The litmus test to determine if you are a “Sheeple”. Definition and criteria for membership.

"Trying to wade through the muck that passes as news today IS a fools errand."

A “sheeple” is a person who has very strong, visceral, and vibrant emotions about a subject that they have NO FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE about. That is how you can define what a “sheeple” is. It is an easily manipulated person that follows various “shepherds”, and listens to their “pied piper” song and dance. Even to their deaths.

In American, and conservative media you can often hear the term “sheeple” bantered about commonly. It tends to be a disparaging title directed towards others who seemingly, and mindlessly repeat narratives without thinking.

  • In conservative media, “sheeple” tends to represent everyone else outside of the “conservative news media”. It’s a rather catch-all phrase that is used to describe anyone else who believe anything else other than the conservative narrative.
  • In liberal media, while the term “sheeple” is used, the more common phrase is to “avoid the electric kool aide“, which refers to both the Reverend Jim Jones group suicide (by drinking poisoned Kool Aide punch), and the 1960’s counter-culture practice of lacing kool aide with LSD.

Combined, it features the words “sheep” and “people” to describe a human that maintains herd-like concepts of self.

As interesting as this is, the fact is that people of all political alignments qualify as sheeple. It’s not just “the other guy”. Probably you too, dear MM reader. It’s so very easy to get snookered in; sucked in a heavily promoted lie. (I’ve been sucked in. Many times in fact. So do not get too hot and bothered about it. It happens.)

"Simply put, the collective West--led by the America and the Anglosphere--resembles a civilization of paranoid schizophrenics, whose delusional ravings will drive them towards world war--total war."

Moreover, the method to determine whether or not you are a sheeple is very simple.

Here is the litmus test;

A "sheeple" is a person who has very strong, visceral, and vibrant  emotions about a subject that they have NO FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE about.

For instance…

Buying a used car

You buy a used car. After two months the motor dies, the transmission fails, and the bumper falls off. You get angry about this. And when you go to talk to the man who sold you the car, and he refuses to talk to you. Instead he responds that "all sales are final".

You get angry at him. Your anger is real, and full of anger and emotion.

Not a sheeple. Just a man who is angry at a man who swindled him.

Eating at a restaurant

You go into a restaurant, and order the "blue plate special". After you pay for the meal and leave, you notice that your stomach starts to churn. By the time you get home, you are vomiting uncontrollably. You spend the entire night on the toilet, and the next day your spouse has to cart you off to the hospital to have your stomach pumped.

You are angry at the restaurant, and vow never to eat there again.

Not a sheeple. Just a man who is angry at a restaurant that poisoned him.

Dating a person

You go on a date and that person is rude, obnoxious, and has terrible body odor. They refuse to pay for the meal, and makes a big "scene" inside the restaurant, and then afterwards demands sexual favors when you are clearly repulsed by them.

You are angry at this person and vow never to repeat this mistake ever again. From this moment forward, you never date anyone who even remotely reminds you of this "date from Hell".

Not a sheeple. Just a person who had a bad experience on a data and vows never to repeat that mistake ever again.

Reading about Slavery

You read an article about forced sexual slavery in a particular nation. Then two articles later, you read about how they are injecting malware into your computer. The next day the newspapers describe how they have caused the deaths of thousands of innocent cats and dogs, and how their children are trained to lie, cheat, and trip people.

You are angry, and whenever you calm down, there is yet another article that keeps your anger alive and fresh.

You are a sheeple. You are angry about something you have read, NOT at what you experienced.

Unless you have experienced the events that generate your anger personally, you are being manipulated by those that own the media companies that you use.


The 0.1% of the population that own 99.999% of the media use it to manipulate.

The manipulations turn normal thinking humans into creatures that maintain herd behaviors.

There are many, many variations on their techniques and on the subjects so utilized. The techniques are honed after decades of utility, and supplanted by artificial intelligence for improved efficiency.

No one is immune from these manipulations.

Most people are unaware that they are being expertly manipulated.

The most dangerous and effective manipulations are those that we WANT to BELIEVE.

The only way to guard from these manipulations is to perform a self check…

Self Check

  • Have you lived in the nation that you are angry about? (Yes / No)
  • Have you personally met a person that described to you a situation (that they experienced) that you are specifically angry about? (Yes/No)
  • Have you shared a meal, been to a hospital, or dated a person associated with the issue you are angry about? (Yes / No)
  • Is the beliefs that you hold about an issue from personal experience, or from something you read, or watched on the internet? (Yes / No)

Be very careful in what you read about.

The world is filled with evil, and powerful people that take absolute pleasure in manipulating people for their own gain.


Let’s take a look at an article found on “Free Republic”.

Forced COVID-19 Vaccination Widespread in China, Sources Say
4/4/2021, 3:16:34 AM · by SeekAndFind · 10 replies
Epoch Times ^ | 04/03/2021 | Frank Yue

Mounting evidence shows the Chinese Communist Party has been imposing vaccinations upon the public, despite concerns over efficacy and health implications. A female netizen named Duan Da Dan posted in Chinese on social media site Weibo on March 31: “I’m really annoyed that my employer forces me to receive jabs even if I’m planning to get pregnant. [They] never consider the possible impact on the fetus.” Another internet user claimed in Chinese-language Weibo post on March 30 that she had contracted hives twice, meaning she suffers from allergies. However, she was upset that her employer was pressuring her every day...
Of course, most people reading this article would believe it. As they have nothing to compare it against.
  • “forced vaccinations are widespread”
  • “sources say”
  • “posted on a social media site”
  • “upset her employer is pressuring her every day”
Damn those evil Chinese!
Further, if they are inclined to hold an anti-VAX stance, they would be infuriated that the evil Chinese would be so aggressive about forcing people to get vaccines.

Um. Yeah. Sure. What ever you say.

Let’s do a sanity check.

I’m here in China.

And the vaccinations take place inside the malls.

So, here’s what the vaccinations in China actually look like. It looks like a normal, everyday visit to the mall. This is a mall next to my house. The vaccinations are being conducted on the fifth floor, right off the elevator. It’s free for everyone (Chinese residents that show their ID card, and non-residents that have a residency stamp in their passport.)  between the ages of 18 and 60.

I suppose that exceptions can be made if you are older or younger, but you will need to consult with the doctor first.

Here is a short video I took of the line on the fifth floor (from the fourth floor) for the vaccination process. You can see the people clearly lined up, calm. Patient. Unhurried.

You can also see the instruction cards (those three white rectangular marquis). On the other side would be the QR code that would automatically link your ID with the hospital and then log in your vaccination with your social scoring. ,You can see the registration counter and the injection area off to the right.

Do you see evil Chicom police forcing innocent people to get injections? Do you see people freaking out and “demanding their rights”? Do you see the horrors and anger that is so characteristic of how the Chinese are portrayed in American media?

Doe it resemble anything, at all, like the images you get in your “mind’s eye” regarding what China is like?

Are there crowds of hungry, starving, angry people? Is it dirty, filthy and disease ridden? Is the air so full of smog and filth? What about the infrastructure? Is it falling down? What about the police and military presence? Do you see police dogs, anyone with an AK-47?

I wish that I would have gotten a picture of one of those cute roving robots that are all over the place. But that’s the luck of the draw don’t you know. They respond back to you. If you go up to them you can see what they see on the video and they will ask you if you need anything. Then they will answer using your actual name! I guess the face recognition and the AI enables them to converse to you as a person.

And here’s another…

And for a strong comparison, let’s compare what my FIRST HAND, up front and personal video with what is written inside the American media…

"Chinese Communist Party has been imposing vaccinations upon the public, despite concerns over efficacy and health implications. "

Does the video, in any way what so ever, reflect what was written in America? Does the videos show people being coerced, being forced, or being made to do anything that they don’t want to do?

Can't see the videos? Then you can download a ZIP file of them HERE.


Most Americans are sheeple whether they like the title or not.

If you find yourself getting upset with something that you cannot verify with your own two eyes, or touch with your hands, or smell with your nose, then you are being manipulated.

If you believe those manipulations, then you are a sheeple.

Dangers of such manipulations

You might end up believing…

  • The President “has your back” if you decide to riot in Congress.
  • The United States is capable of fighting and winning World War III.
  • Using a 3G cell phone will not only give you brain cancer, but it will cause gasoline pumps to explode.
  • Social Security deductions from your pay are put in a “lock box”.
  • Unless you update your computer software with the new government approved version, the Y2K will rampage through your house and kill you.
  • Pizza is a vegetable. Coital silver supplements will give you a healthier life. And most vitamins are fake.
  • Eating a hamburger will turn you into a drooling moron though mad cow disease.
  • Using an e-cigarette will cause you to die of vaping.
  • Angry Zombie Killer Wasps (imported from China) will kill you.
  • Florine in your water is a way of altering your precious bodily fluids.
  • Senator Sessions is going to throw Hillary Clinton in jail, he has a plan with his enormous mind that is playing 54-d strategy.
  • The economy is roaring. Unemployment is way down, and America leads the world in satisfaction.

Do you want more?

I have more posts that might be of interest. Go ahead and check out my Happiness Index here…

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