How U.S. Financed ‘Human Rights’ Organizations Create Anti-Chinese Headlines

Now that Trump and his cabal of war-mongering neocons have packed their bags and are being ridden on a rail out of Washington, their “machinery of war” is all winding down. In the still quiet, the sheeple blink their eyes and crawl out of the fog. “What?” they ask? Suddenly all the clamorous, 24-7, non-stop noise about the evil Chinese is all ending. It’s just a few trailing articles here and there. The onslaught has stopped, and …

…people notice.

Well, at least the more alert do.

The few remaining articles still exist. You’ve got [1] the “Uighur issue” which is still on “life support” (and will probably be a staple of the “news” for decades to come), and the mainlined China=Bad articles. Usually [2] something about Christian church prosecution (to grab the attention of the Religious Right), and [3] China “covering up” Coronavirus anything (a staple of Mike Pompeo’s CIA).

Like these that were posted on Drudge today (31DEC20) …

And numerous bloggers outside of the alternative media are picking up on this insane anti-china narrative. It doesn’t take much, you know, just a memory greater than a few months, and a remembrance of what life was like prior to Donald Trump.

Remember, boys and girls, all American media is controlled or financed by the US government. And that includes your most beloved "alternative" "news" sites. 

None of the government controlled “news” sites are reporting on the idea that the anti-China narrative is an intentional fabrication as a prelude to a world war…

  • Mainstream (FOX, MSNBC, ABC, Yahoo!)
  • Alt-Left (Politico, The Huffington Post)
  • Alt-Right (Hall Turner, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh)

For this brief period of time, before the narrative changes to Russia! Russia! Russia! the political machinery is busy “changing gears”, and it’s a quiet dwell. News about the covid-19 fiasco in the United States dominates, with a distraction about more money being dished out to the sheeple. And, of course, the higher debt load.

Oh, sure…

The sheeple still walk around in a daze. Chanting “China Bad”, “Democracy Good”, “Need to protect American way of life”… yada, yada, yada. But soon that will be redirected to new mantras, followed up with new assaults in the news, and new villains to distract their attention from the terribly corrupt and evil military empire that they inhabit.

In this relatively quiet period, a period where the “fire hose” of disinformation has been turned off for a spell…

… we can notice that others are also paying attention. And they are writing about what they see.

Here’s one such site, and one such article.

MoA is much like MM in that they really are not connected to the “big money” out of Washington DC. Just a few guys writing about what they see, and maintaining a following of like-minded folk. MoA has done a pretty good job on a number of areas, and they are one of the sites that I visit pretty regularly. Some of their articles are timely and the organization of them are pretty sweet. Personally, I like their website design better than MM’s, but that’s all just a matter of aesthetics.

Check it out…

The following is an article titled “The ‘Mighty Wurlitzer’ – How U.S. Financed ‘Human Rights’ Organizations Create Anti-Chinese Headlines” it can be found HERE on Moon Over Alabama. Reprinted as found. The only editing is to fit this venue. All credit to the authors.

The ‘Mighty Wurlitzer’ – How U.S. Financed ‘Human Rights’ Organizations Create Anti-Chinese Headlines

During my daily skimming of the main stream media I at times detect news items that seem of little public interest but are widely published. These pieces are often suspiciously similar to each other and seem to come from the ‘Mighty Wurlitzer’:

In 1967 the magazine "Ramparts" ran an expose revealing that the Central  Intelligence Agency had been secretly funding and managing a wide range of citizen front groups intended to counter communist influence around the world. 
CIA official Frank Wisner called the operation his "mighty Wurlitzer," on which he could play any propaganda tune.

Today’s ‘Mighty Wurlitzer’ song is played simultaneously by all major outlets:

From the BBC’s version:

A Chinese citizen journalist who covered Wuhan's coronavirus outbreak has been jailed for four years. Zhang Zhan was found guilty of "picking quarrels and provoking trouble", a frequent charge against activists.

 The 37-year-old former lawyer was detained in May, and has been on  hunger strike for several months. Her lawyers say she is in poor health.
 Ms Zhang is one of several citizen journalists who have run into trouble for reporting on Wuhan. 
In  a video interview with an independent filmmaker before her arrest, Ms  Zhang said she decided to travel to Wuhan in February after reading an  online post by a resident about life in the city during the outbreak.

 Once there, she began documenting what she saw on the streets and  hospitals in livestreams and essays, despite threats by authorities, and  her reports were widely shared on social media.

 The rights group Network of Chinese Human Rights Defenders  said her reports also covered the detention of other independent  journalists and the harassment of families of victims who were seeking  accountability.

 "Maybe I have a rebellious soul... I'm just documenting the truth. Why can't I show the truth?" she said in a clip of the interview obtained by the BBC.
 "I won't stop what I'm doing because this country can't go backwards."

The “Network of Chinese Human Rights Defenders” seems to be the source of much of this reporting.

Who are these people?

The About page of the CHRD’s website does not reveal the people behind the organization nor who is financing it. Curious.

Two years ago a Grayzone report took a deeper look into the organization:

Reuters and other Western outlets have attempted to fill in the gaps  left by McDougall, referring to reports made by so-called “activist  group” the Network of Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CHRD). Conveniently left out of the story is that this organization is headquartered in Washington, DC and funded by the US government’s regime-change arm.

 CHRD advocates full-time against the Chinese government, and  has spent years campaigning on behalf of extreme right-wing opposition  figures.


CHRD has used its generous funding to provide grants to opposition activists inside China, bankrolling dozens upon dozens of projects in the country.

 On its tax forms, CHRD lists its address as the Washington, DC office of Human Rights Watch. HRW has long been criticized for its revolving door with the US government and its excessively disproportionate focus on designated enemies of Washington like China, Venezuela, Syria, and Russia.

 Human Rights Watch did not respond to an email from The Grayzone inquiring about its relationship with CHRD.

Human Rights Watch’s overpaid permanent leader is of course part of the ‘Mighty Wurlitzer’:

Kenneth Roth @KenRoth - 8:22 UTC · Dec 28, 2020

Beijing's selection of the sleepy period between Christmas and New Year's suggests even it is embarrassed to sentence citizen-journalist Zhang Zhan to four years in prison for having chronicled the uncensored version of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan.

The U.S. government funded CHRD lists Zhang Zhan on its ‘Rights defenders’ page. Its portrait of her includes some interesting details:

A former lawyer, Zhang Zhan, born in the 1980s, has long been active in speaking out about politics and the human rights situation in China. She has been repeatedly harassed and threatened by the authorities. In 2019, she spoke out on the Hong Kong protests by posting comments, writing articles and holding up placards to support the protesters. In  September 2019, she was summoned by Shanghai police and was later  criminally detained and arrested on suspicion of “picking quarrels” for  her support for Hong Kong. Police released her on November 26, 2019. 
Zhang  Zhan had travelled to Wuhan, the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak, in  early February. She reported numerous stories including the detentions  of other independent reporters and harassment of families of victims  seeking accountability from the epicenter via her Wechat, Twitter, and  YouTube accounts. Pudong procuratorate indicted Zhang Zhan on September 15 and  transfered her case to Pudong New District Court. The indictment accused  Zhang Zhan of traveling to Wuhan on February 3, 2020 and that she “sent a large amount of false information” on WeChat, Twitter, and YouTube and “accepted  interviews with overseas media Radio Free Asia and Epoch Times and  maliciously stirred up the Wuhan epidemic situation.”

(Note: I have found no hint why Zhang Zhan is called a ‘former lawyer’. Was she disbarred? Why?)

ChinaAid, an anti-Chinese Evangelical lobby group which is also financed and awarded prices by the U.S. government’s National Endowment for Democracy, identifies Zhang Zhan as a ‘Christian lawyer’. That is of interest because Chinese authorities are concerned about U.S. financed underground Evangelical groups which defy the requirement to register as social organizations.

ChinaChange, which is another ‘human rights’ outlet in Washington DC, also took note of Zhang Zhan:

Zhang Zhan (张展), a lawyer who practiced in Shanghai, went to Wuhan in  early February, determined to document the coronavirus outbreak in the  city that was the epicenter of what would soon become a pandemic around  the world. In the three months she stayed in the city, she made 122 posts on YouTube. It was not a coincidence that her first post was “My Claim for the Right of Free Speech.”  Zhang Zhan was arrested in May, brought back to Shanghai, indicted in  September on charges of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble,”  China’s all-in-one charge for suppressing dissent. She is being tried on  Monday, December 28, in Shanghai.

Wuhan, where the first large outbreak of Covid-19 occurred, was put under lockdown on January 23. One wonders why a ‘former lawyer’ and ‘citizen journalist’ would go there despite official advice to not enter or leave the city.

A video published in late March by the Epoch Times, a right wing U.S. based paper associated with the anti-Chinese Falun Gong cult, gives a hint:

Dissident Protests ‘Animal-Like’ Treatment of Chinese Citizens
Zhang Zhan, a female dissident living in Shanghai, put  herself in harm’s way to go to Wuhan after the city was locked down. Her  plan was to investigate and broadcast the local situation as a citizen  journalist. She is outraged that the Chinese government casually  deprives the basic rights and freedom of Wuhan residents in the name of  epidemic control.

In the video Zhang Zhan is standing at a light traffic barrier that blocks access to a quarantined housing block. She is ranting in a weepy voice at white clad guards and passerby. The Epoch Times translated the dialog:

 Let me ask you,
 Do you think the government can treat citizens like animals?
 Lock them when the regime is willing to,
 Send them out to work when they need these people to work.
 Aren’t you treating them like you treat cattle and horses?
 When animals need to graze you let them out
 And take them back when they are done eating.
 Is that for real?
 And if they do not obey, whip them.
 Is that how it should be?
 Is it justified to treat civilians like this?
Man: What are you doing?
Woman: I want to express my protest against the government, persistent protest.

Shortly before the man asked Zhang Zhan what she was doing she had knocked over the traffic barrier.

Holding libertarian rants against pandemic measures and knocking over quarantine barrier while providing videos for anti-Chinese outlets is presumably ‘citizen journalism’.

Wuhan had soon defeated the pandemic. But a few new infections in early May again raised alarm. The U.S. government financed Radio Free Asia reported hearsay of it:

Wuhan Locks Down Residential Compounds Amid Citywide Test Rollout
Wuhan, where the virus that causes COVID-19 first emerged,  is also in the process of implementing a city-wide order to carry out  free nucleic acid tests on the entire eleven million population. Wuhan-based citizen journalist Zhang Zhan said six new cases of coronavirus had been confirmed in the city's Sanmin residential compound, home to some 5,000 people.

 "I went there to find out more about the situation, but it has been  placed under quarantine," Zhang told RFA on Thursday, adding that local  news reports said six new cases had been confirmed, with 180 contacts  now in isolation.

 "There are police outside on the street now guarding the place, and  no vehicles are being allowed through," Zhang said. "I asked a nearby  resident how many people were taken away in ambulances, and he told me  that 180 people were taken away for isolation."

 Sanmin residents stranded outside the compound when lockdown was imposed are not being allowed to return.

 A similar lockdown was being imposed at the Sanyanqiao residential compound, also in Wuhan, Zhang said.

 "The barriers have been put back and the place is under lockdown,"  Zhang said. "There is also an online announcement saying that delivery  drivers aren't being allowed to enter certain compounds."

 "There are signs of a resurgence of the epidemic in Wuhan." 

There was no resurgence of Covid-19 in Wuhan. Just a few, mostly asymptomatic cases were found during the city-wide testing.

Shortly after her ‘reporting’ for Radio Free Asia the notorious grumbler Zhang Zhan was arrested. As this was not the first time she got herself into trouble she did not receive any clemency.

China did manage the news about the Covid-19 pandemic. It suppressed false reports. That is, according to the World Health Organization, what any government should do. A recent WHO Call to Action explains why:

An infodemic is defined as a tsunami of information—some accurate, some  not—that spreads alongside an epidemic. If it is not managed  accordingly, an infodemic can have direct negative impacts on  the health of populations and the public health response by undermining  the trust in science and interventions. We are also seeing that infodemics hinder the cohesiveness of societies by increasing existing social inequities, stigma, gender disparity and generational rift. 


As  outlined in the Resolution on COVID-19 adopted by consensus at the 73rd  World Health Assembly and the G20 Health Ministers’ Declaration at the  Riyadh Summit, we need to provide populations with reliable and  comprehensive information on COVID-19 and take measures to counter misinformation and disinformation. The response to this infodemic demands the support, development, and  application of efficient solutions that equip individuals and their  communities with the knowledge and tools to promote accurate health  information (upstream) and mitigate the harm that misinformation and disinformation causes (downstream).

Zhang Zhan did her best to feed the infodemic with rumors and false outrage. The Chinese government took appropriate measures against the ‘rebellious soul’. It also took the right measures to completely defeat the pandemic.

But the CIA’s congregation of Washington based anti-Chinese ‘human rights’ organizations disagrees with those measures and it is jealous about China’s success.

Thus the ‘Mighty Wurlitzer’ springs into action and the ‘western’ media dutifully follow its lead by lamenting about the fate of a ‘citizen journalist’ provocateur in China.

Meanwhile the U.S. government has criminalized investigative journalism by its continued torture of Julian Assange and arrested more than 100 journalists this year.

End of Article

While this article is quite interesting, the comments are also full of insight and curiosity.


A study done a few years ago showed that over 2/3rds of international affairs stories in major European newspapers were basically reprints of NYT articles, tweaked lightly for localization purposes. The major media outlets all sing from the same hymn sheet and the CIA and other western intel operations knows that any story they feed into the system will be reproduced around the globe and taken as ‘fact’ by most of the newspapers’ readers.

The media’s incestuous nature and its infiltration by the intelligence services really became apparent during the Syrian Civil War and the Trump presidency. It is now clear that the western mainstream media works with the spooks to shape and mold opinion, and manufacture consent, rather than innocently informing its readers about world events.

The rise of the now often used insult “conspiracy theorist”, which is really code for “dissenting opinion”, is closely related to this. The western liberal democracies are going totalitarian in real time as the window of “acceptable” opinion continues to shrink and the establishment finds new ways to censor, ban and stifle heretical thinking.

Posted by: Dork | Dec 28 2020 18:53 utc | 1


Kenneth Roth @KenRoth - 8:22 UTC · Dec 28, 2020

Beijing's selection of the sleepy period between Christmas and New Year's suggests even it is embarrassed to sentence citizen-journalist Zhang Zhan to four years in prison for having chronicled the uncensored version of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan.

This information is false. China doesn’t celebrate Christmas because it isn’t a Christian country, and its New Year is celebrated according to the lunar calendar, not the solar calendar. As a result, the “Chinese New Year” is celebrate somewhere between the end of January and the first half of February (depending on the year).

In other words, the period between Christmas and (solar) New Year is not a “sleepy period” in China.

About the subject in general:

The first thing we should notice is that this Zhang Zhan is not a journalist. Therefore she’s not press. Therefore she’s not free press.

The second thing we should noticed is that, even if she was a journalist, we would have to discover if she’s a journalist or a “journalist”, i.e. a propagandist disguised as a journalist. Propagandists are not journalists in the spirit of the word: they are propagandists. Otherwise, having a Journalism degree would give one license to lie at will. Adding a ridiculous epithet (“citizen”) to the term doesn’t free you from real world consequences.

The third thing is that she’s a lawyer. Her rant is typical of a petit-bourgeois/middle class ideologue: freedom of the individual above the collective good; moral values above social values. The CIA is good in finding those wackos even in nations we don’t think they exist.

Posted by: vk | Dec 28 2020 19:01 utc | 2


Looking at her latest YT video, she doesn’t deserve 4 years of jail, but in a mental institution for being an anti-lockdown nutter in Wuhan.

Posted by: J W | Dec 28 2020 19:45 utc | 4


This post suggests that she may be involved with the Eastern Lighting cult, also known as the Church of Almighty God.


Posted by: LC | Dec 28 2020 19:58 utc | 6


Zhang Zhan’s venture into Wuhan, defying lock-down orders for which she should have been punished, reminds me of the stunt pulled by Navalny’s eye doctor groupie Dr Anastasia Vasilyeva in April this year attempting to transport PPE from Moscow region to Novgorod region in a convoy of three cars during lock-downs in those regions.

Vasilyeva, self-styled head of a doctors’ union (which curiously has very few members and no branch offices in other parts of Russia, as far as I could tell from a TV report broadcast by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on its channels), disobeyed lock-down orders in both Moscow and Novgorod regions and was arrested and imprisoned in sensational style as recorded by her camera crew and lawyers travelling in the convoy. Curiously there seem to have been no other medically qualified people in the cars and there was a total of 12 people in the convoy so each car was carrying four people. (There goes the social distancing!)

I later saw an article on that the PPE Vasilyeva attempted to carry to Novgorod region did reach the intended recipient hospitals but they could not use the masks and gloves because … there was no certification in the boxes … so the hospitals had no way of knowing if the equipment had been legally obtained or met required medical standards. I do not know what the hospitals did with the equipment.

I would not be surprised if Zhang Zhan turns out to be a “lawyer” in the same sense that Sergei Magnitsky was a “lawyer” (he was an accountant chef hired by Bill Browder to cook his accounts) and Alexei Navalny is a “lawyer” (he initially qualified in real estate law but does not seem to have practised). No need then to wonder if Zhang had to give up a licence to practise law, if she was a “lawyer” in the loopy stretched-out cartoon definition the US State Department, the CIA and Hollywood would have us believe.

Posted by: Jen | Dec 28 2020 20:02 utc | 8


“Human rights” agitprop has long been a staple of US imperialist propaganda. As the Grayzone website pointed out earlier this year, “HRW was founded during the height of the Cold War as Helsinki Watch, an anti-Soviet lobby group closely linked to the US government and funded by the Ford Foundation, which served as a CIA passthrough.”

The hysterical propaganda against communist nations and fighters goes hand in hand with the bombs, torture and assassination that are US/British/French/NATO specialties. The modern version of “human rights” campaigning was born out of the US defeat in Vietnam, and the spate of revelations that came out of that period about US crimes (Pentagon Papers, Church Senate investigations, Winter Soldier, etc.) in an attempt to rebrand the Vietnam war criminals as some sort of humanitarians. The Helsinki Accords were a US propaganda program that the misguided leaders of the USSR, along with Tito, etc. approved with the vain hope of detente and peaceful cooperation between nations. In reality, the US never wanted such peaceful coexistence.

Thanks, b, for bucking the anti-China propaganda campaign. The Pentagon and CIA still lick their wounds from the last time they faced Chinese forces in battle. Their dream of anti-Communist conquest of China and North Korea (assisted by their supposedly docile Japanese assistants) is as dangerous as their dream of dismembering Russia and turning all of the Eurasian landmass into a colony for US (and Japanese) exploitation. There lies the fuse for WW3, and the end deaths of hundreds of millions.

Now is the time for every person of clear mind to oppose these mad dreams of conquest! The lies that have and are being told about Russia and China (only occasionally rooted in some actual injustice) are being churned out daily by the CIA and Pentagon propaganda machine. Their purpose is to rally the population for war. Soon the hammer will drop harder on the US and West Europe/Australian population, as the persecution of Julian Assange suggests, as the ruling elite tighten up the repression needed to pull off their genocidal war.

Posted by: Jeffrey Kaye | Dec 28 2020 21:03 utc | 16


It’s a great article on a great site. I would suggest you all visit it when you get a chance and go through the comments there. They have a higher-order of commenter that frequents the site.

The “fire hose” of disinformation has been drenching everyone with vile hatred towards of China. Now the spigot has been turned off, and the alert sheeple are wondering what is going on. Soon a new flood will begin. It will be against Russia. It will start slowly and after two years it will reach the same kind of crescendo that the Chinese experienced.

I anticipate a balkanized American civil war in the interim period, with scant reporting. Followed by American attempts to start a war for “freedomTM“, “democracyTM“, and all that similar nonsense. The children of the American serf/slave sheeple will march off with gusto to be slaughtered in mass.

And with all of Asia retaliating.

In nuclear fashion.

And I pretty much expect it to be along the lines of what John Titor predicted.

The Climax of the Fourth Turning – 2025

Buckle up.

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Wow oh, wow! Wikileaks just dumped all of their files, every single piece including the stuff they promised to hold back. Get it while its hot!

And it’s not going to be available for long. You can bet on that.

Nothing on the site is password protected. It’s all gone.

Call it a “dump” if you like…

Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online. Everything from Hillary Clinton’s emails, McCain’s being guilty, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic. Happy Digging!

Send to everyone you can as fast as you can!

Why is this important?

Well, you really need to understand WHY China has selectively banned specific American software companies, and allowed others to operate within China…

It's all about using you as a marketable resource.
It’s all about using you as a marketable resource.

You can be rest assured that the “five eyes” are doing their best to stop the files from gushing forth on the internet.

John Whitehead said it best

No doubt about it: 2020—a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year  for freedom—was the culmination of a terrible, horrible, no good, very  bad decade for freedom.

Government corruption, tyranny, and abuse  coupled with a Big Brother-knows-best mindset and the COVID-19 pandemic  propelled us at warp speed towards a full-blown police state in which  nationwide lockdowns, egregious surveillance, roadside strip searches,  police shootings of unarmed citizens, censorship, retaliatory arrests,  the criminalization of lawful activities, warmongering, indefinite  detentions, SWAT team raids, asset forfeiture, police brutality,  profit-driven prisons, and pay-to-play politicians were accepted as the  norm.
Here’s just a small sampling of the laundry list of  abuses—cruel, brutal, immoral, unconstitutional and unacceptable—that  have been heaped upon us by the government over the past two decades and  in the past year, in particular.

The government failed to protect our lives, liberty and happiness. The  predators of the police state wreaked havoc on our freedoms, our  communities, and our lives. The government didn’t listen to the  citizenry, refused to abide by the Constitution, and treated the  citizenry as a source of funding and little else. Police officers shot  unarmed citizens and their household pets. Government agents—including  local police—were armed to the teeth and encouraged to act like soldiers  on a battlefield. Bloated government agencies were allowed to fleece  taxpayers. Government technicians spied on our emails and phone calls.  And government contractors made a killing by waging endless wars abroad.

The American President became more imperial. Although  the Constitution invests the President with very specific, limited  powers, in recent years, American presidents (Trump, Obama, Bush,  Clinton, etc.) claimed the power to completely and almost unilaterally  alter the landscape of this country for good or for ill. The powers that  have been amassed by each successive president through the negligence  of Congress and the courts—powers which add up to a toolbox of terror  for an imperial ruler—empower whoever occupies the Oval Office to act as  a dictator, above the law and beyond any real accountability. The  presidency itself has become an imperial one with permanent powers.

Militarized police became a power unto themselves, 911 calls turned deadly, and traffic stops took a turn for the worse. Lacking  in transparency and accountability, protected by the courts and  legislators, and rife with misconduct, America’s police forces continued  to be a menace to the citizenry and the rule of law. Despite concerns  about the government’s steady transformation of local police into a  standing military army, local police agencies acquired even more weaponry,  training and equipment suited for the battlefield. Police officers were  also given free range to pull anyone over for a variety of reasons and  subject them to forced cavity searches, forced colonoscopies, forced  blood draws, forced breath-alcohol tests, forced DNA extractions, forced  eye scans, forced inclusion in biometric databases.

The courts failed to uphold justice. With  every ruling handed down, it becomes more apparent that we live in an  age of hollow justice, with government courts more concerned with  protecting government agents than upholding the rights of “we the  people.” This is true at all levels of the judiciary, but especially so  in the highest court of the land, the U.S. Supreme Court, which is  seemingly more concerned with establishing order and protecting  government agents than with upholding the rights enshrined in the  Constitution. A review of critical court rulings over the past two  decades, including some ominous ones by the U.S. Supreme Court, reveals a  startling and steady trend towards pro-police state rulings by an  institution concerned more with establishing order and protecting the  ruling class and government agents than with upholding the rights  enshrined in the Constitution.

COVID-19 allowed the Emergency State to expand its powers. What  started out as an apparent effort to prevent a novel coronavirus from  sickening the nation (and the world) became yet another means by which  world governments (including our own) could expand their powers, abuse  their authority, and further oppress their constituents. While COVID-19  took a significant toll on the nation emotionally, physically, and  economically, it also allowed the government to trample our rights in  the so-called name of national security, with talk of mass testing for  COVID-19 antibodies, screening checkpoints, contact tracing, immunity  passports, forced vaccinations, snitch tip lines and onerous lockdowns.

The Surveillance State rendered Americans vulnerable to threats from government spies, police, hackers and power failures. Thanks  to the government’s ongoing efforts to build massive databases using  emerging surveillance, DNA and biometrics technologies, Americans have  become sitting ducks for hackers and government spies alike. Billions of people have been affected by data breaches and cyberattacks. On  a daily basis, Americans have been made to relinquish the most intimate  details of who we are—our biological makeup, our genetic blueprints,  and our biometrics (facial characteristics and structure, fingerprints,  iris scans, etc.)—in order to navigate an increasingly technologically-enabled world.

America became a red flag nation. Red  flag laws, specifically, and pre-crime laws generally push us that much  closer towards a suspect society where everyone is potentially guilty  of some crime or another and must be preemptively rendered harmless.  Where many Americans go wrong is in naively assuming that you have to be  doing something illegal or harmful in order to be flagged and targeted  for some form of intervention or detention. In fact, all you need to do  these days to end up on a government watch list or be subjected to  heightened scrutiny is use certain trigger words (like cloud, pork and pirates), surf the internet, communicate using a cell phone, limp or stutterdrive a car, stay at a hotel, attend a political rally, express yourself on social mediaappear mentally ill, serve in the militarydisagree with a law enforcement officialcall in sick to work, purchase materials at a hardware store, take flying or boating lessons, appear suspicious,  appear confused or nervous, fidget or whistle or smell bad, be seen in  public waving a toy gun or anything remotely resembling a gun (such as a  water nozzle or a remote control or a walking cane), stare at a police officer, question government authority, appear to be pro-gun or pro-freedom,  or generally live in the United States. Be warned: once you get on such  a government watch list—whether it’s a terrorist watch list, a mental  health watch list, a dissident watch list, or a red flag gun watch  list—there’s no clear-cut way to get off, whether or not you should  actually be on there.

The cost of policing the globe drove the nation deeper into debt. America’s war spending has already bankrupted the nation to  the tune of more than $20 trillion dollars. Policing the globe and  waging endless wars abroad hasn’t made America—or the rest of the  world—any safer, but it has made the military industrial complex rich at  taxpayer expense. The U.S. military reportedly has more than 1.3 million men and women on active duty, with more than 200,000 of them stationed overseas in  nearly every country in the world. Yet America’s military forces aren’t  being deployed abroad to protect our freedoms here at home. Rather,  they’re being used to guard oil fields, build foreign infrastructure and  protect the financial interests of the corporate elite. In fact, the  United States military spends about $81 billion a year just to protect oil supplies around the world. This is how a military empire occupies the globe. Meanwhile, America’s infrastructure is falling apart.

Free speech was dealt one knock-out punch after another. Protest laws,  free speech zones, bubble zones, trespass zones, anti-bullying  legislation, zero tolerance policies, hate crime laws, shadow banning on  the Internet, and a host of other legalistic maladies dreamed up by  politicians and prosecutors (and championed by those who want to  suppress speech with which they might disagree) conspired to corrode our  core freedoms, purportedly for our own good. On paper—at least  according to the U.S. Constitution—we are technically free to speak. In  reality, however, we are only as free to speak as a government  official—or corporate entities such as Facebook, Google or YouTube—may  allow. The reasons for such censorship varied  widely from political correctness, so-called safety concerns and  bullying to national security and hate crimes but the end result  remained the same: the complete eradication of free speech.

The Deep State took over. The  American system of representative government has been overthrown by the  Deep State—a.k.a. the police state a.k.a. the military/corporate  industrial complex—a profit-driven, militaristic corporate state bent on  total control and global domination through the imposition of martial  law here at home and by fomenting wars abroad. The “government of the  people, by the people, for the people” has perished. In its place is a  shadow government, a corporatized, militarized, entrenched bureaucracy  that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials who are, in  essence, running the country and calling the shots in Washington DC, no  matter who sits in the White House. Mind you, by “government,” I’m not  referring to the highly partisan, two-party bureaucracy of the  Republicans and Democrats. Rather, I’m referring to “government” with a  capital “G,” the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections,  unaltered by populist movements, and has set itself beyond the reach of  the law. This is the hidden face of a government that has no respect for  the freedom of its citizenry. This shadow government, which “operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power,” makes a mockery of elections and the entire concept of a representative government.

The  takeaway: Everything the founders of this country feared has come to  dominate in modern America. “We the people” have been saddled with a  government that is no longer friendly to freedom and is working overtime  to trample the Constitution underfoot and render the citizenry  powerless in the face of the government’s power grabs, corruption and  abusive tactics.
So how do you balance the scales of justice at a  time when Americans are being tasered, tear-gassed, pepper-sprayed, hit  with batons, shot with rubber bullets and real bullets, blasted with  sound cannons, detained in cages and kennels,  sicced by police dogs, arrested and jailed for challenging the  government’s excesses, abuses and power-grabs, and then locked down and  stripped of any semblance of personal freedom?

No matter who sits in the White House, politics won’t fix a system that is broken beyond repair.

For  that matter, protests and populist movements also haven’t done much to  push back against an authoritarian regime that is deaf to our cries,  dumb to our troubles, blind to our needs, and accountable to no one.

So  how do you not only push back against the government’s bureaucracy,  corruption and cruelty but also launch a counterrevolution aimed at  reclaiming control over the government using nonviolent means?

You start by changing the rules and engaging in some (nonviolent) guerilla tactics.

Take  your cue from the Tenth Amendment and nullify everything the government  does that flies in the face of the principles on which this nation was  founded. If there is any means left to us for thwarting the government  in its relentless march towards outright dictatorship, it may rest with  the power of juries and local governments to invalidate governmental  laws, tactics and policies that are illegitimate, egregious or blatantly  unconstitutional.

In an age in which government officials accused  of wrongdoing—police officers, elected officials, etc.—are treated with  general leniency, while the average citizen is prosecuted to the full  extent of the law, nullification is a powerful reminder that, as the  Constitution tells us, “we the people” are the government.

What really needs to happen

The folk running the government are all really blatant with their criminal actions. They perform the crimes and do it openly and brazenly, while the rest of us do hard time for the slightest offense. This needs to end.

A Saudi execution.
A Saudi execution.

Other opinions

Most websites that have the term “opin” in the title, like “Opinion watcher”, and “Opinion tracker”, and Opinseach says it NOT TRUE, or overly hyped and questionable …

While the rest of the internet disagrees…

Yah. Woo! Woo! They are gonna get it now!

Pah! At most, there will be some token legislation that will be directed at innocent civilians, and none of the oligarchy or upper class will be affected.

The great American swindle.
America today. You are fucked.

And the sheeple yawn.

The signs are all there.

An out of control oligarchy class, a nation of mind-numbed serf/slave sheeple, high technology weapons and 70 years without fighting a peer-capable nation. What the fuck do you think is gonna happen?

I’m just an old tired, pissed off grouch. So hear me out…

Random thoughts of a pissed-off citizen

Let me start with this…

America today.
America today.


Today, Americas are the proverbial frog in the pot of boiling water. And the frog is truly cooked.

But that really doesn’t do America justice. I think the Norma Desmond does…

America Today.
America today.


America is truly at that uncomfortable stage when [1] it’s past the time when any realistic solutions to the problems of America can be remedied, and [2] too early to shoot and hang the bastards.

Come on!

Just look at your life now, compared to what it was just a few years ago. It is different because your matured and got older? Or is it because of society? Or is it because of the government making laws, and rules, one after another like a “tommygun”…?

Not so long ago.
Remember when?

Why is this important?

Because there just isn’t any “free press” left in America.

There simply isn’t anyone doing anything to police the crooks that run the nation.


And as a result the nation is wholly out of control, and careening wildly down the tracks.

The “news” is a for-profit mechanism. It is owned by the government. Alternatives to the “news” are also bought out and owned by the government. Trying to find “news” on the internet is like trying to go to the desert to find a pool to swim in. You might be lucky, but most of the time you will not.

You tell 'em George.
You tell ’em George.


So what is going to happen? Do you seriously think that this Wikileak is going to make a difference?

Metallicman Comments

It’s like the scene from the movie “Aliens”, when they discover this little girl named Newt. And they tell her not to worry. The Imperial Space marines are there to protect her and save the say. And she looks up at Ripley and replies “it won’t make any difference”.

Ripley: These people are here to protect you. They're soldiers. 
Newt: It won't make any difference. 


I think that the scene is very apt.

Personally, my take on this is that it’s all too late, and at this stage in the game, it’s all just theater. It’s just spin and “bread and circuses” for the sheeple. So what if the rich and famous get caught with “their hand in the cookie jar“, or their “dirty linen is aired“, or that the “skeletons in the closet” are brought out into the open. Ain’t nothing gonna happen.

So what?

So what if everyone sees all the dirty laundry of the people who run the government. Nothing is going to happen to them.

There won’t be any big uprisings. There won’t be any outcries or public shows of remorse or hearings. There won’t even be any “blue panel” investigative committees. Nothing is going to happen. And nothing is going to change. The vector; the trajectory that the USA is on right now is not going to slow down, alter course or change direction. No brakes will be applied.

The USA is fucked.

The USA today is like an old commode that is just full of shit.

It is a thick stew of brown shit that should have been flushed away centuries ago, and not, the weight of that shit is starting to go down the pipe. You know, you can only hold just so much water before the commode just automatically flushes.

America today.
America today.


And it’s starting to move. With a shudder…

But it’s gonna be a long drawn out flush.

Maybe, and probably, take years….

And then the fat pig-like crapper is going to sit on it one last time, and lay a big fat load directed at some external villain or threat, and the entire commode is going to crack and explode.

Yah. That’s what’s going to happen.

There are no citizen-soldiers or patriots in the USA any longer. Just sheeple, and pretend wanna-be Rambos.

Commode explode.
Soon. Very soon.


How do we know?

Just look at what Americans have become. Google “People of walmart“.

Perhaps a renaming is in order…

Maybe the United States should be renamed. I suggest “commode” might be the most appropriate. Because that is what it resembles today. One giant, filthy, full of shit, old, broken down commode.

‘Individual has no travel history’…
FAUCI: OPERATION WARP SPEED WILL MISS TARGET… Massachusetts GOP leader says got infected at White House Hanukkah party: ‘I’m paying price’…
Biden vows all-out fight…
Alabama slammed: ‘Like bathtub filling up’…
Record patients, rationed care… Oxygen supply issues force ‘disaster’ declaration…
L.A. hospitals turn away ambulances… 52-Foot Trailer of Death…
Stay-at-home extended indefinitely…
Hollywood Pressured to Stop Productions…
Politics Driving Health Care Workers From Small Towns…
Picking Nose Dangerous…
Restaurant found in contempt for violating restrictions…
Bezos, Musk, Zuckerberg fortunes grow by nearly $1 TRILLION during pandemic…
Vaccine Passports Big Tech’s Latest Dystopian Nightmare…
Majority of French vow not to take…

People! Do you actually believe that this kind of news represents a healthy nation? Do you believe that the news in the rest of the world looks like this, but only in a different language? No.


Hell… NO!

People, the oligarchy that runs the USA are all playing you for fools. And you are all standing around and taking it.

Red ants vs. black ants.

Grumblings continue but nothing ever happens.

The grumblings have been going on for a long, long time. It certainly pre-dates Metallicman, and everything it looked like people were going to rise up and overthrow the bastards, suddenly a war would crop up.

The deep-state murdered John F. Kennedy…

People started to grumble and get concerned, and stockpiles of weapons were purchased…

…and the Vietnam war happened.

You know.

For “democracy”.

When Bill Clinton started to break every law in the book and get away with it, numerous prepping sites discussed using code on beepers to communicate their plans. In those days it was believed that the people would rise up against a tyrannical government.

In fact, Bill Clinton clamped down on many freedoms and liberties that the conservatives held dearly. The ban on “assault guns” really upset many conservatives. So when Bush came to office…

… a war in the Middle East against Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, etc…

Wars are the big distraction that the oligarchy class uses to control the mob. And as time moves on, and their crimes get larger, more “in your face”, more obvious and outrageous, then the larger the war of distraction must be…

…before the grumblings become overt and dangerous.

Oh such short memories

There was a time when “preppers” readied for the “big uprising” by contemplating communicating using pagers to send messages back and forth. Of course nothing came of this, but the point is, that maybe it should have.


When you look at the bigger picture, one that spans decades, you can see that the parallels between slave and owner, between serf and overseer, and between king and subjects all exist in America today.

Of course nothing ever came of this potential revolt, but the disgust and upset runs long and deep in certain elements of American social strata. I’ve lived long enough to know that if you let the roast in the oven too long that it gets burnt to a crisp and becomes uneatable.

Let’s see just what the flash point will be.

Right now it looks like America has the flash point of water instead of kerosene.

But, you know, most Americans are too dumbed down to know or care what lies ahead…

Yah! If you think it is bad now, just keep in mind that this is just the beginning.

There is no telling what evil plans the oligarchy in Washington has planned for their slave / serf minions.

So many times, when I devote posts like this, I feel that my fellow Americans believe that I really should be talking in a language that they can understand. You know, like Dr. Lexus here…

Dr. Lexus.
Dr. Lexus.

The USA cannot continue like this for much longer.

Not for much longer. No it cannot.

It has gotten this far by being the sole world reserve currency, and as such, it has been printing money like crazy. Just look at the American debt today.

Meanwhile the rest of the world sees this debt with a look of horror and are taking steps to avoid the trap of the looming USD collapse…

E-yuan as a trading mechanism.
Lisa makes a good point.


She is correct. Why?

Do you actually believe that you are insulated and won’t feel the effects of this?

Ah. Lisa.

She makes some good points.

Here’s another one of hers…

A paper tiger.

She’s good, but think about this all.

The whole, entire picture.

There is a reason why that big invasion fleet that Trump sent to China in the Summer of 2020 steamed home. And no, it wasn’t because of it completed it’s mission of intimidation” either. You have three enormous, expensive carriers with nuclear power supplies and suddenly all the electronics goes hay-wire and the nuclear systems start to SCRAM. And they just cannot. Three expensive carriers and the nuclear piles start to go into meltdown.

Not one shot being fired.

All three carriers were heading towards a Chernobyl moment.


Well. Do you think that the Oligarchy learned anything…?

Not likely.

Soon it will be Russia! Russia! Russia!. .

My bet is that it’s going to get really ugly at about that time.

An observant reader…

The following is from an observant reader…

I just looked in to some of the wiki leaks on MM website. At first,  I was looking as fast as I could thinking the pages would be erased.  Then, it got me wondering.... if they ARE leaking top secret hush hush  info, surely the US would know and act accordingly. 

 The more I look at them I see something off. They are all archived on the same date. The  year they are archived sticks out only because it’s the year I  was born, 1984. My first thought was, maybe this is how delicate info is  stores and coded. But, why 1984? Then it hit me.... George Orwell’s  1984. Is this Just another political agenda-ed pawn movement? 

Trump  is exclaiming this was apart of his plan to expose our corrupt  government. He wanted to make sure it was done while he’s still in  office. If this was his shadiwork, at this point idk if he did it for  the American people or he’s salty he lost. (Funny but true, Geminis  are sore losers)

Observation and discernment are the keys to understanding MM. Not everything is permitted to be said, and not everything is understood.

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The Wishes We Make (full text) by E. Mayne Hull

A genie suddenly appears before a condemned man in his death cell and offers him not just one wish but six – what is the problem? you might ask. Well, avoiding one’s destiny is not as easy as it sounds, as this quite brilliant and very amusing golden-age tale with the most sombre of overtones, first published in the June 1943 issue of Unknown Worlds, shows us.

“The Wishes We Make” (1943) by E. Mayne Hull


“I THEREFORE SENTENCE YOU, WILLIAM KENNIJAHN — two months from this date — to be hanged by the neck until you are dead. May God have mercy on your soul.”
For a month and three weeks now, Kennijahn had poured an almost unceasing stream of vituperation at the walls of the death cell, at any turnkeys who came near him, at the judge who had delivered the sentence, at the whole human race.
“You’ve run into one of those miserable periods,” his lawyer, Clissold, told him, “when the people are on a moral warpath. The bare suggestion of commutation made in the press the other day brought a thousand howling letters about a law for the rich and a law for the poor. It’s unfortunate that the State proved so conclusively that you murdered your partner, Harmsworth, when he threatened to expose that stock swindle.”
The lawyer shrugged helplessly. “I’ve been offering money right and left, vainly. And when a politician is cold to money, it’s like the end of the world. Frankly, Bill, you’re sunk. I’ll keep on trying to the last hour, but there’s an inevitability about it all now that’s final.” He stood up. “I don’t think I’ll come to see you again unless I have something to report. Good-bye.”
Kennijahn was only dimly aware of the tall, thin figure being escorted out. Nine days, he was thinking, nine short days! His mind twisted off into uncontrollable fury. When the passion final­ly wearied him, he looked up—the creature was standing before him.
The creature regarded him intently from its one gleaming red eve, its fantastic black body twisted curiously, as if that half-human shape was but a part of its form, the remaining portion being somehow out of sight.
Kennijahn blinked at it. He was not afraid, only astounded. He expected it to go away if he shut his eyes, then opened them rapidly. He thought of it as a mind distortion that had somehow synchronized into his vision. After a moment, however, it was still there. Amazingly, then, it said:
“Oh ! You didn’t call me purposely. You don’t know the method. Very well—have your wishes and release me.”
Kennijahn’s mind was away in the rear. “Call you!” he said. “Call you!” A spasm of horror jerked him erect on his bunk. “Get away from me,” he yelled. “What in hell’s name are you? What—” He stopped, horror fading before the matter-of-fact way the creature was regarding him.
“Certainly, you called me,” it said. “You shaped a thought pattern—apparently, you didn’t know what it was or how to do it again. But it created a strain in space, and plummetted me into your presence. By the ancient Hyernetic law, I must give you your wishes, whereupon I will be released to return whence I came.”
For a long second, Kennijahn’s mind held hard on the idea of the thought pattern that could have produced such a monstrosity. He shivered a little with the memory of his fury, but nothing came clear. He gave it up and, because his mind was basically quick on the uptake, his own black destiny receded fractionally from the forefront of his thoughts, and yielded to the tremendous meaning of one word.
“Wishes!” he said. “You mean, I can wish?”
“One is the principle,” said the monster, “two is the word. The monad is Bohas; the duad is Jakin. The triad is formed by union, which is doubled by ignorance to become a sesad.” The thing finished, “Six wishes.”

"One is the principle, two is the word. The monad is Bohas; the duad is Jakin. The triad is formed by union, which is doubled by ignorance to become a sesad. Six wishes."

“Six wishes?” Kennijahn echoed, his voice sounding crazily queer in his own ears. He almost whispered, “About—anything?”
“Within the limits set by the Fates, of course. So have your wishes and—”
“Wait a minute, wait a minute.” Kennijahn put up his hand as if he would ward off the words. “You’re not doing this because you want to do it. You have to.”
The thing nodded a little curtly. “Have to.”
“You’re a demon?” Kennijahn spoke with gathering interest.
“I’m a Drdr.”
“A what?” The thing only looked at him. Kennijahn went on, “You say, take my wishes. Do you mean I’ve got to take six wishes all at once?”
The Drdr looked almost sullen. “No.”
“It makes no difference how long I take?”
“No difference. But if you hurry, I can return from whence I came.”
“Thanks for the information.” Kennijahn spoke dryly. Then he frowned. He said sharply, “What do you mean, limits set by the Fates?”
“Your destiny cannot be changed.”
Some of the high hope trickled out of Kennijahn. “Destiny?” he echoed hollowly.
“Every man,” said the creature, “has his predestined fate. It is inexorable, and in your case the situation is that wishes will do you no good. You are doomed to die by hanging.”
Kennijahn took the tremendous shock of the words with scarcely more than a shudder. He said incredulously, “Suppose I were to wish myself in Buenos Aires, a prosperous-looking American busi­nessman from the States. You mean to tell me that I will hang here in this prison next week regardless?”
“Not necessarily here, or next week. Is that your first wish?”
“You can actually do it?”
The great, blazing eye stared at him unwinkingly; and suddenly the ultimate thrill of this opportunity came to Kennijahn, that this was real, no nightmare, no phantasmagoria, nothing but won­drous truth. Six wishes! Good God, six! Why with six wishes he could grab the whole earth. And what did it matter if a hun­dred years hence his destiny caught up with him? First of all, then, get out of this hell hole. And where else but Buenos Aires, where he had salted away money under the name of Peter Clare­mont? He had almost escaped there before after the ruinous fight with that fool, Harmsworth.
“Let’s go!” he cried wildly. “Get me out of here … out of here—”
There was blackness.

“The señor has his papers?”
The polite voice of the bank clerk sounded like a knell of doom. Kennijahn looked across the shiny desk at the dark, oily face of the clerk.
“Papers?” He attempted a smile. “Oh, you mean you want my signature so that you can compare it with the one I have on file?”
“No, señor.” The man was firm. “Your passport and documents relating to entry into the Argentine. The government regulations have become very strict.”
“Oh, yes, those papers !” In truth he had forgotten. Kennijahn explained clumsily, “I left them at the hotel, of course. I shall go and get them.”
“If you will be so kind, señor.”
It was hot out in the street, a dense, suffocating heat that grew as the morning lengthened. Kennijahn thought furiously: Damned if he’d waste a wish on getting out of this silly jam. After all, he had his false papers. Or rather, Nina had them. He’d cable her, and she could take a Pan-American plane, and be here in whatever short time it took. She had her papers ready, too. He thought about Nina with a rising excitement. Thank God, the police had never found out about her.
The cable was off before another thought occurred to him. He phoned the bank, and asked for the clerk who had served him.
“This is Peter Claremont speaking.”
“Si, Señor Claremont.”
“When I arrived back at my hotel, I found some urgent business awaiting my attention. I will come in to see you tomorrow, or the day after.”
“Si, Señor.”
Kennijahn hung up with a complacent smile. Nothing like gathering up all the threads.
The wire from Nina that came two hours later said:


The only thing wrong with that was that he spent the next two nights in the main jailhouse. The officers who had come to the hotel to arrest him were polite and cold:
“You are to be held, señor, for the American police, who, it seems, intercepted a telegram from you to your señora.”
So that was that, Kennijahn thought grayly. It was all perfectly natural; and the mistake was in assuming the reason the police had never mentioned Nina was because they didn’t know about her. His impulse, the moment he was behind bars, was to call Drdr, but he decided against that. His next wish was going to be planned; and his best bet by far was to make a dramatic disappearance from the plane taking him back to America.
The roar of the big plane was a soft throb against the back­ground of Kennijahn’s thoughts. He could see dark splotches of forest below, dimly visible in the bright moonlight. At last, far ahead, a vast brightness showed. The ocean gleamed and sparkled. The moon made a path of dazzling light toward an horizon that, at this height, was so remote that it seemed an infinite distance away. Kennijahn said in a low tone:
He started in spite of himself as the black caricature of human shape jerked into sight beside him. The enormous single eye of the creature peered at him, a scant two feet from his own face. The thing said:
“Do not worry about your guards. They can neither see me, nor hear any conversation between us. You desire your second wish?”
Kennijahn nodded, a little numbly. The chill of that abrupt materialization was still upon him, and he felt amazed that even his pre-knowledge hadn’t helped him. There was something about the monstrous little devil-thing that did things to his insides; and knowledge that it was harmless made no difference. He shook himself finally and said:
“I want to find out the exact limitations of a wish. When I arrived in Buenos Aires, I found myself on the street with five hundred dollars in my pocket. Is that your idea of how much a prosperous business man would be carrying? But never mind that. What I want to know is this: Suppose I had said to you: Put me into Buenos Aires in a swanky hotel suite with all my papers for entry into the Argentine on me, and a million dollars in a trunk—would that all have been one wish?”
“I can only give you about seven hundred thousand dollars,” was the flat-voiced reply. “A set value was fixed by universal law long ago; I can only transpose it into your type of wealth.”
“All right, all right, seven hundred thousand dollars,” Kenni­jahn said testily. And then he stopped. “Good God!” he gasped. “Anything that I can think of at one time is one wish.”
The creature nodded. “Within the limits set by the Fates, as I have said. Is your second wish, then, to go back to Buenos Aires as you described?”
“To hell with that. I don’t want to live in no damned foreign country. I’m an American. And I’ve got a better idea. You said any wish—anything?”
“Within the limits—” began the Drdr, but Kennijahn inter­rupted roughly:
Can you put me back into the past before the murder took place?” He grinned at the jet-black monstrosity. “See what I’m getting at: No swindle, no murder, no destiny.”
“No one,” came the calm reply, “can escape his destiny.” Kennijahn made an impatient chut of sound with his tongue.
“But you can do what I want?”
The thing’s hideous mouth twisted sullenly. “I can, but would prefer not to. Because Drdr cannot go back to give you wishes in the past. Before you could have your third wish, you would have to return to the period after you called me. And if you should get into trouble—”
“Trouble!” Kennijahn echoed. “Listen, I’m going to live the life of an angel.” He paused, frowning. “But I see your point. It wouldn’t do to go too far back. And that’s all right. I didn’t really begin to get involved financially until five months ago, and it all happened so damned fast— Make it six months. There wasn’t a cloud on the horizon six months ago. So shoot me back into time—”

The next second he was in the death cell.
Kennijahn stared around him with a gathering horror. The gray walls seemed to close in on him. The bunk felt hard and uncomfortable underneath him. Beyond the door, electric lights glowed dimly, but the cell itself was in darkness. It took nearly a minute before he made out Drdr sitting on the floor in one corner. Simultaneously, the thing’s great, blazing eye, which must have been closed, opened and regarded him redly.
A black rage twisted through Kennijahn. “You scum,” he roared. “What the devil have you done?”
The red eye glowed at him expressionlessly out of the darkness, an unnatural sphere of light. The thing’s voice said unemotionally, “Gave you your second wish, naturally.”
“You liar!” Kennijahn shouted. And stopped. He had a sudden, horrible sinking sensation that he was the victim of some subtle, incomprehensible hoax. “I don’t remember a thing,” he finished weakly.
“You didn’t ask for memory,” the thing replied calmly. “Ac­cordingly, you went back into time, re-enacted the murder and the trial, and here you are, facing your inevitable destiny.”
Kennijahn burst out, “Why you miserable scoundrel. You knew I wanted memory.”
“I did not. You never mentioned it, or even thought of it.”
“But it was obvious.”
The monstrosity was staring at him. “I tell you and give you everything you ask for. Nothing more. And the sooner you have your wishes, the quicker I can return to the place from where I came.”
Kennijahn caught his fury into a tight, grim thought. So that was it. He had been so intent on his own problem that he had dismissed too readily the fact that the creature also had a purpose. He said, “Where did you come from, anyway, that you’re so anx­ious to get back?”
Drdr was placid. “Is that question a wish?”
“No, of course not.” Kennijahn spoke hastily. But his rage was cooling rapidly. With thoughtful eyes, he studied the shad­ow shape in the darkness on the floor. He’d have to watch out, plan more carefully, leave no loopholes.
“So I did it all over again a second time?” he said slowly. “In other words, my character got me into the same mess. That settles it. Change my character. Put me back six months, with memory, but in addition, make me more honest, strong, mind you, and—” He thought of Nina; he added, “No nonsense about women, of course. I want no change in my outlook there. Is that clear?”
“I don’t understand.” The creature sounded puzzled. “Change your character? You mean, give you a different body, perhaps better looking?”
“No, my character!” said Kennijahn. He paused helplessly. It struck him suddenly that this creature had marked limits of understanding. “You know—my character. Me!”
“You! Change the essence that is you. Why, that is impossible. You are you, a definite pattern in the universe, with an assigned role. You cannot be different. The Fates made you as you are.”
Kennijahn shrugged impatiently. “0. K. I get it. I am what I am. Perhaps it’s just as well. After all, I know my situation. If I were different I might develop some screwy religious notion about accepting my fate. I guess I can handle this best as myself. All right, then, put me back six months with complete memory of you. Get that—and wait! This is only my third wish. You didn’t put anything over on me that I can’t remember?”
“This is your third wish,” agreed the thing. “After this, you will have three more. But I warn you. I cannot help you in the past.”
“Let’s go!” said Kennijahn curtly.

He was sitting at his desk in his private office. A brilliant sun touched the edge of the great window behind him; but he was still too taut, too cold from his brief sojourn in the death cell. He went to the door leading to the outer office, opened it, and said to the nearest clerk, “What day is it … what date?”
“July 7th, Wednesday,” said the girl.
He was so intent that he forgot to thank her. He closed the door, his mind dark with calculation. Slowly, then, he bright­ened. It was true. Six months to the day. He sat down before his desk and picked up the cradle phone. A moment later, the familiar voice was sounding in his ear.
“’Lo, Nina,” he said; then, “Nina, will you marry me?”
“The devil!” Nina said, “Have you gone crazy?”
Kennijahn grinned. He pictured the lithe, svelte Nina stretched out slinkily on her living-room chesterfield, her eyes narrowed around the idea that he was trying to get a rise out of her. Trust Nina not to go out on a limb.
“I mean it,” he said. “I’m thinking of retiring to a country estate—within half an hour’s drive of town, of course,” he added hastily as swift memory came of Nina’s utter boredom the time he had taken her to a mountain resort. He went on, “We’ll raise a couple of kids, and live a merry life generally.”
Her laughter trilled on the phone. “Kids—you! Don’t make me laugh. Besides, I’m not the mother type.”
“O. K., we’ll skip the kids. How about it?”
The woman laughed again. “My dear,” she said, “tonight you bring around the most expensive engagement ring you can find, and I’ll begin to believe you.”
“It’s a deal,” said Kennijahn. “Good-bye, dear.”
He hung up, smiling. That was the first break from character. He stood up, opened the connecting door between his office and Harrnsworth’s. It was the sight of the man sitting there alive that did it. Kennijahn swayed. Then he licked dry lips. Finally, with a terrible effort, he caught himself and stood blinking at the man he had once murdered. God, he thought, this business was enough to give anybody the creeps. He managed to say finally:
“Hello, Andy.” And he was himself again. Swiftly, then, he made his demand.

“But you can’t draw out now,” Harmsworth gasped when Kenni­jahn had finished. The man’s thin face was flushed. He looked, Kennijahn thought in annoyance, on the verge of becoming vastly excited. He blazed on, “Why, if you pull out without apparent reason people will think it strange, think that you’re getting out from under before a crash. You’ve got a reputation for that, you know. Damn it, how did I ever get mixed up with a shyster like you.” He was beet red now. He fumbled at a drawer. His hand came out, holding a revolver. His voice shrilled, “I won’t let you do this. I won’t, do you hear?”
Kennijahn ignored the revolver. After all, he thought coolly, a man who was born to be hanged wasn’t going to be killed by a bullet from a chap who was scheduled to be murdered. With a vicious amazement, he cut the thought off. What the devil was he thinking, he whose whole present existence was based on the con­viction that destiny was not inevitable? Abruptly, he was startled by the rapid turn of events. He said hurriedly:
“Put away that gun, you fool, before you hurt somebody.”
“I want you to promise,” Harmsworth said wildly, “that you’ll give me at least six months to get our customers used to the idea of your leaving.”
Six months! Why, that would take him deep into the period where—formerly—the murder and the trial had taken place. ’Nothing doing,” Kennijahn said flatly. “I’m making a complete break now, this week.”
The first shot struck the door jamb behind Kennijahn. And then he had rushed in, grabbing at the gun, roaring in his bass voice:
“You idiot. I’ll—”
The second shot came as he twisted the gun free from the other’s fingers. Gun in hand, he stepped back. He felt a vague amazement and horror as Harmsworth fell like a log to the floor and lay there. Even more vaguely, he was aware that a door had burst open, and that a girl was standing there, her mouth opening and shutting, making sounds. Then the door slammed. He heard a frantic dialing, and a high-pitched girl’s voice screaming some­thing about police.
With a gasp, Kennijahn dropped the gun and sank into a chair. For a moment, he was taut and cold. Finally, the realization pene­trated that the police were due in minutes. Instantly, his mind cleared. He snatched the phone on Harmsworth’s desk, dialed Clissold’s number, and described tersely to the lawyer what had happened.
Clissold said in his barking voice, “Bill, frankly, I don’t think that’s such a good story. You retiring at thirty-eight. Who else knew about your decision?”
“For Heaven’s sake!” Kennijahn rasped. “Does anybody have to know? It’s a common enough decision, isn’t it?”
“Not for you, Bill. Don’t take this personal, but you have a reputation for grabbing all you can get. I repeat, did anybody know you had decided to retire?”
Kennijahn thought of Nina, and a bead of sweat trickled down his cheek. “Only Nina,” he said finally, heavily.
“Worthless,” said Clissold succinctly. “We’ll have to change that story, Bill.”
“Look here,” Kennijahn began. “Are you trying to tell me—”
“I’m not trying anything,” the lawyer barked. “But now, what about that stenographer who barged in while you were still strug­gling with Harmsworth—what did she see?”
“How the devil do I know?” Kennijahn groaned. He felt suddenly hopeless. It was the swiftness of it that brought the paralyzing realization of how this thing might be twisted against him He snapped, “Clissold, get over here and shut that girl up, and make her think she saw what we want.”
“Now, don’t get excited,” the lawyer’s voice soothed. “I’m just checking up all the angles. After all, the big thing in your favor is that it’s Harmsworth’s gun.”
“Eh!” said Kennijahn, and his brain seemed to twist crazily. He had a mind’s-eye picture of himself explaining why he had turned his gun over to Harmsworth more than a year before because the coward was an alarmist who was always seeing bandits stalking into the office. It was such a natural thing for a man of Kenni­jahn’s size and physical confidence to hand over a gun that—that no one would ever believe it. And six months would have to pass before he could get in touch with Drdr. Six months of warding off the rope, six months of—hell.
There were black days when he thought that it couldn’t be done. The trial court reached the point where it denied further stays, and rejected motions based on technicalities. And then the court of first appeal had a small agenda and took his appeal in four days straight within a month of his first conviction. Finally, the supreme court of the United States refused an application for a further appeal on the grounds that new evidence was not being offered. It found, in addition, that the lower courts had handled the trial in exemplary fashion.
The sentence was due to be carried out one month before the end of the six months. With a final, desperate cunning, Kennijahn applied through Clissold for a three-month stay of execution, using the full weight of four hundred thousand dollars in bribes, his entire liquid assets. Not even the governor could see why that much money couldn’t be gotten hold of, somehow, for the party, of course, especially when it was not an attempt to break the sen­tence. But they were all very moral about it. Three months was too long. The public wouldn’t like three months. They could make it—well, six weeks.
Six weeks it was.

In its proper time, the Drdr flashed darkly into his cell. Kenni­jahn stared at the thing wanly, said finally, wearily, “How could a miscarriage of justice like that happen? What is the matter with the world?”
The creature stood up easily on the shadowed cement floor, its flat face expressionless. “Nothing is the matter. Everything is taking place as fated. Innocent men have been hung before, and afterwards people wonder how it could have happened, how they could have supported the crime. But it was simply the victim’s destiny.” The thing shrugged. “No matter how you plan your wishes, it will always be like that. So have them please, and re­lease me.”
Kennijahn sat for a long, stolid moment, letting that sink in. Abruptly, his head throbbed with reaction, and he was afraid, desperately, horribly, ultimately afraid. He said shakily, “What kind of a hellish universe is this? Why should I be fated to hang? It’s not fair.”
“You don’t understand.” The black shape spoke calmly. “Your death is part of a pattern. No matter what you do, the pattern resumes its shape, new threads covering the places where you have tried to break through. It is all necessary to a cosmic balance of forces.”
Kennijahn swallowed hard, then he scowled. “O. K. If this body’s got to hang, that’s all right with me. I’ve had six month’s to think of wishes, and believe me, I’ve got a good one.” He paused to gather his thoughts, then:
“Listen, can you transfer me, with my thoughts, my memories—­me—into the body of Henry Pearsall, the millionaire ?”
Kennijahn almost slobbered in his joy. His whole body shook with horrendous relief. He gasped at last, triumphantly, “Well, what do you think of it? My destiny is fulfilled. Kennijahn hangs at the appointed hour; and I, in the body of Pearsall, go on.” The red eye fixed on him unwinkingly. “Only one thing is wrong: Pearsall is not destined to hang.”
“But this way he won’t—don’t you see? Pearsall’s body goes on.”
The thing said simply, “This then is your fourth wish?”
It was the quietness of the question that got Kennijahn He thought in a stark dismay: Three wishes gone, and three to go. Three gone. And he had expected to be sitting on top of the world after his first. The fourth wish coming up, and he wasn’t even out of jail yet. Of course, there was that wretched business of a wasted wish. That wouldn’t happen again. Slowly, his mind steadied. Courage, the sheer physical courage that had en­abled him to smash his way ruthlessly to the top, came back. Three wishes left, and actually that was good. Surely, with all his facul­ties about him, and the experience he’d had, he should be able to hold off that damnable destiny for years.
“Yes,” he said, “that’s my fourth wish, but don’t rush me. I want to get everything straight. You know the Henry Pearsall I mean. He lives on Oriole Parkway Drive.”
“I know the one.”
Kennijahn persisted. “The one with that absolutely gorgeous wife; her name is Edith. She’s about twenty-eight. He’s thirty-four and worth about seventeen million. You’ve got that clear?”
The creature looked at him without speaking, and Kennijahn remembered that it had refused once before to answer a question the second time. He said:
“All right, all right, don’t get mad. You can’t blame me for checking up after what’s happened. One last question—” His hard, steel-gray eyes stared straight at the thing. “Have you any faintest idea of what could go wrong with my wish?”
“None. Something will, of course. Don’t know what.” Kennijahn smiled grimly. “I’ll take my chances. Let’s go.”

He had arrived home from the office rather late. Even with the memory of the real Henry Pearsall to help him, it was difficult to pick up the threads of another man’s life and work. But he would get it. A matter of time was involved. In the meantime, let people think him a little off par.
“The madam,” the butler had said, “has gone out for dinner. She left this note for you.”
Pearsall-Kennijahn read the note with a pleasant expansiveness. It was full of little affectionate phrases, and ended with:

… darling, going out tonight was a “must”. You know I’d rather be with you, particularly these last ten days since you’ve taken such a renewed interest in your loving but once sadly neglected wife. I feel as if we’re on a second honeymoon. All my heart.


Kennijahn folded the note with a tolerant smile, and put it in his pocket. What a life, getting the pure, full-blossomed love of another man’s lovely wife without having to do any preliminary spadework. There had been a little worry in his mind that she would acquire one of those instinctive dislikes for him that you read about in stories. But that fear was past now.
It was while he was eating his dinner that thought of Nina came. He frowned. He’d have to get acquainted with her somehow, perhaps if necessary through his fifth wish. Nina would mourn him, he knew, but not for long. And if she was going to be faith­less to his memory, the lucky man might as well be Henry Pearsall. Funny, how the bare thought of Nina got him going.
From the dining room he went into the spacious study, with its hunting lodge, overhead-beam construction, and its shelf on shelf of books. Some day, he would read a few of those books just to see what were the springs that moved the real Pearsall’s being. He settled himself cozily under a reading lamp, picked up the evening paper and glanced idly at the headlines. The two-inch caption that topped the page was about a ship explosion. Under­neath, in smaller type was:


“Huh!” gasped Pearsall-Kennijahn. And there was such a dizzy feeling all over him that he grasped at the arm of the chair. The wild sensation came that he was on the edge of an abyss. With a titanic effort, he slowed his whirling mind and read on:

William J Kennijahn, former stock broker, senten­ced to hang three days from today, made a daring escape from the death house late this afternoon. The ex-broker, who was recently convicted of murdering his partner, Andrew Harmsworth, is physically an enormously strong man, and, while authorities have as yet issued no statement as to the method of escape, it is believed that this strength enabled him to—

It was the sound of a door opening that tore Pearsall-Kennijahn’s gaze from the horrifying and fascinating account. The paper slipped from his grasp, and slid to the floor with a dull thump. It was the queerest, most terrible thing in the world to sit there staring at himself. Pearsall had somehow squeezed the larger body into one of—Pearsall’s—suits. It made a tight fit that looked unnatural.
“And now, you devil from hell,” the familiar bass voice lashed at him, “you’re going to get yours. I don’t know what in Satan’s name you’ve done to me, but you’re going to pay for it.”
Kennijahn opened his lips to scream for help, but the sound shattered to a gulp in his throat as his former two-hundred-pound body smashed at the hundred and sixty pounds of flesh and bone that was now his human form. It wasn’t even a fight. He strug­gled, breathing hoarsely, and then a fist of sledge-hammer potency connected with his jaw.
When he came to, there was a cruel gag in his mouth, and his hands were bound behind his back with cords so tight that he winced from the cutting pain. And then he saw what his captor was doing.
The man was chuckling under his breath; an inhuman sound. He had already flung the rope over one of the overhead beams, with the dangling noose neatly tied. Still chuckling, he came to the bound man.
“We mustn’t waste any time,” he giggled. “We’ll just fit your head into the rope, and then I’ll do the pulling. Come, come, now—no shrinking. Fixed it up myself while I was waiting for you. And I know your neck size. Fifteen inches, isn’t it? It’ll be a little tighter than that, actually, in the final issue, but—”
Kennijahn was thinking so hard, so piercingly of Drdr that, in addition to all his other pains, his head began to ache agonizingly from the appalling effort. But the seconds passed, and there was no Drdr. He thought despairingly: The gag, the damnable gag was preventing him from calling the creature.

He was under the rope when it happened. There was blackness, and then he was lying on his back. It took a long moment to grasp that he was stretched out on the hard bunk of a prison cell.
He lay there, and gradually grew conscious of an incongruous fact—the fact that he was sighing with relief at being in the death cell again. He was trembling. His fingers shook as he took a package of cigarettes out of his pocket and went to the “foolproof” electric lighter on the wall. The cigarette nearly fell to the floor. Abruptly, his knees felt so weak that he had to sit down. The creature said from the corner:
“I saved you just in time. It is important to me that you have all your wishes, so that I may return to my abode.”
So that was it. For its own selfish reasons, the Drdr had pulled him out of a nasty mess. Well, the reason didn’t matter. Here he was, four wishes gone, and his destiny still to beat. Destiny. The ague came back. For he believed. His body shook, and his face felt hot and feverish. He believed. The whole, hellish thing was true. He was born to be hanged, and each time now, each wish that had seemed so sure-fire, so normally bound to produce the desired results, had brought him closer to his black doom. The time for normal wishes was past.
“Look,” he said breathlessly, “isn’t there anybody who has ever escaped their destiny? Are there no exceptions? Does the pat­tern always run true?” He saw that the creature was hesitating, its eyes narrowed. With a roar, Kennijahn clutched at the straw.
“There is something. Tell me. Quick!”
“There are always exceptions,” came the slow answer. “It is not a good thing to talk about the failures, or even call them failures. Sooner or later, they fulfill their destiny. It is only a matter of time.”
“A matter of time,” Kennijahn shouted. “You fool, what do you think I’m fighting for? Time, time—anything to hold off the rope. What kind of people are these exceptions?”
“Usually wealthy men who have slid off into some bypath. Or who accidentally received money as the result of some involved plan that was not originally intended to include them.”
“Oh!” Kennijahn sat intent. His mind clenched; his voice sounded unnormal in his ears, as he said finally, “Is there any young, reasonably good-looking, wealthy man among them whose destiny is to die by hanging?”
“There is.”
Kennijahn sagged, so great was the reaction. He lay there on the bunk, breathing heavily, the black doubts raging through his mind. Slowly, he roused himself, and quavered:
“After all, I’ve still got wishes five and six. If anything should go wrong—but I can see now, this is the best bet: Taking the body of a man who is destined to hang but who has been missed in the shuffle. There won’t be any escaping from jail for him, the way Pearsall did.”
Thought of Pearsall sent a cold shiver down his spine. Then a wave of anger came. He snarled, “I’ve a good mind to wait until the night before the hanging, and try that wish again. After all, he couldn’t escape a second time.” Something in the creature’s gaze made him say sharply, “Or can he?”
The thing shrugged, said, “A man not fated to hang will not hang. Has it occurred to you to wonder how he succeeded in escaping from his cell in the first place?”
“What do you mean?”
“For a while he was simply stunned. Then he grew desperate and made his attempt—and no bars could hold him If they had tried to hang him, the rope would have slipped from his neck. It has happened, you know, several times.”
Kennijahn shuddered. He managed finally, “You know what I want. So put me into that body before the Fates grow impatient and send a mob to lynch me.”

There was a blinding, choking, terrible pain. A long moment of that sustained, racking agony, and then came the most awful realization that had ever pierced his brain: He was hanging by his neck.
He couldn’t see, he couldn’t breathe. Dimly, in a blaze of horror, he was conscious that his hands were tied behind him; and there was a stark memory, the other man’s memory, of a determina­tion that life was not worth living, and that suicide was the answer.
Drdr had put him in the body of a man in the act of committing suicide by hanging.
Drdr, you scum, you betrayer, what about the sixth wish? Get hands—free hands. Man must have tied his own hands—couldn’t do that perfectly.
His hands were free for long seconds before realization came that they were fumbling at the rope around his throat, fighting for easement. With a final, all-out effort, he grabbed the rope above his head, and hoisted himself like a man chinning a bar. The deadly, cutting, choking horror on his neck relaxed.
Desperately, then, he clung there, conscious of the utter physical weakness of this body, the inability of this man’s muscles to main­tain for any time his present position. But after a moment his vision came blurrily back. He saw distortedly a great room full of packing cases and, through a window, the top of a tree. An attic. He was in the attic of the millionaire would-be-suicide’s home. His voice came back. It was a harsh, raspy voice that kept catching, as if hooks were snagging it. But he managed to scream:
The sound of that scratchy voice echoed hollowly as he repeated the name shrilly; and then, there was the black, the loathsome, the treacherous beast. The demonlike thing stood on the floor below him and looked curiously up at him from its enormous red eye.
“Get me down from here,” Kennijahn croaked. “Get me down safely. My … sixth … wish. Hurry, hurry. .. , I can’t hold on much longer; and I haven’t … the strength … to climb up farther and … untie the rope. I—”
The enormous casualness of the other’s manner struck him mo­mentarily dumb. Then he raged:
“Hurry … my sixth wish. I tell you, you’ve got to … you can’t get out of it. You said so yourself.”
The little monster stared up at him with unblinking eye. “You’ve had your sixth wish,” it said coolly. “This is your sixth wish.”
Kennijahn had the curious feeling that his nerves were shatter­ing into a million pieces. There was something in the manner of the creature, a casual positivity that—
“Whaddaya mean?” he gasped. “You said I had two more. You said—”
“If you will remember,” came the precise reply, “it was you who said that you had two more. And as you did not actually ask if it were so, naturally I was not compelled to volunteer the infor­mation.
“Where you went astray was in assuming that I only answered wishes that were spoken. When I released you from Henry Peersall’s body, it was in response to the strongest wish that had ever been in your mind, but it was a thought-wish. I am not account­able for your assumptions, though I must satisfy you that I have fulfilled all your wishes. This is now done, and I am free.”
He whisked out of sight; and Kennijahn clung there with a queer, fascinated awareness that he could hold on for only seconds longer.

William J. Kennijahn was alone with his destiny.

The End

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The nine classes of social stratification within the United States today.

If you try to find information on the stratification of America on the Internet, you will discover that the vast bulk of them claim that there are really just three classes of social stratification. This is incorrect. There are nine. Here we will discuss these nine social classes. This post is a prelude to another article that discusses how the United States is migrating from a class system towards a caste system. Buckle up, it’s going to be a real surprise.

First off, why nine?

I argue that many “experts” in this matter overlook the obvious, and classify distinctly separate classes with one of the three common classes. Perhaps this is due to force of habit, as the classes all pre-date the 1960s. But perhaps it is to conditioning. People, most especially Americans, have been accustomed to a new “normal”; an “ever changing normal”. This makes people, who are otherwise quite intelligent, ignore trends that lay there right in front of their eyes.

The three classes are, of course, the…

  • The Upper Class
  • The Middle Class
  • The Low Class

Additionally, one must take into account the 13th amendment which formally established…

  • The Slave Class

What? You say! The 13th Amendment banned slavery, not granted it.

Uh. No it did not. Read the text of the amendment…

Thirteenth Amendment. The full text of the amendment is: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Thirteenth Amendment | United States Constitution ...

So yes, any one who is convicted of a crime, and becomes a felon becomes a member of the Slavery Class. And maybe that will help everyone understand why so many blacks and Negros were arrested after the American Civil War. It also explains the great saturation of laws in the 1920’s that banned the habits, and vices of the Negro population, turning many of them into felons.

So, yeah. There is a fourth class; the slavery class. And once you are in it, it is extremely difficult to leave it.

Ah, there’s another class as well…

  • The Untouchables class

This class is the “Sex Offender Class”, and it is even worse than the Slavery Class. Once you enter that class, you have very little rights, no freedoms, and pretty much will live in poverty for the rest of your life. You can describe this class by income, or demographics, but the reality is that this class is mandated by law.

It’s to take evil child molester “off the streets”. And everyone believes it. Though it’s been my experience that of those arrested and convicted only a very tiny number fit that public narrative. Most are thrown into that class for other reasons.

But wait! There’s more!

There’s the…

  • Gig class.

This class is a newly formed class where the workers float between Low Class and Middle Class. They use their skills, time and effort as opportunities come and go. Unlike the low class, they can periodically rise out of that class, but then sink right back down when their “gig” dries up. This class consists of Uber Drivers, and IoT designers.

Similarly there is the…

  • Per Diem Class

This is similar to the Gig Class except that the skill level is much higher, the monetary rewards are much higher, and the time period cycle between jobs is much longer. These workers are much in demand, and command high salary rates with supportive Per Diem costs covered by monthly bonuses.

And there is the exclusive class…

  • The Oligarchy class

This class is the territory of the super rich, the mega-billionaires. They are not only rich and powerful, but they control major segments of the governments as well. They are, in effect, the “untouchables”. These people, these families, are far more powerful, capable and “connected” than the upper class. They are in a group of their own, and it amazes me that modern day sociologists do not recognize this class at all.

Finally, we have the…

  • The undocumented class.

Which is much larger than anyone knows. It mostly concerns non-citizens who live within the United States, who often work and collect benefits, but do not officially exist. To ignore this enormous segment of the population is disingenuous.

Summary of the Classes

OK. So here is a summary…

  • The Oligarchy class
  • The Upper Class
  • The Per Diem Class
  • The Middle Class
  • The Gig Class
  • The Low Class
  • The Slave Class
  • The Untouchables
  • The Undocumented Class.

The basic rules

A “class” is similar to a caste. In that it is extremely difficult to move from one class to another. Movement can happen, it’s just that it is extremely rare.

The primary difference between “class” and “caste” is that a caste system keeps you locked into your caste. While in “class” downwards movement to a lower class is always possible. While upwards movement is outrageously difficult, and extremely rate.

My GOD! America is like an old game of “chutes and ladders”.

The game of chutes and ladders.
The game of chutes and ladders.


Let’s get started.

Aaron grew up on a farm in rural Ohio, left home to serve in the Army, and returned a few years later to take over the family farm. He moved into the same house he had grown up in and soon married a young woman with whom he had attended high school. As they began to have children, they quickly realized that the income from the farm was no longer sufficient to meet their needs. Aaron, with little experience beyond the farm, accepted a job as a clerk at a local grocery store. It was there that his life and the lives of his wife and children were changed forever.

One of the managers at the store liked Aaron, his attitude, and his work ethic. He took Aaron under his wing and began to groom him for advancement at the store. Aaron rose through the ranks with ease. Then the manager encouraged him to take a few classes at a local college. This was the first time Aaron had seriously thought about college. Could he be successful, Aaron wondered? Could he actually be the first one in his family to earn a degree? Fortunately, his wife also believed in him and supported his decision to take his first class. Aaron asked his wife and his manager to keep his college enrollment a secret. He did not want others to know about it in case he failed.

Aaron was nervous on his first day of class. He was older than the other students, and he had never considered himself college material. Through hard work and determination, however, he did very well in the class. While he still doubted himself, he enrolled in another class. Again, he performed very well. As his doubt began to fade, he started to take more and more classes. Before he knew it, he was walking across the stage to receive a Bachelor’s degree with honors. The ceremony seemed surreal to Aaron. He couldn’t believe he had finished college, which once seemed like an impossible feat.

Shortly after graduation, Aaron was admitted into a graduate program at a well-respected university where he earned a Master’s degree. He had not only become the first from his family to attend college but also he had earned a graduate degree. Inspired by Aaron’s success, his wife enrolled at a technical college, obtained a degree in nursing, and became a registered nurse working in a local hospital’s labor and delivery department. Aaron and his wife both worked their way up the career ladder in their respective fields and became leaders in their organizations. They epitomized the American Dream—they worked hard and it paid off.

This story may sound familiar. After all, nearly one in three first-year college students is a first-generation degree candidate, and it is well documented that many are not as successful as Aaron.

According to the Center for Student Opportunity, a national nonprofit, 89 percent of first-generation students will not earn an undergraduate degree within six years of starting their studies. In fact, these students “drop out of college at four times the rate of peers whose parents have postsecondary degrees” (Center for Student Opportunity quoted in Huot 2014).

What is Social Stratification?

In the upper echelons of the working world, people with the most power reach the top. These people make the decisions and earn the most money. The majority of Americans will never see the view from the top. 

Sociologists use the term social stratification to describe the system of social standing. Social stratification refers to a society’s categorization of its people into rankings of socioeconomic tiers based on factors like wealth, income, race, education, and power.

Social Stratification
Social Stratification


You may remember the word “stratification” from geology class. The distinct vertical layers found in rock, called stratification, are a good way to visualize social structure. Society’s layers are made of people, and society’s resources are distributed unevenly throughout the layers. The people who have more resources represent the top layer of the social structure of stratification. Other groups of people, with progressively fewer and fewer resources, represent the lower layers of our society.

In the United States, people like to believe everyone has an equal chance at success. It’s a hopeful narrative and a lively premise, but (for the most part) it is false.

To a certain extent, Aaron illustrates the belief that hard work and talent—not prejudicial treatment or societal values—determine social rank. This emphasis on self-effort perpetuates the belief that people control their own social standing. In fact, this narrative is played often and over in America. It creates the illusion that everyone can “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” and make a life for themselves in America.

It has become a political rallying cry.

But it is false.

The data is as plain as day. It is as damning as it is clear. The rate of upward movement in the American class system is negligible at best, and completely absent for the vast majority of American citizenry.

Sociologists recognize that social stratification is a society-wide system that makes inequalities apparent. While there are always inequalities between individuals, sociologists are interested in larger social patterns. Stratification is not about individual inequalities, but about systematic inequalities based on group membership, classes, and the like. No individual, rich or poor, can be blamed for social inequalities. 

The structure of society affects a person’s social standing.

Although individuals may support or fight inequalities, social stratification is created and supported by society as a whole. In America the rich people want to associate with other wealthy individuals, and shun the rest. Anyone who has tried to pledge in certain fraternities or sororities can well see this in action.

Likewise, the same holds true for the lower class strata as well.

Walmart class.
In America there is a stigma about association with a “lower” class than what you belong to. I cannot help but think that Donald Trump or Joe Biden would be loathe to help this poor woman up as she struggles to purchase a six-pack of Pepsi.


Factors that define stratification vary in different societies. In most societies, stratification is an economic system, based on wealth, the net value of money and assets a person has, and income, a person’s wages or investment dividends. While people are regularly categorized based on how rich or poor they are, other important factors influence social standing.

For example, in some cultures, wisdom and charisma are valued, and people who have them are revered more than those who don’t. In some cultures, the elderly are esteemed; in others, the elderly are disparaged or overlooked. Societies’ cultural beliefs often reinforce the inequalities of stratification.

One key determinant of social standing is the social standing of our parents.

Parents tend to pass their social position on to their children. People inherit not only social standing but also the cultural norms that accompany a certain lifestyle. They share these with a network of friends and family members. Social standing becomes a comfort zone, a familiar lifestyle, and an identity.

People inherit their position in society.
People inherit not only social standing but also the cultural norms that accompany a certain lifestyle. They share these with a network of friends and family members. Social standing becomes a comfort zone, a familiar lifestyle, and an identity. Therefore it is desirable for the parents to push their children to attend college and excel.


This is one of the reasons first-generation college students do not fare as well as other students.

Other determinants are found in a society’s occupational structure. Teachers, for example, often have high levels of education but receive relatively low pay. Many believe that teaching is a noble profession, so teachers should do their jobs for love of their profession and the good of their students—not for money. Yet no successful executive or entrepreneur would embrace that attitude in the business world, where profits are valued as a driving force. Cultural attitudes and beliefs like these support and perpetuate social inequalities.

Recent Economic Changes and U.S. Stratification

As a result of the Great Recession that rocked the United States economy in the last few years, many families and individuals found themselves struggling like never before. The nation fell into a period of prolonged and exceptionally high unemployment.

While no one was completely insulated from the recession, perhaps those in the lower classes felt the impact most profoundly.

The working poor.
The Working Poor.


Before the 1990’s, many were living paycheck to paycheck or even had been living comfortably. As the recession hit, they were often among the first to lose their jobs. Unable to find replacement employment, they faced more than loss of income. Their homes were foreclosed, their cars were repossessed, and their ability to afford healthcare was taken away. This put many in the position of deciding whether to put food on the table or fill a needed prescription.

But the Great Recession, like the Great Depression, has changed social attitudes.

Where once it was important to demonstrate wealth by wearing expensive clothing items like Calvin Klein shirts and Louis Vuitton shoes, now there’s a new, thriftier way of thinking. In many circles, it has become hip to be frugal. It’s no longer about how much we spend, but about how much we don’t spend.

Systems of Stratification

Sociologists distinguish between two types of systems of stratification.

  • Closed systems accommodate little change in social position. They do not allow people to shift levels and do not permit social relationships between levels.
  • Open systems, which are based on achievement, allow movement and interaction between layers and classes.

Different systems reflect, emphasize, and foster certain cultural values and shape individual beliefs. Stratification systems include class systems and caste systems, as well as meritocracy.

The Caste System – India

India used to have a rigid caste system until it was banned. The people in the lowest caste suffered from extreme poverty and were shunned by society. Some aspects of India’s defunct caste system remain socially relevant. 

Caste systems are closed stratification systems in which people can do little or nothing to change their social standing. A caste system is one in which people are born into their social standing and will remain in it their whole lives.

People are assigned occupations regardless of their talents, interests, or potential. There are virtually no opportunities to improve a person’s social position.

The Indian caste system.
The Indian caste system.


In the Hindu caste tradition, people were expected to work in the occupation of their caste and to enter into marriage according to their caste. Accepting this social standing was considered a moral duty. Cultural values reinforced the system. Caste systems promote beliefs in fate, destiny, and the will of a higher power, rather than promoting individual freedom as a value. A person who lived in a caste society was socialized to accept his or her social standing.

Although the caste system in India has been officially dismantled, its residual presence in Indian society is deeply embedded. It still exists. It’s just that the government refuses to acknowledge it’s existence and provides “lip service” to any evidence of it’s existence.

In rural areas, aspects of the tradition are more likely to remain, while urban centers show less evidence of this past. In India’s larger cities, people now have more opportunities to choose their own career paths and marriage partners. As a global center of employment, corporations have introduced merit-based hiring and employment to the nation.

The Class System – United States, the UK, Australia

A class system is based on money, social factors, individual achievement, politics and law.

A class consists of a set of people who share similar status with regard to factors like wealth, income, education, and occupation.

Unlike caste systems, class systems are open. People are free to gain a different level of education or employment than their parents. They can also socialize with and marry members of other classes, which allows people to move from one class to another.

America compared to the rest of the world.
In the United States, the Oligarchy class, and the upper Class have no concern for the United States citizenry. They run the nation, and make the laws so that only their class benefits.

In a class system, occupation is not fixed at birth. Though family and other societal models help guide a person toward a career, personal choice plays a role.

In class systems, people have the option to form exogamous marriages, unions of spouses from different social categories.

Marriage in these circumstances is based on values such as love and compatibility rather than on social standing or economics. Though social conformities still exist that encourage people to choose partners within their own class, people are not as pressured to choose marriage partners based solely on those elements. Marriage to a partner from the same social background is an endogamous union.

Meritocracy – China

Meritocracy is an ideal system based on the belief that social stratification is the result of personal effort—or merit—that determines social standing.

High levels of effort will lead to a high social position, and vice versa. The concept of meritocracy is considered an ideal in the West. It is believed that it is unobtainable. That is because the Western societies simply cannot understand a society based on Confucian thought. Therefore, they argue that a society has never existed where social rank was based purely on merit.

Those in the West argue this because of the complex structure of societies, processes like socialization, and the realities of economic systems, social standing is influenced by multiple factors—not merit alone.

In the West, inheritance and pressure to conform to norms, for instance, and disrupts the notion of a pure meritocracy. Yet, China comes as realistically close to that ideal than any other nation in history.

The USA vs China.
The difference between an oligarchy class run government, and a meritocracy are stark.

Status Consistency

Social stratification systems determine social position based on factors like income, education, and occupation. Sociologists use the term status consistency to describe the consistency, or lack thereof, of an individual’s rank across these factors. Caste systems correlate with high status consistency, whereas the more flexible class system has lower status consistency.

To illustrate, let’s consider Susan.

Susan earned her high school degree but did not go to college. That factor is a trait of the lower-middle class. 

She began doing landscaping work, which, as manual labor, is also a trait of lower-middle class or even lower class. 

However, over time, Susan started her own company. She hired employees. She won larger contracts. She became a business owner and earned a lot of money. 

Those traits represent the upper-middle class. There are inconsistencies between Susan’s educational level, her occupation, and her income. 

In a class system, a person can work hard and have little education and still be in middle or upper class, whereas in a caste system that would not be possible. In a class system, low status consistency correlates with having more choices and opportunities.

Social Stratification and Mobility in the United States

Most sociologists define social class as a grouping based on similar social factors like wealth, income, education, and occupation. These factors affect how much power and prestige a person has. Social stratification reflects an unequal distribution of resources.

In most cases, having more money means having more power or more opportunities.

Stratification can also result from physical and intellectual traits. Categories that affect social standing include family ancestry, race, ethnicity, age, and gender. In the United States, standing can also be defined by characteristics such as IQ, athletic abilities, appearance, personal skills, and achievements.

Additionally, in America, there are legal stratifications. That is, forced class membership by law.

  • All Felons enter the Slave Class.
  • All Sex Offender Felons enter the Untouchables Class.
  • All undocumented, or non-citizens, are in the Undocumented Class.

Standard of Living

In the last century, the United States has seen a steady rise in its standard of living, the level of wealth available to a certain socioeconomic class in order to acquire the material necessities and comforts to maintain its lifestyle.

The standard of living is based on factors such as income, employment, class, poverty rates, and housing affordability. Because standard of living is closely related to quality of life, it can represent factors such as the ability to afford a home, own a car, and take vacations.

In the United States, a small portion of the population has the means to the highest standard of living.

The Upper class are insulated from the realities of life in the other class segments. As time moves forward they become more and more insulated from reality, and live trapped in a bubble that represents a life that does not exist.
The Upper class are insulated from the realities of life in the other class segments. As time moves forward they become more and more insulated from reality, and live trapped in a bubble that represents a life that does not exist.


A Federal Reserve Bank study shows that a mere one percent of the population holds one-third of our nation’s wealth (Kennickell 2009). Wealthy people receive the most schooling, have better health, and consume the most goods and services. Wealthy people also wield decision-making power.

Many people think of the United States as a “middle-class society.” They think a few people are rich, a few are poor, and most are fairly well off, existing in the middle of the social strata.

But as the study mentioned above indicates, there is NOT an even distribution of wealth.

Millions of women and men struggle to pay rent, buy food, find work, and afford basic medical care. Women who are single heads of household tend to have a lower income and lower standard of living than their married or male counterparts. This is a worldwide phenomenon known as the “feminization of poverty”—which acknowledges that women disproportionately make up the majority of individuals in poverty across the globe.

In the United States, as in most high-income nations, social stratifications and standards of living are in part based on occupation (Lin and Xie 1988).

Aside from the obvious impact that income has on someone’s standard of living, occupations also influence social standing through the relative levels of prestige they afford.

Employment in medicine, law, or engineering confers high status. 

Teachers and police officers are generally respected, though not considered particularly prestigious. 

At the other end of the scale, some of the lowest rankings apply to positions like waitress, janitor, and bus driver.

The most significant threat to the relatively high standard of living that everyone is accustomed to in the United States is the decline of the middle class. The size, income, and wealth of the middle class have all been declining since the 1970s. This is occurring at a time when corporate profits have increased more than 141 percent, and CEO pay has risen by more than 298 percent (Popken 2007).

The decline in the American middle Class.
The decline in the American middle Class parallels the decline in union organizations.


G. William Domhoff, of the University of California at Santa Cruz, reports that “In 2010, the top 1% of households (the upper class) owned 35.4% of all privately held wealth, and the next 19% (the managerial, professional, and small business stratum) had 53.5%, which means that just 20% of the people owned a remarkable 89%, leaving only 11% of the wealth for the bottom 80% (wage and salary workers)” (Domhoff 2013).

  • 35.0% of wealth – Oligarchy Class.
  • 53.5% of wealth – Upper Class


  • 89.0% of wealth – The top two classes

While several economic factors can be improved in the United States (inequitable distribution of income and wealth, feminization of poverty, stagnant wages for most workers while executive pay and profits soar, declining middle class), we are fortunate that the poverty experienced here is most often relative poverty and not absolute poverty.

Whereas absolute poverty is deprivation so severe that it puts survival in jeopardy, relative poverty is not having the means to live the lifestyle of the average person in your country.

  • Absolute poverty = Personal survival is difficult.
  • Relative poverty = Not having the means to live an average lifestyle.

As a wealthy developed country, the United States has the resources to provide the basic necessities to those in need through a series of federal and state social welfare programs. The best-known of these programs is likely the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which is administered by the United States Department of Agriculture. (This used to be known as the food stamp program.)

The program began in the Great Depression, when unmarketable or surplus food was distributed to the hungry. It was not until 1961 that President John F. Kennedy initiated a food stamp pilot program. His successor Lyndon B. Johnson was instrumental in the passage of the Food Stamp Act in 1964. In 1965, more than 500,000 individuals received food assistance. In March 2008, on the precipice of the Great Recession, participation hovered around 28 million people. During the recession, that number escalated to more than 40 million (USDA).

However, for all practical purposes, the United States distribution of such aid is insufficient, spotty and fraught with fraud. It’s a “dead horse”, and fraught with inefficiencies, corruption and abuse.

Urban Dictionary: dead horse horse

dead horse Military term for an issue that has been addressed over and over and over again. Comes from the expression ”You’re beating a dead horse.”, meaning that talking about the issue is not going to change anything so drop it.
What to do when you are stuck riding a "dead horse".
What to do when you are stuck riding a “dead horse”.

Social Classes in the United States

Does a person’s appearance indicate class? Can you tell a man’s education level based on his clothing? Do you know a woman’s income by the car she drives?

For sociologists, categorizing class is a fluid science.

While I have identified nine classes in America, I am the outlier. Sociologists generally identify three levels of class in the United States: upper, middle, and lower class. Within each class, there are many subcategories. Wealth is the most significant way of distinguishing classes, because wealth can be transferred to one’s children and perpetuate the class structure.

One economist, J.D. Foster, defines the 20 percent of U.S. citizens’ highest earners as “upper income,” and the lower 20 percent as “lower income.” The remaining 60 percent of the population make up the middle class. But by that distinction, annual household incomes for the middle class range between $25,000 and $100,000 (Mason and Sullivan 2010).

One sociological perspective distinguishes the classes, in part, according to their relative power and control over their lives. The upper class not only have power and control over their own lives but also their social status gives them power and control over others’ lives. The middle class doesn’t generally control other strata of society, but its members do exert control over their own lives. In contrast, the lower class has little control over their work or lives. Below, we will explore the major divisions of U.S. social class and their key subcategories.

The Oligarchy Class

The upper class is considered the top, and only the powerful elite get to see the view from there. In the United States, people with extreme wealth make up 1 percent of the population, and they own one-third of the country’s wealth (Beeghley 2008).

The Oligarchy class use their wealth to control the rest of society.
The Oligarchy class use their wealth to control the rest of society.

The richest 1% know the secrets to building wealth, and nothing makes that more evident than the statistics about how they stack up to the 99% that most of us belong to. Additionally, once they reach a certain stage of wealth and income, they tend to use it to control the government, and thus create a bubble of isolation around themselves for protection. The laws do not apply to them.

1. It takes an annual income of $421,926 to join the 1% in the U.S.

When we think of the 1%, we often think of people raking in seven figures a year, but it only takes the comparatively modest figure of $421,926 to join the 1% in the U.S., according to data from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI). That’s an average of about $35,161 per month or about $1,156 per day.

Being in the 1% of your state may cost more or less than this, though. Connecticut residents will need to earn a whopping $700,800 per year to join this elite group while Mississippi residents can join the 1% with a mere $254,362 in annual income.

2. The richest 1% earn 26.3 times more than the bottom 99%.

The average one-percenter can expect to earn almost $1,317,000 per year, according to the EPI study. By contrast, the average 99-percenter brings home just $50,107 per year. That puts the average 1% income about 26.3 times higher than the average income for the rest of the country.

This ratio also varies by state. New York has the largest income inequality gap with the top 1% taking home 44.4 times what the bottom 99% earn in that state. Alaska has the lowest income inequality gap. Its 1% only earns 12.3 times what its bottom 99% earn.

3. The top 1% holds 42.5% of the national wealth.

The wealthiest 1% of U.S. residents — about 3.29 million people — hold 42.5% of our national wealth, while the remaining 325.7 million people share the remaining 57.5%, according to

No other country in the world has so much wealth concentrated in the hands of the few. In the Netherlands, which had the next-largest income inequality gap according to the survey, the 1% only holds 28% of the country’s wealth.

And how this manifests…

Bullet in the head of the republic.

And, make no mistake, the Oligarchy Class IS the DE FACTO United States today…

As a fan of old movies in general and Sunset Boulevard in  particular, I keep coming back to how the psychological profile of Norma  Desmond’s character seems so reminiscent of the United States right now  – or more precisely the political class that dictates its policies and  the narrative used to maintain the illusion.  After the end of the Cold  War, Washington was the grand dame on the world stage, at the peak of  her powers economically and militarily.  And she wielded her power  without apology for years, becoming entitled to wield it – making  demands and bossing others around whom she perceived to be lesser  lights.   

 She’s declining now but doesn’t accept it –  continuing to bomb other  nations without remorse, assassinating foreign military leaders,  sanctioning 1/3 of the world’s population, dotting every corner of the  globe with military bases, and engaging in brinksmanship – all while  continuing to proclaim her greatness, exceptionalism and  indispensability.   Other players on the world stage seem to see through  the masquerade, but still feel the need to tiptoe around her.  

 Having a population whose life expectancy is decreasing, an  infrastructure that rates a D+ from civil engineers, doesn’t manufacture  much of its essential needs, and who can’t even competently handle a  public health crisis doesn’t upset the story that America continues to  tell herself.  Rather than accept her declining stature and use whatever  influence she still has to engineer a soft landing domestically and  work with the rest of the world toward a multi-polar order that values  peaceful co-existence, America seems to have chosen the Norma Desmond  path:  very entitled, very narcissistic, and dangerously deluded.  

-Is the US the Norma Desmond of the world stage?
Norma Desmond.
Norma Desmond.

Upper Class

Money provides not just access to material goods, but also access to a lot of power.

Range is $200,000 to $420,000 / year.

These people are the direct subordinates reporting to the owners; the oligarchy.

  • As corporate leaders, members of the upper class make decisions that affect the job status of millions of people.
  • As media owners, they influence the collective identity of the nation. They run the major network television stations, radio broadcasts, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, and sports franchises.
  • As board members of the most influential colleges and universities, they influence cultural attitudes and values.
  • As philanthropists, they establish foundations to support social causes they believe in.
  • As campaign contributors, they sway politicians and fund campaigns, sometimes to protect their own economic interests.
I used to hate cartoons like this. But I learned that this narrative is true.
I used to hate cartoons like this. But I learned that this narrative is true. It is extraordinarily difficult to raise above and out of your social-economic class. While there are instances, from recent history of people who have climbed out, they are practically few, and far between. It is not as common as the “news” media wold lead you to believe.


U.S. society has historically distinguished between “old money” (inherited wealth passed from one generation to the next) and “new money” (wealth you have earned and built yourself). While both types may have equal net worth, they have traditionally held different social standings.

People of old money, firmly situated in the upper class for generations, have held high prestige. Their families have socialized them to know the customs, norms, and expectations that come with wealth. Often, the very wealthy don’t work for wages. Some study business or become lawyers in order to manage the family fortune. Others, such as Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, capitalize on being a rich socialite and transform that into celebrity status, flaunting a wealthy lifestyle.

However, new-money members of the upper class are not oriented to the customs and mores of the elite. They haven’t gone to the most exclusive schools. They have not established old-money social ties. People with new money might flaunt their wealth, buying sports cars and mansions, but they might still exhibit behaviors attributed to the middle and lower classes.

Ruling class is never seen as legitimate.

The Per Diem Class

This is a relatively transient class, that came into being in the 1980’s. They flourished during the 2000’s and are now sliding into obscurity. The members mostly being replaced by gig class, and middle class technical workers on a rotating basis.

Per diem the noun, is an amount of money someone allots to you for daily expenditure, such as for business. Similarly, the adjective "per diem" means "daily" and is usually related to costs or expenses that happen on a daily basis. Lastly, "per diem" is also an adverb meaning literally "by the day." If you only work on days you are needed, you work "per diem."

This is a class of professionals that have both the skills, education and experience to perform highly specialized tasks for limited periods of time. They are often considered “rent a engineers” by industry.

Per Diem Class
It is often difficult to find the properly qualified expert in certain fields. This is most especially true in the United States.

As such, they are very specialized and thus often sit between job opportunities without bringing in any income. Then, when an opportunity arises, they can command enormous rates for short-term work. These people are employed in advanced defense technologies, on oil rigs and in difficult situations.

They “float” between having the income of Upper Class, and having no income at all.

Middle Class

Many people consider themselves middle class, but there are differing ideas about what that means.

People with annual incomes of $150,000 call themselves middle class, as do people who annually earn $30,000. That helps explain why, in the United States, the middle class is broken into upper and lower subcategories.

  • Upper middle class – $100, 000 to $200,000
  • Middle, middle class – $50,000 to $100,000
  • Lower Middle class – $25,000 to $50,000

Upper-middle-class people tend to hold bachelor’s and postgraduate degrees. They’ve studied subjects such as business, management, law, or medicine. Lower-middle-class members hold bachelor’s degrees from four-year colleges or associate’s degrees from two-year community or technical colleges.

Comfort is a key concept to the middle class.

Middle-class people work hard and live fairly comfortable lives. Uppermiddle- class people tend to pursue careers that earn comfortable incomes. They provide their families with large homes and nice cars. They may go skiing or boating on vacation. Their children receive high-quality education and healthcare (Gilbert 2010).

In fact, what you do with your one to two week vacation time pretty much is an indicator as to where you reside on the Middle Class scale.

  • Packaged vacations every year = Upper middle class.
  • One packaged vacation a decade = middle, middle class.
  • Vacation is a road trip to see relatives = Low middle class.
Not that long ago.

In the lower middle class, people hold jobs supervised by members of the upper middle class.

They fill technical, lower level management or administrative support positions. Compared to lower-class work, lower-middle-class jobs carry more prestige and come with slightly higher paychecks. With these incomes, people can afford a decent, mainstream lifestyle, but they struggle to maintain it. They generally don’t have enough income to build significant savings. In addition, their grip on class status is more precarious than in the upper tiers of the class system.

Conventional explorations of why the middle class is shrinking focus on economic issues such as the decline of unions and manufacturing, the increasing premiums paid to the highest-paid workers and the rising costs of higher education and healthcare.

I wonder about...


All of these factors have a role, but few comment on the non-economic factors, specifically the values that underpin the accumulation of capital that is the one essential project of middle class households.

Daniel Bell’s landmark 1976 book The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism held that

"capitalism--and the culture it creates--harbors the seeds of its own downfall by creating a need among successful people for personal gratification--a need that corrodes the work ethic that led to their success in the first place."

I would phrase this in the language of values and capital: The primary cultural contradiction of the Great American Middle Class is the disconnect between the values needed to build capital and those of gratification via debt-based consumption.

Arrayed against these capital-accumulation-disciplined values are the consumerist values of instant gratification, short-term horizons, lack of long-term goals, self-indulgence, impulse buying, keeping up with the Joneses (i.e. competitive consumption), and an obsessive focus on the social/consumption pecking order of one’s peers, all of which incentivize debt-based consumption that spends future earnings today on non-essentials.

Which is true, if you sacrifice. Live in a van. Eat dumpster food while scrimping and saving every penny, and enjoying free soup kitchens, and making free iced tea from courtesy lemon packets in the fast food franchises.

I was astonished to read in $100,000 and up is not enough – even the ‘rich’ live paycheck to paycheck that busy couples spend $2,000 to $2,600 per month eating out. That’s roughly $30,000 a year, the equivalent of a brand-new vehicle plus a used car or one year of college–or a down payment on a rental home in a non-bubble locale.

The article contends that

"Many 'rich' people have problems accepting that they aren't really that wealthy and the money will not last forever."

This is an excellent summary of the consumerist mentality: income, wealth and financial security are all grossly over-estimated…

… while debt is under-estimated.

Conventional Americans may wonder how recent legal immigrants with modest-paying jobs buy homes and pay off the mortgage in a few years and then send their kids to university with zero student loans. In a conventional consumerist household earning two times as much annual gross income, this is viewed as “impossible.”

Perhaps if most American too, lived in multi-generational homes with thirty family members sharing the rent/mortgage and contributing to the collective they might do better.

But America is the land of the "Lone Wolf". You are kicked out on the street at 18 years old, and must fend for yourself. Unless you have strong supportive family...

Like the Oligarchy Class.
Like the Upper Class.
Like the Undocumented Class.

You will always be at a disadvantage. Especially in a nation that has comprised laws designed to keep you firmly planted in the role that it establishes for you.

The Gig Class

The term “gig economy” refers to a free market system in which traditional businesses hire independent contractors, freelancers, and short-term workers to perform individual tasks, assignments, or jobs. The term comes from the world of the performing arts in which musicians, comedians, etc. are paid for their individual appearances, called “gigs.” 

  • In the gig economy, businesses hire independent contractors to perform individual jobs, called “gigs.”
  • Hired and assigned via internet and smartphone applications, gig employees work remotely.
  • While contract gig workers enjoy great scheduling flexibility and extra income, they suffer from relatively low pay, lack of benefits, and increased stress. 
  • In 2018, about 57 million Americans—nearly 36% of the total U.S. workforce—were full or part-time gig workers.

While such temporary arrangements offer tremendous advantages, like freedom and flexibility, workers in the rapidly-evolving gig economy are finding they face an increased risk of financial hardship.


Without any support structures such as medical, retirement, pension, and similar systems, they are off alone and are totally responsible for their own income and benefits.

Much like traditional jobs, gig economy jobs are great—until they’re not.

Gig economy.


In the “gig economy” or “freelance economy,” gig workers earn all or part of their incomes from short-term contracts under which they are paid for individual tasks, assignments, or jobs.

Typified by globally-recognized companies like Uber, and Lyft—which hire people to use their personal vehicles to provide taxi-like, on-demand ride services—gig economy companies use internet and smartphone-based applications to both hire and assign workers.

Each individual gig or assignment usually accounts for only a part of gig worker’s total income.

By combining several tasks for different companies, gig workers can realize cumulative earnings equal to those of conventional full-time jobs.

For example, some gig workers drive their cars for both Uber and Lyft, along with renting out rooms in their homes through Airbnb. Other people simply use gig jobs to supplement their regular income.

Buckle up.

Another aspect of the gig economy involves so-called “digital earning platforms,” like eBay and Etsy, which allow people to earn money by selling their used items or personal creations, and online handyman services, like TaskRabbit.

In many ways, the gig economy reflects and facilitates the desire of millennial generation workers for greater flexibility in balancing their work-life demands, often changing jobs several times during their lifetimes. No matter what motives drive gig workers, the popularity of the internet, with its capability for remote work, has caused the gig economy to thrive.

But you all must be made aware... the idea that you can enter the Upper Class, or the Oligarchy Class from the Gig Class is a lie. It is not possible.

...You will NEVER become wealthy blogging.

...You cannot become a millionaire by posting sexy pictures in Instagram with 100 million followers.

...You are not going to enter the Upper class with an IoT invention.

All those ideas are fantastical lies promoted by the oligarchy class to keep the lower classes complaisant and content with their lot in life.

Lower Class

The lower class is also referred to as the working class. Just like the middle and upper classes, the lower class can be divided into subsets: the working class, the working poor, and the underclass.

  • Working Class
  • Working Poor
  • The Underclass

Compared to the lower middle class, lower class people have less of an educational background and earn smaller incomes. They work jobs that require little prior skill or experience and often do routine tasks under close supervision.

Walter Williams advice is great, but terribly dated.
Walter Williams advice is great, but terribly dated. It applies to China, Australia, Italy, Poland, Russia, but not to the United States. The best that this pre-1960’s advice can get you in the USA today is better placement within your social-economic class, nothing more.


Working-class people, the highest subcategory of the lower class, often land decent jobs in fields like custodial or food service. The work is hands-on and often physically demanding, such as landscaping, cooking, cleaning, or building. Beneath the working class is the working poor. Like the working class, they have unskilled, low-paying employment.

However, their jobs rarely offer benefits such as healthcare or retirement planning, and their positions are often seasonal or temporary. They work as sharecroppers, migrant farm workers, house-cleaners, and day laborers. Some are high school dropouts. Some are illiterate, unable to read job ads.

How can people work full-time and still be poor?

Abandoned Americans.

Even working full-time, millions of the working poor earn incomes too meager to support a family. Minimum wage varies from state to state, but in many states it is approaching $8.00 per hour (Department of Labor 2014). At that rate, working 40 hours a week earns $320. That comes to $16,640 a year, before tax and deductions. Even for a single person, the pay is low. A married couple with children will have a hard time covering expenses.

I understand.

Members of the underclass live mainly in inner cities. Many are unemployed or underemployed. Those who do hold jobs typically perform menial tasks for little pay. Some of the underclass are homeless. For many, welfare systems provide a much-needed support through food assistance, medical care, housing, and the like.

Many socialists confuse the Slave, destitute and undocumented classes due to the type of income producing work they can obtain.

Each class has it's own set of criteria that extends beyond income alone.

The Slave Class

This class is mandated by law.

The 13th amendment allowed slavery in the United States whenever someone is convicted of a felony. Thus, in the USA today, all Felons are members of the Slave Class.

As such, it is very difficult, if not impossible to get any employment outside the Low Class range, and this class distinction also places other Rights at risk. For instance owning a firearm, voting, or even boarding an airplane (with the no-fly list) can be impossible.

Professionals such as Doctors, and Engineers discover that they are forever barred from ever practicing their occupation. Whether it is through membership in a professional organization, or through the Human Resources department of a company, this class is persona non grata.

If you are arrested in America, you face entering the Slave Class.
If you are arrested in America, you face entering the Slave Class.


The only way out of this class is to have your felony expunged in a court of law. With a very small chance of this ever actually happening.

The Untouchable Class

This class is also mandated by law.

While the Slave Class has great hurtles, it is the untouchable class that lives within a real virtual prison. Every restriction possible by the local, state and federal governments apply. Where you live, where and how you travel, what you do, what you eat, and who you associate with are all regulated. Movement is redistricted if not curtailed, and all freedoms are absent.

Unable to work by law, and having housing restrictions, most end up trying to live in free-shelters or government housing. However new laws have made this impossible as any shelter that obtains federal funding is not permitted to accept members of this class.

The result is a destitute life.

It is extremely difficult to crawl out of the untouchable class.
It is extremely difficult to crawl out of the untouchable class.


There is no exit from this class. In the United States, once you are on the “Sex Offender” list, you are on it for life.

The Undocumented Class

Yale, MIT study: 22 million, not 11 million, undocumented aliens live in the USA. This is a huge number. Seeing that the population of New York city is 6 million people.

The large number of illegal aliens can be attributed to a number of factors, including:

  • Unsecured borders.
  • An explosion in sanctuary jurisdictions throughout the United States, where local law enforcement authorities refuse to cooperate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
  • The availability of jobs. Illegal aliens know they will find work because America has yet to put in place mandatory E-Verify for all employers.
  • The increasing number of social welfare programs, and other benefits, given to illegal aliens by states and local governments – including in-state college tuition and driver’s licenses.
  • Easily exploited asylum laws, flawed detention policies and a growing immigration court backlog that, for years, have allowed illegal aliens to obtain release from ICE custody and disappear into the interior of the United States.
  • The on-going promise of amnesty by members of Congress and powerful special interests.

These individuals are recognized by the government legally, why they are not recognized socially is a mystery to me. I guess that it is just laziness on the part of sociologists.

This class has become somewhat of a political “football” used for distraction purposes. This class isn’t really “stealing jobs” from Americans, though it is deleting and siphoning away from the health and human benefits organizations that the Low Class uses to live off of.

It is unrealistic to believe that this class will eventually disappear though legislation. It is in America permanently.

Social Mobility

Social mobility refers to the ability to change positions within a social stratification system. When people improve or diminish their economic status in a way that affects social class, they experience social mobility.

Social mobility. Like this, perhaps…

Social Mobility, American Style.
Social Mobility, American Style.


Individuals can experience upward or downward social mobility for a variety of reasons. Upward mobility refers to an increase—or upward shift—in social class. In the United States, people applaud the rags-to-riches achievements of celebrities like Jennifer Lopez or Michael Jordan.

Bestselling author Stephen King worked as a janitor prior to being published. Oprah Winfrey grew up in poverty in rural Mississippi before becoming a powerful media personality. There are many stories of people rising from modest beginnings to fame and fortune. 

But the truth is that relative to the overall population, the number of people who rise from poverty to wealth is very small.

Still, upward mobility is not only about becoming rich and famous. In the United States, people who earn a college degree, get a job promotion, or marry someone with a good income may move up socially. In contrast, downward mobility indicates a lowering of one’s social class. Some people move downward because of business setbacks, unemployment, marriage, or illness.

Dropping out of school, losing a job, or getting a divorce may result in a loss of income or status and, therefore, downward social mobility.

It is not uncommon for different generations of a family to belong to varying social classes. This is known as intergenerational mobility. For example, an upper-class executive may have parents who belonged to the middle class. In turn, those parents may have been raised in the lower class. Patterns of intergenerational mobility can reflect long-term societal changes.

Similarly, intragenerational mobility refers to changes in a person’s social mobility over the course of his or her lifetime. For example, the wealth and prestige experienced by one person may be quite different from that of his or her siblings. Structural mobility happens when societal changes enable a whole group of people to move up or down the social class ladder.

Structural mobility is attributable to changes in society as a whole, not individual changes. In the first half of the twentieth century, industrialization expanded the U.S. economy, raising the standard of living and leading to upward structural mobility. In today’s work economy, the recent recession and the outsourcing of jobs overseas have contributed to high unemployment rates. Many people have experienced economic setbacks, creating a wave of downward structural mobility.

When analyzing the trends and movements in social mobility, sociologists consider all modes of mobility. Scholars recognize that mobility is not as common or easy to achieve as many people think. In fact, some consider social mobility a myth.

Class Traits

Class traits, also called class markers, are the typical behaviors, customs, and norms that define each class. Class traits indicate the level of exposure a person has to a wide range of cultures. Class traits also indicate the amount of resources a person has to spend on items like hobbies, vacations, and leisure activities.

Class traits, also called class markers, are the typical behaviors, customs, and norms that define each class.
Class traits, also called class markers, are the typical behaviors, customs, and norms that define each class.


People may associate the upper class with enjoyment of costly, refined, or highly cultivated tastes—expensive clothing, luxury cars, high-end fund-raisers, and opulent vacations.

People may also believe that the middle and lower classes are more likely to enjoy camping, fishing, or hunting, shopping at large retailers, and participating in community activities.

While these descriptions may identify class traits, they may also simply be stereotypes.

Moreover, just as class distinctions have blurred in recent decades, so too have class traits. A very wealthy person may enjoy bowling as much as opera. A factory worker could be a skilled French cook. A billionaire might dress in ripped jeans, and a low-income student might own designer shoes.

Eraser Head.
Eraser Head.

Models of Global Stratification

Various models of global stratification all have one thing in common: they rank countries according to their relative economic status, or gross national product (GNP).

Traditional Model

Traditional models, now considered outdated, used labels to describe the stratification of the different areas of the world. 

Simply put, they were named “first world, “second world,” and “third world.” First and second world described industrialized nations, while third world referred to “undeveloped” countries (Henslin 2004). 

When researching existing historical sources, you may still encounter these terms, and even today people still refer to some nations as the “third world.”
More vs Less Developed

Another model separates countries into two groups: more developed and less developed. 

More-developed nations have higher wealth, such as Canada, Japan, and Australia. 

Less-developed nations have less wealth to distribute among higher populations, including many countries in central Africa, South America, and some island nations.

Yet another system of global classification defines countries based on the per capita gross domestic product (GDP), a country’s average national wealth per person. 

The GDP is calculated (usually annually) one of two ways: by totaling either the income of all citizens or the value of all goods and services produced in the country during the year. It also includes government spending. Because the GDP indicates a country’s productivity and performance, comparing GDP rates helps establish a country’s economic health in relation to other countries.

This method can be terribly skewed upwards by a wealthy oligarchy class, thus providing inaccurate comparative data.

But the thing is, the GDP is only a reflection of the general health of a nation as long as the wealth is shared in a linear manner through out the classes. When the oligarchy became super-wealthy and gobbled up all the wealth, they skewed the GDP into unrealistic and deceptive numbers.

GDP skewed in favor of the oligarchy class.
GDP migration skewed by the enormous wealth of the oligarchy class.


The solution to this problem, is to come up with a different way to determine the actual wealth of a nation. Thus we have the PPP.

Purchasing power parity (PPP)

GDP PPP refers to the GDP converted to  US dollars using purchasing power parity rates and divided by total  population. Purchasing power parity (PPP) is used to adjust the exchange rate differences  among countries. This economic theory states that the exchange rate  between two currencies is equal to the ratio of the currencies’  respective purchasing power. PPP provides an opportunity to compare  countries that have different standards of living by recalculating the value of a country’s goods and services as if they were being sold at U.S. prices.

 E.g. China and UK has a GDP of $200m and  $175m respectively, where the GDP of China is more by $25m. Assuming a  basket of goods cost $200 in China and $175 in the UK, 1 million baskets  of goods can be purchased in China whereas 1.75 million baskets of  goods can be purchased in the UK.

 According to the above, a higher GDP  does not necessarily make a country richer, the relative purchasing  power is important. In order to make price comparisons across countries,  a wide range of goods and services must be considered. This is a very  exhausting exercise; however, this has been made convenient by the  International Comparisons Program (ICP) founded by the United Nations  and University of Pennsylvania. ICP generates purchasing power parity  rates based on a worldwide price survey that compares the prices of  hundreds of various goods. This information can be used to compare  countries to arrive at GDP PPP.

What’s Next

Well, if America [1] doesn’t change internally, and there are [2] no (additional) external wars, we can expect a tenth social class to be added. That of Chinese-Americans…

America's future.
Coming soon to America, if SHTF doesn’t happen. The new tenth class of stratification; Chinese-Americans.


We can expect them to fit somewhere between the Slave Class and the Untouchables Class.

So what does this mean?

When you have a stratified class system, and…

When you have a small group of super wealthy people in control of most of the money, all of the government, and all of the services, media and policing actions you have a dictatorship by oligarchy.

When this organization is focused on external threats to the extent that wars are more desirable than repair of serious domestic emergencies, then you have an out-of-control military empire.

And with that, history has been very clear. They ALWAYS are destroyed catastrophically.

Crime Spree.


What Is Social Stratification?

Stratification systems are either closed, meaning they allow little change in social position, or open, meaning they allow movement and interaction between the layers.

  • A caste system is one in which social standing is based on ascribed status or birth.
  • Class systems are open, with achievement playing a role in social position. People fall into classes based on factors like wealth, income, education, and occupation.
  • A meritocracy is a system of social stratification that confers standing based on personal worth, rewarding effort.

Social Stratification and Mobility in the United States

There are nine main classes in the United States. Social mobility describes a shift from one social class to another. Class traits, also called class markers, are the typical behaviors, customs, and norms that define each class.


All this shit about stratification in the USA gives me a headache. You all don’t have to believe that it is stratified. You can believe that narrative that is being piped to you 24/7 by the “news” media… that anyone can become rich and wealthy and successful.

Just look at all those instagram models… for instance.

The truth is that the class that you inherited is pretty much the upper limit of where you will end up and retire into. All those articles about Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and the Jeff Bezos are just fantasies. They only apply to the 0.00001% of the population, and if you believe that you are part of that elite group then go for it.

Just realize that the “deck of cards” is all stacked up against you. Not just socially, and culturally, but also mandated by law. You are fucked.

If I sound like a grouchy old geezer, who is a little long in the tooth and disgruntled, then maybe I am. But I have good reason to be. So listen to me…

…the ONLY way that you can exit your birth class, as an American, is to leave America. Other than that, you are locked in place, and upward mobility is pretty much closed to you. As we used to say in Pennsylvania, “it’s a closed country club, and you ain’t in it.”

Overall, 2020 has been a God-damn shitty year!

2020 dumpster candle.


It’s so very true. No one has yet to disagree. And with that being said, this all pretty much says it all…


Yah, but let’s end this post on a high note…

The Saturday Night Joke

 Very to the end.  It's worth the read.  
 Every morning, the CEO of a large bank in Manhattan walks to the corner where a shoe shine is always located.
 He sits on the couch, examines the Wall Street Journal, and the shoe shine gives his shoes a shiny, excellent look.
 One morning the shoeshine asks the Executive Director:
 "What do you think about the situation in the stock market?"
 The Director asks in turn arrogantly:
 "Why are you so interested in that - that topic?"
  "I have a million dollars in your bank," the shoeshine says, "and  I'm considering investing some of the money in the capital market."
 "What your name?  –"Asks the Director.
 "John Smith."
 The Director arrives at the bank and asks the Manager of the Customer Department:
 "Do we have a client named John Smith?"
 "Certainly –"answers the Customer Service Manager–, "he is a highly  esteemed customer.  He has a million dollars in his account."
 The Director comes out, approaches the shoeshine, and says:
 "Mr. Smith, I ask you this coming Monday to be the guest of honor at  our board meeting and tell us the story of your life.  I am sure we will  have something to learn from you."
 At the board meeting, the Executive Director introduces him to the board members:
 "We all know Mr. Smith, who makes our shoes shine in the corner;  But  Mr. Smith is also our esteemed customer with a million dollars in his  account.  I invited him to tell us the story of his life.  I am sure we  can learn from him."
 Mr. Smith began his story:
 "I came to this country fifty years ago as a young immigrant from  Europe with an unpronounceable name.  I got off the ship without a  penny.  The first thing I did was change my name to Smith.  I was hungry  and exhausted.  I started wandering around looking for a job but to no  avail.  Suddenly I found a coin on the sidewalk.  I bought an apple.  I  had two options: eat the apple and quench my hunger or start a business.   I sold the apple for two dollars and bought two apples with the money.   I also sold them and continued in business.  When I started  accumulating dollars, I was able to buy a set of used brushes and shoe  polish and started polishing shoes.  I didn't spend a penny on  entertainment or clothing, I just bought bread and some cheese to  survive.  I saved penny by penny and after a while, I bought a new set  of shoe brushes and ointments in different shades and expanded my  clientele.  I lived like a monk and saved penny by penny.  After a while  I was able to buy an armchair so that my clients could sit comfortably  while cleaning their shoes, and that brought me more clients.  I did not  spend a penny on the joys of life.  I kept saving every penny.  A few  years ago, when the previous shoe shine on the corner decided to retire,  I had already saved enough money to buy his shoeshine location at this  great place. Finally, three months ago, my sister, who was a whore in Chicago, passed away and left me a million dollars."

-From Busted Knuckles
(Bless that ornery old' coot.)


That’s all fun and games, but now for the REAL STORY…

A janitor making $4/hour walked into a Fortune 500 company boardroom. Shaking, he took a seat opposite the CEO. "So I had an idea..." he nervously began.

 Years later, that idea would become an iconic consumer brand and make him worth ~$20M.
 Here's how that meeting went:

 1) Richard Montañez grew up in Cucamonga Valley, California, sharing a one-room cinderblock hut with 14 family members. He dreaded school. Barely able to speak English, he’d cry to his mother as she was getting him ready for class.

 2) When asked, all other students in class would eagerly shout out their dream job: Astronaut, Doctor, Racecar driver.  Richard had nothing to say. “There was no dream where I came from.”

 3) He dropped out of school in 4th grade and took odd jobs at farms and factories to help make ends meet.
 Some years later in 1976, a neighbor let him know of a job opening  for a factory janitor at the Frito-Lay plant down the road. The $4/hour  pay was more than he'd ever made.

 4) As he was getting ready for his first day of work, his grandfather pulled him aside and said: “Make sure that floor shines. And let them know that a Montañez mopped it.”

 5) Richard made it his mission to be the best janitor Frito-Lay had ever seen.  He spent his off-time learning about the company's products,  manufacturing, marketing and more. He even asked salesmen to tag along  and watch them sell.

 6) In the mid-1980s Frito-Lay started to struggle. The CEO announced a  new initiative to all 300,000 employees. “Act like an owner” Trying to  empower them to work more creatively and efficiently. Montañez listened.

 7) Then, he called the CEO.

 “Mr. Enrico’s office. Who is this?”
 “Richard Montañez, in California”
 “You’re the VP overseeing CA?”
 “No, I work at the Rancho Cucamonga plant.”
 “Oh, so you’re the VP of Ops?”
 “No, I work inside the plant.”
 “You’re the manager?”
 “No. I’m the janitor.”

 8) The CEO got on the line. Loving the initiative, he told Richard to  prepare a presentation, and he set a meeting in 2 weeks time. Stunned, Richard ran to the library and picked up a book on marketing strategies. Then, he started prepping.

 9) 2 weeks later, he entered that boardroom.  After taking a moment to catch his breath, he started telling them  what he'd learned about Frito-Lay and the idea he'd been working on.

 10) “I saw there was no product catering to Latinos.”. On the sales trips he shadowed he saw that in Latino neighborhoods  Lays, Fritos, Ruffles, and Cheetos, were stocked right next to a shelf  of Mexican spices. Frito-Lay had nothing spicy or hot.

 11) The Latino market was ready to explode, Monteñez explained. Inspired by elote - a Mexican street corn covered in spices - Richard had created his own snack. He pulled out 100 plastic baggies. He had taken Cheetos from the factory and coated them in his own mix of spices.

 12) He’d even sealed the bags with a clothing iron, and had hand drawn a logo on each one.
 The room went silent.

 After a few moments, the CEO spoke, “Put that mop away, you’re coming with us”.

 13) Flamin’ Hot Cheetos became one of the most successful launches in  Frito-Lay history. They went on to become a viral, pop-culture  sensation. 

 Richard became a VP and amassed a $20M fortune.

 Not bad for a boy from Cucamonga.

-From Busted Knuckles
(Bless that ornery old' coot.)

As he said with open honesty and pluck…

“I can say with confidence that Mr. Monteñez has done more to help the human race than a hundred soy boys with bachelor’s degrees in Botswanian Lesbian Feminist Interpretive Tap-Dancing Studies with tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt who’ve graduated with nothing but an unwarranted sense of entitlement and a sour attitude.

I have nothing to add to this story, other than reading it was like a breath of fresh air, and why don’t we hear more stories like this? Then I recall the inclinations of the people who are running our media, and the answer is obvious.”

The United States might be segregated and stratified by class, and by law, but you still have two hands and a brain. Whether you have the spunk and pluck to climb to the top of the oligarchy class, or not. Whether you have sunk to the untouchable class or not, your life is in your hands.

Make your life special.

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An American comparison of individual Coronavirus relief benefits from all around the world showing how the USA stacks up.

Spoiler alert; America is the most pathetic of the bunch. But you all need not worry. Businessmen in Washington DC can now deduct their three-martini lunches from federal taxes. Dictators in Africa get billions of dollars, and there are decreased taxes for the super-wealthy. Aren’t you so very proud to be an American?

While the world is reeling from the pandemic, the oligarchy toiling away in Washington DC have been using this pandemic to push for structural changes to the tax code. Many of the changes are stealth changes. Changes that have been been implemented silently over the last four decades or so. All of which is tax the poorer, working level citizenry, while providing benefits and tax relief to the wealthier people.

  • Greater taxes on the vast bulk of citizenry.
  • Less taxes on the higher social-economic citizens.

This is pretty well understood, if not at all reported.

And now, in the midst of a serious emergency; a global pandemic that America has completely bungled (politely stated, America has truly FUCKED UP on this issue), the oligarchy have been focused on making taxpayers subsidize lavish lunches for wealthy executives.

And their work has paid off in the latest Covid relief deal. Buried in the details of this modest aid plan is a provision to give executives unlimited tax deductions for their business meals for two years.

No. Not enough money to pay rent. (The last time my rent was under $600 was in the 1980’s.)

No. There isn’t any free treatments or hospital services if you get the coronavirus illness, like the FUCKING REST OF THE WORLD. You have to pay for the medical service out of your own pocket.

But this idea of giving extra benefits is pretty much the “old normal”. A normal that pre-dated the Ronald Reagan Presidency.

That’s how it worked back in the 1970s, when Presidential candidate George McGovern had this to say about it: “There’s something fundamentally wrong with the tax system,” he said, “when it allows a corporate executive to deduct his $20 martini lunch while a workingman cannot deduct the price of his bologna sandwich.”

"There’s something fundamentally wrong with the tax system when it allows a corporate executive to deduct his $20 martini lunch while a workingman cannot deduct the price of his bologna sandwich."

-George Mcgovern

President Ronald Reagan, of all people, actually agreed with McGovern. His 1986 tax-code overhaul, best remembered today for lowering overall rates, reduced the deductibility of business meals from 100 to 80 percent. In 1993, the Clinton administration pushed that deductibility rate down to 50 percent, where it has stayed ever since.

Now corporate lobbyists have managed to restore that 1970s-era perk – claiming, of course, that bigger tax write-offs for business meals would help struggling restaurants and the people they employ. It’s a real stretch. But those in Washington DC live in their own bubble of reality.

This argument that giving deductions to the activities of the upper-class would “trickle down” to the working-level folk has been proven to be a fallacy. Yet, it was used in the opposition to the Clinton-era tax reform. It was flawed then and it’s even more preposterous now.

Hey! Do you want to help the people working in the restaurants? Really? Then how about stop taxing tips.


Which solution would best serve waiters and waitresses?

[1] Allowing the patrons to have tax deductions for their business lunches and alcoholic beverages.

[2] Stop taxing the tips that the waiters and waitresses get. 

Today, when the real problem is a public health crisis that’s keeping people at home. The justification that lowering taxes on business meals will do anything to help struggling restaurant owners and employees is just bullshit.

This is not a true relief pack­age. Relief would mir­ror the eco­nom­ic response of oth­er west­ern indus­tri­al­ized nations, where work­ing peo­ple either receive reg­u­lar month­ly pay­ments or are guar­an­teed up to 80% of their pre-Covid income. 

A real relief bill would have can­celed mort­gage and rental debt. 

Real relief would have includ­ed the expan­sion of Medicare and Med­ic­aid to cov­er all med­ical debt result­ing from the cri­sis. 

Con­gress knows that the bill won’t solve the prob­lems of a house­hold fac­ing upwards of $6,000 in unpaid rent. 

They just hope it’s enough to dis­tract from the utter lack of care and com­pas­sion that they have shown to peo­ple.

In this time of crisis, any support for corporations should encourage executives to treat their workers well, trim their own fat paychecks, and pay for their own lunches.

It’s never going to happen though. No one ever listens to me.

Why are we not surprised that the peons will get a one time check for $600, but a billionaire CEO will get to write off his $600 “business lunch” each and every day, all year long. You know, I can’t help but figure that this was thrown in for one reason, and one reason only. A giant middle finger to the working class. A quick brutal reminder that they indeed own the political class, and they are in charge.

That the stratification of America into a caste system, along the lines of India, is in process and there is nothing that Americans can do about it.

How do we know?

That’s a pretty damning statement. How do we know that is this the case?

Well, if you compare how citizens are treated around the world by their governments during this global pandemic, you can see this all quite clearly.

In nations that have governments that care for their citizens and take on the role of protectors and actuators, you can see that there are very large outlays given to the citizenry. But in nations that have either a very repressive government, or that possess one that is socially stratified (either officially or unofficially) they pretty much resemble America.

A comparison between different coronavirus stimulus packages.
A comparison between different coronavirus stimulus packages.


The U.S. has passed a third stimulus bill Monday night and an  international comparison shows that it has been high time. According to  an analysis by think tank Bruegel, the U.S. is the country currently offering a much lower level of coronavirus  financial aid and stimulus than other developed nations. The bill's  $900 billion in aid will up the level of stimulus from previously 14  percent (of 2019 GDP) to approximately 18 percent. 

While that  will still leave the U.S. at the lower end of the comparison, the  country's share of immediate fiscal impulse is higher than elsewhere.  Since cash checks for citizens are once again included in the new bill,  the high level of immediate spending will likely remain the same after  the new bill is entered into the Bruegel calculation, which has last  been update on Nov 24, 2020.

April's checks for $1,200 to all  Americans in a certain income bracket came to US$600 billion, the  biggest single item in the entire stimulus package, which consisted of  almost $2 trillion in direct stimulus and $560 billion each in deferrals  (of payroll tax and student loans) and in liquidity/guarantee measures.

All the details

Yeah. All the details are available on the internet. Though you would be hard-pressed to find them in any American “news”. If you want to check out the details, you can find a pretty comprehensive listing at the (American based) Tax Foundation.

For the most part, except for the United States and India, most (but not all) nations follow the following guidelines…

  • Tax relief should be broad-based.  
  • Tax relief should be in keeping with good long-term policy.
  • Using refundable tax credits designed for future credits.
  • Repair distortive tax policies that could impede recovery efforts.

Compared to America, most other nations are very generous. Even if they are tiny, or are short in resources.

Consider Australia as an example…

Australia Coronavirus Tax Relief

Australia has announced federal relief proposals that total around $320 billion (AUD). State governments have also announced relief packages and in some cases deferrals of payroll tax payments (Australian Capital Territory, Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia).

The federal relief package includes direct payments to citizens. For job seekers impacted by the downturn, there will be payments of $550 every two weeks in addition to current income support payments. The government expects these payments to cost $14.1 billion. There is also a broad-based, $750 one-time payment to eligible recipients—this is expected to cost $4 billion. Individuals will also be able to temporarily access up to $10,000 from certain retirement accounts.

Through a new wage-subsidy scheme, employers will be able to receive a $1,500 payment per retained worker every two weeks. Businesses qualify for the subsidy if their revenues have fallen by 30 percent (50 percent for businesses with revenues greater than $1 billion) in the relevant time period relative to a year earlier. The subsidy will be in place for six months.

The aid packages provide relief to businesses through subsidized loans and central bank lending, and temporary relief from insolvency laws, immediate expensing (instant asset write-off), and accelerated depreciation.

Immediate expensing will now be available for assets costing less than $150,000 on a per-asset class basis. Eligibility is expanded to include businesses with annual revenues of less than $500 million (the current cap is $50 million). This measure applies until the end of June.

Accelerated depreciation will be provided temporarily for businesses with less than $500 million in revenues. In addition to current depreciation deductions, the policy allows an additional 50 percent deduction but only applies to assets purchased after March 12, 2020 and put into service by June 30, 2021.

Businesses subject to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) can apply for deferred payments if they are facing cash-flow challenges. Also, businesses that receive credits or refunds under the GST can switch from quarterly to monthly filings to speed up their refunds. Importers may also apply for the deferred GST scheme.

Two states—South Australia and Western Australia—announced land tax relief for landlords who have provided rent relief to tenants in response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Australia makes America look really, really bad.

It really does.

But you know what? It’s not just Australia. It’s just about every nation on the planet. And while there are certain differences between each and every plan, most nations are putting relief efforts for the day-to-day working-citizens of their nations FIRST, with consideration for the wealthy LAST, if at all. Not so in the United States.

A comparison between different coronavirus stimulus packages.
A comparison between different coronavirus stimulus packages.


For I have been saying that the American “benefit package” is along the lines of what India has. It is a stratified system of benefits where the wealthiest get the most support, and the rest of the citizenry get token relief.

  • Wealthy get the greatest benefit from the “Coronavirus relief legislation”.
  • Average people get little relief, or token benefits.


You don’t believe my narrative, eh? That this is a fundamental principle of stratified communities. Well…

Let’s look at India…

India Coronavirus Tax Relief

India has provided a fiscal support package of 150 billion rupees focused on the health system’s response to the outbreak. State-level fiscal support has also been announced. Tax filing has been postponed from March 31 to June 30 for income tax returns and goods and services tax returns. There is also a reduced interest rate for tax payments made by June 30, and late filing penalties are waived. Goods and services tax (GST) deadlines for March, April, and May are extended to the end of June.

India is also working on a relief package for the airline industry including deferring aviation fuel tax. Refunds for Goods and Services Tax and customs duties will be accelerated. Companies’ income tax refunds up to INR 500,000 will be accelerated. Deadline extended for FATCA and CRS returns from May 31 to June 30. The deadline for March’s provident fund contributions has been extended from April 16 to May 15.

But what does this matter?

You know, you all can slice and dice the data any which way that you want. You can make a pile of dog shit smell like roses if you want, and I am sure that there are many people in the MM audience that might think that I am too “salty” on this matter. That “America is number one and the best”, and yada, yada, yada…

My argument is rather simple.

  • Nothing shows how absolutely stratified the United States has become, than the comparisons in Coronavirus relief measures globally.
  • The only nations that share in the same type of American-style relief programs are those representative of severe social stratification. Like India.

And if you don’t want to believe it, that’s just fine.

Americans know this

You might not want to believe this, but most Americans (today) realize that the nation is a private club and they ain’t in it. There are two sets of laws, two sets, of rules, two sets of living areas, and two sets of people.

It’s just that most do not want to face the ugly truth.

So they fight back. You know, like sheep baa-ing in their pen, or monkeys howling in their cages. Modern Americans protest using meme’s. Most are far too timid to do anything more aggressive than that.

American protest memes

Here’s some “protest” meme’s regarding the grandiose coronavirus relief plan…


Seems strange – right?

Yes. Non-Americans won’t really understand the meme’s. So let me put this in perspective…

Here is some comparative data from the Zumper National Rent Report: December 2020. And keep in mind the following;

  • Most American live in 2 to 4 bedroom homes.
  • Those that do not rent, have a mortgage that has typically much larger monthly payments.

Combined means that the data is damning.


Because Congress has this information, and already knows this.

Knows what?


Typical monthly rent for Americans all over the United States.
Typical monthly rent for Americans all over the United States.


Which pretty much means that, for a nation where…

  • Most citizens live paycheck to paycheck.
  • Most citizens have no savings.

Will result in most citizens at a point of eviction from their homes, with little compensation, no savings, no cushion, and ZERO support from the American government.

This is setting up a “perfect storm”.

A perfect storm

It appears that the long-awaited “fork in the road” has arrived. Americans can either accept the role as destitute indentured-serfs or they can revolt against an uncaring, inefficient, and criminal government.

And maybe it is already happening….

A perfect storm is brewing.

You have [1] a “clueless”, psychopathic American leadership, supported by [2] selfish minions that have [3] become blatant in their treatment of the 99% of the rest of America. You have [4] an oligarchy that is trying to create strife and discord for the sole purpose in obtaining personal advantage. [5] You have a completely disillusioned serf-citizenry that is [6] waking up to their reality, while [7] the government controls all the media that is fed to them, and [8] a government desirous of sparking a violent “hot” war in a “distant land” to unify the [9] balkanized Americans for a common goal.

And no one wants to do the “hard stuff”.

“Hard stuff” ?

Yeah. The “hard stuff” as described in this lengthy article (shown below) and pointed out at the end…

Across  the political spectrum, there is widespread agreement that America must  get serious about the threat posed by China. As the Trump  administration comes to a close, the State Department has just released a  document called ‘The Elements of the China Challenge’.  A distillation of conventional wisdom among national security experts  and government officials, it argues that the U.S. needs a concerted  effort to push back against Beijing. On its first page, the document  tells us that “the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has triggered a new era  of great-power competition.” If there was a major intellectual thread  running through Trump’s foreign policy, or at least that of the people  he appointed, it was that confronting China was the national security  issue of our time. America during the Trump era was single-minded in its  focus on turning up the pressure on Beijing, including unprecedented  support for Taiwan, sending ships more often through the South China  Sea, and attempting to stop the spread of the telecom giant Huawei.

 The  idea of the China threat will not end with the Trump administration.  Michèle Flournoy, once thought to be the frontrunner to become Biden’s  Secretary of Defense, argued in Foreign Affairs that the U.S. has not been steadfast enough  in its military commitments in East Asia. Sometimes, great power  competition is presented as an imperative of history; in the formulation  of Graham Allison, a former Pentagon official and the current professor  at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, the two powers are involved  in a “Thucydides Trap.” Looking at the last 500 years of world history,  Allison believes that when the ambitions of a rising power conflict with  those of an established power, war becomes likely.

 But  what are we afraid of China actually doing? Reading foreign policy  analysis can often be frustrating to those who believe arguments should  proceed in a straight line, with clearly defined terms, and logical  connections between ends being sought and the means being recommended.  Once can read op-eds and government reports on “great power competition”  or the “China challenge” and never understand clearly what the U.S. and  China are actually competing for. ‘The Elements of the China Challenge’  from the State Department adopts a strategy of throwing everything at  the wall and seeing what sticks, accusing China of everything from being too successful in trade, to trying to dominate the world, and being racist against African migrants.
This  kind of ambiguity about what a conflict is actually about has not  existed throughout most of history. The two world wars nominally  centered around rivalries between Germany and its neighbors over  specific territories one could locate on a map, such as Alsace-Lorraine.  The Cold War was a struggle between the capitalist and communist  systems. But why, exactly, are the U.S. and China rivals? Beneath the  comparisons to any number of classical or modern conflicts, the reality  is very different. China is not a threat in the way traditionally  understood. There is nothing vital to American security or prosperity  that China threatens. While the U.S. will be less powerful in the coming  decades in relative global terms, that is inevitable with the rise of  the developing world more generally, a trend Washington has encouraged.
China’s  true menace is neither military nor geopolitical, but rather  ideological. Its continuing success, even if it in no way harms the  prosperity or security of most Americans, poses a major threat to the  American political establishment, how it justifies its own power, and  its understanding of the U.S. role in the world.
What is the China Threat?
In  the last three decades, China has experienced a rate of economic growth  unprecedented in modern history. Between 1990 and 2019, GDP per capita increased 32 times. In terms of total GDP, China may become wealthier than the U.S. in the next two decades—and by some measures, already is. For the sake of comparison, in 1980 the Soviet Union had a GDP that was about 40% that of the U.S., with the trendlines actually favoring the West. Recently, when the economist Branko Milanovic suggested  that the Nobel Prize in his field should go to scholars who study the  most important questions out there, he pointed to Chinese growth as an  example, calling it “40 years of the most extraordinary increase in  income for the largest number of people ever.”
This  would be frightening if the U.S. and China coveted territory from one  another. Azerbaijan’s recent military victory over Armenia in the  conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh can be attributed to the former growing  economically, and therefore militarily, stronger than the latter over the last two decades.  Yet the two modern superpowers are on opposite sides of the world and  have no similar dispute between them. It is true that the U.S. seeks to  preserve the territorial integrity of allies and partners, such as  Taiwan and Japan, that may be threatened by Beijing. The incoming Biden  administration will likely have a policy of willingness to defend the  Senkaku Islands, an uninhabited five rocks and three reefs that the U.S.  considers part of Japan. But why America should risk nuclear war over  this issue is rarely explained. To the extent such objections are  addressed, they are buried under appeals to morality that forgo any kind  of cost-benefit analysis, and buzzwords such as preserving an undefined  sense of American credibility or the broad goal of reinforcing  deterrence.
Another  idea, popular among pundits and the general public, is that Chinese  growth is necessarily bad for the U.S. But in reality, Chinese growth  has so far directly benefited U.S. consumers: it is undisputed among economists  that trade with China made America better off by lowering the price of  goods. Despite the temptation to political amnesia, the fact is that  U.S. policy privileged these economic gains for many years, and its  relationship with China was explicitly informed by these political  decisions.
While  this has undermined U.S. economic capacity in important ways, the cause  wasn’t cheating, trickery, or even growth on the part of China.  Instead, the cause was the success of American policy priorities. If  there is a problem, it is most immediately that those priorities were  misguided. The U.S. has the right to conduct trade on its own terms. It  can choose what kind of strategy it wants in trade negotiations, and is  free to deal with the downsides of neglecting domestic industry and  increased competition for jobs through whatever means it considers  appropriate. To see China as a civilizational enemy over such issues,  however, is bizarre.
The  same is true regarding IP theft. While the practice has been estimated  to cost the U.S. hundreds of billions of dollars a year, it is  nonetheless normal for developing economies,  with South Korea and Taiwan having had similarly bad records as their  economies began to grow. No other state was considered a fundamental  threat to the U.S. over the issue, with a mix of external pressure and  internal incentives leading them to ultimately develop more rigorous  patent laws and enforcement. Many corporations, the parties most  directly affected, treat the problem as the price of doing business.
Perhaps,  then, the threat is that China seeks to remake the world in its own  image? This is a popular trope among the national security  establishment. H.R. McMaster, perhaps the quintessential representative  of this class, says China  is “leading the development of new rules and a new international order  that would make the world less free and less safe.” When one scratches  the surface of these arguments, it is clear that most of the indictment  against China involves things that every country does, but only looks  frightening if you completely ignore American behavior. Chinese loans to  poor countries are said to trap them in debt, but the evidence doesn’t bear this out.  The same criticisms don’t often extend to the sorts of loan programs  offered by the International Monetary Fund, even though these have often  been as controversial as, and much more comprehensive than, any Chinese financial aid.
But  despite the growth of this position among the American establishment,  still others accuse it of strategically respecting the sovereignty of  other states. In March, Daniel Tobin of the Center for Strategic and  International Studies testified to Congress  that China continues to promote the normative principles of “mutual  respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual  nonaggression, mutual noninterference in each other’s internal affairs,  equality and cooperation for mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence.”  Ted Piccione of the Brookings Institution writes of China under Xi putting forth “orthodox interpretations of national sovereignty and noninterference in internal affairs…”
While  China is not blameless, one could reasonably make the argument that,  from an international perspective, it has had easily the most peaceful  rise to great power status of any nation of the last several hundred  years. While China has carried out the re-annexation of Tibet, blockaded  Taiwan diplomatically, and launched internal colonization of  territories like Xinjiang, such actions always occur under the  ideologically important claim that they are internal to China. The U.S.,  conversely, undertook external colonial ventures during its rise and  still regularly sanctions unquestionably sovereign nations. China’s  territorial claims are naturally controversial internationally, but are  modest compared to those sought by other powers—not least the U.S.  itself, which early in its history declared the entire Western  Hemisphere as off limits to the nations of Europe. Its interventionist  policies since then have led to the overthrow of governments, the killing of leaders, and the economic sanctioning of entire nations.
Perhaps,  as the McMasters of the world claim, this is all because Beijing is  biding its time in hopes of world domination. Alternatively, China may  be an inwardly focused civilization that, while it may have disputes  with its neighbors, is not on a mission to fundamentally remake the  world. While it would naturally prefer rules that favor it and resists  any principles that would legitimize regime change supported from  abroad, Beijing does not seek to fundamentally replace the U.N. or  rewrite international law. Its strategy has mostly sought stability and  growth within the rules of the system developed by Western democracies  in the aftermath of the Second World War. While its current position of  strength is recent, it has not yet broken from this precedent.
This  interpretation is most consistent with past behavior and, given the  costs of American militarism abroad, with common sense about how a  rational actor should be expected to act. It is also consistent with the  arguments of the most honest kind of “China hawk,” who argues that the  real problem with Beijing is not that it wants to dominate the world,  but that it might stop the U.S. from doing so in a unipolar manner.
The Threat to the National Security Elite
Given  the incoherence of these arguments, one must look below the surface to  see what motivates political hysteria towards China. To understand the  motivations of analysts, think tank fellows, and generals, one must  comprehend how they see themselves and the American role in the world.  For decades, the ideology of the American government in its dealings  abroad has been based on the necessity of creating a liberal democratic  world—a necessity which, as the Soviet model proved an ineffective  threat and the Cold War ultimately ended, became seen as ever more  natural. The assumptions supporting this view have, in various ways,  driven American leaders since the post-WWII era.
The  collapse of the Berlin Wall increased this confidence. While the  possibility of nuclear war had to be managed, and it was assumed that  communists might hold on to their captive populations indefinitely, the  spread had been contained. During the entire Cold War, the trend was  towards more democratic governance and the opening of markets.
The  1990s saw the U.S. engage in what can be described as mop-up operations  against the few holdouts against the trend towards democratic  capitalism like Saddam Hussein and Slobodan Milosevic. Academics even  before Francis Fukuyama saw democratization as a natural consequence of  people demanding more of a voice in their governments, as incomes rose,  and as they became more educated. Countries like Chile, South Korea, and  Taiwan seemed to validate this view.
None  of this meant that the U.S. was to stand back and let history unfold.  An expansive military presence abroad was necessary for all these  projects, and even after the Cold War to address WMD proliferation and  protect civilians abroad from human rights violations, and to stop  Islamic terrorism after 9/11. The assumption was that, while the move  towards democratic capitalism was natural and maybe even inevitable, it  could be delayed by communists, terrorists, or Baathists if the U.S. did  not lead.
The  result was a paradox. The greater the inevitability of this grand  historical arc, the more urgently it had to be backed up by force, and  the more unreasonable and deviant all resistance seemed. Even the  language of a “clash of civilizations” as the War on Terror commenced  did not radically depart from the larger story. This justified a large  military establishment with costs that dwarfed those of every other  potential rival combined. American global leadership was pushing on an  open door.
China Versus Western Political Science
China  is something completely new. The Soviet Union had military power and  appealed to Western intellectuals, but was clearly an economic basket  case that could not deliver on its promise of rising standards of  living. Islamic terrorists could kill Westerners and destabilize  countries, but had little overall effect on American security, and did  not threaten either U.S. hegemony or its justifications. Modern day  Russia can seek to have an influence on our culture and politics, but  nobody looks to it as a model, and it nominally accepts the legitimacy  of competitive elections.
China,  however, rejects liberal democracy—the idea that leaders should be  chosen on a one-person, one-vote basis—even as an ideal or ultimate  destination. As Daniel Bell explains in The China Model: Political  Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy, Chinese leaders have  implemented a system in which government officials are selected and  promoted based on examinations, performance reviews, and the meeting of  objective criteria at lower levels. Its political qualification is not  electoral support, but party membership and loyalty. This system is not  justified on the grounds simply that the Chinese people or their  institutions are “not ready for democracy,” a line sometimes taken  even by Middle Eastern dictators like Bashar al-Assad. Critiques of  democracy certainly are not foreign to the West; Plato is possibly the  most famous anti-democratic thinker in history, and today modern  skeptics use the language of economics when they talk about concepts  like the influence of interest groups and the “rational irrationality”  of voters. Yet opposition to the principle of democracy as such is  unthinkable for an American leader, and even for most prominent  intellectuals.
What  went wrong with political science models that generalized from a  moderately large number of cases in which economic growth led to  democratization? To see how they erred, one could imagine a social  scientist at the end of the first millennium arguing that the whole  globe would become Christian because princes across Europe had all  adopted that religion. If statistical models existed then, one could  have done a regression and “proved” this hypothesis. The most common  statistical models used today rely on the assumed independence of  observations. The logic of regression analysis and hypothesis testing as  applied to political development says that if we see the same patterns  across time and space, then we may be able to infer a causal chain of  events.
But  the spread of economic and social systems operates in the realm of path  dependence and network dynamics. Under this view, the move towards  democratization after the Second World War depended on the power and  missionary zeal of the U.S. more than the laws of history. If American  power declines, its focus on world affairs wanes, or democracy loses its  luster due its perceived shortcomings, the connection between economic  growth and democratization can break down.
China  is not simply passing the U.S. in overall GDP. Other measures one might  use to measure the health of society also indicate that leaders in  Beijing have been doing a better job than those in Washington in recent  years. Are dictatorships more conflict prone at home? China’s murder  rate is a fraction of that of the U.S., and the country has practically  none of the rioting and political violence Americans have gotten used  to. Are dictatorships more likely to menace countries abroad? China has  not been to war since 1979, while the U.S. has been at war almost every year since that date. Are dictatorships less innovative? In 2020, China passed the U.S. in publications in the natural sciences, and its children score higher than American students on IQ tests and international standardized exams. While in 2008, the U.S. recorded over 16 times as many international patents as China, already by 2018 the gap had shrunk to 2.4 times as many, with trend lines indicating that China could surpass the U.S. before long.
With  the American post-war liberal consensus having staked much of its  legitimacy on providing better results, China’s development is an  ideological threat regardless of how benevolent its rulers might  theoretically be. American elites can tolerate a more successful system  on a smaller scale. Lee Kuan Yew, the founder and long-time leader of  Singapore, was explicitly anti-democratic, and horrified American elites  with stances like his belief in eugenics.  Yet his nation’s population has never even approached that of the  largest American cities, and Lee was happy to geopolitically align his  country with the U.S.
China’s  ideology, and the success it is achieving, is ultimately threatening  because of its size. Of course, as a country moves from Third World  status to the most powerful nation in the world, it should be expected  to become more geopolitically confident. Recently, China has begun asserting its will  in a century-old border dispute with Bhutan, a country of 800,000  people, after 24 rounds of previous talks. Such results in this dispute  and others like it are inevitable.
So,  what question should American leaders be asking? It is not whether  China will become more powerful, which it certainly will, or whether it  will democratize, which is out of American hands and not relevant to its  security anyway. Rather, it’s whether China has ambitions beyond what  the U.S. can live with. All else equal, a few rocks in the South China  Sea are not worth the possibility of war, or even worth forgoing the  benefits of trade and potential collaboration on issues of global  importance like climate change and containing pandemics.
In  that case, what about Chinese financing? What about IP theft? What  about Taiwan? Rather than invoking concerns about ethereal leadership or  precedent, it would behoove American leaders well to explicitly set out  their red lines, and tie their arguments for action to why crossing  them threatens America’s fundamental interests. This also requires  honesty about why certain actions are provoking concern. If the real  worry is ideological, it should not be cloaked in rumors about predatory  debt.
The  answer to the China question would therefore be easier if American  leaders were simply looking after the economic or security interests of  the nation, or even the concrete concerns of a formalized alliance.  Unfortunately, they also have financial, bureaucratic, and ideological  reasons for being opposed to China’s rise. If universal democratization  is not the ultimate endpoint of history—or even an imperative for  development, peace, and prosperity—how can the American role in the  world be justified? What will it say about the American system if the  U.S. is no longer the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world,  having been surpassed by a country that became the dominant power in  East Asia without even paying lip service to democratic ideals?
Ultimately,  Americans themselves might begin asking themselves difficult questions  about how well they have been served by their own system, including the  sacrifices in blood and treasure they are regularly asked to make  abroad.
How Will the U.S. Manage Its Decline?
The  rise of China is based on long-term economic trends. Washington can no  more stop or contain it than European powers in the mid-twentieth  century could hope to hold on to their colonies in the midst of  population growth in Asia and Africa, the rise of mass media, and their  national declines relative to the U.S. and the Soviet Union. American  leaders debate questions such as whether to reduce trade with China,  call Beijing out on human rights violations, ban apps like TikTok, or  undertake more naval missions through the South China Sea. Even if the  hawks get their way on each of these issues—like they did under Trump  and are unlikely to under Biden—none of these policies are going to  significantly impede the rise of China.
At  present, Beijing has demonstrated no desire for territory far from its  borders; nor does it seem to want veto power over what governments do in  distant lands, as the U.S. has exercised over large swaths of the  world. Chinese leaders have always reasonably acted as if such  entanglements are not worth the cost. While we cannot predict what  future opportunists may attempt, it would be a mistake to craft our  approach to the Chinese relationship as if this was not the case.
Understanding  this, perhaps the most important question becomes the extent to which  the U.S. is to play a game of chicken in the South China Sea. This is  the real Thucydides Trap, though the concept only applies if both sides  consider hegemony in an area important. China has built an impressive  collection of fortified artificial islands in the South China Sea that  will be useful in any dispute in Taiwan. Nonetheless, an all-out  invasion is unlikely. Rather, Chinese economic strength should be enough  to make most countries of the region take its side in any disputes and  isolate Taiwan. At that point, various scenarios are imaginable, from an  indefinite continuation of the status quo, to overwhelming economic  pressure and attempts to force the island nation into submission, to a  blockade or invasion. Only the very last of these risks war with the  U.S. Assuming we avoid such a scenario, American leaders can be expected  to easily forget about Taiwanese independence and democracy and move  on.
Recent  events in Hong Kong and Belarus demonstrate the limited nature of U.S.  commitments to faraway nations most Americans know little about. Over  the last two years, both of these places have seen pro-democracy  protests that were given rhetorical support by the United States. In  both situations, authoritarian governments were able to reassert  authority and hold on to power. In the aftermath, the U.S. puts  sanctions on the guilty parties, but the issue recedes from the  headlines, and things go back to normal. Just as America lost interest  in Tibet, it will eventually lose interest in Hong Kong and the Uighurs.
This  quiet decline in the Asia-Pacific influence is the most likely  scenario, even if the same military commitments remain. The U.S. can  keep troops in Japan and South Korea as long as those two countries  agree to host them, especially since China is unlikely to force this  issue in the near future. Despite relying on the U.S. for defense, South  Korea already aligns with China over the U.S. on a host of important  geopolitical issues, from welcoming Huawei as a 5G provider to accepting  the view of Hong Kong as an internal manner. Should political winds  change direction in Japan, U.S. bases will not do anything to prevent  better relations between Tokyo and Beijing. Just last month, China and  Japan joined 13 other nations to sign the Regional Comprehensive  Economic Partnership, a free trade agreement that will expand trade and  cooperation throughout the Asia-Pacific. Nothing about the American  military presence prevents the region from resisting any attempts to  isolate China.
Ultimately,  the danger for American elites is not that the U.S. may become less  able to accomplish geopolitical objectives. Rather, it is that more  Americans might begin to question the logic of U.S. global hegemony.  Perhaps not every state is destined to become a liberal democracy, and  nations with very different political systems can coexist peacefully, as  many countries in East Asia do. Maybe the U.S. will not always be at  the frontier of military and economic power, and the country that  overtakes it may have completely different attitudes about the nature of  the relationship between government and its citizens.
While  most Americans will never experience a ride on a Chinese bullet train  and remain oblivious in differences in areas like infrastructure  quality, major accomplishments in highly visible frontiers like space  travel or cancer treatment could drive home the extent to which the U.S.  has fallen behind. Under such conditions, the best case scenario for  most Americans would be a nightmare for many national security and  bureaucratic elites: for the U.S. to give up on policing the world and  instead turn inward and focus on finding out where exactly our  institutions have gone wrong.
-Richard Hanania is the President of the  Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology  and a research fellow at Defense Priorities. He holds a PhD in  political science from UCLA and JD from the University of Chicago. He  tweets @RichardHanania. 


The article is comparative. And that comparison is damning.

America has long, long past the time needed to restructure it’s failing and corrupt institutions. It has long past the time when the “policing elements” of “democracy” (such as the media) have become corrupted to the point where they are no longer functional. It has long past the time when the American Military Empire needs to be scaled back…

…firstly wind back 20 years to just an oligarchy…

…then wind back 40 years to just a “federal democracy”…

…then wind back 100 years to a “democracy”

…then wind back 100 years again to go back to a republic…

…then on to individual fully autonomous States…

…but you know…

…that isn’t going to happen. At least not peacefully. Abrupt change is required at this late stage “in the game”. The cancer has metastasized. It’s eating the host and it is on life-support.

Someone needs to pull the plug…

…press the reset button…

…perform a CTRL – ALT – DEL…

…and reboot.

You all know this, right? You know that the roller coaster has no brakes, and that it is careening out of control on a shoddy track, rotten by termites, broken in places, and run by drunk madmen.

Keep calm and press ctrl-alt-del.
Keep calm and press ctrl-alt-del.


I would be very surprised if any of this is new to you the reader.

What I am just doing here is something that you will not see in the American news. NO alternative media, mainstream media or anyone else is comparing the American ‘stimulus” packages with the rest of the world. Only here. And the comparisons are damning.

Just horrific.

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Some Christmas videos out of China. I hope that you enjoy them.

This is a quick and simple post. It’s just some Christmas videos out of China. Contrary what what you might read, China celebrates Christmas robustly. It’s just celebrated differently. That’s all.

These are not the best videos, the most profound or the greatest. They are simply the top listed ones on the Chinese music application KouGuo. (Which means nothing, actually.)

First up is a rather old music video. This one was made in the 1990’s (my guess) but pretty much illustrates what the meaning of Christmas is for many people in China. I would say that it’s not so much about buying presents, and “spreading good cheer” as it is about people and relationships.


The next up… an Enya Christmas. This video is not a music video from the 1990’s like the first one. Instead, this is contemporary views of China on Christmas day. My guess is that it is either Shenzhen or Guangzhou. But I don’t know for certain. It’s a pretty interesting take on what it is like in China. Music by Enya placed with snapshots of daily life inside of China on Christmas day.


And here’s another music video. This one is again older. Why so many older videos? Well, think about it. Why does everyone still watch “It’s a Charlie Brown Christmas”? It’s the same thing. Nostalgia.

Here’s what they watch in China…


Of course, the media is overflowing with all sorts of American -produced Christmas themed music videos and “specials”. But do you really want to hear another rendition of “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” by Michael Bublé?

Here’s some typical Chinese Christmas fare…


Of course all the television shows have a segment devoted to Christmas themed events and amusements. Much like they do in the United States. Here’s some typical fare…


Another music video.


I do hope that you enjoyed this post.

Do you want more?

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Chinese Pop Music

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What to do when you are having trouble writing new affirmations for your prayer campaign.

Are you having trouble with your affirmation campaign? Well, you are not alone. I am getting numerous private emails by people that describe this problem. That includes just about everyone. Including MM myself. As a result, I am releasing this “emergency” post to help everyone out of this situation.

Oh what to do?

Suddenly you have a difficult time writing your affirmations, and everything seems discordant. Your words no longer pour out of you, and it’s feels difficult to move forward with any new ideas, new wordings, or even the most basic reviews of where you are are now in your writings.

You are not alone.

I am in the first month of my new campaign and I must say, I’m having a hard time with wording. Something feels off about it, almost as if I’m being too vague and basic about the words. I surely don’t want to mess it up, because these are very very important to me. Do you have any suggestions? 

The Basic Suggestion

For starters, you can always continue your old campaign. Just continue reading off the good-old standby affirmations that you have written down. By doing so you add energy and strength to your earlier affirmations and they will continue to plow through the waves of the MWI and move you towards to destinations.

Don’t try too hard.

If you have something new you want to add, then add it. And do not worry about whether it is polished perfectly or not. Just plop it there in it’s imperfect form. It’s the thoughts that matter, not the specific wording.

Stick to the basics. Good health for you and your loved ones. Protection from discord, bad people, evil intentions, or events that might destroy your familial happiness.

Make sure that your affirmations say only good and positive things about you and your loved ones futures. If you are feeling discord, then this is NOT the time to start new affirmation campaign goals. You need to solidify the seeds that you have already planted.

What’s going on?

There are many reasons for a “mind block” in regards to the generation of new affirmation prayers for a campaign. Though the larger number of inquiries that I am currently getting is quite alarming. It’s almost like there is a “disturbance in the force” to use a Star Wars movie reference.

I wrote this a few days back in my personal journal…

Feel an ugly crazy disturbance of some sort. Something is going on… not me personally. Just in general. Like how dogs and cats freak out before an earthquake.

It’s like this…

Ripples in the MWI.
Ripples in the MWI. Where the Y-axis is a measure of world-line entropy variance from previous life-line vectors.


If you, the reader, are not feeling any of this do not be alarmed. A person’s reality is a very personal thing and not everyone shares the same world-line template. We just have a tendency to touch or share the templates of others (rarely the world-lines) occasionally.

We are individuals

Yes we are. We are all different. And as such what we might experience or feel will differ from person to person. That is a good thing.

Having a difficulty in laying out a new set of affirmations need not be alarming. It’s just that perhaps there are other things that are making it difficult to concentrate on the future… like a discordant future. Or, a discordant present.

Don’t worry about it.

It’s called “being a human”.

Just follow the basic rules…

  • When in doubt, just default to the last campaign affirmations.
  • If you feel a need to add “something”, just add affirmations that relate to personal health and well-being. Make sure that not matter what, your prayers are protective in nature.
  • Unless you are young and experimental, it is far better to have health and stability in your life. Focus on that.
  • If you want to push for new “things” then be specific and then forget about them when your affirmations end.

Sample affirmations

Here’s some sample affirmations to get you all started…

  • I, my family, and my friends are safe, healthy, and live a stable and secure life.
  • Good things and moving into place for me, my family and my friends.
  • My life is very lucky and I am able to avoid problems, distress or upset.
  • I know why I am having what ever troubles that I am experiencing now, and I understand the reasons and purposes for them.

Don’t “freak out”

Change is difficult to take, but usually results in new experiences, new adventures and new opportunities. If you are having trouble and feel these disturbances, do not get too worked out about it. Just “go with the flow”. All will be good.

Chill out with some friends or family, or a much beloved pet. When in doubt, do not isolate. Get around people. The people will help break you out of whatever “funk” you are in, and you will end up being able to break out of the “prayer affirmation writing block” that you are in.


Merry Christmas!

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I have more posts in my affirmation prayer index here…

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Glimpses into your personal future; cultivating the intention prayer campaign to layout signposts and windows to aid in world-line navigation

Here we are going to look at premonitions. We are going to place them in context with prayer campaigns, and how everything works together and why.

Not your “run of the mill” article. Is it?

Another amazing title. But then again, that’s exactly what we are going to discuss here. We are going to look at ways to hone our affirmation prayer campaigns. And, more specifically, how to provide (what I refer to as) “sign-posts”, to reassure us that we are following the right path. This is an advanced post. I do hope that you all take your time and read through it slowly. It’s got some great stuff here.

Essentially, the primary purpose of this post / article is to reiterate the importance of the pre-birth world-line template (PB-WL-T).  Further, that while you can make some (more or less) “cosmetic” changes to your life through thought navigation, some events are beyond your ability to alter. The events are “set in stone” and unalterable.

  • You can “slide” off your pre-birth world-line template.
  • But there are still events that are unalterable and unavoidable.
  • These events are birth, death and signposts.

Long time readers to MM might find this disgusting and distasteful. But it need not be. It just states that there are limits to your ability to navigate using thoughts. And you need to take this into account when you perform world-line prayer intention campaigns.

An unchangeable future

Right now I am going to posit the idea that while your ability to perform intention prayer campaigns does actually work, that there are certain elements of your life that are extremely difficult to change. All being nearly unchangeable by you, the operator of your consciousness.

In general, and understandably, these unchangeable events fall into three broad categories.

  • Your birth. Time, place, and situation.
  • Key “sign posts” that are placed there intentionally by your soul to assist in your navigation efforts.
  • Your death. Time, place and situation.

So, listen up.

The first shocker; You cannot use an intention prayer campaign to prevent your demise, or alter your pre-birth world-line template. Sorry. My guess is that you probably thought that you could.

You [1] need to pay attention, and [2] you need to work with the “cards that you have been dealt”.

But, it need not be horrific

So don’t get all hot and bothered about fate. Your soul established this particular life for the obtainment of experiences, and the pre-birth world-line template was chosen for a reason. Your start and end dates for this block of experiences is all predetermined. That’s just the way it is.

And what’s more, your soul set up “signposts” that will alert your subconscious to keep you on the proper life-path.

By learning to look for these signposts we are better able to navigate though our reality, and still obtain the very important life experiences that was intended by our soul prior to our birth.

How premonitions work.
A premonition of a signpost event (a telltale) as depicted upon a lifeline as it moves throughout various world-lines.

A signpost example.

By being alert and aware, we can have glimpses of our reality independent of time. We can see images, if a fleeting glimpse, of an event that is a signpost within our life. No special training or ability is necessary. All humans can do this. It’s just that most are not aware of this, or of this ability and are unaware of what it actually is, or it’s innate importance to us.

The second shocker; all humans have the ability to glimpse into their future. But they can ONLY glimpse the solid unchangeable events; birth, death and signposts.

Perhaps this personal example from Metallicman might be of interest and might make a nice illustration.

In one of my jobs, we had moved the company offices from one building to another across town. During the move, of course, we ended up moving the various office equipment, desks, and materials. 

While I was having the workmen move my desk into the office, I had a strong, but very brief, image. I imagined myself getting bad news. I leaned on the desk with my hand covering my forehead, and holding the telephone in the other hand. While the image only lasted one second in duration, it was quite clear. I "saw" the orientation of the desk, where my high-backed chair was located, the painting on the wall, and the location of the windows.

I did not know of the details all that much. I just knew that it was "bad news" and that I dealt with it. I also knew that it would take place in my future.

In order to prevent that future from occurring, I decided to purposely relocate my desk orientation. Instead of facing my back to the wall (as I observed in my premonition), I placed the windows to my back. Thus, I completely reordered my office so that it would not in any way resemble the premonition that I observed. In short, I tried to prevent the future from occurring to me.

Two years passed.

Yet, even with my office completely the altered, the future was (itself) not altered. I ended up getting a bad phone-call, and I too sat in my chair, at my desk with one hand on my forehead and the other holding the telephone. The event still occurred, though I had altered the minor aspects of the office.

If you all are paying attention you might want to take notes.

I could change the events in my life, and I could rearrange the events and situations of the world around me, but I could not postpone, delay, or change that key “signpost” event. In short, that event was a pivotal moment in my life, and in my work relationship.

It was unchangeable, though I did try to change it.

What else can we learn…

Look at the event and learn from it.

  • I had a one-second glimpse into my future.
  • I understood the context regarding that glimpse, but not the details.
  • I tried to prevent the event from occurring, but failed.
  • That event was a pivotal moment. Almost all premonitions are important moments.
  • There was nothing that I could do, sort of really radical changes to my life, that could alter that event.

Some definitions…

Premonition | Definition of Premonition at

A feeling of anticipation of or anxiety over a future event; presentiment.

And do not “poo-poo” this situation away. Most humans have experienced premonitions at some point of their lives.

Since the 1990s, parapsychologists have carried out research into an unconscious form of precognition termed presentiment. Using experimental techniques well-established in psychophysiology, subjects in controlled experiments have been found to unconsciously anticipate stimuli to which they are randomly exposed, to a degree that is highly statistically significant. The effect is small but the findings have been widely replicated. 

-PSI Encyclopedia 

A life-line differs from a world-line…

A fixed, and frozen moment in time. It can describe any set of conditions from 1776 in Boston, to 4567 and more...

And time…

Time is the apparent movement that our consciousness observes as we move from one world-line to the next.

Which then opens up to…

A life-line is the vector path that our consciousness moves upon. It is a collection of all the world-lines that we have visited, and those that we will visit in the future.

And what we are doing here…

We are using inherent presentiment to locate “signposts” that will give the consciousness guidance.

Signposts are “tell-tales” that indicate whether or not we are following the intention goals of the pre-birth world-line template.

We can navigate all we want using prayer and intention, and we can conduct slides as well, but a deviation away from our real purpose in this life is ill-advised and not beneficial to our soul.

5.3 - Sailing To Telltales — UK Sailmakers

These yarns or “ticklers” monitor the flow of wind across the sail. Telltales are used for fine tuning your genoa sheet trim and to fine-tune the course you are steering. Telltales are only an aid when the sail has wind flow across both sides, i.e., when sailing angles between beating and beam reaching. When sailing lower than a beam reach, the sail is catching wind instead of working like an airfoil.
What are your Telltales Telling You | Sailing World
There is an old sail trim adage, “trim the front of the jib and back of the mainsail,” or where the wind meets and leaves the sail plan. Telltales are a key tool helping you figure out what is...
Telltale | Definition of Telltale by Oxford Dictionary on ...

2.1. (on a sailboat) a piece of string or fabric that shows the direction and force of the wind. ‘If the outside telltale flutters, let the sail out.’. More example sentences. ‘Flags and pennants are also used as telltales on a sailing ship that show the direction of the wind.’.

For our purposes, a “sign post” serves the same purpose of a “telltale” on the sail of a sailboat. It tells you the direction of the wind and helps you adjust (trim) your sails for optimum life experience.


Quick summary

Premonition = Consciousness observation of a soul’s “sign-post”.

Signposts = Telltales on a life-line

Telltales = Presentiment regarding fixed events in a life-line.

Life-line = The path through world-lines that our consciousness experiences while alive.

What are “signposts”?

To learn what a “signpost” is, we need to use an example. For now, I will use a couple of televisions shows (American) that I think most MM readers will be aware of, if not active viewers.

Lately I have been watching the latest five seasons of the AMC television series “Better Call Saul”. I started watching it because I had become a big fan of a much earlier series titled “Breaking Bad”. And both are really great, and I am (or have been) enjoying them.

I am going to use these two television series to explain the importance of “signposts”.

For those that are unaware…

A high school chemistry teacher diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer turns to manufacturing and selling methamphetamine in order to secure his family's future.
A high school chemistry teacher diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer turns to manufacturing and selling methamphetamine in order to secure his family’s future.
Walter H. White is a chemistry genius, but works  as a chemistry teacher in an Albequerque, New Mexico high school. 

His  life drastically changes when he's diagnosed with stage III terminal lung cancer, and given a short amount of time left to live: a mere  matter of months. 

To ensure his handicapped son and his pregnant wife  have a financial future, Walt uses his chemistry background to create  and sell the world's finest crystal methamphetamine. 

To sell his  signature "blue meth," he teams up with Jesse Pinkman, a former student  of his. 

The meth makes them very rich very quickly, but it attracts the  attention of his DEA brother in law Hank. 

As Walt and Jesse's status in the drug world escalates, Walt becomes a dangerous criminal and Jesse  becomes a hot-headed salesman. Hank is always hot on his tail, and it  forces Walt to come up with new ways to cover his tracks.

halo1k, jackenyon                                          

I first started watching the televisions series Breaking bad when it first came out. Oh, around 2005 or so. It was a long standing series, and I managed to watch it while I was incarcerated, doing my time. In many ways, I could relate to his character. And the show itself was indeed, quite engrossing and entertaining.

Now, there was a character in the show called Saul Goodman. This fellow was the “criminal” attorney that Walter White used to get out of trouble with.

Now, Saul Goodman was quite the engaging fellow. He was colorful, interesting, a bit of a genus in the legal profession, and most certainly had an interesting back-story. And when the series ended, the fans clamored for more, and a second television show was birthed.

This second show was “Better call Saul”.

The first six episodes of Better Call Saul season 4 take place in 2003. Episode seven features a time jump of several months that brings the plot forward to sometime in 2004.
'Better Call Saul' is the origin story of a man trying to survive in a harsh, exploitative world where anyone and everyone will try and take him, and his dreams, down. Meet James M. McGill Esq. Attorney-at-law AKA Slippin' Jimmy AKA Saul Goodman.

-Better Call Saul (TV Series 2015– )

OK. Now using these two television series, I will illustrate how “signposts” work.

Using the television series as a platform.

Both series are about the same group of people, the same periods of time, the same relationships, and situations, and the same conditions. Where they differ is in the view point.

  • The first series, “Breaking Bad“, was about a chemistry genus with cancer; Walter White.
  • The second series, “Better call Saul“, was about Sal Goodman, a conniving attorney.

So one series is from one point of view, and the other from another.

If you watched the first series in order you will know what actually happens to the various characters in the show.

  • Walter White dies in a shootout.
  • Jessie Pinkman escapes and is a really changed person.
  • Tuco Salamanca dies.
  • Saul Goodman buys a new identity and lies low in the middle of nowhere.

And when you watch the second series with “Better call Saul”, you do so knowing all this information.

Thus, watching the second series is a “flushing out” of background stories. It adds more depth to the characters, and you (the viewer) can see the greater depth of color and cultural and contextual interplay between the characters and their situations.

Or, in other words, you KNOW what will happen to the characters in the second series “Better call Saul”.


Using the television series as an analogy…

Both of the two television shows have shared characters. And they both take place in the same “universe”. Which means that the characters are interconnected and the histories of each character is mirrored in the other series.

For our purposes, we can imagine that the first series (Breaking Bad) is a premonition. It is a glimpse into what will happen in the second series (Better Call Saul).

  • First series “Breaking Bad” is a premonition.
  • Second series “Better Call Saul” is the active life-line.


And in “Better call Saul” no matter how crazy the events become, and no matter what “cliff hangers” are provided for the viewers to endure, we know from our “premonition” (the first series) what will happen to them.

Typically, premonitions describe Signposts and the end of life events. Thus they have a reputation as harbingers of disaster and bad news. But that is not necessarily true. They are glimpses into fixed events that your consciousness will experience unless you make REALLY DRASTIC CHANGES to your life.

As some have done regarding premonitions avoiding death…

Example 1 – Death

As I have stated, your birth on your lifeline, or pre-birth world-line template is fixed. But so is your death. If you are talented, or aware, or provide prayer questions looking for answers in your affirmation campaigns, you will be able to “image” your death.

A signpost premonition can tell us our mortality.

Consider the television show “Breaking Bad”.

We know, from the show, that the character Gus died by a pipe bomb.

Sharp-minded antagonist Gus Fring was killed by a pipe bomb explosion in Breaking Bad season 4, in one of the show's most shocking and memorable moments. Gus actually managed to briefly walk away before succumbing to his injuries.

-Breaking Bad: Is Gus Fring's Death Realistic? | Screen Rant
Gus Fring
Gus Fring’s Death

Yet, as we watch the show “Better call Saul”, Gus is alive and well. As the show takes place before the death scene.

Thus the scene from “Breaking Bad” is a premonition, or a Telltale / signpost, of the televisions show “Better call Saul”. Because when you are watching the television show “Better Call Saul”, Gus Fring is alive and is the middle of dealing with all sorts of issues.

It is so easy to get caught up in the show, and to forget that Gus Fring is fated to die. As we see him interacting with people and dealing with the issues of the day.

Gus Fring meets Saul Goodman.
It is easy to get caught up in the television show and to forget that Gus Fring is fated to die.


A signpost (premonition) is often associated with fixed and certain events that are very difficult to change. Like the birth event, or the death event. Thus, most people associate premonitions with bad news. But it need not be that way. It is just an understanding that your time on this earth will end, and the conditions of your ending will be made clear to you.

Example 2 – Prepare for a life altering event

Often, a signpost is not a birth or death event. But rather it is a significant event that will change the path that we are on. It doesn’t mean that we will die, or that anything “bad” will happen, but rather it is an illustration to tell us what to look forward towards, and not to be fearful of it.

A Signpost premonition is used to confirm or allay our fears. 

If you are wondering what will happen in your future, and you don’t know how things will pan out, good or bad… and you just cannot top fretting about it… a signpost premonition can be used to allay your fears.

In the television show “Better call Saul” we really don’t know how things will work out in an episode by episode basis. Saul Goodman has all kinds of issues and the show is a roller-coaster of risk, emotions and the ups and downs of his adventures.

Never the less, we are always reminded at the start of the show what actually ends up happening.

Better Call Saul  contains flashforward sequences showing Jimmy McGill now working at a  Cinnabon as Gene, and here's why he ended up there. Introduced in season  2 of Breaking Bad,  Walt and Jesse's "criminal lawyer" Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) would  become one of the most important characters on the series. He was also  one of the few major figures to end the show alive, making the smart  move to get the hell out of dodge - or in this case Albuquerque - before  things really hit the fan.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In Better Call Saul,  fans have gotten to witness Saul's journey from small-time hustler  Jimmy McGill, to briefly respectable attorney Jimmy McGill, to go-to  lawyer for the New Mexico meth trade. Well, he's not quite there fully  yet, but presumably will be by the end of the spinoff. As Better Call Saul goes on though, it's becoming more and more like Breaking Bad, which doesn't seem to be bothering fans.

The fact that Saul Goodman is spending his time after Breaking Bad  managing a Cinnabon in Omaha is a direct callback to the final  conversation had between Saul and Walter White before they parted ways  for good. Both men were holed up in a bunker owned by Ed, the man who  specializes in making people disappear, and giving them new identities.  Saul says to Walt, lamenting their perilous situation at the time, "If I'm lucky, month from now, best case scenario, I'm managing a Cinnabon in Omaha." Sure enough, that's where he ended up in Better Call Saul.


No matter what happens, we know that Saul Goodman will managed to untangle from the mess that he is in and survive as a franchise manager at a Cinnabon.

Gene in Cinnabon.
Saul Goodman as Gene.


Premonition signposts can be used to allay your fears and concerns about the future. When you see yourself in those future events, you will get the understanding that no matter how bad things look, you will end up attaining that signpost event.

Example 3 – Unresolved event

Not every event that we have a signpost for; a telltale, or a premonition of provides us with answers. Sometimes they just provide us with questions. And something to be alert during.

A Signpost premonition can be an alert.

Regarding the television show “Better call Saul”. A major character in this season is Nacho Varga. He is a reluctant man who is getting sucked into a big-time drug cartel, the Salamanca’s. He is doing so in an effort to protect his father, but everything is beyond his control, and so he is all caught up riding the stream to it’s ultimate conclusion…

…but we don’t know what will happen.

Nacho Varga.
Nacho Varga


At the end of season five, of “Better call Saul”, Nacho Varga assists in the attempted killing of Lalo Salamanca. And it is dicy. Not only is Lalo Salamanca a very bad and sadistic kind of fellow, but he knows or suspects that Nacho Varga was involved in the attack. And everyone watching the show is left hanging…

…what is going to happen?

Nacho Varga is a “good guy”. Lalo Salamanca is a bad guy. And he survived. It looks like there is going to be a very nasty turn of events for poor Nacho…



We know from “Breaking Bad” some background information that is not evident in the series “Better call Saul”…

Ignacio Varga, popularly known as Nacho Varga, was played by Michael Mando in Better Call Saul.  He played the character of an intelligent criminal and was the  right-hand man to Tuco Salamanca, heir of the crime family. Nacho Varga  was not a part of Breaking Bad but his name was mentioned a few times on the show. However, after Breaking Bad ended, fans raised questions regarding the disappearance of Nacho Varga.

What happened to Nacho Varga?
Nacho in Better Call Saul
Nacho played a key role in the prequel show Better Call Saul. He  murders 1 member of the Espinosa Gang and is also connected to murder  21 members of Espinosa Gang. Although Nacho does not make an appearance  in Breaking Bad, he is briefly mentioned by Saul Goodman in season 2 of the show.

Nacho is kidnapped by Walter White and Jesse Pinkman on December 4, 2008. Saul Goodman mistakes them for the cartel and also blames Nacho, for he thinks the cartel is angry with him. After his disappearance from the show, this raised a few questions amongst the fans and left them wondering whether Nacho is dead or is he in jail.

After being mentioned in season 2, Breaking Bad never revealed  the fate of Nacho. Saul Goodman just assumes it was him when he was  kidnapped by Walter and Jesse and it is just a sign that this man means  business. 

So viewers don’t really know if Nacho ends up living in Canada  or is actually killed for his spy games. While his narrow escapes in  the past have given a conclusion that Nacho Varga might have been dead  in Breaking Bad, nobody is able to give a conclusion yet.


And that situation is carried on into the second series “Better call Saul”.


We, the viewers do not know what is going to happen. We tend to like the character, but we know that things are not going well for him.

A premonition regarding events about this character; what we know from “Breaking Bad”, tells us nothing about how he dies. We only know that he “disappears”. And that knowledge is the ONLY significant insight that your consciousness is permitted to have at that time.

Not every “signpost” is in regards to bad news, death or destruction. But rather they provide insight to the situations and conditions that you are involved in.

Misunderstanding a signpost.

I want to relate a premonition that my first wife had while we were in the middle of some financial distress. We were all pretty upset about it, and didn’t know when our next meal would come from. Then, out of the blue, she had a flash vision. It was a premonition of us living in Greece and it was beautiful.


At that time were were living in a mobile home, and yes, I was “down sized” again without notice. Our vehicle was kaput (means broken down and non-functioning), the hot-water heater was broken, and we were taking cold showers during ice storms. Luckily we had some oatmeal that we could live off of, and that sustained us for a while

But Greece? WTF?

She was absolutely convinced that we would be living in Greece, and it was so very beautiful. The skies were pristine blue, the grass was lush and green, and the pillars were classic Greek. She said it was wonderful and nearby was a brilliant lake where ducks would fly.

That is not the Greece that I am familiar with.

Modern Greece.
Greece is a beautiful place. But somehow it didn’t match the description that my first wife had of it.


The “Greece” that my first wife described consisted of plenty of tree, tall stone Greek pillars, and a large lake full of geese and ducks.

I let the narrative “roll over my shoulders”. I was just happy that my wife wasn’t fretting so much over our future.

Ten years passed.

And we were living in Massachusetts. On a weekend we went to visit a park in Rhode Island. The park is the Roger Williams Park. And yes it is beautiful. It was there my wife exclaimed that the park was the exact replica of the “life in Greece” that she had the vision of.

Roger Williams Park
Roger Williams Park in Rhode Island, near Providence.


All in all, this vision that my wife had was a signpost, or a telltale. It was a premonition that helped my wife put her fears at rest. For she saw clearly that we were doing well and living in a nice area.

Signposts or telltales are premonitions that are useful for our consciousness to view while we are in the middle of a difficult life-line.

So what is a “person’s life” actually?

Which now opens up to a really deep subject. Do we really have any control over our life? And the answer to that is…Yes, we do.

But the entire lifetime is “bracketed”. It has a start, and an end. It also have “anchors” or “way points”, or as I like to say, “signposts” that we use to keep us on track during our entire life.

Tips and tricks.

In general, we can use our thoughts to navigate though out our lifetime. But it will be a difficult task to change our birth date, and our date of death. These are all established long before our pre-birth world-line template was affixed and imprinted upon our consciousness.

Our consciousness is assigned a task by our soul.

This task is to collect and obtain experiences. These experiences collect quanta relationships and form long-standing bonds. How we go about doing so will affect the growth of our soul. Therefore, it is important that the soul controls the LIMITS of our behaviors.

The soul creates a road-map of sorts. We have a start and a finish. And we are given way-points or sign posts that we can look towards to verify that we are not deviating too far off the path. We can have glimpses of these events.

When we have a glimpse of these sign-posts we call that a premonition.

There are different reasons for having a premonition, however it has been my experience that they are useful to help reset our emotions from running amok. News, most especially bad news, circumstances, people, stories and all the rest can get our mind all worked up into a tizzy. When that happens, our emotions are triggered, and a fear-induced fight or flight reaction starts to manifest. This is counter productive.

So glimpses of our future, if only momentary, are useful for keeping us on track and following the proper path.

How to access signposts

If you are running an intention prayer campaign and you want to have some control over accessing premonitions, then it is as easy as adding an affirmation saying so.

  • I have the ability to have premonitions regarding key events in my life, especially future events. These premonitions are triggered when I need them and they are useful in controlling my emotions and helpful in decision making.

It’s all just that simple. Just add this desire into your affirmation prayers, and don’t worry about it.

Can you avoid a signpost?

No. You cannot avoid a signpost unless you have radically, and substantially altered your active life-line to such an extent that the slides have placed you way off your intended track boundaries. The signpost is never a singular fixed world-line. Rather it is a string, or a region of world-lines, like a fence that you must pass through to continue on with your life.

How a signpost telltale actually appears in the MWI.
How a signpost telltale actually appears in the MWI.

What about those who get a glimpse of a disaster and avoid it?

Are they avoiding their death?

I posit that they were NEVER intended to die, and the premonition of the upcoming disaster is a signpost (not their death) so that they will INTENTIONALLY avoid a problematic future.

How can you, as an individual consciousness, tell?

Short answer: I do not know. My “gut feeling” is that YOU will know. You will know whether your signpost is one upon which you take action, or whether it is a view of your death as pre-determined as part of your pre-birth world-line template criteria.

A premonition of impending death.
A premonition of impending death as a signpost rather than the view of your substantive pre-birth world-line template death.

What about sliding off your pre-birth world-line template?

These rules about boxing in a life-line holds true whether or not you use affirmation campaigns to slide off your pre-birth world-line template.

There is a start date and conditions, and there is a end date with conditions. Your slides might alter some (some) of the conditions, but it will not negate the ultimate closure events. The same holds true regarding signposts (telltales).

Look at the following illustration…

The effects of slides have very little effect on the primary events of a lifetime.
The effects of slides have very little effect on the primary events of a lifetime. While the conditions might change, the events will still occur. You might try to arrange the desk into a different location, but the event will still happen. The signposts tend to travel with you when you slide onto another world-line template.


Now, I think, or do believe that it is possible to “cheat death” and avoid severe conflict or extraordinary trouble. However, the actions that you must do in order to accomplish this task is in itself extraordinary.

And what about MM?

Well, I can see many (if not all) of my signposts. The truth be told, my soul jam-packed a lifetime of experiences in a very short lifespan. I am sure that there is a reason for this. But what ever the reason is, I do not know and cannot enunciate. Apparently I must have “signed up” and agreed to some pretty involved things long before I was born.

Apparently. I guess.

And you the reader, are supposed to be reading this. For what ever reason that might be suitable for you.

I cannot believe that I am wholly unique. Instead, I believe that I am but a small part of something larger, and with that, all the MM readership are all part of a larger group that shares in our great growth and adventures. What ever they might be.

Not specially chosen, mind you, but rather souls that stepped up front and volunteered.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my prayer affirmation campaign index here…

Intention Campaigns

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Rufus Tales and a healthy dose of commentary on the sunset of the American plutocracy.

As I get older, I no long paint in precise brush strokes. My pallet of colors tends to run together. It becomes big globs of paint, mixes of colors, and just a messy Mélange of materials. Thus you will find posts like this one; a confused jumble of colors and textures.

Here I am going to post some long overdue stories of heroism, exceptional selfless actions and noteworthy behaviors. I do so while the United States oligarchy / plutocracy is staring the crack-up / collapse. Indeed, you cannot maintain a society that’s solely focused in farming the citizenry for every ounce of effort that they manage. You just cannot have a “for profit” society. It doesn’t work.

Society is about relationships.

It is NOT about money.

And any nation that “doesn’t get it”, that doesn’t understand that most simple concept needs to experience the ultimate collapse that it deserves.

Here-in lies the rub: Most people regardless of whatever kinds of intelligence they may possess simply cannot believe that the post-War USA is as draconian as it demonstrably is. You are correct, it would scramble their brains to consider it because deep down they have this unpleasant subconscious awareness that their trinket laden "way of life" hinges on a web of plutocracy.
In addition the means to control currency is really the bottom line. 

It is simply a way to capture and monetize everything under the sun and this is exacly what the technocrats are fixing to do. Just listen to Uncle Claus, he's not one to mince words. And no, we are not allowed to leave.

"1) The Empire's policy is clear: nobody is allowed to opt out. Any success outside the system is an affront to the narrative and thus global hegemony. It is not allowed and, in fact, has been actively undermined by The Empire…an obvious and shameful point that faux patriots seem to gloss over.

 2) Controlling the debt based money system allows The Empire to shamefully fund its extortive activities and give the illusion of abundance and all the consumer comforts that come with the illusion. It is hard to get anyone, including loved ones, to recognize the illusion. Too many are mesmerized by shiny things and refuse to see the moral\ethical imperative for opting out of the illusion as much as possible "
Granted I am not full of answers here, but one thing that is quite clear is that in order to "do it yourself" you need to be free of the various chokepoints that have been set up. Call me crazy, but listening to some of the vids done by Ice Age Farmer sheds light on how things could be shut down but quick! Start with food and take it from there. 

-Posted by: Chevrus | Dec 17 2020 23:27 utc | 45

So here, in this post we are going to talk about being “the Rufus”. Which means to help others with no intention of profiting from it.

The videos are from China which is a nation that puts society over the individual and the self. This is in direct opposition of America that puts the individual (me, me, ME!) over society. It’s a matter of selfishness.

  • Service-for-myself.
  • Service-for-others.

I hope that you enjoy the videos and get something from them.

Why now?

Looking at all the hundreds of thousands of Americans standing in line waiting for handouts at charities across your country is disgusting and disturbing.
Watching YouTube videos of hundreds of thousands of people waiting in line to claim their food stamps less than a week away from Christmas is disgusting and disturbing.
Your country is disgusting and disturbing.

-Anonymous Coward

Have you been reading the (American) “news” lately?

A nation by merit

I am going to start this post with a video that helps describe what the leadership of China represents. No, it’s not a charismatic union organizer (Obama), a casino boss / mobster (Trump), a Texas Oil Billionaire (Bush), or a snake-oil salesman (Clinton)…

…they don’t get into the leadership positions by their connections, great PR promotion, or graft…

..or by conning the mindless multitudes (the mob rabble) to “vote” for you…

…they get there through merit. They get there through ability. They get there through a structured program of “hard knocks”. All those in leadership positions in China, not only were at the top of their class at the most difficult university to get into, but they also had to humble themselves working hard, demeaning jobs at poverty wages to fully appreciate what work is. It’s part of a long-duration program that grooms the Chinese leadership for the future.

The Chinese leadership are SALT.

Jolie does an excellent job as the action heroine.
Jolie does an excellent job as the action heroine. When Bruce Willis makes crash landings in the original “Die Hard” movie, at least he winces in pain and it takes him a few moments to regain composure. In “Salt”, when Angelina Jolie jumps consecutively onto six moving trucks on the freeway, she’s flying right up and instantly running at Olympic record pace, sort of like the original Terminator except sporting lipstick. Throughout the movie, she decks secret service agents faster than they can graduate out of combat training if she’s not pushing out of moving vehicles going 70 mph while wearing handcuffs, although the officers forgot to put the cuffs on behind her. The idea is that she is a superbly trained heroine that is constantly underestimated.


The next video is of a young Chinese boy.

The Chinese are taught to calculate and be the best that they can possibly be. Check out what he does. No, this is not a fun exercise that has no practical application in the “real world”, it is a skill of processing information, under stress and duress, and providing solutions.

When Mike Pompeo strutted into China with his neocon list of demands, his porky jowls jiggled in moist anticipation that China would be forced to kneel in front of him. But he did not anticipate, nor understand who he was dealing with. to this day; to this moment, most Americans and American leadership somehow think that the Chinese leadership is just a Chinese-speaking version of American leadership.

No, they are not. They are something else entirely.

Watch and learn.


But what good is this?

Americans would ask, “but how can you profit from this skill?”

But that is not the point.

In China, and the Chinese philosophy, people are part of a society, and they contribute to that society. It’s not the “lone wolf” that gobbles everything for themselves. If you have something to contribute, systems are put in place to benefit from your contributions.

  • America = “lone wolf” = Do things yourself, become a rich man or be a failure.
  • China = “part of a team” = Contribute, and share in the group profits or losses.

This young man demonstrates that he has impressive skills and abilities. Abilities and skills that can (eventually) be put to great use for the society, and his community as a whole. You can well understand that the leadership will put him in a training plan that will lead towards leadership positions so that he can do great things for the Chinese society as a whole.

In American, on the other hand, we are amused at his quirky skill. We see if we can use him to obtain money for ourselves, maybe put him on a talent show, and pay him a small stipend in the process.

Societal differences

The differences in the two societies; America compared to China can result in some interesting differences. One of the biggest is in helping others, and in the motivations why you would help someone. In America it has been (for all practical purposes) outlawed.

Consider America.

And of course, Americans ask what are the legal ramifications if they help someone…

We all have to look deep inside ourselves. Are we a Rufus? Or, are we Bystanders?

Saving a man from a fiery death

Here, in China, we have an average guy, a delivery man, who goes to save a man who had an accident and is on fire and probably dying…

Bad Guys and Good Guys

Here we have a bad man. He breaks something in a busy intersection. Instead of cleaning up his mess, he just rides off and leaves it for others to deal with. He is what we call an “asshole”.

Then we see cars and people drive past this mess. No one does anything. It just lays there inert, waiting to blow out someone’s tires, cause an accident or create havoc.

Then comes the Rufus…

Baby near death!

OMG! What happens when your tiny infant or young child is unresponsive. the poor thing is only one year old. They start turning blue and they cannot breathe! What are you going to do?

The man is a traffic cop, by the way.

It’s not all about money

From the two-minds blog

When Social Capital Becomes More Valuable Than Financial Capital 
December 17, 2020 
This devaluation of financial wealth--and its transformation to a dangerous liability--  will reach extremes equal to the current extremes of wealth-income inequality.  
 Financial capital--money--is the Ring that rules them all. But could this power fall from grace? Continuing this week's discussion of the idea that that extremes lead to reversions, let's consider the bedrock presumption of the global economy, which is that money is the most valuable thing in the Universe because the owner of money can buy anything, as everything is for sale.  The only question is the price.   
 Reversion to the mean is a statistical dynamic but it is also a human social dynamic:  for example, once the social / financial / political pendulum reaches Gilded Age extremes of  wealth/income inequality, the pendulum swings back. The more extreme the inequality,  the greater the resulting extreme at the other end of the pendulum swing. 
 In the heyday of the postwar boom in the early 1960s, finance--banks, lending, mortgages, loans,  investment banking, derivatives, futures, FX, all financial market trading, research firms,  hedge funds, mutual funds, etc.--was about 5% of the economy. It now exceeds 20% of the economy,  and its actual role and impact is much larger than 20%. Finance is now the dominant force in the  economy in terms of wealth creation and influence. 
 (This parallels healthcare, which went from less than 5% of the economy to 20% in the same time span.) 
 While finance creates some jobs, it is essentially extractive: it produces no goods,  it extracts wealth from the goods-producing economy via debt and speculation. 
 Thus a reversion that reduces finance back to 5% of the economy can be expected.  How will this reversion to a much more constrained and modest role in the economy play out? 
 There is much to be said about such a complex and consequential process, but today  I want to focus on one potential dynamic: the idea that social capital--our connections  and loyalties to groups and other people--will become more valuable than financial wealth,  i.e. "money." 
 The past 45 years can be characterized as the ascendance of finance: finance rules everything.   Most people would say this has been true for all of human history, but it isn't quite so simple.   
 In many instances, loyalties, membership and devotion to causes far outweigh the influence of money.   In periods of severe labor shortage, labor has more value that money, in the sense that labor  sets the price of labor rather than capital setting the price. 
 This article caught my eye a few weeks ago: The Rich in New York Confront an Unfamiliar Word: No  The pandemic is causing inequality to soar,  but increasingly the privileged are discovering that they can't bend the world to their will. 
 The wealthy are accustomed to buying whatever they want with money, and the possibility that  there might be limits on the power of money is shocking to them.  
 These limits might take political forms such as regulatory limits on what wealth can buy,  they might take financial forms such as bans on certain speculative skims, and they might  also take social forms, where people refuse to provide some good or service for cash  because they've been reserved for family, friends or exchanges within trusted networks  where membership cannot be purchased at any price. 
 Here is a simple example. Let's say I have an in-law unit adjacent to my house.  It's been promised to a family member, and so when a prospective tenant offers me $1,000 a  month to rent it, I decline.  
 In the unmoored, soulless world ruled by money, the prospective tenant reckons the "problem"  (my refusal) can be solved with more money. So he offers me $1,500 a month.  I decline,  because the bonds of family are more important and valuable than a few more dollars. 
 The "problem" for the wealthy isn't money; the "problem" is that social ties, obligations  and commitments are more valuable and binding than money. 
 The wealthy assume that "everyone has a price," a truism proven by Jeffery Epstein, who  bought his way into Harvard, MIT, etc. with bundles of cash. 
 But as the status quo unravels, the wealthy will discover that not everyone can be bought.  Indeed, accepting a big bribe might terminate all sorts of much more valuable connections. 

The time has come when we need to place an emphasis on our place in society, our relationships, and our purposes in life. The soul-less pursuit of more and more “stuff” to prove how wealthy your are as an indicator of wealth not only generates and glorifies psychopaths, but it is (in itself) inherently dangerous.

Consider America…

…and the rest of the ‘West”.

The Wealthy have their own set of rules…

The poor have their own set of rules…

You see, in America, your measure of value is how much money you have. If you are poor, or middle-class you are considered to be unimportant and disposable. If you are wealthy, you are considered to be significant and important. It’s a very clear distinction, and that is the way it is.

But that does not really matter in the big and real scale of things. This reality is associated with our current set of physical reality templates. And as such, knowing this, you all just must do your best with the “hand of cards that you have been dealt”.

A Rufus contributes and does his best no matter what!

Here we have another young man. A boy, actually, who has lost an arm. But that hasn’t stopped him. It’s not a limit on him, his ability or his dream. He pushes and he strives and he does his best no matter what.

What is stopping you?

How people in a healthy society work together

As I grew up in America there became a rising realization that if you tried to help someone you could get sued for doing so, you could end up braking some law, or rule or regulations and it would hurt you personally. So over the decades, Americans started to become less helpful of others, more self-centered, and more isolated for each other.

This was never healthy and is a sign of the decay of a culture.

"The “generous stranger” who spent over $500 on cookies so two Girl Scouts wouldn’t have to stand in the cold, has been arrested by U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency."

He violated FDA regulations.

Not so in China. You are part of a society and it is your duty to participate.

Take a look at this video and notice how everyone runs to help the man in distress. The run to help fro the East, from the South, from the North, and from the West. They all run to help. It’s what healthy societies and cultures do.

In America

This next video shows normal everyday citizens (members of the neighborhood) working together. And it takes place in America. Americans please (kindly) take note. This is how communities work. They work together.

A stranger arrives in their community. Whether he is associated with Antifa or the BLM is not specified, but he has left the urban enclave and entered the suburbia ring around the city. Inside his back pack are such things as duct-tape, wire ties, spray cans of black paint, flammable materials, fireworks and other similar items.

In an attempt to prevent the BLM riots from expanding outward from the urban centers, those that live in the suburbs have set up community groups to defend from the rioters, and the probing (recon) elements of the organizations that instigate the conflict.

Here we have one such interaction.

In my mind, when you work as part of a group, or a team, or participate in the defense of your community, you ARE a Rufus. For you are participating into something bigger and better than yourself, and you are not doing it for personal benefit, money or wealth.

A bad man

The world is filled with all sorts of people. Some are just angry and do some really bad things. Some are just idiots, or just terrible people. But what are you going to do when you meet them?

What are you going to do when they are tearing up your community, your life, and your neighborhood gas station? What are you going to do?

Are you going to stand back and call the police? Are you going to film it and post it on Facebook? Are you going to sent it to Twitter with a socially important hashtag, or are you going to drop everything and take action immediately?

Firing a guy in China

In America, over the last three decades, “letting someone go” has become so common that it has become part of the industrial / cultural landscape.

Scene from the movie “Office Space”.
The core of Office Space is the absurdity of office life. Mike Judge’s  comedy wasn’t the first to seize on this, and the second-half of the  20th century is filled with examples of people feeling like meaningless  drones in a corporate existence that holds considerable sway over the  lives of individuals while also divorcing individuals from their  individuality. Peter (Ron Livingston) chooses to meet  absurdity with absurdity, becoming disconnected from a workplace that  has no connection to him. But through it all, Office Space has  just that—space. It’s a workplace that’s both uncaring and  unpredictable, but it also functions as a home station and place of  security (until Milton (Stephen Root) burns the building down).     


While it is outrageously common in the United States, it is quite different inside of China. It is not so common in China. Aside from being against the law, there are procedures that a company must follow and strict rules on what they must pay you.

Here we have a worker being let go. He carries his clothing in his suitcase behind him. As all factory workers live inside the company dorms (typically). What we see is his boss putting one years salary in a cigarette box and gives it to him. This would never happen in the USA.

The last time I was let go was on Christmas eve, right before the Christmas luncheon. No severance pay or warning or anything like that. They gathered my gear and left it on the company stoop on the parking lot and had security escort me out.


The point of this is simple, you don’t need to be a hero saving people. You just need to be a decent human. You help others and you understand how they must feel and you help them. You don’t just spit on their CV and push them out the door, American style. You help them.

You be the Rufus in your every-day behaviors.

And for all my my long term MM readers, listen up! It will be your EVERY-DAY actions from which your will be judged upon. And yes, it’s not a religious fantasy. YOU. WILL. NEED. TO. ANSWER. FOR. YOUR. BEHAVIORS.

Speaking of the movie “Office Space”, there’s been a major shift in the American working “lifestyle” since that movie came out…

Twenty years later, offices haven’t gone anywhere, but our economy has drastically transformed. When Office Space was released, we were in the middle of the dot-com bubble, which didn’t burst until 2000, so Office Space  is a story told in relative security. Peter’s job sucks, but he has a  job. The question isn’t “Can we get work?” but “What is the quality of  our work life?” The job is a given, and, being that it’s a  40-hour-per-week office job, Peter presumably has healthcare benefits  and so forth. The film’s conflict and comedy comes from Peter rebelling  against his workspace. But what happens when that workspace is no longer  a given?   

 Office Space isn’t unrecognizable twenty years after its  release, but we’re in a far different world. We’ve gone through the  Great Recession and an economy transformed by the Internet in a way that  was only beginning to surface in the late 90s. Initech, Peter’s  company, would likely have been absorbed into a larger tech giant, and  for the part of writer-director Judge, he’s gone on to explore that  world in his HBO series Silicon Valley. But  that show tends to explore the working world from the top down. We see  it from the hustling creators of Pied Piper to the buffoons leading tech  giants like “Hooli” (i.e. Google). Rarely do we see the lives of the  working drones, and even if we did, it would be more specific to the  Silicon Valley lifestyle.     

 What hasn’t really been explored is how the gig economy has transformed the lives of the modern worker. You have huge companies like Uber, AirBnB, and others technically letting the individual run their own hours, but it’s the crushing life of a freelancer who’s been abused by an indifferent system. Once again, you have the clash of the individual against the corporate life except the setting has left the office and moved into an individual’s home, car, and anything else they could possibly use for even the slightest profit while a tech giant reaps most of the rewards. 

There’s definitely room here for the dark, absurd comedy that Office Space provided because while Judge’s follow-up film, Idiocracy, tends to be cited more and more, there are definitely lessons to be had from Office Space and its rebellion against a monolithic and random culture. In the world of Office Space,  you can devote years of your life to a company, be laid off  unceremoniously by people who don’t know you, try to commit suicide,  decide against suicide at the last minute, and then get hit by a drunk  driver, which results in serious injury but also a seven-figure  settlement. The illusion of control that the office job—and really any  job—provides, would fit nicely to the setting of the gig economy.     

Of course, you can’t really call it “OfficeSpace  without the office, and that’s okay. While the setting was obviously  essential to the 1999 comedy, the larger story is one of workplace  malaise and frustration. The inanity Joanna (Jennifer Aniston)  has to suffer through is just as mind-numbing and ridiculous even  though she works in the service industry and Peter works in information  technology. The workplace is the problem, and I’d love to see a story  that shows how that problem evolves when the workplace is your life  rather than something you can leave at the office.   


Rescue of a child in distress.

Here we have a traffic cop, a policeman that basically helps resolve fender benders, and traffic accidents, answering the cries of a mother in distress. Her cries of terror is heart-rendering. The anguish is real.

But watch what happens.

The Rufus shows compassion

Compassion and understanding are in short order today.

The West has tossed those elements of the human nature into the trash bin, and have instead embraced a belief that the amount of money that you accumulate is a measure of your success in life. Just look at the articles in the American “news” media. It’s all about the super-rich and the super wealthy. Very few articles are about people who don’t earn a few million dollars per year.


Yet when their physical body dies, and the consciousness goes from the particle form to the wave form, and they are out there roaming in the non-physical realm, they will have to answer for their behaviors. And in that realm, the new swimming pool in their third mansion, or how they bought a fruit basket to their house maid is not going to “cut it”.

We are measured by who we are and what we do and how we treat each other. (And something else, covered later on, in this post…)

Like the humanity that is displayed in this teacher….

It is all about watching heroic actions or is something else more important here?

Ah yes. It’s great to watch heroes in action, isn’t it? But it’s not just that. Please gauge your reactions to watching the videos. How do you feel?

  • Do you feel pride in that someone did the “right thing”?
  • Or did you feel repulsion that someone was a “sucker”?

That, I strongly believe, is determined from where you come from. If you are from the “dog eat dog” streets of New York City, you might feel differently than say a person who was raised on the corn-fields of Iowa.

That should be somewhat obvious.

But is it just urban vs. rural experiences, or is it something deeper?

Or, in other words, would a person from the mega-city of Shenzhen China (14 million people), have a similar reaction to a person from the metropolis of New York City (5 million people)?

I argue that there is something much more complex going on, than the density of population where you live, having an impact on your societal behaviors.

It makes me think.

Contemporaneous Chinese POP music

Yeah. I have been thinking a lot about this lately. I believe that the music of a nation is a reflection of it’s society. And China, being a nation of nerds, that maintain an existence within a firmly specified society has their own types and styles of music that reflects these characteristics.

You can probably discount my thoughts in this matter. But you cannot deny that there is a significant difference between American music videos and Chinese, or Indian, or Japanese for that matter. I like to believe that it is due to culture and society, but to nail down the exact elements remains elusive.

Lets look at this.

There's so many different types of songs and musical styles. How in heck can you use them to illustrate that cultural and societal differences can become a window towards the way Rufus behaviors manifest?

First up – 张韶涵 – 破茧

This is so very Chinese, and there’s so many elements involved that you just need to see it yourself to try to figure out what is going on here.


Can you figure it out?

I can’t. It seems to be a complex, boy and girl relationship along with a society of friends. Friends that are fighting forces that threaten their happiness – kind of thingy.

It’s so hard to sort out. But, over all I see a theme of relationships, friendships, working together, and fighting against something or someone that threatens their lifestyle.

…Pretty universal.

Or is it?

南征北战NZBZ – 穿越 (Live)

What makes all this difficult to sort out is that music videos are about all sorts of things. And you just cannot point to one or two and say that that is what the culture represents. For instance, here is a MV from a Chinese rap group (you probably didn’t know that they existed) singing about…

I don’t know…


Here’s the dangerous three man rap group called NZBZ. (NZBZ = 南征北战). The song is called 穿越.


You can probably recognize the English words and phrases being used.

I think, but I could be terribly wrong, that it is a celebration of being who you are. Or something along those lines. More or less.


…or less.

陈雪凝 – 绿色

This chick is one of the top pop artists of 2019 into 2020. She’s a Shenzhen girl as you can tell by the backgrounds in the video. This is one of her most famous songs. It’s about …

…well, you all try to figure it out.


Lyrics are HERE.

 若不是你突然闯进 我生活
 我怎会把死守的寂寞 放任了
 我也会把曾经的且过 当施舍
 若不是你突然闯进 我生活
 我怎会把死守的寂寞 放任了
 我也会把曾经的且过 当施舍
 若不是你突然闯进 我生活
 我怎会把死守的寂寞 放任了
 若不是你突然闯进 我生活
 我怎会把死守的寂寞 放任了
 我也会把曾经的且过 当施舍
 若不是你突然闯进 我生活
 我怎会把死守的寂寞 放任了

And a raw translation…

If it hadn’t been for you breaking into my life
How can I let go of the loneliness of death?
It’s false to say no pain
After all, my heart is made of meat
The rainbow in my heart when you left
it turns gray
It’s false to say no
If I really didn’t love it that much
Love a man without a soul
The world is black
If you hadn’t suddenly broken into my life
How can I let go of the loneliness of death?

Love me and you’ll say it all
Love me for things you don’t do

But I put sweet words
When you love my body

Your sorrow is sad and I don’t break it
I’ll also take what I used to do as a charity
Don’t count you too much
From then on you are in my heart
There is only green left
It’s a fake to say you’ll live soon
Your name is still so profound
Every word pierces my heart
The distinct pain was red
If you hadn’t suddenly broken into my life
How can I let go of the loneliness of death?

Love me and you’ll say it all
Love me for things you don’t do

But I put sweet words
When you love my body

Your sorrow is sad and I don’t break it
I’ll also take what I used to do as a charity
Don’t count you too much
From then on you are in my heart
There is only green left

If you hadn’t suddenly broken into my life
How can I let go of the loneliness of death?

Love me and you’ll say it all
Love me for things you don’t do

But I put sweet words
When you love my body

If you hadn’t suddenly broken into my life
How can I let go of the loneliness of death?

Love me and you’ll say it all
Love me for things you don’t do

But I put sweet words
When you love my body

Your sorrow is sad and I don’t break it
I’ll also take what I used to do as a charity
If you hadn’t suddenly broken into my life
How can I let go of the loneliness of death?

Love me and you’ll say it all
Love me for things you don’t do

But I put sweet words
When you love my body

It’s a difficult song to translate directly. Don’t you know. Maybe a Gemini in the MM audience might be able to help decipher this complex array of thoughts, Ideas and emotions.

And that is it, isn’t it?

The differences in society and culture, in the language, and in the behaviors can really have an impact on whether you are being a Rufus within the confines of your baseline template.

So what am I getting to here?

Well, there’s a lot that must be said but the English language is insufficient for the task. So I am flailing. I am trying to use music videos to expound on my narrative.

If I were to expand upon what I am trying to say, I would argue that [1] we must be the Rufus in all cases.

However what a Rufus actually is depends upon the [1a] culture and society that [1b] your soul has established for your consciousness.

You cannot be an American (say), and try to act or behave like a Chinese woman or an Japanese man would act. That is not in “your cards”.

Being a Rufus means that you must work within the kit of behaviors that you must take on given the initial template of behaviors that you have been granted at birth. This is true, EVEN if you move to another location and another society that is different from your initial conditions.

Or, to put it better, be the best that you can be. Stop trying to copy another person, or their culture and background. Be you, but make sure that you are the best you that you can be.

To help illustrate this, let’s look at a MV from India.

Karunesh – Punjab


So what is going on here? Well, it’s hard to tell, but you can be well assured that a person from India would well understand the complex interplay of relationships and issues that are being hinted at.

Just like you might have a difficult time understanding what is going on in the Chinese videos.

The relationships between the daughter and her father might be difficult for an American to understand, as can be the relationship between her and the young man. We can’t be an American and pass judgements on her or her family simply because the initial set of pre-birth world-line conditions between us are incompatible.

All that we can do is do OUR best in our life, and applaud others when they do THEIR BEST in their respective lives. Do not try to put them into your circumstances, and your culture.

Different places have different cultures, rules, and societal norms. For me, I find it difficult to understand the Indian culture. Because it is [1] old, [2] complex, [3] stratified with a caste system (that America is devolving into), and [4] industrialized with elements of the new intermingled with ancient tribal complexities.

A Rufus in India would operate under different conditions than a Rufus in America, or China, for example.

But I live in China, and I am an American.

So yeah, you will need to take those facts into account. What I view as Rufus actions might differ considerably from what you might. This could be especially true if you are from India, the Middle East, or Russia…perhaps.

Never the less, let’s consider this narrative in the believe that you must do your BEST no matter what, and strive forward, no matter what.

America has changed, while I have stayed the same

Did you know that the American military has eliminated the tough “basic training” in favor of a “softer”, more “gentle” training system. One that emphases the high technology needs of the American military while at the same recognizing that modern American “millennials” are often loathe to join the military. This new military is intended to be better than before and world class.

I was raised in an America where you need to push yourself to be the best. It was a land where you has “a shot” at a better life, if only you studied hard, worked hard, and found yourself a “good company” to work within. But, boy oh boy, has times changed. Today, America represents something else entirely…

Indeed even the military has changed. The days of “basic training” are over. It all has been replaced with a kinder, more sensible military. One that will be experts in servicing the very complex military hardware that the nation fields. In the new America, individual strength of character, morals, and striving to be the best you can be has been discarded and placed into the rubbish bin of history. Today’s modern America is one of socially-aware, kind and gentle folk who would have no problem pushing the red button to obliterate an enemy city, or unleash a swarm or hunter-killer drones upon the civilians in a city.

Well… I have my own opinions about this. But I do believe that we should always strive to be the best that we can be… no matter what. And that is one thing that I like about China. That basic belief is ingrained in all the Chinese people from the moment that they are born to their individual lives as they grow older.

How does this attitude manifest…

To see what [1] being the best you can be, [2] working as part of a larger whole, [3] contributing, and being helpful, and [4] being the Rufus during times of need, we can see how it manifests within China.


And check out how road-work is done…

TWICE – Likey

But is that all there is?

Work? Superiority in sports? Or in the military? What about day-to-day social interaction?

And here’s a MV from South Korea. Yes, each and every video has a different “flavor” and a different subject matter. This is what is known as “K-Pop”. This group is an all girl group that pretty much perform the dance routines that all the dance troops in my office building do.


It’s just a happy, up beat, and light video. Also, I like it because it is filmed in Boston. And you all should know that I miss Boston terribly.

It’s not deep.

It’s just light, happy and positive.

Does that mean that that’s all there is? No. It just means that a key aspect of our life, at least the attractive part of it, is associated with happy light feelings, emotions and relationships.

Being the Rufus should be what we do when things go wrong. But aside from that, we should always strive to be the “bright and shining example from which others can emulate”. (Shades of MAJ here!)

And who can argue with that?

Do you want some more?

I have more posts in my Rufus Index here…

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Some micro-videos of China showing elements of contemporaneous Chinese society along with notations and comments.

And that is what this is, don’t you know. It’s a collection of videos that I picked up out of Chinese media. I have highlighted certain parts of the videos for your attention and I comment on it. It’s not really a complete investigation into Chinese society, but rather snapshots of what exists today. And if you look carefully you will be far better served to see it for what it is, instead of the heavily promoted narrative that China is bad.

I like to think that these videos are fun. They are not made by the Chinese Government as part of a pro-propaganda campaign as the folk on Alex Jones claim. It’s just average folk posting videos. Much like average folk in America have been using Tiktok. Same thing, more or less.

Please click on the picture to watch the movie. It will open up in a separate tab.

Small Business Opportunities

When I was a young boy in Bridgeport, CT I had a “girlfriend: all of 5 years old. She was much older than the 4.5 years old boy-of-the-world that I was growing up to become. Anyways, in our neighborhood, it tended to be lower middle class and the time frame was the early 1960’s.

Everyone had a side business that they were running out of their basements. Our neighbor had rabbits in cages that they performed experiments upon for the United States government. And there were others who operated small stores out of their living rooms. My “girl friend” had a father that made rock sugar candy and other elements out of big 55 gallon drums in their basement.

We used to sneak down and get a string or two out of the big barrels and chew on them as we went off adventuring as part of our childhood.

You really don’t see that much any more. Few people try to operate their own businesses out of their residences for money. It is too expensive, not just in the regulations and OSHA requirements, but the IRS, the DHS, and just about everyone else will have a say at to what you are doing. And if you break one of the millions of unspecified laws, you can be guaranteed a trip to jail, if not prison.

Americans tend to no longer have self-employed businesses out of their homes any more.

But this is not the case in China.

For the ladies trying to get started in their own clothing line…


To the guys who want to make things out of steel, and bars…

Most Westerners will probably relate to this story…

But the Chinese think small and then work their way up. Westerners like to think big and try to sustain it no matter what.

Here’s an interesting story about the “high life” that Westerners have become accustomed to within China, while the rest of the Chinese nation toils on a mere few dollars a day.

From Frans… (and NOTHING having to do with Metallicman)…

This is a story I have to share, it is sitting in my mind for too long.
In  this story, I do not mention the real names of the people involved.  Instead, I use either initials or an alias. People, familiar with this  story will obviously easily recognize who's who.  Please don’t share  this story with others.
From 2009 to 2012 I worked for a small WOFE, owned by a Canadian businessman; let's call him "Bill G."

We had a manufacturing plant in the Southern suburbs of Shanghai and a luxurious headquarter in Jingan district. 

Bill  and I were the only foreigners, working in that company, making medical  devices for clients in various European countries. We didn't had  Chinese or American clients. 

Bill had earned some money in Saudi Arabia and moved to China in 2005 to establish the new company. 

Bill  had the appearance, but not at all the personality of Leonard Cohen.  Bill was by all means a special guy. He was irascible and very  short-tempered. Several times per week, he was loudly scolding Vivien,  his private secretary or other Chinese people of the middle-management:  the purchase manager, finance manager, quality manager, production  manager and very often the HR manager. (She was loudly crying, each time  he scolded her)
I was the Engineering Manager, and to be  honest, Bill paid me very well. I was also often acting as the General  Manager when Bill "disappeared". That happened quite often and nobody,  not even his ex-wife or his son in Canada knew where he was or why he  was away. 
One day, after I submitted my expense note from  a business trip to Hong Kong, he blustered to my office and started an  abuse tirade to me. I shouldn't have booked a business class ticket and  stayed in 5 star hotels. "do you think you're working for MNC here ?" he  shouted. (Yes, I have worked 15 years for MNC before and I was used to  business class flight tickets and 5 star hotels). During his tirade, I  packed my laptop and other belongings and called a taxi to leave. When  he noted that, he asked what I was doing.  I explained him that I no  longer wanted to work for him. He returned to his office but when the  taxi was there, he came to me to excuse him. He promised never to do  that again and I stayed. 

That was only 3 weeks after I worked for Bill G.  We later had many other collisions. 

One  day, when we were traveling in the company car (both with our private  secretary) to potential new suppliers in Ningbo,  we got another  explosion. He wanted to buy an old fashioned, yet solid, cheap, but  highly unsafe cutting press, while I wanted a much more automatic,  modern machine with all kinds of safety protection screens and devices. I  threatened him, saying that in case he would buy the unsafe machine, I  would write an email to him with cc to the local police station,  explaining that he, not me, will go to jail in case of a work  accident.   After another abuse tirade, he agreed to buy the machine I  proposed. 
He was terribly envious on me because I could  speak Chinese with everybody in the company and he, in spite of all his  efforts, couldn't. He rented a private teacher to learn Chinese, but he  didn't had the perseverance to learn to speak some sentences. Every day,  at the back seat of the company car, he used his carton cards with  Chinese characters and their meaning. I told him he shouldn't learn  hànzì characters but instead learn pinyin and speak Chinese. But he  didn't accepted my recommendation because his Chinese private teacher  was full of the beauty and cultural significance of hànzì characters. 

One  day, he said to me (probably out of envy) that I shouldn't "lower  myself" by speaking Chinese to the people in the factory !  He also once  said to Mr. Zhao, the production manager: "I'm the company president, I  expect everybody to speak proper English with me". 
From  time to time, he blustered to the workshop, climbed on a pedestal (a  couple of palettes) and started shouting to the poor assembly workers,  almost all very young Chinese girls who came from the countryside to  Shanghai and who didn't understand one single word of his tirade in  English. 
One day, he came to my office and sat down in a  corner, silently.  When I asked him what was wrong, he explained that he  finally realized that there was something wrong with his attitude. He  had decided to go to Tibet for 3 weeks and convert to Buddhism there.  When he came back, he was indeed much calmer and controlled, but after a  while, his tantrums returned, albeit less often. So then he registered  for yoga classes. With a private teacher, every evening one hour. It  indeed helped a bit. 
At the end of 2011, his daughter  came over to Shanghai to study Chinese language at Shanghai Normal  University. She went back to Canada one year later. 
At  the Chinese New Year dinner (and the KTV afterwards), Bill didn't knew  well how to behave. Sometimes, I or Lina (the HR Manager) had to take  the lead. It was an act, not a spontaneous party. 

One day, Bill  invited a potential new customer from the USA for a factory visit. They  came over with 3 people; none of them had ever been to China before.  During the dinner in a famous, very Chinese restaurant, one of the three  pushed his chair away from the table and refused to touch the food. He  was "afraid to be poisoned". Really !
Bill was living in a  big luxury apartment in Huangpu district. With an attached small  apartment for his Ayi. When I told him that opposite to his compound,  there was the biggest escort service company of the globe, he acted as  if he didn't knew. There indeed were several thousands of girls (and  boys) working there and luxury cars were driving in and out the basement  day and night. But he didn’t knew it. 
He didn't trust  people, he was unable to build a stable relationship with Chinese  people.  "All Chinese are cheaters" he often said. No wonder he was in  constant conflict with staff, suppliers and our European customers.   Vivien, his Chinese private secretary, acted to the outside world as if  she supported Bill unconditionally.  

One day, when he once again  messed up the whole factory, the workers threatened to strike. I called  his brother (let's call him Rob G.) back in Canada in an attempt to  persuade Bill to be more reasonable. Some days later, Rob came over and  stayed in China for a while. He finally gave up his job as policeman to  act as a handyman and go-between between Bill and the production staff.  By the way: Rob was very different from Bill. He was a man of the world,  although he had a very particular language with a lot of spicy words.  He was living in a house in the famous Thames town in Songjiang, far  away from his brother. 
One day, we got an official letter  from the local government, announcing that, because of the hot weather  (and everybody in Shanghai switching on their air conditioners), the  whole industrial park would be switched off from the electricity grid  for two weeks. When Bill was in utter panic, preparing an email for our  clients to announce the shut down, I was able to calm him down. And went  to the other factory owners in the industrial area. In a meeting that  afternoon, we decided to send a  Chinese factory boss to someone of the  local government to persuade them to not switch us off. The hongbao  (small fee) that we collected from each of the 12 owners was very  convincing for the guy from the government. We were not switched off  from the grid. 
To release his stress, Bill decided to go  to a Jazz club every Saturday night. He paid for a private table, right  in front of the Jazz orchestra and invited Vivien, his Chinese private  secretary (she was happily married to a chief constable) and his  daughter (when she was in Shanghai). He didn't had real friends. I, as a  Jazz music addict, went to that same club for years, usually sitting in  a more dark corner in the back. Every time, he invited me  enthusiastically at his table but I often declined as I didn't wanted to  expose my friends to his behaviour. 
Because of a new EU  commission regulation, we got in trouble with the sales one of our core  products in Europe. And consequently Bill's company came in financial  trouble. Before, I had tirelessly tried to convince Bill to increase the  sales price of our products. As I had, much more than him, excellent  contacts with our clients, I knew that they would be prepared to pay a  bit more for our services. But he didn't listen to me. Instead, he  started to cheat both our suppliers and customers. He didn't pay  suppliers, some of them entirely dependent on our products. He borrowed  money from our main customer and never paid it back. 

I told him that he should fire me because the company could no longer bear the cost of my salary. But he didn't. 

Sometime  later, when I returned from a trip home (and to one of the customers),  he asked for a private meeting in a restaurant near to my home in  Shanghai. There, the high word came out. Right before, I told him I knew  why we were there. During my trip to Europe, the day before I returned,  he had secretly fired my tooling manager, quality engineer and my  private secretary.
I still today have excellent contacts  with all the former people of that company. Back in 2017, Mr. Zhao, the  production manager, who also had taken over my tasks, called me to  inform me that Bill once again disappeared. Two days later, when the  salaries to the (remaining) workers had to be paid, Bill had blocked all  bank accounts. I recommended Mr. Zhao to close the factory. 
Today,  Bill is still without a trace. Even his ex-wife, his son, daughter or  his brother don't know where he is. He's certainly not in China anymore.  Some people suspect that he is living in hiding in Venezuela.
When  I was living in Suzhou and went to that Jazz club in Shanghai, I met  there by big coincidence Vivien, Bill's ex private secretary. She was  drunk and hooking up with an older American guy, something I haven’t  seen her doing before. 

When I said to her "Hi Vivien, how are you  doing ?" she replied: "Hi Frans, you're looking well, but I'm no longer  Vivien, I’m Christine now".  I was speechless. 
Last  year, Mr Zhao started a brand new company in Songjiang from scratch. He  has gradually taken over the manufacturing of some of the products we  made before. He has the full confidence of our former clients and  suppliers. When I was there last year, he had only five people working  for him but the future of his new company looks bright.  

-Bill Brockenblock 


But enough of that. China has changed. It’s a new world out there and the high powered days of living well inside of China are merging to a new reality.


This world is filled with all sorts of people. But humans are humans, men are men and women are women. It’s how we interact with each other that is important.


That’s the ol’ softie in me. Don’t you know.

Incidentally, the restaurant that they are both working in is a “Hot pot” restaurant. Basically it is a big pot of soup that you dip meats and vegetables into. Much like a Fondue. However, you also then dip it into sauces after you eat it, and you get to make your own sauces. It’s all very delicious. In the background we see a guy spinning what looks like pizza dough. Nope, that is how you make noodles in China. You make it by hand and that is what he is doing.

Now, you all might be confused, but this is taking place in a restaurant where they both apparently work, which is something that you can see by the aprons that they are wearing. My guess is that this is the very famous restaurant chain; Hai De Lao.


The Haidilao  brand was founded in 1994 in Jianyang, Sichuan. Since 1999, it has  gradually opened up markets in Xi'an, Zhengzhou and Beijing. In 2015,  our restaurant opened up in Taiwan was, and 10 stores have been opened in Taiwan by now. In 2017, our restaurant opened up in Hong Kong and opened two stores by now.



Hotpot. Great in the colder weather. As it tends to steam up my glasses. LOL.

Hai De Lao Hot Pot. The meats are a selection of beef, chicken, mutton, and pork. Note the meatballs and the various vegetables that you can add as well. Not shown are the noodles, fish, shrimp, and all the other things that you can fry inside the vats of tasty oils in front of you.


A “Brick House”

In America we refer to a strong stout woman as being built well. Or as we say “built like a brick house”. You can find these women all over the world. Not just in the United States, but in China as well. Here is a woman that I would consider a “Brick House”.


Speaking of relationships, here’s some more girls.

Girls that resemble friends of mine

Here are some girls that resemble some of my friends that I have inside of China. As you can well guess they are nice and really sweet. They are smart too, and really interesting. Each one is like a book… full of stories and adventures.

Many I have met in the KTV’s, but also others that I have met in my day-to-day activities. All are really nice, and they are absolutely great conversationalists.


This next girl reminds me a lot of a friend that I met at my last KTV trip. She was a lot of fun, but unfortunately I was drinking fake VSOP and that really took away from the full enjoyment of the evening. Word to the wise, when the alcohol is in question, don’t drink it. Buy your own. Bring your own, or stick to beer.

Contemporary versions of Chinese pop

Here’s a couple of contemporaneous renditions of a very popular Chinese pop song by Jay Chou. The song itself is around ten years old, but the singers breathe new life into it, and it’s all very lovely. This is the kind of music that people sing when they go to KTV’s and get drunk and belt out a song or two.

The name of the song is 千里之外.

But the new versions will not make any sense, or give you an appreciation for what is going on unless you watch the original music video. And that is why I have embedded it here…

千里之外 the original MV

Please click and watch this cute four minute mini-drama.

It’s in *.mkv format.

MKV files are actually multimedia container formats. An MKV container can incorporate audio, video, and subtitles into a single file—even if those elements use different types of encoding. For example, you could have a MKV file that contains H.264 video and something like MP3 or AAC for audio.

-What Is an MKV File and How Do You Play Them?


The video is in the MKV format, which should be read by both windows and Microsoft systems. However, if you are unable to view the video, you can access it here…

The song is about life, relationships, and taking opportunity even at the cost of love. Ouch!

Oh. You have to let those your love move on with their lives…

Screen shot from the original MV.
Screen shot from the original MV.


In the video is a story about a young boy and girl.

The boy is just a handyman, but the girl is a singer and she is destined for great things. She gets an opportunity to become a great singer, but she won’t leave the boy. She loves him, don’t you know. And she wants to day with him. No matter what.

Screen shot from the original MV.
Screen shot from the original MV.


And then one day, her big break happens. A big important man comes to her and offer her an opportunity of a lifetime. It’s an opportunity that you just do not turn down. It is something you just don’t say no to.

And she says no.

But the boy loves her.

He can’t allow her to waste her life with him.

So he tells her to go. He forces her to go. He grabs the contract and says “yes” before she even knows what’s happening.

Screen shot from the original MV.
An opportunity of a lifetime.


Yes, and she leaves. Three years later, she returns. Rich and famous. But the boy is there. Just the same old job, making ends meet. And the song has a refrain about your loved ones moving on to bigger and better things, while you are left behind…

Screen shot from the original MV.
I send you away beyond a thousand miles…

The Lyrics to 千里之外

Jay Chou – 千里之外 (Far Away)

Chinese Lyrics

"Far Away (千里之外)"
 (feat. Fei Yu-Ching)

English Lyrics

Beyond A Thousand Miles (Faraway)
The roof is like a cliff ,the wind chimes are like the blue sea I wait for the swallow to return
 The time has been arranged to act out an accident you quietly leave
 The story is outside the city,the heavy fog won't disperse,can't see the dialogue clearly
 You cannot tell by listening the sound of the wind doesn't exist,it is me who is sighing with regret
 I waken from the dream ,Who is at the windowsill opening the ending?
 That future which is as thin as a cicada's wings cannot withstand being torn apart by whom
I send you away beyond a thousand miles,you are silent, black and white
 The silent era perhaps it shouldn't have been,the too distant love
 I send you away Beyond the end of the sky,are you still there?
 Where is the sound of the piano coming from? It's hard to predict life and death I use all my life To wait
I hear sounds of tears so I enter the woods searching for the white pear flower I only get a row of moss
 The sky is beyond the mountains,the rain falls down on the flower stands, I'm grey at the temples
 I hear sounds of tears so I enter the woods,searching for the white pear flower I only get a row of moss
 The sky is beyond the mountains,the rain falls down on the flower stands I wait for you to come
Glazed white all over you,transparent like dust your flawless love
 From the rain you come,the poem becomes sorrowful I'm drenched now
Pick up the lotus from the water surface,it's as if the shadows of the boat sailing are still there,yet you don't come back
 Covered by the years,the flower you spoke of blossomed,the past becomes blank
I waken from the dream,Who is at the windowsill opening the ending?
 That future which is as thin as a cicada's wings,
 cannot withstand being torn apart by whom
I send you away beyond a thousand miles,you are silent, black and  white,the silent era,perhaps it shouldn't have been,the too distant love
I send you away beyond the end of the sky,are you still there? Where is  the sound of the piano coming from? It's hard to predict life and death I  use all my life
I send you away,beyond a thousand miles,you are silent, black and  white,the silent era,perhaps it shouldn't have been,the too distant love
I send you away,beyond the end of the sky

 Are you still there?
 Where is the sound of the piano coming from?
 It's hard to predict life and death
 I use all my life To wait

The remakes of 千里之外 (Far Away)

The first “remake”…

In this, we have a British talent show. Very similar to “America’s Got Talent”. And it takes place in the UK as you can tell by the judges and the musicians. Of course, it is being judged by both British folk and by Chinese folk.

I think that this young Chinese lass has great potential and an outstanding voice. And when she hits those high notes, I just get goosebumps. It’s pretty exceptional, and a real surprise to the song. A real twist. I’ll tell you what.

The first remake… sung by a lady named 阿兰.


And the “classic version”…

And the classic version that everyone and their grandmother sings to in the KTV. When you watch the other “judges” and the audience look up to the ceiling, open palm their hands, and have that “far away” look in their eyes, it is this guy that they are emulating…


And it is indeed grand.

The song sung in Hong Kong

Here’s another fellow in Hong Kong. This guy really belts this song out. Check it out. It’s pretty much an attention grabber. It’s two singers 林峯、and 王祖蓝 and they both sing 千里之外.

Now for the BEST version

This is the BEST version, and I just love it. In fact, I think that I like it better than the original, or the KTV versions. It just stands on it’s own. I think that female singer just really makes this version so very, very special.


If you want to download the next file directly click on this button. It is one of my most favorite renditions.

If you don’t, then no problem. Just click on the picture below.

You will also notice the show and the audience. This is all China. And as stupid and crazy as the show appears, this is the normal kind of thing inside of China. With those strange cartoon sounds, the text bubbles that float in the air, and the really strange dressed television hosts. Yup. It’s all China.


This gal is a stunner!

Yes. She is breathtaking. I rarely say this about a woman, but in this case, her beauty, her confidence, and her stance is just… well, astounding… and breathtaking.

I just love her strong confidence, and womanly charm.

As I have said, it’s my favorite version.


Are you tired of this song yet?

I think that I have beaten this dead horse long enough. LOL. I guess that none of the neocons in the Military-Industrial Beltway in Washington DC has ever heard of this song, could care less about the Chinese people and their society, and just want to destroy things so that they can get a new addition to their third mansion.

But that is just my opinion.


We need to compare China with America for some real educational benefit. Let’s take a glimpse at some American Country and Western music…

…and some urban music.

One of my personal favorites… (*.mkv format) is Tim McGraw singing about his plans to get out of the rat-race and get down to a more stable and slower pace of life. I really enjoy this song and what it represents to me. (On a personal basis.)

Music of the American Countryside…

Jen, this video is for you. 


Music of the American Urban Areas…

This is pretty typical. If not threatening to steal, kill, rape or murder, the gals sing about how tough and strong they are and how invincible their “booty” is.

“It’s a very sassy song, very kind of woman empowerment,” Lopez said in a behind-the-scenes video posted to her YouTube page. “[It’s] kind of giving you taste of what you give out, letting guys know that we’re not going to take any junk."

-Jennifer Lopez flashes her butt in risqué new music video


I have my own opinions about all this. I guess that music represents the society that it originates from. But I am the outlier.

I am a minority opinion.

The Internet rages on and on about this last video…

Sometimes, a song is so steamy, the only logical next  step is a super-sexy music video. For that, we can thank trailblazers  like Prince and Madonna, who established the right to show a little skin  in music videos like "Kiss" and "Express Yourself." 

MTV deserves its  share of credit—can anybody ever forget their first time watching  t.A.T.u.'s music video for "All The Things She Said"?—but then YouTube  blew up, and suddenly you could watch any steamy music video any time you wanted.  

It became a sort of guilty pleasure, listening to a great song while  watching a hot person do hot-person things like make out with someone  equally good-looking, move their hips like no one was watching, and wear  an outfit so tight you  wonder how they got it on in the first place. 

You could spend hours  watching gorgeous celebrities pour suspiciously watery milk on their  Spandex-bound bodies (we still love you, Fergie!). And, if we're being  honest, we have spent hours watching that (and we still love you, Fergie). 

If I had a choice between the strong woman singing the Chinese song, or J-Lo singing about her empowered butt, I would choose the Chinese Lady (金志文 and 白雪). Not the American gutter trash.

But that is just me.

Chinese Gals

Now, after watching J-Lo promote her booty I have to ask myself if this is what America has become?

And maybe I’m a “little out of it” being inside of China.

Maybe the comment that I have become too distant from what America stands for. Maybe I am not “with it”. That I need to get more in tune with what America represents…


Just ask the “Doctor of Democracy” himself, El Bush-Bo’ Limbaugh.

But I don’t stand shoulder to shoulder with the evil psychopaths in Washington DC. I stand with the founders of the United States who believed that the United States must stay a Republic. And that once a “democracy” it will turn into an oligarchy, and in short order, a military empire.

They were right, by the way.

But to be honest, if America stand for people like Mike Pompeo and big booty, I don’t know if I really want to be part of that reality. It’s uh…”yucky” don’t you know.


So anyways, here’s a sampling of the chicks that surround me in China. And no, they are not all big, black and stacked with enormous “booty”. They are just average and come in different sizes and shapes, just like they are supposed to. And I am just fine with that. Short, plump, big, thin, robust, or petite. I love them all.

For instance, here’s a tall thin skinny girl…


I like her, she’s a cutie.

Next up is a “village girl”. We would call her “corn fed” back in rural Pennsylvania. We see her dancing about with her hat, and her arm protectors. Ah. It’s so China.


Common Chicks

Moving on, let’s check out this chick. She is really a rather common archetype and is the kind of girl that you would meet time and time again in all the adult venues and establishments. She’s cheerful, fun and playful.


I know, I know, you all want to see more than just pretty girls. Well, I’m going to get on to it. I promise.

This next girl is dancing in a restaurant.

Most restaurants in China have private dining rooms. You just book the room, and you close the door and you eat in peace. It’s everywhere, and depending on the establishment, you can have a bathroom, a television, a tea set up, and a Majong table. You just have to go to the right restaurant, and the cost for the room isn’t all that expensive either. So most people tend to use the rooms than to sit in a big open eating area like you have to endure in the United States.

Check it out…


Now, I would like to continue with (yet) another girl.

I would say that she is pretty typical. And she really is. I can go to just about any public area and point out tens of girls that look just like her. And see, not all girls in China are all that busty. So don’t get confused. I think she is cute and having fun, and it is that sunny disposition that I just love and can eat up.


Maybe I should have called this post learning about China by looking at pretty girls part 75, eh?

Parking Garages

I’ve covered this before, but the parking garages in China are beautiful, clean, well-lit, and attractive. And I have mentioned it before, it sure is a drastic contrast to the dungeon-like dark, dingy, dirty, cesspools that Americans use to part their cars in.

Here we have a typical chick dancing inside one of the parking garages that are everywhere.

At a train station

Have any of you guys gone to what constitutes American trains lately? Yeah. I’m talking about Amtrak. And yeah, it’s pretty awful. All the train-stations combine the worst elements of Detroit and the US Post Office. Well… not all of them are like this. Some are nice. Especially the ones near the large Urban Areas.

Amtrak Cincinnati Union Terminal
Amtrak Cincinnati Union Terminal


Well, I think that American rail is under utilized because of the cultural differences between the USA and China. I have to ask the reader, just how often do you and your friends and family ride American rail?

Well, with the massive network of High Speed Trains in China, The rail is used extensively. It is cheap, clean, well taken cared for, and is often preferable to flying in aircraft. The Chinese rail network is vast.

Here is a cute chick inside a Chinese rail terminal. Yeah, they all (stations that is) kind of look like this, more or less…

In a grocery Store

Here we have a chick dancing inside a small town supermarket. I do like these places and the prices are truly affordable. But don’t expect to get high grade Western food there.

Road Construction

When I lived in PA, that’s Pennsylvania for all you’se guys who aren’t aware of the Pennsylvania slang, the local department of transportation was constantly “fixing” the roads. You would think that the roads would last more than a few months, but then again, the very next season, more millions of dollars needed to be dished out to pay for road construction.

The potholes in PA are a big long-time, on-going, joke.

They’ll never get fixed. It’s just a big ol’ slush fund for the wealthy to siphon money from Pennsylvania taxpayers. But, anyways, I well remember one summer when it too two entire seasons lay down a new bridge. That’s five to six months. A real slow pace, and the disruption of our lives in the local community was horrific.

That’s what happens when you have a nation run by corrupt bankers.

China is a nation of engineers, builders and designers. And it shows. It’s not just two complete 6000 bed, and 10,000 bed hospitals going up in two weeks like what happened in March 2020. It’s everything.

Here’s a bridge going up in one day.


Chinese Idea of Beauty

It all has to do with the shape of the face. Sure there are numerous characteristics that might mitigate the value of a person’s beauty. However, for the most part, if you are clean, have a good complexion, are pleasant, and have an oval face with strong thick black hair, you will pretty much be considered attractive.

I would say that this next chick has a face that well-represents the Chinese idea of beauty.

Average Life

Here’s just two girls going for a walk in the city.

It’s very common, and this is what it is like. It shouldn’t matter one way or the other, but the Mike Pompeo narrative is that the XinJiang Muslims are terribly repressed within China. That the Chinese people are starving, and hungering for “freedomTM” and “democracyTM” and they can’t wait for the great American military to invade and rescue them!

And the lonely Muslim women are forced to sleep with government officials…!

China forces Uyghur Muslim women to sleep with govt …

Nov 08, 2019 · Han Males are sleeping on the same bed as Uyghur Muslim women in China whose male family members, often husbands, are locked up in ‘reeducation camps’ in conformity with a diktat by the Chinese regime, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported last week. The information comes from government officials who spoke to them on the condition of anonymity.


You must be brain dead to believe this propagandized bullshit.


Oh, by the way. These videos are from Tiktok and WeChat. Both of which was banned by Trump / Pompeo. So if you watch them you are risking a life in prison for …

…I don’t know.

The official reason is “national security”, but when the DOJ asked to prove it the administration came up empty handed. Never the less, if you are an American, you’d better slam your computer shut, and erase everything before a NSA or DHS SWAT team breaks down your door and takes you off for questioning….

Speaking of an average life, here’s two chicks running in Chinese park in the dead of winter.

Improvements to selfies

Many Chinese women like to improve their pictures by adding special effect and other colorful enhancements. I don’t really like them, but then again, I am from the “old school”. I guess to “each their own”…


Here’s an article out of the United States in Yahoo! that disagrees with me.

They say that the Chinese ideal is thin with big eyes. Yet they don’s provide any pictures of this ideal, and I can tell you that it is not something found in China. But you can read their opinions yourself here…

Nowhere is this difference more obvious than on Chinese social media, where you won’t find any of the contouring, lip-lining or thighbrows that fill Instagram feeds in the United States. In China, it’s all pale skin, big eyes and rosebud lips.

The fair-skinned standard: There are overlaps in how each  nationality shoots its self-portraits: Chinese girls take photos at an  angle to slim their faces, just like selfie queen Kim Kardashian West recommends.  Chinese women are also influenced not only by their own country’s  ideals but also those of neighboring East Asian countries like Japan and  South Korea, all of which favor slim figures and youthful,  innocent-looking beauty.

Combined with imported Western beauty  ideals like large breasts, these influences have fused to create a very  definite Chinese physical ideal with little wiggle room for women who  fail to meet the standard.

“Chinese beauty ideals basically come  from the media: TV shows, celebrities. A lot of Chinese beauty ideals  are quite Western,” Chinese culture expert Janny Chyn, who provides  cultural immersion tours through her company Shanghai Pathways, told Mic. “The main difference is that we like white skin.”

Many women in China strive to be baifumei: pale,  rich and beautiful (with a heavy emphasis on pale). The ultimate  baifumei is actress Fan Bingbing, adored and emulated for her  translucent white skin, large eyes and “melon seed” (oval-shaped) face.

“There is a strong standard of beauty in China, and it requires you to  be as white as possible, with big eyes,” Thibaud André, consultant at Daxue Consulting in Beijing, told Mic.

Cute wins out over sexy: Flick through Instagram in the U.S. and you’ll likely see a lot of flesh, especially in the summer. Everybody from Kardashian West to Drake  has been known to get a little thirsty on social media. Not so on  Chinese social networks like Weibo, where big eyes, bunny ears and cute  slogans abound. And it’s not just among teenagers.

“The big  difference is that we want to be cute. You will see women pretending to  be teenagers when they are grown-ups,” said Shanghai Pathways' Chyn. 
“Pretending to be cute is never offensive. It’s more controversial to be  sexy. If you’re cute, no one can disapprove.”

One Chinese guide to taking selfies says “innocent and cute”  photos will always prove the most popular and are also easy to take.  That means less vamping and less makeup aimed at overt sexiness. While  girls all over the Western world might have been sucking on bottle caps  last year to get Kylie Jenner’s lips, women in China are more likely to underplay this feature, using lighter or coral lipsticks.

This  desire to be cute also manifests itself in big, puffed-out hamster  cheeks, a sweeter alternative to the more overtly seductive “duckface.”

When skinny trumps curves: There’s no denying that Americans feel huge pressure to be skinny, what with 20 million American women  experiencing a clinically significant eating disorder at some time in  their lives. Social media plays its part in promoting skinniness,  glorifying thigh gaps and spreading "fitspo“ slogans. But the recent movement  to embrace plus sizes, along with the popularity of curvier celebrities  like Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj and the Kardashian crew, has brought a bit  more variety to social media that makes space for curves. (See: ”belfies.“)

Chinese  social media, on the other hand, sees the glorification of skinniness  above all else. This has led to a number of selfie trends, including one  challenge  to twist your arm behind your back to touch your belly button and  another to stack coins on your collarbone to demonstrate thinness.

”[Actress]  Angelababy represents the beauty standard right now, super slim,“ said  Daxue Consulting’s André. "All over Weibo, Chinese women are posting  pictures showing how slim and how white they are. That’s definitely a  trend.”
And while America isn’t perfect — a curvy body is still  more celebrated when it includes a slim waist — there is at least some  diversity in the types of bodies deemed attractive.

“Americans  prefer a fit body, a fit figure. It doesn’t need to be skinny, it  doesn’t need to be chubby but it needs to be fit and healthy looking… In  China I only hear, ‘Girls should have really thin bodies,’” said one  participant in an Asian Beauty Secrets video about American vs. Chinese beauty standards.

Who needs makeup when you can digitally edit your selfies? Selfie trends like contouring and strobing have changed what products many American women have in their makeup bags, as we prioritize looking “camera ready.”

Not  so in China. Although the cosmetics market is growing, women there  still wear far less makeup than girls in the states, according to André.  There’s little need for special selfie-ready makeup when you can use  apps to change what you look like instead.

“Our selfies are very  high-tech,” Chyn said. The functions on Photoshop-like apps lay users’  beauty desires bare: The most popular Chinese beauty app, Meitu Xiuxiu,  allows you to whiten your skin, slim your face and make your eyes  impossibly huge. By contrast, Facetune, an app used by Tyra Banks, focuses on whitening your teeth, smoothing out skin and applying more makeup.

Understanding  the pressures women elsewhere face might be just the thing to make us  examine where our own beauty ideals come from. Maybe we’ll even put down  the bronzer, delete the Photoshop app and face the world as we really  are. Just maybe.


The “news” out of America is about 80% bullshit, 10% truth, and 10% out of the “outer limits”.

I have yet to find even ONE armpit selfie in China, and I have been looking!

This reminds me of an event while I was in university. Friday was designated as “wear jeans if you agree with LGBT rights” day. Well, since I and about 90% of everyone else in the university ONLY had jeans, we were left with two options; [1] wear the jeans or [2] stay home and miss class. Most, like myself, came to class wearing jeans.

It had nothing to do with anything else.

I think that most Chinese Goth folk are taking selfies because they are human, and it’s a thing that everyone is doing. Not that they are trying to “protest” the “evil communist tyrants”. Or whatever the Mike Pompeo narrative is today.

Gyms in China

Yup. China has gyms and the rates are pretty reasonable. The only thing that I do not like is that they tend not to be air conditioned. That is because the Chinese believe that you need to sweat to get rid of the bad chi (energy) inside of you.

While people are realizing the importance of sport for health and better  appearance, fitness industry is also booming in China in recent years.  More and more people become members of fitness studios  and the fitness apps are being used everywhere. 

With the technology  development and the changing lifestyle of consumers, the fitness  industry also needs to work on new concepts to adjust people’s needs for  fitness in the future. Fitness industry in China was facing transformation. 

Instead of working  out in gyms and fitness studios, nowadays fitness can take place  everywhere. Due to the high penetration rate of smartphones in China, fitness apps are well used  by fitness enthusiasts. People can easily get fitness tips, find  fitness studios and get connected with other fitness enthusiasts and  professional trainers with apps in their smartphones. 

According to rough estimation, there were nearly 100,000 fitness studios  in China. Most of them were opened in bigger cities.  Beijing and Shanghai are the Chinese cities with the biggest market for  fitness studios. 

Fitness studios with innovated concepts are also first  introduced to these two metropolises. 

To be noticed is that the numbers  of fitness studios in second-tier cities are growing faster.  Considering the brands and types of fitness studios, the Chinese market  has showed a great variety. 

While the big chains owning hundreds of  studios are still expanding, the smaller boutique studios which focus on  more individual personal training for certain groups are becoming  increasingly popular. And people are apparently willing to spend more in these boutique studios. 

With the growth of the fitness market, the consumption of high-tech  sportwear and wearable devices are also expected to grow. 

Fitness  studios with high-tech apparatus might also be more competitive in the  market, while the less qualified trainers are facing the pressure from  their customers who can get professional information from various  channels. The future of fitness industry should be a cooperative  competition of various industries and sectors with more highly  personalized and individual offers. 

-   Fitness industry in China - statistics & facts | Statista                                         

Chinese Beaches.

If you perform a google search about beaches, or swimming in China you will see these images of hordes of people all crammed together. It’s actually funny. that’s not the way it is at all. It is the narrative that the American government wants people to think. But not the way it really is.

The Chinese beach lie.
The American view of Chinese Beaches. Pretty crowded and impossible right?


So what is it really like?

Well, I have a house on the beach. And every day I see it, watch the sun rise and the sun set on it and watch the people come and go on it. And NOT ONCE did it ever resemble what you might find on the American websites, search engines or “news” articles.

Here’s some images of what Chinese beaches look like. It’s the real deal, you-all.


And here is another young lass… She’s a bit on the thin leggy side, but you know, isn’t she attractive though? Look at that smile. I love her confidence. Smile (check). Confidence (check). Beach (check). Small bikini (check, check, check).

Dance Class

Dancing is very popular in China. Perhaps the biggest “craze(s)” lies in the styles related to “Spanish Samba” and K-Pop. In my office building on my floor (were) two K-pop dance troops and one Samba studio. Making my floor about 50% devoted to dancing with pretty girls of all ages.


The girls above seem to be middle school age. My guess.

Forward Thinking

Global Times editorial celebrates moon mission and poverty elimination, a tandem neither the Outlaw US Empire nor any other nation has achieved. The key as ever is balance:
"For a long time, some people believe China has not done enough to  balance these developments. Voices have existed that China invested  excessive resources to fields such as aerospace. Despite difficulties,  compared to other countries, China has tried its best to reach a balance  and has achieved positive results.
"Since China implemented the reform and opening-up policy, the most  prominent and well-known national goal has been achieving a moderately  prosperous society. People's livelihood and fairness and justice have  always been the focus of attention in Chinese society. A  technology-centered national strategy and people-oriented economic  development have highly integrated. 
"In the past few decades, the Chinese people have been developing the  aerospace field, but their livelihood has also been improving. The  lunar exploration project is not a political vanity project - it is well  within the ability of Chinese society.
"The progress in high-tech areas such as aerospace has pushed up  China's strategic competitiveness overall. At the same time, people are  living better lives. Without the advancement in high-tech areas, China's  prosperity would lack the backbone and long-term guarantee....
"China has long implemented a market economy, but has maintained  the guiding role of the government. This prevents our market economy  from repeating and hovering at a low level, and also prevents us from  being satisfied with the low-end prosperity of the global value chain.  The Chinese nation's self-motivated spirit continues to release  momentum, successfully supported by the country's system. Thus, we can  move forward in a balanced manner and with a clear sense of direction."  [My Emphasis]
This same methodology can be seen in Putin's governance and also  glaringly absent from all Neoliberal driven nations, which partially  explains their problems. I'm going to single-out this one sentence from  the concluding paragraph for it admits a truth no Neoliberal nation has  even acknowledged:
"There are unlimited possibilities in space, and most resources that support the human being's future development must be outside the Earth." [My Emphasis] 
I know of no major nation that has admitted directly or through its  main media voice that the earth is finite with a limited amount of  resources that will govern the overall degree of potential development.  For me, that means China has admitted to itself that at some future  point there'll be a requirement to shift to a steady-state type of  political-economy for all nations and thus the world. 

That's a far more  advanced view of economics from the Neoliberal model that doesn't admit  to scarce resources or that there's a limit--a Junk, unrealistic model  to be sure. 


School is much more intense in China than it is in America. For starters, all the children must learn English AND Chinese. Their classes are very regimented, and success is mandated by culture. If they want to be an individual and “go their own way”, it is not permitted. they must work as a team, be a team player and do their best. Failure is not an option.

Final comments

What the American (and British) media presents as “China” has very little resemblance to what it actually is.

Pompeo unloads on US universities for China ties

Dec 09, 2020 · Pompeo took aim at universities across the U.S., claiming they refused to address the Trump administration’s concerns about China’s attempts to influence students and academics. He specifically called out the president of MIT, alleging he refused to host Pompeo’s speech, and a senior official at the University of Washington over a case ...


Exclusive -- Mike Pompeo: China Infiltrating Our ...

Dec 14, 2020 · In September, Pompeo  said he was “hopeful” that branches of the Confucius Institute — an  organization run by the Chinese government — across America’s colleges  and universities would be closed by the end of 2020. The Trump  administration designated the Confucius Institute’s programs as foreign  missions of the Chinese Communist Party.. China is a greater threat than Russia in the ...


Pompeo vows tough U.S. stance on China but is open to talks

Aug 21, 2020 · Pompeo said the Trump administration is open to talks with Beijing but the U.S. would maintain its tough stance. “President Trump is serious about protecting our information, our networks and ...

China is depicted as an evil, dirty, corrupt, tyrannical “regime”. When in reality it is a single-party, social democracy based on Confucian values and traditional culture. Over the last four decades the nation has worked hard to make China what it is today, and what it is…

…is really astounding. It is a middle class neighborhood populated with hard-working, intelligent people. They are fiercely patriotic, almost hysterically so, and all the nonsense from (former) President Trump and his side kick Mike Pompeo are all lies.

Pompeo blasts China for suppressing coronavirus ...

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo laid harsh blame on China on Sunday for engaging in what he called a “classic Communist disinformation effort” and for working “to make …

As a sanity check, here is a video of the the events in China during 2020.

As you watch the three minute video can you identify which items that you are aware of from the Western news media?

Go ahead, watch and count the number of events that the American and British “news” media reported on…

Do you want more?

I have more post like this in my China Index and all the sub-indexes.


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A view from outside the American echo chambers and a glimpse of what the rest of the world thinks of America today.

Here’s some articles that you just will not find in any American media. But they are very descriptive and pretty accurate regarding what the rest of the world thinks about America today. No, you won’t find Rush Limbaugh quoting from these articles, nor will you find a reference to them in Politco or MSNBC. These are the type of articles that the oligarchy; the rulers of the American government do not want the tax-serfs to read.

It’s not so hard to find articles in the American media. They run the gambit from “America is great and the best”, to fear-mongering “the world outside of America looks like a save the children commercial”. But you won’t find anything really critical or persuasive about what America is going through right now. That is the kind of information that Americans MUST NOT SEE.

Well, surprise! You are going to read some of these articles right here and right now, and they are (for the most part) not very flattering.

It’s not that America or Americans are bad. They are not. It is that the entire nation is run by evil psychopaths.

Psychopathy, sometimes considered synonymous with sociopathy, is traditionally a personality disorder characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits. Different conceptions of psychopathy have been used throughout history that are only partly overlapping and may sometimes be contradictory.


These leaders possess behaviors are dangerous and will will end up destroying the entire world if they are not suppressed. It’s like the drunk friend who is trying to pick a fight with everyone in the bar, and you and your friends just roll your eyes, and after a spell, you all need to leave early before some “shit goes down”. Damn!

Have any of you been in that situation?

Well, that is America today. And it’s pretty bad, and very dangerous.

That’s why the articles outside of the USA are not finding their way into the “approved” American media.

Yes. The reason why these negative articles about America are not cropping up inside of any of the “approved” American media outlets is because they are more than just unflattering. The psychopaths that run America do not want the serf-slaves to revolt against them. So they deliberately suppress any contrary news related to them or their true personalities.

Psychopathy is a condition characterized by the absence of empathy  and the blunting of other affective states. Callousness, detachment and  a lack of empathy enable psychopaths to be highly manipulative.  Nevertheless, psychopathy is among the most difficult disorders to spot. 
Psychopaths can appear normal, even charming. Underneath, they lack any semblance of conscience. Their antisocial nature inclines them often (but by no means always) to criminality.
Psychopaths spark popular fascination and clinical anguish:  Adult psychopathy is largely resistant to treatment, though programs  exist to treat callous, unemotional youth in hopes of preventing them  from maturing into psychopaths.
Brain anatomy, genetics,  and a person’s environment may all contribute to the development of  psychopathic traits. For more on causes, symptoms, and treatments of the  related condition called antisocial personality disorder, see our Diagnosis Dictionary.                  

Ol’ Busted Knucke’s said it best when he said that Russia and the USA have a lot to offer each other. Why not work together and concentrate on our similarities, instead of threatening each other about some imaginary differences. And he’s right, but you and I know that that is not going to happen as the USA is run by a bunch of maniacal evil villains.

What are we dealing with here…

Well, what are we dealing with? Am I being glib concerning who is actually running the American nations, or am I being painfully accurate?

President Donald Trump.
President Donald Trump.
The term “con artist” or “conman” comes from one of  American history’s earliest scammers, a man by the name of William  Thompson. In 1849, Thompson was arrested in New York City for a slew of  successful scams during which he duped unassuming passersby on the  street into lending him their valuables before vanishing with them. 

Thompson was consequently known  among local authorities as “the confidence man,” which was eventually  shortened to “con man.” But Thompson was hardly alone in his clever  grifts. According to historian Karen Halttunen, approximately 10 percent  of all criminals in New York City in the 1860s were con artists.
Nearly all “confidence men” or scam artists are charming. Take Victor  Lustig, for example. This conman managed to “sell” the Eiffel Tower and  allegedly even swindled notorious mobster Al Capone. He was fittingly dubbed “the Count” by authorities because he was so debonair. 
Beyond the smooth talkers, there are also those conmen who play on  people’s biases like Anna Sorokin, who cheated her way into the ranks of  New York City’s elite by pretending to be a rich heiress named Anna  Delvey. The scam artist’s former friends, nearly all of them wealthy  socialites, alleged that she had convinced them to loan her cash for  lavish vacations abroad only to never be repaid.

Today, the term “Ponzi scheme” is used to describe an illegitimate operation. But the term actually came from the real-life Charles Ponzi, whose $15 million investment scheme claimed to turn the average American working man into a multimillionaire overnight. 

-All that's interesting

The Signs of a Psychopath

The following is from Psychology Today.

Psychopathy is a spectrum disorder and can be diagnosed using the 20-item Hare Psychopathy Checklist, which features traits such as lack of empathy, pathological lying, and impulsivity, each scored on a three-point scale based on whether the item does not apply (0), applies to a certain extent (1), or fully applies (2) to the individual. The bar for clinical psychopathy is a score of 30 or higher; serial killer Ted Bundy scored 39.

The checklist was developed in the 1970s by the Canadian researcher Robert Hare. A true assessment should be conducted by a mental health professional.

The revised version of the checklist includes the following characteristics:

The first group really describes Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Mike Pompeo and Barrack Obama, don’t you all think?

  • glibness/superficial charm
  • grandiose sense of self-worth
  • need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
  • pathological lying
  • conning/manipulative
  • lack of remorse or guilt

And these other traits can be applied to the American leadership just as well.

  • shallow affect (i.e., reduced emotional responses)
  • callous/lack of empathy
  • parasitic lifestyle
  • poor behavioral controls
  • promiscuous sexual behavior

The sexual exploits of Bill Clinton are legendary. And do you really think that being a member of the Senate for 60 years isn’t a “parasitic lifestyle”? What about banning coal and sending the citizenry of five states into poverty? Doesn’t that count as a “lack of empathy”?

The list continues…

  • early behavioral problems
  • lack of realistic, long-term goals
  • impulsivity
  • irresponsibility
  • failure to accept responsibility for one’s own actions

And what about Donald Trump. It’s always someone else’s fault isn’t it? And those 70+ tweets per night, isn’t that a sign of impulsivity?

  • many short-term marital relationships
  • juvenile delinquency
  • revocation of conditional release (from prison)
  • criminal versatility (i.e., commits diverse types of crimes)
If this does not describe American leadership, Congressmen and Senators, then I don't know what does.

What percentage of people are psychopaths?

Psychopaths exist across cultures and ethnic groups. It has been estimated that approximately 1 percent of males and 0.3–0.7 percent of females could be classified as psychopaths. An individual may show elevated levels of multiple traits associated with psychopathy without qualifying as a psychopath according to a measure such as the Hare checklist.

When we refer to the oligarchy or the PTB, we often refer to them as the 1%. I find it curious that this is also the same percentage of psychopaths in society. Could it be the natural inclination of psychopaths to rise over others and seize the levers of control of a society, and if so, isn’t that a very, very dangerous situation?

Let’s learn about the American Leadership

From ThoughtCo…

Psychopaths  are incapable of feeling guilt, remorse, or empathy for their actions  or the objects of their actions. They are generally cunning and  manipulative. They know the difference between right and wrong but don't  believe the rules apply to them. 
First Encounter With a Psychopath  
On first impression, psychopaths generally appear charming, engaged,  caring, friendly, logical, and reasonable, with well thought-out goals.  They give the impression that they can reason, that they know the  consequences for antisocial and unlawful behavior and will react appropriately. They appear capable of self-examination and will criticize themselves for mistakes. 
Under clinical evaluation, psychopaths don't show common symptoms  associated with neurotic behavior: nervousness, high anxiety, hysteria,  mood swings, extreme fatigue, and headaches. In situations that most  normal people would find upsetting, psychopaths appear calm and void of  fear and anxiety. 
An About-Face  
Initially, psychopaths appear reliable, devoted, and trustworthy, but,  suddenly and without provocation, become unreliable, with no regard for  how their actions affect the situation, regardless of its importance.  Once viewed as honest and sincere, they do a sudden about-face and begin  lying without concern, even in small matters when there is no benefit  in lying. 
Because psychopaths have mastered the art of deception, those around  them are slow to accept the abrupt change. When psychopaths are  confronted with their lack of responsibility, honesty or loyalty, it  generally has no impact on their attitude or future performance. They  are unable to perceive that other people value truthfulness and  integrity. 
Can't Accept Responsibility for Failure  
Psychopaths turn into performers who can mimic normal human emotions  that they have never felt. This holds true when they're faced with  failure. If they appear to be humble and own up to their mistakes, their  true goal is to be perceived as the martyr or sacrificial lamb willing  to accept blame so others don't have to. 
If the ploy fails and they are blamed, they will emphatically deny any  responsibility and, without feeling shame, turn to lies, manipulation,  and finger-pointing. When psychopaths can't convince others that they  are innocent, they fume and obsess over it, often murmuring sarcastic  comments and plotting revenge. 
Risky Behavior With No Gain  
Antisocial behavior—cheating, lying, robbing, stealing, agitating,  fighting, committing adultery, killing—appeals to psychopaths, whether  or not they reap any rewards. They appear drawn to high-risk antisocial  behavior that has no apparent goal. Some experts theorize that  psychopaths like to put themselves into dangerous situations because of  the adrenaline rush they experience. Because psychopaths generally don't  feel many emotions that normal people do, any extreme sensation feels  good. Others believe that they do it to reinforce their sense of  superiority and to prove that they are smarter than everyone, including  the police. 
Horrible Judgment  
Although psychopaths are logical thinkers and view themselves as highly  intelligent, they consistently exhibit bad judgment. Faced with two  paths, one to gold and the other to ashes, the psychopath will take the  latter. Because psychopaths can't learn from their experiences, they are  prone to taking the same path again and again. 
Egocentric and Unable to Love  
Psychopaths are highly egomaniacal, to the point that a normal person  has difficulty comprehending it. Their self-centeredness is so deeply  rooted that it renders them incapable of loving others, including  parents, spouses, and their own children. 
The only time psychopaths show an ordinary response to kindness or  special treatment by others is when it can be used to their advantage.  For example, a psychopathic father still loved by his children despite  the deep suffering he has caused them may put on a show of appreciation  so that they continue to put money into his prison account or pay his  legal fees. 
Conventional Treatment Empowers Psychopaths  
Most studies indicate that there are no conventional methods to cure  psychopathic behavior. When conventional methods have been used,  psychopaths become empowered and react by improving their cunning,  manipulative methods and their ability to conceal their true  personality, even from trained eyes. 
Difference Between Psychopaths and Sociopaths  
Psychopaths and sociopaths  share a diagnosis as having antisocial personality disorder and similar  traits, but there are significant differences. Psychopaths are more  deceptive and manipulative and maintain more control over their outward  personas. They are able to lead what appear to be normal lives,  sometimes throughout their lifetime. When psychopaths become criminals  they believe they are smarter than the average person and invincible. 
Sociopaths often let their inner rage surface with violent episodes,  verbally and physically. They become reckless and spontaneous and have  little control over what they say or how they act. Because they are  impulse driven, they rarely consider the consequences of their actions.  It is difficult for sociopaths to live normal lives, and because of  their imprudence many of them drop out of school, can't hold jobs, turn  to crime, and end up in prison. 
Which Is More Dangerous?  
Sociopaths have a difficult time hiding their disorder, while  psychopaths pride themselves on their manipulative abilities.  Psychopaths are masters of disassociation and less likely to feel guilt  or remorse for their actions or for the pain that they cause others.  Because of this, psychopaths are considered to be more dangerous than  sociopaths. 

Well, we know that the USA is run by a bunch of crazed lunatics with some severely dangerous tendencies…

What now? Americans, for the most part are unaware of this. And they follow them in the belief that the leaders represent them and their beliefs. But the rest of the world does not see this, and are frankly aghast at the United States for “electing” these people to the levers of power.

And they write articles about this.

The more “mainstream” articles tend to be rather sanitized. But the alternative articles tend to be very spot-on and even vicious. Here we are going to look at some of the articles. It’s a venting of what the world thinks of what America has become and exists as it sits today, in the closing months of 2020.

The US Has Lost Global Power, and Is Now Just Faking It

This article from the Russian Insider archives was first published on RI in April 2018 by Dmitry Orlov . It was republished on Sun, Dec 13 2020 | 1510 words 26,694 Comments

Orlov is one of our favorite essayists on Russia and all sorts of other things. He moved to the US as a child, and lives in the Boston area.

He is one of the better-known thinkers The New Yorker has dubbed 'The Dystopians' in an excellent 2009 profile, along with James Howard Kunstler, another regular contributor to RI (archive). These theorists believe that modern society is headed for a jarring and painful crack-up.

He is best known for his 2011 book comparing Soviet and American collapse (he thinks America's will be worse). He is a prolific author on a wide array of subjects, and you can see his work by searching him on Amazon. He has a large following on the web, and on Patreon, and we urge you to support him there, as Russia Insider does.
If you haven't discovered his work yet, please take a look at his archive of articles on RI. They are a real treasure, full of invaluable insight into both the US and Russia and how they are related.
The US Has Lost Global Power, and Is Now Just Faking It
"If the US manages to convince enough people, at home and around the world, that it is still dangerous, then it will be able to hide its increasing enfeeblement for a while longer."
It’s a hard job being a global hegemon and the world’s sole superpower.
You have to keep the entire planet in line. Every country needs to be taught its place, and kept there, by force if need be. Now and again a country or two has to be conquered or destroyed, just to teach others a lesson. Plus you have to relentlessly meddle in other countries’ politics, rigging elections so that only US-friendly candidates can win, run regime change operations and organize colored revolutions. Stop doing this, and some countries will start ignoring you. And then the rest will quickly realize that you are losing control and go their separate ways while ignoring you.

Is the United States still the world’s greatest power, in control of the entire planet, or has that moment in history already come and gone? We are constantly hearing how the situation is becoming dire: relations between the US and NATO countries and Russia are going from bad to worse; there is a trade war going on with China; North Korea remains an intractable problem and an embarrassment.
Many people maintain that we are very close to a world war. But does “very close” actually mean anything? It is quite possible to stand for hours with your toes hanging over the edge of a cliff and never jump. Suicide is a big decision: big even for a person, much bigger for a large country.

On March 1, 2018 president Putin unveiled Russia’s new weapons systems against which the United States is defenseless and will remain so for the foreseeable future. Previously, the plan was to surround Russia with military bases and missile batteries, then launch a preemptive first strike, destroying its ability to retaliate and forcing it to capitulate.
This plan has now conclusively failed, and a US/NATO attack on Russia is once again assured to be an act of suicide. Worse than that, even limited military confrontations are now mostly unthinkable, because Russia can now inflict unacceptable damage on US/NATO forces from a safe distance and without putting any of its own assets at risk. If Russia won’t attack and the US/NATO can’t attack, then how likely is a war?
The new weapons systems have made it possible to start ignoring the US. It is still important to maintain a credible military posture, but politically the US is no longer in control, and neither are the global institutions on which it has relied. Instead, what we are seeing is the reemergence of nation states, and even of empires.
The political future of Syria is being decided by Russia, Turkey and Iran, with no useful input from the United States at all. 

Significantly, whereas Russia and Iran are in categories of their own as far as the US is concerned, Turkey has been a US ally and the second-largest armed force in NATO. The fact that Turkey is no longer eager to please the Americans is quite telling.
Except during the strange and tumultuous twentieth century during which the US briefly flashed across the world stage, these three countries went by different names, which all ended in “empire”: the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire and the Persian Empire. Of these three, the Russian and the Ottoman empires were heirs to the Holy Roman Empire, whose eastern half, with its capital Constantinople, went on for centuries after Rome had turned into a depopulated ruin and a dark age had descended on Europe.
After Constantinople fell to the Turks and Islam took over the region, the center of Orthodox Christianity migrated north to Moscow. Now add China, or the Chinese Empire if you like, which is now aligned with Russia, and complete the picture: all of the greatest and most ancient Eurasian empires have come back and are talking and cooperating, while the has-been upstart on the other side of the planet isn’t even invited.
Given this situation, what is the US to do? 

It has three choices. 

The first is to start a major war, thus committing national suicide (while taking other countries with it). It lacks the political will to make this decision, although it could blunder into a major war by accident.
The second choice is to basically just fold: give up trying to project power around the world, retreat into its own borders and lick its wounds. It lacks the political will to do this as well; all that remains in the realm of possibility is to pretend that everything is still fine for as long as possible.
But how is it possible to pretend that everything is still fine even as everything is falling apart? The answer is to start faking it. 

If the US manages to convince enough people, at home and around the world, that it is still dangerous, then it will be able to hide its increasing enfeeblement for a while longer. It may no longer be capable of achieving any of its aims, but it is still very much capable of mass murder, as was recently demonstrated by the US “coalition” bombings of Mosul and Raqqa, which now lay in ruins. Similar wanton acts of mass murder have been committed America’s Saudi-Arabian proxy in Yemen, and by their Ukrainian proxies in the Donbass.
But even the opportunities to commit mindless mass murder with impunity are now becoming fewer and farther between, forcing the US to resort to more boutique acts of violence. To justify these acts, the US (and much of Europe) curtains itself off from the rest of the world using an elaborately constructed wall of complete nonsense.
A favorite trope has to do with dreamed-up chemical weapons as the main frightener. Take a look at the recent Israeli rocket attack on Syria. It was justified using obviously fake video footage produced by the White Helmets—a group known for staging fake terror events. At this point, they don’t even care how fake their product looks: this time around, they didn’t bother editing out the clapper (used to sync up video with sound). The setting was obviously a movie set, but production values were rather missing. Instead, we had actors, some wearing white helmets, but no protective gear whatsoever, dumping buckets of water over shivering children. How is that even supposed to make any sense?
And then note that the rockets (five which got shot down by the Syrians, with only three making it through) came from Israel. Why Israel? Because the Russians had warned the US that they knew the fake chemical weapons provocation was being organized as a pretext to launch a rocket attack, and that they were going to shoot not just at the rockets but also at those who launch them. Therefore, Americans decided that it would be too risky to launch the attack from navy ships, and instead asked the Israelis to do the honor of lobbing a few missiles at a remote airbase in Syria, correctly thinking that the Russians wouldn’t immediately retaliate against Israel if no Russians would hurt, and knowing that there would be no Russians at that airbase during their attack. This is, on the one hand, quite pathetic, but on the other it shows that the Americans are still capable of a modicum of rational thought.
This, then is the strange period of history we are going through. The US is lying nonstop (since truth is not on its side) while pretending to still be dangerous by committing wanton acts of mass murder (small-scale ones, which it can be sure to carry out with impunity).
Meanwhile, both national suicide (via large-scale war) and the decision to shut down the whole imperial project both remain politically impossible. How long this strange, unstable period of murderous nonsense can persist isn’t known—your guess is as good as mine—but it obviously can’t go on for ages.
Give it a few years, or less. 

Perhaps you can understand why Rush Limbaugh is not talking about this kind of analysis, or why Alex Jones isn’t. Or why Politico or the Huffington Post isn’t. Or why MSNBC isn’t.

  • Their calculus uses examples of news articles that are not well-promoted in the USA.
  • Their conclusions are based on unflattering narratives.
  • The key players involved in the decision making process are not glorified.

Thus this kind of opinion will not be promoted in any of the “approved” American media. Neither the mainstream, the Alt-Right or the Alt-Left.

Times have changed all across the board. America is nothing like it was intended to be. Instead it is a prison-nation that enslaves citizens under a service-for-self oligarchy run by psychopaths. And us “Joe Averages” haven’t any say in the matter.

America Has Traded God for Empire, Narcissism, Militarism, Usury, Sodomy

Fr. Joseph Gleason, is editor of the website titled “Russian Faith” . In this article he explains America’s current predicament. This article comes from the Russian Insider archives and was first published on RI in February 2019. It is written by Mark Dankof on Wed, Oct 21 2020 | 1120 words 8,438 Comments . All credit to the author.

America Has Traded God for Empire, Narcissism, Militarism, Usury, Sodomy 

It goes without saying that Father Joseph Gleason of Russian Faith is making his mark in the world for the Kingdom of God in Jesus Christ. His theological journey has finally taken him into the priesthood of the  Russian Orthodox Church. Geographically, the journey he and his family  have embarked upon has taken them from the United States to Russia and a place called Rostov-The-Great.  His is a story worth following on an ongoing basis. I sense his personal odyssey may prove larger in history than he or anyone else imagines right now.

His most recent entry on the Russian Faith website is entitled, “Homosexuals Persecuting Christians in America:  Do You Feel The Walls Closing In?”  

This marvelous piece is 5,050 words long.  My succinct initial response  to his labors before even reading the essay itself was–and is–a simple “Yes.”

I  do not come to this conclusion quickly or without study and  engagement.  Since 9-11, I have set aside most of the rest of my life to  attempt to bring the people of America to an awareness of how late the  hour is, and the perilous state of both individual souls and a  collective people that has turned its back on God in favor of an Empire  built on narcissism, militarism, usury, and sodomy. 
But the painful truth is that I have failed.  

I have lost 17  years of my life in the process. I admitted as much some years ago in a  well publicized essay entitled, “Why We’re Finished.”  Later, I found myself being pilloried by the Jerusalem Post and the international Jewish press for telling Press TV Iran the truth after the infamous Obergefell Supreme Court decision of 2015 about who played a pivotally disproportionate  role in bringing this latest advance of Cultural Marxism to pass in the  United States, as was the case in the Roe v Wade decision of January of 1973.  

Joseph Biden said the same thing I did,  only he hailed the development as a new dawning in America. 

I didn’t.   

Thus, I was in the cross-hairs of the usual suspects.  Not one of my  Lutheran colleagues in the United States came to my public defense.  I  was on my own and I knew it, just as I have been for years in these  circles for discussing 9-11, Empire foreign and military policy, the  Kennedy Assassination, and the abortion and LGBTQ issues among many others.
Nothing in the last 4 years has changed the equation.  

I said as much in an essay entitled, “A ‘Communist’s’ Thoughts on the 4th of July,” appropriately retitled, “Russia is a Beacon of Promise for a Christian Future” for Russia Faith and Russian Insider readers.   

The thousands of hits on those sites revealed I had struck a chord or a  raw nerve depending on the perspective of the reader, which is why  editors like Charles Bausman and Father Joseph Gleason have increasingly  come under attack by MSM rags in the United States like The Daily Beast as agents of the Kremlin, which assaulted me well before it did these fine people.  I wore that as a badge of honor. I still do.
Which brings me back to Father Gleason’s latest post.  His  conclusions about what the LGBTQ movement and the power elite’s goals  are in both the United States and globally in regard to authentic  Christianity and its adherents are no different than what Rod Dreher  wrote in Time Magazine after the Obergefell decision,  only sharper in focus in the implications.  This sharpening of focus  leads the American Christian who prayerfully contemplates the reality of  the homeland advances of the New World Order to examine his or her  position very carefully as the Holy Spirit of God leads and directs.
For the record, after examination over time, I humbly conclude personally that:
1) Father Joseph Gleason has made the right decision for himself and his family in moving to Russia;
2) Recent developments in that country and  elsewhere make it clear to me that Orthodoxy is especially being used of  God in the proclamation of the Gospel in an age of advancing heresy and  apostasy–not declining Lutheranism, Catholicism, or a Protestant  Evangelical movement overcome with worship of Zionism and increasing pop  accommodation to cancerous American and European cultures headed for  absolute shipwreck; 
3) For young believers around the world including a  couple I have recently read about in Brazil, and young American  Christians feeling bewildered and embattled as they Feel the Walls Closing In,  examine the Lord’s will very closely in regard to the beckoning of  Father Gleason and his migrating minions to the place that the Triune  God is restoring at this eschatological hour in history to counter the  evil plans of a Western Globalist and Zionist movement bent on using  moral and sexual perversion, mass media manipulation, consumerism,  economic sanctions, and overt military aggression to achieve Satan’s  final victory in this present realm; 
4) The latest actions of the United States in the Ukraine in  sewing discord in the Orthodox Church only underscore the depths to  which the political leadership in America will go on behalf the  objectives of the New World Order, along with the entire spectrum of  moves being made by The Empire against Iran, Syria, Russia, and  Venezuela;  

5) When all of this is understood in discernment by the  Christian believer in the West in terms of prophetic developments, those  of us whose circumstances mandate remaining in our earthly homeland in  exile must do so only in the clear understanding that the outcome is not  merely an exilic experience of alienation and marginalization, but one  which promises martyrdom itself.
My last public address to  a Lutheran group discussed this.  

I’m still not sure those in the  lecture hall in upstate Wisconsin last year really had the foggiest  notion of what I was trying to say in the Lord to them.  But Father  Joseph Gleason knows of what I speak, and so do most of his readers at Russian Faith. 

There are a few Christian homeschoolers in Texas who  certainly understand. For those in the United States and the West in a  position to make choices for themselves and their families on the basis  of their individual circumstances and Christian witness for the truth in  history, follow him to higher ground.  

Get out of Dodge while you can.
I believe God has truly raised this man up at this most  critical and final hour in world and redemptive history. Consider his  witness and his words carefully. That is my best advice to you. The clock is ticking to midnight.

Wholesome tradition or degenerate empire, take your pick             

His opinion is dire and gloomy. He does not feel that he is free to practice his religious freedom, nor raise his family safely or properly in the United States. There was a time, don’t you know, where this was the measurement by which the “freedom” and “liberty” offered by the United States was measured. But it no longer exists.

You will note that none of the American government controlled media; the mainstream, the Alt-Left and the Alt-Right will cover this subject it’s all the same nonsense. Over and over.

Ugh! When I think about the United States government, I get a headache. I just want to chill out and be left alone.
Ugh! When I think about the United States government, I get a headache. I just want to chill out and be left alone.

American Collapse – Great Podcast About How and When – with James Howard Kunstler

Now, we go to James Howard Kunstler.

“Personally, I expect our collapse to be as sudden and unexpected as the USSR’s … and to express itself first in the financial markets …”

This article from our archives was first published on Russian Insider in April 2018. Written by Mr James Howard Kunstler on Mon, Dec 14 2020 | 1000 words 11,640 Comments . All credit to the author.

The author is a prominent American social critic, blogger, and podcaster, and one of our all-time favorite pessimists. We carry his articles regularly on RI. His writing on Russia-gate has been highly entertaining.
He is one of the better-known thinkers The New Yorker has dubbed 'The Dystopians' in an excellent 2009 profile, along with the brilliant Dmitry Orlov, another regular contributor to RI (archive). These theorists believe that modern society is headed for a jarring and painful crack-up.
You can find his popular fiction and novels on this subject, here. To get a sense of how entertaining he is, watch this 2004 TED talk about the cruel misery of American urban design - it is one of the most-viewed on TED. Here is a recent audio interview with him which gives a good overview of his work.

And the article in question…

American Collapse - Great Podcast About How and When - with James Howard Kunstler

I had a fellow on my latest podcast, released  Sunday, who insists that the world population will crash 90-plus  percent from the current 7.6 billion to 600 million by the end of this  century. Jack Alpert heads an outfit called the Stanford Knowledge Integration Lab (SKIL) which he started at Stanford University in 1978 and now runs as a private research foundation. Alpert is primarily an engineer.
At 600 million, the living standard in the USA would be on a level  with the post-Roman peasantry of Fifth century Europe, but without the  charm, since many of the planet’s linked systems — soils, oceans,  climate, mineral resources — will be in much greater disarray than was  the case 1,500 years ago. 

Anyway, that state-of-life may be a way-station so something more dire. 

Alpert’s optimal case would be a  world human population of 50 million, deployed in three “city-states,”  in the Pacific Northwest, the Uruguay / Paraguay border region, and  China, that could support something close to today’s living standards  for a tiny population, along with science and advanced technology, run  on hydropower. 

The rest of world, he says, would just go back to nature,  or what’s left of it. Alpert’s project aims to engineer a path to that  optimal outcome.
I hadn’t encountered quite such an extreme view of the future before,  except for some fictional exercises like Cormac McCarthy’s The Road.  (Alpert, too, sees cannibalism as one likely byproduct of the journey  ahead.) 

Obviously, my own venture into the fictionalized future of the World Made by Hand books  depicted a much kinder and gentler re-set to life at the circa-1800  level of living, at least in the USA. Apparently, I’m a sentimental  softie.
Both of us are at odds with the more generic techno-optimists who are  waiting patiently for miracle rescue remedies like cold fusion while  enjoying re-runs of The Big Bang Theory. (Alpert doesn’t  completely rule out as-yet-undeveloped energy sources, though he  acknowledges that they’re a low-percentage prospect.) We do agree with  basic premise that the energy supply is mainly what supports the way we  live now, and that it shows every evidence of entering a deep and  destabilizing decline that will halt the activities necessary to keep  our networks of dynamic systems running.
A  question of interest to many readers is how soon or how rapid the  unraveling of these systems might be. 

When civilizations crumble, it  tends to fast-track. 

The Roman empire seems to be an exception, but in  many ways it was far more resilient than ours, being a sort of advanced  Flintstones economy, with even its giant-scale activities (e.g. building  the Coliseum) being accomplished by human-powered work. 

In any case,  the outfit really fell apart steadily after the reign of emperor Marcus  Aurelius (180 AD).
The Romans had their own version of a financialized economy:  they simply devalued their coins by mixing in less and less silver at  the mint, so they could pretend to pay for the same luxuries they had  grown accustomed to as resources stretched thin. 

Our financialized  economy — like everything else we do — operates at levels of complexity  so baffling that even its supposed managers at the central banks are flying blind through fogs of debt, deception, and moral hazard. When  that vessel of pretense slams into a mountain top, the effects are  likely to be quick and lethal to the economies on the ground below.
In our time, the most recent crash of a major socioeconomic system  was the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990-91. 

Of course, it happened  against the backdrop of a global system that was still revving pretty  well outside the USSR, and that softened the blow. Ultimately, the  Russians still had plenty of oil to sell, which allowed them to re-set  well above the Fifth Century peasant level of existence. 

At least for  now. 

The Soviet Union collapsed because it was a thoroughly dishonest  system that ran on pretense and coercion. Apparently, the US Intel  Community completely missed the signs that political collapse was  underway.
They seem to be pretty clueless about the fate of the USA these days,  too. 

If you consider the preoccupations of two very recent Intel chiefs  — John Brennan of CIA and James Clapper, DNI — who now inveigh  full-time on CNN as avatars of the Deep State against the wicked Golden  Golem of Greatness.
Personally, I expect our collapse to be as sudden and unexpected as  the USSR’s, but probably bloodier because there’s simply more stuff just  lying around to fight over.
Of  course, I expect the collapse to express itself first in banking,  finance, and markets — being so deeply faith-based and so subject to  simple failures of faith. But it will become political and social soon  enough, maybe all-at once. And when it happens in the USA, it will  spread through the financial systems the whole world round.          

It’s heavy dose of “doom and gloom”, but you know, I am much more optimistic about the future.

There will be an American collapse, and systems are in place to keep it localized to the North American hemisphere. There will be economic global ramifications of course, and no nation will really remain unscathed, but the vast amount of damage and hurt will be in America. And of that, it will be localized. If you are prudent and a member of a local community, you should be able to weather “the storm”, and you and yours will survive to carry on through the 2030’s and 2040’s.

Perhaps is best if Americans believe that the rest of the world is a “shit hole”.

Korcula, Croatia.
The rest of the world is actually quite beautiful.

AMERICA: A Gigantic Clown Car Being Driven Into a Ditch

And another article from James Howard Kunstler. This article from the Russia Insider archives and was first published on RI in September 2017, with a reprint on Sunday, Dec 13 2020 | 900 words 18,995 Comments.

“This homework assignment should be given to the Democratic members of congress, since they are otherwise preoccupied only with hunting for Russian gremlins and discovering new sexual abnormalities to protect and defend.”

AMERICA: A Gigantic Clown Car Being Driven Into a Ditch
Poor old Karl Marx, tortured by boils and phantoms, was right about one thing: History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.  Thus, I give you the Roman Empire and now the United States of America.  Rome surrendered to time and entropy. Our method is to drive a gigantic clown car into a ditch.
Is anyone out there interested in redemption? 

I have an idea for the political party out of power, the Democrats, sunk in its special  Okefenokee Swamp of identity politics and Russia paranoia: make an  effort to legislate the Citizens United calamity out of  existence. 

Who knows, a handful of Republicans may be shamed into going along with it. 

For those of you who have been mentally vacationing on  Mars with Elon Musk, Citizens United was a Supreme Court decision — Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission 558  U.S. 310 (2010) — which determined that corporations had the right, as  hypothetical “persons,” to give as much money as they liked to political candidates.

We've made important contributions to world culture   
This “right” devolved from the First Amendment of the constitution,  the 5-4 majority opinion said — giving money to political candidates and  causes amounts to “freedom of speech.” The Citizens United ruling  opened the door for unlimited election spending by corporations and  enormous mischief in our national life. Then-President Obama — a  constitutional law professor before his career in politics — complained  bitterly about the opinion days later in his State of the Union address,  saying that the court had “reversed a century of law to open the  floodgates, including foreign corporations, to spend without limit in  our elections.”
And for the next seven years he did absolutely nothing about it, nor  did the Democratic Party majority in congress. Rather, they vacuumed in  as much corporate campaign money as possible from every hokey political  action committee (PAC) from sea to shining sea, especially in the 2016  presidential election starring Hillary “It’s My Turn” Clinton. It turned  out to not be her turn in large part because the voters noticed the  stench of corruption wafting off this toxic flow of corporate money,  which Hillary was using to vastly outspend her billionaire opponent,  troll that he was.
It's been a heck of a ride, and it's coming to an end ...   
Of course, corporations have not always been what they are deemed to  be today. They evolved with the increasingly complex activities of  industrial economies. Along the way — in Great Britain first, actually —  they were deemed to exist as the equivalent of legal persons,  to establish that the liabilities of the company were separate and  distinct from those of its owners. In the USA, forming a corporation  usually required an act of legislation until the late 19th century.  After that, they merely had to register with the states. Then congress  had to sort out the additional problems of giant “trusts” and holding  companies (hence, anti-trust laws, now generally ignored).
In short, the definition of what a corporation is and what it  has a right to do is in a pretty constant state of change as economies  evolve. And insofar as the current economy is sinking like the USS  Titanic — and our republic as a mode of governance with it — surely the  time has come to redefine in legislation the role and existential nature  of a corporation in this polity. This homework assignment should be  given to the Democratic members of congress, since they are otherwise  preoccupied only with hunting for Russian gremlins and discovering new sexual abnormalities to protect and defend.
The crux of the argument is that corporations cannot be said  to be entirely and altogether the equivalent of persons for all legal  purposes. In law, corporations have duties, obligations, and  responsibilities to their shareholders first, and only after that to the  public interest or the common good, and only then by pretty strict  legal prescription. It may be assumed that the interests of corporations and their shareholders are in opposition to, and in conflict with, the  public interest. And insofar as elections are fundamentally matters of the public interest, corporations must be prohibited from efforts to  influence the outcome of elections.
That’s your assignment Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and the rest of  the Democratic Party leadership. Get serious. Show a little initiative.  Do something useful. Draw up some legislation. Get behind something real that might make a difference in this decrepitating country.
Or get out of the way and let a new party do the job.

Politics are a pin in the ass, but even those outside of the USA can see that the United State is wholly out of control. “What planet do they live on” is a common phrase that I am starting to hear in day to day conversation.

For the rest of us, the craziness of Washington DC doesn’t resemble anything in our normal day-to-day lives…

Dear America – You Are Delusional, and Failing at Everything You Undertake

Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Russia sanctions –  “All of these harebrained schemes, hatched in Washington, have backfired grandly.” 

“Those who have pushed for them are now reduced to just two face-saving maneuvers: blaming their political opponents; and blaming Russia. And these two maneuvers are set to backfire as well.”

This article from the Russia Insider archives and was first published on RI in November 2017. Written by Dmitry Orlov Fri, Dec 11 2020 | 1610 words 43,193 Comments .

Dear America - You Are Delusional, and Failing at Everything You Undertake  

Back in the days when I was still trying to do the corporate thing, I  regularly found myself in a bit of a tight spot simply by failing to  keep my mouth shut.
I seem to carry some sort of gene that makes me naturally  irrepressible. I can keep my mouth shut for only so long before I have  to blurt out what I really think, and in a corporate setting, where  thinking isn’t really allowed, this causes no end of trouble. It didn’t  matter that I often turned out to be right. It didn’t matter what I thought; it only mattered that I thought.
American involvement in the  middle-eastern project is now limited to Putin’s sporadic courtesy calls  to Trump, to keep him updated. 
Of all the thoughts you aren’t allowed to think, perhaps the  most offensive one is adequately expressed by a single short phrase:  

“That’s not gonna work.”

The end is near ...   
Suppose there is a meeting to unveil a great new initiative,  with PowerPoint presentations complete with fancy graphics, org charts,  timelines, proposed budgets, yada-yada, and everything is going great  until this curmudgeonly Russian opens his mouth and says “That’s not  gonna work.”

And when it is patiently explained to him (doing one’s best to hide one’s extreme irritation) that it absolutely has to work because Senior Management would like it to, that furthermore it is his job  to make it work and that failure is not an option, he opens his mouth  again and says “That’s not gonna work either.” And then it’s time to  avoid acting flustered while ignoring him and to think up some  face-saving excuse to adjourn the meeting early and regroup.
I lasted for as long as I did in that world because once in a while I  would instead say “Sure, that’ll work, let’s do it.” And then, sure  enough, it did work, the company had a banner year or two, with lots of  bonuses and atta-boy (and atta-girl) certificates handed out to those  not at all responsible for any of it. Flushed with victory, they, in  turn, would think up more harebrained schemes for me to rain on, and the  cycle would repeat.
America seems to be blissfully unaware of how it comes across to the rest of the world   
It is probably one of the main saving graces of corporations that  they do sometimes (mainly by mistake) allow some thought to leak  through. The mistake in question is a staffing error in promoting those  constitutionally incapable of keeping their mouths shut or shutting off  their brains. Such errors create chinks in the monolithic phalanxes of  corporate yes-men and yes-women.
Trump is too old to be a reformer or a  revolutionary. He is of an age when men are generally mostly concerned  about the quantity and consistency of their stool and how it interacts  with their enlarged prostates. 
The likelihood of such mistakes increases with the agony of  defeat, which causes attrition among the ranks of qualified yes-sayers,  creating holes that can only be plugged by promoting a few  non-yes-sayers. However, this only seems to work in the smaller,  hungrier corporations; the larger, better-fed ones seem to be able to  avoid experiencing the agony of defeat for a very long time by moving  the goal posts, outlawing any discussion of said defeat or other similar  tactics. Eventually the entire organization goes over the cliff, but by  then it is of no benefit to anyone to attempt to inform them of their  folly.
It is much the same with governments, except here the  situation is even worse. While the smaller, hungrier governments, and  those blessed with a fresh institutional memory of extreme pain, do not  have the luxury of lying to themselves, the larger political  agglomerations—the USSR, the EU, the USA—have the ability to keep  themselves completely immunized against the truth for historically  significant periods of time.
The USSR clung to the fiction of great socialist progress even when  it was clear to all that the cupboard was bare and there were rats  gnawing through the rafters. The EU has been able to ignore the fact  that its entire scheme is one of enriching Germany while impoverishing  and depopulating eastern and southern Europe, neglecting the interests  of the native populations throughout. And the amount of self-delusion  that is still currently in effect in the USA makes it a rather large  subject.
Regardless of how great the lies are and how forcefully they are  defended, a moment always comes when the phalanx of truth-blocking  yes-men and yes-women stops marching, turns and runs. This event results  in a tremendous loss of face and confidence for all involved.
It is the crisis of confidence, more than anything else, that  precipitates the going-off-a-cliff phenomenon that we could so readily  observe in the collapse of the USSR in the early 1990s. I have a very  strong hunch that similar cliff-diving exercises are coming up for the  EU and the USA.
But for the time being I am just another disembodied voice on  the internet, watching from the sidelines and periodically saying the  unfashionable thing, which is: “This isn’t gonna work.” However, I’ve  said this a number of times over the years, on the record and more or  less forcefully, and I feel vindicated most of the time.
Internationally, for example: Carving the Ukraine away from Russia, having it  join the EU and NATO and building a NATO naval base in Crimea “wasn’t  gonna work.” The Ukraine is a part of Russia, the Ukrainians are  Russian, and the Ukrainian ethnic identity is a Bolshevik concoction.  Look for a reversion to norm in a decade or two.

 • Destroying and partitioning Syria with the help of  Wahhabi extremists and foreign mercenaries supported by the US, Saudi  Arabia and Israel while Russia, Iran, Turkey and China stand idly by  “wasn’t gonna work”; and so it hasn’t.

 • Giving Afghanistan “freedom and democracy” and  turning it into a stable pro-Western regime with the help of invading  NATO troops “wasn’t gonna work,” and hasn’t. Western involvement in  Afghanistan can go on, but the results it can achieve are limited to  further enhancing the heroin trade. 

• Destroying the Russian economy using sanctions  “wasn’t gonna work,” and hasn’t. The sanctions have helped Russia  regroup internally and achieve a great deal of self-sufficiency in  energy production and other forms of technology, in food and in numerous  other sectors.
All of these harebrained schemes, hatched in Washington, have  backfired grandly. Those who have pushed for them are now reduced to  just two face-saving maneuvers: blaming their political opponents; and  blaming Russia. And these two maneuvers are set to backfire as well.
In the meantime, the world isn’t waiting for the US to shake itself out of its stupor.

The fulcrum of American influence in the Middle East is Saudi Arabia  and the petrodollar. In turn, Saudi Arabia rests on three pillars: the  Saudi monarchy, Wahhabi Islam and the petrodollar. As I write this, the  next king, Mohammed bin Salman, is busy hacking away at all three:  robbing, imprisoning and torturing his fellow-princes, working to  replace the Wahhabi clerics with moderate ones and embracing the  petro-yuan instead of the now very tired petrodollar.
Not that any of these three pillars were in good shape in any case:  the defeat of ISIS in Syria was a defeat for the Saudi monarchy which  supported it, for the Wahhabi clerics who inspired it and, consequently,  for the petrodollar as well, because Saudi Arabia was until now its  greatest defender.
The new guarantors of peace in the region are Russia, Iran and  Turkey, with China watching carefully in the wings. American  involvement in the middle-eastern project is now limited to Putin’s  sporadic courtesy calls to Trump, to keep him updated.
And so here’s my latest prediction: Trump’s goal of “making America great” “isn’t gonna work” either.
The country is so far gone that just taking the first step—of  allowing the truth of its condition to leak through the media  filters—will undermine public confidence to such an extent that a  subsequent cliff-dive will become unavoidable. It’s a nice slogan as  slogans go, but Trump is too old to be a reformer or a revolutionary. He  is of an age when men are generally mostly concerned about the quantity  and consistency of their stool and how it interacts with their enlarged  prostates.
Perhaps he will succeed in making America great… big piles of feces, but I wouldn’t expect much more than that.

And time has proven him to be correct.

Remember that the American government controls all mainstream, and Alt-Left and Alt-Right media inside of America.
Remember that the American government controls all mainstream, and Alt-Left and Alt-Right media inside of America.

Now that it is official, and Biden is President, I scan the “news”…

Suddenly all the anti-China narrative has collapsed. the only anti-China article (15DEC20) that I can find is this one…

And this is just “only” a lite narrative with some segmented Chinese political infighting. Nothing about how horrible and awful China is. Not like before. But compared to the average of five to twelve articles per day about how terrible China is, this is really nothing.

But on Russia…

Imagine that! Who would figure?

Russian Missile Tech has Made America’s Trillion Dollar Navy Obsolete

Times have changed and America can no longer project its military power like it did in Iraq. Those days are over. ”

This article from the archives was first published on RI in April 2018. Written by Dmitry Orlov Fri, Dec 11 2020 | 1400 words 52,084 Comments

Russian Missile Tech has Made America's Trillion Dollar Navy Obsolete
For the past 500 years European nations—Portugal, the Netherlands,  Spain, Britain, France and, briefly, Germany—were able to plunder much  of the planet by projecting their naval power overseas. Since much of  the world’s population lives along the coasts, and much of it trades  over water, armed ships that arrived suddenly out of nowhere were able  to put local populations at their mercy.
A financially crippling military brontosaurus   

The armadas could plunder, impose tribute, punish the disobedient,  and then use that plunder and tribute to build more ships, enlarging the  scope of their naval empires. This allowed a small region with few  natural resources and few native advantages beyond extreme orneriness  and a wealth of communicable diseases to dominate the globe for half a  millennium.
The ultimate inheritor of this naval imperial project is the  United States, which, with the new addition of air power, and with its  large aircraft carrier fleet and huge network of military bases  throughout the planet, is supposedly able to impose Pax Americana on the  entire world. Or, rather, was able to do so—during the brief  period between the collapse of the USSR and the emergence of Russia and  China as new global powers and their development of new anti-ship and  antiaircraft technologies. But now this imperial project is at an end.
Prior to the Soviet collapse, the US military generally did  not dare to directly threaten those countries to which the USSR had  extended its protection. Nevertheless, by using its naval power to  dominate the sea lanes that carried crude oil, and by insisting that oil  be traded in US dollars, it was able to live beyond its means by  issuing dollar-denominated debt instruments and forcing countries around  the world to invest in them. 

It imported whatever it wanted using  borrowed money while exporting inflation, expropriating the savings of  people across the world. In the process, the US has accumulated  absolutely stunning levels of national debt—beyond anything seen before  in either absolute or relative terms. When this debt bomb finally  explodes, it will spread economic devastation far beyond US borders. And  it will explode, once the petrodollar wealth pump, imposed on the world  through American naval and air superiority, stops working.
New missile technology has made a naval empire cheap to defeat.  Previously, to fight a naval battle, one had to have ships that  outmatched those of the enemy in their speed and artillery power. The  Spanish Armada was sunk by the British armada. More recently, this meant  that only those countries whose industrial might matched that of the  United States could ever dream of opposing it militarily. 

But this has  now changed: 

Russia’s new missiles can be launched from thousands of  kilometers away, are unstoppable, and it takes just one to sink a  destroyer and just two to sink an aircraft carrier. The American armada  can now be sunk without having an armada of one’s own. The relative  sizes of American and Russian economies or defense budgets are  irrelevant: the Russians can build more hypersonic missiles much more  quickly and cheaply than the Americans would be able to build more  aircraft carriers.  
Equally significant is the development of new Russian air defense  capabilities: the S-300 and S-400 systems.  These systems can essentially seal  off a country’s airspace. Wherever these systems are deployed, such as  in Syria, US forces are now forced to stay out of their range. 

With its  naval and air superiority rapidly evaporating, all that the US can fall  back on militarily is the use of large expeditionary forces—an option  that is politically unpalatable and has proven to be ineffective in Iraq  and Afghanistan. 

There is also the nuclear option.

And while its  nuclear arsenal is not likely to be neutralized any time soon, nuclear  weapons are only useful as deterrents. Their special value is in  preventing wars from escalating beyond a certain point.  But that point lies beyond the elimination of their global naval and air dominance.  

Nuclear weapons are much worse than useless in augmenting one’s  aggressive behavior against a nuclear-armed opponent; invariably, it  would be a suicidal move. 

What the US now faces is essentially a  financial problem of unrepayable debt and a failing wealth pump.

It  should be a stunningly obvious point that setting off nuclear explosions  anywhere in the world would not fix the problems of an empire that is  going broke.
Events that signal vast, epochal changes in the world often appear minor when viewed in isolation. 

Julius Caesar’s crossing of the Rubicon  was just one river crossing. Soviet and American troops meeting and  fraternizing at the Elbe was, relatively speaking, a minor event—nowhere  near the scale of the siege of Leningrad, the battle of Stalingrad or  the fall of Berlin. Yet they signaled a tectonic shift in the historical  landscape. 

And perhaps we have just witnessed something similar with  the recent pathetically tiny Battle of East Gouta in Syria.

Where the US  used a make-believe chemical weapons incident as a pretense to launch  an equally make-believe attack on some airfields and buildings in Syria.  The US foreign policy establishment wanted to show that it still  matters and has a role to play, but what really happened was that US  naval and air power were demonstrated to be almost entirely beside the point.
Of course, all of this is terrible news to the US military and foreign policy establishments, as well as to the many US Congressmen (in whose districts military contractors operate or military bases are situated). 

Obviously, this is also bad news for the defense contractors,  for personnel at the military bases, and for many others as well. 

It is  also simply awful news economically, since defense spending is about the  only effective means of economic stimulus of which the US government is  politically capable. 

Obama’s “shovel-ready jobs,” if you recall, did  nothing to forestall the dramatic slide in the labor participation rate,  which is a euphemism for the inverse of the real unemployment rate.  There is also the wonderful plan to throw lots of money at Elon Musk’s  SpaceX (while continuing to buy vitally important rocket engines from the Russians—who are currently discussing blocking their export to the  US in retaliation for more US sanctions). 

In short, take away the  defense stimulus, and the US economy will make a loud popping sound followed by a gradually diminishing hissing noise.
Needless to say, all those involved will do their best to deny  or hide for as long as possible the fact that the US foreign policy and  defense establishments have now been neutralized. 

My prediction is that  America’s naval and air empire will not fail because it will be  defeated militarily, nor will it be dismantled once the news sinks in  that it is useless; instead, it will be forced to curtail its operations  due to lack of funds. 

There may still be a few loud bangs before it  gives up, but mostly what we will hear is a whole lot of whimpering.  

That’s how the USSR went; that’s how the USA will go too.

Things are in the process of change. It is my hope that the changes will be calm and peaceful, but those that live off the old systems will fight “tooth and nail” against change.

The United States fields some very impressive and advanced military systems. But [1] are they sustainable against a large and peer-capable, aggressive nations? And if they are, [2] is it worth the risk of mutual global annihilation for the egos of the psychopathic American leadership?

The United States fields some very impressive and advanced military systems.
The United States fields some very impressive and advanced military systems.


But you know, I fear that I am not making my point clear. War is not something that you read about in your daily feed. It is something that you endure with heartache and sadness. It is something that destroys relationships, cultures and societies. It destroys civilizations. But the psychopaths don’t care. But you and I should…

War is a horror.
War is horrible. It is nothing that should be taken lightly.


War is a horror.

Things are dire.

From my email feed…

We are in a situation bleaker than during the last Cold War, and similar to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
And  US media is not reporting on any of it.  Most of you know this. But I'm  posting it because it points out things that most people don't know,  because it's suppressed.
This interview with Ray  McGovern, who advised US presidents and briefed them daily for many  years talks about the very precarious state of US Russia relations.  Frankly this dwarfs controversy about the election.
Please watch this. And share with friends and family.   
Many people who live outside the United States think that the USA is a corrupt nation that is bound to collapse any day now.
Many people who live outside the United States think that the USA is a corrupt nation that is bound to collapse any day now.

EPIC FAIL: Why Most US Weapons Systems Are Worse than Russia’s

“Two reasons: complexity, and too much money .”

This article from the Russia Insider archives was first published on RI in April 2018. It was written by Jacob Dreizin Wed, Dec 9 2020 | 2300 words 52,407 Comments

EPIC FAIL: Why Most US Weapons Systems Are Worse than Russia's

The F-35: Insanely expensive, its costs keep soaring - and it's worse than Russian planes which cost 20 times less
Lately  we have seen some good analysis on the limits and vulnerabilities of  the American military in light of events in the former Ukraine and  especially Russia’s demonstrated competence in Syria.  
So we have the “what” of the issue, but how about the “why”?  
As a U.S. Army veteran and a longtime resident of the  Beltway—including four-and-a-half years living on Crystal Drive in  Arlington, Virginia, which has probably the densest concentration of  “defense” contractors anywhere in America — I think I understand what is  fundamentally wrong with the U.S. military-industrial complex (MIC.)
First and foremost, the MIC has long been incapable of producing durable, efficient, versatile weapons.  
We don’t even have to look to the F-35 on this one.  
(America's latest fighter which has turned into a spectacular technical failure and massive  ($1.5 trillion!) expense  - see our super-popular article about how this plane stacks up against the Russian competition- edit)   
 Just consider the most basic item, the M-16. 
The M-16 Assault Rifle
My field experience with this piece of junk is that it runs into problems in the presence of even a small amount of sand. When  enough sand gets in to the chamber and mixes with the lube oil on the  bolt assembly, the grit thus formed results in up to every second round misloading.
God forbid you should brush an oiled open breach against the side of  your foxhole—you are out of commission.  In the absence of air or  artillery support or sheer overwhelming numbers on your side, you are  dead meat against anyone with a gun that functions in a sandy  environment.  

And why?  

Because, as I was told in boot camp (whether  it’s true or not), this thing is perfectly built to have zero fault  tolerance.  
Supposedly, just about every metal component in the M-16 is cast and/or machined to perfection rather than stamped.  Contrast this with  Russian or Chinese weapons that are said to be built like can-openers to spray lead under any conditions.  In other words, the M-16 is so  sophisticated that it doesn't work well.
It is now acknowledged that the M-16 with its 5.56mm rounds  is insufficiently lethal beyond a couple of hundred meters, making  it unsuited to long-distance firefights over open terrain (again those  deserts, or perhaps shootouts between mountain ridges.)
The M-1 Abrams tank

Another great example - this can be a real dog.  The engine is a gas  turbine, like with an aircraft, except that it is being driven around in  deserts and even sandstorms, making it extremely finicky and  high-maintenance.  (Would you fly your Boeing into a sandstorm?)  Of  course, the Abrams was designed to fight in Germany where sand is not an  issue.  But during the Iraq adventure, sand so tore up the turbine fans  (or whatever) that over 1000 of these million-dollar "power packs" had  to be removed and sent up for depot-level maintenance or refurbishment  stateside.  
Yes, that’s right—these things cannot even be fixed in the  field.  All you can do is pull them out with a crane and ship them back  to the civilians at enormous expense.  At the height of the Iraq  adventure, around 2007, the maintenance backlog was so bad that even the  national media got wind of it.  
Of course, when you have the world’s reserve currency, you can afford  all that and more—the entire world is paying for your wars.  
But the waste and inefficiency are a fact.
The Basic Problem :  Excessive Complexity
I think the problem here is that American war planners and  logisticians prefer originality, complexity, and/or  expense-for-the-hell-of-it over versatility and ease of use and  maintenance.  This is no surprise given America’s wealth and the  longtime generous funding of its armed forces.  After all, every  military reflects its own society. 
Unfortunately for Uncle Sam, what he gets is equipment that may work very well in one environment but not another.
But so much for American equipment per se.  Let’s talk about  Crystal Drive (a neighborhood in suburban Washington where many defense  contractors have offices - edit.) —or more broadly, the MIC.
The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) is failing on a massive scale
It is clear now that the MIC cannot build anything for less  than 200 percent of its original planned budget (and that’s  being extremely conservative.)  Nor can anything it cranks out nowadays  meet performance or survivability expectations.  Besides the  never-ending supersonic train wreck known as the F-35, we have other  boondoggle failures such as the Littoral Combat Ship, which by all  accounts is less capable and more vulnerable than the 20 to 30  year-old vessels it was supposed to replace.
Or, going back a few years, we see the Army’s “Commanche” helicopter,  an intended replacement for the Apache, which blew through $6.9  billion—in 1983-2004 dollars, probably over $10 billion today—before the  entire program was scrapped.  That’s right, over $10 billion  for nothing—not one Commanche was ever delivered for permanent use to an  Army operational unit!  
Where did that money go, if they didn’t actually manufacture anything  besides a few prototypes?  Did they spend $10 billion on PowerPoint  presentations?  
My brain cannot even wrap around this.  Can you imagine what Russia or China could do for $10 billion?  
However, even that pales before the Army's cancelled Future  Combat Systems program, which burned through an estimated (no one knows  exactly) $20 billion from 2003 to somewhere between 2012 and 2014  (depending on what termination milestone you go by), with almost nothing  to show beyond a few prototypes, a lot of concept art, and a 29-pound toy robot made by iRobot of "Roomba" vacuum cleaner fame.   In fact, I can’t think of one big new U.S. weapons system that has  succeeded in the last 25 years, other than perhaps the Stryker armored  car (though some have argued that point, and I just don’t know enough  about it.)
As pointed out by many other observers, part of the blame lies  with our political system, where MIC corporations buy politicians and  then receive favors in the form of contracts, whether or not the  contracts make any sense. However, I think this is not the only problem,  nor even necessarily the biggest.  
Fundamentally what I think we have is systemic over-complexity resulting in nothing getting done, or done well anyway.
US intelligence agencies have the same problem
This is akin to the deep systemic crisis in Uncle Sam’s intelligence  agencies, where from 9/11 to the Arab Spring to Crimea to the ISIS  conquest of Mosul to Russia in Syria, the word is always “we didn’t  expect…”  In this case, we have numerous agencies—some of them with  overlapping functions—that are drowning in paperwork and garbage data  (or too much data) and are almost totally useless.  
As some readers will remember, it got so bad that in April 2014 the  State Department released a photo collage aiming to prove that (among  other things) a bearded Chechen battalion commander going by the name  Hamza, who appeared in Russian TV footage of the 2008 Olympic War, was  none other than the bearded, overweight Slaviansk militiaman going by  the call-sign “Babai”—in other words, Russian special forces have  invaded the Donbass.  (The New York Times ran with this and was then  oh-so-vaguely and gently reproached by its own ombudsman.)  
Shouldn’t this awful joke have been prevented by the Office of the  Director of National Intelligence, which is supposed to promote  info-sharing among agencies and centrally vet all claims and  conclusions—especially those being trumpeted on the State Department’s  website or at its briefings?  Apparently not!
Bureaucratic bloat
On the other hand, what the U.S. lack-of-intelligence complex is very  good at—besides hiring way too many buxom, flirty young things straight  out of college and with no language skills or any experience at  all (DIA and NGA, you know your ex-military managers like to beautify  their offices)—is providing employment for tens of thousands of its own  staff as well as tens of thousands of grotesquely-overpaid contractors,  including those who build and run billion-dollar eavesdropping centers  that have proven incapable of picking up anything useful, perhaps  because when you try to listen to everything, you end up hearing  nothing. 
The lesson here is that the more offices and agencies, the more  managers and political appointees who will seek to justify and expand  their turf and budgets by shoveling out as much money on as many  contracts as possible, as quickly as possible, in many cases even paying  contractors to do little more than just sit around (sometimes at home)  waiting for the next contract.  (I have seen this many times in  Washington.)  
Then you get so big that people simply trip over each other and the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.
The US MIC worked great 50 years ago because less money and people were involved
So I think this is what’s going on not only in the intelligence  apparatus, but in the MIC as a whole.  We have hundreds of thousands of  staff and contractors as well as military officers assigned to liaise  with them, all kinds of project managers and “six-sigma black belts” and  other buzzwords, juggling millions of PowerPoints across the river from  Washington and throughout the country, and they can’t field a  helicopter after spending $10 billion on it. 
Really?  How did this great country ever defeat the Japanese Empire?
Go to the National Air and Space Museum in Washington; you will see  the most amazing things—e.g. generators designed to operate on the  surface of the Moon, drawing electricity from the heat of plutonium  decay—that were developed when there was no Crystal Drive, no Tysons  Corner, etc.  
Then go to the museum’s extension near Dulles airport and check out  the SR-71 “Blackbird”, the fastest and highest-flying airplane ever  built (this was about 50 years ago.)  
How did they do it?  
Although there were more men in uniform back then, the MIC itself (or  should I say the  Military-Industrial-Intelligence-Homeland-Insecurity-Complex (MIIHIC)) -  had but a fraction of today’s civilian workforce.  Luckily, most of  those paper-pushing “systems integrators” and PowerPoint rangers did not  exist.  Blueprints were drafted with pencil and paper.  
Today, Uncle Sam can’t even build a heavy rocket engine, not to mention a good helmet or ejection seat for his F-35.
No hope for change going forward
So it seems that as a technical civilization we are degenerating.  
Sure, there are constant advancements in microelectronics (a.k.a.  integrated circuits) and the programs they allow, but in terms of heavy  engineering—of which the MIIHIC and other government initiatives like  the space program were at the forefront since WWII—it seems that the  U.S. is tapped out.  
And you know what?  Throwing more money at it is just going to make it worse. 
The organizations with their budgets and their perfectly  reasonable-sounding arguments for ever-greater budgets will grow, their  workforces will grow, the contracting sector will grow, more shiny  office buildings will go up, but the result will be an  ever-increasingly-negative marginal return.  
John McCain and all the other broken records in and out of the  Pentagon will say we still don't have enough funds to counter a  pointless Russian invasion of parasitic, inconsequential Lithuania  (currently headed by a longtime communist) or any other 1990s-era  speculative wargame training scenario that somehow carried over into the  public consciousness and morphed into the Greatest Threat to World  Peace.
Of course, as long as the U.S. has the money to send gazillion-dollar  armies and armadas against illiterate natives armed with sharp sticks  and coconuts, this may not visibly threaten its hegemony.  Almost any  problem or mistake can be papered over with money, for a long time  anyway.  
But eventually, even if the money spigot does not constrict, we will  get to the point where the military really can’t be used as anything  more than a façade or a gunboat road-show, hoping no one calls the  bluff, because the stuff just doesn’t work like it’s supposed to, or  else is too vulnerable (witness the evacuation of the U.S. aircraft  carrier from the Persian Gulf after Uncle Sam found out that Russia has  cruise missiles with a range of at least 1500km, or the ridiculous  sail-around of China's little islands which had the sense to infringe  only very slightly and briefly on that country's imaginary territorial  waters), or the natives can devise their own countermeasures. 
In fact, I would say we are at that point already.  Not to mention,  the U.S. Army and the Department of Veterans Affairs are still so  tapped-out after Iraq and Afghanistan that another major ground  operation is unthinkable.  (At this point, Washington is more  likely to launch nukes at somebody than risk another ground war.)
So you can anticipate a lot of hand-wringing and a lot more money  being thrown into the breach.  That’s simply what the machine does;  there is no chance to reform it, nor will the Hegemony dissipate  willingly (although lately it’s done a good job of  dissipating unwillingly.)  
But all that money may as well be flushed down the can. 
The threshold has been reached and it's all downhill from here.   

This is all pretty much standard knowledge within the defense industry. The MIL-STD-810 (whatever revision it is now) is all about this particular issue. But the things is that the money is NOT in making better weapons systems for use, but rather as a system to make a lot of money to the owners of the military-industrial industry.

And that is already very well known.

Many people who live outside the United States think that the USA is a corrupt nation that is bound to collapse any day now.
Many people who live outside the United States think that the USA is a corrupt nation that is bound to collapse any day now.

Russia’s Airborne Forces Differ Greatly from NATO’s (Cool Video)

Many analysts consider them the best in the world and totally unique.  Why?
They are much bigger (50,000 troops fully combat ready)
They are mechanized (they parachute heavy equipment in with troops)
They are constantly innovating and have legendary esprit de corps
Interesting:  They include a saint among their veterans  
-This article from our archives was first published on RI in August 2015               

This article originally appeared at The Vineyard of the Saker. The Saker (The Vineyard of the Saker) Wed, Dec 9 2020 | 1100 words 16,197 Comments

Russia's Airborne Forces Differ Greatly from NATO's  (Cool Video)

What I want to share with you today is a promo movie by Zvezda TV,  the semi-official TV channel of the Russian Ministry of Defense, at the  occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Russian Airborne Forces.  So  don’t expect a hard-hitting documentary asking the tough questions and  making critical comments. 
However, this is nonetheless a very interesting  video and when I saw it, I begged Alena Scarecrow and Tatzhit to  translate and subtitle it, which they very kindly did.  Before letting  you watch the video, I would like to share with you a few thoughts about  the Russian Airborne Forces (called ‘VDV’ in Russian) and about their  military, social, political and even spiritual role in modern Russia.

The Russian Airborne Forces

The Russian VDV are truly an absolutely unique phenomenon and they should not be confused with any other airborne force.

For one thing, the VDV are fully mechanized.   

Firstly. So while they are ‘paratroopers’, these paratroopers are not just light  infantry (like, say, the US 82nd AB), but a very mobile force, fully  mechanized and with a *lot* of firepower.  In the movie you are about to  watch, you will see some of their armored vehicles and artillery pieces  which, uniquely, can also be delivered by parachute.  What the movie  does not show is the artillery of the VDV which includes such systems as  the 2S9 Nona,  the D-30 howitzer or the 2S25 self-propelled tank destroyer.

Second,  the VDV are a numerically huge force which currently totals 50’000 men  and includes 5 Airborne Divisions and 6 Airborne Brigades (including the  45th Special Forces of the VDV Brigade).  All of them air-deployable  and on a top-level or readiness.

Thirdly, the VDV truly are the  embodiment of military valor and tactical skills and they have played an  absolutely crucial role in many Soviet and Russian battles, but  probably never more so than during the worst tragedy in their long  history: the battle for Ulus-Kert in which the entire 6th Airborne  company perished. 

I don’t have the space and time to  recount in detail what happened on that day of early 2000 but to those  interested by this amazing event I would recommend the article “ULUS-KERT: An Airborne Company’s Last Stand” by Sergeant Michael D. Wilmoth, US Army Reserve, and Lieutenant Colonel Peter G. Tsouras, US Army Reserve, Retired, in the Military Review of July-August 1991, pp 91-96 (click here for  this article reposted on this blog).   Keep in mind that this article  was not written by the promotions department of Zvezda TV, but by two US  military experts who are very critical of many aspects of what took  place that day (and rightly so).

What is absolutely crucial for the understanding of the importance of this battle for Hill 776 in  Ulus-Kert is that the year 2000 marked the absolute rock-bottom of the  “democratic experiment” (aka the American colonization) of Russia.  

Yes,  Putin has just come to power, but the country was absolutely devastated  by a decade of Soviet stagnation followed by another decade of  “democratic reforms” and Putin was just making his very first steps as a  new head of state. 

What the 6th company achieved on Hill 776 was  an immense wake-up call to the entire Russian nation saying “enough is  enough” and “not one single step back”.  

The article by Wilmoth and  Tsouras accurately describes all the failures in command and execution  which resulted in the tragedy of the 6th company, but it is precisely these  failures which made the sacrifice of these men so amazing: the country  had essentially abandoned its own military, but the young men of the VDV  did not hesitate to die, all of them, to resist the face of evil (and, in those days, nothing embodied absolute evil as much as the Chechen  Wahabis and their reign of terror and medieval atrocities). 

It is  hard to over-estimate the contribution which the Russian Airborne  Forces have made to the rebirth of Russia.  But this goes even further.

I  strongly believe that it is not a coincidence that the Russian Airborne  Forces have even produced an Orthodox martyr and saint: Evgenii  Aleksandrovich Rodionov.  You can read a short summary of the life and  death of Rodionov in the Wikipedia article under his name.
What  is so important about the case of Rodionov is that died as a martyr  because he refused to abandon his Orthodox faith and that his podvig (spiritual feat) happened away from everybody at a time when, as the sad expression went, “every boy wanted to become a criminal thug and every girl a prostitute” as people used to say in 1996, in the midst of the “democratic hell” Russia had become. 

Though  I cannot prove it, I am personally deeply convinced that the fact that  Rodionov was a solider of the Airborne Forces is not a coincidence.  I  have met enough Airborne officers and soldiers myself and I know that  their level of patriotism and spiritual awareness is exceptionally high  because they live by an honor code, an ideal, which has it roots in the  most ancient Russian military traditions which have always been immersed  in spiritual and moral values far beyond just winning a battle.

Now, please don’t misunderstand me, I am not saying  that all the soldiers of the VDV are some kind of invincible saints or  anything like that.  Far from it.  It is enough to see the footage of  the kind of silly drunken nonsense these guys display each August 2nd  (the day of the Holy Prophet Elijah, Patron of the Russian Airborne  Forces) to lose any such illusions:

And one reality should not overshadow the other one: they are both equally Russian and equally typical of the VDV.
What  I am trying to illustrate by all of the above is that the Russian  Airborne Forces are an absolutely unique, and uniquely Russian,  phenomenon and that they are a truly formidable force by any measure.   Now for a more US-style promo movie, with lot’s of high-tech hardware  and “cool” shots, please see the following video. 

It will show  you that the Russian VDV are also very modern and forward looking  military forces with over 85 years of development behind their back.   And, having watched that video, ask yourself this simple question: how impressed to you think these guys are with the new multi-national NATO “spearhead” and “rapid reaction” forces?

the day of the Holy Prophet Elijah, Patron of the Russian Airborne  Forces
The day of the Holy Prophet Elijah, Patron of the Russian Airborne Forces.

You know…

Yeah, you know, that it’s a really cold day in Hell when the American news would say anything good about any other military force, whether it is Russian on Chinese. But here, on MM we try to provide insight.

As I have tried to state elsewhere, if you want to hear about what other narrative is being promoted in the American echo chambers (election fraud, political bribes, mind control, etc) you need not come to MM. This is a completely different type of site. We are not a “me too” of the preferred NSA narrative venue cabal.

Here’s a taste of what the echo chambers in the USA report on Chinese and Russian military forces… America is the best! America is the largest, strongest and best trained. China and Russia military are “push overs”. We are undefeated, and the most powerful military in the history of the world!

American military.
American military in the eyes of American media.


The experts have spoken and Americans are ready to die for “their” country…


Not So Scary: This Is Why Russia's Military Is a Paper Tiger. Certainly Moscow’s military forces will continue to modernize, but Russian military mightother than its nuclear forcesis an ...

-National Interest
Russia banned from using its name, flag at next two Olympics
Russia will not be able to use its name, flag and  anthem at the next two Olympics or at any world championships for the  next two years after a ruling Thursday by the Court of Arbitration for  Sport.

In other words: this doping scandal never existed; but it was never  about sports: it is all - and always was - about propaganda. Russian  athletes will continue to compete normally - only without the Russian  symbols.
This is a clear attack against Russia.


Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said Wednesday that while China has  more ships, it'll be a while before it can match the power of the US  Navy.
"I want to make clear that China cannot match the United States when it comes to naval power," Esper explained at a RAND Corporation event.

"Even  if we stopped building new ships, it would take the [People's Republic  of China] years to close the gap when it comes to our capability on the  high seas," he said. "Ship numbers are important, but they don't tell  the whole story."

And of course, there is the obligatory bullshit reporting on how strange China is. Uh. Sure….

Anti China news.
Is this a thing? Only inside American newspapers.



What does all this mean?

Well, I have been promoting the idea that America as it stands today is not sustainable. But I am NOT a “lone voice in the wilderness”. Many others have also made these observations. For instance…

Other opinions.
Other opinions.


But you all don’t need to be a reader to follow this. All you need to do is take a casual look around you. Just look.

Fight club.
Fight Club.


The stench of decay permeates America at all levels…

America today.
Women offer sex for McDonald’s food.


Not yet convinced?

Cheap sex.
I guess that sex comes cheaply in the United States.


I guess that if the American leadership are all psychopaths, and that they rigged the elections in their favor so that the serf-slaves serve them, then everything is pretty much following the natural progression of order. It ‘s a stratification of society into a ruler class and a servant class, and that’s just the way it is. If this keeps up, castes will form, and America will resemble the caste system within India.

Any your boys and girls who read this will be in the lower, servant, classes.

If not, then the United States will collapse upon itself. Which is why everyone is writing about this issue, no one wants to face the idea that the USA can continue and be permitted to set up a stratified society. One of the Haves, and the other a “disposable class”.

So, as uncomfortable as it is, let’s all hope for the collapse of the USA.

It’s very difficult to argue otherwise.


Let’s trust that the global oligarchy have successfully managed to isolate the USA on the global stage to the extent that any damage during the American meltdown will be limited to the North American region. I sincerely hope that this remains the case.

That is my “gut” feeling. And that is what I am betting on.

But others seem to think that if America collapses, then the entire world will collapse as well. In their minds the USA …IS THE WORLD. And thus it’s collapse will destroy the world (more or less). Nope.


Not true.

But you can read for yourself and come to your own conclusions…

That Collapse You Ordered…?

 That Collapse You Ordered…? 

I had a fellow on my latest podcast, released  Sunday, who insists that the world population will crash 90-plus  percent from the current 7.6 billion to 600 million by the end of this  century. Jack Alpert heads an outfit called the Stanford Knowledge Integration Lab (SKIL) which he started at Stanford University in 1978 and now runs as a private research foundation. Alpert is primarily an engineer.
At 600 million, the living standard in the USA would be on a level  with the post-Roman peasantry of Fifth century Europe, but without the  charm, since many of the planet’s linked systems — soils, oceans,  climate, mineral resources — will be in much greater disarray than was  the case 1,500 years ago. Anyway, that state-of-life may be a  way-station to something more dire. Alpert’s optimal case would be a  world human population of 50 million, deployed in three “city-states,”  in the Pacific Northwest, the Uruguay / Paraguay border region, and  China, that could support something close to today’s living standards  for a tiny population, along with science and advanced technology, run  on hydropower. The rest of world, he says, would just go back to nature,  or what’s left of it. Alpert’s project aims to engineer a path to that  optimal outcome.
I hadn’t encountered quite such an extreme view of the future before,  except for some fictional exercises like Cormac McCarthy’s The Road.  (Alpert, too, sees cannibalism as one likely byproduct of the journey  ahead.) Obviously, my own venture into the fictionalized future of the World Made by Hand  books depicted a much kinder and gentler re-set to life at the  circa-1800 level of living, at least in the USA. Apparently, I’m a  sentimental softie.
Both of us are at odds with the more generic techno-optimists who are  waiting patiently for miracle rescue remedies like cold fusion while  enjoying re-runs of The Big Bang Theory. (Alpert doesn’t  completely rule out as-yet-undeveloped energy sources, though he  acknowledges that they’re a low-percentage prospect.) We do agree with  basic premise that the energy supply is mainly what supports the way we  live now, and that it shows every evidence of entering a deep and  destabilizing decline that will halt the activities necessary to keep  our networks of dynamic systems running.
A question of interest to many readers is how soon or how rapid the  unraveling of these systems might be. When civilizations crumble, it  tends to fast-track. The Roman empire seems to be an exception, but in  many ways it was far more resilient than ours, being a sort of advanced  Flintstones economy, with even its giant-scale activities (e.g. building  the Coliseum) being accomplished by human-powered work. In any case,  the outfit really fell apart steadily after the reign of emperor Marcus  Aurelius (180 AD).
The Romans had their own version of a financialized economy: they  simply devalued their coins by mixing in less and less silver at the  mint, so they could pretend to pay for the same luxuries they had grown  accustomed to as resources stretched thin. Our financialized economy —  like everything else we do — operates at levels of complexity so  baffling that even its supposed managers at the central banks are flying  blind through fogs of debt, deception, and moral hazard. When that  vessel of pretense slams into a mountain top, the effects are likely to  be quick and lethal to the economies on the ground below.
In our time, the most recent crash of a major socioeconomic system  was the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990-91. Of course, it happened  against the backdrop of a global system that was still revving pretty  well outside the USSR, and that softened the blow. Ultimately, the  Russians still had plenty of oil to sell, which allowed them to re-set  well above the Fifth Century peasant level of existence. At least for  now. The Soviet Union collapsed because it was a thoroughly dishonest  system that ran on pretense and coercion. Apparently, the US Intel  Community completely missed the signs that political collapse was  underway.
They seem to be pretty clueless about the fate of the USA these days,  too. If you consider the preoccupations of two very recent Intel chiefs  — John Brennan of CIA and James Clapper, DNI — who now inveigh  full-time on CNN as avatars of the Deep State against the wicked Golden  Golem of Greatness. Personally, I expect our collapse to be as sudden  and unexpected as the USSR’s, but probably bloodier because there’s  simply more stuff just lying around to fight over. Of course, I expect  the collapse to express itself first in banking, finance, and markets —  being so deeply faith-based and so subject to simple failures of faith.  But it will become political and social soon enough, maybe all-at once.  And when it happens in the USA, it will spread through the financial  systems the whole world round.


I need a beer.

[Result 1] So all evidence points to a massive collapse with the inclusion of civil strife, civil war, and global war set up as distractions that quickly get out of hand.

If this does not happen…

[Restult 2] Then evidence points to a fully enslaved nation of dumbed-down slaves that service the wealthy in a forced stratification system that would resemble the caste system in India.

You will not hear any of this in the American “news” because you are not to know of it. Your rulers are all psychopaths that indeed want either of the two outcomes to manifest. They want either result one or two. Nothing else is acceptable to them.

Some John Titor Stuff…

John Titor visits to our primary world line template, showing the deviation values.
John Titor visits to our primary world line template, showing the deviation values.

A final Thought

And my thoughts…

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Snapshots of America, while cutting away all the bullshit. A good look at realty, karma, culture, and whats next.

Well, I just received a comment that I have been living in China too long. That I have lost my understanding about what America is, what it stands for, and yada, yada, yada. Yeah, I get it. I am not promoting any of the narratives out of the American government. So therefore, I must be a traitor!

A quick recap for anyone who doesn’t understand what I am talking about;

  • The United States government controls ALL American for-profit media.
  • The mainstream media was acquired in the 1980’s.
  • The Alt-Left was acquired around 2000.
  • The Alt-Right was acquired in the second decade of 2000.

If you listen or read anything out of any of those media sources, then you are feeding at the trough of the American Government. And as such, you are believing everything Washington DC wants you to believe.

  • MSNBC = USA Government.
  • Huffington Post = USA Government.
  • Rush Limbaugh = USA Government.
  • Polico = USA Government.
  • Alex Jones = USA Government.

Yeah. Do you “get it”?

Take note that Rush Limbaugh is functionally a mouth-piece for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. At NO time has he ever said anything in disagreement with him, his actions, or his activities. While it might have "questioned" them, they would always turn that questioning into something favorable.

They are not “independent” and represent an alternate view. They are snares that trap people of similar mindsets into an environment where the government can intentionally manipulate…and control.

If you enjoy the “alternative media”, then you are caught up in the government propaganda snare.

The only non-influenced sources of information on the Internet are “independent bloggers”. And of that, it’s a mixed bag. With many simply placing their opinions and observations based upon the (government controlled) Alternative narratives instead of their own first-hand experiences.

Regarding the derogatory comments. It’s what happens when the uninformed stumble upon Metallicman. They read an article or two, come to some snap and quick opinions before going through the voluminous stacks of information and come to conclusions.

They cannot see what this venue is, what it represents, and how it is different. They are searching for articles that they believe or that they want to believe. And NO ONE in American want’s to see the truth. They want to live the lies that they are being spoon-fed. Which are…

  • America is the best,the greatest, the most powerful nation on the Earth.
  • The USA is blessed by God, and give domination over all else.
  • Americans are better, kinder, and more understanding than the rest of the world.

And if you mostly follow the Alt-left sites…

  • America is growing in diversity, allowing for differences in individuality.
  • America is historically corrupt and is in the process of correction.
  • Russia is behind all the problems in America today.

But if you mostly follow the Alt-Right sites…

  • A Marxist takeover is imminent.
  • The Progressives are going to disarm you, and probably do nasty things.
  • China is behind all the evil in America today.

It’s all nice to read. If a bit terrifying. Over all, it tends to make you feel good about yourself and help you reach out to others of a similar mind-set. That’s why it is called an echo chamber. But, a lot of it is not really true. Not by a long shot.

Yes. There are going to be some dicey times ahead for America.

Yes. Some Progressive Marxists are going to secure areas near urban areas using historically successful methods.

Yes. Changes are going to be implemented that not everyone will agree with.

Yes, there will be some conflict and confrontations, and maybe a very nasty global war as a result of the American idiocy.

But it’s going to be in fits and starts. It’s going to be confined to certain regions, and might not affect everyone.

Probably not.

But what is going to actually happen will not be what is being presented in any of the government controlled media. They do not want the citizens to know what is going on. Instead, they have set the media on “auto pilot” and they are leading their readership towards blind alleys and dangerous objectives. All for the government to capitalize upon.

  • Within the first year of the Biden Presidency; 2021 will be a horrific gun-related event. The media will launch into a hysterical anti-gun campaign. And this will kick off a serious escalation of the ongoing American Civil War.

What follows are just glimpses into the “mixed bag” of what the world is today. In short, it is just a bunch a stuff about America, good and bad. It doesn’t necessarily mean that America is horrible, but rather that the alarm bells have been going off for decades now. The USA is in a shit-load of hurt, and unless people start taking active and proactive steps to correct things, a big fiery catastrophe is sure to follow.

Just because you live in a nice home, drive a nice car, and eat nice food does not mean that you are successful. It just means that you are thriving in an environment AT THIS PARTICULAR MOMENT IN TIME. Unless you are able to determine the duration of this environment, you are just living on “borrowed time” and your future can change in unsavory ways unless you take adequate precautions.

So first, an opinion…

Even if the American people wake up, it will not help because they'll have to first look in the mirror. 

The American people are not  pawns. They elect the war-mongers and give them impunity. They pay taxes  to feed the beasts of war. They send their sons and daughters to  perform the atrocities for their ruling class masters. As long as the  American people continue to live in the lie of their hypocrisy, they  cannot be saved. 

Ask yourself how is it  possible for 99% to be ruled and fooled by the 1% in a democratic and  free society if the people don't allow it? 

It won't even happen in an  authoritarian society. 

Don't blame it on the ruling class and the  war-mongers because the American people empower them. 

Don't blame it on  the freedom-to-lie free press because the people want the freedom to lie  and slander. Why else would Americans accept 250,000 deaths and blame  everything on China? 

In fact, if this happened in China, such egregious  liars and perpetrators of atrocities would be festooned on trees. China  does have a long and rich history of peasant rebellions. Don't blame it  on that nebulous "they." Blame it on ourselves. We have met the enemy  and he is us. 

By the way, globalization is an  American idea. America has the dollar hegemony. It buys everything with  money it prints. Others must earn that US dollar in order to pay for  things that they need for development and trade. 

America is the  wealthiest, most powerful, and freest country in the world, why would  the people want shit jobs mining or making shoes at minimum wage? In  American politics, everyone wants jobs. Have the American people turned  to brainless zombies? Do people want the freedom to be ignorant? Why  would they need 80-hour a week shit jobs that pay two dollars an hour so  their children can grow up without a family? 

China sacrificed a  generation of its people to working in shit jobs for Americans so  China's children can get educated and be more competitive in the global  market dominated by America and the West. Americans don't need jobs.  They need the basic guarantee of a home, healthcare, education, food,  and the means to communicate. They can use their spare time to stop  raping and bombing other countries, sanctioning whoever whenever for  whatever reasons, and travel the world to learn about how to live and  let live. 

The American people are not pawns.  They are America. Wake up indeed and look in the mirror. Change yourself  and then go out and change America. That is the only hope for America  and the only possibility of peace for the rest of the world.

Peter Man

Let’s take a look at things from my point of view. Here’s what America is…


The worst, absolutely worst thing in America today is the political scene. Lordy, it is awful. I try to avoid it, but no matter what I do, it sort of creeps up on me and throws me to the ground. Screeching in agony and writhing in pain.

Here’s a twitter about the election of 2020, and an opinion about the election loss by Donald Trump…


Look guys, part of the problem with America today isn’t just one singular person, or their behaviors. It is the accumulation of decades if not centuries of selfish, intentional mismanagement. So don’t get too down on Mr. Trump, there’s lots of blame to go around.

Yes, it is so easy to point to a figurehead, a media celebrity or anyone else who is well-known and famous, we really do need to get to take a full “360 degree review” audit…

And, you know, it’s not all bad…

Of course it’s not all bad.

Here are some positive things that show the general resourcefulness of Americans during the entire horrible COVID-19 pandemic…


And no it isn’t. But you know we need to look at the good along with the bad to see the bigger picture. Instead of showing all doom and gloom, we have to look at the positive elements of life in the USA, don’t you know.

Here is what I call innovation…

Real American innovation.
Real Innovation.


Now this is something that I wholeheartedly support.

Messed up?

But the fact is that the United States is terribly messed up. It really is, and even though we look at the good inside America, it’s usually on a small level – a interpersonal level where it manifests. Anything on a large scale is corrupted beyond functionality.

In an attempt to change what is wrong with the United States, those in power want the citizens to change. And to change their history, their cultures and their society. Not change the ruling class. That is fucked up.


We’ve all heard a thing or two about the American healthcare system. To put it simply—it’s probably not the best system in the world. Well, as a person who has used medical systems in other parts of the world, I can pretty much say that the American system is perhaps one of the worst.

People who get ill are often left with huge debts, it costs hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars to call an ambulance. It’s an out-of-control for-profit mechanism, and it is running amok. Heck, hospitals in America even charge you for “skin to skin” contact when you give birth to your child.

That is not a “great” system. Rather it is a wholly corrupt one.

When it comes to medicine, the situation seems even direr. Recently, Emily Porter, a doctor based in Austin, Texas, shared an infuriating Twitter thread about the cost of drugs and ridiculous markups on medicine.

The thread shared by an Austin-based MD has caused quite a stir and received more than 56k likes and over 18k retweets. A lot of people on Twitter found the thread infuriating. “Why aren’t Americans smashing [things] up over this and demanding a better system?” someone tweeted. “The worst thing is that American healthcare ideology is bleeding over the pond. There needs to be some direct action ASAP.”

Uh. Well DUH! But you know, if you are an American, that nothing is going to change. Those in power are far too powerful. You just cannot do anything about it.

I can tell you that this medicine is actually very cheap in the rest of the world, and inside of China, not only do you NOT need a doctors’ prescription (and the costs for a visit), but a bottle of 50 pills of Ondansetron OD is under $2.


Well… Trump promised to change things and make America great again. And he went about changing the Healthcare system. He scrapped the “Affordable Care Act” and implemented the CARE Act to help people who had COVID-19 related illnesses.

The idea is that America is a nation run for the people and by the people. And this narrative is heavily promoted. But is it really true?

Let’s look at the CARE Act. In 2020, President trump pushed through, with great fanfare and loud posturing, the CARE act.

The government says (and people believe)…
The CARES Act Works for All Americans The CARES Act provides fast and direct economic assistance for American workers and families, small businesses, and preserves jobs for American industries. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was passed by Congress with overwhelming, bipartisan support and signed into law by President Trump on March 27th, 2020.
-The CARES Act Works for All Americans 
And how it manifests…
How the average American benefits from the CARE Act.



In the example above, the cost for the medical treatments were $41,649.50. The big, and heavily promoted “help” from the government was $371. So the measured impact of this assistance was 0.89%. Functionally equal to ZERO. Thus pretty much the American citizen must pay full price minus an insignificant amount if they catch COVID-19 and need hospitalization to any degree.

In comparison…

And I will use China in this example because that is where I live, and that is where I have data that I can use to make a comparison with. Thus, using this as a baseline. If you are in China, and you get COVID-19, all treatment is free including all associated hospital costs.

Hospital treatment for COVID-19 in America$41,650
Hospital treatment for COVID-19 in ChinaFree

Americans roar with glee! We are the best! America is number one! Hurray for us! Woo Woo. Freedom! Democracy! Yay!

Woo woo.
Proud to be an American.


But what about the costs, and the minuscule “help” that the government promised? Well, when you point out the facts, and the figures and the numbers the reactions are…

Face the facts.

In America the “health care system” is a for-profit mechanism that the oligarchy uses to fleece the American citizenry. There are very few exceptions to this rule.

American health care truths.
American health care truths.

But why is everything about money in the USA today?

Well, maybe this chart will put things into perspective.

Perspective on why.

And how it affects most people like you and I.

This chart pretty much sums up the life of a serf-sheeple, work-slave, for the Federal Government racket.

American reality.

Yeah. Let’s review…

So let’s review. On the small interpersonal level, Americans are pretty good folk. And it doesn’t matter if you are politically left or right, most are pretty decent folk. The problem comes when you start talking about larger organizations, government, programs, and money. then it’s completely “off the rails” and a complete “cluster fuck”.

And the people, independent of where they lie politically, hate this. They want to change it. They want America to survive and become something better than the fucked up mess that it is today…

… and the leadership of America know this. They have spent decades preparing for the backlash and they have systems in place to mitigate the effects of this populist revolt. The biggest and primary mechanism, the tried and true device to redirect American anger, is to identify an external threat. You identify it as evil and use it as the scapegoat from which to vilify and attack. And since the problems in America today are so horrible and out of control, the villain must be a large nation. But you all know, those large nations do not like that villainization.

So as a recap.

In 2016, under President Obama, China retained the “Most Favored Trading nation Status” as sent in place two decades earlier by Presidents Bush and Clinton. Then Donald Trump came to office. Suddenly the name of China became equated with evil, disgust and horror. Most certainly the Alt-Right promoted this narrative ruthlessly. With it all coming to a head in 2020 with China being named as “enemy”. The unleashing of biological warfare to destroy food, livestock and people, and an enormous naval armada to the South China Sea to wage war against China.

It didn’t happen.

The American military was sufficiently told to back down, and they did. The armada steamed home and Trump Fires Mark Esper, Defense Secretary as a direct result of his inability to create a war.

Well, good thing though.

I really don’t want to see Boston, New York, San Francisco, Houston, or Chicago reduced to huge craters of ruin. You see I do know a few things about China. A war with China would be fought on American soil. NOT in the far-away South China Sea.

So now…

Biden is in office, and now the narrative is going to change to Russia is the enemy.

Uh oh!

God Loves Cowboys

You all don’t know what I am talking about do you?

Aaron Watson – That’s Why God Loves Cowboys


When America is spiraling out of control. And all the institutions, the leadership, and all the famous people are shown to be evil or incompetent or both, that is when us individuals must “step up to the plate”. And do what needs to be done.

Which is why we need to be part of a community.

We all will need to “carry our weight” to get though this time. We will all need to be strong, compassionate and helpful. Instead of embracing the hate-hate-hate narrative out of Washington DC that are using the media to pit us all one against the other, we need to unify and throw those bastards in the slammer; French Revolution style.

But they are never going to allow that.

Sanity Check

It’s so very easy to get all caught up in the nightmare that America has become. But the truth is that if you aren’t listening to the internet, and have no dealings with banks, or any government institutions, your life is pretty tranquil. The “news” floods our consciousness with dangerous and toxic shit…

It is only when the Federal Government gets into your life that you start having problems. And to this I argue that not only is the Federal Government dangerous, but that it is toxic and is a major contributor to all the ailments going on inside of America today.

The Federal Government has problems. They need to be diagnosed and corrected.

If you turn off, and tune out from anything that involves the Federal Government, your life would tend to be quieter and gentler.


And that is pretty much the way it is.

There are a host of good things going on in the United States. You just need to appreciate them. You really need to stop all the fear-mongering. And as I have said earlier, yes there are radical elements, and their fears are being inflamed by interested Federal Government entities. Please do not fall for the fear.

Yes. Bad people are going to try to “improve” America in some way over the next few years. And, Yes, you probably won’t agree to the “improvements”. But you must realize that this roller-coaster will eventually end, and it is up to you to survive it. Do not get too caught up either way in what you read in the news. It’s mostly bullshit.

Look at the good things around you…

Delicious BBQ.
America is full of decent people doing good things. Do not be manipulated into thinking otherwise. Wouldn’t you enjoy a delicious icy cold beer with this delicious BBQ?


But you do know that the rest of the world is watching America right now. They have observed Trump and the mess his neocons made, and they are watching with increased worry what the Biden Administration might do. Everyone pretty much agrees that the United States needs to identify a villain from which they can wage war upon. And if it isn’t going to be China, then it’s going to be Russia.

And Russia does not play…

As I have said before…

To repeat…

Oh, the narrative about “us vs. them” is going to continue all right. America needs an outside enemy to direct it’s frustration and anger towards. Perhaps you know what I am talking about. If you don’t read George Orwell’s book “1984” and refer to the Geo-political issues as described in that masterpiece.

The book is set in 1984 in Oceania, one of three perpetually warring  totalitarian states (the other two are Eurasia and Eastasia). 

Oceania is  governed by the all-controlling Party, which has brainwashed the  population into unthinking obedience to its leader, Big Brother. The  Party has created a propagandistic language known as Newspeak, which is designed to limit free thought and promote the Party’s doctrines. Its words include doublethink  (belief in contradictory ideas simultaneously), which is reflected in  the Party’s slogans: “War is peace,” “Freedom is slavery,” and  “Ignorance is strength.” The Party maintains control through the Thought  Police and continual surveillance.

-Nineteen Eighty-four | Summary, Characters, Analysis ...

You all can consider the following Geo-Political alignments…

  • USA = Oceania
  • Russia = Eurasia
  • China = Eastasia
There are three major powers in the world right now.
USA = (Oceania) Oligarchy controlled military empire running amok. Populated by an intentionally dumbed down, weakened society, of work serfs. Military operations are the norm, and America is military empire with over 800+ military bases all over the globe, and currently fighting 8 hot wars. Americans view it as a normal occurrence, being in a state of war. Military is geared towards offensive conventional weapon operations outside the USA in far away lands.
Russia = (Eurasia) Fierce, pissed off people, who do not want another War where they are positioned within a defensive posture. They will NEVER allow that situation, a replay of World War II to reoccur. Russia suffered horribly during it, and Russians have never forgotten. Military is geared to preventative operations at a large and harsh scale.
China = (Eastasia) Old, smart, intelligent, and diligent. Does not want war, but will respond in a measured manner. On their terms. Using their timing. Planed for their advantage. Any attack on China will have an equal measured response within the continental United States. Military is geared towards responsive operations.

You will see the anti-China propaganda to decrease substantially and sharply, as it is already doing. And you will see a rise of anti-Russia propaganda. And I watch all this as an educated observer, and it horrifies me.

  • Firstly, because the lead up for war with China was so effective. Most Americans now hate China and support the idea of a (far off) war in the distant South China Sea. They actually believe that China would take the hits and not retaliate. They actually believe that it can be “contained” in a far away land. And now, soon it will change to Russia with a (supposedly) far-off war in Eastern Europe.
  • Secondly, that the ignorance of what China is, and what it is truly capable of is ignored, as it is discounted by most of the West. Which pretty much is the general American attitude of all other nations. And that is magnified by a factor of ten with Russia.
  • Thirdly, that the lead up for a war with China pretty much parallels what happened in the lead up to World War II. And we can expect it to be duplicated with Russia. So buckle up. Yeah. It’s not over yet.
Ugh! There is this recent article:

Now, from my point of view, the activities will be directed towards Russia instead of China.


Russia? Seriously?

Russia knows whats next.

And so do the readers of MM.

The Defense Ministry  said that the Vladimir Monomakh submarine of the Pacific Fleet launched  four Bulava missiles in quick succession from an underwater position in  the Sea of Okhotsk. Their dummy warheads hit their designated targets  on the Chiza shooting range in the Arkhangelsk region in northwestern  Russia more than 5,500 kilometers (over 3,400 miles) away, the ministry  said in a statement.

The  Vladimir Monomakh is one of the new Borei-class nuclear submarines that  carry 16 Bulava missiles each and are intended to serve as the core of  the naval component of the nation’s nuclear forces for decades to come.  Another submarine of the same type performed a similar launch of four  Bulava missiles in 2018 — a costly demonstration of the efficiency of  the country’s nuclear deterrent mimicking the conditions of a major  nuclear conflict.


In  a report to President Vladimir Putin, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu  said that Saturday’s launch wrapped up large-scale drills of Russia’s  strategic nuclear forces that began Wednesday. As part of those  maneuvers, another Russian nuclear submarine also performed a practice  launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile from the Barents Sea, a  ground-based ICBM was launched from the Plesetsk facility in  northwestern Russia and Tu-160 and Tu-95 strategic bombers fired cruise  missiles at test targets at an Arctic range.

And no one in the American media are taking notes?


So if no one is paying attention, then what are they reporting on?


Seriously. This is not note worthy, or “news” worthy?

Russia has expanded  its military drills in recent years amid tensions with the West as  relations have sunk to post-Cold War lows after Moscow’s 2014 annexation  of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula. 

The  series of missile launches comes less than two months before the New  START U.S.-Russian arms control treaty expires in early February. Moscow  and Washington have discussed the possibility of its extension, but so  far have failed to overcome their differences. 
New START was signed  in 2010 by U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry  Medvedev. It limits each country to no more than 1,550 deployed nuclear  warheads and 700 deployed missiles and bombers, and envisages sweeping  on-site inspections to verify compliance.

After  both Moscow and Washington withdrew from the 1987 Intermediate-Range  Nuclear Forces Treaty last year, New START is the only remaining nuclear  arms control deal between the two countries still standing.

Arms  control advocates have warned that its expiration would remove any  checks on U.S. and Russian nuclear forces, in a blow to global  stability.

Ah. But Russia is not what everyone thinks.

Just like China did IN NO WAY reflects the narrative as promoted by the Alt-Right, Russia does not resemble anything that the Alt-Left is promoting either.

Russia, like China, is different from the United States, but an evil empire desirous of taking over the United States through invasion is absurd. Actually their view of America is one full of weak-wristed wimps that are living the high life because their inherited their wealth though their hard-working relatives. Now Americans are squandering what they have, and they deserve to be put back into their place…


This is an opinion that you will not read anywhere in American media. But them again, all the sheeple must believe in their strength and ability. Even if it is a lie.

Contemporaneous Russia.
Contemporaneous Russia.


Yeah. There’s a lot of pretty Russian girls out there in them hills. And speaking about Russian hills…

Contemporaneous Russia.


Yeah. It looks a lot like Modern America, at least in the countryside.

And yeah. This is also modern Russia. At least there their rights to own weapons is NOT INFRINGED like in America.


Sure, there are some cultural differences you know.

Russian Wedding Party.
Russian wedding party.


But that is no reason to point at them and say loudly “They are trying to steal our democracy”. Seriously that is so fucking absurd.


But the fact remains that facts do not matter. The USA government NEEDS to redirect attention outside of America and eight “brush wars” are no longer capable of that feat. A major serious war is necessary. And it cannot be China. Because China has clearly demonstrated that the USA will lost it’s entire Navy in the process and anger the rest of the world.

Both of which would result in unintended consequences for the American people.

Look guys…

America must stop. Just stop and get on fuck of a new type of government. If no one can think of anything, then just dissolve the federal government and resort to State Governments. Right now the Federal government is a real mess and it is going to destroy the USA in the process. The rest of the world realize this and put Trump in place to minimize the destruction to the shores of the Untied States.

Washington DC and the surrounding area will resort to a radioactive swamp / bog with ruins and with numerous and massive fresh-water craters.

Please try to avoid the red areas on the map.


Personally, I do wish it can all be avoided, but looking at the current crop of “elected” officials, I see little hope in that happening.

So at which point I need to post this following image. You know to make it perfectly clear to the slower folk in the MM audience….


Now what?

God, I truly hope that the crescendo rises and then falls before anything peaks. I hope that you all can say MM was full of it. I will never read his writings ever again. I hope that this is as bad as it gets and sensible people take the levers of government inside of America and steers it away, far away from the shit storm of disaster that it is barrelling towards.

I hope.

But our leadership in America doesn’t think like that. They have another view of themselves, and this view is nothing that us serf-sheeple can understand. It is alien to us.

They think of themselves as something wonderful and great.

American leadership today.



So whats next?

I am predicting an American civil war from 2020 though to 2025. It will not be well reported. It will be regional and it will involve the extreme elements of both the Left and the Right, with both sides being financed by shadowy oligarchy figures and organizations. They will commit atrocities.

Atrocities will be committed..


The Federal government will use the DHS to keep the peace. It will be hit and miss. Nothing will be reported.

Meanwhile the Federal Government would unleash a “fire hose of disinformation” an anti-Russia barrage that will make it clear that war is imminent.

Only that Russia will strike in the USA preemptively.

Russia will strike in the USA preemptively.


The USA will suffer immense causalities. And it will end up a ruined nation, and will resemble the nations that the USA has “liberated” for “democracy” already. Like Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Liberia.

The spiritual picture

Folk, you have to realize that we think about, and what we do eventually creates OUR reality. And if America has been spending the last fifty years destroying all sorts of nations using the excuse of “democracy” then the connection between wars and democracy will strike the USA. It’s a point that I have been hammering down for just about forever.

American trust plummets.
Trust in America reaches the lowest levels in history. In one year it went from “trust” to “distrust”.


You can call it karma or something else, but the fact is the USA is in the cross-hairs of a violent reset, of the same nature and permanency of the damage that it has set upon the rest of the world. And that’s the way it is.

Oh, perhaps you all don’t know what I am talking about when I say “karma is a bitch”…

American Improvements to Syria for “democracy”

The main reason for US intervention in Syria was the apparent use of chemical weapons by Assad outside the Syrian capital Damascus on August 21, 2013. The US has blamed the Syrian government forces for the deaths of hundreds of civilians in the attack, an accusation vehemently denied by Syria.

-Reasons for US intervention in Syria
American Improvements to Syria for “democracy”

American Improvements to Libya for “democracy”

U.S. bombs terrorist and military targets in Libya On April 14, 1986, the United States launches air strikes against Libya in retaliation for the Libyan sponsorship of terrorism against American troops and citizens.

-U.S. bombs terrorist and military targets in Libya - HISTORY
American Improvements to Libya for “democracy”

American Improvements to Afghanistan for “democracy”

The Bush administration then commenced a bombing campaign and invasion of Afghanistan, asserting the need to capture or kill bin Laden and crush his terrorist organization so that they could not launch another deadly attack on the American homeland.

-Why Did the United States Invade Afghanistan?
American Improvements to Afghanistan for “democracy”

American Improvements to Yemen for “democracy”

The United States has, for more than a year now, been quietly participating in a Saudi-led war against the Houthis, providing valuable logistical support for Saudi Arabia’s airstrikes. So this missile exchange isn’t something out of the blue. It’s an escalation of current US policy, moving from indirect to direct participation in the Saudi offensive. 

-Why the hell is the US helping Saudi Arabia bomb Yemen?
American Improvements to Yemen for “democracy”

American Improvements to Iraq for “democracy”

The chief reason for U.S. involvement in the Iraq-Kuwait conflict was concern over Iraq’s antagonism to Saudi Arabia, a key Western ally. Iraq’s presence in Kuwait gave them strategic positioning in relation to Saudi Arabia.

-Why Did the U.S. Get Involved With Iraq
American Improvements to Iraq for “democracy”


You can call it karma or something else, but the fact is the USA is in the cross-hairs of a violent reset, of the same nature and permanency of the damage that it has set upon the rest of the world. And that’s the way it is.

You just don’t spend every day kicking dogs, and not expect to have a pack of dogs attack you. You just don’t expect to gorge yourself on food, over and over again, and not throw up. You just cannot expect to devote so much time and thought to hurting other societies and not expect it all to “come to roost” in your own backyard.

Things need to change.

Yes. Things do need to change. But the good thing is that change is how we grow as individuals. The United States is set for a massive reset, and that is going to create all sorts of opportunities for positive and constructive change. Opportunities that you can take advantage of.

Wrapping it up

Let’s try to summarize this rant-a-thon that I have been locked into today.

On a personal level, Americans are pretty decent folk. But everyone pretty much recognizes that the Federal government is a big mess.

They have poisoned everything inside the nation with their toxic ideas, and their horrible sadistic behaviors.

There are elements within this evil governance that are conspiring to “further improve” America by forcing a Civil War to “purge” it of opposition forces. It will not go as they plan.

To distract attention, a world war is necessary, and both China and Russia do not play. American leadership isn’t really aware of this disconnect, as we have seen with the Trump and Pompeo misadventures with China. We can only imagine what might happen with Russia…

And, Biden isn’t even in office yet, and already the anti-Russia narrative is in full swing…

Russia will launch a preemptive attack. America will respond with a much weaker military. Russia will get dinged. And to a lesser extent, so will China. But, for the most part, most of the remaining world will be spared. America will be in shambles.

Again, with the John Titor stuff…

Add ten years to his dates, and take notes.

Part 1 – 25:00 A message for the world leaders in government. “Revel in your confidence today, because you will not win tomorrow.” 

Part 2 – 1:45 “There was an armed resistance (from the cities).  We killed most of them by 2020.”

Part 2 – 3:10 Question: “Why do you think that our future will be like your future?” Answer: “Because our world-lines are so similar.”

Part 2 – 12:11 “There were no Olympics after 2004.”
Part 2 – 17:40 Most people blamed the “government organizations” for the nuclear war.

Part 2 – 20:50 “When the civil war broke out most decided to stay in the cities and lose most of their civil rights in the guise of security…”

Ah. It’s crazy times that we live in, but you know, it’s NOT really as bad as the news media makes out. And I want to describe why…


Imagine that you are a tiny small flea riding on the back of a old, crazed thrashing angry elephant. Some of your flea-friends see the jumping and the thrashing as something bad and they really want to do something about it. Every flea has an idea about what is going on and how to control it. But no one knows for sure.

The fleas are fighting among themselves and that is just fine with the elephant. As long as the fleas aren’t biting the elephant he is just fine. He doesn’t want to get bit. Not at all. He, the elephant, knows that too many flea bite can cause him to get sick and even die. So it is important that the elephant keeps all the fleas busy fighting each other, and not him.

But he is one uncomfortable elephant. He has done some bad stuff over the years and it is all starting to catch up with him.

The Western financial  system is basically in a coma and kept alive only by generous IV  injections of central bank liquidity.  We are living the end of Western  hegemony.

Today we are observing the transition from a so called  unipolar world, one in which a single nation (or group of allied  nations) dictates the terms of life for all global citizens, to a more  balanced and natural multipolar world.

The current dominating  group, the “western” bloc of nations, is led by the United States along  with numerous vassal states; this order has persisted since the end of  the WW2. This construct is held together using a combination of  supranational organizations (UN, WTO, World Bank, IMF etc.), propaganda  (mainstream media complex), armed might (MIC,NATO, private mercenary  forces) & chiefly economics (central banks, corporations).

The  true “rulers” of this bloc are a cabal of very wealthy & powerful  oligarchs that work in the background (shadow banking, dark pool  finance, shadow governments, think tanks, NGO’s) to subvert the various  sovereignties to their advantage. These oligarchs are the principal  owners of, not just the industries and corporations that front for them,  but the governments that rule over the masses.

Most importantly this Western cabal owns the means by which real wealth extraction is carried out:  fiat currency, chiefly the “worlds reserve currency”- the United States dollar and it’s derivatives. 

These currencies are backed not by equitable assets; such as natural resources, precious metals or productive capacities; instead they are backed by the CREATION OF DEBT. 

Debt that represents a claim on real assets that virtually all participants in global commerce must pay. 

A new bloc of nations has been pushed toward an alliance. 

This bloc of nations consists of principally China, Russia and Iran (“eastern bloc”). These nations are led by various actors who seem to comprehend the likely nature of the end game inherent to the current financial construction. They are out of necessity seeking a path toward a different and more balanced and hopefully sustainable economic and global governance paradigm.

-Comment by Lisa Yuen on the article titled Analyzing the Emerging World Order

He (the elephant) is now caged, loaded inside a plane and is being sent to another place. A place where he will no longer be the top-elephant. And he does not like this. Not one bit. So he is thrashing about, howling and screeching with anger at everything around him.

And you, as a lone flea, are seeing all this with worry and concern.

You also see your fellow fleas gear up towards fighting each other. That is worrisome as well. You don’t want to have any part of that. That’s for certain.

So what can we say about this moment in time?

  • There’s the makings of a civil war. But you don’t want to participate in it.
  • The Federal Elephant Beast is dangerous and is unpredictable and causing all sorts of disruptions.
  • This Federal Elephant beast might create a situation that is far worse than what it seems to be heading towards right now.

And that is pretty much it, isn’t it? Left on it’s own, the plane will take the elephant to a destination that it will not like, and that unhappy elephant will make life for the fleas very unhappy. As we used to say in the States “shit flows downhill”. And so now the elephant is trying to burst forth from it’s chains and attack the rest of the crew and creatures on the plane. As such it’s one fuck of a bumpy ride.

US foreign policy.
United States Foreign Policy

2020 was not random, or bad luck, it was the direct result of Donald Trump trying to suppress global trade and suppress China. It didn’t work out as planned, and instead the entire world was suppressed, and China is doing well.

And so what is next…

Will the elephant calm down, and resign to it’s fate, or will it rebound it’s efforts to “rock the plane” break loose from it’s shackles and do something drastic? Which would mean taking the plane down and crashing it, and in the process killing the rest of the people on the plane.

And will the rest of the plane need to shoot the elephant dead so that the plane can at least land safely?

  • If you were on the plane, what would you do to the elephant?
  • If you were the flea what would you do?

Analyzing the Emerging World Order

This is a reprint in full of the referenced article by Lisa Yuen above. It can be found HERE, and is reprinted in full with only minor editing to fit this venue. All credit to the author.

The global community today is clearly in a state of flux. This is not an aberration – we are in the midst of a normal and periodic global reordering. We shall briefly take a “big picture” look at this phenomenon and attempt to glean an understanding as to the direction that we are heading as citizens of a global society.

It is my hope that these observations can foster a more in depth discussion between reasonable people; leading to the development of ideas which can then be implemented to improve the human condition.

Current Paradigm

We live in a world subdivided by societies: nations and their respective subdivisions. As a matter of fact, there are over 200 nations recognized by the United Nations (UN). We are taught that a society must conform to a binary label such as “free” or “unfree”, “democratic” or “non-democratic” and so on. This is done principally for two reasons – to provide a tautological definition, also for easier control of the masses via manipulation.

The current overarching narrative provides that we are divided between the “western” and “eastern” worlds. What does this really mean? We can distill this down to one principal root: economics. What do we mean by economics? We can say that in it’s purest form, it is simply the structured allocation of finite resources.

Today we are observing the transition from a so called unipolar world, one in which a single nation (or group of allied nations) dictates the terms of life for all global citizens, to a more balanced and natural multipolar world.

The current dominating group, the “western” bloc of nations, is led by the United States along with numerous vassal states; this order has persisted since the end of the Second World War. This construct is held together using a combination of supranational organizations (UN,WTO,World Bank, IMF, et cetera), propaganda (mainstream media complex), armed might (MIC,NATO, private mercenary forces) and chiefly economics (central banks, corporations).

The true “rulers” of this bloc are a cabal of very wealthy and powerful oligarchs that work in the background (shadow banking, dark pool finance, shadow governments, think tanks, NGO’s) to subvert the various sovereignties to their advantage. These oligarchs are the principal owners of, not just the industries and corporations that front for them, but the governments that rule over the masses.

Most importantly this cabal owns the means by which real wealth extraction is carried out: fiat currency, chiefly the “worlds reserve currency”- the United States dollar and it’s derivatives. These currencies are backed not by equitable assets; such as natural resources, precious metals or productive capacities; instead they are backed by the creation of debt. Debt that represents a claim on real assets that virtually all participants in global commerce must pay.

How did this cabal come into power? This is a complex question that is subject to many possible answers and interpretations. Briefly, we know from historical fact that a global empire is a central part of this construct, today the United States empire holds that role (previously British, French so on…). This provides the controlling force behind such a cabal. The privately owned quasi-governmental western central banks are at the heart of this operation. They form the crucial nexus between sovereign governments and the financial world in which they derive their revenue stream, and by extension, their power.

The current seat of this construct (United States) was founded as a Constitutional Republic. Unfortunately, the United States Constitution is quite amorphous. Using many acts of legislative, executive and even judicial fiat, this cabal has been able to effectively take over the reigns of the nation. With that feat accomplished, near world domination was made possible.

A complex web of regulations, laws, and rules; coupled with a financial system few fully comprehend has been put into place across the west. This became the mechanism by which this “new world order” has been enforced.

The unsolvable problem here is that this debt based system is really just an elaborate pyramid scheme predicated on ever increasing amounts of debt in a world where sources of real wealth are finite. At present, the growth rate and the total amount of debt issuance, is outpacing the extraction rate and amount of available reserves of resources on the planet.

A Path Forward?…..

A new bloc of nations has been pushed toward an alliance. This bloc of nations consists of principally China, Russia and Iran (“eastern bloc”). These nations are led by various actors who seem to comprehend the likely nature of the end game inherent to the current financial construction. They are out of necessity seeking a path toward a different and more balanced and hopefully sustainable economic and global governance paradigm.

Not individually formidable, these nations collectively are quite powerful.

Lets take a look at the derivation of that power. Firstly we examine a crucial metric: energy, it is well documented that these nations collectively possess enough energy resources to adequately power their economies for a long time. They also possess much of the worlds’ known stores of natural commercial use resources (metals, minerals, rare earth elements).

Additionally, owing in part to technological advances and also to long term changes in the earth’s climate, they possess the means to adequately feed their populations. They are also taking advantage of the fact that scientific knowledge and technological innovation (the key to a sustainable and competitive economy) are geographical location independent, as scientific axioms are immutable and provable anywhere on the planet.

Lastly, the differences between these nations is paradoxically what makes them a powerful bloc. As example: China has become the world’s workshop and an innovation leader whilst Russia proper contains large deposits of natural resources, carries very low external debt levels and possesses a very technologically advanced war machine.

Initiatives led by China such as the OBOR (One Belt One Road) infrastructure project, the AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) and the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) are aimed at providing distinct alternatives to western backed organizations such as the World Bank, IMF, UN, et cetera. The key piece of this strategy seems to be the use of the fiat system itself to fund the accumulation of tangible assets (businesses, technologies, resources, PM’s).

These assets can be then be utilized as a hedge against probable future turbulence with the current western based fiat regime. Why are these nations not publicly clamoring for this system to be dismantled sooner rather then later? First of all, this is a dangerous proposition, as they would likely be economically punished (Greece, Brazil) or worse, suffer an armed attack/invasion (Iraq, Libya).

One just needs to observe the large amount of vitriol directed toward these nations in the western mainstream press to connect theses dots – these nations surely get the message. Secondly, they are slowly dissolving this system on their own terms (direct bilateral trade agreements via own currencies, accumulation of PM’s as a potential partial backing to their respective currencies).

As of now, these nations are taking advantage of the current system to build up their economies and national infrastructures for the long term. As an example, Russia and China have begun co-developing a wide body passenger aircraft using their respective indigenous technologies and knowledge bases. These activities are made possible by their embedment into the current monetary system.


For the human condition to improve, the following possible actions should be taken under serious consideration.

The western fiat currency regime should be dissolved, most outstanding debts should be extinguished (debt jubilee, massive write offs, large scale revaluations), and national sovereignty must regain prominence across the entire globe.

Load the elephant on the plane and ship it elsewhere.

A balanced financial system based principally on equitable assets must take the place of the current debt based system. Sovereign governments should look to take on the crucial role as their own primary issuer of currency; this of course would require much more honest and transparent governments’ than we currently have in place.

The workers must use currency based on tangible items. Not promises.

A new system of loose decentralized global governance should be constructed to act as an impartial arbiter in geopolitical and economic affairs. These are but a few of the possible reforms that could be made to affect a more intelligent paradigm of globalism. Whether the alternative system(s) being pursued by the emergent eastern bloc will fulfill these objectives still remains to be seen, as big challenges remain, e.g. environmental degradation.

Centralized government control has created the elephant that exists today. It is not sustainable and not desirable.

The best outcome for the world at large is a general reset of sorts. A new paradigm in which malinvestments are discouraged and cleared away, success and effort are rewarded, and opportunity for all is sought as a societal virtue, should be pursued. Worse case is a long term continuation of the current system. This outcome is likely to lead to increasing levels of civil and political unrest, and possible widespread conflict as the planet’s capacity to support the growth rates demanded by a debt based system is diminished by a declining real ROI.

The elephant must be taken away before it can do more damage.


Yes it appears that the United States is fucked. But it doesn’t mean that you and your family are as well. It’s all a matter of [1] planning and [2] thought control.

You need to gather your priorities together and then plan accordingly. I have written about affirmation prayer campaigns, and if you really are concerned, then start breaking out your affirmation campaigns and work your life from that angle. It does work. Please believe me, and remember that things are not all or nothing. It’s all going to be periods of highs and lows, and you want to be in the most tranquil area as possible.

Your priorities might be something like this…

A man’s priorities.


Or perhaps, as a woman you might have different priorities…

Life goals.


I really cannot write an article where I can provide a “one size fits all” solution to the myriad of needs that people have, or their many, many desires. All that I can do is provide ideas, suggestions and some general direction vectors, and maybe some hope.

If you all are going to do something about this “crazy elephant” that the United States has become, and you are trapped riding this crazed elephant as it bounces and carries on so, then please find what your priorities are personally. Sit down. Think hard. Discuss hings with loved ones.

Then figure out what you want, and what you need. Then work the plan.

Simple dreams.
Some people have simple dreams.


Some people have simple dreams. While others are more complex.

What are yours?

2021 is the time to plan, and implement that plan. Truth.

Work your plan.

A final note

Since it’s a few weeks before Christmas, let me recommend one of my favorite Christmas movies to all the viewers to MM might enjoy.

Die hard.
Can you guess what movie that I am recommending?

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The Nazi Invasion of Poland, Adolf Hitler’s First hot war, with an emphasis on the events leading up to World War II with consideration to time travel and sentience

Phew! My titles are getting longer and longer, but then again, my subjects are getting more and more involved. Who’d figure, eh?

This post is going to cover a lot of material. It is going to be banging off the walls every which way from the crazed American politics, to the history of the start of the second world war, to what to expect when wars go badly for you, and a bunch of stuff from John Titor, the alleged time traveler.

Please do NOT be offended by my personal opinions of either Trump or Biden. They BOTH have a role, and important one. And both are fulfilling a serious need and space on the "food chain".

There are no absolutes. Just influences that infringe on our own individual lives, and liberties.

So, do not throw your computer against the wall in anger because I said something bad about Trump. Nor should you stomp off and spam-bot me because I said something bad about Biden. I have an equal-opportunity disgust for all American politics.


When reading this meandering maze of opinionated discourse please keep in mind that the over all direction that a nation takes is encoded in our biological sentience. Remember that it would be a truly rare event for the cycles of change not to manifest. It has no bearing on who is the President of the United States, what is going on with Bretexit, or the international trade situation. 

Do not fall into the trap of belief that we can control the sentience of others. We cannot. All that we can do is accept who we are, and ride out the changes while everyone else figures out their roles.

So grab a beverage of your choice and sit down and enjoy the journey.  It's all about the human condition; a condition that you are all part of. Like it or not.

There are many students of World War II. There are many students of Hitler and how he came to power. There are many students of the battles and the technology of the time. There are also many students of the Geo-political conditions at that time. What few people are doing is comparing the actions that Hitler took leading up to World War II.

They never do this, or if they do, they keep the analysis secret. It never reaches the masses. It just floats away like the ash of a a burning pile of newspapers.

It horrifies me.

Yet, as a student of history, I was slow to catch on. I read the news about Donald Trump and his staffing decisions. I read about his election, and the “Never Trumpers”, and all the political in-fighting in Washington. For a while I too cheering his tweets, and his brash “in your face” attitude. I cheered when he responded and fought back. I enjoyed his attacks and it was a welcome change to all the fawning bullshit that we have become accustomed to.

President Donald Trump went on a tweet-storm Thursday  morning, assailing the election results, threatening a forthcoming  “dangerous moment,” and blasting President-elect Joe Biden and Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R).

-‘This is Going to Escalate Dramatically’: Trump Threatens a ‘Dangerous Moment’ in Twitter Spree Assailing Election

That lasted for a few years. But, then again…

… I also watched the “Trump Trade Wars” unfold. And I did so as as a man inside the technical-trade-logistics industry.


So, no. I wasn’t just some smuck checking my daily feed and cheering for this fucking jack-ass. Like most Americans were. I was a guy on the “front lines”.

And when he said that “China is stealing our jobs”, he was saying “Metallicman is stealing your jobs”. And when he would go traipse off to Germany to tell Merkel “stop trading with China”, I would find all my business with my German customers put on hold. Yeah.

Every time the news mentions China, they were talking about me, or at least things that would affect my life, personally. “You had better stop trading or doing business with Metallicman” Mike Pompeo would demand, “or, else you might have some color revolutions inside your country next year”.

So, yeah. I am biased. No shit.

I watched Trump paint a big red bulls-eye over my city, my house, my family, and my friends. I watched him start making crazy and arbitrary decisions, bans, and arrests… all in the name of “national security“.

You know, like banning “cat videos” and “lip singing to 10 second music excerpts”.

All for “national security“.

And I watched him, through his proxy; Mike Pompeo try to begin World War III. And try, and try he did. The thing was, no one had a taste for war.

I watched as it became impossible for me to communicate with my friends and family in the United States. I watched as applications out of the United States such as Zoom either stopped business with people in China or started charging outrageous fees to use their products. I did this in real time, and it fucking hurt.

Yeah. I could live in Timbuktu, and get Paypal payments, but Shanghai…forgetaboutit!

And I watched the American population, like the cattle they are, start foaming at the mouth.; believing that they are the best, and that they are invincible, and that small “surgical” nuclear weapons can be used, with no consequence what so ever.

Trump and Mike Pompeo would announce “I am banning all Chinese social media applications“, and the crowd would cheer with outrageous abandon.

American sheeple align with both political parties, and they always tout the narrative promoted by their preferred alternative Media networks.


And I was here, on ground zero, when he unleashed the biggest biological weapon assault in history during the busiest, and most crowded holiday in China.

Overall, it was horrific. It was a slaughter.

COVID-19B, the strain unleashed upon China, is the nasty shit. This is the bad mama-jamba. Extreme contagiousness, and outrageous effects. Videos were everywhere showing people having seizures and collapsing. The COVID-19A, the mild strain, is what Trump gave to America and it’s allies.

USACOVID-19A0.1%Chest cold291,403
Can you imagine what America would be like if the lethal strain were to be released inside of America by a REALLY pissed-off China?

The Trump cabal of neocons single-handily suppressed global trade to such an extent that a global recession occurred. And I, my family, my friends, my business, and just about every aspect of my connections to my home-nation was under attack by this jack-ass.

Yet, I still believed. I still had hope.

Maybe Trump would do some of the things he professed.

But he didn’t. It was all a big “con game” from the start.

  • No wall was built.
  • Hillary Clinton remained free.
  • Wall Street bankers became outrageously wealthy.
  • No industry came back to America.
  • America became the despised pariah globally.
  • American are not back to work. Most are unemployed, sheltering inside their homes.

It was exactly what it seemed.

He was a popular clown, or puppet, acting on a stage entertaining millions of Americans with his non-stop antics. It was, for Trump, better than having his own television show. He was entertaining the world. And Shit! No one could shut him off.

We were all, a captive audience.

But it wasn’t until I started to notice that the “fire hose of disinformation”; the anti-China propaganda campaign had reached a Fever Pitch. And there it became clear to me, the eight unusual biological virus attacks on livestock, the COVID-19, the “color revolutions” in HK, and the largest armada in all of recorded history steaming towards China. Yeah! It was unmistakable.

No. This was not a “hybrid war”. This the the early stages of a global war with a major nuclear armed nation.

For FreedomTM and DemocracyTM!


Trump was launching World War III upon China on the illusion that it could be “contained” within the South China Sea, and “managed” properly. And the accumulation of all this anti-China activities resulted in the largest Naval armada in the history of the world plopping themselves off the Chinese coast and threatening China, Chinese trade, and Chinese lives. It included a vast flotilla of hunter-killer subs threatening all the shipping traffic, and daily flights of B-1 bombers and stealth aircraft with nuclear weapons probing Chinese air space.

Luckily a hot war didn’t happen.

The armada steamed home, and Trump sacked his Secretary of Defense for…

…<no one knows>…

… but WE know. Don’t we?

What’s up next.

This entire affair is not over by a long-shot.

But at least the crazy psychopath and his small army of neoconservatives are being displaced by better and more sensible professionals. And still, we at MM are the outliers. My opinion of this matter does not agree with the American media narrative.

Which pretty much means that it is correct.

The American media narrative is that Biden will be "tougher" on China than Trumps war-loving, killing-frenzy, neocons were. That's right! Biden is going to be tougher on China.

How is that even possible?


The true situation is something that the American citizen-serf- cattle are never let in on. The real truth is that the Biden administration will consider…

  • China as an economic competitor to the USA.
  • Russia as a military threat to the USA.
Biden and Xi Peng have known each other for decades.


Of course, the hawkish neocons who still control the mainstream and alternative media are doing everything that they can to portray Biden as harder and harsher on China than trump. I’m not personally clear on the reasoning. Maybe it’s hope, or maybe it’s desperation in trying to secure or maintain some kind of control.

What ever, here’s a pretty good write-up on MoA about the actual Biden Presidency and what to expect in regards to China. And no, you won’t find this narrative in any of the three main American “news” outlets…


Oh, the narrative about “us vs. them” is going to continue all right. America needs an outside enemy to direct it’s frustration and anger towards. Perhaps you know what I am talking about. If you don’t read George Orwell’s book “1984” and refer to the Geo-political issues as described in that masterpiece.

The book is set in 1984 in Oceania, one of three perpetually warring  totalitarian states (the other two are Eurasia and Eastasia). 

Oceania is  governed by the all-controlling Party, which has brainwashed the  population into unthinking obedience to its leader, Big Brother. The  Party has created a propagandistic language known as Newspeak, which is designed to limit free thought and promote the Party’s doctrines. Its words include doublethink  (belief in contradictory ideas simultaneously), which is reflected in  the Party’s slogans: “War is peace,” “Freedom is slavery,” and  “Ignorance is strength.” The Party maintains control through the Thought  Police and continual surveillance.

-Nineteen Eighty-four | Summary, Characters, Analysis ...

You all can consider the following Geo-Political alignments…

  • USA = Oceania
  • Russia = Eurasia
  • China = Eastasia
There are three major powers in the world right now.
USA = (Oceania) Oligarchy controlled military empire running amok. Populated by an intentionally dumbed down, weakened society, of work serfs. Military operations are the norm, and America is military empire with over 800+ military bases all over the globe, and currently fighting 8 hot wars. Americans view it as a normal occurrence, being in a state of war. Military is geared towards offensive conventional weapon operations outside the USA in far away lands.
Russia = (Eurasia) Fierce, pissed off people, who do not want another War where they are positioned within a defensive posture. They will NEVER allow that situation, a replay of World War II to reoccur. Russia suffered horribly during it, and Russians have never forgotten. Military is geared to preventative operations at a large and harsh scale.
China = (Eastasia) Old, smart, intelligent, and diligent. Does not want war, but will respond in a measured manner. On their terms. Using their timing. Planed for their advantage. Any attack on China will have an equal measured response within the continental United States. Military is geared towards responsive operations.
George Orwell


You will see the anti-China propaganda to decrease substantially and sharply, as it is already doing. And you will see a rise of anti-Russia propaganda. And I watch all this as an educated observer, and it horrifies me.

  • Firstly, because the lead up for war with China was so effective. Most Americans now hate China and support the idea of a (far off) war in the distant South China Sea. They actually believe that China would take the hits and not retaliate. They actually believe that it can be “contained” in a far away land. And now, soon it will change to Russia with a (supposedly) far-off war in Eastern Europe.
  • Secondly, that the ignorance of what China is, and what it is truly capable of is ignored, as it is discounted by most of the West. Which pretty much is the general American attitude of all other nations. And that is magnified by a factor of ten with Russia.
  • Thirdly, that the lead up for a war with China pretty much parallels what happened in the lead up to World War II. And we can expect it to be duplicated with Russia. So buckle up. Yeah. It’s not over yet.

Now, from my point of view, the activities will be directed towards Russia instead of China.


Russia? Seriously?

Russia is hard core.

Because while both China and Russia are serious, nuclear armed, nations run on merit and ability, they are also students of history and DO NOT PLAY.

China conducts Geo-Political actions using a "defensive policy". Meaning "tit for tat" responses. 

So, if the USA military tries to destroy their latest VTOL carrier...

...two months later the US VTOL carrier USS Bonhomme Richard catches fire and is completely destroyed. 

China always (so far, at least) responds to American aggression in a similar, and measured, manner.

But Russia is different. Russia conducts Geo-Political actions using a "preemptive offensive policy". Meaning that if a build up towards war becomes evident, they will unleash unholy nuclear armageddon upon the United States.

And why is this? Why is Russia like this, and why won’t they respond to American aggression like China has?

The answer lies in the differences in culture and society.

During the last two decades, the notion of krutói (“tough”, “hard  nut”, “smart”) became very central for the Russian definition of success. But  even though the meaning is new (krutói means originally “steep” or  “hard-boiled”), the concept is centuries-long. In it, you can find  something in common with the religious search for purity, or the  American obsession with self-help and self-improvement. But the starting  point is different.
It’s the eternal Russian admiration of power. Our universe is choke  full with predators—some benign, but many not—cruising and looking for  prey in competition with each other. It’s about where in the food chain  you want to place yourself.
Topping from bottom
No one insists on depredation. But this world is not for the fragile.  Even if your meek predisposition or your charitable ethics command you  to linger on the very bottom, it pays to be krutói. You can duck, you  can run, you can hide, you can talk your way out of trouble—the better  you do it, the longer you last.
As a Russian, this is a quest nothing can exonerate you from. Ever  wondered why spoken Russian sounds so tough, our ladies look so  gorgeous, and the men act so macho in online forums? Here’s your answer.
No one knows what kind of riches waits for us at the end of this  quest. Yet, if you one day find yourself reincarnated somewhere in  Russia, expect everyone telling you in a zillion ways to pull up your britches and beating your ego into shape.

So, not only is China a serious, studious, thoughtful measured nation, but Russia is a nation of hard-core chomping at the bit, leather clad, biker types. I really don’t think that America is ready to tangle with them.

Tony Soprano and the gang.
America is not ready to take on Russia. They, like China, DOES NOT PLAY.


To this, I will add…

As soon as the USA ramps up the “fever” of war for the American populations, you can well expect Russia (and possibly China) to preemptively strike America with a double-tap nuclear salvo.

And why do I believe this?

Because I, like the leaders of both Russia and China, read history.

Military comparisons between Chinese and American military.
China compared to America.

Pre-war preparations for World War II by Adolf Hitler and his cabal of Nazi-cons.

To really get an appreciation about what is going on…

And this is really what is going on, the United States is a bloated, sick, wounded, and terrified monstrous military empire in it's death throes, and tamping and threatening everyone around it.

And the global oligarchy is doing it's darnedest to limit the future carnage to the geographic United States least the entire world is destroyed in the process.

… we need to simply reread history. And I am not talking about boring stuff like names, dates and times, but rather the entire picture and the entire scope of the issues at hand. Let’s see how World War II started from the point of view of Hitler and his small collection of Nazi-cons sitting in Berlin.

Everyone who tried to fuck with Russia failed, and their nations were forever vanquished afterwards.

  • Napoleon and France.
  • Germany and Hitler.
  • America with Biden.

The following is a reprint of an Article on the warfare history network. All credit to the authors and the site. It was not edited except to fit this venue.

The decision to invade Poland was one in a series of risky moves that led to World War II.

By Christopher Miskimon

Historians often compare Adolf Hitler to a gambler. He kept making risky bets that paid off time and again—until they didn’t. Poland was one example because it led to general war. What brought Hitler to take this risk? With the benefit of hindsight it is seen as enormous, but what did the situation look like to the German Führer and his closest advisers at the time? The popular modern view of Hitler is that of a raving lunatic, screaming at subordinates while pushing phantom armies around a map in his bunker. While he deserves every negative epithet given him, he did not decide all his strategic and operational decisions from mad, angry rants. In the years leading to World War II there were numerous events that took him down the road from a promise to rebuild the nation to inevitable conflict. However skewed, there was method to his madness, which came close to paying off in the early years of the fighting. The war officially began with the Nazi invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, but numerous factors led to this attack.

Logic, Planning, Revenge: Why Hitler Targeted Poland

While many of the calculations for war were based on some modicum of logic and reasoned planning, revenge, the basest of human emotions, played its part. German humiliation over the conditions placed upon the nation at the end of World War I had not abated in the two decades since the conflict ended. Over time the mass emotional reaction to the treaty stipulations became a festering sore among the population. This wound was ripe for exploitation by the Nazi propaganda machine during the party’s rise to power.

The Treaty of Versailles imposed severe restrictions on the German military. The ground forces were limited in size to 100,000 troops in 10 divisions, including 4,000 officers. The Army could be used only for the “internal maintenance of order” and defense. Also prohibited were staples of the German military system, such as a general staff, most officer training schools, and any sort of reserves or paramilitary groups.  Additionally, tanks and heavy weapons were denied. Chemical weapons were expressly forbidden. Defensive positions along the east bank of the Rhine River had to be demolished for a distance of 50 kilometers from the riverbank. The west bank was similarly denuded of defenses. This left the country defenseless against attack.

The humiliation of Versailles went beyond just military limitations. Germany lost land to Poland and France. The French received Alsace-Lorraine, lost decades before during the Franco-Prussian War of 1871. The “Polish Corridor,” a strip of land given to Poland granting it access to the Baltic Sea, meant East Prussia was now physically separate from the rest of the country. The formerly German city of Danzig was made a “Free City,” controlled by the Poles despite its largely German population. All of Germany’s overseas colonies and territories were transferred to other nations. Last was a crushing debt of reparations, equivalent to billions of dollars today. (Read more about the conflicts and events that led to the Second World War inside the pages of WWII History magazine.) 

The cumulative effect of the treaty requirements created a sense of injustice among the German populace, which the Nazis were all too willing to use in their grab for power. The party came into power on a promise to right the wrongs of Versailles and make Germany strong again. Germany suffered many internal troubles throughout the 1920s and early 30s, something the German people remembered. Once national power was restored in the late 1930s, it became a natural, brutal progression to use that power against nations that had taken German lands. The Polish Corridor stood out in particular; regaining it meant reconnecting East Prussia to Germany proper.

During the 1930s, the German armed forces undertook an extensive and mostly clandestine rearmament program. In this photo of the period, German soldiers ride in a wagon which is towing a wooden antitank gun.

With revenge in mind, the next step for Hitler was rearmament. This was the key prerequisite for any resurgence of Germany as a major power. Even before Hitler began rearmament in late 1933, the military had been secretly preparing for a fast expansion through a combination of training, liberal interpretation of the treaty restrictions, and secret weapons development projects. This allowed the Nazis to quickly create a massive military machine, faster than Germany’s opponents thought possible.

Initial steps included rebuilding the German arms industry so it could produce the necessary weapons. The plans for fast wartime expansion of the Army were instead applied to peacetime growth. The first increase was to 300,000 troops in 21 divisions. This program was to be finished by 1937, but Hitler advanced this timetable to the fall of 1934, barely a year later. During this period Hitler began to consolidate his power, moving against men like Ernst Röhm, the leader of the Nazi Party’s paramilitary arm, the Sturmabteilung (SA). He also absorbed the powers of the military commander in chief when the German President Paul von Hindenburg died in August 1934. Afterward German soldiers and sailors were required to swear an oath of allegiance to Hitler personally, a throwback to the oath given the kaiser during the imperial period. By the end of 1934, German Army strength reached 240,000.

On March 16, 1935, Hitler publicly rejected the Versailles Treaty and ordered a further expansion of the army to 36 divisions under a new defense law. Conscription was also reintroduced. Within two months another law created the Luftwaffe. The conscription program created a large pool of trained manpower, something the Germans lacked due to Versailles. Changes at the command level also made the German military more effective. The Reichswehr was renamed the Wehrmacht, with the three branches called the Heer (army), Kriegsmarine (navy), and Luftwaffe (air force). The general staff was rebuilt, and Hitler was solidly placed as the military’s supreme commander. Generals who disagreed with Hitler were retired or removed through scandal or accusations of misconduct. The Führer created a modern, powerful force completely under his control.

While this buildup was touted as smooth and organized with Teutonic efficiency, the process was difficult. German industry needed time to create modern weapons, most of which were only designs on a drawing board. Raw materials, trained labor, and factory capacity were insufficient to provide for all three services’ needs. The navy took a back seat to the Army and air force. This decision made sense because Germany’s primary opponents bordered the nation, rendering a powerful fleet unnecessary in the short term.

Making it Up as they Go: The Rapid Expansion of the Nazi German Army

Building on its secret experiments, the Army started an ambitious program for armored vehicles, but they were learning as they went. The first models were lightly armed and armored vehicles, which would later prove inferior to enemy tanks, though the Germans usually handled theirs better. Without making sacrifices elsewhere, it was impossible to build as many vehicles and artillery pieces as were needed. Hitler was unwilling to strain the peacetime German economy, so production rates were kept low.

The rapid expansion also placed a strain on personnel. There were not enough qualified officers and NCOs to fill all the required billets. Fast promotions and the recall of World War I veterans alleviated these problems, but only to a limited extent. Many of the veterans were getting too old for field service and needed refresher training. Many officers were lost to the newly formed Luftwaffe, and many staff officers for air units were ground forces men untrained and inexperienced in air operations. Another quick solution was to militarize entire police units to capitalize on the training and discipline of their NCOs and officers.

In a bold and risky maneuver, Hitler ordered German troops into the Rhineland in the spring of 1936. Hitler’s generals feared the aggressive move would spark French military intervention.

Despite these difficulties, rearmament did produce results. By October 1937, the army reached an active strength of 39 divisions in 14 corps, including three panzer and four motorized divisions. There were 29 divisions in reserve with more of their soldiers having recent training through the conscription program. In 1938, a dozen more divisions, including two panzer and four motorized, were also formed along with 22 more reserve divisions. Some of these units came from the absorption of the Austrian Army, which occurred that year. Further expansion occurred in 1939.

Possessing a powerful army gave Hitler options in the expansionist risks he took. Like many Germans, he sought revenge for perceived injustices. For the Führer the scales could only be balanced through war, and a strong military made war feasible, even desirable, as it would prove Germany was again formidable and to be respected. By 1939, the Army had 102 divisions, half of them active. Total strength was around 1.8 million troops. While there were still shortages in certain types of weapons and equipment, the Nazi propaganda machine had done its work, and these shortcomings were not apparent. Foreign observers saw a formidable modern force, and Hitler was happy to let them believe that image.

Prior to the Polish Crisis, Germany had gotten extensive practice in territorial acquisition, though without war. Instead, political maneuvering and bluff achieved Nazi goals up to that point. There was tension; war clouds loomed over Europe for several years before September 1939. However, until then each crisis had been resolved in Germany’s favor, a winning streak that increased confidence within the Reich in its own ability and the moral cowardice of its opponents. Hitler was susceptible to a gambler’s faith in a winning streak, and this was a factor in the Nazi invasion of Poland.

The Saar, 1935: Nazi Aggression Takes its First Steps

The Third Reich’s first success came in the Saar in 1935. This region of Germany was placed under Anglo-French occupation and control in 1920 for a period of 15 years. The Saar was an industrial center and contained coal fields that were given to France. A commission oversaw the territory until 1935, when a plebiscite was held to determine what would happen to the area. The situation was a reminder of German defeat in World War I and another territory stripped from the nation despite the ethnically German citizens in residence.

Jubilant young Austrian citizens cheer the news that their country has been annexed by Nazi Germany and is now a part of the Third Reich. Hitler coerced Austrian leaders into accepting the union, which was completed in March 1938.

Once the Nazis came to power in 1933, large numbers of Germans who opposed their rule moved to the Saar precisely to escape them. Over the next two years, as the plebiscite grew near, these opponents of Hitler’s regime campaigned to have the region remain under French occupation. The Führer had other plans, as regaining the Saar would be a propaganda victory for his government. He directed Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels to conduct a media campaign aimed at swaying the populace to vote for return to the Reich. When the vote came in January 1935, over 90 percent of the voters chose to return to Germany. On March 1 the Saar became German again. With German reoccupation came the arrest of those considered to have collaborated with the French government and Nazi opponents who had fled there previously. Regaining the Saar was a first step for Nazi aggression.

The following year Hitler went further and reoccupied the Rhineland. The demilitarization of the area was stipulated in the Versailles Treaty and made permanent in the Locarno Treaty of 1925, which sought to normalize relations between various European powers. The Rhineland was occupied by Allied troops until 1935 under the terms of the treaty. In actuality these troops were withdrawn by 1930. Over the next five years, as the Nazis came to power and more openly disregarded the Versailles Treaty, German reoccupation of the Rhineland became an expected development, calculated to cause a crisis.

Hitler’s Annexation Gambles in the Rhineland, Austria, and the Sudetenland 

In early 1936 Hitler gambled and sent a small force into the demilitarized zone. Hitler knew there was a possibility of war but deemed it minimal; when War Minister Field Marshal Werner Von Blomberg expressed his fears, Hitler told him German troops would be withdrawn if French forces entered the Rhineland. The Reich went ahead with the move on March 7, 1936, sending a handful of infantry battalions into the Rhineland, where they joined local police and prepared for a French counterattack, planning a fighting withdrawal if necessary. When French troops stayed on their side of the border, Hitler’s confidence was bolstered, and he ordered the troops to stay. 

Two years later Hitler made more moves that consolidated his nation’s position even further and reinforced his belief in the moral cowardice of the Western powers. In March 1938, Germany annexed Austria, incorporating its military into the Reich. There was a small pro-Nazi movement within Austria that was agitating for integration with Germany. This movement was suppressed by the Austrian government, which believed most Austrians wanted nothing to do with Hitler. On March 9, Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg announced a plebiscite to allow voters to state their preference about integration with Germany.

30th September 1938: British prime minister Neville Chamberlain (1869 – 1940) making his ‘peace in our time’ address at Heston Airport on his return from Munich. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)

The Nazi propaganda machine went into full swing, announcing riots in Austria and unfair rules for the vote to sway the decision against integration. It claimed the uproar was a plea by Austrians for Germany to enter Austria and restore order. On March 12, Wehrmacht troops crossed the border, meeting no opposition. Hitler himself entered Austria that evening. Within days the union of Germany and Austria, known as the Anschluss, was announced. Hitler had once again increased German power without a war.

The second Nazi move of 1938 was the annexation of the Sudetenland. This event, the result of an agreement meant to maintain peace, was a major step toward the conflict to come. After obtaining Austria with such relative ease, Hitler turned his gaze toward the north-northwestern area of Czechoslovakia, a region known as the Sudetenland. Many ethnic Germans lived in this area, making it a good target for expansion. The usual propaganda claims were made, stating the Czech government was abusing ethnic Germans within its borders.

The Czechs prepared for war, but no one else did. Hitler met with representatives of Britain, France, and Italy in Munich during late September. There, he obtained an agreement from those powers to give the Sudetenland to Germany. Without support, Czechoslovakia had little choice but to acquiesce. German troops entered the Sudetenland to the applause of its Germanic populace.

Following the annexation of the Sudetenland, German troops eventually occupied all of neighboring Czechoslovakia. On March 15, 1939, German forces rolled through the streets of the Czech capital of Prague. Some Czech citizens offered the Nazi salute; others were determined to resist.

Supposedly this was Germany’s last territorial demand; returning from Munich, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain made his now infamous statement of having achieved “peace with honour” and “peace in our time.” That peace lasted less than six months; on March 15, 1939, the Wehrmacht marched into the rest of Czechoslovakia. Appeasement had failed, and Hitler had Poland in his sights. With Czech territory in German hands, a Nazi invasion of Poland could proceed from both the west and south, making that nation’s defense more difficult.

Planning the Nazi Invasion of Poland

The Polish Crisis began 10 days after the Nazis took Czechoslovakia. Hitler ordered the Wehrmacht High Command (Oberkommando Der Wehrmacht, OKW) to prepare a military campaign against Poland. He tried obtaining concessions from the Poles regarding Danzig and the Polish Corridor, including threats of military action. The efforts proved futile as the Poles refused to give in. Both sides began aggressive propaganda campaigns, with the Nazis claiming Polish atrocities against Germans in the corridor area.

Given his string of successes, Hitler was willing to gamble on Poland, although the situation in 1939 was worse than in earlier years. Unlike at Munich, there was no agreement with France and Great Britain for a resolution, and previous German actions had destroyed trust in Hitler’s word. The Third Reich’s racist policies and actions were also turning world opinion against it. Other members of Hitler’s civilian and military hierarchy were unwilling to express resistance to his plans. The Nazi leader had decided on another risky gamble, and with his absolute control there was no one to stop him.

With the decision made, a plan had to be created. During April 1939, OKW issued its annual directive to the armed forces. Within it was Fall Weiss (Case White). The plan was introduced with a statement from Hitler himself describing current relations with Poland. It required the German military to be prepared to attack by September 1. The plan stressed surprise. Mobilization would not take place until just before the actual invasion. Only regular Army units would be used at first, since calling up reserves would alert the Poles.

These active units would be secretly moved into assembly areas along the frontier before being ordered into their jumping-off points. The Army could also attack from Czech territory. There were also arrangements for defending the border with France, the Baltic Sea area, and German airspace. All this would effectively isolate Poland from her Western supporters until it was too late.

On April 28, Hitler nullified the German non-aggression treaty with Poland and demanded resolution on the Danzig issue. German operatives were sent into Danzig, where they attacked a customs house and tore down Polish flags. Polish actions against ethnic Germans were given wide press coverage. There was a Nazi faction in Danzig, and it clamored for return to Germany. This was the beginning of a months-long campaign to pave the way for German goals, with or without war.

Diplomatic Machinations and Nazi Propaganda 

Over the following months further diplomatic machinations took place. On May 22, a pact was signed with Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, taking pressure off Germany’s southern flank. However, Hitler assured Mussolini there would be no war, and the Italians made no promise of military support. This kept Italy from the Allied camp and threatened France’s and Britain’s Mediterranean holdings. Hitler also received visits from the leaders of Yugoslavia, Hungary, and Bulgaria. These affairs were accompanied by extravagant displays of German military power, with scores of aircraft roaring overhead or hundreds of tanks clanking past.

Fully equipped for aggressive action, German troops, who appear to be fresh and not yet bloodied by fighting, march along a road in Poland. Although German and Soviet troops had completed their seizure of Polish territory in a matter of weeks, the campaign was more costly than some senior commanders had envisioned.

A major victory for the Nazis was the rapprochement with the Soviet Union. The British and French were seeking a tacit alliance with the Soviets as a counterbalance to Germany, but this new development quashed that hope. Russia and Germany secretly negotiated an agreement for respective spheres of influence. The Soviets would have a free hand in Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia along with eastern Poland. In exchange, Germany would regain Danzig, the Polish Corridor, and western Poland.

Openly, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was a non-aggression treaty between the nations. This was a surprise development as the Nazis were staunchly anti-communist. Both Hitler and Stalin still expected eventual war; the Soviets expected conflict as early as 1944. While war would come much sooner with the German invasion on June 22, 1941, in August 1939 the issue seemed settled.

The Polish Crisis came to a head in August. The Germans placed more pressure on Poland over Danzig and the corridor, with civil disturbances taking place. The Poles stood firm, bolstered by assurances of support from France and Britain. On August 12-13, Italian Foreign Minister Count Galeazzo Ciano met with Hitler to discuss a diplomatic solution. Italy did not want its ally going to war; the nation was still recovering from its campaigns in Albania, Ethiopia, and Spain and was not ready to fight the French and British. The Italian military needed time to modernize its forces and did not expect to be ready until 1942. Hitler, confident in his course, would not be swayed. Ciano felt the Germans had breached their agreement, but there was little to be done.

On August 17, the Nazis enacted their scheme to justify invasion. The Wehrmacht supplied Polish Army uniforms to operatives commanded by senior SS officer Reinhard Heydrich to create incidents of Polish attacks on German soil. Hitler addressed his military leaders about the issue on August 22, admitting an incident would be “arranged.” The morality of such an act was irrelevant; only victory mattered. He thought it unlikely the British and French would intervene, and if they did they could not reinforce Poland directly. If war came, Germany would win. Hitler also mentioned the impending treaty with the Soviets, which was signed the next day. The speech ended with a statement of belief that the Wehrmacht could carry out any order successfully.

When the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact became public on August 23, it seemed war was inevitable. Hitler ordered the attack to begin on August 26. The next day the British sent Poland a written guarantee that Britain and France would come to its aid if Germany invaded. When he learned of the move, Hitler rescinded his attack order and engaged in a last-minute move to forestall the involvement of the Western Allies. He promised to respect the current borders with France and to support the British. This offer did not impress either nation, which had no reason to trust such promises. Negotiations were essentially broken off.

Nazi Germany Declares War on Poland

On August 31, Hitler signed the order for the Nazi invasion of Poland, to begin the next morning at 4:45. At 8 pm on the night before the invasion, Germans in Polish uniforms “captured” a German radio station in Silesia. A broadcast in Polish announced an attack on Germany. Soon German police subdued the “attackers.” Casualties were found dressed in Polish uniforms, but they were actually condemned German criminals. Within hours the full might of the Wehrmacht was thrown against the Poles.

German armored forces in PzKpfw. I and PzKpfw. II tanks pause momentarily along a muddy road somewhere in Poland.

When the invasion of Poland came, the Wehrmacht pursued a plan to envelop and destroy the Polish Army west of the Vistula and Narew Rivers. The main blow came from Army Group South under Generaloberst Gerd Von Rundstedt, striking northeast out of Silesia toward Warsaw. A secondary thrust would come from occupied Czechoslovakia to handle Polish troops in Galicia. Generaloberst Fedor von Bock’s Army Group North would strike east through the Polish Corridor to link with East Prussia. That done, Bock would then advance on Warsaw from the north.

Polish plans were for a forward defense in western Poland. This was required; much of the Polish Army was made up of ethnic Poles who lived in the western part of the nation. They would need time to mobilize. A quick defense would hopefully also draw Britain and France into the war sooner. It was an imperfect plan, as it allowed the Poles to be decisively engaged early in the fighting. Polish units would also have to cover more territory than was prudent. Combined with Allied underestimation of Germany’s new army and tactics, it was a recipe for defeat, though in fairness the Poles were in a bad position no matter what plans they enacted.

Despite all the mobilizations and signs, the attack was a tactical surprise for the Poles. The Luftwaffe commenced bombing while the old German battleship Schleswig-Holstein began shelling the Polish fortress at Westerplatte. The Polish Navy was attacked and would be effectively destroyed within a few days. The advancing ground troops swept aside a few Polish patrols and border guards and moved into Poland itself. Paramilitary troops from both sides engaged in a vicious struggle for Danzig.

German armored spearheads raced across Poland, trapping large numbers of Polish troops. Simultaneously, Luftwaffe aircraft destroyed many planes of the Polish Air Force on the ground.

The Polish Corridor was defended by two infantry divisions and a cavalry brigade. The German 4th Army attacked, and the Polish cavalry fought a series of delaying actions, including a raid that resulted in a cavalry charge against a surprised German infantry battalion. They were only beaten off with the arrival of a few armored cars. The next day Italian war correspondents were brought to the scene. They reported being told the Polish cavalrymen had been killed while charging German panzers. The story took hold of the popular imagination until it became an accepted reality, but the tale is just a myth.

As 4th Army hit the Polish Corridor, 3rd Army advanced out of East Prussia toward Warsaw. Two corps attacked but ran into the Mlawa Line, a fortified zone guarding the obvious route of attack. The Germans tried to outflank the position, but swamps secured both flanks, bogging down the effort after several assaults failed. The Polish Mazowiecka Cavalry Brigade met the German 1st Cavalry Brigade along the Ulatkowka River. Engagements between mounted patrols soon led to heavy dismounted combat. By sunset of the first day of the war, 3rd Army was stopped cold.

POLISH ARMY MANOEUVRES NEAR FRONTIER. DANZIG COUP EXPECTED. 18.4.39. Polish army manoeuvres are now being carried out near the German frontier, and cavalry regiments are being called up. – Polish circles in Berlin state that Poland is ready to fire her guns if spontaneous actions occur in Danzig. O.P.S. A long column of Polish tanks during manoeuvres near the frontier. Anm. Nazityskland invaderade Polen 1 september 1939. Manöver Förberedelser Tanks Kolonn På rad Larvfötter CD520 sites: POLEN

Making the main effort, Army Group South saw extensive action, particularly with its 8th and 10th Armies in Silesia. They intended to strike against the Polish Armies Lodz and Krakow, get over the Warta River, and cut off enemy forces in western Poland. Afterward they would advance on Warsaw. These two Wehrmacht formations contained many of the German armored and mechanized divisions.

Initially fighting was light since the Polish defenses were 20 miles behind the border. The worst fighting took place when the 4th Panzer Division attacked the Wolynska Cavalry Brigade at the village of Mokra. The horsemen were assisted by an armored train, while the Germans had trouble coordinating their tanks and infantry. A Stuka raid succeeded in destroying Polish supplies and killing many of their horses, but the cavalrymen held firm. High casualties forced them to finally retreat at sunset, with German tanks hounding them. Meanwhile, Army Krakow suffered badly, its 7th Infantry Division being cut off and overwhelmed by several German divisions. The fortified city of Katowice fared better, however, limiting German success. The rear areas were threatened by guerrilla units of ethnic Germans formed by German intelligence before the war.

Advancing from Slovakia, the 22nd Panzer Corps got around the Polish border units manning the Dunajec Line, forcing Army Krakow to deploy its 10th Mechanized Brigade. The attack was stopped only when the Polish 6th Infantry Division was also committed. Two German mountain divisions attacked across the Carpathian Mountains against Army Karpaty, but the terrain kept them from making any gains.

Heroic Polish cavalrymen ride toward the sounds of battle. Some stories of Polish lancers attacking German tanks emerged after the campaign ended. These remain a topic of debate.

The Luftwaffe tried to destroy the Polish Air Force on the ground, but most of it was already dispersed to auxiliary fields. Despite more myths, only 24 Polish combat aircraft were destroyed on the ground during the entire campaign, though many trainers and unserviceable planes were destroyed. The Luftwaffe also hit railways and important roads in preplanned attacks. Also contrary to legend, the Germans were not yet capable of hasty close air support missions. In the days to come more planned targets were hit, and Polish troop movements were successfully interdicted, hampering the mobilization of reserves. A few close air support missions were attempted late in the campaign.

This photo has been reproduced countless times during the decades since World War II but has lost none of its poignancy. A 10-year-old girl weeps over the body of her older sister, who has just been killed during a German air raid near Warsaw.

A bombing attack on Warsaw took heavy losses to the fighters of the Polish Pursuit Brigade on the first day of the war, but Luftwaffe numerical superiority enabled repeated strikes and by September 6 the Polish unit had lost 70 percent of its fighters, forcing its withdrawal. The rest of the Polish fighter strength was used up in the skies over the main fighting, inflicting at least 126 losses on the Germans. Polish bomber crews flew bravely against the advancing German armies but likewise suffered terribly for little effect.   

Back in the north, the Wehrmacht continued advancing along the corridor while Polish forces withdrew southward, leaving the Westerplatte garrison cut off. In the Tuchola Forest, the 3rd Panzer Division managed to cross the Brda River. Two German divisions also advanced west down the corridor from East Prussia, nearly trapping the Polish units between them. Only one Polish division was able to escape the encirclement on September 3. The Germans kept up pressure on the Mlawa Line, finally starting to outflank it. The beleaguered Polish cavalry was reinforced with the 8th Infantry Division but could not hold the line any longer. By the next day the Mlawa defenders and the remaining Poles not encircled in Pomerania were ordered to withdraw to the Vistula Line.

During the night of September 2, the Polish Podlaska Cavalry Brigade conducted a raid into East Prussia, the only Polish attack on German territory. It withdrew after some skirmishes with German militia. The Polish 20th Infantry continued manning the Mlawa Line to allow their comrades to withdraw. It was soon surrounded but continued to resist. Army Modlin tried to hold at the town of the same name, but German river crossing operations threatened the Polish position. After a failed counterattack, the Poles withdrew again across the San River. Another Polish garrison tried to delay the Germans at Modlin but was also surrounded by the advancing Nazis.

German Junkers Ju-87 Stuka dive bombers fly in formation above the Polish countryside. During the blitzkrieg, these planes acted as flying artillery, striking deep behind enemy lines to disrupt supply and communications, inflict casualties on troop concentrations, and spread terror among Polish civilians.

The German army groups now began their encirclement of Army Poznan in western Poland. Army Poznan’s commander, General Tadeusz Kutrzeba, asked to attack the German 8th Army, the northern formation of Army Group South. He was refused permission by Marshal Edward Rydz-Smigly, supreme Polish commander, who feared the unit would be destroyed; he wanted to avoid a decisive battle west of the Vistula. Sadly, the Germans were vulnerable on this flank and feared just such an attack.

The Polish 7th Division, decimated earlier, was mauled again by the 1st Panzer Division and several infantry units as the Germans exploited the gap between the Polish Armies Lodz and Krakow. This fighting enabled the German 10th Army, with its heavy armored contingent, to move toward Warsaw. The tanks struck out across flat farmland through the heart of Poland. The Polish units south of this exploitation withdrew skillfully, delaying the 2nd Panzer Division and maintaining their cohesion.

Polish infantrymen execute field maneuvers during peacetime exercises in April 1939, just five months before World War II erupted in Europe. The Poles fought back on two fronts but were conquered by the Germans from the west and the Soviets from the east.

The panzer divisions made for Warsaw directly toward the Polish Army Prusy, which had been placed there in expectation that the Germans would advance from that direction. Containing three infantry divisions and a cavalry brigade, this army also had a small force of tanks to defend against the panzers bearing down on them. The 1st and 4th Panzer Divisions quickly made for Piotrkow, where they were met by Polish infantry and the 2nd Tank Battalion with its 7TP light tanks. The Polish tankers fought well, knocking out 33 German armored vehicles, but since they were not concentrated their efforts had no lasting effect.

Meanwhile, the German 10th Army pushed back Army Krakow to Kielce by September 5, further opening the path to Warsaw.  General Kutrzeba again asked to attack the German flank but was refused. That evening Marshal Rydz-Smigly ordered all four engaged Polish armies—Poznan, Prusy, Lodz and Krakow—to withdraw to the Vistula.

The Germans noticed the Polish moves; Rundstedt and other field commanders realized what was happening and asked to penetrate deeper to encircle the Poles. OKW still worried about a French attack in the west, however, and delayed. It took until September 9, when it was becoming obvious the French were not moving quickly, for the high command to change its mind. Meanwhile, the Poles continued retreating to the Vistula. Rydz-Smigly became worried that the fast-moving Germans would cut off his forces and decided to move his headquarters forward to Brzesc. This location was not able to handle the level of communications needed, and the move proved a major error as the high command could not effectively communicate with units in the field.

The fast-moving German units were easily outdistancing the Polish forces now; time and again Polish troops reached a position only to find German tanks behind them. The gap between Army Prusy and Army Lodz was the worst, with the 1st and 4th Panzer Divisions pushing ever deeper toward Warsaw. Other German forces were moving through the Polish Corridor for another offensive. General Bock was allowed to push his troops down the east bank of the Vistula to endanger the Poles defending along that line. 

Captured Polish soldiers are marched toward temporary camps after surrendering to the advancing Germans. Many Polish troops were cut off and forced to capitulate as the German armored spearheads moved rapidly toward their objectives.

With the Germans closing on Warsaw, Marshal Rydz-Smigly finally began to consider the counterattack General Kutrzeba was suggesting, hoping to relieve pressure on Army Lodz and allow the Poles time to reorganize around Warsaw and the Vistula River. The counterattack came along the Bzura River on September 9; the Germans were still aware of the vulnerability of their flank but were lulled by bad intelligence reports and the lack of Polish movement up to this point. Three Polish infantry divisions (14th, 17th, and 25th) attacked the German 24th and 30th Infantry Divisions. A pair of Polish cavalry brigades guarded the flanks of the advance. The initial fighting was heavy, but the Poles threw in their reserves supported by armor and turned the tide. Both German divisions fell back; the 30th lost more than 1,500 as prisoners by September 10. The Poles were finally striking back.

Rundstedt remained calm and ordered the 1st and 4th Panzer Divisions to turn west from the outskirts of Warsaw and begin encircling Army Poznan. He hoped to cut off and destroy this large concentration of enemy troops. Other units were also rushed to the area, establishing numerical superiority. Within two days the Polish offensive was done, and Kutrzeba was ordered to break through to the south toward the Romanian border. However, his command was now badly outnumbered, nine Polish divisions with two cavalry brigades against 19 German divisions, of which five were armored or mechanized.

Kutrzeba understood his predicament and instead moved eastward. The Germans attacked, but the fighting proved difficult until air support arrived. On September 16, some 820 Luftwaffe planes attacked along with the 16th Panzer Corps on the ground. By that evening Kutrzeba ordered his troops to try and escape the pocket through a gap at Sochaczew. Elements of two divisions and two cavalry brigades made it out, but 120,000 Poles were taken prisoner when the Bzura Pocket capitulated on September 18. Both Army Poznan and Army Pomorze were destroyed. Their sacrifice had delayed the German advance on Warsaw and allowed their comrades to prepare better defenses, but the price was staggering.

The Polish command was operating in confusion as stragglers and partially mobilized units began arriving, not knowing where to go. The Polish leadership within Warsaw decided to make a stand and defend the city. Since Rundstedt’s Army Group South was still fighting at Bzura, Army Group North attacked the city on September 15. It was led by the German 3rd Army, which had troops on both banks of the Vistula. The Germans entered the suburbs of the city and engaged in heavy fighting, but since Warsaw was not yet surrounded some Polish troops were still filtering in. After September 21, the Germans finished mopping up the Bzura Pocket and redistributed divisions to surround Warsaw. Army Group South spread out along the south and west sides of the city.

German and Soviet troops met near the city of Brest-Litovsk and celebrated their successful military victory in Poland. Hitler and Soviet Premier Josef Stalin had secretly agreed to partition Poland once their conquest was complete.

The Soviet Union Moves in, Sealing Poland’s Fate

On September 17, Polish fortunes reached a new low when the Soviet Union moved into Poland with 41 divisions and 12 tank brigades totaling over 466,000 troops. Some Poles expected the Soviets might be coming to assist them, but those hopes were quickly dashed. Most of the Polish Army was fighting to the west, leaving only token border troops on the eastern frontier. On average, there was one Polish battalion against a Soviet corps. There was some fighting, mostly skirmishing, but all real hope was now lost. Marshal Rydz-Smigly ordered all Polish units to make for the Romanian border.

On September 23, the Germans began their first attempt to take Warsaw, supported by 1,000 field guns, but few gains were made. The Poles were resisting fiercely. On September 25, another attack came with both artillery and air bombardment. Known as “Black Monday,” the city was pelted with bombs and shells. Even German Junkers Ju-52 transport planes were pressed into service, dropping many incendiary bombs. There was so much smoke that target identification was almost impossible, and many Luftwaffe aircraft dropped their payloads on German troops.

The Nazi campaign to eradicate European Jewry continued as German forces occupied Poland. The day after Poland surrendered, SS personnel were engaged in rounding up Polish Jews and other undesirable elements of the population for resettlement or execution.

The next day the Germans seized three old forts on the south side of Warsaw. To increase the suffering within the city and hopefully speed the surrender, Hitler ordered that no civilians were allowed to leave, trapping them inside the shattered capital. During the evening of September 26, Army Warsaw’s commander, General Juliusz Rommel, sent word to the Germans that he was prepared to discuss surrender. The fighting ended the next day, and more than 140,000 Polish troops became prisoners. A separate Polish force at Modlin held out for another two days, and then it too gave up, 24,000 soldiers marching into captivity.

A small Polish force, east of Warsaw and out of communication, was unaware of the city’s surrender and tried to get there to join the fighting. It ran into the German 13th Infantry Division, a motorized unit, and fought until October 6. Since by this point the Soviets had invaded eastern Poland, there was no longer anywhere for Polish troops to go, and the campaign was effectively over.  

Hitler’s great gamble for a Nazi invasion of Poland had succeeded at the cost of 48,000 casualties and a nation now at war. Further gambles would bring France, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, and Norway under his control by the end of 1940. It would be to the east, on the vast unending plains of the Soviet Union, where the gambles would begin to fail, leading to the ruin of the Reich Hitler had claimed would last a millennium.

And now for a review…

So now you know about how Hitler’s Germany started World War II, and how the Poles were not ready for the event. Even though they knew of the non-stop anti-Polish propaganda, they erroneously believe that they were stronger, better equipped and ready to handle anything that Hitler might unleash.

Expert tip
Do not ever fall for the belief that you are “better” than someone else, or some other society. This belief has failed time and time again. Just ask all those dead leaders of all those cities that Genghis Khan vanquished. Just ask the Spartans. Just ask the Athenians. Just ask the American Indians.

They thought that, at worst, they would be fighting Germany alone. Not a betrayal of Russia, and the slicing up of their nation within a month.

And the people paid the price.

When one nation conquers your nation bad things will happen.

As in what happened to all the intelligent, trained, educated, and influential people in Poland, once the nation is conquered, it will be the people who will suffer. For once stripped of their ability to fight, and organization, the threat-vectors will be identified, collected, and killed in mass.

1940 Katyn Forest Massacre

The Russian eagerness to slaughter Poland's military leadership was not simply born out of savagery. Many believe that Stalin reckoned that such ruthless tactics would permanently weaken the Poles, and make them a  much easier people to subdue.  -Dailymail

Know your history. It is going to be repeated. It is going to happen in the United States. It is going to happen.

Do not let it happen to you.

Katyn massacre
The progressive liberal communists collected anyone who could possibly be a threat to them. They loaded them into trucks and trains, and carted them off to an isolated forest. There, they tied their hands behind their backs and systematically killed each one.


So let’s talk about what happened to the conquered people after the war ended. Let’s talk a little about the people in Poland…

In 1939, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland. They came from both sides, and within weeks, Poland was captured. The Western half of Poland became occupied by Germany. The Eastern side of Poland became occupied by the Soviets.

Poland division
Once the Germans and the Soviets took over Poland, it was divided up. The Poles in the West had to deal with the German Nazi’s. The Poles on the East had to deal with the Soviets.


In 1940, once Russia took over a huge portion of Poland, they collected people. They collected anyone who was smart. They collected anyone who had skills. They collected anyone who had an education. They considered these people threats to the “new progressive reality” that they planned to impose on Poland. They collected them.

And, then they massacred them.

  • Anyone with a college education.
  • Anyone who was an educator.
  • Anyone in politics.
  • Anyone who owned or supervised in a factory.
  • Anyone who was related to anyone who was famous.
  • Anyone who held an officer rank in the military.
  • Anyone who was a small business owner.
  • Anyone who was a land owner (owned a house).
  • Anyone who was singled out by someone else as non-progressive.
Expert tip
When your nation is conquered and vanquished, your chances of survival drop considerably. In order to survive you need to stop listening to all “authorities”. No one has your best interests at heart.

In November 1939, the Russians arrested over 15,000 Polish officers and deported them to western Russia.

Among them were civilians, professors, doctors, lawyers, journalists, artists, judges,an Olympic athlete, priests, and the Chief Rabbi of the Polish Army.  

The prisoners sat there for months, afraid of what was going to happen, but few guessing their true fate. As Peszkowski said: ‘We did not think it possible that the Russians would kill us without mercy.’

Katyn Poland
Desc: Katyn massacre (Polish army officers killed by Soviet troops in Katyn forest, near Smolensk, western Russia,1943), Nazi propaganda poster, Central Europe • Credit: [ The Art Archive / Private Collection / Marc Charmet ] • Ref: AA399882


The military leaders were sent to three prison camps, at Kozielsk, Starobielsk, and Ostashkov.

In April of the following year, the Polish prisoners were told that they would be repatriated to Poland. It was a lie, of course. When progressive liberal democrats (whether they call themselves Marxists or Communists is of not matter) say anything, it is ALWAYS a lie.

Progressive Liberal Socialists always lie.

Katyn map
Multiple locations were used to kill all of the intellectual class of Poland. The workers, ignorant, and women were singled out, and segregated. The men were taken to remote locations and shot.


The first group boarded a train, but oddly it was not traveling east, but rather westward.  It came to a stop outside Katyn Forest, situated near Smolensk.  

With orders to kill everyone.
Executions normally take place hurriedly, but in this case the killers were in no rush. The victims were taken from their prison camp and put on a train for two days without food and water. When they arrived at their final destination, they were bundled onto coaches with windows smeared with cement to obscure their view. After a short drive, the men were directed one by one to the rear door of the vehicle. As each man stepped into the gloomy light of the Russian forest, he would have had no doubt as to his fate.


From there the Polish officers were herded into black vans which drove them to a clearing in the woods.  

When they stepped out, they were simply led to the edge of what would imminently be their grave. The Russians took them to a large pit inside the forest, and forced them to kneel at its edge.

Led, forced to kneel and then killed.
Led to the edge of the pit. Held and bound, then forced to your knees. The progressive liberal socialists will put the pistol to the back of your head and kill you dead with it.


Their hands were tied behind their backs, and a choke knot tied around their neck and hands so that if they struggled they would have strangled themselves.

Held on either side, the victims were approached from behind by an NKVD man equipped with a German Walther 7.65mm pistol.

The relatively small recoil, compared to that of heavier Russian pistols, made the task far easier on the executioner’s wrist, an essential requisite for a killer with so many men to dispatch.

The shot was fired at the base of the man’s skull, and if the job was done correctly, the bullet would have exited through the forehead. Death was instantaneous, as one by one the Polish officers filled the mass grave.

They were surrounded by dozens of armed NKVD agents who made sure that everyone was killed. No one escaped.

Killed by progressive socialsts.
Polish officer shot in the back of the head by progressive liberal socialists from the Soviet Union. These people are dangerous.


Their bodies were thrown into mass graves.

This convoy of death went on for several weeks.  By mid-May almost 4,500 Polish officers were murdered and buried in eight mass graves – the largest grave contained 12 layers of corpses.

Shot in the back of the head.
Polish aviator shot in the back of the head. This is what the progressive liberal socialists have in store for anyone that does not agree with them on any of their crazed ideology.


Among the dead were more than 200 pilots including friends and classmates of the Kosciuszko Air Squadron.  

In memory
Is is a photo of a memorial ceremony in Poland for the absolute slaughter of the Polish leadership, intellectuals, and workers of Poland, by progressive liberal socialist democrats from the Soviet Union. They called themselves “Communists”.


One of its’ victims was the brother-in-law of Witold Lokociewski.    The sole survivor of Katyn was Professor Stanislaw Swianiewicz.  

He was on board the train headed to Katyn Forest, and was standing in the line ready to board the van, but an NKVD colonel had pulled him out of the line. 

The Germans invaded Russia in July 1942, but it wasn’t until the next spring that they discovered the mass graves in Katyn.

The bodies were exhumed and examined by a team of experts, and they accused the Russians of having committed the atrocity.  The Russians denied all responsibility and countered by saying that the Germans had committed the massacre.  

  • Nazi Germans said the Communist Russians did it.
  • Communist Russians said that the Nazi Germans did it.

But, you know, they both were complicit. As both nations invaded Poland, both nations captured the people, and both nations took over Poland. Who pulled the actual trigger is meaningless. They died because both Russia and Germany promoted the idea of war against Poland.


When Polish Prime Minister Sikorski called for an investigation by the International Red Cross, the Russian government abruptly severed all diplomatic ties with Poland. Sir Owen O’Malley, the British Ambassador to the Polish government-in-exile, described the grisly scene:

” In the broad deep pit their comrades lay, packed closely around the edge, head to feet, like sardines in a tin….up and down on the bodies the executioners tramped, hauling [the corpses] about and treading in the blood like butchers in a stockyard. “

Sir Owen O’Malley conducted an investigation and produced a detailed report that proved that the Soviets were guilty.  But Churchill hastily absconded with the report and warned everyone not to ever speak a word about it.

They rounded them up. They loaded them into trucks. They tied their hands behind their backs, and they killed them.

-Katyn Massacre 

They politely told them to turn around. They asked them to put their hands behind their backs. Then they shot them FUCKING dead.


Dead as a fish. Dead. D-E-A-D.

The progressive liberal communists rounded up anyone who could possibly be a threat to them. They loaded them into trucks. They tied their hands behind their backs, and they killed them.


When the atrocity was reported, the governments all, ordered it to be kept quiet and for no one to say a word about it.

Know your history.

You see, the progressive liberals; the communists wanted a complete extinction of all opposition in Poland. They destroyed anyone with knowledge. They eviscerated anyone with skills, ability or talent. They erased anyone who could organize against them.

You know…

People like YOU.

In the spring of 1940, Stalin and Lavrenty Beria planned to liquidate  this potential source of opposition to Soviet control and gave orders to murder over 20,000 Polish officers.

The murders were carried out at several sites. The most famous was the NKVD burial ground at Katyn, near Minsk (today in Belarus), but killings were also carried out at Piatikhatki (near Kharkiv in Ukraine) and at Mednoye in Russia.

Other killing sites were never identified, although it is believed  that another group of officers was placed on old barges towed out into  the White Sea near the Arctic Circle and used for target practice by the  Soviet Navy.

Those who died at Katyn included an admiral, two generals, 24 colonels, 79 lieutenant colonels, 258 majors, 654 captains, 17 naval captains, 3,420 NCOs, seven chaplains, three landowners, a prince, 43 officials, 85 privates, and 131 refugees. 
One female air force officer was among the dead. Also among the dead were 20 university professors; 300 physicians; several hundred lawyers, engineers, and teachers; and more than 100 writers and journalists as well as about 200 pilots. 

-Learning History

We know about this because, while Stalin ordered everyone to be killed, their bodies were discovered by the Nazi’s that invaded Russia the subsequent year. They heard about the bodies and they investigated.

Expert tip
Do not board any trains, trucks, buses, or transport vehicles with others that appear to be leaving in a massive group. Do not believe the excuses that they give you, or what the destination will ultimately be. It is all a lie to trick you to go to a very bad place, and stay there.

They used the information and pictures of what they found as anti-Soviet propaganda.

Killed Polish General remains
The remains of Brigadier General Smorawinski (
Mieczysław Smorawiński ) found in one of the many graves in the Katyn forest. He had his hands tied behind his back and shot in the back of the head. After a short stay in various Soviet prisons and POW camps, at the end of 1939 he was transferred to the NKVD Special Camp in Kozelsk. Smorawiński left the camp on 7 April 1940. Together with most of the Polish officers imprisoned there he was executed by the NKVD at Katyn, in the spring of 1940, aged forty-six, in what became known as the Katyn massacre. During the exhumation of 1943 his body was exhumed and identified, as one of the Polish generals to be identified.
Katyn Memorial in Jersey City
Katyn Memorial in Jersey City. The progressive liberal democrats in power want it removed, or put in an isolated area so that “mothers don’t have to explain what happened in history”.


There are memorials to this horrible massacre in the United States. Though the local politicians in power wants the statues to be removed.

In Jersey City, a park official proposed relocating a monument of the massacre to a less-traveled locale. He argued this because he found it “a little gruesome”, adding that “I can’t imagine how many mothers go by and have to explain it to their children.”

This happened in Katyn, but also in Cambodia. As well as in China. It also happened in Cuba, North Korea, and Vietnam. Know your history. All of the ground-work is being laid down today for a near by future.

Killing fields
The Cambodian Killing Fields are a number of sites in Cambodia where collectively more than a million people were killed and buried by the Khmer Rouge regime, during its rule of the country from 1975 to 1979, immediately after the end of the Cambodian Civil War. The mass killings are widely regarded as part of a broad state-sponsored genocide. Analysis of 20,000 mass grave sites by the DC-Cam Mapping Program and Yale University indicate at least 1,386,734 victims of execution.


There will not be any leniency in this matter. If you are a threat, maybe you wrote something, or maybe you said an off-hand comment at work, you will be singled out. The “Diversity Officers” in your company have a firm lock-grip on who is not “with the program”. Take heed.

You will be taken to the edge of a dug hole in the ground and you will be shot dead.


Please kindly be advised that all of this will happen before you are aware that the SHTF. 

You will wake up in the morning and dress like normal. You will drive in your car like normal, and get a coffee at a fast food restaurant like normal. The only thing out of the normal might be a friendly police officer that might pull you aside to "have a small chat with you". 

Then, it is all downhill from there.

Cambodian genocide
We see pictures in history books and say, “nah that could never happen here”. The roads are dirt. The people are wearing military clothing. There isn’t anything that looks like a part of America in the pictures.

But the truth is that yes it can happen here, and if you read ANYTHING at all about genocide, know the [1] it is always government sponsored, and [2] it is rare for a nation to escape a period of genocide longer than 100 year period between genocidal events. [3] It is always preceded by disarming of the citizenry.

America is long overdue for one.
Then you will turn around nicely while they put handcuffs on you. You will be entrapped long before you have any idea that things are going down. IT WILL NOT BE REPORTED, and you will be unaware.

Do you think that all those people killed in Katyn had any idea what awaited them? Do you think that those factory workers in Serbia had any idea how their day would end? Do you think that those teachers in Cambodia had any idea what would happen when they "worked the fields".

Be ready to be SURPRISED.

If you are handcuffed, you will stand there while they go through your house.

Betrayal is as old as man, but the pace and severity seems to be  accelerating. It hasn’t touched you or me yet, but someday soon we will  be told to “be patient, as we restore your account balance,” or “the FBI  will not allow this to happen again,” or “we’ve made some mistakes in  the past but we (the same people) will do better going forward.” Ya,  thanks. 

- Karl Ushanka 

Yes, war is ugly.

Yes it is, but the reason why I am carrying on about it is really simple. Washington DC is under the impression that they can conduct another “war” and it will be one where the American Military wages war over decades, from distant areas of safety to hurt people who DO NOT FIGHT BACK.


Those days are over.

Every time you read or hear, or watch someone talking about Taiwan, the South China Sea, the Uighur Muslims, the Ukraine, or Russian spying realize that you are being prepped for agreeing to World War III.

Remember also that wars NEVER go as planned, and the idea that a war with a major nuclear armed nation will be limited to conventional small arms on distant shores is a big fucking lie.

And shame on you for believing it.

The truth is that you are being set up for a war; a BIG NUCLEAR WAR.

Expert tip
Every article about Taiwan, the Uighur Muslims, Hong Kong pro-democracy movement, the Ukraine, or any contrary article about Russia or China are all propaganda setting you all up to agree to massive nuclear conflagration. Do not fall for it. As the intensity of these article increase, so does the changes of your death. Take note on what the “talking heads” and political commentators are saying. If they are devoting significant time to either of the other two global powers, then “head for the hills”.

A nuclear nightmare.

There is a very strong likelihood that this anti-Russia or Anti-China propaganda campaign will result in large-scale nuclear weapon detonations on American soil.


You read that correctly.

There is a strong likelihood that large-scale nuclear weapon(s) will be detonated on American soil within the next few years.

There are numerous reasons why I hold this belief. But the biggest, I suppose, is the pro-war faction in the United States government.

You see, the United States now believes that we should improve our nuclear warfare fighting capability so that we can use it.

After all, with all those proxy wars the United States is fighting now, (eight in total as of 2019) that we should be able to field and use nuclear weapons freely without worry of retaliation. (After all, what’s all this nonsense about going to battle against Turkey and “our allies” the Kurds?)

 John  Bolton, openly advocates a first-strike policy against nuclear-armed  enemies, and the Pentagon, after decades of careful disarmament, wants  to spend $1.2 trillion to upgrade its nuclear arsenal. 

If you’ve felt a  new shiver of nuclear fear over the past year, you’re not alone: The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has moved its “Doomsday Clock” to within two minutes of midnight — closer than it has been since the height of the Cold War.  

 - This Is What a Nuclear Bomb Looks Like  

You see, according to the military and political planned deep within the bowels of Washington, America can use “low yield” tactical nuclear weapons on a sovereign foreign nation, and aside from some “political squawk”, nothing bad will come of it.

No one ever fights back. Right?

In December 2016, the US Defense Science Board – a semi-independent  group that advises the Secretary of Defense – warned that “the nuclear  threshold may be decreasing owing to the stated doctrines and weapons  developments of some states.” 

Therefore, the DSB recommended DOD should  “provide many more options in stemming proliferation or escalation; and a  more flexible nuclear enterprise that could produce, if needed, a rapid, tailored nuclear option for limited use should existing non-nuclear or nuclear options prove insufficient.” This would involve “lower yield, primary only options” for strategic warheads on long-range ballistic missiles. 

- The Terrifying Nuclear War Game the US Shouldn't Play  

Now along with this attitude, is the strong belief that if America fields “low yield” nuclear devices that it will NOT result in devastating nuclear retaliatory strikes. That is considered inconceivable, as “everyone knows” that the United States is the strongest and most powerful nation in the world.

There wouldn’t ever be any repercussions.

It’s inconceivable.

America still thinks that it is the only dog in the barn-yard. But, you know, the rest of the farm animals are getting mightily tired of the dog bullying everyone around. Especially as the dog is getting old, has arthritis, and other problems. One day, another animal might just say that enough is enough.

America spent millions of dollars on NED, which actively went into China, into Hong Kong, on Chinese soil. They taught and trained the anti-government forces there. They taught them how to perform "soft violence" to provoke the mainland Chinese. They paid protestors, and gave them the skills to build bombs, and target maps and a strategy. 
The US involvement in the HK "Democracy Now" movement.
All of which was caught on video. With Trumps advisors caught on film (with a clear audio track) in the HK Marriot hotel explaining how to conduct the riots and how to destroy the subway stations. The Chinese have videos of the teaching and training classes for the insurgents, and the NED even has the gall to have their members on LinkedIN boasting about their involvement in HK.

China did nothing. 

Though, if the roles were reversed, it would be a different story. If China sent advisors to train the BLM and Antifa on how to bomb bus stations, trains, airports and destroy all public transportation. And they were caught on film and broadcast on all the Conservative networks, with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity talking about it 24-7. It would be a catastrophic error in judgement. Don't you agree?

But China did nothing.

So America believes that it can go about launching all sorts of military, quasi and semi-para military operations all over the globe and no one will ever raise a finger to stop the empire expansionism.

Snow ball strike from the movie "A Christmas Story".
(Limited Yield) Snow ball strike from the movie “A Christmas Story”.

It can be Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan, the Ukraine. It can be anywhere from Venezuela to Turkey. No one will or can stop us. Right?

China will do nothing. Right?

Russia will do nothing. Right?

No one will fight back. Russia and China won’t ever work together against the USA. Right?


Ralph fights back against the schoolyard bully. The scene is from the 1980's movie A Christmas Story.
Ralph fights back against the schoolyard bully. The scene is from the 1980’s movie “A Christmas Story”.


The belief is that the US can launch a few “low yield” nuclear weapons and no nation would dare strike back. The USA can deploy Marines in Hong Kong or Taiwan, and China won’t do anything.

It’s inconceivable. Don’t you know.

I am not the only person that believes this. Read John Paul Roberts excellent article on the pre-nuclear  holocaust  preparations that America is currently engaged in. 

Are You Ready To Die? 

And since it would be inconceivable, the military and the United States government officials are today, far more likely and prone to using “safe”, “tactical” nuclear weapons to further their agendas.

And these are dangerous agendas.

These are agendas that are BLIND to the idea that the rest of the world might put it’s collective foot down and say “ENOUGH!”. And launch a retaliatory strike in full force, not only against the military forces on their territory, but rather at the American homeland, the American cities, and the American people who allowed these morons to get anywhere near nuclear launch codes.

This map should scare the living Dejesus out of you. It shows how Washington DC and the political establishment views the use of low-yield nuclear weapons against Asia in the assumption that no one would strike back.
This map should scare the living Dejesus out of you. It shows how Washington DC and the political establishment views the use of low-yield nuclear weapons against Asia in the assumption that no one would strike back.


I argue that if the United States, for what ever reason, launches and detonates any kind of nuclear weapon (low-yield, small backpack, tactical strike, or strategic nuclear), that there will be a FULL SCALE retaliatory response aimed at the United States.

Any use of nuclear weapons anywhere in Asia will result in the complete destruction of the United States.

And when American military planners contemplate the use of nuclear weapons it is along the lines of tailored tactical responses for set specific objectives. It’s always with “surgical” precision and “contained” destruction. Never taking into account the strong possibility of “unleashing the dogs of war” against us.

They never take into account that the rest of the world thinks of America as a big loud-mouth bully that one day will get it's comeuppance.

Here we consider a “slap back” response up to an all-out MAD-level (Mutually Assured Destruction) response to the United States.

Expert tip
Any use of American “surgical” nuclear weapons anywhere in Asia will result in the complete destruction of the United States.

It assumes that we initiate the actions though our military use of “low yield” nuclear weapons in Asia. As such, we look at a large super-power unleashing modern large-capacity nuclear munitions, using hyper-glide technology against an unsuspecting America.

Though, at that, many basement computer nerds think that a nuclear war is winnable and not all that bad...

"A nuke is a big bomb, but not that big. Most of DC would survive, a lot of radiation poisoning though, and as you can see from the occasional floor shot, most of our congress is out of the building at least and most of the time... "

We consider them releasing this onslaught within minutes after the USA detonates a”low yield” device in Asia. Which means, that nuclear detonations over coastal cities by SLBM MIRVs will detonate within minutes of launch.


Two minutes after the SLBM launches off the USA coast, the red lights will light up at NORAD and they will scramble to contact the American leadership. Five minutes later Washington will be erased from the surface of the globe.

Thus obliterating the leadership of America in one fell swoop.

These scenarios assume that the leadership in both Russia and China are not idiots. That they have anticipated the use by America of a tactical "low yield" nuclear weapon, and have positioned submarines and other systems for an immediate kill-level response that would detonate on American soil within minutes.

Perhaps, you the reader disagree. Maybe you think that the rest of the world are idiots, and only Americans are smart. Good for you. Then.

A quick reminder.

While the United States has been very busy funding conventional military operations around the globe, strategic nuclear missile forces have taken a back seat to the realities of global proxy wars without nuclear strike-back.

Once a missile launch is detected, I am comfortable knowing that it will be detected via satellite and the knowledge relayed to SAC HQ. That is…

…unless the Chinese and the Russian hunter-killer satellites don’t take them out.

REACT console
Missile Combat Crew Commander, Capt. Kenny Gibaldo, (left) and 2nd Lt. John Butler, Deputy Crew Commander of the 320th Missile Squadron, simulate the launch of a Minuteman III using the REACT console in a Launch Control Capsule at Missile Alert Facility Hotel-1.



Five minutes is not enough time to react to nuclear destruction. Whether or not the United States strategic forces are aware of a launch means nothing when hyper-speed technology and delivery weapons are used.


According to the “Fourth Turning”, we can expect a major critical event to take place sometime from 2023 to 2025. This critical event historically involves mass deaths, the destruction of cities using the most advanced weapons of the time, and a complete over-haul of society.

As shown in the following illustration…

Here are the next few years before the Fourth Turning is expected to reach a crisis point. The astitute reader should realize that the event is scheduled immediately after the 2024 election. Historically, this will mean that a progressive democrat will take over the Presidency. In that event, we can expect a full -on gun conscification effort that would be the result of a mass-shooting event. Democrat presidents always have mass-shooting events int he first six months of their presidency. Then they unlease the anti-gun narrative to a fever pitch. The event that was supposted to really work this last time was the 2016 Los Vegas shooter, but of course it wasn't HIllary Clinton at the Helm it was Donald Trump..
Here are the next few years before the Fourth Turning is expected to reach a crisis point.


I am betting on 2023, but it can be any time from 2023 to 2027.

And you all might ask why. And to this I just look at the cycles of turning; the “Fourth Turning” cycles. Which pretty much seems to be repeating the same old bullshit that led to World War II, and the American Civil War.

Expert tip
John Titor claimed to be a time traveler. He discussed the “future” of America in 1998. All of his predictions came true, the only thing is that his dates were off by ten years. If you follow the events that hey laid out, and add ten years, you will see a contemporaneous civil war brewing in unreported balkanized areas where it is rural vs urban Americans. That the rich oligarchy is pulling the strings and making events happen, and that military overtures towards Russia will be significant and will result in Russia launching a devastating preemptive nuclear strike… not a retaliatory one against the United States.

Can things get worse? Oh, you betya. If you think that 2021 was shit, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Things are sizing up for a really bad event…

  • Well, maybe you, I and the rest of the sheeple are not told what is going on, but the rest of the world’s leadership isn’t so ill-informed. Russia is most certainly taking all this seriously. Moscow conducts drills of nuke forces…

And of course, Asia is uniting against the out-of-control American military empire…

Do you remember earlier in this article how Germany and Russia teamed up together to destroy Poland? Do be so sure that Russia and China haven’t had enough of the USA bullshit.

But not to worry, America has something called “diversity” and “democracy” and that no matter what happens, American troops will save us…


Not just that, but the nature of the American military is changing. It is getting rid of “basic training” and focusing on a softer and gentler military. Not one that responds to a harsh crisis, but one ready to handle the advanced high technology systems that the military uses within a fine well ordered environment. They are readying the military to become office and cubicle workers, able to push buttons, and rapidly respond to blinking lights on computer consoles.

You think I am kidding? Nope…


I know that President Biden will have a different style that President Trump had, and a totally different mind-set. But that will only result in rearranging the passenger seats on the train, NOT the direction that the train is going in.

America Today

America today.
How do you think people in Russia would act? What about people in China? I’ll tell you one thing, they wouldn’t be running into their cars in fear. That’s for certain. They would probably chase after them and kill it with their bar hands.


The United States leadership has an over-inflated perception of who they are and what capabilities that they possess.

Already that anti-Russia campaign has started…

I am not saying that Global Nuclear War is going to happen, but what I am saying is that the leadership in the rest of the world are being threatened by the United States and are teaming up together to prevent the USA from destroying the rest of the world.

The Russian – China alliance is a very formidable block that Americans are unaware of.


This is not a popular opinion. But it is the reality. And showing people the reality, and that is the true and actual reality is often quite shocking to cattle that have been feeding from the trough for too long.


You don’t fuck around with Russia!

Tough childhood.
It’s tough to grow up in Russia.


And of course, you all should well realize, by now at least, that you don’t fuck with China either.

John Titor

Believe him or not, if you add ten years on to his dates then EVERYTHING that he predicted would happen, actually happened. Keep note that he made these predictions back in 1998. And according to him…


And knowing that he said…

Part 2 – 3:10 Question: “Why do you think that our future will be like your future?” Answer: “Because our world-lines are so similar.” 

Part 2 – 3:43 “This world-line and my own are almost exactly alike.” 

He talked about what his “past” in his world-line had to say…

Part 2 – 17:40 Most people blamed the “government organizations” for the war.  Fast forward to 2017, where one the largest obstacles to meaningful change is the entrenched federal bureaucracy.  Curious that John Titor would say “government organizations” and not “the government”.  He actually predicted this problem.
Part 2 – 20:50 “When the civil war broke out most decided to stay in the cities and lose most of their civil rights in the guise of security…” 
America and privacy.


Part 2 – 21:20 “avoiding conflict with the federal police” (The Department of Homeland Security the DHS = the “federal Police”.  Which was established by George Bush after 9-11. John Titor PREDICTED the Department of Homeland Security.)
Part 2 – 22:30 “The US cities were attacked by Russia who was our enemy.”  In other words, the cities had become the de facto home of the enemies of the United States, and Russia attacked them. 


Part 2 – 47:00 Hawaii will probably avoid much of the conflict, but it is dependent on the mainland for food.  Therefore, there would be strife on any small island. Interesting that he should make this statement.  Most people, by far, would assume that an island would be the best place to “ride out” world war III.  But John Titor says differently.  He says that the number one cause of death was starvation, and since most food to the island is imported, it would seem that it would not be a desirable location to hide. 

With significant notes that say…

Part 3 – 3:14 “There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005.”
Part 3 – 3:30 “A nuclear war against the federal empire and the cities occurred in 2015, and thus we (in the countryside) won.” 

Here, John Titor discusses “taking out the cities” by Russia and nuclear weapons. Which is what is currently being discussed in contemporaneous American Conservative media…

RUSH: So during the obscene profit time-out mere moments ago, Mr.  Snerdley, the Official Program Observer, peppered me with a question.  The question was… what exactly was the question? Are we ever gonna win  the — (interruption) Are you talking about win elections or just…  (interruption) Okay. All right. Mr. Snerdley is asking if we’re ever  going to be able to win. And he’s talking about elections. Votes.

 Are we ever gonna be able to win without taking back some of these  cities? He’s talking about blue cities like New York, Philadelphia. I  assume you mean Detroit? (interruption) Do you include Milwaukee in  this? (Interruption) Definitely. All right. What about Oakland,  California? (interruption) Too far gone. San Francisco? (interruption)  You think we can get San Francisco? Look, we won election after election  after election without winning these cities or the states they’re in.  (interruption)

 I thought you were asking me something else when you said, “Can we  win?” I thought you meant can we win the culture, can we dominate the  culture. I actually think — and I’ve referenced this, I’ve alluded to  this a couple of times cause I’ve seen others allude to this. I actually  think that we’re trending toward secession. I see more and more people  asking what in the world do we have in common with the people who live  in, say, New York? What is there that makes us believe that there is  enough of us there to even have a chance at winning New York, especially  if you’re talking about votes.

-Rush Limbaugh

Adding ten years, we get…

  • Civil War that starts during the Obama Presidency in 2015.
  • Nuclear War with Russia that starts in 2025; the Biden Presidency.

Additionally he said this about Florida

Part 3 – 9:00 Jacksonville, Florida was vaporized by a nuclear weapon. He worked out of a military base in Tampa.  That assumes that Tampa must not have been hit by a nuclear strike. 

Very curious. If these “minor” facilities were attacked, then you can guarantee that all the other larger bases were obliterated.

Military bases in Florida.


He said this about Nebraska

Part 2 – 7:30 He tells his parents in the 2000 world-line to move to Omaha Nebraska because that is where the new capital will be, and it is a safe rural farming community. 

And he said this about Canada

Part 2 – 40:10 Canada is full of very dangerous and ruthless people. 

And his opinion about us at this point in time…

Part 3 – 11:45 Imagine that you are a Jew and could travel back in time to Germany at the time of the rise of Hitler in the early 1930’s.  You know what the future would be.  Yet, you see all around you, the ignorant masses of people who continue their behaviors in complete ignorance in what it will eventually lead towards. 

Part 3 – 13:25 Question: Which parts of the United States are safe from the conflict of Civil war, and Nuclear war?  Answer:  Take a close look at the county by county voting maps of the last election. 

Part 3 - 16:15 “Russia’s enemy is not you the people.  Russia’s enemy is the United States government.”
Part 3 – 16:45 Statements hint at the deterioration of the Middle East as a negative influence on global stability. 
American global relationships.
American global relationships.


And if you add ten years to every date that John Titor gave, this statement should bring “goose bump pimples” to your arms…

Part 3 – 24:54 “The year 2008 was a general time when everyone realized that the world they thought they lived in was over.” 


Part 3 – 34:13 When the war comes it will be blatantly obvious to everyone in the nation that it will occur. The shocking thing was that so many people decided to stay in the very cities where they knew the bombs would be dropped.
Part 3 – 37:30 The president at the time of the Civil War tried to be another Lincoln and hold the country together, but many of the government policies drove a wedge in the civil rights of Americans and created divisions that were irreconcilable. The President in 2009 was concerned ONLY in keeping his power base. (Stated with eerily accuracy in 2000.)
Part 3 – 38:10 One of the things that John Titor alluded to was that the United States president elected in 2008 might be a man or a woman.  Yet, back in the year 2000 it was inconceivable that a woman would even consider running for President.  Yet, we know now that Hillary Clinton did do exactly that and ran for President in 2008.  It seems strange today, after the Hollywood blitz of Madam President Movies all in support of a Hillary Clinton Presidency.  But at that time it was unknown. 

And this most accurate description…

Part 3 – 9:45 “Let me let you in on a little secret.  No one likes you in the future.  This time period is looked upon as a lazy, self-centered, civilly ignorant sheep.” 
American freedom.
Americans in COVID-19 isolation pens, 2020.


And about the American Civil War as a buildup toward the total destruction of America by nuclear weapons…

Part 3 – 47:15  Most people will starve, the rest will die of disease, followed by bullet wounds and radiation.  In that order.
Part 3 – 52:48 “The conflict was not about taking and holding ground, it was about order and rights… …they were betting that people wanted security over freedom and they were wrong.” 

Part 3 – 54:38 “The cities were not isolated because of them, they were isolated because of us (the people in the “red states” or countryside.)” 

The mix of American civil war and global nuclear war is interesting. Keep in mind that neither Russia or China are communist. They retain the historical terms and phrases, but functionally they do not resemble anything like what is being portrayed in American media.


Russia is not Communist.
Part 5 – 3:31 The police actually got away with harming an American citizen, filming it, and getting off with no negative consequences. Perhaps John Titor was right, because these are exactly the kinds of things that he stated would lead up to the American civil war.
Part 5 – 4:50 Our enemy was the global banking elite which were all centered in the cities.
Part 5 – 7:30 It is now Russia that is stopping the globalists, the New World Order people and the global Banking Elite. 

Part 5 – 11:05 When Russia nukes our cities, they are killing off our citizen’s enemies. Our enemies are internal, not external. (According to John Titor, the nukes were accurate and relatively “clean” and used in clusters of three.)
Part 5 – 15:00 John Titor said that he would prefer to have lived the live after World War III than a peaceful solution. The only way to fix the issues is to start fresh. 

Interesting stuff these John Titor predictions. And remember…

Part 3 – 42:30 The people with the most to lose would be the most untrustworthy when the world changes.
Part 3 – 43:10 “We have a saying here.  Safe is anywhere a hungry person cannot walk in three days.” 

So knowing this, and knowing that, and knowing history, we NEED to observe how the people of Poland managed to survive during those Hellish years from 1939 through 1945…

…and emulate them.

Which will be on another post. Please stand by.

A final Metallicman word and some final thoughts.

All this is stressful. It is stressful because there is nothing you all can do about it. So you make do with what you have. You appreciate your life and the loved ones that surround you, and you reach out to your neighbors and your community.

Take pleasure in the little things.

Snow outside, cozy bed inside.
Take pleasure in the little things.


Appreciate the loved ones that care for you, and give them your time and affections. Seriously too little of our precious time is being spent like this…

Appreciate the loved ones that care for you, and give them your time and affections.


MM is a free website. It’s not a for-profit enterprise. I am doing this because I do understand how the universe works, I do understand the mediums of exchange, and the consequences of actions, and I do understand what is going on. As do our benefactors.

Stop being so profit-oriented. Start being more people-oriented. Stop thinking of money and things. Start considering people and relationships.

Expert tip
Remember, if some “expert” on the extraterrestrial issue asks you for money or to pay, they actually have ZERO experience with extraterrestrials, and ZERO knowledge of how the universe works. Exchanging knowledge for profit creates a very undesirable situation for us who know what the fuck is going on. We accept donations. We accept meals, friendships and kind words and deeds. But we do not demand financial gain.

Everything is falling into place. But do not allow the fear of what might occur change who you are internally. Things are following a specific path, and all is being actuated wihtin those vectors. Keep with the program. Be a Rufus. Appreciate the world around you. Be helpful and kind. Not hurt, trick or try to profit unneedlessly.

Be a “good guy”.

Metallicman gives some most excellent advice.


Please look around you and take pleasure in what you see. The world is big and beautiful and there are people who are worthy of your time, your love, your consideration. Do what you can to shut out the evil and corrupted from your life, and appreciate the world that lies around you in abundance.

Look around. Watch.

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The Whole Town’s Sleeping (Full Text) by Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury is known for his fine science fiction stories, and poetic ambience. But he also writes horror and non-science fiction as well. This little beauty is about FEAR. And please pay attention to it. Fear is the big killer. Fear is what disrupts our lives and the beauty within our lives. It is fear.

Now a good story will take you to new places, and you will get to feel familiar emotions when you read about those places, and one such story is this one. It’s a horror story, but then again… it is not about the staples of horror. It’s about the emotions that accompany it.

The Whole Town’s Sleeping by Ray Bradbury


The echoes of the chimes faded. Warm summer twilight here in upper Illinois country in this little town deep far away from everything, kept to itself by a river and a forest and a meadow and a lake.

The sidewalks still scorched.

The stores closing and the streets shadowed.

And there were two moons; the clock moon with four faces in four night directions above the solemn black courthouse, and the real moon rising in vanilla whiteness from the dark east.

In the drugstore fans whispered in the high ceiling.

In the rococo shade of porches, a few invisible people sat.

Cigars glowed pink, on occasion.

Screen doors whined their springs and slammed.

On the purple bricks of the summer-night streets, Douglas Spaulding ran; dogs and boys followed after.

“Hi, Miss Lavinia!” The boys loped away. Waving after them quietly, Lavinia Nebbs sat all alone with a tall cool lemonade in her white fingers, tapping it to her lips, sipping, waiting.

“Here I am, Lavinia.” She turned and there was Francine, all in snow white, at the bottom steps of the porch, in the smell of zinnias and hibiscus.

Lavinia Nebbs locked her front door and, leaving her lemonade glass half empty on the porch, said, “It’s a fine night for the movie.”

They walked down the street.

“Where you going, girls?” cried Miss Fern and Miss Roberta from their porch over the way.

Lavinia called back through the soft ocean of darkness: “To the Elite Theater to see CHARLIE CHAPLIN!”

“Won’t catch us out on no night like this,” wailed Miss Fern. “Not with the Lonely One strangling women. Lock ourselves up in our closet with a gun.”

“Oh, bosh!” Lavinia heard the old women’s door bang and lock, and she drifted on, feeling the warm breath of summer night shimmering off the oven-baked sidewalks.

It was like walking on a hard crust of freshly warmed bread.

The heat pulsed under your dress, along your legs, with a stealthy and not unpleasant sense of invasion.

“Lavinia, you don’t believe all that about the Lonely One, do you?”

“Those women like to see their tongues dance.”

“Just the same, Hattie McDollis was killed two months ago, Roberta Ferry the month before, and now Elizabeth Ramsell’s disappeared. . . .”

“Hattie McDollis was a silly girl, walked off with a traveling man, I bet.”

“But the others, all of them, strangled, their tongues sticking out their mouths, they say.”

They stood upon the edge of the ravine that cut the town half in two. Behind them were the lit houses and music, ahead was deepness, moistness, fireflies and dark.

“Maybe we shouldn’t go to the show tonight,” said Francine.

“The Lonely One might follow and kill us. I don’t like that ravine. Look at it, will you!”

Lavinia looked and the ravine was a dynamo that never stopped running, night or day; there was a great moving hum, a bumbling and murmuring of creature, insect, or plant life.

It smelled like a greenhouse, of secret vapors and ancient, washed shales and quicksands.

And always the black dynamo humming, with sparkles like great electricity where fireflies moved on the air.

“It won’t be me coming back through this old ravine tonight late, so darned late; it’ll be you, Lavinia, you down the steps and over the bridge and maybe the Lonely One there.”

“Bosh!” said Lavinia Nebbs.

“It’ll be you alone on the path, listening to your shoes, not me. You all alone on the way back to your house. Lavinia, don’t you get lonely living in that house?”

“Old maids love to live alone.” Lavinia pointed at the hot shadowy path leading down into the dark.

“Let’s take the short cut.”

“I’m afraid!”

“It’s early. Lonely One won’t be out till late.”

Lavinia took the other’s arm and led her down and down the crooked path into the cricket warmth and frog sound and mosquito-delicate silence.

They brushed through summer-scorched grass, burs prickling at their bare ankles.

“Let’s run!” gasped Francine.

“No!” They turned a curve in the path—and there it was.

In the singing deep night, in the shade of warm trees, as if she had laid herself out to enjoy the soft stars and the easy wind, her hands at either side of her like the oars of a delicate craft, lay Elizabeth Ramsell!

Francine screamed. “Don’t scream!”

Lavinia put out her hands to hold onto Francine, who was whimpering and choking. “Don’t! Don’t!”

The woman lay as if she had floated there, her face moonlit, her eyes wide and like flint, her tongue sticking from her mouth.

“She’s dead!” said Francine.

“Oh, she’s dead, dead! She’s dead!” Lavinia stood in the middle of a thousand warm shadows with the crickets screaming and the frogs loud.

“We’d better get the police,” she said at last.

“Hold me, Lavinia, hold me, I’m cold, oh, I’ve never been so cold in all my life!”

Lavinia held Francine and the policemen were brushing through the crackling grass, flashlights ducked about, voices mingled, and the night grew toward eight-thirty.

“It’s like December. I need a sweater,” said Francine, eyes shut, against Lavinia.

The policeman said, “I guess you can go now, ladies. You might drop by the station tomorrow for a little more questioning.”

Lavinia and Francine walked away from the police and the sheet over the delicate thing upon the ravine grass. Lavinia felt her heart going loudly in her and she was cold, too, with a February cold; there were bits of sudden snow all over her flesh, and the moon washed her brittle fingers whiter, and she remembered doing all the talking while Francine just sobbed against her.

A voice called from far off, “You want an escort, ladies?”

“No, we’ll make it,” said Lavinia to nobody, and they walked on.

They walked through the nuzzling, whispering ravine, the ravine of whispers and clicks, the little world of investigation growing small behind them with its lights and voices.

“I’ve never seen a dead person before,” said Francine. Lavinia examined her watch as if it was a thousand miles away on an arm and wrist grown impossibly distant.

“It’s only eightthirty. We’ll pick up Helen and get on to the show.”

“The show!” Francine jerked. “It’s what we need. We’ve got to forget this. It’s not good to remember. If we went home now we’d remember. We’ll go to the show as if nothing happened.”

“Lavinia, you don’t mean it!”

“I never meant anything more in my life. We need to laugh now and forget.”

“But Elizabeth’s back there—your friend, my friend—”

“We can’t help her; we can only help ourselves. Come on.”

They started up the ravine side, on the stony path, in the dark. And suddenly there, barring their way, standing very still in one spot, not seeing them, but looking on down at the moving lights and the body and listening to the official voices, was Douglas Spaulding.

He stood there, white as a mushroom, with his hands at his sides, staring down into the ravine.

“Get home!” cried Francine. He did not hear.

“You!” shrieked Francine. “Get home, get out of this place, you hear? Get home, get home, get home!”

Douglas jerked his head, stared at them as if they were not there. His mouth moved. He gave a bleating sound. Then, silently, he whirled about and ran. He ran silently up the distant hills into the warm darkness.

Francine sobbed and cried again and, doing this, walked on with Lavinia Nebbs. “There you are! I thought you ladies’d never come!”

Helen Greer stood tapping her foot atop her porch steps. “You’re only an hour late, that’s all. What happened?”

“We—” started Francine. Lavinia clutched her arm tight.

“There was a commotion. Somebody found Elizabeth Ramsell in the ravine.”

“Dead? Was she—dead?” Lavinia nodded. Helen gasped and put her hand to her throat.

“Who found her?” Lavinia held Francine’s wrist firmly.

“We don’t know.” The three young women stood in the summer night looking at each other.

“I’ve got a notion to go in the house and lock the doors,” said Helen at last. But finally she went to get a sweater, for though it was still warm, she, too, complained of the sudden winter night.

While she was gone Francine whispered frantically, “Why didn’t you tell her?”

“Why upset her?” said Lavinia.

“Tomorrow. Tomorrow’s plenty of time.”

The three women moved along the street under the black trees, past suddenly locked houses.

How soon the news had spread outward from the ravine, from house to house, porch to porch, telephone to telephone. Now, passing, the three women felt eyes looking out at them from curtained windows as locks rattled into place.

How strange the popsicle, the vanilla night, the night of close-packed ice cream, of mosquitolotioned wrists, the night of running children suddenly veered from their games and put away behind glass, behind wood, the popsicles in melting puddles of lime and strawberry where they fell when the children were scooped indoors.

Strange the hot rooms with the sweating people pressed tightly back into them behind the bronze knobs and knockers.

Baseball bats and balls lay upon the unfootprinted lawns.

A half-drawn, white-chalk game of hopscotch lay on the broiled, steamed sidewalk. It was as if someone had predicted freezing weather a moment ago.

“We’re crazy being out on a night like this,” said Helen.

“Lonely One won’t kill three ladies,” said Lavinia. “There’s safety in numbers. And besides, it’s too soon. The killings always come a month separated.”

A shadow fell across their terrified faces.

A figure loomed behind a tree.

As if someone had struck an organ a terrible blow with his fist, the three women gave off a scream, in three different shrill notes.

“Got you!” roared a voice. The man plunged at them. He came into the light, laughing. He leaned against a tree, pointing at the ladies weakly, laughing again.

“Hey! I’m the Lonely One!” said Frank Dillon.

“Frank Dillon!” “Frank!” “Frank,” said Lavinia, “if you ever do a childish thing like that again, may someone riddle you with bullets!”

“What a thing to do!” Francine began to cry hysterically. Frank Dillon stopped smiling.

“Say, I’m sorry.” “Go away!” said Lavinia. “Haven’t you heard about Elizabeth Ramsell— found dead in the ravine? You running around scaring women! Don’t speak to us again!”

“Aw, now—” They moved. He moved to follow.

“Stay right there, Mr. Lonely One, and scare yourself. Go take a look at Elizabeth Ramsell’s face and see if it’s funny. Good night!”

Lavinia took the other two on along the street of trees and stars, Francine holding a kerchief to her face.

“Francine, it was only a joke.” Helen turned to Lavinia.

“Why’s she crying so hard?”

“We’ll tell you when we get downtown. We’re going to the show no matter what! Enough’s enough. Come on now, get your money ready, we’re almost there!”

The drugstore was a small pool of sluggish air which the great wooden fans stirred in tides of arnica and tonic and soda-smell out onto the brick streets.

“I need a nickel’s worth of green peppermint chews,” said Lavinia to the druggist. His face was set and pale, like all the faces they had seen on the half-empty streets.

“For eating in the show,” said Lavinia as the druggist weighed out a nickel’s worth of the green candy with a silver shovel.

“You sure look pretty tonight, ladies. You looked cool this afternoon, Miss Lavinia, when you was in for a chocolate soda. So cool and nice that someone asked after you.” “Oh?”

“Man sitting at the counter—watched you walk out. Said to me, ‘Say, who’s that?’ Why, that’s Lavinia Nebbs, prettiest maiden lady in town, I said. ‘She’s beautiful,’ he said. ‘Where does she live?’ ”

Here the druggist paused uncomfortably.

“You didn’t!” said Francine. “You didn’t give him her address, I hope? You didn’t!”

“I guess I didn’t think. I said, ‘Oh, over on Park Street, you know, near the ravine.”

A casual remark.

But now, tonight, them finding the body, I heard a minute ago, I thought, My God, what’ve I done!”

He handed over the package, much too full.

“You fool!” cried Francine, and tears were in her eyes.

“I’m sorry. Course, maybe it was nothing.” Lavinia stood with the three people looking at her, staring at her.

She felt nothing.

Except, perhaps, the slightest prickle of excitement in her throat. She held out her money automatically.

“There’s no charge on those peppermints,” said the druggist, turning to shuffle some papers.

“Well, I know what I’m going to do right now!” Helen stalked out of the drugshop.

“I’m calling a taxi to take us all home. I’ll be no part of a hunting party for you, Lavinia. That man was up to no good. Asking about you. You want to be dead in the ravine next?”

“It was just a man,” said Lavinia, turning in a slow circle to look at the town.

“So is Frank Dillon a man, but maybe he’s the Lonely One.”

Francine hadn’t come out with them, they noticed, and turning, they found her arriving.

“I made him give me a description—the druggist. I made him tell what the man looked like. A stranger,” she said, “in a dark suit. Sort of pale and thin.”

“We’re all overwrought,” said Lavinia. “I simply won’t take a taxi if you get one. If I’m the next victim, let me be the next. There’s all too little excitement in life, especially for a maiden lady thirty-three years old, so don’t you mind if I enjoy it. Anyway it’s silly; I’m not beautiful.”

“Oh, but you are, Lavinia; you’re the loveliest lady in town, now that Elizabeth is—” Francine stopped. “You keep men off at a distance. If you’d only relax, you’d been married years ago!”

“Stop sniveling, Francine! Here’s the theater box office, I’m paying forty-one cents to see Charlie Chaplin. If you two want a taxi, go on. I’ll sit alone and go home alone.”

“Lavinia, you’re crazy; we can’t let you do that—”

They entered the theater.

The first showing was over, intermission was on, and the dim auditorium was sparsely populated. The three ladies sat halfway down front, in the smell of ancient brass polish, and watched the manager step through the worn red velvet curtains to make an announcement.

“The police have asked us to close early tonight so everyone can be out at a decent hour. Therefore we are cutting our short subjects and running our feature again immediately. The show will be over at eleven. Everyone is advised to go straight home. Don’t linger on the streets.”

“That means us, Lavinia!” whispered Francine.

The lights went out.

The screen leaped to life.

“Lavinia,” whispered Helen. “What?”

“As we came in, a man in a dark suit, across the street, crossed over. He just walked down the aisle and is sitting in the row behind us.”

“Oh, Helen!”

“Right behind us?”

One by one the three women turned to look. They saw a white face there, flickering with unholy light from the silver screen. It seemed to be all men’s faces hovering there in the dark.

“I’m going to get the manager!” Helen was gone up the aisle.

“Stop the film! Lights!”

“Helen, come back!” cried Lavinia, rising. They tapped their empty soda glasses down, each with a vanilla mustache on their upper lip, which they found with their tongues, laughing.

“You see how silly?” said Lavinia.

“All that riot for nothing. How embarrassing.”

“I’m sorry,” said Helen faintly.

The clock said eleven-thirty now. They had come out of the dark theater, away from the fluttering rush of men and women hurrying everywhere, nowhere, on the street while laughing at Helen.

Helen was trying to laugh at herself.

“Helen, when you ran up that aisle crying, ‘Lights!’ I thought I’d die! That poor man!”

“The theater manager’s brother from Racine!”

“I apologized,” said Helen, looking up at the great fan still whirling, whirling the warm late night air, stirring, restirring the smells of vanilla, raspberry, peppermint and Lysol.

“We shouldn’t have stopped for these sodas. The police warned—”

“Oh, bosh the police,” laughed Lavinia.

“I’m not afraid of anything. The Lonely One is a million miles away now. He won’t be back for weeks and the police’ll get him then, just wait. Wasn’t the film wonderful?”

“Closing up, ladies.”

The druggist switched off the lights in the cool white-tiled silence. Outside, the streets were swept clean and empty of cars or trucks or people. Bright lights still burned in the small store windows where the warm wax dummies lifted pink wax hands fired with blue-white diamond rings, or flourished orange wax legs to reveal hosiery.

The hot blueglass eyes of the mannequins watched as the ladies drifted down the empty river bottom street, their images shimmering in the windows like blossoms seen under darkly moving waters.

“Do you suppose if we screamed they’d do anything?”


“The dummies, the window people.”

“Oh, Francine.”

“Well. . .”

There were a thousand people in the windows, stiff and silent, and three people on the street, the echoes following like gunshots from store fronts across the way when they tapped their heels on the baked pavement.

A red neon sign flickered dimly, buzzed like a dying insect, as they passed. Baked and white, the long avenues lay ahead.

Blowing and tall in a wind that touched only their leafy summits, the trees stood on either side of the three small women.

Seen from the courthouse peak, they appeared like three thistles far away.

“First, we’ll walk you home, Francine.”

“No, I’ll walk you home.”

“Don’t be silly. You live way out at Electric Park. If you walked me home you’d have to come back across the ravine alone, yourself. And if so much as a leaf fell on you, you’d drop dead.”

Francine said, “I can stay the night at your house. You’re the pretty one!”

And so they walked, they drifted like three prim clothes forms over a moonlit sea of lawn and concrete, Lavinia watching the black trees flit by each side of her, listening to the voices of her friends murmuring, trying to laugh; and the night seemed to quicken, they seemed to run while walking slowly, everything seemed fast and the color of hot snow.

“Let’s sing,” said Lavinia.

They sang, “Shine On, Shine On, Harvest Moon …”

They sang sweetly and quietly, arm in arm, not looking back. They felt the hot sidewalk cooling underfoot, moving, moving.

“Listen!” said Lavinia. They listened to the summer night. The summer-night crickets and the far-off tone of the courthouse clock making it eleven forty-five.

“Listen!” Lavinia listened.

A porch swing creaked in the dark and there was Mr. Terle, not saying anything to anybody, alone on his swing, having a last cigar.

They saw the pink ash swinging gently to and fro.

Now the lights were going, going, gone.

The little house lights and big house lights and yellow lights and green hurricane lights, the candles and oil lamps and porch lights, and everything felt locked up in brass and iron and steel, everything, thought Lavinia, is boxed and locked and wrapped and shaded.

She imagined the people in their moonlit beds. And their breathing in the summernight rooms, safe and together.

And here we are, thought Lavinia, our footsteps on along the baked summer evening sidewalk. And above us the lonely street lights shining down, making a drunken shadow.

“Here’s your house, Francine. Good night.”

“Lavinia, Helen, stay here tonight. It’s late, almost midnight now. You can sleep in the parlor. I’ll make hot chocolate—it’ll be such fun!”

Francine was holding them both now, close to her.

“No, thanks,” said Lavinia.

And Francine began to cry. “Oh, not again, Francine,” said Lavinia.

“I don’t want you dead,” sobbed Francine, the tears running straight down her cheeks.

“You’re so fine and nice, I want you alive. Please, oh, please!”

“Francine, I didn’t know how much this has done to you. I promise I’ll phone when I get home.”

“Oh, will you?”

“And tell you I’m safe, yes. And tomorrow we’ll have a picnic lunch at Electric Park. With ham sandwiches I’ll make myself, how’s that? You’ll see, I’ll live forever!”

“You’ll phone, then?”

“I promised, didn’t I?”

“Good night, good night!”

Rushing upstairs, Francine whisked behind a door, which slammed to be snap-bolted tight on the instant.

“Now,” said Lavinia to Helen, “I’ll walk you home.”

The courthouse clock struck the hour.

The sounds blew across a town that was empty, emptier than it had ever been. Over empty streets and empty lots and empty lawns the sound faded.

“Nine, ten, eleven, twelve,” counted Lavinia, with Helen on her arm.

“Don’t you feel funny?” asked Helen.

“How do you mean?”

“When you think of us being out here on the sidewalks, under the trees, and all those people safe behind locked doors, lying in their beds. We’re practically the only walking people out in the open in a thousand miles, I bet.”

The sound of the deep warm dark ravine came near.

In a minute they stood before Helen’s house, looking at each other for a long time. The wind blew the odor of cut grass between them.

The moon was sinking in a sky that was beginning to cloud.

“I don’t suppose it’s any use asking you to stay, Lavinia?”

“I’ll be going on.” “Sometimes—” “Sometimes what?”

“Sometimes I think people want to die. You’ve acted odd all evening.”

“I’m just not afraid,” said Lavinia.

“And I’m curious, I suppose. And I’m using my head. Logically, the Lonely One can’t be around. The police and all.”

“The police are home with their covers up over their ears.”

“Let’s just say I’m enjoying myself, precariously, but safely. If there was any real chance of anything happening to me, I’d stay here with you, you can be sure of that.”

“Maybe part of you doesn’t want to live anymore.”

“You and Francine. Honestly!”

“I feel so guilty. I’ll be drinking some hot cocoa just as you reach the ravine bottom and walk on the bridge.”

“Drink a cup for me. Good night.”

Lavinia Nebbs walked alone down the midnight street, down the late summer-night silence.

She saw houses with the dark windows and far away she heard a dog barking. In five minutes, she thought, I’ll be safe at home. In five minutes I’ll be phoning silly little Francine. I’ll—”

She heard the man’s voice. A man’s voice singing far away among the trees. “Oh, give me a June night, the moonlight and you . . .”

She walked a little faster.

The voice sang, “In my arms . . . with all your charms …”

Down the street in the dim moonlight a man walked slowly and casually along.

I can run knock on one of these doors, thought Lavinia, if I must.

“Oh, give me a June night,” sang the man, and he carried a long club in his hand.

“The moonlight and you. Well, look who’s here . What a time of night for you to be out, Miss Nebbs!”

“Officer Kennedy!” And that’s who it was, of course.

“I’d better see you home!”

“Thanks, I’ll make it.”

“But you live across the ravine. . . .”

Yes, she thought, but I won’t walk through the ravine with any man, not even an officer. How do I know who the Lonely One is?

“No,” she said, “I’ll hurry.”

“I’ll wait right here,” he said.

“If you need any help, give a yell. Voices carry good here. I’ll come running.”

“Thank you.” She went on, leaving him under a light, humming to himself, alone. Here I am, she thought.

The ravine.

She stood on the edge of the one hundred and thirteen steps that went down the steep hill and then across the bridge seventy yards and up the hills leading to Park Street. And only one lantern to see by.

Three minutes from now, she thought, I’ll be putting my key in my house door. Nothing can happen in just one hundred eighty seconds.

She started down the long dark-green steps into the deep ravine.

“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten steps,” she counted in a whisper. She felt she was running, but she was not running.

“Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty steps,” she breathed.

“One fifth of the way!” she announced to herself.

The ravine was deep, black and black, black! And the world was gone behind, the world of safe people in bed, the locked doors, the town, the drugstore, the theater, the lights, everything was gone.

Only the ravine existed and lived, black and huge, about her.

“Nothing’s happened, has it? No one around, is there? Twenty-four, twenty-five steps. Remember that old ghost story you told each other when you were children?”

She listened to her shoes on the steps.

“The story about the dark man coming in your house and you upstairs in bed. And now he’s at the first step coming up to your room. And now he’s at the second step. And now he’s at the third step and the fourth step and the fifth! Oh, how you used to laugh and scream at that story! And now the horrid dark man’s at the twelfth step and now he’s opening the door of your room and now he’s standing by your bed. ‘I GOT YOU!’ “

She screamed. It was like nothing she’d ever heard, that scream. She had never screamed that loud in her life.

She stopped, she froze, she clung to the wooden banister.

Her heart exploded in her. The sound of the terrified beating filled the universe.

“There, there!” she screamed to herself.

“At the bottom of the steps. A man, under the light! No, now he’s gone! He was waiting there!”

She listened.


The bridge was empty. Nothing, she thought, holding her heart. Nothing. Fool! That story I told myself. How silly. What shall I do?

Her heartbeats faded.

Shall I call the officer—did he hear me scream? She listened. Nothing. Nothing. I’ll go the rest of the way.

That silly story.

She began again, counting the steps.

“Thirty-five, thirty-six, careful, don’t fall. Oh, I am a fool. Thirty-seven steps, thirty-eight, nine and forty, and two makes forty-two— almost halfway.”

She froze again.

Wait, she told herself. She took a step.

There was an echo.

She took another step.

Another echo.

Another step, just a fraction of a moment later.

“Someone’s following me,” she whispered to the ravine, to the black crickets and dark-green hidden frogs and the black stream.

“Someone’s on the steps behind me. I don’t dare turn around.”

Another step, another echo.

“Every time I take a step, they take one.”

A step and an echo. Weakly she asked of the ravine, “Officer Kennedy, is that you?”

The crickets were still.

The crickets were listening. The night was listening to her. For a change, all of the far summer-night meadows and close summer-night trees were suspending motion; leaf, shrub, star, and meadow grass ceased their particular tremors and were listening to Lavinia Nebbs’s heart.

And perhaps a thousand miles away, across locomotive-lonely country, in an empty way station, a single traveler reading a dim newspaper under a solitary naked bulb, might raise up his head, listen, and think, What’s that? and decide, Only a woodchuck, surely, beating on a hollow log.

But it was Lavinia Nebbs, it was most surely the heart of Lavinia Nebbs.


A summer-night silence which lay for a thousand miles, which covered the earth like a white and shadowy sea.

Faster, faster! She went down the steps. Run!

She heard music. In a mad way, in a silly way, she heard the great surge of music that pounded at her, and she realized as she ran, as she ran in panic and terror, that some part of her mind was dramatizing, borrowing from the turbulent musical score of some private drama, and the music was rushing and pushing her now, higher and higher, faster, faster, plummeting and scurrying, down, and down into the pit of the ravine.

Only a little way, she prayed.

One hundred eight, nine, one hundred ten steps!

The bottom!

Now, run! Across the bridge! She told her legs what to do, her arms, her body, her terror; she advised all parts of herself in this white and terrible moment, over the roaring creek waters, on the hollow, thudding, swaying almost alive, resilient bridge planks she ran, followed by the wild footsteps behind, behind, with the music following, too, the music shrieking and babbling.

He’s following, don’t turn, don’t look, if you see him, you’ll not be able to move, you’ll be so frightened.

Just run, run!

She ran across the bridge. Oh, God, God, please, please let me get up the hill! Now up the path, now between the hills, oh God, it’s dark, and everything so far away.

If I screamed now it wouldn’t help; I can’t scream anyway. Here’s the top of the path, here’s the street, oh, God, please let me be safe, if I get home safe I’ll never go out alone; I was a fool, let me admit it, I was a fool, I didn’t know what terror was, but if you let me get home from this I’ll never go without Helen or Francine again!

Here’s the street. Across the street! She crossed the street and rushed up the sidewalk.

Oh God, the porch!

My house!

Oh God, please give me time to get inside and lock the door and I’ll be safe!

And there—silly thing to notice—why did she notice, instantly, no time, no time—but there it was anyway, flashing by—there on the porch rail, the half-filled glass of lemonade she had abandoned a long time, a year, half an evening ago!

The lemonade glass sitting calmly, imperturbably there on the rail,. . . and . . . She heard her clumsy feet on the porch and listened and felt her hands scrabbling and ripping at the lock with the key.

She heard her heart.

She heard her inner voice screaming.

The key fit. Unlock the door, quick, quick!

The door opened. Now, inside. Slam it! She slammed the door.

“Now lock it, bar it, lock it!” she gasped wretchedly.

“Lock it, tight, tight!” The door was locked and bolted tight.

The music stopped. She listened to her heart again and the sound of it diminishing into silence.

Home! Oh God, safe at home! Safe, safe and safe at home! She slumped against the door. Safe, safe. Listen. Not a sound.

Safe, safe, oh thank God, safe at home.

I’ll never go out at night again. I’ll stay home.

I won’t go over that ravine again ever. Safe, oh safe, safe home, so good, so good, safe! Safe inside, the door locked. Wait. Look out the window. She looked. Why, there’s no one there at all!

Nobody. There was nobody following me at all.

Nobody running after me.

She got her breath and almost laughed at herself. It stands to reason If a man had been following me, he’d have caught me! I’m not a fast runner. . . . There’s no one on the porch or in the yard.

How silly of me. I wasn’t running from anything.

That ravine’s as safe as anyplace. Just the same, it’s nice to be home. Home’s the really good warm place, the only place to be.

She put her hand out to the light switch and stopped. “What?” she asked. “What, what?”

Behind her in the living room, someone cleared his throat.

The End

Some thoughts…

Have you ever been petrified or terrified of an event in the future? One where you really don’t have much control of the outcome? You do what you can. You make a “risk analysis”. and then you try to “hedge your bets” to avoid any undue discomfort. But then, all things said and done, you move forward with you head held high, and you confronted what ever your fear is.

And the truth really is that your fears are far worse than what you are going to experience.

Know this fact and use it. Bravery is simply the realization that your fears are much larger than what you will actually encounter.

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A very Metallicaman Merry Christmas!

I have written about Christmas before, don’t you know. I wrote about Christmas in China HERE. And you all might want to visit it and see what Christmas is like in China. And I have other Christmas themed posts as well. But this post will be about me offering you, the reader a very MERRY Christmas. And it won’t be much more than that.

When I grew up in the States, Christmas was a month-long event. It began after “black Friday” and continued to about one week past New Years. At that time the Christmas tree was taken down, and the decorations were removed, the food was all either eaten up or thrown out, and we all would settle in for the Winter months.

December was the month of long lunches with co-workers. Always involving alcohol. Also this was the time when frozen hams or turkeys were handed out. The company would buy them in bulk at bargain basement prices and hand them out to the employees as a token of “appreciation”.

This was also the time when the President would send out signed Christmas cards to every employee. But you know it really wasn’t his signature. My department was once told to sign a stack of 6000 cards for the President to mail out to all the workers. So we did, and over time our signatures got sloppier and sloppier. LOL.

December was quite the month for certain.

Typically, folk would leave for lunch around noon, and get back around four, pretty much sloshed. We would then try to pretend to work, while our bosses would close their office doors and take a nap. Obviously, work was only completed in the morning hours.

Merry Christmas. A vintage view.
Office Workers would take time off to shop in the afternoon before coming home to work.


All through the month of December, the “white collar” staff would take time off to go shopping during the normal working hours. It was pretty much a normal occurrence, and everyone did this. Just as long as you didn’t abuse this privilege, it was one of the “perks” of being an “office worker”.

So, if you all could imagine what it was like, imagine the afternoon with everyone sitting at their desks, sloshed. Smoking cigarettes in their company ashtrays and imbibing on some of the many, many home-make Christmas cookies donated (for the cause) and sampling the many kinds of dips and chips lying about. Heck! It was an often abused event, when people from one department would sneak into another department to grab some delicious dip and chips.

Fun times!

Typical Christmas dip.
Christmas was the time when many people would bring in “home made” snacking masterpieces. Some of my favorites were peanut-butter and marshmallow dips, wrapped bacon mini-hotdogs, and those jello molds with tiny orange slices.


The Christmas Bonus

One of the big conversation pieces revolved around the size of the Christmas bonus that we would get. People would tell stories about what they did with the last year’s bonus. And what they planned to do with this years bonus. Typically the bonuses would either be given out during the Christmas Party, or at the end of the day right before Christmas.

Most people tended to spend it on something big an lavish. It might be a down payment on a new car, an addition to their house, a planned swimming pool, or a vacation to interesting and sunny locations. By the time I started working, the idea of Christmas bonuses were begin phased out all over America. But, instead, we were promised generous sick days, and lenient extended vacation days to make up for the shortfall.

So many fun, but terribly embarrassing moments befell the employees.
Christmas was always a “hoot” in the office.


Bonuses tended to equal one months pay. Which is WHY most companies calculated salary based on a 13 month year. Bet that you didn’t know that, did you?

From the festive celebrations to the time away from the office, there’s plenty that your employees look forward to about the end of the calendar year.

But, the one thing that likely tops their lists? A year-end bonus.

Nearly 80% of employers hand out a bonus to employees at this time—making it something that most employees not only appreciate, but expect.

And, while your staff is sure to be all smiles when you present them with a year-end reward, making the effort to provide bonuses on top of the usual payroll has some benefits for you as well. Fifty-four percent of employees state that they prefer monetary bonuses, and they would be willing to change jobs in order to receive that benefit.


Anyways, everyone tended to chat about bonuses and television shows. Back in the 1970’s and 1980’s the big shows pretty much dominated the conversation. MASH was always a favorite, as was “The Golden Girls”. And yes, we would talk about these things while at work. It’s what real humans do.

Office parties during Christmas was always fun.
Office parties during Christmas was always fun.


Most companies, back in the 1970’s and 1980’s, held two Christmas parties. There was one “big” party, that was usually held in a local banquet hall or hotel. And one was a local party for the staff in any given department. Those local department parties were the stuff of legends. I’ll tell you what.

Local Department Parties

These local department parties might be on a Friday evening, where the boss would bring in a case of hard alcohols, and the secretaries would bring in some snacks and munchies. All paid out of the department budget especially reserved for this occasion. Typically, a table would be set up for the foods, snacks, and booze. Sometimes people might wear some stupid party hats. But that seemed to disappear in the 1980’s.

Typically the primary function of the party was to start drinking early on, then have a meal buffet style, and rounded out with some stupid games or a “mystery Santa”, some puzzles or skits, and then closure with handing out the yearly Christmas bonuses. Everyone would be smoking and drinking. Chatting up a storm about sports, television or the work “war stories” and then everyone would pretty much break for home by 9 or 10 pm.

Company party.
Company party – “in the day”.

In all my recollections, while the ladies might limit the numbers of mixed cocktails that they drank, everyone drank alcohol. If you refused to drink, you would label yourself as an outcast.

The idea was to really get everyone “shit faced drunk”, lower your inhibitions, and have fun. In those days, before the mainsteaming of busy-bodies and their ideas of a perfectionist utopia mandated by law, it was considered important for people to bond free of social inhibitions.

Oh my friends we're older but no wiser. 
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same. 
Those were the days my friend. 
We thought they'd never end. 
We'd sing and dance forever and a day. 
We'd live the life we choose. 
We'd fight and never lose. 
For we were young and sure to have our way. La la la la la la.

-The 5th Dimension - Those Were The Days Lyrics |

The alcohol was all high quality, and expensive shit too. None of that “average” stuff. If you are going to a Company Christmas party, you can expect to drink the best, and the Department Managers would typically contribute to this from their own home stocks.

In those days we also had "free standing" ashtrays. They typically sat upon a metal stand and when you and your friends were smoking, you would move the piece next to you.
In those days we also had “free standing” ashtrays. They typically sat upon a metal stand and when you and your friends were smoking, you would move the piece next to you.


Of course music would be provided. Often it was just Christmas music, and played loud enough to provide atmosphere, but not so loud that you all couldn’t carry on a conversation with. The boss might hand out cigars, and there was always the obligatory visit from the President or the Vice President (the manager’s manager) who would stop by, have a drink and congratulate everyone and hand the manager the Christmas bonuses for him to distribute right then and there.

This was to prevent bad bosses from surreptitiously stealing the cash out of the employees bonus envelopes. 

Nope, the bonuses were not in the form of checks. It was in the form of cash. 

Indeed, it was usually in the form of hard cold cash. And i think part of this reason was to show gratitude and "special-ness". After-all, how often does a person get a stack of one hundred dollar bills?  

So yeah. It wasn't in the form of checks. It wasn't until the 1990's when everyone started to phase out hard cash bonuses.

Now, of course, once the bonuses were handed out, and all that, it pretty much signaled the time for everyone to leave. I would guess that about fifteen minutes to one hour afterwards, the staff would slowly leave in clumps and clusters. Everyone would help everyone else (being drunk and all) get into their cars. If someone was too drunk to drive, they would be driven home instead. And if, for some reason, someone or a couple of people needed to stay there, the company would provide them a hotel for the night.

Office Santa.
Often, a co-worker would dress up like Santa Claus and have the secretaries sit on his lap and tell him their deepest desires. LOL.

Arriving Home

We would leave the office, drive home (drunk) and arrive safely. I only know of one accident that ever happened after a party. She wasn’t killed, but her car was smashed up, and she spent a week in the hospital. Obviously the fears of HR do have some weight. But not at the expense of creating a sterile no-fun environment.

But we would tend to drive home. And we would arrive and greet our families. Many of whom were past their normal meal times and who were off studying, watching television, or doing their own personal hobbies and activities. Since this is Christmas, the tree would be lit up (as well as all the house decorations), creating a nice warm and cozy atmosphere for us to arrive home to. And of course, the first thing that the wife would ask was “how big was the bonus this year?”

Arriving home.
Often that man would come home from the Company Party and would be greeted by his adoring family and the warmth of their warm house and hearth.


Sometimes the men (or ladies) would break off and meet at another venue outside of work before going straight home. The argument of “the night is still young” probably comes from this kind of situation. Often they would leave the company parking lot, only to drive four or five blocks over to a favorite lounge or bar for a few “night toppers” don’t you know.

It’s difficult to find a decent lounge today. But back in the day it was more like an American version of a British pub. It would have an array of sofas, comfortable chairs, fine areas to converse, smoke cigarettes, play cards and just drink with your friends. And at this time, the lounge might be packed and filled with a low hanging cloud of cigarette smoke that would waft and hang there like a blue haze.

Cocktail lounge.
Cocktail Lounge.


These were always fine establishments to head out to and hang out at. Most people might close out and head home around midnight, but others would linger until the “wee hours” of the morning.

Where are these lounges today?

Why aren’t there any more Christmas parties (in the United States) any longer?

What is going on with the HR telling you that you cannot smoke, you cannot drink, and you cannot have fun on your off-hours? I mean, people!, WTF?

Where did things go “off the rails”…


The United States has become a place where everything has been co-opted by a military run money-making machine. The citizens, all are reduced, to what is nothing more than medieval serfs working on subsistence wages to service an enormous military-industrial machine that supports global “police actions”. To keep the citizenry in check, a local military is used which is called the DHS (The Department of Homeland Security). If it does not serve the military-industrial machine, then it is liable to prosecution… anything outside of the “normal” is to be avoided least one get entangled in legal battles.

party harty.
It does not serve the “machine” for the serfs / working class to get out of control. The first thing that might happen is that they start to think for themselves, and then after that they might question their life, and their role in it.


Too harsh?


Ok, then try this angle. Society has changed. Fun is now outlawed. This is because the Bible says that people have to be of a high quality to “witness” to others. That means no vices, a near saint-like presence, and an active effort to spread the word of God. Whether that is door to door with a bible, or obliterating the nations that do not follow the word of God; like Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, and China.

For the children.
People (adults) drinking and smoking might be a bad influence on the children. Americans must be forever banned from smoking or drinking…for the children!


Still to harsh?


Try this angle. When you are with others celebrating the holidays people tend to relax. they lower their inhibitions. When people of the opposite sex lower their inhibitions, they tend to want to have sexual intercourse. By limiting all aspects of social interaction, the government (in this case, via businesses) can curtail the fun and freedom aspects of gender interaction.

Christmas surprise.
Christmas is a time to loosen up, have some fun, and spend time with those that you care about. Check out this Christmas surprise.

Remember boys and girls. The way for the 1%, the PTB, the oligarchy controls people is through “vices”. Vices are natural biological processes that are very popular. By limiting the access to these vices, governments control people. All you need to do is notice the government reactions to control popular pastimes, and systems in support of that.

Real Freedom is the ability to have fun.

Actually, it all boils down to sentience. Those with a service-to-self sentience end up collecting riches and with that comes power. They use that power to collect even more power, and as a result they lord over other sentience’s. Service-to-others sentience then is at a natural disadvantage. The two sentiences cannot co-exist.

What we are witnessing is the physical manifestation of the power projection between the two primary sentience’s on this earth and within this reality. And this story about the loss of freedom to have parties at work is one such manifestation.


To put it another way…

Your owners do not want you wasting your energies, thoughts, and creative abilities on anything that might “take away” from your labors from their interests.

And to that, I say…


Live life. You are in control of it. So live it and live it well. Do things you own way, with those that you care about, on your time schedule and in the way that matters to you. And if others don’t “get it” well, fuck them. That’s their problem.

Your life.
It’s YOUR life. Live it well!


And I know…

I know that many won’t understand. That hey might think… well, what would they think? And does it really matter? We are all living our own different realities and the ways that feel best for us personally. And so if someone doesn’t like what we are doing, or how we are doing it, I say FUCK them.

Life is far too short to care about others that lie outside your immediate circle of friends and family. Concentrate only on those that matter to you, and if you put your pets before say a cousin, that is your decision and it is ok. Why? It is because it is your life. Do what is important for you.

And start now.

Start at Christmas.

Spend time with your loved ones.
Spend time with those that you care about.

Yes, things have changed…

Yes. I know that things have changed. That you have to abide by all sorts of diversity quotas, behavioral shackles, rules and regulations from state and local requirements to insurance issues, to local law enforcement requirements. But even so…

WHO says that you need to obey them?

Really. Seriously. So what? What is the worst thing that is going to happen if you want to take your staff out to a bar after work hours for a few drinks? What if your department budget no longer allocates money for recreation or “team building”? What’s stopping you for doing it yourself, on your own time, with your own money?

What’s stopping you?


Celebrate Christmas your style.
Don’t be afraid to celebrate Christmas in your own way, and in your own manner. Life is too short waiting for group approval. You just go ahead and do things your way and at your speed.


Yes. I know everyone is different.

So what? Being different is good. No, I take that back. Being different is GREAT. It is what adds color to our lives, and passion to our experiences. It’s the wonderful aroma when bacon is cooking in the skillet, and the wonderful feeling when you take your first sip of icy cold beer after a really bad day at work.

So don’t hold back.

Be yourselves.

And embrace who you are and your own uniqueness. I mean that. I really, honestly do. And no matter what others might think of you, your lifestyle, your behaviors or your taste in music, in all events BE YOURSELF.

It’s an element of what Christmas is.

Celebrate Christmas your style.
Celebrate Christmas in your own personal style.




You don’t think that I am serious. Oh Noooo! I am very, very serious. You MUST be who you are and you MUST share that reality with those that you care about. This remains true whether they accept that reality or not. And no it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will get drunk at a work party. It might mean anything.

But it means the freedom to be ourselves surrounded by those that we love and who loves us for EXACTLY WHO WE ARE right now.

Be who you are.
Be who you are.


Strange posting from Metallicman

Yes. I get that a lot.

Why aren’t I railing about the “issues of the day”? Why aren’t I all that concerned about the Fourth Turning, and the SHTF, and the post-election shit-storm and all the myriad of issues that seem to intrude in my daily news feed? Why not?

  • The train is moving full speed to the end of the line. There’s nothing that I can do about it.
  • The Oligarchy, the PTB, the 1%, the Jews, or what ever enemy du Jour you want to assign this current world-line to, well it’s also out of my hands. You just recognize what is going on and step out of the way.
  • Work rules and regulations come and go with the human condition. What we have now is but a fleeting moment in time. Embrace it.
  • And if this world line is going to opt for the MAD level fiasco, well, I’ll perform a deep slide and get the fuck out of here. Maybe you all should consider that as well.

And if you don’t understand, well then, pour yourself a nice cocktail and forget about it. You need to relax. American have become so fucking uptight over the last few decade. When they arrive here in China they look bewildered and out of sorts. Like they are trying to find some kinds of stability or familiarity that they can hold on to.

Just celebrate Christmas.

Celebrate your way

Do it YOUR way.

Christmas Nativity Scene.
(Minimalist) Christmas Nativity Scene


And if you don’t…

If you don’t take some friends, some co-workers, some family out to a meal, or a beer, or just a cup of coffee then you are a sorry, sorry excuse for a person. It’s the relationships with others that define our value. You have no relationships, then you have no value. Simple stuff. Easy to understand. Yet…

What the fuck is wrong with you all?

You don’t need to buy a lot of expensive presents. You don’t need to get shit faced drunk. You don’t need to ask permission. You don’t need to plan for a big event. You don’t need to order a cake.

You just need to be there.

Be unique.
Be unique.


Some ideas…

  • Stop over to your grandparents unexpectedly. Say hi. Tell them that you want to look over some old picture albums if they don’t mind. Or barring that, just have a cup of coffee, and maybe watch a television show with them.
  • Call your brother, or sister and tell them that you remembered about the time when XXXXXXX and you were thinking about that time and just wanted to say hi.
  • Call up a friend and say hi, and go out for a beer. You pay. It’s your treat.

It need not be extensive, expensive or exclusive. You just need to contribute your time. If you cannot. If you cannot give some of your time up for those that you care about, then what the fuck are you doing with your life? It’s those in our lives that make it worth while and who helps and stands by us when the times are low and we need to know that we are not alone, and that these people care about us.

Go crazy.
Christmas is the time to go wild. Let it all hang out.


My friend Marcus didn’t know that. He thought that he was alone. He thought that people didn’t understand him. He thought that he was a failure. But that was all wrong-headed thinking. He wasn’t a loser. He wasn’t alone. And he wasn’t a failure.

He was just different.

And that difference made him special in our minds. And to this day, I greatly lament that he is no longer here. And yeah, even though I saw him rarely (being at the other end of the globe and all) I still wish that he could have said “MM I’m going through some shit right now, can I crash at your house for a month? I won’t be a bother. I just need some time”

And while my wife might have a fit, I would say “Yeah. I’d be happy to host you. We have an empty 2nd and third bedroom. Just come and we will sort out everything when you arrive.”

That’s what friends do.

That’s EXACTLY what friends do.

Expereince life.
Don’t let the world pass you by. Start enjoying the moment. Stop having your head buried in an APP, a game or social media. Experience life.


It’s a shit load better than the alternative. No shit. It’s better than the alternative; the reality of what actually happened. Instead of lying nude in his bed and blowing his brains out.

So now, it’s Christmas. Are you all gonna follow the herd? Or are you going to spend time with friends and family? Are you going to bond with co-workers? Are you going to be a substantive person? Are you going to make a difference in this world? Or are you going to continue to be a passenger?

Do things your way.

Define your life by your actions now.

Use Christmas as your springboard.

You are in control.
You are in control of your life. Act like it.

Final words

Merry Christmas. Don’t be afraid about being called into HR for saying it either. Be who you are. Be proud, and define life on YOUR TERMS. start now.

Merry Christmas!

And if HR gives you some shit over it, tell them that Christmas is a Chinese holiday and you are just celebrating it because you are part Chinese.

…And if they look at you like you are fucked in the head, show them THIS post.

Remind them that Federal law prevents and prohibits discrimination against your religion and speech. It’s first amendment, baby!

Tell them to stop being so niggardly.


not generous; stingy.
"serving out the rations with a niggardly hand"

miserly · parsimonious · close-fisted · penny-pinching · cheeseparing · [more]
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.



One last thing.

How is Metallicman celebrating Christmas this year 2020?

Like this, you all. Like this…

Merry Christmas.
Metallicman celebrates Christmas.

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I See You Never (Full Text) by Ray Bradbury

The soft knock came at the kitchen door, and when Mrs. O’Brian opened it, there on the back porch were her best tenant, Mr. Ramirez, and two police officers, one on each side of him.

Mr. Ramirez just stood there, walled in and small.

“Why, Mr. Ramirez!” said Mrs. O’Brian.

Mr. Ramirez was overcome. He did not seem to have words to explain.

He had arrived at Mrs. O’Brian’s rooming house more than two years earlier and had lived there ever since.

He had come by bus from Mexico City to San Diego and had then gone up to Los Angeles. There he had found the clean little room, with glossy blue linoleum, and pictures and calendars on the flowered walls, and Mrs. O’Brian as the strict but kindly landlady.

During the war, he had worked at the airplane factory and made parts for the planes that flew off somewhere, and even now, after the war, he still held his job.

From the first, he had made big money.

He saved some of it, and he got drunk only once a week–a privilege that, to Mrs. O’Brian’s way of thinking, every good workingman deserved, unquestioned and unreprimanded.

Inside Mrs. O’Brian’s kitchen, pies were baking in the oven.

Soon the pies would come out with complexions like Mr. Ramirez’s, brown and shiny and crisp, with slits in them for the air almost like the slits of Mr. Ramirez’s dark eyes.

The kitchen smelled good.

The policemen leaned forward, lured by the odor.

Mr. Ramirez gazed at his feet, as if they had carried him into all this trouble.

“What happened, Mr. Ramirez?” asked Mrs. O’Brian.

Behind Mrs. O’Brian, as he lifted his eyes, Mr. Ramirez saw the long table, laid with clean white linen and set with a platter, cool, shining glasses, a water pitcher with ice cubes floating inside it, a bowl of fresh potato salad, and one of bananas and oranges, cubed and sugared.

At this table sat Mrs. O’Brian’s children–her three grown sons, eating and conversing, and her two younger daughters, who were staring at the policemen as they ate.

“I have been here thirty months,” said Mr. Ramirez quietly, looking at Mrs. O’Brian’s plump hands.

“That’s six months too long,” said one policeman.

“He only had a temporary visa. We’ve just got around to looking for him.”

Soon after Mr. Ramirez had arrived, he bought a radio for his little room; evenings, he turned it up very loud and enjoyed it.

And he had bought a wrist-watch and enjoyed that, too.

And on many nights he had walked silent streets and seen the bright clothes in the windows and bought some of them, and he had seen the jewels and bought some of them for his few lady friends.

And he had gone to picture shows five nights a week for a while.

Then, also, he had ridden the streetcars–all night some nights– smelling the electricity, his dark eyes moving over the advertisements, feeling the wheels rumble under him, watching the little sleeping houses and big hotels slip by.

Besides that, he had gone to large restaurants, where he had eaten many-course dinners, and to the opera and the theatre.

And he had bought a car, which later, when he forgot to pay for it, the dealer had driven off angrily from in front of the rooming house.

“So here I am,” said Mr. Ramirez now, “to tell you that I must give up my room, Mrs. O’Brian. I come to get my baggage and clothes and go with these men.”

“Back to Mexico?”

“Yes. To Lagos. That is a little town north of Mexico City.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Ramirez.”

“I’m packed,” said Mr. Ramirez hoarsely, blinking his dark eyes rapidly and moving his hands helplessly before him.

The policemen did not touch him. There was no necessity for that.

“Here is the key, Mrs. O’Brian,” Mr. Ramirez said, “I have my bag already.”

Mrs. O’Brian, for the first time, noticed a suitcase standing behind him on the porch. Mr. Ramirez looked in again at the huge kitchen, at the bright silver cutlery and the young people eating and the shining waxed floor.

He turned and looked for a long moment at the apartment house next door, rising up three stories, high and beautiful.

He looked at the balconies and fire escapes and back-porch stairs, at the lines of laundry snapping in the wind.

“You’ve been a good tenant,” said Mrs. O’Brian.

“Thank you, thank you, Mrs. O’Brian,” he said softly. He closed his eyes. Mrs. O’Brian stood holding the door half open.

One of her sons, behind her, said that her dinner was getting cold, but she shook her head at him and turned back to Mr. Ramirez.

She remembered a visit she had once made to some Mexican border towns–the hot days, the endless crickets leaping and falling or lying dead and brittle like the small cigars in the shop windows’ and the canals taking river water out to the farms, the dirt roads, the scorched fields, the little adobe houses, the bleached clothes, the eroded landscape.

She remembered the silent towns, the warm beer, the hot, thick foods each day.

She remembered the slow, dragging horses and the parched jack rabbits on the road.

She remembered the iron mountains and the dusty valleys and the ocean beaches that spread hundreds of miles with no sound but the waves –no cars, no buildings, nothing.

“I’m sure sorry, Mr. Ramirez,” she said.

“I don’t want to go back, Mrs. O’Brian,” he said weakly. “I like it here. I want to stay here. I’ve worked, I’ve got money. I look all right, don’t I? And I don’t want to go back!”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Ramirez,” she said. “I wish there was something I could do.”

“Mrs. O’Brian!” he cried suddenly, tears rolling out from under his eyelids. He reached out his hands and took her hand fervently, shaking it, wringing it, holding to it.

“Mrs. O’Brian, I see you never, I see you never!”

The policemen smiled at this, but Mr. Ramirez did not notice it, and they stopped smiling very soon.

“Goodbye, Mrs. O’Brian. You have been good to me. Oh, goodbye, Mrs. O’Brian. I see you never”

The policemen waited for Mr. Ramirez to turn, pick up his suitcase, and walk away.

Then they followed him, tipping their caps to Mrs. O’Brian. She watched them go down the porch steps.

Then she shut the door quietly and went slowly back to her chair at the table.

She pulled the chair out and sat down. She picked up the shining knife and fork and started once more upon her steak.

“Hurry up, Mom,” said one of the sons. “It’ll be cold.”

Mrs. O’Brian took one bite and chewed on it for a long, slow time; then she stared at the closed door.

She laid down her knife and fork.

“What’s wrong, Ma?” asked her son.

“I just realized,” said Mrs. O’Brian–she put her hand to her face–“I’ll never see Mr. Ramirez again.”

The End

Some words…

Most of youse guys reading this might associate it with an immigrant coming to America and overstaying their visa. But for me, as an American expat, we are always at the mercy of our host country. In my case it is China. And they can just as easily revoke my visa. All it takes is a crazed madman running the United States and causing discord between our two nations.

When I lived in the USA, I believed the narrative that “foreigners were taking our jobs”. Why? Well, it was a non-stop mantra from the “news” media for decades.

But you know what? There weren’t any engineers from India taking my work, or the work of anyone around me. There wasn’t any “Mexicans” stealing my work in any way. And all this stuff about them getting free hospital care, free medicine, and free this and that… well I believed it.



But I never SAW it with my eyes – first hand. I only heard about it.

We need to return to being a compassionate and just people. We need to show care and empathy. And those that rule the media need to shut the FUCK UP and stop provoking and filling the world with hate. The big reset is coming to America. Wise up, and start being the Rufus. We need to be a compassionate people again. We really do. For that is the only true road to salvation on both the spiritual and physical worlds.

Do you want more?

I have more Ray Bradbury posts in my Literature Index here…

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Law 11 of The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene; Learn to keep people dependent on you (Full Text)

What is “welfare”? It is “free stuff” from the government, as long as you meet their criteria. And since it is important to “them” to maintain their budgets, the natural inclination for the welfare system is to grow. To grow larger, and larger, and even larger. All the while, those on welfare are becoming dependent upon the government.

Fun Fact: China doesn't have "welfare". You either work or die.

Their system is free work for anyone. You join the work collective, and you are given free food, free housing, free clothes, and a modest stipend to live off of. If you cannot do the bare minimum work requirements, the collective will kick you out, and you will either beg or starve.

And the end result of decades of this behavior, and this system, is to create a class of people that act as pawns for those that dish out the benefits.

Let’s look at the techniques that criminal masterminds use to keep people dependent upon them, and have them doing things that they naturally would be abhorrent towards.

LAW 11



To maintain your independence you must always be needed and wanted. The more you are relied on, the more freedom you have. Make people depend on you for their happiness and prosperity and you have nothing to fear. Never teach them enough so that they can do without you.


Sometime in the Middle Ages, a mercenary soldier (a condottiere), whose name has not been recorded, saved the town of Siena from a foreign aggressor. How could the good citizens of Siena reward him? No amount of money or honor could possibly compare in value to the preservation of a city’s liberty. The citizens thought of making the mercenary the lord of the city, but even that, they decided, wasn’t recompense enough. At last one of them stood before the assembly called to debate this matter and said, “Let us kill him and then worship him as our patron saint.” And so they did.

The Count of Carmagnola was one of the bravest and most successful of all the condottieri. In 1442, late in his life, he was in the employ of the city of Venice, which was in the midst of a long war with Florence. The count was suddenly recalled to Venice. A favorite of the people, he was received there with all kinds of honor and splendor. That evening he was to dine with the doge himself, in the doge’s palace. On the way into the palace, however, he noticed that the guard was leading him in a different direction from usual. Crossing the famous Bridge of Sighs, he suddenly realized where they were taking him—to the dungeon. He was convicted on a trumped-up charge and the next day in the Piazza San Marco, before a horrified crowd who could not understand how his fate had changed so drastically, he was beheaded.


Two horses were carrying two loads. The front Horse went well, but the rear Horse was lazy. The men began to pile the rear Horse’s load on the front Horse; when they had transferred it all, the rear Horse found it easy going, and he said to the front Horse: “Toil and sraeat! The more you try, the more you have to suffer.” When they reached the tavern, the owner said; “Why should I fodder two horses when I carry all on one? I had better give the one all the food it wants, and cut the throat of the other; at least I shall have the hide.” And so he did. 



Many of the great condottieri of Renaissance Italy suffered the same fate as the patron saint of Siena and the Count of Carmagnola: They won battle after battle for their employers only to find themselves banished, imprisoned, or executed. The problem was not ingratitude; it was that there were so many other condottieri as able and valiant as they were.

They were replaceable.

Nothing was lost by killing them. Meanwhile, the older among them had grown powerful themselves, and wanted more and more money for their services. How much better, then, to do away with them and hire a younger, cheaper mercenary. That was the fate of the Count of Carmagnola, who had started to act impudently and independently. He had taken his power for granted without making sure that he was truly indispensable.

Such is the fate (to a less violent degree, one hopes) of those who do not make others dependent on them. Sooner or later someone comes along who can do the job as well as they can—someone younger, fresher, less expensive, less threatening.

Be the only one who can do what you do, and make the fate of those who hire you so entwined with yours that they cannot possibly get rid of you. Otherwise you will someday be forced to cross your own Bridge of Sighs.


When Otto von Bismarck became a deputy in the Prussian parliament in 1847, he was thirty-two years old and without an ally or friend. Looking around him, he decided that the side to ally himself with was not the parliament’s liberals or conservatives, not any particular minister, and certainly not the people. It was with the king, Frederick William IV. This was an odd choice to say the least, for Frederick was at a low point of his power. A weak, indecisive man, he consistently gave in to the liberals in parliament; in fact he was spineless, and stood for much that Bismarck disliked, personally and politically. Yet Bismarck courted Frederick night and day. When other deputies attacked the king for his many inept moves, only Bismarck stood by him.


Then the Woman laughed and set the Cat a bowl of the warm white milk and said, “0 Cat, you are as clever as a man, but remember that your bargain was not made with the Man or the Dog, and I do not know what they will do when they come home.” 

“What is that to me?” said the Cat. “If I have my place in the Cave by the fire and my warm white milk three times a day, I do not care what the Man or the Dog can do.” 

... And from that day to this, Best Beloved, three proper Men out of five will always throw things at a Cat whenever they meet him, and all proper Dogs will chase him up a tree. 

But the Cat keeps his side of the bargain too. 

He will kill mice, and he will be kind to Babies when he is in the house, just as long as they do not pull his tail too hard. 

But when he has done that, and between times, and when the moon gets up and the night comes, he is the Cat that walks by himself, and all places are alike to him. Then he goes out to the Wet Wild Woods or up the Wet Wild Trees or on the Wet Wild Roofs, waving his wild tail and walking by his wild lone. 


Finally, it all paid off: In 1851 Bismarck was made a minister in the king’s cabinet. Now he went to work. Time and again he forced the king’s hand, getting him to build up the military, to stand up to the liberals, to do exactly as Bismarck wished. He worked on Frederick’s insecurity about his manliness, challenging him to be firm and to rule with pride. And he slowly restored the king’s powers until the monarchy was once again the most powerful force in Prussia.

When Frederick died, in 1861, his brother William assumed the throne. William disliked Bismarck intensely and had no intention of keeping him around. But he also inherited the same situation his brother had: enemies galore, who wanted to nibble his power away. He actually considered abdicating, feeling he lacked the strength to deal with this dangerous and precarious position. But Bismarck insinuated himself once again. He stood by the new king, gave him strength, and urged him into firm and decisive action. The king grew dependent on Bismarck’s strong-arm tactics to keep his enemies at bay, and despite his antipathy toward the man, he soon made him his prime minister. The two quarreled often over policy—Bismarck was much more conservative—but the king understood his own dependency. Whenever the prime minister threatened to resign, the king gave in to him, time after time. It was in fact Bismarck who set state policy.

Years later, Bismarck’s actions as Prussia’s prime minister led the various German states to be united into one country. Now Bismarck finagled the king into letting himself be crowned emperor of Germany. Yet it was really Bismarck who had reached the heights of power. As right-hand man to the emperor, and as imperial chancellor and knighted prince, he pulled all the levers.


Most young and ambitious politicians looking out on the political landscape of 1840s Germany would have tried to build a power base among those with the most power. Bismarck saw different. Joining forces with the powerful can be foolish: They will swallow you up, just as the doge of Venice swallowed up the Count of Carmagnola. No one will come to depend on you if they are already strong. If you are ambitious, it is much wiser to seek out weak rulers or masters with whom you can create a relationship of dependency. You become their strength, their intelligence, their spine. What power you hold! If they got rid of you the whole edifice would collapse.

Necessity rules the world. People rarely act unless compelled to. If you create no need for yourself, then you will be done away with at first opportunity. If, on the other hand, you understand the Laws of Power and make others depend on you for their welfare, if you can counteract their weakness with your own “iron and blood,” in Bismarck’s phrase, then you will survive your masters as Bismarck did. You will have all the benefits of power without the thorns that come from being a master.

Thus a wise prince will think of ways to keep his citizens of every sort and under every circumstance dependent on the state and on him; and then they will always be trustworthy. 

-Niccolo Machiavelli, 1469-1527


An extravagant young Vine, vainly ambitious of independence, and fond of rambling at large, despised the alliance of a slately elm that grew near, and courted her embraces. Having risen to some small height without any kind of support, she shot forth her flimsy branches to a very uncommon and superfluous length; calling on her neighbor to take notice how little she wanted his assistance. “Poor infatuated shrub,” replied the elm, “how inconsistent is thy conduct! Wouldst thou be truly independent, thou shouldst carefully apply those juices to the enlargement of thy stem. which thou lavishest in vain upon unnecessary foliage. I shortly shall behold thee grovelling on the ground; yet countenanced, indeed, by many of the human race, who, intoxicated with vanity, have despised economy; and who, to support for a moment their empty boast of independence, have exhausted the very source of it in frivolous expenses.” 



The ultimate power is the power to get people to do as you wish. When you can do this without having to force people or hurt them, when they willingly grant you what you desire, then your power is untouchable. The best way to achieve this position is to create a relationship of dependence.

The master requires your services; he is weak, or unable to function without you; you have enmeshed yourself in his work so deeply that doing away with you would bring him great difficulty, or at least would mean valuable time lost in training another to replace you. Once such a relationship is established you have the upper hand, the leverage to make the master do as you wish. It is the classic case of the man behind the throne, the servant of the king who actually controls the king. Bismarck did not have to bully either Frederick or William into doing his bidding. He simply made it clear that unless he got what he wanted he would walk away, leaving the king to twist in the wind. Both kings soon danced to Bismarck’s tune.

Do not be one of the many who mistakenly believe that the ultimate form of power is independence. Power involves a relationship between people; you will always need others as allies, pawns, or even as weak masters who serve as your front. The completely independent man would live in a cabin in the woods—he would have the freedom to come and go as he pleased, but he would have no power. The best you can hope for is that others will grow so dependent on you that you enjoy a kind of reverse independence: Their need for you frees you.

Louis XI (1423-1483), the great Spider King of France, had a weakness for astrology. He kept a court astrologer whom he admired, until one day the man predicted that a lady of the court would die within eight days. When the prophecy came true, Louis was terrified, thinking that either the man had murdered the woman to prove his accuracy or that he was so versed in his science that his powers threatened Louis himself. In either case he had to be killed.

One evening Louis summoned the astrologer to his room, high in the castle. Before the man arrived, the king told his servants that when he gave the signal they were to pick the astrologer up, carry him to the window, and hurl him to the ground, hundreds of feet below.

The astrologer soon arrived, but before giving the signal, Louis decided to ask him one last question: “You claim to understand astrology and to know the fate of others, so tell me what your fate will be and how long you have to live.”

“I shall die just three days before Your Majesty,” the astrologer replied.

The king’s signal was never given. The man’s life was spared. The Spider King not only protected his astrologer for as long as he was alive, he lavished him with gifts and had him tended by the finest court doctors.

The astrologer survived Louis by several years, disproving his power of prophecy but proving his mastery of power.

This is the model: Make others dependent on you. To get rid of you might spell disaster, even death, and your master dares not tempt fate by finding out. There are many ways to obtain such a position. Foremost among them is to possess a talent and creative skill that simply cannot be replaced.

During the Renaissance, the major obstacle to a painter’s success was finding the right patron. Michelangelo did this better than anyone else: His patron was Pope Julius II. But he and the pope quarreled over the building of the pope’s marble tomb, and Michelangelo left Rome in disgust. To the amazement of those in the pope’s circle, not only did the pope not fire him, he sought him out and in his own haughty way begged the artist to stay. Michelangelo, he knew, could find another patron, but he could never find another Michelangelo.

You do not have to have the talent of a Michelangelo; you do have to have a skill that sets you apart from the crowd. You should create a situation in which you can always latch on to another master or patron but your master cannot easily ,find another servant with your particular talent. And if, in reality, you are not actually indispensable, you must find a way to make it look as if you are. Having the appearance of specialized knowledge and skill gives you leeway in your ability to deceive those above you into thinking they cannot do without you. Real dependence on your master’s part, however, leaves him more vulnerable to you than the faked variety, and it is always within your power to make your skill indispensable.

This is what is meant by the intertwining of fates: Like creeping ivy, you have wrapped yourself around the source of power, so that it would cause great trauma to cut you away. And you do not necessarily have to entwine yourself around the master; another person will do, as long as he or she too is indispensable in the chain.

One day Harry Cohn, president of Columbia Pictures, was visited in his office by a gloomy group of his executives. It was 1951, when the witch- hunt against Communists in Hollywood, carried on by the U.S. Congress’s House Un-American Activities Committee, was at its height. The executives had bad news: One of their employees, the screenwriter John Howard Lawson, had been singled out as a Communist. They had to get rid of him right away or suffer the wrath of the committee.

Harry Cohn was no bleeding-heart liberal; in fact, he had always been a die-hard Republican.

His favorite politician was Benito Mussolini, whom he had once visited, and whose framed photo hung on his wall. If there was someone he hated Cohn would call him a “Communist bastard.” But to the executives’ amazement Cohn told them he would not fire Lawson. He did not keep the screenwriter on because he was a good writer—there were many good writers in Hollywood. He kept him because of a chain of dependence: Lawson was Humphrey Bogart’s writer and Bogart was Columbia’s star. If Cohn messed with Lawson he would ruin an immensely profitable relationship. That was worth more than the terrible publicity brought to him by his defiance of the committee.

Henry Kissinger managed to survive the many bloodlettings that went on in the Nixon White House not because he was the best diplomat Nixon could find—there were other fine negotiators—and not because the two men got along so well: They did not. Nor did they share their beliefs and politics. Kissinger survived because he entrenched himself in so many areas of the political structure that to do away with him would lead to chaos. Michelangelo’s power was intensive, depending on one skill, his ability as an artist; Kissinger’s was extensive.

He got himself involved in so many aspects and departments of the administration that his involvement became a card in his hand. It also made him many allies. If you can arrange such a position for yourself, getting rid of you becomes dangerous—all sorts of interdependencies will unravel. Still, the intensive form of power provides more freedom than the extensive, because those who have it depend on no particular master, or particular position of power, for their security.

To make others dependent on you, one route to take is the secret- intelligence tactic. By knowing other people’s secrets, by holding information that they wouldn’t want broadcast, you seal your fate with theirs. You are untouchable. Ministers of secret police have held this position throughout the ages: They can make or break a king, or, as in the case of J. Edgar Hoover, a president. But the role is so full of insecurities and paranoia that the power it provides almost cancels itself out. You cannot rest at ease, and what good is power if it brings you no peace?

One last warning: Do not imagine that your master’s dependence on you will make him love you. In fact, he may resent and fear you. But, as Machiavelli said, it is better to be feared than loved. Fear you can control; love, never. Depending on an emotion as subtle and changeable as love or friendship will only make you insecure. Better to have others depend on you out of fear of the consequences of losing you than out of love of your company.

Image: Vines with Many Thorns. Below, the roots grow deep and wide. Above, the vines push through bushes, entwine themselves around trees and poles and window ledges. To get rid of them would cost such toil and blood, it is easier to let them climb.

Authority: Make people depend on you. More is to be gained from such dependence than courtesy. He who has slaked his thirst, immediately turns his back on the well, no longer needing it. When dependence disappears, so does civility and decency, and then respect. The first lesson which experience should teach you is to keep hope alive but never satisfied, keeping even a royal patron ever in need of you. (Baltasar Gracián, 1601- 1658)


The weakness of making others depend on you is that you are in some measure dependent on them. But trying to move beyond that point means getting rid of those above you—it means standing alone, depending on no one. Such is the monopolistic drive of a J. P. Morgan or a John D.

Rockefeller—to drive out all competition, to be in complete control. If you can corner the market, so much the better.

No such independence comes without a price. You are forced to isolate yourself. Monopolies often turn inward and destroy themselves from the internal pressure. They also stir up powerful resentment, making their enemies bond together to fight them. The drive for complete control is often ruinous and fruitless. Interdependence remains the law, independence a rare and often fatal exception. Better to place yourself in a position of mutual dependence, then, and to follow this critical law rather than look for its reversal. You will not have the unbearable pressure of being on top, and the master above you will in essence be your slave, for he will depend on you.


Powerful people; those with near limitless pools of money, can easily make others dependent upon them. By using this dependence, they can use them as an army; or as a resource to achieve far greater deeds than what thy can attempt alone. We must realize that EVERYONE who has money in America uses this technique.

Whether it is Progressive Marxists that have the welfare of the poor in their hands, or whether it is the Conservative Republicans that have the Social Security incomes of the elderly. All the wealthy use this technique.

How manipulated are you?

What are you willing to do to maintain the status quo? That is the truest measure of your enslavement.

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Law 17 from The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene; Keep others in suspended terror: cultivate an air of unpredictability (Full Text)

I just cannot help but see this as the primary driver behind the Donald Trump Presidency from 2017 through 2020. Indeed, I think that (aside from his hard-core, die-hard, followers) most people want a (much desired) break from the endless series of unpredictable tweets, policy directions, and just general leadership pronouncements. It doesn’t matter if it is banning cat videos on Tiktok, or firing the National Defense council, Donald Trump has been a one-man wrecking-ball. Just look at the shambles of international global trade in his wake.

As Trump so succinctly summarized it himself during a foreign policy speech in April 2016: “We have to be unpredictable.” Call it adoctrine of unpredictability”, if you like.

-Donald Trump's doctrine of unpredictability has the world ...

Indeed. You can see this technique in use all the time, but typically by the truly crafty and truly evil.

First, to understand the 48 laws of power, you must know two key ideas

1. you CAN NOT escape the power game. thinking you can "not participate" is as foolish as thinking that you could somehow escape gravity or make the sun stand still. Robert Greene explains why in the intro with some excellent examples

2. the 48 laws of power are neither good nor evil; they are just LAWS. If someone pushed a man off a cliff would you blame gravity for for his demise? This is the mindset you must adopt in order to learn a lot from this book.

Things I Liked

after reading the 48 laws, you will never see the world the same way again. once you understand some of these laws you will see many underlying currents and motives you did not see before.

one of the main reasons to buy the book. you wil become exponentially more powerful by knowing and understanding these laws

every law is clearly outlined with "transgression" of the law, "observance" of the law, keys to power, and a "reversal"

the 48 laws are packed with mind-blowing and sometimes humorous stories of people in history practicing these laws. this is helpful as some of the concepts are quite abstract.

What I didn't like

an old proverb says " A man who plays with snakes will eventually be bitten". If you begin to use the 48 Laws improperly, you could get yourself in some dangerous situations, lose friends, piss off a lot a people, and destroy relationships

if you you are looking for a highly concrete book that the says "do xyz and you will accomplish vyx" look elsewhere. the Laws require good judgement and and and prospecting nature to practice and apply

If you are aghast at the idea of manipulation and deceit then read with caution.

OVERALL: If you want to have more power or a better understanding of why different situations turn out the the way they do, you should definitely read the 48 laws of power by Robert Greene. If you want to be naive, easily manipulated, weak, you should ignore this book and go watch some netfilx.

-J.S. Bach

LAW 17



Humans are creatures of habit with an insatiable need to see familiarity in other people’s actions. Your predictability gives them a sense of control. Turn the tables: Be deliberately unpredictable. Behavior that seems to have no consistency or purpose will keep them off-balance, and they will wear themselves out trying to explain your moves. Taken to an extreme, this strategy can intimidate and terrorize.


In May of 1972, chess champion Boris Spassky anxiously awaited his rival Bobby Fischer in Reykjavik, Iceland. The two men had been scheduled to meet for the World Championship of Chess, but Fischer had not arrived on time and the match was on hold. Fischer had problems with the size of the prize money, problems with the way the money was to be distributed, problems with the logistics of holding the match in Iceland. He might back out at any moment.

Spassky tried to be patient. His Russian bosses felt that Fischer was humiliating him and told him to walk away, but Spassky wanted this match. He knew he could destroy Fischer, and nothing was going to spoil the greatest victory of his career. “So it seems that all our work may come to nothing,” Spassky told a comrade. “But what can we do? It is Bobby’s move. If he comes, we play. If he does not come, we do not play. A man who is willing to commit suicide has the initiative.”

Fischer finally arrived in Reykjavik, but the problems, and the threat of cancellation, continued. He disliked the hall where the match was to be fought, he criticized the lighting, he complained about the noise of the cameras, he even hated the chairs in which he and Spassky were to sit. Now the Soviet Union took the initiative and threatened to withdraw their man.

The bluff apparently worked: After all the weeks of waiting, the endless and infuriating negotiations, Fischer agreed to play. Everyone was relieved, no one more than Spassky. But on the day of the official introductions, Fischer arrived very late, and on the day when the “Match of the Century” was to begin, he was late again. This time, however, the consequences would be dire: If he showed up too late he would forfeit the first game. What was going on? Was he playing some sort of mind game? Or was Bobby Fischer perhaps afraid of Boris Spassky? It seemed to the assembled grand masters, and to Spassky, that this young kid from Brooklyn had a terrible case of the jitters. At 5:09 Fischer showed up, exactly one minute before the match was to be canceled.

The first game of a chess tournament is critical, since it sets the tone for the months to come. It is often a slow and quiet struggle, with the two players preparing themselves for the war and trying to read each other’s strategies. This game was different. Fischer made a terrible move early on, perhaps the worst of his career, and when Spassky had him on the ropes, he seemed to give up. Yet Spassky knew that Fischer never gave up. Even when facing checkmate, he fought to the bitter end, wearing the opponent down. This time, though, he seemed resigned. Then suddenly he broke out a bold move that put the room in a buzz. The move shocked Spassky, but he recovered and managed to win the game. But no one could figure out what Fischer was up to. Had he lost deliberately? Or was he rattled? Unsettled? Even, as some thought, insane?

After his defeat in the first game, Fischer complained all the more loudly about the room, the cameras, and everything else. He also failed to show up on time for the second game. This time the organizers had had enough: He was given a forfeit. Now he was down two games to none, a position from which no one had ever come back to win a chess championship. Fischer was clearly unhinged. Yet in the third game, as all those who witnessed it remember, he had a ferocious look in his eye, a look that clearly bothered Spassky. And despite the hole he had dug for himself, he seemed supremely confident. He did make what appeared to be another blunder, as he had in the first game—but his cocky air made Spassky smell a trap. Yet despite the Russian’s suspicions, he could not figure out the trap, and before he knew it Fischer had checkmated him. In fact Fischer’s unorthodox tactics had completely unnerved his opponent. At the end of the game, Fischer leaped up and rushed out, yelling to his confederates as he smashed a fist into his palm, “I’m crushing him with brute force!”

In the next games Fischer pulled moves that no one had seen from him before, moves that were not his style. Now Spassky started to make blunders. After losing the sixth game, he started to cry. One grand master said, “After this, Spassky’s got to ask himself if it’s safe to go back to Russia.” After the eighth game Spassky decided he knew what was happening: Bobby Fischer was hypnotizing him. He decided not to look Fischer in the eye; he lost anyway.

After the fourteenth game he called a staff conference and announced, “An attempt is being made to control my mind.” He wondered whether the orange juice they drank at the chess table could have been drugged. Maybe chemicals were being blown into the air. Finally Spassky went public, accusing the Fischer team of putting something in the chairs that was altering Spassky’s mind. The KGB went on alert: Boris Spassky was embarrassing the Soviet Union!

The chairs were taken apart and X-rayed. A chemist found nothing unusual in them. The only things anyone found anywhere, in fact, were two dead flies in a lighting fixture. Spassky began to complain of hallucinations. He tried to keep playing, but his mind was unraveling. He could not go on. On September 2, he resigned. Although still relatively young, he never recovered from this defeat.


In previous games between Fischer and Spassky, Fischer had not fared well. Spassky had an uncanny ability to read his opponent’s strategy and use it against him. Adaptable and patient, he would build attacks that would defeat not in seven moves but in seventy. He defeated Fischer every time they played because he saw much further ahead, and because he was a brilliant psychologist who never lost control. One master said, “He doesn’t just look for the best move. He looks for the move that will disturb the man he is playing.”

Fischer, however, finally understood that this was one of the keys to Spassky’s success: He played on your predictability, defeated you at your own game. Everything Fischer did for the championship match was an attempt to put the initiative on his side and to keep Spassky off-balance. Clearly the endless waiting had an effect on Spassky’s psyche. Most powerful of all, though, were Fischer’s deliberate blunders and his appearance of having no clear strategy. In fact, he was doing everything he could to scramble his old patterns, even if it meant losing the first match and forfeiting the second.

Spassky was known for his sangfroid and levelheadedness, but for the first time in his life he could not figure out his opponent. He slowly melted down, until at the end he was the one who seemed insane.

Chess contains the concentrated essence of life: First, because to win you have to be supremely patient and farseeing; and second, because the game

is built on patterns, whole sequences of moves that have been played before and will be played again, with slight alterations, in any one match. Your opponent analyzes the patterns you are playing and uses them to try to foresee your moves. Allowing him nothing predictable to base his strategy on gives you a big advantage. In chess as in life, when people cannot figure out what you are doing, they are kept in a state of terror—waiting, uncertain, confused.

Life at court is a serious, melancholy game of chess, which requires us to draw up our pieces and batteries, form a plan, pursue it, parry that of our adversary. Sometimes, however, it is better to take risks and play the most capricious, unpredictable move. 

-Jean de La Bruyère, 1645-1696


Nothing is more terrifying than the sudden and unpredictable. That is why we are so frightened by earthquakes and tornadoes: We do not know when they will strike. After one has occurred, we wait in terror for the next one. To a lesser degree, this is the effect that unpredictable human behavior has on us.

Animals behave in set patterns, which is why we are able to hunt and kill them. Only man has the capacity to consciously alter his behavior, to improvise and overcome the weight of routine and habit. Yet most men do not realize this power. They prefer the comforts of routine, of giving in to the animal nature that has them repeating the same compulsive actions time and time again.

They do this because it requires no effort, and because they mistakenly believé that if they do not unsettle others, they will be left alone.

Understand: A person of power instills a kind of fear by deliberately unsettling those around him to keep the initiative on his side. You sometimes need to strike without warning, to make others tremble when they least expect it. It is a device that the powerful have used for centuries.

Filippo Maria, the last of the Visconti dukes of Milan in fifteenth-century Italy, consciously did the opposite of what everyone expected of him. For instance, he might suddenly shower a courtier with attention, and then, once the man had come to expect a promotion to higher office, would suddenly start treating him with the utmost disdain. Confused, the man might leave the court, when the duke would suddenly recall him and start treating him well again. Doubly confused, the courtier would wonder whether his assumption that he would be promoted had become obvious, and offensive, to the duke, and would start to behave as if he no longer expected such honor. The duke would rebuke him for his lack of ambition and would send him away.

The secret of dealing with Filippo was simple: Do not presume to know what he wants. Do not try to guess what will please him. Never inject your will; just surrender to his will. Then wait to see what happens. Amidst the confusion and uncertainty he created, the duke ruled supreme, unchallenged and at peace.

Unpredictability is most often the tactic of the master, but the underdog too can use it to great effect. If you find yourself outnumbered or cornered, throw in a series of unpredictable moves. Your enemies will be so confused that they will pull back or make a tactical blunder.

In the spring of 1862, during the American Civil War, General Stonewall Jackson and a force of 4,600 Confederate soldiers were tormenting the larger Union forces in the Shenandoah Valley. Meanwhile, not far away, General George Brinton McClellan, heading a force of 90,000 Union soldiers, was marching south from Washington, D.C., to lay siege to Richmond, Virginia, the Confederate capital. As the weeks of the campaign went by, Jackson repeatedly led his soldiers out of the Shenandoah Valley, then back to it.

His movements made no sense. Was he preparing to help defend Richmond? Was he marching on Washington, now that McClellan’s absence had left it unprotected? Was he heading north to wreak havoc up there? Why was his small force moving in circles?

Jackson’s inexplicable moves made the Union generals delay the march on Richmond as they waited to figure out what he was up to. Meanwhile, the South was able to pour reinforcements into the town. A battle that could have crushed the Confederacy turned into a stalemate. Jackson used this tactic time and again when facing numerically superior forces. “Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible,” he said, “… such tactics will win every time and a small army may thus destroy a large one.”

This law applies not only to war but to everyday situations. People are always trying to read the motives behind your actions and to use your predictability against you. Throw in a completely inexplicable move and you put them on the defensive. Because they do not understand you, they are unnerved, and in such a state you can easily intimidate them.

Pablo Picasso once remarked,

“The best calculation is the absence of calculation. Once you have attained a certain level of recognition, others generally figure that when you do something, it’s for an intelligent reason. So it’s really foolish to plot out your movements too carefully in advance. You’re better off acting capriciously.”

For a while, Picasso worked with the art dealer Paul Rosenberg. At first he allowed him a fair amount of latitude in handling his paintings, then one day, for no apparent reason, he told the man he would no longer give him any work to sell. As Picasso explained, “Rosenberg would spend the next forty-eight hours trying to figure out why. Was I reserving things for some other dealer? I’d go on working and sleeping and Rosenberg would spend his time figuring. In two days he’d come back, nerves jangled, anxious, saying, ‘After all, dear friend, you wouldn’t turn me down if I offered you this much [naming a substantially higher figure] for those paintings rather than the price I’ve been accustomed to paying you, would you?”’

Unpredictability is not only a weapon of terror: Scrambling your patterns on a day-to-day basis will cause a stir around you and stimulate interest. People will talk about you, ascribe motives and explanations that have nothing to do with the truth, but that keep you constantly in their minds. In the end, the more capricious you appear, the more respect you will garner. Only the terminally subordinate act in a predictable manner.

Image: The Cyclone. A wind that cannot be fore seen. Sudden shifts in the barometer, in explicable changes in direction and velocity. There is no defense: A cyclone sows terror and confusion.

Authority: The enlightened ruler is so mysterious that he seems to dwell nowhere, so inexplicable that no one can seek him. He reposes in nonaction above, and his ministers tremble below. (Han-fei-tzu, Chinese philosopher, third century B.C.)


Sometimes predictability can work in your favor: By creating a pattern for people to be familiar and comfortable with, you can lull them to sleep. They have prepared everything according to their preconceived notions about you. You can use this in several ways:

First, it sets up a smoke screen, a comfortable front behind which you can carry on deceptive actions.

Second, it allows you on rare occasions to do something completely against the pattern, unsettling your opponent so deeply he will fall to the ground without being pushed.

In 1974 Muhammad Ali and George Foreman were scheduled to fight for the world heavyweight boxing championship. Everyone knew what would happen: Big George Foreman would try to land a knockout punch while Ali would dance around him, wearing him out. That was Ali’s way of fighting, his pattern, and he had not changed it in more than ten years.

But in this case it seemed to give Foreman the advantage: He had a devastating punch, and if he waited, sooner or later Ali would have to come to him. Ali, the master strategist, had other plans: In press conferences before the big fight, he said he was going to change his style and punch it out with Foreman.

No one, least of all Foreman, believed this for a second. That plan would be suicide on Ali’s part; he was playing the comedian, as usual. Then, before the fight, Ali’s trainer loosened the ropes around the ring, something a trainer would do if his boxer were intending to slug it out. But no one believed this ploy; it had to be a setup.

To everyone’s amazement, Ali did exactly what he had said he would do. As Foreman waited for him to dance around, Ali went right up to him and slugged it out. He completely upset his opponent’s strategy. At a loss, Foreman ended up wearing himself out, not by chasing Ali but by throwing punches wildly, and taking more and more counterpunches. Finally, Ali landed a dramatic right cross that knocked out Foreman.

The habit of assuming that a person’s behavior will fit its previous patterns is so strong that not even Ali’s announcement of a strategy change was enough to upset it. Foreman walked into a trap—the trap he had been told to expect.

A warning: Unpredictability can work against you sometimes, especially if you are in a subordinate position. There are times when it is better to let people feel comfortable and settled around you than to disturb them. Too much unpredictability will be seen as a sign of indecisiveness, or even of some more serious psychic problem. Patterns are powerful, and you can terrify people by disrupting them. Such power should only be used judiciously.


I can offer all kinds of examples on the unpredictability of President Trump. Is this strategic or the actions of a mad man. Only you can decide.

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