This is a compilation of the many, many things that American Democrats (often radical totalitarian communists wearing the mantle of “progressive liberals”) want to ban. This is a running tabulated list that originated from an earlier post about busybodies. There, I argued that Social Justice Warriors (SJW) was just another name for a busybody.
This is a set aside list tabulated by request. It supersedes the extensive list on an earlier post about busybodies. Remember, boys and girls, all bans are a restriction on freedom. Go ahead and shake your head in disbelief. These people are friggin’ lunatics.

The List
- Ban Barbie dolls (For Pete’s sake, why?)
- Ban cheerleading and another article HERE
- Ban toothbrushes (Yes, it’s from the democrat
- Ban fishing on the ocean
- Ban feeding stray animals
- Ban hamburgers
- Ban smoking outside
- Ban smoking inside
- Ban frequent flier miles
- Ban drive-throughs in restaurants
- Ban natural gas use
- Ban sliced bread
- Ban animal fur in clothing
- Ban tailgate parties
- Ban Styrofoam cups
- Ban Cell Phone privacy
- Ban hamburgers (The word “ban” was not used, it’s voluntary…)
- Ban Valentine’s Day (It’s sexual harassment, don’t ya know.)
- Ban saying the Pledge of Allegiance
- Ban salt use in restaurants (New York City)
- Ban bacon (of course this is California)
- Ban horse drawn carriages
- Ban crackerjack at baseball games (it’s for the children)
- Ban brooms (the tool used to sweep the floor)…
- Ban rides that involve animals
- Ban knives
- Ban cashless stores (in Philly)
- Ban pizza boxes (it’s for the children…)
- Ban 3D printed guns
- Ban the Easter Bunny (from advertisements)
- Ban white males from talking
- ban flavored tobacco (includes pipe tobacco)
- Ban crackerjack
- Ban pet pigs
- Ban mousetraps
- Ban men from using public toilets
- Ban prayers
- Ban sassafras
- Ban toasters
- Ban George Orwell’s 1984
- Ban the word fetus
- Ban Grid Girls
- Ban the word Niggardy
- Ban beauty pageants from having a swimsuit competition
- Ban Olympic full-body swimsuits
- Ban the song White Christmas
- Ban forks
- Ban sporks
- Ban spoons (Really? Sarcasm?)
- Ban headlights on cars
- Ban foglights on cars
- Ban peanut & jelly sandwiches (It’s racist!)
- Ban LED lighting on cars (Here’s the guy that makes the demand.)
- Ban cameras (this is San Francisco of course)
- Ban Kava tea (been drinking in the South Pacific for centuries…)
- Ban toy toothpick crossbows
- Ban cocktail stirrers and swizzle-sticks
- Ban open fires (unless it is an approved campfire)
- Ban the National Anthem
- Ban reusable cups (actually a fee schedule prior to a ban)
- Ban Santa Claus
- Ban halogen lamps
- Ban touching, such as holding hands or pat’s on the back.
- Ban large trucks from parking outside designated areas
- Ban smoking by anyone under 100 years old.
- Ban certain sizes of Gasoline Cans (it’s for the children.)
- Ban socks (Another initiative.)
- Ban Islamophobic Lawmaker From the U.S.
- Ban paper that includes asbestos
- Ban the word “Bossy“
- Ban wind energy use
- Ban the use of the word “man”
- Ban mosquito control technology (Not USA, but it is by international treaty)
- Ban smoking (The article admits that taxing was only a prelude.)
- Ban High Heel shoes
- Ban toothpicks
- Ban people on food stamps from eating ice cream
- Ban peanuts at pro-sports games
- Ban Makeup (not the testing, the makeup because of the testing)
- Ban French Fries
- Ban paper receipts.
- Ban sitting or lying down
- Ban chocolate milk
- Ban posters that depict Linus’s meaning of Christmas (Peanuts)
- Ban Hair dye ingredients as a prelude to a full ban.
- Ban matches and match boxes (they can be used with muzzle-loaders)
- Ban sharp cutlery
- Ban uranium mining
- Ban on flavored vaping
- Ban Texting (Well, actually placing a tax on it to make it inconvenient.)
- Ban bra straps
- Ban Sexual Slang
- Ban on flavored cigars
- Ban pork chops (seriously!)
- Ban homeschooling
- Ban having “best friends“
- Ban hamburgers (It’s the radical veggie left again.)
- Ban traditional Christmas songs and music
- Ban passing out Valentine’s day cards or receiving them.
- Ban air fresheners
- Ban AR-15 ammo
- Ban pantyhose (coming here from the UK)
- Ban meat (it’s not “sustainable”)
- Ban saying Merry Christmas at work
- Ban scary appearing weapons
- Ban “expensive appearing” jackets (Anti-poverty shaming initiative.)
- Ban kit guns or “DIY gun assembly”
- Ban using the word “too”
- Ban single-use plastics
- Ban Low-Flow Toilets
- Ban Christianity in Texas
- Ban high-capacity toilets
- Ban Stretch Limos
- Ban shoelaces
- Ban tackle football
- Ban on “traditional” pan-handling
- Ban on “traditional” ammunition
- Ban hand-held telephones from automobiles
- Ban on absence labeling on milk
- Ban adults from going to amusement parks unless they have children in tow.
- Ban fur and fur coats
- Ban ice cream in the park (Children can fall down while licking ice cream.)
- Ban a play of The Christmas Story
- Ban bottled water
- Ban “To Kill a Mockingbird”
- Ban snakes
- Ban potato chip bags
- Ban the use of pronouns
- Ban the word “Bossy“
- Ban See-Saws
- Ban erasers
- Ban soda from school lunch meals
- Ban NSFW Words
- Ban windmills
- Ban Army and Navy Recruitment
- Ban swings on playgrounds
- Ban use of the term “Husband and Wife” from US Code
- Ban gay conversion therapy
- Ban all cars that use gasoline or diesel fuel
- Ban mining
- Ban coffee unless it has a cancer warning
- Ban a cross on top of a Christmas Tree
- Ban the box on job applications
- Ban “ideological food”
- Ban betting at dog races
- Ban cell phone use within a vehicle
- Ban offshore and gas drilling
- Ban slides on playgrounds
- Ban the use of plastic straws in churches and daycares
- Ban Balloons.
- Ban nativity scenes
- Ban plastic water bottles. Glass is ok, I guess.
- Ban vaping in enclosed spaces
- Ban riding in a car, unless you have ID on you
- Ban the term “fake news“
- Ban private ownership of Night Vision Glasses
- Ban Christmas Music (It has a negative effect on your brain.)
- Ban Christmas Trees
- Ban gun shows
- Ban facial products with microbeads
- Ban bracelets
- Ban on the plastic rings that hold six-packs of beer together.
- Ban bottled water
- Ban on natural hair
- Ban seating scripts
- Ban painting your house in a non-approved color
- Ban the sale of box cutters to minors
- Ban cars from turning (How is this even possible?)
- Ban sale of machetes to minors
- Ban meal delivery services
- Ban Prostitutes from advertising online
- Ban Menthol cigarettes
- Ban Feirheint 451
- Ban teenagers from wearing MAGA hats
- Ban George Orwell’s Animal Farm
- Ban e-cigarettes
- Ban on milk labeling
- Ban energy drinks
- Ban steel jaw-traps
- Ban Forum members who mention sex
- Ban the NPC meme
- Ban plastic stirring sticks for coffee
- Ban kitty key chains
- Ban MAGA hats
- Ban carrying guns outside your home
- Ban Eastern Gulf Oil Drilling
- Ban coffee unless the cup has cancer warnings
- Ban plastic flatware
- Ban guns completely made out of plastic
- Ban Mahjong games
- Ban paper menus (commonly used by Chinese takeout)
- Ban makeup
- Ban specific breeds of dogs
- Ban crayons
- Ban wood-burning stoves
- Ban collecting rainwater
- Ban Styrofoam takeout containers
- Ban the American Flag
- Ban fantasy football
- Ban peanut butter (Some children are allergic, so it must be banned for everyone!) And HERE is an example of a SJW busybody trying to tell other people how to parent their children.
- Ban Christmas at the VA (Ah… but non-Christian practices are just fine.)
- Ban smoking in parks
- Ban sand at playgrounds
- Ban the term “Senior Movement“
- Ban the Bible
- Ban paper receipts
- Ban paper coasters
- Ban hotdogs
- Ban used cars that do not have the latest safety features
- Ban cow farts (seriously!)
- Ban smoking everywhere
- Ban backsliding
- Ban watering your lawn
- Ban Kratom
- Ban traditional women’s undergarments
- Ban chocolate milk
- Ban switchblades
- Ban landscape lights at night
- Ban marijuana (Yuppur, it was a democrat who started the entire ‘war on drugs”.)
- Ban Fracking
- Ban using the word “Alien”
- Ban weed-killers
- Ban the term “Culture Fit“
- Ban free water
- Ban string bikinis
- Ban High Heels
- Ban salt-based water softeners
- Ban Alex Jones
- Ban waterbeds
- Ban simple table salt
- Ban wood-burning stoves
- Ban cafeterias
- Ban processed meats (baloney, etc.)
- Ban high heels
- Ban things shown in Walt Disney Movies
- Ban coal rolling
- Ban self driving cars
- Ban makeup that was tested on animals
- Ban candy cigarettes
- Ban photos
- Ban the word “illegal” (And replace it with what?)
- Ban nunchucks
- Ban hamburgers (in Pittsburgh of all places!)
- Ban homeschooling
- Ban teenagers from having phones if they have a drivers license
- Ban early start times at school
- Ban the word “thug” (it’s racist, don’t ya know…)
- Ban drug testing for welfare
- Ban certain chemicals used in pizza boxes
- Ban pizza (From a parody website. So don’t take this entry seriously.) But, the Obama administration is trying to regulate it into oblivion.
- Ban carrying booze outside
- Ban American holidays that were birthdays
- Ban all pork products from the subway restaurant chain
- Ban Easter Candy (It’s because of Global Warming, don’t ya know.)
- Ban air rifle clubs (like air-soft) in schools (ah, it “promotes” gun “culture”.)
- Ban 50 caliber revolvers
- Ban vegetable gardens
- Ban smoking on playgrounds
- Ban blogging
- Ban “upskirting”
- Ban American flags from fire engines
- Ban your passport if the IRS says you owe money
- Ban candles
- Ban outdoor broilers
- Ban Happy Meal toys (It’s “for the children”…)
- Ban motorized scooters for rent
- Ban tee- totterers on playgrounds
- Ban on menthol cigarettes
- ban water-gun fights
- Ban on parents to teach their children the Bible
- Ban darts
- Ban duck-boat tours
- Ban baseball bats
- Ban dish-washing detergent
- Ban monkey bars on playgrounds
- Ban playing Duck, Duck, Goose on Playgrounds
- Ban youth football
- Ban pizza at college cafeterias
- Ban makeup
- Ban duck hunting
- Ban playing “Tag” on playgrounds
- Ban on the appearance of “Tide Pods” (They look too good to hungry people!)
- Ban on the purchase of guns by military reservists
- Ban archery clubs in schools
- Ban incandescent light bulbs
- Ban leaf blowers
- Ban playing ‘Tag” on playgrounds
- Ban high-capacity toilets
- Ban plastic bags
- Ban playing the game “Red Rover” on playgrounds
- Ban plastic bags AND force fees on paper bags
- Ban motorized duck decoys
- Ban bra holsters
- Ban peanuts
- Ban baggy pants
- Ban on political lawn signs
- Ban on neckties (I have no problem with that, but why is the government involved?)
- Ban free speech zones
- Ban anyone from playing Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Ban private jet flights if you work in the government
- Ban any commercial that uses the word “God” in any way
- Ban shoelaces and guns (you can’t have both at the same time)
- Ban all guns of any kind or type (Yawn, as if we didn’t know this already.)
- Ban makeup
- Ban beef from Brazil.
- Ban the game of dodgeball.
- Ban Holidays named after a birthday
- Ban pull-top rings on soda and beer cans
- Ban felt soles
- Ban cheese
- Ban eating on the subway
- Ban the toy “Slip n’ slide“.
- Ban dual-agency
- Require cancer warnings on Coffee
- Ban the word “dinosaur” from standardized tests
- Ban VCRs (Why stop there, why not BetaMAX as well?)
- Ban all software that originates out of Russia
- Ban stolen guns (How?)
- Ban bras
- Ban schools to ban musical chairs .
- ban Superhero games.
- Ban carnivals
- Ban playground games that involve “imaginary weapons”.
- Ban “devices“
- Ban balloons in parks.
- Ban teaching of catechism by Catholics in the State
- Ban gun and DIY videos on You-Tube
- Ban plastic shopping bags
- Ban the word illegal (it’s racist…?)
- Ban the display of pigs, sausages and bacon from children’s books (Yes, seriously!)
- Ban large caliber (and bore) guns (Um, which part of “cannot be infringed” isn’t clear?)
- Ban “Happy Meal Toys”
- Ban consumer loans
- Ban toy guns
- Ban old shotguns
- Ban gun modifications that improve ROF
- Ban the President from making policy decisions in the military.
- Ban gay marriage (Surprise!)
- Ban Portable Toilets
- Ban the word “welfare”
- Ban plastic bags at grocery stores
- Ban “paid prioritization” on the Internet
- Ban bullets that are fired in the AR-15 (It used to be AK-47, now it is AR-15. Sigh.)
- Ban on STOPPING efforts for states to collect taxes on Internet transactions (Pro-taxation legislation.)
- Ban collapsible batons
- Ban McDonald’s Happy Meal
- Ban depictions of pigs in children’s books (It would offend Muslims. Yes. Seriously.)
- Ban powdered medical gloves and here
- Ban water guns (Man, It’s a good thing that they don’t live in Thailand.)
- Ban laundry detergent that looks delicious
- Ban outsourcing or at the very least tax it into oblivion
- Ban certain ways of talking (Political Correct monitoring of the Internet.)
- Ban horse drawn carriages
- Ban water pistols
- Ban horse racing
- Ban turtles (well, because…)
- Ban on loaded guns or rifles on public roads
- Ban on words (Yes… words.)
- Ban turtle eggs
- Ban dog racing
- Ban race cars that were built from commercial cars
- Ban sunscreen (you see it is destroying coral…)
- Ban software (Not all software, just selected types.)
- Ban on gas stations
- Ban paid prioritization on ISPs
- Ban on cryptocurrency
- Ban chlorine bleach
- Ban fake guns
- Ban non-profit organizations (Because they are likely religious…)
- Ban peanuts on airplanes and who started it (Soros)
- Ban swings
- Ban garbage disposals
- Ban all kinds of sunscreen products (in Hawaii?)
- Ban birthday cake candles
- Ban college football
- Ban shipments of coal
- Ban certain types of books
- Ban all children’s books
- Ban candy canes
- Ban sunny-side-up-eggs
- Ban toilets at the beach
- Ban the word Vagina
- Ban on parents at playgrounds
- Ban single adults near playgrounds
- Ban hotdogs in public schools (All processed meat is bad, don’t ya know…)
- Ban hotdogs in children’s hospitals (Hum. It seems like there is a trend here…)
- Ban hotdogs and all meat from public schools (Oh no. It’s the vegetarian arm of the DNC!)
- Ban the betel nut (No shit! Have you ever tried it? Good golly, it was banned because they couldn’t find advantages in it. Not because it was dangerous!)
- Ban the sales of pets
- Ban selling kittens and puppies
- Ban oil drilling off-shore
- Ban online banking for Infowars
- Ban goldfish
- Ban candy canes because the shape “J” represents “Jesus”.
- Ban Christmas from being mentioned in school
- Ban pitbulls
- Ban agricultural chemicals
- Ban common hunting rifles
- Ban ice picks
- Ban balloons
- Ban on novelty lighters
- Ban valentine’s day candy hearts with sayings
- Ban eating cats and dogs
- Ban bulk caffeine products
- Ban on plastic grocery bags
- Ban on ED medication
- Ban anyone from using a website that triggers a SWJ
- Ban on herbal Viagra
- Ban infowars
- Ban the Drudge Report (news compiler)
- Ban Christmas items from schools
- Ban water fountains (So you need to buy bottled water. Luckily this was rescinded.)
- Ban penis pistols (are they a thing?)
- Ban bottled water (So you have to buy sugary drinks.)
- Ban sugary drinks (Or, not.)
- Ban homeopathy and herbal medicine
- Ban bitcoins and all cryptocurrency
- Ban “Proud Boys”
- Ban police from having sex with people they pull over for traffic violations
- Ban all kinds of prayer except for Muslim prayer
- Ban private lawns
- Ban on retirees owning guns
- Ban glitter
- Ban birthday cake candles and regulate cupcakes
- Ban dark Maple Syrup
- Ban Kinder eggs
- Ban pencils and a parody on the reasons why
- Ban the plastic bags used to collect dog poop
- Ban gun clubs in schools
- Ban asbestos use
- Ban the “traditional” way to make potato chips
- Ban ping-pong balls
- Ban on all food from China
- Ban fishing
- Ban sandwiches
- Ban lunch shaming
- Ban perfume in the workplace (and HERE)
- Ban corporate donations
- Ban gun magazines
- Ban horse-drawn carriages
- Ban marijuana (That was a surprise! Now that it is legal…WTF?)
- Ban on porn didn’t work, so they want mandatory registration & fees to view it.
- Place tougher restrictions (if cannot ban) on concealed carry of firearms
- Ban Silly String on Halloween
- Ban lipstick on airplanes (it’s not Islamic)
- Ban switchblades
- Ban backpacks
- Ban Belts
- Ban singing the national anthem.
- Ban Red, White, and Blue crayons (They are confederate colors!)
- Ban cork guns (Remember those toy guns with a cork on a string at the end of the barrel?)
- Ban first person shooter video games
- Ban on tackle football
- Ban in-class sweets
- Ban cartoons (because they are racist)
- Ban junk food
- Ban Civil War Reenactments
- Ban goldfish
- Ban the sale of rabbits
- Ban air guns (such as Airsoft)
- Ban pet meat consumption
- Ban on smoking everywhere
- Ban Disney Movies from getting Awards
- Ban glue traps
- Ban flirting
- Ban peanuts from schools
- Ban on all pork products in Federal Prisons
- Ban descriptive Identity Statements
- Ban potato chips unless they have labeled warnings on the bags
- Ban glue guns from sale at craft stores (They look like weapons!)
- Ban the term “Pizzagate”
- Ban .50 bullets
- Ban fried foods in daycare
- Ban the purchase of lottery tickets by those on welfare
- Ban tattoos on pets
- Ban listening on police scanners
- Ban flavored tobacco
- Ban Pork Chops
- Ban plastic toy guns
- Ban Christians from public office (Ok, this is a Bernie Sanders ban, and he is a “progressive Independent”, not a “Democrat”. That what is in a name? After all, he did run as a Democrat primary candidate.)
- Ban the Sale of Spells (Witchcraft Magic should be free, don’t ya know.)
- Ban wearing masks in public
- Ban gun sales to those with misdemeanor offense history (Parking tickets?)
- Ban loud music
- Ban on preventing new Toll Booths and Toll Roads (More taxes, you know.)
- Ban frosted flakes
- Ban dogs off-leash
- Ban on throwing away leftovers
- Ban e-cigs (Yeah, they should smoke real cigars, don’t ya know.)
- Ban selling iPhones in New York
- Ban all sources of outside income from lawmakers
- Ban milkshakes (You know, to be healthy…)
- Ban microwave popcorn
- Ban on using E-cigarettes to smoke pot
- Ban US employers from asking about a job candidate’s salary history
- Ban drinking coffee when in a car
- Ban machete ownership
- Ban self-serving gas pumps
- Ban video games
- Ban ETS water heaters (yes. Those pesky darn Democrats actually got this banned through regulation.)
- Ban sales of ammo online
- Ban minors use of a tanning bed
- Ban lawnmowers
- Ban unsupervised cartwheels on the playground (this is in Australia, but I just had to include it here.)
- Ban fish farming and Here as well.
- Ban wearing Star Wars T-shirts
- Ban on following the Constitution
- Ban Internet sales of ammo
- Ban on Taxpayer-Funded Gun Research
- Ban using derogatory terms such as mascots
- Ban ammunition used in hunting
- Ban summer vacations
- Ban vasectomies
- Ban pastors from ministering to homosexuals
- Ban sales of Bibles
- Ban all Fast Food
- Ban asbestos
- Ban cross-hair symbols
- Ban drinking soda in public places
- Ban Nerf Guns
- Ban bump stocks
- Ban Redskins Clothing
- Ban any gun that looks like an “Assault Gun”
- Ban the words “husband” and “wife”
- Ban “bulk caffeine” products
- Ban bulletproof Plexiglas (It’s racist, don’t ya know.)
- Ban breeding captive killer whales in California.
- Ban popcorn sales at movie screenings (California)
- Ban semi-auto rifles
- Ban popcorn (In NYC, if you are going to ban soda, why not…)
- Ban the placement of the Confederate Flag on the graves of Confederate soldiers
- Ban of guns in churches
- Ban on exporting US oil
- Ban the use of crumb rubber on playground decking
- Ban felt sole waders and boots worn by anglers
- Ban on any video game that has violence
- Ban use of drones to assist in hunting or fishing
- Ban on E-cigarettes (It’s a “gateway drug”, don’t ya know.)
- Ban the college fencing team from practicing with their “weapons”
- Ban on glitter and glitter related products
- Ban on “Hate Speech” (Only have approved speech.)
- Ban on Free Speech (Or, not.)
- Ban Ice-cream vans
- Ban the word “welfare” (It’s demeaning and racist.)
- Ban on powdered caffeine (Is it a thing?)
- Ban eating ice-cream in city parks
- Ban running in the playground
- Ban easy to remember passwords
- Ban “right to work” laws
- Ban “dangerous” playground games (Like “Hide and Seek”. Dangerous.)
- Ban rent increases
- Ban “violent” first person shooter video games
- Ban vacation rentals in certain areas
- Ban home owners from renting their property out
- Ban toy weapons such as guns, knives and swords
- Ban income-based rent
- Ban on any ban on internet toll collecting activities (They want to be able to collect tolls.)
- Ban smoking in your car under all conditions
- Ban restaurant owner from working in his own kitchen
- Ban parents from teaching their children on how to use a firearm
- Ban flavored cigars (is it really a thing?)
- Ban on antiques that have elephant ivory in it
- Ban smoking in a car if there is a minor present
- Ban on smoking at beaches
- Ban on flights to North Carolina
- Ban facial scrubs
- Ban cigarette advertisements on the TV and radio
- Ban sales of “Black Rifle Coffee” in Massachusetts (It’s the name that is offensive.)
- Ban arrests of deadbeat tenants
- Ban wearing saggy pants and in this state as well
- Ban body armor
- Ban milk (not an exactly a call-out, its certainly a prep for a ban)
- Ban exposing underwear in public
- Ban Christmas (From a Catholic priest of all people.)
- Ban oil drilling in the gulf of Mexico (So Americans can import more oil from Saudi Arabia.)
- Limit men masturbating unless they are doing it in a sanctioned session at a hospital or clinic.
- Ban Handgun Advertisements
- Ban books on treating unwanted gay attraction
- Ban on bacon in Federal Prisons
- Ban universities from accepting money from beer companies
- Ban plastic silverware
- Ban harvesting horses for meat
- Ban poultry shows
- Ban wearing costumes in public
- Ban descriptive identity statements
- Ban feeding pigeons
- Ban Nerf guns (Someone can get hurt, or even worse; triggered.)
- Ban pistols
- Ban pencils from school
- Ban Alex Jones because he hurts people’s feelings
- Ban on flavored cigarettes (It’s racist, don’t ya know…)
- Ban cigarette vending machines and here and here
- Ban fried- food in the US Navy and here also
- Ban fried food in daycare
- Ban “open carry” in grocery stores
- Ban french fries in the White House
- Ban on feeding wildlife
- Ban open-carry in Starbucks (Democrats have been lobbying for this.)
- Ban BB Guns
- Ban “frosted flakes” cereal in daycare
- Ban steel-head fishing
- Ban selling e-cigarettes from vending machines
- Ban raffles
- Ban selling iPhones in New York
- Ban cheese on cheeseburgers (Lawyer is a Democrat. Figures.)
- Ban bingo
- Ban on self-serve gas stations
- Ban the second amendment right if you don’t bake a cake
- Ban pastors from ministering to homosexuals
- Ban hunting ammo
- Ban fast food
- Ban organized bird shoots
- Ban hunting with dogs
- Ban on threaded barrels in firearms
- Ban suntanning for anyone under the age of 18
- Ban Halloween
- Ban food sharing
- Ban on feeding the homeless
- Ban “open carry” in restaurants
- Ban on semi-automatic firearms (what part does “shall not be infringed” is so unclear?)
- Ban on cutting down live trees for Christmas trees
- Ban salmon fishing
- Ban the showing of the American flag at the DNC
- Ban “Proud to be an American” stickers
- Ban on potato guns
- Ban lapel pins that show the American flag (It’s not just the media, but the President as well.)
- Ban on using certain types of software
- Ban lead in ammo
- Ban on internet cafés
- Ban cultivation of pot (once it was made legal in the state)
- Ban wearing any tee-shirt in school that has a depiction of a gun or firearm
- Ban chocolate and strawberry flavored milk in schools in LA, and in NJ.
- Ban the first amendment on the Internet.
- Ban eel fishing
- Ban Junk food from food stamp program
- Ban on Redskins clothing
- Ban on feed and lures for game animals
- Ban on using “white potatoes” in welfare programs (It’s racist, don’t ya know…)
- Ban selling goods that come from countries that use slave or child labor
- Ban bicycle repair in parks
- Ban Valentine’s Candy
- Ban flowers and balloons from VA Hospitals
- Ban all firearms that use plastic in any part of it
- Ban mythical weapons
- Ban riding bicycles on Iowa roads that are used to move food from farm to distribution points (Organized by the Citizens for Safety Coalition of Iowa (CFSC)… sounds like a George Soros organization. Eh?)
- Ban men masturbating (as an act against an unborn child)
- Ban Bibles
- Ban greyhound racing
- Ban texting while driving
- Ban on following Congressional rules
- Ban peanuts and nut products
- Ban things that hang from vehicle rear bumpers that look like men’s genitalia.
- Ban serving peanuts on commercial airlines
- Ban Books, Speech That Violate LGBT Priorities
- Ban breast implants, silicon, textured, everything about them.
- Ban soda
- Ban on potatoes at school cafeterias
- Ban water fountains
- Ban all ammo used in weapons
- Ban on Christmas
- Ban .50 caliber revolvers
- Ban stolen guns
- Ban gillnet fishing
- Ban flamethrowers
- Ban texting while riding a bicycle
- Ban Auto Tents
- Ban Easter Bunnies
- Ban booze during Spring Break
- Ban pizza rolls
- Ban the Confederate flag from flying anywhere
- Ban ICE from operating within city limits
- Ban certain types of plant seeds
- Ban Foie Gras being served in restaurants
- Ban texting and walking at the same time (Maybe like banning chewing gum while walking…eh?)
- Ban felt-soled wader
- Ban sales of guns to Americans (The Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment be damned!)
- Ban saying “Merry Christmas” at VA centers
- Ban fireplaces
- Ban public expression of Biblical morality
- Ban ammo that is “popular“
- Ban Christmas trees at VA centers
- Ban using goose down in clothing
- Ban the State of the Union Address
- Ban use of EBT money at strip clubs
- Ban duck hunting
- Ban long fingernails
- Ban Asking Questions on Job Interviews
- Ban duck decoys
- Ban “sunny side up” eggs
- Ban ornaments on Christmas trees
- Ban on hunting on Sunday
- Ban grades that indicate that a student is failing class
- Ban large sodas
- Ban trapping and hunting in state parks
- Ban guns on roads (you can only have them on your property)
- Ban easy to open pill bottles
- Ban chocolate milk in schools
- Ban fellow Democrats from wearing label pins
- Ban funding for security at public schools
- Ban Police and armed guards from schools
- Ban saying “I am not racist” as a microaggression
- Ban fidget toys (it’s a distraction)
- Ban tattoos on pets
- Ban pig castration
- Ban motorcycles
- Ban all news that is not liberal or progressive
- Ban on dangerous knives in Florida
- Ban on butcher knives in New York
- Ban early football kickoffs
- Ban on suspending students for bad behavior
- Ban on MDMA (Yup. It was a democrat who changed the scheduling for it.)
- Ban growing pot outdoors
- Ban lead weights for fishing tackle
- Ban Peanut, Butter and Jelly sandwich (It’s racist, don’t ya know…) HERE.
- Ban on lightbulbs (just they refuse to use the word “ban”)
- Ban on free speech on the Internet
- Ban pet goldfish
- Ban on novelty lighters
- Ban nutritional supplements
- Ban skirts
- Ban smokeless tobacco
- Ban pig cages
- Ban muzzle-loaders
- Ban rapid ROF gun accessories
- Ban children’s meals that serve drinks other than milk or water
- Ban home gardens
- Ban smoking in the park
- Ban Berger Cookies
- Ban the Drudge Report
- Ban Trick or Treating over 12 years of age
- Ban tobacco in hospitals
- Ban yogurt (Part of the Obama “healthy military” program…)
- Ban “Happy Meal” toys
- Ban Therapy
- Ban assault weapons
- Ban slingshots
- Ban spitballs
- Ban snowballs
- Ban importing snakes
- Ban mobile throttling
- Ban cigarette filter butts
- Ban right turns on a red light
- Ban Kinder Surprise
- Ban genetically modified salmon
- Ban plastic straws
- Ban chocolate milk in schools
- Ban tobacco coupons
- Ban the Pledge of Allegiance (The atheist arm of the DNC.)
- Ban the words “In God we Trust” on money (More DNC atheists.)
- Ban tobacco sales to anyone in the military
- Ban internet cigar sales
- Ban vitamins taken intravenously
- Ban slingshots
- Ban on ammo clips
- Ban corporate donations
- Ban Lawn Mowers
- Ban on snails
- Ban beards
- Ban gummy bears
- Ban Leaf Blowers
- Ban UV filters
- Ban golf
- Ban tackle football
- Ban Christmas Cookies
- Ban umbrellas
- Ban flavored e-liquids
- Ban water
- Ban pigs
- ban indoor tanning
- Ban Berger cookies (especially the chocolate chips ones)
- Ban milkshakes
- Ban potato chips
- Ban pretzel sticks (it’s for the children…)
- Ban magnets
- Ban perfume
- Ban lipstick
- Ban clackers
- Ban deodorant
- Ban straight razors
- Ban safety razors
- Ban all cookies, candies, and food items using marijuana as an ingredient.
- Ban Santa or Christmas clip-art on school worksheets.
- Ban Christmas trees in the classroom.
- Ban Christmas music — both sung and played.
- Ban candy canes.
- Ban traditional Christmas colors.
- Ban Christmas movies.
- Ban Elf-on-the-Shelf toys
- Ban reindeer.
- Ban all types of Christmas ornaments.
- Ban paperclips
- Ban paper airplanes ( FAA ban here)
- Ban cameras in checked bags
- Ban marshmallows
- Ban cow bells
- Ban umbrellas
- Ban beach-balls
- Ban strollers
- Ban laser pointers
- Ban purses
- Ban Bear wrestling
- Ban carrying a Bow and Arrow
- Ban registering under a fake name at a hotel
- Ban honking a horn in front of a sandwich shop
- Ban wearing a disguise
- Ban snowball fights
- Ban eating in a car
- Ban wearing an Obama Mask (Not Obama!)
- Ban trick or treat on Sunday
- Ban internet cafes
- Ban sex toys
- Ban texting while walking
- Ban saggy pants
- Ban shooting fish in a barrel
- Ban “streaking” (Running Naked)
- Ban peeing in public
- Ban selling Easter bunnies
- Ban vampires
- Ban roller-skating on public sidewalks
- Ban profanity on the playground
- Ban a Christmas tree larger than your car
- Ban wearing a hat in a theater
- Ban teaching about polygamy
- Ban hitching a ride on a moving vehicle
- Ban giving away rats as gifts
- Ban lying down on a sidewalk
- Ban collecting seaweed
- Ban voting by idiots
- Ban drinking before brunch
- Ban crimes against nature
- Ban having sex with birds
- Ban arresting people on Sunday
- Ban horse tripping
- Ban peeing in a bottle
- Ban cell-phones in a courtroom
- Ban biting off someone’s finger
- Ban working on Sunday
- Ban generating static
- Ban sharing your Netflix password
- Ban immigrants from drinking at all
- Ban selling apple pie without ice cream
- Ban trick or treating if older than 12
- Ban walking in public if you have a cold
- Ban dueling if you are running for office
- Ban spitting on the sidewalk
- Ban entering a mine when drunk
- Ban all Air travel
- Ban all nuclear plants
- Ban laptops in checked baggage
- Ban all fossil fuels
- Ban all buildings older than ten years
- Ban affordable energy
- Ban trucks
- Ban planes
- Ban cars
- Ban motorized scooters
- Ban chainsaws
- Ban lawnmowers
- Ban beef
- Ban coal
- Ban all guns
- Ban camping
- Ban smoking in public places
- ban smoking on sidewalks
- Ban killer robots (it’s an issue?)
- Ban cars from using streetcar tracks
- Ban plastic (oh, so… “carefully”)
- Ban kratom
- Ban changing rooms in Woman’s clothing stores.
- Ban Gameday
- Ban Mexican-American studies
- Ban gun raffles
- Ban Factory Farms
- Ban wearing a Pro Trump Tee-shirt
- Ban travel to Alabama
- Ban auto-clickers
- Ban on any new designs of handguns or pistols
- Ban saying “Learn to code”
- Ban on toy guns
- Ban violent Video Games
- Ban plastic bags in CT.
- Ban on gun pictures posted on social media
- Ban on men “releasing sperm from their testicles” unless police are notified.
- Ban on men getting a prescription for ED medication unless their partner is notified.
- Ban Viagra sales to men.
- Ban drilling for oil.
- Ban Rogaine when used by men.
- Ban non-circumcised men.
- Ban massage parlors.
- Ban woman’s bathrooms
- Ban Chick-fil-A
- Ban white people
- Ban Right-to-Work
- Ban all private medicine
- Ban filing taxes using free software (Thanks TurboTax)
- Ban on lights in skyscrapers at night (To save the birds)
- Ban travel to North Carolina
- Ban concealed carry permits
- Ban a statue of Thomas Jefferson
- Ban credit-only stores
- Ban all woman’s sports
- Ban hammers (Yes, that tool you use to bang nails with.)
- Ban single-family households
- Ban vanity surgeries for pets (Well, I like this. Personally.)
- Ban cryptocurrencies (and who bribed the democrat for this).
- Ban God (at least as far as oaths are concerned)
- Ban specific breeds of dogs (link to the 500+ laws)
- Ban the largest non-corporate news aggregator.
- Ban on white people posting on Reddit
- Ban hotel-sized bottles of shampoo
- Ban on gay conversion therapy
- Ban divorced people from owning guns
- Ban dogs (the angle this time is “white dominance”)
- Ban hotdogs, spam, luncheon meat (It’s global warming)
- Ban facial recognition
- Ban tattoos
- Ban ice cream parlors
- Ban dolls that look like babies
- Ban kissing and holding hands in public
- Ban gender-specific pronouns in prayer
- Ban couples showing affection towards each other
- Ban red ink (it’s “too mean”.)
- Ban Deepflake Revenge Porn
- Ban safety pins
- Ban dancing
- Ban gene editing (Man shall not act like a God.)
- Ban hammers
- Ban ink cartridges
- Ban silencers
- Ban advertising, and also HERE
- Ban Pantyhose
- Ban Jell-O wrestling (I didn’t even know it was a thing.)
- Ban candy cigarettes (It’s “gateway candy” don’t ya know.)
- Ban on people who gave donations to the Salvation Army
- Ban repairing your own car
- Ban pesticides
- Ban installing propane (natural gas) appliances
- Ban the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
- Ban gender pronouns on public objects
- Ban a white figure in a crossing sign (Anti-“white” war)
- Ban chocolate milk
- Ban bagging groceries yourself
- Ban plain spare gasoline cans (read at the end)
- Ban bear wrestling matches
- Ban on harvesting seaweed at night
- Ban carrying a bow and arrow
- Ban the hunting of camels
- Ban honking your horn in front of a sandwich shop
- Ban wearing a mask on Halloween
- Ban throwing missiles at cars
- Ban kissing your wife on Sunday
- Ban on fishing from the back of any animal
- Ban trick or treat on Sunday
- Ban internet cafes (It’s for the children.)
- Ban sex toys
- Ban on pedestrians looking at mobile phones or texting
- Ban on being in the same house as someone who is toking
- Ban on eating in a building while its on fire
- Ban on saggy pants
- Ban on shooting fish in a barrel
- Ban on buying drinks for more than three people
- Ban on slurping soup
- Ban on eating watermelon in a park
- Ban on flashing (showing yourself nude)
- Ban on toy guns that use caps (cap-guns) (It’s a gateway gun!)
- Ban selling baby bunnies whose fur has been dyed
- Ban being a vampire
- Ban on panhandling without a permit
- Ban ice cream trucks
- Ban roller-skating on public sidewalks
- Ban selling lemonade without police supervision
- Ban on hitting a vending machine
- Ban on profanity on the playground
- Ban on selling food from an open kiosk
- Ban on having a Christmas tree bigger than your car
- Ban on public urination
- Ban on throwing litter out of an aircraft
- Ban on wearing a hat in a movie theater
- Ban on teaching polygamy
- Ban on home delivery without consent
- Ban on hitch-hiking
- Ban on giving rats as gifts
- Ban on getting married if you have an STD
- Ban on lying down on the sidewalk
- Ban on tomatoes in clam chowder
- Ban on firing a missile in a bus terminal
- Ban on collecting seaweed
- Ban on clotheslines
- Ban on texting while walking
- Ban on watching specific movies
- Ban using a fake name on the internet
- Ban on having a skunk as a pet
- Ban stink bombs
- Ban bathing in public water fountains
- Ban on home videos that have copy written music in it
- Ban on stealing WiFi
- Ban on non-reporting ebay sales
- Ban on just having a few drinks at a big party
- Ban on spitting on sidewalks
- Ban on using drones to hunt birds
- Ban on eating horse meat
- Ban on spitting on streets
- Ban on Beluga caviar
- Ban on spitting on grass
- Ban on sitting on the sidewalk
- Ban on butter that is not “highly pleasing”
- Ban on poaching bigfoot
- Ban on Jay-walking
- Ban on buying things from a drunk person
- Ban on voting if you are an idiot
- Ban on feeding oyster shells to chickens
- Ban on selling Limburger cheese on Sunday
- Ban on drinking before brunch
- Ban on crimes against nature
- Ban on sex with a bird
- Ban on selling handmade crafts online
- Ban on arresting people on Sundays
- Ban on horse-tripping
- Ban on peeing in a bottle
- Ban on cell phones in a courtroom
- Ban on biting off a part of someone’s body
- Ban on working on Sunday
- Ban on owning more than three turkeys at a time
- Ban on catching fish with a lasso
- Ban selling cold beer in a store
- Ban on generating static
- Ban on sharing your Netflix password
- Ban on eating apple pie without ice cream
- Ban on trick or treating if you are older than 12 years old
- Ban on walking if you have a cold
- Ban on dueling if you are going to run for office
- Ban on mining underground if you are drunk
- Ban on having a picnic on a highway
- Ban on getting drunk if you are in a bar
- Ban on pronouncing the name “Arkansas” incorrectly
- Ban on asking a co-worker about their surgery
- Ban on letting pigs roam freely
- Ban on owning nuclear weapons
- Ban on throwing pickle juice while riding in a trolley
- Ban on catapults
- Ban on non-bouncing pickles
- Ban on selling alcohol during an emergency
- Ban on selling your children
- Ban on eating fried chicken with utensils
- Ban on walking around with an ice cream cone in your back pocket
- Ban on giving alcohol to a moose
- Ban on killing frogs that have participated in a race
- Ban on sleeping inside a cheese factory
- Ban on billboards
- Ban on eating another person
- Ban on “fancy” bicycle riding
- Ban on black cats without bells
- Ban on carrying a lunchbox in public on the street
- Ban on fake butter
- Ban on throwing snowballs
- Ban on taking road kill home to eat
- Ban on feeding margarine to inmates
- Ban on stealing crawdads
- Ban on tombstone advertisements (is it a thing?)
- Ban on swearing while driving
- Ban on dancing to the Star Spangled Banner song
- Ban on Kinder chocolate products (For the children.)
- Ban on pig greasing
- Ban on laws limiting drink sizes
- Ban on “swinging upon another person’s vehicle”
- Ban on folf (Frisbee golf)
- Ban on using an x-ray to determine shoe size
- Ban on murdering someone while wearing a bulletproof vest
- Ban on Sassafrass oil
- Ban on drinking more than one cocktail at a time
- Ban on eating a donut while walking backwards
- Ban on stealing more than $1000 of grease
- Ban on fireworks after 11 pm
- Ban on eating hamburgers on Sunday
- Ban on a lack of toilet paper in coal mines
- Ban on physical endurance tests on the highway
- Ban on taking a bite out of another person’s hamburger
- Ban on felons playing bingo
- Ban on impersonating an auctioneer
- Ban on dancing on Sundays
- Ban on eating peanuts in church
- Ban on giving beer to elephants (but whiskey is fine?)
- Ban on bars selling beer unless there is soup on the stove
- Ban on eating peanuts while walking backwards
- Ban on fishing from an aircraft
- Ban on married people sleeping nude in a rented room
- Ban on unpasteurized milk
- Ban on obtaining shark parts
- Ban of the Ackee fruit
Hey, is it just me, but has anyone else noticed a trend here?

Busybodies always have a reason, a justification or a need to fulfill. When they are children, it is to show just who is better, stronger or more powerful. If they are smart, they become a “know-it-all”. If they aren’t, they become a bully. It is almost always associated with some emotional issue.
Today, as adults the motivations are not so clear and obvious. I personally think that it is more related to them coveting a new mansion or two, myself. Their excuses are pretty much predictable. “It’s for the children.”, or “It’s to put an end to racism.”, or it’s to “make the country safer”, or “it’s to end the divide between one group of the other”. Ugh! Nah. It’s all just bullshit excuses.
I am not the only one who noticed this.
“In fact, you probably did five illegal things before breakfast without having a clue about it, which you'll find out about the moment some liberal decides you have to be put in your place and looks for a way to do it. Liberals control what you eat, what clothes you wear, what TV you watch, what kind of car you drive, what size soda you can drink, and even what toilet or light bulb you can use in your house. Complain about it and you're accused of wanting to end restaurant inspections and safety standards that prevent cars from exploding.” -John Hawkins
Even my father, who was a life-long staunch Democrat, questioned the actions of these radical progressives. Now that he is dead and buried, I am sure that he will still be voting Democrat, even though, his heart is no longer in it.
The truth is plain as the nose on your face. They have no interests for anyone else except themselves. Someone gives them some money, and they use their power and influence to do their donor a favor (or two or three… for a price.) They come up with all kinds of reasons and excuses, but come on… please. It is obvious that they are just busybodies that have found a way to get rich being a stingy busybody. What a racket!

What they cannot ban, they try to tax. There are so many examples of this.

Some noteworthy examples…
- Tax on video games (1st person shooters)
- Tax on men and male sperm
- Tax on toilet paper
- Tax on rain
- Tax on empty buildings
- Tax on soda
- Tax on Potato Chips
- Tax on car batteries
- Tax on drinking water
- Tax on tires
- Tax on text messages
- Tax on having a head on your shoulders
- Tax on lawyers
- Tax on grocery bags
- Tax on pain pills
- Tax on using the Internet
- Tax on purchases from the Internet
- Tax on having workers in a company
Etc…etc…etc… And they keep getting more outrageous every single day… Check out this…
- Castrate all men, seize their sperm and tax them for being alive.
If they cannot squeeze in a tax, they call it a “fee”
- Illinois residents could be charged $1,000 a year to own an electric vehicle under new legislation
- Malloy [CT] budget sets huge increases for gun permit fees
- Arizona college imposes mandatory fee to fund scholarship for illegal immigrants
- Another rude Obamacare surprise awaits [Your TAX, uh, FINE, uh, TAX!]
- Connecticut Towns Collected Approx $1.5 Million From Unsuspecting Gun Permit Applicants
- Judge says $178 million Detroit bankruptcy fee tab ‘reasonable’
- California city approves 25-cent fee on disposable cups
- New York Wants to Force All Gun Owners to Buy a Million Dollar Liability Policy
This list supersedes the original list. All additional updates on Democrats banning things will be placed here on this simplified and direct list.
A story I've told many times: A few years ago at a neighborhood gathering, I overheard a neighbor listing all the things she would ban (long list), and she would also force businesses to pay fair wages, and she would force rich people to pay more taxes, and on and on. I moved up to the group and said, "Maybe people don't want that. There might be a lot of unintended consequences." She spun around and saw me. "You!" she said. "You're a Republican! You people just want to control everything!" I said, "I'm a Conservative. I just want to be left alone. You, on the other hand, seem to have a VERY long list of things you want to control." She hasn't spoken to me since. - ClearCase_guy
Take Aways
The Democrats in America really believe that they are better than everyone else. They want to force people to act and behave in the manners that they approve of. This is for selfish reasons ONLY. Oh, yes, they use excuses. Such as “for the children”, to “make America better and safer”, and for “Global Warming”. However, it’s all just excuses. They really do not care.
They just want to exercise POWER over others.
In lieu of that, they wish to personally profit from the changes that they implement. They are extraordinarily evil people. Don’t ya know.

The Democrats’ electoral strategy is very simple and straightforward:
- Identify an injustice or slight that has been perpetrated on a specific victim group
- Blame that injustice or slight on Republican policies
- Propose a free government handout program that will alleviate their hardship
- Show how the funding for that handout will come from raising taxes on white conservative “rich people” who don’t deserve their ill-gotten financial fortunes anyway.
- Ban things as necessary to consolidate power.
The moral of the story: the sole reason we now suffer these ever-more-outrageous encroachments on our rights, our liberty, and our very lives from such obnoxious idiots is that, for far too long, they’ve been allowed to get away with it unscathed—the most important and telling word in the above headline is, after all, “SURPRISED.” I just bet they were, and why wouldn’t they be? They’ve never had any of their own shit splashed back on them, by anybody. Not in many, many a year, they haven’t. Our indulgence has only unleashed their demonic insanity. Plus, being Leftists, they simply cannot stop themselves from using each unanswered infringement as a springboard for the next—an eternal escalation which is written into Progtard DNA the world over. They cannot and will not be content until every dissenting voice is silenced, every dissenting opinion suppressed, and every dissident cowed, controlled, crushed. Maybe not even then, in truth. All of which means that until we start seeing a lot more Lefty heads smashed with metal poles, strangled activists, and Leftists in high-speed car chases fleeing for their lives in leg-wetting terror, what we’re going to keep seeing instead is more and worse nonsense from them. None of us are happy about this sorry state of affairs, nor should we be. Being non-Leftists, all any of us Normals really want is to simply be left alone. But this is the corner they’ve forced us into just the same, and we’re never, ever going to be allowed out of it. That corner is going to get smaller and smaller, drawing in on us all with every successive Leftard win, until there’s no ground left for us to stand on at all. If we want out, we’re going to have to fight our way out. So be it, then. Those stout Spanish farmers, Argie cowboys, and Aussie BBQers have shown us the way. It’s a pretty safe bet that the next larcenous “protest” held by pushy vegan “activists” will be a lot sparser attendance-wise; I expect the female Limey contingent in particular will find themselves with something a lot more pressing to do on that date next go-round. The farmers’, cowboys’, and BBQ fans’ sterling example ought to be followed to the letter hereabouts, lest we soon find ourselves in a much worse fix than we already are—with a much longer, harder, and more desperate fight to get out of it on our hands. -Cold Fury
The Original Post
This post was spawned off an earlier post about busybodies. You can read that very long and lengthy post here…

"Did you really think we want those laws observed? We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against...
We're after power and we mean it...
There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals.
Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.
Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone?
But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt.
Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with."
Dr. Ferris from Atlas Shrugged
Democrats want to Ban (or Control) Everything
You know, how can I possibly write anything without offending someone? I really do not know if it is possible? Yet the truth is the truth.
- It was a Democrat who banned Large size soda in New York. (A Democrat before becoming an “Independent” in order to get elected Michael Bloomberg, and followed through by Democrat Bill de Blasio.)
- It was a Democrat that banned sunny-side-up eggs in NJ.
- It was a Democrat who made it so that everyone must wear seatbelts.
- It was a Democrat who made it so that everyone must file taxes in April. (The same date when sheep are fleeced for their wool.)
- It was a group of two Democrats that made sure that Americans must pay Income tax even if they live and work outside of the USA.
- Today it is a Democrat that wants to ban motorcycles (of all things).
What is their friggin’ problem?
Well, there is [1] a part of me that wants to believe that they are well intentioned, but think that everyone else is stupid. That belief is one where they believe that they are better, smarter, and greater than everyone else. (Sound like an SJW? Hum?)
Then, [2] there is a part of me that believes the truth; that there is a money angle involved. Some business, or foreign nation, comes to the representative and pitches a new law or two. In exchange for the promotion of that law, the represent can get a huge sum of money. This sum of money might be public (like a campaign slush fund) or private (as in a brown bag full of cash). As time move on, I am more and more convinced that the reasoning is the latter.
Hey, I grew up in Pennsylvania, and the potholes in the roads are STILL not fixed. You think that it is a minor oversight? Why do you suppose that is the case? Do you think that graft doesn’t exist?
"I believe a self-righteous liberal with a cause is more dangerous than a Hell's Angel with an attitude. " -Ted Nugent
China and America Comparisons
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
Articles & Links
- You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
- You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
- You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
- You can find out more about the author HERE.
- If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
- If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.
Your ban on flights to South Carolina links to a story about NORTH Carolina, not South.
Thank you for this. I corrected the wording to reflect North, and not South Carolina. I am sure that there are other mistakes. Thank you for keeping me honest. Best Regards.
Don’t be silly. It’s not endless.
Not like they want to ban EVERYTHING, a lot of things they want to make MANDATORY.
And you WILL comply, bigot, sexist, racist, homophobe, islamophobe, breeder, hater!
Typo: It’s “niggardly’
What’s even more insane is that this article reached maximum size and I cannot add any more items. So I have a list of around a couple of thousand more items that I have been accumulating over the last two years. Crazy. But I guess that the point has been made, eh?
This list is awesome. Do you have a list of just the books that the left wants banned
No. Sorry. I gave up with the list when it kept on crashing my servers. Just know that the actual list is about 20x bigger than what you see here.