The story of the Tiger and the Fox

Due to the impossibility of my ability to access MM over the last couple of days, the next few days of postings will be a bit scarce as I try to catch up and refill my MM article larder. I have disabled numerous plugins and functionality to get things working. Please bear with me. -MM

So here’s a short story to set your day straight.

The following is a nice cute story about a Tiger and a fox. It is a cute, short and interesting Chinese folk tale. It comes from the thirty-six strategies of war by Stefan H. Verstappen. I will make the necessary arrangements to post the entire PDF up on MM later, but some of the stories are just so adorable.

Chinese Folk Tale

One day a fox was wandering through the woods preoccupied in thought when he was suddenly surprised by a tiger who seemed intent on eating him. It being too late to run away, the fox had to think quickly.

Nonchalantly he asked, “Tiger why are you here, are you not afraid of me?”

“Why should I be afraid of you?” asked the tiger. “Because I am the king of the jungle,” said the fox. “Ridiculous!” replied the Tiger. “I am king of the jungle.”

“Well if you don’t believe me I’ll prove it. Just follow me as I walk about the jungle and see for yourself if the other animals do not run away at my approach.”

The tiger agreed and so the fox set off with the tiger following closely behind. As the other animals spotted the fox they also saw the tiger and they ran away.

After a while the fox turned to the tiger and said, “See how they scatter when I approach. Do you believe me now?”

“It seems I was wrong,” said the perplexed Tiger, and he sulked away into the jungle.


It’s a just a cute story that has some meaning to those that are interested in day to day strategies.

The studious kitty.

Do you want more?

I have more articles about cats in my Happiness Index here…

Life & Happiness .

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The A-holes at WordPress may be playing with you.

WordPress is NOT your friend.
Hope you have a contingency plan.
Eventually WordPress will cancel your blog.

Sorry, but you know it’s true.



Perhaps it’s time to talk to your Chinese tech savvy friends. Am sure there’s a Chinese alternative to WP whose server isn’t in western countries.


Why do you state that any comments which blames the Jews will be deleted? Does this include factual and easily verifiable evidence? Are you yourself Jewish?