain things.
Mentally, I was completely coherent and lucid by this stage.
Entangled in a false reality
It was explained to me by the Elder that usually the subject is not allowed to view this scenario taking place. It is designed to trigger the sub consciousness in a very specific way to keep them entangled in the false reality and think it was real.
I was in this really seedy city type place walking down a sort of road or a back alley at night time. To begin with a dog in a nearby yard came running up to a fence that bordered the road barking at me quite aggressively. As I walked by it more and more dogs would come out, each a little bit more vicious than the last, and the group getting bigger each time. I was content in the fact that the fence was there protecting me from them. I turned a corner and found that once again more dogs were waiting for me, but this time there was no fence and they were in the middle of the road. They would run up to me, go to bite me then something would happen and I would be missing time. I would be in a completely different part of the city facing an even bigger threat. I got to the end of the scenario which took place in some sort of abandoned abattoirs where something horrible (that I can’t remember but I am sure had to do with dismembering my body) happened.
At this point the scenario froze and the Elder’s voice pierced my thoughts.
It was explained to me that this scenario was designed to gradually build up a subjects fear response by subtly ramping up the threat factor being posed to them. This is then used to condition them toward a certain reaction when they start to become aware of the illusion of the VR world.
I was told this scenario could go on for a long time depending on their personality and how hard it was to kick in their fear instinct. It was shown to me that by kicking in the fight or flight reflex, the subject immediately forgets all ideas of the illusion and commits to locking themselves back in to the virtual reality while they deal with taking care of the threat.
They keep you busy dealing with “scary” illusions so you don’t cotton on to them being exactly that. Illusions. I had grown accustomed to using my mind without its body, so these illusions didn’t phase me quite as much. What were they going to do? Dimension spin me again? I was that annoying dog that kept getting out of whatever fence you kept putting up around it regardless of how many different worlds you made me experience in the span of a whole second.
The Elder made me walk back through the scenario from finish to start, as this was how it was done by the Cabal. I suddenly realized I was watching myself in third person. I came across a group of thugs, and although not feeling scared, I decided to fight them, knowing that I could beat them easily. As I did, the Elder Guardian’s voice in my head said “No. That’s how they want you to react”. So I stopped what I was doing and calmly walked back to the end of the road, then came back around and went straight past, ignoring them.
I eventually got to the groups of rabid dogs. Instead of running from them I just barked and snarled back at them. The results were instantaneous. The dogs went from being massive vicious Rottweilers and Doberman’s to shrinking to very scared little Chihuahua’s that went hightailing it down the road not understanding what was going on. It exposed to me a flaw in the programming design, that if you fight it without physical aggression, and it instead challenge its dominance it does not know how to respond. If you believe you are much scarier than the illusion, the illusion no longer works.
I got back to the start of the scenario and something happened.
I blacked out.
I blacked out and came to in a sort of decontamination chamber belonging to the Cabal’s military. This was a very long hallway which I assumed was where the holographic scenario was being broadcast. I was totally butt naked.
It was creepy how similar this was to the Matrix. Only I wasn’t waking up in a pod like Neo. And the things greeting me weren’t machines. Or aliens. They were real, human people, dressed in military uniforms.
Physically, I could not move my body the way I wanted to. Something else was in control of it and was piloting it remotely. It felt similar to sleep paralysis. I couldn’t talk. All I could do was watch through my eyes as two guards escorted me through the decontamination chamber.
They quickly washed me down, and pressed a button and the door next to the shower section opened. This thing was like what you see in military bunkers; it was almost square shaped, several feet thick and made of solid steel. It slid open from both sides.
I was walked out of the decontamination chamber into a room that looked like a standard operations control room, with people typing things on computers that had been arranged around a big screen.
To my immediate right was a wall, and to my left was a rail the otherside of which dropped down to a sunken level. This is where the computers were set up. 5 meters in front of me were steps that led down to that level. The opposite wall was about 10 or so meters away, which had another massive steel door embedded into the wall to my immediate right. I still have a photographic memory of this place.
They notice an anomaly
One of the programmers collected my data (everything I had perceived in this physical reality) and upon noticing an anomaly with it showed the Commander, asking him if they should refresh my programming and send me back in or not. Sometime during all of this the Grand Elder’s voice kept coming through telling me to take note of certain things and of the Alien beings that were in control of the facility; I caught a glimpse of one of them through a viewing window that had another room on the other side. The viewing window was to my immediate left in the back wall of the sunken level; the same side of the door I’d just come through.
This was the only time I ever saw an alien during my mystical experiences, but I cannot remember what it looked like. If I had to hazard guess, I would say mantid, solely because the only thing I remember about it was that it had some sort of dark armour like skin. An exoskeleton. It’s like the rest of its image has been blocked.
All I can remember of it was that its hand was interacting with some sort of control panel in the other room. That other room appeared to be completely insulated from this one, like they were trying to keep that being and the humans separate. I think the Commander was the only one who was allowed to go near it.
It became apparent that the Commander – who was human – was the one piloting me.
He took one look at the dataset and replied
“No, something is wrong. He has been doing something or talking to someone off record and I want to find out who or what it is”.
He ordered me to walk over to what looked like a rack full of movies and video games to which my arm automatically began pulling out “The Lord of the Rings”.
I had no idea what this meant but, the Commander smiled and said
“Ahh is that what he has been doing? In that case we’ll drop this one into the test rig”.
The Elder’s voice reassured me everything was ok. He told me this was expected and that something had been hidden in the dataset to bring that outcome to fruition. He was speaking directly to me, right in front of these guys and they couldn’t register it. This was despite them monitoring every aspect of my mind. It was like the Elder had the ability to put me into a bubble where mine and his thoughts couldn’t be read by the programmers.
I was whisked into yet another room where some sort of device lay set up, hanging from the roof, with lots of tubes and wires coming out of it. I was made to stand in the middle right underneath this thing on a sort of platform.
A similar spherical portal to the ones I had summoned during lucid dreaming appeared in front of me.
And now another world.
Once again everything went dark, and then I “awoke” in another world that was a very close replica of the real world, but with a sort of village in its center. It was being contained by heavily armed Cabal guards that roamed its borders. I remember looking out of a deck of some sort of apartment or pub at the sky and poles and thinking
“Fucking hell this is so obviously fake. How did I ever think this was real?”
Immediately two things became obvious; the guards were “asleep” and the people they were keeping contained were awake; i.e. the people knew it was a VR world, but the guards didn’t. I remember seeing some old man who looked like a local celebrity – Scotty – and I couldn’t work out why with all these awakened people no one was doing anything.
“I said, you know this is a false reality don’t you?”
Scotty looked at me very hesitantly and said “yeah so?”
I suddenly remembered that everyone was imbued with a power associated with one of the four elements, and that if awakened they could summon that element to aid them. Apparently when combined properly with those of other elements they are quite powerful. This was knowledge the Cabal had successfully suppressed, but I don’t know how I knew it. It was just something my higher mind knew. I only remembered it once I was thrown into the test rig.
I summoned wind – my element – and turned to Scotty…
“So why don’t you help me so we can get out?”
Scotty looked at me with a very worrying look and said “no”, then huddled off.
So escape…
I figured at that point that people here were too oppressed to be of any help, so I started summoning tornadoes and cyclones to tear apart the buildings. This was just the standard sort of things I always did in Lucid Dreams; I’d just summon whatever I needed whenever I needed it.
The exception to this was when I was stuck in a consciousness prison, as they disallowed me this ability. Alarms went off and guards came running. I just casually walked past them, and they stopped in confusion as it seemed they couldn’t see me. This was despite me being right in front of them.
I ended up walking to a place that would have been out of bounds, if it weren’t for my destructive efforts. Somewhere along the lines I got the gist that this VR was a new “model” the military were working on implementing and was in its testing phase. Hopefully I caused them a bit of a headache with my antics. You could sort of see the boundaries of blankness where they hadn’t uploaded any environment data.
I think the making of this place was in direct retaliation to the Elder attacks on their system.
Well… I am at a university….
I ended up at what appeared to be a university building. This was the impression I got anyway. It had nicely manicured gardens and big glass windows that reached the roof which was only a couple of stories high.
Inside the foyer there was what appeared to be a sculpture of a brain made out of Ethernet cables instead of grey matter. Upon looking at the cables I realized they were coiled like old telephone cords and each terminated somewhere on the sculpture in a typical network hub.
There were thousands upon thousands of connections (this thing took up an entire room and was 2 storeys high) which all had blinking yellow and red lights at their ends. Something told me this was the VR server where every ones consciousness is downloaded while they are in the physical reality. I had this understanding that it was through the coiling of the wires that they were able to control consciousness similar to what we know as inductive coupling. The coils read the magnetism carried off via our thoughts.
I was about to destroy the whole thing when I came to the understanding it would be detrimental to those consciousness’s still attached to it. I decided to leave it and walk for the stairs.
As I reached the top a glass door slid open and out stumbled two people, dazed like zombies, one of which I knew to be Storme and the other of who I knew in the “real world”. I asked them “are you awake” – my code phrase for “are you lucidly aware” – and they both shook their heads robotically. I said to myself “looks like I am going back in”. I summoned an inward projection portal and projected into it. At this point I woke up in this physical reality back in bed.
This concluded my mystical experiences, but certainly not the paranormal ones.
Am I crazy?
At this point, I would have checked myself into the nearest mental asylum if it hadn’t been for Elon Musk and the other Silicone Valley giants jumping on board the whole simulation theory idea.
Nick Bostrom’s philosophical paper on that whole concept is something I seriously recommend reading to help expand ones consciousness. It can be found here; The Simulation Argument (simulation-argument.com)
In the video version I watched, it was reported Erin was actually the CEO of a company who were developing brain implant chips similar to Musk’s.
None of this compared to any of the confirmation I would ultimately get.
Then collapse!
My lucid dreaming capabilities ended up taking a nose dive, shortly after the Unseen 5 experience. I chalked this down to having a kid and no longer being in the well rested state of mind that I know is crucial for it. I was actually quite surprised with these last two experiences.
They were the first proper lucid dreams I had had in quite some time.
As you can imagine, the mystical experiences drove me crazy. I ended up trolling around the internet trying to find someone – anyone – with anything even remotely similar to talk to. I was lucky that I at least had Storme to talk to about it all. Who knows where I’d be if I didn’t.
I dropped a compressed version of this story on a few UFO and Starseed groups and others for occult subjects such as astral projection and lucid dreaming.
I was met with either “I call bullshit, astral projection is not relevant to ETs” from the UFO/ occult crowds, or “I am an alien from Pleiades because a psychic told me so” from the Starseed groups.
Although the Starseed groups seemed promising, I noticed a lot of information on there that was downright false that people were lapping up.
Two years later (this year), it all started coming to a head.
I was phoned by a very prominent ET researcher in America who linked my experiences to the Majestic 12. The information she gave me in that interview apparently came directly from her source within the CIA. This source had been told things by an MAJ Agent himself. I will include a report of that interview in another article. I wanted to include her in my autobiography, but she was apprehensive about it and asked me specifically not to mention her. Hence I have omitted her name.
I was contacted by another who was part of a similar consciousness operation and grew up under the ice in Antartica. She only reached out to me because she could relate to my experience where I “wrote the scroll.” This person I have been in constant contact with since making her acquaintance. I was talking to her on almost a daily basis for a good few months about everything she has experienced.
She has some very interesting things to say which parallel a lot of what MM has written in some of his articles. I hope one day she is able to share her experiences as I have done with mine.
In the same week I met this person I was put on to the Alien Interview document by someone else and my jaw hit the floor. The amount of things I experienced that Airl described was insane.
This was before Isaac CARET had even put me on the path of MM. If you find that {Isaac CARET} article of MM’s, I even mentioned the Alien Interview in one of my comments (I incorrectly misnamed Lawrence Spencer as Paul Spencer) before it was on MM’s radar.
So you can say I was pretty damned excited when MM did an 8 part breakdown of it and confirmed it as being what spawned MAJ.
I had been thinking of doing my own breakdown of it in regards to how it ties in with my lucid dreaming experiences since January before MM did his in June. Mine will be up once I have written more articles to provide some back context to it.
And of course there is MM himself. He was honestly the first person I had seen who was explaining things I already knew about in very similar ways to how I knew them. Reading his accounts it was uncanny how similar our thoughts were on many subjects. You may have noticed me subtly implying these parallels throughout my articles.
What MM calls “prayer affirmation campaigns” I had a very similar concept going on which I called “manifestation”.
Occultism was all about the idea one could elicit change in their environment through will power alone, after all; this was something I had an unfaltering belief in since I was a kid. I never once thought it was a load of bullshit. Back in 2019 I was conducting experiments in determining the timespan between intention and manifestation.
I had a success one day in which I was able to pin point the manifestation as being exactly 10 hours after the intention. I can tell you that custom number plates on cars are a good way to manifest “messages” because of the subconscious energy people all put into driving.
When MM says “combined focus of a goal amplifies the affirmation campaign”, you won’t find a better place where everyone’s attention is focused on the same thing than on the road.
In my experiments I was trying to use the information in random custom numberplates to “tell me” when my manifestation worked.
It also works by sending emails to yourself.
What do you think I was doing going nuts trying to find these 20 000 other souls I was supposed to be in charge of? Sending the Elder Guardians messages via my own email address specifically to reconnect with people that were part of it, of course. I didn’t have as clear a focus, but somewhere deep inside me, something just knew it would work. Part of my affirmation/ manifestation campaign was to be put into more specific information in regards to how it all worked. MM was the literal jackpot of my manifestation efforts (thankyou MM).
The Rufus thing I totally dig as well.
I’m the type of guy who doesn’t fling homeless people whatever spare change is in my wallet; I go and buy them a proper meal and sit down and talk with them for as long as they will allow me. I don’t do this for any reason other than because I know how much it sucks to be lonely.
Given my wife was homeless, I also have a vicarious understanding of how much it sucks to have nowhere to go. It’s easy to fling change and pass them by.
Everyone wants to be heard, but not everyone wants to listen. Be the one that wants to.
Always look for an opportunity to help someone. If the opportunity jumps out at you and catches you off guard, take it at once. The ones watching in the outer planes – like the EG and U5 – will notice, even if nobody in the physical does.
Ah. this is enough for now. There's a lot of "meat" to absorb here. Soak it in. Enjoy it, and soon enough part 5 will be posted. Best Regards. -MM
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the third part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Part 3 – Conversation with the All Being and Initiation Into the Unseen 5
In Part 2 I explained how I had yet another contact experience with the Grand Elder where I remembered my reincarnation. This was in a house that seemed to have a lot of paranormal activity going on. I also mentioned I had a rather traumatic experience where I was left crippled in my left hand, though I intentionally left out specific details.
As I was in hospital that very night, I heard some chaotic chatter in my head. My wife heard the same chatter about 50 kilometres away. These voices were telling her that “this was not supposed to happen”. I don’t know if this meant I was supposed to die that night, or not be put in that situation altogether. As you will see, it had a repercussive effect on the path my life was going to take.
We remained in this house a few more months after my hand was cut open, whilst we looked for somewhere else to rent. The neighbours had moved out and skipped town – according to the police. The thought of them knowing where we were was not exactly something we were enthusiastic about.
About a month before we moved, I was going to bed one night when I saw a random portal open up in front of my eyes. I was in bed with my eyes closed. Ever since I was little, I would see golden energy pulses whenever I’d close them. These energy pulses were particularly strong this night after a meditation I had done a few hours previous. They were so strong that I couldn’t sleep.
All of a sudden my eyes automatically opened. They were drawn to a point on the roof, which I couldn’t even make out due to the darkness of the room. Out of no where the portal appeared as a purple double lined spiral. It slowly started spinning. It lasted for a few seconds before disappearing. I had seen an image of the exact same spiral a few years prior on the news. It was identical to the one that appeared over Trøndelag, Norway in 2009, except it had no blue light coming off it to the side.
Just another paranormal experience in the string of them that made up my life.
Somehow I thought the Australian Defense Force would have a hard time telling me this was just a failed missile launch. This was the official narrative the military in Norway gave for their spiral. This is the only time I have ever “seen” something whilst being completely present in this physical reality. My wife was building up a much better catalogue.
We ended up moving out just before New Years Eve 2014 . We scored a house on the other side of the hills not far from where my wife’s mother lived. Her (my mother in law’s ) friend was moving to Melbourne, so we got the house, along with her cat to look after. It was only supposed to be a temporary affair until she could fly the cat over on it’s separate plane. It ended up living with us the entire 6 months we lived here, and somehow got along with our male cat the whole time.
The owner – Nickie – was heavily into conspiracies about Reptilians. She turned lesbian after seeing her boyfriend shapeshift into one, one night. I am not sure who sounded more crazy; her and her conspiracies, or me talking about my experiences with the Elder Guardians and everything they told me.
Regardless, life at this house was good for awhile. We were able to get even more involved in astral projection and lucid dreaming. I had one astral projection experience where I was flying around a dark void. I crashed into something else that was buzzing around. I ended up exiting the session thinking I’d pissed off whatever it was. This place was devoid of all light, so I couldn’t see what exactly it was. It certainly felt heavy and bounced me back with enough force to make me feel like I’d hit a tree in my car.
When it came to astral projection, I wasn’t very good at it. Whereas with lucid dreaming I had much experience behind me, with astral projection I’d only managed to do it a handful of times. So when I found myself in this void, the idea that I’d have to adhere to a set of flying rules was lost on me. I thought I was alone traveling through it to a destination several light years away. Call it a lesson in astral travel etiquette.
After I exited the session, I managed to re-project into it shortly after. This time I had a very strong feeling that something – or several somethings – was watching me. It seemed I had caused a ruckus by crashing into whatever it was and failing to leave my insurance details (I joke). So rather than proceed, again I exited the session.
It was around this time I decided I needed to join the air force. No, like, I really needed to.
Reading MMs account of how he was drawn back to China Lake, this was exactly what it was like. I just all of a sudden got this random urge to join the military. An itch I couldn’t scratch. I had made a promise to myself in the past that if my life went to shit then I would try and join the defense force but this was different. This was like, I was ready to just up and leave Storme (my wife) – the only family I really had – for a family that didn’t even exist yet.
I was delusional. I told myself she would be ok with all the trauma behind her, while I went off and did 6 weeks training in Kapooka, NSW. I actually tried convincing myself I could juggle a military career and life as a full time carer at the same time.
I saw a friend from high school one day when I was at a doctor’s appointment. He had just finished a tour of Afghanistan and gave me the low down on the fitness levels required to get into the ADF. I was setting my sights on this idea, and I wouldn’t take my eyes off the prize. Not to mention I now had a severe medical handicap in my left hand. I told myself I could some how fake the medical examination; I was just that keen on getting in. It was sheer madness on my end.
I got into shape, and booked myself in for the performance fitness assessment. A few months passed, I got a job managing an electronics factory, then the big day came of the PFA.
Being only 24, I was still one of the oldest guys there by a good few years. Most of the recruits looked like they were fresh out of senior year of high school. One guy hadn’t even finished with his war on acne before he decided to fight one against a foreign enemy. He sat waiting for the interview that would see him become a junior officer in the army, shaking uncontrollably from nerves like he had a bad case of Parkinson’s. I just wanted to tell him to lighten up and relax.
Whilst everyone sat chatting with each as if it was some kind of friendly get together, I sat in silence, with my back straight observing the whole place. From the moment I walked in the door, I knew we were being monitored and judged on our character – I don’t even know how I knew this.
I did the PFA on the allocated computer – it reminded me of the IQ tests I had taken at school – then went and sat back in the foyer and waited to be called in. I had opted for roles that were either to do with electronics warfare or signals intelligence gathering. I already had a qualification in electrotechnology and computer systems so something in that domain seemed like an obvious choice. I just simply wasn’t interested in entering as a standard foot soldier – what we call grunts.
I wanted to do something exciting. Maybe it was all those James Bond and other spy movies I watched as a kid. Maybe it was all that shit on Majestic I’d read about in my brief moments away from watching Sean Connery, Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan fight those pesky Russians. All whilst working for the same government department that Aleister Crowley apparently worked for. Whatever, there was something about a top secret badge that really did it for me. Not that I ever expected to get in on the ET agenda loop.
Speaking of, which, a woman called me in wearing naval camos with the words “ Spec Ops” and “Top Secret” written above the breast pockets. She handed me a print out of all the roles I would be suited for based on my results. She congratulated me, telling me I had aced the PFA and done the best anyone could do. As a result, I could take a pick out of pretty much any role I wanted. I looked at the list and noticed it not only had the four signals intelligence and electronics warfare operator positions I had ticked but a plethora of other positions as well.
My eyes rolled over the word “Commando” and widened. She must have noticed and told me I would be well suited to that role. She told me her husband was Special Forces and that he thought it was a good role.
I had found a standard exercise regime of the SASR on the internet and figured I’d probably die if I had to do that amount of exercise so I passed up the offer.
Entering straight into a Sergeant role in Signals Intelligence in the Airforce was more than enough for me.
Still, I found it somewhat comical that a guy who claimed he was a 40 000 year old space elf helping fight some astral boogey men with the help of the Ascended Masters was considered mentally fit enough to be a Commando. I found it even funnier I had done so well on the PFA; maybe I wasn’t as batshit crazy as I first thought (sorry Nickie.)
She bid me farewell, I went and sat the medical and then was told I would receive a letter in the mail telling me if I made the cut or not. Somewhere in the three week period of waiting for this letter to arrive, my interest in joining the military just sort of fizzled out. I think the reality hit that my hand was just too badly damaged to get in. Sure enough, this is exactly what the letter mentioned. Good thing “this wasn’t supposed to happen” I suppose. I was a lover, not a fighter. I didn’t really want to go and kill people. The world had enough of those types as it was without the militaries.
I was upset – all for about 5 minutes – then I just got over it and got on with managing my boss’s factory. I chalked it down to needing to know I had at least some form of intellect still bouncing around upstairs.
Again, my wife was having her own experiences in the metaphysical domain at Nickie’s house. When it came to astral projection, she was getting really good at it. She started being able to remote view on a daily basis, and lucid dream almost as much as me.
There was one instance where a 17 year old boy came to her in a dream. When she asked who it was, the boy said “I am your son”. When she replied “I don’t have a son” he said “you will.” Apparently I taught him how to {consciousness} time travel, and he used that ability to come and say hi to her. That same week I had a dream I was cuddling a non existent son on the couch. A month or so later we found out she was pregnant, and lo and behold, it ended up being a boy. More of that crazy paranormal stuff.
The next year ended up being an opportunity for the universe to kick us in the metaphorical balls every chance it got. This was a really difficult time for both of us. The things we were being faced with on a regular basis were psychologically demanding to the extreme. It was one big test of both mine and Storme’s character and sense of self worth. Even up until then we had been through ALOT.
We got burgled – for the second time – one day whilst we were out. The thieves took off with our TV, a few clothes, my gaming console, and an old laptop that had a few years worth of music production on it, as well as a half written novel. This laptop I was using as a dream journal and had many of my experiences in lucidity recorded on it. There went all the detailed information I’d written down about my mystical experiences.
As a result I have been forced to remember most of this off the top of my head. Readers may notice some slight inconsistencies as a result, and for this I apologize.
Somehow, these thieves missed a room containing a few thousand dollars worth of musical equipment and opted for things that would have netted them a few hundred dollars at most. And this was the lesser of the evils that was following us everywhere we went. I remember thinking that particular day – just before we got home to find our house ransacked – about forgiving the guys who cut my hand open. The PTSD from that incident wasn’t doing me any favors, so I told myself just to let it all go. This was my reward for thinking such things.
It seemed the universe was tempting me into embracing a hatred mentality for all these people that were messing with us. It wanted me to retaliate. It wanted me to seek revenge, but I wasn’t like that. I understood that it was all part of this amnesia thing. I understood these people were being driven by a dark occult force that was in control of their souls. This is how I saw it anyway. Sure I may have used social media to warn others about all these people – I may have even cursed them and sent my fair share of “fuck you’s” off in the direction – but I never sought them out to get them back for everything they put us through; I only wanted my laptop back. Hell, I would have even paid them for it. The documentation on my mystical experiences was worth more than gold to me. The other people messing with us were a lot harder to forgive. Still I never retaliated, despite finding out where they lived. This was a real lesson in “letting it all go”.
Added to all this was the court case with the assailants that crippled me. It was going nowhere. I found out the hard way the justice system is one big joke. I found out the hard way it cared more about people breaking its laws than it did about getting justice for its victims. This added an immense amount of stress that wasn’t needed.
Storme was starting to suffer from a myriad of health conditions that meant she needed help with our new born son.
I was getting royally screwed at work doing the roles of several people and barely getting paid for one. So in the end I just threw in the towel and stayed home full time to look after the both of them. The big joke was that I got paid just as much on social security payments as I did managing an entire electronics factory and the staff that worked in it. I got kind and sick of my boss coming back from his bimonthly trip to America, and going on about his expensive “toys”, whilst I barely made enough to cover rent.
We had long since left Nickie’s and were onto something like our 8th {rental} house in 6 years. Did I mention Storme had Polish Gypsy blood in her veins? Stalkers, anonymous people leaving us strange phone calls, people trying to kill me, people trying to assault Storme; these were all reasons we uprooted our lives every 6 months. It was unbelievably brutal, and it followed us no matter how much we just wanted to live normal lives and escape the negativity.
Somewhere in all this I came across the Starseed agenda. This was a community of people who believed they were aliens inhabiting human bodies and were here to help with the evolution of human consciousness. They were essentially new age Indigo children. I found this interesting; up until then I hadn’t associated any of my mystical experiences as being related to aliens. Even my experience remote viewing from an off world intelligence I’d sort of conveniently “forgotten” for the sake of trying to be “normal”.
Although most of the things I was reading of this Starseed thing were completely inaccurate as to what I had been told by the Grand Elder, I won’t deny it made me question whether it was all related. Cutting people’s consciousness off from a higher state of awareness and trapping them in a body sure did sound a lot like a tactic from an alien race’s war book, I supposed. Not that I was well versed in alien warfare strategies or anything.
So I started meditating on what I knew and came up with hypothetical thought experiments about this whole thing being related to aliens. Admittedly, I had tried burying everything with the Elder Guardians, but there was always this gnawing feeling deep down that it seemed important. Something about being responsible for 20 000 souls was an enormous weight. As much as I wanted to, I just couldn’t take it lightly.
After my brief period of work, this gnawing feeling got the better of me. I started really thinking about it all on a regular basis. I started researching a bit more into it. It drove me fucking crazy.
So yeah, by the time I had my next experience, I was pretty damn sure this had something to do with aliens. I had done a complete 180 on things I had told myself were a complete load of bullshit back in my youth when I was flicking through conspiracy theories to compliment my occult studies. I can’t remember my exact thoughts, but the amnesia thing was a big part of it.
I need to emphasize this point; my mystical experiences completely changed my life. And not necessarily for the better. Every ounce of my being wanted to remain skeptical and to evaluate them objectively. Spiritual amnesia affecting mankind? Surely this was some kind of MK Ultra mind control thing to make me think I’d experienced something holy? Something divine? I was in a catch 22; I could either believe it was all real or begin chasing a trail of ever the more conspiracies to try and convince myself it wasn’t. It was easier to just give in and go with the first. I was fast becoming that crazy UFO guy you steer well away from at the supermarket. Not that I ever bothered voicing these experiences to anyone but Storme.
Then it got even more real.
The night of November 16, 2016, I was once again engaged in a lucid dream. Once again I was abducted out of it, and once again I was operating from a higher state of awareness. But this time, the Grand Elder wasn’t there. This particular night I had three separate experiences one after the other; I’d wake up from one, then straight away fall back into another one.
I mentioned in Part 2 that Storme and myself had many instances of synchronised dreams and experiences. The first two were synchronised in the manner.
I was inside what appeared to be a pyramid chamber. This pyramid was made of a yellow stone – like that of the celestial courtyard where I met the EG – and was quite large. It was between 50 to 100m to the opposite wall. The wall to my left had a part of it missing, and I seem to remember thinking this connected to some sort of rail system from one of the other worlds I had frequently visited whilst lucid.
The top part of the pyramid was closed off, like there was a capstone in the way; you could not see the apex as the walls stopped at this square section of roof. I believe it was from the higher information coming in, that I knew that this capstone was an office. I knew that there was “someone” or “something” in this office waiting for me. I proceeded to project my consciousness in such a way as to try and reach it. The problem was, that this pyramid, because of its slanted angles, would reflect my consciousness back towards its base.
I cannot really explain this adequately enough to someone who is not familiar with operating as a pure conscious thoughtform whilst lucid. There are certain tricks you learn to move about whilst in this state. It is not the same as moving a physical body through vacant physical space; it is a whole other ball game. You are moving through a plane dictated by 4 dimensions, instead of only 3. “Climbing” the pyramid from the inside was just extremely hard to do because of this slanting/ rebounding effect.
I eventually managed to reach the top. There was a platform that led from one side of the pyramid right into its center into the capstone office where a door stood. I went along this platform and as I got to the door, it opened and I found myself engulfed by a brilliant white/ yellow light. It was so bright that it was almost even too intense for the higher state of awareness I was operating from.
I realized the light was coming from a being, who stood with its back turned to me. I slowly made my way through the door towards this entity. It turned around smiling at me and I realized I was standing in the presence of the divine creator. I understood immediately that this being was the start of creation of all life and consciousness in the entire cosmos. I could feel this connection as I approached it; it was like I became one with everything in existence the closer I got to it. It was fucking incredible.
Although I am not religious, the being that was standing in front of me was what could be considered “God”. As I feel that word has become too polluted with ill intent over the years by the charlatans that use it for profit. It is not a name I would ever call this omnipotent being simply out of respect for it; I referred to it as the All Being.
As I approached it, my higher mind was going off the charts. So much information was coming through it was almost completely overwhelming me, as the direct telepathic connection to this being strengthened. The benevolence it radiated was beyond anything imaginable on earth.
The reader must be aware that I was 100% lucid and again able to recollect all of my earth memories as well as many of those of celestial heritage. I was constantly pondering thoughts of ET involvement and the idea the Hermetic and Ascended Masters were all part of the same thing, which revolved around this spiritual amnesia. The astral war was the thing I wanted to know more about above anything else.
So you could say my intention upon coming into the office of the All Being was to flatten out as much of the information I had been given on the spiritual amnesia as possible; that is the sole reason I was here. I simply wasn’t interested in asking God to gift me a house (as much as I needed one) or a pony or the usual other things kids are taught to bother a divine being with. There was simply no thoughts pertaining to the mundanity of the physical plane like we as humans find ourselves caught up in on a regular basis. It was all about my celestial operations; ie my role within the cosmos and who I – or rather my soul – really was.
The All being welcomed me and said that it was glad I had finally arrived. It said it had been expecting me for quite some time. My arrival had been delayed by forces outside of my control.
I asked who I was, and the All Being told me. Then I asked specifically to be given more information on the astral war. The All Being replied by telling me that I would have the answers to that question soon enough, but that there was more important things to deal with first.
I was then teleported to a chamber below the pyramid. I remember realizing it was a direct mirror copy of the inside of the pyramid; It was an inverted pyramid and I was at it’s bottom. The All Being took on a “lesser form”; I can’t really explain this. It was like a younger, less intense and more material form. A higher version of Storme was there and she was teaching me this guttural roar. It was sort of like a word spoken from the very depths of your throat rather than rolled off the tongue. Every time I mispronounced this word, my throat burned with an intense pain.
Usually whilst lucid I would be impervious to such pain unless I was being tortured, but this pain was very real. With each mispronunciation the pain amplified by an order of magnitude in the millions. I mispronounced the word 3 times before it became too excruciating and I woke up from it. This whole scene was the crossover point of my wife’s experience; she remembers teaching “someone” this word in a similar pyramid with the inverted chamber whilst under a similar higher state of awareness. The lesser All Being was apparently her “father”.
After waking up, I immediately went back into lucidity and was met with the same potency of higher awareness. This had never happened before. Usually when I’d wake up, this would be the end of the experience.
I was now reliving a memory of a past life with Storme. In this particular dream her name was Nina Bejowski, or Bejewski – something of either Polish or Russian heritage. She had no recollection of being anyone but this particular version of herself. We were in what appeared to be some sort of European type place, with cobblestone roads and small apartment buildings. It reminded me of Italy.
Nina was in what appeared to be a school classroom.
I tried reminding her of past lives we’d experienced together, but she wouldn’t believe me and kept telling me to go away. What made it all the more frustrating was that I was being chased by these suits – what I figured were the Men In Black. It was always a game of me reaching Nina before they did. They would catch me just as I’d reach her, then all of a sudden I’d find I’d be reset back to an earlier point in time. I’d remember the reset (which I wasn’t supposed to) and just keep coming back like some sort of annoying puppy.
This happened over and over again so many times that I lost count. It was weird; it was like in my mission, it was imperative I got to Nina and extracted her from the school, and in the MIB’s mission it was imperative that they stopped me.
I finally got her to see reason. She agreed to follow me on the basis that the place she was in wasn’t doing her any favors, but she was still incredibly weary of me.
The last memory I have of the school was walking down a hallway with Nina/ Storme trying to keep a low profile so the MIB didn’t see us. This whole event was yet another synchronized lucid dream of Storme’s. From her perspective, the school she was in was being used for consciousness brainwashing. We have had many synchronized experiences that are very similar to this one.
I woke up, said my “holy shit’s”, at the revelation of this memory, then went straight back into lucidity where this higher state of consciousness once again washed over me.
Nina and I were now on either a train or a bus heading over a bridge that went to a small Island. There was about 20-30 people on this bus. Somehow I just knew that they were all people who had something to do with extra terrestrials; there were military generals with stars lining their green coats. Lab scientists and physicists etc. Ordinary people that most people would think were batshit crazy such as abductees. They all had either first hand knowledge working with ETs/ ET tech or had first hand experience with ETs through things like abduction/ visitation.
This was evidently a collection of all the “top brass” people in the world that were considered authorities on the subject of ET involvement. We were heading to a conference on ETs specifically to try and piece together everyone’s experiences to get to the bottom of the ET agenda unfolding on Earth. No one person in this group had a complete understanding of the bigger picture, hence the reason for the conference. It was as if this was a realized point, even by the higher up military generals. This was just all things I knew thanks to my higher self.
The bus arrived at the island and we all got off. We were lined up (by more military men and women) against a brick wall to our right. I am 90% sure that this was the base of the Statue of Liberty. From the photos and movies I have seen, this wall looked exactly like the base part of the Statue, though I never saw anymore of it, as I was too busy looking at the {already established} military presence to look up. I was too busy taking mental notes of what was going on to admire the scenery. Note the metaphorical reference to freedom.
These military officials that were already on the island started handing out documents for all of us to sign. These were apparently a list of all the past indiscretions we had engaged in whilst on Earth. Mine seemed to be the biggest of the bunch and took on a form of an A4 stack of paper several inches thick. The emphasis was on making us feel guilty for all the things we had done.
I watched as the military generals and scientists signed it all without question, many of them didn’t even bother to check it was all legitimate. They just signed off their papers like a bunch of robots who were used to such bureaucratic procedures without giving it any thought.
I took one look at the apparent misnomer’s I was guilty of; majority of them revolved around illegally downloading music- not exactly something I thought aliens really gave two shits about. I threw it back at the one who tried to hand it to me. She told me the only way to make it into the conference was to take responsibility for these indiscretions and sign the papers.
I understood that this was an attempt to coerce me into signing a contract for something whilst in this higher state of awareness. It was an attempt to get me to agree to something in a state of coherency far above that used by my mammalian brain. Compare it to someone trying to get you to sign something when you are drunk vs when you are sober; it is far more likely to be taken as a binding contract if you were consciously coherent when signing than if you were drunk. I stood firm in my unwillingness to sign, despite whatever excuses where thrown my way. The military generals and scientists just looked at me like I was a complete fool.
Suddenly, my surroundings dissolved and I was standing in what appeared to be the White House. I was being greeted by someone who appeared to be {then} President Obama. I need to point out here that I had an instant understanding that this was not Obama himself. It was a form this being was taking to show me his rank within this “place”. He wanted me to know that rank was President. He was the top dog in charge; there was no doubt about it. This was something that was being telepathically transmitted to me in the form of a knowing thought. At the same time I also knew this “entity” was of extra terrestrial/ inter dimensional origin; like the Grand Elder, it didn’t originate on earth. I am sure of that.
Obama v2.0 congratulated me and told me I had come to the “complete and total understanding of the alien agenda unfolding on Earth”. I appreciate how narcissistic this sounds, but these were his exact words and are the very reason I kept a lot of this to myself for almost a decade; it just sounds so goddamned crazy even despite everything I’ve already spoken about.
Obama told me the scenario back at the Statue of Liberty was a test, and I had just passed it with flying colors. Just like I thought, it was to see if I was willing enough to sign away my consent whilst operating from a higher state of awareness closer to the originating point of my “soul”. My refusal to do so is what ultimately granted me access to this office of his.
What followed was a discussion with Obama V2.0 that I think is, in some ways, even more important than what the Grand Elder told me regarding the amnesia. He told me that this office of his was tasked with monitoring the interdimensional traffic coming into and out of Earth and it’s surrounding non physical planes. Well, this was getting interesting.
According to him, this organization monitored every single thing that passing through the Earth domain – which extended out into space either to the moon or beyond it, and into several non physical planes that were “stacked” on top of it. Whether it could be considered an angel, demon, alien, or ghost, this organization monitored every aspect of it, including where it came from, where it was going and what it was doing whilst it was here.
He told me this organization of his existed solely within the astral planes; there was simply no physical counterpart to it. You cannot access it from the physical plane. Access was restricted to those who could navigate these non physical planes. It was a truly secret organization.
The alien agenda unfolding on earth, was apparently very concerning and posed a real threat to “human kind’s existence”. This organization was keeping that presence in check. These were things that were very specifically told to me. It operated above and away from any governmental agency back on Earth.
I was also told that every single person – or rather consciousness – is monitored whilst traveling in the non physical planes – this included lucid dreaming as well – and are vetted for potential recruitment into this organization. They apparently had their eye on me for quite some time because of the responsibilities given to me by the Elder Guardians and because of everything I had been doing in lucidity since I was 8. My whole life had been a recruitment test for entering into their ranks. All the shit I went through – and boy was there a lot – and my unwillingness to retaliate for it, earnt me this {apparently} prestigious position. All the times I told the apparent higher celestial authorities “fuck you” and reclaimed my soul’s sovereignty had set me up for entry. You simply don’t get here by shitting all over your fellow brother and sisters. Compassion, empathy and a true understanding of who you are and unfaltering loyalty to that were some of the very admission criteria (take note of what MM has been telling you in regards to this).
I was told that the Statue of Liberty scenario was a holographic projection that they induce into the dreamscapes of these potential candidates whilst they sleep; if the candidate passes the test, they end up there, in that office (which I suspect may have actually been a form of ship which in itself was taking on yet another holographic projection). However, if the candidate fails, they wake up and think they just had a bizarre, albeit very vivid dream. The subtleness is so in genius that no one never even realizes how close they were to entering into this organization. Obama V2.0 only presents himself to those who pass. Needless to say, I felt rather honored to have made it in and to be speaking to him.
This holographic projection technology apparently operated on the exact same principles as my experiment in hijacking my wife’s consciousness; I had inadvertently taught myself these exact principles through experimentation, 7 years prior, by the time I had reached 19 years of age, even though I had only successfully carried it out once. This had been the other half of my ticket into this organization; they didn’t have to explain these concepts to me, because I already understood them first hand.
This was all being explained to me in the context of the amnesia; Obama V2.0 knew I knew all about it and had meditated quite a lot on what it meant. I was being briefed directly in relation to how it all pertained to this amnesia. Take a moment to let that sink in. Things that had been revealed to me in completely separate experiences I had over 4 years prior were the main aspect behind this briefing. It was extremely important.
Obama V2.0 then told me he was going to introduce me to the rest of the organization and led me down a hall way which terminated at a large double wooden door. This was going to be everyone on earth that knew what was going on in regards to the ET agenda. Not just people who had a passing knowledge of some of their tech, or those who had been abducted and relayed a little bit of info; this was going to be all those that were currently incarnated on earth that were in the proper “know”.
As I was led down the hallway, I started to get excited. I started fantasizing about knocking heads with people like the Majestic 12 and all those with Cosmic clearances; all those sorts of people you read about who apparently “know things”. I made a mental note to grab as much info off these people as possible and bring it back here to the physical plane when I woke up.
I was expecting to walk into a room full of people engaged in banter about everything ET related free from patriotic obligations. I was expecting it to be quite chaotic.
We got to the door, and Obama V2.0 pushed one of the sides open, beckoning for me to go first. I obliged. I was now in what appeared to be a very large conference room. Again it reminded me of the rooms they used to depict the White House in shows about that building. It was just so completely different to any of the architecture I’ve come across here in Australia. I’ve never been to America, but it definitely felt American, or like it was a really old building (our buildings here are relatively modern compared to those of America and most other countries).
As I walked through the door, my jaw dropped wide open. There in front of me were the entire administration staff of this organization; 4 other people standing, staring at me with neutral looks on their faces, not saying a word.
Are you fucking kidding me? The people who all understood the ET agenda in its entirety and were stopping it from wiping out humanity could be counted on one hand. What was rather comical was that not one of them were wearing a military uniform. Not one of them was wearing a scientist lab coat either. The four people that comprised this entire astral organization were dressed as everyday average Joes. .
So when MM speaks of being the Rufus, and helping out your fellow brother and sisters, just know I can relate to this 100%. You never what beans they have to spill. You never know what they are really part of.
I was told, by Obama all 4 of these people were currently incarnated on earth. Of these four, 3 were women, 2 of whom I recognized from many prior lifetimes and from the Elder Gathering in 2012, and one was a male that I did not recognize.
A quick digression. Now before you ask, I am aware that being in a state of pure consciousness as I was, physical things like clothing are not able to be taken here. So how do I know that is what these guys actually looked like? It is hard to explain but when lucid like this, you are operating from a 4th dimensional perspective rather than a 3D one.
You don’t see objects like you do in the physical plane, you sense energy signatures. You pick up on these energy signatures, and you can sort of trace them to a commonly used “image” that their consciousness associates with as being “them”. It takes a great deal of practice in learning how to perceive in this fashion. Think of it like teaching a child language through the use of basic symbols like a tree. Now replace the word “TREE” with a photo of a tree, and the basic image of the tree with an energy signature. If I wanted to “read” one of these energy signatures I’d interact with it and the image of a tree would be conjured up in my higher memory.
People unknowingly carry with them a wealth of subconsciousness information that can be accessed in this fashion; this is what the consciousness manipulation strategies I was being briefed on was all about and is something I became very proficient at “reading” during my youth. It is also how I “knew” the Elder Guardians and Obama V2.0 were not of terrestrial origin.
When one is operating from this higher state of awareness, one is able to read this “raw” form of energy signature. Nothing can pretend to be something else, because the entire information, including its intent to change form is accessed by the higher mind all at once. Hence why the meeting with the All Being was so intense; these same energy signatures were emanating from it like it was strong smelling perfume. Rather than have one image attached to them, they were images of everything – and I really do mean everything – in existence. These are important concepts to consider when I tell you who I think Obama V2.0 really was. But that is for a whole other article.
I was allowed a very brief opportunity to get to know these people – literally like a minute. I shook hands with the guy, and the woman I hadn’t yet met, and hugged the other two who I recognized. They seemed pretty happy I’d finally made it here. I called this collective the Unseen 5.
Then Obama V2.0 called me back over.
We spoke of my role within the organization. Given I had such a good understanding of how dreamscapes can be hijacked in this manner, I was to provide detailed instruction to Earth time incarnates on how it is carried out. I was effectively tasked with documenting everything I know about lucid dreaming and dispersing it free of charge to anyone who wanted to read it. The idea would be to strengthen the communication conduit it allowed between physical and non physical entities such as Obama V2.0 and the Elder Guardians.
What was more, Obama V2.0 mentioned that the organizations numbers used to be quite significantly higher; the recent (past 1000 years) decline in its numbers meant that the 5 of them were under a substantial logistics workload, even when operating from this higher state of consciousness. Obama V2.0 was the only full time operator, after all. Thus an additional task of mine included making their presence known to those with astral projection/ lucid dreaming abilities.
Obama V2.0 was concerned people with these skills didn’t take them as seriously as I did. He made a point of telling me the astral planes weren’t there just for people to go buzzing around on a holiday away from physical reality. They were the frontlines of a very real non physical war where the weapon of choice was being targeted directly at human consciousness.
I was to act as a sort of recruiter for them.
Sigh. This was getting to be a monumental responsibility. As if my obligations to the Elder Guardians weren’t enough. All because I thought it was a good idea to experiment with lucid dreaming.
After this Obama V2.0 once again beckoned for me to follow him into another room coming off the side of the chamber we were in. This room was quite a measure smaller, and had what looked like a ring of bricks in the middle of it. It looked sort of like an outdoor fire pit.
We walked over to these bricks and stood in front of them. Once again he briefed me on what was about to happen; this was a holographic projector and I was about to be shown something with it. I was about to be shown what {apparently} really happened at “the Fall of Man from the Garden of Eden” spoken about in biblical circles.
If I was being entirely honest, this was not something I was expecting, nor really cared about. I just wasn’t interested in biblical stories. They were things I’d thrown in that basket where I threw all the other things I thought were bullshit and utter nonsense. Like I said, I wasn’t religious.
I read the new testament once when I was a kid (13) after it being forced upon me by my school and that was about it. I ended up throwing it in the fire after having weird {non lucid} dreams about it. That would be the beginning of my rebellion against organized religion. I was about as far from being a soldier of God as one could possibly be, and yet I’d just had a conversation with what I liken to being the “Divine Creator”. I was the type of guy who shaved off my long hair when a boss at work said I looked like Jesus. I was a real enigma, that was for sure.
That is not to say I couldn’t respect people who believed in it all. I am definitely all for people believing in whatever they want to believe in. I just wasn’t big on people trying to “convert” me.
It seemed important that I experienced this projection though, so I listened to my briefing without complaint.
Obama V2.0 told me it was – again – very heavily linked with the spiritual amnesia, and told me to take notes of certain things that were going on in it. It was, according to him, where the amnesia first started. Those who are devoutly devoted to believing in the story of Adam and Eve may wish to skip the next part; this deviates from that tale quite considerably.
Obama V.20 got me to stand in the middle of this ring of bricks. They came about halfway up my shins.
What followed was the same dissolving of my surroundings like when I first entered the office of the Unseen 5. I was now standing completely in the middle of a flat landing on top of a mountain in a plane that was a mixture of physical and non physical substance. In front of me there were these bipedal ape like humans. They stood up like humans, and walked and acted like humans, but they were covered in fur from head to toe. Protruding from their teeth were very large fangs. They were the same things I had seen manning the light canons in my last experience with the Grand Elder.
Similar to the Indian god Hanuman.
I wasn’t just watching this thing play out; I was 100% completely there. I was experiencing the fall as if I was actually there living it. I could move around and interact with the environment, yet these beings could not see me. It was like how I’d manifested my own dreams in lucidity but much more surreal and vivid. This was a device that could create holographic virtual reality constructs like the one Obama V2.0 used for my test, only that the vividness contrast setting had been set on high. It was evidently a demonstration in the sort of tech these guys had at there disposal. If it hadn’t been for my awareness of my sleeping body back on earth, I could have very easily mistaken this for being “reality”.
I could hear Obama V2.0’s voice telepathically coming through into my head. He was explaining that these entities were symbolic of an entire race of beings; where I was seeing only 3 beings, this was really a representation of 3 entire separate races. Again, the complexity was deliberately being reduced so I could bring the information of it back here into the physical plane. Like the light canon circuit track, I was supposed to share it. If it wasn’t reduced in this manner, I wouldn’t be able to interpret it with my extremely limited earth mind once I “came back”. Obama V2.0 wanted this known on Earth.
These beings were standing around an altar in the middle of the landing. The landing itself was surrounded by a circular wall of rock. Behind me there was an opening in this wall at the edge of the mountain. This opening led to a staircase that wrapped back down behind the wall into green pasture fields below. It was an incredibly beautiful sight and reminded me of a photo I’d seen of a mountain village in Switzerland, except without the village. It truly was a utopian “garden paradise”. It was strange in that it was like these mountain ranges and the valley below them had just been cut away from the planet and left to free float in space.
Far below this vantage point, down in the fields below were even more of these similar beast races going about their business.
I got the impression – either from my higher self or from Obama V2.0 – that these races were responsible for the creation of what we know as the physical universe. Or at the very least, the part of it where Earth is located. They coexisted in complete harmony and peace.
My attention turned back towards the 3 races in front of me. One of them was extremely excited and hopping around. It pulled a cloth bag seemingly out of no where. Then it beckoned for the others to join it. It tipped the bag upside down over the altar. Out fell3 perfectly cut rectangular pieces of emerald about the size of dominos. These emerald stones each had strange glyphs carved within them. I did not recognize the glyphs as belonging to any civilization on Earth.
The excited race had one of the others pick up the stones. As soon as its hand touched it, a sudden blank look came across its face. It lost all cognitive ability and was just staring blankly straight ahead.
The excited race started laughing. The whole affair reminded me of school children playing a practical joke on their friend. After a moment, the one who brought the stones said some sort of incantation, and the feeble minded race snapped out of its daze. It shook its head in confusion and sort of looked around wondering what hell had just happened.
The third race looked on with curiosity. The presenter of the stones suggested they gather up the rest of the races in the valley below. It wanted to play a trick on them. The two others agreed.
The holographic scene changed. I was now looking at these races as they lined up on the steps behind the wall. One of the three trickster races stood at the gap in the wall that would allow them entry into the landing space of the altar. It was as if it was the door man guarding the entry into a nightclub. It was done in such a way so that no one behind the wall could see what was going on at the altar. They had been told there was something exciting they should see, but not told what it was.
The line was enormous. It wrapped down the steps of the mountain all the way into the valley below. This was how many races there were in this place; many thousands of them.
One by one, a race was called from the front of the line into the clearing. One by one they were led to the altar and told to pick up the stones. I watched as every single one of these races was turned into a feeble minded creature that could do no more than stare into the distance and drool incessantly. The angels/ demons/ beasts – whatever you wanted to call them – responsible for “building” our “domain” had just all been turned into what was essentially infants. What I was watching was the erasure of their higher consciousness. They just sort of bumbled around with no purpose, bumping into each other. They were completely oblivious towards anything, including the rock wall they were walking into. They had been turned into total idiots.
After all the races – with the exception of the three tricksters – had lost their higher memories and the tricksters had had their laugh, the one who presented the stones decided it was enough of the game. It said its incantation to try and wake them all up, but nothing happened. This trickster race panicked and ended up tripping over a rock near the altar. Its hand landed on the emerald stones, rendering it feeble minded as well.
I was watching the race who had watched on in curiosity; the only one who hadn’t been subjected to the amnesia stones. You could see its eyes light up as it realized the power that lie in front of it. It grabbed the hand of the last the race – the one the presenter had first demonstrated on – and forced its hand upon the stones. What remained was a single dominant race with its higher, celestial memories in tact. It could command the others like puppets and they wouldn’t even noticed. They wouldn’t even realize they were higher beings.
What happened next was incredibly strange.
As I stood staring at this last race, it suddenly started sniffing the air around it. I could see its nostrils flare as it did so. Even though this was a holographic scenario, it could smell me. I am absolutely certain of it. It turned around and stared directly into my eyes. It was the most evil look I have ever witnessed. It seemed possessed by something. Unlike the other races that still retained there divine spark, this thing didn’t have one. It was soulless.
Shortly thereafter, I began what I call a “controlled wake up”. These wake ups are not like when you are just asleep and then are suddenly awake. It is as if the physical reality becomes super imposed over the dreamscape. The physical reality slowly starts getting more “solid” as the dreamscape “thins” out. After about 20 seconds physical reality completely consumes the field of vision and the dreamscape is completely gone. I have had these sorts of controlled awakenings many times after coming out of a lucid dream. There is always this sort of waviness to the whole thing. It feels like you are on a boat in the middle of the ocean.
As I went through this controlled awakening, the voice of the All Being came through telepathically to me. It said that as I wake up, the downfall of humanity would begin. I took this to mean the futile practices of humanity which would allow for consciousness to wake up from the amnesia en masse.
As if this all wasn’t enough, the abduction dreams would begin to happen, before my final contact with the Grand elder.
Ah. this is enough for now. There's a lot of "meat" to absorb here. Soak it in. Enjoy it, and soon enough part 4 will be posted. Best Regards. -MM
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the second part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Part 2 – Contact with the Elder Guardians
In the last part I talked about my first contact experience with a group of Elders resembling the Ascended Masters whilst lucid dreaming back in 2012.
I mentioned (in this last article) how these Elders told me [1] about a “spiritual amnesia” that was affecting mankind and cutting them off from a higher state of conscious awareness.
I also mentioned (in the article) how the [2] physical human brain had apparently been deliberately engineered to help with this dumbing down of consciousness.
It was during this experience that I was able to tap into this higher state of conscious awareness – what I refer to as the higher self or higher intellect.
The higher self (or higher intellect)
This higher self equates to a processing power orders of magnitude far above what we (normally) use whilst contained within the physical body.
It lets you see through physical and non physical realities like they are glass.
Different States of being
It is important to note here, that I use the connection with this higher state of mind to differentiate between [A] a lucid dream/ astral projection and [B] a mystical experience.
When I mention a mystical experience – or what I call an Auric projection – it means that I have been under this superior state of conscious awareness whilst lucid.
It is a completely different experience to what both astral projection and lucid dreaming entail.
Whilst in this state, there is a constant flux of information coming in and being perceived of higher reality aspects; only a very small percentage of it can ever be remembered upon waking up.
This information also contains soul-time memories, and is not limited to a single physical incarnation.
There is always a catch 22 dilemma when functioning from this state; you know the information coming in is important, but you are also aware you will forget most of it when awakening back into your physical body.
Thus one is forced to try and focus on specific elements to try and remember them when waking up.
It is beyond frustrating.
My mystical experiences
All in all I had 5 or so “mystical experiences” in which I was connected to this higher state of awareness. It was over a 7 year period, many of which the Grand Elder appeared in.
This is not including my “second contact” experience.
This “second contact experience” occurred as a recurring lucid dream.
In this recurring lucid dream, I was also connected to this state of awareness and being bombarded by information.
So (all told), including these recurring dreams, the amount of mystical experiences I had whilst connected to the higher self would easily be over 20 events.
Hijacking of dreamscape
In part one I briefly touched upon the idea that I was playing around with consciousness and conducting experiments with it whilst lucid dreaming.
It was apparently because I had developed advanced abilities in this area that the Ascended Masters were able to contact me; at least that is what they told me.
One of these experiments related to “hijacking” my wife’s dreamscape and implanting a dream scenario of my devising.
What I didn’t talk about, is that around this same time, my wife was also having her own contact experiences with both physical and non physical entities.
Wife’s Contact Experiences
These entities took on a myriad of different forms from [1] “angels” and [2] “demons” to [3] ETs wearing strange space suits.
I did not realize it at the time but they had been “visiting” my wife since she was a little kid.
She had only vaguely mentioned very few of these experiences in fear of me thinking she was crazy.
In actual fact she had had enough experiences to fill a whole volume. I did not get much of the specifics of these experiences until very recently (this year).
What I find curious is that when she was little, one of the angelic types suggested to her the same thing about the human brain; it had been deliberately created to hold consciousness at a lesser level.
In many of these visitations, she was also under the influence of a similar higher state of conscious awareness. Her description of this state of awareness matches my experience of it.
Having “synchronized” dreams and experiences.
I am not sure if it was because of my hijacking experiment or not, but thereafter my wife and I also began having “synchronized” dreams and experiences.
These related to visiting the same places whilst lucid (she was just as proficient at lucid dreaming and astral projecting as me, if not better).
Often times we would describe to each other a place we’d been to or a lucid dream we’d just had only to have the other finish the sentence with an exact description of the scenario.
Many of these synchronised dreams related to “waking up” and trying to retrieve each other from “sleep facilities”.
Consciousness brainwashing facilities
These “sleep facilities” were unique. In them, it appeared consciousness brainwashing was being undertaken, or (a cleansing of) memories of things we did in past lives or other worlds.
One of these synchronicities was a scenario where we were both killed in one world, and “woke up” in another. Other memories included being trained in remembering “timeline resets”.
Out of all of my mystical experiences, a great deal of them were synchronised in this manner.
One of the “worlds” we were both visiting prior to my first contact experience with the Elder Guardians, was this place that was very reminiscent of a movie theater.
We’d always pop out in a hallway that had various ‘theater” rooms coming off it. These rooms would be lined with chairs, in typical theater fashion, except that instead of a screen there was a spherical shaped portal floating in mid air.
Though I have no specific recollection of them being used for consciousness brainwashing, my wife remembers this place as being used for exactly that.
Whenever I would enter the portal in the theater room, it would take me to a completely different world.
My wife was also able to describe this same world in exact detail.
In this other world there is this weird road that sort of curves upwards into the sky. It sort of looks like what the great Wall Of China would look like if you bent it upwards; the gravity changes as you move along the road so you are always on it.
There appears to be some sort of ancient market festival going on and something to do with timeline resets.
I was having lucid dreams about both the portal theater and the market festival place almost weekly for a whole year; they were, evidently, astral assignments my handlers were sending me to.
There were also instances of being “attacked” whilst lucid that, fortunately for us, we were able to corroborate as both of us had experienced similar things happening.
Such things included weird entities entering our heads and pushing our consciousness to one side, distorting it in the process.
Others included typical succubus expeditions, timeline slips and things that aren’t even describable with human words.
At one point I had something extremely heavy – about 100kg – sit on me and crush my chest to the point I couldn’t breathe.
Majority of these strange occurrences would happen whilst in the sleep paralysis/ hypnogogic state.
Strange occurrences
My wife spoke of one astral projection experience where she went into our roof and found a strange creature living there guarding an ancient dusty box.
This creature was humanoid, had no face and pounced around like a cat. It would not let her anywhere near the box. It wanted to play with her, like a kitten would.
We had “ghosts” moving stuff in many of the houses we moved into.
Our life was one big paranormal experience that for us just became normality.
The weirdest example is a doppelganger version of myself that both my wife and daughter saw and heard that appeared when I was out with my son.
I believe such a doppelganger almost got me executed, but for the sake of brevity I will skip over that whole ordeal.
What I will mention was that this particular incident happened only a few short months after my recurring mystical dreams.
These eventually culminated in me remembering my own reincarnation at the guidance of the voice of the Grand Elder and the torture my soul had undergone moments prior to becoming incarnated in this current body – what I call “soul burning”.
Strange Lucid Dreams
The lucid dreams themselves were strange; they started as me appearing in an apocalyptic purgatorial like place.
There were broken decrepit houses every where one looked.
A single path that led seemingly into nowhere was the only thing besides the houses. There as what appeared to be another version of myself waiting for me along this road.
As I approached it I realized it was a zombie; it was me but it was devoid of all emotion, and as it noticed me it began to give chase.
The information that was coming in from my higher consciousness and through the voice of the Grand Elder told me how this was a part of my higher energetic body.
That body had been damaged by the spiritual amnesia;
It was effectively, a corrupted part of my soul from a higher, non physical plane;
It was an unseen baggage that I would always carry with me.
For about a year this dream would start from the exact same point and slowly progress.
It was like watching the same movie from the start over and over, but each time watching a little bit more before turning it off.
My zombie would chase me and eventually catch me and I would wake up as soon as it touched me.
Eventually my time line resetting memories would start kicking in, and I would be back at the start of the dream with 2 zombies chasing me instead of one upon a zombie touching me.
It would progress in this fashion, with the number of zombies doubling every time I got reset.
It got to the point where I had thousands upon thousands of zombified versions of my energetic body chasing me.
After about a year of having these dreams on a monthly, sometime fortnightly basis, I started to realize it was the period between a zombie touching me and “resetting” that the Grand Elder was trying to get me to remember; whenever I had one of these dreams, my focus would go entirely on trying to figure out what was happening in between the resets.
The amount of information coming through each and every time I had one of these experiences was intense.
I was constantly comparing everything that was happening with the physical world my body was asleep in…
…whilst listening to the Grand Elder’s voice telling me to pay attention to certain details.
They were simply not normal dreams or even normal lucid dreams.
He was guiding me through this experience each and every time I had it like I was back at college opening a textbook and continuing study of a subject from a previous week.
Each experience thus was a continuation of the “lessons” from the previous one.
The Grand Elder would not let up in what he was trying to show/ teach me.
A force controlling the zombified energetic bodies
Because of my connection to my higher mind, I could feel that some kind of external force was controlling these zombified energetic bodies. It was an incredibly strong telepathic connection.
I could sense the raw hatred of this external force coming through; I simply knew it was not part of the zombie’s make up.
It was pure evil and I knew whatever it was, was the same Slave God the Grand Elder had told me was responsible for the Ancient Egyptian slave trade and the spiritual amnesia.
This purgatorial domain I was in it evidently owned and controlled.
In the last experience I was being chased by thousands of these zombies when all of a sudden I realized this hatred emotion I could use to my advantage.
I started taunting these zombies as they gave chase which angered the controller immensely.
Like it’s hatred, I could feel this anger surging through.
I went out of my way to bring this anger to a level where the Slave God would lose control of the situation.
Then I just stopped running and turned around, deliberately allowing the zombies to catch me.
My plan had worked.
The next thing I knew I was being taken to a sort of operating room and was being strapped to a bed.
The zombified versions of my energetic bodies all stood around me, as I was hooked up to a strange piece of apparatus.
What followed was the most excruciating torture I have ever experienced in either lucid dreaming or physical reality.
It was unbelievably intense that it literally felt like my very soul was on fire.
It felt like I was being electrocuted with incredibly high current as well as being cut to pieces and set on fire all at once.
I called it Soul Burning.
At the same time this was all carried out there was things being done that I can only describe as a brainwashing regime courtesy of the same apparatus that was torturing me.
It was like it had the ability to instill my very being with false memories.
I could feel things being spliced into my soul that I knew should not have been there.
The controller was so angered by my insolence, that he made the zombies increase the savageness of their “purging” me into one of them.
They ripped and tore at my soul so brutally that I could feel it coming to pieces.
It was a similar feeling to what projecting into the anomaly had done to my consciousness, except that it wouldn’t disintegrate my higher mind.
What was worse was that I suddenly remembered every other time this had happened to me.
Fourty thousand years worth of lifetimes that ended with this same torture all came flooding back to me.
Each one amplified the pain by a million.
Because I was operating from my higher mind I could feel every single one of these tortures as if they were all happening at the same time.
The Grand Elder had warned me it was going to be an uncomfortable memory, but I did not care.
The knowledge of my soul’s history was more important to me than comfort.
My commitment had been to remember whatever was necessary and bring it back here into the physical plane at all costs.
After the soul burning session finished, the zombies all left, courtesy of the controller and I found myself lying alone on the bed in this hellish operating room.
Finished and exhausted
I was completely, 100% lucid and could remember everything that had just happened as well as that somewhere back on Earth my body was asleep in its bed.
My consciousness was completely detached from it.
Whatever it was that had carried out this torture on me had failed to properly administer the amnesia, and I realized this was exactly what the Grand Elder wanted me to see.
I was, however, mentally and emotionally spent from everything that had just transpired.
With my last ounce of energy I deliberately projected my consciousness away from that purgatorial realm into space – I didn’t even have enough energy to get back to my body I was that exhausted.
So I just floated in space for what seemed like a minute, looking at some nearby stars.
There was a suddenly change in my environment as my perceptive field went from that of the universe to a wall of skin that clung to me and enclosed me within it.
That is when I realized I was free floating in a placenta as a fetus.
I even kicked out and could feel the resistance of the skin in my foot as I did so.
This placenta provided a great soothing comfort for me after the whole soul burning ordeal; it was incredibly inviting and felt as though it was healing me as I floated within it.
Shortly after this I awoke back in my bed.
I was certain this was a memory of the moments prior to me being incarnated into this current body.
The Grand Elder plucks me out…
Several months later I was again abducted out of another lucid dream by the Grand Elder.
This time he showed himself to me like he did at the 2012 gathering in the celestial courtyard; it was the very same being, I am 100% sure of this.
He told me that the ordeal in the purgatorial realm was necessary for me to remember before this second meeting with him could be undertaken.
He was teaching me a higher knowledge about consciousness and how it was being affected by the amnesia.
Like the reincarnation dreams this was yet another Auric experience and the information coming through was with a potency that the Earth mind is just not capable of processing.
Again I was taken to a point on the outskirts of a universe in a different, non physical plane.
There was this sort of racing circuit laid out; it was similar to a formula one track just floating randomly in space.
There were these canon like things blotted about around the track randomly that were shooting light far out into the universe. Guarding these canons were these hairy, bipedal, monkey like beasts.
The Grand Elder told me my mind had been deliberately sped up so that I could comprehend this light, which I was perceiving as if it was being slowed down.
The beasts could apparently not see me because their minds were operating at a lower frequency; I was moving faster than the light, they weren’t.
I was also told by the Grand Elder I was seeing these canons in this manner so I could more easily remember them back here in the physical plane.
The actual devices cannot be comprehended by the limited human mind.
This light was not the same as light that we know of on earth.
It was of a much higher frequency and, according to the Grand Elder was responsible for the creation of physical and non physical universes.
We watched as the beasts pointed the canons upwards and fired light pulses out into the vast empty space that surrounded us.
The pulses would fly through space until they collided with the pulses from other canons, whereby whole galaxies would just appear out of no where from the collision.
Suddenly I could see a myriad of stars that had formed because of these collisions. This was happening in every direction we looked. These whole galaxies were extremely small from our vantage point.
There was probably about 20 or so canons placed strategically on this circuit track.
Whenever one of the beasts would fire their canon, you could see the light pulse move around the track before coming out of it.
It was strange in that it looked like a racing track but functioned more like an electronic circuit. You could see the light enter various components before reaching the canons.
Another lesson
What followed was the Grand Elder giving me yet another lesson in consciousness and how it was being affected by the amnesia.
Apparently the Slave Gods had somehow hijacked this light here, right as it came from the source before it could even create the first non physical universes.
The way it was explained to me was that they had embedded “codes” that would affect consciousness in a similar manner to how we vary digital pulses using Pulse Width Modulation.
This effectively meant a consciousness – any consciousness – could be used as a carrier of information that was not part of the “divine” creator’s purpose.
Consciousness could be controlled remotely in this “place” by changing the PWM codes.
This was the whole point of the circuit track we were watching.
The beasts were there to ensure consciousness was being kept in a dumbed down state, and creating the “realities” where those consciousnesses could be trapped.
After this, the Grand Elder took me below the circuit track. We were now in the middle of what appeared to be an electronics manufacturing factory.
The divine light would drop out of the track above us and on to a conveyor belt that was lined with cell phones and similar technology.
It would go into the phones, the phones would be picked up by even more of these beasts, packaged and sent off for shipment.
It was an extremely bizarre affair and, to begin with, I didn’t quite understand what I was looking at.
The Grand Elder told me that the consciousness manipulation technology I had just witnessed was directly connected (at a quantum level) to technologies currently being used around the world.
The actual connection was never explained to me. I was just made to take note that there was a connection.
Shortly after this the dream ended.
Back to the physical world
About 3 months later is when I was very nearly killed by my own neighbors.
My hand was cut open and I was left permanently disabled in my left hand as a result.
As I lay in a hospital bed that very night waiting for surgery, I could hear a crowd of voices in my head all speaking incredibly fast.
The languages they spoke in were not any languages native to Earth.
This was new to me.
These voices were so loud and fast that I thought I was going crazy.
I thought my mind had been broken by the whole ordeal, and that this was going to be my life from then on out.
Unbeknownst to me, about 50kms away at her mother’s house, my wife was also hearing similar voices that same night.
Whereas I could not make out anything mine were saying, hers were screaming “THIS WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!” over and over again.
This was apparently directly in relation to me being almost being killed and having my hand cut open. The idea it could have all been instigated by my doppelganger didn’t enter my mind until this year.
And yet, the crazy train didn’t stop there…
Ah. this is enough for now. There's a lot of "meat" to absorb here. Soak it in. Enjoy it, and soon enough part 3 will be posted. Best Regards. -MM
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is the first part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Part 1 – With the Elder Guardians
Daegonmagus Contact With the Elder Guardians Part One:
This is a preliminary background on who I am and how I came to know about the “spiritual amnesia”. Although I have provided a more complete and in depth description of these circumstances in my autobiography, this will provide some context to future articles that will be dealing with these issues. I have deliberately left out much information as it is too cumbersome to include in an article of this nature.
I had my first sleep paralysis experience when I was 8 years old, and it terrified me.
These became a regular occurrence to the point I would be having them every couple of days. I’d be paralyzed, unable to move anything but my eyes, and I would be this way for what seemed like an eternity.
I’d try calling out for my dad, but all that I could ever muster was a faint squeak.
When the paralysis did eventually stop, I’d throw my blankets off and run out of the room to him; he’d tell me they were just nightmares and to go back to sleep. It was beyond frustrating. I simply knew there was much more to them.
I became curious.
I wanted to know what the hell was going on with these paralysis episodes; I wanted to know why everything was so chthonic whilst in them; the noises, the feeling like my soul was being sucked away. The strange entities that would always stand at the end of my bed.
Grandmother and family
My grand mother used to live only a few short kilometers away.
Every Friday we would go there and eat curry lunch. If I was at school that day, I‘d walk there afterwards instead of venturing home, knowing my mother would still be there. It was a nice little tradition we had going on.
But chicken curry wasn’t the only thing I was treated to.
My mother and grandmother were self proclaimed psychics who had a few stories to tell. These were nothing really that special, but they did offer intriguing conversation that couldn’t be found at school.
So in my quest for understanding my sleep paralysis, I listened probably a little too enthusiastically for my own good. Not that I learnt anything valuable in regards to that subject. It did, however, eventually get me interested in Rene Descartes and his philosophies on consciousness.
Down the back of my grandmother’s property was an old abandoned house that she and her family used to live in many years prior to my mother being born.
It was derelict and falling to pieces. The inside walls had massive holes smashed through them. The concrete padding had turned to dust in places. Electrical wiring hung from the exposed roof rafters. The front door had become so overgrown with grass that it wouldn’t open. The only way in was to scale the small chimney that poked out the side of the wall and climb down it. One would come out through the open fireplace facing what used to be a living room, and it was here that I found my treasure.
Boxes and boxes full of books had been left to rot in the middle of the living room, some of them left untouched on a small book shelf.
After sitting here exposed to the elements for the better part of 30 years, a lot of them had decayed beyond readability.
But in amongst the mulch pile, I did find a few gems that had somehow survived the ravages of time. Aleister Crowley’s Moonchid, The predictions of Nostradamus, Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain and Atlantis were just a few of the ones that were still in a decent, readable condition.
However, the true treasure came in the form of a complete four volume encyclopaedia set that explored the idea of magic through different world cultures.
It was a real magical library one would expect to find in some sort of fantasy novel about sorcerers, and I had access to it every Friday.
Naturally, I took these books home with me, saving them from becoming mulch like all the rest. I read through the encyclopaedia front to back.
I was trying to find any scrap of information I could on sleep paralysis.
Once again I was met with much frustration, as there didn’t seem to be much beyond a few vague mentions of tribal shamans using “dreaming” to obtain mystical visions.
Time slipped by, and my sleep paralysis became such a regular occurrence, that I ultimately became bored of it.
I realized that it wasn’t harming me, and it became somewhat annoying. I learnt to relax through it all, and that is when I truly began to learn the power of lucid dreaming and how to control one’s dreams. I suddenly had a new found appreciation for the tribal shamans I’d read about and why they were so into it.
I began unlocking parts of my mind that I otherwise would have been denied access to.
By the time I turned 12 my proficiency in lucid dreaming had reached its peak. I was able to remain conscious during the transition of being awake and asleep, and bypass the sleep paralysis stage altogether.
This became a regular occurrence.
School became a somewhat secondary necessity . I’d play the game and get good grades, but deep down I was more interested in the metaphysical than what the physical had to offer me.
I was too involved in my dream worlds that I would visit on such a regular basis that the physical world became dull by comparison.
I was using study time in the library meant for science and maths tests on researching occult concepts and ideologies such as astral projection. I started wondering why everyone was so content in the idea they must work themselves to death, rather than study consciousness via the avenue of lucid dreaming. To me, the latter was much more exciting and pointed to a much better sense of purpose than the former.
By the time I reached high school, I had become extremely proficient at creating my own dreams.
I became so good, that I was able to simulate sensations within my dream environments including touch, taste and smell, and generate entire environments just by thinking of them.
It was because of these “simulations” that I was also able to explore my own sexuality and solve problems that I was having in the “real world”. It was then that I started really experimenting with consciousness whilst in this dreaming state, using Descartes’ philosophies as a starting point.
I began to frequent several places in the lucid domain that appeared to be completely separate to my mind’s fabrication.
One of these places was a tropical island that I used to go on regular “lucid holidays” to.
It was here that I discovered the existence of these portals that could be used to traverse the “other worlds”. Thus I started learning how ones consciousness could be projected through these portals to access other realms/ dimensions.
Projection of consciousness
It was around about the age of 14, I had my first real breakthrough in regards to the projection of my consciousness outside of my body.
I had somehow found myself on another planet watching a tribal Elder of a humanoid race of people talking to his tribe.
I was completely lucid, in that I could remember my body being asleep back in my bed on earth. These people, although completely alien to any human species on earth, had a very Native American vibe to them.
All of a sudden the Elder realized I was there, observing them.
I heard his voice within my mind, telling me not to be afraid and to come closer – to move within him.
He knew I was a curious consciousness, and took the opportunity to give me a lesson in how multiple consciousness can inhabit one body.
I obliged, and immediately felt myself go within him. It was an incredible feeling; an entire lifetime’s worth of his memories came flooding into my mind, and yet I still remembered my physical, sleeping body.
I knew he could have kicked me out from within him any time he chose, but he allowed me to stay for several minutes as an apprentice to the mysteries of consciousness.
It was one of the most humbling moments of my life.
He then spoke to his tribe, and announced that they had a guest. They looked around, somewhat confused, and he explained that my consciousness was residing within him.
When they asked where I was from, he pointed to a very specific star in the sky without hesitation and said “from there”. Soon after this I thanked him for his hospitality and departed, waking back up in my body on earth.
Second Breakthrough
My next breakthrough came about a year later when I first astral projected. I had been curious about the subject for several years after seeing a story about it on a show called The Extraordinary.
My purpose was to try and contact my grandfather who had passed away from lung cancer when I was nine.
My meditations, as a result got to the point where I could sit for hours on end in one pose, completely un-moving, whilst I tried to project.
I had been utilizing the Monroe Institute technique for several months and then one night it finally happened.
I was lying in bed meditating, and heard this loud popping noise. Suddenly, I felt as light as a feather, and I watched as I floated out of my body. I turned around and saw my physical body lying on the bed. I was so bewildered by the experience all I did was go outside and sit on the couch to just take it all in.
Death in the family
Shortly after that I was hit with grief as my brother was killed in a car accident right near our house, on the main drag going out of town. I had been suffering from severe depression and this was a kick in the guts I could have done without.
I started becoming uncaring in regards to my attitude towards life, and this bled over into the lucid realm.
The part of my mind that would sense danger became deactivated. I started going to dangerous places and messing with dangerous things not really caring if it resulted in my becoming permanently detached from my physical body.
Bad behaviors
I summoned all the “malevolent entities” that had taunted me during sleep paralysis into my dreamscapes and taunted them back, in an effort to take out my grievances on something that I considered deserved it.
Often times I was being chased by things that any rational person would have been terrified of, and I knew if they caught me it was game over.
What can I say; my depression and adventures in lucid dreaming had numbed me to the idea the physical body was important. I was at that point almost entirely disassociated from my body.
It was around this time I became aware of my involvement in an “astral war”. I would become lucid in dream scenarios that I knew were not of my own devising.
In many of these scenarios it was like I had been drugged with a substance that was able to affect consciousness, and consciousness alone.
My “assignments” revolved around voluntarily going into compounds where this drug and other tortures were being administered to try and figure out why.
It seemed very much like my astral body was being utilized as an infiltration agent for inter dimensional warfare. I would write little poems mentioning this war and vaguely mentioning my role within it.
I knew I was not like other kids my age, and I knew it was because I had embraced the lucid and astral worlds as being as real, if not more, as the physical world.
At first these appeared as standard dreams – fragmented memories even– but as the years wore on, I would become more and more lucid in them.
I would “appear” at my assignment location, get doped or tortured, return to my handlers for debriefing, then wake up and go to school the next day as if nothing ever happened.
This was what about a third of my youth entailed from the age of 15 all the way up to adulthood.
The more I lucid dreamed, the more I would remember my roles in these scenarios that thing were to trying to “drug me” out of remembering.
I became the weird kid that would talk about lucid dreaming and the worlds I’d visited like it was a normal part of existence.
My peers just didn’t know how to handle it and would often shy away from after giving each other a weird look. The funny thing was, my brother was part of the popular crowd, which meant by default I ended up in the social circle of kids. The whole thing was laughable.
Leaving School
I left school at the age of 16, a whole year before graduation. My close friends were starting to dabble a little too liberally in hard substances like methamphetamine, and I had – due to my severe depression, and genetic tendacies – had picked up an unhealthy addiction to alcohol even by that age.
I decided this sort of lifestyle wasn’t getting me anywhere.
If I stayed around these people I was going to end up dead, or worse, addicted to the same drugs they were taking (I’d never dabbled in anything stronger than marijuana).
I enrolled to do a music course at college, and that is where I met Storme.
Meeting the Girl of your dreams
When I first saw her I had the whole “I am going to marry that girl” thought pop into my head. I found out that she too was into the metaphysical and believed in things like astral projection and lucid dreaming. Plus, she was into the exact same music I was into – this was a very big deal for me.
The last thing I wanted to do was end up with someone who listened to Justin Bieber in their spare time. Nope; my ideal woman needed to have at least some sort of idea of what constituted musical talent. She also lived the next town over from me, which was a bonus.
Unbeknownst to me at the time, Storme had just escaped a period of homeless and what appeared to be a very real sex trafficking operation.
She had experienced things very few people would believe.
Things like communications from both physical and non physical entities about our world and its “true” history. She was the only other person I had ever come across who knew about the astral war, and the reason she knew about it was because it had been directly told to her by one of these entities.
I decided to do a lucid dreaming experiment on Storme to see if I could “hack” into her dreamscape, replacing it with my own, and to both of our astonishment, it actually worked.
I pressed her on her dreams the next day and she told me the exact scenario I had dreamed up; a meeting at college.
I had made sure to include very specific points in the conversation, and she hit these with accuracy.
This marked my next breakthrough in my experiments with consciousness whilst in the dream state.
We ended up dating. I would help drive her band around to gigs and semi manage them.
These guys were into taking things like LSD to “expand their minds”, but Storme and I never obliged.
Like her, they also were curious about astral projection, but had never experienced it.
Their drummer, Damien, was big on conspiracy theories, and would always talk about people like Icke, mind invading reptilians and the NWO that I thought was a complete load of bullshit.
This is where I first came across the Isaac CARET program; the other guitarist, Sean, sent me a link to the original website. I ended up writing it off as some sort university experiment in psychology.
Occult Studies
My occult studies had continued on and off through these years. Somewhere along the lines I had come across a secret society called the Hell Fire Club based out of West Wycombe, England.
I had only really joined the club to gain access to their catalogue of rare esoteric books.
I was big on trying to find the most original documents I could find when conducting my research.
It was through this club that I scored a copy of both the Greater and Lesser keys of Solomon; these books were rumored to be very powerful books on spirit conjuration, though I only wanted them for study purposes. I had no intention of ever summoning anything.
The Steward of its English chapter seemed impressed with my knowledge of occult ideologies and asked me to open my own Chapter here in Western Australia.
Though I didn’t really know what I was doing, I obliged.
He sent me books on his interpretations of the club and its link to alchemical concepts. That is how I got into spiritual alchemy.
I was put in contact with the other Australian Stewards, and these turned out to be an even bigger source of occult information for me; they were very well respected in regards to their ideologies and were a treat away from the many charlatans I had come across on the internet.
Storme and I moved in with each other and, after a rocky few years at the hands of other people , we eventually got married in a little grove out in the middle of the state forest with a small gathering of our families.
We both weren’t big on traditional weddings and opted for a more pagan hand fastening ceremony instead.
After a fall out with my family, we dropped off the radar and became hermits moving from one rental to the next until we found a house that seemed to be haunted by a ghost that was actually quite pleasant to be around. This thing would open and close doors at night , but there was never a feeling a malice from it.
It was in this house that I began reworking the concepts of Alchemy I picked up in the HFC into my own meditations. Though the Steward’s ideologies were profound, I felt they were lacking in some areas and left much to be desired.
I began spending hours researching many allegories and writings of alchemy with the idea that the philosopher’s stone was the higher self.
I noticed from old alchemist texts I had in my possession that those particular Alchemists were using alchemy as a model for understanding the soul.
Thus my attention at that point was wholly devoted towards reconnecting with my higher self and hopefully making contact with the ascended masters.
Pay Off
On May 11th 2012 my meditations in alchemy paid off, and I was granted an audience with the very “people” I was seeking.
I was engaged in a lucid dream when I was “abducted” out of it into what I can only describe was a more “complete and real reality”. In fact it was so real, that I was forced to the conclusion that the physical world was the lesser of two “reals”.
I was standing in what appeared to be a courtyard a few acres in size, amidst a very large gathering of other people.
Based on the many music festivals I had been to in my youth, I estimated this group to be at least 20 000. We were all crammed into this courtyard that appeared to just be floating on its own out in the middle of space; you could actually see a nearby moon that was circling it, and this was pretty damned large; probably 10 to 20 times the size of our moon.
There was this gnawing sense of confusion going through me, and I noticed that same confusion present on the faces of the 20 000 others. It was a confusion born from knowing that I knew this place, but also knowing that I had forgotten it, and couldn’t work out why.
Over at the edge of the courtyard was a stone altar, and on the other side of this alter was what looked alike a small, curved amphitheater of an Ancient Greek like architecture where a bunch of beings in hooded robes sat, watching us 20 000.
I got the immediate impression that these beings were extremely old “Elders” and extremely powerful, unlike anything we know on earth.
Between us 20 000 and the amphitheater stood one of these Elders watching us in our confusion.
There were other people in this crowd that appeared to be our celestial families and they were hugging us, in tears, saying how they had missed us all and we’d been away for too long.
The Elder who stood between us and the other Elders, slowly approached me waiting for me to remember where I was.
Once he was satisfied my memory of this place was sufficient he began to speak to me, and that is when my mind began opening up and processing information at an incredible speed. I started operating from a state of awareness far above that of what is used whilst in a physical body.
The “Grand Elder” – as I called him – told me there was a sort of spiritual amnesia affecting mankind.
He said that the human brain had been deliberately engineered to cut them off from this state of awareness that I was now experiencing.
He told me that this amnesia had been created by a race of beings that did not want humans reconnecting with this power, and that they were the same ones responsible for the Ancient Egyptian Slave trade.
He referred to them as the “slave gods”.
This Grand Elder expressed concern that this amnesia would see the end of human life if it was left to continue unimpeded.
He told me my soul was over 40 000 years old and that I had been an active participant in trying to eradicate the amnesia for much of that time.
The reason, he said, that I had been summoned before them, was because of my abilities at lucid dreaming.
Apparently what I had learned through years of experimentation was considered so advanced by them, that very few people on earth possessed these same abilities; the amount of other who apparently possessed these abilities could be counted on one hand.
I was told that they (the Elders) had nick-named me “trick and trip” in salutation of these abilities; trick because of my abilities at evading the unseen enemy presence responsible for the amnesia, and trip for my abilities to “travel” to other worlds.
Apparently, according to these Elders, anyone who demonstrated these abilities were held in high regard by them, as it allowed them the opportunity to communicate with those back on the physical plane without it being compromised by external forces.
I was also told that I had been part of a “hive consciousness” that had tracked this amnesia to a black hole anomaly.
This black hole anomaly existed at the edge of this physical universe and was where the device causing the amnesia was being hidden.
The Grand Elder took me to its edge to help boost my memory, then brought me back before the gathering.
Put in Charge
It was here I was put in charge of the 20 000 other souls by the same grand Elder.
He gave me the task of rewriting their “soul code” to provide an unlocking mechanism so they could more easily wake up from the amnesia once they came back here to earth.
My assignment upon returning here was to regather them as one fighting force against the amnesia and its operators from within the earth plane.
I was to spread the message of everything he told me to anyone who would listen in an effort to reawaken these 20 000 consciousnesses to their own tasks.
After this I projected to the anomaly to try and get an understanding of it, much to the advice of the Grand Elder.
Somehow it was able to completely disintegrate my consciousness even though it was functioning from this higher state.
Within minutes I was reduced to an insane, incoherent mess.
I struggled to comprehend even the simplest of words as I tried crying out for my wife and telling her I was sorry I would not “be coming back to earth”. Shortly after this, everything went black and I woke up in my bed.
This was the first time out of several that the Grand Elder would contact me in relation to this amnesia.
To Be Continued…
MM Thoughts
This is obviously fascinating and an easy read. It touches and broaches a number of related MAJestic subject areas and approaches it from a different angle and view point. I must admit that while I am aware of much of what DM discusses, my actual exposure to the occult teachings, and methodology is of a different nature entirely.
That is neither good, nor bad.
It is neutral.
To be open and willing to take this information in, absorb it and learn from it is a valid and important step for us to understand our true natures and role on this planet. I cannot vouch whether it is true or not, but I can vouch that it is sincere and that it is an accurate description of something that is obviously personal and private.
I, for one, look forward to many more contributions.
As well as looking forward to your thoughts in this matter.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The following is a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "ANONYMOUS" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
A quick note. When I first posted this article I confused two contributors. This caused me some headaches and all should be resolved by now.
Seeing you suffer under DOS and database attack and the drop in visitations has really effected me as well, so I wanted to send you a big, heartfelt intention-bump. Without any exaggeration, your website has completely and irrevocably changed my entire life. My general way of living, mentality, and many other aspects have changed forever.
The tale here is odd to say the least.
Your blog basically “unlocked” me in January of this year, and prompted a very bizarre, incredibly frightening, but ultimately useful transformation including the unlocking of a number of new “abilities” which still has me totally stunned.
I was waiting for this moment…..
How it all started
I am a middle aged man in Canada.
During some unrelated web surfing in September of 2020, I was directed to one of your SHTF articles which was referred to on Reddit.
As someone very prep-oriented, nothing you wrote there shocked me at all, but I enjoyed your style, grit and honesty.
I had no idea at the time you had other experiences elsewhere, but upon return (to the MM site) I discovered your MAJ and all over documents, not to mention other hosted works in Bibliotech etc.
As a quick backgrounder on me, I am a Spectrum-learner, with virtually no subject that I do not enjoy knowing more about, but with a huge focus on Science, ExoBiology, Planetary Sciences, Astronomy, Physics, Botany, and many more.
But I am also a musician, artist, and I’ve worked as a professional Sous Chef before, so food is a huge thing for me.
For what its worth, I brew my own beer, grow my own food, and so on. Where I live, I am very unusual.
My professional background includes banking, high tech security and surveillance, and other technology related elements. I have also run my own business twice, and taken a company to the stock market here publicly. I understand computers, networks, and so on.
The Change
Before discovering you I was agnostic. One of those extremely skeptical types who values everything based on return on investment….. a “show me” kind of guy.
This doesn’t mean I was closed. Dear Lord, no, I am voracious in learning and understanding in anything I can, and ET/UFOLOGY etc was all part of my general interest.
For the record, I never believed we were “alone” and since I was 9 years old I took it for granted we would discover countless worlds and meet/interact with countless entities. Much of my childhood was spiritual, but that can be saved for another time.
Sept 2020 I began reading your material, alongside my reading at the time which included Roger Penrose / Hawking but as well as a number of UFO related channeling websites and other such material.
Nonetheless I kept coming back to MM over and over again.
Something in the back of my mind started what I can only describe as a “rising agitation” as I consumed your material.
I got the distinct impression I was being watched, and I hope that doesn’t sound too nuts, but it grew over time.
As I continued reading the material, I became very very focused upon it, studying the Base 8 Number system, Functional Diagrams, Comments on Brown Dwarfs etc. It was like I had imagined a website built just for me, by you! Every article was incredible!
But what started my experience was the growing realization that multidimensionally we were indeed being watched, every single moment of every day.
I had a very frightening “oh shit!” moment when I finally accepted what I was learning.
Studying Quantum Physics and other related topics for 20 years brought me to this one moment.
I can tell you it was personally very shocking to realize everything I had ever done, every thought, every action, every Sin, every Rufus moment, was known. Also, I felt pretty stupid for not coming to this knowing earlier.
Then something very dramatic happened, and I hope you can both understand and possibly shed light.
The Event
During a five-day period in January of 2021 I was really pushing hard to continue to read as much as possible from your site while maintaining my busy corporate life.
Each day, I felt a rising wave of energy in me, like waves of “chills” beginning from the bottom of my feet and rising up my spine, spreading like energetic wings left and right, and then culminating in my head/crown.
Keep in mind, I had very limited esoteric/spiritual background. I had no idea this was leading somewhere…..
Each day the sensation grew, but it got weirder.
Suddenly, and without any prompting or training, I had a very serious interest suddenly in sitting down on the ground, and breathing by inhaling through my nose (tongue on roof of mouth) and then exhaling as I digested your materials and revelations.
I would pray in place (keep in mind I had prayed ZERO times for my entire life prior), and consider my own errors and successes as well as the nature of consciousness, the soul, etc.
During this breathing, the energy would increase.
Whilst my eyes were closed, I started to see what seemed to be a “field” of dimensionality I hadn’t seen, which was lit up. Then, shimmering light from the top of my field of view (with eyes closed).
By the third day, I was sleeping less and less and less and reading more and more and more.
Also, during my circular breathing moments, I started to notice all of my hair would stand on end, and massive goosebumps would show up along the entire length of my body.
I felt pressure at the top of my head in the shape of a torus, and then soon, the sensation of a DOT roaming around on my forehead, then “fixing” in place between my eyes.
Another sensation was at the exact center of the top of my skull, like a “pulling” upwards from my body to somewhere above me, so to speak.
On the fifth day, I had slept less than 3 hours, and was meditating, breathing and praying a LOT. Yet, for whatever reason, even though this was totally bizarre and unprecedented behavior, I felt bliss.
On that day, I mentally said the words “God I know believe in you, and I want to Serve Others”.
I knew personally, that being a mixed Sentience was NOT what I was, and not the man I knew I could be.
MM, this was nuts. I was pulled to the tips of my toes and what felt like lightning ripped through my body. The feeling was akin to a bizarre ecstasy and I knew I was a different person.
I said “thank you” out loud.
Follow though…
During my intense meditations afterwards I began projecting block letters in my mind, and i didn’t know why, but they had themes like “Unity” “Peace” “Co-Operate” “UNITY MIND to MIND” and other ideas.
But it got even crazier.
I started seeing visions in my mind of our civilization in the future, and I knew it was 500 years from now approx, but I didn’t know how I knew.
In it I saw thousands and thousands of people gathering, as I hovered over the landscape watching them assemble. These people assembled first in one triangle, and then another overlapping triangle. The Double-Tetrahedron Star of David.
In the middle of the grouping there were elders or seers with hands outstretched. Then the entire crowd (tens of thousands of people) began to sing in a way I’ve never heard.
Now please don’t think I am certifiable but for some reason I could sense why this was being done.
It was a massive prayer and intention ritual used to bring Earth to a Zero-Point in a different pocket universe to allow for planetary healing and a reset as humanity began to graduate into STO Sentience and Sovereignty.
We were growing up…..finally.
There is so much more insane detail here I can barely begin, but it included Psychic Colleges, Parent-Child classes from birth and all kinds of incredible outcomes from this new Way. It was very detailed and incredibly inspirational….
…and alien.
End of part 1
Pretty exciting? Right? Well this is one man's experience. And everyone will have their own personal experience that will be just as profound and just as amazing. From seeing faeries to breathless communication with cherished pets, to mind-boggling breakthroughs in understandings and realizations. It's all the same thing. - MM
What to expect in future articles…
…an encounter with an Entity and a terrifying “debate” where I was mentally crushed by this entity. Afterwards, and to this very moment, I have the ability to pull “source/prana/energy/whatever” at will, and this seems to have a massive impact on my prayers and intentions.
In other words, I am starting to see very noticeable manifestations.
I have also seen many many different shapes, diagrams (which I can interact with sort of), and other images in my meditative mind.
The synchronicities in my life are off the chart, sometimes 8 to 10 jaw dropping events in a single day. Its like living in my own Movie now, and its a trip.
My entire life has changed. I mediate often and pray often. I am single for the first time in decades and without a solid footing.
The MM website is a touchstone for sanity. I am becoming the Rufus……slowly. I will say, that changing ones Sentience from Mixed (which I absolutely was) to STO is the hardest and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. Ever.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.