As we enter the Dark Crisis of the Fourth Turning we marvel at things we cannot understand.

Here is a fantastic article that I discovered. It is written by Victor Davis Hanson, and he asks the most basic question. Why are we no longer able to build things like we used to? And he is absolutely right. America no longer has the ability to build, create, construct, reason or operate in any way like a normal functioning government.

This article discusses how America (and by extension, Americans) hold on to the title and respect that they inherited from their forefathers. America inherited being the world’s leader militarily, socially, economically, culturally, and spiritually.

However, those that took over, during the last 60 years, squandered what they were given. In many cases destroyed what was built up, created, and established. And replaced it with something else. (If you don’t know what I am talking about, look up “culture wars”.) As America crumbles, people naturally try to hold on to what is no longer healthy and viable. That is what we are witnessing today.

Thus this article.

His article is placed as written, and I added my own photographs for emphasis. As well as some links to related articles that I have written. These other articles open up in a separate tab for you viewing pleasure.

His title is…

Is America Entering a Dark Age?

By Victor Davis Hanson
October 10, 2019

Many of the stories about the gods and heroes of Greek mythology were compiled during Greek Dark Ages. Impoverished tribes passed down oral traditions that originated after the fall of the lost palatial civilizations of the Mycenaean Greeks.

Dark  Age Greeks tried to make sense of the massive ruins of their forgotten  forbearers' monumental palaces that were still standing around. As  illiterates, they were curious about occasional clay tablets they plowed  up in their fields with incomprehensible ancient Linear B inscriptions.
Dark Age Greeks tried to make sense of the massive ruins of their forgotten forbearers’ monumental palaces that were still standing around. As illiterates, they were curious about occasional clay tablets they plowed up in their fields with incomprehensible ancient Linear B inscriptions. Today, many of us find ourselves in the same situation.

Dark Age Greeks tried to make sense of the massive ruins of their forgotten forbearers’ monumental palaces that were still standing around. As illiterates, they were curious about occasional clay tablets they plowed up in their fields with incomprehensible ancient Linear B inscriptions.

We of the 21st century are beginning to look back at our own lost epic times and wonder about these now-nameless giants who left behind monuments that we cannot replicate, but instead merely use or even mock.

We  of the 21st century are beginning to look back at our own lost epic  times and wonder about these now-nameless giants who left behind  monuments that we cannot replicate, but instead merely use or even mock.
We of the 21st century are beginning to look back at our own lost epic times and wonder about these now-nameless giants who left behind monuments that we cannot replicate, but instead merely use or even mock.

Does anyone believe that contemporary Americans could build another transcontinental railroad in six years?

Why no High-Speed rail in the USA?

Californians tried to build a high-speed rail line. But after more than a decade of government incompetence, lawsuits, cost overruns and constant bureaucratic squabbling, they have all but given up. The result is a half-built overpass over the skyline of Fresno — and not yet a foot of track laid.

Californians  tried to build a high-speed rail line. But after more than a decade of  government incompetence, lawsuits, cost overruns and constant  bureaucratic squabbling, they have all but given up. The result is a  half-built overpass over the skyline of Fresno -- and not yet a foot of  track laid.
Californians tried to build a high-speed rail line. But after more than a decade of government incompetence, lawsuits, cost overruns and constant bureaucratic squabbling, they have all but given up. The result is a half-built overpass over the skyline of Fresno — and not yet a foot of track laid. Who were these people who built such magnificent structures, and gave them to us to husband? And why have we squandered their gift to us?

Who were those giants of the 1960s responsible for building our interstate highway system?

California’s roads now are mostly the same as we inherited them, although the state population has tripled. We have added little to our freeway network, either because we forgot how to build good roads or would prefer to spend the money on redistributive entitlements.

California's  roads now are mostly the same as we inherited them, although the state  population has tripled. We have added little to our freeway network,  either because we forgot how to build good roads or would prefer to  spend the money on redistributive entitlements.
California’s roads now are mostly the same as we inherited them, although the state population has tripled. We have added little to our freeway network, either because we forgot how to build good roads or would prefer to spend the money on redistributive entitlements.

When California had to replace a quarter section of the earthquake-damaged San Francisco Bay Bridge, it turned into a near-disaster, with 11 years of acrimony, fighting, cost overruns — and a commentary on our decline into Dark Ages primitivism.

Yet 82 years ago, our ancestors built four times the length of our singe replacement span in less than four years. It took them just two years to design the entire Bay Bridge and award the contracts.

Yet 82 years ago, our ancestors built four  times the length of our singe replacement span in less than four years.  It took them just two years to design the entire Bay Bridge and award  the contracts.
Yet 82 years ago, our ancestors built four times the length of our singe replacement span in less than four years. It took them just two years to design the entire Bay Bridge and award the contracts. Yet we are unable to do even a smidgen of effort on a similar modern structure, using the most modern technology and machinery at our fingertips. What went wrong?

Our generation required five years just to plan to replace a single section. In inflation-adjusted dollars, we spent six times the money on one quarter of the length of the bridge and required 13 agencies to grant approval. In 1936, just one agency oversaw the entire bridge project.

California has not built a major dam in 40 years. Instead, officials squabble over the water stored and distributed by our ancestors, who designed the California State Water Project and Central Valley Project.

Contemporary Californians would have little food or water without these massive transfers, and yet they often ignore or damn the generation that built the very system that saves us.

Contemporary  Californians would have little food or water without these massive  transfers, and yet they often ignore or damn the generation that built  the very system that saves us.
Contemporary Californians would have little food or water without these massive transfers, and yet they often ignore or damn the generation that built the very system that saves us.

America went to the moon in 1969 with supposedly primitive computers and backward engineering. Does anyone believe we could launch a similar moonshot today?

No American has set foot on the moon in the last 47 years, and it may not happen in the next 50 years.

America  went to the moon in 1969 with supposedly primitive computers and  backward engineering. Does anyone believe we could launch a similar  moonshot today?
America went to the moon in 1969 with supposedly primitive computers and backward engineering. Does anyone believe we could launch a similar moonshot today? Of course not. Our “advanced” spaceship; “The Orion”, is a near clone (carbon copy) of the Apollo crew module designed back in 1965. The only difference is that it now has LED screens instead of dials.

Hollywood once gave us blockbuster epics, brilliant Westerns, great film noirs, and classic comedies. Now it endlessly turns out comic-book superhero films or pathetic remakes of prior classics.

What is going on in Hollywood?

Our writers, directors and actors have lost the skills of their ancestors.

But they are also cowardly, and in regimented fashion they simply parrot boring race, class and gender bromides that are neither interesting nor funny.

Does anyone believe that the Oscar ceremonies are more engaging and dignified than in the past?

Yes. America at one time was a place of greatness, where any thing could happen and a poor boy could become wealthy through hard labors. Not so today. We have squandered the legacy of our forefathers, and trampled upon it. Now, with the ignorance of a three year old, we trample and stomp on their precious presents as if we are deserving of that right to destroy.
Yes. America at one time was a place of greatness, where any thing could happen and a poor boy could become wealthy through hard labors. Not so today. We have squandered the legacy of our forefathers, and trampled upon it. Now, with the ignorance of a three year old, we trample and stomp on their precious presents as if we are deserving of that right to destroy.

We have been fighting in Afghanistan without result for 18 years. Our forefathers helped to win World War II and defeat the Axis Powers in four years.

Make America Great Again.
What would the founders think?

In terms of learning, does anyone believe that a college graduate in 2020 will know half the information of a 1950 graduate?

In the 1940s, young people read William Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Pearl Buck and John Steinbeck. Are our current novelists turning out anything comparable? Could today’s high-school graduate even finish “The Good Earth” or “The Grapes of Wrath”?

We have lost our most important gift; the ability to build, to create and to enhance our life towards that of happiness. These buildings and structures were more than jsut functional. They were lovely and added to the atmosphere and the culture of the city. Instead, we wasted them, we destroyed them and replace dthem with bland parking lots.
We have lost our most important gift; the ability to build, to create and to enhance our life towards that of happiness. These buildings and structures were more than just functional. They were lovely and added to the atmosphere and the culture of the city. Instead, we wasted them, we destroyed them and replace them with bland parking lots.

True, social media is impressive. The internet gives us instant access to global knowledge. We are a more tolerant society, at least in theory. But Facebook is not the Hoover Dam, and Twitter is not the Panama Canal.

Our ancestors were builders and pioneers and mostly fearless. We are regulators, auditors, bureaucrats, adjudicators, censors, critics, plaintiffs, defendants, social media junkies and thin-skinned scolds. A distant generation created; we mostly delay, idle and gripe.

Penn Station.
Penn Station. Today all these railroad stations were town down and replaced with “progressive”, modern boxes that more resemble a all-night laundromat than any kind of public transit station. Not only that, but poor management, greed, and lack of maintenance has resulted in them all appearing to be decaying, run down and decrepit.

As we walk amid the refuse, needles and excrement of the sidewalks of our fetid cities; as we sit motionless on our jammed ancient freeways; and as we pout on Twitter and electronically whine in the porticos of our Ivy League campuses, will we ask: “Who were these people who left these strange monuments that we use but can neither emulate nor understand?

In comparison to us, they now seem like gods.

All credit to the the author;

Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and the author of "The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won," from Basic Books. You can reach him by e-mailing


SHTF and Related Index

The Tale of the Killdozer.
The use of technicals for genocide.
The Climax of the Fourth Turning in 2025.
2025 - the Fourth Turning Crisis - A nuclear response
Why are Americans so angry?
Evolution of the USA and China.
The grim future.
Is it clear enough for you?
r/K selection theory
Pictures of a gun-free utopia.
Historically, how preppers failed during periods of turmoil.
Universal Background Checks
What is planned for American Conservatives - Part 2
What is going to happen to conservatives - Part 3.
What is planned for conservatives - part 4
What is in store for Conservatives - part 5
What is in store for conservatives - part 6
Civil War
The Warning Signs
Line in the sand
A second passport
Make America Great Again.
What would the founders think?
The Ninth Amendment
How they get away with it
Taxiation without representation.
Parable about America
Democracy Lessons
A polarized world.
America's sunset.
Types of American conservatives.

Some prepper humor…

Nuke from orbit.

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

America is no longer a nation. When you cannot enforce a border, enforce laws, and prosecute criminals, you no longer have a nation.

America is no longer a nation. It might still be the remains of a once great empire, sort of like Rome was after the Vandals sacked it, but as a functioning nation, it is no longer.

When you cannot enforce a border, enforce laws, and prosecute criminals, you no longer have a nation.

History doesn’t like vacuums anymore than nature does, and what we’re  facing is a vacuum of authority that the USA has never experienced  before. That’s the final consequence of a society in which anything goes and nothing matters. 

Better check what you believe and who you believe in the days ahead, and recalibrate accordingly. This ain’t no foolin’ around. 


Here is an article written by Gordon Wysong titled “Will we ever prosecute?”. He makes the point that if the worst criminals can walk free, then (regardless of all the lesser crimes that are prosecuted) the nation does not enforce laws. And if laws are not enforced, there is no nation. For a nation without laws is pure anarchy.

It is presented as written, with little editing aside from the blogger-template on word-press. Any photos and commentary are set apart so that the reader can realize that it is not part of the article but rather designed to supplement it. 

Links to other related articles are embedded in the text. You can click on them and they will open up in a new tab. That way you will not need to interrupt your reading of this article.


October 12, 2019

Will We Ever Prosecute?

By Gordon Wysong

Imagine that the local cops know that a gang member, named William, broke into the pawn shop and stole guns, jewelry, and money.  

William’s fingerprints, film image, and DNA add to the hard evidence log.  The owner knows it; the prosecutor knows it; William’s gang associates know it.  But he is not arrested.  

Nearby shopkeepers and neighborhood mothers are asking why he is walking the street.  No one explains it; mum’s the word.  

Could it be there is a grand plan to take out the gang’s leaders?  No one knows; mum’s the word.  

Shopkeepers and residents are about to give up and start moving away from the area, and no one asks them to stay the course.

Fast forward to today.

Fast-forward to today’s still vocal Obama gang.  Why no indictments?  Mum’s the word.  Can anyone hold to the faith in American justice?  Those who support the rule of law feel like Charlie Brown trying to kick a football.  

It’s coming — oh, wait, it’s coming…oh, wait…

Without doubt, a criminal cabal is an extraordinarily complex organization, and understanding who did what, why, when, and how is a challenge to the mental faculties of anyone.  But, what happens if the full scope of activities is never clear?  

Does everyone get off?  Does complexity confer immunity?

Is our government that incompetent?

In engineering, there is no perfect answer to anything, so changes are made incrementally, addressing the problems as they are recognized.  Each step brings a clearer view of remaining problems, which are then addressed, each in its turn.  

The completed project is still flawed, but the solution is practical and productive.

So it should be with a grandiose scheme like the Russia Hoax.  The ringleaders don’t have to be handled with kid gloves.  They don’t even have to be handled at all.  Just start with the low-hanging fruit, and get as far (up the tree) as possible.

Those old enough to remember My Lai, Vietnam, know that Lt. Calley and Cpt. Medina were not alone in their actions.  However, their prosecution forever changed the game of passing the buck on war crimes.

So, too, can rabid prosecution of bit players in the Russian Hoax forever change the landscape in plots involving treason.  

Those who would participate at the lower levels must know they are subject to prosecution, so they remain circumspect in such a re-enactment of the coup attempt.  This would be the Achilles heel of another cabal — those who are intimidated by the prospect of prison.  Those who realize they don’t have sufficient rank to escape punishment will be loath to participate in such a scheme.  Without them, there will be no operational viability to an unlawful coup.

Admittedly, there are always problems in pursuing a criminal case.  It must be so under our Constitution, but it cannot be impossible!

Prosecution should not be impossible.

Prosecutors don’t get all the information, but at a certain point, for each criminal, evidence accumulates that there is a real and provable crime.  

It may not include every transgression of that person, nor is it the magic revelation, untangling the Gordian knot of the conspirators.  It is a simple criminal act.  

It is what it appears, and it need not be put in the context of the big picture — it is as plain as the nose on your face.

That stage is the stimulus for a prosecutor.  It is the time to move.  If the DOJ acts, many of the sins can never be prosecuted, because the prosecution of their lesser crimes may foreclose pursuit of other crimes under double jeopardy protection.  

However, failure to move puts evidence and witnesses at risk of being lost.  This point has passed for so many of the coup conspirators that it seems there will be no justice for many of them, like Lois Lerner.


Is it clear enough for you?

Why no action yet?

A full recounting of all that is already known would be tedious, and to expound on the criminal conduct yet again seems shrill.  It is not necessary to understand the intertwining of all the crimes before simply bringing the charges that are facially obvious.  

But the deferral of prosecution, for whatever reason it is done, allows many of the cabal to walk free when they shouldn’t.  

In fact, the indication is that they are continuing the very conduct for which they should be prosecuted.

Why has McCabe not been charged with lying to the FBI, lying under oath?  Nothing more is needed to start the dominos falling.  Who will step forward to exonerate him?  No one can, and no one will.  That omission — of a vigorously supported defense — will send a message to the others in the coup conspiracy.

Why has Samantha Power not been indicted for violating national security requirements in unmasking or transferring her unmasking authority to others?  It doesn’t pass the smell test that she is too important to be prosecuted.

Why is Huma Abedin strolling around, free as a bird?  She forwarded classified emails to Anthony Weiner’s laptop.  What else is needed to demonstrate a crime?

Did Strzok do anything?  Did Page?   Which one lied to Congress?  Their contradictory accounts mean at least one is a perjurer.  Sure, there is more “there” there, but it isn’t necessary to keelhaul them; just send them to jail, and send others a message.

How they get away with it

Listing all the cabal members, who are quite obviously criminal, is not easy — in fact, it is not doable.  

It need not be the aim.  A public that finds this whole thing partisan or tedious will not be easily impressed if a 2,000-count indictment naming 43 people is suddenly dropped.  Bringing along the public is certainly part of sending the message for future conspirators.  

It probably is better done gradually.

Suggested Action

Removing the context and simply prosecuting crimes is the method to educate both today’s and tomorrow’s citizens.

Selecting single actors, and naming obvious crimes, will have a chance to convince even skeptical partisans that something is wrong.  The lack of support from other participants will indeed remove most doubt.

The full scope of what has gone on will never be known, but the lessons for future participants in such a scheme is essential.  The next time, the prosecution will be more severe, more certain, and more expedient.  Protecting the Constitution is more important than perfect justice.  Some miscreants will escape, but they will never sleep well again.  The lesson must be taught.

A DOJ that fails to move loses its credibility and its honor.  The foundation of the Republic is placed at risk.  Without the rule of law, what do we have?

At some point, deferral of prosecution is dereliction or abetting.  Has it reached that point?

I argue that it has. 

Watergate prosecuted Nixon within months. The prosecution of the assassination of Lincoln, and Reagan took months.

It's almost four years and there are ZERO prosecutions. ZERO.

Therefore, I argue that the United States is no longer a nation. Forget about being a nation that follows the Constitution. Rather, I argue that it is not longer a nation in the crudest, simplest, and most primitive terms. What it is is up for debate. But, a nation... no it is not.

Comment by John Paul Roberts

 Trump is so far over his head in Washington waters that he is  incapable of realizing that the criminal George W. Bush and Obama  regimes put powers in the hands of the president that enable him to  destroy the plotters of the coup against him.  Instead, Trump “distances himself from Giuliani.”  

In  other words, his enemies have Trump on the run. Has it ever occurred to  Trump that every real whistle-blower, people protected by statutory  federal law, was completely destroyed by the executive branch, and no  one said a word? Yet, here is Trump twisting in the wind on the basis of  an unknown CIA agent who orchestrated the whistleblower complaint with  Democrat House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff.  In  US law there is no such thing as an unknown whistleblower, much less  one that has more power than the president of the United States.

 We are going to lose a president, who intended to mend America and  restore peace, and our country along with him, because American peace  and prosperity does not comply with the agendas of the elite who rule  us.  

 The American people are so stupid, having demonstrated their  unlimited capability for utter and total stupidity by buying in to the  Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction,”  “Assad’s use of chemical weapons,” “Iranian nukes,” “Russian invasions,”  “Russiagate,” ad infinitum, that the Deep State and their media whores  take for granted that the dumbshit Americans will equally accept the  latest lie.

 America is already in the trash bin of history.  Most other countries will say, “good riddance.” 

- Trump Is History and So Is the USA 

Credit to the author…

Gordon Wysong is an engineer and entrepreneur who has served as a county commissioner in Cobb County, Ga.

Read more:

Some related links

SHTF Related Index

This is a collection of my posts related to prepping, SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan), CWII (American Civil War 2), Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory) and other posts related to the very sad and sorry tatters that America is today. Actually, I am a little stunned that I have written so much about these matters. But America today is very ill and there are things that really should be said.

Here are the posts.

SHTF and Related Index

The Tale of the Killdozer.
The use of technicals for genocide.
The Climax of the Fourth Turning in 2025.
2025 - the Fourth Turning Crisis - A nuclear response
Why are Americans so angry?
Evolution of the USA and China.
The grim future.
Is it clear enough for you?
r/K selection theory
Pictures of a gun-free utopia.
Historically, how preppers failed during periods of turmoil.
Universal Background Checks
What is planned for American Conservatives - Part 2
What is going to happen to conservatives - Part 3.
What is planned for conservatives - part 4
What is in store for Conservatives - part 5
What is in store for conservatives - part 6
Civil War
The Warning Signs
Line in the sand
A second passport
Make America Great Again.
What would the founders think?
The Ninth Amendment
How they get away with it
Taxiation without representation.
Parable about America
Democracy Lessons
A polarized world.
America's sunset.
Types of American conservatives.

Some prepper humor…

Nuke from orbit.

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.