Things are happening, new global alignments, and people are choosing sides prior to World War III

The world is moving ever forward. Such as this notice on MoA. This and these kinds of things are becoming more and more common in the West these days…
Maintenance mode

Temporary Blog Closure
March 24, 2021 in Uncategorized by craig

In view of our understanding that the High Court has found some articles on this blog to be in contempt of court, and in view of the fact that the Crown Office had sought to censor such a large range of articles, this blog has no choice but to go dark from 15.00 today until some time after tomorrow’s court hearing, when it will be specified to us precisely how much of the truth we have to expunge before we can bring the blog back up.

This is a dark day for the entire team here. We will be looking to appeal this to the Supreme Court and if required (though we very much doubt it will be) to the European Court of Human Rights.

-Posted by: Bluedotterel | Mar 24 2021 16:46 utc | 1

Bang, bang, and then bang. One after another things have started to happen faster and faster. It began in Alaska with a stunning, just stunning insulting display of ignorance and rudeness from the United States. Followed quickly by the military, social, industrial, and cultural realignments between Russia and China. With then Iran getting on board, creating the combined enormous Asian block.

Belt and Road isn’t going away. China is making more rigorous lending decisions while focusing somewhat less on heavy-duty construction and more on digital technology, says a Council on Foreign Relations task force report released on March 23. The 190-page report, titled China’s Belt and Road: Implications for the United States, was written by Jennifer Hillman and David Sacks of the CFR based on the findings of an independent task force chaired by former Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew and retired Admiral Gary Roughead.

For the U.S., calibrating an effective response to Belt and Road is tricky. The Obama administration pursued constructive engagement with China. As Belt and Road ramped up and became more of a threat, the Trump administration was more confrontational, but without allies’ support. The Biden administration aims to build more of a united front of nations to counter Chinese influence. Reflecting the difficulty of striking the right balance, the Council on Foreign Relations report says the U.S. response “has been too little, too late,” but also says “its blanket condemnation risks alienating partners.”

The American leviathan has set up the pieces, and is going full bore toward international global conflict. All stops have been pulled. All fail-safes have been removed.  And now, it’s a matter of getting the minions and toadies in line so that the wars can be fought on their national geography instead of inside of America.


It’s not going to happen that way, but you just cannot reason with idiots.

I always knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the world.

-Posted by: William Gruff | Mar 24 2021 19:57 utc | 36

The Article

This is a great article. Just great.

As Patrice says…

It's clear from the tone of the author, which mirrors much of independent, assaulted and outraged humanity, that many observers are waiting with bated breath...

...for the emergence of a powerful and invincible countervailing alliance...

...(one that is) capable of finally stopping the reign of brutal violence and disgusting hypocrisy imposed by the US empire. 

And that alliance, perforce, as to be the sinorussian alliance. 

The blood-curdling hypocrisy of the West leaves truly decent and sovereign nations no choice. 

As Pepe Escobar puts it in this remarkable and indispensable dispatch: 

One has to applaud the gall of the “Western partners”. It’s 18 years since Shock and Awe – the start of the bombing, invasion and destruction of Iraq. It’s 10 years since the start of the total destruction of Libya by NATO and its GCC minions, with Obama-Biden “leading from behind”. It’s 10 years since the start of the savage destruction of Syria by proxy – complete with jihadis disguised as “moderate rebels”. Yet now the “Western partners” are so mortified by the plight of Muslims in Western China!

This is a complete reprint of a most excellent article from Pepe, and reproduced from HERE. All credit to the author. Please kindly note that it was reformatted to fit this venue but aside from that left intact in all of it’s glory.

With a Russia-China-Iran triple bitch slap on the hegemon, we now have a brand new geopolitical chessboard

It took 18 years after Shock and Awe unleashed on Iraq for the Hegemon to be mercilessly shocked and awed by a virtually simultaneous, diplomatic Russia-China one-two.

March 2021: The FMs of the two greatest powers defying Washington meet for close strategic consultation.

How this is a real game-changing moment cannot be emphasized enough; 21st century geopolitics will never be the same again.

Yet it was the Hegemon who first crossed the diplomatic Rubicon. The handlers behind hologram Joe “I’ll do whatever you want me to do, Nance” Biden had whispered in his earpiece to brand Russian President Vladimir Putin as a soulless “killer” in the middle of a softball interview. [Conducted by ABC News maggot, George Stephanopoulos, although media stenographers and propagandists in the Western bloc are all fully interchangeable. —Ed]

Not even at the height of the Cold War the superpowers resorted to ad hominem attacks. The result of such an astonishing blunder was to regiment virtually the whole Russian population behind Putin – because that was perceived as an attack against the Russian state.

Then came Putin’s cool, calm, collected – and quite diplomatic – response, which needs to be carefully pondered. These sharp as a dagger words are arguably the most devastatingly powerful five minutes in the history of post-truth international relations.

In For Leviathan, it’s so cold in Alaska, we forecasted what could take place in the US-China 2+2 summit at a shabby hotel in Anchorage, with cheap bowls of instant noodles thrown in as extra bonus.

China’s millennial diplomatic protocol establishes that discussions start around common ground – which are then extolled as being more important than disagreements between negotiating parties. That’s at the heart of the concept of “no loss of face”. Only afterwards the parties discuss their differences.

Yet it was totally predictable that a bunch of amateurish, tactless and clueless Americans would smash those basic diplomatic rules to show “strength” to their home crowd, distilling the proverbial litany on Taiwan, Hong Kong, South China Sea, “genocide” of Uighurs.

Oh dear. There was not a single State Dept. hack with minimal knowledge of East Asia to warn the amateurs you don’t mess with the formidable head of the Foreign Affairs Commission at the CCP’s Central Committee, Yang Jiechi, with impunity.

Visibly startled, but controlling his exasperation, Yang Jiechi struck back. And the rhetorical shots were heard around the whole Global South.

They had to include a basic lesson in manners: “If you want to deal with us properly, let’s have some mutual respect and do things the right way”. But what stood out was a stinging, concise diagnostic blending history and politics:

The United States is not qualified to talk to China in a condescending manner. The Chinese people will not accept that. It must be based on mutual respect to deal with China, and history will prove that those who seek to strangle China will suffer in the end.

And all that translated in real time by young, attractive and ultra-skilled Zhang Jing – who inevitably became an overnight superstar in China, reaping an astonishing 400 million plus hits on Weibo.

The incompetence of the “diplomatic” arm of the Biden-Harris administration beggars belief. Using a basic Sun Tzu maneuver, Yang Jiechi turned the tables and voiced the predominant sentiment of the overwhelming majority of the planet. Stuff your unilateral “rules-based order”. We, the nations of the world, privilege the UN charter and the primacy of international law.

So this is what the Russia-China one-two achieved almost instantaneously: from now on, the Hegemon should be treated, all across the Global South with, at best, disdain.

An inevitable historical process

Pre-Alaska, the Americans went on a charming offensive in Japan and South Korea for “consultations”. That’s irrelevant. What matters is post-Alaska, and the crucial Sergey Lavrov-Wang Yi meeting of Foreign Ministers in Guilin.

Lavrov, always unflappable, clarified in an interview with Chinese media how the Russia-China strategic partnership sees the current US diplomatic train wreck:

As a matter of fact, they have largely lost the skill of classical diplomacy. Diplomacy is about relations between people, the ability to listen to each other, to hear one another and to strike a balance between competing interests. These are exactly the values ​​that Russia and China are promoting in diplomacy.

The inevitable consequence is that Russia-China must “consolidate our independence: “The United States has declared limiting the advance of technology in Russia and China as its goal. So, we must reduce our exposure to sanctions by strengthening our technological independence and switching to settlements in national and international currencies other than the dollar. We need to move away from using Western-controlled international payment systems.”

Russia-China have clearly identified, as Lavrov pointed out, how the “Western partners” are “promoting their ideology-driven agenda aimed at preserving their dominance by holding back progress in other countries. Their policies run counter to the objective international developments and, as they used to say at some point, are on the wrong side of history. The historical process will come into its own, no matter what happens.”

As a stark presentation of an inevitable “historical process”, it doesn’t get more crystal clear than that. And predictably, it didn’t take time for the “Western partners” to fall back into – what else – their same old sanction bag of tricks.

Here we go again: a US, UK, EU, Canada “alliance” sanctioning selected Chinese officials because, in Blinken’s words, “the PRC [People’s Republic of China] continues to commit genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang.” [sic]

The EU, UK, and Canada didn’t have the guts to sanction a key player: Xinjiang party chief Chen Quanguo, who’s a Politburo member. The Chinese response would have been – economically – devastating.

Still, Beijing counterpunched with its own sanctions – targeting, crucially, the German far-right evangelical nut posing as “scholar” who produced the bulk of the completely debunked “proof” of a million Uighurs held in concentration camps.

Once again, the “Western partners” are impermeable to logic. Adding to the already appalling state of EU-Russia relations, Brussels chooses to also antagonize China based on a single fake dossier, playing right into the Hegemon’s not exactly secret Divide and Rule agenda.

Mission (nearly) accomplished: Brussels diplomats tell me the EU Parliament is all but set to refuse to ratify the China-EU trade deal painstakingly negotiated by Merkel and Macron. The consequences will be immense.

So Blinken will have reasons to be cheerful when he meets assorted eurocrats and NATO bureaucrats this week, ahead of the NATO summit.

European Parliament cancels CAI meeting, threatens deal signing delay
It's funny: the more the EU tries to act like an independent power, the more it acts like an American province. It almost looks like European politicians constantly lie...

One has to applaud the gall of the “Western partners”. It’s 18 years since Shock and Awe – the start of the bombing, invasion and destruction of Iraq. It’s 10 years since the start of the total destruction of Libya by NATO and its GCC minions, with Obama-Biden “leading from behind”. It’s 10 years since the start of the savage destruction of Syria by proxy – complete with jihadis disguised as “moderate rebels”.

Yet now the “Western partners” are so mortified by the plight of Muslims in Western China.

At least there are some cracks within the EU illusionist circus. Last week, the French Armed Forces Joint Reflection Circle (CRI) – in fact an independent think tank of former high officers – wrote a startling open letter to cardboard NATO secretary-general Stoltenberg de facto accusing him of behaving as an American stooge with the implementation of NATO 2030 plan. The French officers drew the correct conclusion: the US/NATO combo is the main cause of appalling relations with Russia.

These Ides of March

Meanwhile, sanctions hysteria advance like a runaway train. Biden-Harris has already threatened to impose extra sanctions on Chinese oil imports from Iran. And there’s more in the pipeline – on manufacturing, technology, 5G, supply chains, semiconductors.

And yet nobody is trembling in their boots. Right on cue with Russia-China, Iran has stepped up the game, with Ayatollah Khamenei issuing the guidelines for Tehran’s return to the JCPOA.

1. The US regime is in no position to make new demands or changes regarding the nuclear deal.

2. The US is weaker today than when the JCPOA was signed.

3. Iran is in a stronger position now. If anyone can impose new demands it’s Iran and not the US.

And with that we have a Russia-China-Iran triple bitch slap on the Hegemon.

In our latest conversation/interview, to be released soon in a video + transcript package, Michael Hudson – arguably the world’s top economist – hit the heart of the matter:

The fight against China, the fear of China is that you can’t do to China, what you did to Russia. America would love for there to be a Yeltsin figure in China to say, let’s just give all of the railroads that you’ve built, the high-speed rail, let’s give the wealth, let’s give all the factories to individuals and let the individuals run everything and, then we’ll lend them the money, or we’ll buy them out and then we can control them financially. And China’s not letting that happen. And Russia stopped that from happening. And the fury in the West is that somehow, the American financial system is unable to take over foreign resources, foreign agriculture. It is left only with military means of grabbing them as we are seeing in the near East. And you’re seeing in the Ukraine right now.

To be continued. As it stands, we should all make sure that the Ides of March – the 2021 version – have already configured a brand new geopolitical chessboard. The Russia-China Double Helix on high-speed rail has left the station – and there’s no turning back.


Oh, Pepe said it so clearly and so wonderfully. Today there is a massive new Geo-political alignment, and it is the direct result of insanity and poor leadership from the West. And they are so very incompetent that they have no idea with the kind of “fire” that they are playing with.

Even with an enormous military, control of all media and communication, and some hidden ultra-powerful technology, the leadership is so seriously incompetent, the systems so hopelessly flawed, and the participants so absolutely corrupted that a catastrophic collapse of their government is imminent.

I hope and pray that I am wrong.

That all this will “blow over” and just go away, and I can fall into the “dust bin” with the rest of the “doom and gloom” predictors throughout history. Let’s hope the MM is wrong.

Trivia of the Day:

The total spending on the F-35 is greater than the total spending by China on the entire Belt and Road Initiative

Meanwhile, the insanity of what the West is today is gearing up. It’s the same-old, same-old. Only on a bigger scale. So the carpet bombing of China by biological weapons dis not work. So the aggressive attacks on trade and technology did not work. So the enormous armada of ships to the South China Sea did not work. So the riots and revolution in Hong Kong did not work…

…and neither will “boots on the ground” in Xinjiang either.

…nor “saving” Taiwan from China.

…nor a strong QUAD.

But they still have dreams of conducting “the rape of Nanjing” in modern Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Shanghai. They still have dreams of invading and seizing Chinese held islands. They still have the dreams of sinking all cargo ships on the high seas. They still believe that all this can be ignored…

…as long as they control the American media.


Only Americans read American media.

They do not control the thoughts of the world. And the world is getting mightily pissed. Gosh! It’s going to be one fuck of a year.

As a reminder. This is what a “double tap” looks like. As this video from Boston, Massachusetts clearly shows…


Be careful of your neighbors when you shovel your driveway.

Do you want more?

Check out my International America Index here…

International USA


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What to expect when an intention prayer campaign starts to work. No, it’s not comfortable.

Well… things are not what you expected are they? Yeah. I get it. The moment you started to do your affirmations and prayer campaign things just started to go against you. It’s almost like you are going up hill on a windy day and everything around you is falling apart, breaking and everyone suddenly is turning into a truly foul mood. What’s going on?

Don not freak out. It’s normal. It means that your affirmations are actually working. And thus what you want will manifest for you.

Don’t believe me?

Let me tell you.

You cannot implement your desires without changing your life. And, after all, that’s why you are doing it in the first place. You want to change your life in certain, specific, ways. Well…

The road, the route, to these changes means that some things around you will need to change. In other words, to obtain those changes, you will need to experience change.

And, experiencing change, is not comfortable.


The Mechanism

It’s simple really.

If you want to make changes in your life, then changes will start to happen.

What is confusing to most people is that most of the changes aren’t anything like they are expecting. Other things start changing, not what they intended.

But the reason for this is very straight-forward. You see, everything is connected, and in order to get certain changes to manifest within your life, you are going to experience many changes in other areas of your life.

For example. Suppose you have a prayer affirmation / intention that depicts you living on the beach in a nice big mansion.

The thing is, you are living in a mobile home, in Kentucky.

You make the intention prayers just like you are supposed to. And then shortly afterwards your entire world starts to crumble around you. You haven't even finished the prayers and entered into the mandatory stop / pause sequence. Yet, everything is going wrong.

There are arguments with your relatives. Arguments with your closest friends. Arguments with your lover. Things are breaking. Everything is breaking. The mobile home catches fire. Your car breaks down,and then again right after you have it repaired. People shun you, and the IRS decides that you make too much money.

The neighbor kid gets a new dirt-bike and decides to go around, and around and around your house for hours on end. Then he runs over your rake and crashes. He gets all mangled up and you end up getting sued. You complain about this, and call him a "little rascal", and the newspaper prints it up as you being racist. A small lynch mob arrives at your door demand you apologize and donate to their cause for racial reparations.

Your shoe heel falls of. Your bra strap breaks. Your favorite picture falls off the wall and smashes into a thousand pieces. The mailman somehow forgets that you exist and rerouted all your mail to the "dead letter office". There is a recall on the medicine that you are taking. The washing machine breaks down.

Your girlfriend accuses you of rape. Your dog shit on your pillow. The cat claws up your laptop. The cardkey to open the car door somehow resets. The computer you use at work gets the most crazy clitches. You walk past an emergency exit and the alarm starts going off for no reason. A random dog on the street runs up to you and pee'd on your leg.

You run away from him, and step on a banana peel and slip and fall... into a pile of stinky dog shit. You reach into your pocket for a hankerchief to wipe off the mess, and discover that your wallet is missing. A little old lady who is is crossing the street sees you and starts hitting you on the head with her parasol. And you haven't a clue as to why.

The police pull you over for a faulty taillight... on your new car. The eggs that you bought at the store has Avian Flu. Someone hacked into your email. Someone else steals the emergency fund that you had stashed in your freezer. The coupons that you bought that "were good for the next three years" expired after one week. The "full" propane tank that you bought was empty.

The government mandates that you must replace your toilet with a lo-flo verson. And this change bankrupts your budget. While living off of Ramen noodles you discover that a nest of cockroaches were inside one of the packs. A snake moves into your garden hose, while some kid shoved a potato in your muffler tailpipe and it blew up your car engine.

Your pet gets mange. An embaressing selfie that you took years ago while drunk somehow made it to the HR office where you work, and they decide to fire you. A racoon moves into your car engine. A bird starts dive bombing you whenever you leave the front door to your house. Your next door neighbor not only steals the packages from your front porch but has the audacity to wear your new clothes in public.  

You go outside and it rains, but when you go into work the most beautiful day ever made appear. Too bad you have the meeting from Hell with your new boss from Hell. You get pulled over for bald tires, yet the tires were only six months old. Your best friend steals your girlfrend as well as your dog. While taking a shower, the hot water heater blows. An ice storm hits and the power line tower smashed down on your house and it takes two days for the rescue team to find you.

You start to have chronic diherria. And the toilet gets clogged up and overflows. While you are mopping it us, a housing inspection team decides to perform a random house inspection, and the look of disapproval and disgust on their faces is classic. You try to set things right by offering them a can of coke, and then you find out later that the coke was tained at the factory and all the housing inspectors ended up going into the Hospital ICU.

You are fined for not mowing your grass. The case of beer that you bought and drank last week was recalled because a disgrunted worker pissed into all the beer. The grass seed that you bought turned out to be fake. The bank closed your account because you were too poor, and not worth their time.

Then things start to get bad...

You put up with it and "roll with the punches".

Things happen. Many things. Life goes on. You forget about your prayer campaign as there are far too many things going on in your life... 

Life moves on...

Ever on...

Then, one sunny morning, as you wake up to the morning sun shining on your breakfast balcony overlooking the sea you start to remember what it was like five years ago. Suddenly this "normal" every-day scene ooutside you mansion isn't all that big of a deal. For, you remember that this was the exact prayer affirmation sequence that you wanted.

You wanted change.

Well it’s coming, and you can see it all around you.

Solar power panels hit by a hail storm.
Solar power panels hit by a hail storm.

No, it’s not what you expected, but that is the way these things work. Since everything is connected, all sorts of things will start to change, break and go wrong. The larger the change, and the greater the intensity of your current life, the harsher the changes that will manifest around you…

The Good

The good news is that your prayer affirmation campaign is actually working. You can measure the effectiveness of the campaign by the strife in your life during the campaign, and during the “pause” afterward. In general, the greater the strife, the bigger the changes that are moving towards you.

  • The more stress means the stronger the changes.
  • The more arguments that you have means that the more relationship changes that are coming your way.
  • The more things that break down and fall apart, means the greater the physical changes in your life.

So please try to be positive in all this. Because there are two really good things that I need to really emphasize to you all right now. They are…

  • Your wishes and intentions will actually happen.
  • These hardships will actually end.

So don’t get all caught up in the nasty details at this very moment…

Car chewed up by neighbors pit bull.
Car chewed up by neighbors pit bull.

The Bad

The bad news is that this is a very uncomfortable period.

"MM, how can I possibly do my prayer affirmations with all this turmoil and drama that is going on (in my life)?"

It might make you want to give up. And if the changes and the strife are really, terribly bad, it might cause you to want to completely chuck everything away.

Just don’t.

I feel things are changing. I know people feel it, too. I am having a bit of trouble. I know you aren’t a genie () but, both my cars are broke down. That’s how I work. so as much as I try not to stress about things, it’s hard not to right now. 

I know I need to keep my affirmations basic and simple right now. I get that. Would it hurt to add more? I know I’ve asked you this, so please don’t be frustrated with me. It’s just really taking a toll on me.

This is hard on everyone.

Change is never easy.

Younger folk, who are unaccustomed to change, might take this the hardest. While older folk, might just shrug it off and just give up, and become a drunk hobo on the skids.

The bad news is that this is a very uncomfortable period. It will not be fair. It will not be right or just. It will be absolutely unfair, and uncalled for and very, very rude. it will hurt.
The bad news is that this is a very uncomfortable period. It will not be fair. It will not be right or just. It will be absolutely unfair, and uncalled for and very, very rude. it will hurt.
What's going on? This is insane! My life is now upside down. The man who I am engaged with left me, and gave away all my clothes to Goodwill. What the Hell is going on?

Summary and Conclusion

You need to master the change to make it happen.

And during all this the changes will be coming at you hard and fast. Things WILL break. Things WILL go wrong. There WILL be arguments, and it WILL be unfair and very uncomfortable. You will not like it, and you will want to give up.




Your dreams and your desires are in process. They are all changing and all are manifesting right now. For every broken beltloop, for every broken shoelace, for every argument, or flat tire, or new bill that seems to overwhelm you or stress you out, know that there is a KEY element that is moving into place RIGHT NOW that will manifest your intentions to happen and come true for you.

So do not give up.

Do not stop.

Keep with the program.

Things will work out and your dreams and desires will manifest just as you desire them to. Do not worry at all.

I tell you this TWO TIMES.

Now smile and keep on…

Keep on keeping on! I do believe in you. I really, really, really do.

Remember… any life that you dream of can come true. Let the changes roll on. They will take you to interesting places…

They can make your richer, give you a more comfortable lifestyle. A nicer home, better food, a more interesting life. Happier friends. Better clothes and a smarter lifestyle.

There are absolutely NO LIMITS.

They can take you overseas…

Vietnam girls out for a night stroll.

These changes will occur.

You did not waste your time on a list of affirmations, and a dream board, and strong desires all with the goal of discarding them all when changes jsut started to manifest. Did you? Well, you wanted change. Now it’s coming.

Change is not just coming…

It’s happening.

And you are seeing it, and you all jsut cannot figure out what the heck is going on.

Change is always uncomfortable.

Remember that.

The real truth is that change is very, very uncomfortable, and you are just now feeling and experiencing those changes that you and your affirmations have set into motion.

Never forget that YOU can change the parameters of your life. You don’t know where your intentions might take you. Allow them to manifest. And just grit your teeth and let them manifest…

Change will take your life into interesting direcitons.

It will make it more interesting, more adversome, more attractive, more colorful…

You will be surprised with the changes that will manifest. You just need to continue on your prayer affirmations and grit your teeth with the changes manifest all around you. Don’t fight the changes. Roll with the changes.

You might be surprised where they will take you…

Traditional Dreams of China…

Whatever your dreams are. They can really, really and I mean it, REALLY happen. You just need to focus on your thoughts. You need to keep them in mind and burn these thoughts into your reality. They will happen. They really will.

You can ask any person that posts here on Metallicman that when they do a prayer campaign that they come true. They can tell you that it is not a theory. It works, oh my God does it ever. And these things will happen. And the dreams WILL absolutely happen to you.


Everyones got them.

Have you ever wondered why?

I mean, why do you want to live in a mansion, or have a house with a white picket fence? Or why everyone wanted to drive a fast convertible and dress like Tibbs and Don Johnson (back in the 1980’s) like Miami Vice? Why?

Is it because we have been told what we should aspire towards?

Or is it something deeper? Could our dreams and desire be associated with things that are deep? Deep things, and things that are there at the tip of our fingers but that we cannot reach. What is going on? Why can’t we be the person that we wanted to be when we were little?

What is different now?

Maybe we have accepted too much of what others think, and not enough of what we ourselves want.

Like the ladies that want to get in touch with the faerie side of their life…

Here’s an inspirational girl who just wants to merge her faerie life with her real life. This is a thing in Asia. And people do it. They actually do it though costumes and rituals. Doesn’t this girl look like she is being…

… the “real deal”?

Faeries are not a fantasy.

Faerie’s life comes real.


But, it’s not just faeries, or dreams, or desires. Sometimes the society puts limits on you, and puts chains on you, and your deepest desires yearn to break away and be free from them.

In Asia, whether it is Korea, China, Vietnam, Japan, or any other Asian nation there are rules of behavior, strong family, and group connections and roles that one must play. Often these are all very stressful. And inside people have a difficult time trying to be who they want to be.

So there are outlets. You can go to the KTV. You can go to the bars, and you can go ahead and get involed in sports and other activites. But you can also become who ever you want to be by joining a group. Which is why so many dance groups are popular in Aisa.

Here we have a girl that is just “average”, but now she is part of a dance group and now she is performing in front of a Chinese military base. She is being who she wants to be with a role that she chooses and getting the appreciation and sense of belonging from it.

Sure, when an American see this, we go… “so what?” .

We say “she’s just a chick dancing”.

But we are missing the entire point of what Asian and Chinese culture is. It is to find your role within your “tribe”. Everyone has dreams, wants, and desires. Use the intention/prayer affirmations and make yours happen.

Let the rest of the world stand by and be spectators. You, do your affirmations, and make your dreams happen…

Make your dreams happen.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my MAJestic Index here…


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