We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
Probably most cat owners have dreamed of building their cat a little home at some point, but not like this! Peter, the founder of the ZenByCat organization, and the builder of this wonderful cat paradise that we’re about to show you, slowly but surely executed his life’s dream: living in harmony surrounded by the cuddly and perfectly happy rescued fluffballs.
Just how many cats, you might ask? Over twenty. But it’s alright, Peter’s house is built for it. Literally. So scroll right down and check out the catopia, the Shangri-La of cat homes, except this one exists for real.
God bless this man.
Here’s Peter, the founder of the “House of Nekko”
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Nobody could’ve imagined that he’d turn his house into catopia (cat utopia), but he did
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Peter, who bought the house in 1988, has designed the house to meet all of the needs of his rescue cats
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It has platforms specially made for cats to roam around without sacrificing the high ground
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There are tons of plants and feeding spots so they feel like the kings and queens of the jungle
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Separate feeding spots ensure that they’re never fighting for their food
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It even has spiral stairways that have access to floors only cats can get to
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Even the bathroom is decked out to suit the needs of the felines
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Yes, this is a cat hamster wheel
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There are even some plant-themed rooms just so they feel like in great outdoors
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The house has lots of high spots that cats love
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Of course there are scratchers and beds, too
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“I heard you like cat houses, so we put a cat house inside a cat house, so you can live while you live”
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Overall, Peter has over 20 rescued indoor cats living with him
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The cats are well taken care of. As if all of it is not enough, they even have their own pillows and blankets
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Peter’s ZenByCat non-profit organization was found to fight a deadly disease called FIP, Feline Infectious Peritonitis
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The story of Zen By Cat begins with a kitten Peter adopted in, 2016, Miss Bean.
Miss Bean was diagnosed with Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). With her condition rapidly deteriorating Peter seemingly had no choice but to euthanize her.
But before the decision was final, Peter received a message from a friend of his. She said she knew a vet at UC Davis, who might be able to get Miss Bean into a Drug Trial for young kittens with FIP.
Peter decided he had to try.
Over the course of the next 31 days Peter and Miss Bean went on a roller coaster of improvements and setbacks against FIP.
Sadly, Miss Bean lost her fight on July 26, 2016.
In honor of Miss Bean and all other victims of FIP, Zen By Cat was set up as a nonprofit to raise money and awareness for FIP research. Since this, Dr. Pederson and others at UC Davis, have made great strides in their research and have successfully cured many cats from FIP, including Peter’s cat Smokey.
But there is still work to be done to bring the drug that saved Smokey and others to market.
Peter’s workstation just screams “I love cats”
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And last but not least, an obligatory stalking window
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Sure, the world is undergoing a realignment. And the West, led by the United States, is putting up a fit, and a fight. But it will lose, and the world will calm down soon enough.
This little article is designed to show you what one person can do to make their little corner of the world a better place to live in.
Make the world a better place.
And if the rest of the world howls, let them howl. You have far better things to do with your time. I believe in you.
Do you want more?
I have more posts like this in my cat section in my happiness index here…
Here’s a nice distraction for a change. And Lordy do we all need it.
No talk about war today. We are going to shelve it.
Instead, We are going to play around with art and cats. As I know that many MM readers are pet lovers, and many of them love kitties. And you all know how special cats are. So we are just going to take a nice fun break and play around with cats and anime.
Japanese artist known as DHK recreated funny cat pictures in an anime style, turning the kittens into girls. The recreations are cute and professional. The artist manages to keep the resemblance to the original picture while creating stylish and beautiful characters that will probably make you wonder how your pets would look as humans.
I guess you could say it’s a meme about a meme regarding a meme. And now how about a cat dazing out into space…
4 33 650×609 1
Perhaps a pensive tuxedo kitty…
5 31 650×813 1
Or a cat taking a playful bite out of an arm…
6 28 650×650 1
Or, how about this meme…
7 28 650×542 1
And my cat used to do this all the time…
8 27 990×1238 1
As well as do this. In fact, I would always rub my hand across his back, up to his tail…
9 27 990×825 1Fun huh?
Fun huh?
Yeah. I think so.
I just wanted to give everyone a break. We all need it. Don’t you think? Now for some more fun with your little buddies…
If you have a cat, you’ll love this.
Cat guardians (that means youse guys) will do anything to get their feline friends happy and purring. Sometimes this means spending dough (also known as moola) on toys and treats.
But wait!
You don’t have to spend a ton of money when the DIY versions are just as fancy.
So, Come on! Take a look at some favorite DIY cat toys. And keep in mind that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to make much of these items. Just some creative skills and a desire to help your beloved kitties play around.
This scratch pad is too cute for words. This is DIY at its best. When I was a boy, we used to roll up cardboard like this and melt wax in the grooves. It makes for great fire starters. This one just wraps cardboard and then holds it in place with Hot-melt glue.
You can replicate this adorable toy by grabbing a box that’s similar to the one in the above photo. Hum…? What kind of box? I suggest a pizza box. Or, perhaps the box that your laptop came in.
Anyway. No problem! If you don’t have a box, then no problem! Just order take out. Problem solved!
2022 03 06 07 42
Then, after you eat the pizza, simply cut holes in it and grab a ball or two. I suggest those little mini pom-poms that you can get at DIY hobby craft stores.
Your kitty’s mind will be stimulated, and his or her heart will be full!
No cardboard boxes, eh? Well, I’m sure that you have some old Tupperware lying around. Don’t you?
By making holes in the lid of your Tupperware container, you can transform a Tupperware container into a brain exercise for your cat! All you need is to add some different-sized and colored balls in the container and your kitty is good to go.
This DIY cat puzzle will be lots of fun for inquisitive felines. No more bored kitty!
A simple stepladder gets a serious upgrade with this scratch-pad cat tree plus hammock. Just lay out an old towel, Tee-shirt, or cloth for your little buddy to lay upon. If you are creative, you can add cushions, zippers, thread, and all sorts of dangling things.
2022 03 04 15 23
McDonald’s stirrers
Come on! What cat owner doesn’t know of this trick?
This is a bit more involved, but if you love your little buddies, perhaps you can throw something together. It doesn’t matter if it is made out of cardboard, or wood, or old furniture. Just make it cat-playful-friendly.
For me, here’s the big secret…
Just get cat-sized cardboard boxes. Don’t do anything else. Let the cats explore.
2022 03 04 15 24
Aluminum foil ball
Take a piece of aluminum foil – Crinkle it up – And make it into a ball. Yup, that simple, of course. You can decide whether to have the ball very tightly packed in, or if you’d rather, it can be less packed and bigger. You can have a number to see which your cat prefers.
Here’s another crafty way to repurpose that old T-shirt that you were planning to toss out. Cut the shirt into long strips and tie them into bows. What’s so difficult about that?
You probably already know that cats love wand toys. The thing is, they destroy them, and you end up buying one after another. Stop the spending cycle with this easy DIY cat-wand tutorial.
2022 03 04 15 28
A bag of DIY feathers
Heck! You don’t even need to open the bag up. Just throw it on the floor and let them “go to town”!
All you need is an ice cube tray and some kibble to make a new food puzzle for kitty.
2022 03 04 15 29
Wine Corks To DIY Kitty Toys
I have boxes of corks, don’t you know. I hope you’re saving your wine corks! In addition to these fun wine cork crafts, you can make some adorable wine cork kitty toys for your furry friend.
To make these adorable DIY cat toys, first, soften your wine corks by boiling and then make a hole in each of the softened wine corks. Using epoxy to make sure nothing comes loose, insert and stick some feathers, pipe cleaners, ribbon, jute, or anything else that will attract and keep your kitty busy for hours. Allow the toy to fully dry before giving it to your kitty.
2022 03 04 15 31
DIY Cat Tent
While this DIY isn’t a cat toy, we know that every cat needs a place to hide — a little sanctuary to get away in when the house becomes too busy.
A DIY t-shirt cat tent is just the ticket! Simply make it with wire clothes hangers (to shape the tent) and an old t-shirt. DIY’ing cat toys and stuff for your kitty couldn’t get easier than this!
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
This post we will look at the general considerations for the design of the egress portal itself.
This is part of the DIY series in making your very own dimensional portal. The geometry of the egress station will stay the same regardless of how you use this dimensional portal. Whether it is intended as a “time machine”, a mechanism to traverse the “what if” worlds, or just something you want to use to improve your physical appearance, the geometry will not change.
Dimensional portal showing magnetic field generator, and the “air gap” that the traveler must pass through to use the mechanism. This post discusses the geometry of this “air gap”.
Basic Introduction
Note that this is an article that is part of a long series of posts on DIY construction of a dimensional portal.
This technology will permit a person to move anywhere in the universe geographically, move through time, and more in and out of different world-lines.
This page is part of a collection of my writings on how to make a home-made dimensional portal that actually works. This portal is a “poor man’s” version of the MAJestic dimensional portal that was present in NAS NASC Pensacola Florida back in 1981.
This particular post covers the geometry of the portal itself’ the “air gap” or region that that traveled must walk through in order to travel the various world-lines.
Teleportation is a proven fact, and is well understood in the quantum physics world. It has been demonstrated continuously and repeatedly in the laboratory as well.
Though public demonstration of large objects is not available and considered "far fetched", the fact is this is a mature technology.
This technology has been in possession of the United States Navy's ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) branch of high technology MAJestic branch, of which I was a part of.
Overall, this post is part of a much larger series of posts. All of which describe a rather comprehensive DIY project. Within it is everything that you need to construct your very own dimensional portal. The big missing gap is the mapping of the dimensional coordinates. Because unless you are able to lay out a destination coordinate, you will have little use for this mechanism.
The equations tend to be a tad esoteric, but it’s nothing too difficult as long as you know some basic mathematics. Just follow the narrative and the instructions and you will be just fine.
This is part 10. The calculations and equations related to the actual portal geometry.
You are here.
I always like it when you are lost in a big museum, hospital or factory, and you come up to a big sign on the wall; a map really, that says “You are here.”. It helps you figure out where you are relative to the over all scheme of things.
You are here.
Let’s see where this post fits into the big scheme of things.
Essentially, the idea is quite simple, really. [1] You generate a massive, simply massive; “big honker” electromagnet. In it is [2] this “air gap” or a gap large enough for a person to walk though. [3] The magnetic field generated in the electromagnet is enormous. It is [4] strong enough to “erase” or “obscure” your current “coordinates” associated with this world-line and your life. Then, [5] new coordinates are over-laid over your body, [6] using frequency generation techniques, and [7] when the magnetic field collapses you “snap” right to the new reality or dimensions that you have imprinted.
It’s rather simple. The issues are in the implementation of the various steps.
You need to [8] measure the frequencies of location with extreme precision. You need [9] to be able to functionally understand how to change them to take you where ever you want to go. You need [10] to pulse the electromagnet into sine wave configuration, and [11] you need to have the traveler become brainwave neutral during the egress operation.
I’ve covered those steps elsewhere.
Here we will concentrate on the geometry of the “air gap” that the person (traveler) will walk into. It is section #2, above and highlighted in BOLD.
With this in mind, let’s crack open our electromagnetic handbooks and review just how a magnet works and how we can apply that knowledge to our particular application.
The design of magnets and electromagnets is a mature technology. I personally find it fascinating. As it is just a very interesting subject that I have taken a shine to. You can find all sorts of texts, websites, and papers written about this technology. And anything listed herein can be found elsewhere if you were so inclined to research elsewhere.
In this post, I am going to take this very interesting technology and break it down into a very simple format, so that anyone trying to (or who desires of) building their own dimensional portal can understand the issues involved.
Air Gap
This is the “interface” where the traveler enters the transport mechanism. It is an open area. It is a space, and since it contains air, it is known as a “air gap” as it is typically a gap within a large metal ring.
Air gap, is a non-magnetic part of a magnetic circuit.
It is usually connected magnetically in series with the rest of the circuit, so that a substantial part of the magnetic flux flows through the gap. Here’s a three dimensional diagram of an air gap in a magnetic circuit…
Depending on application, air gap may be filled with a non-magnetic material such as gas, water, vacuum, plastic, wood etc. and not necessarily just with air.3)4)
So we can say that if the device were enclosed within a pool of water, the person could swim though the gap and teleport to a new location. But why bother, right? We live and breathe and walk in air.
Flux Fringing
Due to increased reluctance of an air gap the flux spreads into the surrounding medium.
Think of water in a tube, as long as the tube keeps the water inside the tube, it flows forward without any loss or leakage. But the moment that you add a hole, or series of holes in the tube, you will have leaks. Water will squirt out, and as it does so, it will “take away” from the smooth flow of the rest of the water in the tube.
When you add an airgap to increase the reluctance of the core then it is almost as if you have decreased its permeability, and thereby lowered the inductance of a winding on it. Indeed, when you buy a core with a pre-fabricated gap then the manufacturer may specify what is called the effective permeability of the core, μ e.
-Air gapped magnetic cores
This spreading eventually causes an ‘effect” known as the “flux fringing effect.”
Flux fringing - a phenomenon in which the magnetic flux flowing in a magnetic core spreads out (or fringes out) into the surrounding medium, for example in the vicinity of an air gap.
-Fluxfringing [Encyclopedia of magnetics and electromagneti…
Flux fringing
The point behind this is that we need a gap for the traveler to walk through, but the mere presence of the gap will “take away” or detract from the energy, power and efficiency of the magnetic flux in that gap.
In order to quantify how much magnetic flux you will lose, you need to calculate it. This is done by observing the “eddy current loss”.
Eddy Current Loss
Flux Fringing is generally an unwanted phenomenon which usually increases proximity and eddy current loss in conductors located in the vicinity of the air gap. To simplify; the “flux fringing” phenomenon subtracts away from the strength of the magnetic flux inside the air gap.
Eddy Current Loss
A sectional view of the magnetic core is shown in the figure above. When the changing flux links with the core itself, it induces emf in the core which in turns sets up the circulating current called Eddy Current. And these current in return produces a loss called eddy current loss or (I2R) loss, where I is the value of the current and R is the resistance of the eddy current path.
The strength and the magnitude of the loss of magnetic flux is a function of the geometry of the air gap and the over-all magnitude of the flux itself.
Reducing the Eddy Current Loss
If the core is made up of solid iron of larger cross-sectional area, the magnitude of I (current) will be very large and hence losses will be high. To reduce the eddy current loss mainly there are two methods.
By reducing the magnitude of the eddy current.
The magnitude of the current can be reduced by splitting the solid core into thin sheets called laminations, in the plane parallel to the magnetic field. Each lamination is insulated from the other by a thin layer of coating of varnish or oxide film.
Instead of a solid metal core, if you make it out of thin lamination’s, you will be able to be able to control eddy current loss.
By laminating the core.
By laminating the core, the area of each section is reduced and hence the induced emf also reduces. As the area through which the current is passed is smaller, the resistance of eddy current path increases.
Diagram showing how laminated cores operate within an magnetic field environment.
Influence on B-H loop
The B-H loop of a magnetic circuit is affected by the presence of an air gap. This is an important characteristic of the environment inside of the air gap.
The B-H loop is produced by measuring the magnetic flux (B) of a ferromagnetic material when the applied magnetizing force is changed (H). A ferromagnetic material which has been never before magnetized or demagnetized ferromagnetic material will trail the dashed line (see the figure) as magnetizing force (H) is increased.
A B-H Loop in soft magnet.
Permeability of non-magnetic material is low (such as air) and therefore it requires greater values of to obtain the same value of as compared with magnetically soft materials (such as iron). Here is a more detailed image of a typical B-H Loop showing key features of it.
B-H loop
With the introduction of an air gap the B-H loop of a magnetic circuit gets “sheared” (slanted), hence the value of its slope proportional to the effective permeability is reduced.
Effective magnetic permeability (also apparent magnetic permeability1)), often denoted as μe, μeff or μa - a term used in analysis of magnetic performance of gapped cores. For a non-homogeneous core (e.g. gapped or composed of powder-like particles) this would be the value of magnetic permeability of a hypothetical homogeneous material which would exhibit the same permeability.
The amount of “shearing” is proportional to the length of the air gap – the larger the air gap the lower the slope. For our application, this air gap is quite large; it is the height of a human being.
For air core coil (no magnetic material present) the B-H characteristics become by definition the same as for the non-magnetic material encircled by the winding (e.g. air).
The influence of air gap on the shape of B-H loop for a cut core is shown below…
B-H loops (hysteresis loops) measured on a toroidal core, made from grain-oriented electrical steel grade M4. The core was cut and lapped. Blue curve shows the B-H loop with the lapped faces touching. Red curve shows data measured for the same core, with an air gap of 0.07 mm (plastic shim) introduced between the lapped faces. B-H loops measured at 1.7T, 50Hz. Power loss was 1.49 W/kg without air gap, and 1.45 W/kg with the air gap, so very little change comparing to great changes of the shape of the loop.
Changes of effective permeability and linearisation of the B-H loops caused by increasing the air gap …
A comparative graph showing the influence of increasing air gap in a magnetic core. The numbers denote the unitless ratio lg/lc, where: lg – length of gap and lc – length of core. Drawing based on: G.B. Finke, Gapped magnetic core structures, Magnetic Metals Corporation, {accessed 17 Jun 2013}.
Conversely, if no air gap is present then the slope becomes as steep as possible, and the B-H loop will represent the closest approximation of the characteristic of the magnetic material (for a given shape of the magnetic circuit). For our egress portal design, the B-H Loop is very, extremely slanted. It is nearly horizontal. And that does pose some design challenges.
The creation of a workable “air gap” can be achieved for instance by careful polishing or lapping of the flat faces, in order to reduce the surface roughness and the amount of space between the magnetic surfaces. 5)
Calculator of effective magnetic permeability from air gap
For a magnetic circuit with uniform cross-section the value of effective permeability μeff can be calculated if the lengths and permeabilities of both part of the circuit are known.
The equation is valid only for a simple magnetic circuit, made out of bulk material, for relative permeability if lcore >> lgap, and if µcore >> 1.
Gapped core with: total magnetic path length l (orange), length of core lcore (blue) and length of air gap(red)
I find this all very interesting. But you know, many people cannot visualize the differences between a small model and the actual real object. It’s like that scene from the Movie Hangover III. Where the one character looks at the model of an estate, and comments, (more or less)…
[to Phil and Stu]
Alan: You guys know what’s going on, right?
Phil: What do you mean?
Alan: Well…
[to Chow]
Alan: And please correct me if I’m wrong.
[pointing to the miniature villa]
Alan: We’re not breaking into this house, this house is too small. We’re breaking into another house. This is just a model, right, Chow?
Mr. Chow: What?
In short, if we use the simpler, most basic design for this electromagnet, then the magnet will have to be huge. You would take the picture of the above magnet, and scale it up. So the air gap which is perhaps 1/8 of an inch wide, would actually be six or seven feet tall.
Thus making the entire magnet building-sized.
Gapped and air-cored inductors
To understand other alternatives to this design and style of an electromagnet, we need to understand what options that we have. And, lucky for us, there are many. We can use the technologies involved in inductors to help us work out more “reasonable” solutions that won’t require us to get a building permit to create a five story tall electromagnet.
Now, fundamentally, the presence of the air-gap will change the ability of the electromagnet to work efficiently. From it’s initial conception through to utility, the entire system is fraught with inefficiencies. Never the less, use of it in our application is guaranteed to work provided that the magnetic flux is large enough.
Energy storing inductors
Air gaps are an integral part of gapped inductors.
An analogy of the movement of magnetic flux within an air-gapped inductor and that of an electrical circuit.
The gap reduces effective permeability of a given magnetic circuit and allows storing much greater energy before saturation is reached.
Effective magnetic permeability (also apparent magnetic permeability), often denoted as μe, μeff or μa - a term used in analysis of magnetic performance of gapped cores. For a non-homogeneous core (e.g. gapped or composed of powder-like particles) this would be the value of magnetic permeability of a hypothetical homogeneous material which would exhibit the same permeability.
Increasing the gap reduces the inductance, so the winding must have more turns to compensate accordingly.12)
The larger the air-gap, the more turns of wire that must be used in the electro-magnet.
For a given size of inductor the amount of stored energy versus applied air gap can be represented by a Hanna curve.13)
If operation with high currents is required then the air gap might be very large, so that the magnetic circuit is quite “open”.
For instance, a common design for electronic chokes is to place a winding on a magnetic rod. The magnetic field lines must close through the surrounding air (outside of the winding), so the length of the air gap is comparable with the length of the rod.14)
In some cases the currents are so high that it is very difficult or cost prohibitive to design the inductor with a magnetic core. In such case a so-called “air core” is used, where the windings are supported by a non-magnetic structure, and the whole magnetic circuit is effectively one big air gap.
The distribution of air gap can be also extended even further. There are magnetic materials, which are made from small particles (mostly based on powder iron, sendust or moly permalloy powder) bound together in such a way as to contain certain percentage of non-magnetic volume in them.
SendustSendust is a magnetic metal powder that was invented by Hakaru Masumoto at Tohoku Imperial University in Sendai, Japan, about 1936 as an alternative to permalloy in inductor applications for telephone networks. Sendust composition is typically 85% iron, 9% silicon and 6% aluminum. The powder is sintered into cores to manufacture inductors. Sendust cores have high magnetic permeability (up to 140 000), low loss, low coercivity (5 A/m) good temperature stability and saturation flux density up to 1 T.
Moly Permalloy. An alloy with exceptionally high magnetic permeability, very low coercive force, very low core losses, and low remnance by magnetic field annealing. The alloy finds application in magnetic shielding where fields much less than the Earth’s magnetic field are required. The highest volume applications using laminations or tape wound cores today are ground fault interrupter and modem transformer cores. The alloy is used as well in a variety of other high performance transformer core applications such as tape recorder heads and audio transformers. Control of the cooling rate during heat treatment and superimposition of various customer bake treatments are used to develop the most suitable magnetic quality for the application
The resultant effective permeability is much lower, but the air gap is uniformly distributed throughout the whole material.16) The fringing effect and leakage flux is greatly reduced, which is especially important for high-frequency applications.
If the idea of creating a building-sized electromagnet is not appealing, there are other ways of conducting and producing electromagnets. Such as this one. Large electromagnet with a 200 mm long air gap..
Large semi-industrial DC electromagnet, made by Magneto (and co-designed by Stan Zurek). The air gap allows exposing objects 20 x 20 x 20 cm to flux density 0.4 T and higher.
A common performance expected from an electromagnet is to generate magnetic field within a given volume of an air gap.
The purpose of an electromagnet is to generate a strong magnetic field within the air gap.
This could be done for a number of tasks, for instance:
to exert mechanical force on a designed part – this operation is similar to electromagnetic actuators
to exert mechanical force on inclusions or other elements suspended in non-magnetic matter – a principle used in magnetic separators42), recording of shapes on magnetic film43) and some medical applications (e.g. guiding particles inside of blood vessels)44)
to provide magnetic field required for material processing45)46)
And this is exactly what our use of this system is for.
Of the shelf designs for experimentation purposes.
Why go straight to the creation of large (building sized) electromagnets, when there are well made, smaller, units available? You can buy these smaller units, and run tests and experiments using them. You will be able to do everything that a big electromagnet can do, except send a human-sized object to another dimension.
Here is one such product…
DXSBV Double-Yoke Single-Tuning Adjustable Air Gap Electromagnet
Double-yoke electromagnet, whose magnetic pole pieces stay vertically to the ground, with downward magnetic pole piece to be fixed, topside magnetic pole piece and air gap to be adjustable, the magnetic field is vertical with the ground. The main feature is easy to place and remove the sample, which is suitable for repeated measurement, widely used in magnetic materials testing.
And here are some specifications for some of the models that this company produces…
The inspired DIY dimensional experimenter might be interested in following up with this at the company website HERE.
Energy stored in air gap
A magnetic circuit behaves like a “conductor” so that the magnetic field can be efficiently guided along desired path. If a high-permeability material is used then very little energy will be stored in the magnetic core. However, an air gap introduces a discontinuity and due to its low permeability stores significant amount of magnetic energy, as compared to the same volume of magnetic core.
This energy storing property is utilized, for instance, in energy storing inductors and flyback transformers, in which air gap in a pivotal design parameter. On the one hand, the air gap is used for storing the actual energy, but on the other it changes operating characteristics of the B-H curve and allows driving the inductor at higher currents hence higher magnetic field strength thus extending the range before magnetic saturation occurs.
For a simple magnetic circuit with a single air gap (see the first image at the top), for which the core is made out of high-permeability material such that , with the air gap itself and the flux density in the air gap being uniform, and if the flux fringing can be neglected, it can be derived that the stored energy is: 47)
This equation is our GOLD STANDARD from which to calculate the air gap dimensions.
Air Gap Dimensions
Here is what I would suggest to use as the volume and the dimensions for the air gap.
Air gap Dimensions.
Flux fringing
Flux fringing (red arc) around an air gap in magnetic core
An FEM simulation of a gapped inductor. The field lines show the magnetic flux. In the air gap the green trajectory (between the poles) is the desired path for flux, but the red one shows fringing flux.
Flux fringing is caused by the fact that the reluctance of the concentrated air gap is much greater than that of the core. The flux tries to spread as wide as possible in order to minimise the drop of magnetomotive force across the air gap. As a result of flux fringing the total reluctance of the circuit is somewhat lower. This has several major effects.
In energy-storing inductors the inductance is related to the reluctance of the air gap. The fringing lowers the overall reluctance, so that the resulting inductance is somewhat higher. This needs to be taken into account so that the inductance value is appropriate for a given design. There are various empirical equations suggested in literature for calculating the correction of this effect.
For instance McLyman suggest the following “flux fringing factor” ():48)
where: F – factor by which the inductance is increased (unitless),lgap– length of the air gap (m),A – cross-section area of the core (m2), lwindow— length of the inside (in the window) of the core leg in which the gap is present (m).
Rectangular Cross Section
Another example is when the area of the air gap is scaled according to its length. For instance if the magnetic core cross-section is a rectangle the following calculation can be used: 49)
where: and are the lengths of each side of the rectangular cross-section of the magnetic core (m).
Hurley and Wölfle
Yet another approximating equation is given by Hurley and Wölfle50)
However, all such equations are only approximate, and usually work only under the assumption that the length of the air gap is much smaller than any of the dimensions of the core.
Additional Copper Loss
The second effect is additional copper loss due to the fact that fringing flux “bulges away” from the air gap. Usually most of the core window is occupied by windings and if they are exposed to fast-changing fringing flux (e.g. in flyback transformers) this causes additional eddy current losses in the windings.51)
Entry Angle
The third effect is that the fringing flux enters the core perpendicularly to the normal flow of magnetic field. In soft ferrites this is not a problem. But in laminated cores this flux does not travel along the laminations, but enters them perpendicularly to their surface, resulting in a large value of normal component, inducing elevated eddy currents and thus additional iron loss. A distributed air gap is employed in order to reduce this effect (see next section).
5) International standard, IEC 60404-3, Magnetic materials – Part 3: Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of magnetic sheet and strip by means of a single sheet tester
25), 27) P. Marketos, T. Meydan, D. Snell, Performance of single-phase transformer cores assembled from consolidated stacks of electrical steels, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 254-255, 2003, p. 612-614
40) R.S. Ruffini, Jr., V.S. Nemkov, Magnetic Field Control and Concentration in Induction Heating coils, Heat Treating, Proceedings of the 16th ASM Heat Treating Society Conference & Exposition, 19-21 March 1996, Cincinatti, Ohio, US, p. 127
The first step in building this DIY teleportation / dimensional egress portal is to construct the electromagnet that will be used to erase the universal location frequencies of the traveler. Any strong and powerful enough magnetic field will do, but in this post we discuss using electomagnets with an enormous air gap to provide this ability.
Further, commercially available systems (of a much smaller scale) are available for purchase and use for experimentation purposes, and for purposes of obtaining location frequency data, and that associated with time, and location.
Do you want more?
I’d hope so. I have more posts in my DIY dimensional Portal Index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Here, in this post we are going to take a look at ways to convert the “frequencies of location” into a map with coordinates.
There is no right or wrong way to do this. In fact, there are many, many ways. Each with it’s own benefits and liabilities.
Consider this scenario
It’s easy enough to imagine a map with two sets of geographical coordinates. Right?
Conventional mapping of Geo-positioning coordinates.
Now, add time. Where each coordinate can go “into the past”, stay in the present, or “move into the future”.
Adding coordinates that represent time at a given geographical location.
Now, add an entirely new set of criteria. It’s a big enormous set that describes variations in a world-line, for each coordinate. And the variations are nearly infinite, so it’s a very wide and open-ended coordinate. The only way that you can reasonably control all the many, many variations of a world-line variation is comparative. Using the current baseline, what is the delta changes to it?
Adding the coordinates of world-line variations to the map.
When you break things down simply, it really isn’t that difficult.
The coordinate system that you use has really three major components to it. These are as described above. They are [1] geographic location, [2] time, and [3] world-line variation from egress coordinates.
Converting frequencies into something that you can map
Unfortunately, the system that we have laid out describes the collection of frequencies of location with an isolation of the frequencies associated with the traveler. We need to convert that into a usable map.
We need to, don’t you know.
Well, it’s going to be pretty difficult to identify where you are in the enormous MWI. It’s darn near impossible to identify who you are relative to a near infinite number of world-lines that surround you. Not to mention all the variations and the changes associated with a destination coordinate.
It will look like a long string of numbers, in a long, thick book.
And because of this, it really isn’t very useful. You need to convert those numbers into a map that you can read, chart a course, and execute a travel algorithm.
Here we talk about this.
Why bother?
When I entered the fixed dimensional portal so many years back, the destination coordinates were in the form of long strings of numbers on bound print outs. It was the height of technology at the time, and the Commander made tweaks to the destination values upon reviewing my printed out handout.
Here is a bound stack of computer printout sheets nearly identical to what was used when I first entered the fixed dimensional portal…
Bound stack of computer printout sheets that described the destination coordinates that I was to be sent to.
In those days, most computers did not have a monitor or screen. Those few that did were pretty much a visual display that showed green colored text on a black background. Instead, the worker would sit behind a “terminal” and type. It in many ways resembled an electric typewriter, and had the added advantage of leaving a defined paper trail record of your keystrokes.
It looked something like this…
Late 1970’s to the early 1980’s high technology in computers and office equipment.
At that time, there was little option to do anything else. Visualization of large sets of data, or other systems for better and more understandable information retention and exchange was embryonic. We just used the systems available to us, as crude as they were at the time.
It’s not that the visualization of large data sets was unknown, it’s just that we didn’t have the tools necessary to organize the data.
The first instances of infographics as we know them today – as data made visual – dates back to the late 1700s with a chart of wheat prices and labor wages. The creator, William Playfair, might be considered the father of modern day infographics.
The key to infographics is that the brain processes images more readily than words: A picture really was worth a thousand words.
For instance, here is an infographic that discusses slavery in the Southern United States prior to the American Civil War;
Infographic example.
In the example above, you can clearly see where Slavery was the most prevalent, and where it was scarce. You can also be able to deduce and extrapolate information from this graphic. That is the benefits of an infographic as opposed to large streams of numbers.
The advantage of visualization of large complex number sets
As computer technology became more and more sophisticated, a new branch of technology came into being. This was known as “information visualization”, and most reader have probably heard of it. Because “infographics” is a well understood off-shoot of this technology.
The importance of this should not be overlooked.
Relevant data sets would be highlighted, while other data sets could be ignored. As such, there are many different shapes and forms that they can be displayed into. The best one depends on the application.
For instance, here is a “tree” data visualization style.
A complex data set visualized using “tree” structure and organization.
And here is a “cluster” visualization style.
Cluster visualization style.
In regards to visualization of the enormous sets of data associated with world-line portal coordinates, it is important that the visualization be such that it is easy to understand, and equally easy to plot out destinations.
Visualizing frequencies
This technology has actually been around for a while. Anyone who has any of a zillion audio players on their computer can observe the ever changing music (frequencies of sound) depicted in eye-catching arrays for amusement purposes.
In the 1980’s the amplitude of various frequencies were isolated and presented in a bar-code format as lighted LED bars. Here, 16 frequencies are shown with the various amplitudes of the isolated signals.
In these applications, we watch with amusement how the visual designs change with the changes in the music. Fun, huh?
But it gets old.
What we want is something similar, but quite different. We do not want to watch the frequencies of location change. We only want to see what the frequencies of location are. Then “freeze it” and then manipulate each one precisely to obtain our objectives (what ever they might be)…
So what we need is a software program that will take all theses frequencies, broken down into a large number of very tiny separate frequencies, and display that in a pictorial format.
What we need is a special map display
What we want is a display of all the frequencies of location, compared to amplitude. Something along these lines…
Graph of amplitude of various frequencies at a set point in time.
But with a display of two other characteristics. So instead of just attenuation and frequency, we can also display (in color, and along the Y-axis) timbre, and pitch (to use audio terms) at any frozen moment in time.
A coordinate of location can be described by five characteristics: Wavelength, Amplitude, Time-Period, Frequency and Velocity.
Mandelbrot set
If you manage to plot out these data visualizations you might be surprised to discover that they start to appear as Mandelbrot sets.
A mandelbrot set.
The Mandelbrot set is the set of complex numbers c for which the function fc(z)=z²+c does not diverge when iterated from z=0, i.e., for which the sequence fc(0), fc(fc(0)), etc., remains bounded in absolute value. Its definition is credited to Adrien Douady who named it in tribute to the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot. The set is connected to a Julia set, and related Julia sets produce similarly complex fractal shapes.
Without getting to involved in the mathematics involved, any set of coordinates (which are the gravitational frequencies measured at the portal) can be reduced to equations. These are equations of location, and can be simplified to involve complex numbers.
Now, the purpose of this conversion is to help visualize the components of the various frequencies so that changes and alterations can be made. Once these groupings are identified, then they can be altered so that the actual data is used when defining coordinate changes.
It works something like this…
Clusters shown within the Mandelbrot set can be useful to alter and revise coordinates. For instance, a primary bulb might represent the characteristics of a given time, while “antennas” might represent attributes of a given world-line.
So, in short, we can use mathematics and convert the frequencies of location into another form using complex numbers. Then we can graph the result. It will appear as a Mandelbrot set.
Through a series of experiments, we should be able to identify which characteristics of the Mandelbrot set has the greatest relevance for us, and then modify the destination coordinates appropriately.
But there is more…
If you study the Mandelbrot set you might be able to identify fractals with “self similarity”. These little mathematical nuances can help you determine the relative stability of a world-line.
Stability? What are you talking about?
I am talking about the anchoring of world-lines, and how world-lines tend to cluster together. Our consciousness tend to cycle through world-lines rather rapidly. So the moment you enter a new world-line, you are off on the way to other ones.
It’s called “time”, don’t you know.
Well, if we want a world-line, say where the most popular food is pineapple on pizza (why? Why Lord, why?) and when we get there, we suddenly discover after a few seconds that no one eats pineapple on pizza. And so we think, “WTF? What happened?”
The abomination of pineapple on pizza.
What happened was that we arrived at our destination world-line, but it was not stable.
So we want stability, and thus we want to find forms and shapes within the Mandelbrot set that are prone for fractal behavior.
In mathematics, a fractal is a self-similar subset of Euclidean space whose fractal dimension strictly exceeds its topological dimension. Fractals appear the same at different levels, as illustrated in successive magnifications of the Mandelbrot set.
Fractals exhibit similar patterns at increasingly small scales called self similarity, also known as expanding symmetry or unfolding symmetry; if this replication is exactly the same at every scale, as in the Menger sponge, it is called affine self-similar. Fractal geometry lies within the mathematical branch of measure theory.
To find specific values to manipulate during the visualization of the data set, you will find that other mathematical manipulations might become useful. Such is the case with fractals.
Higuchi and Katz fractal.
By converting the frequencies of location into Mandelbrot sets, we can create a map that we can use to plot our travel through the MWI. This is true whether it is geographical, involve time-travel or exploring the near-infinite variations of different world-lines.
Happy exploring.
Happy exploring.
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my DIY World-Line Dimensional Portal index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
In this post, we will discuss the issues with assigning a gravitational frequency profile for both the destination coordinates and the egress coordinates. In addition, we will look at the indexing coordinated for the individual human traveler and what that can mean for other applications.
One of the most stunning realizations that you will encounter when dealing with world-line travel is the idea of fixed and set coordinates.
These coordinates are fixed to a given world-line within the MWI. They include a set time, and a geographic location, as well as the entire world-line that you are targeting. And by changing these coordinates just a small amount can have dramatic changes in location, time, and whatever world-line that the portal opens up to.
But it’s not only the coordinates of destination.
It’s also the coordinates associated with the human traveler that uses the dimensional portal.
So far, we have talked about using the dimensional portal as a gateway. We discussed using it as a gateway to other geographic locations. We also discussed it as a gateway to other times; a time-machine. And, of course, we discussed it as a gateway for other world-lines.
But we never talked about what would happen if you made slight alterations to the human traveler when they are in the portal.
Let’s look at all these issues.
When we refer to coordinates, what we are actually referring to is a complete gravitational frequency profile. This profile can take many forms and be massaged into all sorts of graphs and data sets for ease of understanding.
When I went through the MAJestic portal back in 1981, the coordinate set consisted of a thickly bound book of computer printouts. It was just reams and reams of numbers and symbols. But it need not be that way. Things have advanced technologically since that date.
In short, there are four groups of “coordinates” that we need concern ourselves with;
The egress coordinates of the dimensional portal at the time of use.
The destination coordinates of the destination. It may or may not be associated with a portal.
The coordinates of the human traveler as they enter the portal.
The coordinates of the human traveler as the leave the portal at the destination.
In all the previous posts / articles, we have discussed keeping the traveler coordinate identical from the egress portal to that of the destination coordinates. In this way, the traveler would experience no change at all when they enter the dimensional portal for teleportation purposes.
However, if you were to change the destination coordinates of the traveler, you can actually physically change the traveler itself.
Changes to the coordinates
By now, the reader should well understand that the dimensional portal erases all the coordinates from a traveler who enters it. It erases not only the coordinates of the traveler, but the coordinates of the portal itself.
By changing the coordinates of the destination, we can control…
The geographic location of where the traveler ends up at.
The time and date of where the traveler goes to.
The world-line (variance) or deviance from the egress world-line.
By changing the coordinates of the traveler, we can control…
His/her age.
His/her body and organs.
His/her intelligence.
Even change him into “mush” like a teleportation mishap on the television series Star Trek.
Teleportation mishap on the movie “Galaxy Quest”.
Medical Uses
So if all you do is keep the destination coordinates equal to that of the egress coordinates, then you can limit the changes to the traveler alone.
If you were able to accurately map out how the coordinates for a human change over time, you can then selectively age or regress various organs or parts of the body to another time period.
Age regression is possible with a carefully configured dimensional portal. The only key to this is that only the traveler coordinates change, not those of the portal.
In short, you might be able to turn a 90 year old man into a studly 21 year old full of “piss and vinegar”. Since memories are stored outside of the brain in the non-physical realities, his memories would stay intact while his body would be that of a much younger man.
You could do this with organs, and limbs as well.
With a solid understanding of the human biological makeup and how it pertains to the overall person, you might begin to alter the design of a given person.
You might be able to make them smarter, for instance, or give them bigger organs (a heart for instance, or a penis… perhaps). Heck, you might be able to change their gender or their physical appearance, and if you were really good, alter the physical structure of the person completely.
Using the dimensional portal technology, it is possible to completely revamp and change the body appearance. From just small minor cosmetic changes to an entirely different person completely.
Of course, all this would require extensive experimentation. And, I am sure, that there would be some tradeoffs involved as well.
Interstellar Travel Technology
One of the great benefits of this technology is to allow a person to go anywhere in the universe. And since the universe is so gosh darn enormous, this is amazing. We, as humans, like to think that the Moon is far away, and the nearby star of Alpha Centauri as impossible…
But imagine traveling at will throughout our entire Milky Way galaxy. Imagine it. Not only would there be no limits, but you could do so in a fraction of a second and not worry about that Einstein time-compression issue.
Our Milkyway galaxy.
But not only can this technology take you to nearby stars, but distant ones as well. It can also take you to other galaxies. And, of course, very distant galaxies as well. It is truly mind-boggling.
The galaxies of our “local” group of galaxies.
Who needs FTL technology, when all you need to do is step into a dimensional portal?
Of course, of course, you do need to know where you are going. Otherwise you would probably end up in the middle of deep space, or inside a hot star or somewhere else that would be very dangerous for your health.
Time Travel
With the configuration of the destination coordinates limited to the “dimension” coordinate of “time”, you can construct a real honest-to-goodness “time machine”.
It could take you a few years back where you might want to invest in some Microsoft or Google stock.
Or it could take you further back where you could experience the American Civil War close up and personal.
Or even further back than that. Perhaps the Middle Ages. Or maybe Ancient China. Or perhaps ancient Greece or Egypt.
Exploring Egypt might be interesting.
You could use it to explore the future.
Like in the movie “Back to the Future” you could see what is in store (on a certain world-line) and then return and make the necessary adjustments. You can go forwards and backwards in time at will.
Creative Time Travel with Age Regression
If you were creative, you could age regress yourself to your age when you were 18 years old, and then use the portal to go back to that time and relive it all knowing what you know now.
It’s possible. It really is.
Of course, there would be no return for you, and you would be stuck back in that particular time period. And there would be two of “you”.
For me, that would trap me back in 1976…
The Jimmy Carter years. I was still in High School and living the "Dazed and Confused" lifestyle. I had many opportunities back then that I did not take. I am sure, knowing what I know now, that I should have taken them... What a ride it would have been!
Remember, while we talk about age regression and time travel, any trip would be one way unless you end up taking a portal back with you.
All fun and games aside. It was a different time and a different place, and I might feel really, really out of place. Don’t you think?
1976 was a time when I hung out with my friends, went to keg parties and jammed to classic rock while stoned and drinking beer.
World Line Travel
As I have stated throughout my narrative, I home from a deviant world-line and this one that I happen to be involved in is a bit on the uncomfortable side.
We can alter our course through the world-lines over time and eventually get where we intend to go, but all world-lines move about in clusters and groups. This group is a pretty contentious one for certain.
Never the less, if you really want to explore alternative world-lines, this technology will permit that. It will land you and your consciousness at a new worldline from whence you can start traveling and changing the reality as you see fit through intention.
But it’s really difficult to grasp what kind of world-line that you would end up at.
Imagine a world-line where the hamburgers tend to be on the small side, and are provided with a dipping sauce.
The issue is really what changes and what deviance are you willing to accept? Can you accept a world-line where coke-cola was never invented? Can you handle a world-line where it is the law that pineapple be placed on pizza?
Are you willing to accept a world-line where there are no High Schools or universities, and instead people apprentice with a local craftsman? You do need to be careful, don’t you know.
Mouth condoms might be all the rage in your new world-line. You do need to be ready for some really odd changes.
I have discussed some of my experiences with world-line travel.
But, you all must keep in mind that my experiences were controlled and monitored by experts. And even at that, it was some pretty strange “shit” that I experienced. You will need to steel yourself for the really odd, and if you are not careful, you might end up in a far, far away world-line cluster and it might be near impossible to ever come back.
So you really do need to be careful.
Some things (well, heck… MANY) things that we consider taboo are normal on other world-lines. On this world-line as well, but most Americans are insulated from it all. From the “happy ending” at Chinese massage parlors (it’s fine, it’s not against the law) to the restaurant-chain-style bordellos in Germany. But the odd and the weird can really get mixed up in these areas when you conduct world-line travel.
Imagine landing in a new world-line and wanting to get a hamburger at a fast food joint, and when you say that you want to have the daily special, all the girls get on the counter and do this…
A daily special might be too strange for most Americans.
Anyways, the point that I am trying to make is that there are so many aspects of the coordinates and combinations of coordinates that describe a particular world-line that navigation to a particular one is very difficult. Because if you change one coordinate value it will influence other values as soon as you “land” at that destination coordinate.
So it is true.
You might actually end up in a world-line where pineapple on pizza is not only praised, it is considered the ONLY way to make a pizza. You know, guys, you must really be careful.
Bacon, pineapple and cheddar pizza.
The only way to accurately map the MWI is though careful experimentation.
The DIY dimensional world-line portal is useless unless you are able to specify destination coordinates for either the destination or the traveler or both. This will require some experimentation and tests. But once you are able to do so, the universe of all-possibilities lies open to you.
Do you want more?
I have more posts on this subject in my DIY index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
In this post we will cover a few basics regarding the operation of the egress portal for dimensional change. In this post our concentration will be on the magnetic flux itself as well as the way the traveler must enter the portal. For if you do not enter it properly, any thing could happen. And let’s not at all forget the horror movie “The Fly” to remind us of this issue. So let’s talk about this.
Good thing, we are not going to be too technical here. Heck! I can hear all the moans and groans across the globe as I release this post. (“Oh! Not another high jargon, high technology, a high mathematical treatise on world line adventures!)
Magnetic flux
The key to this entire dimensional portal concept is to use a “bath” of magnetism within a magnetic field. The magnetic field is used to erase the attachments of the human traveler with his environment. This field consists of a very strong magnetic force that cycles along a sinusoidal path.
A magnetic field is a vector field that describes the magnetic influence of electric charges in relative motion and magnetized materials. A charge that is moving parallel to a current of other charges experiences a force perpendicular to its own velocity.
The effects of magnetic fields are commonly seen in permanent magnets, which pull on magnetic materials (such as iron) and attract or repel other magnets.
Look, people, it need not be complex. When you have a magnet (an iron ferrite rod with a coil wrapped around it) and you pulse it (with electricity through the wire), a magnetic field arises.
Now, within the magnetic field you have the movement of charged electrons. That is, after all, what a magnetic field is. It is the movement of charged electrons.
So if you were to stand within the air gap (of a huge magnet) and receive a “bath” within a magnetic field, you would experience a “shower” of charged electrons.
This “shower” can be heavy or light. Depending on the design of the system.
The determination of whether it is “heavy” or “light” is known as it’s “magnetic flux”.
In physics, specifically electromagnetism, the magnetic flux (often denoted Φ or ΦB) through a surface is the surface integral of the normal component of the magnetic field flux density B passing through that surface.
The SI unit of magnetic flux is the weber (Wb; in derived units, volt–seconds), and the CGS unit is the maxwell.
Magnetic flux is usually measured with a fluxmeter, which contains measuring coils and electronics, that evaluates the change of voltage in the measuring coils to calculate the measurement of magnetic flux.
Now there are all sorts of ways that we can describe these attributes and how to increase the density of the magnetic field, and the design of the magnet. All of which are extremely interesting, but would probably have my readership lynch me. So, what I am going to do is talk a little bit about the effect of a magnetic field on a human being.
The strongest magnetic field an average human would ever be exposed is in an MRI machine, which produces magnetic fields of about 1.5 to 7 tesla. Compared to this, the magnetic field strength of our Earth is just .0003 tesla. And the electromagnets at the LHC is around 8.3 tesla.
We can safely say that it is normal for humans to be exposed to magnetic fields with an average dose being around 0.0003 tesla.
We can also safely say that a magnetic field on the order of 7 tesla would be safe for humans to be exposed to. as this is the norm in the medical profession.
We also know that if we expose the human body to extreme levels of magnetic field(s) that it can actually levitate the human body. This would be on the order of 10+ tesla.
Now, I do not actually know the magnetic field density that is required to erase the egress coordinates attachments for the Alan Holt system to function, but my guess is that it would be somewhere between 5 to 10 tesla. too weak and it would not work, to great, and you might end up with physical disruptions inside the body. In general, ti would probably be best to be nearer to the large tesla number than away from it.
Magnetic flux arises when you pulse electricity though a wire that is wrapped around an iron ferrite rod. That’s the basic, basic theory and function.
R Type EMI Rod Ferrite Core
The moment that an electrical current enters the wire and the truns of wire around the ferrite core, a magnetic field develops. Then it ends.
The field ONLY exists when the electrons are zooming through the electric wire in the first place. Once they have established themselves, the magnetic flux ends. So in order to prevent this, you need to pulse the electricity. This pulsing will create a magnetic field that comes and goes in intensity.
If you look at the sketch of the egress portal and study the magnetic flux generator, you can see that the electrical substation would be used to transform the electricity into a system that would be used to generate the necessary flux bath to enable dimensional travel.
Dimensional portal showing magnetic field generator.
Now, by using diodes and the proper electronics we can control the size and shape of the pulsed magnetic field “bath”…
System overview
This is important because, we need to time HOW the person enters the field.
We want the field to be such that when the person enters the field, the magnetic flux is increasing to a point that his egress coordinates (and his person coordinates) are erased. Then during a peak period of intensity, all coordinates (frequencies of location) are rendered null. Then, the field starts to change, and the new set of destination coordinates are implanted on to the field.
It will work like this…
The operation of the teleportation mechanism works for a three-second period in which case the old coordinates are swapped out, and new ones are applied.
About the traveler
Now, the traveler will need to center and calm their mind. You see, the way that the mind functions must be neutral when it enters the field. If it is not neutral, then there is a risk of brain or mental instability when the traveler is exposed to peak flux density.
Thus, we need to implement the “feducials” to center the mind.
And that, boys and girls, is how MAJestic does it.
When you look at this dimensional portal from “my” point of view; from my experiences, and from my knowledge, you can see how everything fits together. This “new” information about a DIY dimensional portal strangely fits up and matches with MAJestic technology in widespread use back in the early 1980’s . Fully forty years ago.
It makes sense. It all makes sense. It all fits together.
Sure makes much more sense than being part of a fleet of “space marines” fighting a global cabal of disguised Reptilians who want to enslave the human race. Or have invisible star people give us the gift of “magic crystals” that were developed in Atlantis many centuries ago. Or, to be part of an elite team of people who were selected at birth to “father” the new human race.
Now, people(!), I did not pull of of this shit out of my ass. I am either a [1] genius, [2] a complete lunatic, or [3] someone who is telling the truth. I’ve given enough, heck!, more than enough information herein for you the reader to choose.
Pick your “poison”.
This is how it’s done. This is how it works. This is what is going on, and with all that in mind… know that I really want you the reader to live a good, happy and safe life. I want you all to control your environment and do everything in your power to ply off the gook and nonsense spewed onto you by over five decades of intensive lies and manipulations.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
This post continues on our study of how to create your very own DIY (Do It Yourself) dimensional portal for world-line travel. This is part six. In this post, we will discuss the generation of the magnetic field that is critical to the operation of the entire mechanism. We will look at the aspects involved and how it works.
Here is a brief summary of our efforts so far…
Gravity separation and isolation.
Measurement of the gravitational frequencies.
Alan Holt Teleportation mechanism.
The coordinate mapping mechanism.
And now this post…
The Magnetic Field Generator
A magnetic field is a vector field that describes the magnetic influence of electric charges in relative motion and magnetized materials. A charge that is moving parallel to a current of other charges experiences a force perpendicular to its own velocity. The effects of magnetic fields are commonly seen in permanent magnets, which pull on magnetic materials (such as iron) and attract or repel other magnets.
The creation of a magnetic field is a very mature technology. If you are lucky, you can probably purchase some large surplus magnetic field generators from the United States government, or you can have some custom made at a reasonable cost. This component of the dimensional portal might not be the most complicated item of equipment, but it will certainly be the most expensive on your “bill of materials” for the project.
In any event, you will want something that can create a large magnetic field that a person can walk into. It must be able to create a portal at least seven feet high, and three feet wide at the minimum.
Having this piece of equipment custom made is not hard to do, but you will need to be able to speak the language of the engineers and the designers at the factory or warehouse. So here are some of the basic terms that you will need to acquaint yourself with…
Maxwell’s Equations – The equations behind major modern electromagnetism
Maxwell's equations are a set of coupled partial differential equations that, together with the Lorentz force law, form the foundation of classical electromagnetism, classical optics, and electric circuits. The equations provide a mathematical model for electric, optical, and radio technologies, such as power generation, electric motors, wireless communication, lenses, radar etc. They describe how electric and magnetic fields are generated by charges, currents, and changes of the fields. The equations are named after the physicist and mathematician James Clerk Maxwell, who, between 1861 and 1862, published an early form of the equations that included the Lorentz force law. Maxwell first used the equations to propose that light is an electromagnetic phenomenon.
Maxwell’s set of four equations forming the basis for electromagnetism are as important as Newton’s laws in mechanics. Maxwell’s equations are applied in almost all modern technologies. The equations provide a mathematical model for electric, optical, and radio technologies, such as power generation, electric motors, wireless communication, lenses, radar, etc. Firstly let us see these four sweet equations one by one and then discuss them as a whole.
1. Gauss’ Law or Maxwell’s first equation
The following equations are licensed. (no shit! Can you fucking believe it? That's God damn America for you. Everything for a price. Tons of little hands in your pockets.) You can read about this license here.
Maxwell’s first equation, which describes the electrostatic field, is derived immediately from Gauss’s theorem, which in turn is a consequence of Coulomb’s inverse square law. Gauss’s theorem states that the surface integral of the electrostatic field DD over a closed surface is equal to the charge enclosed by that surface. That is
Here ρρ is the charge per unit volume.
But the surface integral of a vector field over a closed surface is equal to the volume integral of its divergence, and therefore
or, in the nabla notation,
And thus we can summarize all this as…
Electric charges produce an electric field. The electric flux across a closed surface is proportional to the charge enclosed.
2. Gauss’ Law for Magnetism or Maxwell’s second equation
Unlike the electrostatic field, magnetic fields have no sources or sinks, and the magnetic lines of force are closed curves. Consequently the surface integral of the magnetic field over a closed surface is zero, and therefore
There are no magnetic monopoles. The magnetic flux-and-faradays-law-quantitative across a closed surface is zero.
3. Faraday’s Law or Maxwell’s third equation
This is derived from Ampère’s theorem, which is that the line integral of the magnetic field HH around a closed circuit is equal to the enclosed current.
Now there are two possible components to the “enclosed” current, one of which is obvious, and the other, I suppose, could also be said to be “obvious” once it has been pointed out! Let’s deal with the immediately obvious one first, and look at the figure below…
I am imagining a metal cylinder with current flowing from top to bottom – i.e. electrons flowing from bottom to top. It needn’t be a metal cylinder, though. It could just be a volume of space with a stream of protons moving from top to bottom. In any case, the current density (which may vary with distance from the axis of the cylinder) is JJ, and the total current enclosed by the dashed circle is the integral of JJ throughout the cylinder. In a more general geometry, in which JJ is not necessarily perpendicular to the area of interest, and indeed in which the area need not be planar, this would be ∫J⋅dσ∫J⋅dσ.
Now for the less obvious component to the “enclosed current”.
I imagine two capacitor plates in the process of being charged. There is undoubtedly a current flowing in the connecting wires. There is a magnetic field at A, and the line integral of the field around the upper dotted curve is undoubtedly equal to the enclosed current. The current is equal to the rate at which charge is being built up on the plates. Electrons are being deposited on the lower plate and are leaving the upper plate. There is also a magnetic field at B (it doesn’t suddenly stop!), and the field at BB is just the same as the field at A, which is equal to the rate at which charge is being built up on the plates. The charge on the plates (which may not be uniform, and indeed won’t be while the current is still flowing or if the plates are not infinite in extent) is equal to the integral of the charge density times the area. And the charge density on the plates, by Gauss’s theorem, is equal to the electric field DD between the plates. Thus the current is equal to the integral of D˙D˙ over the surface of the plates. Thus the line integral of HH around either of the dashed closed loops is equal to ∫D˙⋅dσ∫D˙⋅dσ.
In general, both types of current (the obvious one in which there is an obvious flow of charge, and the less obvious one, where the electric field is varying because of a real flow of charge elsewhere) contributes to the magnetic field, and so Ampère’s theorem in general must read
But the line integral of a vector field around a closed plane curve is equal to the surface integral of its curl, and therefore
Thus we arrive at:
Time-varying magnetic fields produce an electric field.
4. Ampere’s Law or Maxwell’s fourth equation
Steady currents and time-varying electric fields (the latter due to Maxwell’s correction) produce a magnetic field.
Maxwell’s Equations as a Whole
As a whole, what do Maxwell’s Equations mean?
Maxwell’s equations describe how electric and magnetic fields are generated by charges, currents, and changes of the fields. One important consequence of the equations is that they demonstrate how fluctuating electric and magnetic fields propagate at a constant speed (c) in the vacuum, the “speed of light“. These electromagnetic waves have a wide variety of usage, they are used in small things like routers to big things like search for aliens using radio telescopes and all these devices involves the use of Maxwell’s equations. Maxwell understood the connection between electromagnetic waves and light with these equations in 1861, thereby unifying the theories of electromagnetism and optics.
Now, on a practical level, seriously no one is going to sit down and create their hand-crafted magnetic field generator. Aside from it being a heck of a lot of work, it will require some specialized fabrication tools and some skill. And with something that large and costly, it would best serve the “Mad Scientist” in you to just simply compile some money and have one built to you to your specifications.
Thus, you can use these laws listed above to help you on your way.
The point that I am trying or attempting to make is that the generation of a magnetic field is not difficult it is common place and is in just about every electrical motor in the world. What is different, however is the [1] scale and [2] the utilization of it.
Generation of a magnetic field
This is pretty much how it is done…
You push an electrical current through a coil wrapped around an insulated magnetic core. By cycling the current in a sinusoidal manner, you will be able to generate a magnetic field within that core. If you have a gap in the core (shown by the cross-hatched area) a person can enter the generated magnetic field.
We (who have torn apart old motors, generators, and television sets) are well accustomed to seeing this kind of set up. To us, it pretty much looks like a typical transformer only scaled up in size immensely.
This is probably the scale and size of the magnetic field generator that we are discussing herein. The image is of a large transformer.
Though, given it’s purpose and requirements, it might be larger and more complex than a standard run-of-the-mill power transformer. Perhaps something along the lines of this, eh?
RAKESH TRANSFORMER INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD, Established in 1984, is a leading Manufacturer of Power & Distribution Transformers . The company is registered with SSI and has the entire infrastructure to manufacture Transformers upto 5MVA & voltage class of 11KV, 22KV, 33KV.
So, you can pretty much expect a layout something along these lines…
Magnetic field generator and the egress portal arrangement…
This is a cross-section view of how the set up would look. You would have this enormous ferrite frame that would carry the magnetic field through an air gap that a person can walk through. This field is generated through a transformer that would pull it from existing powerlines.
A cross-sectional view of the egress portal showing the magnetic field generator.
This drawing is not to scale, but it should give the reader an idea of the general size of what we are talking about here. In fact, if the ceiling covers the ferrite end of the top air-gap, the person entering the portal wouldn’t even be aware that there was a invisible door there at all. It would jsut be a floor and a wall at the end.
Sizing of the air gap
The amount of magnetic flux you can generate will be a function of the size of the ferrite core, and the air gap. In fact, all things taken into account, it will be the air gap that will pretty much establish the power and technical requirements for the mechanism.
The effect of an air gap on a magnetic circuit.
Construction notes
This is a large and expensive piece of equipment and it would be in the best interests of all involved if it is custom made by people who are experts in this kind of thing. You can find these people on the internet. You want to find companies or engineering design teams that specialize in the design of windings, transformers, chokes, ferrite components and windings. Perhaps something like these fellas…
Or, if you want to go it alone, you can access any number of resources on the internet on coil winding, and transformer design. Perhaps something along these links might be of interest…
Now there are some things that you need to take into account if you go the hard (but interesting) way to DIY your very own components…
How Transformers, Chokes and Inductors Work, and Properties of Magnetics
The magnetic properties are characterized by its hysteresis loop, which is a graph of flux density versus magnetization force as shown below:
An hysteresis loop.
When a electric current flows through a conductor ( copper wire), it generate a magnetic field. The magnetic field is strongest at the conductor surface and weakens as its distance from the conductor surface is increased. The magnetic field is perpendicular to the direction of current flow and its direction is given by the right hand rule shown below.
The Right Hand Rule.
When the conductor or wire is wound around a magnetic materials ( ferrite, nanocrystalline, amorphous, iron, nickel steel, grain oriented steel, MPP, sendust, high flux, etc), and current flows through the conductor, a flux is induced on the magnetic materials. This flux is induced by the magnetic field generated by the current carrying conductor. The magnetic material’s atomic parts got influenced by the magnetic field and causes them to align in a certain direction.
The application of this magnetic field on the magnetic materials is called magnetization force.
Magnetization force is called Oersted or A/m (amperes per meter)or A/cm. The units for Magnetization force is “H”.
The results of applying these magnetic field from the current carrying conductor causes the magnetic materials to have magnetic flux being formed inside the magnetic materials. The intensity of these flux is called flux density. Therefore flux density is defined as the flux per square area.
Flux density is called gauss or Tesla. I Tesla is10,000 gauss, or 1mT is 10 gauss.
The unit for Flux is “B”.
Thus, the hysterisis loop is often called the BH curve. Understanding of the BH curve is extremely important in the designs of transformers, chokes, coils and inductors.
For a square wave application as in SMPS (square wave), the Flux density or B in Gauss is given as:
Note that B is a function of voltage ( input voltage if calculated from primary windings, and output voltage if calculated from secondary side). For square wave, the constant in the above formula is 4.0, and for sinewave, it is 4.44. Flux will reduce if you increase the number of turns, increase the switching frequency or increasing the size of the cores ( increasing the area).
The magnetization force or H in Oersted is given as:
Note that H is a function of input current. The unit for H in the above formula is in Oersted. The conversion from Oersted to A/m or A/cm is one Oersted = 1.2566 A/cm. As the current swings from positive to negative the flux changes as well, tracing the curve.
The permeability of a magnetic material is the ability of the material to increase the flux intensity or flux density within the material when an electric current flows through a conductor wrapped around the magnetic materials providing the magnetization force.
The higher the permeability, the higher the flux density from a given magnetization force.
If you look at the BH loop again, you will note that the permeability is actually the slope of the BH curve.
The steeper the curve, the higher the permeability as shown below.
As the magnetization force increases ( or the current over the conductor is increased), a point is reached where the magnetic material or core will saturate. See point “S” above on the curves. When that happens, any further increase in H, will not increase the flux. More importantly, the permeability goes to zero as the slope now is flat. In this situation the magnetic material or core will fail to work as a transformer, chokes, or inductors.
So, it is very important in a choke or inductor design, not to drive the core into saturation by increasing the current (AC or DC). Usually it is the DC current that saturate the cores since it is a constant current, and puts the cores to a certain flux level.
In a transformer design, you must make sure that the maximum AC current swings from positive to negative is well below the saturation point.
Another way to get saturation is by increasing the flux density which is normally achieved by increasing the voltage ( see equation above).
From the BH curve, you can see that when the permeability is high ( slope is steep), the cores will go into saturation faster. Conversely, when the permeability is low, the cores saturate at a much higher flux density.
Power ferrite cores normally have a permeability of about 2000, and they saturate faster than iron powder or MPP cores where the permeability of Iron Powder or MPP core is 125 or so.
The typical saturation flux density of Power Ferrite material is under 4000 gauss (400mT). Whereas the saturation flux density of MPP material is 7000 gauss. High Flux is 15,000 gauss and Iron Powder is 10,000 gauss.
A transformer is an energy transfer device, so you want to have minimum losses when you transfer energy from primary side to secondary side. This is why a ferrite cores is used.
In a choke or inductor design, the application is for energy storage, and there is always a DC current flowing through, so you want to use a iron powder, MPP, sendust or high flux cores. Also, the saturation flux is a lot higher, so a higher DC current can flow through.
Core Losses There are always energy losses in transformers and chokes. These energy losses will generate heat and cause thermal problems. The losses in a transformer, chokes or inductors are from the following sources:
Hysteresis loss from the sweeping of flux from positive to negative and the area enclosed by the loop is the loss. Hysteresis loss is due to the materials intrinsic properties due to the energy used to align and re-align the magnetic domains. You can lower this loss by using a more expansive materials such as TDK PC 44, for example.
Eddy current loss from the circulating currents within the magnetic materials due to differential in flux voltage inside the cores itself. This loss is high dependent upon the thickness of the walls of the cores. The higher the switching frequency, the higher will be this eddy current loss.
Copper or winding loss. This is also dependent on the wire size, switching frequency, etc. Skin effect and proximity effect will contribute to this loss.
This was a collection of thoughts related to the construction for the magnetic flux generator for the dimensional portal egress station. I recommend that a rent-a-engineer be utilized to design up the system, and then you all can make it from bits and pieces of scrap stock materials.
I have much more to say about this project, and I will actually say much more. I think it’s time, however, to give this particular post a break. It’s time for me to let my hair down and have some fun.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
In this post, we will discuss the real actual mechanism in creating a slide into another world-line. It’s not enough to obtain coordinates and set up a magnetic field, you need to be able to imprint those coordinates on the traveler and make the transition happen. Here, we discuss how it works, and how this dimensional portal works to take a person from one world-line to another.
A quick important note
It is relatively easy to find articles about quantum teleportation on the internet.
These articles discuss a “recently” developed association of quantum physics that allow the entanglement of widely separately spaced particles to be attached to each other. Those involved in the work repeatedly say that scaling up this principle to that where you can teleport a human would take centuries.
This series of articles that I am posting is similar to but quite different from the “quantum teleportation” experiments.
So whatever you read about on the internet, do not associate it with this series of posts. While the procedures and systems described herein does involve entanglement at a quantum level, it relies on an entirely different set of processes to accomplish these world-line slides.
So, let’s make one thing absolutely clear; the methods discussed within this series has very little to do with the quantum teleportation methods that you can discover on the internet. So you can ignore these other articles as they have zero bearing on this series of posts.
This post has some real valuable nuggets of information. Unfortunately, the information associated with those packets of information might be too overwhelming.
While the mechanism details are very interesting, but really need to be parsed out so that you all can fully understand what is going on. So here is the super-simplistic overview…
In short, when the human traveler enters the portal, he/she enters a magnetic field.
This field creates a neutral environment, it supersedes the natural environment.
Then, as the magnetic field collapses, the coordinate frequencies are changed from that of the egress portal to the destination coordinates.
And the person thus is instantly entangled with the new coordinates.
Thus, using the Alan Holt’s frequency resonance system, the person is instantly teleported to the new location.
This happens because it is the nature of the universe that everything interacts intimately with it’s surroundings.
We automatically become entangled with the things around us. Physically and through our thoughts. These entanglements can be very strong.
Saying it is a slightly different way…
When you enter into a magnetic field (of the proper configuration) you are isolated from the surrounding influences. You become an individual within a ‘container”. This container is where the human traveler changes his physical world-line entanglements.
When entering the magnetic field, the entanglements associated with the egress location are turned off (if not momentarily erased).
So now, that traveler is alone and detached from everything. He/she has no entanglements with anything outside of that magnetic field. That is all entanglements; Physical, and non-physical.
So what we can do is trick the human body of the traveler to have entanglements with a new set of coordinates. These can be a geographic location, a point in time, or a completely different world-line.
The dimensional portal provides a new set of coordinates.
The moment that the person is in the magnetic field, his/her old coordinates are nullified and for a spit second, he/she is without any outside entanglements. Then a set of destination coordinates (which are frequencies, from the other posts) are presented immediately.
The human then becomes entangled with the new set of coordinates within the field.
When the magnetic field is immediately turned off, he/she immediately teleports to the new set of coordinates.
And, ladies and gentlemen, this is how the (teleportation) dimensional portal works.
How can this be accomplished?
This is accomplished is through the use of the Alan Holt frequency resonance method, where everything in this universe is associated with entanglements.
Like entanglements attract.
Dissimilar entanglements repel.
And that is, after all, the Alan Holt resonance frequency system in a “nutshell”.
Now the quantum physics involved in this is pretty much established, but there is a great deal of parsing on all the fine details involved…
Einstein's equation has a metric solution, from which the geodesics can be calculated, giving the trajectories followed by particles. RHS, the stress-energy tensor Tµν. When the field is created by ordinary matter and the particle velocities are weak with respect to the speed of light, this tensor contains only one term, proportional to the density of matter ρ.
Geodesics can be calculated around a spherical mass of constant density. This gives two connected sets of geodesics (lying within this mass, and outside). The result is that a positive mass generates geodesics that express the classical gravitational attraction and that a negative mass (ρ changed to -ρ) on the contrary evokes gravitational repulsion.
Anglo-Austrian physicist Hermann Bondi showed in 1957 in that, since both positive and negative masses would follow the same geodesics (as there is one metric tensor gµν in the Einstein field equations):
• Positive mass attracts anything.
• Negative mass repels anything.
The creation of the new entanglements is through the association of the frequencies (destination coordinates) at the portal.
-Negative Energy States and Interstellar Travel
The arguments are interesting, but I don’t want the reader to get too bogged down on a side topic.
In the figure below, the positive mass, repelled by the antigravitational potential of the negative mass, runs away from it, while the negative mass falls into the gravity well of the positive mass and chases it. The couple is then uniformly accelerated, but the total energy stays constant because the kinetic energy associated with the negative mass is negative.
Newtonian interaction laws according to Einstein’s equations
Such interaction between particles with opposite masses violates the action-reaction principle.
Note that this is based on the fact that test particles with a positive or a negative passive gravitational mass would behave the same way when they are embedded in a gravitational potential created by a large positive mass M.
This has precluded any consideration of negative mass in astrophysics and cosmology for 60 years.
Two coupled field equations: the Janus cosmological model
If we want to consider something that works, we need two metrics gµν(+) and gµν (−) from which two different families of geodesics are calculated, referring to positive mass particles and negative mass particles, respectively. From these metrics, we calculate Ricci tensors Rµν(+) and Rµν(−) as well as Ricci scalars R(+) and R(−).
This is the core of the Janus cosmological model, which describes the universe as a Riemannian manifold associated to two coupled metrics, populated by positive and negative mass species.
These solutions come from a system of two coupled field equations, built from a Lagrangian derivation;
General relativity reduces to Newtonian gravity in the limit of weak gravitational potential and low velocities with respect to the speed of light, so that Newton’s law of universal gravitation can be found from the Newtonian approximation of the Einstein field equations.
Likewise, our system of two coupled field equations provides the following interaction laws (proportional to 1/r2):
Newtonian interaction laws according to two coupled field equations
To sum up:
• Positive masses mutually attract. • Positive mass and negative mass mutually repel. • Negative masses mutually attract.
Which is, in effect, not only the natural laws of our universe, but also the Alan Holt resonance frequency method of physical transport.
The problem…
But, there is a problem.
You see, the primary problem is that everything is entangled with the environmental sphere that surrounds us. This is quantum physics, in case you are not paying attention. Not “new agey” “mumbo jumbo”.
When a person enters the magnetic field there are two sets of isolated frequencies involved.
They are…
Frequencies associated with the human gravity mass as he/she enters the portal.
Frequencies associated with the portal itself (and the surroundings).
What we need to do is to change the “frequencies of location” associated with the dimensional portal. But not change the frequencies associated with the person. The two events must absolutely be kept separate.
This is a problem.
How do you do it?
What we need to do is somehow change the egress frequencies to be the destination frequencies inside the portal. We need to superimpose the destination “frequencies of location” over on top of the egress portal “frequencies of location”.
And all the time, NOT permitting any changes to the traveler.
Suppressing the gravity frequencies of the traveler inside the magnetic field would completely erase that person from the universe! Yikes!
Then, when the human enters the magnetic field, his/her frequencies of location become entangled with whatever the destination coordinates are at the dimensional portal. And being so entangled, when the (magnetic) field is turned off, the traveler is instantly teleported to the new destination coordinates.
This is how it is done…
How to superimpose destination frequencies of location on the egress portal.
Here is how we suppress the egress portal frequencies (coordinates)…
[1] Nullify the egress coordinates
The problem evolves into swapping out the existing egress coordinates with a set of new coordinates in the portal.
And the way that we will do this is…
Nullify the existing egress coordinates / frequencies.
Superimpose the destination coordinates / frequencies in it’s place.
All the time, absolutely not interfering with the gravitational frequencies of the traveler.
The big hurtle is to nullify the existing egress coordinates.
This, is, believe it or not, a common problem in radio, and television. How do you stop one signal from interfering with another one?
The technique is simple, really.
You generate a “noise cancelling” signal. It is the completely opposite of the signal that you want to cancel out, and thus 1-1=0. For every high, you subject it to a low. For every low, you subject it to a high.
Techniques have been developed that are highly efficient in doing this. All noise canceling headphones use this technology.
In our use, we will consider the egress portal’s gravitation frequency profile to be “noise”. We will want to cancel it out, and make it “null”. There are numerous ways to do this. In our example we will use a digital signal processor to accomplish this task.
Feedforward ANC is, arguably the simplest type of active noise cancellation. It uses a digital signal processor (DSP) or other dedicated ANC processing hardware to map the noise signal.
And this is how it’s done with our egress dimensional portal…
[2] Use Digital Signal Processing
What follows is nothing "new". This is what Electrical Signal Engineers work with on a daily basis. This subject is perhaps jsut as confusing to people who do not use the technology day-in and day-out.
Do not get discouraged if you do not understand it. Just keep in mind that this is the exact process that you will use to suppress and control the egress portal frequency coordinates. It's now, right here, for your future use.
What we will do is take the frequencies and signals calculated, computed for the egress dimensional portal and perform “digital data acquisition”. Which pretty much means that we will take the recorded analog signal recorded and convert it to a digital signal.
During digital data acquisition, the transducers which output the analog signals (of the associated gravity of the egress portal) is then digitized for use with a computer.
The reason for this is that a computer cannot store continuous analog time waveforms. Which is pretty much what the transducers produce. So instead it breaks the signal into discrete ‘pieces’ or ‘samples’ to store them.
Data is recorded in the time domain, but often it is desired to perform a Fourier transform to view the data in the frequency domain.
The Fourier Transform isatoolthatbreaksawaveform (afunctionorsignal) intoanalternaterepresentation, characterizedbysineandcosines. The Fourier Transform showsthatanywaveformcanbere-writtenasthesumofsinusoidalfunctions.
There are unique terms used when performing a Fourier transform on this digitized data, which are not always used in the analog case.
They are listed in Figure 1 below:
Figure 1: Time domain and frequency domain terms used in performing a digital Fourier transform
Whether viewing digital data in the time domain or in the frequency domain, understanding the relationship between these different terms affects the quality of the final analysis. Some key Digital Signal Processing (DSP) terms are:
Time Domain Terms
Sampling Rate (Fs) – Number of data samples acquired per second
Frame Size(T) – Amount of time data collected to perform a Fourier transform
Block Size (N) – Total number of data samples acquired during one frame
Frequency Domain Terms
Bandwidth (Fmax) – Highest frequency that is captured in the Fourier transform, equal to half the sampling rate
Spectral Lines (SL)– After Fourier transform, total number of frequency domain samples
Frequency Resolution (Δf) – Spacing between samples in the frequency domain
Sampling Rate (Fs)
Sampling rate (sometimes called sampling frequency or Fs) is the number of data points acquired per second.
A sampling rate of 2000 samples/second means that 2000 discrete data points are acquired every second. This can be referred to as 2000 Hertz sample frequency.
The sampling rate is important for determining the maximum amplitude and correct waveform of the signal as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: In the top graph, the 10 Hertz sine wave sampled at 1000 samples/second has correct amplitude and waveform. In the other plots, lower sample rates do not yield the correct amplitude nor shape of the sine wave
To get close to the correct peak amplitude in the time domain, it is important to sample at least 10 times faster than the highest frequency of interest. For a 100 Hertz sine wave, the minimum sampling rate would be 1000 samples per second. In practice, sampling even higher than 10x helps measure the amplitude correctly in the time domain.
It should be noted that obtaining the correct amplitude in the frequency domain only requires sampling twice the highest frequency of interest. In practice, the anti-aliasing filter in most data acquisition systems makes the requirement 2.5 times the frequency of interest. The Bandwidth section contains more information about the anti-aliasing filter.
The inverse of sampling frequency (Fs) is the sampling interval or Δt. It is the amount of time between data samples collected in the time domain as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Sampling frequency and sampling interval relationship
The smaller the quantity Δt, the better the chance of measuring the true peak in the time domain.
Block Size (N)
The block size (N) is the total number of time data points that are captured to perform a Fourier transform. A block size of 2000 means that two thousand data points are acquired, then a Fourier transform is performed.
Frame Size (T)
The frame size is the total time (T) to acquire oneblock of data. The frame size is the block size divided by sample frequency as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Frame size (T) equals block size (N) divided by sample frequency (Fs)
For example, with a block size of 2000 data points and a sampling rate of 1000 samples per second, the total time to acquire a single data block is 2 seconds. It takes two seconds to collect 2000 data points.
The total time frame size is also equal to the block size times the time resolution (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Frame size (T) equals block size (N) time the time resolution (delta t)
When performing averages on multiple blocks of data, the term total amount of time might be used in different ways (Figure 6) and should not be confused:
Total Time to Acquire One Block – The frame size (T) is the time to acquire one data block, for example, this could be two seconds
Total Time to Average – If five blocks of data (two seconds each) are to be averaged, the total time to acquire all five blocks (with no overlap) would be 10 seconds
Figure 6: Five averages of 2 second frames
The ‘Throughput Processing knowledge base article’ further explains the interaction between frames and averages.
Bandwidth (Fmax)
The bandwidth (Fmax) is the maximum frequency that can be analyzed. The bandwidth is half of the sampling frequency (Figure 7). The Nyquist sampling criterion requires setting the sampling rate at least twice the maximum frequency of interest.
Figure 7: Bandwidth, or the maximum frequency, is half the sample frequency (Fs)
A bandwidth of 1000 Hertz means that the sampling frequency is set to 2000 samples/second.
In fact, even with a sampling rate of 2000 Hz, the actual usable bandwidth can be less than the theoretical limit of 1000 Hertz. This is because in many data acquisition systems, there is an anti-aliasing filter which starts reducing the amplitude of the signal starting at 80% of the bandwidth.
Figure 8 – At 80% of the bandwidth, a anti-aliasing filter starts reducing the amplitude of the incoming signals. The ‘Span’ represents the frequency range without any anti-aliasing filter effects.
For a bandwidth of 1000 Hertz, the anti-aliasing filter reduces the bandwidth to 800 Hertz and below. The filter attenuates frequencies above 800 Hertz in this case.
In Simcenter Testlab, under ‘Tools -> Options -> General’, it is possible to view only the usable bandwidth by switching to ‘Span’ under ‘Frequency’ as shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Under ‘Tools -> Options -> General’ switch to ‘Span’ instead of ‘Bandwidth’
‘Span’ represents the actual useable bandwidth, and the switching to the ‘Span’ setting makes all the Simcenter Testlab displays show only 80% of the bandwidth.
Spectral Lines (SL)
After performing a Fourier transform, the spectral lines (SL) are the total number of frequency domain data points. This is analogous to N, the number of data points in the time domain. There are two data ‘values’ at each spectral line – an amplitude and a phase value as shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10: At each frequency there is an amplitude (top graph) and phase (bottom graph)
Note that while the Fourier Transform results in amplitude and phase, sometimes the frequency spectrum is converted to an autopower, which eliminates the phase.
The number of spectral lines is half the block size (Figure 11).
Figure 11: Spectral lines equals half the block size
For a block size of 2000 data points, there are 1000 spectral lines.
Frequency Resolution
The frequency resolution (Δf) is the spacing between data points in frequency. The frequency resolution equals the bandwidth divided by the spectral lines as shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12: Frequency resolution equals bandwidth (Fmax) divided by spectral lines (SL)
For example, a bandwidth of 16 Hertz with eight spectral lines, has a frequency resolution of 2.0 Hertz (Figure 13).
Figure 13: Frequency resolution equals bandwidth (Fmax) divided by spectral lines (SL)
The eight frequency domain spectral lines are spread evenly between 0 and 16 Hertz, which results in the 2.0 Hertz spacing on the frequency axis. Note that 0 Hertz is not included in the spectral line total. The calculated value at zero Hertz represents a constant amplitude DC offset. For example, if a 1 Volt sine wave alternated around a 5 Volt offset, the offset value would be placed at zero Hertz, while the sine wave’s 1 Volt amplitude would be placed at the spectral line corresponding to the sine wave’s frequency.
Digital Signal Processing Relationships
Putting the above relationships together, the different digital signal processing parameters can be related to each other (Figure 14).
Figure 14: Digital signal processing relationships
This can be boiled down to one ‘golden equation’ of digital signal processing (Figure 15) which related frame size (T) and frequency resolution (Δf):
Figure 15: The ‘golden equation’ of digital signal processing
This means that:
The finer the desired frequency resolution, the longer the acquisition time
The shorter the acquisition time, or frame size, the coarser the frequency resolution
The frequency resolution is important to accurately understand the signal being analyzed. In Figure 16, two sine tones (100 Hertz and 101 Hertz) have been digitized, and a Fourier Transform performed. This was done with two different frequency resolutions: 1.0 Hertz and 0.5 Hertz.
Figure 16: Left – Spectrum with 1.0 Hertz frequency resolution makes two separate tones appear as one peak. Right – Spectrum with 0.5 Hertz frequency resolution makes two separate tones appear as two different peaks.
With the finer frequency resolution of 0.5 Hertz, rather than 1.0 Hertz, the spectrum shows two separate and distinct peaks. The benefit of a finer frequency resolution is very obvious. This might beg the question, why not use the finest frequency resolution possible in all cases?
There is a tradeoff. Per the ‘golden equation’ the amount of time data per frame is higher as the frequency resolution is made finer (Figure 13). This can cause requirements for long time data acquisition:
10 Hz frequency resolution is desired, only 0.1 seconds of data is required
1 Hertz frequency resolution requires 1 second of data
0.1 Hertz frequency resolution requires 10 seconds of data
0.01 Hertz frequency resolution requires 100 seconds of data!
In some situations, these long time acquisition requirements are not practical. For example, a sports car may go from idle to full speed in just 4 seconds, making a 100 second acquisition, and the corresponding 0.01 frequency resolution, impossible.
Rather than using the sine formulation of the Fourier Transform, a wavelet formulation can be used instead. This can address some of the time-frequency tradeoffs. See the knowledge base article Time-Frequency Analysis: Wavelets.
Simcenter Testlab Settings
In Simcenter Testlab (formerly LMS Test.Lab), depending on the software module, only some of these parameters may be settable by the user. However, the digital signal processing relationships are still in effect. For example, when setting the bandwidth to 1024 Hz and spectral lines to 2048 as shown in Figure 17, several other parameters are automatically set.
For these settings, the frame size is 2 seconds (inverse of frequency resolution). The sampling frequency is 2048 samples per second, or 2048 Hertz.
Note: Why are the sampling rates and block sizes all powers of two? In the digital world, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) are computer algorithms used to perform a Fourier Transform. The Fast Fourier Transform requires a block size that is a power of two (1024, 2048, 4096, etc.) and is computationally quicker than the DFT, which can use any number of data points. With today’s modern computers, the differences in speed are not as noticeable in the past. But due to historical reasons many data acquisition systems still use power of two numbers.
Hopefully this information will be a useful reference for performing digital data acquisition of the egress portal gravity frequency wave profile. Some of the key points discussed: Sampling frequency (Fs) must be set properly to capture the correct amplitude:
High as possible to capture peak amplitude in time domain. Should be set no lower than 10x the highest frequency of interest.
At least two times higher than the highest frequency of interest for the frequency domain. This would be at least 2.5x higher if accounting for an anti-aliasing filter.
There is an inverse relationship (the ‘golden equation’) relating frequency resolution (Δf) and frame size time (T)
Once the egrss portal frequencies (coordinates) are suppressed, we then need to overlap the destination coordinates on top of it.
[3] Overlaying the destination frequency over the suppressed egress.
Nothing new here. It’s standard “boiler plate” frequency manipulation.
There are numerous techniques involved. But, the one that I am most familiar with is known as “single-sideband modulation” (SSB).
In radio communications, single-sideband modulation (SSB) or single-sideband suppressed-carrier modulation (SSB-SC) is a type of modulation used to transmit information, such as an audio signal, by radio waves. A refinement of amplitude modulation, it uses transmitter power and bandwidth more efficiently. Amplitude modulation produces an output signal the bandwidth of which is twice the maximum frequency of the original baseband signal. Single-sideband modulation avoids this bandwidth increase, and the power wasted on a carrier, at the cost of increased device complexity and more difficult tuning at the receiver.
It need not be too complicated. Remember that an AM signal
has the Fourier transform
The spectral components in the AM signal equal distances above and below the carrier frequency contain identical information because they are complex conjugates of each other.
The portion above the carrier frequency is called the upper sideband and the portion below the lower sideband.
In single-sideband (SSB) modulation only the upper sideband or the lower sideband is transmitted. Thus, SSB modulation requires half the bandwidth of AM or DSBSC-AM modulation.
We will assume that the baseband message signal m(t) is band limited with a cutoff frequency W which is less than the carrier frequency ωc. Then the required channel bandwidth for an SSB signal is W.
SSB Modulator Using DSBSC-AM and Filtering
First the DSBSC-AM signal
is formed which has the transform
and is centered at the carrier frequency ωc. Then H(ω) selects the desired sideband.
Upper sideband modulation uses the highpass filter
and the lower sideband SSB modulation uses the lowpass filter
Representing SSB Signals in Terms of Hilbert Transforms
Let the baseband message be m(t) and its Hilbert transform ˆm(t). The pre-envelope of the SSB signal has the transform
Upper Sideband Case
Substituting Hu(ω) for H(ω) gives
The complex envelope is
Therefore, the SSB signal can be expressed as
Lower Sideband Case
The transform of the complex envelope is
The corresponding SSB signal is
Single-Sideband Modulator Using a Hilbert Transform
A Single-Sideband Modulator Block Diagram
Another Approach to the SSB Signal Representation
Let the baseband message have transform M(ω). An example is shown in Figure 3. Its pre-envelope is
which has the transform
The upper-sideband SSB signal pre-envelope is
which has the transform
The transmitted SSB signal is
Signal Fourier Transforms in Steps for Generating an Upper-Sideband
Coherent Demodulation of SSB Signals
An SSB Demodulator
First the received signal is multiplied by a locally generated replica of the carrier signal. Multiplying the formulas for upper and lower sideband SSB signals by 2 cos ωct yields
Observe that
The components around 2ωc are removed by the lowpass filter G(ω) with cutoff frequency W.
In practice, the demodulator shown above should be preceded by a receive bandpass filter that passes s(t) and eliminates out-of-band noise.
Frequency Domain Analysis of Operation
Remember that b(t) = s(t)2 cos ωct. So
This translates the sidebands around ±ωc down to baseband and forms M(ω) which is the desired term and also translates them up to ±2ωc which are the terms removed by the lowpass filter.
SSB Demodulator Using a Hilbert Transform
First, take the Hilbert transform of s(t) and form the pre-envelope
where the plus sign is for upper sideband and the minus sign is for lower sideband modulation
This demodulator requires taking a Hilbert transform but does not require filtering out terms at twice the carrier frequency.
The modulator shown is also a block diagram for a demodulator that implements the formula at the bottom of the previous slide if the input m(t) is replaced by the received signal s(t), the cosine and sine amplitudes are set to 1, and the plus sign is chosen at the output adder.
In practice, the demodulator would be preceded by a bandpass filter that passes the signal components and rejects out-of-band noise.
Need for a Pilot Tone
These two demodulators assume that the receiver has perfect knowledge of the received carrier frequency and phase. Unfortunately, this information cannot be derived by a system like the Costas loop because the SSB signal is the sum of an inphase component m(t) cos ωct and a quadrature component ˆm(t) sin ωct.
A standard approach to solving this problem is to add a small sinusoidal component called a pilot tone whose frequency is not in the SSB signal band and has a known relationship to the carrier frequency. The pilot tone frequency is often chosen to be the carrier frequency when the baseband message signal has no DC components.
The receiver can then generate a local carrier reference by using a narrow bandwidth bandpass filter to select the pilot tone and possibly following this filter by a phase-locked loop.
Reasons for needing frequency translation:
To place the signal spectrum in an allocated channel.
Several messages can be multiplexed together by shifting them to non-overlapping adjacent spectral bands and transmitting the sum of the resulting signals. This is called frequency division multiplexing (FDM).
To correct for carrier frequency offsets caused by oscillator inaccuracies or Doppler shifts.
Let s(t) be a bandpass signal with the frequency ω0 somewhere in its passband. The problem is to translate the spectrum so that ω0 is moved to ω1 = ω0 + ∆ω.
The first step is to form the pre-envelope
The corresponding Fourier transform is
The next step is to multiply by a complex exponential with frequency ∆ω to get
This translates the original spectrum to the right by ∆ω and moves the value at ω0 to the frequency ω1 = ω0 + ∆ω.
Taking the real part of r+(t) gives the following formula for the translated signal:
The real part of r+(t) can also be expressed as
so its Fourier transform is
Notice that the formula for computing r(t) from s(t) and ˆs(t) above can be used even when the passband of the translated signal overlaps that of the original signal.
To do this using real signals would require a double conversion process where the signal is
first shifted to a non-overlapping band by multiplying by cos ω3t,
one sideband of this modulated signal is selected with a highpass filter,
and then another modulation is performed with the appropriate carrier frequency and the signal in the desired band is selected with a filter.
This is generally not as convenient for DSP applications.
Now, after this process has been completed, we now have the destination coordinate frequencies overlaid upon the egress coordinates. To the traveler, and to the portal it is residing within a space outside of time and space within the magnetic field, and upon the collapse of the field, the destination coordinates would automatically be imprinted upon the traveler within the magnetic field.
Unless you “connect” the traveler’s gravitational frequency with the new destination coordinates, nothing will happen. The field would just collapse and the traveler would reconnect with the egress portal coordinates instead…
How to solve this problem?
[4] Adding the gravitational frequency profile of the traveler to the mix.
It’s surprisingly easy.
…in theory.
You hold on to the destination coordinates longer than the egress coordinates. Or, in other words, continue with the suppression of the egress coordinates while the magnetic field collapses.
In truth, there is a gradual change from the suppression of the egress coordinates to a null state, and a gradual change from the null state to the destination coordinates. This description is apt, but the “gradual” change happens very rapidly.
This post describes the “nuts and bolts” behind the control that ejects the human traveler from the egress portal to the destination coordinates.
In short, when the human traveler enters the portal, he/she enters a magnetic field.
This field creates a neutral environment, it supersedes the natural environment.
Then, as the magnetic field collapses, the coordinate frequencies are changed from that of the egress portal to the destination coordinates.
And the person thus is instantly entangled with the new coordinates.
Thus, using the Alan Holt’s frequency resonance system, the person is instantly teleported to the new location.
As you can see, essentially the mechanism is basically frequency control, modulation and pulsing of the environment around a very intense magnetic field containing a human traveler.
And that is it.
Of course there are other issues involved. Like the actual electrical controls, the creation of the magnetic field, and how the traveler enters the field (he has to be prepared and ready), not to mention the actual mapping of the destination coordinates.
In the next post we will talk about making the magnetic field. Exciting stuff this, eh?
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This is part four of a multi-part post. Here we will discuss what happens once you have isolated the human mass from the portal mass, assigned a frequency profile of both, and then established a destination coordinate system. Here we will discuss the actual mechanism that will slide the human “passenger” within the dimensional portal to another world-line.
Now, I have read all sorts of speculations of whether or not a person can actually teleport, go into worm-holes, or visit other world-lines. Most writers consider themselves “experts” on this and say that it cannot be done.
Teleportation has not yet been implemented in the real world. There is no known physical mechanism that would allow this. Frequently appearing scientific papers and media articles with the term teleportation typically report on so-called " quantum teleportation ", a scheme for information transfer.
An actual teleportation of matter has never been realized by modern science (which is based entirely on mechanistic methods). It is questionable if it can ever be achieved, because any transfer of matter from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them violates Newton's laws, a cornerstone of physics.
-Rubens Talukder, Ph.D.
The “experts” have spoken!
To be honest, our understanding of teleportation is as clear as that of black holes, at this point. Dematerializing matters surely consumes a lot of energy and data. We should also take into consideration that the human brain contains so much information that it takes a football field-sized computer to completely replicate its prowess.
Remember, your entire being will be disintegrated into particles and the same exact ones should be reassembled at the destination point. Not only that, all your memories and your brain functions must remain intact after the process. Teleportation is similar to being killed and reborn, all in a short period of time. The timing must be precise through the whole of the process, because the slightest disturbance will really alter the state of your being. More importantly, who knows what might happen when an experiment goes wrong? You are relatively lucky if you come off with a missing limb or a different eye color, but things can really go south. Worse, you might not be reborn at all. Good luck getting locked in a quantum limbo for eternity, in that case.
Unfortunately, at the moment, we do not have the technology and the know-how to teleport matter visible to the naked. The technique also involves transferring us at the speed of light, and that alone clashes with Einstein’s theory of relativity. Sadly, technology is not the only limitation, but also the current rules of physics.
-Gizmo Shack
What ever floats your boat, cowboy.
I’ve done it.
I know that it can be done.
I have experienced it first hand. It is a technology that is in possession of the United States government under the aspects of MAJestic within the ONI.
It’s an advanced technology, that is sure, but it is not impossible. It’s just that the methods involved tend to be esoteric.
So let’s see what I’ve covered within Metallicman, eh?
Intention / prayer for self-navigation of consciousness through the MWI.
Magick and ritual, and religious intention.
MAJestic “dimensional portal” used at NAS NASC Pensacola Florida.
Use of extraterrestrial technology and a biological apparatus for world-line “anchoring”.
Outfitting a vehicle for (apparent) “time travel” like John Titor.
My DIY series on manufacturing your own “Dimensional Portal”.
And here we are. We are at part four of DIY dimensional portal theory and construction.
This is a pretty complex subject, don’t you know. And it is so easy to get all bogged down on the “nitty-gritty” details. So let’s just review a little bit of the first three prior posts.
Introduction. (What you can find on the internet.)
Gravity isolation of the human traveler from the portal.
Converting the individual gravity elements into waves and coordinates.
And now, we are going to discuss the actual teleportation of a person from the portal to another world-line…
Please take note that unless you have a dimensional portal at your destination location, you will be forever trapped there, and can never return back home.
Field Resonance Systems
We will use a “field resonance system” to conduct the teleportation. This is a well-known “theory” (well supported by conventional science) embraced by NASA for the future transport of people over large distances.
The field resonance system artificially generates an energy pattern which precisely matches or resonates with a virtual pattern associated with a distant world-line space-time point.
According to the model, if a fundamental or precise resonance is established (using hydromagnetic wave fine-tuning techniques), the person entering the dimensional portal will be very strongly and equally repelled by surrounding virtual patterns.
At the same time, through the virtual many-dimensional structure of space-time, a very strong attraction with the virtual pattern of a distant space-time point will exist.
The model predicts that this combination of very strong forces will result in the translocation of the person from the egress portal’s initial position through the many-dimensional virtual structure to the distant world-line space-time point.
It’s not a “turn key” solution. You just cannot make a device and expect it to work immediately “right off the bat”. The mechanics of this resonance effect will be determined through extensive experimentation, which may also revise the basic resonance requirements. You never know with R&D and NPD efforts.
However, the result, a space-time “jump,” most certainly appears to be supported by astrophysical research.
Several analogies can be used to clarify this effect. It can be described as the temporary formation of an Einstein-Rosen bridge. Which is a tunnel through space-time which connects two different regions in space-time in a way similar to that which has been otherwise proposed for such things as a black hole/white hole (quasar) portal.
The resonance effect can be considered to be analogous to the nuclear particle tunneling phenomena.
In this phenomenon, the wave nature of the particle enables it to tunnel through a potential barrier without having the energy required to go over the barrier.
Following this analogy, the traveler’s wave characteristics are increased dramatically by the artificially generated energy pattern, allowing it to tunnel through the space-time barrier without having the energy normally required to traverse the space between the two space-time points.
The travel times for such trips are expected to be nearly instantaneous.
If complex coordinate destinations are specified, short durations might manifest (seconds to weeks). All of which is dependent on the pattern precision, the amount of energy in the pattern, the space-time distance, and the virtual structure entry point.
There is no such thing as “time”. That is the impression of a train of world-line experiences taken together.
We know it does not really exist.
Time does not have an independent existence in the General Theory of Relativity and it will be redefined in the model as a type of energy flow. However, since time will continue to be used to catalog our experiences in daily life, its use is likely to continue in the description of this type of dimensional travel.
Secondary Resonance Effect
Now there may be other effects and things going on when you enter the egress dimensional port.
If the artificial energy pattern does not precisely match the virtual pattern at a distant world-line space-time point, a secondary resonance effect may be observed.
In this case, the repulsive and attractive forces are not strong enough to relocate the traveler, but the resonance is sufficient to connect the two points through the virtual structure, resulting in energy flow to or from the distant world-line space-time point.
We do not know what this might manifest as.
Dissemination of a person into “the void”.
A partial teleportation of a person to the destination, while the rest of that person stays at the egress portal.
A merging of elements of the traveler with the portal components.
Extreme destinations
In order to explore distant coordinate systems in wildly divergent world-lines, several intermediate world-line space-time jumps would likely be required for safety purposes.
The initial slide would take the traveler into a world-line with only one significant change in the destination coordinates. The next slide would be a destination coordinate with a different major change to the destination coordinates, followed by a slide to a destination with minor coordinate changes for control and reliability considerations. At each step, the predicted and actual locations would be compared and computerized models would be updated accordingly. Exploration of a world-line would probably be best done by a gravimagnetic system that could be carried inside the larger field resonance system.
If the energy pattern generation system of the field resonance portal has an ultrafine-tuning system, world-line space-time jumps to the nearby world-lines could be accomplished. If the portal cycled frequent and very short slides, it would appear in many cases to be in a smooth continuous long-duration slide through world-line space-time.
Hydromagnetic wave fine-tuning techniques
Here we are going to model the process of what happens when a person enters the dimensional portal.
For we know the frequency coordinates of both the person and the portal, and when we bathe the portal in a strong magnetic field and artificially induce the destination coordinates over that of the egress coordinates, the human traveler would be teleported to the new world-line.
In modeling this process we will simplify the equations a bit to simulate the human traveler, and the two portals; egress and destination.
The dynamics of wave propagation in a hydromagnetic waveguide has been well studied and established. For our purposes, we will simplify the equations to represent an electrically conducting conduit (the human traveler) inserted in the field of a steady magnetic field which is the egress dimensional portal. For our purposes, we will treat the human traveler to act as if he/she behaved as plasma.
In the simplest case, the applied field is parallel to the axis of the tube. When the plasma moves with a fluctuating velocity in a direction normal to the axis of the waveguide, the lines of force are shaken to and fro in the direction of the applied velocity. A transverse wave is thereby made to travel along the lines of force.
It is well known to workers in hydromagnetics that the governing relations for the motion of a plasma in a magnetic field are analogous to those describing the behavior of an ideally conducting fluid in the presence of a magnetic field. Hence, our discussion begins with the relations for the conservation of momentum and matter and with the equation of state. As a result of linearization, we find that these equations are
In these expressions, zero subscripts indicate quiescent values, and lower-case letters fluctuating variables. The velocity is denoted by V, the pressure by p, the density by p, the velocity of sound waves in free space by a, the fluctuating local current density by j, and the applied steady magnetic field by B o .
The set of corresponding Maxwellian relations, corrected for relativistic effects, is
The fluctuating magnetic field is denoted by b, the electric field by e, and the permeability of the medium by t. Relations 4, 5, and 6 are valid when the plasma is quasineutral, and when the characteristic dimension of the apparatus is large compared with both the mean free path of the gas and the Debye shielding distance.
It can be readily found that the velocity satisfies the equation
in which k = w/c, the wave number for the Alfven wave velocity in free space. This velocity c equals Bo/(p)/2. The parameter p = a/c is the ratio of the two velocities of wave propagation, and ib indicates a unit vector in the direction of the magnetic field. Similar relations for the other field variables can be obtained by manipulating the set of Eqs. 1-6. The appropriate boundary conditions for the problem require the vanishing of the normal components of the oscillating velocity and the magnetic field at the walls of the waveguide. If we define the velocity by the identity
it can be shown by substituting Eq. 8 in Eq. 7 that we obtain two simultaneous equations in the velocity potentials c and M. These equations for the general case, when ib is at an arbitrary angle with the axis of the waveguide, are quite complicated and have to be solved approximately.
Two extreme cases, however, allow the equations to be solved exactly.
The results for these two cases will now be briefly indicated.
Case 1. The magnetic field is aligned with the axis of the waveguide. Then the two wave modes propagate along the axis of the waveguide. One of these modes displays the character of a longitudinal, or compressive, wave and is called, in this report, the “acoustic wave.”
The other mode is of transverse character and represents the hydromagnetic mode. Several interesting alternatives may occur that depend upon whether p is less than or greater than unity. When P is less than unity, the acoustic mode has no cutoff for all orders of the wave eigen numbers. This is quite different from the conventional acoustic wave propagation that takes place in a pipe. The hydromagnetic mode does, however, have a cutoff that depends upon the order of the eigen number. It can be checked that whenever p < 1, the pressure from collisions, p, is considerably lower than the hydromagnetic pressure Bo/2L. This means, of course, that the collective behavior of the electrons is controlled, in large part, by the electromagnetic forces. When P > 1, we find that the hydromagnetic mode is then the mode that suffers no cutoff for all orders of the wave eigen number. The acoustic mode, on the other hand, has a cutoff frequency that depends on the order of the wave eigen number. The case of p > 1 indicates that the density of the plasma is high, and is probably more representative of the density of a liquid metal than of the density of a plasma.
An interpretation of the reversal of the noncutoff property of the two waves for B >< 1 can be given by visualizing the behavior of the plasma as it is squeezed by the lines of forces during their transverse motion. For stronger magnetic forces with P < 1, a side distortion of the lines is always accompanied by a longitudinal forward motion of the plasma, hence the acoustic wave suffers no cutoff. A similar explanation can be given for the behavior with P > 1. The expression for the component of the velocity transverse to the axis of the waveguide is given by
in which n, m = 0, ±1, ±2 … ; and 2L 1 2L2 are the width and height of the waveguide section. In expressions 9 and 10, K is the propagation constant for the waves. The functional relation of K on k, the wave number, is shown in graphical form in Fig. III-1 for p 1 and p = 1.
It is obvious that for p = 1, it is not possible to identify the particular wave associated
with the two branches of the function K = f(k).
Case 2. The magnetic field direction is at right angles to the axis of the waveguide.
In this case, the analysis shows that no hydromagnetic wave propagates along the axis of the waveguide. Indeed, consideration of this situation leads us to conclude that the hydromagnetic wave appears as a standing wave along the lines of force, and hence it is trapped between the walls of the waveguide.
The alignment of the magnetic field in another direction besides the two that have been mentioned gives rise to intermediate situations which, however, cannot be obtained as a superposition of the two waves indicated in Eqs. 1 and 2 because Eq. 7 is not linear in the vector ib.
The analysis that has been given cannot be extended to frequencies higher than the ion cyclotron frequency, without taking into account the necessary correction, because the plasma is now composed of two fluids interacting with the magnetic field.
This correction is easily made, and it can be shown that the symmetry of the eigenfunctions in the positive and negative values is lost.
Magnetohydrodynamic Shocks
Whenever you are dealing with plasma (a human) in a magnetic field that undergoes a force or acceleration of some type, you can expect a magnetohydrodynamic shock. In other words, just how useful would this portal be if the person slams into the destination coordinates at a very high speed squashing him/her into jelly?
Luckily this does not seem to be the case.
The work reported here was started for the purpose of investigating the dynamics and the structure of hydromagnetic shocks. In particular, the parameters of the shock that have to be estimated are its thickness, pressure ratio, magnetic-field ratio, and the corresponding density ratio. The preliminary theoretical work was carried out on the basis of a continuum theory.
The calculations follow conventional techniques for studies on shock waves, i. e., the discussion begins with the equation for the conservation of momentum and mass. An appropriate equation of state is also introduced. The hydromagnetic interaction is taken into account by means of a well-known relation for the magnetic field,
where 11 is the intensity of the magnetic field, – is the velocity, N is the permeability, and o- is the conductivity.
It can be shown that a one-dimensional dependence for the variables leads to expressions 2 and 3 which relate the value of the upstream parameters of the shock to its downstream parameters. The relations are valid for distances that are large compared with the thickness of the shock.
Manipulation of all of the equations mentioned in Sec. III-A leads to a pair of simultaneous expressions, the first of which is
stands for the ratio of the square of the Alfen velocity to the square of the velocity of sound; Mo, 1 is the appropriate hydromagnetic Mach number, defined as the ratio of the local velocity to the Alfvn velocity.
For the second relation, we have
Equations 2 and 3 are sufficient to define completely the state of the gas downstream of the shock.
The experimental verification of this discussion will be carried out by means of an apparatus that will allow a magnetically driven shock to travel in an externally applied uniform magnetic field.
The ponderomotive force (PMF)
The ponderomotive force (PMF) is a ubiquitous nonlinear wave effect arising in plasma physics when applied wave fields or plasma parameters have significant spatial gradients.
We should include the possibility that the PMF may energize magnetospheric ions in significant numbers. In particular, the PMF may play a role in transporting and energizing O+ ions at the destination coordinates. This might result in the experience of the traveler experiencing O+ ionic buildup on their exposed skin. This would appear and feel like they had just come from a warm Summer rain shower.
The PMF can also generate nonlinear coupling between the slow magnetosonic mode and the other hydromagnetic modes. This should lead to limitation of density enhancements and, notably in the case of standing Alfvén waves, to spatial harmonic generation, secularly growing frequency shifts, and saturation of driven wave fields. These effects might result in some minor discomfort for the traveler as they egress from the destination portal coordinates.
The use of the Alan Holt field resonance proposal along with hydromagnetic wave fine-tuning techniques will be sufficient to transport a human from an egress dimensional portal to a destination portal / or coordinate on another world-line.
There are concerns related to…
Secondary Resonance Effects.
The ponderomotive force (PMF).
Magnetohydrodynamic shock.
However, calculations indicate that these concerns are minor, or can be minimized with proper care and due diligence.
Now, with all this being clear, we can now discuss the mechanism used to implement the Alan Holt resonance transfer procedure within the magnetic field when a person enters into the egress portal. We will cover that in the next post. Post five. Stay tuned.
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Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
This post continues in the discussion of building yourself a DIY dimensional portal (or some type of vehicle) for world-line crossovers and slides. This is part three. Part one was an introduction to the concepts that various people can build a DIY dimensional portal. Part two discussed the very important aspects of mass / gravity separation of the entity (person) entering the portal, and the portal itself.
And here, in this part we will discuss measuring the frequencies of the gravity elements involved when a person enters the portal. This measurement of frequencies is the assignment of coordinates of where you are right now at the moment of teleportation.
Measure frequencies = Assign egress coordinates.
High Frequency Gravity Waves
The fundamental idea is that we would detect the super weak HFGW that is associated with both the mass of the person entering the portal, and that of the portal itself. This would create a frequency profile. This profile in turn, can be considered a set of coordinates for the dimensional portal to work with.
Gravitational waves (GW) are a prediction of Einstein’s general theory of relativity, but (due to their weakness) took a long, long time to discover.
Measurement of their indirect effects on the orbits of certain binary neutron stars was a major experimental triumph, and merited the award of a Nobel Prize in Physics. Further; these measurements agree with theory to better than 1%. Therefore, there really isn’t any question of their existence. The issue is really how to detect them for small gravitational masses, up close, quickly and accurately.
The term HFGW has come to mean gravitational waves at much higher frequencies of several GHz, say 10GHz to be specific. A general rule of thumb is that the highest gravitational wave frequencies produced will be at around the reciprocal of the freefall timescale for a system fmax∼ √Gρ, where ρ is the average density of the system.
Dr. Robert Baker, Jr. has a design for an open cavity High-Frequency Gravitational Wave Detector in the GHz band. His design consists of a high-quality-factor open microwave cavity and a Gaussian beam (GB) passing through a static magnetic field in free space.
Baker is regarded as the preemininent researcher in the field of High-Frequency Gravitational Wave research, and proposes this new detector model as a means of facilitating significant new potential applications for the wireless telecommunications sector.
Essentially this effect is an inverse Gertsenshtein effect in which HFGWs are converted into electromagnetic (EM) waves when passing through a static magnetic field.
Our dimensional portal would detect the isolated HFGW’s from both the portal and the person entering the portal. It would convert the values into electromagnetic waves when the person enters the dimensional portal. Of course, for this to work, the entire portal would need to be a static magnetic field.
The Physics of HFGW’s
Newton’s formulation of the theory of gravity,
for two spherical gravitating masses MG(1) and MG(2) is equivalent to the “non-relativistic” gravitational field description
in which a non-dimensional “potential” hˆ has been chosen to agree with the mathematical language used for it in General Relativity. Here MI and MG are the inertial and gravitational masses respectively, and ρI and ρG are the distributions of these masses. Equations (3-4) and (3-5) are an instantaneous action-at-a-distance description which is inconsistent with the constraints of Special Relativity.
In General Relativity (which is generalizes Newton’s theory) Equations (3-4) – (3-6) become
Tμ ν is the complete relativistic stress-energy tensor of everything including the gravitational field itself, and T is its trace. (gμ ν is the Minkowski metric tensor of Special Relativity plus ˆhμ ν .) Confirmed predictions include the equivalence principle ρI = ρG (to better than 10−10), the calculated value for the bending of light passing near the sun and gravitational lensing of light in other parts of the Universe, many solar system observations, and remarkably accurate observations of neutron star binaries.
The full content and implications of General Relativity are not needed for any of the HFGW predictions to be considered below. For example the quantum energy density in a vacuum is negligibly small compared to the other important matter and field contributions to Tμ ν in our local environment. All of the HFGW amplitudes of interest here are so small that their contributions to energy density can be neglected in Tˆμ ν.
In a vacuum with only hˆμ ν present the RHS of Equation (3-7) vanishes, leaving the familiar free field wave equation
The robustness of the basic theory for the HFGWs discussed below is even more robust than that of General Relativity.
Hypotheses about changes in gravity and Tμ ν from string theory might change it at length scales 1 cm and some have proposed changes at huge (astronomical/cosmological) scales but neither would change Equations (3-7) on the scales of interest here.
Because we are concerned with such small HFGW intensities it is often constructive to describe these flows as a flow of gravitational quanta (gravitons).
Gravitons are a necessary consequence of Quantum Mechanics applied to Equation (3-9) and bear the same necessary relationship to Equations (3-9) and (3-7) as photons do to electromagnetic fields.
In particular
with ω = 2π× frequency and k = 2π/λ.
Figure 1 shows the electromagnetic-gravity field interactions in Equation (3-7) as (static gravity or graviton) – (photon or static electromagnetic field) interactions.
Figure 1: Feynman diagrams of quantum (graviton/photon) reactions in quantized gravitational field versions of General (and Special) Relativity. γ ≡ HF electromagnetic field or static field (B0); g ≡ graviton: A ≡ any particle.
Measuring HFGW from gravity masses
The LIGO detectors, which measured the waves, do not use bar detectors; they use interferometers. Bar detectors have been used for decades, but they have not been sensitive enough to make actual detections. They are necessarily very short, which reduces the effect of a gravitational wave. As you indicate they also have fairly narrow resonant frequencies at which they are most sensitive. Interferometers, on the other hand, can be made 4 kilometers long (like the LIGO detectors), which magnifies the effect of the waves. They are also sensitive over a fairly broad range -- roughly 40Hz to 2000Hz.
As anna v rightly points out, there actually are plenty of references to frequency if you look at the science papers. I work in gravitational-wave astronomy, and decomposing things into frequencies is our bread and butter. There's less coverage of this in the popular press, presumably because the public tunes out talk of frequencies, and pop-sci journalists know where their bread is buttered. But Fourier transforms are really how the analysis gets done.
-Physics Stack Exchange
Dr. Robert Baker, Jr. has a design for an open cavity High-Frequency Gravitational Wave Detector in the GHz band, which consists of a high-quality-factor open microwave cavity and a Gaussian beam (GB) passing through a static magnetic field in free space.
Essentially this effect is an inverse Gertsenshtein effect in which HFGWs are converted into electromagnetic (EM) waves when passing through a static magnetic field.
Converting measured HFGW into electromagnetic waves for frequency generation.
A basic mechanism for generating a EM wave from a measured HFGW is the direct conversion of the same frequency by a strong static magnetic field (−→B0).
This Gertsenshtein process is idealized in Figure 3. The GW power out, PG W (in), is proportional to the electromagnetic wave incoming power PEMW (out):
Figure 3: Gertsenshtein EMW generation by HFGWs passing through a constant magnetic field B0,
where U is the total EMW energy in the volume (V) in which the EMW passes through B0.
is the energy density in that region.
Figure 4: HFGW generation by standing wave electromagnetic modes in a cavity.
For the geometry of Figure (3) in which the passage of the EMW through B0 is not otherwise interrupted
For P(in) ∼ 10 kW, and L = 30 cm, U = 10−5 joules. If the EMF is contained as a normal mode within V,U can be very much larger. However, there are various limits to U which are independent of the available EMW power. For a cavity with EM dissipation time τ
For a (generous) cooling rate from an exterior coolant flow around a copper cavity H˙ ∼ 106 watts, Q ∼ 2 × 103, Umax ∼ 2 × 10−1 joules and
(We note that it would take a continual EM power input of one MWatt to maintain this tiny GW output.)
If we replace the copper-walled cavity by one with superconducting walls τ may increase from the ∼ 10−7 sec of Cu by a factor ∼ 107. However, Umax could not increase by nearly such a factor, even if we ignore any problems of maintaining superconductivity near the huge −→B0, and keeping the very low temperature needed. The u inside the superconducting cavity would be limited by unacceptable electron emission from a mode’s strong electric field perpendicular to a wall:
Even if this crucial limit is ignored there would be a limit to u from the maximum mechanical strength of the container confining the electromagnetic modes:
The limit of Equation (3-23) and V ∼ 3 × 103 cm3 gives UMax ∼ 3 × 106J and
Finally we could ask the ultimate limit when, instead of −→Bo ∼ 105 Gauss and EM waves V is filled with moving masses, EM energy, etc. all contained within V ∼ 3 × 103 cm3 to the limit where the container explodes. Then
where d is the distance to the target and b a directional beaming factor which we take ∼ 102. Then for d > 1 km the maximum flux at a target
for the unrealistically large limit of Equation (3-25). Increasing V to 107 cm3 would still limit
Almost none will be stopped or converted within the target. (But even if they were their total impulse would cause no damage to any part of it.)
HFGW Detectors [1]
Proposed HFGW detectors have generally been based upon versions of the inverse Gertsenshtein process. The most elementary one is that in Figure 5. As in Equations (3-13) and (3-14)
For the maximum HFGW generator production of 102 graviton/sec of Equation (3-22), and b ∼ 102 and d ∼ 10 m in Equation (3-26), and a detector area transverse to the beam (Aˆ) = 104cm2
Such a small photon flow would, of course, never be observed, no matter what plausible changes are made in HFGW generator, d, b, or Aˆ. However proposals have been made to decrease this interval by very great factors.
One such proposal introduces an additional EMW0 with the same frequency as the GW and the very weak EMW it generates in passing through the strong −→B0 region. This is well understood “homodyning” of the weak signal. It does not increase a signal to noise ratio when the noise is the minimal photon noise from quantization. If we consider the simple geometry of
Figure 5: Inverse Gertsenshtein conversion of HFGWs to EMWs of the same frequencies.
Figure 6 with the electromagnetic waves electric field normal to the plane of wave propagation and −→B0, there are two possibilities for interference between EGW, the electric field of the EMW generated by the GW and E0. In one the original propagation directions are coincident. Then the total field (−→E T )
with −→E T the homodyning field and −→E GW that from GW conversion along the common trajectory. If EGW reaches the photon detector so must E 0. That detector’s photon counting rate
Figure 6: Homodyning of weak EMW with much stronger EMW0.
with N˙ 0 the counting rate when N˙ GW = 0 and N˙ GW the very much smaller rate when N˙ 0 = 0. A non-zero cos δ can arise from phase match between −→E 0 and −→E GW .
The large N0 = N˙ 0t is the expectation value of a Poisson distribution of width N1/2 0 which is intrinsic to the quantum (photon) distribution in the classical wave description.
The main N˙ GW contribution to the detector counts (2 (N˙ 0N˙ GW)1/2 cos δ t) must be significantly larger than this fluctuation (N˙ 0t)1/2 for the signal/minimal photon noise ratio to exceed unity:
i.e., it will still take the t ˆγ of Equation (3-30) to identify with any confidence a single EMW photon from incoming GW graviton conversion.
If the −→E 0 photons differ enough in direction from the EGW ones so that they do not reach the detector the photon fluctuations |−→E 0|2 term of Equation (3-31) could be absent, but so would 2−→E 0· −→E GW so that again t ∼ 1/N˙ γ . The history of this interference term before the detector is reached is not relevant: t ∼ 1/N˙ GW whether or not −→E 0 reaches the photon detector with −→E GW or what its magnitude there is as long as it gives the minimal fluctuation in photon number as the major noise source at the EMW detector.
If instead of −→E 0 with the same frequency at the EMW from HFGW conversion (homodyning), the −→E 0 wave has a different frequency (ω ) and the detector admits ω ± ω (heterodyning) the quantum limit still gives the same needed t (to within a factor 2) for a signal to noise ratio exceeding one; see Marcuse [13] (Eqs. 6.5–14,6.5–17) with the minimum bandwidth B ∼ t−1 achieved over a time t,
HFGW Detectors [2]
A second kind of proposal for greatly increasing the photon counting rate from graviton → photon conversion is to contain the conversion volume within reflecting walls for EMWs.
This is similar to the same sort of proposal to increase the efficiency of Gertsenshtein conversion of photons to gravitons in Figure 3. It differs, however, in that the containing cavity does not reflect the gravitons which are the source for conversion, but only the photons which are the product of it.
If we start with an empty cavity with mode decay time τ and a resonance frequency ω0 = ω (or at least |ω − ω0| < ω0/Q) the cavity will initially fill with EM mode energy (U) at a rate
which will continually increase until a steady state is reached at t ∼ τ ≡ Q/ω. (U is not limited in the cavity detector by the considerations of Sec 3. because it is always so tiny in comparison to those in a GW generator).
if cavity photons are counted instead of being dissipated in the cavity walls.
Figure 7: GW conversion on B 0 pumping a resonant cavity with the same frequency.
If, unphysically, finite cavity mode decay time did not limit N˙ γ we might still note how long (t1) it would take for the expected number of GW induced photons inside the cavity to reach one, i.e.
However, finite τ = (Q/ω) does limit the cavity U. The maximum expected value for GW induced photon number in the cavity never approaches unity. Instead
A copper-walled cavity with Q ∼ 2×103 would decrease the time interval between GW induced photons in the cavity, but only to
The largest plausible τ would be for a cavity with superconducting walls. Then τ might reach, say, 10 seconds (Q ∼ 10E11). Then
still essentially an infinite time between photon counts.
If the cavity GW induced photon energy were homodyned (or heterodyned) by introducing additional resonant mode electromagnetic field energy the photon number fluctuations in that energy would again not allow interference to increase the time interval for signal/photon noise > 1 to be less than the ˆtγ/Q of Equations (3-40)- (41).
What this means
There is a way (of a couple of ways) to measure the gravity waves associated with the gravity of a person entering a portal, and that of the portal itself. These waves at a precise moment in time can be used as a coordinate.
It is not practical to use this technology for any other purposes.
The photon counting rates for confident detection of graviton-induced photons from proposed HFGW generators and detectors is so small that development of HFGW communication links is not a reasonable prospect.
Not useful for communication.
The graviton interception-transformation rate at a large cooperative target (specially designed to detect gravitons) 10−20 [ cf Equations (3-29) and (3-36)]. When combined with the comparably small fraction for photo → graviton efficiency in HFGW generators this implies that to deposit even an ergs worth of HFGW gravitons in a target requires 1040 ergs of electric power input to a HFGW generator. This is more than total energy from electric power generation on the earth (< 1012 watts) for longer than the age of the Universe.
Use of HFGW beams for destroying, deflecting, or compromising distant targets (or close ones) has no promise.
Not useful for weapons.
Thus it seems silly that the United States government would consider putting this technology in a “black project” to keep it out of the public eye.
This part discussed creation of a mechanism to measure the gravity waves associated with the gravity of both the dimensional portal and a person entering it.
With this mechanism you can identify the exact world-line you are in at an exact frozen moment of time, and assign a coordinate to it.
You can do so in isolation of the person, and thus create a mechanism that would take this “person” at one coordinate and slide him to another coordinate instantaneously.
Since the coordinate is very detailed, it includes not only the physical geography of a place, but a moment in “time”, and if you change the coordinates slightly, you can use this mechanism to move a person back and forth in …
Geography. You can move about from place A to place B.
Time. You can move from one point in time to another.
But since, you have the entire spectrum of coordinates at your “finger tips” you can alter the parameters of the coordinates to enter completely different world-lines. You can go into the so-called parallel universes…
World-line. You can go from one world-line to another.
In the next post, we will discuss how to use these frequencies to move a person from one set of coordinates to another set. Hang on…
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Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
This is part 2 of the fundamentals in constructing your very own dimensional portal or vehicle. This post continues that same slow, methodical study of how one would go about constructing their very own dimensional portal. This is a systems integration point of view, rather than anything else.
So, to review…
In part 1, we discussed some scant examples found on the internet. Most of which didn’t say much of anything. However, if you look between the lines on them you see some ideas all similarly related. The major hurtle is that they all assume a universe that simply does not exist.
So, by looking at the ideas garnered through that initial post, we can consider them to have pretty much laid out the ideas which we can add to our narrative…
Individual world-lines are fixed, static places within the reality universe.
Consider a world-line to be a frozen snapshot of time. Nothing actually moves within it. It's just solid, fixed and never changing.
Time is the movement of individual consciousness though these places.
This is something that I have repeatedly stated over and over again throughout this Metallicman effort. If you don't understand what time actually is, you will never understand world-lines.
Each world-line is a very complex representation of a static place.
It's not just that the physical elements are represented, but the non-physical elements are represented as well.
This representation can best be described as a “frozen moment” of a complex graph of frequencies.
Since we know, by quantum physics, that every thing in our "universe" can be represented as either a particle or a wave. And all waves can be associated with a specific frequency. Then, all things within a "frozen" world-line can be associated with a complex set of frequencies.
As such, we can do all sorts of things with it. From using it as a "homing beacon" to go to, or to return to. Or to note that it is something that should be avoided.
By knowing the set of frequencies associated with a given world line, we can establish a set of coordinates associated with it.
If there was a way that we could take a "snapshot" of a given world-line, we would see a complex collection of frequencies. All these frequencies would be associated with the gravity measurement at that (apparent) moment of "time".
World-line travel can thus be the manipulation of frequencies of location.
The frequencies of location.
Taken together, if you can have coordinates at your present location, and provide coordinates at your destination location you can map out your route. Just like we all do using GPS.
You can travel to different world-lines using fundamentally the same KIND OF system that is used on maps and GPS apps. You identify your location coordinates and then map out your destination coordinates.
But, the GPS system uses satellites, software algorithms, and a small army of engineers and technologists to maintain. How can you use this kind of system for world-line travel?
You don’t.
Instead you need to take a “snapshot” of your current location. This “snapshot” will contain the attributes that are associated with your geographic time, place and environment.
So the question really becomes “how”?
How do you take a “snapshot” of your current environment in such a way that it includes all elements of your current environment?
Your “snapshot”.
I’m going to “cut to the chase” and summarize a few things.
Precise measurements of localized gravity can be an effective measurement of your current world-line position.
But, it does not provide you a map. If you punch in destination coordinates of a different gravity reading, you have absolutely no way of knowing where you will end up.
For instance, if you leave at a gravity reading of 121.8723675092384 then where would a gravity reading of 121.8276746592847536 take you?
So gravity can be used to take you to similar world-lines, but it cannot be used to determine world-line types and deviance parameters.
An other method has to be utilized to map out the world-line terrain.
That other method is to utilize the frequencies associated with the gravity reading at any given world-line.
A "snapshot" of the gravity of your departure coordinates can be translated or processed to produce a complex graph of all the various waveforms and their frequencies at that moment in time.
Using the snapshot as an anchor.
Now, if the coordinates are related to the frequency “snapshot” at any given moment of time…
… the manipulation of the frequency around a person, vehicle, or door, can teleport a person or object to the destination coordinates.
In other words, we are going to utilize the Alan Holt's Field Resonance System to conduct world-line travel.
So let’s discuss collecting the frequencies of a departure coordinate.
[1] The overall scheme.
Here we are going to discuss using vibrations and frequencies associated with gravitational masses to obtain world-line coordinates.
It works just like this…
You create an area with a fixed “portal”.
You then identify the “geography” of the gravitational signatures of that specific area / portal.
Using flux-gate technology, you isolate the gravitational signatures of a person entering the portal from the portal gravitational signature.
Now, we need to associate frequencies with the gravitational signiatures.
You take a measurement of the frequencies associated with the gravitational portal at a specific fraction of time.
You do the same thing of a person entering the portal at that specific fraction of time.
A person entering a fixed portal.
These frequencies are very complex, but they can tell us where we are at any given moment within any given world-line.
Now, in a split second, using the Alan Holt’s Field Resonance system, you change the frequencies within the portal. You alter the frequencies such that the gravitational associated frequencies of the person entering the portal do not change, but the frequencies associated with the surrounding environment does actually change.
You change the frequencies of the portal location, not the person. All the while you use field resonances to “squeeze” or “slide” the individual into the new portal coordinates.
Coordinates are the frequencies associated with the gravitation at that fraction of time.
Now, we are going to discuss how this is done, step by step over the next couple of posts in this series.
We will start with [2], how to isolate gravity masses within an area. Then we will convert those gravity readings into frequencies.
This is a very important step as it is used to isolate the person who walks into a portal from the portal itself.
Thus, the world-line slide, or cross-over, can be obtained by isolating the frequencies of the portal from the person. Using the Alan Holt Frequency resonance system to slide that person into the new coordinates.
And that is how it works.
[2] Association of a frequency to a given world-line.
To identify your local region, you need to separate it out from all the “clutter” of the surrounding regions. Otherwise, your “map” with start with a confused jumble of data. Much like oil painting. When you keep on painting and painting in oils, and don’t separate the colors, eventually everything turns into a muddy ugly brown color.
Luckily, there is a technique for this. It’s called “Regional residual anomaly separation”, and it is one of the important tasks in gravity inversion and interpretation for the detection of oils, minerals and cavities underground.
So, we can “piggy back” on the work already done.
So here is the procedure (so that you all don’t get too bogged down into all the details…
Identify a physical region; a person, a place, a thing, a vehicle.
Identify and isolate the gravity of that object (parts 2a – 2g) below.
Take a “snapshot” of the frequencies associated with that specific region of gravity.
[2a] Regional residual anomaly separation
We can use any number of the gravity separation methods that have already been developed. All of which have been based on different characteristics of regional and residual gravity fields. Of course, each one has it’s advantages and disadvantages.
Graphic smoothing and N-point smoothing(Wanget al 1991)
Polynomial surface fitting (Beltraoet al 1991)
Minimum curvature method (Mickuset al 1991)
Finite element analysis (Mallick and Sharma1999)
The stripping method (Weiland 1989)
And finally, Li and Oldenburg (1998) proposed to separate the regional anomaly using a 3D magnetic inversion algorithm.
Based on different spectral characteristics of gravity and magnetic anomalies, filters can be used for more precise gravity separation.
Of course, all these methods are simply number crunching of sensory inputs from a “flux gate” and processed within a complex computer algorithm.
Simple Flux-gate circuit.
[2b] Use of the wavelet transform
There is more than one way to process the information obtained from a flux-gate sensor.
In recent years, the wavelet transform has widely been used in gravity data processing and interpretation. This is primarily due to its pretty good property of multi-scale analysis, and as a result, it has become an important method to isolate gravity readings from that of an anomaly.
The examples of people using these techniques to isolate the frequencies of localized gravity anomalies is pretty well documented;
Fedi and Quarta (1998) used a discrete wavelet transform to separate the regional potential gravity fields, and determined the rational decomposition results as a regional gravity anomaly by “minimum entropy compactness criterion”.
Ucanet al (2000) also used the multi-scale wavelet transform to separate the regional anomaly field and achieved satisfactory results in the synthetic model test.
Yanget al (2001) analyzed the gravity data of China using the discrete wavelet transform and interpreted the geological implications of the decomposition results.
[2c] Other used for the Multi-scale gravity wavelet analysis.
This algorithm can be used in numerous ways. In general, the more versatile it is, the more exactly can you separate out the gravity frequency variations.
The multi-scale wavelet analysis can also be used in…
Besides the Euclidean wavelets, the spherical wavelets method has been developed in the last ten years (Freeden and Windheuser 1996,1997)…
[2d] The Spherical wavelet transform
The spherical wavelet transform has similar multi-scale analysis properties as the Euclidean wavelet transform. It can be expressed by the convolution of a signal with a dilation and rotation of a spherical mother wavelet upon a sphere.
Compared with the Euclidean wavelets, spherical wavelets are widely used in large-scale data analysis, especially for the spherical earth.
It has been used to study…
The global gravity field (Fengleret al 2004, 2007)
The traditional spectrum analysis is usually used to assist wavelet analysis and interpretation of gravity and magnetic anomalies.
Albora and Ucan (2001) present a synthetic example of gravity anomaly separation using wavelets, and estimate the average depth of buried bodies from the spectrum.
Qiuet al (2007) discuss the ability of the wavelet transform to improve the resolution of gravity anomaly and use depth estimation from spectrum analysis to analyze the wavelet decomposition results.
[2e] Theory of wavelet transform and spectrum analysis
Wavelet transform
Assuming that f(x)is a square integrable function, its wavelet transform can be expressed as…
ψ(x) is the wavelet basis or the mother wavelet function,
s>0 is the scale factor,
b is the translation parameter,
R is the integration domain,
ψs(x) is the dilation of wavelet basis
ψs(x) = 1√sψ(xs). (∗means convolution).
In the frequency domain, equation (1) can be equivalently expressed as
where …
(ω) is the Fourier transform of ψ(x),
√s (sk) is the Fourier transform of ψs(x).
Generally, the scale factor can be connected with the frequency by
where Fs is the equivalent frequency of wavelet transform at scales, Fc is the center frequency of the wavelet basis function,and is the sampling rate.
From the frequency domain expression (equation (2)), the wavelet transform of the signal f(x) can be viewed as the filtering result with the wavelet filter at either…
Different scales (Yang 1999) or
Using the filter banks operation (Strang and Nguyen 1997).
Generally, a large-scale wavelet transform can be used to separate the regional gravitation.
Wavelets can be selected for a gravity anomaly analysis according to some specific criteria, such as…
Similarity between signal and mother wavelets (Xuet al 2004)
Minimum entropy compactness criterion (Fedi and Quart a 1998).
In this example, we will select the wavelet according to its frequency response character.
Based on the knowledge of the spectral character of anomalies, a low-pass and isotropic wavelet filter is more appropriate for regional anomaly separation.
Here, we can look at the properties of the Halo wavelet in a specific frequency domain and then apply it in order to separate out the regional anomaly. In effect, isolating a particular body (a person, object, vehicle, or in this example, a rectangular box) from all the background gravitational influences.
The Halo wavelet basis function is a modification of the Morlet wavelet (Kirby2005).
It can be expressed in the frequency domain as
Its spectrum character is shown in figure 1.
The Halo wavelet basis is symmetrical and isotropic in the frequency domain. It is a low-pass wavelet filter with a small k0 value.
According to uncertainty, the bandwidth and the center frequency of the dilated wavelet decrease when the scale increases.
Therefore it is necessary to select the wavelet transform at a proper scale in order to get low-frequency regional anomalies.
From the definition of the wavelet transform, it can be computed by either, [A] convolution in the space domain or [B] multiplication in the frequency domain.
We compute the wavelet transform in the frequency domain based on equation (2), and the implementation steps are listed below:
(1) Compute the Fourier transform G(⇀k) of the original anomaly signal g(⇀x).
(2) Multiply the anomaly spectrum G(⇀k) with Halo wavelet (⇀k) in the frequency domain, and get the wavelet transform at scales=1; W(⇀k)=G(⇀k)×(⇀k).
(3) Compute the inverse Fourier transform of W(⇀k) and get the wavelet transform result w(⇀x) in the space domain.
(4) Calculate the wavelet transform of different scales with the dilation wavelet basis, and get the result of the wavelet transform result at different scales following steps (2)and (3).
The maximum decomposition scale relates the dimension of the original data, and the scale can take continuous values with a maximum of half of the data dimension.
Here we take s=2a in the wavelet decomposition (a=0, 0.5, 1, 1.5,…,the order of decomposition). This is the graphic representation of that algorithm.
Spectrum analysis and depth estimation Spector and Grant (1970) studied the relationship between the energy spectrum of anomalies and the average depth of source bodies under a statistic assumption.
It provided a foundation for anomaly source parameter estimation and filter designation for anomaly separation (Dolmazet al 2005, Wanget al 1991).
The energy spectrum of anomalies can be presented by the formula:
where〈〉stands for ensemble average,
M is the magnetic moment/unit volume,
h is the depth to the top of source body,
t is the thickness of the source body,
k is the radial wave number,
S(k) is the factor for the horizontal size of the source body.
It will be found that the depth factor〈e−2hk〉dominates the spectrum.
It turns out that the effect of the extension factor〈1−e−tk〉and the horizontal factor〈S2(k) are both comparatively small.
This is especially true in the low-frequency bands.
Simplifying the equation based on these practical realities, we find that the energy spectrum can be simplified as…
A and A′ are constant coefficients, ̄
h is the average depth of the source body. (Relative to the sensor position.)
In practice, the linear fitting results of different spectrum segments are plotted on the semi-log plot of energy spectrum versus radial wave number for convenience. It helps to best visualize the effectiveness in this technique for the isolation of gravity influences on specific bodies.
The slopes of the best-fit straight lines of spectrum segments of logarithm energy spectrum versus radial wave number plot tend to indicate the average depth of the sources. Which is why this technique has enormous benefit in the geology sciences.
[2f] Proposed gravity frequency separation experiment
You do not need to have a buried treasure, a submerged sunken battleship, or a cavity filled with gold to validate this gravity isolation technology. You can use a shoebox, a briefcase, a coffeecan, or some other small sized object.
Here, we see a modeled object that is then scanned with flux-gate sensors to determine the degree of separation of different gravity values which can be observed.
Consider a cuboids combination model for the gravity field separation experiment by the wavelet transform.
This model consists of six cuboids: the largest one is located in the deepest part to simulate the regional anomaly, and the other five smaller ones with the same size are located in the shallower part at the center and four corners of the survey area to simulate the local anomaly field (figure2(a)).
The relevant parameters are listed in table 1.
Since this project was designed for large objects, the coordinate origin is located at the center of the survey, the grid spacing is 0.1 km, and the survey area is 100 km×100 km.
Using the forward calculation formula of rectangular bodies (Blakely 1995), we can calculate the gravity anomalies of the model and the corresponding regional and local anomalies, which are respectively shown in figures 2(b)–(d).
From the spectral analysis of the total, regional and local anomalies (figure3), the anomaly energy is mainly concentrated in the low-frequency band (0–0.4 rad km−1).
The target object has an energy in the low-frequency band.
The regional anomaly energy is dominated in the low-frequency band (0–0.4 rad km−1), while the local anomaly energy is dominated in the mid-high frequency band (above 0.4 rad km−1).
The surrounding environment has energy in the high-frequency band.
The two anomalies have different spectral distribution characteristics.
Therefore, it is feasible to separate anomalies of different frequency bands. Or, for our specific consideration, to isolate (say) a person walking through a “dimensional portal” and the “dimensional portal” itself.
The spectrum of the total gravity anomaly can be divided into three segments in the following frequency ranges: 0–0.05, 0.05–0.60 and above 0.60 rad km−1. In other words, we can identify frequency cut off criteria to isolate specific gravitational masses as they enter a portal, or when part of a larger mechanism, such as a vehicle.
They represent the regional anomaly with low frequency and high energy, the local anomaly with intermediate and high frequencies, and the high frequency signal characterized with very small energy,respectively.
In this example we choose the Halo wavelet basis to process the gravity anomaly based on the spectral character. Taking k0=0.6 and the corresponding scales=25.5, the transform result is…
taken as the regional anomaly, and the difference between this result and the original anomaly is taken as the local anomaly (figure4). It has achieved satisfied separation results compared with the theoretical anomalies (figures 2(c) and (d)).
[2g] Conclusions related to gravity separation determination for world-line mapping
There is no singular solution to gravity separation of a person from the surrounding portal. However, the basic technique remains the same.
In this example, we used a convention that illustrated the separation of a regional anomaly using the wavelet transform. And thus, according to the spectrum analysis their gravity estimation results.
The isotropic and low-pass wavelet filter, Halo wavelet, is used in the synthetic and real data processing.
The separation test on the synthetic model indicates that the wavelet analysis can separate the anomaly effectively. And thus, a person walking into a dimensional portal can effectively be isolated into separate gravitational entities at any given specific moment in time.
[3] Some notes
Here are some notes that I should not take for granted.
The “fixed dimensional portal” is just a coordinate. There isn’t a frame, or a physical door, or an arc or shimmering surface like you see in Hollywood. It’s just a place. It could consist of a bare space in a empty warehouse that is marked by a piece of tape on the floor.
The only thing that is important is that the exact moment that a person walks into the portal must be taken into consideration.
At that split fraction of a second, the flux-gate sensors must measure the entire gravitational environment. Convert it all into frequencies. Subtract the person from the surrounding environment. And use the Alan Holt resonance procedure to slide the person into the new world-line.
The more accurate the sensing, the better the results.
Therefore, I urge a large number of flux-gate sensors be used in regards to this.
Commercial flux-gate sensor.
[3] How to associate frequencies with gravitational readings.
You create a "profile" that describes the geography of the gravity of the objects associated with the portal. Then you take measurements of the frequencies associated with those gravity objects (HFGW). This creates a very complex frequency profile. It is what you use to isolate the components within the portal.
The subject of High Frequency Gravitational Waves (HFGW) has attracted considerable interest in the US government over the last few years. Apparently as soon as it was publicly announced that gravity is associated with gravitation “waves” o frequencies, the first response by the American government is to suppress all science related to it.
In September 2007, HFGW came to the attention of the National MASINT Committee of ODNI.
In turn, staff at this committee asked JASON to review both the underlying science and technology of HFGW, and their implications for national security. They wanted to move all R&D associated with HFGW into the black and prohibit any further public work on the technologies.
JASON hosted briefings during June 17-18, 2008 from individuals both inside and outside the US government, and also collected about a thousand pages of printed or electronic material.
They concluded that the then proposed applications of the science of HFGW are fundamentally wrong; that there can be no security threat. And thus no need to silence the public disclosure of any kind of research regarding it.
They found that the insistence of the American government in suppressing all development and publication of independent scientific and technical work on this generally unnecessary.
They concluded that the previous analysis of the Li-Baker detector concept is incorrect by many orders of magnitude; and that the following are infeasible in the foreseeable future: detection of the natural “relic” HFGW, which are reliably predicted to exist; or detection of artificial sources of HFGW.
They concluded that no foreign threat in HFGW is credible, including: Communication by means of HFGW; Object detection or imaging (by HFGW radar or tomography); Vehicle propulsion by HFGW; or any other practical use of HFGW.
And that should tell you all that you need to know about how important the government places the study of High Frequency Gravitational Waves…
…The “key” to world-line travel.
In the next post we will discuss how to collect, and map gravitational waves in association with the gravitation separation techniques already discussed herein.
(I would include it here, but I really don’t have enough room in this post.)
Stay tuned…
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Not everyone is satisfied in using intention / prayer to alter their reality. And, not everyone has the billions of dollars to manufacture their very own dimensional portal. And not everyone can work with our benefactors to have a piloted artifice slide their world-lines about. So what options are left?
Make your own.
Redaction's posted herein are mandatory. Please do not ask for clarification. There can be no exceptions.
DIY Dimensional Portal Considerations
Our reality is one that our soul constructed for us to occupy and acquire experiences in. The influences of the thoughts of the “quantum shadows” that share our reality, color what we experience.
We, as humans, wish to “vacation” outside our reality to other realities where we can acquire new “adventures” and experiences. It is part of our nature.
Thus, the desire to explore alternate world-lines.
It seems that a lot of people want to leave their own dimension and explore alternative worlds. So instead of concentrating on their ability to control their thoughts… (thoughts steer the dimensional realities around us), they look outward for some kind of artifice or automaton to do all the “heavy lifting” for them.
Heavy Lifting; an American idiom that means to do the hard and difficult work.
It’s a lazy-man’s method. It is equivalent to buying lottery tickets in that hope that you will become a millionaire.
People, we do not need to do that. In fact, all we really need to do is control our thoughts, and then just sit back while our reality collapses in upon itself and a reality that fits our desires…
… manifests.
A very happy man.
What if there are (more or less) natural events that can create the conditions necessary to facilitate “natural” world-line cross-over events.
Afterall, if multiple world-lines are a de facto natural state, as I say... and time is our experience of moving though these stable world-lines, could not other techniques...
...natural techniques...
...be able to provide similar results of intense consciousness navigation?
What might they manifest as?
Indeed, over the years, I’ve read articles and heard stories that refer to unusual phenomena relating to experiments with high energy concentrations in a ‘constrained’ area. This energy can be in the form of high concentrations of sound, electricity, magnetism, etc..
At this point in time, my thinking is that a direct current (unmodulated – not alternating) produces a stress on the fabric of space in a local area.
That if you create a vortex using various means, and then couple this with <redacted> (which is really the “key” to the entire process) that the stress on the world-line “bubble of reality” would be such that you could exit it and immediately transit to a different world-line.
The theory or idea behind this is that each spatial (and possibly TEMPORAL) location, no matter what dimension it resides in, has a specific coordinate (of some degree of complexity).
And as such, it can be referenced by a combination of frequencies that equate to the ‘signature’ for that location. (Perhaps, much like a “tuning fork”.)
Scene from the television show / Movie “Stargate”.
This concept of coordinates as a function of “frequencies” is not new. It’s almost a mantra of the “New Age” movement. But what is different here is that the various frequencies and the subtleties of the harmonics involved could be manipulated as coordinates for World-Line travel.
These are nested frequencies – like bubbles within bubbles – because they are all standing waves produced by 180 degree phase conjugation.
If a modulation – representing a specific ‘signature’/coordinate – is imposed on this stress field, then a portal is opened to that location.
My (personal) concept is that a resonance is established between these two locations (there can be more), i.e. the physical-spatial location and the artificially created target.
Who knows if this speculation has any validity.
While I have been exposed to world-line travel using three techniques, I have never been officially educated on the mechanisms involved by MAJestic.
All that I know is via our benefactors.
Therefore, what is presented herein is not official MAJestic information, but rather my interpretations of what might be based upon what I know.
Still, at that, the redactions are fixed. Some opinions that I have are too "leading", if you know what I mean.
However, there are those who earnestly believe that it is worth the time, effort to pursue and investigate.
Here are some curiosities for the more adventuresome reader. Personally, I do not know if they are worth the time to consider, but some do make for fun and interesting reading…
Alan Holt’s Field Resonance Concepts
While everyone is thinking in terms of one universe, with only one world-line and using advanced propulsion methods to get from point A to point B, the methods themselves can enable world-line crossovers.
Now, a “world-line crossover” can be called many things. It can be called “time” (if conducted naturally). It can be referred to as a “slide” if you use and extraterrestrial artifice, and it can be considered to be “resonant transfer” if you are a NASA scientist.
In line with this idea of resonant transfer are two excellent papers by Alan Holt of NASA. He has a new propulsion concept that has been developed based on a proposed resonance between coherent, pulsed electromagnetic wave forms and gravitational wave forms (or space-time metrics).
All the discussions of this tend to be “really out there”. Because they all involve things that have already been “disproved” by “experts”. So in order to read these papers and follow the train of thought, you need to suppress the idea that…
FTL travel.
Time travel.
Change in mass of objects.
Change in the gravity of objects.
Change in the inertia of objects.
Use of “crop circles” for guidance.
Tuning on frequencies.
…are all possible given the proper set of conditions.
Now, keep in mind that while this concept is based on the idea for propulsion techniques and technology for geographical movement within the universe, it’s (far) better application is for world-line travel.
World-line travel using Field Resonance Systems…
Space-Time/Field Relationships
The new model of space-time/field interactions (A. C. Holt, "Virtual/Space-Time Manifolds," being revised before publication) will be used in this paper to describe the potential characteristics of electromagnetic/ gravitational field interactions and the performance capabilities of two basic types of field-dependent propulsion systems.
The model is currently undergoing revision which could alter the description of the interactions but which will not alter the expected effects of the interactions.
The primary effects are as follows:
1.A decrease or an increase of the gravitational forces acting on a space-time mass or energy system (objects, planets, magnetic fields, etc.) by altering the basic space-time structure of the mass or energy systems energy pattern (can be accomplished by artificially generating a highly energetic spatially and temporally coherent energy pattern)
A decrease or an increase of the total energy in the mass or energy system by altering and fine-tuning its energy pattern to match or establish a resonance with the proposed "virtual" structure and patterns associated with a distant space-time point
The translocation of an object or space-time mass/energy pattern from one space-time point to another by altering the pattern to achieve a very precise resonance with a "virtual" pattern associated with a distant space—time point
While the author would prefer to wait until the model is complete and the results of initial experimental research are available before utilizing the model, he believes that the first steps toward the development of field-dependent propulsion systems must be taken in Fiscal Year 1981.
The first steps are associated with the development of a field physics laboratory which can be used to investigate and quantify space-time/field interactions to achieve a breakthrough in our understanding of the relationships between gravitational and electromagnetic forces.
Thus, the model is utilized in this paper to emphasize the point that a breakthrough in field physics can be achieved in the early 1980s if the required research is given a high priority in funding allocations and if a highly motivated well-qualified research team can be assembled.
Rather than develop another theory which would remain untested experimentally, the author developed a theoretical model which could be easily used in a field physics laboratory to investigate space-time/field interactions.
If, as a result of the experimental testing, this qualitative model is basically confirmed, then a detailed mathematical description can hopefully be developed and the model will be upgraded to a mature theory. The nuclear physicists have used this type of experimental approach to make substantial progress towards the unification of the strong and weak nuclear forces (utilizing the experimental results of particle accelerators).
The model describes the gravitational force, electromagnetic forces, and mass (particles) as the variations of the characteristics of a continuous field of force.
This field of force can be conceptually identified with Einsteins generalized tensor field which Einstein strived to develop to unify gravitational and electromagnetic forces in a single mathematical formalism.
The field of force is defined by the interaction of space-time energy patterns (associated with particles, planets, stars, magnetic fields, etc.) and proposed virtual patterns which are associated with each space-time point and which form an underlying structure of space-time.
The virtual structure at each space-time point can be conceptually approximated by a series of virtual states or patterns.
The virtual structure is actually a many-dimensional structure which transcends and permeates the four dimensions of space-time. A virtual pattern can be described if it is assumed that the pattern manifests as a space-time form. If these virtual patterns undergo a type of "energization" which results in a projection into space-time, patterns such as pulsating spheroids and ellipsoids and dipole, quadrupole, and octupole forms, etc., might result.
Now keep in mind that the idea of a “space-time” point is considered to be a geographical location that resides at a specific point in time, it is actually a coordinate related to a specific world-line within our reality universe.
Of course, we do not know what really happened regarding this.
Alan Holt retained his position at NASA and was on their payroll for many many years. An absolute flood of “black projects” came into being right after this paper was written. And simultaneously, a sorts of nonsense about the triviality of this concept hit the public narratives.
Plus the idea that genius was somehow connected with “crop circle” answers did not help…
Saturday, September 22, 2012 Crop Circles, Amazing Thoughts By NASA Project Manager
Some years ago during the summer of 2000, a NASA Project Manager by the name of Alan Holt visited Wiltshire, and decided to look at a few crop pictures. Humorously he “put out the thought in a crop picture, somewhat as a test but really a request, that he would like to see a crop pictogram appear, which could provide some insight into the direction he should pursue in his advanced transport / field physics research activities” Two days later, a spectacular diagram of the “magnetic field near a bar magnet” appeared at Avebury Trusloe.
So we know that this paper and theory hit NASA, was part of a flood of “black projects” and was suppressed in the public domain.
So what it is?
The field resonance system artificially generates an energy pattern which precisely matches or resonates with a virtual pattern associated with a distant space-time point.
The field resonance system.
According to the model, if a fundamental or precise resonance is established, (using hydromagnetic wave fine-tuning techniques)…
… the spacecraft, vehicle, or person, will be very strongly and equally repelled by surrounding virtual patterns.
Using this concept, a spacecraft “propulsion” system potentially capable of galactic and inter-galactic travel without prohibitive “travel times” has pretty much been designed. This goes further than just geographic travel, but includes travel through “time” as well.
And since “time” is just a long string of connected world-lines, this means that this technique can enable world-line travel.
Following a breakthrough in space-time/field interactions, two basic types of asymmetric propulsion systems will likely be developed. Type 1 is a "gravimagnetic" system which utilizes specific electromagnetic energy configurations to generate an artificial gravitational field (in effect).
Type 2 is a "field resonance" system which relies on the use of electromagnetic energy configurations to establish precise resonances with virtual energy patterns at distant space-time points. These space-time "form resonances" result in "jumps" or translocations of the spacecraft/aircraft to the distant points....
...In a research study completed in 1979,9 it was determined that oscillations of magnetic field lines could enhance or inhibit magnetic field line reconnection. The effect of these hydromagnetic waves is dependent on the wave frequency, wave length, wave amplitude, and wave orientation with respect to the field lines. By varying the wave characteristics and the strength and duration of the magnetic field source pulses, and by sequencing these field pulses, a wide variety of energy patterns with a high degree of spatial and temporal coherence can be generated.
So what?
Well, aside from the obvious benefits related to physical movement, there is the relationship between electromagnetic wave forms and gravitational wave forms. Which then, of course led me to this curiosity found HERE… That’s right; let’s talk about “crop circles”.
Alan Holt is currently a Project Manager for NASA's International Space Station: This article does not necessarily reflect the views of NASA and are the sole views of Alan Holt
In July of (2000) I had the opportunity to visit the United Kingdom for a couple weeks. The primary purpose for my trip was to spend some time with my companion Hildi who lives in Glastonbury, England. Since I knew the timing of my visit would allow me to see and hopefully visit some "crop circles" I did a little exploration of web sites before I left.
I was absolutely amazed at the patterns which I saw, and was wondering why these developments hadn,t surfaced in the general press in the U.S. After my visit and discussions with various people in the UK, it is now clear to me that crop "circles" or pictograms have suffered the same fate that UFOs and other phenomena have which do not fit the current paradigm.
Upon arriving in London on July 20, I was picked up by my companion and a friend and on the way back to Glastonbury we stopped at the Barge Inn. The Barge Inn is located along one of the many canals crisscrossing England, and is a meeting place and informal headquarters for crop "circle" researchers and visitors. Photos of the latest crop "circles" are tacked up on a bulletin board.
Outside looking toward nearby hills a simple crop "circle" could be seen. After getting something to eat, we went up to the circle and entered it. The plants on the floor of the circle were woven into a basket like pattern. Unlike the few hoaxed or manmade "circles", the stalks of the plants were not broken but looked like they had suddenly decided to bend down and grow in a horizontal direction. My assessment after visiting several crop pictograms, is that the man-made "circles" are relatively few, which are composed of simple forms having very poor geometric precision compared to the amazing pictograms.
There are other factors which clearly delineate a man-made circle from the absolutely amazing pictograms, which can be learned from the web sites, and several books. I would recommend the book "Crop Circles: The Greatest Mystery of Modern Times" by Lucy Pringle,1999, Harper Collins Publishers, ISBN 07225 3855 3, $27.00. I had an opportunity to talk with Lucy at the Glastonbury Crop Circle Conference held in July 28 -30 during my visit. She personally flies out over the fields and takes photos.
Since I have for many years used enhanced intuitive capabilities to pick up additional information, I did sit in the crop circle near the Barge Inn and picked up some interesting impressions pertaining to the future. In addition, I put out the thought, somewhat as a test but really a request, that I would like to see a crop pictogram appear which could provide me some insight into the direction I should pursue in my advanced transport/field physics research activities.
We then went on to Glastonbury, to London, and then back to Glastonbury. Eight days later, we went back out into crop circle country and again visited the Barge Inn. On the bulletin board, was an astounding new pictogram
l The pictogram was shaped like a bar magnet, with magnetic field lines coming out of the north and south poles. The pictogram had appeared on July 22 two days after my arrival in the England (and my first visit to the Barge Inn). We determined its location, visited the pattern and spent a lot of time exploring it.
The precision and intricacy of the pattern was stunning. Even the farmer whose field the pattern had appeared in was overwhelmed by this pictogram. He indicated that there had been other patterns in his field before, but he had still harbored some doubts concerning who or what had made them. But with the appearance of this pictogram, he knows now that this is a true mystery. From his perspective there is NO possibility that this was made by humans or our technology, and I agree with him.
While in the pattern, I recalled the thought which I had sent out for a pictogram to appear which could provide some direction for my research activities. I have to conclude that whatever intelligence is responsible for these patterns, it has connections with or links with our human consciousness.
There is truly an astounding phenomena unfolding in England and elsewhere in the world. Its very unfortunate that the unscientific thinking, and perhaps deliberate disinformation, of a few individuals have been picked up and accepted by a naive press world-wide. As a result millions of people have been deprived of the opportunity to experience a consciousness expanding phenomena. It is our civilization,s loss; but fortunately the apparently successful attempt to ridicule or "debunk" crop circles will do nothing stop what may be a major transformation ahead for humanity.
From my perspective, there is also a warning or "be prepared" message coming through the crop pictograms as well. We have not been very good stewards of the planet on which we are living. We have recklessly depleted resources; contaminated water, air and Earth; threatened the foundation of Earth,s viability with the use and testing of nuclear weapons (and perhaps other exotic technology) and continue to waste at least one-half of what we produce (especially here in the U.S.). The Earth can compensate for some of our mistakes, but it too goes through transformations. If our care of our planet is not dramatically improved soon, we may not have many more years to enjoy the beauty and nurturing environment which even now the Earth still provides (the year 2012 could be a turning point).
What should we be learning from crop circles and are enough of us paying attention? It seems that there might be much knowledge passing through our fingertips. We should be harnessing this information for use on our planet now and for future generations.
The field resonance system artificially generates an energy pattern which precisely matches or resonates with a virtual pattern associated with a distant space-time point. According to the model, if a fundamental or precise resonance is established (using hydromagnetic wave fine-tuning techniques), the spacecraft will be very strongly and equally repelled by surrounding virtual patterns. At the same time, through the virtual many-dimensional structure of space-time, a very strong attraction with the virtual pattern of a distant space-time point will exist. The model predicts that this combination of very strong forces will result in the translocation of the spacecraft from its initial position through the many-dimensional virtual structure to the distant space-time point.
The mechanics of this resonance effect will be determined through extensive experimentation, which may also revise the basic resonance requirements. However, the result, a space-time "jump," already appears to be supported by astrophysical research. Several analogies can be used to clarify this effect. It can be described as the temporary formation of an Einstein-Rosen bridge, a tunnel through space-time which connects two different regions in space-time in a way similar to that which has been proposed for a black hole/white hole (quasar) connection. The resonance effect can be considered to be analogous to the nuclear particle tunneling phenomena. In this phenomenon, the wave nature of the particle enables it to tunnel through a potential barrier without having the energy required to go over the barrier. Following this analogy, the spacecrafts wave characteristics are increased dramatically by the artificially generated energy pattern, allowing it to tunnel through the space-time barrier without having the energy normally required to traverse the space between the two space-time points.
The travel times for such trips are expected to be short (seconds to weeks) and dependent on the pattern precision, the amount of energy in the pattern, the space-time distance, and the virtual structure entry point. Time does not have on independent existence in the General Theory of Relativity and it will be redefined in the model as a type of energy flow. However, since time will continue to be used to catalogue our experiences in daily life, its use is likely to continue in the description of this type of long-distance travel.
If the artificial energy pattern does not precisely match the virtual pattern at a distant space-time point, a secondary resonance effect may be observed. In this case, the repulsive and attractive forces are not strong enough to relocate the spacecraft, but the resonance is sufficient to connect the two points through the virtual structure, resulting in an energy flow to or from the distant space-time point. By the selection of appropriate pattern characteristics, the energy pattern can gain energy which can be simultaneously transferred to energy storage and supply systems. For field resonance spacecraft going outside the Earth/Moon system, this technique for maintaining the energy supply could be very useful.
The energy recharging process could be accomplished as a preparatory procedure prior to the initiation of the primary resonance. At a particular stage of the fine-tuning process, the energy pattern could be put into a hold, allowing the pattern to acquire additional energy and charge the energy storage device. At the same time or even preceding this stage, information in the form of the characteristics of energy decreases or increases (space-time energy spectral data) might be used by a sophisticated guidance and control system. The system could use this information to compute final fine-tuning requirements and to verify the location of the virtual patterns space-time association. While these ideas are quite speculative, they do point out that there are potential technical solutions to problems which might otherwise seem to prohibit such travel.
What should we be learning from crop circles and are enough of us paying attention? It seems that there might be much knowledge passing through our fingertips. We should be harnessing this information for use on our planet now and for future generations.
A lot here, and it’s all “out there”. I think I’m gonna grab a beer.
The Mandala/Mantra Connection
Incunabula Files / Ong’s Hat refers to a mandala/mantra coordinate system which is used to transport the subject to one of unlimited parallel, other reality Earths.
Sounds “cool” huh? It would refer to a coordinate system to transport a person to alternative world-lines. Heck, I’d buy into it. For even with my probes, the ability for me to select and choose the target destination (that I’d desire) using manual world-line coordinates has always been <redacted>.
Now, this system has benefit, in that it is very similar <redacted>.
Now the story behind this use of “Magik” to create self-induced slides between realities is like a page out of the Heinlein Novel “Glory Road”. And as such, perhaps you the reader should hear the full story…
It all started with a road map of New Jersey. A little north of the Red Lion Circle, in the heart of the Burlington County Pine Barrens, the map depicted a tiny hamlet marked with the unusual name of “Ongs Hat.” In the early 1930s, Henry Charlton Beck, a reporter with the Camden Courier Post, became curious. After convincing his editor that a story could be found there, he and a photographer packed up a car and set off to investigate.[1]
Little did he know that his explorations at Ongs Hat, and a succession of later voyages to mysterious places in the hinterlands of New Jersey, would inspire generations of other “lost town hunters” –pouring over ancient maps, exploring dismal cellar holes in the middle of nowhere, and sharing their discoveries with one another – first by telephone and letter and presently through online forums.
In Beck’s time, the best way to Ong’s Hat was the rough tarred road out of Pemberton. Little travelled, the long, slow road passed through miles of bleak forest, cranberry bogs, and forlorn cedars where scarce a human foot had trod. Only a dusty clearing betrayed the location of where the town once stood. Today, the road still follows the same route, but it is now well-maintained asphalt.
Want to go? Just travel south from Pemberton, past the old Magnolia Road Tavern, until you come across a restaurant on your right hand side. You’ve arrived in Ong’s Hat – miles away from anywhere. Blink and you’ll miss it.
The story of Ong’s Hat begins long before the birth of our nation. On February 5, 1631 the ship Lyon arrived in Boston Harbor from Bristol, England. The settlers on board included Francis Ong, of Suffolk County, England; his wife Francis; and children Simon, Jacob, and Isaac.[2] Members of the Society of Friends, the Ongs left England seeking religious tolerance in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.[3] Isaac and his wife, Mary, moved to Burlington County around 1688, eventually settling on a plantation in Mansfield Township.
They had five children: Jacob, Jeremiah, Isaac Jr., Sarah, and Elizabeth. On June 13, 1696 Jacob Sr. died, leaving his plantation and other property to his second wife, Sarah.[4]
Jacob Ong was born on his father’s plantation around 1672, and followed in his footsteps as a farmer. An early court case in 1698 tells of Jacob being accused of riding his horse at a gallop “in the fair time Betwixt the Market house and the water side” in Burlington City – charges that were eventually dropped when nobody appeared in court to prosecute.[5] Sometime after 1699 he left Mansfield, following his sister Sarah and her new husband, Edward Andrews, to Egg Harbor.[6]
The forlorn cedar swamps along the Stop the Jade Creek called to Jacob, and in 1700 he purchased 100 acres of land in Northampton Township, encompassing the area that would later be known as Ong’s Hat.[7] There is no evidence that he ever intended to build a home there. It’s more likely he realized that he could make good money harvesting the cedars on his land.
So what about the hat? The oldest maps simply show the location as “Ongs.” Thomas Gordon’s Gazetteer of 1834 seems to be the first published source in which the town gains its puzzling surname.
The Magnolia Road Tavern, just north of Ong's Hat.
Several theories abound explaining the unusual name. The most famous recounts Jacob Ong as a type of dandy, as best as the eighteenth century could produce, that regularly visited the local tavern.
Jacob was quite the charmer and known for wearing a fine silk hat. One night he seems to have gotten on the wrong side of his dance partner who, in a fit of anger, snatched the hat from Jacob’s head and stomped on it in the middle of the dance floor. This story can be discounted, as a tavern was not located here until the early 1800s. Another story is that Ong’s Hat is a misspelling of Ong’s Hut, and that the Ong family built a hut or some other structure as a convenient stopping-over point between Egg Harbor and Burlington or Mansfield.
I find the most plausible theory to be one concerning the tavern at Ong’s Hat. Isaac Haines was one of the first recorded tavern keepers in the area, establishing his business circa 1800.[8] In the days where many people could not read, an identifying mark was more valuable than words. It doesn’t stretch the imagination to picture the tavern keeper painting a large hat on a crude pine board and hanging it from a pole to announce to passersby that they had reached the “Ong’s Hat Tavern.”
The town of Ong’s Hat soldiered on in relative anonymity until tragedy struck. About 1917, a pine hawker named John Zimbacke and his wife mysteriously disappeared from their small cabin. Nine years later, brothers Orville and Joseph Carpenter came across the skull of the woman while hunting for deer along the fringes of a cranberry bog north of Ong’s Hat. Arriving on the scene, Burlington County detectives, led by Ellis Parker, found the bones of John scattered by buzzards across nearly two miles.
Suspicion fell to the couple’s son, who disappeared shortly before his parents went missing.[9] The trail led Parker to New York City where, unfortunately, it went cold. It has been said that Parker kept the skull of the woman in his office as a reminder of the case he was unable to solve.[10]
Eight years later, another crime brought Ong’s Hat back to the headlines. Farmer Ellwood Anderson was driving from Mount Holly to his home near Reed’s Bogs when he found the road blocked. It was shortly before 8 PM and the dim light of the moon illuminated the vehicle that had halted his progress. Anderson stopped his car and walked towards the vehicle, whose doors stood open.
Inside, the bodies of two men slumped over to the side. Peering out into the dimly lit woods, he saw another body. Horrified, he ran back to his car and phoned the State Police barracks in Columbus.[11]
When the police arrived, they found that the men had all been shot at least twice at close range with a double-barrel shotgun. Once again, Ellis Parker made his way out to Ong’s Hat to investigate. Details on the victims came first – Edward Reihl, Stanley Zimmer, and William Schwar, all from Easton, Pennsylvania.[12]
Prohibition had just started, and the three young men were known to be members of a gang that would follow molasses trucks to clandestine stills in Pennsylvania and Western Jersey. They would burst out after the truck had arrived and shake the owners of the still down for money with a threat to report their operations. The men frequently ran afoul of Pennsylvania mobsters, and it was reported that they had been “beaten up” several times prior.
The detectives were tipped off that the trio had planned to raid a still in Trenton before the mobsters got to them. “They tried to burn somebody up once too often,” Detective Parker said to a Trenton Evening Times reporter, “and they got burned up themselves.”
Parker surmised that the perpetrators rounded up the men and drove to a predetermined spot in the backwoods near Ong’s Hat. The men were removed from the car, lined up, executed, and haphazardly returned to the vehicle. Nearby residents reported hearing the retorts from the shotgun, but assumed that it was blasting being done nearby.[13]
When Henry Charlton Beck visited in the late 1920s, he found the hamlet to be little more than a clearing with bits of broken brick, pieces of roofing, cast-off shoes, and long, straggly Indian grass to mark where the town once stood.
He found one last resident, Eli Freed, trying to make a living there. Freed, then seventy-nine years old, had moved there from Chicago. At Ong’s hat, Freed said, he had cleared twenty acres by hand and built a house with the help of a man called Amer. He was having a rough time of it – the deer and rabbits kept eating the produce he attempted to grow, despite the high fences constructed to keep them out.[14] By the time Beck came back to revisit, Freed had departed and Ongs Hat was deserted.
Ultimately, the strangest tale about Ong’s Hat has to be about the Incunabula Papers. In the papers, it’s claimed, Wali Fard, an American expatriate and follower of tantric and shamanistic magic, returned to America after the fall of Afghanistan to the Soviets. He laundered his savings by buying 200 acres of land near Ong’s Hat, including the former Ong’s Hat Rod and Gun Club. There, with several other people who had followed him from New York, he founded the Moorish Science Ashram.[16]
Ten years later, the ashram became a place of refuge for other Moors and outcasts. Among the new residents, by then living in a scattering of weather-gray shacks, Airstream trailers, recycled chicken coops, and mail-order yurts, were Frank and Althea Dobbs, siblings and scientists. Joseph Matheney, one of the authors of the Incunabula Papers, claims that the Dobbs were scientists who lost their positions at Princeton University when they attempted to submit a thesis based on “cognitive chaos” – a scientific and philosophical system that stated that patterns of thought could affect autonomic functions like tissue repair and aging, unlock the brains unused potential, or perhaps even control matter itself.[17]
At the ashram, the scientists resumed their aborted experiments. Through trial and error they found that by controlling thought patterns, especially with the use of sensory deprivation, that one might be able to cross over to another universe.
They constructed a series of “vessels” they named “eggs” that would facilitate the journey.
The legend continues that one night the compound was raided in a “black ops” operation and the buildings and experiments all destroyed. Elsewhere the papers say that groups of refugees left before the raid happened, settling in Ong’s Hat in a parallel universe – one just like our own but without human habitation.[18]
While the events that they claim happened at Ong’s Hat are certainly fictional – there was never any Ong’s Hat Rod and Gun Club, for example – the story itself once again thrusts the tiny backwoods hamlet back into the spotlight. Joseph Matheny and others created the Incunabula story as an experiment in “culture jamming” – creating a fictional, yet somewhat plausible, story and weaving it into the social consciousness.
He was successful – years of photocopied pamphlets, text files uploaded to pirate and fringe internet bulletin board systems, websites, blogs, radio interviews, and books have cemented the infamy of Ong’s Hat.
Whether it’s a hat, a hut, or a tavern, Ong’s Hat is certainly one of the most infamous of the Pine Barrens ghost towns.
-A Hat, a Hut, or a Tavern: The Tale of Ong’s Hat
Ah, but I am afraid that every indication is that it is but a fictional urban legend. As it has been “proven” to be a hoax. From Wikipedia;
“The urban legend (or alternate history) states that a facility manned by renegade Princeton professors conducted quantum physics and chaos theory experiments, and according to conspiracy theories, discovered a new theory for dimensional travel using a device called The EGG.”
It is a pretty interesting concept. However, the back-story of this subject’s history is rather sketchy. Also from Wikipedia;
“The threads of the story can be traced back as far as the 1980s on bulletin board systems, old xerox mail art networks and early zines. The aim was to create a fictional story line, and embed it in various media cultures to establish backstory. It may have started as an in-joke, or the first alternate reality game (ARG), a work of transmedia storytelling or as a memetic experiment, to see how far the meme could spread or a combination of all of the above.”
Well, truth or not, it’s certainly interesting stuff for certain. It’s got a little bit of small town lore mixed up with science fiction along with some exciting narratives. If you all want to really study this story or avenue of approach, here are some links to facilitate you on your journey…
The internet is filled with all sorts of stuff. It’s really difficult to sift through the truth through all the lies and disinformation. And yet when you do so, you come across things that just “crack you up”.
Thu Nov 28 2:27:39 AM PST 1996 Mike Marcum, the Missouri guy who made News of the Weird in 1995 after he stole six power company transformers. (Please, dear reader, do not take what you see on the Internet too seriously.)
What was pretty amazing was that he said they were necessary to make his time machine (so he could find out the winning lottery number and come back and buy a ticket). He called a radio show from Nevada in October 1996 and said he was only 30 days away from finishing his invention.
However, it is unknown if he ever completed his machine. Apparently, his Missouri property owner had evicted him for various electrical misadventures in his apartment.
220Kv Combined Power Transformer.
Apparently he had stolen SIX of these enormous power transformers. LOL.
The Michigan Experiment
Speaking about absurd…
This is funny. I think that it is a bunch of baloney! It is provided as an example of the nonsense that abounds everywhere.
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 22:37:19 - 0600
From: Barbara Flick
Via : forteana@lists.primenet.com
To: Jerry Decker
Dear Jerry,
Today on the telephone with a friend in Northern California, I was informed about a man in the State of Michigan who had invented a "time machine." This man had supposedly worked on the legendary Philadelphia Experiment and informed his friends and confidants that he "knew what he was doing."
He set up these five 300-pound magnets in a circle and had them super-energized with electric currents. He put a cat in the center of the circle, and the cat disappeared. Then he put a goat in the circle, and the goat also disappeared into the mists of time.
Finally, he got into the center of the circle himself, and he, too, disappeared into "another dimension," never to reappear again. Anybody else heard anything more about this? Or is it just another "old wives' tale"?
According to my California friend, this supposedly happened quite recently; and he is going to try to find out more information about it, such as the man's name and where this "experiment" is said to have taken place. I will post a follow-up of anything else of pertinence about this matter.
The Russian Experiment
Ugh. (In a thick Russian accent) “Send me money. I send you a time machine.”
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 1996 20:26:16 -0 800
From: alex@frolov.spb.ru (Alex Frolov)
Subject: Re: June 1996 Proceedings "New Ideas in Natural Sciences", contents
From: Jerry Decker
Organization: KeelyNet
Hi Dr. Frolov!
Please reserve a copy of the book for me. Should the fund transfer be $60 in cashier check, international money order or what? The topic list was quite intriguing..
One other point, you mentioned a fellow who invented a time machine? Is this fact? How has he proven it and have others experimented with it or duplicated the research? Thank you for your time and assistance!
Dear Jerry W. Decker, Yes, I reserved a copy of Proceedings for you. Payment is possible by Western Union in St.-Petersburg, for Mr. Alexander V. Frolov. To get the money from Western Union office I must know the control number of your transfer. Other way is bank transfer in my account:
About the time machine: There is a Mr. Vadim Chernobrov in Moscow. He is a PhD and in his dissertation at the Moscow Aviation Institute he is considering the electromagnetic propulsion drive for flying system. He is working with UFO facts also.
He has collected a great database (over 1500 people) working with perpetuum mobiles, antigravitation devices and chronogenerators of different types. I am very honored to have a direct contact with him.
On December 10-11 he and other persons organized in the Russian Parlament the conference for ecological commission and their main topic was the real possibility for cleaning up of the enviroment by means of new alternative energy technologies.
Chernobrov's paper on his experiments to change the rate of time is published in our Proceedings.
In several words: He used electromagnets installed so as to produce several spherical envelopes:one envelope is installed inside of another and the entire system is a multi-envelope structure like the russian toy called the "matrioshka". (nested dolls) The goal is to make a special type electromagnetic field that is moving from periphery to central point. The shift of rate of time in such a system is very small: several seconds per one hour of experiment
Alexander V. Frolov
P.O.Box 37,
St. Petersburg, 193024
The Dallas Connection
Another story. Maybe this is just another good yarn.
Reply-To: forteana@lists.primenet.com
Hi Juergen!
Yes, I have a hard time with it, but there are numerous correlations with free energy and antigrav experiments that indicate something deeper here.
From the posts I've seen on Forteana, maybe one in 30 is worth any thought, but I thought I'd give it a shot since the Michigan story came from there.
I plan to include the newspaper articles, the Forteana post and some other material on my website since many of our people are techies and quite open to such wild claims.
If no one ever investigates, we might miss the boat just because it looks too wild when considered from an orthodox science standpoint….so I don't mind bridging between the two….bottomline, it works or it doesn't.
Now, where to get 5-300 pound magnets….
You know, from your posts that I've seen on Forteana, I did not think too highly, but I do appreciate you responding to me directly and to 'some' degree open to further investigation on the subject. Maybe it was just 'in kind' posts that portrayed you in this light…..
I have a friend who knew the owner of an electronics company. This man was very intrigued by high density magnetic fields. One day he built a transformer on a motorcycle type frame and installed a 'dead man switch' which would disable the power if the switch was released.
With his technicians running the machine, the owner sat on the frame and the power was applied. I have no idea if it was DC or a special freq AC. After about 3 minutes, the man began looking around the room as if he were seeing something different or new…shortly after, his body began to shimmer as if disappearing. It was at this point, he released the switch and the power went off.
He reported that the walls of the room began to melt away, showing a pristine, undeveloped landscape as if the city and this building had never been there.
One of the fellow techs was chomping at the bit to ride this thing.
The owner finally agreed only after the tech signed a medical and legal release in the event anything bad happened to him. He sat on the frame, power was applied and nothing happened until about 3 minutes had elapsed. This guy began looking around, just like the owner had, and his body began to shimmer. He did not release the switch.
As more time elapsed, the mans' body disappeared from view, yet the dead man switch was STILL BEING PRESSED. After 5 minutes, the owner had the other techs turn off the power.
The rider reappeared, babbling and drooling, totally insane. The machine is supposed to be locked up in the owners garage and he has moved to Colorado.
I know this sounds like so much BS, but there is more that I won't bother you with at this time.
Something is going on here that is beyond urban folklore. Thanks for your interest, perhaps when I get a file compiled for my website, we can collect other correlative information that might give further insight into an experiment.
Personally, I would NOT step into a zone that caused me to disappear…where do you go and can you get back? Currently, I believe it is possible that we could go to one of many alternate Earths, totally undeveloped and which followed a different timeline.
How cool, millions of other Earths', coexisting slightly out of phase with us, wonder if thats where Judge Crater, the Mayans and all those missing people and cultures disappear to?
The Florida Connection – Mental Shifts
This stuff makes great reading for the inquisitive 12 year old.
Walter Rawls, who worked with the effects of monopolar magnetic fields on matter with the late Albert Roy Davis, told me in a telephone conversation of his experiments with a North pole magnet situated over the pineal gland.
A mask was made which held the North pole end of a long cylindrical magnet over the pineal gland. The purpose was to stimulate the gland and see if there was anything to this 'third eye' business. Exposure was in the range of 10-30 minutes per day over a period of about 4 weeks.
Within the first week, he was sitting at his desk reading documents when he noticed something move out of the corner of his eye. As he looked up, the ghostly figure of a man had walked through one wall, moved across the room and disappeared through another wall. The figure was totally unaware of Walter. Further exposures to this North pole field took place over a second and third week.
The second week, the same ghostly figure moved through the room and glanced toward Walter as he passed through. This time, the figure appeared to have slightly more detail, not quite so ghostly.
The third week, busy working on documents, Walter noticed a change in the room. When he looked up, the wall had dissolved away and he was looking at a small hill where a man and woman sat beneath a tree. It was the same ghostly male figure who he'd seen on the other occasions. He sat quite still, watching this pastoral scene for several minutes.
The man looked over toward Walter and appeared startled. It was as if he clearly SAW Walter this time and possibly recognized Walter as the ghost he had seen the previous week! The image faded away and the wall restored to its normal condition. From that moment on, Walter never used the pineal stimulator again.
In conversations about this, with Walter and other interested people, it was mentioned that there is a theory that we have multiple energy bodies, much like the KA and the BA of ancient Egypt. Each energy body lives in another reality, yet communicates with our consciousness here in this reality.
Another comment was that consciousness simply creates an energy body in whatever reality it VISITS. Prolonged presence in a given reality increases the density of the energy body, moving from a phantom, ghostly form that was at first not easily perceptible to the inhabitants of the other reality until the intruding energy body had become sufficiently dense to trigger their senses.
That could explain why repeated exposures would add density to Walter's other reality body, allowing its denizens to perceive him, thus the startled reaction from the male figure.
Montuk Project / The Philadelphia Experiment
Truth, lies, or something else. Who knows?
Based out of an abandoned Air Force radar station on the eastern end of Long Island, the Montauk Project was apparently (if you believe the narrative) a series of top secret United States government experiments following the Philadelphia Experiment, whose purpose was to create the technology to render ships invisible to radar detection.
Apparently, the 1943 project was almost too much of a success, as the USS Eldridge supposedly went literally invisible before being teleported into another dimension, eventually reappearing off the coast of Norfolk, Virginia.
Because many of the crew died when the project went wrong and those who didn’t were driven to the brink of insanity, official funding for the Philadelphia Experiment was pulled.
However, scientists and military officials were fascinated with the experiment’s results and wanted to continue exploring the possibilities of teleportation and interdimensional travel, so the Montauk Project was launched in the 1960s.
Headed by Dr. John von Neumann, the Montauk Project focused on examining the psychological changes of those who traveled through dimensions.
He was also tasked with determining why the Philadelphia Experiment was a disaster despite its achievements in teleportation.
They held numerous theories. Perhaps one of the most interesting is associated with a world-line reference point.
According to their theories, humans are born with a time reference point that is linked to the electromagnetic fields unique to this Earth and dimension.
This is why such a dramatic jump to another dimensional plane was detrimental to so many of the crew, causing insanity and death.
During the Montauk Project experiments, Von Neumann solved this problem by creating a computer-simulated Earth and altering the body’s time reference points.
According to documents on the Montauk Project, Von Neumann succeeded at sending people to other dimensions without consequence.
However, upon the experiment’s completion in 1967, a report was sent to Congress on their findings about mind control and interdimensional travel. Congress halted funding and terminated the project, fearing of mass mind control.
Pretty famous and most people know all this in one way or the other. Mostly from movies and other documentaries that play scary horror music in the background.
…How about looking at it as a Resonant Field Transfer Experiment.
The Montauk project is actually a conspiracy theory. It alleges that there were a series of United States government projects which were conducted at Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Long Island. The secret projects dealt with an incredible research on time travel and in the development of its techniques. The legend of the Montauk Project finds its roots in the Montauk Project Series of books by Preston Nichols. The author claimed that he participated in the time travelling experiments under the project.
Al Bielek was one of the Montauk Boys programmers. He handled the operations of the mind control program. During the project, he came in contact with Preston Nichols and Duncan Cameron (alleged time-traveller of the Montauk Project). In 1980’s the time travelling experiment became operational. Al Bielek himself participated in those time travel experiments.
Important sections about clocking of mass to a planetary body to establish and lockin the ‘creation coordinate’ AND the ability to access any spatial (NOT TEMPORAL) location visited prior to the present.
Also worthy of attention is the ancient Kabbalistic idea of the MerKaBa and the use of the Tree of Life as a map to these other realities.
From my limited understanding of the MerKaBa, it is claimed to be a mentally constructed vehicle that is used by the aspirant to carry (and protect) its occupant as it travels through the different worlds.
For info on the MerKaBa, check out
http://bbs.cruzio.com/~flower/1m m3.htm
http://bbs.cruzio.com/~flower/1m m2.htm
There are also indications that it is the RATIO of each frequency to another within a specific signature that is the ONLY important consideration, frequency is irrelevant since all frequencies relate to others through octaves and harmonics.
Temporal alterations with “free energy” Devices
It is also worthy of note that many of the reports of free energy devices, when in operation and drawing ‘negative energy’ also produce phenomena relating to weight loss and temporal alterations.
Years ago, Tom Bearden told me of an experiment he and an unnamed researcher had carried out using a scalar generated from interferometry. Two projectors were aimed to coincide at a fixed point in space. When power was applied and the frequency/phase was adjusted, there was no apparent change in the target area.
After some time had elapsed, the two went to get something to eat. When they came back a few hours later, it was observed that a black 'something' like a slit or opening had appeared at the target area.
Because they were working in a totally unknown area and for fear that 'something' might come through this slit once it opened up, they discontinued the experiment. A couple of years later, while visiting Peter Kelly at his lab in Georgia, he admitted he was the other researcher and verified Beardens report.
A couple of years later, after we both spoke at a conference in Denver and on the plane back to Dallas, I told Peter about an interesting experiment done by Walter Russell and recounted in his excellent book 'Atomic Suicide'. Two coils were wound on cones.
The apices of these conical coils were pointed towards each other and power was applied so that bucking fields were created by the collision of opposite magnetic fields. Very fine iron filings were dropped into the gap between the coils and a levitating sphere was produced.
When the coils were slowly pulled apart, an oval followed by a sphere surrounded by a disk appeared. When Peter arrived home, he tried this experiment and reported that when power was turned on, nearly everyone in the building complained of feeling nauseous or queasy. He explained that an experiment was going on so that everyone would understand what was happening.
After about an hour, the very clear and cloudless sky began to suddenly boil up and a major thunderstorm ensued. Power was removed from the coils and the storm dissipated as fast as it had arisen??? Weird stuff no doubt and subject to duplication by others if we all share our information…
In a universe that consists of a multitude of world-lines, why couldn’t the manipulation of the inherent frequencies result in world-line slides?
Think about it.
Why wouldn’t it?
In this first part of a multi-part series, we discuss the DIY aspects of creating a machine that would be capable of generating forced world-line transitions. Fundamental to this is the necessity of being able to control the frequencies of vibration of our reality.
There are different ways to accomplish this.
In subsequent posts we will look at some of the mechanisms from which we can alter the frequencies of vibration within a region, or around yourself.
Do you want more?
I have more posts on this subject in my MAJestic Index here…
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