This is a very simple post that will layout a fundamental template for your prayer affirmations. These affirmations are things that you read aloud (to yourself) everyday during a campaign. Prayer campaigns happen over a period of time, and are interrupted by periods of inaction. In other words, you conduct a campaign and then stop completely. Then after a period of rest, you start a new campaign. The affirmations are a list of your desires laid out in a prayer format.
Structuring is a term that I use to describe the organization of your prayer list. You do not need to have it organized, but it will really help you out when the time comes to run a campaign.
The Structuring of a prayer campaign
Most people put together perhaps ten lines of prayers and call it their verbal affirmations. They repeat them once a day in their private moments. Some put them on a laminated sheet in the shower and read them aloud while taking a shower. Some put them in a notebook and read them when they are alone in their home office. While others have them on a list in their wallet and they read it in their car in the company parking lot.
When I conduct a prayer affirmation campaign, my list is long. It is very long and very detailed. I do this because I know that if I am not that detailed, what will manifest might not be what I want. So I tend to be very descriptive and very exacting in my campaign.
I learned the importance of this the hard way. It's almost like that "contract that you sign with the devil", you will indeed get exactly what you wish for. But you must be very careful in defining your wishes. So there are really only two recommended techniques (for the newbe and novice) that you can employ. Either have [1] very simple and broad affirmations, or [2] a very complex detailed affirmation campaign.
You do not need to be like me.
In fact, I strongly recommend that people new to intention campaigns start out slowly and simply, and then modify the affirmations over time to find our what works for them. For certainly, what works for one person might not work for others.
I will repeat.
We are all different. So what works for one person might not work for others. Which is why, pretty much, I tell everyone to stick to plain and simple affirmation campaigns and keep things basic. And then, after you have seen how things manifest for you, you can alter and grow your affirmation campaigns into great complexity with more intense results.
My suggested campaign template
Here, I am going to lay out the elements of a very detailed affirmation campaign. One that I use personally (with my personal prayers omitted, of course) and leaving the general affirmations for you all to use and alter as you see fit.
Now, I have mentioned how to conduct these kinds of prayer campaigns in other posts. So none of this should be a real surprise. What might be different here is that the campaign that I am listing here is an “advanced” campaign. It is one that is intentionally modified for “expert” use.
This is what I use, and it is what any one who has been doing affirmation campaigns for a couple of years can use. It is not for newbe use.
What is different here, and why I warn NOT to use if you are new to affirmation campaigns, is that it contains certain elements that you must agree to that will completely and totally alter your campaign implementation.
The advanced techniques
This affirmation campaign is full of affirmations that will fundamentally alter and change how your campaign actually runs. This campaign includes “code” that will rewrite the “source code” behind the normal working procedure of an affirmation campaign. And thus it is dangerous for newbe use.
The advanced coding…
- [1] Permits the application of world-line slides in your life.
- [2] Discards your “initial world-line template” or base-line world-line map for others that will achieve your goals.
- [3] Dramatically decreases the time for implementation of your affirmations by permitting and allowance for periods of “phased out discomfort”.
- [4] Places guarantees that discomfort will be kept to a minimum.
To use these advanced techniques would result in some rather impressive changes in your life, but it will come at a cost.
[1] Using slides
The cost is that once you have allowed a campaign to slide you out of your birth-world-line map, you will never be able to return back to it. Which means that [1] you will forever be forced to conduct prayer affirmation campaigns until you die, and [2] that you must still obtain experiences and lessons as part of your soul charter. This will result in [3] some level of potential discomfort.
What does this mean?
Well, it might be like the character “Earl” from the show “My name is Earl”, who wins a lottery ticket for millions of dollars, but gets hit by a car and loses the ticket. Because he owes a karmic debt that exceeds the value of the lottery ticket.

… it might appear to be like that.
[2] Changing the template world-line map
In reality, it’s not really so much about karma as it is that your consciousness NEEDS to obtain experiences during this life.
The at-birth-world-line template was provided to you to use as a map to make those experiences occur. Good or bad, right or wrong, you were corralled or lead to make decisions that would cause events that would manifest due to your thoughts.
So yes, in a way, our world-line template that was allocated to us at pre-birth pretty much set up a corralled, and fated life.
Now, you are purposely leaving that template map, and permitting yourself to slide out on to other world-line maps.
World-lines can be grouped into clusters of similarly, and by other means. When I refer to a world-line "map", I am referring to cluster of world-lines that evolve (over "time" as viewed by the consciousness) in such a way that the HIGHEST PROBABILITY of events are presented in a three dimensional format. The most probable world-lines are shown in a two dimensional plane, and the relative "difficulty" or "discomfort" to the person is presented in the third dimensional axis. If you do not use this kind of "map", then you have no structure. Just a big furry and fuzzy ball of all probabilities all superimposed over each other. So use of this map greatly simulates how a person can make decisions, be corralled into certain actions, and learn from experiences and events. If you want to get off this "fated" or "corralled" map that you were assigned with at birth, then you need to slide off of it. You would slide onto another map.
These other maps might be radically different, or might not. They might be violently disturbing, or quietly comforting. They might be anything. And that is the point. You elect to leave the experience-kindergarten and step into the elementary school hallway. It’s a big step.
Normal thoughts, and a normal simple affirmation campaign works within a pre-birth template map. There is a fixed number of world-lines that you must pass through (on the x-y axis) to obtain your goal. To speed things up, or achieve other advantages, you need to slide off that map in a z-prime axis onto another map. This other map would have other issues and an entire set of highest probability pathways.
[3] Quick(er) response to your campaign
In this “heavyweight” affirmation campaign template, you would agree to sacrifice comfort and convenience for achieving your goals.
So, for example, if your normal campaign would normally take six years to manifest some long-term goal, this technique would reduce it to a third of the time. Say two years.
Also, as a side effect of this methodology, you will discover that the “pause” between campaigns will be abbreviated as well. Rather than taking a three month long pause between campaigns you might have the strong feeling that you could start a new subsequent campaign shortly afterwards, say in two months instead of three.
[4] Fail safes
Of course, this campaign would include fail-safes or else it would be very, very dangerous.
The idea behind this is that the world-line map that your experiences would lie upon in this incarnation would be within a set of boundary limits. You would have a high probability of experiencing “A”, and “B”, and while you could us your free will to avoid experiencing those things, the probability of you doing so would be very small.
People ask what is fate? A child drops an ice cream cone on a hot pavement in the Summer and runs away crying. You watch that event. The highest probability would be that you watch, and then continue on your way as if nothing happened. This would be your fated pre-birth template, and you would be proceeding on the x-y axis. This is the most common and highest probability of behavior. But there are actually a near infinite things that you can do. Such as... [1] Buy the strange kid a new ice cream cone. [2] Go after the kid and taunt her / him making fun of them. [3] Pick up the cone and throw it in the trash. [4] Pick up the cone and eat it. [5] Pick up the cone and throw it at a passing car. The most common and highest probability reactions and events are on the world-line map.
For instance, you would accept a job at “ACME Widgets”, not knowing that in three years they would lay you off. This would be a scenario that you would pretty much be fated to experience.
Now, it is true that you do not have to accept the job at “ACME Widgets”, but the situation on this world-line template would be such that not taking it might mean going without food for a while, or other uncomfortable things.
So in other words, the world-line template map is a fated life that you as soul selects for your consciousness to experience.
But, by accepting and allowing to slide off this birth-assigned template map, you can use your thoughts to navigate to new and different world-lines off that template.
On this new world-line template, you have a set of new opportunities and new events that were NOT present on the old pre-birth world-line template.
So, while the option for “ACME Widgets” might still be open to you, so will an opportunity at “Headbook Software”.
Now taking that opportunity would give you much better salary, and a host of other benefits. More so than “ACME Widgets”, but also would provide a different mapped “terrain” that you would need to navigate.
Instead of just worrying about a pay check at “ACME Widgets”, you now have to contend with a host of other issues that was not in your pre-birth charter. You would experience far more, and do far more, and live a much more active life… but it would be at a level of compression. In other words, more experiences, and thus a greater risk of discomfort.
To mitigate and control this additional and new discomfort, you would need to add text to your affirmations to control and mange it. Thus this technique…
Advanced Technique
I call this an advanced technique because you are “taking the training wheels off”.
The idea of training wheels is to teach balance with a “safety” system to catch the child when their balance is off. In reality, most kids simply rely on the training wheels and never practice balance at all. Some children even find that it is easier to fall with training wheels – particularly while maneuvering around a corner. -Time to Take Off the Training Wheels? Parents
So once you implement advanced intention campaigns…
… you are awarded “full spectrum” control…
… with all the benefits and the inherent dangers that come with it.
You need to have been conducting an affirmation campaign for at least a year before you try these techniques. I don’t want to advocate people to dive into the deep end of a pool until they learned how to “doggie paddle” first.
The affirmation campaign template
Here I am going to give you, the reader, elements of my very own personal affirmation campaign. I have omitted my personal information so as not to confuse this template. (And besides, it’s personal, don’t you know.)
- I am calm, cool, collected and confident.
- I , and my family, are all happy, healthy, and relaxed.
- I live a calm, stress-free, comfortable life.
- I feel calm and halcyon most of the time.
- I have no worries, concerns, or stress. [1]
- I am the water that flows under the earth in strength and power. [2]
- I am navigating my reality towards my goals. [3]
- In general, my reality is one that is a controlled improvement over what I already have. [4]
- I am happy, healthy, and successful.
- I fill my body with good delicious and healthy food and drink.
- I have money, savings, and investments. [5]
- Negative people are always repelled away from me in such a way that they do not affect my reality.
- These affirmations manifest in the near future, and maintain existence for the remainder of my life.
- All of these events as specified manifest as quickly as possible. [6]
Notes; This is the "general" category at the top of my affirmation list. It contains phrases and general assumptions that will occur not matter what else manifests. [1] The first five items refer to my level of stress and comfort. Now, if you do not want a relaxed and comfortable life, you can omit these items. I, myself, have lived in stressful situations. I do not want any part of them to manifest. So I make sure that no matter what, my life is calm, and good. [2] My personality is one of adaptation. Some people have fixed personalities. You can alter this to read something like "I am a rock and stable in all things", or perhaps if you are of a flighty and wispy countenance "I move like the air and master my environment". It's all up to you. This phrase defines your general placement within the mapped terrain. [3] You must vocalize what you are doing. [4] You want to improve in what you have. You want to keep the good things going on in your life and add more good things to them. You do not want to throw away everything and start from scratch, do you? If you do, you can omit this phrase. [5] If you do not include money in your affirmations, no matter how well intentioned, you could easily end up being poor and destitute; happy, but poor and destitute. [6] These last two statement phrases are critical. By specifying a time limit, you allow the navigation to take you off the pre-birth intention canvas. You drop off the map and are permitted to slide to what ever new map will provide you quicker and more immediate results.
Now the world around us is seemingly going crazy. Pockets of discomfort, strife and alarm are all around us. We don’t want any of that to impact our life. We do not want any part of that in our life and we most certainly do not want to obtain experiences that are associated with strife.
However, if you slide off the pre-birth template you can end up (easily) within a world-line that is full of stress and discomfort. You do not want that. Not in the least. So in order to prevent that, you will need to place some affirmations in regards to safety and security.
Like this…
- My family is safe and secure and protected from all efforts to attack it. [1]
- I am safe and protected where I live, and my life is stable and isolated from any attacks of any type.
- No matter what the news says, none of the disturbing things actually happens to me or my family. [2]
- I and my family are safe and secure. Any battles, wars, conflicts or social upheavals occur far away from us.
- My family and I are safe and isolated away from conflict, strife, and danger. We are always safe.
- The people around me love me, protects me, nurtures me, and supports me. [3]
Notes; If the world was stable this section in your affirmation campaign might not be necessary. But the world is not stable. Right now there are three carrier battle assault groups off the coast of China 15 miles from where I live. Maybe Donald Trump thinks that it makes great news headlines. For me, well it is very stressful and ugly. [1] This might be the only phrase you might need. [2] If the "news" is promoting something dangerous, this phrase will act like a shield and cause the event (or something similar) to "bounce off" and hit some other target. You know, like the fire on the USS Bonhomme Richard, or the massive explosion known as the Beirut explosion. This phrase will deflect events away from your area. This is a complicated matter and I could devote an entire post on it alone. When huge groups of people start thinking things, they create a buildup of quanta. That buildup must be released. If it is being directed at something, and you use an affirmation to conduct a world-line switch, the build-up still needs to be released. And thus you will see other examples of where the "bullets ricocheted to". [3] You need to tie yourself to a friendly and supportive community.
Now, let’s get into the content…
Here is where you would put your “regular” intentions. This is where the vast bulk of your intentions would go. And it might look something like this…
The affirmations are for example only. They are not my personal affirmations. My very own intentions are a little shy on objects and things, and rather dense when it comes to personal relationships, adventure, and lifestyle. But here are some illustrative examples.
- I have a lawn with “Centipede grass”.
- My front door is painted a high gloss PANTONE Bright Red C, with a nice real shiny brass door knocker.
- I own a John Deer Cub Cadet Ultima ZT1 50-in. 23-hp Kawasaki Zero Turn lawn mower.
- I own a beautiful white Nissan Titan XD Pro 4X.
You can add anything here that you want. In this example, I have placed things. But you can describe relationships, or situations, or events.
Events like…
- I am able to travel the world in a sailboat.
- I am part of a local group of businessmen and attending gatherings.
- I have box seats at the local stadium.
Relationships like…
- I am dating a girl that has the personality of Lauren Cohan (The Walking Dead actress).
- I am dating a girl that has the body of Kelly Brook (English model, actress and television presenter best known for her roles in the 2010 horror comedy remake Piranha 3D).
- My father and I have resolved our differences and spend time together on the weekends.
Situations like…
- I have part ownership in a golf club.
- My house is filled with happy dogs and relaxed cats.
- I live next to the mountains and have a fresh water spring in the back.
In short, you can put anything here that is is desire. You can be vague or specific. Just note that the more specific you are, the longer it will take to manifest. So only add specificity when actually necessary. Otherwise, it’s wisest to keep things flexible.
Non Physical Entities & Forces
Our world, for the most part, is populated with the things that we see and experience around us. Therefore, since that is all that we know, that is all that we wish to alter. But the truth is that there are a host of other things, and other elements of our reality that exists around us. This includes things and entities.
By placement of specific affirmations you can protect yourself from malevolent entities (if they exist) or enlist the help of other non-physical entities, were it your prerogative.
- I ask for help to achieve my intention targets; and I do get help from all the non-physical beings that can assist me.
- I also get help from any physical beings that can assist making my dreams and wishes come true and manifest.
- Other entities, not limited to but including, XXX, YYY, ZZZ, guardian angels, friendly sprites, and other entities are permitted to assist me obtaining my goals as defined here. [1]
- In no way can these other entities hurt, harm, or mess up my life and intentions. They may only help, and are welcome to help gladly.
- I know how to embrace opportunities as they manifest around me, and implement those necessary changes and actions promptly. [2]
Notes; [1] You might not believe that non-physical intelligence's and animals exist. That's fine. But it wouldn't hurt to have this line in your affirmations, now would it? [2] This affirmation can go anywhere, but the placement herein associates it with a knowledge associated with specific actions associated with non-physical, or physical entities.
Control of emotions and thoughts
We are constantly under manipulation. Where it is the embedded code within the websites and the APPs that we use, to the movies we watch and the news that we subscribe to. Everything is trying to twist and control our emotions. Yet, in order for our affirmations to actually work, these influences must be zeroed out.
Now there are two ways to zero out these influences. Firstly [1], you can get rid of those influences directly. You can stop using the media, using the computer and using the cell-phones. Or [2] you can add affirmations that control your reactions to those influences.
This section follows route #2. You have affirmations that control the way that the external influences influence your behaviors and action.
- I am able to control my emotions and thoughts.
- I prevent any angry, dangerous, or terrible thoughts from occurring. [1]
- I prevent the manifestation of any reality that might result from bad, negative or dangerous thoughts. [2]
- I avoid getting into arguments on the internet.
- Everything surrounding me is positive and good.
Notes; [1] The first two affirmations are seemingly redundant. But, they are not. One specifies that I am in control of what I think, not outside influences. The other prevents the manifestation and generation of bad or negative thoughts. [2] Prevents the generation of "bad" reality generation resulting from my thoughts.
MWI Routing
This section adds a strong degree of control on how you add, alter, modify or implement your intention campaign. I am a strong believer that each one of us runs our very own unique campaign, and thus what works for one person, might not work for a different person. So in order to control that aspect of variance, you need to specify how the affirmation campaign works within your MWI reality.
These affirmations serve that purpose…
- I understand how this universe works, and how to alter, improve and change my reality. [1]
- I use this knowledge to generate a perfect life for myself and for my family.
- As such, I am the Captain of my Consciousness. [2]
- I move in and out of the world-line realities as necessary to achieve my thought-destination(s).
- I do achieve my ultimate goals and I do so efficiently, and quickly while avoiding bad or undesirable world-lines. [3]
- I am alert on what to say and do in order to achieve my desires.
- I know what affirmations to make to manifest the life that I wish to participate within.
- I know, positively, when to stop, change, alter or revise my affirmations in accordance with my needs and desires. [4]
- I am aware of opportunities as they arise, and I know exactly what actions to take to maximize my desired intentions.
- I am aware of the world-line routing as it occurs and do not panic or worry about how things will manifest. [5]
- I recognize that world-line realities that I inhabit might be calm and relaxed, but that substantial positive and proactive events are unfolding for my benefit that might be hidden from me.
Notes; [1] This phrase helps you rapidly learn what affirmations to use, and which ones not to use. You also better understand why and how they work. I think that this sentence along helps tie the affirmation campaign into a mechanism for soul experience growth. [2] These two commands place your verbal affirmation campaign firmly into the realm of "navigation console". By using these phrases you convert an intention campaign from a "lifestyle enhancement method", to a "world-line navigation console". [3] These two lines explicitly state what the purpose of the affirmation campaign is, and how it works. [4] These four affirmations enable you to have insight on how to improve your affirmations, and add or subtract from them. While this is seemingly a more or less natural consequence of performing a campaign, this little statement guarantees that whatever alterations you make will be in accordance with your direct wishes, and not what was laid out in the pre-birth reality template map. [5] These two affirmations cover cognizant awareness of the physical reality and what to do to alter, reroute or modify your intention campaign.
Intention Canvas
I urge everyone to have “dream board” or “intention canvas”. This contains images and pictures used to complement your affirmation campaign.
As opposed to "sharpening" your intention focus, it make it more "fuzzy". (Which is counter intuitive. Not what you would think, eh?) In other words, instead of a small, hard, absolute point on the world-line terrain map, it becomes a bigger, fuzzier, and softer ball. What this does is provide a larger group of avenues or paths for you to reach to your goal.
The key words or text herein is to “complement”, and not to “replace” your affirmation campaign.
As I have discussed previously, the canvas can be a “dream board”, a rotating image display on your computer, or a folder containing a stack of pictures. It can also include a computer folder in your PC that contains images that you can use (and one that you don’t visit often either.)
In all cases you MUST tie this “intention canvas” to your affirmation campaign. These affirmation commands do just that. In my case, I have a folder that contains picture collages that represent my intended desires. And that is what I will suggest in these examples…
- I utilize the images in my “XXXXX” folder (and all subfolders) to help make the manifestation of my lifestyle manifest.
- I also utilize the photos in my PC (found in the YYYYYY directory) and used as my rotating background display to help cultivate the reality that my world line is.
- The following commands specify exactly how the images will manifest and what they represent within my life…
In which case, then you go into great detail what general terms that each image represents. Such as these examples…
Males shown in photos
- In all cases, the dominant male figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself. [1]
- Images that portray mafia figures, or “bad people” portray myself in similar roles of power. They do NOT, however, manifest these kinds of people against me. [2]
- Images that portray powerful people represent my role as it manifests.
- In images showing actors, it is the character, personality and role that they play that manifests in my life, not that of the actual actor. [3]
Notes; [1] Do not assume that just because a male figure is in a photo residing inside your intention canvas, that it automatically represents you. If you want that to happen, then you will need to either use this affirmation, or photoshop your image into that photo. [2] So, you've got a picture of Tony Soprano enjoying some wine, with his underlings nearby and a girl on each arm. Do not assume that you would intend this role to materialize. Instead, the local mafia don in your neighborhood might end up getting the intention instead of yourself. [3] Likewise, you want the role that the actor plays. Not the life of the actor him or herself. If you want the actors person life, then you need to specify it. You need to specify exactly what elements the images represent or else you might have the wrong things manifest. You might (for example) want the life of Captain Jack Sparrow, and have a photo of a carefree run-infused pirate. While in reality you might end up with Johnny Depp's life and an embroiled divorce. Yikes!
Objects shown in photos
- In images related to gold, money, currency and wealth, the intention is broadly associated with large sums of money, wealth and success that I possess.
- In images relating to objects, they represent the things that I own or possess as property.
Women shown in photos
- In images that have females, they represent the situation that I am participating in.
- In images that only contain females, the appearance and body shapes, and the situation of the female, their body and actions are what manifests per my intention direction.
- In images showing females, with a dominant physical attribute (as determined by myself), that attribute manifests within my reality.
Notes; Since I am a male, I do not want to confuse any images with women and children. I want to specify that they are different and perform roles that are situational.
Blocking and Protections
We live inside a reality that has both physical and non-physical components. Thoughts alter and change our reality. Both our thoughts, and the thoughts of those around us. Good people can give us good wishes and pleasant thoughts. However, most of the world today is not good, and thus bad people can thrust bad wishes upon us.
We don’t want to suffer through hexes, malevolent intentions or bad events sent in motion by individuals who have a grudge against us. So we must utilize protections. Here are the protection affirmations that I use…
- I have awareness on how to avoid the manifestation of problems. I follow that advise immediately without question automatically.
- I purposely avoid negative, dangerous, bad, or problematic reality world-lines to achieve my goals
- I have broken apart any barriers to controlling my reality. These are barriers that are either self-created, or those created by others.
- I define my reality, and undo any spells, magick or alterations imposed upon me, or the reality around me by anyone or anything.
- I block and shut out all negative, de-constructive, and dangerous thoughts from manifesting and altering my intentions listed herein.
Notes; Do not assume that everyone thinks like you. There are many "closet" occultists, and "home-grown" priests that will throw some unwanted thoughts and beliefs your way. You must put up protections. You would be surprised at how many there are. Seriously.
Personal Health
We can have an affirmation campaign that is all great and full of details, but if you ignore you health, it will all be for naught. If there is one thing that we should learn from this coronavirus situation, it is that if you don’t have your healthy, all the riches and “stuff” in the universe become meaningless. You absolutely need to protect your health and general well-being in your affirmation campaign.
Do not neglect this most important aspect of a prayer / affirmation campaign.
- I am in top physical shape. I am healthy and happy.
- My body operates, functions and behaves like when I was in my late 20’s and into my early 30’s. [1]
- My wardrobe is professionally matched, and my body is clean, pleasant and attractive.
- My heart is strong and healthy. My internal organs are all in top shape. [2]
- Nothing is permitted to cause me harm, damage or physical discomfort.
- I know what minerals, vitamins and foods that I must eat to achieve my intention targets. [3]
Notes: [1] Obviously this applies to folk older than this age. LOL. [2] Old men can have all kinds of problems and issues, and to prevent and control that, we tend to watch our diets and take vitamins. Exercise is important, and I don't need any affirmations to support what I already do naturally. [3] Shortly after adding this affirmation line, the number of business luncheons and dinners that I would normally have dropped considerably. My wife started to make a lot of vegetables, and fish. I began to find myself eating this kind of nut and fruit oatmeal just about every morning. Ugh! Yet, after a few months I discovered that my over all body health did actually improve dramatically.
The biggest influence on your life are those in your immediate family. Thus, you need to cherish, and protect them. For without them, you are just a lonely speck floating upon a most turbulent sea.
- My family is happy, healthy, and well-taken cared for emotionally, physically, and financially. There isn’t any stress at all.
- My family life is very calm, happy and positive. [1]
- My family is happy and I have a very calm and happy domestic life at home.
- I and my family are healthy, happy, relaxed and doing what we love.
Notes; [1] My idea of what constitutes a happy family household might not be what you would. I think a calm and happy household is best for my temperament. I however, know others that love a chaotic household with all sorts of happy noise and activity. You need to customize this affirmation to fit your own personal lifestyle.
Lifestyle is a “catch-all” that really describes the overall desire that you hope to accomplish from this affirmation campaign. Thus, it is critically important. It is the difference between having a “wealthy” life as opposed to a “rich” life. And if you don’t know what I am talking about, watch the movie “Bronco Billy”.
- I love my life, and I love everything about my life.
- I love the colors, the air, the weather, the people, the location, everything.
- I improve upon what I have, not change it drastically.
- The improvements are all what is listed here or better.
- The improvements are glorious additions to what I already possess.
- I live in a beautiful area, with great colors, fresh air, roomy spaces, and a calm and relaxed neighborhood.
- I am very comfortable, safe, secure, happy, relaxed and live a nice fun and carefree life.
- Everyone sees me as how I desire to be seen. [1]
- I know what actions to take to secure my privacy and personal life. [2]
- I have the strength (emotional and physical) to break through any barriers to achieve my goals.
Notes; [1] I control what people think about me. Not others. [2] Privacy is a fundamental human need. Yet governments, family members, and society pretty much has obliterated this belief. Which is why that I often go without a cell phone on me, and do things on my own personal schedule and not on the schedules that others use. Now, if you do not secure your privacy, the chances are that you will lose it.
The thing about affirmation campaigns is that they rely on you (the person making the affirmations) on taking advantage of the opportunities that present themselves to you. Thus, it makes no difference if you have an opportunity manifest in front of your eyes, but refuse to take advantage of it. You need to act to manifest that situation.
- I am aware of opportunities when they arise, and I am led onto which ones to take and follow up with.
- I have physical, spiritual and non-physical entities assisting me in making the opportunities listed herein into personally profitable ventures.
- Opportunities come my way and I always profit handsomely from them.
- I am aware of the trends going on in my life, behind the scenes, and on tactical, and strategic levels.
Affirmation techniques
Here we specify and “hammer out” the way that these affirmations will operate. You do not need to do this, but by doing so you can control the implementation of the affirmations onto your world-line.
- I know of, and use, the specialized techniques to improve the actionablity of my verbal affirmations listed herein.
- I know what things to say in my affirmations to make my reality happen safely and quickly.
- I am dismissive of those that are not worthy of my time, or effort.
Speed of implementation
By specifying the speed of implementation, you create a slide event. This moves your world-line adventures, and your life off the pre-determined template and direct and straight into your own hands.
- All these affirmations occur as quickly as is comfortably and as safely as possible. At no time is my family, health or safety at risk.
- These changes are being implemented now, and will manifest soon. Really, really soon.
- The normal rules of affirmation manifestation has now been advanced to this direct and immediate application without hesitation.
- All these affirmations happen quickly, provided that dangers are avoided and I (and my family) are protected.
Here, it seems really morbid, but a few moments a day to make sure that your transition out of the physical reality would be calm and complete is really a good thing. Don’t you think?
- Death will occur late in my life.
- I will outlive my father, yet be healthy and functional up until death.
- When the time comes for my death, it will be smooth and easy.
- Those left behind will be well taken cared for.
Important Navigation Notes
Here we get involved in the aspects that make this affirmation campaign “advanced”. It lays out the use of slide and how they will manifest and under what conditions. You will notice that they permit “minor imperfections” to occur as long as my baseline affirmations manifest.
- This affirmation campaign is set up to engage the obtainment of objectives early on, with whatever minor imperfections that they might have.
- I use world-line slides to accelerate the implementation of these affirmations.
- The slides only come into use whenever they can [1] reduce the time to obtain the affirmation realization within my physical reality, and [2] they do not cause me any discomfort or trouble.
- As time moves on, the imperfections drop away, and the true and idealized intention manifests.
- This rule enables a quick near-immediate manifestation of my desires herein without having to wait for a long time to obtain the “perfect” intention reality.
This post describes an “advanced” affirmation campaign. It uses slides to accelerate the manifestation of the campaign objectives. As such, it is highly detailed and involves long lines of affirmation code.
It is only for advanced users to use.
As an example, I used elements of my very own affirmation campaign and I urge the reader to use and discard what they wish to make a similar campaign for themselves.
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my affirmation campaign index here…
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