We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
The following is the 31st part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Lately he has been conducting lucid dreaming (LD) to map out the subconscious / non-physical realms that surround us. His writings are very interesting, but describe things way beyond my understanding. Never the less, many MM readers find great value in his experiences, and writings, and one can easily see benefit in reading his writings.
I hope that you enjoy this article.
Adventures in the Occult: Thoughts on {Not} Being a Freemason
I came across this site, inscribed on believing on the mind (metallicman (inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog) in which I seem to feature in one of the articles along side Metallicman. Lucky me for being “famous”, I guess. Unfortunately the article makes some assumptions about me that are quite inaccurate, like the (very definitively written) idea I am a Freemason and another retired MAJestic agent. Guys, I don’t care if you want to write articles that feature me but at least fucking verify your information with me beforehand, else it makes your content look like its full of “badly researched” holes and shouldn’t be taken seriously. I wrote to the article’s publisher, Diana Barharona, requesting a polite change to its content, but never received a reply, so in response to it I’d figured I’d clarify a few points.
Firstly, I am not a MAJestic Agent, at least, not that I Know of – I came into contact with Metallicman after having experiences that paralleled with his during his time in MAJestic courtesy of my LDing – I offered to edit his books because I understand the true importance of his content. Secondly I am not, nor ever have been and never will be a Freemason, though I do have masonic blood in both sides of my family; my great uncle was a 33rd degree Mason from the Broome lodge of Western Australia, and on my mother’s side I only have a passing reference of who was actually involved in the organisation, as I never met them before their ultimate expiration from the earth. My connection to the organisation, is, therefore, now reduced to a silver ring that was kept and handed down after said expiration. In regards to my great uncle, I only met him a handful of times as a kid, and only found out about his masonic connection long after I’d started walking down my own metaphysical path.
I never liked the man particularly much; my first memory of him was him pulling his false teeth out and chasing me around the house with them. Which is probably a good thing, considering the unknown persona he carried with him over and through his deathbed; that he exhibited at one point paedophilic tendencies on certain members of the family – not really something anyone should be surprised by given the amount of similar stories arising about Freemasonic happenings.
Of course, his victims never spoke about any of it until they had 6 ft of dirt separating him from them. I only found out about it back in 2019, and was – to put it simply – QUITE FUCKING LIVID, as this is something that goes against the very essence of my being, and considering I still genuinely cared for the family member in question. My only solace is knowing that his dementia did a good job of obliterating his brains cells in the years before he finally kicked the bucket. That and the fact that his indiscretions could be considered at the more “minor” end of the spectrum when it comes to the question of psychological damage such individuals can cause upon their victims. I shudder to think there was more than what was brought forward. Maybe it is my own naievity, maybe it’s a defense mechanism to stop me digging too deep into it and setting me off on a path of grave defilement. Whatever, I guess it explains why I thought it necessary to clarify my position.
In addition to this, I was once approached to join the brotherhood by another old man at a spiritualist circle I used to attend with my mother and SD. As far as I am aware, him and my great uncle had no connection to one another. I politely declined the invitation because at that point I was not interested in submitting the celestial authority that came with the spark that animated my physical being over to a society built upon the idea of a spiritual hierarchy.
Quite frankly, I’d been astral projecting and lucid dreaming for a decade at that point, and had read all about Aleister Crowley and his Argentum Aurum, the Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn, Ordo Templi Orientis etc. Call it arrogance – though I call it an unfaltering knowledge of self – the Freemasons seemed to me like just another group of novice Occultists that needed to be handed their divinity piece by piece by climbing through the ranks of the degrees. I preferred to bypass all that shit and reclaim my divinity myself, from the devil himself, if necessary; part of this involved never allowing any other individual or organisation to project false authority over my soul and its progression, as I truly believed that right belonged to my higher self, and my higher self alone.
Still, he sought the need to hand me some pamphlets on the Freemason’s apparent ideologies and how one cannot become a member unless they have an initiate vouch for them, which, I guess, is what he was planning on doing for me. You don’t get random’s making such an offer unless you have demonstrated you at least know a little bit about what it is you are talking about.
This does not mean I didn’t research what I could about them (much of which had already been done by the time I was propositioned to join). You may remember I was a steward of the Hell Fire Club which practiced spiritual alchemy. The only reason I had even bothered joining this Club was because it allowed for self initiation, as the club was not interested in using a similar hierarchal method of initiation to the Freemasons. Plus it had some really rare and hard to obtain books on magic, in a specially bound editions, which, like I have mentioned previously, is what really tickled my fancy.
This all sounds very mysterious, and diabolical, given the English chapter used to meet in the caves of West Wycombe in fancy masks and robes to carry out their rituals (based on Pagan festivities), but in reality my chapter never consisted of more than SD and myself, and all we ever did was sit on a carpet in our own house and throw a coin at a bottle; big fucking whoop. Nothing in comparison to the secret meetings and “architectural marvels” the Freemasons have been known to engage in and construct in the apparent quest to “become better men”. As I mentioned before, I revered knowledge above all personal gain and profit. The Hellfire Club was an interesting avenue into gaining more knowledge of the alchemical process of transmuting the lead of human consciousness into something much more profound and metaphorically “golden”.
But – and there is a but – being a club heavily inspired by Hermetic teachings, which crosses paths with some Freemasonic concepts and ideologies, it was inevitable that it was going to attract initiates of Freemasonry as well as other societies such as those aforementioned.
The Stewards for the other Australian (as well as international) Chapters, for example, are themselves occultists, which belong to such organisations as the Freemasons, the Hermetic Order of the Red Dragon etc etc. You have to also consider that this was in the early days of social media, before there were any real dedicated chat rooms where concepts such as the occult (which simply means “hidden” or “hidden knowledge”) could be freely talked about without ridicule from the spiritually inept who would brandish them as devil worshippers etc (wait until you see what the demonologists talk about, lol).
So you could say that as the international division of the Hellfire Club took off, us members began to realise we had a safe spot to bounce metaphysical concepts and ideas off each other, as each sought to incorporate their own occult knowledge and flavour into their own chapters. I became respected among these other members as I demonstrated knowledge I had picked up on the Kabbalah, Alchemy and the occult in general over many years of study, and likewise I respected them and the knowledge they offered me, a lot of which had to do with Freemasonic processes.
So yes, I had, and still do have access to a network of high ranking 33rd degree Freemasons, who have some influence over the operations of others in other jurisdictions. To give you an idea of this influence, when a potential recruit – also a low ranking Freemasonic initiate – into our HFC chapter tried to rape SD, I was told if I had brought the matter to one I am in contact with, himself a 33rd degree Freemason, immediately after it had happened, they could have ejected and banned this piece of shit from joining any of the Australian divisions – this is what I mean when I say my knowledge of the occult earnt me some “respect”. Am I involved in their evil diabolical scheme to take over the world?. Hence there are things that I know, some deduced from extension of my studies into the occult, and some communicated directly to me by these Freemasons, but at the end of the day I hold no oaths, or am held by no encumberances when it comes to the distribution of “what I know”. And Hence I have seen both the good and bad parts of the brotherhood, so I am loathe to jump on the bandwagon of vilifying them as a whole. The answer, unfortunately for those who’d have a mind to spin my content as being some form of Freemasonic propaganda, is a somewhat stale and rather definite “no”.
This does not mean I know all there is to know about the Freemasons and their goings on behind closed doors – honestly, to me, it’s a confusing mess of shit that varies from Rite to Rite and jurisdiction to jurisdiction, that I have no intention of delving too deeply into – but what I do know is that the Temple of Solomon, and the subsequent Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon, which deal with the summoning of “Djinn” or “demons” is a very integral part of the core concepts that are dealt with within {one aspect of} Freemasonry, as can be evidenced from HERE.
Unfortunately for the Freemasonic brotherhood, I also know, from another, exterior source, who was directly brought up under an operation involving Extra Terrestrials – a very big one, dating back before WW2 – that the ideologies around such “demons” or “goetic spirits” were originally distorted by the protectors of the very Temple the Freemasons worship (this goes back beyond Hiram Abif), to lead prying eyes down a false road. What was revealed to me by this source, was that the Freemasonic brotherhood was intentionally set up as a front to hide the true identity of what these goetic spirits actually were/are; interdimensional intelligences that could be communicated with and prepared for possession of a willing host through the Solomonic workings, ie the Greater and Lesser Keys. According to my source, Solomon himself, wasn’t exactly “human”; the original builders of his temple knew of this secret, because it was to be a chamber that provided the necessary atmosphere for that intelligence to acclimatise after it found a willing host. True Masons were those who allegedly knew this secret, and my source claims she was brought up by one of them. Of course, I have no way of verifying any of this, so its up to the reader how much salt they want to sprinkle o n that tasty morsel.
But I can attest to the assertion there is something otherworldly about these books, because I inadvertently summoned one of these entities early one morning and it scared the absolute shit out of me.
And I do not mean via an LD state either. Here, in this physical world, I accidentally brought one of these entities from its realm into ours, after simply reading from the versions of the Greater and Lesser Keys that I owned.
I was around about the age of 20, and I had just received my Hell Fire Club Bound Edition (extremely rare and worth $600 – $1200 respectively) copies of these works in the mail; A copy of Aleister Crowley’s own Goetia – the Lesser Key – , replete with his handwritten notes, and a copy of Sepher Maphtea Shalamoh, one of the oldest known surviving manuscripts of the Greater Key –
Here is a picture of the pages from an identical, non Hellfire Club edition I owned of the Sepher Maphtea Shalamoh. Good luck trying to read it if you don’t know Aramaic Hebrew (I sure as fuck don’t, though if you do I’d be very interested in a helpful translation of the entire thing).
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You hear of people in the occult community who try and use these grimoires to obtain money and power and whatever other materialistic shit they can think of; this wasn’t part of my intention. I had them simply because I wanted the knowledge they contained. I was committed to reading them without ever actually trying the rituals contained within.
That very night, or more correctly morning as it was about 3am, I was in my caravan (trailer in American speak) playing xbox with my dog, Abby, sat on the couch next to me whilst SD slept in the bed just over from us. All of a sudden I heard a very deep, guttural roaring sound, deeper and louder than any human could ever manage, followed by a stomping from one end of the caravan to other. I was around 100kg at the time and these footsteps shook the caravan much more than I did even when I was in a pissed off mood. They were very, very heavy, and very dense steps – not the footsteps or noise of any Tom cat or animal one would expect to find in that part of Western Australia. Abby was a fearless dog, and this scared the shit even out of her. Make no mistake, this was a good, old fashioned demon summoning if ever there was one. As soon as it finished, the TV went nuts and just started flicking 666 over and over again despite the remote not being jammed under anything, as it was sitting on the table next to me. For anyone who has studied the occult, and certain people of historical fame, that number is an obvious reference to Master Therion, aka Aleister Crowley. How coincidental I’d been reading his copy of the Goetia only hours prior. Regardless, it was good lesson in taking care next time I read the thing.
So yes, these texts are powerful texts, but I do not recommend fucking with them unless you have balls of steel, and know absolutely what the fuck it is you are doing. And not unless you are intending to be a willing host for an interdimensional consciousness to take up residence in your body; regardless of whether or not this is your intention THIS WHAT THE KEYS INTENDED PURPOSE WAS. They are {allegedly} the original CE5 protocols, and I have a suspicion there are some Freemasons who know this and have incorporated it into the Lodges workings, though I do not think every single Lodge knows about it. Again, maybe that is my own naivety. New age demon worshippers (and yes there a lot of them, facebook now has groups dedicated to the subject – I have watched these spawn into communities from nothing) have no idea what they are fucking around with. Thinking it is a means for quick materialistic manifestations, many of these worshippers will willingly engrave, tattoo, embed the sigils of these interdimensional consciousnesses directly onto their bodies, using blood for ink, using the rituals to “command” these intelligences into doing their bidding etc.
Talk about fucking amateurs.
You see why I always had a thirst for knowledge of just what the fuck it was I was getting myself into before diving right into it? If you want to know how possession works, it is carried out via sleep paralysis; I have experienced this directly, and so has SD – the exact same experience. What happens is the dominant consciousness enters via the ear, in my case, the right one, and you feel your own consciousness distort as it gets squeezed to one small side of your head. You can then feel the invading thought form taking up residence in the greater portion of your head that you no longer occupy. It is not a pleasant experience, which I liken to “mind raping”.
To one who is not lucky enough to even get to sleep paralysis (that is a joke), you will simply wake up and have thoughts that will destroy you if you are unable dissociate yourself from them. In my case, it bent my perception to seeing suicide as a very tempting option, seemingly for no reason, then I remembered the mind worm invader the night previous, shook the thoughts off (repetitively) and they never bothered me again; you must be very savvy as to what constitutes your thoughts, and what are those thoughts from an invading parasite. This was some years after the incident in the caravan so I don’t think the two were related, but still if you see anyone engaging in this level of dumb shittery, high ranking Freemasonic members included, you can bet your bottom dollar they don’t have the faintest idea of what it is they are doing, and are, in all probability going along with something that has been taught at the highest levels, under the idea that a Goetic intelligence is a nefarious spirit to be “commanded to do one’s bidding”. Either that, or they are taking inspiration from Crowley when he deliberately stepped into the circle of the demon Choronzon and let it possess him. Not exactly sure what divine ending they would be expecting from that though.
The only proper way to communicate with such entities is via the hypnogogic/lucid dreaming state, when connected to the higher information stream of the higher self – this importance needs to be emphasized, because when connected to this information stream things cannot lie to you; you can literally trace their whole existence through MWI and analyse every thought and choice they have ever made; if they are deceiving you, it will show in this analysis. If you can muster the discipline to do away with the ritualistic commands of the Greater and Lesser Keys, the type of shit that apparent Masters of the Occult, like Crowley, suggested were necessary, and actually meet them face to face in their own domain with a level of respect, you might find they are willing to reveal to you “forbidden knowledge” of the earth and the greater cosmos; who do you think the “President” of the Unseen 5 that showed me “the fall” was? Wink wink. Of course, if you haven’t prepared your consciousness accordingly, the energetic signature of these spirits will likely be too intense for you to bear (another reason why you need the higher information processing capabilities of the higher self). It is just simply too much information for your consciousness to be able to handle. But it is sure a hell of a lot less intense than standing face to face with the Grand Architect of the universe, what the big G in the middle of the Masonic square and compass represents. Just trust me on that one
“The spirits of the Goetia are portions of the human brain. Their seals therefore represent methods of stimulating or regulating those particular spots (though the eye).” – Aleister Crowley, The Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic in the Goetia.)
And I quote from the previous link:
“If we as masons want to look at this in a philosophical sense we are all seeking to be the wise King Solomon. We must unlock the brass vessel of our own unconscious mind releasing all the aspects of ourselves we care not to let out. Each demon can be seen as an aspect of our personality that we keep hidden from the world. It is the goal of the magician with the aid of angels and magickal weapons to face the dark aspects of him and symbolically slay and expel those forces from our own spiritual nature, thus purifying him. This medieval system of what some would consider “black magick” is simply a way to reflect upon the aspects of our own psyche. If we as individuals wish togain the wisdom of the archetypal king, we should face the shadow of ourselves and the demons that well in the void of our own nightmares.”
So the Freemasons, channeling their inner Carl Jung, believe that the texts allow an unlocking of deep aspects of the psyche which must be vanquished with the help of the “angels”….so what happens if the angels are really demons in disguise and are the very things responsible for those darker aspects of the self arising in the first place?
The Native Americans believed in such a concept they called the Wetiko, which they considered to be a sort of psychic virus that attached itself to the psyche of man and inflated his ego to the point he would put his own selfishness before empathy; Paul Levy does a good write up of this at https://www.theosophical.org/publications/quest-magazine/3472
Can you see where I am going with this? Through the illusion of duality of good and evil “spirits” – ie, angels vs demons – and the failure to understand that one’s own consciousness is originally of the highest attainable divine status, (ie, failure to adhere to a very basic and core concept of the occult) the Freemasons have allowed the submission of their own divine authority over to lesser divine parasitic entities, so that these same entities may “help” liberate them from a problem they {potentially} had a hand in causing in the first place.
To anyone who has read even a small amount of Carl Jung’s work in this area, it could be argued shadow work does not need to involve the help of supposed “angels” or “guides” to be carried out. In fact, repetitive self psychological evaluation was part of my “magickal undertakings”; I use to evaluate myself and my thoughts and try to understand where they had arisen, and what had caused them in my constant effort to “know myself” – again a basic edict of Alchemy. For us lucid dreamers, who can literally enter into the parts of our subconscious mind and “see” the thoughts as they arise, and what the shadow self is actually comprised of, and analyse these completely from an objective viewpoint, the last thing we need is “help”.
So where does this leave me? I already met the “Grand Architect”, who I called the All Being, back in 2016. What could any Freemasonic Lodge offer me if the whole goal of their brotherhood is to eventually bring one’s consciousness into contact with such a being? Seems I must have been quite learned in “High Magick” to achieve this feat without ever bothering to join their organisation.
The supposed “evil” nature of the Goetic spirits does not match to their temperament when met under LD – they can be considered very respectable intelligences in this domain – which suggests to me the Solomonic rituals are actually subverting the communication over to other entities who do not want us contacting these spirits because of the information they {the Goetic spirits} hold. If my source {and assumptions from my experiences and those in my inner circle} is correct and these are indeed inter dimensional intelligences, then the question must be asked: who is summoning what when using such ceremonial methods as the Freemasons and Crowley used?
Let’s continue from that link shall we?
“Before one sincerely attempts to evoke these demons, one should first spend some time invoking the 72 counterpart angels of the Almadel. The Almadel is a very enlightening experience and puts the magician in touch with the aspects of virtue within the psyche of the individual. This should be required for two reasons, one: one should be in touch with their inner strength before they face the demons, and two: the angels of the Almadel have direct control over the demons of the brass vessel. The Almadel is a system of scrying into a crystal ball over an altar made of wax upon which are engraved the Holy names of God. Remember that invocation is to call down a power within your spirit and mind, so you invoke angels to bring them closer. The Magician will evoke demons, to bring from within ones self into manifestation.
After one has made meaningful contact with his own inner angelic forces, he is now mentally and spiritually prepared to venture into the darkness of his own being. This system of High Magick should only be attempted by those who have magickal training, or are learned practitioners of ceremonial magick. This system to the unprepared is VERY DANGEROUS, and can be disastrous for those who approach the subject manner with a light heart or contempt in the mind. A short exert from the Lesser Key of Solomon will show the level of seriousness this system deserves.
Curse you and deprive you from all your offices and places of joy and place and do bind thee in the depths of the bottomless pit, there to remain until the day of judgment; I say into the lake of fire and brimstone… let all the company of heaven curse thee… let the hosts of heaven curse thee, I curse thee into fire unquenchable, and torments unspeakable as thy name and seal is contained in this box, chained and bound up and shall be choked in sulphurus and stinking substance and burnt in this material fire… which is prepared for thee damned and cursed spirits and there to remain until the day of doom and never more remembered of before the face of God which shall come to judge the dead and the world by fire.” (Lesser Key of Solomon, Book 1: Ars Goetia)
The Goetic demons require quite an elaborate array of magical implements such as a magic robe, wand, sword, circle, ring, brass vessel containing the 72 sigils of demons, black mirror within the magick triangle, and a very good memory. These evocations are quite lengthy and the magickal ritual can last quite awhile, especially when in a hypnotic trance which is required. “
What we have a case of is “the bible told us these {demons} were bad, and that these {angels} were good, so we will employ the service of the good guys and not question their motives”. That’s fine if you are of a religious inclination, but I never have been so the core concepts behind such a dualistic method of thinking in Freemasonry simply do not fit with my ideological makeup. The two are not compatible, therefore there is no reason for me to be a part of their Brotherhood.
My first novel, Dreaming Demons, as appalling as it was (first novels are always shit, especially when you are trying to offend as many people as possible with it), attempted to explain this difference in temperament between the Goetic spirits outside of the dualistic concepts of good and evil. It was a 120k word story which featured Astaroth as the main character (though “his” name was written backwards). As I was writing this book, I one day had an urge to switch on the TV, which was strange because I never watched TV in the day time. I specifically remember just randomly stopping typing and walking over to it and flicking it on. So what are the odds, that at that exact moment the movie Bedknobs and Broomsticks was on, and the children were discussing “finding the Star of Astaroth? One in several million billion I bet. Astaroth is the 29th spirit of the Goetia and is said to “show people the fall”. His rank, as mentioned by Crowley, was Duke, though other spirits held the rank of President. So when I was shown “the Fall” by the leader of the Unseen 5, I was also shown that his rank is no longer Duke but now rather President – this is why he was taking the form of then president Obama. Does that clarify who this organisation really is? It should be obvious by now that it is the real Ashtar{oth}/ Command – not that fake ass bullshit one finds discussed in new age circles.
In case you weren’t aware, Astaroth was synonymous with The Phoenician goddess Astarte, the Babylonian Ishtar, and the Sumerian Inanna:
The name Astaroth was ultimately derived from that of 2nd millennium BC Phoenician goddess Astarte,[1] an equivalent of the Babylonian Ishtar, and the earlier Sumerian Inanna. She is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible in the forms Ashtoreth (singular) and Ashtaroth (plural, in reference to multiple statues of it). This latter form was directly transliterated in the early Greek and Latin versions of the Bible, where it was less apparent that it had been a plural feminine in Hebrew. – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astaroth
This should give you an idea of just how old the Unseen 5 really is. They have been monitoring humanity from their vantage point in the astral planes since at least the time of Ancient Sumeria.
So, to summarise the question of whether or not I am a Freemason, the answer is no, and the reasons are:
Submission of one’s own celestial authority over to lesser intelligences is the first failing step to what many occult and Hermetic societies strived to achieve. The ranking system of the Freemasons (and many other secret societies for that matter) is a sure fire guaranteed way of diminishing this celestial authority even further, and submits to the idea man is a lesser intelligence that must evolve its way into divinity, rather than already possessing a ticket of entry.
Freemasons believe in the duality of angel vs demon arising from a core religious belief that centres around Christianity. The subjectivity and personal nature of religion provides a weakness for manipulative entities to exploit, in my opinion, hence why I believe all occult practices should be done with an objective mind free from emotion and religious doctrine.
Freemasonry can’t offer anything in the development and understanding of the psyche beyond what Lucid dreaming can offer. Ritual becomes redundant when you can enter into the very part of the mind the ritual seeks to exploit and directly push the buttons that exist therein.
Personal Experience tells me that the Goetic spirits are real interdimensional intelligences that very much differ from being simply deeply repressed aspects of the shadow self, and that they hold some every important information about humans and their {true} cosmological history. Those in my inner circle, through their own experiences, agree with this assessment. This does not fit in with the Freemasonic understanding of these spirits.
I’ve already met the Grand Architect, there is simply nothing the brotherhood can offer me in the form of spiritual liberation.
The following is the 30th part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here.
Lately he has been conducting lucid dreaming (LD) to map out the subconscious / non-physical realms that surround us. His writings are very interesting, but describe things way beyond my understanding. Never the less, many MM readers find great value in his experiences, and writings, and one can easily see benefit in reading his writings.
I hope that you enjoy this article.
Up to date version
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A better version of this summary is on PDF, and it corrects some errors and adds some more detail.
I suggest that you read this PDF, downloadable HERE rather than reading this summary…
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A Report on the Operational Characteristics of the ET Craft I Piloted, (later TBD) Accompanied by a Video Simulation:
The following report is based on an experience I had on the 27th June 2022 in which I believe I was successful in having my consciousness merged and attached to what most people would consider an extra terrestrial space craft. Whilst this falls under the category of a Lucid Dreaming/ Astral Projection experience, these forms of nomenclature are, in my opinion, not sufficient in describing the vividness of the experience, which was comparable to the vividness of waking, physical reality. It is for this reason I have decided to write this report including as much detail as possible, so it can hopefully be built upon by other explorers of consciousness. I am confident that there is valuable information here that will give insight into the potential operating parameters of ET spacecraft visiting our planet. I am currently working on an accompanying video simulating what it was like to fly this space craft. The original article I wrote can be found at [daegonmagus] – Part 26 – Lucid Astral Projection – The Consciousness Craft Launch Facility and Something Dwelling in the Red Planet: – Metallicman, albeit, much to my chagrin I had not found much time to properly scrutinize the experience and draft a proper report on my findings when I wrote it. This document is to make up for that, though bear in mind it has been written several months after the fact. I apologise, for not writing this sooner, as life got in the way.
To the layman, and those who have not had Out of Body experiences such as astral projection and lucid dreaming this report might come as a bit outlandish in its claims. It is therefore important to understand some back context derived through many years worth of experimentations in lucid dreaming I myself have conducted over several decades and note some passages from prior works in this field of Ufology that are relevant to what is being discussed here. Hopefully, I can then provide a logical process by which other consciousness explorers may adapt to their own voluntary OBE sessions to achieve similar results. I am confident in my assertions that further investigation into this material will yield results that will make the scientific community pay more attention to astral projection and lucid dreaming. In saying that though I am only one man who is limited to only a very narrow window of knowledge and skillsets which can be used for the purpose of scientifically investigating this matter (specifically electronics and radio propagation theory), therefore I welcome any input and advice from others whose own windows of knowledge and skills can further compliment this research. I have done my best to provide as much information as possible to give a starting point for further investigation, but at the end of the day, much of this model has been derived through my own interpretations of what I was experiencing that may prove to be inaccurate. However, I do not think these inaccuracies warrant this material to a swift shuffling into the dustbin, and am confident that they can be ironed out if enough manpower takes the subject herein seriously enough.
An integral part of the theory being discussed here is the idea that consciousness and the physical body are two completely separate things that interface with one another to provide a singularly functioning biological machine that is capable of perceiving and interacting with the physical world around it. It is important to cast aside Darwinian theory of evolution here, as it does nothing to assess the consciousness components that drive said machine, and assumes, rather incorrectly, that consciousness and body are one combined “thing”, inseparable until at least the expiration of the biological body through death. While the evolutionary model of the biological body through Darwinian theory is likely correct (I have no intention of setting out to prove or disprove it), it fails to provide any rationale to the consciousness component and somewhat considers it as an after thought in the question of human {intelligence} evolution. I therefore argue that if consciousness existed before the body (from the rationale that it is too complex to evolve to its current position through a single incarnation), then it deserves a much more thorough scrutinisation, and its own theory of evolution to be applied.
Based on my own experiments and experiences during my OBEs, consciousness, itself, is a superior technology, far in advance of what humans can consider our greatest technological achievements, of which only very advanced civilizations are able to fully realize (for the sake of the argument we will consider these advanced civilizations as being of extra terrestrial nature, or non human, as the human experience is a direct consequence of their manipulation strategies of this superior technology – something which has been directly communicated to me during OBEs, by representatives of such advanced civilisations). It is an extremely versatile component and energy source, of a quantum construction that is extremely adaptable to its own environment. What do I mean by this? To put it simply, through the voluntary act of initiating an OBE, or more specifically through initiating a conscious transition into the sleeping state (where consistent awareness is carried over and no break in understanding or memory is allowed to interfere before sleep is induced), one can deliberately change the dynamics of their own consciousness and manipulate it at a quantum level, to experience things of an indescribable nature to the layman who is yet to have an OBE.
To the investigators of quantum physics, this equates to a witnessing and understanding of the other side of the quantum domain, where Schrodinger’s cat is both alive and dead at once (metaphorically speaking). Where the particle becomes wave and the seemingly impossible becomes possible.
So now we understand that consciousness is a superior, quantum based technology, we can start to gain an understanding of the relationship between consciousness and body, and the irrelevance of Darwinian theory thus becomes apparent. Indeed, consciousness is an entirely separate thing to the body, and can actually be detached from it voluntarily through advanced lucid dreaming practices. Through years of practice, I became somewhat of an expert at regularly achieving this level of detachment, in which I took the opportunities to experiment with just what exactly is achievable by consciousness whilst in this state, pushing it beyond limits that can be explained through common rationality and logic. This detachment can be felt during the aforementioned conscious transition into the sleeping state, where the “interfaces” that allow movements of the limbs and data to be obtained and processed through the nervous system are felt to “fall away”, in which physical reality then becomes replaced by a quantum reality, and where the act of thought creates a seemingly physical environment to manifest around you (what we commonly equate to being dreamscapes).
It is here that consciousness can be tuned out of resonance with the body and made to adapt to other containers, of both physical and non physical (quantum) nature, simply by the use of tought.
How exactly is this achieved? I once had a lucid dreaming experience which I believe offers valuable insight into this question. In the dream, my physical reality was applied like a holographic overlay over my dream environment as I awoke. This physical picture of my room “grew” in definition the closer I got to waking up until I was completely awake, washing out the dreamscape as it did so. During this holographic overlaying of physical reality, I observed a back and forth “wave like” effect (of the holographic physical reality) that moved back and forth through its wave’s peaks at a rate somewhere around 0.5Hertz.Originally I stated this to be about 4Hz, but after reassessing these waves, I figured it closer to being 0.5Hz, based on my understanding of frequency. I immediately applied my (somewhat limited) expertise in radio modulation to my mode of thinking to try and conceptualise what was happening during this experience. After several years of studying that radio theory more in depth (and comparing it to an experience whereby I remembered my own reincarnation and my consciousness being placed within the fetus of my current incarnation, again courtesy of lucid dreaming), my arriving hypothesis is that the brain emits a carrier wave somewhere down this end of the ELF spectrum, (the exact frequency I suspect which can be determined through the application of standard antenna theory to the neurological/ nervous system pathways assuming they act as complex antenna arrays that are susceptible to drift tuning from the parasitic oscillations derived through the natural inductances, capacitances and resistances inherent within the body’s fats and salts) and that consciousness “rides” on the envelope of this carrier in a similar way to how an audio frequency can be modulated on to an AM carrier wave. It could also be closer to an FM or PM wave, though admittedly I have not bothered trying to conceptualize this operating potential beyond simple imaginings.
An important note is to be made here; the formulas associated with finding wavelengths and frequency are based on the idea of electromagnetic radiation being propagated at the speed of light (minus 5% on earth due to atmospheric influence). Whilst these formulas may provide an explanation of the physical, biological body’s energetic radiation (and thus may determine its carrier wave frequency), it would seem that mode of thought (the consciousness signal that rides upon the carrier) operates much fast than the speed of light, which means that an entirely new set of formulas would likely need to be devised before attempting to calculate these thought component wavelengths/ frequencies. I suspect that this modulation operation is actually achieved through a range of harmonic carriers, rather than one stand alone frequency, and would suggest dream researchers study more in depth, the envelopes between the brainwaves picked up through EEG equipment, rather than the actual waves themselves. In other words, try looking for information where at first glance there doesn’t appear to be any.
In another lucid dreaming experience I was in a hypnogogic state bordering a conscious transition into the sleeping state, and caught a signal from nearby non physical intelligence. This signal I heard coming through like a typical broken radio signal, interlaced with heavy static/ white noise, that almost completely drowned at the audible component of the signal out. Given that in these states of mind, thoughts produce tangible environments, I deliberately used my thoughts to manifest a radio dial in which I was then able to tune out this white noise interference and bring out the fidelity in the audible signal. I understood this immediately as being “not of human or earth origins”, as whatever was speaking spoke in a “clickity clack” dialect that had no familiarity to any language I had ever heard; I had no idea what they were saying.
Almost simultaneously as I tuned into this frequency, I was “teleported” to a sort of large ship (no longer in hypnogogia but on the otherside of transitioning into the sleeping state) filled with a strange liquid where telepathic images were transmitted to me about what these creatures looked like (not describable), as well as gesturing me to enter a strange cylinder device to my side. Upon entering the cylinder, I underwent a calibration process, whereby an understanding of this foreign language immediately happened. The details of that conversation are irrelevant to this report and have been discussed elsewhere in my literature. After having many experiences of contact with non physical “alien” intelligences within these states, I am very confident in my assertion that the operational characteristics of consciousness can be finely tuned whilst consciously aware one is in this state.
So, to summarize, the hypothesis is that the biological human body is simply a vessel that locks consciousness into it through the use of what essentially equates to signal modulation. Through deliberately induced lucid dreaming (or more specifically Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming) one can gain access to the mechanisms that allow them to control and tune their consciousness away from this “capturing” frequency of the human body, in which it can then be primed for habitation within other vessels both of biological and non biological substance.
We now take a look at the testimony of Lt Colonel Philip J Corso (which was relayed in his book The Day After Roswell) in which he states his assumption (from reports he read) that the craft that crashed at Roswell in 1947 seemingly had no operational controls that one would expect to find in conventional aircraft, and that this particular craft was possibly controlled by an extraterrestrial consciousness that was able to be tethered in with it. In the book, Corso mentions how the suits worn by the ETs also somehow allowed control of the craft by emitting an electromagnetic signature that matched in with the craft. Corso’s assumptions are heavily similar to my own determinations of using a carrier frequency to lock consciousness within a biological body; in fact if you substitute the space craft for the human body they are almost identical, and these were hypotheticals I was conceptualizing years before reading his book.
Further, in the Alien Interview (an alleged manuscript of an interview with the alien from the same Roswell Crash) Airl, the alien suggests a very similar mode of piloting their craft by moving their consciousness into it. Regardless of whether or not either of these works are legitimate or not, they present a very workable hypothesis that I believe warrants further investigation, which I used as a basis for experimentation during my own lucid dreams: deliberately using induced OBEs to target and hijack functional ET spacecraft.
Based on my experiences and experiments therein, I can state with 100% surety that Lt Col Corso was correct in his assessment, but that he failed to identify deliberately induced OBEs, such as Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection as a very reliable means in achieving operational control of extra terrestrial vehicles (if you believe the military industrial complex hadn’t already worked this out). I remind the reader of this article that I am very well versed in what constitutes a sub conscious dream, a deliberately constructed (visualised) dream, an astral projection experience, hypnogogia, sleep paralysis and the difference between all of them. What my experience entailed was something completely different; it was a rerouting of my consciousness into an extra terrestrial space vehicle that I wore and experienced in the exact same way I experience the physical body I use to type these words. I was physically present in (physical) outer space whilst operating this vehicle, not simply buzzing around the astral plane (which I have done before and also managed to bump into some kind of flying UFO).. The following is based on notes I was able to take during that flight out of the solar system into incredibly “deep” space, which hoping will one day be taken as validation of the experience, when space exploration technology progresses to a point where a more thorough exploration to the region of space I was in can be carried out.
The Vanquish DM-22 Specifications:
Given my appreciation of the craft in question, and the achievement of the experience, I feel the need to refer to it in specific manner, so that no confusion can be made if this craft is ever witnessed in our local region of space. Thus I came up with the name Vanquish DM-22; Vanquish (because it seemed like the space fairing equivalent of an Aston Martin V12 Vanquish, also fitting considering the safety of feeling being able to “vanquish” any offensive attack that came my way), and DM – 22 in reference to my initials and the year I first flew it. Flying this craft was a very big deal for me.
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Size and shape were hard to determine, as a) it is hard to determine the outside of a body you are currently inside of (just like we cannot determine the shapes of our own bodies without a mirror, except for those parts we can see), and b) the distance between celestial bodies gave a distorted perception of size, particularly at the speeds I was travelling. In saying that though, I got the feeling of a sort of spinning top as a basic silhouette of shape (through my field of vision and based on what I could “feel”, just like one can “feel” their head is a certain shape without touching it). I am confident the above CAD model is a close representation of its shape, considering. The bottom point of the VDM-22 would be what I consider the standout feature, as I could feel this as being the main “limb” of the VDM-22. Most of the control points (the “nerves” of the craft) seemed to gather at this bottom point.
Based on the hangar length, and that the VDM-22’s width was almost touching each side of the launch “chimney”, then considering my perspective of the chimney whilst inside of it, then once again outside in space, I am guessing the diameter was somewhere around 20m. I consider this to be a less accurate assumption than estimating the shape as I had a limited frame of reference to work off. The movement of celestial bodies past the ship suggested the size was astronomically large, but again at those distances and speeds it becomes almost impossible to tell. Extrapolating from the idea I was able to eventually land on Mars, is suggestive the craft was much smaller than that particular planet. At the same time, using the atmospheric boundary of the same planet during landing also suggests it was bigger than conventional earth shuttles.
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The “ears” of the VDM-22 body seemed to be some kind of telepathic transceiver that increased audible range to the point that atmospheric noise could be heard with crystal clear clarity from great distances. Noises very similar to those compiled by NASA on what planets “sound like” could be heard on approach to certain planets, which faded as one moved away from them. According to NASA these particular frequencies (before being manipulated by them so they could be heard by the human ear) sit somewhere within the 800MHz spectrum, suggesting this craft body allows the filtering of signals far beyond the 20kHz limit of the human ear. Through the use of the HUD, zooming in to a neighboring galaxy also allowed one to pin point the audio signals coming from that region of space. Interlaced throughout this white noise, in various star clusters, intelligent voices could be heard quite easily. It appeared that certain planets were also conscious (as if consciousness had taken up residence in them like I was taking up residence in this craft) and exhibited intelligence to the level they were able to seemingly communicate (which took the form of English, assumedly translated through the craft’s “ears”) with other nearby planets and me as I approached them. An apparent Martian intelligence was one such example that seemed quite dominant and “loud” and easily discernible even from deep space. Two way communication with these intelligences could be achieved through first zooming into their region of space and using thought as a transmission medium. This zooming feature allowed identification of planetary bodies to extremely high detail from vast distances over several hundred lightyears away.
It was also apparent that some of these planetary transmissions had been set up as beacons to provide navigational data to similar space craft that would be traversing the area.
I was also able to use a stellarium astronomy software that came with a telescope I bought, called Starry Night 8, to devise a very close simulated representation of some aspects of the experience, and derive from it interesting data in the form of star maps that allowed me to approximate in space I was, as well as speeds I was achieving with this craft. This simulation will be included in the aforementioned video along with animations to better show the process of how to merge ones consciousness with these type of craft.
The speeds of the VDM-22 can be broken down into 3 categories of operation: atmospheric, local space and outer galaxy speeds. Atmospheric was the initial speed upon launching from the facility tunnel perched on the top of an asteroid I tracked using Starry Night 8 to being somewhere near the Pawlowia Asteroid during the time of the experience. I have in my head (and I don’t know why) that the approximate length of the tunnel the VDM-22 was hangared in was between 32 and 36km in length (protruding directly into space). This length was covered in about 10 seconds, which equates to about a 13000km/hr initial “launch” speed and presented the hardest part to navigate, as I was very much aware there was limited clearance between the edges of my craft body and the tunnel walls (within a mere meter). Extreme focus must be given to propel the craft at this speed through such a confined space. I knew if I was out by even small degree, at that distance I would crash into these tunnel walls and the experience would end.
How to Achieve Flight Control of the Vanquish DM-22:
To understand how to gain operational control of the Vanquish DM-22, we must first delve a bit deeper into this idea that one experiences a detachment of the consciousness mechanisms from the interfaces of the human body that allow motor control over the limbs etc which can be directly ported over to a target space craft. I mentioned previously that consciousness whilst out of body (lucid dreaming, not astral projecting, as consciousness is still attached to an energetic body with the latter) is extremely versatile in its ability to adapt to its quantum environment. This should be taken as meaning that consciousness can exhibit an infinite range of movement and form whilst in this state, that does not conform to typical standards related to the physical plane. These mechanisms therefore can be considered as control points with an endless number of ways that they can be arranged. When locked within the body, these control points take the typical bipedal human form, which appears like a tree branch that extends out from the head, down both sides and branches off at the arms or the legs (I highly recommend vigourous study of the Kabbalistic tree of life, as it provides the template of consciousness whilst in human form, according to the students of it). If we consider a MO capped stick figured commonly used a basis for building CGI characters off the movements of real people, this acts as a good mock representation of these control points. We can then start to identify the crucial control points and designate them with specific alphanumeric characters:
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What we now have is a rudimentary map of the “quantum body” (my own terminology). This body should in no way be compared to the astral or etheric bodies, as it is really just a ball of energy without any recognizable form – our consciousness in pure consciousness state. What our quantum body map allows us is a means to conceptualise how these control points are reshaped according to the interfaces of whatever vehicle it is being adapted to. In the case of the interstellar craft I was lucky enough to pilot, this shape takes a similar form to the typical sitting lotus position many people use to engage in meditation, if only differing from the position of the hand control points that would equate to resting in the middle of the lap. If one takes our stick figure, arranges it into this position, and then compares it to the typical flying saucer shape, the similarities between the two, should immediately become apparent. This will give an idea of where the consciousness control points will “sit” within the craft that is being piloted.
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We can then equate specific gestures that are activated within our biological “meat suit” bodies courtesy of our consciousness stimulating these control points, with actual real time space craft controls. This is the key to controlling these craft. Effectively what you are doing is stimulating these same control points which are now tethered to different parts of the craft in question rather than your biological body. This is how I was able to propel this vehicle at incredible speeds into very deep space.
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Through my experience piloting this craft I made the following observations mid flight on how control of the craft through these control points is realized. These determinations were made after going through a “calibration process” or “dance” by which I had to become acquainted with these gestures before I could properly fly the craft.
The shape of the saucer has nothing to do with aero dynamics (which always eluded me due to the idea in the vacuity of space velocity is not effected by drag ); it has to do with the turning motion of consciousness within the craft. In the craft I was in, it was as if there was an invisible central axis running from top to bottom that was the main housing for my consciousness. An action comparable to turning my head to look in a certain direction was achieved by spinning consciousness around this axis in either a clockwise or counter clockwise motion. This allowed a 360 pivot and scouting of one’s entire surroundings without any actual physical movement of the craft being carried out. When propelling forward, turning of the vehicle was achieved by rotating consciousness around this axis, which was almost instantaneous. This allowed tight 90 degree bends to be achieved rather effortlessly mid flight.
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As consciousness was spun around this central axis, the control points, which were embedded into walls of the vehicle, also spun with it.
To move through the z axis, the control points of the head are used to what would equate to a looking up or looking down gesture, except that the craft never tilted as our head would do when making such a gesture. It always stayed in the same position relative to how consciousness was viewing (through the x/y axis) from within the central “cockpit”.
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To strafe left and right on the x axis we take the triangular arrangement of control points at the top of the forearm, the elbow, and the top of the bicep and push them out to the side, we wish to strafe to, like we are elbowing someone in the ribs. An elbow “jab” would equate to a quick evasive “jump” in that direction, whilst a prolonged “shove” would propel the VDM-22 quite a distance.
A tilt of the craft (ie left or right) was achievable by using this same triangular arrangement of control points and bringing them down to our side (like we are making a chicken flying gesture). This would equate to a “barrel roll” around the y axis on whatever side the control points were on, allowing the ship’s relative plane to be changed.
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A forward propelling motion through the y axis equated to taking all control points above the pelvis (from the middle of through the arms and fingers to the head) and pushing them forward, like they comprised a joystick.
Braking was achievable by pulling these same control points back to center.
Reverse was simply the opposite of forward propelling through the x axis using the same control points, or a “lean” back motion.
A detailed HUD map of current location was accessible through simple thought. This is hard to explain but it effectively allowed one to target areas of interest as well as zoom in incredible distances (into neighboring galaxies) in order to pin point travel destinations. It was effectively like switching from 1st person to third person view, except the craft was not visible during the process. My assumption is that it was some sort of controlled method of projecting consciousness into these regions, not comparable to astral projection.
Targeting of areas of interest were achievable by using the control points equated with the fingers. Rapid, multiple target acquisition could be achieved similarly to playing a piano or typing on a computer keyboard when the HUD was activated (if you could fit it into the crammed space of your lap in the lotus position).
Close scrutiny of the above should allow one to conceptualize a near complete range of movement through all 3 axes and explain the evasion techniques seen by most UFO encounters by pilots. In addition to the above I also had an inkling that the control points of the toes (ie wriggling them) would activate the on board weapons arsenal, which I never bothered testing due to an inner knowing it would be quite devastating (beyond humankind’s worst weapons). This knowledge of having these weapons on board was comparable to the understanding one has male reproductive organs whilst sitting in this (lotus) position; one does not have to “take them out” or “play with them” to know they are there. I suspect it was some kind of laser system, but as I never used it, this is just a guess. I understood that I was a force to be reckoned with, that the composition of my space craft body was virtually indestructible and almost wished for another craft to engage me so I could so test out the defence capabilities of the VDM-22. I felt confidant that I was the biggest fish in the universe, and nothing was going to injure me.
Body Disconnection and Spacecraft Reattachment Process:
Importance must be given to the Hypngogic phase of the OBE, as there is a very small window of opportunity between properly disconnecting consciousness from the body, then attaching it to another usable vessel. Whilst hypnagogia can be considered as a cleavage point of consciousness, where it is “drifting” away from the physical body, but still attached to it, it does not equate to a full separation. Proper separation of consciousness from the body happens very quickly after consciousness inverts from its projected outward state which one experiences from hypnagogia (as well as from sleep paralysis) as a fast “sucking backwards” sensation in which it is pulled away from all hypnogogic imagery (what would happen if Han Solo slammed the millennium falcon in reverse whilst in hyperdrive). This inversion of consciousness is where the physical world becomes supplanted by the quantum one, where the attachment mechanisms of the body fall away and is the crucial point at which consciousness must be quickly tethered to its new container. In the case of my experience, this tethering was achieved by a sort of {non physical} hook that hung from the hallway roof that had the ability to pull my consciousness out of the body I was remote viewing from, and orient it in such a way that it aligned with the space craft cockpit (which was rotated 90 degrees in reference to the ground plane of the facility), and simultaneously merged me into it. It seemed it was by almost sheer luck the timing of this hook hitting me coincided with a conscious transition into the sleeping state, but it is more likely that the hook actually initiated the transition. My suggestion here is that this hook is probably standard affair in many ET space craft docks, or at least those that exhibit an effortless ability to move their consciousness between different containers. An important take away from this is that hypnogogia can be used to target a specific craft through remote viewing practices.
Interestingly – and I am going to be bold with this statement – our models of neighboring galaxies seem to be somewhat inaccurate. According to this experience, I can say with 100% certainty that the Milky Way is not the largest galaxy in this region of space, and that we have a neighboring twin of roughly the same size that comes off perpendicularly to it.
The Experience:
The experience began as an involuntary remote viewing in hypnagogic trance. If I wanted to I could move my body and get up out of bed, but my consciousness was almost completely “away” and viewing from inside of a body that was walking around the launch facility, which took the form of a typical hospital insofar as layout and design was concerned. I was, evidently, on the very cusp of falling asleep. It is important in this stage of the veiwing, one intentionally refrains from exploring any random thoughts that present themselves, and just let the viewing unfold, as experience tells me that any focus away from the events unfolding in the viewing session has a tendancy to ruin it. I thus watched as this body walked about 50m down a hallway, past what appeared to be a cafeteria lounge, turn right through a door way and then walk down a neighboring hallway back from the direction I had just come. I passed what appeared to be two female reception staff to my left sitting at a table which appeared to have a doorway to outside behind it. The whole effort was quite casual, including the very brief conversation that was had with these reception staff; mine and my escort’s destination was through some blast doors that were located just up ahead. Upon reaching just in front of these blast doors the hook became evident. This was of non physical nature, but I could see it, not through the eyes of the body I was observing through, but through my own consciousness. It looked like a standard length of metal that protruded from the roof, and folded at a 90 angle towards the direction I was coming from – perfectly aligning with the centre of my forehead. The end of the hook seemed to taper into a sharp point.
I had barely had time to react before the head of body I was observing through walked was pierced this hook.
My consciousness immediately underwent the same transition into the sleeping state I have become accustomed to experiencing during my lucid dreams. I entered on into the same void space (written about elsewhere), only that this hook seemed to turn my consciousness 90 degrees upwards as it transitioned; if you picture Han Solo throwing his Millenium Falcon into a sideways back flip as he hits hyper drive in reverse, this is what it felt like; it takes much practice for one to find their bearings through such confusion, and is, in my opinion, the “fun” part of the whole affair. I immediately noticed a cluster of stars coming through what appeared to be a circular hole in this void space. My immediate realization was that this “void space” was some sort of non physical (quantum) hangar; I had just never bothered looking upwards in my other experiences with it. Ie, every time one enters into the sleeping state and into this void space, they are entering into one of these quantum hangars (even if they don’t remember it).
There was a slight period of distortion during the engagement period of my consciousness control points interfacing in within the craft body, similar to how when one first wakes up they are in a daze and their arms and legs are yet to work properly. After several seconds this haze wore off, and I was now completely attached and using this craft as if it was my own body, perceiving the physical, cylindrical, structure of the hanger. The interesting part of this haze period, was that the hangar seemingly went from being in non physical state to becoming solid as the haze wore off, and I could make out, with great vividness, tapered ridges running the entire length of the launch “chimney”. I can remember the roaring sound my thruster exhausts made as it echoed along these tapered ridges, as I propelled the craft forward, towards the opening with the stars, taking care not to move too close to the sides of the launch. This marked the hardest part of the flight; I was aware that any slight movement or twitching of the control interfaces would crash the craft into this chimney, so particular attention was paid to slowly accelerating forward until I was confident I wasn’t going to drift into it. At the same time, I had launch protocols being relayed to me via telepathic means by an unknown party, and I could feel their presence through telepathic means (not describable). A few seconds later I arrived at the opening and shot out of the chimney into space where I could see, in very vivid detail a ring of asteroids circling our sun. These asteroids looked like wet rocks glistening from the rays of light of the sun that were hitting them.
Once in open space, I underwent the calibration process to better get acquainted with the consciousness control points and how they would move the craft. This calibration process was a few minutes of me “dancing” around in space doing barrel rolls and amateur flips as if I was taking a car out to a parking lot to learn how to drive it properly. I am therefore quite sure in my assessment of the above control point manipulation to space craft operation criteria; I had to run myself through it before I could properly control the craft; it was like stretching ones limbs before playing a football game to make sure they work properly. The entire time I was aware of the base launch facility beneath me perched on a small asteroid. The facility appeared somewhat like it was made of brick work (something I found curious given its location in the middle of space) and was probably about fifty by one hundred meters in area, several stories high. The launch tunnel was several tens of kilometers in length.
After a quick tour of this asteroid ring, pin pointing earth, I decided I wanted to get away from these asteroids into a much more open area so I could test this craft’s speed capabilities. I had the inner knowing that this particular craft was the Bugatti Veyron of space (ie, engineered for speed); this understanding was akin to the intimate understanding one has of their own body and it’s capabilities and knowing that a lethargic, heavy weighted body is unlikely to perform as well in a 100m sprint than a more agile one. I just knew, this craft body was designed to be “fast”, and I was itching to see what it could do.
Using starry night software I was then able to simulate a very close representation of the time it took to fly past Jupiter and Saturn (note that in the simulation these planets appear further than I was to them because of lack of control I have over that particular program; in the experience these planets were much bigger, taking up almost all of my viewport, which I assume would mean the speeds to be somewhat faster, as I would have been covering greater distances at the same time). According to starry night 8, this would equate to an approximate acceleration of this craft from a standstill to about 4 Astronomical Units (roughly 598,000,000km) in 2 seconds; 4AU to 250ly/sec (23,652, 000, 000, 000, 000km) within 30 seconds. The region close to the location of the Magellanic clouds was reached within 1 minute of burning with barely any effort, in which I assume I was travelling somewhere near the 250ly/ sec mark. The simulation is a very close representation as to what I witnessed and how planets and stars “floated” past me during the experience. Stoppage from any of these speeds was instantaneous (no coasting or wind down), from the moment the braking control points were stimulated. As one can see, even at initial launch speeds, this craft is capable of flying pretty fast – faster than photonic based light, whilst out of atmosphere, that is for sure. The simulation from finishing the calibration process to entering into the nearby Sagittarius Galaxy can be considered 99% exact to how I experienced it, with a short period of total darkness coming out of the milky way before entering into the next galaxy., taking probably a few more seconds in actuality.
Coming out of the Milky Way, and entering into this darkness, I then turned around (spun my consciousness around the central axis of the craft), which is when I noticed two twin sized galaxies arranged perpendicular to each other. A period of disorientation occurred in which I did not know which exact one it was that I had come from.
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In the bottom galaxy, I noticed a large anomalous black hole petrusion taking up about a third of the entire galaxy, spanning from one edge to other, so proceeded to fly over the top of the pancake to get a better view. This black hole I identified as being part of the anomaly I have written about elsewhere (consciousness disassembler I have experienced during prior OBEs). My suspicions are that from our vantage point on earth much of the light from this larger neighboring pancake’s stars is being swallowed by this anomaly which distorts our perception of this galaxy and makes it look much smaller than it really is. I am aware radio emissions are used by astrophysicists to map areas around black holes, but this particular area was somewhat silent around this anomaly (remember, my audible range was several hundred MHz wide, possibly even wider, as opposed to human hearing which peaks at 20kHz), suggesting this anomaly is also capable of swallowing radio frequencies. At the cracks of this anomalous protrusion were what looked like bits of sea foam being brightly illuminated by nearby stars, which I assumed to be left over remnants of other stars that this thing had swallowed after it had spat them out.
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Using starry night, and trying to ascertain the relative location of this galaxy from the apparent sizes of galaxies neighboring the Milky Way at different angles, my conclusion is that this close twin is located in the very same region of space that houses the small and large Magellanic Clouds. My suggestion here is that the Magellanic Clouds are actually one larger galaxy which has been.
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“cleaved” into two parts through this anomaly, which distorts our perception of them from earth, making them appear as two different clusters. I am hoping that future advances in space exploration will one day provide validation of my experience through the finding of evidence of this supermassive black hole anomaly.
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Regardless, after pondering this anomaly for a few moments, and being somewhat concerned of its proximity to earth, I then penetrated out into very, very deep space, to the point I was left floating “in the middle of nowhere”. This would have equated to somewhere near the edge of the cosmic web (the real one, which covers a far greater distance than the known one, judging from what I was witnessing, and comparing to the starry night simulation software).
It was here I tried to establish telepathic communication with the Elder Guardians, who I knew existed very, very far beyond this cosmic web. This was the prime intention of what I wished to achieve with this experience. Up until that point I had been quite active in my exploration around the universe, but it was at this point that I simply just stopped and floated in the middle of no where and the realization hit me that I was an almost unfathomable distance from my physical body back on earth. A curious discovery was made out here; even at that vantage point, I was not able to receive more than a broken transmission that consisted of mainly white noise in between a few “Hello, can you hear me’s”, which suggests to me that there is a barrier that “absorbs” (or more correctly, introduces interference at) even the frequencies associated with telepathic thought transmission somewhere near the edge of the universe.
Shortly after this communication attempt was aborted, the Martian Intelligence spoke directly to me, the amplitude of its “voice” coming through extremely prominently and clear even from this deep region of space. It had evidentally “spotted” my presence flying inside and out of the milky way, and was curious about what I was up to. I had been aware of this intelligence from breaching the outer edges of the milky way, but had not paid much attention to it until it decided to specifically address me. How this was done was hard to explain, but it was like someone shouting at you from a distance, and saying “yes you” when attention was given to the voice. This attention was achieved through the aforementioned “zooming” in to the region of space this intelligence was coming from. The initial thought was that, to a human, this intelligence would have been quite sinister and dangerous, though from the comfort of my space vehicle I thought it’s attempts at coercion to be quite lame, like an adult trying to scare a child who has already called their bluff. I proceeded with extreme caution at its suggestion I come closer to it as it had “something I needed”. Through my targeting apparatus I was then able to run a scan of the planetary body this intelligence was inhabiting, which I identified from its red patterns as being Mars, or a very similar looking planet (galaxy and solar systems were still hard to determine even with this apparatus, unlike my simulation software I did not have the luxury of labels I could use for identification). I was basically operating as a police officer would, going through basic protocols to make sure I was not going to be ambushed.
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Once the Mars like planet had been identified, I accelerated forward to it and came within its atmosphere within about 10-20 seconds. Note, that in the simulation, this is covered much quicker on account for the limited way I had to show the targeting of Mars from deep space. However, the part where I look around trying to pin point where this intelligence was coming from is fairly accurate, although actual movement was more robotic. Atmospheric penetration of the Martian like planet was different to that outlined in the simulation, and involved a forward acceleration into a region that was darkened by the lack of sunlight, close to where daylight would have been breaking. This forward acceleration eventually allowed me to get close enough to gently bring my craft body down to almost ground level, in a rocky outcrop with several cliffs surrounding me. There appeared to be a violent dust storm that made visibility of anything but the nearby cliff faces hard to make out. Even upon landing the intelligence still beckoned for me to follow it into this dust storm, which I was very convinced by this point was a trap.
I decided that the wisest move would be to report my findings of this alien intelligence back to the launch facility base on the asteroid near Pawlowia. Shortly after this, my consciousness was disconnected form this space craft body and I awoke in bed, suggesting that this craft may have been left on whatever planet this was I was on.
Determinations from the experience:
ET spacecraft can 100% be “hijacked” through using techniques commonly involved in initiating out of body experiences. Remote viewing practices can be used as an effective means to target these craft.
There is a launch facility for these craft set up in the asteroid belt, which seems to be close to where the asteroid Pawlowia was on the 27th June 2022.
This facility exhibits human like construction methods (brickwork) and is populated by beings seemingly indistguishable from humans.
These spacecraft have the ability to up scale the bandwidth of frequencies that can be heard during their piloting. There seems to be a common “channel of communication” through this entire bandwidth.
Operation of frequency transmission is different to common methods used on earth; whereas we tend to use a single frequency to modulate the information onto, typical signal transmission from these craft seem to happen simultaneously over this entire frequency range, which has a bandwidth several MHz wide.
The instantaneous transmission speeds through vast distances of space suggest that these transmission are operating beyond those restricted to the speed of light. Instantaneous communication from two different points, many millions of light years apart also suggest a different means of signal propagation, as radio waves are limited to the speed of light (minus 5% under earth atmospheric conditions)
Planetary bodies can seemingly exhibit intelligence at a level that they can be communicated with by not only other planets over great distances, but also by intelligences passing by in some of these space vehicles. My assumption is that this intelligence really comes from an extremely high powered transceiver stationed on these planets by other ET races, in which the planet itself becomes part of the transmission component. I suspect ET races are actually using the planets in some way as an amplification medium of the signals on this telepathy channel.
The most dominant of these transmission stations comes from a planet that either is Mars or looks very similar to it. This transceiver, from whatever its location, can propagate signals out into the edge of the cosmic web instantaneously, with effectively 0 attennuation. Again, this alludes to the idea that these are not typical electromagnetic based radio signals we use on earth, given the obvious bypassing of the inverse square law. The intelligence behind these transmissions is extremely hostile and malicious as far as human standards go, but somewhat inferior when operating from one of these vehicles, suffering from an obvious cowardice.
Some planetary bodies are being used as navigational beacons for these type of space craft. These transmission beacons cover radiuses of several light years, or in the case of the Martian like planet transceiver, several million lightyears, but can be pin pointed from distances very far away from them through directional receiver (audio telescope) capabilities of these craft. This means that sounds from these beacons will not be heard until passing into their broadcasting range, unless these areas are specifically targeted by the craft’s audio telescope zooming capabilities.
Earth propagates a signal that is very noticeable throughout, at least, its own solar system. There is no way it can remain hidden to outside craft of similar capabilities given the loudness of this signal.
The regions inside and outside of the Milky Way are teaming with “intelligent chatter” on this telepathic line. This comes across like being in a crowd of people all speaking at once, until the audio telescope is used and zoomed into a particular sector, where signals in that sector get louder and drown out the crowded noise. In the case of the Martian transceiver, it was essentially like being shouted at by someone on the opposite end of the universe, the loudness of the shout being very obvious.
There is a boundary out past the cosmic web in which signals from this telepathic channel are broken and experience a high level of interference. Estimated distance from earth to this boundary is in the “trillions” of lightyears or more.
There is a neighboring pancake galaxy of similar size to the milky way that comes off perpendicular to it at an approximate distance similar to the Magellanic Clouds. A large part of this galaxy is taken up by a massive anomalous black hole that swallows light and radio frequencies around the site. An ocean of foamy white substance lines the edges of this “crack”. It is also possible this galaxy with the anomaly is the milky way itself. Past experience with this black hole anomaly suggest it exists outside of known time and space, originates from outside of the telepathic signal boundary, and can rip consciousness apart. From those experiences, it seemingly has a direct relationship with the amnesia introduced into our consciousness that prohibit us from retaining memory of past lives.
The universe is spherical, and does not feel a big enough a place to explore when using one of these craft.
Through directional audio telescoping capabilities and relevant speeds of the craft I piloted, exploration into useful areas and galaxies for resource gathering purposes could be carried out extremely easily and efficiently in a very small amount of time. I estimate, that if humans had consistent and unfettered access to this technology, they could accurately map the entire universe within a single year.
It is my belief that it is possible to move consciousness in a similar manner to what is done via lucid dreaming at the moment of death. It is my intention to try and move my consciousness into one of these space craft suits at the expiration of this physical body, in an attempt to provide some form of validation of my claim that techniques used to induce OBEs can be used to hijack and pilot these craft. If I am successful in my endeavors, then I will use this opportunity to provide not only evidence of the existence of these craft, but that my curriculum for piloting them is at least somewhat usable. Therefore, any sightings of a craft similar to the Vanquish DM-22, distinguishable by the pointed “spinning top” bottom, over areas or during events with direct significance to my life, such as properties I owned, burial site of my body, etc, can be taken as a visitation from the same consciousness that piloted the body used to write these very words. I am certain that direct telepathic communication, along the same channel used by this craft, can be made through broadcasted thoughts during hypnagogia or whilst in the void space after a conscious transition into the sleeping state. I recommend using this avenue for any parties interested in trying to contact my consciousness post humously.
A more thorough explanation of visiting schedule will be given to my Ordo Occultum Astrum once it has been worked out.
This is one of my early Patrion postings. I hope that you appreciate it and find it to be of use and interest to you. Patrion members get the “good, crunchy and delicious stuff” out of MM, daily. This one talks about what happens when we die and how to opt for “pick up” instead of going directly into the Heaven pocket universe.
If there is one thing that is missing in the discussion of extraterrestrials, ET, UFO’s, OOPARTs, extraterrestrial visitation, and MAJestic, it is a reasonable discussion about the surrounding physical universe. No one ever talks about the”local” solar systems that are within a a few tens of light years away. No one ever really questions if there might be some kind of association between our solar system and those other solar systems around us…
An association…
Further, to hammer this point home, no one who discusses extraterrestrials ever does so armed with the knowledge of what a star is, what a planet is, and what a galaxy is. It is almost like these subjects are not taught in American schools any longer.
Much to my great dismay and chagrin.
This post is my introduction to the local physical universe that surrounds our small solar system. Or, more precisely, we will look at the utility of sentience nurseries in our immediate physical location. For reasons, that I will not get involved in at this time, our galactic region has been assigned (or allocated) to be a sentience nursery cluster.
It is not complete, but then, nothing in Metallicman is either…
“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations.
That it behooves us, in case some of these people in the future or now should turn hostile, to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want.
This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubbishing’ by tabloid newspapers.”
– Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defense Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
This is a list of the four nearby sentience nurseries close to Earth. (Our solar system rounds out the group to five in total.)
While no one has ever pointed these particular solar systems out to me directly, there are some very good reasons, and directed cognizant thought, that convinces me that these five are the strongest candidates that I know to exist for the sentience nurseries in this galactic region.
In other words, I know that there are five sentience nurseries, but I have never had them pointed out to me directly. Instead, I have taken what I have been exposed to, added a healthy dose of intelligent extrapolation, and came up with this strong list of candidate solar systems.
I have many other lists of local solar systems. (Of course.)
A vast number of solar systems lie around us.
These other lists are dominated by many dim brown dwarfs and red dwarf solar systems. (Many of which have not yet been discovered.) There are over 50 main groupings of which a number have multiple stars. These systems represent the solar system neighborhood surrounding our system. It is not complete or comprehensive, as researchers are constantly discovering new stars every few months.
It is not an accident that most of the stars in our neighborhood are red dwarfs, and brown dwarfs. This is typical for our galaxy. While it is possible that human habitable planets might exist around any star, the odds of finding one in our neighborhood is small. This is due to the simple fact that any habitable planet around a red or brown dwarf star must be close to it. The closer it is, the greater the chances of tidal lock, and the greater the danger from the dangers of occasional solar activity. This is especially true for (young) flare stars.
Yet, the fact that many of our extraterrestrial allies have eyesight apparently adapted to the infrared spectrum, implies that native life might be best adapted near or around a red dwarf star. But we do not know this as a fact. (I, however, believe that this is the case.)
Thus, an extraterrestrial race might find life around a dim red dwarf more comfortable than around our hotter G class star. (That also implies that there are better than average opportunities for habitable planets around said stars. Thus, perhaps all the concern related to tidal locking might be misplaced…)
Concerning extraterrestrial occupation of a given solar system; While not every system maintains human biologically habitable planets, many possess numerous extraterrestrial habitations and bases. Some support colonies, and a number of them maintain active civilizations on the more habitable planets.
The simple truth is that most space faring extraterrestrials do not need to locate biologically stable planets. Instead, they prefer to select safe and marginal worlds to operate their bases and colonies. This lies in direct opposition to conventional human scientific thought. Where only “Earth-like” planets around “Sun-like” stars hold the “best” possible chance for finding intelligent human-like life.
Conventionally, we believe that the only valuable solar system is one which might contain an Earth-like planet. But finding one that is an Earth analog is relatively rare. Instead of this, most advanced space faring extraterrestrials [1] look for otherwise stable solar systems that they can occupy through the [2] creation of their own self-sustaining facilities. They do not search for worlds identical to which they evolved upon. They [3] search for quiescent and stable worlds instead, and then [4] adapt their biological bodies to that new environment.
If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery
About the other nearby solar systems
Any visiting extraterrestrials to our system has to be familiar with the regions of space surrounding the earth to arrive here. Even if their propulsive method transcends the limitations of distance and time, they still have to know and understand the local physical region of space.
Typically, most visitors (Excluding the Mantids who originate locally, and the type-I greys who hail from a much more distant section of the galaxy.) to our system arrive from points of origin within a 140 light year sphere (This is a fact, and it is not speculation. While other races do visit us from time to time that have traveled larger distances, the vast bulk of visitors to our planet at this time come from locally derived points of origin.). That encompasses a huge volume of space.
We do not know of all the systems in that region as there are many uncategorized red dwarfs and faint brown dwarf systems. But luckily, we have a rather good understanding (It has only been recently that we have been able to detect and map the nearby brown dwarf systems. They are often too dim and too cold to be seen through most optical telescopes.) of the closest stars within a 17 light year sphere.
My personal list contains all known stars and brown dwarfs at a distance of up to 5 parsecs (16.3 light-years) from the Solar System, ordered by (an approximation of) increasing distance away from our system. In addition to our Solar System, there are over 60+ stellar systems currently known lying within this distance.
These combined systems contain a minimum of 56 hydrogen-fusing stars (of which over 50 are red dwarfs), numerous brown dwarfs, and 4 tiny hot white dwarfs. Despite the relative proximity of these objects to the Earth, only nine of them have an apparent magnitude less than 6.5, which means only about 13% of these objects can be observed with the naked eye.
“Spartans do not ask how many are the enemy but where are they.”
–Plutarch, Sayings of the Spartans
Some important notes.
I have never been outside of our solar system (that I am aware of).
What I present here is a compilation of [1] known (human) astronomical information as well as [2] information that I have compiled in conjunction with MAJestic and my work with extraterrestrials. Merging the two sources together provides a comprehensive (but general) understanding of the relative condition of our interstellar neighborhood, abet in an incomplete manner. By studying this information, a true and real perspective can be obtaining regarding our place, as humans, in the local galactic region.
The reader should carefully note that very few solar systems that lie near us are compatible with physical human life.
Yet, we know that numerous nearby systems are inhabited.
There are various reasons for this. The reader should study this post carefully and acquaint themselves with the surrounding physical space. In doing so, there must be an understanding that only a very small amount of our reality is presented to us. The totality sum of our true existence is veiled from us.
The presentation of this information to the reader follows a unique methodology that I prefer.
Instead of following a traditional model, which is either by [1] distance to the sun, or by [2] alphabetical name, or [3] by year of discovery, I have chosen to use my own method. My preferred method of presentation is based upon functional usage and concerns of the reader. Therefore, I have subdivided this chapter into the following sections or sub-groupings.
Nursery Systems
These are systems that are also (like our own) are considered to be nurseries for evolving intelligences.
Young Systems
These systems are very young. They are hot, large and dangerous. While we humans have often been able to observe them, they are incompatible with human-like life.
Similar Systems
These solar systems are similar to our own solar system that lies nearby. Some are already “Nursery Systems” and as such, are covered elsewhere. Typically, this category contains type G, and type K star systems.
Habitable Systems
The long duration, cooler type M red dwarfs are the preferred systems to support intelligent life. Here, I place the various systems for consideration where they were not in another category.
Brown Dwarfs
These are much cooler and dim stars and their tiny and tight systems. They can be very old or very young. Surprisingly, numerous systems contain native life, though none resembling that which we would be comfortable with.
Dangerous Systems
These systems are unique stellar phenomena that lie nearby. They are placed here for the enjoyment of the reader.
And in this post, we will have the complete “data dump” of my personal notes on the five sentience nursery systems (four plus earth).
Nursery Systems
These are systems that are also (like our own) are considered to be nurseries for evolving intelligence.
Information is recounted by memory and from what I “know” though MAJestic implants and EBP entanglement.
Practical information is provided by known literature by those specialists who study the heavens.
The information, thus provided, is a hybrid of what we know and what was “told” to me through entanglement. Belief on it’s accuracy or lack of, is up to the reader to decide.
The solar systems included are;
Alpha Centauri
Barnard’s Star (BD+04°3561a)
LHS 288 (Luyten 143-23)
Gliese 667 (142 G. Scorpii)
A very important note must be made here. This is my compilation of best candidates for this world-line grouping within the MWI. It could be correct, or wildly incorrect. It’s up to you, the reader, to decide.
The Alpha Centauri Solar System
Earth aside, we begin our tour of the local neighborhood with our nearest stellar neighbor; the Alpha Centauri system. This is an important solar system in many ways, and deserves close scrutiny.
The Alpha Centauri system is the closest solar system to our sun.
Viewed from the earth, Alpha Centauri (α Centauri) is the third brightest “star” in the (Southern hemisphere) night sky. It appears (to the naked eye) as a single bright point of light; a single star. But, it is not a single star at all, but rather a triple star system.
This trinary solar system consists of three stars and with them, three separate groups of solar systems. In it two, more or less sun-like stars (A and B), orbit a central point in space. A third star, which is a small red dwarf named Proxima Centauri, orbits (in a wide large outer orbit) the two inner stars.
Americans cannot view this star directly unless they live in the Southern hemisphere.
The relative sizes of the three stars of the Alpha Centauri solar system.
Trinary System
Most importantly for our purposes and considerations, each individual star has its own solar system.
Thus, the Alpha Centauri system is but a grouping of three entire and complete solar systems. Each one with its own set of planets and moons.
Two of the solar systems are just like ours. (Although truncated in size.) They are very similar to our own system up to the range of the outer gas giants. Thus, it is (more or less) reasonable to expect a similar solar system structure to our very own. These two stars are all about the same age, size, color and behavior to our sun. (If slightly cooler, slightly smaller, and slightly more stable.)
This trinary system is located 1.34 parsecs or 4.37 light years from the Sun, making it (indisputably) the closest star system to our Solar System.
We are fortunate to have a trinary star system nearby.
We are also doubly fortunate to have one that has stable stars and behavior.
There is no doubt in my mind that this system is currently occupied by extraterrestrials, though whether or not there are de-facto habitable planets in the system is (officially) unknown at this time. (Of course it must have some habitable planets as it is a stable nursery, but whether or not those planets are habitable to humans is unknown.)
Alpha Centauri A & B
While the two inner stars are similar to our sun in age, size and color, the outer sun is much cooler and much smaller. It is an often an ignored system because it is not as “interesting” as the inner twin stars are. (This all changed with the discovery of a orbiting planet, of earth size, in the habitable zone of Proxima Centuari in 2016.)
In regards to the orbiting planet around Proxima Centuari back in 22016...
Due to its small size, any habitable planet must orbit close to the star. There is a risk of the planet being tidally locked with one side always facing the star, with the other side eternally cold.
In any event, habitable planets in this system would see a gigantic red sun in their sky. It would appear much bigger than we can conceive, perhaps even dominating the vast sky above.
Now, this is according to conventional belief. And we will discuss this matter in greater detail soon...
Here are the orbits of the two “inner” stars. The orbits shown are elliptical reflective of the angle of inclination of the orbital plane of each solar system. (The planetary planes are tilted relative to our earth viewpoint, and thus appear to us as ellipses.) The reader should be aware that in the 3 dimensional word that none of the solar systems, galaxies, and rotational and orbitals bodies are ever in complete organized unity with each other. This presentation shows the orbits in the plane of the two primary stars.
It is reasonable to expect some kind of life in any or all of these systems. Either naturally evolving, or seeded by another race.
I do not know very much about life outside of our solar system, but what I do know that there is an extremely high probability that there is an extraterrestrial presence in this system.
In fact, almost all the stars surrounding us has extraterrestrial life in one form or the other. With most being transplants involved in temporary assignment within rather bleak housing facilities.
Apparent habitable zones for Alpha Centauri A & B. Proxima Centauri is not shown. The dotted circle refers to the orbit of our earth, so obviously our planet would orbit comfortably around either of these two stars.
The reader should note that 1AU = the distance from the Earth to our star; Sol. Thus, the inclusion of this metric in the diagram above clearly helps the reader visualize comparatively how these systems relate to our own solar system.
Since this is a trinary star system, the quantum fields involved are quite complex (compared to a single star system).
Here we refer to "quantum fields" that represent the “spiritually” energized and entangled quantum fields in regards to biological ambulatory organisms with a degree of self-actuation.
Those living and visiting this system will have to be prepared for the complex nature of this quantum field. (Compared to our solar system.) On one aspect, it is interesting, exciting and quite dynamic. On the other hand, there are notable energy potentials that can wreck all kinds of havoc on earth-centric biological processes.
I feel sure that humans can visit the system, but the ability to stay there and thrive will most certainly require the creation of a new biological form that is adapted for the quantum vortexes that exist there (We are quantum being occupying a physical body in a physical universe.).
Both of these solar systems are stable.
The presence of the two stars have stewarded any errant planets and asteroids rendering the physical space clean. This would be very similar to what the larger gas giant planets would do. Even though I (will) spend a considerable amount of time discussing Proxima Centauri, it is actually these two “inner” solar systems that host the best chance for habitable planets and extraterrestrial life.
Make no mistake, there are large “gas giant” type planets that orbit these stars, and they influence the smaller planets to various degrees. Also, from a physical and biological point of view, the trio of suns all have influences on the biological lives that occupy the planets there.
For instance, we know how our own solar system interacts with the biology of humans; sunspots, for instance.
Sunspot activity of our sun influences all kinds of weather and human behaviors. Thus, imagine how the sunspot behaviors of three stars in close proximity might influence the lives present on those orbiting planets.
Proxima Centauri
Proxima Centauri is a tiny star that orbits the two larger inner stars in a wide eliptical orbit. It orbits at a much greater distance away from the two inner stars. So much so, that a diagram including all three is nearly impossible to show all their orbits together. That is because the orbit of Proxima Centauri is many, many, MANY times larger than the orbits of Proxima Centauri A and B.
Red Dwarf Star
It is what is known as a red dwarf star. It has a large orbit that surrounds the two larger stars in the Alpha Centauri solar system. All in all, it lies about 4.24 light-years from the Sun, inside the G-cloud, in the constellation of Centaurus.
A red dwarf is a small and relatively cool star on the main sequence, either late K or M spectral type.
Red dwarfs range in mass from a low of 0.075 solar masses to about 0.50 solar masses, and have a surface temperature of less than 4,000 K.
Red dwarfs are by far the most common type of star in the Milky Way(aside from the much cooler brown dwarfs), at least in the neighborhood of the Sun, but because of their low luminosity, individual red dwarfs cannot easily be observed.
From Earth, not one red dwarf is visible to the naked eye.
Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to the Sun, is a red dwarf (Type M5 to M5.5, apparent magnitude 11.05), as are twenty of the next thirty nearest. According to some estimates, red dwarfs make up three-quarters of the stars in the Milky Way.
Proxima Centauri is classified as a red dwarf is of spectral class M5.5. It is further classified as a “late M-dwarf star”, meaning that at M5.5, it falls to the low-mass extreme of M-type stars. Its diameter is about one-seventh of that of the Sun. Proxima Centauri’s mass is about an eighth of the Sun’s,but its average density is about 40 times that of the Sun.
In astronomy, stellar classification is the classification of stars based on their spectral characteristics.
Light from the star is analyzed by splitting it with a prism or diffraction grating into a spectrum exhibiting the rainbow of colors interspersed with absorption lines. Most stars are currently classified under the Morgan–Keenan (MKK) system using the letters O, B, A, F, G, K, M, L, T and Y, a sequence from the hottest (O type) to the coolest (Y type).
The types R and N are carbon-based stars, and the type S is zirconium-monoxide-based stars.
Each letter class is then subdivided using a numeric digit with 0 being hottest and 9 being coolest (e.g. A8, A9, F0, F1 form a sequence from hotter to cooler).
In the MKK system a luminosity class is added to the spectral class using Roman numerals. This is based on the width of certain absorption lines in the star's spectrum which vary with the density of the atmosphere and so distinguish giant stars from dwarfs.
Luminosity class 0 stars for hyper-giants, class I stars for super-giants, class II for bright giants, class III for regular giants, class IV for sub-giants, class V for main-sequence stars, class VI for sub-dwarfs, class VII for white dwarfs, and class VIII for brown dwarfs.
The full spectral class for the Sun is then G2V, indicating a main-sequence star with a temperature around 5,800K.
Although it has a very low average luminosity, Proxima is a flare star that undergoes random dramatic increases in brightness because of magnetic activity. The star’s magnetic field is created by convection throughout the stellar body, and the resulting flare activity generates a total X-ray emission similar to that produced by (our) Sun.
Flare Stars;
This is a reasonability common attribute associated with brown dwarf stars. They tend to change in brightness over time.
Part of this might be due to sun spots of enormous size, flares that vary in intensity and size, variations in the stellar gravitational field that periodically readjusts, or to other issues too numerous to address here.
I personally like to believe that some “flare stars”, especially the regular and periodic ones, are misidentified as a flare star. Instead they are simply a brown dwarf that has a nearby companion planet or body that causes the brightness to vary from time to time.
Its total luminosity over all wavelengths is 0.17% that of the Sun, although when observed in the wavelengths of visible light the eye is most sensitive to, it is only 0.0056% as luminous as the Sun. This means that if an astronaut were to orbit the star, he would have a very difficult time seeing it. It would appear as a very dim, and very dark, blood-red disc in the dark sky.
Likewise, any planet orbiting a red dwarf would be dimly lit. At least that is how it would appear from human eyes. But human eyes were developed or evolved for the energetic G3 star that we call our sun.
In the case of Proxima Centauri, more than 85% of its radiated power is at infrared wavelengths. To our human eyes, it is difficult to see, and any habitable planet orbiting it would appear very dim, even being so close to the star.
However, were a race to have eyesight that could see in the infrared range, the light would be quite bright. In fact, as bright as our own sun as viewed from a more distant point such as from Neptune.
A species that has evolved around a red dwarf would be able to see in the infrared range of light, and to them, the planet would be well lit and vibrant, with skies that would be extra dark. Much like this. They would be able to see things that we just simply cannot.
Flare Outbursts
According to the The TV documentary “Alien Worlds”, Proxima Centauri’s flare outbursts could be problematic.
Solar flares are tremendous explosions on the surface of the Sun. In a matter of just a few minutes they heat material to many millions of degrees and release as much energy as a billion megatons of TNT. They occur near sunspots, usually along the dividing line (neutral line) between areas of oppositely directed magnetic fields.
Flares release energy in many forms – electro-magnetic (Gamma rays and X-rays), energetic particles (protons and electrons), and mass flows. Flares are characterized by their brightness in X-rays (X-Ray flux).
The biggest flares are X-Class flares.
M-Class flares have a tenth the energy.
C-Class flares have a tenth of the X-ray flux seen in M-Class flares.
Indeed, it could erode the atmosphere of any planet in its habitable zone, but the documentary’s scientists thought that this obstacle could be overcome. Gibor Basri of the University of California, Berkeley, even mentioned that “no one [has] found any showstoppers to habitability.”
" For example, one concern was that the torrents of charged particles from the star's flares could strip the atmosphere off any nearby planet. However, if the planet had a strong magnetic field, the field would deflect the particles from the atmosphere; even the slow rotation of a tidally locked dwarf planet that spins once for every time it orbits its star would be enough to generate a magnetic field, as long as part of the planet's interior remained molten.”
Other scientists, especially proponents of the “Rare Earth hypothesis”, disagree that red dwarfs can sustain life. (Of course they do. They believe that there is only ONE earth-like planet in the universe!)
These individuals strongly argue that the earth and the conditions for life on any planet similar to Earth is extremely rare, and that the chance of finding an Earth-like planet in our galaxy (of billions of solar systems) is impossibly unlikely.
Thus their belief structure has been coined as the “Rare Earth hypothesis”.
Their contention is that the tide-locked rotation may result in a relatively weak planetary magnetic moment, leading to strong atmospheric erosion by coronal mass ejections from Proxima Centauri.
All this being stated; the truth is that Earth scientists do not know whether any habitable planets can exist around a red dwarf of this nature. I do not know either.
I personally believe that the stellar nursery for evolving intelligence’s is around one or both of the two inner stars. Not so much around Proxima Centauri. But that is only my opinion.
Discovered World around Proxima Centauri – 2016
An anonymous source from the ESO told German publication Der Spiegel the discovery is the closest habitable planet to Earth, orbits Proxima Centauri. The sources leaked news that the European Southern Observatory (ESO) had spotted an alien world orbiting Proxima Centauri. This was later confirmed by an Guardian article that stated that a planet was indeed found. 25AUG16.
Proxima Centauri b.
Thought to be at least 1.3 times the mass of the Earth, the planet lies within the so-called “habitable zone” of the star Proxima Centauri, meaning that liquid water could potentially exist on the newly discovered world. Named Proxima b, the new planet has sparked a flurry of excitement among astrophysicists, with the tantalizing possibility that it might be similar in crucial respects to Earth.
“There is a reasonable expectation that this planet might be able to host life, yes,”
-Guillem Anglada-Escudé, co-author of the research from Queen Mary, University of London.
Taking 11.2 days to travel around Proxima Centauri, the planet orbits at just 5% of the distance separating the Earth and the sun. But, researchers say, the planet is still within the habitable zone of its star because Proxima Centauri is a type of red dwarf known as an M dwarf – a smaller, cooler, dimmer type of star than our yellow dwarf sun.
Planetary Evolution of Proxima b
While Proxima b is today in the so-called “habitable zone” of its star, where surface oceans may exist, it has not always been the case. Its star has evolved differently from solar-type stars, and its brightness has decreased over time. Early in its history, the planet received a much greater flux of energy.
The planet we see today has changed much during it’s evolution.
Two scenarios for the early evolution of Proxima b. It could have lost all gases and liquids before it entered the habitable zone of its star. Or it could have kept water and an atmosphere until today and thus be habitable.
During the early “hot phase”, when the star was young and planets were newly formed, water was vaporized into a thick atmosphere exposed to high-energy radiation from its star. Proxima, like most red dwarfs, is very active and the planet is exposed to more X-ray and extreme-UV radiation than Earth. The combination of these two factors, vaporization of the water and strong exposure to high-energy radiation and particles, generates evaporation from the atmosphere to space and erosion of the water content.
What we need to do is characterize the radiation spectrum of the star in the range from X-rays to the UV in order to estimate the atmospheric losses over time.
That will enable us to determine whether the water reservoir and the atmosphere could survive this early “hot phase” of this planet’s formation. The current fate of Proxima b depends on the amount of water and gas the planet inherited during its formation, which was very different from that of the Earth.
We do not know if b Proxima began its history with more or less water than Earth and the planet could still possess a thick atmosphere and oceans despite early atmospheric losses.
Possible climates of Proxima b
Scientists have exploring a broad variety of atmospheric compositions and water inventories possible under different scenarios for this planet. To achieve this theoretical exploration, the scientists used a 3D climate model similar to those used to study the Earth’s climate but especially developed for exoplanets and including all the relevant characteristics of the Proxima system.
At the short orbital distance of Proxima b, strong tidal forces exerted by the star allow only two possible rotations for the planet.
In the first case the planet is synchronous, its rotation period is equal to its orbital period (11.2 days) and it always presents the same face to its star.
In the second case the planet rotates 3 times every 2 orbits (3:2 spin-orbit resonance, like Mercury), a situation that can arise if the orbit is slightly eccentric (which is possible but not yet determined).
In all cases, Proxima b should not have seasons because tidal forces cancel the obliquity, bringing the equator on the planet’s orbital plane. Numerical simulations show that liquid water is possible for a wide range of atmospheric compositions. Depending on the rotation period and the amount of greenhouse gases, water may be present over the surface of the planet only in the sunniest regions: that is to say in the area facing permanently the star in the synchronous case and in a tropical belt in the asynchronous case.
Proxima b synchronous rotation model (GIF)).
A numerical simulation of possible surface temperatures on Proxima b performed with the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique’s Planetary Global Climate Model. Here it is hypothesized that the planet possesses an Earth-like atmosphere and that it is covered by an ocean (the dashed line is the frontier between the liquid and icy oceanic surface). The planet is in synchronous rotation (like the moon around the Earth), and is seen as a distant observer would do during one full orbit.
Same as above but for the case of the planet trapped in the 3:2 resonance (3 rotations of the planet for every revolution around the star).
Note that subsurface (underground) liquid water can also provide habitable conditions (similar to Jupiter’s moon Europa in the Solar System). However, such biosphere would not allow for remote detection from Earth. If liquid water is present at the surface, biological photosynthesis is possible and its affects the entire planetary environment so that it can potentially be observable from interstellar distances.
Proxima b asynchronous rotation model (GIF).Synchronous Rotation ModelNon-synchronous Rotation model
Seeing the planet
It is possible that soon, certain telescopes could actually see this planet.
In particular the 39-m ESO E-ELT whose construction just began in Chile. This large telescope will actually “see” the world by separating it from its star, something that is feasible today only for some newly formed gas giant planets.
These observations will tell us whether Proxima b has water, an atmosphere and a habitable climate. And, maybe, just maybe… with proper software and tweaking, we might even be able to discern clouds and land terrain as well.
A tentative step to explore potential climate of Proxima b
Published in leading scientific journal, Astronomy & Astrophyics, on Tuesday, May 16th 2017, a group of scientists explored the potential climate of the planet, towards the longer term goal of revealing whether it has the potential to support life.
Using the state-of-the-art Met Office Unified Model, which has been successfully used to study the Earth’s climate for several decades, the team simulated the climate of Proxima B if it were to have a similar atmospheric composition to our own Earth.
The team also explored a much simpler atmosphere, comprising of nitrogen with traces of carbon dioxide, as well as variations of the planets orbit. This allowed them to both compare with, and extend beyond, previous studies.
Crucially, the results of the simulations showed that Proxima B could have the potential to be habitable, and could exist in a remarkably stable climate regime. However, of course this comes with a statement that the study is preliminary and based on what little data we now have. They argue, correctly I must add, that much more work must be done to truly understand whether this planet can support, or indeed does support life of some form.
Dr Ian Boutle, lead author of the paper explained:
"Our research team looked at a number of different scenarios for the planet's likely orbital configuration using a set of simulations. As well as examining how the climate would behave if the planet was 'tidally-locked' (where one day is the same length as one year), we also looked at how an orbit similar to Mercury, which rotates three times on its axis for every two orbits around the sun (a 3:2 resonance), would affect the environment."
-"Exploring the climate of Proxima B with the Met Office Unified Model" by Ian Boutle, Nathan Mayne, Benjamin Drummond, James Manners, Jayesh Goyal, Hugo lambert, David Acreman and Paul Earnshaw is published in Astronomy & Astrophyics.
Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2017-05-scientists-tentative-explore-potential-climate.html#jCp
Dr James Manners, also an author on the paper added:
"One of the main features that distinguishes this planet from Earth is that the light from its star is mostly in the near infra-red. These frequencies of light interact much more strongly with water vapour and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which affects the climate that emerges in our model."
Using the Met Office software, the Unified Model, the team found that both the tidally-locked and 3:2 resonance configurations result in regions of the planet able to host liquid water. However, the 3:2 resonance example resulted in more substantial areas of the planet falling within this temperature range. Additionally, they found that the expectation of an eccentric orbit, could lead to a further increase in the “habitability” of this world.
Dr Nathan Mayne, scientific lead on exoplanet modelling at the University of Exeter and an author on the paper added:
"With the project we have at Exeter we are trying to not only understand the somewhat bewildering diversity of exoplanets being discovered, but also exploit this to hopefully improve our understanding of how our own climate has and will evolve."
A Hypothesized World around Proxima Centauri
The TV documentary “Alien Worlds” hypothesized that a life-sustaining planet could (possibly) exist in orbit around Proxima Centauri or other (similar)red dwarfs stars. The validity of this documentary is in question, but I present it for the reader to come to their own conclusions.
By calculation, such a planet would lie within the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri, about 0.023–0.054 AU from the star[A], and would have an orbital period[B] of 3.6–14 days.
[A] The Earth is 1 A.U. from our sun. Thus any habitable planet around this tiny red dwarf would most certainly lie very close to the star. This is quite different from the two other central stars in the system.
[B] This is the length of the planet’s year. Our earths orbital period is 364 days.
Obviously, a planet orbiting within this zone will experience tidal locking to the star, so that Proxima Centauri moves little in the planet’s sky, and most of the surface experiences either day or night perpetually. However, we do not know how this effect would be mitigated through the presence of an atmosphere.
In fact, the presence of an atmosphere could serve to redistribute the energy from the star-lit side to the far side of the planet. Which is, you should know, my opinion on this matter.
Possibility of Humanoid Habitability
There’s been lots of speculation about the little world known as Proxima Centauri b since astronomers announced its discovery.
With a minimum mass of 1.3 Earths, the exoplanet orbits its star at roughly one-tenth the distance that Mercury loops the Sun. Yet because Proxima Centauri is a red M dwarf — the runts of the stellar litter — this total lack of personal space puts the world in the star’s putative habitable zone, the region where, given an Earth-like atmosphere and rocky composition, there’s the right amount of incoming starlight to sustain liquid surface water.
The Basics
What qualifies an extrasolar planet as being earth-like and hence a possible haven for life?
First, a planet must orbit in a star’s habitable zone. The habitable zone is the narrow region around a star in which the possibility of liquid water, thought essential for life, can exist. If a planet orbits its star closer than the habitable zone, the planet’s surface likely is too hot for liquid water to exist. If the planet orbits farther away, the planet’s surface probably will be too cold for liquid water. The distance of the habitable zone from a particular star depends upon the star’s temperature and brightness.
Second. While being in the habitable zone is a necessary condition for life, it is not a sufficient condition. A planet also must have the proper kind of atmosphere. Planets that are too small lack gravity to hold on to much of an atmosphere. This is the situation of Mercury, Mars, and the earth’s moon.
Without a significant atmosphere to provide pressure that can contain water, liquid water cannot exist. But if a planet is too large, its much greater gravity tends to hold onto the wrong kind of atmosphere. This is the situation of Jupiter and the other three Jupiter-like planets in the solar system.
What constitutes a wrong atmosphere? There are several ways that an atmosphere can go awry.
Some gases are directly hostile to life. If they are in abundance, polyatomic gases can be harmful indirectly. Polyatomic gases have three or more atoms in their molecules. Polyatomic gases block infrared (IR) radiation.
IR radiation sometimes is called heat radiation, because many objects cool by emitting IR radiation. For instance, at night the ground emits IR radiation to lose heat that it absorbed from the sun during the day. Polyatomic gases block IR radiation, preventing this cooling. This is similar to how a greenhouse holds in heat, so polyatomic gases sometimes are called greenhouse gases in this context.
Water vapor is the most significant greenhouse gas in the earth’s atmosphere. That is why the temperature remains warm on humid nights, but the temperature can plunge during nights when the humidity is low.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is another greenhouse gas that can hold in heat. This is the basis for concern about “global warming and climate change” due to increased output of CO2 by human sources since the industrial revolution.
The planet Venus has an atmosphere that is much denser than the earth’s atmosphere, and its atmosphere is dominated by CO2. This results in an extremely hot surface temperature on Venus. Clearly, a planet similar to Venus is hostile to life.
Contrast this to earth’s atmosphere that is dominated by diatomic gases, gases having two atoms per molecule.
The major component (78%) of earth’s atmosphere is nitrogen (N2). This gas is inert, merely providing bulk to the atmosphere. Much of the remainder of the earth’s atmosphere (21%) is oxygen (O2), the substance that is essential for human and animal life.
Greenhouse gases make up far less than 1% of the earth’s atmosphere. This small amount of greenhouse gases is ideal in that it holds in some, but not all, heat at night.
This provides a modestly warm, but not hot, atmosphere. Astrobiologists, scientists who study the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe, recognize the ideal nature of the earth’s atmosphere. They reckon that the best hope for finding life elsewhere is on a planet with an atmosphere similar to earth’s atmosphere.
Third. If a planet orbits in the habitable zone of a star, but is too small to have any significant atmosphere, it is deemed non-earth-like. On the other hand, if a planet orbiting in the habitable zone of a star is too massive, it almost certainly will have an atmosphere similar to Jupiter or perhaps even Venus, and it too is deemed non-earth-like.
How does the new exoplanet Proxima Centauri b stack up?
Fourth. As previously mentioned, it orbits in Proxima Centauri’s habitable zone. However, the star Proxima Centauri is much smaller, less massive, and cooler than the sun. Hence, its habitable zone is much smaller than the sun’s habitable zone.
Proxima Centauri b orbits just 1/20 the earth’s distance from the sun.
Rather than orbiting once each 365 days as the earth does, Proxima Centauri b’s orbital period is a mere 11.2 days.
The minimum mass of the planet is 1.3 times that of the earth. Since this is a minimum mass, the actual mass could be greater. This mass range almost assures that Proxima Centauri b has an atmosphere.
If Proxima Centauri b’s mass is close to the minimum mass, then there is some chance that its atmosphere may have the properties similar to earth’s atmosphere, but this is not guaranteed.
Fifth. But even if Proxima Centauri b has an atmosphere with composition similar to earth’s atmosphere, there are other problems. Orbiting so closely to its star, Proxima Centauri b is expected to experience tidal locking so that it rotates synchronously. That is, the planet probably orbits with one side facing Proxima Centauri. The side of the planet that always faces the star is probably far too hot for living things, while the side that is perpetually in darkness is likely too cold. Only in a ring near where the star is always up but not too high above the horizon could there be conditions suitable for life.
Sixth. Depending on how planetary magnetic fields are generated, tidal locking might have dampened any nascent magnetic field that Proxima Centauri b had. This is significant, because red dwarfs like Proxima Centauri are prone to harmful radiation. The earth’s magnetic field protects the earth’s atmosphere from the flow of charged particles from the sun (the solar wind).
Without this protection, charged particles from the sun would eventually strip earth of its atmosphere. The amount of the solar wind is directly related to the strength of the sun’s magnetic field.
For instance, flares and coronal mass ejections (both related to the sun’s magnetic field) greatly increase the solar wind. Presumably, a star’s wind is related to its magnetic field too. Proxima Centauri’s magnetic field is hundreds of times stronger than the sun’s magnetic field, suggesting that its stellar wind is far greater than the solar wind. Red dwarfs, such as Proxima Centauri b, are prone to flares and probably experience coronal mass ejections greater than the sun does.
Seventh. Furthermore, being only 1/20 as far from its star, for a given level of stellar wind, Proxima Centauri b would experience 400 times as much damage as the earth does. Therefore, even with some protection of stripping by stellar wind from any magnetic field that it might have, Proxima Centauri b probably cannot protect its atmosphere.
In conclusion, this justification for the “lonely uniqueness of earth” hypothsis states…
So even if Proxima Centauri b initially had an atmosphere, it probably lost it. Without an atmosphere, life if not possible. Finally, the increased level of activity of the star Proxima Centauri and Proxima Centauri b’s close proximity to it likely causes the planet to experience far higher levels of ultraviolet and X-ray fluxes than the earth does. These radiations are harmful to life.
Edward Guinan (Villanova University) Opinion
Before they become full-fledged, hydrogen-fusing stars, the smallest red dwarfs spend a few hundred million years contracting. During this stage, they’re much brighter than they will be during their adult years, by roughly a factor of 50, said Edward Guinan (Villanova University) during a session on January 4th. Furthermore, young M stars shoot out gads of X-ray and ultraviolet radiation — roughly 100 times as much in X-ray and 10 to 20 times as much in UV as those dwarfs as old as the Sun.
Adding insult to injury, these young stars unleash dangerous flares, and if an orbiting world has a weak or nonexistent global magnetic field, the star’s winds could tear the atmosphere off the planet. “If you have a weak magnetic field, you’re done for,” Guinan said. “There’s really no way to survive.”
All these factors put together mean that, in Proxima Centauri’s earliest days, its habitable zone was farther out than it is now. If the exoplanet formed where it currently resides (in the modern habitable zone), then the world “underwent a living hell in its early 300 to 400 million years,” Guinan said.
For the past decade, Guinan and his team have been pursuing a project called Living with a Red Dwarf. They’re amassing data on all the small, cool M dwarfs within about 30 light-years of Earth, trying to understand their rotation rates, starspottiness, ages, and more. Given what they’ve learned from that work, Proxima Centauri b is most likely a desert world in their opinion.
Victoria Meadows (University of Washington) Opinion
Victoria Meadows (University of Washington), who presented in the same session, has come to the same conclusion. She and her colleagues considered different potential atmospheres and ran simulations to determine how the exoplanet might look today, about 5 billion years after its formation. They determined that, if there were surface water, the incoming radiation likely would have evaporated most or all of it. And since water is made of oxygen and hydrogen, and hydrogen is more easily yanked from a planet’s gravitational grasp, the process could have built up a large, oxygen-rich atmosphere. A carbon dioxide–rich, Venus-like atmosphere is another possibility.
University of Göttingen in Germany
Proxima b is also pretty darn close to its star. Where Earth is 93 million miles from the sun on average, Proxmia b and its star are just 4 million miles apart—5 percent as far. Because red dwarfs are so much cooler than our Sun, the planet can be this close without getting charred to a crisp.
Yet this proximity could cause two problems. First, Proxima b is likely to be tidally locked, meaning the same face of the planet always faces the star. It’s like the way the same side of the moon always faces the Earth[iii]. (However, a thick enough atmosphere could keep the world twirling.) Second, depending on how and when Proxima b was formed, early blasts of stellar radiation could have blown away much or most of Proxima b’s hypothetical atmosphere.
That said, Tidally locked planets were once regarded as inhospitable to life — baked too hot on the star-facing side, and freezing cold on the dark side. But recent research suggests that such worlds may indeed be habitable; winds in their atmospheres could distribute heat, smoothing out temperature extremes.
"none of this excludes the possibility of an atmosphere and water, it all depends on the history of the stellar system,"
Marseille Astrophysics Laboratory
The entire surface of Proxima b — the possibly Earth-like planet orbiting the closest star to the sun, Proxima Centauri — may be covered in a liquid ocean, according to a new study.
While there is still much to learn about the solar system’s newfound neighbor, previous research found that Proxima b has two key features in common with Earth: it orbits within the habitable zone of its star — meaning it could have the right surface temperature to allow for the presence of liquid water— and it has a mass 1.3 times that of Earth.
Using this information, a team led by researchers at the Marseille Astrophysics Laboratory in France, developed different models to help discover what the conditions might be like on the rocky exoplanet, according to a statement from NASA. [Proxima b: Closest Earth-Like Planet Discovery in Pictures]
The new findings suggest Proxima b could have a large liquid ocean covering its entire surface and stretching 124 miles (200 kilometers) deep, as well as a thin gas atmosphere much like that found on Earth. These features favor the planet’s potential for supporting life, according to the statement.
Scientists have proposed different ideas about Proxima b’s composition and surface conditions, and the new models provide more information that could help inform those ideas, NASA officials said in the statement. Some of those ideas…
"involve a completely dry planet, while others permit the presence of a significant amount of water in its composition,"
Using the planet’s known mass (1.3 times that of Earth), the authors of the new research simulated different potential compositions for Proxima b and then estimated the radius of the planet for each of those scenarios. The study revealed that Proxima b could have a radius anywhere between 0.94 and 1.4 times that of Earth, according to the NASA statement.
For one of the potential composition models, the researchers found Proxima b may be an “ocean planet” similar to some of the icy moons around Jupiter and Saturn that harbor subsurface oceans. In this water-world scenario, the planet would have a radius of 5,543 miles (8,920 km), which is 1.4 times the radius of Earth. It would be composed of about 50 percent rock and 50 percent water. The pressure beneath this massive, deep ocean would be so strong that a layer of high-pressure ice would form, according to the NASA statement.
Another model developed in the study suggests Proxima b would have an internal composition similar to the planet Mercury, with a minimum radius of 3,722 miles (5,990 km), or 0.94 times the radius of the Earth. In this scenario, the planet would be incredibly dense, with a metal core accounting for 65 percent of the planet’s mass. The rest of the planet would be composed of a rocky silicate mantle, and liquid water oceans accounting for less than 0.05 percent of the planet’s mass (similar to that seen on Earth), according to the statement.
However, ultraviolet and X-rays from Proxima Centauri could leave the water on Proxima b prone to evaporation. To account for this, the researchers also calculated the radius of Proxima b with a completely dry composition.
“Future observations of Proxima Centauri will refine this study,” NASA officials said in the statement. In particular, by measuring the abundance of certain heavy elements in the star system, scientists can further deduce the planet’s likely composition, and its radius. The study findings will be published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Alternative viewpoints
Alternatively, Proxima Centauri b might indeed be habitable if it started out with a protective, hydrogen-rich envelope, or if it formed farther from the star — and thus farther from the deadly radiation — and then migrated to its current, close position. Forming farther out would also be good for its chances for water, because ices are more prevalent in the outer reaches of planet-forming disks: the little world might then have had a repository of ice that, when it scooted in closer to the M dwarf, melted into seas.
Assuming it’s rocky, that is: astronomers only have a minimum mass for the exoplanet. It could instead be like Uranus and Neptune.
Reports of Extraterrestrial Life
You will often find all sorts of reports regarding life around the more commonly known stars. This Alpha Centauri system is one of the most commonly bantered about names. Most of which that is stated is complete nonsense. Nothing in the base library, that I remember, repeated anything that verified or confirmed any of the reports that you come across on the Internet. But that doesn’t mean anything, either.
Herein, I provide some testimonials that I have gathered for your own personal investigations. I neither support them, nor disparage them too obliquely. I place them here for the enjoyment of the reader. It is not an exhaustive nor a complete listing.
Alex Collier
Alex Collier claims the Alpha Centaurians are one of the races visiting the Earth. Though which star (never specified as A, B, or Proxima) their home world surrounds is never discussed. This is a serious omission and indicates the true extent of the report.
Elizabeth Klarer
An interesting testimony supporting the presence of the Alpha Centaurians is Elizabeth Klarer. She had high level responsibilities within the British military to monitor UFO reports. Apparently she was contacted by the Alpha Centaurians and eventually taken to Alpha Centauri for a few months to have a child fathered by the Alpha Centaurian, Akon. (!) That’s a pretty large responsibility!
“(The Alpha Centaurians) …are from the one civilization… of seven planets. But they are preparing other planets for human habitation in the system of Vega. Vega is a young blue-white waxing star.”
-Elizabeth Klarer
Her testimony is quite interesting, but I do doubt every single word of it. If the inhabitants of Alpha Centauri really wanted to emigrate to another planet, they would naturally choose one that was similar to their own environment, and closer to them. Vega does not, in the least, fit this baseline criteria. Anyways, what do I really know? She might be telling the truth, though I really do doubt it.
Read more;
“The ship is created in space from pure light energy into substance, and it takes naturally the celestial form. They then bring her to the surface of the planet and construct the interior. But the whole skin of the ship is created in space in order that this atomic structure of the skin of the ship is conducive to energizing. That’s how you get the power and the different colors.”
-Elizabeth Klarer on how their spacecraft are manufactured.
Read more;
“They are human but taller, better looking, more considerate and gentle; not aggressive and violent. They dress and eat more simply and are still young at an age of 2000 years of Earth time. Their star is not so violent. Our sun is a variable and produces rather harsh radiation which affects the skin, ages one, and can be dangerous. They wear simpler and less clothing made out of silk. Silk is beautiful and comfortable next to the skin. Everything is free and you can pick out your own clothes at a silk farm. There is an abundance of everything. No money or barter system is necessary.”
-Elizabeth Klarer on what they look like and their society
Read more;
“It is similar in size to Earth, a little larger, covered with vast seas, and the lands are islands, not continents. Climate is beautiful, under control, and in fact, is really a utopia. They have everything they want. They are not only thousands of years ahead technologically from us, but are also spiritually very advanced.”
-Elizabeth Klarer on their “home” planet (yet she states elsewhere that they have seven planets that they occupy).
Read more;
“There are no politics, law, or the monetary system. Medicine is a scientific activity and not required for health since they are all in perfect health. Their way of thinking is quite different from what most people over here would understand. They are a loving, gentle and constructive people. Everyone industriously does their work which they like doing most. There is no need for law; there is no crime or police. Everyone is free and has a code of ethics. They constantly create beauty around them and in general there is complete harmony. Their homes are lovely. You can see from the inside out; the material is transparent one way. Regarding pets, they love their birds, in particular, and there is telepathic communication with them. Predatory animals are kept on a different planet.”
-Elizabeth Klarer on their society.
Sorry. I do not believe any of this.
Unknown woman under hypnosis in 1957
The alleged entity spoke through a woman being examined under hypnosis by a team of California psychologists. The entity claimed that he was an extraterrestrial being from a planet in the Alpha Centauri star system.
The details of the entity’s self-description given during interview sessions lasting seven years — beginning form 1957 — were revealed in a book titled Hands: The True Account. A Hypnotic Subject Reports on Outer Space, published in 1976 by California psychologists Margaret Williams and Lee Gladden.
Hands claimed to be a huge extraterrestrial being with dome-shaped body and eight hands — hence the name “Hands.” He also revealed the existence of another alien race, the Cenos aliens, from a planet orbiting Proxima Centuari.
The Cenos aliens, according to Hands, were 8-8.5 feet tall humanoid beings with multiple hearts. They were five times stronger than normal humans, according to Hands. Cenos aliens have no need for sleep, suffer no diseases and have a life span of about 120 years. They have elongated skulls, big hands, and skins with huge pores. Alien folklore also describes them as spacefaring beings that wear grey spacesuits and helmets. They travel in spaceships that look like a “spinning tape recorder.”
Al Bielek
An alleged former employee of the covert Montauk and Philadelphia projects, Al Bielek, discussed a number of extraterrestrials including the Alpha Centaurians. Bielek’s testimony is perhaps one of the most bizarre and controversial cases in UFO research.
“There are shuttles regularly from this planet to Alpha Centauri 4 which by agreement is a safe haven for people wanted by the U.S. Government. There’s a treaty. It takes about 12 hours to get them. “
-Al Bielek
For the record, in comment to the quote above; there is no “Alpha Centauri 4”. This is a trinary system.
The solar system consists of three individual solar systems.
As far as I know, there are no planets in orbit around all three stars at once. (That would be one very large orbit!) If there were, it would be in the surrounding oort cloud, and would be a very, very cold place.
On the other hand, perhaps this individual is telling the truth but is completely ignorant of the physics of space. That too is a possibility. But that being said, I highly doubt that he was ever a member of MAJestic. We are all compartmentalized. We get one posting; one specialty; one task. I had the drone entanglement at the Martian facility. That was it.
Yet, this individual claims multiple tasking; “Montauk” and “Philadelphia project” (plus numerous other revelations…). I just do not believe it. Not at all.
Even if he was in a high level management position, he would not at all discuss the matters like he does. That is simply because how you discuss events relative to MAJestic is government by your specialty.
A management level personage relates “high level” events in grand terms, with an omission toward specific details.
A lower level person can relate great details but without the framework of relevance and significance.
Nursery for evolving intelligence’s
This Alpha Centari system is like our solar system in that it is also a [1] nursery for evolving intelligence’s. It is also [2] under galactic federation jurisdiction and [3] under the supervision of the Mantids, with [4] assistance from the Type-I grey extraterrestrials.
This is not just conjecture on my part, but was <redacted> by <redacted> on more than one instance. The details on the extent of all of this participation is unknown. This implies and mandates a stable habitable planet that could sustain such life forms. Somehow I believe that some of the other evolving intelligences in our nearby region have visited us as part of their outward growth experiences. But who they are and what they look like is beyond my experience.
For whatever reason, I have a “feeling” that the nursery contains life forms that are ahead of humans technologically. I cannot explain WHY I have this feeling. It is probably bullshit.
Barnard’s Star (BD+04°3561a)
The next closest (nursery system) star to our solar system is Barnard’s Star.
Aside from it’s unique name, this star and it’s associate solar system isn’t really all that special. Barnard’s Star is a very low-mass red dwarf star about six light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Ophiuchus.
It is a stable red dwarf of the dim spectral type M4, and it is too faint to see without a telescope.
It is very ancient and is around 12 billion years of age. It is almost the same age as the universe! Therefore Barnard’s Star is considerably older than the Sun. This great age is indicated by its rotational speed, among other things. It has a rotational period of once in 130 days which is more than five times that of our sun.
Unlike Sol, Barnard's appears to be an old star that formed before the galaxy became much enriched with heavy elements (Monet et al, 1992, page 655).
Its high space motion and sub-Solar metallicity suggests that the star is an intermediate Population II star," somewhere between a Halo and a disk star (Kürster et al, 2003; and John E. Gizis, 1997).
Moreover, its low x-ray luminosity and presumed rotation period of 130.4 days also indicate that it is an old, inactive red dwarf.
While the star may be as much as 11 or 12 billion years old (Ken Croswell, 2005).
Barnard’s star is close to our solar system.
Solar System
This star has a solar system, though there is a great deal of debate as to what it is. There are various claims of orbiting gas giants and other such planets. Specifically what planets orbit it and what they might look like is all speculative at the time of this writing. Given its immense age it is relatively stable, though it has had large solar flares from time to time.
We can assume that given it’s age that the amount of gas and dust in the system is kept at a minimum. We can also assume that the number of asteroids and comets have stabilized into a primarily stable orbital patterns.
Most low mass red dwarfs maintain a small and tight solar system. Some might contain nothing but small planetoids, while others might contain large gas giants. There is no way to predict what kind of solar system orbits this sun given our current technology level. We just do not know.
Habitable Zone
In order to be warmed sufficiently have liquid water at the surface, an Earth-type rocky planet would have to be located very close to such a cool and dim red dwarf star like Barnard’s. This would be at around 0.034 to 0.082 AU. This is not at all the Earth-Sun distance. Instead it is more like being inside the orbit of Mercury. At such close distances, such a planet can easily become tidally locked — with one side in perpetual day — and race around the star in 5.75 to 21.5 (or three weeks).
According to one type of the model calculations performed for the NASA Star and Exoplanet Database, the inner edge of Barnard’s habitable zone should be located a little further out from the star, at around 0.056 AU from the star, and the outer edge would lie at around 0.109 AUs. But the distinction of variance from what is considered to be the habitable zone is trivial. Therefore, for our purposes, we must assume that an Earth-like or even marginally earth-like planet would by necessity, orbit close to the star.
Some astronomers have suggested that any rocky planets that formed around Barnard’s are likely to be sparse in the heavier elements of the atomic table, and that there may be a greater probability of gas giants made mostly of hydrogen and helium in cold, outer orbits.
All of this however is pure conjecture and speculation.
No human knows which planets exist around this star in this solar system. One can only surmise that there would be a handful of rocky planets, many moons and minor planetoids and the potential for one or two gas giants.
Between 2000 and March 2006, a team of astronomers engaged in several years of high-precision radial velocity observations of Barnard’s star that set even stricter limits on any large planets in circular orbits around this small star. Within 1.8 AUs around Barnard’s star, the data up through 2005 appear to exclude planets with minimum masses greater than five (4.9) Earth-masses and a true mass greater than Uranus’. In addition, a cold debris or dust disk has not been detected (Lestrade et al, 2010; and Gautier et al, 2007.).
Quantum Envelope
This solar system has one of the most elaborate and complex quantum signatures in our neighborhood.
This is indicative of the great age of the system and the presence of non-corporal intelligence(s) and their works. This is because <redacted> and that when the <redacted>.
In fact, when many humans die, their spirit or quantum envelope passes through regions (density levels or layers) that are entangled with the quantum spheres that are associated with this physical region. You can test this yourself by <redacted>, and then you simply record <redacted>.
The quantum world around this physical region is very, very energetic.
Extraterrestrial Presence
Like all stars in our solar neighborhood, this star has had other extraterrestrials create bases and colonies around and in it. Because it is so old, there is most certainly the strong possibility of extensive extraterrestrial “ruins” and abandoned facilities in this system. Any planets around it may or may not be habitable at this time.
What I do absolutely know is that there is an elaborate and extensive quantum level matrix associated with this star. This can be for many reasons, and not necessarily those that I associate it with at this times.
Accordingly, <redacted> Various races have created communities in the vicinity of this star and while they might not be visible to our physical bodies, they are <redacted> quantum senses. <redacted> Thus there is an absolutely huge extraterrestrial presence in the quantum form around this solar system. The system has <redacted> and has extensive quantum constructions, habitats, and quantum architecture. There is also quantum residue and debris from previous races that occupied this region but who no longer dwell in this region.
Quantum residue consists of memories, voids and gaps in the time-dependent aspects of the quantum sphere. All quanta has a signature that varies over time. Since they are timeless entities or components or attributes, they have a certain “color” or “flavor” that can be detected that is represented by the quantum links or experiences of other quanta. These can see measured and perceived with proper equipment and training.
When an intelligence exists, it leaves a trail of quantum disruption in the space – time sphere that can be observed. This can be noticed and elaborated upon even when the individual or race or species are long, long gone. This kind of quantum disruption takes on many forms, but for our purposes, we shall simply refer to it as quantum debris.
People who have strong PSI ability can often view these quantum signitures and interpet them.
This solar system has been exposed to many extraterrestrial species over the years and their accumulated debris, both physical and quantum remains.
It is simply because of this “high concentration of quantum traffic”, that I believe that this solar system is a major hub of local sentience nursery activity.
Reports of Extraterrestrial Life
I do not recall reading anything related to life around this star in the <redacted>. But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t any life there. There have been reports of extraterrestrial visitations from this system. I can’t confirm or deny them.
I present them here for your own investigations.
USAF Airman Charles Hall
The following is a report from USAF Airman Charles Hall. Whether it is valid is up to the reader to determine. I can neither confirm or deny his statements.
“According to Mr. Charles Hall, the Saami are a human-looking race who migrated from Barnard’s Star to Earth around 940 B.C. and live among us.
They are resident in the Saami (Lapland) region above the Arctic Circle in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and northwest Russia’s Kola Peninsula.
The Saami’s extraterrestrial origin as reported by USAF Airman Charles Hall, who had security clearance for contact with Star Visitors, was Barnard’s Star.
Hall has described the Saami as looking Human, with broad faces, high cheekbones, tall foreheads and darkish hair color.
The Saami are distinguished by their having only 24 teeth instead of the normal-human 32 teeth. Also, these Saami people can regrow a tooth to replace any adult tooth which has been removed. They prefer a dramatically-cold climate.
Otherwise they are indistinguishable from Humans. Some of these Saami (Laplanders) migrated to the U.S. and settled in northern-tier states such as Wisconsin.
A number of Saami have intermarried with Europeans, so the degree to which their original Saami characteristics remain in the mixed-race offspring varies.”
Nursery for evolving intelligence’s
This system is like our solar system in that it is also [1] a nursery for evolving intelligence’s. It is also [2] under galactic federation jurisdiction and [3] under the supervision of the <redacted>, with [4] assistance from the Type-I grey extraterrestrials. This [5] implies that there is a planet with some kind of atmosphere in the system, but whether it is earth-like or something else entirely is up to speculation.
It is possible that this system was one of the first solar systems in our galactic neighborhood to be transformed into a nursery for evolving intelligence’s. All of the stars in our local grouping (Sol and Alpha Centauri and Barnard’s star) were given this designation at the same time for reasons that are not clear to me. This star is not, at all, what most people would assume to be a desirable place to begin in intelligent sentience, but it is.
LHS 288 (Luyten 143-23)
LHS 288 (Luyten 143-23) is a red dwarf star, the closest star to our Sun in the constellation Carina at a distance of 15.6 light years. It is far too faint to be seen with the unaided eye, with an apparent magnitude of 13.92. Recent studies suggest it may harbor a planet with the mass of Jupiter.
Nursery for evolving intelligence’s
This system is like our solar system in that it is also a nursery for evolving intelligence’s. It is also under galactic federation jurisdiction and under the supervision of the <redacted>, with assistance from the Type-I grey extraterrestrials.
One of the many mysteries concerning my involvement in MAJestic was to why the Earth and a number of other solar systems were selected as a nursery for evolving intelligence’s.
As far as the earth is concerned, why not simply leave our solar system alone and use something more compatible to the bulk of evolving extraterrestrial life in our galaxy (Cooler K and M class stars.)? Well, this solar system clearly shows that the requirement of being a larger star of G class is not the primary consideration for being a planetary nursery candidate.
A look at the map of nearby stars, however, quickly reveals that Sol is not like most stars in the nearby Solar neighborhood (out to about 25 light years.).
Indeed, our solar system and it’s sun appear to have a few special characteristics:
The Sun is among the most massive 10 percent of stars in its neighborhood so that it is not too cool and dim, but also not so massive that it burns out before life has time to develop, evolve, and manufacture an oxygen atmosphere to create an Earth-type planet. But LHS 288 also fits this requirement, and even more so as it is far more stable and possibly older.
It’s a solitary star (actually a wide-period binary with a brown dwarf), although many relatively high mass stars have one or more stellar companions — around 44 percent of spectral types F6 to K3 and possibly declining to one third to one fourth of very dim type M stars that are difficult to observe, which is fortunate for life on Earth because (apparently) stable planetary orbits like what we experience around the Earth are much more likely around single stars.
Finally, it appears to have roughly 50 percent more “heavy” elements than other stars of its age and type, but only about a third of their variation in brightness, which is also fortunate because elements heavier than hydrogen are essential to make rocky planets like Earth and large stellar flare-ups can harm planetary life with hard radiation.
A quick look at the LHS 288 clearly shows that it too meets the same basic requirements as what was met by our solar system.
While I recognize the special significance of this star, I do not know much more than that. I have no idea as to the current status of evolutionary life on any planets in this system, nor what forms the evolving life would take. I would assume that they might be similar to humanoid life to some degree, but they most certainly would not appear totally human. Technological level, if applicable, as well as known extraterrestrial involvement with the system is unknown at this time.
Gliese 667
Gliese 667 (142 G. Scorpii) is a triple-star system in the constellation of Scorpius, all of whose components have masses smaller than the Sun. It is composed of close binary Stars A and B and a more distant Star C, but a fourth stellar companion D is not gravitationally bound. Both Gliese 667A and Gliese 667B are K class stars. Gliese 667C is a red dwarf M class star.
The system lies at a distance of about 6.8 pc (22.1 lightyears) from Earth. This triple star system is located at the southwestern central part (17:18:57.2-34:59:23.3, ICRS 2000.0) of Constellation Scorpius, the Scorpion — west of the Butterfly Cluster and northwest of Lesath (Upsilon Scorpii) and Shaula (Lamda Scorpii).
Gliese 667A
The largest component of this system, Gliese 667 A (GJ 667 A), is an orange color K-type main-sequence star of stellar classification K3-4V.
It is smaller than our own sun, being about 73% of the mass of the Sun and having 76% of the Sun’s radius. Curiously, it is radiating only around 12-13% of the luminosity of the Sun. It is much dimmer than our sun. The concentration of elements other than hydrogen and helium, what astronomers term the star’s metallicity, is much lower than in the Sun with a relative abundance of around 26% solar.
Variable Star
Gliese 667A is a (New Suspected) Variable star with the designation of NSV 8482. It has an amplitude of 0.04. Useful star catalogue numbers for Gliese 667A include: HR 6426*, Gl 667 A, Hip 84709, HD 156384, CD-34 11626 A, CP-34 6803, SAO 208670, LHS 442, LTT 6888, LFT 1336, LPM 638, and UGPMF 433.
Binary Orbits
Both Gliese 667A and Gliese 667B have an average separation of 12.6 AUs (a semi-major axis of 1.81″ at a HIPPARCOS distance estimate of 20.74 Light-years) in a highly eccentric orbit (e= 0.58). The orbital period takes 42.15 years to complete and is inclined 128° from the perspective of an observer on Earth.
In turn, the binary pair have been separated from Gliese 667C by 56 to 213 AUs (8 to 30.5″) from 1889 to 1948 at an orbital inclination of 139° – to 215 AUs (30.8″) at an inclination of 136°; calculations published in 2012 suggest a minimum separation of 230 AUs.
Gliese 667 B
Like the primary, the secondary component Gliese 667 B (GJ 667 B) is a K-type main-sequence star, although it has a slightly later stellar classification of K5V.
This component has a mass of about 69% of the Sun, or 95% of the primary’s mass, and it is radiating about 5% of the Sun’s visual luminosity. This star is an orange-red dwarf star. This star may have around 65 percent of Sol’s mass, 70 percent of its diameter, and only five percent of its visual luminosity. It is very dim.
Useful star catalogue numbers for Gliese 667B include: Gl 667 B and MLO 4 B.
Gliese 667 C
Gliese 667 C is the smallest stellar component of this system.
It only has around 31% of the mass of the Sun and 42% of the Sun’s radius. It is a considered to be a red dwarf with a stellar classification of M1.5. This star is radiating only 1.4% of the Sun’s luminosity from its outer atmosphere at a relatively cool effective temperature of 3,700 K. This cool temperature is what gives it the red-hued glow that is a characteristic of M-type stars.
The apparent magnitude of this component is 10.25, giving it an absolute magnitude of about 11.03. It is known to have a system of at least two planets: claims have been made for up to seven but these may be in error due to failure to account for correlated noise in the radial velocity data.
To the observer on the surface of Gliese 667 C (the second confirmed planet out that orbits along the middle of the habitable zone), Gliese 667 C would have an angular diameter of 1.24 degrees and would appear to be 2.3 times the visual diameter of our Sun. Gliese 667 C would have a visual area 5.4 times greater than that of the Sun but would still only occupy 0.003 percent of Gliese 667 Cc’s sky sphere or 0.006 percent of the visible sky when directly overhead.
Currently separated from Gliese 667A and Gliese 667B by at least 230 AUs, Gliese 667C is a red dwarf star of spectral and luminosity type M1.5-2.5 V. This star may have around 31 to 38 percent of Sol’s mass, 42 percent of its diameter, and just over 3/1,000th of its visual luminosity.
Assuming it to have the same metallicity as the other stars in the system, with around 26 percent of Sol’s metallicity, it appears to be a main sequence stars of two to 10 billion years old. Useful star catalogue numbers for Gliese 667C include: Gl 667 C, and LHS 443.
Habitable Zones around the Stars
Both Gliese 667 A and Gliese 667 B are similar to our sun.
Thus, there was a push to determine whether Earth-type planets might be in orbit around either star. So there was a concerted effort to detect the presence of habitable zone planets around either of these stars. In order to be warmed sufficiently have liquid water at the surface, an Earth-type rocky planet around Gliese 667 A would have to have an orbital distance around between 0.78 to 1.04 AU, with a period lasting around six months. Such a planet around Gliese 667 B would be located within less than 0.5 AU and a period of less than a couple of months.
Habitable zones around K and M class stars.
For an even cooler and dimmer red dwarf star like Gliese 667 C, the water zone probably would be located between 0.1 and 0.28 AUs with a period of with less than two months. At such a close distance, a planet would probably be tidally locked – with one side in perpetual day. In any case, the light emitted by red dwarfs may be too red in color for Earth-type plant life to perform photosynthesis efficiently.
Extensive Solar System around Gliese 667c
We know that Gliese 667C has an extensive solar system.
On October 19, 2009, a team of astronomers using the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) spectrograph with the European Southern Observatory’s (ESO) 3.6-meter telescope announced the discovery of a potential super-Earth “b” with at least 5.7 Earth-masses in a tight orbit (~0.05 AUs) around Star C at an ESO/CAUP conference on extra-Solar planets in Porto, Portugal.
Additionally, on February 2, 2012, two teams of astronomers revealed the finding of a second, even smaller potential super-Earth “c” with around 4.5 (but possibly as little as 3.4) but as much as 9 Earth-masses in a potentially habitable-zone orbit (~0.12 AUs) completed in 28.15 days around Star C, with evidence of another super-Earth “d” with a period of 75 days and a gas giant “e” in outer orbits.
A Planetary System around C
On June 25, 2013, astronomers announced the Gliese 667 C has at least six planets (possibly seven) and confirmed that at least three (possibly four) super-Earths (possibly five) orbit within the habitable zone around the star.
Gliese 667C planetary system.
This is not to be considered an exhaustive list as more planets are detected every few months. As this star system becomes more extensively studied there will be additional planetary discoveries made. There is no doubt that this is an interesting system and that it has the potential to be one of the more interesting solar systems in our neighborhood. There is the intriguing possibility that this solar system might have habitable planets and that there might be native evolved biological creatures on those worlds.
On December 17, 2012, an astronomer submitted a preprint with a new analysis of available radial-velocity data of Gliese 667C. In it was evidence supportive of the existence of five planetary candidates around Gliese 667C. The two planetary candidates were previously detected with orbital periods of 7.2 and 28.1 days (“b” and “c’), while there were three additional planets of orbital periods of 30.8, 38.8, and 91.3 days (“d,” “e,” and “f”. These orbital periods were likely to be associated with planetary companions around Gliese 667C.
If confirmed as planets, the 28.1-, 30.8-, and 38.8-day periods would be associated with objects orbiting in the “central portion of the habitable zone, while the 91.3 day orbits lies partly within the habitable zone.” The minimum masses for b, c, d, e, and f are 5.4, 4.8, 3.1, 2.4, and 5.4 Earth-masses, respectively. If confirmed, planetary candidate “e” with a 38.8-day period with 2.4 Earth-masses is the lowest mass extra-Solar planet detected in a star’s habitable zone to day.
Orbital Distance (a=AUs)
Orbital Period (P=years)
Orbital Eccentricity (e)
Mass (Earths)
Diameter (Earths)
Gliese 667 4 C
Planet “b”
Planet “h?”
Inner H.Z. Edge?
Planet “c”
Planet “d/f”
Planet “e”
Planet “f/d”
Outer H.Z. Edge?
Planet “g”
Planet “Gliese 667C-b”
On October 19, 2009, a team of astronomers using the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) spectrograph with the European Southern Observatory’s (ESO) 3.6-meter telescope announced the discovery of a planetary candidate “b” revised in 2013 to at least 5.6 Earth-masses orbiting only around 0.05 AU from Gliese 667C. The super-Earth’s tight orbit is completed in around 7.2 days.
Planet “Gliese 667C-h” (Not yet verified)
On June 25, 2013, astronomers announced the Gliese 667 C has at least six planets, but possibly seven including a new planetary candidate designated “h”. It has a mass of at least 1.1 Earth-mass. This potential planet would be the smallest planet yet detected around Gliese 667C. With a semi-major axis around 0.0893 AUs and an orbital eccentricity of 0.03, it takes just under 17 days to complete an orbit around Star C.
Its orbital distance averages near the inner edge of the hypothesized habitable zone of Star C and so could have liquid water on its surface assuming favorable planetary characteristics such as sufficient coverage by reflective clouds and atmospheric composition.
Planet “Gliese 667C-c”
Beginning with a pre-print submitted on November 21, 2011 and a Carnegie Institution for Science news release on February 2, 2012, two teams of astronomers revealed astronomers revealed the finding of a second, even smaller potential super-Earth “c” with at least 3.8 Earth-masses in a potentially habitable-zone orbit (0.125 AUs) with an eccentricity of 0.03. This planet completes an orbit in 28.1 days. (They also detected two other planets as well. This included evidence of another super-Earth “d” with 5.7 Earth-masses and a period of 75 days as well as a gas giant “e” in outer orbits.)
Planet c’s average orbital distance of around 0.12 AU places it within the inner edge of Star’s potentially habitable zone, where the planet could support liquid water on its surface given a sufficiently favorable atmosphere. According to the astronomers, this planetary “candidate receives about 90% of the light received by Earth in our Solar System”.
An extrasolar planet, Gliese 667 Cc orbits Gliese 667 C, which is part of a triple-star system. It lies at a distance of 22.1 light years from Earth within the Scorpius constellation.
Diameter: between 6.3 x 103 and 2.5 x 105 km
Mass: 2.01 x 1025
Composition: unknown
Orbit: 28 Earth days
Gliese 667Cc was discovered in April 2012 by an international group of astronomers working at the European Southern Observatory in the Atacama Desert, northern Chile. It is a super-Earth, some 3.4 times the mass of Earth, orbiting a red dwarf star, Gliese 667 C. At the time of its discovery, scientists called it the most Earth-like object outside of the Solar System.
The discovery was made with the High Accuracy Radial Planetary Searcher (HARPS) telescope. Gliese 667 Cc receives 10% less light from its star than the Earth receives from the Sun, but as this light is mostly in the infra-red part of the electromagnetic spectrum, its effect is that the energy received at its surface is the same as Earth receives from the Sun.
The planet orbits its star over a four-week period at a distance of 0.12 AU (17.9 million kilometres). The likelihood is that it is tidally locked to the star, meaning that it always shows the same hemisphere to the surface of Gliese 667 C.
The temperature on Gliese 667 C is 3,400K (Kelvin) compared with the Sun’s 5,778K. Its habitable zone lies in an orbit between 0.11 astronomical units (AU) (16.4 million kilometres) and 0.23 AU (34.3 million kilometres) from the star. Gliese 667 Cc’s orbital distance seems to be comfortably within the habitable zone, should liquid water be present on its surface.
The surface temperature of Gliese 667 Cc could be approximately 30C in the presence of liquid water, but if the atmosphere consists of more massive molecules, the temperature will be higher, making surface conditions inhospitable to life. The tidal locking adds further complications as one hemisphere of the planet experiences constant daylight while the other is permanently dark. The temperature differences between the two hemispheres will have a strong influence on the planet’s global climate. In addition, the planet will receive frequent flares from its host star.
A further complication is that the Gliese 667 C star is part of a triple-star system. Gliese 667 A and Gliese 667 B are about 230 AU (34.2 billion kilometres) away. Despite the distance, they would be visible from the surface of the planet. The Sun could also be seen as a distant star from the surface of Gliese 667 Cc.
Planet Gliese 667Cc is very similiar to Earth
Planet “Gliese 667C-d” or “Gliese 667 C-f”
This planet has alternative designations, depending on the astronomers cited. On December 17, 2012, an astronomer submitted a preprint with new analysis of available radial-velocity data supporting the existence of five planetary candidates around Gliese 667 C. In addition to the two previously discovered planets with orbital periods of 7.2 and 28.1 days (“b” and “c’), three additional planets with orbital periods of 30.8, 38.8, and 91.3 days (“d,” “e,” and “f”) were also detected around Gliese 667 C. Planet “d”, with a 30.8-day period was found to be one of three orbiting in the “central portion of the habitable zone”.
On June 25, 2013, astronomers announced the Gliese 667 C has at least six planets, of which “f” (or “d”) is a super-Earth-class planet in Star C’s habitable zone, with at least 2.7 Earth-masses. With a semi-major axis around 0.156 AU and an orbital eccentricity of 0.02, the planet completes its orbit around Star in just over 39 days. Its orbital distance of 0.156 AU is near the middle of the hypothesized habitable zone of Star C and so could have liquid water on its surface assuming favorable planetary characteristics such as sufficient coverage by reflective clouds and atmospheric composition.
Planet “Gliese 667C-e”
Like planet d/f, this super-Earth-class planet in Star C’s habitable zone also has at least 2.7 Earth-masses. With a semi-major axis around 0.213 AU and an orbital eccentricity of 0.02, the planet completes its orbit around Star in 62.2 days. As its orbit is also is with the hypothesized habitable zone of Star C, planet e also may have liquid water on its surface assuming favorable planetary characteristics such as sufficient coverage by reflective clouds and atmospheric composition.
Planet “Gliese 667C-f” or “Gliese 667C-d”
This planet has alternative designations, depending on the astronomers cited. Like its planetary neighbor’s d/f and e, this super-Earth-class planet in Star C’s habitable zone has at least 5.1 Earth-masses. With a semi-major axis around 0.276 AU and an orbital eccentricity of 0.03, the planet completes its orbit around Star in 91.6 days. As its orbit is also just within the hypothesized habitable zone of Star C, planet e also may have liquid water on its surface assuming favorable planetary characteristics such as sufficient coverage by reflective clouds and atmospheric composition.
Planet “Gliese 667C-g”
This planet is the outermost planet object detected around Star C thus far. Lying outside Gliese 667C‘s habitable zone, it is a super-Earth-class planet with least 4.6 Earth-masses. With a semi-major axis around 0.549 AU and an orbital eccentricity of 0.03, the planet completes its orbit around Star in 256.2 days .
Nursery for evolving intelligence’s
This system is like our solar system in that it is also possibly a nursery for evolving intelligence’s. It is also under galactic federation jurisdiction and under the supervision of the <redacted>, with assistance from the Type-I grey extraterrestrials.
My personal belief is that any habitable planet in the system utilizes imported fauna and bioengineered life forms. And this is only my “feeling” and it is probably incorrect.
The Development of a solar system
Perhaps some time should be devoted to a discussion on how the planets in a solar system is formed. This is an interesting subject that it has many theories and proponents. Our current thoughts on this matter are quite crude. But in the most basic iteration our known and accepted theories discuss the concept of a “frost line” that separates the development of rocky planets and gas giant planet formation. We know and believe, and the reader must understand that, the current accepted theories regarding this is all subject to change.
Depending on the stars involved, and the number of stars and their orbits, the formation of planets around a given star depends on how much interstellar gas and dust was absorbed by the star. In fact, the current theories hold that the inner rocky planets are the same as the gas giants, but it is only that gasses of their outer shells were absorbed and stolen from the parent star. The separation distance where this occurs is known as the “frost line”. In our solar system, the “frost line” is located at the general location of the asteroid belt.
The “Frost Line” in planetary formation
In young star systems, say under 500 million years old, the “frost line” is just getting settled out. The planets are just forming and are all hot and young. The space around the star is full of debris and gas (though the amount varies greatly depending on the star and the uniqueness of the planetary system).
That being stated, for most of the known solar systems in our local region, one should consider that there are huge gas giant planets along the outer orbits and various sized rocky planets in the inner orbits. The continued presence of these huge gas giants is time dependent and is also variable depending on a variety of circumstances surrounding the formation of the solar system as a whole. I firmly believe in the “frost line” theory of planetary formation, but I must recognize that there are myriad of other factors that create exceptions to this theory.
Within our (tiny) local region of space are certain solar systems that are all acting as “nurseries” for evolving intelligences.
I do not know why this area has been dedicated to this role, I do not know if other areas have similiar roles, or why and how this role manifested. All I know is that the friendly benefactors what work with us humans on earth, also work with other species in some nearby solar systems in the same way that they work with us.
In total there are five systems involved and thus at least five species.
I have compiled what I know via my role and mixed and merged it with what is known as conventional astronomical information to come up with the potential solar systems for these nurseries. What I have to say about quanta is beyond the scope of conventionally accepted science, and can be discounted if that is your choice. What is posted here is to help everyone get a better understanding of what our role is within the local region of physical space.
Do you want more?
I have more posts along these lines in my MAJestic index…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
This multi-part post is devoted to the issue of travelling between the stars within the lifetime of a human. It does not necessarily mean that the propulsion method would be so fast as to exceed the speed of light, though that possibility does exist. It simply is a discussion on how the great gulfs between the stars can be traversed using contemporaneous human technology. As such, it purposely omits dimensional gates and transport portals. I most certainly do not have the answers regarding this most interesting of subjects. This post discusses this issue because one of the first things a debunker does is complain that engineering solutions are unattainable. I discuss these issues and more. It is a good read.
The sections
This is part 4 of a four part post. This post consists of four sections as described;
First off, MAJestic as well as our benefactors have techniques and mechanisms that permit geographical travel anywhere in the universe without using a vehicle. This technology also enables such things as world-line travel, dimensional travel, and time travel.
This is a very powerful technology, but is not the subject at hand. Here, we will talk about technologies that can be used to traverse large physical distances in relatively short periods of time, without using dimensional portals or gates.
The benefit in this technology is obvious. You need to physically go to a location in order to establish “jump gate” coordinates for it. This will require physical presence, and that means physical travel. (Of course, there are other things that one can do, like trial by error, robots and probes, but please follow my train of thought on this.)
Here we discuss ways to travel “very fast” in our universe, by using existing and known technologies without using a dimensional portal or gate.
“If the space travel is at the top of a country’s agenda, that country is surely a very developed one!”
― Mehmet Murat ildan
The majority of open research paths involve further study of the fundamental properties of space-time and inertial frames, looking for candidate sources of reaction mass and the means to interact with it.
As much as these are basic areas of investigation for general physics, their investigation in the context of breakthrough spaceflight introduces additional perspectives from which to contemplate these lingering unknowns.
This alternative perspective might just provide the insight that would otherwise be overlooked.
It must be fundamentally understood that the relevant outcome per interstellar propulsion is that subspace exists, and this is how Nature implements probabilities.
Note, neither quantum nor string theories ask the question, how does Nature implement probabilities? And therefore, are unable to provide an answer. The proof of subspace can be found in how the photon electromagnetic energy is conserved inside the photon.
Subspace is probabilistic and therefore does not have the time dimension.
In other words destination arrival is not LFT constrained by motion based travel, but is effected by probabilistic localization. We therefore, have to figure out navigation in subspace or vectoring and modulation. Vectoring is the ability to determine direction, and modulation is the ability to determine distance. This approach is new and has an enormous potential of being realized as it is not constrained by LFT. (This is the core point in this discourse.)
Yes, interstellar propulsion is feasible, but not as of the warp drives we understand today. As of 2012, there are only about 50 scientists on this planet working or worked towards solving the gravity modification and interstellar propulsion challenge.
Final Conclusion
The ability to travel geographically, in and out of different world-lines or to conduct apparent “time travel” are all possible.
There are those that are active doing so, and using these technologies to go to interesting places and to do interesting things.
Those that argue against this are simply ignorant.
Their time would be better served watching Ellen DeGeneres on television.
Do you want more?
I have more posts that fit this venue. You can find them in my MAJestic Index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
This multi-part post is devoted to the issue of travelling between the stars within the lifetime of a human. It does not necessarily mean that the propulsion method would be so fast as to exceed the speed of light, though that possibility does exist. It simply is a discussion on how the great gulfs between the stars can be traversed using contemporaneous human technology. As such, it purposely omits dimensional gates and transport portals. I most certainly do not have the answers regarding this most interesting of subjects. This post discusses this issue because one of the first things a debunker does is complain that engineering solutions are unattainable. I discuss these issues and more. It is a good read.
The sections
This is part 3 of a four part post. This post consists of four sections as described;
This is the introduction that was provided in section / part one…
First off, MAJestic as well as our benefactors have techniques and mechanisms that permit geographical travel anywhere in the universe without using a vehicle. This technology also enables such things as world-line travel, dimensional travel, and time travel.
This is a very powerful technology, but is not the subject at hand. Here, we will talk about technologies that can be used to traverse large physical distances in relatively short periods of time, without using dimensional portals or gates.
The benefit in this technology is obvious. You need to physically go to a location in order to establish “jump gate” coordinates for it. This will require physical presence, and that means physical travel. (Of course, there are other things that one can do, like trial by error, robots and probes, but please follow my train of thought on this.)
Here we discuss ways to travel “very fast” in our universe, by using existing and known technologies without using a dimensional portal or gate.
Other Alternatives Worth Considering
The speed-of-light limit only applies to motion through four-dimensional spacetime. Perhaps wormholes are possible. That is a concept for which Kip Thorne gets the credit (or the blame). It is an old, but still valid, argument for how traveling through vast distances might be circumvented.
Wormholes were first theorized in 1916 (although they weren’t called that at the time), derived from Einstein’s equations for relativity.
A wormhole connects two points in space via a sort of tunnel through a higher dimension. An object entering one end of a wormhole would emerge almost instantly on the other end, even if the openings were separated by trillions of miles.
A worm-hole.
In the 1980’s, Thorne, who is the Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, Emeritus, at the California institute of Technology, kicked off a serious discussion among physicists about whether or not an object (like a spaceship) could physically travel through a wormhole.
In other words, do the laws of physics forbid it?
Or, with unlimited resources and knowledge, could a civilization build a wormhole and use it as a cosmic highway?
Physicists, including Thorne, have made some progress on this question.
Scientists knew prior to the 1980s that if wormholes existed, they would evaporate before anything (even light) could pass from one opening to another. So sending something through a wormhole would require a kind of scaffolding made from “exotic matter” to hold the wormhole open.
In addition, wormholes for travel would likely need to be artificially constructed, because there is no solid evidence that they exist naturally.
“We see no objects in our universe that could become wormholes as they age,” Thorne writes in his book “The Science of Interstellar” (W.W. Norton & Co. 2014).
By contrast, scientists see huge numbers of stars that will eventually collapse to form black holes. There is a possibility that very, very small wormholes exist in the universe in something called “quantum foam,” which may or may not exist in the universe.
Thorne’s question on the possibility of interstellar travel through wormholes remains unanswered.
Spacetime stretching
Or, alternatively, perhaps spacetime itself can be stretched as proposed by the relativist Miguel Alcubierre (as discussed previously). There is no speed-of-light limit to spacetime stretching. After all, spacetime beyond the Hubble horizon must be receding from us at v>c.
The Alcubierre “warp drive” (Class. Quant. Grav., 11-5, L73-L77, 1994) shows that spacetime warping and stretching around a bubble of flat spacetime is mathematically consistent with general relativity.
Dimensional Shifting
Modern superstring and M-brane theory imply the existence of numerous additional dimensions. Recent work indicates that these additional dimensions may be much larger than the Planck scale.
The article “The Universe’s Unseen Dimensions” by Nima Arkani-Hamed, Savas Dimopoulos and Georgi Dvali in the August 2000 issue of Scientific American, for example, is a good summary of some current thinking on additional spatial dimensions as large as a millimeter:
"Our whole universe may sit on a membrane floating in a higher-dimensional space. Extra dimensions might explain why gravity is so weak and could be the key to unifying all the forces of nature."
Perhaps it is possible to lift off the membrane-universe constituting our four-dimensional spacetime, move in one of the additional dimensions where speed-of-light limits may not apply, and reenter our membrane-universe very far away.
All of this is speculation of course, but it is worth noting that disappearing in place, changing shape or sometimes jumping discontinuously from location to location is frequently reported in extraterrestrial vehicle observations.
Such behavior could conceivably be associated with motion into and out of a perpendicular dimension.
MAJestic Dimensional Portal
And now, I am going to talk about something in much more detail than I have in the past. I am going to discuss (just a little bit) about the fixed dimensional portal that I utilized during my egress back in 1981. I must admit that what I know of is limited in scope. As I was never specifically trained on this technology.
Never the less, I do know a few things.
One of the most amazing technologies that I have encountered occurred during my first egress once I joined MAJestic. This was a fixed dimensional portal that was used as a transport node. It is my understanding that the technology enables anyone to travel to any geographic region, within any point in “time”, and upon any world-line, provided the proper coordinates are established and properly entered.
This technology is not a human invention. It is an acquired technology.
Now, I had initially thought that this technology was some sort of “off shoot” of earlier work in high-voltage physics, such as with the “Philadelphia Experiment” and other obscure mysterious events like the “Nazi Bell”, but to be truthful, I have no idea if any of those (well publicized) events actually occurred. Nor if they actually contributed to this technology in any way.
Instead, it is pretty clear to me that this technology is a gift from our benefactors to facilitate MAJestic interaction with them. It is not a derived human invention.
Essentially, this technology consists of an invisible “door”, that one can walk through. It will take you to another geographic location, or another time, or another world-line, as long as the coordinates are properly specified.
And that is the key. It is not enough to be able to have the mechanism and to be able to power it. You need to absolutely know your destination coordinates in exacting detail relative to your egress portal.
Basic Function of Operation
From what I can gather, the operation is rather simple. It requires a number of key components which work together to create the “door” or “portal” that appears.
The most important component is the <redacted>.
Upon leaving the portal, the individual will feel like they are covered in water and are all wet. I do not know why this is the case. But that feeling disappears within three seconds or so.
The Technology
To properly utilize this portal, it is imperative that the proper destination coordinates be input into the mechanism. As the device intuitively interacts with the “passenger”, it is important for the calibration of the particular “mapped travel sequence” be exacting and precise.
The way that the coordinates are compiled and established are alien to what one would expect. Instead of an alpha-numerical sequence of digits, there is a much more complex sequence. It’s complexity betrays it’s capability.
I am sorry that this explanation on this most substantive and interesting technology be so abbreviated. As I had mentioned previously, I was not trained in the operation of the device, or participated in any education regarding it. This technology is considered to be beyond the ability of mankind at this time, and thus the understanding of it’s operation is beyond the scope of most students of this matter.
As I have placed the caveats in regards to this, it is my understanding that the mechanism is quite robust and reliable.
Finally, there is absolutely no way that this technology will never make it to the public domain until long after the human sentience has been sorted out and the the human species is well pacified and established.
Some final notes and considerations on the Planck scale
The alternatives to the propulsive methods as described in parts one and two all operate on the Planck Scale. Indeed, this is the bedrock of our physical universe.
Planck’s length is the (tiny) dimension at which space-time stops being continuous as we see it. It is where things take on a discrete graininess made up of quanta, the “atoms” of space-time.
The universe at this dimension is described by quantum mechanics. Quantum gravity is the field of enquiry that investigates gravity in the framework of quantum mechanics.
Gravity has been very well described within classical physics, but it is unclear how it behaves at the Planck scale.
An interesting study published in Physical Review Letters (Key Name: Pranzetti), presented an important result obtained by applying a second quantization formulation of loop quantum gravity (LQG) formalism.
LQG is a theoretical approach within the problem of quantum gravity, and group field theory is the “language” through which the theory is applied in this work.
Loop quantum gravity (LQG).
I tell the reader this; LQG should be applied to other areas to fully appreciate the benefits that quantum technologies can have on physical systems.
"The idea at the basis of our study is that homogenous classical geometries emerge from a condensate of quanta of space introduced in LQG in order to describe quantum geometries," Thus, we obtained a description of black hole quantum states, suitable also to describe 'continuum' physics—that is, the physics of space-time as we know it."
A “condensate” in this case is a collection of space quanta. All of which share the same properties so that even though there are huge numbers of them, we can nonetheless study their collective behavior. And do so by referring to the microscopic properties of the individual particle.
So now, the analogy with classical thermodynamics seems clearer—just as fluids at our scale appear as continuous materials despite consisting of a huge number of atoms, similarly, in quantum gravity, the fundamental constituent atoms of space form a sort of fluid—that is, continuous space-time.
A vibrating String.
A continuous and homogenous geometry (like that of a spherically symmetric black hole) can, as Pranzetti and colleagues suggest, be described as a condensate…
…which facilitates the underlying mathematical calculations…
…keeping in account an a priori infinite number of degrees of freedom .
"We were therefore able to use a more complete and richer model compared with those done in the past in LQG, and obtain a far more realistic and robust result, this allowed us to resolve several ambiguities afflicting previous calculations due to the comparison of these simplified LQG models with the results of semiclassical analysis as carried out by Hawking and Bekenstein".
I view all this in a very simplistic manner. At the Planck scale, the LGQ is the nexus of time (world-line variations) and space (dimensional variations), and thus the control at the LGQ serves as the key to inter-dimensional transport.
This was part three of a four part post. To continue to part four, please go HERE.
Do you want more?
I have more posts that fit this venue. You can find them in my MAJestic Index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
This multi-part post is devoted to the issue of travelling between the stars within the lifetime of a human. It does not necessarily mean that the propulsion method would be so fast as to exceed the speed of light, though that possibility does exist. It simply is a discussion on how the great gulfs between the stars can be traversed using contemporaneous human technology. As such, it purposely omits dimensional gates and transport portals. I most certainly do not have the answers regarding this most interesting of subjects. This post discusses this issue because one of the first things a debunker does is complain that engineering solutions are unattainable. I discuss these issues and more. It is a good read.
The sections
This is part 2 of a four part post. This post consists of four sections as described;
(This section is a review of the introduction from the first section.)
First off, MAJestic as well as our benefactors have techniques and mechanisms that permit geographical travel anywhere in the universe without using a vehicle. This technology also enables such things as world-line travel, dimensional travel, and time travel.
This is a very powerful technology, but is not the subject at hand. Here, we will talk about technologies that can be used to traverse large physical distances in relatively short periods of time, without using dimensional portals or gates.
The benefit in this technology is obvious. You need to physically go to a location in order to establish “jump gate” coordinates for it. This will require physical presence, and that means physical travel. (Of course, there are other things that one can do, like trial by error, robots and probes, but please follow my train of thought on this.)
Here we discuss ways to travel “very fast” in our universe, by using existing and known technologies without using a dimensional portal or gate.
The Techniques
“If gravity modification is real, it will alter the entire aerospace business.”
-Gravity Research for Advanced Space Propulsion” (GRASP), Boeing 2012
The following are some of the areas of pursuit that engineers might want to investigate towards obtaining FTL flight ability. I compiled this list in 2014, and periodically updated it subsequently. It is provided here as avenues of investigation only. This list is in no way complete, but is merely suggestive of avenues of investigation.
I do recognize that many extraterrestrial species in our solar system have mastered space flight (among other things) and that they assist MAJestic in transporting personnel within our solar system. I also understand that we are busy developing our own home-grown versions of these vehicles through the study of loaned craft. But that should not simply suffice. We need to pursue our own designs, and our own investigations independent of extraterrestrial influence. To that end, I make and posit my suggestions herein.
In general, there are two basic techniques.
There are numerous avenues to pursue, not only the two listed here. The avenue to investigate, like anything else, will depend on political pressures, funding, the individuals involved, the social-economic situation, and (perhaps) a little luck.
The first [1] involves moving space-time boundaries. Such is the propulsive techniques that have made news in the last few years.
The second [2] involves a reduction in the effect of gravity. If one can control gravity, they can create nearly inertia less vehicles and technologies of great efficiency, yet that work within our space-time envelope. Currently advanced American aircraft such as the B-2 use technologies based on this principle. These are the electrogravitic principles based on the Biefeld-Brown Effect. (The Biefeld-Brown Effect is based on the research of Thomas Townsend Brown who in 1928 gained a patent for his practical application of how high voltage electrostatic charges can reduce the weight of objects.)
Robert Lazar claimed that gravity propagates instantaneously. If one thinks about that, it actually makes perfect sense logically. Gravity warps or bends space and time.
We measure the speed or velocity of an object by observing the distance that the object travels in a given time interval. If the very parameters that we use to measure distance and time are significantly affected by strong gravitational fields, then it would be impossible to actually define a finite speed to the propagation of gravity.
A recent article, “Rethinking Relativity,” had stated that Associate Professor Tom Van Flandern from the University of Maryland issued a document, “The Speed of Gravity - What the Experiments Say,” demonstrating that gravity propagated at least 20 billion times faster than light and may very well propagate instantaneously.
Let’s just play around with some potential possibilities…
The SMART Drive
The SHARP Drive is the fictional drive that propels his third millennia spaceships across the immense distances between stars. Writer Arthur C. Clarke coined the terms SHARP from the initial letters of the four physicists who he jointly credits with originating the concepts and discoveries that make the drive possible Sakharov, Haisch, Alfonso Rueda, and Hal Puthoff.
The concept is named after the dreamers whom inspired it.
Andrei Sakharov is the distinguished Russian physicist who first suggested that space is not empty but is full of energy, the so-called ‘ zero-point field ‘. This suggestion was taken up by astrophysicist Bernhard Haisch of Lockheed’s Research Laboratories and physicists Alfonso Rueda, a professor at California State University at Long Beach, and Harold Puthoff of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin
Their article ‘Inertia as a Zero-Point Field Lorentz Force’ appeared in the February 1, 1994 issue of the eminent journal Physical Review A, and it offered a radically new interpretation of the origin of the strange quality of inertia.
Inertia as a Zero-Point Field Lorentz Force.
This new concept of inertia also points to a new understanding of gravity, since gravity and inertia are inextricably intertwined. Hal Putoff goes even further. Pointing to recent success in manipulating atomic processes by controlling zero-point fields in the lab, Puthoff says;
"…If we are right that both gravity and inertia stem from the zero-point field, then someday we might be able to manipulate both."
-Hal Putoff
The Alcubierre Drive
In 1994 Miguel Alcubierre, a theoretical physicist at the University of Wales published a paper called “The Warp Drive: Hyper-Fast Travel Within General Relativity.” This should be well known to anyone reading this manuscript. If not… I would seriously reconsider the pedigree of these who is considering this manuscript.
M. Alcubierre, Class. Quantum Grav. 11, L73 (1994); see also I.A. Crawford, Q. J. R. Astron. Soc. 36, 205 (1995).
Alcubierre showed it is theoretically possible to distort space to allow warp speed travel: to literally expand the volume of space-time behind a starship, while compressing it up ahead — like feeding a tent pole through its sleeve by bunching up the fabric ahead, and pulling it along behind. Alcubierre showed that space-time could be similarly manipulated. The position of a starship within such a distortion would change, relative to its destination – yet the ship itself need not actually “move” at all.
Miguel Alcubierre. The Warp drive: Hyperfast travel within general relativity. Class. Quant. Grav., 11:L73–L77, 1994.
What was so spectacularly different was that Alcubierre realized that one needs to take into account the possibility of engineered dynamic space-times within the context of general relativity.
Specifically, Alcubierre showed by example that by distorting the local space-time metric in the region of a spaceship in a certain prescribed way, it would be possible to achieve motion faster than the speed of light. (As seen by observers outside the disturbed region, without violating the local velocity-of-light constraint within the region.)
Furthermore, the Alcubierre solution shows that the proper acceleration along the spaceship’s path would be zero and the spaceship would suffer no time dilation. This is of great importance due to the great distances between the vast gulfs of space between the stars.
Traveling faster than light has always been attributed to science fiction, but that all changed when Harold White and his team at NASA started to work on and tweak the Alcubierre Drive.
When one combines the technologies associated with the Alcubierre Drive and that of a possible variable speed of light; a very favorable solution presents itself towards travel beyond apparent light speed.
Therefore, the proper conclusion to be drawn by consideration of engineered metric/vacuum-energy effects is that, with sufficient technological means to appear “magic” at present (to use Arthur C. Clarke’s phrase characterizing a highly advanced, technological civilization), travel at speeds exceeding the conventional velocity of light could occur without the violation of fundamental physical laws.
And, we might add, this could in principle be done without recourse to concepts as extreme as wormhole traversal. (However, clearly, exotic matter/field states, e.g., macroscopic Casimir-like negative-energy-density vacuum states, would be required.)
See A. Einstein, Ann. Phys. 35, 898 (191 1); K. Scharnhorst, Phys. Lett. B 236, 354 (1990); P. Wesson, Space Sci. Rev. 59, 365 (1992); A.M. Volkov, A.A. Izmest'ev, and G.V. Skrotskii, Sov. Phys. JETP 32, 686 (1971); T. D. Lee, Particle Physics and Introduction to Field Theory (Harwood Academic, London, 1988), p. 826; M. Morris, K. Thorne, and U. Yurtsever, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 1446 (1988).
As a result, the possibility of reduced-time interstellar travel, either by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations at present or ourselves in the future, is not fundamentally constrained by physical principles.
The key to Alcubierre’s warp drive is something called exotic matter.
Exotic matter has the curious property of having a negative energy density, unlike normal matter (the stuff that makes up people, planets and stars), which has a positive energy density. Two bits of matter that have the same energy density are attracted to each other by gravity.
In contrast, bits of positive and negative energy matter would be repelled by gravity. It is the negative energy density of exotic matter that powers the warp drive.
A negative energy density is not the nonsensical thing it appears to be. Indeed, in 1948 the Dutch physicist Hendrik Casimir first predicted that one could observe the effects of negative energy densities. He reasoned that if negative energy densities existed, two closely spaced parallel conducting plates in a vacuum would be attracted to one another.
This phenomenon, now called the Casimir effect, was measured in 1958 by M. Sparnaay, and is usually taken to be a confirmation that negative energy densities are possible.
Exotic matter of a slightly different type is also invoked in the modern theory of cosmology known as inflation.
According to the theory of inflation, exotic matter in the early universe (moments after the big bang) had a positive energy density, but a very large negative pressure. The negative pressure was so large that it counteracted the effects of the positive energy density. The result was an expansion of space-time so rapid that two observers originally very close to each other would be carried apart faster than the speed of light.
This was all ground breaking, but not really practical. That was, until other physicists began to look at the equations.
"I suddenly realized that if you made the thickness of the negative vacuum energy ring larger — like shifting from a belt shape to a donut shape — and oscillate the warp bubble, you can greatly reduce the energy required — perhaps making the idea plausible."
-physicist Harold White
White had adjusted the shape of Alcubierre’s ring which surrounded the spheroid from something that was a flat halo to something that was thicker and curvier.
Harold White presented the results of his Alcubierre Drive rethink a year later at the 100 Year Starship conference in Atlanta where he highlighted his new optimization approaches — a new design that could significantly reduce the amount of exotic matter required. And in fact, White says that the warp drive could be powered by a mass that’s even less than that of the Voyager 1 spacecraft.
That’s a significant change in calculations to say the least.
The reduction in mass from a Jupiter-sized planet to an object that weighs a mere 1,600 pounds has completely reset White’s sense of plausibility — and NASA’s.
Oscillation Thrusters & Gyroscopic Antigravity
Mechanical devices are often claimed to produce net external thrust using just the motion of internal components. These devices fall into two categories, [1] oscillation thrusters and [2] gyroscopic devices.
Their appearance of creating net thrust is attributable to misinterpretations of normal mechanical effects. The following short explanations were excerpted and edited from a NASA website about commonly submitted erroneous breakthroughs.
[1] Oscillation Thruster
Oscillation thrusters move a system of internal masses through a cycle where the motion in one direction is quicker than in the return direction.
When the masses are accelerated quickly, the device has enough reaction force to overcome the friction of the floor and the device slides. When the internal masses return slowly in the other direction, the reaction forces are not sufficient to overcome the friction and the device does not move.
The net effect is that the device moves in one direction across a frictional surface. In a frictionless environment the system’s components would simply oscillate around their center of mass.
[2] Gyroscopic Thruster
A gyroscopic thruster consists of a system of gyroscopes connected to a central body. When the central body is torqued, the gyros move in a way that appears to defy gravity. Actually the motion is due to gyroscopic precession and the forces are torques around the axes of the gyros’ mounts. There is no net thrust created by the system.
To keep an open, yet rigorous, mind to the possibility that there has been some overlooked physical phenomena with such devices, it would be necessary to explicitly address all the conventional objections and pass at least a pendulum test.
Any test results would have to be impartial and rigorously address all possible false-positive conclusions.
There has not yet been any viable theory or experiment that reliably demonstrates that a genuine, external, net thrust can be obtained with one of these devices. If such tests are ever produced, and if a genuine new effect is found, then science will have to be revised, because it would then appear that such devices are violating conservation of momentum.
Hooper Antigravity Coils
Experiments were conducted to test assertions from US Patent 3,610,971, by W. J. Hooper that self-canceling electromagnetic coils can reduce the weight of objects placed underneath.
“Dr. late William J. Hooper, BA, MA, PhD in Physics was affiliated with the University of California at Berkley, and was Professor Emeritus, when he died in 1971. His works are documented and he gained two U.S. patents for his "ALL-ELECTRIC MOTIONAL FIELD GENERATOR".
He claimed use of the "Motional Electric Field" to produce gravity and anti-gravity for use in SPACECRAFT and AIRCRAFT.
Indeed, in U.S. patent #3,610,971 you can see a Flying Saucer diagram is used as an example in Figure 7.”
- James Hartman, CaluNET Future Science Administrator
US Patent # 3,656,013. “Apparatus for Generating Motional Electric Field”, Awarded to William Hooper, April 1972
Hooper, W. J. (1974). New Horizons in Electric, Magnetic and Gravitational Field Theory, Electrodynamic Gravity, Inc. 1969
Frances G. Gibson, “THE ALL-ELECTRIC FIELD GENERATOR AND ITS POTENTIAL”, Electrodynamic Gravity, Inc., 1983
“Electric Propulsion Study”, Dr. Dennis Cravens, SAIC Corp, prepared for USAF Astronautics Lab at Edwards AFB, August 1990 — Section 3.7 Non-Inductive Coils
During the late 60’s William J. Hooper put forth an interesting theory involving the v x B terms dynamic electrical circuits. There was and is uncertainty as to the exact physical understanding of the Biot-Savart-Lorentz law and Ampere’s law involving the set of reaction forces. Peter Graneau has studied these expressions. Hoopers view was that there are three different types of electric fields due to the distribution of electric field, and two due to induction.
At the heart of the issue is the connection of the magnetic field and its source in the charged particles. EM theory is presently consistent with the idea that spinning magnetic dipoles create effects indistinguishable from charged particles.
There has been no critical experiment which can disprove whether a magnetic flux rotates with its source.
If it does co-move with its source then it is logical to assume that a motional electric field in a fixed reference frame of the current induces a magnetic field. This concept is likewise consistent with a field-free interpretation such as Ampere’s original laws.(with 4 pages more about Hooper’s theories)
FREE FALL OF ELEMENTARY PARTICLES: ON MOVING BODIES AND THEIR ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCES, by Nils Rognerud 1994 (nils@ccnet.com) (available at the elektromagnum web site)
This paper is a review of the problem of the observable action of gravitational forces on charged particles. The author discusses the induced electric fields and the sometimes overlooked unique physical properties. He analyzes several experiments, showing the reality of the induced electric fields.
The current interpretation, based on the idea of only one electric field, with certain characteristics, is compared with alternative approaches.
The Hooper Coil: The author has tested a setup by pulsing strong currents, opposite and equal, through multiple parallel conductors.
The configuration of the conductors in this type of experiment will cancel the B-fields, while still producing an Em field, in accordance with Eq. 4.2. This is similar to an experiment by Hooper (W. J. Hooper), who successfully predicted and measured the motional electric field – all in zero resultant B-field.
Interestingly, all of the above experiments can influence an electron with a zero B-field, in the region of the electron.
This has some profound implications – one of which is that the motional electric force field is immune to electrostatic or magnetic shielding.
Experimentally, it can be confirmed that the motional electric field is immune to shielding and follows the boundary conditions of the magnetic (not electric) field. The only way to shield a motional electric field is to use a magnetic shield around the source of the magnetic flux – containing it at the source.
These effects are not startling if one remembers that the motional electric field is a magnetic effect and that a magnetic field has a different boundary condition than the electric field.
The Investigation
This was investigated by NASA and discounted with no further studies ever attempted.
The “official explanation” is that no weight changes were observed within the detectability of the instrumentation.
Officially, it is believed that Hooper may have misinterpreted thermal effects as his “Motional Field” effects.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH. MILLIS, MARC G. WILLIAMSON, GARY SCOTT JUN. 1995 12 PAGES Presented at the 31st Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, San Diego CA, 10-12 Jul. 1995; sponsored by AIAA, ASME, SAE, and ASEE NASA-TM-106963 E-9719 NAS 1.15:106963 AIAA PAPER 95-2601 Avail: CASI HC A03/MF A01
Experiments were conducted to test assertions from Patent 3,610,971, by W.J. Hooper that self-canceling electromagnetic coils can reduce the weight of objects placed underneath.
No weight changes were observed within the detectability of the instrumentation.
More careful examination of the patent and other reports from Hooper led to the conclusion that Hooper may have misinterpreted thermal effects as his ‘Motional Field’ effects. There is a possibility that the claimed effects are below the detection thresholds of the instrumentation used for these tests. CASI Accession Number: N95-28893.
Investigational Fraud
I have two problems with the methodology used by the NASA scientists in the above experiment.
Firstly [1] The amount of ampere-turns used in the NASA experiment was substantially lower than the amount used by Hooper.
Their experiment did not try to replicate his results.
They did not even attempt to find out why the results were different. Hooper found that his effect increased in proportion the square of the current. If you were motivated to verify that the Hooper effect exists, would you not try to conduct the experiment with MORE current, rather than less?
Secondly [2], NASA conducted it’s tests by energizing the coils and making measurements in an immediate on-off mode, rather than letting things run for a while as Hooper did. NASA’s reason for doing this was to avoid errors due to thermal effects. (They did not follow the advised protocol as provided for in the patent.)
It makes sense for the researchers to do this, however what does not make sense is that if you are trying to verify an original experiment and you make changes, you have an obligation to also conduct the experiment in it’s original mode. To do otherwise is bad science.
But what could be wrong with testing things in an immediate on-off mode? Well, it can be seen in other experiments that a gravitational effect sometimes results from macroscopic spin alignment of the quantum angular momentum of a large number of microscopic particles. It has been demonstrated in other experiments that it takes time for these particles to come into alignment. For example in the inventions of Henry Wallace it sometimes took minutes for the “kinemassic” gravito- magnetic field to fully manifest itself.
The reason that it takes time for particles to come into alignment, could be much the same reason that it takes time to permanently magnetize a magnet. Wallace found that the “kinemassic” effect occurs with elemental materials which have a component of unpaired spin in the atomic nucleus. This includes all common isotopes of copper, which of course is the material used in Hooper’s coils.
I remain skeptical.
That is because, the moment that something looks to be of value by MAJestic, or the Military, or the United States government, it is quickly disparaged and the research thrown into a SAP program.
So when a theory is tested, only once, and then quickly discounted, it becomes suggestive of this kind of process.
I strongly urge the reader to revisit this issue. I strongly suspect that this kind of technology, or ones related to it is already incorporated in a number of highly classified aerospace aircraft designs. I believe that this NASA report is specifically designed to thwart research along these avenues.
Millis, M. & Williamson. 1995. Experimental Results of Hooper’s Gravity-Electromagnetic Coupling Concept. NASA TM-106963.
Schlicher Thrusting Antenna
“Experiments were conducted to test the claims by Rex L. Schlicher et.al. (Patent 5,142,861) that a certain antenna geometry produces thrust greatly exceeding radiation reaction, when driven by repetitive, fast rise and relatively slower decay current pulses. “
Tests of a specially terminated coax, that was claimed to create more thrust than attributable to photon radiation pressure, revealed that no such thrust was present. Again, NASA found no benefit in further investigations of this matter.
Schlicher Thrusting Antenna.
Fralick G. & Niedra. 2001. Experimental Results of Schlicher’s Thrusting Antenna. AIAA-2001-3657. (NASA TM-2001-211207)
“We conclude, in agreement with the momentum theorem of classical electromagnetic theory, that any thrust produced is far below practically useful levels. Hence within classical electrodynamics, there is little hope of detecting any low level motion that cannot be explained by interactions with surrounding structural steel and the Earth's magnetic field.”
The testing showed agreement with classical theory, and no further tests or studies were planned.
The scientists have spoken!
However, they ended the report with the most signifigant statement that they could have made:
“The simplicity and import of the electromagnetic momentum theorem underscore the hopelessness of any space reaction scheme strictly within classical electrodynamics.
This severe bottom line strongly suggests that for practical, globally fast mass/energy transport, one must work around the classical limitations of momentum conservation by digging into the deeper layers of spacetime structure itself---the so called "spacetime engineering". “
Podkletnov Gravity Shield
“The trouble started when Robert Matthews, science correspondent to the British Sunday Telegraph, got hold of the story. Matthews, like any journalist, relies on contacts, and he's disarmingly honest about it.
"You don't get stories by digging for them," he now says with a laugh. "This isn't like Sherlock Holmes, that's a lot of bollocks. It's like, you hope a little brown envelope turns up in the post, and if it does, you're in luck."
“In his case the little brown envelope contained page proofs of Podkletnov's paper, leaked by a man named Ian Sample who worked on the editorial staff of the Journal of Physics-D. Although Podkletnov's paper hadn't been published yet, Sample and Matthews decided to break the story in the Sunday Telegraph, which printed it on September 1, 1996.
The first sentence was key: "Scientists in Finland are about to reveal details of the world's first antigravity device."
“Antigravity? Podkletnov never used that word; he said he'd found a way to block gravity. Maybe this seemed a trivial distinction, but not to the staid professors at the Institute of Materials Science in the University of Tampere, to whom "antigravity" sounded like something out of a bad Hollywood movie.”
-Breaking the Law of Gravity By Charles Platt. Wired Magazine.
A controversial claim of “gravity shielding” using rotating superconductors and radio-frequency radiation was published based on work done at Finland’s Tampere Institute. (i.e. an object placed above this spinning disc would lose weight.)
Podkletnov E. & Nieminen. 1992. A Possibility of Gravitational Force Shielding by Bulk YBCO Superconductor. Physica C. 203: 441-444.
A privately funded replication of the Podkletnov configuration “found no evidence of a gravity-like force to the limits of the apparatus sensitivity,” where the sensitivity was “50 times better than that available to Podkletnov.”
Hathaway, Cleveland, & Bao. 2003. Gravity modification experiment using a rotating superconducting disk and radio frequency fields. Physica C. 385: 488-500.
But this information is completely unfounded and meaningless. Boeing Aerospace is actively developing this technology and is doing everything in it’s power to retain Mr. Podkletnov and his work .
Podkletnov Gravity Shield. Did Evgeny Podkletnov manage to shield an object from the effects of gravity with this 1992 design? Two decades have passed and, so far, only Podkletnov himself has reported success. (Scientists have, however, enjoyed success with superconductors though.)
See below.
Publicly available papers describe this technology as having potential, but needing further engineering research and studies. Just as the exact details of impulse gravity beam propelled spacecraft cannot yet be determined with existing information, there are many unknowns in what the exact characteristics of a mature impulse gravity beamed propulsion transmitter design will be.
Existing impulse gravity generator technology only generates the impulse gravity beam for a very short period of time, on the order of 10-4 seconds. For a practical propulsion system, the transmitter will need to greatly increase the amount of time it provides propulsion to the target spacecraft.
This increase might be achieved with the development of an impulse gravity generator that is able to operate in a steady state condition. If such a generator cannot be built, then pulsing one or more generators at a high frequency could still achieve a high average acceleration of the target spacecraft, even though each individual pulse may be of short duration.
Similar lessons related to Honda’s research into the Biefeld-Brown effect applies to the Finnish/Russian Dr. Podkletnov’s gravity shielding spinning superconducting ceramic disc experiment.
It took many years reading and rereading Dr. Podkletnov’s two papers (the 1992 “A Possibility of Gravitational Force Shielding by Bulk YBa2Cu3O7-x Superconductor” and the 1997 “Weak gravitational shielding properties of composite bulk YBa2Cu3O7-x superconductor below 70K under e.m. field”) before I fully understood all the salient observations.
Any theory on Dr. Podkletnov’s experiments must explain four observations;[1] the stationary disc weight loss, [2] spinning disc weight loss, [3] weight loss increase along a radial distance and [4] weight increase.
The pure fact is that we haven’t see anyone else attempt to explain all four observation within the context of the same theoretical analysis.
The most likely inference is that legacy physics does not have the tools to explore Podkletnov’s experiments. This is the bane and the problem that we possess. Conventional physics is not able to properly describe the technologies of our extraterrestrial allies.
Here is the great warning; we must not rely on conventional physics to describe extraterrestrial technologies. Look what happened with development and investigative work on the Podkletnov Gravity Shield.
Interest in Dr. Podkletnov’s work was destroyed by two papers claiming null results.
First, Woods et al, (the 2001 “Gravity Modification by High-Temperature Superconductors”) and second, Hathaway et al (the 2002 “Gravity Modification Experiments Using a Rotating Superconducting Disk and Radio Frequency Fields”).
Reading through these papers it became very clear that neither team were able to faithfully reproduce Dr. Podkletnov’s work.
An analysis of Dr. Podkletnov’s papers show that the disc is electrified and bi-layered. By bi-layered, the top side is superconducting and the bottom non-superconducting. Therefore, to get gravity modifying effects, the key to experimental success is, bottom side needs to be much thicker than the top. Without getting into too much detail, this would introduce asymmetrical field structures, and gravity modifying effects.
“Of course, reflexive conservatism isn't the whole story. Many physicists are skeptical about gravity shielding because they believe that it conflicts with Einstein's general theory of relativity. According to George Smoot, a renowned professor of physics at UC Berkeley who collaborated on an essay that won a Gravity Research Foundation award, "If gravity shielding is going to be consistent with Einstein's general theory, you would need tremendous amounts of mass and energy. It's far beyond the technology we have today."
“On the other hand, theories developed by Giovanni Modanese, Ning Li, and Douglas Torr portray a superconductor as a giant "quantum object" which might be exempt from Smoot's criticism, since Einstein's general theory has nothing to say about quantum effects. As Smoot himself admits, "The general theory is widely revered because Einstein wrote it, and it happens to be very beautiful.
But the general theory is not entirely compatible with quantum mechanics, and sooner or later it will have to be modified."
“He also says that the nonlinear spin of gravity particles - "gravitons" - makes calculations extremely difficult. "When you add a spinning disc ," he says, "the equations become impossible to solve."“This means that gravity shielding cannot be disproved mathematically. Even Bob Park, the resident skeptic , shies away from describing it as "impossible," because "there have been things that we thought were impossible, which actually came to pass."
Gregory Benford, a professor of physics at UC Irvine who also writes science fiction, echoes this and takes it a step further.
"There's nothing impossible about gravity shielding," he says. "It just requires a field theory that we don't have yet. Anyone who says it's inconceivable is suffering from a lack of imagination."
-Breaking the Law of Gravity By Charles Platt. Wired Magazine.
The necessary dialog between theoretical explanations and experimental insight is vital to any scientific study. Without this dialog, there arises confounding obstructions; theoretically impossible but experiments work or theoretically possible but experiments don’t work.
Coronal Blowers
There are many variants of the original patent where high-voltage capacitors create thrust, many of which claim that the thrust is a new affect akin to antigravity.
Brown, T. T. 1928. A Method of and an Apparatus or Machine for Producing Force or Motion. GB Patent #300,311.
These go by such terms as: “Biefeld-Brown effect,” “lifters,” “electrostatic antigravity,” “electrogravitics,” and “asymmetrical capacitors.” To date, all rigorous experimental tests indicate that the observed thrust to coronal wind is attributable.
Canning, F. X., Melcher, & Winet. 2004. Asymmetrical Capacitors for Propulsion. NASA CR-2004-213312, and Tajmar, M. 2004. The Biefeld-Brown Effect: Missinterpretation of Corona Wind Phenomena. AIAA J. Propulsion & Power. 42: 315-318, as well as Talley, R. L. 1991. Twenty First Century Propulsion Concept. PL-TR-91-3009. Edwards AFB, CA.
Quoting from one such finding:
“… their operation is fully explained by a very simple theory that uses only electrostatic forces and the transfer of momentum by multiple collisions [with air molecules].”
I urge the reader to review my opinions on the Podkletnov Gravity Shield.
Quantum Tunneling as an FTL venue
What do you do when you measure things that are found to actually travel faster than light?
In recent years, some physicists have conducted experiments in which faster-than-light (FTL) speeds were measured. On the other hand, Einstein’s theory of special relativity gives light speed as the absolute speed limit for matter and information!
This violation of causality is very worrysome, and thus special relativity’s demand that neither matter nor information should move faster than light is a pretty fundamental one, not at all comparable to the objections some physicists had about faster-than-sound travel in the first half of this century.
So, has special relativity been disproved, now that FTL speeds have been measured?
The first problem with this naive conclusion is that, while in special relativity neither information nor energy are allowed to be transmitted faster than light, but that certain velocities in connection with the phenomena of wave transmission may well excede light speed.
For instance, the phase velocity of a wave or the group velocity of a wave packet are not in principle restricted below light speed.
The speed connected with wave phenomena that, according to special relativity, must never exceed light speed, is the front velocity of the wave or wave packet, which roughly can be seen as the speed of the first little stirring that tells an observer “Hey, there’s a wave coming”.
(Detailed examinations of the differences between the velocities useful to describe waves can be found in the classic book “Brillouin, L. 1960 Wave Propagation and Group Velocity. NY: Academic Press.”)
Characteristic of the discussion of the FTL/tunneling experiments is that the experimental results are relatively uncontroversial – it is their interpretation that the debate is about.
As far as I can see, right now there is a consensus that in neither of the experiments, FTL-front velocities have been measured, and that thus there is no contradiction to Einstein causality or to special relativity’s claim that no front speed can exceed light speed.
The discussion how much time a particle needs to tunnel through a barrier has been going on since the thirties and still goes on today, as far as I can tell.
This discussion is about “real” tunneling experiments, like the ones a Berkeley group around Raymond Chiao has done, as well as experiments with microwaves in waveguides (that do not involve quantum mechanics) like those of Günter Nimtz et al. An overview of the discussion (including lots of further references) can be found in Hauge, E.H. & Støvneng 1989, Review of Modern Physics 61, S. 917–936.
A prerequisite to faster-than-light travel is to prove faster-than-light information transfer. The phenomenon of quantum tunneling, where signals appear to pass through barriers at superluminal speed, is often cited as such empirical evidence.
Experimental and theoretical work indicates that the information transfer rate is only apparently superluminal, with no causality violations. Although the leading edge of the signal does appear to make it through the barrier faster, the entire signal is still light-speed limited.
Segev, et al. 2000. Quantum noise and superluminal propagation. Phys. Rev A. 62: 0022114-1 to 0022114-15.
This topic still serves, however, as a tool to explore this intriguing aspect of physics.
Mojahedi, M. et al. 2000. Frequency and Time-Domain Detection of Superluminal Group Velocities in a Distributed Bragg Reflector. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 36: 418-424.
The Berkeley group gives a general overview of their research at
An experiment of theirs, where a single photon tunnelled through a barrier and its tunneling speed (not a signal speed!) was 1.7 times light speed, is described in
Steinberg, A.M., Kwiat, P.G. & R.Y. Chiao 1993: “Measurement of the Single-Photon Tunneling Time” in Physical Review Letter71, S. 708—711
Articles concerned with the propagation of wave packets that happens FTL and is somewhat complicated by the fact that the waves “borrow” some energy from the medium, but does not violate causality, are
Chiao, R.Y. 1993: “Superluminal (but causal) propagation of wavepackets in transparent media with inverted atomic populations” in Phys. Rev. A 48, B34.
Chiao, R.Y. 1996: “Tachyon-like excitations in inverted two-level media” in Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 1254.
Aephraim Steinberg, who is a former graduate student of Chiao’s, has written two papers especially on the problem of tunneling time, which are available online at
Raymond Y. Chiao, Paul G. Kwiat, Aephraim M. Steinberg: “ Quantum non-locality in Two-Photon Experiments at Berkeley” (International Workshop on Laser and Quantum Optics, Nathiagali, Pakistan, 9-14 July 1994) in Quantum and Semiclassical Optics7, 259-78 (was preprint quant-ph/950101).
Earlier experiments by Günter Nimtz of Cologne University (Universität Kön), with whose experiments most of the later newspaper articles are concerned, have been published as
Enders, A. und G. Nimtz 1993, “Evanescent-mode propagation and quantum tunneling” in Phys. Rev.E 48, S. 632-634.
Enders, A. und G. Nimtz 1993, J. Phys. I (France)3, S. 1089
Nimtz, G. et al. 1994: “Photonic Tunneling Times”in J. Phys. I (France)4, 565.
A description of the equivalence between these microwave-experiments and quantum mechanical tunneling is described in
Martin, Th. und Landauer, R. 1991: “Time delay of evanescent electromagnetic waves and the analogy to particle tunneling” in Phys. Rev. A 45 , S. 2611-2617.
In reaction to Nimtz’ publications, a number of articles appeared which deal with a) why causality is not violated in these experiments, and b) how the results of the experiments come about. These are
Deutch, J.M. und F.E. Low 1993: “Barrier Penetration and Superluminal Velocity” in Ann. Phys. (NY)228, S. 184-202.
Hass, K. und P. Busch 1994: “Causality of superluminal barrier traversal” in Phys. Lett. A 185, S. 9-13.
Landauer, R. und Th. Martin 1994: “Barrier interaction time in tunneling” in Rev. Mod. Phys. 66, S. 217-228.
Azbel, M. Y. 1994: “Superluminal Velocity, Tunneling Traversal Time and Causality” in Solid State Comm. 91, S. 439-441.
Nimtz’s reply and general observations on causality and his experiments can be found in
Heitmann, W. und G. Nimtz 1994: “On causality proofs of superluminal barrier traversal of frequency band limited wave packets” in Phys. Lett. A 196, S. 154-158.
As far as the more recent experiments of Nimtz are concerned, especially the popular tunneling of parts of Mozart’s 40th symphony with 4.7 fold light speed, I have not been able to find references to a technical article yet. Heitman/Nimtz 1994 (see above) refer to it as “H. Aichmann and G. Nimtz, to be published”, I haven’t found it in Physics Abstracts (up to July 1996, I think I should look again soon), though.
The problem of tunneling times is also the topic of some articles I’ve found in the quantum physics (quant-ph) archive, namely
Experiments and theories published by James Woodward claim that oscillatory changes to inertia can be induced by electromagnetic means…
Woodward, J. F. 2004. Flux Capacitors and the Origin of Inertia. Foundations of Physics. 34: 1475-1514.
and a patent exists on how this can be used for propulsion…
Woodward, J. F. 1994. Method for Transiently Altering the Mass of an Object to Facilitate Their Transport or Change their Stationary Apparent Weights. US Patent # 5,280,864.
Conservation of momentum is satisfied by evoking interpretations of Mach’s principle. Independent verification experiments, using techniques less prone to spurious effects, were unable to reliably confirm or dismiss the claims.
Cramer, J., Fey & Casissi. 2004. Tests of Mach’s Principle with a Mechanical Oscillator. NASA/CR–2004-213310.
Woodward and others continue with experiments and publications to make the effect more pronounced and to more clearly separate the claimed effects from experimental artifacts.
This oscillatory inertia approach is considered unresolved.
Abraham-Minkowski Electromagnetic Momentum
More than one approach attempts to use an unresolved question of electromagnetic momentum (Abraham-Minkowski controversy) …
Brevik, I. 1982. Comment on Electromagnetic Momentum in Static Fields and the Abraham-Minkowski Controversy. Physics Letters. 88 A: 335-338.
to suggest a new space propulsion method.
Slepian, J. 1949. Electromagnetic Space-Ship. Electrical Engineering. March: 145-146, April: 245; and Brito, H. H. 2001. Experimental Status of Thrusting by Electromagnetic Inertia Manipulation. Paper IAF-01-S.6.02, 52nd International Astronautical Congress, Toulouse France; and Corum, J. et al. 2001; and The Electromagnetic Stress-Tensor as a Possible Space Drive Propulsion Concept. AIAA-2001-3654.
The equations that describe electromagnetic momentum in vacuum are well established (photon radiation pressure), but there is still debate concerning momentum within dielectric media.
In all of the proposed propulsion methods, the anticipated forces are relatively small (comparable to experimental noise) and critical issues remain unresolved. In particular, the conversion of anoscillatory force into a net force remains questionable and the issue of generating external forces from different internal momenta remains unproven.
Even if unsuitable for propulsion, these approaches provide empirical tools for further exploring the Abraham-Minkowski controversy of electromagnetic momentum.
Inertia and Gravity Interpreted as Quantum Vacuum Effects
Theories are entering the peer-reviewed literature that assert that gravity and inertia are side effects of the quantum vacuum.
The theories are controversial and face many unresolved issues. In essence this approach asserts that inertia is related to an electromagnetic drag force against the vacuum when matter is accelerated, and that gravity is the result of asymmetric distributions of vacuum energy caused by the presence of matter.
Puthoff, H. E. 1993. Gravity as a zero-point-fluctuation force. Phys. Rev. A. 39: 2333; Comments, Phys. Rev A. 47: 3454; and Rueda, A. & Haisch. 1998. Inertial mass as reaction of the vacuum to accelerated motion. Phys. Letters A. 240: 115-126; and Puthoff, H. E. 2002. Polarizable-Vacuum (PV) approach to general relativity. Found. Phys. 32: 927-943; and Puthoff, H. E., Davis, & Maccone. 2005. Levi-Civita effect in the polarizable vacuum (PV) representation of general relativity. Gen. Relativity & Gravity. 37(3): 483-489.
The space propulsion implications of these theories have been raised,
Puthoff, Little & Ibison. 2002. Engineering the zero-point field and polarizable vacuum for interstellar flight. Jour. Brit. Interplanetary Soc. (JBIS). 55: 137-144.
But experimental approaches to test these assertions are only beginning to enter the literature.
Rueda, A. & Haisch. 2005. Gravity and the quantum vacuum hypothesis. Ann. Phys. (Leipzig), 14(8): 479-498.
The EmDrive, an experimental propulsion device, may be producing a warp field. The basic idea behind an EM drive, which is based on a 2001 design by a British engineer named Roger Shawyer, is that it can produce thrust by bouncing microwaves around in a cone-shaped metal cavity.
Shawyer is adamant that there is no need for pseudoscience or quantum theories to explain how EmDrive works. Instead, he believes that current models of Newtonian physics offer an explanation, and has written papers on the subject, one of which is currently being peer reviewed.
Thrust measurements of the EM Drive defy classical physics’ expectations that such a closed (microwave) cavity should be unusable for space propulsion because of the law of conservation of momentum.
The issue is, the entire concept of a reactionless drive is inconsistent with Newton’s conservation of momentum, which states that within a closed system, linear and angular momentum remain constant regardless of any changes that take place within said system. More plainly: Unless an outside force is applied, an object will not move.
Reactionless drives are named as such because they lack the “reaction” defined in Newton’s third law: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
But this goes against our current fundamental understanding of physics:
An action (propulsion of a craft) taking place without a reaction (ignition of fuel and expulsion of mass) should be impossible.
For such a thing to occur, it would mean an as-yet-undefined phenomenon is taking place — or our understanding of physics is completely wrong.
Then came NASA…
NASA Eagleworks (an advanced propulsion research group led by Dr. Harold “Sonny” White at the Johnson Space Center (JSC)) made waves throughout the scientific and technical communities when the group presented their test results on July 28-30, 2014, at the 50th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference in Cleveland, Ohio.
The EM Drive is a propulsive concept that originated around 2001 when a small UK company, Satellite Propulsion Research Ltd (SPR), under Roger J. Shawyer, started a Research and Development (R&D) program.
The concept of an EM Drive as put forth by SPR was that electromagnetic microwave cavities might provide for the direct conversion of electrical energy to thrust without the need to expel any propellant.
According to posts on the NASA Space Flight forum, when lasers were fired into the EmDrive resonance chamber…
The EmDrive is what is called an RF resonant cavity thruster, and is one of several hypothetical machines that use this model. These designs work by having a magnetron push microwaves into a closed truncated cone, then push against the short end of the cone, and propel the craft forward.
…it was found that some of the beams were travelling faster than the speed of light. If this is true, then it would mean that the EmDrive is producing a warp field or bubble. A forum post says that;
"this signature (the interference pattern) on the EmDrive looks just like what a warp bubble looks like. And the math behind the warp bubble apparently matches the interference pattern found in the EmDrive."
The new tests were conducted in a vacuum, unlike all prior tests, and the EM Drive was still found to work.
This lack of expulsion of propellant from the drive was met with initial skepticism within the scientific community because this lack of propellant expulsion would leave nothing to balance the change in the spacecraft’s momentum if it were able to accelerate. However, in 2010, Prof. Juan Yang in China began publishing about her research into EM Drive technology, culminating in her 2012 paper reporting higher input power (2.5kW) and tested thrust (720mN) levels of an EM Drive.
In particular, this allows NASA to rule out the possibility that the drive’s thrust is being created by heat transfer outside of the drive, rather than inside of it.
The theory is that this drive can create force by bouncing electromagnetic waves around inside of a chamber, with some of their energy being transferred to a reflector to generate thrust.
On the surface, this sounds a lot like something that violates the conservation of momentum, though the originator of the idea believes that this isn’t actually the case.
Paul March, an engineer at NASA Eagleworks, recently reported in NASASpaceFlight.com’s forum that NASA has successfully tested their EM Drive in a hard vacuum. Indeed this is the first time any organization has reported such a successful test. To this end, NASA Eagleworks has now nullified the prevailing hypothesis that thrust measurements were due to thermal convection.
Some history;
In 2001
In 2001, Shawyer was given a £45,000 grant from the British government to test the EmDrive. His test reportedly achieved 0.016 Newtons of force and required 850 watts of power, but no peer review of the tests verified this. It’s worth noting, however, that this number was low enough that it was potentially an experimental error.
In 2008
In 2008, Yang Juan and a team of Chinese researches at the Northwestern Polytechnical University allegedly verified the theory behind RF resonant cavity thrusters, and subsequently built their own version in 2010, testing the drive multiple times from 2012 to 2014. Tests results were purportedly positive, achieving up yo 750 mN (millinewtons) of thrust, and requiring 2,500 watts of power.
In 2014
In 2014, NASA researchers, tested their own version of an EmDrive, including in a hard vacuum. Once again, the group reported thrust (about 1/1,000 of Shawyer’s claims), and upon request by the policy handlers in Washington, the data was never published through peer-reviewed sources. Other NASA groups are skeptical of researchers’ claims, but in their paper, it is clearly stated that these findings neither confirm nor refute the drive, instead calling for further tests.
In 2015
In 2015, that same NASA group tested a version of chemical engineer Guido Fetta’s Cannae Drive (née Q Drive), and reported positive net thrust. Similarly, a research group at Dresden University of Technology also tested the drive, again reporting thrust, both predicted and unexpected.
Yet another test by a NASA research group, Eagleworks, also in 2015 seemingly confirmed the validity of the EmDrive.
On April 5, 2015, Paul March reported at NASAspaceflight.com’s Forum that Dr. White and Dr. Jerry Vera at NASA Eagleworks have just created a new computational code that models the EM Drive’s thrust as a three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic flow of electron-positron virtual particles.
These simulations explain why in NASA’s experiments it was necessary to insert a high density polyethylene (HDPE) dielectric into the EM Drive, while the experiments in the UK and China were able to measure thrust without a dielectric insert.
The code shows two reasons for this: 1) the experiments in the UK and China used (unlike the ones in the US) a magnetron to generate the microwaves and 2) the experiments in the UK and China were performed with much higher input power: up to 2.5 kiloWatts, compared to less than 100 Watts in the US experiments.
The test corrected errors that had occurred in the previous tests, and surprisingly, the drive achieved thrust.
However, the group has not yet submitted their findings for peer review. It’s possible that other unforeseen errors in the experiment may have cause thrust (the most likely of which is that the vacuum was compromised, causing heat to expand air within it testing environment and move the drive).
Whether the findings are ultimately published or not, more tests need to be done. That’s exactly what Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory intend to do. For EmDrive believers, there seems to be some hope.
October 2015
As of October 2015, independent European researchers have verified that this drive does actually work.
The so-called "warp drive" that could reach the moon in four hours reportedly works. The Telegraph reports that the electromagnetic propulsion drive (EM Drive), which has been in development for more than a decade, uses solar power to create microwave energy, which propels a rocket; actually works.
The technology is unique in that it negates the need for having to use rocket fuel. Professor Martin Tajmar, of the Dresden University of Technology in Germany, confirmed in October 2015 that the EM Drive is able to produce thrust.
This quote is wonderful; "…we do observe thrust close to the actual predictions after eliminating many possible error sources that should warrant further investigation into the phenomena."
While various individuals have presented papers on how it manages to work without violating any of the laws that seem to govern the world around us.
In mid 2016, a theory was put forth by physicist Michael McCulloch, a researcher from Plymouth University in the United Kingdom, which may offer an explanation of the thrust observed in tests.
McCulloch’s theory deals with inertia and something called the Unruh effect — a concept predicted by relativity, which makes the universe appear hotter the more you accelerate, with the heat observed relative to the acceleration.
McCulloch’s theory deals with the unconfirmed concept of Unruh radiation, which infers that particles form out of the vacuum of space as a direct result from the observed heating of the universe due to acceleration.
Meanwhile, die-hard statists continue their long watch of skepticism, and refuse to accept the test results as having any validity.
Professor and mathematical physicist, John C. Baez expressed his exhaustion at the conceptual technology’s persistence in debates and discussions, calling the entire notion of a reactionless drive “baloney.”
September 2016
In September 2016, propulsion researchers gathered for a select, invitation-only workshop at an isolated retreat in Estes Park, Colorado. The proceedings and videos of the workshop, sponsored by the Space Studies Institute, are available online.
Later that year, a paper by NASA’s Eagleworks team, titled “Measurement of Impulsive Thrust from a Closed Radio-Frequency Cavity in Vacuum,” published in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)’s peer-reviewed Journal of Propulsion and Power, described promising experimental results and hinted at possible theoretical EmDrive models.
The publication of NASA’s paper silenced some objections to EmDrive research based on the lack of peer-reviewed publications in top scientific journals.
November 2017
As of November 2017, China’s state media claims that the country’s scientists have perfected a working EmDrive prototype and are preparing to test it in space. It must work, after all, NASA is funding a feasibility study for an interstellar mission powered by a related exotic propulsion method. Read more HERE.
Honda’s research into the Biefeld-Brown effect
Gravity modification, the conventional engineering term for antigravity, is the ability to modify the gravitational field without the use of mass. According to conventional physics this is impossible. Thus legacy physics, the RSQ (Relativity, String & Quantum) theories, cannot deliver either the physics or technology as these both require mass as their field origin.
Dr. Takaaki Musha has been researching Biefeld-Brown in Japan, going back to the late 1980s, and worked for the Ministry of Defense and Honda R&D.
In recent years Biefeld-Brown has gained some notoriety as an ionic wind effect. Dr. Musha’s 2008 paper “Explanation of Dynamical Biefeld-Brown Effect from the Standpoint of ZPF field.” Investigated this effect. By studying this paper, one can clearly see how thorough, detailed and meticulous Dr. Musha was.
Quoting selected portions from Dr. Musha’s paper:
“In 1956, T.T. Brown presented a discovery known as the Biefeld-Bown effect (abbreviated B-B effect) that a sufficiently charged capacitor with dielectrics exhibited unidirectional thrust in the direction of the positive plate.”
“From the 1st of February until the 1st of March in 1996, the research group of the HONDA R&D Institute conducted experiments to verify the B-B effect with an improved experimental device which rejected the influence of corona discharges and electric wind around the capacitor by setting the capacitor in the insulator oil contained within a metallic vessel . . . The experimental results measured by the Honda research group are shown . . .”
From V. Putz and K. Svozil,
“. . . predicted that the electron experiences an increase in its rest mass under an intense electromagnetic field . . .”
and the equivalent
“. . . formula with respect to the mass shift of the electron under intense electromagnetic field was discovered by P. Milonni . . .”
Dr. Musha concludes his paper with,
“. . . The theoretical analysis result suggests that the impulsive electric field applied to the dielectric material may produce a sufficient artificial gravity to attain velocities comparable to chemical rockets.”
Given, Honda R&D’s experimental research findings, this is a major step forward for the Biefeld-Brown effect, and Biefeld-Brown is back on the table as a potential propulsion technology. This is important and significant. For together we have learned two lessons.
First, that any theoretical analysis of an experimental result is advanced or handicapped by the contemporary physics. While the experimental results remain valid, at the time of the publication, zero point fluctuation (ZPF) was the appropriate theory. However, per Prof. Robert Nemiroff’s 2012 stunning discovery that quantum foam and thus ZPF does not exist, the theoretical explanation for the Biefeld-Brown effect needs to be reinvestigated in light of Putz, Svozil and Milonni’s research findings. This is not an easy task as that part of the foundational legacy physics is now void.
Second, it took decades of Dr. Musha’s own research to correctly advise Honda R&D how to conduct with great care and attention to detail, this type of experimental research. I would advise anyone serious considering Biefeld-Brown experiments to talk to Dr. Musha, first.
Podkletnov Force Beam
On an Internet physics archive it is claimed that forces can be imparted to distant objects using high-voltage electrical discharges near superconductors. Between 4×10-4 to 23×10-4 Joules of mechanical energy are claimed to have been imparted to an 18.5-gram pendulum located 150 meters away and behind brick walls of a separate building.
Podkletnov, E., & Modanese. 2001. Impulse Gravity Generator Based on Charged YBa2Cu3O7-y Superconductor with Composite Crystal Structure. arXiv:physics/ 0108005 v2.
Like the prior gravity shielding claims, these experiments are difficult and costly to duplicate, and remain unsubstantiated by reliable independent sources.
Boeing, the world’s largest aircraft manufacturer, has admitted it is working on experimental anti-gravity projects that are based on this technology. To this end, the company is trying to solicit the services of a Russian scientist who claims he has developed anti-gravity devices in Russia and Finland. The Boeing drive to develop a collaborative relationship with the scientist in question, Dr Evgeny Podkletnov, has its own internal project name: ‘GRASP’ — Gravity Research for Advanced Space Propulsion.
GRASP’s objective is to explore propellentless propulsion (the aerospace world’s more formal term for anti-gravity), determine the validity of Podkletnov’s work and “examine possible uses for such a technology”. Applications, the company says, could include space launch systems, artificial gravity on spacecraft, aircraft propulsion and ‘fuelless’ electricity generation — so-called ‘free energy’.
Although he was vilified by traditionalists who claimed that gravity-shielding was impossible under the known laws of physics, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) attempted to replicate his work in the mid-1990s. Because NASA lacked Podkletnov’s unique formula for the work, the attempt failed. The GRASP briefing document reveals that BAE Systems and Lockheed Martin have also contacted Podkletnov “and have some activity in this area”. It is also possible, Boeing admits, that “classified activities in gravity modification may exist”.
Phew! A lot of work going on, eh? You can only imagine what is going on in the BLACK.
This is part two of a four part post. You can go to part three HERE.
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This multi-part post is devoted to the issue of travelling between the stars within the lifetime of a human. It does not necessarily mean that the propulsion method would be so fast as to exceed the speed of light, though that possibility does exist. It simply is a discussion on how the great gulfs between the stars can be traversed using contemporaneous human technology.
As such, it purposely omits dimensional gates and transport portals.
I most certainly do not have the answers regarding this most interesting of subjects.
This post discusses this issue because one of the first things a debunker does is complain that engineering solutions are unattainable. I discuss these issues and more. It is a good read.
The sections
This is part 1 of a four part post. This post consists of four sections as described;
First off, MAJestic as well as our benefactors, have techniques and mechanisms that permit geographical travel anywhere in the universe without using a vehicle. This technology also enables such things as world-line travel, dimensional travel, and time travel.
This is a very powerful technology, but that is not the subject at hand. Here, we will talk about technologies that can be used to traverse large physical distances in relatively short periods of time, without using dimensional portals or gates.
The benefit in this technology is obvious. You need to physically go to a location in order to establish “jump gate” coordinates for it. This will require physical presence, and that means physical travel. (Of course, there are other things that one can do, like trial by error, robots and probes, but please follow my train of thought on this.)
Here we discuss ways to travel “very fast” in our universe, by using existing and known technologies without using a dimensional portal or gate.
I would like to start by discussing the premise of extraterrestrials from outside the solar system visiting the earth. This implies, and requires, that they possess (some sort of) faster-than-light travel capability. Thus, I begin my arcane discussions on this most fundamental topic.
The speed-of-light limit argument against the extraterrestrial visitation phenomenon is a theory-based one, but even without suspending the laws of relativity it may not be valid. We simply know too little about other possibilities to rule them out, and for that reason most people believe that the appropriate thing to do is to suspend judgment based on this argument.
Here, I would like begin by taking the time to address some common misconceptions about Einstein’s equations of motion relative to relativistic flight, from the perspective of an Aerospace Engineer.
This subject was broached decades ago in one of my Aerospace Engineering classes back in my college days.
The subject was as relevant then as it is now.
It is a discussion, not only about the equations used, but also about the differences in comprehension and utility between, “scientists”, “engineers” and the understanding of the “general public”.
"No flying machine will ever fly from New York to Paris ... [because] no known motor can run at the requisite speed for four days without stopping."
-Orville Wright
The reader should know that the ability to travel faster than the speed of light (or a functionally equivalent method) is a physical problem solvable by engineers.
The empirical evidence of the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887, now known as the Lorentz-FitzGerald Transformations (LFT), proposed by FitzGerald in 1889, and Lorentz in 1892, show beyond a shadow of doubt that nothing can have a motion with a velocity greater than the velocity of light. In 1905 Einstein derived LFT from first principles as the basis for the Special Theory of Relativity (STR).
Today the science of mathematics has become so powerful that it can now be used to prove anything, and therefore, the loss of certainty in the value of these mathematical models.
The antidote for this is to stay close to the empirical evidence. That is to say; don’t rely too much on the calculations, but rather on the physically observed effects. (But we all actually know that in this universe, everything actually is possible. It is a multidimensional universe.)
The scientists want to create an tangible framework by which to constrain their calculations so that they can remain grounded in “reality”. Ai! This is tying the hands of everyone.
That is why conventional scientists have such a problem with FTL flight.Basically the implied axioms (or starting assumptions of the mathematics) requires a multiverse universe or multiple universes, but the mathematics is based on a single universe. Thus even though the mathematics appears to be sound its axioms are contradictory to this mathematics. As Dr. Beckwith states, "reducto ad absurdum". For now, this unfortunately means that there is no such thing as a valid warp drive theory. LFT prevents this.
The question we should be asking is not, can we travel faster than light (FTL) but how do we bypass FTL? Or our focus should not be how to travel but how to effect destination arrival. That is the core issue herein. FTL flight is problematic on a number of levels, but destination flight is not.
For the purposes of this post, for reasons of simplicity, I equated FTL flight to equal that of “bypassing the Lorentz-FitzGerald Transformations (LFT)”.
Physicists might be able to understand the fabric of the universe, but it is the engineers that manufacture contrivances to utilize the physical laws for the interests of humankind.
That is the difference between what a Scientist is and what an Engineer does.
Our extraterrestrial friends have figured out how to do this, and thus I am convinced (by the many species that have accomplished this) that it can be actually be done.
I’ve seen them. I know that they are from another solar system or systems. They exist, and I know they do. (I have seen them and interacted them just like the reader has interacted with a hamburger and a side of French fries. It is visceral.)
Therefore, they got here using advanced propulsive methods. So we too, can also do this. The speed of light can be breeched. The nay-Sayers can just suck an egg for all I care. I do mean that.
I use the term loosely. This is whether they can actually go faster than the light barrier, or bend the fabric of time, or create dimensional doors, or modify time, or alter the fabric of the universe. It is, no matter how it is accomplished, observed by us mere earth-bound humans as “going faster than the speed of light”.
There are different methods to do this, but most seem to revolve around creating a “bubble” that pushes the constraining known physical factors away from the vehicle.
“The idea that UFOs may or may not exist - we’re so past that point. It’s like, it’s dumb to me to debate whether or not that phenomenon is even real or not. We know it’s real, it’s been around for hundreds of years.”
- Tom DeLonge
What the Scientific Community Thought…
“Radical space technologies never reach the public because unknown groups do not wish humanity to have access to the highest knowledge or the most advanced scientific inventions. Perhaps this suppression is out of fear that the masses may be able to explore our Solar System and the Universe beyond it. Whatever the case, it seems they want us to stay at ignorant levels forever.”
― Takaaki Musha, The Orphan Conspiracies: 29 Conspiracy Theories from The Orphan Trilogy
For many years, since the 1930’s, many scientists were convinced that there was a limit to how fast a person can go when travelling through space. They used Einstein’s equations as their “Bible” and burnished it like a huge brass cannon to forcefully shoot down anyone and any statement that dare suggested otherwise.
The following is directly from a discourse ridiculing Mr. Tesla for believing that it was possible to travel speeds faster than light. I think it would be beneficial to read it in it’s entirety at this time.
It comes from “Faster Than Light.” Everyday Science and Mechanics, November, 1931. It was written by Hugo Gernsback.
“It may come as a shock, to most students of science, to learn that there are still in the world some scientists who believe that there are speeds greater than that of light.
Since the advent of Einstein, most scientists and physicists have taken it for granted that speeds greater than 186,300 miles per second are impossible in the universe. Indeed, one of the principal tenets of the relativity theory is that the mass of a body increases with its speed, and would become infinite at the velocity of light. Hence, a greater velocity is impossible.
Among those who deny that this is true, there is Nikola Tesla, well known for his hundreds of important inventions. The induction motor and the system of distributing alternating current are but a few of his great contributions to modern science. In 1892, he made his historic experiments in Colorado; where he manufactured, for the first time, artificial lightning bolts 100 feet long, and where he was able, by means of high-frequency currents, to light electric lamps at a distance of three miles without the use of any wires whatsoever.
Talking to me about these experiments recently, Dr. Tesla revealed that he had made a number of surprising discoveries in the high-frequency electric field and that, in the course of these experiments, he had become convinced that he propagated frequencies at speeds higher than the speed of light.
In his patent No. 787,412, filed May 16, 1900, Tesla showed that the current of his transmitter passed over the earth’s surface with a speed of 292,830 miles per second, while radio waves proceed with the velocity of light. Tesla holds, however, that our present “radio” waves are not true Hertzian waves, but really sound waves.
He informs me, further, that he knows of speeds several times greater than that of light, and that he has designed apparatus with which he expects to project so-called electrons with a speed equal to twice that of light.
Coming from so eminent a source, the statement should be given due consideration. After all, abstract mathematics is one thing, and actual experimentation is another. Not so many years ago, one of the world’s greatest scientists of the time proved mathematically that it is impossible to fly a heavier-than-air machine. Yet we are flying plenty of airplanes today.
Tesla contradicts a part of the relativity theory emphatically, holding that mass is unalterable; otherwise, energy could be produced from nothing, since the kinetic energy acquired in the fall of a body would be greater than that necessary to lift it at a small velocity.
It is within the bounds of possibility that Einstein’s mathematics of speeds greater than light may be wrong. Tesla has been right many times during the past, and he may be proven right in the future. In any event, the statement that there are speeds faster than light is a tremendous one, and opens up entirely new vistas to science.
While it is believed by many scientists, today, that the force of gravitation is merely another manifestation of electromagnetic waves, there have, as yet, been no proofs of this. There are, of course, many obscure tilings about gravitation that we have not, as yet, fathomed, At one time, it was believed by many scientists that the speed of gravitation is instantaneous throughout the universe. This is simply another way of putting it that there are speeds greater than light.
Yet, from a strictly scientific viewpoint, no one today has any idea how fast gravitational waves—always providing that the force is in waves—travel. If the moon, for instance, were to explode at a given moment, how long would it be before the gravitational disturbance would be felt on earth? Would the gravitational impulse or waves travel at the speed of light—that is, 186,000 miles per second—or would the effect be instantaneous? We do not know.
The entire subject will no doubt arouse a tremendous interest in scientific circles. It is hoped that other scientists will be encouraged to investigate Dr. Tesla’s far-reaching assertions; either to definitely prove or to disprove them.”
This was quite an article. A lot has happened since this article was written. I think that it would best benefit us if we considered what Einstein actually stated, in light of what we actually do know now, today.
(And, of course, to alert us to the debunkers who steadfastly hold on to 1920 technology in order to appease the people who control their paychecks.)
The reader should realize that political power and influences can greatly mold and define scientific reality. If the reader is a true seeker, they will realize this fact and plow ahead in the pursuit of the “real” truth.
Einstein Said…
“Crudely stated, the limitations that concern us are… (1) No object travels faster than light (the Einstein speed limit)…”
- Jim Giglio and Scott Snell in "The UFO Evidence: Burdens of Proof". Board Members, National Capital Area Skeptics (NCAS)
When people say that the speed of light is a physical barrier that cannot be breached, and that Einstein proved it, they are flatly wrong.
It shows that not only do they not understand physics, but they have no understanding of [1] mathematics, [2] history, [3] quotes, the [4] sciences or [5] engineering. I guess that is understandable, given what constitutes for education in the United States these days.
This antagonistic statement is not specifically directed at the “Common Core” curriculum, but rather to the entire system of American Public Education. If the reader wants their child to get an education of value then I would suggest they avoid the public school system like the plague, and instead utilize private schools, with outside tutors and a strong dose of parental observed home schooling.
Einstein said no such thing.
I tried to search for a quote by him on this instance, and I was unable to find one. But just because I cannot find one does not mean that there isn’t one.
Though, if he did, he was wrong.
What this alleged “quote” refers to is his equations of motion at high speed relativistic velocities. In those equations, it can clearly be seen that the mass of the vehicle approaches infinity as the speed of light is approached. This means that one can never break the speed of light because it is impossible for the vehicles mass to become infinite.
The physics of Newton is quite fixed in this understanding.
Indeed, under Newtonian physics; matter cannot have an infinite mass in this universe. At least that is the conventional reasoning behind this misunderstanding. It is assumed. No one ever tested the validity of this belief.
Therefore, when people “quote” Einstein, what they are actually doing is “interpreting his equations with bias”. I repeat… “they are interpreting equations with bias to derive a specific predetermined outcome.”
The FTL mass equation that “proves” that speed cannot go faster than the known speed of light (in a vacuum).
On the surface, the equations appear clean and simple enough. As the vehicles speed approaches the speed of light, the vehicles mass also increases. At a point near the speed of light the mass increases to an infinite amount and thus the speed of light can never be breached.
That is how it works and looks on paper. The equations are quite clear on this.
Aerospace Engineers say…
But when an engineer sees this, he sees that the equations tell a different story.
The equations say that the mass increases in a relativistic manner. (That is all that it says.) However, the engineer then looks at the equations in a different way. They view it in terms of how can the equation be “harnessed”, or utilized.
Thus, if there was a way to alter the behavior of mass in a relativistic universe, then the speed of light could be breached. Everyone can thus attest to the validity of this. It is fundamental.
It has been discovered that the massless formula for gravitational acceleration, g=τc2, where tau τ is the change in the time dilation transformation (dimensionless LFT) divided by that distance. (The error in the modeled gravitational acceleration is less than 6 parts per million).
Thereby, proving that mass is not required for gravitational theories and falsifying the RSQ (Relativity, String & Quantum) theories on gravity.
There are two important consequences of this finding, (1) we now have a new propulsion equation, and (2) legacy or old physics cannot deliver.
But gravity modification per g=τc2 is still based on motion, and therefore, constrained by LFT. That is, gravity modification cannot provide for interstellar propulsion. For that we require a different approach, the “new physics”.
The difference between that of a casual “scientist” and that of a practical engineer is that engineers know that laws can be manipulated and modified. It is their job. It is what they have been trained to do. They manipulate the known physical laws to create machines and devices to solve problems. In the case of relativistic speeds, as difficult the equations are, the engineers point towards solutions.
Somehow, and in some way, a given objects mass is not set. But can be changed and altered.
And, if the vehicles mass could be controlled, then the equation is not fixed. Instead of only one variable; the vehicle velocity (which is the conventional statist belief), there are now two variables. The two variables are now both vehicle velocity and vehicle mass. With two variables, then it becomes possible to overcome physical barriers.
Other factors can also come into play.
Perhaps the speed of light is variable. We assume it is fixed, but there is evidence that it might actually be indeed variable. In fact, a team of Australian scientists has proposed that the speed of light may not be a constant, a revolutionary idea that could unseat the vaulted Einstein theory of relativity.
I do not know if this is valid or not.
The team, led by theoretical physicist Paul Davies of Sydney's Macquarie University, say it is possible that the speed of light has slowed over billions of years.
Davies, and astrophysicists Tamara Davis and Charles Lineweaver from the University of New South Wales published the proposal in the August 8 edition of scientific journal Nature.
The suggestion that the speed of light can change is based on data collected by UNSW astronomer John Webb, who posed a conundrum when he found that light from a distant quasar, a star-like object, had absorbed the wrong type of photons from interstellar clouds on its 12 billion year journey to earth.
Fundamentally Webb's observations meant that the structure of atoms emitting quasar light was slightly but ever so significantly different to the structure of atoms in humans.
The discrepancy could only be explained if either the electron charge, or the speed of light, had changed.To establish which of the two constants might not be that constant after all, the investigative team resorted to the study of black holes, mysterious astronomical bodies that suck in stars and other galactic features.
They also applied another dogma of physics, the second law of thermodynamics, which can be summarized as "you can't get something for nothing."
After considering that a change in the electron charge over time would violate the sacrosanct second law of thermodynamics, they concluded that the only option was to challenge the constancy of the speed of light.
Very interesting stuff.
However, let’s not get too caught up in past paradigms. Today, most people believe that somehow we can go faster than the speed of light using technologies that need to be “flushed out” and improved.
Whether or not any of these speculative observations have any bearing on the FTL equation is a matter of debate for another time. My conjecture is that there are always contributory factors that can eventually modify the engineering equations and system solutions involved in a given problem.
Using the previous conjectures as an example, we should look at similar circumstances on how engineers provided solutions towards difficult physical hurtles.
At that, let’s look at another barrier to speed; let’s take a peek into the forgotten past…
The Speed of Sound Barrier
This was not the first time that this sort of obstacle to flight was encountered. Let me discuss an earlier barrier to flight; the belief that nothing could go faster than the speed of sound.
The statist or debunker set would argue that this was not true, and they have done so directly to my face. What nonsense. It was LONG considered that the speed of sound was a barrier to flight.
It was common knowledge…
...that is up until it was disproved. How about that?
They argue that there never was the consideration that there was a barrier to flight faster than Mach 1. They argue this because of engineering efforts during the 1940’s to break the Mach barrier.
After all they reason, experiments were conducted to break the barrier.
Oh, but what memories they have!
Before the 1940’s, in the roaring 1920’s and the 1930’s, this was indeed the case. (Just like today, when we conduct experiments to break the speed of light barrier.)
Key point here. Remember that they will always be someone who will say that things cannot be done. Stay away from those people. They are like zoo animals who like their cages.
Or, as otherwise known, the MACH barrier.
The ratio of the speed of the plane, or the speed of the nozzle flow, to the speed of sound in the gas determines the magnitude of many of the compressibility effects.
Because of the importance of this speed ratio, engineers give it a special name, the Mach number, in honor of Ernst Mach, a late 19th century physicist who studied gas dynamics.
The Mach number M allows us to define flow regimes in which compressibility effects vary.
There was a time, not too long ago, when people believed that nothing could go faster than the speed of sound. This was referred to as the “MACH barrier”.
Today we know that this is not a barrier.
Today we have aircraft that can go much faster than MACH 1. High performance jets can go up to MACH 3 and even faster. And, if that wasn’t enough; efforts have been under way to go much faster to develop conventional airline runway to space access vehicles (MACH 25, and MACH 35 for example).
Chuck Yeager was the first test pilot to break the sound barrier, past Mach 1 on October 14, 1947. He did this in an experimental aircraft known as the X-1.
Chuck Yeager and the X-1 experimental aircraft that was the first to go faster than the speed of sound, and break the sound barrier.
What is little known about that event was that prior to that test flight many people believed that the speed of sound was a barrier that could not be broken.
“Not many people remember W.F. Hilton, a British aerodynamicist, or the reporter who in 1935 asked him about the purpose of the National Physical Laboratory’s new high-speed wind tunnel. Everybody remembers what Hilton said, though.
He displayed a graph plotting the abrupt increase in airfoil drag as its speed nears Mach 1. “See how the resistance of a wing shoots up like a barrier against higher speed as we approach the speed of sound?””
-Stephan Wilkinson (AIR & SPACE MAGAZINE)
No matter how hard the test pilots tried, whenever they flew their planes close to this barrier, the planes literally shook apart.
They would rattle, vibrate wildly, and shutter in wild gyrations.
The plane would become un-flyable, and dangerous for the pilot who flew it. The problem, we know now, was air compressibility.
“The pressure of an oncoming aircraft is transmitted to the air, as the airplane goes faster and faster, it gives a shorter and shorter signal, and the air can’t prepare itself. And when that happens, Bernoulli’s Principle goes to hell in a hand basket.”
-Howard Wolko (special adviser for technology at the National Air and Space Museum)
Air compressibility is an important problem that had to be resolved in order to be able to break the sound barrier, and fly at speeds in excess of MACH 1. The problem was due to the coefficient of pressure and its effect of the air pressure on the engines of the plane.
As the plane flew faster, the coefficient of pressure on the engines increased to such a point that the engines started to malfunction and the planes structure began to resonate in an unsafe manner.
Of course, all this history has been forgotten.
Even the most ardent proponents of spaceflight now repeat the ridiculous assertion that “everyone” always “knew” that the MACH barrier could be broken. Obviously, they have forgotten the periodicals of that time, and the known limitations that “everyone knew”.
The Engineers found a Solution
“Your people talk a lot about going to the stars, but you just keep putting your money into other projects, like war and popular music and international athletic events and resurrecting the fashions of previous decades. If you wanted to go into space, you would have.”
― George Alec Effinger, Live! from Planet Earth
But luckily, it was engineers who designed the planes that tried to break this barrier were not physicists, or even worse; politicians.
They would have appointed a “blue ribbon panel” to “study” the issue and paid them handsomely. Everything would still be in committee being debated and bantered back and forth.
For what it is worth, “blue ribbon committees” are nothing more than currency funneling exercises towards political preferred donor classes to maintain their existences.
The problem, it was determined, was how the air compressed when hitting the inlet nozzle of the aircraft engines. By leaving the inlet wide open and flat, the air compressed naturally and the coefficient of air pressure easily caused the sound barrier to affect the speed and operation of the vehicle.
The air would “splash” with greater and greater force upon the engine. It would hit harder and harder the faster the plane flew.
However, it was later discovered, that by placing a cone in the inlet of the engine, that the air could be redirected in certain controllable ways into the engine.
Instead of “splashing hard” against the engine, the force of the air moved around it. Thus, in so doing this simple “trick”, the engineers were able to alter the pressure of the air upon the engine.
The main purpose of an inlet cone is to slow the flow of air from supersonic flight speed to a subsonic speed before it enters the engine.
Except for scramjet engines, all air-breathing jet engines need subsonic airflow to operate properly, and require a diffuser to prevent supersonic airflow inside the engine.
At supersonic flight speeds a conical shock wave, sloping rearwards, and forms at the apex of the cone.
Air passing through the conical shock wave (and subsequent reflections) slows to a low supersonic speed.
The air then passes through a strong normal shock wave, within the diffuser passage, and exits at a subsonic velocity. The resulting intake system is more efficient (in terms of pressure recovery) than the much simpler pitot-intake.
Pictures of various “inlet cones” in the front of various American and Russian supersonic aircraf
Inlet cones (sometimes called shock cones or inlet centerbodies) are a component of some supersonic aircraft and missiles.
Today they are primarily used on ramjets, such as the D-21 Tagboard and Lockheed X-7. Some turbojet aircraft including the Su-7, MiG-21, English Electric Lightning, and SR-71 also use an inlet cone.
The inlet cone is shaped so that the shock wave that forms on its apex is directed to the lip of the intake; this allows the intake to operate properly in supersonic flight.
As speed increases, the shock wave becomes increasingly more oblique (the cone gets narrower). For higher flight speeds inlet cones are designed to move axially to control how the capture area varies with the duct internal throat area.
Today we have also devised other solutions to this problem, and thus the inlet cone was the first solution that worked. However, it wasn’t the only solution. Now, we have various solutions to this problem. So many, it seems, that people tend to forget that it was a problem in the first place.
"A shock wave forms on the aircraft when it reaches supersonic speeds. From the front of the plane, the shock wave appears as a circle, but from the back and sides, it looks like very sharp spikes coming off the plane. It is a rare and spectacular sight, only visible in humid weather. Usually the planes are up too high when supersonic for a visible vapor wave, and since you can't fly supersonic around populations, very few people have caught it stateside.
When you go supersonic, you don't feel a thing. It's not the Chuck Yeager story anymore. Planes that are designed to go supersonic go right through 'the number' without a blink. The airplane is as comfortable to fly at landing speeds as it is supersonic. Things just happen faster."
-From the book "The Cutting Edge".
What is most interesting from our point of view are two key points.
The first point is the most obvious. [1] That is that the speed of sound, once thought of as an unbreakable barrier, was overcome through design engineering techniques.
And the second reason, not so obvious, is [2] that the equations for the compressibility of air on an engine is of the same form of that of the mass effects on a relativistic vehicle approaching the speed of light.
Comparison between the inlet pressure on an air-breathing aircraft when it approaches the speed of sound, and that of a FTL drive as it approaches the speed of light.
This is very interesting for a number of reasons, but for the layperson reading this manuscript, I am afraid that I will have to explain a little about the nature of physics and mathematics in our universe…
It is all about patterns.
No matter what form the physical attribute has; the mathematics that describe the shapes follow patterns.
Physicists have uncovered a hidden connection between a famous 350-year-old mathematical formula for pi and quantum mechanics.
This discovery was presented in a paper titled; “Quantum mechanical derivation of the Wallis formula for π”, by Tamir Friedmann.
This is fun reading, people, and while the mathematics might be a little obscure for most, the elegance of the derivation is sublime.
(Friedmann, Tamar, and Hagen, C.R. (2015) “Quantum mechanical derivation of the Wallis formula for pi,” Journal of Mathematical Physics 56: 112101.).
That is what is obvious here.
But this is not merely coincidence. It is ubiquitous throughout the known physical world. (There are actually university courses in the engineering sciences that teach this principle, so it shouldn’t be too alarming for the uninitiated. There is nothing strange or unusual here. This is standard engineering course material that has been taught in universities for decades.)
F-86 inlet.
The point of all this is to show that while I, myself, do not know how to alter and modify the change of a vehicles mass in relativistic flight regimes, I do believe that it is possible to do so. (Please consider the Robert Lazar comments found elsewhere…) I have this belief, not only because I have physically met extraterrestrials who have this ability, but that there are numerous conventional and mathematical reasons behind my belief.
As such, I most violently reject the often misquoted Einstein quote. “The speed of light is an unbreakable barrier to travel.”
There are means, ways and methods to achieve faster-than-light travel.
It is only that the typical individual does not have the necessary background to resolve this problem, nor the funding and will-power to do so. Thus they are forced to rely on the belief of others.
Others who, for various reasons, loudly make ignorant pronouncements that mask their supreme lack of understanding on the nature of our universe.
We are Still Trying
NASA confirmed in March 2015 that it has selected three companies to develop a new deep space engine to power interplanetary travel. (What this is should be cairified. Obviously the concept of interplanetary travel should be understood. It is travel between planets that is feasible within the lifetime of a human. That is, and should be even more clearly defined as travel from planet to planet that is possible within a 40 year time frame. 80/2 = 40 years.) Really? 40 years travel. Give me a break.
The contestants include privately held [1] Ad Astra Rocket Co. and [2] MSNW LLC, along with the [3] Aerojet Rocketdyne division of space tech stalwart GenCorp. Working under the aegis of NASA’s Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships, or NextSTEP, program, these three companies will offer the agency three separate flavors of cutting-age space engine tech. Generally speaking, none of the three will work on an actual “warp drive,” but rather versions of ion propulsion. Respectively:
The first company; Ad Astra is developing a Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket, or VASIMR, engine dubbed the VX-200-SS. Using a nuclear reactor to heat and ionize propellant that is then emitted through electromagnetic thrusters, the VASIMR engine puts out 200 kW of power and will be able to reach Mars from Earth in just 39 days, according to Ad Astra.
The second company; MSNW has three engine technologies in the works: a one-kilowatt electromagnetic "plasmoid thruster," a "fusion driven rocket," and an electrodeless Lorentz force, or ELF, thruster using "rotating magnetic field and pulsed-inductive technologies." The company said the Department of Defense funded development of its ELF thruster, which can use multiple forms of propellant -- including "Martian Air."
Finally, Aerojet Rocketdyne is receiving the biggest of NASA's awards, $18 million, "to complete the development of NASA's Evolutionary Xenon Thruster-Commercial (NEXT-C) Gridded Ion Thruster System." (The reader however, should understand what these numbers mean. The “huge” award of $18 million is but 1/100 of the budget for the ACA website; the “ObamaCARE” signup website.) AR said its NEXT-C engine is already three times as powerful as "current low-power NASA systems," although not yet operating in the targeted 50-to-300 kW range. NASA has asked AR to deliver two complete flight systems for testing.
I, for one, am very happy that NASA is investigating these avenues. But I do believe that the techniques that will eventually be accepted will be those that isolate, or enclose the ship is a trans-dimensional state. This is because of a number of problems that will occur when the ship exceeds the speed of light.
According to Yurtsever and Wilkinson’s analysis, each cubic centimeter of space contains over 400 microwave photons. A ship traveling through space, say, with a hull made from ordinary baryonic matter, would collide with thousands of billions of these photons every second — collisions that should create electron-positron pairs. This would produce considerable drag on a spaceship.
A paper by Raytheon engineers Ulvi Yurtsever and Steven Wilkinson suggests that spaceships traveling at speeds approaching the speed of light must interact with the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and subsequently produce detectable and distinguishable light signatures. At the same time, however, the ensuing drag from the collisions imposes an upper constraint on the speeds at which spaceships can travel.
“While special relativity imposes an absolute speed limit at the speed of light, our Universe is not empty Minkowski spacetime. The constituents that fill the interstellar/intergalactic vacuum, including the cosmic microwave background photons, impose a lower speed limit on any object travelling at relativistic velocities. Scattering of cosmic microwave phtotons from an ultra-relativistic object may create radiation with a characteristic signature allowing the detection of such objects at large distances.”
-(http://arxiv.org/abs/1503.05845) Limits and Signatures of Relativistic Spaceflight. arXiv:1503.05845v3 [gr-qc].
"Our assumption that matter-matter interactions can be dealt with when civilization can build relativistic spacecraft may prove false and may be a barrier that will prevent space travel [at relativistic speeds]…"
-Raytheon engineers Ulvi Yurtsever and Steven Wilkinson
All of these efforts revolve around improving the techniques to increase vehicular speed. That is the conventional approach. Indeed, development in this arena must be done. However, other avenues of investigation must be considered. And they are, though they are not all that well known.
Compared to other FTL schemes like the Alcubierre drive or Lorentzian wormholes, which rely on unphysical matter fields to stabilize the geometry, the current specified approach relies only on gravitational wave generation and transmission through empty space. (As opposed to some kind of dimensional “bubble”.) Assuming the daunting problem of astronomical scale gravitational wave generation is somehow solved, this method could in principle enable FTL travel without appealing to exotic physics. However a detailed analysis of tidal forces is required before assessing the feasibility of this scheme for transit of payloads.
The nature of the shortcut generation involves the creation of waveforms that compress and dilate spacetime in the direction of flight. In order for signals (or ships) to be able to take advantage of the metric-contracting fields, they must carefully control their timing synchronization, in order to cross the field regions as close as possible to the compression valley, where the distance is minimal between opposing sides of the field region. The region must be crossed in substantially less than T /2, with T being the period of the gravitational wave. Even if the compression of each field region is small, large distance reduction could be accomplished by bridging many pre-configured field regions in a timely manner. It is conceivable that other field configurations exist that achieve better distance compression patterns. Even without exploiting the FTL aspects of the field, time-like geodesics can still be substantially accelerated or decelerated with special field configurations of this type, while remaining in free fall during the transit.
Due to the transversal nature of gravitational waves, the gravitational sources must be distributed orthogonally to the direction of desired FTL geodesic path. These gravitational beams have to be precisely oriented and timed decades in advance, as gravitational waves propagate at the speed of light. This implies some sort of deployment of a wide scale network of gravitational generators around entire star clusters.
For instance, a region-delimited gravitational wave field can be constructed. This is a field of energy or potential that surrounds a vehicle. It works in such a way that it’s apparent movement is greater than the apparent movement of the surrounding physical universe. (Indeed, in such a way that a subset of geodesics crossing this region will move faster than nearby geodesics moving entirely inside flat spacetime, along a preferred direction. ) It is all about relativity. The null geodesics inside this region will move faster-than-light according to far away observers. The waveform is synthesized from homogeneous plane wave solutions, and the resulting field is the gravitational equivalent of a Gaussian beam.
Gaussian beams are one of the most basic propagating fields used in optical applications, and its general properties are inherited from the wave equation (and corresponding Helmholtz equation). However, there are differences. Optical fields are oscillations of the electromagnetic vector field Aµ, while gravitational fields are tensor perturbations hµν with two physical degrees of freedom for each mode, so is not an straightforward realisation that there should be a simple equivalent in the gravitational case.
Several individuals have proposed mechanisms within the standard theory of General Relativity (GR) to allow some level of circumvention around the light speed limit, by warping the spacetime geometry in some compact region.
While we discuss the utility of FTL vehicles, the reader must recognize the most important concept of this post; that distance and time are NOT limitions of the physical. Indeed, all are controlled by the physical manifestation and alteration of our our understandings.
Consider the movement of a vehicle or person devoid of a physical vehicle; consider the mind and it’s pilot; the soul. The concept of consciousness existing outside the body (e.g. near-death and out-of body experiences, NDE/OBEs, or after death, indicative of a ‘soul’) is a staple of religious traditions, but shunned by conventional science because of an apparent lack of rational explanation.
However conventional science based entirely on classical physics cannot account for normal in-the-brain consciousness. The Penrose-Hameroff ‘Orch OR’ model is a quantum approach to consciousness, connecting brain processes (microtubule quantum computations inside neurons) to fluctuations in fundamental spacetime geometry, the fine scale structure of the universe. Recent evidence for significant quantum coherence in warm biological systems, scale-free dynamics and end-of-life brain activity support the notion of a quantum basis for consciousness which could conceivably exist independent of biology in various scalar planes in spacetime geometry.
However, all the mechanisms proposed so far require the engineered spacetime region to be filled with matter that (apparently) violates well established energy conditions, and is not known to exist in nature. ( So many problems…) More over even ignoring the problem of violation of the energy conditions, these geometries have other problems related to acausal setup of the exotic matter distribution, as well as quantum instabilities in the semiclassical limit.
The reader should not get too confused by all the terminology. These are just words that are used to define precise situations. A scalar field is nothing more than just fancy physics-speak for a quantity which takes on a unique numerical value at every point in spacetime. In quantum field theory, scalar fields lead to spinless particles; the Higgs field is a standard example. (Other particles, such as electrons and photons, arise from more complicated geometric objects — spinors and vectors, respectively.)
However, the idea of using matter to curve surrounding spacetime does not exhaust the possibilities that GR offers in order to create customized geometries.
Gravitational waves (GW) are themselves perturbations of geometry that travel at the speed of light. Even while the full theory of GR is a nonlinear theory, the principle of superposition still applies within the limit of weak plane waves, and one can consider some superpositions of such planar waves physically valid perturbations.
The present work shows that for specially crafted gravitational waveforms of this type, one can produce geometries in pure vacuum with Faster-Than-Light (FTL) properties, similar to those obtained via other geometrical drives.
In this work, the geometry of null congruences can be affected in a way that allows FTL communication. To be precise, we can construct a focal region of a gravitational waveform composed of traceless and transverse planar waves.
As such we will find that null congruences entering the focal region can become asymptotically accelerated.
Thus, they arrive effectively before similar geodesics that do not enter the field region (according to distant observers). The asymptotic delay or advancement of congruences will be affected by the local phase of the perturbation at the moment the geodesic enters the region, the period of the oscillation, as well as the width of the focal region.
Observed vehicles operating at FTL speeds
We have observed other things moving at speeds faster than light.
These things could be anything, but they absolutely do fit the profile of a vehicle that is moving in a FTL flight envelope. An unknown object in the nearby galaxy M82 has started sending out radio waves, and the emission does not look like anything seen anywhere in the universe before. Yikes….!
Given the complex nonlinear geodesic equations that result from the Gaussian perturbation, we were only able to compute analytically the first order correction to the geodesic null and time-like rays crossing the field, and its derivation is detailed
The M82 galaxy.
We have thus established that within GR, certain gravitational waveforms can result in geodesics that arrive at distant points earlier than light signals in flat spacetime. As such, we presented an example waveform that can be used to manifest FTL behavior, and obtained an analytic first order perturbative approximation of geodesics approaching the field region. We notice that the timing of entrance to the field region determines the asymptotic delay or advance of signals. The optimal shortcut geodesics are those that cross the field region as close as possible to the time and position of the minimum of the metric waveform.
“We don’t know what it is,”
-co-discoverer Tom Muxlow of Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics near Macclesfield, UK.
The thing appeared while Muxlow and his colleagues were monitoring an unrelated stellar explosion in M82 using the MERLIN network of radio telescopes in the UK. A bright spot of radio emission emerged over only a few days, quite rapidly in astronomical terms. Since then it has done very little except baffle astrophysicists. It certainly does not fit the pattern of radio emissions from supernovae: they usually get brighter over a few weeks and then fade away over months, with the spectrum of the radiation changing all the while. The new source has hardly changed in brightness over the course of a year, and its spectrum is steady.
Yet it does seem to be moving – and fast: its apparent sideways velocity is four times the speed of light. Such apparent “superluminal” motion has been seen before in high-speed jets of material squirted out by some black holes. The stuff in these jets is moving towards us at a slight angle and travelling at a fair fraction of the speed of light, and the effects of relativity produce a kind of optical illusion that makes the motion appear superluminal.
Could the object be a black hole? It is not quite in the middle of M82, where astronomers would expect to find the kind of supermassive central black hole that most other galaxies have. Which leaves the possibility that it could be a smaller-scale “microquasar”. A microquasar is formed after a very massive star explodes, leaving behind a black hole around 10 to 20 times the mass of the sun, which then starts feeding on gas from a surviving companion star. Microquasars do emit radio waves – but none seen in our galaxy is as bright as the new source in M82. Microquasars also produce plenty of X-rays, whereas no X-rays have been seen from the mystery object. “So that’s not right either”, Muxlow told New Scientist.
His best guess is still that the radio source is some kind of dense object accreting surrounding material, perhaps a large black hole or a black hole in an unusual environment. If you look at this observed phenomena from the point of view of an aerospace engineer instead of that of an astrophysicist, one can clearly speculate that the object can possibly be a interstellar vehicle engaged in an unusual flight regime.
What ways can humans achieve FTL flight?
“I think a lot of the American people feel more than a little disappointed that the high-water mark for human exploration was 1969. The dream of human space travel has almost died for a lot of people.”
-Elon Musk
Presuming that our extraterrestrial overlords permit us, we can and probably will visit nearby stellar neighborhoods using FTL flight or similar systems. (Pause for reader consideration.)
I know that the teleportation portal has capabilities that transcend distances of time and physical space. And perhaps using the same technology we, as humans, can venture out and away from our little solar system nursery here. Perhaps someday we will be permitted to develop our own home-grown version of the teleportation portal. Perhaps we will be granted the permission to build our own kinds of spacecraft with this ability. Perhaps this will happen.
Some things to ponder; the use of super conductive materials is one avenue of study that might provide some great benefits. (For instance, a lanthanum copper oxide compound can be doped over a wide range of compositions, which was used to study a potentially new mechanism of superconduction.
In research experiments, a substrate of LaSrCuO4 was used, and an epitaxy technique grew atomically-perfect thin films of three derivative compounds: an insulator and a metal that show no superconductivity, and a superconducting variant with a transition temperature (Tc) of 40K.
By growing literally hundreds of combination of interfaces and film thicknesses, the researchers were able to observe superconduction at different temperatures, including superconduction at the metal/insulator interface.)
What I do know about this subject, the reader might find interesting, so I will place it here with all the necessary caveats. This information is direct from <redacted> that <redacted>. Whether it is accurate is up to the reader to determine. I am just reporting it here for the benefit of the reader.
The Universe, and our galaxy in the Universe, is inhabited with a great variety of intelligent extraterrestrial life. It is not empty by any means. When humans venture forth, they will, accidentally venture into the turf and properties of other races. Some will not care. Other races will care a great deal. It is a wild and dangerous world out there. The human race is far too fragile to venture to the stars at this time.
With the proper technology, FTL travel is possible. It absolutely is, though the technology would probably be different from what we, today, expect it to be. We will be able to traverse the vast gaps of space and visit other places.
However colonization will be problematic. So when we visit them we will find that they are not suitable for our human biological bodies to live there. Any colonies we create will die out eventually. Humans will have to be able to adapt themselves biologically to adapt to other worlds in our galaxy. This cannot be done without extraterrestrial overseer guidance. As the soul construct archetypes are fixed and discrete. (By intention and organization; not by natural biological processes.)
All FTL technology will require a degree of quantum physics in the manipulation of the fabric of space and time. This will affect all of the creatures and beings in all the other stars in our neighborhood. How we proceed with this development and how it will be engaged will have to be through approval of the local federation.
As the reader can clearly see, obtaining FTL flight to leave our planet is not as easy as it appears to be on the surface. It is not simply one of obtaining the technology or science to do so. It is not a problem of getting political or societal support to develop the technology. It is a matter of the realities of our place in the grand scheme of things.
We will need permission to do so from the galactic federation and their representatives in this region; the <redacted>.
This post continues to part 2, where we discuss the techniques that are being constructed right now.
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This is going to be a kind of odd-ball post, and I have been putting it off for a long time. But it needs to be presented, no matter how confusing or perplexing. This is a post that talks about our physical universe, as opposed to what is conventionally believed to be our universe. I discuss our physical and non-physical universes and what the delineation is. I also discuss how it differs from what everyone thinks it is. This is what many people in MAJestic understand the universe to actually be like. In some ways it is simple and in some ways it is really strange as it does not agree with our physical Newtonian observation.
I should have tackled this subject first, right off.
But, it’s a real hassle.
You know, the ignorance in America and the world is so absolutely profound that it would be an up-hill battle. It’s like that character trying to explain to the “scientists” in the White House (in the movie “Idiocracy”) that you cannot give energy drinks to plants.
Scene from the movie “Idiocracy” where the hero tries to explain that the plants are dying because energy drinks have electrolytes and you cannot give it to the plants. But they won’t listen. They just keep repeating the same old marketing slogans over and over.
And this ignorance is so profound and prevalent that it just isn’t worth my time and effort. For me, and many in MAJestic, we just shrug our shoulders and say “fuck it”, and then grab another beer. Arguing with fools is a zero-sum game.
What we think the universe is
To understand your role in this universe, you need to understand just what “this” universe actually is. For it is absolutely not what everyone else thinks or says it is. And I must say if you are trying to find understanding by using the internet, you are going to be disappointed.
This is from NASA…
What is the Universe?07.15.04
The Universe is a big, open place. You are in the Universe. Things you can't see are in it, too. The biggest stars are in it. Even the smallest things on Earth are part of the Universe. We don't even know how big the Universe is!
That’s what the most learned scientists have to say about the universe. Aren’t you glad that you asked? Isn’t it great to know that it is a big, vast, empty space that tiny insignificant you exists within?
But it’s so absolutely wrong, it boggles the mind.
The movie “Idiocracy” does a great job showing how difficult it is trying to explain things in a clear concise manner to a dumbed-down nation of people totally indoctrinated in a fictional belief system.
What the actual universe is
Our “universe” is not what it appears. It is not this big enormous area of empty space with scattered stars, galaxies and planets in it. It is not empty. It is actually quite solid…
… yeah. I get it.
“How can it be solid, when all I see is empty space, duh?”
How can outer space be solid, when we observe nothing but black empty space for huge vast distances all around us? Ya, dim-wit!
We cannot see the universe as it is simply because our physical bodies cannot see things as they are. We only have a mere five senses that are all quite limited, and only permit us to see the most narrow bands of what our earthly environment is.
We cannot see raw infrared radiation.
We cannot see X-rays emitted from a star.
We cannot see “dark matter”.
We cannot see a neutron shower.
We cannot see all the quanta, the photons, the electrons and all the atomic particles zooming about all over the place. We cannot see the things burst forth into our universe and then leave it. We cannot see the thoughts that all creatures create, and how they move about and influence the actions within our universe. We cannot see or sense the “unseen”.
This is unfortunate, but this is the way that it is.
If we could see quanta, everything would look like shades of grey. With floating and moving "clouds" of grey that move in and out of a overlapping grey "fog".
To us, it appears that the universe is just ’empty space’. But, it’s not. It really isn’t.
Instead, our universe is all quite solid.
It is like this enormous cauldron of thick soup. And within that mixture are pockets of thicker soup, and areas of watery soup. There are areas of spicy soup, and areas of sweet soup. There are areas of hot soup, and areas of cold soup. There are all kinds of things in this soup.
Do you see any empty space in the picture of soup below?
Our universe is NOT a big empty space with stars and planets that form into galaxies. But rather it is a thick and solid mass, just filled with all kinds of things that we (as humans) cannot see. It more resembles a big cauldron of soup that anything else.
And that is what our actual universe is like.
You know, it’s not all that unlike the code in the movie “The Matrix”. Where the entire “universe” that humans experience is just computer code. And if you look at the code itself it doesn’t resemble anything at all what you see, hear, and sense when you are within the matrix.
In the movie “The Matrix”, the reality is one where it’s just lines and lines of computer code. This code is converted to human sensations and the human brain interprets it as actual thoughts, actions and senses.
Now the thing about this is that our universe is not lines and reams of computer code. It’s NOT a software simulation. It’s a region that is filled to the brim with all sorts of super tiny stuff…
It is just a soup of quanta moving about in all sorts of ways, means and actions. We as humans cannot sense this quanta. But we can sense the things that the quanta alters.
We, as human beings, observe the world around us with our senses. And what our senses “pick up” are the effects of the mass movement and behaviors of the quanta in this universe. They do not pick up the quanta themselves.
Imagine that you are on a boat in a sea. You can see the blue sky above and the deep dark green-blue sea below. It’s calm, but pretty soon the sea starts to get choppy and waves form, with many waves forming “white caps”. You, on the boat, cannot see why the waves are choppy, you just know that they are.
That is how this universe works.
We cannot see things as they truly are with our senses. But we can sense the end result of the movement of quanta.
The “filler” in our universe
All that quanta moving back and forth in our universe forms the basic building blocks of everything within our physical universe. They consist of tiny quanta, and they form complex relationships with other quanta. We can identify them as “particles” and we can identify them as “waves”.
But we know what they are and that they do exist.
Quanta makes up everything that we know and experience. And we have mapped out this relationship over the years to paint a pretty comprehensive idea of how quanta fits in the grand scheme of things.
How all the quanta build up upon each other to form the physical universe that we see all around us.
So, we know all about quanta.
They go in and out of different phases of existence. Sometimes they behave as particles. Sometimes they behave as waves.
They influence each other.
And they are influenced by thought…
But, that is a subject for other posts.
Well, I really don’t think that anything that I just said is going to shock any student of quantum physics. It’s all pretty much well understood at the university level at least).
But it’s the MWI that is most often misunderstood.
Most people think that the MWI means that the singular universe that we all share has multiple versions of it. That is the MWI. You know what I am talking about.
If we are share the same earth and the same sky, and the same moon, and the same things then that is our universe.
If the MWI exists, then there are an unlimited selection of almost-like universes where there are versions of ourselves walking about and interacting with others.
Oh, boy is that wrong.
So, what might come as a surprise is the idea that world-lines exist in this entire universe as separate entities. It’s not that there are multiple universes.
No. There are not an infinite array of multiple universes. And somehow, we are all crowded upon one of those world-lines. (Which is pretty much the default standard interpretation.)
It’s not like that at all.
It’s that there are separate entities within our universe that we call (name them as) our universe.
How our actual universe actually works. It is a singular large “universe” that contains many world-lines within it. To us, as consciousness upon one of those world-lines, it appears that that is all that there is. But that is false.
It doesn’t sound like much of a difference, but in truth, it is a very substantial difference.
Our “universe” contains a moment-to-moment individual world-line for every person, and every situation, and every animal, and everything possible. This “universe” is our reality. It is where our physical interactions derive.
Universal Confusion
One of the great handicaps that we as humans have is that we think that what we see is all there is. For any moment in “time” we observe around us “our universe” and think that that is all that there is. But that is a lie and a grand deception.
We are sitting pretty within a track that constantly moves world-lines in and out around us. What we see as a “changing universe” is just the interiors of a long string of world-line universes.
There is not one singular, ever changing, universe.
There are instead, an infinite number of world-line universes. These are what we observe around us. These are what we call “an ever changing universe”.
World-Line Universe
A "world-line universe" is the apparent universe as viewed by the soul (as an observer) within a given world-line. The changes that are observed by this observer are simply the variations from one world-line to the next as the consciousness moves through the various world-lines.
Now, to further confound the reader, all of these world-lines sit with a big stew or soup, that I have referred to as a cauldron of soup. This is the universe that I like to refer to as the “physical universe”. This “physical universe” is a universe that contains all the world-lines that give us the physical world that is around us.
The Physical Universe.
The "Physical Universe" is the actual place that houses all the (near infinite number) of world-lines. It is filled with all sorts of things, much like a thick soup or stew.
So, so far, this is how the two different terms are used. The world-line universes reside within a much larger and all encompassing universe that I refer to as a “Physical Universe”.
How our “universe” works. It is a “physical universe” that contains an infinite number of world-line universes.
But it is actually not quite the way things work. Because my terminology is really sloppy and imperfect. I like to refer to the over-riding universe as the “physical universe” out of convention, but it is actually a misnomer. This is because there are many non-physical elements within this universe.
So, a reader with some background in the more esoteric new-age teachings, and middle Asian religions might recognize the “physical universe” as a place that contains, not only the world-lines, but many of the “lower” planes of existence. Such as “astral planes”, and “casual plane”.
Many of these “planes of existence” all are part of the “physical universe”. They are but density stratification’s of the quanta near a given world-line. In much the same way that an egg has the white part of the egg nearby and adjacent to the yellow part of the egg.
Filled up with world-lines
The big thing about this cauldron of soup is that it is filled with “eggs”. These are timeless-constructions which we call world-lines. Each one is a static and fixed state that never changes. But there are so many of these “eggs” that we often consider the cauldron to be limitless with an infinite number of these eggs.
But you know, these eggs are not those chicken eggs with a hard shell, but rather like an egg without the hard shell. So imagine a pot of water, and you “poach” an egg in that water. Which means that you remove the hard shell and let the egg, yoke and all fall into the water. You can see it in the clear water. The yellow yoke is surrounded by a transparent white-clear albumen.
Each world-line resembles a raw egg placed within a pot of warm water with oils and seasonings. Our universe is a big cauldron that is filled with a nearly infinite number of these raw eggs. And time is our consciousness moving from one egg to the next adjacent egg.
We can consider the yellow yoke to be the universe that we observe. That is the house you live in, the people you interact with, and everything that you do on a day to day basis.
We can consider the clear – white portion of the egg to be the “lower dimensions” of our Physical world. In this region are where thoughts bounce about, where sprites and non-physical creatures live, and where other fundamentals of the world around us operate.
The “stew” is but a further realm, or “higher dimension” that exists within this very same “physical universe”
Our universe is a physical region that is solid with all sorts of tiny quanta that is all in all sorts of complex movement. We cannot see what is going on naturally. We need very complex equipment to observe the events, and at that, we can only observe small, tiny parts of the movements. We cannot see the over all “big picture”.
Our universe is what I refer to as the “Physical Universe” even though it contains non-physical elements.
Looking closer at the world-lines
The over-riding focus of this universe of “ours” is the content within it.
Or, in other words, all those “uncooked” eggs floating about within that cauldron of soup.
Each “egg” is a world-line.
It is a frozen moment in time of an absolutely complete “universe”. And thus, this universe is a cauldron of many duplicates of it’s self each one with a tiny variations to it’s neighbor.
Our universe is a “soup” containing these world-line “eggs”. Our consciousness moves through this universe one world-line at at time. And at any given moment in time the only thing that we can observe is the “universe” around us; the “yellow yoke” of the egg. This movement in and out of world-lines is known as “time”.
This is our “physical universe”.
It is a purposefully created environment from which our souls can obtain experiences within. And, as such, with each experience we obtain, we have new alignments with quanta. And our soul self-improves and changes in the process.
Now, these “eggs” tend to cluster together in the soup. They share similar features and relationships. The combined and shared experiences of these clusters of eggs are known as the “shared template”.
See other posts elsewhere for…
Shared template(s).
World-line anchoring.
Soul growth via consciousness experiences in the physical.
The Non-Physical Universe
You see, while the “Physical Universe” contains all the world-lines, and all the physical environments that we work with, as well as the “lower” non-physical realms…
… it does not contain the home of the soul.
That place is what everyone collectively refers to as “Heaven” or “Nirvana”. This place is where our consciousness is formed (by our soul) and set forth on it’s missions within the “physical universe”.
So there is another universe which we refer to as “Heaven”. It is the “non-physical universe”. And I refer to as such…
Non-Physical Universe
The "non-physical universe" is the home for our souls, and the place where consciousness is created, established, repaired, grows and resides.
And as such, it connects to our “physical universe” with a “light pipe” or tunnel that our consciousness uses to move back and forth between the two universes.
Like this…
Soul dwells in the non-physical universe. It creates a consciousness that it uses to obtain experiences within the physical universe with. It passes through a light tunnel to enter the physical universe. Then it starts to vibrate. It goes back and forth between particle and wave behavior, each cycle is a new world-line.
How it works
Soul exists in “Heaven”. This is the “Non-Physical Universe”. It is the repository of where everything that we are resides. Our quanta resides there, as does our memories.
Soul creates a “consciousness”, which is a specially constructed packet of quanta. It is associated with a physical body (or container).
The consciousness is emitted or ejected from the soul and placed on a mission to acquire experiences. With each experience, there are entangled quanta. The type of entanglements, and the type of quanta involved changes the personality of the consciousness. This change is reflected in a change or “growth” of the soul.
The consciousness, once created, goes on a mission in an adjacent universe (the “Physical Universe”).
This mission takes place in the following manner…
A body is selected.
The consciousness enters the new-born brain.
As it thinks, it moves into adjacent world-lines. This is observed as time.
It’s thoughts and the thoughts of those around it create experiences.
The experiences collect and vacuum up new types of quanta.
The new quanta alter and change the structure of the soul.
The body dies.
The consciousness then returns to the “non physical universe”.
Once the consciousness has completed the mission, the soul then makes a determination if further “new missions” are required, or if the very nature of the body, the consciousness, or the soul itself needs to change.
And that is our purpose in life.
Our “universe” is often quite confused and mislabeled. We use that term to define what we observe, when in reality, what we are observing is a string of static world-line universes while we experience “time” Each moment is a snap-shot of a “world-line universe”.
Time is the movement of consciousness in and out of world-lines. What we see as time is actually the differences between each world-line as we pass through it.
All of these world-lines lie within a much larger physical place with is called the “physical universe”. It contains many things. Including many non-physical things.
It connects to the place where our soul resides, which is often referred to as “Heaven”. This is the “non-physical universe. It connects the the “physical universe” with a tunnel, also known as a “tunnel of light”.
Do you want more?
I have many more posts on the nature of the universe and our role in it. You can check them all out in my MAJestic Index here…
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I have been in contact and often hold discussions with influencers. Here is one such series of the discussions. It is of course, in the form of questions being answered by myself. Perhaps, I think, you the reader, might find this to be of interest.
I have kept the influencer’s name confidential, and no attribution other than that knowledge is provided.
First Question
What’s Catholic Church have to w this, why hands off by EBs?
I was raised as a Catholic. Yet, all of my (MAJestic) experiences were devoid of any direct references to any specific types of religions, icons, or particular dogma or teachings. That being said, I can make a few observations that you might find curious. These statements should be considered as “profound” and not, at all, trivial.
Humans have a need for ritual. Rituals work on a very important level.
level that rituals work upon is NOT part of the physical brain. It is a
quantum field that is associated with the physical brain. Let’s just
simply refer to it as “sub-level”. That is because there is absolutely
no English name for this condition. Nor am I aware of any name in other
religions, or in any of the sciences.
This “sub-level” is an underlying quantum field that memories, and thoughts are empowered by.
The area of the mind (not the brain) that is influenced by ritual ALSO influences the reality that surrounds us.
Thus, rituals affect memories and thoughts.
Memories and thoughts influence our reality.
That being said, let’s now consider other entities that exist in our universe.
Other entities also work on this “sub-level”.
Many of them are more “attuned” or more “in touch” with how to interact with the “sub-level”.
Being so skilled, they can easily communicate with others of the same species. We might consider it telepathy.
It is rather easy for other entities to communicate with humans if they are “attuned” or accustomed to the “sub-level”.
Because of a lack of vocabulary, such communication can be misinterpreted by others.
it is entirely possible that Catholic Saints or other devoted
individuals have gotten in touch with their “sub-level”. As such, they
could have easily communicated with others… been “inspired” by
others… been “influenced” by others, and also been able to create a
local environment where things can manifest at will. With this
understood, a person or creature communicating at this level, would not
at all need physical proofs for others to recognize. Though, it might be
Second Question
I guess that I didn’t answer the question properly. Thus, I ended up getting a secondary question. I guess that he wanted to understand why extraterrestrial beings would act or behave like they do. What are their motivations?
My question involves your statement that the benefactors have been told “hands off the Catholic Church”. Can you please expound on this prohibition and by whom?
There is a hierarchy of species in our “neck of the woods”. Some are very technically advanced, and occupy the physical, and others are very ancient and occupy a different KIND of reality. One in which Heaven and physical Earth are pretty much the same to them.
There is a group of entities that help police this sentience nursery that we are a part of. These are those “little green men” or Zeta’s that everyone “knows” about. But they are actually one species that uses physical bodies like clothing and are very busy policing our world. They are very old and have been involved with the evolution of humans for many, many years. Easily 30,000 or 40,000 more years. They zip about in these craft that can be hidden from human eyesight. They monitor for biological threats to our environment, make sure that we avoid nuclear war, and do everything that they can to influence sentience evolution.
They are a “service for self” species. So, it would be their preference if humans also evolved to be “service to self”.
Yet, as advanced as they are, they are only “worker bees”. They are a species that provides the task of monitoring this sentience nursery. Just like they are monitoring the other sentience nurseries in our general geographic region of space.
I do not know WHY they have this role. I do not know WHAT benefit they get from doing this. I strongly suspect that they have manipulated themselves into this position.
They believe that by assisting in the sentience evolution of humans, that they might be able to eventually assimilate the various “service for self” entities into their collective. (Sounds like a Star Trek theme.Eh?) And their species would grow proportionally. This would be true no matter what direction the human species evolves into.
The Borg is a fictional species of creatures that exist within the fictional Star Trek universe. They are comprised of many different biological species that share a Hive-mind through technology and biological alterations.
When a “service to self” entity or species evolves, they also tend to evolve their mind, their physical body, their technology and eventually they tinker with their soul construction, thus affecting their consciousnesses. First they tend to alter DNA at birth to prevent birth defects and illness. Then they do so to improve the child; make them smarter, more attractive, and so forth. Then the species collectively make rules for the modification of DNA, eventually leading to whole-scale DNA alteration of the entire species. Over all, they constantly tinker and improve, over and over again over the centuries.
This tinkering will only take them so far. They will become masters of the physical universe, but will forever be chained to it. Thus, for a “service to self” entity, their sentience evolution eventually becomes a “dead end”.
Now… There are other species, much much older that have evolved PAST the physical environment. They are truly multi-dimensional entities. There is one such species that I am very involved with. They are an invertebrate, multidimensional species. That are working towards human sentience evolution.
They have manipulated (or tasked, I don’t know) the other Grey’s to monitor this physical environment for them. While they are involved in much more detailed activities.
This other species are way, way, WAY more advanced than the Grey’s are.
They are the ones that are cultivating the human species. Not the Greys. They want the human species ( I strongly believe) to follow their path. They want the human species to evolve towards a multi-dimensional species like they are. It is a great path, and not as limiting as the “service to self” path is. To do this, humans need to evolve towards a “service to others” inclination.
I guess, that you could call this species “angels”. It’s a very apt term, on many levels.
Imagine a totally different species that decided to evolve in a different direction. Instead of altering their physical DNA, they decided to advance spiritually. They made a science of how the mind, soul and consciousness interconnect. They use this science to advance and have had many, many centuries to advice scientifically in this direction. Today, they are a inter-dimensional species that rarely accesses the physical reality.
the “back plane” they can communicate directly humans on an individual
basis. However the situation and the circumstances needs to be correct.
Humans require [1] ritual and [2] certain conditions to become open and
Humans require ritual and certain other conditions to be able to communicate with any inter-dimensional species though use of the "back plane".
There are numerous religions that provide these opportunities for direct communication. Though many of the humans would not recognize the communication. Most think it is their imagination, or that they had a “hunch”, or that they were “directed” to act in a certain way.
Having a “vision”
Getting a “hunch”.
Having a “gut feeling”.
Having a “nudge”
But when in that environment, they can more easily “link up” with this entity or entities. The entity would help and assist them on a personal level towards a more direct “service to others” sentience.
The Catholic Church, for all the scandals and all the past misdeeds, is one such environment. It’s perhaps the biggest and most important environment for this communication. (It’s not the only one. Mind you. It’s just the best.) The channels are there. Everything that you need is there. (So you need to ignore it’s faults and misdeeds. You need to focus on the message and the environment that it is given in.)
This “Angel” species has set things in motion such that no matter what the worker Grey’s do, this most fundamental means of communication be open for those individuals whom wish to follow the path towards “service to others” spiritual sentience evolution.
Yes. The Catholic Church is “hands off” to any of the Grey species.
Third Question – In multiple parts
So there are two races of “grays”, one essentially good and one essentially bad?
No. There is one race of “greys” (that I know of).
They have different bodies that look, to us humans, as different species. There are short greys, tall greys, fat greys, skinny and ugly greys, etc. They are all part of the same hive soul construct. They all share the same consciousness, in quite a bit different way that we have individual consciousnesses.
They work with emerging species, and those that show a “service for self” sentience, they assimilate into their “collective”. The species then is overwhelmed by their technology, and is absorbed into the “hive”.
Once they join, the consciousness segments can move in and out of any physical body within the collective. One minute you have the body of a pilot of a “flying saucer” and the next minute you have the body of a laborer in a dome on the moon. It’s sort of like that.
They are neither good, nor bad. They are neutral.
The old video image (of an “Eban”) you feature in one of your articles are which kind (I’m guessing good)?
The video image is of a type-1 grey “pilot”. It’s a recovered member of a crew that operates an observation / interdiction vehicle. I do not know anything else about this individual except from scant knowledge regarding the movies that were recorded of it.
I have never experienced any malevolence by these creatures in any way. For the most part, they remind me of the neighborhood vet that I would take my pets to. Friendly but not close, professional and skilled, but serious.
I understand the “Eban” reference and the Stitchen references. However, I can not confirm nor deny any association. I just do not know. What I do know is from things that I just cannot talk about, and at that, it is just very scant. Sorry.
For your purposes you can consider the “eban” to be the same as my Type-1 grey.
Are the two grays from a similar lineage or entirely different one?
They share the same soul. They both have segmented consciousnesses, and they same the same technology. Their DNA is similar but NOT identical.
They are just like the science fiction television show Star Trek with the “Borg”. (I have often suspected that the media somehow taps into the unconsciousness, or is driven by MAJestic to provide information to Americans in a way that is disguised as fictional adventures.)
In the fictional Star Trek universe there is a race of creatures known as “The Borg”. This species captures other races and assimilates them by electro-biological and mechanical means turning them into robots for the collective. The Type-1 greys are sort of like this.
You know how the “Borg” goes about and “assimilates” other species? Well, in real life, it’s like that. Only they just don’t assimilate an entire species. What they do is integrate species members that have a soul configuration that matches their own. This is [1] a “service to self” sentience. This is also [2] a “Service for another” sentience.
Both (of these two types of) human sentience’s are easily converted or absorbed into the Grey core “collective.
The “service for others” sentience is a harder path, but leads to a far greater growth and evolutionary track. Which is why the “Angelics” (the other species that I mentioned that is invertebrate) wants humans to follow.
Have you read or been told about any of the past 30k years in earth history? I’m guessing our “history” is completely bass-ackwards-wrong?
I do know of some of the history. What I do know is in fragmented answers. I was never given a formal briefing, as it was always expected that I would be told just what I needed to accomplish my tasks and no more.
I am aware that others in MAJestic have tried to map out some sort of history track. I am also aware that they have done so in various papers and that they have used some type of extraterrestrial technology to access it. I have heard from non-MAJestic sources that this is in the form of a “yellow book”. I don’t know anything about that. What I do know is that there is a complete historical record available to certain elements of MAJestic and this is in the form of an extraterrestrial artifact.
MAJestic is in possession of the entire historical record of the human species dating back many, many thousands of years. It is in the form of an artifact. It is referred to by non-MAJestic sources as a “yellow book”, but I do not know how accurate that nomenclature is, or whether or not it is descriptive in any way.
Unfortunately, as far as I know, the MAJestic investigative staff have been unable to properly search and index using that technology. (I know why, but no one ever asked me for my help.)
Much of the problem has to do with the problem with vector time. We humans treat time as a one-way vector. We measure it as our consciousness moves in and out of different (adjacent) realities. So we think, incorrectly, that time is a one-way vector and that the past is the past and that it is “carved in stone”. But that is not how the universe works.
Each reality has it’s own past history.
Each past history is different from reality to reality. So, to put it in another way, the past can be changed. It is NOT fixed. To read and measure and learn from the past, you need to target a fixed segment vector and “lock it down”.
Thus the reason why the staff cannot index or jump-search using extraterrestrial technology. Is that the moment they try to index, the reality switches, and a new past reality materializes. (Even if the difference in the reality is a fleck of dust on a lampshade.)
The history that I know of goes back far…far back…way back to a time long before there were dinosaurs.
What would be some significant past earthly historical events that nobody has ever heard of?
There are all sorts of interesting stories. Some involve extraterrestrials, but many do not.
For instance, did you know that the ancient Egyptians used DC electricity? Who would figure, eh? They used it for [1] electroplating, [2] primitive illumination, [3] impressive displays of power with ruler staffs, and [4] certain medicinal techniques and preparations.
Ancient Egyptian light bulb in use. Obviously they were very crude designs compared to what we have available today and through the Edison light-bulb technology.
I know that it is hard to believe, but there is a contingent of people who believe that the Egyptians had crystal power that had all these magical properties. Well, I hate to rain on your parade, but they didn’t have this ability as far as I know.
However, they did actually harness DC power and had batteries and used copper conductive cables to move the electricity about. They were quite an amazing people.
Another image of an Egyptian light bulb. When historians came across these reliefs they did not know what a light bulb was, as it pre-dated Thomas Edison. So they interpreted this mural as religiously symbolic.
They built the pyramids using fluid buoyancy. (This is very similar to the Chris Masseys theory of construction.) A huge lake was constructed. Dressed stones were transported to the build site using rafts, and leveled using the water table. There were no slaves, or ramps with slave-supervision and whips.
More about the method of shipment of the blocks to the build site can be found HERE. I suppose that we are supposed to believe that after transporting them by boat, then would remove them off the boat, and then push them up earthen ramps to the top of the Pyramids, eh?
Once the building was completed the lake was mostly drained and existed as a reflection pool that surrounded all of the structures there. There were walkways or causeways that went from the edge of the reflection pool to the pyramids, and important people would use these for their own purposes and rituals.
The pyramids were impressive in their day. They were sheathed in well-cut stone that reflected light and emitted heat at sunset much like Ayers Rock does today! At the top of each pyramid was an impressive metallic iron capstone with carvings of special significance. Oh, and as far as I understand, whatever the purpose of the Great Pyramid was, it wasn’t as a tomb. It was for something else.
Ayers Rock at sunset. The heat that is built up in side the rock all day, radiates away at sunset. It makes the rock glow in a reddish color while the darkening dusk appears. This is how the Great Pyramid used to be.
At the time of construction, the pyramids were at the center of a very lush and tropical area. The Nile would raise and lower, but there weren’t the surrounding deserts like we see today. Instead they consisted of lightly forested areas, fields, and were flush with wildlife of all sorts. The Egyptian people were a very religious people, but their religion did not resemble anything like what contemporaneous Egyptian scholars suppose.
Egypt existed as a significant cultural center at that time. They are older than we contemporaneously give them credit for, but not as old as Graham Hancock and his followers wish to believe. Egyptian history is far more colorful and complex than the Egyptian histories let on.
Their ships traveled to both Australia, and to the Americas. But, as far as I know they never integrated or settled with the populations there. Though, they have most certainly influenced them.
And don’t even get me started on the stone softening techniques of South America…
You mention “The Journey to Serpo” but sounds like you don’t believe the story (I have found some corroboration through).
I do not believe it because I do not know the entire story. What I have read is wholly at odd with my own experiences, so I have (perhaps wrongly) discounted the narrative.
Remember that my experiences are completely different.
That being said, I will never say that someone did not experience what they claim to have experienced. Everyone’s experience is unique to themselves. So, to better frame things, it is possible that what is said about Serpo is true, it’s just that I have no comparative similar attributes that I can relate to.
It’s possible there are different elements of their culture just like here, right? So maybe the “worker bees” are vacant nerds but maybe not the ones of their home worlds?
Yes that is possible. But, I do not know.
In regards to the type-1 greys, they are a very effective bunch. They know what they need to do and do it. They do not mess around. I have no idea what they do for recreation.
This is a type-1 grey. This particular entity is a pilot of a vehicle. He was filmed in Russia and this is a still from the video.
I have no idea if they value art, beauty, smells, scents, visual or musical art or anything similar. Yet, it is certain that somethings are important to them.
The impression that I get is that their personal enjoyment or motivations lie outside of the physical. Whether this is in their version of “Heaven”, or in their mind, or somewhere else physically.
The angelics are invertebrates you say? Like an octopus or more like an insect? So, they’re heroic but spineless huh, weird!
I know that this will freak you out. I am sorry, but you asked.
Well, you have heard about the Mantids? Eh? Well, that is pretty much what they are like. They are tall. They have wings. They have no bones, and a hard shell that looks like they wear a helmet on their head. They emit and radiate love, care and concern.
They evolved on Earth a long, long, long time ago.
(They are) Unlike the type-1 greys, that are space-faring entities. The angelics are multi-dimensional creatures that can traverse anywhere in the universe, but have a very special affinity for species on the Earth.
They care about humans very much, and are involved with humans on a personal individual basis. In fact, I would even go as far as to say that “guardian angels” are truly absolutely real.
Do the angelics believe in God or make any reference to a God?
Yes they do.
However, it is not a old aged human with a big white beard sitting on a throne near some pearly gates.
They are striving to get closer in their actions, by being more “service to another” sentience. They believe that the more they strive to help others, the better their soul configuration realigns with the true purpose of the universe. Thus, they get closer to their purpose of being, and closer to God by helping others.
They believe that by helping humans on this path, that we will get closer to God ourselves. Personally, I think that they are correct.
Do they still have a body or have they moved onto pure conscientiousness? What do they look like?
They are multidimensional beings.
We can see them under certain circumstances. If you take an overdose of MDA (for some reason) you can see your very own guardian angel. It is a very short visit and vision, but if it is important to you it is possible to do so.
They do look like a big insect. They are much taller than us humans and you need to look up to see their face. I would gather that they stand a full 18 inches taller than humans. They do have a triangular head. They have wings.
They do not look hideous however, and I have no idea why that is the case. I, for one, are horrified by insects, but they do not trigger any revulsion at all.
Do they also regard us as “property”?
No. They view us as their “children” that need to be protected, and taught how to grow and learn.
Fourth Question
I always thought I had a pretty good grasp on soul and conscience but I guess not, can you please expound on them some more?
I actually wrote some posts on this subject. But, here is the five cent overview. A soul is a collection of (inter-dimensional) quanta. They are “associated” together using a kind of “glue”. The “glue” that keeps them together are [1] thoughts, [2] actions, [3] intentions, and [4] associations. They do not reside within the physical. They reside all over the place, but they all all associated with each other.
At some point in time (not that time exists, mind you), but “eventually” somehow, somewhere the soul starts to obtain “self realization”. And with “self realization” (I exist because I think I exist) comes the formation of consciousness. Once this happens, consciousness realizes that the soul from whence it originates from, can grow and be “improved”. It discovers that it can improve its soul through conscious thought.
Initially, it starts to improve itself, and quickly it starts to meet other souls that are also similar to it. They learn from each other. Eventually, they realize that they can improve their soul structures by obtaining experiences. Experiences are thoughts + actions. But soul is existing in a point of “Heaven”. It’s difficult to modify the soul in any way other than thought. So an environment needs to be created from which to learn and grow from.
Yes, an entire universe (several actually) were created by our “human” souls. Each universe is in it’s entirety. From birth to death. Many trillions of trillions of trillions of years of existence. It exists there with each possible world-line variation of that universe available to the soul.
The soul then can take it’s consciousness, or create another (a soul can create and use multiple consciousnesses) and place it within one of the moments of time in that universe. Now, time is a funky thing. It is not what we think it is. It is a momentary instant. I call this a bubble. Time is our consciousness moving with the created universe from moment to moment. Or, in my terminology, from instant to instant. Thus, we (our consciousness) experiences this movement within this universe as an arrow; an arrow of time.
Fun fact; the rate of movement from moment to moment is the speed at which our brain processes thought. Now, that varies from person to person, and from instance to instance. So the apparent "arrow of time" is unique from individual to individual.
As our consciousness moves though our reality, it actuates the body that it occupies. This cause thoughts, dreams, hopes, fears, and physical actions which result in “situations” that need to be resolved.
Everything that occurs in the physical bubble of reality builds upon the structure of soul. In fact, if you look at it directly, our physical actions are actually shaping our soul. As we shape our soul, we give it abilities and help it to grow in certain directions.
Souls can grow and advance, and as it grows, it can develop new structures, new associations, new constructions, and new shapes. In a soul, this is much more than appearance. It is the creation of new abilities. The soul can develop into another soul form or shape. A soul can begin as a tiny thing. Maybe nothing more than useful than a stone, a rock or a pebble.
Eventually it can obtain consciousness and become a germ, a fly or a tiny microbe. Given many millions of life and death cycles, it can further grow into a shape that could master a “lower form” animal. Like a dog, a cat, or a human.
Further, by controlling experiences, it can grow into a greater being like an angel or something bigger and better, or stronger.
The type-1 greys have all mastered their soul configuration for control of their life within this universe. They are highly technically advanced. But they cannot become a trans-dimensional being. Their soul growth and advancement is limited where they are now. The only way now for them to grow further is to disassemble this enormous soul construct that they have worked millions of years to create. That is not going to happen, so their soul construct and advancement is at a dead end. All they can do is expand the size of the soul, and develop other attributes and skills. However, inter-dimensional soul ability is denied them.
The Mantids, on the other hand have transcended this situation. Their soul is lighter, freer, less ‘solid” and complex
Us humans can establish a soul configuration in any direction. In fact, that is what is going on now (within the next five centuries or so) is the direction of soul selection and development of most of mankind. This is firstly determined by sentience selection. As there (for the most part) are three sentience’s that we can gravitate to. These choices will determine how our soul develops by our actions on this planet (bubble of reality).
Service to self
Service to another
Service for others
You’re the first one to mention the Mantids as our benefactors and not as a force of evil. I for one have always liked insects including praying mantis (but not arachnids), however an 8′ one would freak me out! Have you ever seen one up close? Do they have a smell? Are they from this galaxy? Can they still fly?
The Mantids is the species that I am very, very familiar with. They are the ones that I am connected to, and from which I was selected to be associated with.
If the base commander would have told me and Sebastian that we would be integrated with giant insects we would have gone running away and AWOL faster than a pig on fire. I have always thought insects were horrible. The only ones I actually had any affection towards were ladybugs and bees, and at that, I was always fearful of bees
I am sure that there are many different insect-appearing species all over the universe. The species that I am knowledgeable of is the “giant praying mantis” type that I have mentioned previously.
They apparently evolved on our very own Earth. Yes, it seems really impossible, but they most certainly did. They evolved into thinking and tool-creating creatures during the Devonian period more or less. That’s a long long time ago. Maybe from 350 to 400 million years ago.
Eventually, they were able to transcend the physical reality. They did this after about 75 million years of physical existence. (These are all rough guesstimates as no one has ever set me down and pointed out the exact dates, as they vary from MWI to MWI world-line.)
I wish I could answer what they smell like. I don’t know. My association with them is via a mechanism; and artifice. It enables me to have a link with them (in certain very, very limited ways).
The traffic on the link is one way…to them. Dual feedback to me, for my understanding is tangential. I can pick up what is going on as an observer. Much of which I couldn’t make out for the longest time. Over time, my brain adapted and I could better understand things. (The brain self-learns and adapts. Really, I would have never expected that. ) I could ask questions of a sort, and understandings would be generated.
This EBP is their direct link to them, and the ELF probes enabled MAJestic to tap into what was going on. My training with the ELF probes provided me with insight, and I was able to self-calibrate during my retirement sequence, thus opening up access to the EBP data stream. Today, how the world around me looks is quite different than it did when I first joined the Navy
There is a old science fiction movie called “They Live”. In the movie, there was a pair of glasses that you could put on that would let you see the world as it really was. Well, it’s kind…kind… of like that.
The science fiction movie titled “They Live” describe a pair of glasses that enable the wearer to see what the world really looks like.
Where before my operation, I would see but one simple reality moment to moment, today, I see various moments moving about, jumping about, frittering about all the time, then they sort of “freeze” in place momentarily as my thoughts solidity. (Yeah I know it’s strange.)
Well, on top of that new reality that I endure, I now have “channels”. Sort of like how there used to be VHF and UHF dials on the old analog television screens. I can “focus” on what I can view and (sort of) “switch channels”.
Anyways, the reality that we (as normal humans) see is really not the true reality at all. It is a a specially selected reality that our consciousness uses to occupy a given reality. It is kept simple for purposes of function. Thoughts and actions arrange soul constructs. Simple results from simple cause and effect actions
In the fictional movie “They Live” the wearer of the special glasses can see the world as it actually is. They can see people for what they are and how everyone is being brainwashed towards certain behaviors.
Now, back to the Mantids. Once you can “pull the curtain” away and see what is going on behind the scenes, you can see the background activity.
They rarely materialize in the physical, though I do have some GIF’s and JPG’s of a Mantid moving across a parking lot caught on a security camera. They are busy assisting individual humans in various ways.
If I switch to another visual channel I can see them quite clearly. Though I usually only see one at a time. I have never seen them in groups. They do have assistants. The assistants on my “UHF” channel are not type-1 greys they are something else.
I can tell you what they look like. I can describe how they appear to me.
The EBP is mostly a visual device with thought conveyance...i.e. most humans ONLY think visually. Few think in terms of smells, tastes and tactile abilities. When was the last time you tasted anything in your dreams?
I can communicate how I feel around them; about them; and their emotions and thoughts toward me. However, that’s about the extent of my skill set.
I don’t think that they can fly. But that is because I never saw them unfurl their wings, so I just assume that they never use that ability. Honestly, I think that I would be scared shitless if they did so in front of me.
BTW, they are very attuned to my emotions and are as innocuous as possible when dealing with me. This is going to sound strange, but when I see them, I don’t “see” them. I mean that I visually can see them, and my eyes registers how they appear, but my thoughts and feelings are filled with love and concern to such an extent that it drowns out any revision that I might otherwise have towards them.
I was going to ask about some corroboration but after reading your description of Government building linoleum, furniture and piled up decades of old old projects, BLUF, I knew you were talking straight up shit. My first desk was one of those “Government Standard” dark gray desks w the rubber writing surface from the 40s that weighed 300 pounds, they were sure better than the IKEA like stuff they give us today.
I’ve got some MRI scans of my brain gathering dust somewhere. You can easily see the probes there. When the doctor imaged this he asked me if I was ever shot at with a BB gun when I was a little child. (At the time, I was having headaches, and so I went to a hospital to see if I had any problems. It turned out that the headaches were from stress by a terrible manager at a horrible job.) So that is how I got an MRI to see what is in my skull.
You can see the triangular chiseled feducal features in various government buildings if you know where to look.
got a paper trail from the IRS and the USPS that specifies all the
places where I lived. A novice wouldn’t be able to make out much from
it, but it clearly shows that I traveled all over the nation working in
high-end technical fields and suddenly having to move to another part of
the nation. This is not normal. No matter how you look at it.
My degrees are there. It’s pretty difficult to fake a BS in Aerospace / Mechanical Engineering. My Navy paperwork is there. My retirement dates are all verifiable. All my patents are public record.
You can argue that it is all coincidence. Just like a type-1 grey would land their disk-shaped vehicle on the white house lawn, and the UFO skeptics would say that it didn’t happen.
Just like CNN is now arguing that the Miller investigation against Trump was not conclusive. In this world you either believe things or not. If pizza is delicious, then it is good. If you don’t like pizza then it is bad. That is the way everything is in this world.
nice that you maybe you can get something out of my experiences. I hope
that it helps you in some great and profound way. Just keep in mind
that my ability to freely talk and discuss is at the discretion of
others. This can certainly be terminated by request, and I would
absolutely honor any such request.
BTW, I don’t want to join the Gray-Borg collective!
Good for you! It is a wise choice my friend. Believe me in that.
Here are some pictures of a bunch of “service for another” sentience. They think that they are protesting. They believe that they are influencing others. They believe that they are doing what their “consciousness” tells them.
But in truth, what they are being is “serving another person”. They are pawns in a large political game, and their actions betray define their sentience.
Progressives trying to force a progressive agenda in Russia.
Another Question…
This question started with a complaint that many of my blog links didn’t work. The WordPress that I used changed their system, and orphaned a ton load of my internal links. Ugh!
Those 4 links still don’t work for me, if you want to bury them in an email, I’ll drop a coin in your can 😉
All of the links should work now. I just tested it out. What happens is that your browser might not reload a new page. Instead it will just access a (old) page in cache memory. Here are some links that should work now;
And while you didn’t mention it, these were also broken links. All are very good reads.
Then the influencer went straight to the the subject, referring to the last series of responses.
The discussion on soul and conscience is deep, beyond Cartesian cogito by light years. It requires many re-reads to take in, I expected that our simple model was wrong, but it’s really-REALLY wrong!
Yeah, I appreciate that you understand what I am trying to relate.
You know, that was part of my role by MAJestic; To collect what I could from the Mantids through this technology, and then disseminate it.
Too bad that my role in MAJestic is all shut-down and there just isn’t anyone left to document what I have to relate.
So this is why the blog exists. Meanwhile the rest of the world is trying to grapple with really old and odd concepts and trying to fit new discoveries in a model that just won’t even accept them
This knowledge describes what time actually is. What the universe actually is, and how it is constructed. It describes how soul works and why consciousness exists and how it interfaces.
Unlike other people talking about their channeled knowledge from the “enlightened ones”, I talk about ψ-ontic realities and the practical applications of it as far as our scientific study is concerned;
This post (above) describes the “threshold” or borderline between what we can control in our universe by thought, and what is beyond our control. It’s not your everyday “oh, I saw a UFO and they told me to be kind to my fellow man.” typical post.
Here’s a great post with a lousy title. It discusses what time actually is, and how people can use 5th or 7th dimensional travel to enter or leave our “bubble” of reality easily. Make sure that you are able to view the videos and the GIF’s. Reload the browser as necessary. They show actual examples that fit into my narrative, but are dismissed as hoaxes as they fail to fit into any conventional narrative of what reality is.
The mantids are earthlings huh, that makes sense actually.
This is the truth, and it took me a while to get my hands around this concept. Their relationship with the rest of the Galaxy is a complex one and I do not know all that much in detail regarding it. But I can say a couple of things.
First of all, the Galaxy that we are in is a very mature, stable and well policed place. This is a narrative that is quite unlike what you will hear anyone else refer to. To everyone else, our Galaxy is a barren, empty place with planets just “ripe” for the pickings. Not so.
This is what I know about our Galaxy.
I refer to a species known as “The Progenitors”. They are NOT the Mantids, but they are similar to them in various ways. You can read more here;
Numerous species have evolved on the Earth, and moved on. I speak about one which I consider the “first” species that evolved into an approved sentience archetype (as defined by the Galactic “powers that be”). That is actually not — precisely — true. There are elements of Mantid and Cephalopod that overlap in certain areas. But, to keep everything simple, I just prefer to keep things boxed up in easy to understand bite-sized chunks.
Sometimes I am tasked with providing mathematical proofs as to show why I talk about the things like I do. Seriously? I have a life and you either believe what I have to relate or you don’t.
Anyways, I have always argued that all of our Newtonian science is based on observation. However, quantum physics clearly tells us that observation changes results. So this means that there should be violations of physical laws that would show us that our reality is based on quantum physics and not Newtonian physics. Here, I discuss this issue. It’s a technical post. I hope you like math…
Did they (the Mantids) task the Grays or is it a mutual relationship?
Oh boy oh, boy is this a great subject. I can answer that I don’t know for certain, but I have a very…very good idea of what is going on.
Firstly, any sentience that is “service for self” can only advance so far. No matter how technically advanced they appear, they always will suffer from limitations of the physical reality. That is the bane of their existence. While “service for others” sentience enables the thoughts to manifest in soul building exercises that are pure(r) and more “malleable”. It leads to multi-dimensional and trans-dimensional capabilities. They are abilities that are forever frozen and locked away from those hive and matrix souls that are fundamentally locked into “service for self” sentience’s. Thus, the Mantids are far more capable in many many, many areas than the Greys.
I believe that the Greys think that they are working on the Earth in their own best interests. But it is the Mantids that have easily convinced them to feel this way.
Have you ever watched the movie “push“? Well, it really illustrates this point. There is a girl in the movie who has PSI / ESP powers that can “push” memories and thoughts into the heads and minds of others. She uses this to control those people. One minute they are a single child, and the next they have a memory where their (now) best friend killed their beloved sister. Thus causing the person to go and kill his best friend.
In the movie “push”, a PSI / ESP trained person has the ability to change the memories and resultant thoughts of any person they want. I believe that the Mantids have this ability as well, only it’s not part of a fictional universe. It is real.
What about some other reported alien-earthlings like the Reptilians? Hollywood hints at these with the Sleestaks from “Land of the Lost” TV series (remember that on Saturday mornings)? If you read between the lines in Genesis, they pop out.
I am absolutely positive that there are other species of creatures. I do know for a fact that many have been documented by MAJestic, and that some do resemble reptilians in certain aspects.
However, they are not central to my mission objectives, nor were in my cone of experience, so I cannot say too much about them. This is because I really don’t know that much about them.
However, what I can say is that there is an internet presence that has gotten blown all out of proportion and it nowhere resembles the actually extent or role that these creatures have on this Earth.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited
for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret
programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret.
It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the
technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer.
The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to
maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are
all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things
that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super
special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I
try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms
are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that
when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass
into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some
extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor”
claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts
from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have
multiple posts in this regard.
Our solar system is but one small place within a much larger (physical) community. This community is our galaxy, also known as the “Milky Way” galaxy. Here in this post, I place what I know of our galaxy and mix in what has been presented to me through MAJestic. It is a hodge-podge of conventional science and the outrageous. All together it paints a rather comprehensive general picture of the history of our galaxy…
“Our sun is one of 100 billion stars in our galaxy. Our galaxy is one of billions of galaxies populating the universe. It would be the height of presumption to think that we are the only living things in that enormous immensity.”
-Wernher von Braun, Text of the Address by von Braun Before the Publishers' Group Meeting, The New York Times Text of the Address by von Braun Before the Publishers' Group Meeting Here 29 April 1960 L. 20, column 2 Wells (April 29, 1960), l. 20, column 2. (This is a dated comment, as the galaxy is now known to be more than 7 times as large.)
Many readers, no doubt, have no idea what a galaxy is, and thus need to know why it is so important to me.
Duh! What is a “galaxy”?
Before we begin, I must repeat a core principle to the reader; There is an “invisible world” that is part of our lives. This “invisible world” goes by many names; heaven, dark matter, MWI, to name just a few. What I describe here is the barest edge of what we know to be the reality in our physical world. I discuss the physical reality of this universe centered around our tiny planet.
For many people the word “galaxy” conjures up the same kind of meaning as does a “star”; they are both objects from outer space. When I first started to write about my experiences, I came to confront a harsh reality. It surprised me. Indeed, it still surprises me. People, for the most part, are ignorant of science. It is true.
Most people are totally ignorant of science.
Sadly, not everyone understands the terms and phrases that I use so routinely.
While I have tried to “dumb down” my writings to the most basic level, I am sure that there will be individuals who will still fail to grasp what I am trying to convey. No; this is not an elementary text on astronomy. But, in my own way, I wish to make the complex simple and easier to understand in the context of the world that I experienced.
Where we live
We live on a planet called earth that is in orbit about a star that we call the sun.
A star is a hot collection of gas and light that (seems to) sits apart in the vast universe that we live in. A star can get pretty darn big. Our sun is a star. Contemporaneously, it is considered to be an “average” star. It’s not too big, and not too small. It’s just about right (for us).
However, other species do NOT consider it to be “average”. They consider it to be a little on the “hot” side. In their minds, the most common stars are much cooler and smaller than our sun. They like to think that it is the cooler “K” and “M” class stars that are “average” and “common”.
Our sun and earth is part of a neighborhood that consists of other planets also orbiting the sun. We call this a solar system.
For our purposes, EVERY star has a solar system.
Yay, now maybe some of those solar systems might only consist of some dust and an asteroid or two, while others might consist of a complex and dense collection of all sorts of planets. The point is that we can make the broad assumption that each star has its own solar system of orbiting planets.
A Galaxy
A galaxy is a collection of stars that are bound together by gravity.
Galaxies come in different sizes and shapes. Depending on the history of the galaxy, it can look like a huge fuzzy mass, or a spinning top and anything in between. Our galaxy is also average. It is a little on the “big” side comparatively, and spins around forming a shape and features known as “arms”.
The above picture represents the most accurate representation of our galaxy so far. Each little “pin-sized” dot of white is a very hot and large star. The cooler stars are not shown. What we see outside of our solar system is limited due to the location of where our sun is relative to the huge mass of stars which surround us. Further, there are areas of obscuring dust and gas that confound our ability to accurately map the galaxy in its entirety. On the Internet one can find various depictions of what our galaxy is believed to look like. This is by far the most accurate portrayal as of 2015.
Our sun resides within “our” galaxy. We call it the “Milky Way” galaxy because (I suspect) it looks like a splash of milk in the night-time sky.
We live in the Milky Way Galaxy.
We are not in the center of it, nor are we off on the outer edges. Our sun (and solar system) lie in a pretty average and typical section. Our surrounding neighborhood contains both young and old stellar neighbors. As is true with most of the universe, most of the stars that surround us lie hidden. We cannot see them. Those stars that we do see are actually just the big and bright stars only. The vast bulk of stars around us are small and quite dim.
The vast bulk of stars around us are small and quite dim.
The Size of our Galaxy
“How did it communicate? I have no idea. It did move its arms a lot. Almost like giving instructions! I heard no voice communications. The helmet was not as large as our two NASA astronauts, and had a viewport to look forward. It had a small, perhaps a communication device, attached only to the right side of the helmet!
I saw no oxygen tank(s). It had a wide belt like wrapping around it..
It did not appear to be tethered as the two Astronauts were to the sides of the shuttle structure. I observed nothing that appeared to be a weapon. The time of this amazing scene was one minute and seven seconds, I timed it on my Astronaut chronograph watch.”
-Clark C. McClelland, a former ScO of the Space Shuttle Fleet commenting on a scene he witnessed. He claims he personally observed an 8 to 9 foot tall extraterrestrial (ET) on his monitor while on duty in the Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Control Center (LCC).
He claims that the ET was standing upright in the Space Shuttle Payload Bay having a discussion with two tethered US NASA Astronauts. He also claims to have observed (on his monitors) the spacecraft of the ET as it was stabilized safely in orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle main engine pods.
Let’s talk about the “Milky Way” galaxy.
Stars do not lie alone in the great vastness of space. They are not scattered about like grains of sand on a beach. They clump together. They gather in groups. They collect together.
These collections are called galaxies.
Our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains maybe 600 to 750 billion stars (plus or minus 250 billion) that lie mostly in a semi-flattened (with wavy planar ripples) spiral disk of some 70-100,000 light-years (ly) across, with a central bulge of about 10,000 ly in diameter.
I said, “Our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains maybe 600 to 750 billion stars”. This is debatable.
There are those whom still hold to the 1960-era belief that there are only 100 billion stars in the galaxy.
Others, through ignorance (perhaps), subscribe to the 1985-era belief that there are 400 billion stars in the galaxy.
While still others maintain the more conventional belief (1995-era) that there are no more than 600 billion stars in the galaxy.
If you consider the T and Y class dwarves to be stellar bodies then the number could well exceed 1000 billion stars. This is a 2015 era belief.
I said, “spiral disk of some 70-100,000 light-years (ly) across”. Apparently, our galaxy is pretty much on the larger side of my estimate.
The size was upgraded in the March 10, 2015 edition of the Astrophysical Journal.
This brings the Milky Way's size up to that of Andromeda. The Milky Way's small radius in comparison to Andromeda's larger radius has always puzzled astronomers because the two galaxies have roughly the same mass.
I can see the nerds in the reader audience nodding. However, the galaxies as portrayed in fictional software games are not a true representation of the actual size of a galaxy. For instance, the game stellaris (at most) might have a galaxy of a mere two thousand solar systems. 2000 is not 750,000,000,000.
(I would guess that the game limitations are due to the computer technology, as well as the general interest of the player. Afterall, a boy starting the game would end up as an old man before he would even begin to consider finishing it.)
Our Location in The Galaxy
“The number of habitable worlds in our galaxy is certainly in the tens of billions, minimum, and we haven’t even talked about the moons. And the number of galaxies we can see, other than our own, is about 100 billion.”
– Seth Shostak, Senior Astronomer at California’s SETI Institute
Our sun; Sol, lies less than halfway out (26,000 ly) from the galactic center in Sagittarius. It resides on the core-ward side of one of the galaxy’s spiral arms named Orion. This “arm” is some 2,000 to 3,000 ly thick.
There are numerous arms in our galaxy. (This figure seems to change, as scientists can’t seem to make up their minds between the major and minor arms.) As of 2017, it is considered that there are four “major” arms in our galaxy.
Here is a nice picture of what our Milky Way galaxy looks like if you were to view it from an angle far away. Selected “arms” are identified and labeled. The Sun is shown as a reference.
Roughly 6,000 light-years separate “our” Orion arm from the Sagittarius-Carina arm on the inside (towards the center of the galaxy) and the Perseus arm on the outside (outer rim of the galaxy). From our perspective, the galactic rim is in the direction of Auriga and Taurus.
Do not be deceived. The space between these arms is NOT empty of stars. They are full of stars. It is only that the vast bulk of the stars are the dimmer dwarfs that give off scant light that it appears that the voids are empty. The “arms” are composed of more hot and bright stars than what is found in the spaces between them.
The closest spiral arms to our solar system within the Milky Way galaxy. The sun’s location is provided for reference.
Our sun, Sol, is located 67 light-years north of the galactic plane. We are not in the middle; in the thick of the galaxy disk. We lie above it. We lie within a roughly 200-light-year wide oval band that is rich in gas, dust, and newborn stars.
In this region are associations of extremely bright, bluish, and massive O and B stars, with emission nebulae (H II). These are the (bright) stars that we see at night.
All those stars that we see at night are not typical. They just happen to be the stars that are easiest for us to see. Some are big. Some are bight. Some are visible because they are nearby to us. Often, these are the very young stars that people claim to be the home for extraterrestrial species. Heads up; they are not. They simply glow and light up the night sky for us. They are what we see. They are what give our galaxy the shape that we perceive. They are what help us define the “spiral arms”.
Voids between the Spiral Arms
The apparent voids between spiral arms are not empty space. They are not empty at all. It certainly looks like it, but that is because we are unable to see the dimmer stars. In truth, the “voids” of nothingness between the spiral arms are actually “chock” full of dimmer, redder, and less massive stars like Sol. (G, K, and M class.) Not to mention the huge numbers of “brown dwarf” stars and their respective solar systems.
The truth is that these voids are where the BULK of intelligent extraterrestrial species come from. This is where the more advanced civilizations in our galaxy exist. They do not lie inside the (visible) arms; where the young and hot stars lie, and where the gaseous and dusty spaces proliferate. No. They tend to lie in the safe, unexciting, and relatively quiescent spaces between the arms.
Here is Bode’s Galaxy. It is listed as Messier 81. It is very similar to our galaxy in overall shape and form.
The Milky Way has two four (x4) major and two (x2) minor arms that spiral out from the long bar of stars, as well as near and far arms that lie along both sides of the central bar more. There are also some “trivial” galactic features that could be classified as “offshoots” of the arms. These are distributed throughout the galaxy.
To some, the naming of these various features is important. Yet the truth is that the stars group together in clusters of various sizes, shapes, and intensity of brightness. How we view these clusters defines our naming conventions.
Some Notes;
A 12-year study published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society has confirmed that our Milky Way Galaxy has four spiral arms, following years of debate that it has only two arms.
First there were four arms, then there were two major arms with two minor arms, now we are back to four major arms again! Jeeze! Here’s a good write up on all the arguments.
"Using NASA's infrared Spitzer Space Telescope to sample light from some 30 million stars in the Milky Way, astronomers observed a long bar of relatively old stars spanning the center of the galaxy. Stellar bars are known to exist in some other spirals, and researchers have long pondered the possibility that one might reside in ours. They were unsure, however, of whether the heart of the galaxy would contain a bar structure, an ellipse or both.
The new observations paint the clearest picture yet of the Milky Way's interior and reveal the apparent bar in unprecedented detail. The feature is some 27,000 light-years long (7,000 light-years longer than expected) and sits at a 45-degree angle to the galaxy's main plane."
The Center of the Galaxy
Looking in from a point outside the Milky Way, we would see the luminous parts of the galaxy; a dense concentration of mostly old stars that fill the central bulge. Whose brightest stars are generally [1] red giants of relatively low mass or [2] big bluish stars recently born from gas. In the center of our galaxy is a very interesting and complex structure known as Sagittarius A* that is probably a black hole massing about 2.5 million suns.
Evidence has been uncovered for the presence of a jet of high-energy particles blasting out of the Milky Way’s super-massive black hole known as Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*). This image of Sgr A* and the region around it contains some of the data used in the study, with X-rays from Chandra (purple) and radio emission from the Very Large Array (blue). Jets of high-energy particles are found throughout the Universe on large and small scales. The likely discovery of a jet from Sgr A* helps astronomers learn more about the giant black hole, including how it is spinning.
The central bulge is not a central point. It is not spherical in shape. Indeed, it is shaped like a long rectangular or oval bar. Its shape actually extends in the form of a 12-18,000 ly long “bar” (2-3 times longer than it is wide). From that, it “extends” to four bluish spiral arms on opposite sides. (Quite an unusual object, indeed.)
These “arms” wrap around the bulge and each other outwards through the dimmer and redder galactic disk. They possibly include broken arm segments; (these) yellowish arms where most short-lived OB stars have already perished and spurs off the arms (for example, the Orion Arm containing Sol, may actually be a spur that might have once been a part of the Perseus arm).
It is a dynamic and energetic place. With large streams of energy, vortexes of gravity, plasma, and other gasses interspersed the enormous stars and stellar debris of the region.
Galactic halo
Surrounding the Milky Way’s spiral disk and bulge is the slightly flattened feature known as the “galactic halo”. It extends far out and away from the galaxy. It acts like a large envelope that contains the entire galaxy and encompasses other stellar objects.
This halo consists of stars. It generally consists of very old stars, averaging somewhat lower in mass than our sun. (G, K, M and brown dwarfs for the most part.)
The halo of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is comprised of two elements; there is an inner and an outer halo.
Within the galactic halo is a relatively small number of individual stars and about 200 or so globular clusters. A globular cluster is a spherical collection of stars. They tend to clump together and orbit the galactic core as a satellite “mass”. Globular clusters are very tightly bound by gravity, which gives them their spherical shapes and relatively high stellar densities toward their centers. These clusters are spread evenly about the halo; roughly half above and half below the disk. The reader can think of them as dense warts on an imperfect face.
These densely packed groups of stars may make excellent cradles for complex space-traveling life to evolve. However, we do not know this to be the case. We can only hypostatize.
My belief is that life springs up throughout the universe quite easily.
Di Stefano presented his research at the 227th meeting of the American Astronomical Society. His key point was that globular clusters are massive groupings of millions of stars in a region only 100 light-years across. The clusters date back to the early life of the Milky Way (nearly 10 billion years ago). (For comparison, the universe is approximately 13.5 to 15 billion years old.) Although these clusters' age raises some questions, it also provides ample time for civilizations that emerged to evolve and become complex.
In this case, the older age of the stars is an advantage. Di Stefano and Ray noted that bright stars like the sun would have been born, lived and died, leaving behind only faint, long-lived dwarf stars. These dimmer stars would require planets to orbit closer to their sun in order to maintain liquid water on their surface — a key requirement for the evolution of life as we know it. Their close orbits could help shield them from interactions with passing stars, according to a statement from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA).
The reader should recognize that there are studies that claim that these environments may be too harsh for life. In all cases, there are studies that say one thing and studies that say the opposite. The truth, like everything else, lies somewhere in between both extremes.
“If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes. But if I were to go on to say that, since my assertion cannot be disproved, it is an intolerable presumption on the part of human reason to doubt it, I should rightly be thought to be talking nonsense. If, however, the existence of such a teapot were affirmed in ancient books, taught as the sacred truth every Sunday, and instilled into the minds of children at school, hesitation to believe in its existence would become a mark of eccentricity and entitle the doubter to the attentions of the psychiatrist in an enlightened age or of the Inquisitor in an earlier time.” ― Bertrand Russell
The Ripples or Grooves in our Galaxy
There are ring-like structures of stars wrapping around the Milky Way’s outer disk. These structures appear to belong to the disk itself. As a result, instead of the galactic disc being a thin “structure”, it is much larger than that. We now know that the disk is about 60 percent larger than what we had previously thought.
Not only do the results extend the size of the Milky Way, they also reveal a rippling pattern. This is a very unique feature. As such, it raises some really intriguing questions about what actually sent wavelike fluctuations rippling through the disk.
The Milky Way Galaxy has an apparent pattern of “waves” in the basic disc. This is a curious observation and suggests a complexity of galactic formation that was not initially obvious.
The researchers who discovered this feature suggest that the likely culprit was a dwarf galaxy. They have suggested a theory that the dwarf galaxy might have plunged through the Milky Way’s center long ago, sparking the rippling patterns astronomers have now detected. It would be similar to the waves on a lake or pond when you toss a pebble into it.
Other Structures
There are other structures that are associated with our galaxy. They too are quite interesting. One of which is the Monoceros Ring.
Our galaxy has numerous curious features or collections of stars. They greatly extend the size of our galaxy and indicate a complex dynamic in the formation of our galaxy and the interactions of the stars inside of it.
We know about these features due to the work of Yan Xu. Xu is an astronomer at the National Astronomical Observatories of China. Xu, colleague Newberg, and other colleagues studied the problem of a group of stars beyond the disk’s outermost edge. (The so-called Monoceros Ring.) They used data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to determine the actual shape and behavior of this structure.
They found four (4x) total structures in and just outside what is currently considered the Milky Way’s outer disk. The third structure was the Monoceros ring, and the fourth structure was the Triangulum Andromeda Stream, located 70,000 light-years from the galactic center.
All four structures alternated with respect to the disk. They went from above it, to below it, to above it, to below it. Newberg, who was in the tidal stream camp, was surprised that the ring and three other structures were actually a part of an oscillating disk.
I really love stuff like this. It’s really great to read about and consider the wonders of our universe.
The hidden reality of our galaxy
Our luminous galaxy, because of the Galactic Halo, appears to be embedded in a larger and much more massive, but unseen, spheroidal halo of mostly non-luminous (or low luminosity) material (Brown dwarves, planets, gas giants, planetoids, asteroids and other mysterious bodies that we have not yet been exposed to.).
As described previously, this halo extends the physical dimensions of our physical galaxy substantially. The Milky Way may actually contain as much as the mass of a trillion suns like Sol, although the 600 billion, estimated luminous stars mass only about 175 billion suns. Thus, most of the galaxy’s mass must be composed of “dark” matter, of which brown dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes, gas, and dust are estimated to make up only a minor share. The nature of the galaxy’s non-luminous matter is still unknown.
Stars of our Galaxy
This illustration compares the different masses of stars. The lightest-weight stars are red dwarfs. They can be as small as one-twelfth the mass of our Sun. The heaviest-weight stars are blue-white supergiants. They may get as large as 150 solar masses. Our Sun is between the lightweight and heavyweight stars. The red giant star at the bottom of the graphic is much larger than the other stars in the illustration. Its mass, however, can range from a fraction of the Sun’s mass to a few solar masses. A red giant is a bloated star near the end of its life. In this brief phase, a star’s diameter expands to several times its normal girth. (Image Source.)
Although as many as 5,800 to 8,000 of the Milky Way’s stars are visible from Earth with the naked eye, it is seldom possible to see more than 2,500 stars at any given time from any given spot. Most of the stars that we do see are not typical stars. Not at all. We cannot see “typical” stars.
Our eyesight, even with most telescopes are simply not good enough. Instead, what we see are the very rare, bright and young hot stars. All of which possess more mass, a higher luminosity, and a greater diameter than our own sun. While we might well (possibly) see them, they only represent a very tiny percentage of all the stars present to our eyesight.
We cannot see the bulk of the stars, the vast majority of stars in our local neighborhood are dimmer than our sun; too dim to be observed with the naked eye. Although dim and reddish M-dwarf stars constitute more than half of the population of our galaxy’s stars, none are visible to the naked eye. We just cannot see them.
In fact, it wasn’t up until the last decade or two that we “proved” that “brown dwarfs” actually existed. Up to that time, it was all just a theory. The statists strongly argued that “it doesn’t exist unless I can see it!“.
Physical Conclusions
Every day we are learning more and more about our galaxy and the space that lies around us. There will be many more discoveries and the science books are constantly being revised with the latest discoveries and theories.
When we meet and communicate with other species and other intelligences, and others that are extraterrestrial in nature, we discuss things from our point of understanding. That is very limiting because for the most part, not only do they see things differently than we do, but they have created sciences and technologies that are based on those understandings. They are alien to us.
For instance, a species that sees clearly in the infrared spectrum (apparently a common thing) see a different kind of sky at night. Their understanding of our galaxy is somewhat different than ours. For they see it in a far different way than we can.
The reader must understand, for a successful transfer of information and technology from one species to another, there has to be a uniformity of understandings and perceptions. Oh, forget that Hollywood bullshit about mathematics being the language of species communication. It isn’t. At least, that has been my experience.
We can only understand things within a common framework.
This limitation has been one of the problems that MAJestic has had with our extraterrestrial benefactors over the years. It is also why myself and a handful of others were tasked with our roles. So when information is presented herein, it is based upon an understanding of our “established” understandings with the presentation of new ideas and concepts that are alien to us.
With that being stated…
The History of our galaxy
Here is the “unwritten” actual history of our galaxy.
In many arguments concerning the Fermi Paradox, it is often discussed in terms of the physical universe. It always boils down to transport of one extraterrestrial species from one “home planet” to another “colonization planet”, and the relative probability of it occurring and being sustainable.
There are a myriad of arguments and discussions on this, and all of them are quite interesting.
I do not have the entire and whole story, and I am not even able to provide a sweeping overview. However, I can make a handful of statements that might give the reader some pause to consider. All of this involves only our galaxy alone. I know absolutely nothing about other galaxies. This information is tenuous. It does not involve the sheer totality of our universe.
So this is the complete catalog of what I know regarding our galaxy. I am sorry that it is so abbreviated, and perhaps a bit obtuse, but it is all I know about the galaxy that we live in. Please accept my apologies in this matter.
The Very Beginning
In general, the physical universe is around 13.7 billion years old.
Shortly afterward, gas, dust and other odd objects formed.
Their gravity would bring them in contact with other gas, dust, and odd objects. Eventually, they started to form primitive stars and collections of stars.
The earliest proto-galaxies formed rather early on, and they were huge in size. In fact, very large and very old galaxy clusters existed roughly 2.5 billion years after the “big bang”.
Some Notes;
The age of the universe at 13.7 billion years is debatable. But why quibble about fractions of a billion years that occurred around 14 billion years ago, that is silly. For our purposes, lets just simply say that the universe is a nice round 14 billion years old. (Anyways, time isn’t what we think it is anyways.)
“In physical cosmology, the age of the universe is the time elapsed since the Big Bang. The current measurement of the age of the universe is 13.799±0.021 billion years within the Lambda-CDM concordance model.”
Astronomers have found distant red galaxies—very massive and very old—in the universe when it was only 2.5 billion years post-Big Bang.
“Previous observations suggested that the universe at this age was home to young, small clumps of galaxies long before they merged into massive structures we see today. We are really amazed — these are the earliest, oldest galaxies found to date. Their existence was not predicted by theory and it pushes back the formation epoch of some of the most massive galaxies we see today."
-Carnegie Observatories Ivo Labbé
These red galaxies are very interesting. Astronomers have been particularly surprised to find very old, red galaxies that had stopped forming new stars altogether. They had rapidly formed massive amounts of stars out of gas much earlier in the universe’s history, but then suddenly starved to death. This behavior has raised the question of what caused them to die so early. (Such “red and dead” galaxies may be the forefathers of some of the old and giant elliptical galaxies seen in the local universe today.)
In addition to the old “dead” galaxies long past star formation, there were other red, dusty galaxies still vigorously producing stars.
"We're detecting galaxies we never expected to find, having a wide range of properties we never expected to see." Apparently, the early universe was already a wildly complex place. It's becoming more and more clear that the young universe was a big zoo with animals of all sorts. There's as much variety in the early universe as we see around us today."
-Carnegie Observatories Ivo Labbé Go HERE.
The Formation of Our Galaxy
No one really knows how OUR particular galaxy was formed.
Contemporaneously, there are debates on the age of our galaxy. In fact, there are those who claim that our galaxy is almost the same age as the “Big Bang”.
As of 21MAY18, the overall consensus is that the totality of our universe is about 13.7 billion years old. Contemporaneously, based on measurements of the element beryllium in two stars within a globular cluster of stars called NGC 6397, our Milky Way galaxy is considered to be one of the oldest galaxies in the universe. Using this dating method, those involved puts the age at 13.6 billion years.
Or, in other words almost the same age as the universe itself.
Now, this conclusion is based on the assumption that the globular cluster NGC 6397 formed at the same time that the entire Milky Way galaxy formed. It’s a pretty big assumption. It really is, as there is no indication that this is true.
This kind of assumption is like looking at an old man with a young girl and assuming that they are the same age because they sit in the same car together. I would kindly and respectfully suggest that further work needs to be done on this matter.
Now, there are other things and other evidence that also suggest that this is true. For instance, they have found very ancient stars at the very center of our galaxy.
So, is our galaxy really as old as the universe?
How our Proto-Milky Way Galaxy was Formed
I posit that the universe was created and afterward, various stars, globular clusters, and proto-galaxies formed. These proto-galaxies and stars moved about and interacted with each other. I contend that there was a period of around 3 to 4 billion years where the proto-galaxy of our Milky Way galaxy formed.
After the “Big Bang”, during a period of 3 to 4 billion years, numerous “objects” and items formed. They all became gravitationally attracted to each other. This collection of objects created the proto-galaxy that eventually became the Milky Way.
During this period, the first 4 billion years after the “Big Bang”, older stars interacted with the dust and material that eventually became our galaxy. Therefore, our galaxy is comprised of a number of proto-galaxies, older globular clusters, and some very old stars. Yet, the bulk of our galaxy started to form around 3 to 4 billion years after the “Big Bang”.
Our galaxy is typical; it is an aggregate of early formed stars, and clusters, gas and debris that formed in huge proto-galaxies, and collections of gas and debris that eventually formed the bulk of our galaxy as we know it today.
Our Galaxy – The early days
Our complete galaxy; the Milky Way galaxy, formed solidly about 5 billion years after the “Big Bang”. (With its proto-galaxy coming into existence around 3.5 billion years from the Big Bang. Say 1 to 1.5 billion years of formation.) In the early years it didn’t look anything like it does now, and even today, as then, it is constantly changing and evolving. Actually and truly; it is but a physical manifestation of the quantum world that surrounds us all.
What we are discussing is the earliest beginnings of our galaxy. There was no specific point in time where the galaxy came into being. Rather it formed through a coalescence of material into a collection of dust, debris, and stars. At some point, it became large enough to be called a galaxy. So for our purposes, let’s just say that the galaxy that we know it formed about 3.5 billion years after the “Big Bang”. Prior to that, it was something else; a proto-galaxy.
Let’s not quibble as to what constitutes a proto-galaxy and a mature; evolving one.
There have been approximately four generations of stars in the universe, (that is) if you discount the super-hot and short-lived stars, that are but transient events of insignificant duration. For our purposes, we can consider that our galaxy has had two complete generations of stars. (On average.) The very oldest stars in our galaxy are all that remains of the first generation.
A stellar generation is similar to that of a human generation. A star is born, grows and dies. That is the first generation. A second star is born out of the debris from the earlier star. It grows and dies. This is the second generation. A third star is born out of the dusty debris of the second star. It grows and dies. This is the third generation. Finally, a fourth star is born out of the debris from the third star. It grows and then eventually dies. This is the fourth generation.
Generations of stars were born, lived their stellar lives, and then faded into dim obscurity or died. The galaxy has been quite dynamic. (They move in orbits inside of a twirling and spinning galaxy. They flash into and out of existence. They form from collections of dust, and flash as radiation is released.) Stars form and die all the time.
When we look through our telescopes we see this dynamic interplay. Stars have a much longer lifespan than humans, so it appears that they never change. However, that is an illusion.
Galaxies Smash into Each Other Too
During the formation of our galaxy, and during the first of time, up to now, there was a rather serious change to our galaxy. Another much smaller galaxy; a dwarf galaxy, plunged headlong into our galaxy. It disrupted the tidy orbiting paths of the stars and altered the shape of our galaxy. Some stars from the dwarf galaxy were added to our galaxy, some of our stars were tossed out of our galaxy.
Given the huge distances involved, there probably were not too many stellar collisions. (We assume.) The galaxy just passed through ours, and the gravitational waves influenced the orbital structures of the galaxy.
First Intelligence’s
After the big bang, the physical world began to appear. This came in the form of proto-galaxies which included all sorts of planetary bodies.
The plain and straight fact is that the first quantum intelligence’s (non-physical) began to occupy the quantum sphere of the galaxy relatively early on; approximately in the first billion years of substantial galaxy formation (about 9 billion years ago). To be clear, intelligence formed long before physical bodies (containers) evolved.
Consciousness and intelligence formed long before physical bodies formed.
These life forms were with intelligence and understanding.
They created thoughts and formed quantum-level artifices, but they did not have physical forms. Our galaxy at that time was mostly somewhat an organized proto-galaxy with the very beginnings of physical organization. There were rocky planets, but most were too unstable to host any kind of physical life. The galaxy; and the universe at that time was emerging. It was nothing like we see it to be today.
What the physical manifestation of our galaxy was, at this time, a large collection of gas and dust. With a rather lumpy composition containing regions of dense and not-so-dense gas in the vast spaces.
The life forms were all quantum-based intelligence’s and thoughts. Most manifested in simple forms of lattices and strange mixtures of garbons and unusual alignments of swales. There were no specific archetypes and no really strong and stable avenues of intelligent growth.
As a result, many intelligence’s came into being and then quickly morphed into other things. These were both good and bad. Neutral alignments were rare. It was a world of the strong and organized quanta taking over that of disorganization. But ultimately the chaotic environment began to stabilize and the first intelligence’s of organized thought began to manifest.
First Physical lifeforms
For our purposes and understandings; the vast bulk of physical life (as we understand it), however, did not begin to manifest until much later; around three billion years later (about 6 billion years ago) after the very first tentative formations of the galaxy.
This, of course, relates to the “organizational threshold” that must be reached in order to blossom uniformly through the galaxy.
Certainly, there were minor pockets of microbial life that were established in the earliest years of galaxy formation (Within the first billion years of planetary formation.) Nevertheless, for various reasons, these were anomalous and really did not contribute to the “organizational quantum threshold”. The truth be told, it manifested in pockets (Roughly associated quantum signatures with physical locations at various points.), scattered about relatively uniformly in the “halo” of the galaxy. This early life was microbial and had simple physical forms.
I urge the reader not to get too confused. When I refer to the “Halo” I mean a uniform distribution though out the galaxy which includes above and below the plane of the elliptic. There are stars out there in the nether regions; far removed from the well-known and dense “arms” of the galaxy. The life began to form in an even distribution pattern. It formed everywhere; not just in the plane and not just in the arms where the most active and energetic stars lay.
Over a period of one billion years, the life tended to grow in spurts throughout the galaxy. Some life would become extinguished as the planetary environment changed, while other life would grow through periodic planetary extinctions and yet still survive and adapt in the physical forms. Meanwhile, other life began to crop up and live starting at the smallest microbial stages.
The simple physical life represented the simplest of physical manifestations. Upon once a life took root on a given planet, it began to propagate and evolved, over time into other forms.
The evolution of life, on a given planet, was never clean and pristine. The various life forms needed to evolve. To do that, they required periodic planetary changes that ultimately caused the life forms to grow and adapt to change. It should be interesting to the reader to note that planetary global extinctions are common throughout the universe. The effect on life as observed on Earth should be considered to be atypical to general evolutionary trends. Please note that the extent of global planetary extinctions present in a given solar system is directly related to the size of the solar system.
If the star is large and hot, such as O, B, A and maybe F class stars, any rocky planets (and shepherding gas giants) will be plummeted by large asteroids and periodic bombardment. In fact, given the short lifetimes of these types of stars, the planetary bombardment will be rather (more or less) continuous during the solar system life.
If the star is a little cooler, there will still be planetary bombardment, but it will become less and less frequent over time. This would pertain to F and G stars. That is because the gravitational influence of the star is not as great, and the size of the solar system is not as large.
If the star is even cooler than that and thus smaller, there will also still be planetary bombardment, but it will be small in influence (relatively speaking) and like the F and G stars will become less and less frequent over time. This will pertain to K, and M class stars as well as Brown Dwarfs.
Complex solar systems involving binary, trinary and larger systems are much more complex. As such, the relationships between global periodic extinctions will vary and fall under complex formulas. It is beyond what I know at this time. I am sure that some intelligent scientist will one day come up with a set of rules and guidelines that would effectively delineate these complex relationships.
Bipedal Intelligent lifeforms
Within a billion years, about 5 billion years ago, bipedal intelligent life began to occupy a number of worlds. This was about one billion years before the very beginnings of our solar system.
There are numerous civilizations in our galaxy. They all follow development patterns. This chart summarizes the growth of populations of galactic civilizations as a function of time.
However, there were no specific quantum archetypes and when these species began to develop the sciences and technologies necessitated by survival, they often caused quantum disruption and great chaos when they crossed the vast gulfs of space between the stars. This disruption became very serious; almost catastrophic, and needed to be curbed and culled. This was because entire civilizations were slowly being innocently entangled with different levels of quanta. They became confused and unstable.
It is not that simple. The term “levels” is a catchall phrase. It represents different types of disorganized quanta clumps. These non-stable garbons and associations are dimensionally unstable. When they confront other quantum arrangements the ones with the greatest quantum entropy gains mastery. This caused a great deal of consternation.
This was a chaotic period.
Various species advanced technologically and spread across the galaxy. They met other space-faring races and periods of confusing confrontation occurred. There really wasn’t much in terms of overt physical warfare (while some did actually occur), most of the problems had to do with incompatibility of various levels of quantum integration and thought manifestations. (Civilizations met and interacted, but the different quantum influences adversely affected the “weaker” or more “exposed” species. This eventually altered the physical world of both species. Typically it resulted in various catastrophic effects.)
It was a difficult time.
Inferior species without robust quantum configurations were easily overtaken by species with superior quantum organizations. The conflict happens outside of the physical and takes place over a generally short period of time. Over a few generations, the weaker lifeform tends to die off or be displaced.
I do not know the details. However, this period lasted around one billion years and ended about 4 billion years ago. This was about ½ billion years before the formation of our solar system. At that time, a number of (the strongest and most stable) organized species and races began to establish themselves in our galaxy. These races and species were all space-faring and very powerful. I believe that the progenitor race was one of these races.
The age of our solar system is under revision. Researchers studying bits of a meteorite discovered that the space rock was 4.5682 billion years old, predating previous estimates of the solar system's age by up to 1.9 million years.
Stabilization and Organization
At about three billion years ago, the galaxy was stabilized and set groups or organizations began to run it and control it. Over time they began to become more organized and better prepared to interact with each other. These organizations continue to this day. (Some mature, while others retire and evolve into other things…)
The area (of the galaxy) that we are in, has the form of a structured government, administered by a kind of federation (of sorts).
Each organization of races or species has established nurseries where they permit the cultivation and growth of “approved” and desirable quantum soul archetypes. We are in one of these nurseries.
The reader might be amused to know that there are five such nurseries in our general physical location. Thus, there are four other nurseries for sentience cultivation nearby. One of which is extremely close to us physically.
I believe that the established list of “approved” archetypes occurred around 1.5 billion years ago. The primary characteristic of this listing is to prevent one species from entirely disrupting another species because their (emerging) quantum soul is too prone towards disruption.
Key to the stability of a quantum configuration is a well-established sentience.
Since all quanta (in the species “Heaven”) are all interconnected, mixtures of different kinds of sentiences detract (take away from) the stability of the group quantum makeup. Uniformity of quantum configurations is desirable for stability of the sentience of the whole.
Now, every creature has a different soul. A dog has a soul. A cat has a soul. A tiger has a soul, and a three-eyed critter from Tralfamadore has a soul. Each soul is attuned to a unique “Heaven”, which is the “universe” in which it resides.
In “Heaven” is a uniformity of form. All human souls occupy a “human Heaven”. All cat souls reside within a “cat Heaven”, and so forth. However, each individual soul has an “awareness”. Thus, in a specific Heaven are different beings.
Each soul can create different consciousnesses within different realities to obtain experiences with. As long as the experiences build upon the overall “growth plan” of the soul, all is fine. However, when the experiences are disjointed, or irregular, discordant sentiences result. Discordant sentiences can terribly pollute and damage a given “Heaven” or quantum makeup of a species.
The key to prevent this from occurring is to create a “safe space” for a given species to grow within. This is a nursery from which a group of souls can acquire experiences and lessons.
Our Nursery
Our nursery is a relatively recent event and was established around 540 million years ago (more or less). The moon was relocated and put in orbit around the earth (As strange as it might seem, the purpose was to simulate the tidal effects that planets have that orbit smaller K and M class stars.) Additionally, specific native lifeforms were eliminated, while others were cultivated. Monitoring of the solar system began during this time. The exact periods of their involvement are unknown to me, but if I were to query our benefactors, I am sure that they would tell me.
My overall “feeling” is that there was a less than organized implementation of this nursery and that the primary “observers” had a greater latitude in their behavior (early on) than what we experience with them today.
The nursery was established by a group that I prefer to refer to as the “Progenitors”. It is monitored and observed by a different species. That species works directly with MAJestic in the policing of this nursery.
Ken D. Olum has some thoughts…
Ken D. Olum, using some inflation-based ideas and the anthropic premise that we should be typical among all intelligent observers in the Universe, arrives at the puzzling conclusion that “we should find ourselves in a large civilization (of galactic size) where most observers should be, while in fact we do not“.
In this note, he discusses the intriguing possibility whether we could be in fact immersed in a large civilization without being aware of it.
This is pretty much in line with what is being provided herein. The basic conclusion is that this possibility cannot be ruled out provided two conditions are met. These conditions are [1] that we call the Subanthropic Principle and [2] the Undetectability Conjecture.
The Subanthropic Principle states that we are not typical among the intelligent observers from the Universe. Typical civilizations of typical galaxies would be hundreds of thousands, or millions, of years more evolved than ours and, consequently, typical intelligent observers would be orders of magnitude more intelligent than us.
The Undetectability Conjecture states that, generically, all advanced civilizations camouflage their planets for security reasons, so that no signal of civilization can be detected by external observers, who would only obtain distorted data for dissuasion purposes.
Dispatch from our nursery will not be permitted until our sentience is established. Otherwise, our discordant-sentience could escape our quarantine and disrupt the rest of the galaxy much like a plague.
The Progenitor species will not permit humans to leave the nursey until our sentience is homogenious amoungist the bulk of humanity. Then, our souls will be reconfigured into a galatically approved archetype that would best fit our sentience.
The reader must realize that we will never be permitted to leave this nursery until we, as a species, have mastered our ability to control and mitigate our quantum selves and souls. Therefore, we are an intermediary stage in evolution. Progression off-world means that we must either [1] cultivate a “service-to-others” sentience, or [2] devolve into a “farmed” sentience such as dictated as “service-to-self” entities.
That is the “battleground” that humans are fighting today. (The reader should not confuse the periodic “turnings” of social human behavior with quantum sentience.) The sentience that wins will determine the future direction of the human species.
Signposts for Service-For-Self Sentience
When this happens, there will be some telltale signs that will appear that will indicate a kind of foreboding as to what will transpire. [1] Firstly, humans will start to alter or “improve” their DNA and genetic structure. [2] First, in secret, and then publicly, there will become genetic stratification of human types.
There will be Indian-style caste systems put in place and defined by genetic manipulation. The lower castes would be genetically bred for certain functions, while the upper castes would have other genetic attributes incorporated to make them more “superior”.
[3] Laws will be put in place to control the behaviors of different castes of people. [4] Finally, once the service-to-self caste system is well entrenched, the entire human population will be absorbed by a more advanced service-to-self sentience, and all humans will find their genetic makeup altered over time to become a “farmed” sentience.
Age of our galaxy
The Milky Way appears to be poised to enter middle age.
While many younger galaxies can be grouped into “blue galaxies”, older galaxies can be grouped into “red galaxies”. Recent observations using infrared wavelengths indicate that the Milky Way appears to be of an intermediate color, which means that it can be grouped into relatively rare “green valley” galaxies.
Blue Galaxies – This name applies because their vigorous star formation at this stage of evolution produces many young stars that are massive, bright, and bluish. Thus, the galaxy appears to be very blush in color.
Red Galaxies – Here, the galaxy is dominated by the longer-lived red stars. The short-lived, bluish stars have expired to leave the redder, dimmer, less massive stars behind.
These types of galaxies are thought to be changing from blue to red as star-formation waning over 1.5 billion years (based on model simulations). If observations and model simulations are correct, star formation in the Milky Way will end within five billion years.
This will occur despite the gas compression and star formation impact of a predicted merger with the neighboring Andromeda Galaxy (M31). That event is anticipated to initiate beginning in 2.2 billion years and taking five billion years to fully assimilate. The Andromeda galaxy also appears to be transitioning into a green valley galaxy that is relatively poor in the cold gas needed for star formation.
A plot of stellar mass and galaxy color. Our galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy is currently in the “green valley”.
My Conclusions
“There are objects in our atmosphere which are technically miles in advance of anything we can deploy, that we have no means of stopping them coming here . . [and] there is a serious possibility that we are being visiting and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. . . . This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubbishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” – Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defense Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
The reader might be surprised at my conclusions. But, given what I do know, our galaxy is simply teeming with all kinds of intelligent life in all kinds of shapes and sizes. It is full of life; life at every stage of development. This goes from the earliest and simple microbes to highly advanced civilizations that are millions of years old. And, at that those are only the physical creatures, I didn’t even begin to mention the great diversity of (invisible) quantum creatures that are about and surround us.
We should not at all be surprised to know that there are well way over a million intelligent extraterrestrial species in our galaxy.
Truthfully, if the reader could “get inside my head” and know what I know, experience what I have experienced, and been exposed to what I have seen, they would be surprised. Not at all the wonderment of nature and the capabilities of technology, but rather at how silly the arguments are that we humans are “alone” in this universe.
They are just so silly and trivial.
In fact, the galaxy that surrounds us is not a wild, empty and untamed wasteland just ripe for exploration and colonization. But, rather, it is a well patrolled and policed manicured world of great color and complexity. Not to mention dangers and pitfalls. Humans are fortunate to live in this protected nursery that we call the earth.We humans do not understand so much, what is necessary in regards to our universe. Were we to leave it, in our infantile state, we risk serious conflagration of our soul makeup. We are so ignorant, that we don’t even have an inkling of our ignorance.We need this protection. We need to understand the reality of ourselves and how we fit in the universe.
Take Aways
Our galaxy is typical in the universe.
Our galaxy is roughly around 9 billion years old in a universe that is approximately 14 billion years old.
Consciousness and sentience in our universe occurred prior to the formation of the physical reality that we observe.
The physical manifestation of intelligence in our galaxy began around 9 billion years ago. This was at the start of the formation of the Milky Way galaxy.
First biological creatures began to inhabit our galaxy around 6 billion years ago.
During a time period lasting approximately 2 to 4 billion years ago, there was a restructuring of sentience during a competition period for sentience domination.
Our solar system was formed around 4.5 billion years ago.
The galaxy stabilized with sentience standardization protocols and established archetypes starting around 1.5 billion years ago.
About 1 billion years ago, a system of approved sentience archetypes was established, and a policing / enforcement group was established in support of it.
Native life began to evolve and populate the world around 600 million years ago.
The solar system that we live in was established as a sentience nursery around 540 million years ago.
Numerous sentience’s have been cultivated within this nursery. Humans are the latest biological creatures to be so cultivated.
I am open to updates on the latest theories and information regarding our galaxy. As with everything else, what I understand is based on what I know. I welcome comments and suggestions to better help flush out the past in our galaxy.
Q: What type of galaxy is the Milky Way Galaxy?
A: The Milky Way galaxy considered to be a “barred spiral galaxy“, as such it resembles the Hubble classification type “Sbc“. This is how the galaxy looks at this point in time. In the past, the Milky Way galaxy looked quite different. Galaxies change their shape over time.
Q: How big is the Milky Way galaxy?
A: Yah. It’s pretty darn big. It’s huge. In fact, scientists are just falling over themselves in amazement as to how big it is. The galactic disc is at least 150,000 light-years across. As time moves forward, we find ourselves constantly revising the size of our galaxy ever larger.
Q: How old is the Milky Way galaxy?
A: As of 21MAY18, the over consensus is that the overall universe is about 13.7 billion years old. Contemporaneously, based on measurements of the element beryllium in two stars within a globular cluster of stars called NGC 6397, our Milky Way galaxy is considered to be one of the oldest galaxies in the universe. Using this dating method, those involved put the age at 13.6 billion years. Or, in other words almost the same age as the universe itself.
I contend that elements within our galaxy is as old as the universe, but most of the galaxy did not come into being until around three to four billion years later.
Q: What do you know about Roswell?
A: It is a town in New Mexico. There is all kind of lore regarding that area. Some people claim that an extraterrestrial vehicle crashed there and that it has been “covered up” by the United States government. Hogwash! Nothing is ever covered up by the United States government, why we have the open and most transparent president in the history of the world; Barrack Obama telling us that there are no extraterrestrials. You can believe him, right?
Q: Why is sentience important?
A: Our universe is controlled by thought. Sentience funnels and directs thoughts. Unless the sentience is policed, great disruptions to the fabric of our universe can occur. Thus it is critically important that humans have a unified sentience, and eventual genetic reprogramming to a approved archetype.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.
The internet is filled with stories of enlightened beings. Often these beings provide information and advice to selected contactees. They provide instructions on how to live your life in a full and beneficial manner. Often they are said to come from Sirius. Yet, are there really intelligences that live in the Sirius solar system? Let’s take a look at this curious situation.
One of things that we fail to do is look up at the sky at night. It is just an oversight to us. We know there are stars. We know that they inhabit the dark, dark night sky. We know that they are different and look like points of light. However, for most people they are just an uninteresting aspect of the world around us. When finally, we are out at night, and we just happen to look up in the sky, we often don’t see anything. For either the sky is cloudy or the view is obscured by nearby lights (as is the case in all cities). We never see the stars that we read about.
The largest and brightest star is Sirius. As such, it has obtained near mythical significance. Today, if you surf the Internet you can run across all kinds of articles on this fabulous star. Many are filled with glowing stories of great-enlightened beings, while others are dry tomes listing raw astronomical data. No one has ever tried to personalize this star. This article is my lonely attempt to do so…
Some Basics
Sirius is the colloquial name for a solar system that is visible from our planet. It is a binary system, which means that it is really two stars. It is close to us, so we can see it pretty well. One of the stars is very large, so it is unusually bright.
In the world of astronomy, the largest star is given the Bayer designation of Alpha Canis Majoris (α CMa). It is often referred to as Sirius A. It has companion star that is much, much smaller (and dimmer) that is called Sirius B. They are pretty close together. Sirius B orbits around Sirius A in an elliptical orbit.
The orbit of Sirius B around Sirius A as viewed from above. The orbital plane is tilted relative to the earth, so we view the orbits as elliptical paths.
One easy way to measure distance is by comparison. (As is the most common method used by humans to learn about our surroundings.) We can compare the distances in the Sirius system with the distance of our planet Earth from our sun. That distance is known as one AU. This is one “unit” of distance. Since we are talking about astronomical issues here, it is one “Astronomical Unit” or 1 A.U..
Thus, when the Sirius binary pair is closest together (known as the perihelion) they are 8.2 AU apart. This is around the distance that Saturn is from our sun (9.58 AU on average). At the farthest point, they are apart by 31.5 AU. (This is known as the aphelion.) This distance is about the distance of Pluto. (Typically this is a distance of 27.9 AU at the closest approach.) The pair rotates about each other with a period of around 50 years.
In general this orbits of this pair lie on a two dimensional plane. That plane is at an angle to us. Therefore, to us, it seems that the stars are moving towards us and then moving away from us. We cannot see the visual paths clearly. They need to be mapped out over a fifty-year span.
The Sirius system might be the most visible and the brightest, but it is not the closest star to us. There are other stars such as the nearest system; Alpha Centauri. There are also a number of some small dim “Red Dwarf: stars as well.
Because stellar distances are so large, we don’t measure them using AU. If we did, the values would be too large to be meaningful. (How many cups of water are in the Pacific ocean? I don’t know. Does it even matter?) We measure them using LY. This means “Light Year” and it is a measure of the distance light travels in physical space. As such the Sirius system is approximately 8.6 LY from us.
The Sirius solar system is 8.6 light years (approximately) from our solar system.
Star Classifications
All stars are classified by what we can measure. Since we are way out here on Earth, it is pretty darn difficult to know much about stars. The only way that we can learn about these objects is to observe them and compare our observations with other things. For the most part, we can classify stars from the light that we observe. This is because the type of light we see can be broken down into its spectra. (Think about a glass prism and how it takes light and breaks it down into a rainbow.) From these spectra we can determine what materials the star is made out of and exactly how hot it burns.
The composite spectral composition of the Sirius solar system.
Over the years, we have identified patterns within the stars. We know how they are born. We know how they age, and we know how they die. Depending on how they are born, they can become just absolutely huge stars, or tiny hardly visible stars. In general, stars are born from gas. At some point in time, the gas ignites and a star is born. Over time, the fire burns and burns until all the gas is used up. Then the star dies a slow, long and cold death.
This is a simple pattern, and it works for the vast majority of stars. However, there are many exceptions to this rule. It depends on many factors. Some stars are too large initially, and burn too hotly, and too brightly, and too fast. They die out really quickly. Some stars burn up and move into a kind of “fatso phase”. There they get really large and huge. Sometimes they explode. Other times they simply chill out and die.
Further complicating this process is how the stars relate to other stars. Some stars feed off other stars, and steal their gas. The point being that stars age, just like people do. They grow up, they become mature, and then they die. What we observe depends on the age of the star (and solar system) that we are observing.
Today, when we look at the Sirius solar system, we see two stars. The largest, Sirius A is classified as a “white main-sequence star of spectral type A1V”. The much smaller star, Sirius B, is classified as a “faint white dwarf companion of spectral type DA2”.
About Sirius A
Sirius A is a “main-sequence” star. This means that the star looks like it fits within a typical stellar aging process. The reader should not get confused. Just because a person looks happy, doesn’t mean that they have a good home life. The same is true with stars. Many stars go through many changes and disruptions before they enter the “main sequence”.
Today Sirius A is a hot, big star of “early” A with a surface temperature of 9,950K. It burns bright and hot. Due to its enormous size, it is a very visible and noticeable star.
It is also very young. We have estimated it to be only 240 Million years old. In the world of astronomy, this isn’t just a baby. It is a newborn infant. We know, from studies and computer models that the star grew from a huge molecular cloud. When it was about 10 million years old, it began to run self-sustaining nuclear reactions and thus ignited and became what we see today. However, evidence suggests that there is a distinct possibility that it could have been different in size, shape and appearance.
We are able to predict what will happen to this young’un. We have predicted this based on observations of other similar stars. After a billion years it will get enormously fat (as what happens when it runs out of hydrogen) and become a “red giant”. Then, it will slowly die and become a tiny little dim white dwarf. This means that the star will be very short lived. Our own star is over four billion years old, and it is just reaching stellar adulthood. The most numerous stars, the cooler ones, live for many billions of years.
The life sequence of Sirius A was typical for a very large and youthful solar system.
About Sirius B
Sirius B is a “white dwarf”. It is tiny, and very very hot. As far as white dwarfs go, it is considered to be on the heavy side. As far as I know, it is one of the most massive white dwarfs ever found. It is tiny but compact. It is about the same size as the earth, but has the mass of our sun. It is also mind boggling hot. At 25,000 K it is almost three times hotter than Sirius A, and 4.3x times the temperature of our own sun.
It is important to note that as a white dwarf is very hot when it forms, because it has no source of energy, it will gradually radiate its energy and cool down. Eventually it will become very cold over the great gulfs of time.
We do know a little about this star as well.
We know that it is about 240 million years old. It is the same age as Sirius A. It too is awfully youthful. We know that when it was younger, it was much larger than it is today. In fact, we estimate it to have been five times larger by mass. We know that about 120 million years ago it exited the “main sequence”, and became very large and entered the “red giant” evolutionary stage. Then it collapsed to the star that we see today. It will eventually die a long cold death many billions of years in the future.
The life cycle of Sirius B is similar to Sirius A. However, we view the solar system at a point in time where the entire solar system is still youthful.
Aptian Extinction Event
Since the Sirius solar system is very youthful, compared to our solar system, being only 250 million years old, and the time when Sirius B turned into a “red giant” is estimated to have occurred 125 million years ago, we can make a conjecture that there MIGHT be an extinction event that would be a direct result of this time period. After all, the Sirius solar system is very close to us. It is only 8.2 LY from us.
That would be sometime around the Mesozoic Period (250 Ma). Also around this time, but about 100 million years later, is the second best candidate for the effects of a nearby stellar event is the Aptian extinction event. (Given the vast gulfs of time, it is immensely difficult to ascribe a date to this event.)
The Aptian extinction was an extinction event of the early Cretaceous Period. It is dated to c. 116 or 117 million years ago, in the middle of the Aptian stage of the geological time scale. This event has sometimes been termed the mid-Aptian extinction event as a result. It is classified as a minor extinction event. This is different than a major event like the famous Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event (that brought about the end of the “age of dinosaurs” and the Mesozoic Era). Officially, no one knows what caused it, and numerous theories have been present, but none of them have been generally accepted by the majority (of the scientific establishment.)
The Aptian event is most readily detected among marine rather than terrestrial fossil deposits. In this event, large numbers of shellfish and marine creatures died due to inadequately explained events. That is pretty strange. As it suggests that something affected the oceans in such a way as to cause mass extinctions. Perhaps it was a rising of ocean temperature. But, who really knows?
Thus, perhaps the stellar changes in the Sirius solar system 125 million years ago can help shed some light on this mystery.
The Life Sequence of the Sirius System
Knowing what we know, we can piece together the known history of the Sirius solar system. We can see that it is a very young system that grew too big very early on. We can see that both stars interacted and continue to interact with each other in a dynamic manner. Finally, we can see that in the past there has been material transfer of gasses from one star to the other due to the orbital proximity of each other.
The Sirius solar system is composed of two stars; Sirius A and Sirius B. Each has their own history, and each interacts with each other over time.
The Period of Transformation
A very interesting aside is that when the star was in its “red giant” phase it could have very possibly transferred some of its mass to Sirius A. The problem is that we don’t know for sure, and can’t possibly tell from observation after the fact. However, it is probable that when the Sirius B (as a “red giant”) approached Sirius A, streams of hot gasses would move from it to be absorbed into Sirius A.
This means that when Sirius B blew up to the size of a gigantic star, it lost its mass through cannibalization to Sirius A. These transfers of gasses made Sirius B smaller, and made Sirius A larger. This would occur sometime from 120 million years to (maybe) a few thousand years in our past. We just don’t know when the gas transfer ended.
When Sirius B was a “red giant” it blew up to an enormous size. How big is up to speculation.
We typically believe that our sun will enter the “red giant” phase having a diameter of 1 to 3 AU. We know that the progenitor star for Sirius B was five times larger than our sun. Thus, it is quite possible that the “red giant” version of Sirius B could be from 5 AU to 15 AU in diameter. (Multiply by five.)
We know that at the perihelion (a distance of 8.2 AU) where Sirius B is closest. Therefore it is very possible that both stars touched each other when close. If is also possible that large streams of gasses moved from Sirius B to Sirius A during long portions of the orbit.
Material transfer from Sirius B to Sirius A during the first 500 million years of the solar system, as viewed from earth.
This would be an impressive sight to behold. Firstly because, as viewed from the earth, it would be quite bright and very visible. While today we can’t see Sirius B, as a “red giant” it would be very visible a few million years ago. It would also be impressive. Ancients who viewed the star could see it changing within their lifetime. The orbital period is 50 years after all. They could actually see the light waxing and waning. They might even be able to see the streams of gasses to their naked eyes. After all, the sky at night was (we suppose) much darker then.
About those Ancients…
Everyone knows… Ah yes, everyone knows that historical records only go back 6,000 years or so. Yet, we have found remains of implements dating as far back as 300,000 years ago. However, there are those that refuse to accept that as a factual possibility. I would hazard a guess that human kind is far, far older than we are led to believe.
Nevertheless, is the human race millions of years old? Wow, that is quite a stretch. Isn’t it?
Well, we do not know when the transfer of gasses ended. It is very possible that they might have ended mere seconds before the invention of the telescope. Why not? If so, then ancient man could have actually watched the heavens and saw the strange behaviors of the Sirius system. And if so, could they not have recorded it in their customs and passed the information down, generation by generation?
Maybe so…
Enter the Dogon Tribe
The Dogon are a tribe of Africans that have a culture that worships the orbits and behaviors of the Sirius system. A number of books have come out and describes this interaction in detail. The key points of interest are that they knew that the Sirius system was a binary system. They knew the orbital behavior, and seemingly witnessed the exchange of gasses during the “red giant” phase of Sirius B. It seems impossible because “everyone knows” these natives are “primitive”.
“The Dogon tribe of West Africa believes that the starting point of creation is a star that revolves around Sirius and is known as the 'Digitaria star'. Their understanding is that this star is small, but heavy, and contains the building elements of creation."Two French anthropologists Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen studied the Dogon tribe that live in an isolated mountainous region of Bandiagara, south of the Sahara Desert in Mali, West Africa. Mr. Griaule wrote about their discoveries of the Dogon tribe in his book, "Conversations with Ogotemmeli", published in 1947.”- The Dogon Tribe Of Mali West Africa,The Nommos and The Sirius Stars
Today, Sirius B is too small and tiny to see with the naked eye. However, if it were a “red giant”, it most certainly would have been visible.
The studied customs and traditions seem to indicate that the Dogon witnessed and recorded in their culture the behavior of the Sirius system. In fact, it appears that their traditions record the orbital interplay during the gas exchange phase after Sirius B became a “red giant”. It seems impossible as that phase began 240 million years ago.
Of course the believers of the stable, unchanging universe, have “proven” that this possibly cannot have occurred. I like to call these people “defenders of the changeless” or statists. (Not to be confused with Ayn Rand’s definition.) They have even made money writing books on it. From my point of view it all seems just more than a little bit silly. Observations were made at the dawn of humanity describing astronomical events that could have certainly been visible from earth. The only opposition to this fact are the statists that refuse to revise their tidy understanding of history.
My definition of scientific statism;
A concentration of a set scientific theory in the hands of a closed elite group of people. Often they have direct ties to a highly centralized government. To alter or change that theory to revise it to meet new discoveries or data often requires government derived politics and peer-group approvals.
Statists, Revisionists, and Cultists… Oh my!
Sometimes I just want to hit a statist on the head and tell them that what we observe now is NOT how things have always been. The physical world is dynamic. That means it changes. What is not visible today could have been highly visible in the past.
Aside from statists, there are also revisionists who look for excuses to justify everything that does not fit nicely in the preferred historical narrative. They search for alternative explanations for these nasty elements of confusion. Because of the Dogon and their culture, many believe that it is proof that earth was visited in the past by extraterrestrials from Sirius. As a result, some of the more inspired members take what they know and run rampant with it. As a result many believe all kinds of things in regard to this. Now you know, there is nothing wrong in searching for alternative explanations. I only posit the most likely one as I see it.
Along with the statist historians, and revisionists, are the “new age” cultists whom associate everything with the spiritual realm. Again, there is nothing wrong with that either. I myself strongly believe in intelligences that are beyond human understanding. However, that does not necessarily mean that they come from Sirius. Sirius is a physical system that is very hot, young and inherently hostile. It is bright and visible in the night sky, but being obvious does not make it compatible with biological life. To understand what I mean, we must first do what humans do best. We compare things.
Comparative Ages
Let’s compare the Sirius solar system with our own solar system. We need to do that because that is the only solar system that we have studied in detail. As such, it is reasonable to assume that there are degrees of similarity between the Sirius system and our own solar system. Based on the similarities, we can make reasonable conclusions regarding the physical environment around Sirius. We call the base of our comparative endeavors the “Earth Model”.
According to the Earth model a solar system has to be a minimum of 2.5 Billion years old to have any planets that might house an oxygen based atmosphere. Further, to expect to have native flora and fauna traipsing about on any planet in the system, it needs to be at least (bare minimum) 4.5 Billion years old. Our planet was nearly 5 Billion years old when man started to think and hunt.
The needs to understand that the (so called) “Earth-model” is but an assumption. It is based on the idea, theory, or even statement that the development of life on our planet earth is typical in this universe. This model establishes that life begins when situations and conditions are ripe for it to occur. According to the model, life on a planet orbiting Sirius would begin approximately at the same period in time as when it occurred on the earth.
Sirius is Youthful
We know, through our investigations on earth, at what ages that life developed around our star. We know what the environment was within our solar system at different times. We know what happens to planets within our solar system over the years, and the migratory forces that create a dynamic environment that advances (and stunts) biological growth. We know all this because our solar system is over 4.5 billion years old. While the Sirius solar system is only 25% of a billion years old. It is a mere infant compared to our solar system.
Let’s compare what we know about our solar system with that of the Sirius solar system.
Development of planets
We know that planets formed at about the same time that the sun ignited. Although those planets were not really what we would consider to be hard, solid planets. They were more like hot molten masses of dirt, metals and rock. We also know that they took a while to cool down. The first shape of the molten earth occurred during the Hadean Eon, and as the earth cooled down, about one billion years later, it entered the more stable Archean Eon.
The Hadean Eon is so named because earth at that time looked like the Biblical version of Hell. It was hot, molten, gaseous, rocky, dirty and full of fire and brimstone. Hey guys, that’s what the Sirius system looks like today.
The Hadean Eon lasted from stellar ignition until around one billion years of age. Since we know that the Sirius system is only a mere 250 million years old, it goes to understand that any existing planets in the system would be very primitive. We do know that during this period the earth was hot and still in formation. Water just began to form around 125 million years, and the very first hardy microbes began to form around 250 million years. These were simple single celled organisms of the most primitive sort.
What this means is that if the Sirius solar system followed the same evolutionary model as our solar system that any planets there today would be near molten, hot and quite inhospitable. Water might just now be forming in the atmosphere. It might be in the form of steam, or in the form of ice crystals. In any event, due to the temperatures and pressures on the surface, it is highly unlikely that any life aside from microbes would exist.
Development of life on planets
We do know that on the earth, microbes have been found from the early Hadean Eon. The earliest are simple single cell organisms that somehow managed to develop on the hot molten and crusty surfaces when the earth was about 250 million years old. We know that this was after around 125 million years of water formation. The water was certainly present in various states. I tend to believe that the microbial life began when the water was in a liquid state, but that is just my own personal belief.
If there is any native life in the Sirius solar system, it would most certainly be microbial. It would be of simple construction and probably located in isolated regions on any planet that could possibly have free standing water.
Frequency of extraterrestrial bombardment
We know in our solar system that the formation of it was not pristine. That is to say that during the formation of the solar system from the initial debris disc that all kinds of planetary bodies formed. These bodies varied from large gas giants, to rocky planets, to small planetoids, to even smaller asteroids, and ice bearing comets. We also know that over the years, these bodies would slam into our planet.
Initially, especially during the Hadean Eon, the bombardment was quite excessive. Over the years it tapered off and dissipated. There is evidence that over time that the impacts seriously affected the development of life on our planet. When life eventually recovered, it was stronger and more adaptable.
However, the key point in regards to this is a measure of the planetary bombardment and how effective is the migration and evolution of the binary solar system affected the orbits of other planetary bodies. Were they absorbed by the orbital companion star or were they trapped into small close spiraling orbits that negatively influenced planetary development? We don’t know. Speculations on this are of most curious concern. However, the fact is this; any planetary bombardment during a Sirius-style Hadean Eon would be of moderate influence.
Migration of planets
This will probably anger the statists, but it is true. Things change. They really do.
This is true for people. This is true for houses. This is true for nations. This is true for animals over the ages (a nod to Darwin). This is true for fashions. This is true for relationships (a nod to Elizabeth Taylor). This is also true for solar systems.
Immanuel Velikovsky wrote the book “Worlds in Collision” in 1950 and was immediately ridiculed by the statists in power of our educational and government institutions. While there might be some debate on some of his examples and more radical ideas, the concept is quite sound. Planets migrate over time. As they migrate they are influenced by the gravitational orbits of other planets and this causes all sorts of changes to the solar system composition.
We know that in our solar system that the larger gas giants migrated outward from the sun. We know that the tilt of planetary bodies change over time. We know that there are asteroids that orbit in all kinds of orbits in our solar system, and that they often influence other planetary bodies. In fact we even witnessed an impact on Jupiter, which was quite spectacular.
We can’t possibly know what the migration of planets would be around Sirius; however we do know that that Sirius B already went through a huge “red giant” phase. This phase would have certainly “cleaned up” the environment around that star. We can also presuppose a high probability that the orbit around Sirius A was enough to shepherd, if not complete eviscerate, whatever hot molten planets orbited Sirius A.
It is quite reasonable to expect that the planetary changes and migrations over the last 250 million years in the Sirius system seriously altered the development of planetary bodies in that system.
It is my personal belief that this system has no planetary bodies of any importance. Any planetary bodies are probably small rocky frozen masses in the Oort cloud of the Sirius system. Closer bodies, independent of size, were hot and inhospitable. They might have showed promise, but the rapid growth and changes in Sirius B most certainly caused them to be absorbed into the corona of either Sirius B or Sirius A.
Habitable Zone around Sirius A
Is there a zone where human habitable planets could exist around Sirius A? Yes. But the reality is that there probably wouldn’t be any planets in that zone that would be inhabitable. It is my guess is that the odds are zero to unlikely. There are, I believe, no planets in the system that would be deemed habitable by ambulatory humanoids such as humans are today.
With an age of 250 million years, the reader must realize that Sirius is still a very young star, but this time would have been more than sufficient for terrestrial planets to begin form. Those who still hang on to the belief that there are indigenous intelligent creatures in this system would be welcomed by the knowledge that Sirius has a very wide and broad habitable zone. Due to its enormous brightness, the habitable zone of Sirius would be very broad, ranging from 2 AU to about 5 AU. So Sirius might be orbited by three or even four (potentially) habitable worlds. Of course, the term habitability might (at best) mean (imported, not evolved) creatures. It is unlikely to have complex (indigenous) vertebrates.
So theoretically, the potential habitable zone might look something like this;
The habitable zone around the various stars of Sirius (Sirius A and Sirius B) provided that one discounts the contentious history of the relationship between these two stars, the youth of these two stars, and the time required to generate a stable planetary environment.
Of course, it assumes many things. It assumes a statist, non-changing reality. It assumes no gravitational influences on either star. It also assumes water and a nitrogen and oxygen environment on a planet, which we know is not possible during the first billion years of existence.
Any potentially habitable planet of Sirius would have to be a very hot and young world, covered by warm, shallow oceans. It would be scarred, rocky and suffering from tidal effects and the intense radiation of the primary star. If any continents could have formed already, they would be small, (comparatively) un-eroded and volcanic. The planet would have to be shielded by a thick and very humid atmosphere, and this entire scene would be dominated by a bright, violent sun. At the bottom of the oceans, protected from the sterilizing ultraviolet light, simple forms of bacterial life may find their niche, nourished by hydrothermal vents from the planet’s interior. Any future explorers to this world should not forget their Sirius glasses, because the radiation from the star is relentless.
Any kind of life on our (hopeful) model planet will die before it ever had a chance to grow. Sirius will leave the main sequence in only 700 million years at best, destroying all the planets it may have. For this reason, stars of type A are routinely excluded from the search for extraterrestrial life.
Comparison with the Earth Model
There are those who talk about habitable planets around (or even on) Sirius. Yup, they really do. They discuss these things with great passion and authority. However, it is all nonsense. At best, the Sirius solar system is a hot inhospitable place, suitable only for the hardiest primitive organizations that somehow managed to grow on some free standing water attached to a passing comet or body in the Sirius Oort Cloud. Which, I must add, is pretty darn unlikely. (You think Pluto is cold? You ain’t seen nothing yet.)
It takes time to develop and evolve physical life. We can simply look at how life developed on the earth to see this. A simple comparison tells us that the Sirius solar system is today a much more dangerous and energetic system than earth in the Hadean Eon. This can be interpreted as very hostile to biological physical life today.
The youth of the Sirius solar system is never taken into account when one discusses the possibility of naturally evolved life on a planet around one of these stars. The odds of it actually occurring is rather small. The Sirius system is very youthful.
If you compare that it took around four billion years to develop native life on earth, that it is pretty unlikely that life developed around Sirius. Really. It should be pretty clear by looking at how life developed on our planet that the idea that life has developed independently around Sirius is pretty unlikely.
This is in regards to what we know through observation. This assessment is based on other factors, and does not include our feelings on this matter. Certainly this universe is a large place. Anything is possible. However, from what we can observe, this system is very young and quite dangerous.
There are no physical white robed intelligences that migrate to the earth and teach us the “wisdom of the ancients”.
Contrary Views
Of course, these are only my opinions. I have never been to the Sirius solar system. I have never met anyone who claimed to be from that system. I have never “felt” that someone from that system was trying to contact me. That means nothing.
There are others who say otherwise.
Here are some examples of the various people who claim that intelligences in various forms live in and around the Sirius solar system. They also almost universally claim that these intelligences interact with humans on earth. I find their claims fantastical, as I have absolutely no experiences that validate their statements.
“The planet Xylanthia is located in the Sirius Star System, which is comprised of three stars; Sirius A, B and C. Sirius A and B orbit around Sirius C. Planet Xylanthia orbits around Sirius C, which is a black dwarf star. Xylanthia is the home-planet of the extraterrestrials that visited Earth and founded Atlantis.”- http://xylanthia.com/
Many people associated with UFO and extraterrestrial contact experiences claim that many of the extraterrestrials came from this solar system. They are, of course, wrong.
In a like way, the Dogon in Mali, the so called “Nordics” and other races associated with abduction phenomena claim that this system is a major origination point. That is absolutely false.
This region is among the most toxic to biological life in our neighborhood. As a nod to those whom make these claims; any extraterrestrials who come from this solar system can only do so at a much higher (potential) energy state of density and vibration.
In general, anyone who states that they (as a wholly physical biological entity) came from a habitable planet around Sirius is telling a falsehood. It is extremely unlikely that this statement is true.
While I, for one, do not believe that there are any indigenous life forms in this system. However, there are many who actually believe that this is the case. Since, I have never been to the Sirius system, nor have I ever been outside our solar system, I can’t validate or discredit their belief structures. Therefore, I present what I have learned through the Internet, in context with what I currently know, for your own investigative pleasures, and possible humor.
Here I present some well-known extraterrestrial lore concerning the (so called) “Sirians”. While I cannot confirm, nor deny their statements, I do NOT believe them. I do not believe them at all. I have many reasons for this, but primarily because I am highly skeptical of the evolution of native life in the region around the Sirius solar system.
Alex Collier
According to Alex Collier (a very well-known author who writes about extraterrestrials, visitations and abductions), there are a number of human looking extraterrestrials from Sirius B. Alex Collier describes extraterrestrials from Sirius B as follows:
“The cultures around Sirius B have a very controlling vibration. Some of the humans are red, beige and black-skinned. The planets around Sirius B are very arid and generally occupied by reptilian and aquatic-type beings… The society is more obsessed with political thought patterns instead of spiritual attributes. “-Alex Collier
Alex Collier explains the role of this group of extraterrestrials in technology exchanges with national security agencies:
“Those from Sirius B have come here and really messed with our heads, and they are the ones who originally gave our government the Montauk technology.”-Alex Collier
While I cannot vouch for anything related to “Montauk technology”, whatever the fuck that is, I can positively state that ABSOLUTELY no intelligences provided technology to MAJestic outside of the “core group”. Anything outside of this was either derived through reverse engineering, or developed independently.
Anyways, this “exotic technology” was provided for the purpose of encouraging national security agencies to develop offensive military capabilities vis-à-vis possible extraterrestrial threats. This technological assistance even involved biological weapons research according to Collier who claims:
“The biological material that has been added to the Ebola [virus] was given to the government by the humanoids from Sirius B. I don't know if was one of their viruses that they picked up somewhere or whether it is actually from them.”-Alex Collier
Personally, I think that this is all nonsense. I think ol’ Alex has a great thing going with his books, lectures and writings. It’s a nice income stream. I respect that. I should have set something up like he did. Maybe I would get a large following and have numerous books to my name. Maybe.
Yeah. I most certainly need that. That is for sure. Living off Social Security sucks when you have no pensions or 401(K)’s.
Sorry, I gave up making a lot of money when I joined MAJestic. None of us are paid well. We are left to our own designs to scramble for money like every other smuck in this world.
Paul McCarthy
Paul McCarthy, Channel for the evolved Star Beings and the leading Star Seed Teacher, offers classes to teach everyone about the wonderful “Star Beings” that surround us. He has some ideas about the “inhabitants” of Sirius;
“The Sirians are another wonderful civilization of christed ETs. They are more advanced in the metaphysical sense as Sirius is one of the more advanced training centers or universities to which the Ascended Masters travel.Sirius has a direct link with our solar system and the Sirians have been amongst us since the time of the Mayan and Egyptian civilizations. They gave the Egyptians much advanced astronomical and medical information and also gave the Mayan race advanced knowledge. They helped the Earth during the time of the cataclysmic period in Atlantis.Sirius is a star system which is a meeting place for Earth beings who wish to continue their spiritual studies The Sirians helped to build the Pyramids and temples of Egypt and they are involved with helping Earth into this new Golden age.-Paul McCarthy
I do believe in non-physical entities that reside within the non-physical realities. However, the odds that they cluster around the Sirius system is remote. Me thinks he too, like Alex, are just milking a system for profit.
Preston Nichols
Preston Nichols claims to be a ‘whistleblower’ who participated in a clandestine project at Montauk that involved a number of extraterrestrial groups. (Everyone is talking about the “Montauk” experiments and such. It’s all nonsense. All technical work related to extraterrestrials and MWI are focused in geographical areas in Ohio, California, Kansas, and some others.)
A (so called, and yet unidentified) “independent investigator” found Nichols “to be a very reliable and solid witness and that for myself, his information checked out across the board–right down the line; to the extent that it was at all possible to verify particular information.”
The humans from Sirius B, according Nichols, played a role in providing exotic technology such as time/inter-dimensional travel to clandestine government agencies involved in both the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project.
“Steve is apparently from Arcturus and has lived on Earth eight times: as a non-dual monk in Atlantis, a community leader in Biblical times, a formulator of mathematical principles and sacred geometry, a warrior, the founder of a religious order, and a helper in the development and spread of the printing press. This lifetime he works as a communicator serving Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother.”
“As the Pleiadians, the Sirians are part of the alien-cultures who assist Earth and all her inhabitants (Humans, Animals and Nature).Sirians are spiritual warriors, and strong connected to life-forms of dolphins and whales. Lot of people feel familiar with these life-forms, because they lived in those forms as well, and perceive those entities as loving friends.”- Steve Beckow
Pretty cool stuff. Hey, can I wear “love beads”, smoke some of that marijuana, and have free sex with tattooed girls in dreadlocks as well?
Daniel Salter
According to Daniel Salter another “whistleblower” with long military service which included a period in the National Reconnaissance Office, extraterrestrial related issues drive human-extraterrestrial cooperation in a clandestine organization in the National Security Agency called the Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO).
According to leaked information from an alleged whistleblower on a website called the Wingmakers, information which Daniel Salter affirms to be accurate, ACIO is cooperating with a consortium of extraterrestrials to develop sophisticated time travel technologies for future extraterrestrial threats.
According to the Wingmakers website:
“Blank Slate Technology or BST … is a form of time travel that enables the re-write of history at what are called intervention points. Intervention points are the causal energy centers that create a major event like the break-up of the Soviet Union or the NASA space program.BST is the most advanced technology and clearly anyone who is in possession of BST, can defend themselves against any aggressor. It is, as Fifteen [leader of the Labyrinth] was fond of saying, the freedom key.Remember that the ACIO was the primary interface with extraterrestrial technologies and how to adapt them into mainstream society as well as military applications. We were exposed to extraterrestrials and knew of their agenda. Some of these extraterrestrials scared the hell out of the ACIO. “-Wingmakers Website
According to this source, it is likely that this consortium of extraterrestrials includes those from Sirius B who allegedly provided some time travel/inter-dimensional travel technology for the Montauk Project, and assistance in researching biological weapons.
According to Daniel Salter , the Sirians do not appear to be closely connected to the Gray or Reptilian groups that have been the main extraterrestrial groups involved in technology transfers. The Sirian interaction with the shadow government appears to have been an independent initiative designed to provide an alternative source of extraterrestrial technology.
Ugh. What can I say? It’s nonsense like this that give actual agents bad names. You know, everyone has an “angle”. Everyone is trying to scrape some of that ash to put in their wallet. Everyone is trying to snare some pretty girl or two or directionless groupie. I understand and respect that.
However, it is easy to be led astray when all you see is either the statist viewpoint or the more incredulous fantasies of these individuals on the periphery.
My Opinions
From the point of view of an “extraterrestrial enthusiast”; Sirius has merits. For one, [1] Sirius is a great name. It is short and simple. It is easy to remember. It’s got a rememberable “ring” to it.
Not only that, but [2] it is visible in the night sky. People can see it. It is tangible. It is something that someone can point to, and look at. It is also predominant in the night sky of the Northern hemisphere on earth. (This is where most of the largest human cities lie.) [3] Other people have heard the name before. It is vaguely familiar. It is comfortable, and convenient. It is thus, no wonder why many people choose this as a source of origin for extraterrestrial races.
However, I personally think that many people who believe in physical intelligent beings from the Sirius system are more than just a little bit confused.
This is a big universe. It has elements of both the physical and the non-physical in it. It could very well be possible that some of these individuals were confusing physical contact with non-physical events. This is because there are certainly many things that we humans cannot perceive.
Additionally, there are those whom try to profit from other people’s belief structures. They offer promises and hope to people in need for it. These searchers and dreamers are easy prey to those with a good story and an open pocketbook. I think that it is horrible that someone would try to fleece the needy, the weak, the troubled and the hurt. They need to be offered real hope, not some lie no matter how interesting it sounds.
Sirius is a very interesting solar system. Its close proximity to our planet has had an influence. The extent of that influence is up to debate. However, I dare say, it is unlikely one involving intelligent extraterrestrial guidance.
Take Aways
Sirius is a nearby solar system, not a planet.
The Sirius that we see today is a very young and hot, and dangerous place.
Sirius went through massive changes 125 million years ago.
These changes were visible from earth.
Primitive humans could have witnessed the Sirius changes.
It is unlikely that native extraterrestrial life exists in the Sirius solar system.
There are people who claim that the Sirius system is inhabited.
These inhabitants are claimed to influence human behaviors.
I am skeptical of these claims.
How about a Request For Help? I tire of busybodies and statists who poke fun at the ideas and theories of others. They offer no constructive dialog. Rather they just make fun, ridicule, and then scurry under a rock.
I use this forum as a way to disseminate some of the things that I learned though my thirty years of involvement in MAJestic. However, I am forbidden to posit my knowledge directly. I cannot tell the interested, the “secrets of the universe”. The best that I can do is share my opinions about things that interest me, and flavor it indirectly with my forbidden understandings.
To help put this in perspective, put yourself in my shoes…
Imagine that you are working at a company with a brutal NDR. You cannot divulge anything about what you are involved in for any reason.Now, let’s suppose that for thirty years you were involved in training unicorns to dance with bigfoot. To help with your training, the Lock Ness Monster would gather “magical beans” that you would award the unicorns when they did a particularly impressive dance move; like the cha cha or a nice rendition of the samba.Now, there is no way that you can talk about unicorns, bigfoot, or the Lock Ness Monster. But, the NDR doesn’t cover “magic beans”. So in the best interests of society, you might want to posit your thoughts about growing “magic beans” and how they might be of interest to imaginary creatures.That is the situation that I find myself in.
So, if you, the reader, were so interested, I would welcome your thoughts on the Sirius solar system. I would welcome your comparisions to other stars in the early stages of life. I would welcome your thoughts on the presence or lack of debris discs. I would be very interested in your thoughts about the Dogon Tribe. Do you have any thoughts to contribute?
This is my callout, to you the reader, to assist all of us in solving these mysteries. After all, this is a far better use of the internet than for looking at Justin Bieber videos.
Q: Who are the Sirians?
A: They are the supposed inhabitants of worlds in orbit around the stars of the Sirius solar system. They are typically considered to be carnate beings, though some insist that they are incarnate creatures.
Q: Who are the bright enlightened beings?
A: I do not know. I have never met any.
Q: Does Sirius have intelligent people or civilizations?
A: Probably not.
Q: Why do the Dogon worship Sirius?
A: They have a history and traditions that appear to describe the behavior of Sirius when Sirius B entered the red giant phase. If their ancestors witnessed this event then that tells us that we need to take a serious relook at the history of mankind (personkind for you Progressives out there).
Q: Is there a habitable zone around Sirius?
A: There is a habitable zone around both Sirius A and Sirius B. However, it is unlikely that any habitable planet would exist within that zone given what we know about the system.
Q: Are the reptilians from Sirius?
A: It is unlikely.
Q: Are the Nordics from Sirius?
A: It is unlikely.
Q: Do the Zeta Reticuli aliens travel to Sirius?
A: I do not know, though I think that it would be a dangerous trip.
Q: Are All Aliens Enlightened Benevolent Beings?
A: No. Every specie has their own interests and ways of obtaining their needs and desires.
Q: Where are we, as humans, heading as a species?
A: This is a very good question. We are being cultivated. Cultivation is not a bad thing. Cultivation is a sort of rearranging of the stuff that comprises our souls. I have other posts on this subject that covers this issue in great detail.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.