2022 04 13 14 55

What I love about China

This video was posted on you-tube on Wednesday 13th April 2022. I later found out that a number of nations banned viewing of this video. I guess the content is too dangerous for you all to view.

That’s really strange, as the following videos about China were allowed…


Never, the less, this article is a workaround to the video that was selectively blocked in certain nations.

The Original video on You-Tube

We start off with the video. See if you can access it. Here is the direct link to the You-Tube video.

For those who are denied the You-Tube video…

But for those of you who are denied watching this video, do not worry. I have the video here in three parts. Please download the parts and watch it in the privacy of your own home.

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Blocked in South East Asia. Not surprised actually.


Blocked in Australia too.


Blocked in the US with the same message that JustAnotherAsian displayed:

Video unavailable
This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds

What group is SME? Too many groups have that abbreviation.

The cute thing is that the message suggests an intellectual property claim, not censorship. Most people wouldn’t have a problem with a copyright, patent, or trademark holder wanting to assert his/her rights. But you can bet this particular example is actually disguised censorship.


Blocked in Finland as well. Only Free Negative Speech allowed on China.


Re the concept of hot/warm & cold foods, it’s related to traditional Chinese medicine. Food is energy (Qi, pronounce key) & energy is broken down to hot, warm, neutral, cool & hot. So keeping the two balanced is the ultimate goal, the concept of Yin & Yang.

Excessive heat leads to fevers, flushed faces, sweats, irritability, inflammation and ulcers. Excessive cold, meanwhile, causes fatigue, paleness, stomach pains, cramps and sore joints.

On top of that, the way food is cooked can change the energy, frying roasting increases heat but steaming poaching lessen it. Thus Chinese cooking will try to mix hot & cold ingredients to balance it out (eg. ginger/warm cooked with clams/cold). Seasonal wise, in winter eat more warm foods & vice versa during summer. Your individual body type matters too, for your own body baseline maybe either warmer or cooler.

USA Wondering

MM, you probably already know all the above info. I didn’t. Just wanted to share it with you.
I posted the link here, only because I don’t know how to email you directly.


Here is the link to the text about virus
and the video I sent earlier. The text and the
video have value.



Lovely ending to your 3rd vidoes. Such warm videos. I really enjoyed them.


I will watch it when I have a moment. Really enjoying your blog since I stumbled upon it last July. I am planning on trying some of your recipes!


Er, MM thank you very much for putting this UP! I have seen the video, as I am curious, I mean what kind of RADIOACTIVE Kryptonite STUFF could there be to these nations that have blocked your video. I mean, I looked at it, and I AM SHOCKED.

F’íng shocked – out of my senses. These nations are BLOCKING what you said in the video?

The whole world is Fçked. The corruption that is SO ENDEMIC cannot sustain the allowance of any light at all – even just a little bit from the REALITY that you are presenting – I mean FACTUALLY through a video.

And, if societies, or rather, controllers of such societies WILL NOT EVEN let you speak what you have just presented in your video…


This can only end as the WAPP (Wise and Power people) want it. I do not like that idea that so many have to be swept away Deagely. BUt as you have said, we are peons. And as peons, we have that choice…. To live in a better way, as you have described, and AFFECT THE PEOPLE around you POSITIVELY, or REBEL AGAINST that which is coming….

This is ultimately sad, BUT as you have presented in ALL your messages, YOU as a person can change the little world around you. And if X billions did it HONESTLY, this world will be a much better place – INSTANTANEOUSLY.

Looks now, it will be FORCED on us.

Thank you very much, MM and others who have brought us a LIFELINE and tools that might allows us to deal with the Deagel Age as best as we can.

Unfortunately, what’s coming APPEARS unavoidable – even though I’d like the WAPP to be MORE MERCIFUL….

QUOTE: Poor people will die and the rich will survive…there’s nothing you can do….UNQUOTE

Said by someone who obviously thinks he is on the VERY TOP OF THE FOODCHAIN.

May the Supreme Commander bless all of us here as we navigate these TIMES, with MM’s tools.

Thank you, MM and OTHERS.

Last edited 2 years ago by NewRob

Big guy who says: “poor people will die and the rich will survive…there’s nothing you can do….”

BIG GUY_orig-768x428.jpg

Muslim Nations Must Stop Staying silent over China’s abuse Of The Uyghurs (msn.com)
That towel-head won’t speak up for millions of Iraqis slaughtered in 2003 but what a hypocrite, he cares about Uighurs in Xinjiang. You see the tentacles of the evil US, reaching into Asean and jerking the Mossies to hate China. WTF. These mdrfkrs are the worst bastards; they kept silent while the US bombarded Iraq with DU weapons of mass destruction, resulting in births of babies with one head, two heads, no heads and clumps of flesh – depleted uranium. Sorry, I got really worked up watching Lee Hsien Loong telling the US not to decouple from China. I wish China would decouple from the west and take back Taiwan by force right now, tomorrow. And tell the USA to fuck off back to the western side of the globe. You know MM, war is imminent. Chinese have a saying, must not only cut the grass but yank the roots out as well. Wipe them out completely otherwise someday they wl return to kick you in the g.