Americans are constantly reinforced how dark and gloomy the rest of the world is. They are told that America must fight wars all over the globe to “free people” from the evils of Communism, and “to spread democracy” and the “American way of life”. It’s all a big nasty lie. The rest of the world is doing just fine thank you. And Americans need to straighten up, get their collective shit together and stop putting their nose in everyone else’s’ business.
This post consists of some videos from the rest of the world. And no, it doesn’t look like a “save the children” commercial either. People are living life, having fun and just enjoying themselves. They are not probed, monitored, reported on, and over taxed. They are doing just fine. And we are going to have some glimpses into their lives right about now.
Meanwhile in America
Ah. The Drudge Report offers us a snapshot of how America is doing. It’s a fucking mess, I’ll tell you what.
- Doctors warn country in ‘free fall’…
- White House hopes Americans will grow numb to toll…
- Pandemic Expert Offers Grim Outlook: ‘We’ll Be Living With Masks For Years’…
- Soaring cases overshadow July 4 celebrations…
- Hospitals Sound Alarm…
- Miami restaurants, gyms closing AGAIN…
- Tampa ICUs at max capacity…
- Do politicians who pushed for reopening have regrets?
- California Capitol shutters after lawmaker tests positive…
- Atlanta Mayor infected…
- Governors stress ‘personal responsibility’…
- SWAMP: Trump-connected lobbyists reap windfall in covid boom…
- President’s Support Withering in Hotspots…
- ‘You started the corona!’ Anti-Asian hate incidents explode…
I will tell you how bad things are.
- Even O’ Remus from the Woodpile Report has gone dark.
- Charlie Daniels has died.
- The lead singer from Bad Company has died.
- Leading Democrats in Congress want to ban Home Ownership.
I know that change is a normal art of life, but man….
And yet, if you go on American social media it’s still the same old narrative. America is so fantastic and so wonderful and so great that it must be the “will of God”, and all the rest of the world is evil. America needs to get involved and “teach them lessons”.
Today, Sen. Ernst says, we face a different supply chain threat: China. "We rely on communist China for far too much," she explains. She hasn't only been talking about the Chinese threat. Sen. Ernst recently wrote a letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in which she stressed that the U.S. must be more aggressive toward China, particularly after the communist regime's mishandling and cover-up of the coronavirus. China's role in the pandemic resulted in the loss of thousands of American lives, as well as devastating economic consequences. -Joni Ernst Focuses on China in First TV Ad of the Year
Oh Fucking Brother!
"...the communist regime's mishandling and cover-up of the coronavirus..."
Please give me a fucking break.
The videos of people dying all over China during CNY were everywhere. I myself have collected thousands. And while this was going on, you had President Trump telling everyone that "nothing is going on", and that you don't need to wear a mask. The idea that there was some sort of coverup is just political theater.
What “mishandling”?
Six days after discovery, everything went public and under lock-down. If anyone is mishandling anything it is the idiots running the United States right now.
America is in bad shape. And the general “rule of thumb” (historically) is to claim some foreign threat. Then launch a war, claiming that it’s all in “self-defense”. Right now, the build up is all against China.
But if Trump loses the election, the build up will be redirected against Russia.
And if so, then it looks like the John Tutor narrative will really start to have some legs...
… Nuclear War.
But of course, the PTB, the Oligarchy aren’t thinking this. They just simply cannot envision a life where they are not inside their nice comfortable homes living life and sipping tea while fondling with their pearl necklaces. They cannot envision major change on the order of Genghis Khan level disruptions.
Instead, they are pushing the same, tired old, narrative…
Export “democracy” to the rest of the world so that they can be as fantastically wonderful as Americans are, with all those American “freedoms”!

Let me tell you’se guys. The rest of the world doesn’t want any “American exceptionalism”. They just wish to be left alone, and the dearly wish that America would just “go away”.
Because the are NOT suffering. They are NOT some starving village out of a “Save the Children” commercial. And most people are very, very far removed to that 0.0003% of people who live in the elitist bubble in Washington DC where stocks, bonds and public manipulation are the norm.
They are having fun.
They are living life.

Here's some glimpses into the rest of the world. The images are from South East Asia. This includes Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand and Burma. Now, there is a lot of cultural back-and-forth going on in these areas, so there is a chance that I am mixing up a few regions with nearby societies. lease excuse the mistakes if appropriate.
Burma Music Video
Most Americans don’t know where Myanmar is.
It’s a small nation West of Thailand. It’s relatively poor, but peaceful. The only time most Americans hear about it has to do with some military excursion one way or the other. Then suddenly the news is plastered with buzz-words and trigger phrases. You know the drill “democracy”, “military junta”, “regime” and “communist”.
But aside from that, Americans are kept ignorant.

Americans just do not care.
“Out of sight is out of mind” as we all used to say.
At most, Americans might look at the news and see what constitutes as a video portrayal of events and daydream of starting a KFC franchise, introducing those “poor starving people” to ATM machines, and American social media. Not realizing of course, that they already have all of this. Each and every bit, only under their terms. Not under the oppressive terms of the iron-fisted American empire.
Here’s what it’s really like.
This is what the rest of the world is like.
And while you Americans were out having a BBQ with some chicken, some hamburgers, bags of potato chips, and watermelon, this is what other people were doing. While you were flying the red, white and blue flag on your porch, and drinking some fine Budweiser beer or PBR. Only…
…they didn’t need an official government holiday to do it. They just went out and lived life. Because for the rest of the world, just about every day is a holiday.
Check out this (partial) MV video from Burma…
Ah it’s one of my favorites.
Now for some bad news…
THE PENTAGON IS PREPARING A NEW WAR IN SOUTH-EAST ASIA Political Islam against China by Thierry Meyssan You are probably aware that you are incompletely informed about what is brewing in Myanmar, and you probably haven’t heard about the military coalition that is preparing to attack that country. And yet, as Thierry Meyssan reveals here, these current events have been in preparation by Riyadh and Washington since 2013. Don’t take sides before you read this article and digest the information.
All in the name of “freedom” and “democracy”…
But, take a gander. Do these people seem to need “democracy”, or “The American way of life”, or “American exceptionalism” that Donald Trump so loudly proclaim?
DO you really think that they want ANYTHING that America exports right now?
Do they look like they eat a lot of McDonald’s hamburgers, are all worked up and stressed about the IRS reporting dates, the up coming November elections, the new laws on social distancing on beaches or fishing? Nope. They are not. Because that nightmare world that all Americans live within is far, far removed for the lifestyle, and the societies of the rest of the world.
Thirteen years ago my life changed forever. Colin Powell, then US Secretary of State and the most credible person in George W. Bush’s cabinet, made the case for war in Iraq on February 5, 2003. As a young military intelligence officer at the time, watching from a makeshift army base in Kuwait not far from the Iraq border. Back then I was a true believer, trusting that the government was a force for good “making the world safe for democracy. . .” But that night it all changed. Powell told the world unequivocally that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, an assertion that history has proven categorically wrong. But within the intelligence community, many people knew the appalling truth immediately. That night it became clear to me that the government was lying and that the whole case for war was being fabricated. It was crushing, like finding out everything I’d been told throughout my life was total bullshit. So for the first time, I broke out of the spell and began questioning. Everything. I started learning about the extraordinary political power of the military industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned about. That led me to the fraud of many previous wars going as far as the Mexican War in 1845, one deeply criticized by Abraham Lincoln himself. That led me to the Constitution, to which all military officers swear an oath to support and defend… … and it surely didn’t seem like supporting or defending the Constitution in waging an ill-conceived, illegal war. Needless to say I couldn’t talk to my professional colleagues. Everyone was so gung-ho, I felt like an outcast. When I returned home, things didn’t improve. While I was away the country had noticeably turned into a police state. Yet people seemed oblivious to the change, drinking in the propaganda like a spiked punch bowl. All the loud, bombastic nonsense and pledges of allegiance were merely illusions masking modern day serfdom. -Simon Black
And now, well America is really knee-deep in shit. And it desperately needs a major military conflict for the PTB to stay in control and they are all “chomping at the bit” to make it happen.
It’s terrifying.
Yes. I know. I am in a “safe place”. And I know that change is going to happen. But, you all do know that I want peaceful change. Not violent change. And these elitists sitting in Washington DC are just delusional. On both sides of the isle. They do not know what they are asking, and the result will NOT be what they expect.
Did the starvation of China work? How about the mass riots in Hong Kong? What about the UN going against the Uighur “concentration camps” (nonsensical, but still) or of course the COVID-19 bioweapons attack against China on the CNY eve 2020? How did it all pan out.?
Do you all somehow think that a war with a major power is going to be a “walk in the park”?
The United States needs to leave the rest of the world alone.
It needs to concentrate on it’s own problems and start fixing things.

Instead of filling their own pockets and letting the rest of the nation suffer. And that is what is going on right now. Those trillions of dollar bailouts are not going tot he citizens. They are, instead, going to the politically connected and the cronies that support the PTB. This is not good…
- Small business ‘bailouts’ went beyond hard-hit companies…
- Businesses associated with Trump, administration officials got cash!
- Grover Norquist’s anti-government spending group took money…
- Thousands Of Investment Advisors,
- Portfolio Managers…
- Tech start-ups…
- Pelosi’s husband among lawmaker-linked recipients…
It’s like throwing kerosene on a smoldering fire.
The rest of the world is living life. Having fun. Chilling.
Let’s go to Thailand.
Local Thailand Music
Of course, in Thailand you can hear classic American Rock blaring from the bars and nightclubs, but if you listen carefully and go outside the tourist areas you can find real genuine local music. And it’s all pretty darn cool.
One of the most curious things that fascinated me is that the local music, and the styles all tended to resemble the hotter sections of Southern Mexico. And I am not the first to notice it.
A curious new trend has emerged in Bangkok, where young Thai men are identifying as “Mexican gangsters.”
On the outside, many of these Thais resemble the Cholos who inspire them. Their clothes, tattoos, and hairstyles emulate those sported by real homies.
- The Thai Cholos of Bangkok | Jamn 957
- Borderland Beat: Young Thai men emulate Mexican cholos
- Bangkok’s ‘Mexican’ Gangsters – Coconuts
What became clear is that the Thai obsession with these groups is simply an appreciation of their aesthetic. All of the men we spoke with were captivated by “the clean and simple style” that “worked well in this (Thai) weather,” as one gang member said.
So while they might appear and look like Mexican gangsters, they really emulate their style and appearance. As they both have a similar build / stature, a similar family lifestyle, a similar society, and similar weather. One should not, however, think that they aren’t able to handle themselves were “push comes to shove”. Thailand is the land of “kick boxing” and they do not play.
I dont know about the clothes but on a hand to hand combat fight my moneys on the thai boys! They would kick their ass in about 2 seconds with that martial arts shit! As for the idiot who wondered wtf this story got to do with anything? Get the f**k outta here! U need a change of pace sometimes! I saw a little woman from thailand once bring a grownass man to the floor with a damn broom handle once honest! If i hadnt seen it myself i wouldnt have believed it! I was like dayuum! Anonymous March 20, 2014 at 11:19 PM
Perhaps what most separates the Thais from the Mexicans they imitate is that almost all of them hold innocuous 9-5s as teachers, policemen and bureaucrats. Many are family men, and some admitted to consulting their wives before getting certain tattoos.
In a nutshell, this is a brotherhood of style-conscious men who bond over baggy white shirts and gothic-baroque tattoos.
That’s not to say that the Thais don’t have an understanding of the fierce take-no-shit Cholo attitude. Thanks to Youtube and movies they’re very much aware of that culture’s hyper-aggressiveness and machismo. One Balcony Pain gang member – Mr. Shiro Local – bared his inner gangster to us when he rapped a few lines from an original song he had written called “Fuck the Popo” in which he compared corrupt Thai police to parasites in his scrotum. Such outright vitriol is rarely directed towards people in authority in Thailand, where the dominant culture is one of extreme deference towards the powerful. Yet, you’d be hard pressed to find Thais who disagree with Mr. Local’s assessment of Bangkok’s cops. Perhaps a little more Mexican gangstah chutzpah is exactly what Thailand needs.
Just some local Thai men being themselves and living life.
Nice. Eh?
Local societies doing local things. People living life.
Good. Right?
Not everyone thinks so…

Now all this is going on while the PTB and the Oligarchy are moving military forces around the world. Both the American and English forces are moving in preparation for the World War that America so desperately needs…
What this article in fact announces is the state of war between the Anglo-American Empire and the PRC which with characteristic euphemism is called "hybrid". "Britain’s armed forces pivot east to face growing China threat Security and defence review dominated by ways to counter Beijing’s hybrid warfare" The FT as a mouthpiece of the Establishment is announcing that the conventional warfare elements are being mobilised as cover for covert operations already in progress for at least 18 months. By placing visible assets near the "front" any PRC responses to covert action can be dressed as provocations justifying selective escalation. Since the AAE is aware that it is unable to challenge PLAN elements in Chinese territorial waters or EEZ, these naval elements serve to inhibit or disrupt maritime traffic toward or from China. The preoccupation with repeated instances of viral infection not only consume resources but reinforce the negative public image of the PRC and force its "self-isolation". Since at the same time the promoters of the "pandemic" are determined to drive Trump out of office at all costs, both to restore control over the W**** House and hence the state bureaucracy and to continue the rollout against China and Russia unobstructed, there is little reason to expect any change in the WHO status before December. By that time the scale of basic economic disaster will require the draconian "public health (in fact policing) measures" on a far more coordinated scale than at present is apparent. We are going through what might best be called an indoctrination phase. This is a shift from overt criminal policing or political repression to a general "health and safety" doctrine- already well anchored in Britain and the US (the white dominions). My gut feeling is that the protests in the US are in fact a managed "watertight integrity" test. The natural anger and opposition to all sorts of real and imagined injustice is being selectively detonated. This will starve the real opposition of the "oxygen" it needs to resist the next phase of suppression. It would be nice to think that it is all more chaotic and less subject to management than I describe above. However, I see little cause for optimism of this sort. Dr. T. P. Wilkinson 魏巴克
I know that it is depressing. It’s like you have this really nice calm life. It’s fine and tranquil and then suddenly American planes zoom overhead and release a fireball that completely wipes out your small village.

Like what happened in Panama…
In Libya…
In Afghanistan, Syria…
And many, many other places…

Hey! I know it’s depressing.
You want to know what’s even more depressing?
It’s that any attack on China or Russia will end up with nuclear attacks on American soil. And yet somehow, somehow and in some crazy way, the American and British PTB Oligarchy leadership doesn’t think that this will happen. Thinking that a war with China will be limited to conventional weapons in the South China Sea is absolutely foolish.
What is the matter with these people?
- It will not be limited to conventional weapons.
- It will not be limited to the South China Sea.
Don’t they realize that on the grand scale of things that you just cannot move about… being a destroyer of things and NOT have some “flash back”?
Look at these videos.
America is a bubble of insanity.
Has anyone seen this from Rod Campbell of Australia Institute? He claims thousands of bot accounts controlled by US government spread the Wuhan bioweapons narrative nearly 5 million times in the first half of 2020:
The life of the people in the rest of the world is…
… normal.
The life of Americans in America is…
- BOOM: Mahomes Signs Richest Contract in NFL History…
- $450 million; 12-year commitment!
- President slams Bubba Wallace over ‘hoax’…
- Lindsey Graham, facing tough reelection, breaks with President… Americans leave large cities for suburbs, rural towns…
- Violent Crime Surging Dramatically in Urban Areas…
- Georgia gov to deploy 1,000 National Guard troops after bloody weekend…
People… the rest of the world is not like this. The rest of the world is normal and doing well. The rest of the world is living life and having fun. They are not in the same kind of extremes that Americans are enduring.
It is like night…
… and day.

They are not living in this bubble of extreme freak-out that exists within the USA today. They are innocents. They are just minding their own business. And when the brave American bombs start dropping, there will be a response…
… you want to avoid the areas where the response(s) will end up.
Come on…
Look at the rest of the world.
What about life in Cambodia?
How about checking things out there…eh?
America Needs a War
As I am trying to make the point, I want you the reader to pay attention and listen. It’s simple really.
- Americans are living within a “bubble”.
- The rest of the world lies outside this “bubble”.
They are happy, doing well, and want to be left alone. They are now protected with strong military alliances with peer-capable weapons, serious and powerful leadership, and an understanding of the stakes and the evils of the American Military Empire as it exists today.
America needs a war. It is the only technique remaining in the arsenal of control that will allow the United States to stay coherent and not break apart through internal division.
The severity of the internal American discord is an indicator of how serious the projected war that America wants…
…and the rest of the world is aware of this.
If you all think that the Chinese, and the Russians are going to sit back and allow the America to go initiate a global war to preserve their control over the rapidly crumbling American structure…
…you are sadly mistaken.
Right now, and keep this in mind… China is STILL at DEFCON ONE. Last week they just called up all of the national reservists. All of them. (What? You didn’t see this in the American or Western press did you?) If you think that China is going to permit the five aircraft (2 + 3 = 5) carriers heading to China right now, and the two invasion flotillas to be a threat, you are crazy.
- Why the U.S. Navy Sent Two Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups …
- China Threatens In Paracels; Three US Carrier Groups Sail …
- Two US aircraft carriers are operating in the South China …
- Operation Bashi Channel: the next flashpoint in the China …
- B-52 bomber joined dual-carrier exercise in the South …
Chinese and Russian military advisors have been having a flurry of meetings over this last month.
- China, Russia Conduct First Ever Joint Strategic Bomber …
- The Significance of the First Ever China-Russia Strategic …
- Russia and China are Sending Their Navies to the Baltic …
- Russia And China Will Now Hold Military Exercises ‘On A …
- Russia: New Player in the South China Sea?
- China and Russia: the world’s new superpower axis? | World …
Do not think that the rest of the world is going to sit back and pretend that nothing is going on? Don’t be silly. The leadership of both China and Russia are experts that obtained their positions through merit. Not though some diversity checklist and under-the-table bribes.
…In Cambodia.
Party Time in Cambodia
It’s “party time”. There, just like it used to be in America, people would customize their vehicles and make them into mobile party-centers. Then all they would need to do is go to an empty parking lot and have a good time. Sort of like this…
The rest of the world is just having fun. They are just enjoying themselves. There’s nothing wrong with that.
But, you would never know that this was going on from reading the American news…
- Trump campaign uses picture of Christ the Redeemer statue in BRAZIL to claim president will ‘protect statues’…
- How LINCOLN PROJECT got into his head…
- GOOGLE Trends data shows ‘Sleepy Joe’ name-calling isn’t generating buzz…
- Biden Camp Sees ‘Desperation’ in Ever-Changing Attacks…
- ‘SURVIVAL CONDO’: Inside The Luxury Nuclear Bunker Protecting The Mega-Rich From Apocalypse…
- How second half of 2020 could be even messier…
To Americans within their own bubble, they are convinced that they are “special”, and “wonderful”, and all is “great”.
How could they get this kind of idea?
It’s because it has been drummed into them ever since they first started attending school, and getting participation trophies for showing up.
I’ve got news for everyone.
Americans are NOT special. In fact, most aren’t really functional at the most basic level. The PTB realize this, and many people are starting to wake up to this frightening situation.
Here’s one…
The following is the full text of an article titled “RAW TRUTH: Why 97% of lives really DON’T matter at all to the future of humanity” by Mike Adams. It was found on Natural News and all credit to the Author.
The opinions are of the author and not necessairly that of Metallicman. So please take advisements. Realize that there are changes and you need to be a participant or else you will be flushed down the drain with the rest. Be advised. Aside from that. Realize that other people are starting to "wake up" and look around...
RAW TRUTH: Why 97% of lives really DON’T matter at all to the future of humanity
Sunday, July 05, 2020 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) The mantra of “Black Lives Matter” has been pounded into our heads 24 hours a day, and we’re told it’s an enlightened, progressive statement while anyone who claims “White lives matter” is somehow a racist bigot. Even worse, those who utter “ALL lives matter” are now threatened with being killed by this Harvard graduate, and people are being fired from their jobs for claiming “all lives matter.”
In truth, almost no lives really matter to the future of humanity, and that’s because roughly 97% of the people are oblivious, clueless consumers who are doing absolutely nothing to help secure a legacy of truth and freedom for future generations.
If you are sitting on your ass, watching The View and devouring Weight Watchers donuts as you allow the TV to fill your brain with mush, your life actually doesn’t matter. If you were to cease to exist, nothing about the future of human history would change one iota.
If you are still watching CNN and predominantly using Facebook, Twitter and Google because you don’t realize all the voices of truth have been banned by the authoritarian Left, your life probably doesn’t matter. You are nothing but a mind puppet of the globalist-run corporate propagandists (Big Tech and Big Media).
If you conform to the insane demands of the progressive left-wing fascists because you cower in fear over being “cancelled,” your life doesn’t matter, either.
If you’re not standing up against the lunatic left-wing mob to defend logic, reason and rationality, your existence really doesn’t matter. You aren’t changing history; you’re being used as a “useful idiot” to help achieve the aims of the anti-human globalists who despise human populations.
If you’re not fighting for the right to speak, the right to disagree and the right to question the lunacy of the mob, your life doesn’t matter.
If you’re doped up on a dozen prescription drugs to the point that you’re mentally incapacitated and can barely process events happening right in front of you, your life doesn’t matter. (But you might get nominated as the Democratic Presidential candidate, notably.)
If you vote for candidates based on political tribalism without having any real clue what those candidates stand for, your life doesn’t matter.
If you think you are owed everything without having to work for anything, your life doesn’t matter.
If you think the answer to today’s existential threats to our nation, our freedom and our Bill of Rights are no big deal and everybody should just “think positive,” then your life doesn’t really matter. You will accomplish nothing that matters.
Approximately 97% of the lives of Americans today don’t matter one bit. They are NPCs — Non-Player Characters — also known as PLFs (Programmable Life Forms), and they will do whatever they are told by the media, the corporations and the fake establishment “authorities.” They add exactly zero value to society and if they vanished tomorrow, the course of human history wouldn’t be altered one bit.
Here’s a video showcasing some members of the 97% — the clueless masses whose lives are pointless and inconsequential. Watch as they explain how the United States of America achieved its independence “in 1964” by fighting “the Civil War” against “America.” Seriously… and two of them are teachers!
Whose lives matter? Those who are informed and who make a difference. The 3%.
Only about 3% of the population have any clue about our history and are actively engaged in shaping our future. That’s fewer than 10 million people nationwide.
It is these 10 million people who will determine our shared future and whether or not we end up enslaved under left-wing tyranny or are able to reclaim our constitutional republic and defeat the anti-American forces that are rising.
So out of a nation of 330 million people, about 320 million lives make no difference at all. They are what globalists call “useless eaters,” and they are on the list to be exterminated via global depopulation efforts that are now underway via the plandemic and the coming coronavirus “vaccine.”
Another way to look at this is by simply being active in the effort to spread the truth and defend humanity against tyranny, you matter more than any 33 other people who are oblivious. Your life “counts” more, in other words, because you’re fighting to make a difference. And the 97% figure for the clueless masses is actually quite generous. The real number is probably more like 99%, which means one active, aware person “matters” more than 99 other people who are clueless.
What makes your life matter isn’t the color of your skin or your political affiliation. What determines whether you matter is how committed you are to fighting for human freedom and opposing authoritarianism and tyranny. Notably, people who really matter are self-selected: They alone determine that they wish to take a stand and make a difference. No one can appoint you to this position of relevance; you must seize it for yourself and become a person whose life really does make a positive difference in the world.
How to make your life matter
If you are an oblivious conformist who surrenders to the lunatic mob, your life is pointless and redundant. But if you want your life to really matter, you must break away from the mob and start thinking (and acting) for yourself.
There are many, many people who have set the example of independent thinking that you might allow to inspire yourself to do the same:
- Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change.
- James O’Keefe at Project Veritas.
- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. of
- Stefan Molyneux of
- Alan Keyes of IAMTV. (See
- Steve Quayle of
- Brandon Smith of
- Autism resolution expert Kerri Rivera at
… and many others. There are lots of examples out there. Are you among these types of independent thinkers who challenge the status quo and work to truly empower and uplift humanity with wisdom and knowledge?
Don’t go through life on a pointless, narcissistic rampage of a cult-like obedience to the puppet masters of our time: Think for yourself. Learn history. Share knowledge. Branch out and away from the content controllers at Facebook, YouTube, Google and Twitter. Change the channel and stop allowing yourself to be brainwashed by CNN, MCNBC and NPR.
Use alternative platforms for sharing real knowledge, like…
Seek out uncommon knowledge and use it to empower yourself. Create your own channels and post your own videos, texts or articles.
Freedom is so easily accessible that you can find it by typing a URL into your browser. Instead of typing “,” type “” and discover a whole new world.
Be someone who matters.
Change the future for the better. Join those of us who are doing this work every single day, dedicating our lives to protecting human freedom and a sustainable future of abundance and liberty for all.
97% of lives don’t matter, but yours can. What will you choose to do with it?
Be the Rufus
Make no mistake. Those that will survive and be permitted to procreate and live life through this tumultuous time period with be those that are aware, kind and knowledgeable. But most certainly have the kind of sentience deserving of mankind.
Sitting on a couch, smunching on pork rinds, and demanding that taxes get raised so that you can still keep using your food stamps is not representative of the future of mankind.
This is…
The rest of the world is changing.
The way things have been is coming to an end, and people are starting to fight back. They demand stability, families, and stable relationships. They tire of the vermin… rich and the poor that prey on the rest of society. Now, with the proper tools, and the proper motivation they have declared a new order of society.
Have you noticed?
- The CIA/NED instigation of the Hong Kong “pro-democracy” movement and the pay-offs of the Judges to let the criminals have a pass. Even when it came to killing people, damaging critical infrastructure, and maiming people.
- China changing the law. Throwing out the judges. Shutting down the CIA/NED “safe spaces”. Arresting and severely punishing the wrong-doers. Organ harvesting with life-time of hard-labor in the salt mines for many many years. No wonder that even Joshua Wong has disbanded his organization.
It’s all starting to come down. It’s all starting to fall apart.

And the petty criminals and the evil folk in positions of power must change or else they will face the consequences.
Remember this; A functional nation devotes 100% of it's time, energy and resources on bettering the lives of it's people. If it is unable to do that, or devotes a smaller percentage of time, money and effort to the domestic needs of it's people, it is disfunctional. The world, and the human race, needs functional, healthy and substantive people, organizations and governments. Anything less MUST be purged and culled from existence.
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